#nom beard
guineapiggies · 1 month
Via remygumbs
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xoesweet · 4 months
🥇Ecstasy Essentials: 5 Happy Hypes
Trust in yourself, love yourself.
Every setback, chance to grow.
Calmness conquers every storm within.
Stay positive, embrace the journey.
Embrace self-acceptance, love deeply.
Tap here to receive motivational free gift.😊
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coachbeards · 1 year
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hey coach beard fans. how are we doing today?????
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athenepromachos · 2 years
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Beardy boi ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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korensolust · 7 months
Blueberry time for Wrex!
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temperate-rainforest · 7 months
I always forget how people back in the olde days used to just die so easily from the flu, until I get the flu myself dhhdhdhf because on one hand I know our medicine is just soo much better now a days but on the other hand I have the immune system of a dead man and once I get sick I'm like the ye olde victorian child on a death bed dhdhdhhd it's been 4 days and I just NOW can get on my phone to watch videos and text, and eat and drink water, and coherently string words together and do more than just lay in bed and moan in pain, and sweat and cough in sick delirium 😭
#im being so deadass#i only slept once between just staring at whatever i was hallucinating on the ceiling and that was last night#and i dreamt that i was eating glass#i know its because ive hurt my stomach and ribs from so much coughing because i can barely talk#at least in my dream i was picky about the glass i was eating LMAOOO i was like NO I WANT THE BUBBLE AMBER DRINKING GLASS NOM NOM#and raided a flea market just to find it and eat it#i dont fucking know#i finally ate some chicken noodle soup and apple sauce too and ive finally had some wonderful and amazing water#i swear i never enjoyed it more in my LIFE#i hate being sick because i get so sick so easily and soo soo so bad#fucking rough man#i had no idea it was Saturday until i just checked#fucking was Tuesday last I remembered god damnit#also its really scary looking in the mirror because I dont look well or look like myself right now#body image warning#but my face looks so hallow and dark and scratched up because apparently I either was scratching in my sleep or something happened#and I'm soo much thinner than the last time I looked in a mirror and got out of bed like 4 days ago#my beard is big and shaggy and i need to shave but i really really don't look good and its hard to do any self care#when you go from looking healthy and glowy to pale and dark and thin in just a couple days#like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that#im caught in a state of#this isn't reality#which i know isnt safe or good but ill be okay because i know im just in shock and that i cant push myself through it#especially in this weakened state#i just need to take it slow and steady#drink my water stay in my blanket and eat what i can and take my meds and thank FUCK I came through the fog and rest
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simeffable · 5 months
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husband reveal ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 3 months
did you guys know bearded vultures are the only birds in the world whos diet primarily consists of bones ...... i didnt know that ...
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Fathers Day Letter
Beacon Academy lunchroom, and everyone is looking over the mail they have each recently received.
Ruby: Ohh! Dad sent me something!
Yang: Me too, wonder what he sent me.
Weiss: Oh? My sister sent me a package, I wonder what’s in it.
Pyrrha: My mom sent me a care package~!
Ren: I got a parcel in the mail: I hope it’s those tea leaves I ordered.
Nora: My magazine is in! YES!!!
Blake: Yes! The latest book in the, ‘Ninja’s of Lust’ series!
Ruby: COOKIES!!! He sent me cookies! Yayyyyy! (Nom,nom,nom,nom!)
Yang: Save some for later, Rubes. Now lets see… Awesome! He sent me the bike polish I use for, Bumblebee! I forgot it, when we left! I’m gonna have some fun spreading you on tonight~!
Weiss: Oh? ‘Dear sister, I lost a gentlemen’s wager, and they requested several signed copies of your latest album. Since I assume this would be no problem, would you kindly sign these copies, and send them back to me. Love, Winter.’ This is rather… unexpected.
Yang: Are you going to refuse her request?
Weiss: No, this should only take an hour to do. What did you get, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: Cookies, chocolate, and some beauty products from home, nothing much really. Did you get your tea, Ren?
Ren: Yep; I’m looking forward to having these later.
Yang: What magazine did you order, Nora.
Nora: ‘Pancakes Illustrated’
Weiss: Excuse me?
Yang: That’s not what I think it is, is it?
Ren: Well…
Nora: Ohh yeah~! Let that butter run off you, you naughty girl~!
Yang: UHHHH?!
Pyrrha: Don’t ask.
Yang: Okay…?
