#noiz x reader
aspenmissing · 1 year
【Season 1】
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duskvsdawn · 2 years
Masochist!Noiz x Chubby!reader - A Hectic Night
A/N: This is my first time I post one of my fics on tumblr, I normally post them on Wattpad. But to be honest I think they might be doing a bit better here because clearly, tumblr is the superior site for fanfics giggle I would like to know more about how to make pretty formats on here! Please send me a message with some tips on how to add banners and such!
CW: alcohol consumption, mentions of depression, Noiz would like you to bite his... salami, I think that’s the most important ones. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Those eyes. Those green eyes. If you weren’t so upset with him now, you could swear you would be drowning in them. You look at him through your lashes, trying to see what he might be doing, or thinking. But he just seemed to be calmly eating his food, minding his own business. You puffed up your cheeks in anger and continued eating.
It all started when you bumped into him on your way to Aoba. You were invited to have dinner there with a few friends of his. Little did you know then, that the person you bumped into, would also be going there. He had said “Watch where you’re going, you fat whale!” and continued walking. Hurt, you followed him, noticing he was going in the same direction as you. When he rang the doorbell, you just stood behind him awkwardly. He had obviously noticed. He asked you what you were doing there.
“I was invited for dinner here.” You meekly said.
“Hm, you too huh? Guess you’re one of Aoba’s friends. Let’s pretend this never happened.”
“I can’t just ignore that you called me a fat-”
“Hey, come on in!” Aoba said as he opened the door.
You just silently followed the guy inside.
It was during dinner, when Aoba introduced you to his friends, that you learned his name was Noiz. He actually looked quite handsome, but you were too pissed to care. When you all finished your dinner, you followed Aoba into the kitchen. You offered to help him do the dishes, which he gladly accepted. It’s then when you told him what happened, choking back some tears. You had always been insecure about your weight, but it was just so damn hard to lose it. No matter how hard you tried, your brain would always sabotage your diet, by telling you that you weren’t worthy of being skinny and pretty. That you were worthless. Not that being skinny meant you’re instantly pretty, though. You’ve met tons of skinny people with a really ugly attitude. Aoba, knowing your struggle with your depression, put down the plate and hugged you.
“I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to worry about it. Besides, he tried to let it all go by saying the only thing he knows to say in such situations: pretend it never happened. Believe it or not, he struggles with depression too. He just tries his best to forget all the negative things that happened in his life. And even something small like bumping into him on a bad day can set him off, like you experienced earlier. Don’t take it personally. Once you get to know him, he’s actually a really cool guy. And kind of handsome.” He whispered the last part, but you noticed it and giggled.
“Thanks Aoba, I will try to let it go for now. So what were you planning to do for the rest of the evening?”
“I was thinking we could catch up or watch a movie. Maybe a few drinks here and there.”
“Sounds good to me.” You said with a smile as you hugged Aoba one last time and put away the plates you just dried.
You followed him out of the kitchen, and plopped down on a chair, far away from the others.
“Hey, come on now, you’re not afraid of us, are you? Come sit with us please.” Koujaku said.
“I just met you guys, I’m not very good at situations like that.”
“That’s ok, neither am I.” Clear said as he sat next to you, putting a hand over yours.
“Really? You seem to be right at home here with the others.”
“That’s only because we’ve known each other for a while now. You’re my newest good friend, and I wanted you to meet the others.” Aoba said as he sat on the floor, in front of you.
Mink, Mizuki, Sei and Noiz just kind of followed him there. Mink moved the couch along with him, moving it closer to the chair you were sitting in.
“How about a drink?” Koujaku asked Aoba.
“Sure thing, I’ll go get something and some glasses.” Aoba replied.
For a while you just sat there in silence, listening to the others talk. It’s then that you noticed that Clear had been looking at you all this time.
“Uh, hey… Are you feeling ok?” He asked, feeling just as awkward as you.
“Y-yeah, just letting it all happen for now.”
A little while later, Aoba walked back into the room with 2 bottles of sake and some glasses onto a tray. He poured the first glass and gave it to you. He then poured a glass for everyone else.
“To friendship!” He said as he clinked his glass with yours.
“To friendship!” Koujaku repeated, knocking back the glass instantly.
“I swear that guy has the alcohol tolerance of an Irishman. Then again, so do you.” Aoba said with a giggle.
You took a sip and scrunched your face. You never had sake so this was new to you. After another sip you actually started liking the taste.
“So, what are we doing tonight?” Sei asked.
“Well, I was thinking we could let Y/N tell a little bit about herself, and then you guys can tell a little bit about yourself too. After that we can watch a movie or listen to some music.”
“Sounds good to me.” Mink said with a nod.
“Well, Y/N, what are you waiting for? What is your favorite food? Your favorite music? I’d like to know it all.” Clear said with a smile as he leaned forward, folding his hands and placing his head on top of it.
You told them about how you met Aoba, your likes and dislikes in life. Then you told then about your struggles with depression. It was then that Noiz lifted his head and actually started listening to you. He felt intrigued. He felt like he might have just met someone who knows what he deals with on a day to day basis. After you told them that your dad passed away recently, he actually started feeling sorry for you. That’s when he looked at Aoba, who seemed to think the same thing as he did. Aoba moved away from you, and let Noiz sit there instead. With some hesitation he wrapped an arm around you awkwardly, and pulled you closer to him. You leaned into him, for some reason feeling very safe next to him. Maybe the slight buzz you were starting to feel thanks to the alcohol helped with that. And the fact that Aoba told you that he struggles with these kinds of thoughts too. He told you about how he had a rough upbringing, and what his parents did to him. He also told you that thanks to Aoba, he was able to feel pleasure and pain now. At this point, you just couldn’t help yourself. You hugged him, and you have no idea why. It just felt like something you had to do. It surprised him, but eventually he wrapped his arms around you.
“You know, it feels kind of nice. Knowing I met someone that knows what I feel like. Every single day.” Noiz admitted.
“Sure, my friends know it’s a real uphill battle for me, and they try to understand as best they can, but they never truly will because they don’t feel the same things. It helps that they are really trying though.” He continued.
“Well, I will be your friend, and help you through these endeavors.” You said with a shy smile.
“Thank you. I truly appreciate it. I feel like I’ve met someone I really feel a connection with.”
At this point I wish we could be more than friends. You thought to yourself. You would take that to the grave with you though. Unless he made the first move. You’re way too shy. Sober at least.
To distract you from the sad mood you just experienced, the others told a little bit about themselves too. About how they met Aoba, and what adventures they’ve been on. You listened to them in awe.
“Now that we managed to convince Noiz that you’re actually a really cool person, how about we watch a movie? Or maybe play a game?” Aoba asked.
Noiz just gave Aoba a deadpan expression.
“A game, what kind of game?” Clear said as he perked up.
“…Truth or dare.” Koujaku said with a chuckle.
“You know what? Sure.” Aoba said as he poured everyone some more sake.
You all sat in the middle of the living room, in a circle. Koujaku was the first to ask Mink the question. You all had a great time and shared some laughs. After a few rounds, it was Aoba’s turn again.
“Noiz, truth or dare?” Aoba asked him with a smirk, knowing full well what the blonde would reply.
“Dare.” He said.
“I knew it. In that case, I dare you to kiss Y/N.”
You just looked at Aoba with shock written on your features. There is no way he just said that. You wished the ground would open up and swallow you whole.
“Sure.” Noiz replied, moving closer to you. He then gave you a quick peck on the lips.
“C’mon, you call that a kiss? I even show Beni more passion.” Koujaku said with a hearty laugh.
“Ugh, fine.” Noiz said while rolling his eyes.
“Wait wait wait. This is all going a bit fast, don’t you think?”
“This going at just the right pace.” Mizuki said, leaning forward, clearly interested in what was about to happen.
“We don’t have to do this,” Noiz said, looking at Aoba “do we?”
“You sure do. What you just gave her was barely a kiss.”
Noiz sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“It’s ok… I don’t mind…” You said shyly, looking at the ground.
“Are you sure?” Noiz asked you, actually seeming to care about what you wanted.
“Y-yeah, it’s ok.”
This was bound to happen sooner or later. You thought.
“Well, ok then.”
Noiz gently cupped your face in his hands, and leaned in even closer. You could feel his breath fanning your face. You looked at those stunning eyes again, they seemed to draw you closer. Before you could register what you were doing, you wrapped your arms around him and put your lips on his. It felt like he was made for you, his lips a perfect fit against yours. As you kissed, you tried to ignore all the cheering and whistling. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you as close as he could. You gently bit his bottom lip, asking him for entrance, which he happily granted you. As your tongues danced together, his hands wandered lower and lower, halting at your butt. He gave it a soft squeeze. You moaned as he broke contact, his lips now impossibly close to your ear. He licked the shell, and then gently bit your earlobe. His mouth moved lower towards your neck, almost instantly finding your sweet spot as he kissed and licked it over and over again. You were a panting, moaning mess at this point. When the guys noticed that, they couldn’t contain their excitement at this point. It was then that his lips came close to your ear again. What he whispered next, sent shivers down your spine.
“How about we continue this at your place?”
Your face turned fifty shades of red as you hid your face in his neck. He chuckled and looked at the others. They clearly wanted to see where this would go from here on out. Noiz stood up, pulling you up with him.
“That was a kiss alright.” Aoba said with a blush covering his face.
“That was more than a kiss. There is definitely something there.” Sei added.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you two like each other. A lot.” Mink chuckled.
“I think we're both pretty drunk. I'll take her home and tuck her into bed.” Noiz lied.
“She could just sleep on the couch here though? ...oh.” Koujaku said, slowly catching up on what Noiz was trying to do.
“Yeah…” Noiz said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’ll see you very soon Aoba.” You said with a shy smile as you hugged Aoba.
“I’m sure you will.” Aoba winked as he said that, knowing full well what your intentions were. Or at least, Noiz’ intentions.
You quickly poured yourself another glass of sake and downed it all in one go. You would need that for some courage later.
The guys just stared at you as you did that. Noiz offered his hand to you, and you took it. The two of you waved the guys goodbye and started on your walk to your apartment. It wasn’t far from here, but it was getting rather chilly outside. Noiz, noticing you were starting to feel cold took off his beanie and put it on your head. He then gently kissed your nose.
“This will keep you warm on the walk home.” He said.
You smiled, and thanked him, as you hooked your arm into his. The situation was slowly starting to sink in. You were taking this guy that you only met a few hours ago, to your home. Panic slowly started to rise. This is the second time you could swear he was able to read your mind.
“You know, once we get there, we don’t have to do anything. We could just talk some more, if you’d like. I never meant to go that far when kissing you, but I couldn’t help myself.”
“Actually, it’s been a while since I’ve felt this attracted to someone. I don’t mind wherever this might go. I just need another drink when we get home. I am super shy about this stuff.” You said with a giggle.
“I see. We will do whatever you want.” Noiz chuckled.
You two walked a few more minutes in silence, and the apartment building was only a block away. Once you turned the corner, you finally spoke again.
“We’re almost here.”
“Good, I was starting to freeze to death.” He joked.
He was right though. Next time you should definitely bring a coat. Now that you had a clear view of his blonde hair, you admired it for a bit. It framed his face well. And those hypnotizing eyes seemed even brighter in the moonlight. They made you feel weak on your legs. Speaking of weak on your legs, you were starting to feel the alcohol at this point. You wobbled a bit, and bumped into him.
“Ah sorry. I’m getting really tipsy.” You said with a sweet smile.
“That’s the second time tonight.” He said with a smile as he followed you to the front door.
You turned the key and kicked off your shoes.
“Pretend like you’re home.” You said, putting his beanie back on his head.
He readjusted it for a bit and also took off his shoes. You turned on some lights and walked into the kitchen.
“Cozy place you got here.”
“Thanks! A lot of stuff was given to me when I moved out, but it all seemed to fit really well together so I’ve kept it all this time.”
“How long have you lived here?” He asked as he took the glass of vodka you just offered him.
“Hmm about 5 years now. Never wanted to live anywhere else. It’s close to town, and close to my family and friends, Aoba being one of those as of recently.” You said as you sipped your vodka. And then you took a bigger sip. This stuff has always been your favorite.
Noiz did the same as he followed you into the living room, and sat down on the couch next to you. He wrapped an arm around you as you turned on the tv.
“I bet there will be nothing interesting on at this hour.” He said.
“Yeah, I’m afraid so. I’ll turn on the radio instead.” You said as you turned your tv to radio mode.
You two talked a little bit more about your upbringing, what kind of friends you grew up with, and other things like your favorite food and music. When you told him some more about the passing of your dad, you started crying. He pulled you closer to him.
“Sorry, I’m normally not such an emotional mess, it must be the alcohol.” You apologized.
“It is said that alcohol can bring you feelings you normally repress during the day. Or it does the same opposite, it represses the negative emotions you feel during said day.”
“Well that is the exact reason why I’ve been drinking quite a lot recently. I just don’t know how to handle things at the moment.”
Noiz took your glass and his, and put them on the table in front of you. He then wrapped both arms around you and he let you cry for a bit. He hushed you, and told you things will be ok, as hard as they may seem now.
After your not so elegant crying fit, you actually felt better. You smiled at him and thanked him for being there.
“You have nothing to thank me for. I’d like to believe you would do the same thing for me.” He said as he wiped away a stray tear with his thumb, and kissed you softly.
You melted into the kiss and grabbed him by his collar, pulling him closer. As the two of you kissed, it got more heated after a while, and he pulled you on top of him. You held yourself up though, not too sure if he could handle your weight.
“I’m afraid I’ll crush you.” You said shyly.
“Trust me, I can handle it.” He assured you as he pulled you closer to him.
You just laid there for a while, listening to his heartbeat. It seemed to be going as fast as yours after that make out session. After a while, you decided you wanted to take things further.
“What’s up liebling?”
“Wait, was that German? What does it mean?”
“It means sweetheart.”
“Oh… I like the nickname.” You said with a giggle he thought was really cute.
“Well I was thinking… Uhm… Would you like a tour of the house? It could end in the bedroom.” You said as your face heated up, blushing more than ever before.
“That sounds like a good idea. I’d love to see the place.” He said with a chuckle, trying to ignore the last part of what you said to make you feel more at ease.
You two walked around the house and talked about your furniture for a bit. About who gave it to you and what you like about it. Once you reached the kitchen, you took a hold of the bar, getting a bit wobbly on your feet.
“Hey, are you ok?” Noiz asked as he rushed to your side, prepared to catch you if you fell.
“Sorry, I think I’m really drunk at this point.” You said with a laugh.
“Let’s get you to bed then. The tour can wait until later if you’d like.”
“No no it’s ok, really. I’ll be ok.”
“Well, if you’re sure…” Noiz said as he followed you as you walked into the bathroom. After the bathroom, there was only one room left…
You two ended up in the bedroom. As you turned on the light and then dimmed it a bit to fit the mood, it really started to sink in. This was about to happen. It’s been a while since your last time. You imagined it would feel fantastic now that you’ve had a few drinks. You’d become quite horny ever since you got home and had him to yourself. Up until now you did your best not to show it, but this was really it huh? As he drank you in, he walked closer to you. The two of you backed up until the back of your legs hit the bed. He gave you the most passionate kiss yet, and he slowly pushed you onto the bed. He moved on top of you and his hands gave your thighs a gentle squeeze. He was really starting to like that you had more to hold. He kissed your ears and your neck some more, since he discovered those were definitely your weak spots. You mewled as he bit your neck, and you pulled off his beanie and let your hands rummage through his hair. You pulled it just a bit when he bit down on your earlobe just the right amount. You felt like you started to lose control, and you tried to tell him by tugging at his shirt.
