#nodal shift
kelleah-meah · 1 year
My Fourth Mabon – Plans for My 2023 Autumnal Equinox Celebration
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Once again, I’m making plans for next week’s Autumnal Equinox, but for some reason, this year feels different. I can’t quite articulate why or how it feels different, but let’s just say my spidey sense is tingling. Not in a “beware of danger” kind of way. But in a “you’re on the precipice of something significant” kind of way. 
Edit: I've since learned why I feel my spidey sense tingling. It's because of the recent Nodal Shift into Aries/Libra. This is technically my reverse nodal return. My NN is in Libra and my SN is in Aries.
Anyway, until I can suss out the why of it all, I’ll just make plans for the equinox that feels in the spirit of what I’m sensing at the moment. Either way, I’m sure I’ll overdo it and put too much on my plate like I always do. 😏
Let’s dive in shall we … 
Since the equinox falls on a Saturday (September 23rd) when I have to work, this is going to be a little different from years past. My plans will likely fall over 2 or 3 days because that’s just how I roll when it comes to celebrating the arrival of my favorite season, so that part is actually the same as years’ past. 
Even though I have to work, it’s not all bad. It just so happens that I’ll be working outside at an arts & culture festival in the park, so it’s a chance to enjoy nature throughout most of the day (keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn’t rain though). 
But once my work day is over, my plans look like this: 
Note: The arts and culture festival has been cancelled due to a rainy forecast, so that changes my plans a little bit. Also, because we're behind at work, it looks like I'll have to work Monday and Tuesday next week. Oddly enough, I'm not too upset about that. 🙃 We have a lot going on that will finish off the year and kickoff the fall season like we haven't done before. A little extra work feels justified in order to pull it all together.
Friday (9/22) –
Prep & bake apple crisp dessert 🍎 ✅
Saturday (9/23) –
Meditation + Study of the Tao + a Tarot Spread for Mabon 🧘🏽 ✅
Work at the gallery 🖼️ ✅
Return home & cook Mabon dinner 🥘 ✅
Enjoy Mabon dinner 😋 ✅
Watch a movie from my Fall/Halloween theme list (probably Clue) 🎬 ✅
For dinner, here’s what I’m making:
- Hobo Meatball Stew (recipe found here, except I’m using ground turkey and adding tomato sauce, zucchini, corn, potatoes, carrots, garlic and paprika – and this year, instead of using the crockpot, I’m just going to cook it straight on the stove) ✅
- Cornbread (nothing fancy)
- Apple crisp topped with ice cream (for dessert, as a farewell to summer and hello to fall) ✅
I’ll probably have some hot chocolate later in the evening as a final hat tip to the beginning of autumn. 
Sunday (9/24) –
Join my hiking group for a morning hike 🥾 [cancelled due to rainy forecast]
Sleep in! 🛌 ✅
Read my book 📕 ✅
Do light cleaning around the house 🧽 ✅
Stretch 🤸
Shoot TT vid 🎥
Paint and reflect on my journey 🎨
Write in my journal ✒️
Monday (9/25) –
Work at the gallery 🖼️ ✅
Return home and relax 🏡 ✅
Continue organizing home office 🗄️
Lift weights or stretch 🏋🏽‍♀️
Do confidence spell 🕯️
Tuesday (9/26) – 
Work for gallery from home 🖼️
Go for a walk or ride bike in park 🚲
Continue organizing home office 🗄️ ✅
Write new blog post 🖥️
Promote new blog post 🎺 
Also, since I had lofty plans to do this last year, but didn’t even get close to starting it, let’s see if I can actually give the Fall Photo Challenge a genuine try this year. 
Here are the photo challenge prompts (forgive the blurry screenshot):
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All in all, I’d say this is a reasonable plan for celebrating the spirit of the equinox and the start of my favorite season. I'm interested to see how it all turns out.
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greenbabyofficial · 1 year
I already know I’m gonna be making BANK when Rahu enters Pisces baby
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softbrownfemme · 1 year
turned on an older episode of these podcasters i listen to and it centered sacrificing a portion of your creative self for the comfortability of a steady paycheck and it really hit me in my chest. personally have never saw myself to be someone’s supervisor and im like climbing the professional ladder for this work so fast?
i want to become licensed as a therapist still but like also make more space for the creative child my younger self had to leave behind to survive?
more-so now than ever I've been feeling the need to pivot into a career of writing and directing my energy into the arts or something creative. literally all signs have pointed to there. 