Blake: And, you say I’m the depraved one…
Ruby: Isthat… (Gulp!) Is that a father’s day card, Jaune?
Yang: Wait, what?
Weiss: Excuse me?
Pyrrha: You’reafather?!
Nora: I’m an aunt?!
Jaune: Oh, yeah. It’s just a little joke card really. My sisters see me as the father figure they never had, so they send me this as family joke.
Pyrrha: Oh thank gods…
Yang: Oh, so what’s the joke, I bet it’s pretty funny!
Jaune: Well… It’s kinda funny… in the shear ridiculousness of it.
Blake: How ridiculous is this?
Jaune: Well, lets start at the beginning: My family consists of me, my older sisters, Saphron, and Thiriana. My mother, Juniper, my grandfather, Álkimos, and lastly my father, Evinder, or simply, Evin.
Pyrrha: I thought you said you were an only child?
Jaune: I’m the only son, I have lots of sisters though.
Pyrrha: Oh okay. Please continue.
Jaune: So when I was three years old, my father disappeared while out travelling. We had no idea what happened, my mother was so distraught that she begged my grandfather to go find him. So, my grandfather who is a, Huntsman, who also loves his daughter very much, went out to find him.
Ruby: Did he find him?
Jaune: No. He spent two years trying to find him, but he found no trace of him. However, a year later, when I had turned five, my grandfather was in another town a ways away from where I lived. Then town was attacked by some, Grimm. Luckily there was only one casualty. That one casualty was where things got interesting!
Weiss: What happened?
Jaune: Well, my grandfather went to the woman, her name is, Isleen, a snake faunas with beautiful blue, and gold tipped scales. And, she had three daughters: Luna, and a pair of twins named, Angela, and Janette, ages two, and one. And, she told him that her husband was missing, my grandfather asked what his name was, and she said his name was, Gregory. She then showed him a photo of him, and my father was left gobsmacked! He had a new hair cut, and a beard, but he knew very well what the face of his ‘deceased’ son-in-law looked like.
Yang: Wait, what?!
Weiss: He wasn’t dead?!
Blake: And, he abandon your mother?!
Ren: Along with you, and your sisters?!
Pyrrha: And, started a new family with another woman?!
Jaune: Yep. He wasn’t happy to say the least. Then, my grandfather showed, Isleen a photo of my mother, me, and my sisters, and my recently ‘deceased’ father, Evinder. She did not take it well that her husband was not who he said he was, and seeming abandoned her, like he had done with my mother really, really hurt her. So, my grandfather decided to take her, and her kids back home. To live with me, and the rest of my family.
Blake: Was your mom okay with that?
Jaune: Eventually. She didn’t like that her father brought some random woman, and her kids home with him. But, she understood why grandfather invited them to stay with us. I mean, learning that their husband was living under false identities, and had married two separate woman, and had kids with them, and abandoned both of them. They had plenty of things in common together to bound with one another.
Yang: I’ll bet they did.
Jaune: Shortly after that, my grandfather was called to deal with a missing person report in another town. So he went there, and this woman asked if he could find her missing husband…
Weiss: Don’t tell me. He looked like your father?
Jaune: Same hair cut, and beard, just with thick rimmed glasses.
Blake: Given years apart you’d think he’d come up with a better disguise.
Jaune: Yeah… about that… The wife, a silver fox faunas who’s name is, Evenora, had two daughters with, ‘Stavon,’ their names were, Luna, and Carol.
Weiss: Hold old were they?
Jaune: One, and two years old. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but you need to understand this… Isleen, and her family lived about two weeks away from, Evenora, and her family.
Yang: I don’t get it.
Blake: So he didn’t go far this time when he faked his death again.
Ren: Wait, they lived two weeks of travel apart? Oh gods…
Pyrrha: What is it, Ren?
Ren: He was married to both of them at the same time… He was double timing them wasn’t he?
Jaune: Bingo bango bongo! You are right on the money, Ren!
Ruby: Wait, what?!
Weiss: You’re kidding me right?!
Jaune: Nope: He was double timing the two of them by being the cheating bastard that he was. He was a travelling sales men, so he two two weeks to travel between the two villages, stay for a month with one wife, then when back, and lived with his other wife for a month. And, he did that for over two years
Yang: You’re fucking kidding me?!
Jaune: Oh gods I wish.
Nora: What happened next?