“You want this off? Go ahead, I’m all yours…” He said with a husky voice.
You pulled his shirt over his head. He decided to take of your socks and his own. After he took off his own socks, his hands moved towards your feet. He took them off and gave your right foot a kiss. He then leaned back over you. He looked at you questioningly when he tugged at your shirt as well. You gave him the nod, and he gently lifted your upper body from the bed to take off your shirt. You decided to take off your bra while you were up anyway. He drank in your chest, and started playing with your breasts. He sucked on your left nipple, gently twisting the other in his fingers. You moaned out loud. Your nipples had always been sensitive. He noticed and he quickly switched sides, sucking on your other nipple.
“A-ah… More, please…” You whispered as your hands landed on his belt.
He let you undo it and slide down the zipper. He pulled down his pants, and you followed suit. You decided to take charge for a bit, and you rolled him over onto his back. He looked at you in surprise.
“Let me spoil you…” You said, with a little more courage this time.
“I will not pass up such an opportunity.” He said as he laid back, relaxing as you started rubbing him through his boxers. When you grabbed a hold of him through the clothing, he sucked in a breath.
“I guess we should take this off.” You chuckled.
“Mmm yes please.” He purred as he lifted himself enough off of the bed so you could take the briefs off.
You looked at his length for a bit. Apparently that body part of him had piercings too. Quite a few actually. That would definitely be fun later. You grabbed a hold of his dick as he laid back down, and you slowly started stroking him. You tried to be careful to not rip those piercings out, but he assured you they weren’t just gonna be ripped out that easily. After a while, you picked up the pace a little, and he definitely liked that more. He softly groaned, letting you know you were doing a good job. But you decided you would take things one step further. You leaned down and gave the head a small lick, tasting the precum. He sucked in some air, not expecting you to go this far.
“Ah, you really don’t have to-” He tried to say, but he was cut off as you took him into your mouth, and started bobbing your head up and down.
That seems to shut him up. You thought to yourself as you gave the shaft a long, teasing lick.
He shuddered as you did so, and covered his face with his arm. You decided you would try to take him a bit deeper, and tried to relax your gag reflex as you gently took him down your throat. It felt a little weird, piercings down there, but it wasn’t unbearable. Just different. He let out a long moan while he felt himself going deeper and down your throat. He really had to keep his composure to not just grab your head and fuck himself into it. No, he was going to let you do your thing, and enjoy the moment. You hollowed out your cheeks and played with his balls. He seemed to be on cloud 9 at this point. He then said something that you never expected.
“Tug at the piercings with your teeth. Please?”
“Isn’t that like, really gonna hurt?”
“That’s the point sweetheart, I’m into that.”
“I see, you’re one of those eh?” You said teasingly as you took one of the piercings in between your teeth and gave it a small tug.
“Fuck… Harder.”
You decided to move to another piercing and tugged that one a little harder. A loud moan was the result. You continued doing this for a while, ending at the piercing at the head. That definitely seemed to get him heated.
“Oh fuck. Yes~”
“You’re really into this, aren’t you?”
“You have no idea. And what I’m about to ask of you next, will probably surprise you even more.” He said leaning up on his elbows, eyes clouded with lust and breathing sped up. God, those eyes looked so good in the dimly lit room.
“What is it?”
“I’d like you to bite it.” He said calmly, as if it was the most normal thing he ever asked of you.
You just kind of looked at him in shock a little. For a while, he was afraid that he might have scared you off for good. But he was relieved when you nodded your head.
You sucked him off for a bit longer first, until you let your teeth gently scrape his shaft.
“C’mon love, no need to be shy. I can handle it. You can be rougher with me.”
With some hesitation, you scraped your teeth along his shaft a little harder, and then did the same at the head. He was becoming a moaning mess at this point, and loving every second of it.
“More, please…” He begged of you. He actually sounded cute when he was desperate. So you decided to give him what he wanted.
You gently bit the skin in several spots, trying to find out where he liked it the most. Right underneath the head definitely seemed to be his favorite spot so you decided to abuse it. You took a bit of the skin in between your teeth and tugged at it. That definitely got him going. After a while, his breathing became heavier and faster. You could tell he was getting close. He was about to tell you, but you shut him up by taking the head into your mouth and pumping his shaft. Not long after, he released into your mouth. You greedily swallowed it all and moved to lay next to him.
“Fuuuuuuuuck. That may have just been the best blowjob ever.” He admitted, trying to catch his breath.
“I’m glad you liked it. That was definitely something.” You said with a chuckle as you kissed him.
“Now I want to return the favor.” He said as he kissed you, and then crawled down towards your crotch.
“No, it’s ok, you really don’t have to.”
“Hush love, let me please you.” He said as he tugged at your underwear. You lifted your butt so he could take it off.
“I honestly never expected you to use such cute nicknames for your bed partners.”
“Normally I don’t. But I feel like what we have is special. And I want to let you know that I like you. Really like you.”
“T-thanks… I like you to.” You said as your face heated up.
“Now, where was I? Oh yes. Right… here.” He said as he gently rubbed your clit.
“A-ah… Please, too sensitive!”
“Sensitive huh? In that case, I will do everything in my power to give you the high you deserve.”
He gently licked your sex at first, testing to see what reactions he could get out of you. When he noticed your moans, he decided to give you more. He took your clit into his mouth and circled his tongue around it.
“Ah shit… So good!” You moaned as your hands found his hair and pulled it.
“I’ve only just begun and you’re a mess already?”
“It’s been a while since my last time. Also I’m drunk, that helps too.” You giggled.
“Is that so? Lay back and relax.” Noiz said as he licked a long stripe up your folds.
He then started eating you out like you’ve never experienced before, occasionally dipping his tongue into your core. He was being gentle, yet rough at the same time and you absolutely loved it, whatever he was doing.
“Oh fuck! Oh god! I’m close already!” You moaned out loud way too soon in your opinion. You didn’t want to finish yet but you felt like you couldn’t hold this one back.
He licked your clit and pumped his fingers into your core.
“Then cum for me. Cum for me darling.” He purred.
And that was your undoing. With a loud moan, you came. He kept moving his fingers until you rode out your orgasm. He then licked them clean and laid next to you.
“Need to… Catch my breath…” You managed to bring out as you tried to steady your breathing.
“That’s ok liebling, we have all night.” He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around you and kissed your cheek.
“Fuck I needed this…”
“We’re not done yet. Not if you want to, at least.”
“Oh I am definitely up for more.” You purred as you sat up, reaching for his dick.
“H-hey, what are you doing?!”
“Getting you hard again for round 2, silly.” You answered as you slowly started pumping his length.
“F-fuck. You’re feisty.”
“You think this is feisty?” You leaned over and whispered into his ear: “watch how feisty I can get once you’re inside of me.”
That actually made him blush. Cute… You thought. You moved your mouth towards his and kissed him, letting him know that you were enjoying your time together.
“That’s enough.” He growled as he pushed you onto your back.
He spread your legs and moved in between them.
“You got a condom?” He asked. He was definitely not prepared to hear pregnancy news.
“No but I’m on the pill, so it will be ok.” You purred as you wrapped your legs around his waist, and pulling his face closer to yours by grabbing onto his hair.
“Alright then. Let me feel you~” He whispered as he slowly started pushing into you.
“A-ahn~ those piercings feel so damn good.” You mewled as you pulled his face even closer, and kissed him.
“So I’ve been told.” He chuckled in between kisses.
He started moving slowly at first, slowly and passionately. He held onto your hips as if they were the only thing keeping him from pounding into you. He was gonna take it slow for now, and let you enjoy yourself. When you moaned in frustration, he took that as a signal to start moving faster, which he did. He moved his face towards your neck and started sucking and biting this particular spot right under your ear, which was apparently very sensitive. As he thrusted into you over and over, you felt those piercings rubbing your walls, and that honestly made you see stars.
“Fuck those piercings really do feel good. A-ah! More!” You cried out.
“I’m not sure I can hold back anymore if you moan like that honey.”
“Then don’t damnit! Give me all you got!”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He whispered into your ear, as he snaked his hands around your back and pulled you closer to him.
He liked holding you close as he fucked you, made him feel connected somehow. Connected in a way he has never felt with anyone before in his life. Sure, he had sex before, but this felt completely different. A frustrated moan awakened him from his thoughts.
“H-hey, why did you stop?” You asked with a pout.
“Oh, sorry… I was just thinking… I’ve never felt like this with anyone before. I mean I had sex before, but this doesn’t feel the same. This feels more… Intimate in a way.” He admitted as a blush crept up his cheeks, and he smiled. His beautiful green eyes smiled along with him.
You hadn’t seen him smile like that before. You could tell he was being genuine.
“Don’t worry. After tonight, how could I possibly leave your side?” You smiled at him as well, and kissed him as your hands found his hair.
“Are you sure? I mean, you’re drunk now, and so am I, clearly. But will it be the same tomorrow morning?”
“Hey, I’m not like that. Yeah I’m drunk but that doesn’t mean I’ll just kick you out after a good night of fun.”
“You really mean that?”
At this point it looked as if he was about to cry. This must all be very new for him, having someone really care about him this way. He honestly looked like a lost puppy. What a mood twist this was, but you were gonna let him relax before you continued. Now it was your time to comfort him.
“Hey, look at me. After getting to know you, I know I like you. The good sex is just an added bonus. I promise.” You said with a chuckle as you kissed him again. “Now can we please keep going? I really fucking enjoyed it so far and I want more.”
“S-sure. At this point I’m not sure what I will do from now on.” Noiz answered as he hid his face into your neck, mostly to hide his blush, but also because he wanted to bite your neck some more.
“That’s ok, as long as you keep going.” You giggled as you kissed his neck, and bit him right underneath his ear. A moan was all the response you needed. He definitely liked that so you did it some more.
As he started moving again, it felt different this time. It wasn’t at the same pace as before, but you felt like something changed. You just couldn’t quite put your finger on it. He held you as close as he possibly could, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, along with “I love you” a few times. You replied with “I love you too” as often as you could, considering you were trying to keep it together as he picked up the pace again. You kept biting his neck some more, and your nails found his back, leaving deep scratch marks there. That made him moan even louder. You chuckled between your moans as you kissed him. This kiss felt even better than the passionate one you had before.
“More, please…” You moaned as he kissed your neck for the umpteenth time that night.
“Your wish is my desire, liebling~” He purred as he basically started pounding into you at this point.
You couldn’t contain your moans anymore, you were sure your neighbors could hear. But you didn’t care. All you wanted was for this night to never end. As if it couldn’t get better, his hand snaked in between you two and he started rubbing your clit for added friction. There was no way you could hold back the orgasm that rushed towards you at this pace.
“S-shit, if you keep doing that… Noiz I’m so close!”
“Me too Y/N. Fuck. Cum for me.”
“I can’t hold it- oh god!”
“Then let go, cum with me.” He purred into your ear.
As you came, everything turned white. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you shook uncontrollably. You nails dug into his skin and you could feel him filling you up. After a little while, all senses seemed to return to normal. You did your best to catch your breath but it took you a while. He fell down next to you, doing his best to catch his breath as well.
You two just laid there for a bit. You put your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. After a little bit, you struggled to get up. You pouted.
“Hey, where are you going? I was enjoying having you here with me.”
“Sorry, I have to pee. Alcohol ya know.”
You went over to the bathroom and went to the toilet. After you did your business you took a wet washcloth and cleaned yourself down there after you splashed your face with water. You returned to the bedroom with a satisfied feeling. Also the tiredness was starting to hit you. You plopped down next to him and covered the both of you with your blanket. You crawled closer to him, and held him as close as you possibly could. He kissed your forehead, then your nose, and then your lips.
“I love you, Y/N. After tonight, I’m sure. And I honestly never thought I could ever love someone after everything that happened in my life.”
“It all went so fast tonight. It almost feels like it all happened in a flash. It was one of the most hectic nights ever, but I fucking loved every second of it.” You admitted.
“Me too. Let’s get some sleep, shall we?” He asked as he kissed you again.
“Mmm sounds like a good plan.” You answered as you could feel sleep already taking you over.
As you listened to the sound of his breath, you slowly drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, you were awakened by a coil going off. It wasn’t yours, so it had to be his. With a frustrated groan he reached for it and answered. Apparently he was needed or business somewhere in town. With a sad sigh, he hung up. You turned around and wrapped your arms around him.
“You have to go already?” You asked with a pout.
“I technically have to, but I really don’t want to. You know what? I’m cancelling. I’m staying here with you. Uh, if that’s ok with you of course.”
“Are you kidding me? After last night? How could I not want you here?” You said as you got out of bed and put on some clean underwear. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere, just putting on underwear.”
You plopped down on your bed again, wrapping an arm around him. Noiz called back his colleague and let him know that he couldn’t make it today. A white lie, sure, but he really didn’t want to go. He knew they could handle whatever had to be done by themselves. With a smile, he hung up again.
You kissed him as he rolled you on top of him.
“Don’t do that, you know I’m afraid I’ll crush you.”
“Trust me, I can handle it. Besides, I think I like having a girlfriend with some more curves.” He said as his hands went lower towards your ass, and gave it a hard squeeze.
“H-hey, what do you think you’re doing?!” You asked with a faked shock on your face.
“Isn’t it obvious?” He answered with a smirk on his face.
You took his hands into yours and placed them beside him. You got up and reached out your hand to him.
“Let’s get some breakfast.”
“Hmm, sounds good.” He said as he took your hand and let you lift him out of bed. He put on his underwear and followed you downstairs.
The rest of the day you two just lazed around, kissed, hugged… And you fucked again somewhere in the early afternoon. The second time felt even more intimate than the first one. And after that time, you knew for sure: you would not leave his side. He was a freak (then again, you considered yourself anything but normal as well), but you loved him. As the two of you laid on your backs, sweaty and satisfied, you couldn’t stop thinking about how much you had grown to love this man is such a short time. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close. With a smile on your face, you drifted off to sleep again.
“I love you…” You whispered as you kissed him softly.
“I love you too, Y/N.” you could faintly hear as sleep took you over. And you fell asleep happier than ever.
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Unattainable | 7
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"Ah my little Schnucki! It's good to see you not through a Webcam! Are you sure you want to do the whole school thing?"
"Noiz! We already talked about this!"
That feeling of family warmth overtook your heart as you watched your brother bicker with his husband. Pulling on eacother's ears and cheeks as they went back and forth on the familiar subject.
"We can't keep them locked up for ever no matter how much we want to!"
"Why not? We have the means and Schnucki doesn't get along with others anyway."
"SHHH don't say that in front of them! (Y/n) we think your plenty capable of making new friends!"
"Well don't lie to them! They're better off staying home. It worked for me I'm sure it'll work for them too!"
"You were locked away for years and hardly knew how to talk to people!"
"And look at me now! It would suit them best to stay-"
"Don't. Undermine me, mister!"
Haruhi huffed at the sight. When would she stop baring witness to men acting like children? Idiots, all of them. She loudly cleared her throat, smiling cheekily when they turned to her. 
"Nice to see you two are as energetic as always."
The strawberry blonde chuckled holding his husband by the waist. 
"It's the only way I can keep him happy!"