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All my placements have been affected by these last three nodal transits lmao nothing is touching me after this
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seafoamreadings · 28 days
week of september 1st, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: this is not a week of small transits. while grounding is typically not the name of your personal game, you might want to give it a serious try this week just so you don't get too frazzled in the momentous shifts occurring.
taurus: the vibes are earthy and mostly quite solid although change is still auspicious. it is good to be strong and grounded without being brittle, inflexible, or completely immutable. your sign is well known for stubbornness but at this time, avoid it as well as you can.
gemini: if you need to move to a new home, shake things up in your current household, or unearth some old family secrets, this is the time to do it. conversations around home and hearth and ancestry are favored this week, thanks to the new moon in virgo. on the other hand such a new moon is always useful for just getting your life together if that's where you're at.
cancerians: this week has a new moon (in virgo) which is always a whole thing for you - clean slate, do whatever you need to do! writing is super auspicious too! and also mars moves into cancer. other things happen too of course, but these are the things that will reinvigorate you and get you going where you want to go.
leo: your priorities this week should focus around your subconscious and your resources - money, time, energy, whatever. in fact, consider all the ways in which your subconscious *is* a resource. if it doesn't feel like one, it needs some cleaning out, so do your shadow work while you spreadsheet your budget or whatever other resource maintenance you mean to do.
virgo: this tensely mutable energy features a prominent new moon in your sign. broadly this should be fairly comfortable for you, and yet you may feel an itching, urgent pressure to work for a development. it may be better to sit still, focus on your plans, backup plans, and flow charts and see what unfolds for now. leave room for flexibility and spontaneity in all that planning. don't set anything in stone.
libra: the new moon may hatch a new dream in your psyche, but it's likely so deeply ingrained you can't see it clearly yet. let it gestate. meanwhile you have some strong nodal activity occurring. fate lines are more visible than ever; you see where you come from and where you are going. embrace your destiny, whatever it is, and leave a little room to make your own choices about it.
scorpio: there is a certain social and friendly tone about the week and yet a lot of murky intensity along with it. this is a time to build trust, and yet not to exercise it naively or wildly. let it be earned.
sagittarius: probably this week proceeds relatively smoothly for you but there will later in the week be a sun-saturn opposition. this need not cause any serious turmoil but it could reflect some frustrations in your life where you feel stuck, or in a tug of war between one part of your life and another. meanwhile, all week, excessive spending is definitely not advised.
capricorn: the big highlight of the week is pluto back into your sign for the last time in a couple hundred years. the lord of the underworld hangs out in the farthest reaches of your sign for just a couple of months. use this period to clean up the vibes you want going into the pluto in aquarius era.
aquarius: sometimes, like probably right now, it feels like your hard work has paid off only it setbacks, or having to go back to fix things. the blast from the past taking place is not necessarily pleasant, but isn't it always good to have a second chance to make sure things in the future go just how you want them to?
pisces: tension you can practically touch permeates the air, or whatever subtle plane you are experiencing now. but this tension is highly productive, provided you don't shy away from it too much.
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kakiastro · 4 months
The Astrology of the age 27
Butterflies represent growth and change
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This is one of the most infamous ages due to the reputation of the “27 club.” If you don’t know who the 27 club is, it’s basically a group of famous celebs who passed from unfortunate ways at the age of 27.
There’s been a lot of conspiracy theories over the years about this phenomenon but it’s really a simple answer and it’s in the stars!
Astrology + Numerology
So when you turn 27, you enter a 4h profection year. Profectiòn years is a branch of astrology that focuses on the house that rules that year for you that year based on your age.
1 years old =1h
2 years old= 2h
3 years old = 3h
4 years old = 4h
So on and so forth..
This process goes up until your 12 years old= 12h profection year then the process starts over again. This is a 12 year cycle.
This is a good way to track certain patterns during your life.
So back to the 4h profection year…
The 4h in astrology represent your deepest psych, it’s who we are when we’re alone with our thoughts. Only a handful of people if any at all see this side of you. 4h is connected to your soul.
The 4h rules over our home life, family, ancestral roots, our emotional state of being.
The 4h is ruled by the moon, so your moon for that year is also being activated. This includes aspects to your moon and IC(4h)
During this year, you will feel
-emotionally overwhelmed with your deepest thoughts and emotions. If you’re the type to bottle up or hide your emotions, this year will challenge you on that. What are you feeling? Why are you feeling this way? What caused it? It can be a lot so take it easy on yourself.