Jaune: Well, my grandfather showed her photos of the two other families he abandoned. Needless to say she was absolutely devastated by this news. Now, my grandfather would have stay with her, and consoled her through this, but he was only missing for about three days. He needed to find him before the trail turned cold. So he hunted him. Now you gotta understand my grandfather is a vindictive monster; he was absolutely pissed when he learned he abandoned my mother, and, Isleen, he was fucking furious when he learned learned he did it a third time to, Evenora. So, he was after him like a bloodhound.
Weiss: Please, pleassssse tell me he found the cheating bastard, and made him payyyyyyy!
Blake: You’re really getting into this.
Weiss: This fucker makes all the emotional abuse my dad put me, and my family through feel like school yard bullying.
Yang: Same. My mom may have abandoned me at birth, but this. This is fucked up!
Nora: I can relate with them…
Ruby: You can?
Nora: My mom abandoned me. So, know how it feels when a loved one abandons you…
Pyrrha: She what?!
Jaune: It’s okay, Nora, we’re here with you know, and we’re not going anywhere.
Nora: Thanks, Jaune.
Jaune: My pleasure. Anyway, my grandfather did find him, or more precisely what was left of him.
Blake: Did a, Grimm get him?
Weiss: Fuck yeah!
Yang: That sounded so wrong coming from you.
Jaune: Well, yes he was dead. But, I’m not sure if a, Grimm did him in.
Ren: What makes you say that?
Jaune: My grandfather is an extremely experienced huntsman. He’s seen plenty of peoples corpses that are the result of a, Grimm attack.
Weiss: So you think he killed him, and made it look like a, Grimm attack?
Jaune: That, or my grandmother got to him. She is really protective of her family, and can really, really, really hold a grudge. She’s still upset with her ex… Anywho, after he, ‘found’ his corpse he took, Evenora, and her kids with him back to our home.
Ruby: Where they live as a happy family all together!
Jaune: Eventually.
Weiss: Let me guess, they had some difficulties getting along together?
Jaune: Mom was upset as it was that he left her, and three kids all alone, but even more so that he did that to two other woman, and their five kids too. She was absolutely angry from all of this. Sadly she took out her anger, indirectly mind you, on them which was making them angry in turn at each other even more so.
Pyrrha: And, what about you, how did you handle all of this.
Jaune: Well, I never really understood what my dad did until I was older. But, I was happy. I wasn’t the youngest child, and I now had five younger sisters! i was the older brother I always wanted to be. My, Mom thanked me for being the older brother that I was, loving each of them unconditionally as I did. Because I did this, it showed my mother that she was being petty, and mean to the other woman for things they did not do. So, she managed to fix, and even improve her relationship with the other mothers. They used to sleep in three different rooms, then after me, and my older sisters found the three of them in the same bed, all cuddling against one another they started sleeping like that ever since. Now I’m a brother with two older sisters, and five younger sisters, a loving grandfather, and grandmother, with three loving mothers, and I couldn’t be happier.
Blake: That sounds beautiful.
Pyrrha: I’m glad this had a happy ending b
Yang: That sounds lovely, but how does this relate to you getting a fathers day card?
Jaune: Oh, because I was the ‘man of the house’ I tended to look over, and protect my younger siblings. So I became the ‘father figure’ they never had.
Ruby: Awww~! That so sweet!
Pyrrha: You are a really nice brother, Jaune.
Jaune: Thanks. But, sadly this resulted in all of my younger siblings in developing father/brother complexes with me, just like it did with, Nora…
Yang: Pfft! Hahahaha! You’re right, Jaune; in the shear ridiculousness of it all, that is quite funny.
Ruby: Your family is quite something, Jaune.
Blake: I could make so many stories with this as a basis…
Yang: Settle down, Bla…? Wait, Nora? Do you have a brother/father complex with, Jaune too?
Weiss: You’re kidding me, right?
Nora: Y-Yeah… I do…
Pyrrha: What?! How did that happen?!
Nora: I couldn’t help it! He runs his fingers through my hair to comfort me when I have nightmares, and he gives me goodnight kisses on my forehead before I go to sleep. It’s really nice.
Yang: Do you seriously do that?
Ren: Yeah, he does that almost every night, it’s really nice to see.
Pyrrha: How come I’ve never seen this before?
Ren: You’ve been asleep whenever he does it.
Pyrrha: But… I… Jaune! I want goodnight kisses too!
Jaune: Okay.
Pyrrha: Yes!
Jaune: So, anything else you guys wanna ask about my families.