He winked as Aoba hit his suited chest with a blushing face. Haruhi resisted the urge to gag turning to you. You were  staring at the seemingly bottomless container of your (f/t), pouting at the sleepiness that interrupted your joyful reward. Noiz crept beside you poking his forehead into yours as he looked down to sample your view. He looked up, identifying the tired glaze over your eyes.. Holding in a giggle he put a hand on your head, keeping firm as you looked up at him. Guiding you into his body he held you tight cradling your back as you hugged him.
"I see you found my 'secret' compartment!"
"Not much of a secret when the design is so obvious."
He feigned a stabbing pain in his heart, "Well leave it to my kid to see the idiosyncrasies of my engineering." 
"Sorry." The monotone voice would have come off sarcastic to anyone else. But Noiz knew. He knew that you meant it and you just didn't know how to say that without offensive social cues. He knew that your attempted eye contact was you're insecurity about reacting properly. And he was proud you were even trying.
""It's all good Schnucki!"
He let his hug reduce to an arm around your shoulders as he turned back to Haruhi and Aoba who seemed to be finished whispering about something. And he couldn't help but be a little petty.
"What're you two whispering about? Making fun of how much cuter the two of us are?"
Aoba quickly scowled before flashing a smile as he copied Noiz. 
"Not cuter than us I bet! (Y/n) will you judge us real fast?"
"Sure. They are the cutest."
"Gagh! How cruel! Turning my own child against me! But I'll do you one better!"
He pulled you along with his left arm while he reached for Aoba with his right. Firmly grabbing his husband's waist he looped his finger into his belt loops before cheekily holding him in place. Squeezing you both as tight as he could he turned to Haruhi.
"How about now aren't we just the cutest trio you ever did see?"
The reluctant host club member paused, taking in the way you playfully pretended to struggle while Aoba began to scold him. Pushing down an ugly feeling she let a somber smile spread on her face.
"Yep I can guarantee I've never seen anyone cuter...picture?"
She pulled out her phone while Noiz enthusiastically nodded. After a few seconds she tucks her phone in her pocket and Noiz finally releases his hold on Aoba. Doubling down to cuddle into you as you fruitlessly protested. 
"Send that to me Haruhi."
Looking into the golden hues of the Serigaki head she nodded, holding back laughter.
Aoba was truly talented.
She hadn't seen anyone be so threatening without meaning to at all. But Sharks aren't exactly aware they're considered frightening. Not until you were their next meal. 
Haruhi Fujioka had no intentions of being so, instead she'd consider herself a lesser threat. More like a feeder fish. 
Because she likes the remains of the initial attack. The remains of the defeated are exactly her type.
"Oh Haruhi, are we having the fish you like with those friends of yours?"
"I think we should. They've never gotten to taste it the Serigaki way. I think it'd blow them out the water." 
Schnucki - "Sweety" according to Google translate
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nocturnalpl4gue · 4 months
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i decided to make this account to write about small/dead fandoms that lack fanfic content, SPECIALLY x reader.
Basically i decided to take matters into my own hands.
I will mostly write about said small fandoms i enjoy, but bigger ones are open for requests too!! just as long as i know about them a bit so i know what i’m doing ^_^’
—————————— ˚₊‧⁺⋆♱
{{masterlist will go here along other info}}
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
tastes | Marauders x Reader
Pairing: J.P. x S.B. x R.L x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Smut, finger fucкing, oral (male receiving), P in V, lots of praise (especially from Remus), Sirius gets all the love he deserves, consent is sexy, lusty!boys, сreаm piе, they literally can't take their eyes off you.
Prompt: Inspired by the sense of taste. Reader has a very strong gag reflex, so the boys have never asked you to blow them, and you love them for it. But today, you want to taste them.
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tastes is part of The Five Senses: an anthology series where each chapter will be a stand-alone story, inspired by the different ways we have of perceiving the world around us.
18+ readers only (smut under the cut)
Cum Feel The Noize
You had always had pretty strong gag reflex, just brushing your tongue while you brushed your teeth made you want to puкe sometimes, it wasn’t ideal, but it was what you were born with so you settled. 
The boys knew, you’d been friends with them long before you started dating, and you had been pretty vocal about it, really, you were just so comfortable with them around that you didn’t mind talking about those things.
“What about sucking a dicк?” Sirius asked, half teasingly, half because he’d been genuinenly curious. He got elbowed by James after asking, but you just laughed.   
“Nah, it’s fine,” you told James dismissively “In truth, I’ve never done that.” 
“Never, ever? Not even the tip?” Asked James impressed, now curious as well. You shook your head as an answer.
“Not even when you dated that stupid Harland boy?” asked Remus. They all hated Harland because they all liked you, even then, a few months before you started all dating each other.
“Harland?” you asked in disbelief “Hell no! He asked a couple of times but, I just couldn’t do it,” you admitted “I really didn’t want to puкe all over his dicк.” 
“Understandable,” Remus nodded. 
“Yeah, you’d think. That’s why we broke up tho.” 
“What? Shut up!” James said, almost standing straigther.
“No, it’s true!” you said with a nod “He said there were plenty other girls in the market, and that most of them would die just to get the chance to suck him off.”
“And what did you tell him?” Sirius asked. 
“To fuck off,” you said with a laugh “didn’t even like him that much anyway,” you said with a sight, “But he’s so petty, he asked me to go see him in one of the abandoned classrooms to give me back some of my stuff, but he had just gotten a girl to blow him there. So when I arrived–” 
James gasped, he had his mouth open wide, completely shocked.
“–Poor girl, she was so embarrassed ‘cause she thought we were still dating. Which in hindsight, probably makes is worse. Anyway, he tried to go after me and jinxed him.” 
“We thought you stopped dating because he moved away.” 
“Nope, he moved away because the girl told all her friends about it and gave him the worst reputation.” 
Fast forward to now, you had been dating them for almost a year, and they had, never once, asked you to suck them off, not even by accident, which only made you love them even more, making you realize they truly listened, the difference abysmal between them and Harland, who’d asked hundreds of times, and your boys, who actually cared about you and your limits. And since they also had each other to have fun with it, neither of them missed out on getting blowjobs all that often either. Benefits of being in a poly relationship. 
But the boys were always so caring, and so giving, both in and outside of the bedroom, that you really wanted to give back to them. In fact, seeing the way James sucked Remus once, made you want to test it yourself, mouth watering at the thought. You had done your research too, asked your friends about their techniques and paid a lot more attention when they were doing each other, making mental notes of the things they clearly liked and the things they didn’t. For the first time in your life, you actually wanted to try. 
So, on Sirius’ birthday, you thought it’d be your chance. The boy had asked Peter for the room and he happily left the three of them to do their thing while going to bunk with his own girlfriend. Remus had been the one to pick you up at your room with the invisibility cloak that day. 
“You ready luv?” he asked tenderly when you got out of your room, quickly enveloping you in the cloak as he stood behind you.
“Very ready,” you said with a little smirk, which had Remus raise one of his eyebrows. Did you plan something? That’s definitely your “I’ve planned something” tone.
He dipped his head in the crook of your neck and gave it a short whiff “You’re wearing Sirius’ favourite perfume,” he mouthed, you could feel his lips brushing against your skin, already sending warmth to your core. “What else?” 
 You smiled mischievously “Nothing else,” you admitted. 
A rush of blood went straight to his cock when he heard you say that so confidently, and he finally peaked from his spot in your neck, looking through the thin white shirt you were wearing, he could see your nipple perking underneath the fabric, marking it ever so slightly. “Fuck, dove you’re such a tease.” 
You shrugged, turning to press a kiss to his cheek, realizing how blown out his pupils were already, “You know how much Sirius loves it.” 
He slid his hands under your skirt, only feeling the outside of your tight, all the way to your waist, as if trying to feel if you really had nothing underneath at the bottom. “Yeah, he’s not the only one,” he grunted, digging his digits a little, just below your pelvis. You pressed yourself to him a little more, realizing he was already getting turned on, even from such a short interaction, which only fueled you even more, turning completely around you wrapped your fingers on his neck and brought him down for a kiss. He complied, pushing you against a nearby wall as he kissed back, hands still extended above his head to keep the cloak covering the two of you. When you finally separated, you were both panting, his lips were already pink from the stimulation, and he brought one of his hands down to accommodate his pants, they were already making him uncomfortable. 
“Come on handsome,” you told him with a smile, butting your bottom lip for a mere second and pulling at his bicep ever so slightly, “Why don’t we continue the party inside?” 
When you arrived at their room, Sirius was on his bed, sketching something in his notebook while James was setting up the record player. After all the initial plan had been to just chill and listen to music together. But you all knew that wasn’t going to be the end of the story from the moment the suggestion left Remus’ lips. 
You went straight to Siri, pressing a chaste kiss over his mouth as you laid down next to him “Happy birthday Puppy!” 
“That’s like the 10th time today you say that,” James teased. 
“It’s probably just an excuse to snog him,” added Remus. 
You shrugged and leaned in again, pressing another short kiss to Sirius’ soft lips “Happy birthday,” you whispered again. 
Sirius just smiled, he loved when you showered him with attention, he had always had a knack for being the center of it, but when he was the center of yours, it made him soar, “You can snog me without wishing me happy birthday kitten, in fact, you can snog me whenever the hell you want.” 
You laughed at the suggestive little smirk he made and searched with your hand to grab his. Sirius would definitely go crazy with how much attention you were all about to give him. He leaned in a little closer, dipping his head in the crook of your neck as he turned  “You smell nice,” he whispered. 
James almost jumped to the bed, placing the top half of his body over the bottom half of yours, his head looking at you from above your belly, “Don’t act like we aren’t in the room,” he said with a pout, placing a hand over your bare leg. 
“We weren’t,” Sirius said, still from the crook of your neck “We were just giving you a show,” he added in the end, you could feel the smirk in his tone. Remus laughed, still standing in the middle of the room as he took off his sweater, passing it over his head, slowly, Remus was the most patient of the three; unless you were close to the moon.
You took a deep breath, feeling James’ forearm press against your belly as you did, he leaned down over them and noticed. “You’re not wearing a bra today,” he said as he raised just the edge of your shirt to get a peak. 
“And it’s not the only thing I didn’t put on,” you said teasingly. 
Sirius turned to you shocked “Shut up.” 
“Why don’t you see it for yourself,” you said with a smirk. Sirius didn’t think twice as he dipped his hand under your skirt. Unlike Remus, he went straight to your slick, feeling how wet you already were. 
“Bloody hell kitten, you’re soaked,” he said, now his own eyes blown out in lust “Wait, why are you so…?” he turned to Remus, who just shrugged in response, a cheeky smile playing on his face. He narrowed his eyes at him and turned back to you, “fine then… my turn,” he said, lightly pushing James off you as he grabbed you by the waist and placed you on top of him, you were now straddling him, each leg to the side of his. The friction of his pants in your core, only making you all the more turned on, you ground yourself against him, which had him moan, if ever so lightly. James had placed one hand over your tight as he moved to kiss Sirius’ neck. Today was his day, after all. 
You smiled, slowly grinding yourself against the boy one more time before leaning in to kiss him on the lips. Remus was sitting on the bed beside yours, lousily looking at the three of you as he patted himself. After a couple more kisses, you reached your hand under Sirius’ shirt, and both you and James pulled Sirius on a sitting position so you could completely remove it, gently passing it over his head. James didn’t leave him lay back down though, he pressed himself behind him to gain better access to his neck instead. 
You smiled, still kissing Sirius as you fumbled your fingers over the button of his trousers. “Someone’s thirsty,” he teased. 
“You wouldn’t know how much,” you whispered enigmatically. There it is again, Remus thought, she’s onto something. With the help of James, you managed to remove Sirius’ pants too. Playing with the hem of his trousers as you continued to grind onto his leg. Now it was your turn, moving in tandem with James, the two of you managed to lay Sirius back, over James’ chest, who rubbed soft circles on his arms as he watched you grind onto his boyfriend. Sirius was malleable, in fact, at this point, he would let you do whatever the hell you wanted with him, he wasn’t sure he was even still on earth. 
Finally, you pulled his boxers down, pulling back just a little when his thick cock sprang out, pressing against his stomach from the force of the release. You licked your lips but stood back straight, taking your time to throw the boxers somewhere. Remus smiled, you were being fast tonight, maybe he’ll get his turn faster than– 
He lost his train of thought, you had dropped kisses all over Sirius’ stomach and your face was dangerously close to his cock. It wasn’t unusual that you played and rubbed their cocks with your hands, but you usually kept your head a little further away from them. 
He almost completely lost it when he noticed you playing with Sirius’ tights, pressing kisses against them as you spread them a little with your hands. That was a move he knew all too well, he’d done it several times. Finally, when you leaned down and pressed your lips against Sirius’ cock, it was he who jumped out of James’ grasp, Remus crossing the distance that there was in between the two of you with two long strides. 
“Kitten what are you–” Sirius asked, his throat dry. 
“–what do you think?” you said, motioning to his cock. 
“But your gag reflex sweetheart,” James said, he was peering through Sirius’ shoulders. 
Your heart warmth at the boys’ concern, “I wanna try,” you added. 
“Are you sure? You don’t have to do it… If you feel pressured into it because it’s my birthday then–” 
“–It’s not that,” you cut him off “I want to try.”  
“Are you very sure luv?” Remus asked, he had leaned down near the bed to level his head with yours. 
You nodded “Positive.” 
“Sirius can be a little desperate sometimes,” James added “We can help you hold him in place so he doesn’t accidentally jerk too hard into your throat, How does that sound?” 
You peered to look at him through your lashes, Sirius thought you’d never looked more stunning “If Sirius is all right with that.” 
The boy in question nodded excitedly, and James leaned a little to the side, pressing one of his legs, while Remus held him from the other side. 
“We’re ready,” Remus said with a short nod. 
You nodded in response, taking a deep breath, and leaned back down pressing little kisses on Sirius’ soft abdomen before placing your hand over his balls. You’d seen James do it, and Sirius seemed to like it when he did. 
Judging by the way he moaned, he also enjoyed it when you did. After kneading them a little more, and rubbing circles over his tight with your other hand, you placed your hand around his cock, pumping it a couple of times before finally leaning down, placing a light kiss over his tip. The sound Sirius emitted was so sinful, you felt your arousal dripping from your cunt. 
James had moved over the bed, one hand still over Sirius’ leg, the other on his cock, he was watching mouth dry as you leaned down on Sirius. He had only dreamed of you doing such a thing, never daring to ask for it. 
You took a deep breath, and went for a long lick, all the way from shaft to the end. Remus smirked, such a tease, he thought. 
Sirius moaned again, head plopping back into the pillows James had placed when he moved to the side.
Remus hummed “Stop teasing him so much sweetheart,” he said as he placed a hand on the side of Sirius’ face, brushing lightly from his temple to his neck all the while looking tenderly at the boy, “He might just combust in flames if you keep it up.” 
You stroked Sirius one more time, brushing your thumb over his tip the way you knew he liked so much and then you leaned down again, this time wrapping your mouth around his tip. You didn’t go down too deep at first, only really staying around the tip, making sure to test how much you could actually fit into your mouth without it getting uncomfortable. 
You started moving your tongue around his tip, nipping and teasing. Another moan escaped from Sirius’ mouth, James didn’t know where to look as he touched himself, either at you or Sirius’ pleasure-driven face. At some point, you felt a slight buckle of Sirius’ hips, or at least an attempt of it, since both James and Remus had managed to restrain him from moving too much. 