-dynamics with your family may shift during this time, it doesn’t have to be a bad shift but it can uncomfortable. You may be thinking about your role in your family, family trauma, what type of family do you want to have.
-establishing a safe and secure home for yourself emotionally. Is this really a place I want to lay my head at night?
Saturn pre-return. Many people think your return starts at 29 but the energy of starts when you’re 27 years old. I call it the “pre-shadow period” it’s when you start to feel the “shift” happen in your life. Late 20s, you start to ask yourself, am I headed in the right direction? You may feel like you’re behind in life. You may start to have more responsibilities or you’re feeling like you need to be more responsible. Your worldview on people and those around you start to change, you start to view your own self differently.
So on top of your 4h/moon energy, you start to feel the beginning of your Saturn return energy.
Reversal Nodal Return. So this is when the current North Node transit is aspecting your natal South Node. The South Node transit is aspecting your North Node.
So, the SN represents our early life and the things that made us who we are essentially. It’s also connected the things you’ve learned in your past lives. So with the NN transit aspecting your Sn, a lot of past behaviors from this life which stems from past ones will resurface. It’s not all bad! During this time, you may re-explore your talents and gifts! It’s like the scene from lion king “remember who you are” 😅
Lunar progressed return. This is when your progressed moon returns back to your natal moon sign. You’re remembering who you wanted to be before the world told you something different.
So first 27 is a Gemini number. It’s the highest one. Your brain and your thought process start to really mature. You’ll be more open to communicating your thoughts. You’ll see things differently.
2 + 7 = 9. 9 is the number of completed cycles and endings. 9 is the humanitarian number as well. Too me, this is the end of one of your many adult cycles and the start of a new one. You’re entering a new phase in your life 9 is a sag degree, your worldview and you’ll be thinking about your philosophical ideas and beliefs. What do you believe? What shaped those beliefs? What role do I play in society and who else have these beliefs? Finding like-minded people who share those beliefs. It can be overwhelming because you can become more self aware on what happening around you and around the world.
I know this was a long post but I felt called to do it today! I’m opened for reading as well !
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eruverse · 4 months
Ivan’s December 25 1991 astrology chart
@mslorelina-blog asked me to explain the astrology charts of the (official) fall of USSR and (official) formation of Russian Federation from my Ivan’s birthday post, so here I go ❤️
I’m just an enthusiastic learner of astrology and not an actual astrologer, so don’t be too serious abt this. These are real life charts but since this is for fandom purposes, I’ll be tying them into creative fandom endeavors (whicch means I’ll be talking about Ivan as a fictional character according to the charts).
I AM USING SIDEREAL VEDIC SYSTEM. If you don’t know what’s that, please google it up, but know that I’m not using the typical more common Tropical system. Signs shift a bit in sidereal (for example a Pisces in tropical is Aquarius in sidereal) so if you think the charts look wrong, it’s likely because I’m not using the system you have in mind.
Without further ado:
Fall of USSR. December 25 1991 19:35, Moscow
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Sun sign: Sagittarius (Mula nakshatra)
Moon sign: Leo (Magha nakshatra)
Ascendant (lagna) sign: Cancer (Ashlesha nakshatra)
Other special features:
Chart ruler/lagnesh Moon in Magha (2nd house)
Atmakaraka (AK — soul significator, strongest planet): Venus in Libra (Vishakha nakshatra) 4th house
Darakaraka (DK — spouse significator, weakest planet): Moon in Magha (2nd house)
Nodal axis: North Node (Rahu) in Sagittarius (Purva Ashadha nakshatra), 6th house, and South Node (Ketu) in Gemini (Ardra nakshatra), 12th house
How would the chart mean for Ivan as a character?
Firstly, according to the big 3, the general description goes that Ivan will be aggressive and expansive (Sagittarius is a warring sign), proud and dignified but conservative (Leo), and sensitive and nurturing but emotionally vulnerable and overwhelming (Cancer)
His chart lord and Moon are in Leo Magha (2nd house of family). First and foremost, Ivan is tied to his (blood) family. He is possessive over them and is particularly spoiled by them (spoiler alert: I share this exact placement so I know firsthand about this). This placement means that he has his family wrapped around his little finger, and he is treated as ‘a king of his lair’ at the same time he is constantly babied. Magha nakshatra is ruled by planet Ketu (South Node) and represents ancestors; the natives would feel as if they have duties in upholding family traditions but at the same time they have their ancestors watching over them and blessing them. This is a powerful star of manifestation and royalty as ‘the power you have you’ve already wielded since born’. Magha natives usually have powerful ancestors or ones with interesting stories and karma to pass down for the natives to settle. As much as Magha natives tend to be conservative tho, we also tend to break away from some traditions in order to improve our lineage and ancestral karma.