Blake: Yeah, so, Jaune, if you’re in the mood, do you want to pretend to be my daddy, and give me a good spanking because I’ve been a bad girl?
Jaune: No.
Blake: Naww…
Weiss: How about me instead?
Jaune: Excuse me what?
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mothiir · 1 month
Which primarchs do you think would be most into titty sucking.
Ah, a woman of culture.
obviously we have Horus. He loves tits. Big tits, small tits, medium sized tits — just put them in his mouth. He will lick and suck to his hearts content, focusing on the entirety of the boob, not just the nipple. He will shove his face between your tits and though his bald head is too big to properly drown in even the largest human bosom he will definitely try. Will make motorboat noises.
leman russ, also a titty enjoyer. His beard makes the mouthing a little less comfortable, and he’s toothier — he likes to leave marks on the mammaries, and loves seeing them bruise in the shape of his bites. Yum. If he gets carried away, you may end up with sore nipples because his sucking can be a little too targeted.
Vulkan. He’s gentle with the titties. Loving. Respectful. Kisses and licks and nuzzles more than NOM. Will try and make his partner orgasm via nipple stimulation and almost always succeeds. Considers proper boob maintenance an essential part of his duties as primarch and boyfriend so will massage them as often as possible.
the lion. Unfortunately. Now he’s more of an ass man than a boob enthusiast, but he does like how tits fit almost perfectly in his mouth. They’re fun to chew on. And therein lies the problem. Leman russ will lovingly leave hickeys. The lion bites. Pray for your nipples.
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guineapiggies · 9 months
Via itselliott
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aganyan · 4 months
An fan akuma for Rooster Bold! Harbinger!!
And Harpy akuma for our boy!
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He was inspired in the Bearded vulture!
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Its a very cool bird where the most notecing thing is the reddish feathers and that his diet its mostly of bones!
Harbinger's powers consists in being able to steal peoples last akuma's powers by bitting them (having to touch the bones)
Example: if he noms noms on Alya's bones, he gets the powers of Ladywifi
He can only have an power bite per bite
Besides having powers relating to predators, like enhanced vision and sense of smell, speed, etc, and of course, he can fly
He has a similiar personality to Reverser, but he's quieter and sligthly more agressive (but he can be a cuddle bug with Nath)
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(additions with the help of @username8746489 and @dragonchris )
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Headcanon Kate gives the 141 kisses and then immediately bites them to show affection like a cat
It's a love bite!! She just gets so excited by physical affection she has to nom a little. It's fine. Don't worry about it.
Price and Ghost DO NOT make it easy for her. Ghost, obviously, covering his face a lot, but Price has a beard! She can't nip at his cheek or chin, she just gets a mouthful of beard, that's unacceptable. Sometimes she bites his nose. He's smart, though, can tell when she's bitey, knows to pull away so she can't nab him. So she resorts to biting the back of his hand. He has to shave for some reason and after the first round of novelty wears off (babyface Price?!!?!) new novelty appears because NEW BITING SURFACE!!
Kate tried to bite Ghost's hard shell mask once and hated it. He covers up a lot so she can't ever shrug it off like "oh oops i didn't mean to" she literally has to ruck up a sleeve or tug his collar down. this gives him enough time to plan a RETALIATION BITE.
Not nippy ones like she does, either. Full on chomps. His reasoning is "if I have my teeth in you then i know you are not going off somewhere doing something STUPID" Kate is offended by the implication she does stupid things. rude. This does NOTHING btw to make anyone else on base less intimidated by Ghost. rumors circulate about how he bites hard enough to draw blood and that's with someone he kind of likes! (this did happen, thankfully it was not in public because they were both very kind of into it)
feral bastard man Soap adores the love bites. to the point where if he's feeling down, he'll ask for it because it's a nice little dopamine rush. When the ADHD starts ADHDing he will either bite or ask to be bitten. it works, so nobody questions it. Soap is actually more likely to break skin because he's got sharp chompers. Kate likes to bite the top of his ear. Will use the mohawk to drag his head down if she needs to
Gaz gets nibbles. comparatively gentle bites. the guys are talking about their various Kate Bite Bruises Etc and Gaz is like??? wtf are you on about??? Sure there's a bit of a sting sometimes but she kisses it away. Price makes a comment about maybe she bites harder to match the biting the guys do to her (he is correct for the most part). And Gaz is like. you HEATHENS. why are you BITING HER BACK?