“Please,” he begged. You knew exactly what he wanted. When he got all whinny like that, it was because he wanted you to pick up the pace, either by stroking him faster or bobbing your hips up and down his length. You squeezed slightly with your hand since you knew how much he liked it when you clenched your “tight little pussy” around him. And finally, you started to bob your head up and down, slowly, taking in very little of him in your mouth at first. Testing the waters.
Sirius emitted the kind of groan you only heard of him when he was so deep into you, he couldn’t think of anything else. You then felt Remus’ hand, the one he wasn’t using to hold Sirius’s hip, moving under your skirt. Slowly moving up until he reached the tender flesh of the inside of your tight. And then he went further up, tracing your slit with his long finger. 
“Fuck,” he whispered, “Pads, if you could feel how wet she is at this point… she’s practically dripping.”
Remus knew exactly what he was doing, Sirius was as much into physical pleasure as emotional, much like you were, and Remus was well aware knowing such a thing would set his boyfriend on fire, he wasn’t wrong, you could feel his hips trying to buckle into your mouth again, only to be stopped by the boys’ strong hands.  
Remus did not remove his hand either, he kept playing around your slit, slowly parting with two fingers as you perked your ass just a bit more for easier access, which just had him grin. You moaned when he placed one of his fingers over your clit and started rubbing, Remus had the most confident grip when it came to finger fucking you, and he always delivered. 
You started taking in a bit more of Sirius, forcing yourself a little over what you’d consider your comfort zone. Every moan his noises and Remus’ hands pulled from you, reverberating across his cock and bringing him closer. 
“Sweethea… aaaah, fuck.” Sirius was trying to tell you something, but the way his moans sounded, you knew exactly what he wanted to say. 
Regardless, it was James who took his hand away from his own cock and bought it to caress your back, “Kitten…” he said softly, you eyed him, not stopping the way you moved your mouth around Sirius, which almost got him to lose his train of thought, “Kitten, Sirius is about to come,” he informed. 
You hummed in response, being aware of it already. You knew. Finally, that brought Remus back into the conversation “Wait, luv, does that mean you’re going to…” you hummed again. 
“fuck,” you heard him whisper. She’s gonna swallow, he thought, not being able to keep his eyes off you. 
Sirius was just as impressed, even if he wasn’t thinking much at this point, he had brought his hand down, and he toyed with your hair before settling it just over the back of your neck, he wasn’t pushing though, he was rubbing soft circles with his thumb, even amongst all the madness you’d brought to him, he was still thinking of your comfort. 
You drove your head up and down three more times, and then you felt it, warm and a little salty, spurring into your mouth. And as you had planned you swallowed it all, helping Sirius ride through his orgasm by still bobbing your head a couple of times. 
“It’s ok sweetheart,” you heard James, he still had his hand on your back “He’s done, you can stop.” 
You did, slowly taking your mouth out and letting your head fall over Sirius’ belly, making sure to keep your ass up so Remus wouldn’t stop toying with your pussy, which he wasn’t planning on either way. Sirius looked at you, breath heavy as he wrapped his hand over your cheek, “That was incredible sweets, and for your first time.” 
You pressed a soft, gentle kiss to his stomach, and then turned your eyes back to him “I’d been observing you…” you said. Being stoped by your own moan as Remus drove a finger inside of you “taking notes of what each of my boys likes best.” 
“fuck you’re so tight,” the boy whispered, only James heard, you and Sirius were too wrapped in your own little bubble. 
“Have you now?” he said with a teasing smile, “you might become the best of the three,” he whispered, it earned him a smack from James, who had been attentively watching the way Remus finger fucked you, imagining how it would look like without the skirt. 
“Next time you beg for me to blow you after a game I’ll tell you to go beg elsewhere,” he teased. Which earned a chuckle from you and Sirius. 
“I want to see,” Sirius added, motioning to Remus’ hand under your skirt. 
“That makes two of us,” James said as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a sitting position, you whined in response, almost crying at the loss of Remus’ expert fingers. 
“It’s ok baby, we’re just gonna reposition,” James cooed, and he started to unbutton your shirt as Remus got on the bed, taking off his shirt in one swift motion before helping James remove yours. The boys moved in tandem, smoothly as if they knew exactly what the other was about to do next, which perhaps they did, since they knew each other so well. Once the shirt was off, you felt the cold air perk your nipples, giving both boys sitting in front of you their own little show. While that was going on, Remus was the one to unbutton and unzip your skirt, lifting you up towards him as James pulled it off. 
Remus placed you in between his legs, enjoying the feeling of the soft bare skin of your back flushing against his torso. He hadn’t yet removed his pants, but you could feel how hard he was under them, so hard it’s gotta be painful.
But Remus had only two moods, either being patient or being desperate; today he was the first one, so when you rocked your hips back, trying to get a reaction, he just held you down “Steady on sweetheart, let us enjoy you first.” 
And they were going to enjoy you, while Remus spread you wide open, carefully passing your feet over his legs so they would stay in position, James had leaned in to spread soft kisses on your neck. All of you facing Sirius, who was just smiling darkly at the sight. 
Remus was slow at first, passing a hand over your inner tight, massaging the soft skin before getting closer to your slit. Even then, he just massaged around it “Remus!” you whined, which only earned him a chuckle. 
“What is it luv?” he asked, playing dumb. 
“Yeah, what is it?” James asked, unlaching his lips from your neck and turning to you, joining the teasing. 
“Please!” you added, grabbing onto Remus’ hand and placing it on your slit. 
Finally, he complied, tracing his strong fingers over your slit, still impossibly wet. James had already moved on to kiss one of your nipples, nipping and teasing the tender skin. Sucking it into peaks before laying it back with his tongue. One of his hands had been placed in the small of your neck, and the other on your other breast, making sure not to let it skip on the fun. 
“How are you three so goddamned beautiful?” you heard Sirius mumble as he enjoyed the view. 
This time around, after toying with your clit once more, Remus placed two fingers inside instead of one, which had you gasp, but he just smiled devilishly as he thrusted them in and out, eliciting one of his favourite sounds in the world, your moans. While lost in bliss, you felt James’ cock brush against your skin, which made you remember how forgotten you had left him tonight, so you reached out and brushed your hand around it, brushing your thumb over the tip a couple of times, earning a couple of moans from him. 
“Yes, please,” he whispered, and you complied, finally starting to stroke him. James did not stop the kissing as you continued to move your hand up and down his length, only moaning your name a couple of times, and squeezing your breast a little tighter when he was close. 
You were just as close, you realized Remus had been not only finger fucking you, but preparing you as well, slowly stretching you out with the help of his two fingers. Remus was big, and without stretching, he just didn’t fit in. And if he was stretching you out, then it meant he knew he’d get your wet little cunt tonight and it only fueled him more and turned you on even more in return. You buckled your hips against his fingers a couple of times, and his pace became faster. Just like your stroking around James’ cock. 
James came first, thrusting into your hand as his cum dripped all over it, finally unlatching himself from your nipples and breathing heavily as he stared dumbly at you and Remus, lips parted and slightly red, just the sight of it made you buckle your hips against Remus’ hand once again. He was about to take his wand to clean your hand with it, when Remus used his free hand to bring it over to his mouth and ran his tongue from your wrist bone to your fingers, licking most James’ cum along, which James swore made his cock twitch again. 
And then Remus turned to you, not slowing down the pace on your pussy, but looking as calm as unbothered as if he were a teacher asking a student for an answer “Do you want to taste him too, sweetheart?” 
You nodded, and he pushed your hand towards your mouth, carefully placing the soft section between your thumb and your wrist right over your lips, it was the only section still covered with James’ cum, and you slowly brought your lips around it, sucking carefully on your hand and letting your lips slowly go back to their place as Remus’ pulled your hand out. James was a little saltier than Sirius, but also relatively sweet.
“fuck… i’m gonna end up getting hard again,” you heard James’ groan, which had Sirius chuckle as he pulled the boy towards him. 
“Come Prongs, enjoy the show with me,” he said with a smile. James leaned in and gave Sirius a short kiss before leaning on his shoulder. 
“All right sweetheart, your turn,” Remus said as he brought his index finger from the other hand to your clit, you leaned your head back on his shoulder, buckling your hips against him with more conviction now that you weren’t distracted by anything else. 
His pace quickened and you moaned and whined under his expert hands “Hmmm… please Rem, I’m about to…” 
“It’s ok baby, be good and come all over my fingers,” he cooed, and you did, harshly pulling your head back as you allowed him to finger fuck you to oblivion. “There we go, such a good girl for me, isn’t that right?” he praised, as he brought his hand, still wet with your slick over to his mouth and sucked sinfully over the two fingers that were inside of you, moaning as he tasted your juices. He then turned back to you again. “Now, are you gonna allow me to fuck that tight little pussy of yours tonight or do you feel too tired already?” 
You wanted nothing more than for Remus to stretch you up just right, so you nodded, head still a little foggy from the high, “Please Remus,” you added for good measure, moving your hips back just to feel him press against you one more time. 
Finally, you moved to the side, allowing the boy to take both his pants and underwear off before he laid down on the bed, Remus knew it was easier for you to be the one to ride him, at least at first –and when he was the first one– since that way you had a little more control over how big he was, and he was always more than happy to let you do it, in fact, he quite enjoyed the way your breast bounced as you bobbed up and down his length. And he knew the boys liked it just as much, so he strategically laid in a way so that they would get a good view of you. 
You slowly straddled him, placing both knees on each side of his hip before rubbing yourself against his cock a couple of times, causing him to moan this time. You were still so fucking wet.
Eventually, you lifted yourself up and lined him with your entrance. He placed both of his hands around your hips, to help hold you up as you slowly pushed yourself down, moaning as you went as deep as you could. Remus had responded to your tightness with a grunt, truth be told he’d been dreaming of it from the moment he went to pick you up. 
You started bobbing up and down his length, slow at first, but picking up that pace as your walls got used to his size. Remus had his hands on your waist, helping you move easily as he started to thrust up into you, reaching the right spot. “fuck… yes,” you said breathily as he continued thrusting.
“So fucking tight,” Remus breathed as he helped you ride him, completely focused on you, on your parted lips, your soft huffs and moans; you were absolutely entrancing in the way you moved your hips on him, “You’re taking me in so well sweetheart…” 
You moaned, and clenched around him, which just caused him to buckle against you even harder. That got you to whimper and you brought both of your palms to lay over his shoulders, to hold yourself better as you continued to rock your hips on the boy, “Baby… if you keep that up I’m not gonna last,” he added, and just to tease him, you clenched again, eliciting a moan from the boy so sinful, it fueled you to keep moving, faster this time around.
“So beautiful, aren’t they Prongs?” you heard Sirius say, almost not quite registering it with the way Remus’ cock trusted into you right after. The other boy hummed in response, not able to take his eyes off the way you were moving. 
When Remus was close, he switched the two of you around, laying you flat on the bed as he brought one of his hands over to your clit, “Be a good girl and come for me one last time sweetheart,” he said as he continued to thrust. Holding back his own orgasm, he wanted to hear you moan his name as he came. 
And after a few more flicks and circles of his thumb, with his pace quickening, you came, “hmm Remus…” you whispered as he continued to thrust inside of you, the way your walls clenched around tipping the boy over the edge, he had hold it back so long, he practically grunted into your ear and spiled inside of you.
Eventually, he pulled back, staring at your pussy as he panted, you knew what he wanted and so you squeezed, allowing the thick white liquid to spill from your inside, dripping from your entrance to the back of your ass. Remus really liked to see the evidence of fucking you, somehow satisfying his most primal desires, or so he’d told you once. 
Remus brought one of his hands back to your cunt, you shivered with the contact since you were still slightly overstimulated, but he didn’t budge, using his middle and index to gather some of your combined juices, he angled his head cockily, “Are you gonna taste me tonight as well sweetheart?” he asked. 
You smiled wickedly, using your elbows to prop yourself up and leaning in towards the boy’s hand, not bothering to answer as you opened your mouth and wrapped it around both of his fingers, making sure to let your lips pull as you slowly hollowed your mouth and pulled yourself back, licking your lips as you completely separated from the boy. Remus had not been expecting that, his cocky demeanour faltering as his mouth dried. Remus was the sweetest of the three. 
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A/N: this is the third piece of smut I’ve written so far, and omg this definitely got out of hand. Regardless… I do feel like I’m getting the hang of it. Maybe? A little bit? At least I don’t feel the cringe, anymore. Saying that, I do still stop myself every now and then and wonder “what the hell am I writing?” In a “I’d be burned in the stake for imagining these things” sort of way haha! Either way, I’m having fun, and that’s what matters!
The Five Senses was born as a way for me to practice writing smut for my brand new Wolfstar x Reader series that's currently being posted on a weekly basis. If you have feedback, please leve it in the comment below. I absolutely love reading your comments <3
Taglist: @lillysanura @sofiacblair @noommoon69
Leve a comment telling me if you wanna be tagged on The Five Senses
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The Five Senses Masterlist
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hippiegoth97 · 4 months
Eddie Munson One-Shots Master List
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Collage by me :)
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Banner by @cafekitsune
Current Posts
Be Kind, Rewind (Female Reader)
Any Way You Want It (Female Reader)
Cum On Feel the Noize (Female Reader)
Dr. Feelgood (Female Reader)
Last Christmas (Female Reader) Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3
Girl On Film (Female Reader)
She-Bop (Female Reader)
Smalltown Boy (Male Reader)
Girls, Girls, Girls (Female Reader, M/F/F Threesome)
Relax (Male Reader)
Wild and Untamed Things (Steddie x Female Reader) Pt. 1 Pt.2 Pt.3
Love Bites (Female Reader)
Sweet Dreams are Made of This (Female Reader)
Heat of the Moment (Female Reader)
Master of Puppets (Female Reader)
You Couldn't Ignore Me If You Tried (Female Reader)
Roam Pt.1 Pt.2 (Female Reader)
Where Is My Mind? (Female Reader)
I Want to Know What Love Is (Female Reader)
Ballcrusher (Female Reader)
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Divider by @strangergraphics
Upcoming Posts
Thriller (Female Reader)
Time of The Season (Female Reader)
The Killing Moon (Female Reader)
Rainbow in the Dark (Male Reader)
Object of My Desire (Female Reader)
I Melt With You (Female Reader)
I Wanna Be Your Lover (Female Reader)
Beautiful Boy, Darling Boy (Trans FTM Reader)
Renegade (Female Reader)
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Future Request Prompts
These are some leftover ideas from my wattpad days, and ones I may write someday. Feel free to send a request in my inbox, and I'll do my best to finish it in a decent timeframe. I'll do any preferences you like, just follow my request rules that can be found here. I'll do any gender, pairing, etc., though obviously I have some preferences of my own in the descriptions. Also, please feel free to use these ideas for yourself, there's plenty to go around. If you do, don't forget to tag me so I can read your amazing work!
•Graduation Day/Party: You and Eddie graduate together in '86, and have some fun at a graduation party hosted at your house. (I envisioned cheerleader!reader for this, but it's up to you. And preferably the party would be at their house, and they're rich or something.)
•Sub!Reader/Dom!Eddie: Eddie tortures you with toys and edging, very kinky BDSM type stuff.
•Criminal!Reader: You're a runaway dropout who is honestly up to no good. Eddie encounters you when you start cutting in on his business, and you get into all sorts of illegal hijinks together.