At the same time, this is his weakest planet (DK; weakest by degree) so perhaps he would feel as if he is ‘cut out of these ancestral links’ some. However, being his chart lord, how he feels about his family and lineage (and personal resources, family is basically one of personal resources anyone could have) are the constantly occurring themes of his life. These are also things that he constantly seeks in his life.
Ivan has Moon conjunct Jupiter in 2nd house. Jupiter here can be bad and good at the same time; as Jupiter is a planet that expands things it comes into contact with, sometimes it expands Ivan’s resources and wealth but it can also increase family drama. Ivan is also highly generous toward his family.
Ivan has Atmakaraka (AK) Venus in Libra Vishakha 4th house. 4th house denotes motherland and/or mother, and him having the strongest planet here means he is very dearly tied to his motherland and his mother (if he had her). Venus in Libra is domicile/right at home, which means the house is strong and sturdy. Being Venus, Ivan likes good things — including beautiful things — in his homeland and is likely to get them also just by attraction, as Venus ultimately pulls you toward the things Venus signifies in the house. Moreover, Vishakha nakshatra is also a particularly ambitious star; the natives are sure to get what they want and will work hard to attain it. Venus in his 4th house also rules his 11th house of achievement and social circle; this means that Ivan befriends people who are like him most often, and his achievements and desires revolve around his motherland. This is quite a placement for a homebody.
Ivan has Mars in Jyeshtha (Scorpio) in 5th house of creativity and self expression, also domicile. This house also rules his 10th house (career, reputation and social status) which means that his reputation and social status are what he makes of them. Jyeshtha is quite a difficult star tho, as the natives would be involved in a cycle of constantly having to prove themselves through hard work, but not only for their own selves as the natives would also be responsible of others under their wing, or they feel they have to be responsible bc others often rely on them. Mars here makes Ivan aggressive in attaining those things, and he can also get stalkerish 😄. Mars here is conjunct Mercury which rules 3rd house of neighbors/courage and 12th house of loss or foreign places, so Ivan is sure to extends aggression towards those people as well. Since Mars is conjunct Mercury tho, which is a planet of communication, fun and tact, it’s honestly not all aggressive and he can be sensible.
Ivan’s Sun is Sagittarius in Mula Nakshatra (6th house). 6th house is the house of enemies, obstacles, and also illness/disease. Mula nakshatra is a powerful star that means roots or foundation; natives of this placement destroy or put things to ruin (mainly emotionally; not always physical) to return them to a blank slate for a new growth. With his sun here, which is a natural malefic, Ivan is someone who is sure to beat his enemies — of which he has a lot, because he has North Node (Rahu) conjunct his sun. Rahu works in amplifying to a high degree the significations of the house it sits in and the planet in its vicinity. Rahu in particular makes Ivan also highly ambitious about defeating obstacles, of which he has many, since Rahu basically amplifies both his obstacles and his desire to defeat them. It also happens that much of his obstacles come from his family, due to the fact that the dispositor of his Sun and Rahu is Jupiter in his 2nd house of family. However, lord of his Moon/Leo house is also Sun in his 6th house, which means people who were once enemies can become family. Pretty complicated placement, I would say.
With Rahu in 6th house and South Node (Ketu) in 12th house, Ivan is someone who is worldly and not much spiritual. Ketu represents what you already were bestowed with in your past life and Rahu is your unmet desires in this current life. 12th house indicates spirituality, solitude and detachment, and Ketu here means Ivan doesn’t need any of those things and thus won’t seek them out.
Ivan has Saturn in Capricorn (Shravana nakshatra), 7th house of relationship and business. This makes Ivan conservative in how he approaches relationships, but he is also highly loyal towards his (limited) partners. This makes him tend to only look for those who are his ‘traditional’ partners for business. At the same time, those partners also tend to be loyal towards him.