This devolves into a very long (slightly horny) discussion of biting as affection, etc. as well as some brief spirals into "why isn't she biting me harder/softer???" (there's a slight chance that Kate comes by Price's office while this is the hot topic in the guys' group chat and Price relays the entire conversation to her, no this is NOT an invitation to bite me right now Katherine!!!! [Price is the only one who can call her Katherine and he's only done it twice])
Anyway Gaz gets Nice Bites until he has a close call, which prompts a very dramatic kiss from Kate followed by a very mean bite to his neck that bruises almost instantly. Gaz is like great! i now see i was not missing out on anything. let's go back to the nice bites please. (he will get nice bites when he stops doing stupid shit, and Gaz thinks that's a bit rich coming from the queen of stupid shit herself, which earns him another, if slightly nicer, bite)
One of them has the top of his ear nicked from an arrow. Not Ghost, his ears are covered, but at least ONE of the others. I'm pretty sure it's Soap but it could be Gaz. that doesn't have anything to do with biting but is important for us all to know.
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athenepromachos · 2 years
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A just discovered Walter selfie 🥵🥵🥵🥵😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Bear necessities ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
What are your favorite festive/Christmas fics? 🥹
Oh goodness! There are so many! Here are a few to start.
A Royal Christmas Engagement by  skoosiepants | 25.6K
Young omega Warden Lord Mieczysław Stilinski, given the royal request of marrying Crown Prince Derek Hale of Triskelion, predictably messes the whole entire thing up.
The flamingo in the yard by  Vendelin | 6.1K
It isn't fair that Stiles needs to work Christmas, when his dad is on the other side of the country. Or that his really hot, next door neighbour is around for the holidays as well. Or that there's a power outage that makes things even worse. Or better.
Deck the Hales with Mistletoe and Holly by tryslora | 32.8K | Mature
The one where Stiles manages to somehow imply that he might be dating his exceedingly hot TA for freshman lit, and ends up inviting him home for the holidays (along with his two crazy sisters) and really hopes that Lydia doesn't find out he was lying and kill him before maybe he can make it so he's not lying after all...
Layover by  dr_girlfriend | 3.6K
Big, serious brown eyes were staring right into his from only a few inches away. The child had clambered half over the arm of Derek’s chair to study him at close range, her little rosebud mouth pursed in concentration.
“Uh.” Derek couldn’t look away as the girl reached out one pudgy hand and patted him gently on the cheek. Her scent was soft and sweet and somehow a bit familiar, just enough to keep Derek from shying away. Derek didn’t know too much about kids but he guessed this one was probably three years old or so, head still oversized in proportion to the short limbs and round little belly.
She seemed fascinated with Derek’s beard, eyes widening further under incredibly thick lashes as she petted Derek’s cheek some more, smoothing down the short stubble. Finally she grinned widely. “Good wuff.”
Derek jerked upright, hands clenching on the edge of his seat. Did she just say?...
“CJ!” The child was suddenly gone, lifted up by a strong, tattooed forearm around her little potbelly. “You scared the he— heck out of me! What have I told you about wandering — Derek?”
nom de plume by  bleep0bleep | 3.9K
There are no more chapters. 22 is the last one. Derek groans in despair. He has to know what happens.
Glad Tidings by stilinskisparkles | 24.1K | Mature
“Eight people are going to be descending on our home in a mere matter of days, Derek.” Stiles grabs the pizza box, uses it to gesture at the pile of books and papers under the table, away and towards Derek’s sneaker collection. “You want them to think we live like this all the time?”
“We do live like this all the time,” Derek huffs, stretching lazily.
Mistletoe Never Lies by CarolineLahey | 19.2K | Explicit
Derek Hale loves his family, he really does. He just wishes they weren't so determined to set him up. When he finally blurts out that he has a boyfriend, and quickly gives his mother the name of the barista at his local coffee shop as his "boyfriend", he figures that buys him a little peace. He probably should have been paying attention to the part of the conversation where he agreed to bring Stiles home for Christmas to meet the family.
My World Is Filled With Cheer And You by bleep0bleep | 10.8K
“It was a last minute decision. Single parents with children draw attention to themselves in this type of neighborhood, and this department didn’t have a big budget to relocate all the werewolf and werewolf sympathizers that were targeted on this list. We’ve combined a lot of our relocation assignments. It ended up working out that another family, Mr. Stilinski and his son, looked like a good fit for you guys, so you’ll be sharing a home with them for the time being.” Markowski grins at him. “Congratulations! You’re married!”