•Punk!Dom!Steve Threesome: You and Eddie go to a rock show together, and you happen upon none other than former King Steve Harrington! He's dressed to the nines in punk attire, dyed/buzzed hair, piercings, tattoos, DIY clothes. You and Eddie are very taken with him, and bring him home for a good time (preferably this would be an MLM story, I haven't written queer content as much as I'd like.).
•Vamp!Eddie: Eddie nearly dies in the upside-down, but the bat bites turn him into a vampire. You hide him in your house, feed him, things get bitey, yada yada. (I know it's been done to death, but not by me. Well, not like this, anyway.)
•Truth or Dare: You and the grown teens of the Main Party have a gathering at your house. There's drinking, smoking, teasing games, the like. Everything is going great, until Eddie suggests you play 'truth or dare'. He knows you've been crushing on him for months, and he knows exactly what to do to get you to fess up.
•Canon (but also not) Steddie Threesome: You stay at Steve's with Eddie when you lose your home in the earthquake. You can overhear them having sex at night, which excites you. You try to ignore it, give them their privacy, until you hear the boys talking in bed about how much they want you, what they'd do to you. Eventually, the cat comes crashing out of the bag when you let it slip that you've been hearing them. This was all part of their elaborate plan, of course, much to your delight. (Again, preferably MLM on this one.)
•Wet Dreams: Eddie has a wet dream about you. Any dream you like.
•High School Reunion: It's 2006, the 20-year reunion for Hawkins High Class of '86. Eddie is a megastar, and you haven't even bothered to leave town. You hooked up once back in the day, and you always regretted letting him leave for LA to kickstart his career. Well, without you tagging along, at least. He shows up, much to your surprise, and you swear it's like he never even left.
•Hostile Uterus: You're in an all-girl rock band (named Hostile Uterus, if you couldn't tell), and Eddie sees you perform in a local festival-type event. He falls head over heels almost instantly when he watches you, needing to get to know you. You don't let him in so easily, and you're definitely not one to relinquish control. (Sub!Eddie and Bitchy!Dom!Reader preferred for this, but I'd take suggestions.)
•Oh, Eddie...You're So Fine: You work at a convenience store, which Eddie frequents on a regular basis. You often fantasize about him, your mind traveling to very nasty places while on the clock. One day, Eddie asks you out on a date, making all your wishes come true.
•Tattoos: You get a brand new/your first tattoo and are excited to show it to Eddie. He loves it, and goes crazy on you. (There's so many tattoo possibilities, so I'm leaving that open.)
•Brat!Reader and Dom!Eddie: Eddie is busy working on a new campaign, but you want his attention NOW. You start knocking things over, throwing a little bit of a fit, huffing and puffing. Eddie tries to ignore you, and the teasing you employ, and finish his work. He warns you many times to cut it out, but you don't listen. So, you earn yourself a very big punishment.
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne
@ohmeg @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
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he-goes-down · 9 months
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Very slow request finishing as school is starting up and tests are hectic
might take ages cus i procrastinate
English aint my first language
I go by what im feeling that day for writing requests sorry.
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There Was A Time - GNR
Something Stupid - GNR-shortstory
Estranged - GNR - fantasy -an idea
Shit posts:
Guns ‘n Poese - GNR - might be made in like 2 years time
Gnr mermaids - guide on how to do it - on hiatus for about maybe 2 years max
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Over 40 😥requests in the making (some not shown here cus im lazy)
Chosen by spin the wheel
Although I mostly do smuts as they’re easier to write
- male reader cus im one too
- threesomes, foresomes, whole ass country (jokes)
- harder things like bondage ect
- dont do ships just cus they aren’t my thing
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Axl Rose:
Human Nature
Speedin’ Back To My Baby
Please - in drafts
Big Man With A Gun - in drafts
Wichita Lineman - in drafts
Thriller - in drafts
My Kinda Lover - in drafts
Burning Heart - in drafts
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Love Lies
Cant Fight This Feeling - in drafts
Underwear -in drafts
Give me Love - in drafts
Gimmie More - in drafts
Highway Tune - in drafts
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Duff Mckagan:
Turbo Lover
Break On Through
Need you tonight - in drafts
Within you - in drafts
Sunspots - in drafts
Black Velvet - in drafts
Water - in drafts
Slither - in drafts
S&M - in drafts
Cum On Feel The Noize - in drafts
Crazy in Love - in drafts
For Crying Out Loud - in drafts
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Izzy Stradlin:
Too funky
Run to you - in drafts
Come On Now Inside - in drafts
Big Love - in drafts
Hot For Teacher - in drafts
Girls on film - in drafts
Hard to get away I’m sorry/ get away - makes me wanna die inside from sadness so might take time
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Steven Adler:
End Of The Night
Addicted To Love
Excitable - in drafts
Out Of Touch - in drafts
Bad Medicine - in drafts
(I Just) Died In Your Arms- in drafts
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Wild Child
Pretty Tied Up (wild child pt2) -in drafts
My Best Friend’s Girl - (Turbo Lover pt2) in drafts
Our Last Summer
Sweet Surrender - in drafts
In The Still Of The Night - stumped
Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah) - in drafts
V! - vampire W! - werewolf
Blood That Moves The Body -V!IzzyxrxW!Slash
Lullaby - V!Izzy
The Walk - V!Axl
-in drafts
Lovesong -V!Steven
-in drafts
Rock You Like A Hurricane - in drafts
Warren DeMartini - Dancing On Glass
Julian Casablancas - Relax - tryna get thru the gnr ones
Jon Bon Jovi x r x Tom Keifer - Shake Me - in drafts
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Round 1 Matchups!
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Side A
L Lawliet (Death Note) VS Muichirou Tokito (Demon Slayer)
Gohan (Dragon Ball Z) VS Kiibo/K1-B0 Idabashi (Danganronpa)
Haruka Sakurai (Milgram) VS Seishirou Nagi (Blue Lock)
Satoru Gojou (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Umetarou Nozaki (Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun) VS Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Gin Gagamaru (Blue Lock) VS Taisei Yoshida (Assassination Classroom)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Souichi Tanuma (Those Snow White Notes)
Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Tenma Matsukaze (Inazuma Eleven)
Shouto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS Sunny (Omori)
Broly (Dragon Ball Super) VS Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Yu Narukami/Souji Seta (Persona 4) VS Sechs (XBlaze)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa) VS Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Nate River/Near (Death Note) VS Kyouya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club)
Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles) VS Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto)
Lan Wangji (Mo Dao Zu Shi) VS Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
James (Pokémon) VS Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Yuusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5) VS Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure)
Hitoshi-san (Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls) VS Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Mikazuki Augus (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans) VS Wakatoshi Ushijima (Haikyuu!!)
Homare Arisugawa (A3!) VS Kamille Bidan (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam)
Subaru Mikazuki (My Roommate is a Cat) VS Atsushi Murasakibara (Kuroko no Basket)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) VS Natural Harmonia Gropius (Pokémon)
Haru (Tsuritama) VS Giorno Giovanna (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Laios Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Touma Akechi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece)
Lotte “Roy” Carmine (BlazBlue) VS Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)
Nahoya “Smiley” Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Senkuu Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
Ash Ketchum (Pokémon) VS Mafuyu Satou (Given)
Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) VS Shichirou Balam (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Shintarou Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) VS Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Toshinari Seki (Tonari no Seki-kun) VS Takashi Natsume (Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Side B
Haruka Nanase (Free!) VS Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Takeo Gouda (My Love Story!!) VS Karna (Fate)
Shintarou Midorima (Kuroko no Basket) VS Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) VS Junpei Tenmyouji (Zero Escape)
Sig (Puyo Puyo) VS Kanata Shinkai (Ensemble Stars)
Kyoujurou Rengoku (Demon Slayer) VS Yugi Mutou (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Legoshi (Beastars) VS Gaien "Enkidu" Enkidou (Under Night In-birth)
Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Hiroshi Odokawa (Odd Taxi)
Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) VS Haruhito Yano (Odd Taxi)
Yotasuke Takahashi (Blue Period) VS Manjirou "Mikey" Sano (Tokyo Revengers)
Kyouya Onodera (Talentless Nana) VS Misumi Ikaruga (A3!)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS Shu Itsuki (Ensemble Stars)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) VS Ren Mihashi (Big Windup!)
Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Kaito (Vocaloid)
Zero (Puyo Puyo) VS Masayoshi Hazama (Samurai Flamenco)
Genos (One Punch Man) VS Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Raincode) VS Sora Harukawa (Ensemble Stars)
Satori Tendou (Haikyuu!!) VS Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic X)
Houtarou Oreki (Hyouka) VS Kabane Kusaka (Kemono Jihen)
Ghiaccio (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Tenya Iida (My Hero Academia)
Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland) VS Tetsuya Kuroko (Kuroko no Basket)
Kensuke Aida (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Goku (Dragon Ball)
Shinichi Kudou/Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan) VS Toya Aoyagi (Project Sekai)
Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn to Die)
Jade Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
Xiao (Genshin Impact) VS Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
Souya "Angry" Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Sabro Sabnock (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney) VS Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter) VS Saitama (One Punch Man)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear) VS Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity)
Subaru Natsuki (Re: Zero) VS Yusei Fudo (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds)
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world0fmadness · 1 month
pelle “ dead ” ohlin x reader
♡ more general dating headcanons for pelle!
୨୧ i hope you like them! i’m really praying that i never majorly disappoint someone with the fulfilment of their request lol! i’ll almost always put a silent hill song for pelle because i just think those soundtracks fit him so well <3
♡ requested by @gnrgroupie | related hc available here and here | view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: iron fist by sodom - white noiz by akira yamaoka
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♡ pelle doesn’t shower or bathe often but when he does, he likes to do so with you!
୨୧ like most things with him, it isn’t always in a sexual manor, most of the time it’s just an intimate thing he likes to do with you
♡ he’ll stand behind you, obviously with his height and all, and study your naked body, dragging his eyes across all of your features
୨୧ he likes to memorise all of your freckles and moles, scars and flaws… he thinks they only make you more unique and beautiful, you’re one of a kind and you’re his
♡ speaking of body features, pelle doesn’t really cuddle but he will usually at least have an arm wrapped around your waist or back
୨୧ this often leads to him tracing your features, connecting your freckles and moles like connect the dots!
♡ he often does it whilst you’re already asleep, he doesn’t want you to catch him and thinking he’s creepy, you’re one of the few people who doesn’t find him creepy and he’d really prefer to keep it that way :(
୨୧ but you wake up one time when he’s doing it, softly calling his name and asking why he’s not asleep yet and he jumps out of his skin, pulling his hand back and scooting away from you a little
“ sorry… i’m sorry… ” ( this only wakes you up more because what the hell is he talking about? sorry for what? )
♡ when you turn around and look at him, concern covering your face, you realise what he was doing and quickly take his hands in yours, assuring him that it’s fine and you don’t have any problem with him doing it! why would you?
୨୧ he gives a curt nod before leaning his head down towards you, his usual sign of wanting to kiss but still being a little awkward about it and not really knowing how to go about it
♡ after placing a gentle kiss on his lips, you turn back around and pull his arm over you again, quickly falling back to into the fog of sleep as his fingers trace your skin and he breathes quietly into your ear
୨୧ pelle falls asleep this way too, his fingers eventually going still on your body as his eyes close, he very rarely sleeps on his own but usually manages to get some sleep when you’re by his side <3
♡ pelle is absolutely not a morning guy at all… he hates the morning! they’re too loud and the sky is too bright, it’s when he’s the most hungry and he hates that
୨୧ often times he just will not eat, no matter how hard you try and convince him to just eat a single piece of bacon or even some toast
♡ but on some rare occasions, you have got him to eat some fruit in the morning! usually strawberries
୨୧ he just shoves the whole strawberry into his mouth, little green leaves and all… you think it’s because he can’t stand to look at food for too long and just wants to get it over with, you don’t particularly like when euronymous laughs about it…
♡ you help pelle with altering his clothes quite a lot! you don’t exactly trust him too much around scissors and knives so you’ll gesture for him to give them to you and let you be the one to shred up his jeans
୨୧ he stares at you blankly for a couple seconds before handing them over, standing off to the side and watching you work before thanking you with a slightly shy kiss to your head
“ thank you… they look good… ‘m gonna go bury them now, can’t really hurt myself with a shovel so don’t worry ” ( your mouth gapes slightly at the joke before you start laughing and he looks back at you with that once in a blue moon, all teeth, big smile on his face before walking out the back door into the garden )
♡ one time when he needed to write another letter to you, wanting to tell you some things that he felt you couldn’t quite say aloud, he realised there was no paper in the house except for some really “ girly ” pink paper with little bows running down the sides…
୨୧ it was only in the house because euronymous’ mother had gave it to him and euronymous had been meaning to throw it in the trash but pelle settles for it, it’ll work until he gets some more plain paper
♡ but when he gives you the letter, he sees your face light up a little as you trace the little printed bows with your nails
୨୧ he’s always extremely observant of small things like this when it comes to you!
♡ he watches your face like a hawk at times, studying how your eyes change when you like something or your lips turning twitching when you’re upset! nothing gets by him without being noticed
୨୧ he takes all of the paper from the kitchen and puts it in the drawer of his desk, you liked it! he’ll write his letters to you on this paper from now on <3
♡ it’s such a small but meaningful thing and you don’t even know he did it…
୨୧ another thing you don’t know about is that he has a picture of you two taped under his desk
♡ his section of the picture is folded because he doesn’t enjoy seeing himself much but when nights get really bad and maybe you’re not there or you’re deep in sleep, he’ll pull the picture out from under the desk and just stare at it, getting lost in your eyes and your smile as moonlight shines through the window and cicada chirp in the grass outside…
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oncasette · 2 years
eddie on cassette
eddie munson x gn!reader
summary: five songs and how they relate to your relationship with eddie, drabble/head canon style
warnings: suggestive at points, these are shitty little drabbles. i promise i’ll have better fic later <;3
masterlist | taglist
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too much for my body, too much for my brain
this damn woman’s gonna drive me insane
eddie’s always got music playing when you’re over. he’s got it going when he’s alone, too, but it’s always going when you’re over.
this song, specifically, reminds him of you. and those nights that wayne’s out of the trailer and he can have you in any way he wants.
he scrunches his nose up as he sings along, dramatically pointing at you as he crosses the bedroom to kneel at the foot of the bed.
you know when he’s got this going on the player, it’s gonna be a long night.
and i can’t get enough of you, baby
can you get enough of me?
eddie’s got this going on the cassette player he keeps on his night stand.
you’d been over at his place for a couple hours, already having shuffled through your usual music picks when you see eddie shuffling around in his tape box and pulling out this kiss one.
“whatcha doin’?” you ask as he makes the most amount of commotion humanly possible to swap out the cassettes. it takes a few seconds, but you already know what’s coming when the opening riff bubbles out over the tiny speakers.
“tonight, i wanna give it all to you,” he sings. “in the darkness there’s so much i want to do.”
it forces a laugh out of you, how earnest he looks. he’s got that look in his eyes, that goofy one he always gives you when he’s about to get all sappy and heart-melty.
“‘cause girl i was made for you. and, girl, you were made for me.” the air guitar starts then, too. His fingers plucking at the non-existent strings, leaving him to stare longingly at the real one hanging above your head only once.
EVERYBODY WANTS YOU - billy squier
everybody leads you
needs you, bleeds you
this is one that eddie only listens to when he’s in your car. on the rare occasion he lets you drive him around, he’ll let you pick the music, despite how terribly “un-metal” your taste is.
he thinks it’s cute, though, watching you blast the speakers the way he usually did. watching you sing to him.
“you give it all away,” you drop your head back on the headrest as you drag the car to a stop before you dramatically turn your head to look at eddie, who's already got his eyes locked on your frame. “everybody wants you.”
my heart is black and my lips are cold
cities on flame with rock and roll
he’s not the biggest fan of blue öyster cult, but you’d gotten the album for him on sale at the drug store so he keeps the cassette out on the table beside his player. he plays it on late nights when you’re not able to come over, the nights when he’s been away from you for days and he just needs something to tie him over until he can see you again.
sometimes he’ll pull sweetheart down from the wall and try to play along to the riffs, just because he’s bored enough.
CUM ON FEEL THE NOIZE - quiet riot
come on feel the noise
girls, rock your boys
eddie’s got this blasting in the van when he’s picking you up. you’re not even going anywhere special, just back to his place to hang out for a while until curfew.
you can see him slamming his hands against the steering wheel as he mouths—or sings, probably, it’s hard to tell with how loud he’s got it—along to the speakers.
you have you bang on the window with a full fist for him to unlock it, spinning the volume back a couple dials so that you can hop in without popping a blood vessel.
“hey, baby,” he says. “you ready?”
humming, nodding, you smile back at him as he pulls out of your driveway.
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alias-sam · 10 months
Pierced by a Golden Soul JJBA x reader fic Masterlist
Finally decided to crosspost a fic on here, we'll see how it goes!
The full fic is already finished and posted to Wattpad
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
A Normal Day in a Normal Life
2. A Less than Normal Day in the Life of a Stand User
3. High School Never Ends
4. Know Your Enemy Part 1
5. Know Your Enemy Part 2
6. Close Call
7. Getting Patched Up
8. Familiar Figure
9. Punching Can't Solve Every Problem
10. Elecrifying
11. Fiesta Time...?
12. Picture This
13. Video Killed the Radio Star
14. J-Jesus?
15. Jigsaw
16. Blueberry Blast
17. Alfred Hitchcock Can Bite Me
18. Sleepless Nights and Suspicious Minds
19. Bug Boy
20. Cum On
21. Feel the Noize
22. Quiet Riot Part 1
23. Quiet Riot Part 2
24. The Crushing Weight of Guilt
25. Under the Radar
26. Late Night People
27. Unexpected Accomplice
28. Close Encounter
29. Welcome to the Jungle
30. An Enemy's Offer
31. Cutthroat Company
32. Wide Awake
33. Pompous Pricks and Portals
34. Eavesdropping
35. Enemy Encounter
36. Mother Knows Best
37. Dodgeball is a Cruel and Unusual Punishment
38. Spot
39. (Don't Fear) the Reaper Part 1
40. (Don't Fear) the Reaper Part 2
41. (Don't Fear) the Reaper Part 3
42. Sleepover
43. Little High, Little Low
44. Stand Users Assemble
45. Blueberry Blast Strikes Again
46. Coming Through, Coming Through, Coming Through Now
47. Sethan
48. Coral Pink
49. Foggy
50. Bubblegum Bitch Part 1
51. Bubblegum Bitch Part 2
52. Bubblegum Bitch Part 3
53. Bubblegum Bitch Part 4
54. SPW Snooping
55. Enemy Ally
56. Child of Divorce
57. Mannesh Vita
58. Loli ho~ Part 1
59. Loli ho~ Part 2
60. Loli ho~ Part 3
61. Brioche
62. By No Means an Artist
63. Early Morning Excursion
64. Bite the Bullet
65. Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
66. Whipping Post
67. Julius Rossi is a Protective Brother
68. The First Cut is the Deepest
69. Put Out the Lights
70. Mourning
71. All Apologies
72. The Noiz Returns
73. Punching Can Solve Certain Problems
74. House of Memories
75. The Last Place Anybody Would Look
76. We Didn't Start the Fire
77. Seeing Double
78. Oblivion
79. Who Lives Who Dies
80. Justice
81. A Normal Day in the Life of a Stand User
<- To Be Continued
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bella-goths-wife · 2 years
Daughter reader gets attacked
Lost boys x daughter reader
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After your fit of rage David had no idea how to punish you.
He refused to hit you because of how much it had already damaged your relationship. He couldn’t ground you because you were already confined to the cave and he couldn’t destroy your things because you no longer had anything of sentimental value.
The boys told him to just leave you alone, and that sparked an idea into his head. Total isolation, no friends and no longer would the boys interact with you. You would come crawling back to them just for some form of attention.
So that’s what lead you to be in your current position of being alone in the cave while the boys were out after being ignored by them all week.
You were loving it, well parts of it. You loved that you didn’t have to talk to David. You liked that you didn’t have to listen to Paul’s high babbling about how he “toughened you up by staying away” and you definitely liked that you didn’t have to deal with markos controlling attitude towards you lately. You however did not like that you couldn’t receive the usual love and comfort from Dwayne. You knew it was on you but you didn’t regret it, you relished when you had to watch David forget about his broken chair and have to find somewhere else to sit, it lighted up your day.
The lack of bothering did also help you relax as well. The boys would be out all night and didn’t expect you to stay up for them so now you could enjoy your night how you wanted to.
You had the boom box turned up all the way as you danced around the living room to ‘cum on feel the noize’. You felt yourself lose yourself in the music and you feet jumped up and down in excited dancing.
You didn’t care if the boys came back, you didn’t care if they threatened you, you didn’t care about the judgemental looks, you didn’t care as long as you could have a few more hours of fun.
You weren’t the only one enjoying the music apparently as the person who had been watching you for around ten minutes also tapped his foot.
You hadn’t noticed him yet as he hid in the shadows watching you enjoy your self as he pondered your occult and mentally decided what weapon would best suit you.
You looked to the table where you saw Paul’s half empty bottle of vodka and you mentally decided ‘fuck it’ and turned your back to pick it up and take a gulp from it
You heard the boom box stop as you were at the end of your CD so you quickly turned around to press play again with the bottle still in your hands. You turned and quickly notice the figure who had walked into the light.
He was tall, around 4 feet taller thank you. He had a muscular build with large arms but your focus quickly shifted form his arms to his hand which was caressing a shiny silver blade, pure silver you would guess.
“Hello little one” he chuckles out at your stopping of movement “what creature are you then?”
You didn’t know what to say, who was he? What did he want with you? Your just a kid.
“What do you want?” You asked while trying to mask the fear that wanted to creep out.
“I’m just doing a job kid” he stated as he moved closer “are you alone or do you have a pack?”
You moved yourself back as he moved closer
“Pack?” You questioned, you knew your fathers are vampires but clearly they didn’t explain in enough depth “I don’t know what you want but I don’t have any money”
The mysterious man chuckled at your statement as his eyes are drawn to a picture hanging behind you of four men posing with a small child in the arms of the platinum blonde as he held a proud look. He quickly figured out that there was more than one of you.
“Jesus now I see why those frog boys hired me” he chuckled out as he still crept closer to you “this is a full blown nest, they even brought a kid into this”
“W-what do you want from us?” You cursed yourself as you stalled for time and hoped this man would explain long enough for your fathers to get back.
“Just doing my job as a slayer kid” he says nonchalantly as if someone had just asked for the weather “so your their baby bat then?”
“Baby bat?” You questioned, not understanding a word this man was saying.
“God they turned you young, they must not be worried about teenage angst huh” he continues to corner you as you draw out the conversation
“You can leave now y’know” you stated in an attempt to come off confident “they won’t be happy to find you creeping on they’re ‘baby bat’ will they?” You used air quotations as you still didn’t fully understand the term but you hoped it would come off threatening enough.
“Believe me kid, I’m not creeping” he says as he finally backs you against the cave walls in an aggressive manner “and maybe killing their baby bat will send a message and weaken them a bit, it does tend to your kind pretty hard when a pack mate dies, especially young ones”
You gulped as he brought a different blade out to tap your cheek, this one looked old and wasn’t as shiny as the other. The dagger ran torturously across your cheek before he pressed down and broke skin as you blood trickled down like tear drops.
“Please don’t” you quietly begged as you began to lose hope for your fathers to show up “I’m sorry for whatever they did but i didn’t have anything to do with it. Please. Im just a kid”
Tear drops dripped down and stung you scratched face and you pleaded for mercy.
“Yes but how long have you been just a kid” the man stated as you tilted your head in confusion “you see-“
He was loudly interrupted by the sound of your fathers motorcycle engines revving and markos loud, obnoxious laugh entered the cave. You quickly took the opportunity
“DAD” you yelled out to them but the man clamped his hand down over your mouth. You but his finger hard and he let go with a groan “DAD PLEASE”
You didn’t know which dad you begged for but you just wanted someone to save you.
The boys heard your cries for help and went to comfort you but David put his hand up in a silent command to halt
“She’s just trying to get our attention, we’ve ignored her all week so she’s bound to get desperate” David reasoned with the panicked boys “ignore her”
“But David-“ marko tried but he was quickly cut off with a nasty glare from David.
While the boys ignored your cries you began to lose hope
“Seems like you daddy’s busy” the man taunted as he puts the blade to your neck “maybe you weren’t their pack mate, you were probably just a pet for them”
You screamed loudly as the tears now streamed down you face as the man began to put pressure on your neck with the blade.
“PLEASE DADDY” you cried out David’s old honorific title in desperation but no one came for you, you had to think fast.
You smash your bottle across the man’s face as he’s distracted by his cruel taunting. He fell back with a yell as the bottle exploded and only left the handle with sharp shards hanging on to it in your hand.
The man lunges at you aggressively but your quick to position the bottle in front of your chest in a defensive position which causes the man to stop and try and stab you but you quickly move away and accidentally slash the man’s neck.
The man drops his knife as he clutches his wounded neck and blood spouts out. You drop the bottle and step back with your hands covering your mouth in shock
The man quickly chokes on his blood and passes away as you back yourself into the corner in a longing attempt to escape the situation.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” you repeated as you dropped to your knees and curled up into a ball while rocking back and fourth
The boys rush to you when the smell of blood hit them and they stumbled over your traumatised self with the corpses empty eyes staring straight at them. You hands were covered in blood and a pool of blood separated you from your fathers
What had you done?
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Part two coming soon! :))
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key-to-the-shadow · 1 year
Spin the Bottle
Spin the Bottle ~ Oneshot (Eddie Vedder X Fem!Reader)
♫ tropes: brothers best friend
♫ warnings: use of Y/N and predetermined last name (poncier pronounced pawn-see-a), not proof read
♫ a/n: loosely based on the movie 'singles', 1992 eddie
Cum On Feel the Noize was playing from a record player in the far corner of the living room.
The boys and I chugged bottles of beer, each of us racing to be the first to finish the distasteful liquid. I never liked beer very much but I still felt like I needed to win.
It was a typical Saturday night. My brother, his band, a few other friends, and I all sat around drinking beer, eating pizza, and playing some sort of game. There was always some kind of fuss about what to play since Cliff never wanted to play anything fun like spin the bottle.
But Cliff wasn't here tonight. I was the first to suggest spin the bottle and the group quickly agreed.
I slammed my glass on the ground that we all sat in a circle on. "Fuck yeah," I cheered as I noticed I was the first one to finish. "I win." I got no response until other people began to set their bottles on the ground as well.
We'd made a deal that whoever drinks first is immune from spinning the bottle first. Whoever finishes last has to go first.
I surveyed who still had the beer. It was a race between Debbie Hunt, a neighbor of ours, and Eddie, my brother's best friend who also happened to be the drummer of their band. Citizen Dick.
Debbie let out a shrill laugh as she slammed her glass on the ground, her ginger hair bouncing with her movements.
"Eddie's off his game tonight," Stone, another member of the band, said with a mocking tone.
The brunette rolled his eyes as he set down the cheap glass of now-empty beer. He'd played it off as being off his game but in reality, I was sure he lost on purpose. At the beginning of every band practice, they all shotgunned beers to get into 'the right mindset' and Eddie always finished his first.
Eddie's ring-clad fingers gripped the glass bottle, preparing to spin it. The glass rattled against the dark wooden floor. As its momentum slowed down, my heart pounded in my ears.
Eddie was always attractive to me but I was positive the fact that my brother would kill me for even thinking that made him all the more alluring. Eddie and my brother had known each other since they were kids and even moved into apartments right next to each other. The thing was, I still lived with my brother. Being a musician in Seattle wasn't something that paid a whole lot.
There had been a few times I'd wondered if Eddie thought anything of me like that. One of my three jobs was working at a dive bar that featured live music. My brother and his band often played there so I helped them set up whenever I could.
"Y/N," Eddie had called from the wings of the stage before the bar had opened. I came in early to help them set up but by now, most of it was done. "Mind sound-checking the set?"
"Eds, you know I don't play drums," I reminded him that I only sang and kicked around on the guitar on occasion. "I don't know what it's supposed. to sound like."
A soft 'oh' came from backstage before I heard footsteps skip up to the stage. Eddie was wearing a loose white tank with a brown flannel and torn-up jeans. His hair was pulled into a messy bun at the nape of his neck.
The rest of the band had gone to grab some dinner at a nearby restaurant before the gig and left Eddie to hold down the fort, promising to bring him back a sandwich.
It was just the two of us.
"Here, I'll show you," He said as he approached the set. "Sit." He took the drumsticks and pointed to the black throne.
I sat down on the cushioned seat and took the light wooden sticks that he passed to me.
He told me to hit the snare drum a couple times and he fiddled with the key until he was satisfied. Then moved to the kick and floor tom until he told me to play a fill along all the drums.
I looked behind me, ready to repeat that I don't know how to play the drums before he interrupted me.
"Like this." He remarked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. His hands found mine. "Loosen up, Poncier," He joked, using my last name as he often did when he made fun of me. My face heated at the words and I did my best to relax as he guided my hands across the toms. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. If I were to turn my head to the left the slightest bit, our lips would've been inches from each other. It took all I could not to move to the left.
It was horribly off-beat but he just needed the sound for turning reasons.
We weren't doing anything wrong. But it was tense enough to the point that if I knew if Cliff walked through the doors at this moment, we would have to persuade him to believe that we weren't doing anything like that.
His hands stayed on mine for longer than they should have but not long enough to the point either of us mentioned it. He let his arms drop away from me and I felt cold without his chest pressed against my back.
He cleared his throat. "Let me know if you ever want a drum lesson."
I never took him up on the drum lesson even though I wanted to. I wanted that feeling of his closeness again but I was scared of Cliff and what he would do.
My thoughts were cleared away as the glass bottle began to slow down. My heart pounded as it got slower and slower and inched closer and closer to me.
When it came to a halt, my breath seemed to vanish. The bottle was staring at me and so was Eddie. He was sitting directly across from me in the circle.
All of the guys started laughing and nudging Eddie while the girls sat with amused smirks on their faces.
I didn't know what to do. Do I move? Does he? Eventually, Eddie stands up and walks over to me. The only thing running through my mind was that Eddie Vedder was about to kiss me and there was no doubt in my mind that Cliff's situationship, Janet, would tell him. She knew how protective Cliff was of me and she also knew that he wouldn't find it funny that I kissed Eddie even if it was for a game.
I felt her eyes dig into the side of my head but I refused to look at her. I kept my jaw clenched and braced myself when Eddie got down on the floor in front of me. I'd rejected moving so he had to come to where I was.
"You nervous?" Eddie asked with a snarky tone, barely above a whisper. It was the kind of voice he used when he was joking with me but now it felt as if he was edging me on.