The Christmas Raffle by mikkimouse | 10.3K | Explicit
Every year, the royal Hale family raffles off a Christmas dinner with Prince Derek to raise money for charity. But this year, the winner is the second chance Derek didn't know he was looking for.
With A Little Christmas Magic by Ashabadash | 10.6K
Stiles is jobless this Christmas and as a last resort, is stuck playing one of Santa’s elves at the mall. The job is a bust, and Stiles isn’t really in the Christmas mood, until he finds salvation in the Starbucks at the food court, not only in hiding from kids, but in one very sexy barista named Derek. ((Or: In Wich Stiles in an Elf and Derek is a Christmas Coffee Magician))
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I see requests are open. What about training with Steve and Bucky. They are both feeling playful and teasy. Rip little Lee reader 💕 🥰 💕
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You were in the gym, warming up with some push-ups and later walking to the treadmill.
That was of course your choice because you just LOVE to get up at 5 am to exercise and feeling like you just ran a god Damm marathon.
You hear the sarcasm?
So with already sore muscles from yesterday's mission you hopped onto the treadmill and began to ran your miles.
A few miles later you heard the gym door open and in walked Steve and Bucky. That's just great!
"Hey Kid! Your form is a bit off" Steve said with a grin as he and Buck walked towards you.
"Say another word about my form and I will end you, do not test me Rogers" You said as you keep looking right ahead and continue to run.
"Well that's not very nice, he was just trying to help" Bucky laughed as they both watched you.
"I've been up since 5 am, I'm not in the mood to be nice"
Behind your back Steve and Buck looked at each other with the same mischief look in their eyes.
"I think that you need to lighten up a bit kid" Bucky said.
Before you could even say anything they both grabbed you around the waist, pulled you off of the treadmill which stopped immediately and pinned you to the mat on the ground.
"What the hell guys"! You said as you tried to free yourself.
"You see, we've been trying to be nice to you but your just so moody all the time, how about we change that"? Steve said innocent as he traced your ribs which weren't covered due to you only wearing a sport bra and shorts.
You giggled softly as you swatted his hand away "Don't you even think about it! The both of you!"
"Too late, we already thought about it" Bucky said with a grin and scribbles up and down your neck.
You immediately turtle up your shoulders as you giggle "Quit ithihihihi"
"Aww is the little Y/N ticklish"? Steve cooed as he draws circles on your tummy.
You blushed bright red as you giggle and put your hands over your tummy.
"Your getting a little flustered there"? Bucky grinned as he gently grabbed your hands and pulled them above your head, pinned them down with one of his hands.
"Are you sure? your a little red which is adorable by the way" he smiled as he suddenly scratched over your armpit.
A shriek escaped your lips as your giggles turn into laughter, which motivated Steve to dig into your ribs and hips.
"AHHAHAHAHHA STOP ITHIHIHIHI" you laugh madly as you squirm around (even though you didn't want them to stop, you knew you needed this)
The guys seemed to notice that you didn't want them to stop so they grinned and continue to tickle into oblivion.
"Ah tickletickletickle" Bucky cooed as he scribbles over your neck.
"PHAHAHAHAH" you laugh loudly as you turn your head from side to side.
"You know Buck I'm really hungry, how about you?" Steve asked with a grin
"Oh yes I'm really hungry for some... Raspberries"
Your eyes widen and before you can protest you felt Steve blowing raspberries on your tummy while Buck does the same in your neck.
Your absolutely scream with laughter as wiggle around, kicking your feet.
"Nom nom nom" Buck grins as his beard tickles your neck.
Eventually your cheeks flared up and your laughter went silent.
They both let you go as they smile fondly at you.
"Gosh you really are adorable" Buck smiled as he pulled your head on his lap and played with your hair as he looked at your bright red face.
"I'm not" You giggle as you blush.
"yes you are" Steve said as he sat infront of you two and pulled your feet in his lap so you were laying comfortable.
You saw no point in agreeing with two super soldier's AND tickle monster's so you just smiled as you relax in their embrace.
"How about this? no training for the rest to the day and we will do a movie night with the whole team" He suggested and you looked at him surprised.
You looked at the both of them and smiled brightly "I would like that"
So the rest of the day went by relaxing with the team and watching movies till deep in the night, all the while enjoying each other's company.
God you loved all of them so much and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
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