"No," I lied.
A smirk graced his lips as he brought a hand to my hair, grazing my neck with his fingers. I didn't know what to do with my hands so I placed them on his chest as he leaned forward. I clung to the graphic tee he was wearing as our lips collided.
His lips were rough but the feeling of them on mine was euphoric. He pulled away shortly after, not wanting to make a scene. The hesitation before he broke the contact made my thoughts whirl with what if's.
Why did he hesitate?
If this was just a kiss for a game, why would he hesitate?
Cheers erupted around us as the boys immaturely hollered. Eddie's hand fell away from its grip on my hair and I let go of his shirt, letting him return back to his place at the circle.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Tell Me About It | Steve Murphy x m!reader (🍋)
Anonymous asked: Steve Murphy x male!reader
Where they’re staking out a lead and get a bit distracted by each other
I just really really wanna give that man head hggnnhhn
summary: stakeouts aren't the best thing in the world, and they're not exactly the most exciting, but when you've got Steve with you... certain things come out that distract from the job.
tws: blowjobs, swearing, smoking
Stakeouts were boring as fuck, if you were honest, and you could have lived without them and you would have been happier if you had were put on even the most draining and stupid tasks like organising files, but at least you had Steve with you; with your partner on leave and Steve doing overtime, the bosses had decided that he should be the one to go with you, as you had always worked well with him and Peña. Steve got the snacks, you took care of drinks and cigarettes. Steve got the equipment, you handled getting blankets and a pillow so that you could at least be comfortable when you took turns sleeping.
But as you sat there in the car, your feet kicked up on the dashboard and your head tilted back slightly as you smoked a cigarette, Steve's leather jacket over your lap after you had complained about being cold, you listened closely to the radio that played softly.
Well you think we have a lazy time, you should know better, I don't know why, I don't know why, so you say I got a dirty mind, I'm a mean go getter, I don't know why, I don't know why, anymore, oh no, cum on feel the noize - girls rock your boys, we'll get wild, wild, wild, wild, wild, wild, cum on feel the noize, girls rock your boys, we'll get wild, wild, wild, baby!
You stole a look at Steve, then, admiring how he looked bathed in the dull light of the street lamps just slightly ahead of the car; he was fucking beautiful, you always knew that. He was gorgeous. Blue eyes and blonde hair, a nice ass. A really nice ass. But you felt bad for being attracted to him, not because he was your co-worker, but he had gone through a divorce recently; his ex-wife, Connie, she was a close friend of yours and although she was still really close to Steve as a friend, you still felt bad about being attracted to him. They were friends, they were happy and content to be just friends and they loved one another. But you felt awful.
"You got somethin' on your mind, stud?"
You shrugged, swallowing thickly as you furrowed your brows and licked your lips. "I just... I feel really fucking guilty about something that I shouldn't really feel guilty about."
Steve looked at you, furrowing his brows as he pouted his lips and ran his thumb along his moustache. "Tell me about it."
"There's a guy," you started, "a really fucking great guy and he's fucking perfect but... I'm friends with his ex, and I feel like it's somehow fucking bad that I'm attracted to him."
He smiled, a little bit of amusement in his voice as he dared to say, "well, I'm pretty sure that this guy's ex probably told him a thousand times to ask you out, but every time he thought you'd reject him."
"Nah," you scoffed. "A guy like him? Think I'd reject him?"
"He probably thought you had your eyes on Carrillo or Peña," Steve pointed out with a soft laugh. But then he shifted so that his arm was across the back of your seat, clearing his throat. "(y/n)... me and Connie are friends, and I love her. She, uh, she kinda told me if I didn't ask you out at some point, she'd do it for me."
"She did?" You couldn't help but to laugh when he nodded. "I love her."
"She's on a date tonight," he told you. "Some guy down at her work. Nice guy, a pretty boy."
"Good," you hummed, chucking the finished cigarette out of the window and closing your eyes for a moment. "She deserves some good dick."
"She deserves someone that'll treat her right," Steve agreed with a nod. "Shame, though, I mean... I kinda wish it was me that was on a date."
You looked at him from the corner of your eye, a smile tugging at your lips. "We're alone. We have food. Music. Drinks... who says this isn't a date? I, I mean, y'know, if you want it to be."
"I kinda want it to be," he agreed quietly, nodding slowly for a second. "Do you?"
"Yeah," you replied just as quietly, "yeah, I do, actuallly."
Steve smiled a little to himself, clearing his throat as he dared to steal a glance at you; fuck, you were so goddamn handsome and you were so fucking brilliant. He really, really liked you. "Y'wanna know something?"
"Every time we do somethin' like this," he started, "every time we're out alone together... I always did think what it'd be like to have that mouth of yours wrapped around my cock."
You licked your lips, biting down on the inside of your bottom lip for a moment as you dared to swallow thickly, your breath hitching in your throat for a second even though you hoped that it would not. "You did?"
"Yeah," Steve breathed out, his hand going to his groin, drawing your attention to him. "I was kinda thinkin' about it earlier."
Shit. He was so fucking hot, and although you had the urge to run to the nearest telephone box and call Connie to tell her every detail, you couldn't take your eyes off of him. "Really?"
"I couldn't help it," he admitted, his throat so thick and clogged that his voice went lower and quieter than usual, breathless almost. "Lookin' at you... how fuckin' handsome you are."
"I mean..." you took a deep breath as you bucked your hips slightly. "I could always, y'know, help you out... make that dream come true in a kinda way."
"You'd do that?" He asked, furrowing his brows. "On the first date?"
"Well, yeah," you shrugged. "I got a lot of lost time to make up for, don't you think?"
Steve growled softly when you unbuckled his belt and slid down his jeans and boxers enough to let his cock spring free, already half hard by the time you started stroking his cock; his head falling back and your name falling from his lips when you licked the precum off of his skin, making him shiver as his hand went to the back of your neck, fingertips digging into your skin... and fuck, when you took him in your mouth, it was like fucking heaven.
Goddamn, your mouth felt so fucking divine; like every single nerve of his was set on fire and burning such a fucking beautiful bright blue. Every fucking cell in his body was aflame. Fuck, your mouth must have been sent from the heavens.
Your mouth was so welcoming, and when you took him all in and he felt every fucking inch of that divine mouth, he couldn't stop the soft groan that escaped him, fingers digging into the back of your neck as he bucked his hips against your mouth, his other hand gripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were white.
Your name left his mouth like a prayer, like he was begging for you to forgive all of his sins, to hear every single one of them and tell him that he was forgiven, calling your name in hopes that he would be cleansed of them all; the way you worked his cock with your mouth, like you had done it a thousand times and had religiously practiced, it felt so holy. So divine. So heavenly. Every sin was cleansed and forgiven, and while he may never be a saint, he certainly felt like one with your mouth around his cock.
When your nose grazed against his pubic hair, he moaned so loudly that he thought everyone in the world could see it, but he didn't care; he had found heaven on earth and it was the feeling of another man's mouth on his cock. It was the feeling of you putting one hand on his thigh and letting the other rest at the edge of his seat; heaven was to be in that car with you, to have your mouth on his cock and feel you work it like there was no tomorrow. Shit, Steve wouldn't last long like this.
"Fuck, stud," Steve growled. "You keep doin' this, and I'm gonna cum..."
His words only seemed to spur you on, and when you doubled down on what you were doing, Steve couldn't help but to clench his jaw as he tried to stop himself from moaning your name at the top of his lungs; he was getting sloppy and erratic, and before he could stop himself, he was cumming in your mouth.
He thought you would lean over and spit it out, but when you swallowed and you pulled yourself away, smiling at him, his eyes went wide and his chest heaved and he couldn't stop himself from yanking you into a harsh kiss. The taste of himself on your tongue, the way you fucking grinned as you kissed him back as harshly as you could. Shit. This really was heaven, wasn't it?
"You are something special," he breathed out with a half-grin. "Aren't you?"
You shrugged, licking your lips. "So are you... and, y'know, now that uh... now that we're dating... we could do this whenever you want."
"It's not just that," Steve grumbled. "I... I feel for you, (y/n), I really do."
"I know," you nodded. "I feel for you, too, Steve... but, uh, y'know, we can take this as slow or as fast as you want. Just... as long as you know I'm yours and I know you're mine."
"You are mine," he gripped the back of your neck again. "And I'm yours. All yours."
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imaginingfantasies · 5 years
A DMMD BLOG OMG AAAA TT^TT Can I request a headcanon for aoba, the main 5, mizuki and sei when they feel jealous because their partner is talking to someone who is clearly hitting on them but their partner is oblivious to the advances TT^TT I hope that made sense >w
hehehehe omg donchu worry I gotchuu~
Seragaki Aoba
He’s pretty level headed so he’d size up what they’re really doing to his s/o
best case scenario is that he excuses himself and his s/o, worst case he isn’t hesitating to throw hands
Boi is such a natural flirt but is also the easiest to get jealous
He’d also size up the person if they’re really flirting with his s/o and if they really are, he’d be looming over them and intimidating them until they run away
2nd most jealous bio 
he won’t even size them up, if he detect even a bit of flirting, he’d grab his s/o and drag them away
Depending on his mood and what they do to his s/o, he’d hack into their information and accounts and mess with them
He won’t really do anything because he doesn’t want his s/o to hate him, but he’d be bottling up his jealousy for a while after
But if he sees that his s/o is getting uncomfortable, he won’t hesitate to scare them away from his s/o
He’d cry and pout but only if his s/o has control of the situation
But when he feels that his s/o is feeling uncomfortable he’d actually beat them up so bad his s/o had to calm him down
Kinda like Mink, he won’t do anything and bottle it up inside him until his s/o forces it out of him
He’d grab their hand and run when he feels that they’re being forceful to his s/o tho
(Years of putting up with Clara made his flight or flight sense real strong)
Boi would immediately make his presence known as Mizuki, the leader of Dry Juice, since it usually works on making them back off
If they don’t he won’t hesitate on challenging them to a fight
Seragaki Sei
He doesn’t exactly know what jealousy is so he just stands there and feel bad
His s/o will have to act and comfort him after because he’s gonna feel so bad it would be enough to make him cry, 
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hippiegoth97 · 5 months
Cum On Feel the Noize: Eddie Munson x Reader
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Collage by Me :)
Master List
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne
@ohmeg @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
Description: Robin brings you to see Eddie's band play. His performance blows you away, in more ways than one. After the show, you and Eddie have some fun on your own...
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: smut, swearing, female reader, fingering, praise/degradation, alcohol use, smoking, public sex, unprotected sex
Word Count: 4.6k
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Divider by @strangergraphics
Cum On Feel the Noize
"So, what do you think? You wanna go to this tonight?" Robin says as she shoves a bright orange flier in your face. You take it from her grasp, looking it over. It reads: Corroded Coffin at the Hideout. 8pm 2nite. $5 cover. Be there, or fuck off! It also has some crudely drawn bats, skulls, and devils all around the border. A metal band. Great.
"You're sure this is how we should spend a perfectly good Saturday night? What happened to rewatching Sixteen Candles and stuffing our lonely faces?" You ask her. It's been your long-standing tradition every weekend to stick together in your singleness and lust over John Hughes characters.
"Yes! I think we need some variety in our friendship activities! Plus, the lead singer/guitarist is super cute. At least, for you he is. I'm still working on Vicki." She rubs her neck shyly at the last part. You take a moment to contemplate this idea. But all you come up with is more questions.
"Do you know him? Do I know him? And how cute are we talking?" You can't help but be a bit intrigued with whoever this mystery metalhead is that Robin wants to set you up with.
"His name is Eddie. He's really cool, I met him a while back and he's friends with a lot of my friends. And he's got long hair, tattoos, and he wears this nice, um, jean jacket." Your eyes go wide as Robin describes the man. You think you know exactly who she's talking about.
"You are NOT talking about Eddie Munson, are you? That creep, really? The one that always made a scene in the cafeteria? The DRUG DEALER? You think that's my type?" You toss the flier to the side, and cross your arms in defiance. You are sure there's nothing she can say to convince you to go to that stupid show to see that stupid band with that stupid man in it.
"Yes, I mean that Eddie. But he's not what you think! He's nice, and kind, and he's been a good friend to all of us. I can introduce you, and I swear you'll hit it off! It's guaranteed to happen! And besides, I've already told him we'd go and that he can talk to you and-" Robin explains herself, her words coming out in a manic fashion. You cut her off, you know she wouldn't babble on this way if she didn't fully believe in what she was saying.
"FINE! I'll go, dammit! Just shut up already! And there are NO promises that I won't smack him if he steps out of line!" You shout, crossing your arms stubbornly.
“Okay.” She nods in quiet agreement. 
"So, what the fuck does one wear to one of these things?" You ask as you go over to your closet. You and Robin spend the next couple hours perfecting your look. Teased hair, red lips, smudged eyeliner, check. Fishnets, a torn t-shirt, and a just-a-bit-too-short denim skirt, check. You debate on wearing heels as well, but decide on Converse as you'll be standing for a considerable amount of time. You want to potentially draw Eddie's attention, but you aren't going to wreck your feet for him. He has to prove himself worthy first.
Robin drives you both to the Hideout, a seedy little music venue on the edge of Hawkins. Old brick, holes in the roof, and a secondhand sound system, all pasted together by posters of rock shows past. Charming, you think to yourself as Robin puts the car in park. You both exit the vehicle, hearing the band has already begun their set. Robin curses you both being late. Oh well, this way Eddie can take notice of your arrival. You walk inside, giving the bulging man at the door the $5 cover. You make your way past some drunks clad in leather. You go to buy a couple beers at the bar, thankfully it's served in the bottle. You shudder to think what drinking from the glasses in this place might do to you. You pay, grab the bottles, and meet Robin at the back of the crowd. You hand her a one, which she quickly takes a swig of.
You both squish your way through sweating bodies and hairspray fumes, until you're smack dab in front of the stage. It's here that you see him in all his glory. And he's so much cuter than you remembered. The hair, the tats, the tight jeans and t-shirt. It worked so well on him back then, as much as you hate to admit it. And it sure as fuck works really well for him now. Robin was right, this was a good idea. He has yet to take notice of you, though.
Eddie's POV
You’ve taken small moments during the beginning of the set to search the crowd for Robin, and for Y/N. You’re a bit worried they won’t show up at all, as your band has played all your original songs already. You transition into the first of four covers you’d rehearsed for this evening, still waiting to see the girls. You figured Y/N would say no, telling Robin you were just the school freak. You’re nothing special to her. Oh well, you can just find some random chick to fuck later if you’re so inclined.
You almost set your sights on one when you see Robin push through the crowd and wave at you. You nod back as you continue to sing, at least she showed up for you. But then you see Y/N, breaching the sea of bodies behind her. Your breath stops for a moment, but you keep playing, not missing a single note. He has to keep his cool, but damn you've really dressed for the occasion. You look her up and down, smirking as her gaze meets yours. You drink in the sight of her, and that sexy outfit. That short skirt, the fishnets underneath, her bra strap peeking out from the top of her shirt. You want nothing more than to jump off the stage and run to her. You want to pull her close, and mess up all that pretty makeup of hers. Hell, you want to mess her up in general. And given how out of character she looks tonight, you know she'll be yours in an instant.
Did he just check me out? You think to yourself. Of course he did, how could he not? You've dolled yourself all slutty for him, with the kind help of Robin. You just stare in his eyes, transfixed by him. He plays really well, but you wished you'd been here for the beginning of the show. He just keeps looking at you while he expertly plays on his guitar. His voice sounds sexy as hell, and he's singing the final song of the night to you now. It's like everyone else in the room disappears and it's just you and him all alone. You feel your cheeks heat up as Eddie's singing about sex while gazing into your eyes, winking at you. The words are so filthy, it’s having a very strong effect on you.
You suddenly feel so turned on, wanting to jump onto the stage and throw yourself at him. He seems to sense your arousal and proceeds to shred on a massive guitar solo. Every note he hits sends a shock to your core, you feel like he's put a spell on you. He's nearing the end of the song, going as hard as he can, and all you can do is watch him with wide eyes. You're almost panting, feeling the anticipation of the final note of the song building up. You have no idea how he's made you feel like this, it must be all in your head. Maybe you're just feeling the vibrations from the speakers, right? There's no way he can make you come undone by playing a song, that would be ridiculous. Or would it?
You squeeze your thighs together, unbearably close to losing control in front of everyone. He looks at you again, his smile so devilishly handsome. When he hits that final note, your knees buckle as you're rocked by an unexpected orgasm. You almost fall to the floor when Robin catches you.
Eddie’s POV
Holy shit, did I just make her cum? You think to yourself as Y/N falls to her knees once you hit the final note of your last song of the evening. Her eyes meet yours, wide and dilated with lust, Her mouth sits open as she rides out the orgasm you’ve given her. Your cock twitches inside your jeans, this has to be one of the hottest things you’ve ever seen. It’s taking every ounce of your willpower to not get an erection while you’re up here on the stage. “Thank you, everyone! We have been Corroded Coffin, have a good night!” You shout out to the crowd, before bringing your guitar strap over your head and setting the instrument down. You jog off the stage, letting the guys know you’ll be a minute. You make a beeline for the bathroom, pushing the paint-chipped door open. You go over to the sink, running some cold water to splash on your face. You’re soaked in sweat from performing, and extremely hot under the collar from what you just did to Y/N. You didn’t mean to, obviously, as attractive as it was. But you suppose there’s a first for everything. “Jesus christ, this night is gonna be interesting.” You say to your own reflection, smirking at the thought of actually speaking to her, picking her brain about how good it was…Slow down, you’re getting hard again. You exhale deeply, puffing your cheeks. You give your face a couple good smacks, and head for the door. You imagine your friends are waiting for you in the green room. But first, some celebratory beers.
"Are you okay?" Robin asks, seemingly unaware of what just happened to you. "Was it too loud? I know it can be pretty intense." She's worried, she really has no idea.
"Yeah, I'm fine. More than fine. Just drank my beer too quickly." You lie, embarrassed about having an orgasm from goddamn metal music. You take a moment for it to pass, regaining composure. You look up to see Eddie again, but he’s already left the stage. You wonder where he went, hoping your little experience hasn’t scared him off. Even more so, you kind of hope he’s flattered.
"Okay well, we can go to the back and sit with the band if you want. And you can finally talk to Eddie!" She wags her eyebrows at you suggestively. You laugh lightly, temporarily forgetting about what Eddie made you do. Robin holds your hand as you both walk to the makeshift green room. You see most of the band putting their instruments into carrying cases. But their frontman has yet to make an appearance. "Hey guys! This is my friend, Y/N. It's actually her first metal show, so please play nice!" She says as you both make your way to a tattered leather couch in the middle of the room. You take a seat, sinking into the cushions.
"No promises, Robin. You know I like it a little rough." Eddie quips from the doorway. His hands are full of beer bottles, one for everybody. He introduces everyone briefly as he passes the beers around. He winks at you again as he hands you yours. "So, this is the famous Y/N I've been hearing about." He bows to you playfully, reaching out his hand. You place your hand into his, and he kisses it, causing your skin to burn with lust. You gasp slightly, and he looks into your eyes, and winks again. He lets your hand go, and slumps right beside you onto the couch. "So, how was it, princess?" He asks as you're taking a swig of your beer. His phrasing makes you choke on it. He chuckles lowly and puts his hand on your back, patting gently to help you. "Oh come now, I'm sure it isn't your first time." Your gaze snaps to him, eyes wide. He knows exactly what he did. "You have had a beer before, right?" He smirks, clarifying himself. But you know damn well that he meant something else.
"Obviously. It just went down the wrong pipe is all." You brush off his innuendo. You have half a mind to move his hand off your back, but it feels nice. Gentle, warm, but suggestive. "But to answer your first question, I actually really enjoyed it. It's not my typical taste, but you guys were great up there, really." You say, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
"Well it certainly means a lot, getting such a glowing review from you, Y/N. Who knew that Little Miss Priss from homeroom would turn out so fun, huh?" He teases, moving his hand from your back to your shoulder, shaking it playfully. The others snicker a bit at that. Robin stifles a giggle.
"Hey! I was not a priss! I was just...focused." You reply, playing up your annoyance. He isn't wrong, but does he need to be so smug about it?
"You were so!" He retorts. "A sexy priss, but a priss nonetheless. It's nice to see you've grown a bit since then." He leans in to whisper in your ear. "And it's nice to see you focused on something other than studying for once." He leans back to his original position, still smirking as he does. Your cheeks flare up again, your whole body has slowly been simmering with all his touches and teasing remarks. It seems the others in the room are sensing the heat as well.
"Jesus, Eddie. Take it outside."  Gareth pipes up. "We have actual work to do before Ol' Vick locks up the place. We'll meet you at the van." The others nod in agreement.
Robin stands, offering to help. "I'll meet you at the car, Y/N. Don't do anything I wouldn't do! On second thought, that doesn't eliminate much!" She jokes. You stand to give her a hug. You mouth 'thank you' to her as Eddie leads you by the hand to the back exit. Most of the crowd has headed off for the night. Eddie acknowledges the bartender, before pushing the heavy door open, moving to hold it for you. It shuts with a slam, and you're both standing under the lone street lamp in the alley. It's cooler outside, but you still feel like you're boiling. It's so quiet, save for a few drunks blasting their car radio in the parking lot. You don't know what to say now. And Eddie seems stumped as well.
"So, uh..." You decide to break the silence. "Are we gonna talk about what happened earlier?" You say quietly. Eddie's silence leaves you unsure that he heard you at all. He takes his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, putting one in his mouth. He motions the box at you, offering you one. You nod, taking it from the box, and placing it between your lips. He reaches forward and lights it for you, and lights his own after. You take in a puff, exhaling shakily. You don't smoke often, but enough to not cough and look dumb in front of Eddie.
"Jeez, she drinks, she smokes, she dresses like the girl from my wet dreams. What don't you do?" He laughs, almost in disbelief. It seems clear he wants you to say what happened.
His last remark emboldened you. "Well, I don't usually have an orgasm from live music in front of everybody. But there's a first time for everything, I guess." You take another drag, your head falling to look at your feet. 
"I don't see why you're embarrassed. It's actually pretty hot." He says, you look up to see him much closer to you now. He reaches a hand up to brush your hair behind your ear. You blush again. "To think I have that kind of effect on you when I haven't even touched you yet. Christ, I had to try my damndest not to go rock hard on stage." Your eyes meet, and you see a mutual fire of lust. He slowly brings his lips to yours. You kiss him back, softly. Your lips move in sync for a moment, every move feels so good but also like not enough. The kiss becomes rougher, you've both dropped your cigarettes and tangled your hands into each other's hair. You turn him around and push him against the brick wall. He groans slightly at this, letting your tongue go into his mouth. He breaks the kiss, and you see your lipstick smudged all over his face. You giggle at the sight. "What so funny, Y/N?" He cocks an eyebrow.
"Nothing. Just my lipstick is all over you now."
"It's all part of my plan, sweetheart." He smiles.
"And what plan is that?" You ask tentatively.
"To absolutely wreck you before the night is over." He pulls you back to him, smashing his lips on yours. His hands move down your back to your ass. He squeezes it roughly, making you moan. "I'm really glad you wore a skirt by the way. It'll make things much easier." He says breathily. "Not to mention, it looks very sexy on you." He flips you around so you're against the wall now. He starts kissing your neck, his lips and tongue and teeth working the skin perfectly to form plenty of hickeys. You moan his name many times while he does this, tugging slightly on his hair as he nips at your throat. He groans, letting you know he likes that. He massages your breasts over your shirt, kissing what he can of your chest. You reach down and start palming him through his jeans. He moans into your chest, and lifts his face to meet your eyes again. "You’re so needy for me, sweetheart. You want me to make you cum again?" His ringed hand slips under your skirt, squeezing your thigh. You want him to go higher, to touch you where you need him most. But he stays put. "You gotta tell me what you want, darling."
"Touch me, Eddie. Finger me. Fuck me. Wreck me." You almost whine, begging him to do something, anything.
"You got it, princess." His hand goes between your legs, rubbing your clothed heat. He can feel your arousal through the fabric, and he kisses you while smirking. "You're so wet for me, you little slut." You moan at his words. "You like when I call you that?" You simply nod, and he chuckles. "Damn, you really aren't a priss after all." He uses both hands now to pull your fishnet tights and panties down to your ankles. He starts rubbing your slick folds with two fingers, slowly making circles around your clit.
"Oh, fuck. Eddie, more. Please." You beg. Every touch he makes feels like hellfire. He obeys your wish, slipping a finger in, curling it just so to stroke your g spot with ease. Another moan escapes you, your head pressing back against the brick wall. He attacks your neck again, hoping to draw more noises and dirty confessions from your lips. You feel a knot building in your belly, Eddie's touches tightening it more and more. "Add another one, please." You plead, and he obliges. You're palming his length again, hoping to gain some reaction from him. But he's too focused on you. Your moans and curses fuel his fire. He keeps thrusting his fingers in and out of your pussy, his thumb begins rubbing circles on your clit. You almost scream at the combined sensations. "Eddie, oh fuck!" You feel the knot getting ready to snap, so close to the edge. Eddie stops and pulls his fingers from you. You glare at him, annoyed that he would deny you like this.
"Calm down, and open." He brings the hand from under your skirt to your lips. You open your mouth and he puts one of his fingers in. You suck it clean, moaning at the taste of yourself. He takes the other one in his own mouth, groaning at how sweet it is. "Fuck, you taste so good." He kisses you again, the taste of cigarettes and your cunt mixing together deliciously. You start fiddling with his belt, struggling to undo it on your own. He gently moves your hands and quickly gets it loose. He lets your hands return to position, you pull down the zipper, and slip your hand inside to grip his length over his boxers. He moans into your mouth, and you go under the boxers to truly feel him. You grasp him, pumping him inside his pants. He gasps slightly, breaking the kiss. "Jesus, Y/N. You're so hungry for my cock, aren't you?" He's breathing hard as you move your hand up and down, his forehead pressed against yours. You're both lightly slicked in sweat. You stop stroking him, giving him a chance to slightly lower his pants and boxers. His cock springs free, the head red and swollen. He's just as needy for you as you are for him.
You bend down slightly to pull one foot out of your shoe, pulling your panties and fishnets down. They dangle from your other foot, and you put your shoe back on. You pull Eddie by his jacket, crushing his lips with yours. He grips your waist roughly, his rings digging into your side. He lifts your skirt so the denim is bunched at your waist. He lifts you up slightly to wrap your legs around him, and you lace your arms around his neck to hold on. He strokes his cock through your folds slowly, mixing the wetness around. You both moan at this, but you want more. He needs to stop teasing you already. "Eddie, please. I'm ready for you, just fuck me. I need you." You whine. He grips your thighs firmly, and presses himself into you. Groans fall from both your lips as he slowly pushes his length in. He gives you a moment to adjust to his size, and peppers some gentle kisses on your neck. "You can move now, Eddie." You state simply. He starts to pump himself in and out of you slowly, savoring the feeling of your velvet walls around him. "Go faster. Please?" You look into his eyes, on the verge of tears from how good it all feels. But you want him to wreck you, and fast.
"Of course, Y/N. I'm at your mercy." He snaps his hips once, slamming himself into your g spot. You moan loudly. He repeats the action, loving the noises he can draw from you. "Fuck, those noises you make could make me cum all on their own. You look so pretty like this. A total mess, and all for me." Eddie picks up the pace, pounding into you over and over, slamming you against the brick. Your moans fill the air, but you don't care if anyone hears you. You want everyone to know who you belong to. And you belong to Eddie, at least in this moment.
"All yours." You moan out, tears pricking your eyes. It's all so much, his lips, his cock, his words. The knot is fully tightened at this point, waiting to snap. "I'm so close, Eddie. Please don't stop." Tears are running down your cheeks from pleasure, ruining your makeup. He stops assaulting your neck to look at you.
"Me too, darling. You feel so fucking fantastic. Cum with me." He moans, lowering a hand to rub your clit again. You feel yourself lose control, making you scream his name. Your pussy clamps down on him, setting off his orgasm. Your legs shake in his grip as he lets the thick white ropes fill you up. His thrusts slowly come to a stop as you ride out your highs. He just holds you for a moment, still inside you. You both look into each other's eyes. "Fuck, princess. I really did a number on you." He chuckles, wiping a tear from your cheek. He gently pulls out of you, your collective cum dripping out onto the pavement. You both moan slightly at the sight. He puts your legs down, but they feel like jelly so you almost fall. "Whoa, I got you." He catches you, helping you steady yourself. He puts his cock away, and closes his pants, refastening the belt. He helps you bring your tights and panties back up, smoothing your skirt down over them. He steps back, looking you over. He's unsure of what to say now. "Well, I had a nice time. I guess Robin's probably waiting for you." He says casually, hands clasped behind his back.
"So that's it then? You're just gonna fuck me and dismiss me?" You feel used now, dirty.
"No, that's not what I'm trying to do." He sighs, pulling his hands down his face in slight frustration. "I just figured, you know. You just wanted to play badass for a night. You'd have the best sex of your life and then go back to normal." Is that really what he thinks of you? You just wanted to use him for a little fun and then leave him in the dust? He couldn't be more wrong.
"I don't know what the fuck gave you that idea! Did I say that, or did you just assume?" You're genuinely pissed now. You stare at him, eyes blazing with anger. You cross your arms. "You know, for a minute there, I actually liked you. And then you go and say that?” You scoff. “You're an asshole, Eddie." You turn to walk away from him, eyes burning with fresh, angry tears. You just want to find Robin and go home. He grabs your arm to stop you, turning you to face him.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just thought you wouldn't actually want to spend a lot of your spare time with a guy like me. You have a lot more going for you than I do. You're smart, and capable, you have the world at your feet. And I'm just an asshole who plays in a shitty rock band." He says, pleading at you with his eyes to understand. " Look, I shouldn't have assumed anything, that was wrong of me. That's just how this kind of thing usually turns out. One and done. But I'd really like to see you again, if I haven't already blown my chances. I really like you, I always have. I’d like to have a chance to really get to know you. But only if you let me." He takes your hands in his, stroking your fingers gently with his thumbs. It's so gentle and innocent. He really means what he's saying. You take a second to think it over, perhaps you've also judged him too quickly.
"I suppose I shouldn't have assumed you were just using me either. I really like you too. I guess I wouldn't be opposed to a real date." You say quietly. Your eyes meet again and you both smile at each other.
"Sounds like a plan, sweetheart." He smirks again, leaning in to kiss you. You meet him in the middle. The kiss is so much softer now, apprehensive almost. You're both a bit scared of what the future holds, but you're willing to take the risk if it means you'd have each other in it.
The end.
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