Also important to note that Ivan’s ascendant is in Cancer, Ashlesha nakshatra, and it is at an especially difficult point called gandanta. Gandanta means ‘knot at the end’ and signifies the highest degrees of a water sign PLUS the lowest degrees of its neighboring fire sign, in this case the junction between Cancer and Leo, that is, between Ashlesha and Magha. At the highest degree of Cancer, like shown here, Ivan ‘holds tightly to his self and doesn’t want to let go’, even tho the obvious path is to let go, since the water of Cancer has no way to go but into the fire and smoke of Leo. Only when you let go of your past issues that you can finally be liberated and go on to manifest reality, as shown in Leo. And guess what, Ivan’s Cancer’s lord is Moon in Magha so he does have the ability to liberate himself from the shackles of Ashlesha. Ashlesha itself is quite a difficult star, one that is highly possessive, dependent, and regarded as ‘poisonous’ (symbolized by a snake) due to its steadfast efforts in keeping what is his as his, even if he has to employ appalling measures for it (or what is thought of as appalling). Ashlesha at highest degree/gandanta point is the most possessive and unrelenting, and yet, it also has the most potential to shed its past baggage. This is very befitting of the end of USSR.
Official formation of Russian Federation. December 25 1991, 19:45. Moscow
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It remains the same, only that the ascendant changes from Cancer to Leo and thus house signs move.
Sun: Sagittarius (Mula) 5th house (chart ruler/lagnesh)
Moon: Leo (Magha) 1st house
Lagna: Leo (Magha)
AK Vishakha Venus 3rd house, DK Magha Moon 1st house
Nodal axis: Ketu in Gemini 11th house, Rahu in Sagittarius 5th house
The nuances are considerably different, this time, but not a lot. Ivan is nurturing and emotional (lunar influence: from being ruled by Moon to having 1st house Moon). Since this is Magha, even though Ivan has changed the system of his nation, he essentially stays the same and still carries the ‘karma of his past life’. An actually logical notion because nations hardly ever change their core even though they’ve donned different clothes, for better or worse. His AK changes from motherland-focused to neighbor-focused, but motherland keeps being an important focus due to the Mars-Mercury combo. Now Ivan’s purpose and main focus of life is genuine self expression (5H) compared to beating enemies (6H), though 5H can also mean child rearing or even childbirth, however that means in relation to him, lol. It also can mean romance 😂 (or perhaps just genuine love for himself, bc the dispositor of Rahu and Sun is in his 1st house of himself?). Ivan now has Saturn in 6H; beating enemies is a slow but sure process, but this time he’s got stability compared to the utter chaos of the previous chart. Enemies might be traditional as well, as in, it’s just the same kind of enemies he’s had before. Unfortunately (or fortunately) he can kind of sleep on them all tho! Funny placement because he gets his relationships from his enemies. Also, with 11H Ketu Ivan willingly isolates himself more from wider social circle and doesn’t care abt it much beyond his neighbors or kins.
Whew! That was pretty long. I have to say that I won’t incorporate all of this into my personal headcanons about Ivan, but I think these are interesting and I noted down some.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Do you think those influencers who dramatically switch from very left wing Marxist alternative etc to very trad Christians (specifically in homophobic/transphobic way) have ketu influence?
You were talking about ketuvians and their struggle to find a sense of self and it made me think of these types of people. I know someone with ketu 1H and magha moon who did this to an extent. She used to identify as non binary and was constantly shifting through different names and pronouns but then one day she just kind of stopped and started saying how she thinks pride is pointless and a waste of time or whatever😭 it wasn’t *that* extreme but I still thought it was a significant shift in belief in such a short time.
I think a lot of people have this dramatic shifts not only out of a need to identify with something due to a lack of sense of self, but also because they like going back to what their parents believe for comfort. I guess those two are interlinked but it’s interesting how my friend is a magha moon and magha is associated with ancestors and whatnot.
I guess mula is somewhat similar as “the root”? Idk about ashwini though
Sorry I haven’t actually had the chance to look into examples since it’s hard to find birth data for influencers and I don’t know that many examples irl 😶‍🌫️ so this is me just going on a tangent and hoping you get what I’m trying to say LMAO
I’m also not sure if anyone else is familiar with this phenomena or if I’m just too engrossed in niche internet drama.
In terms of influencers I guess a somewhat prominent example is Freckle Zelda on tiktok? I never followed her but she went from making cutesy safe space liberal type content in like 2021 and now she’s a Christian and is using it be to super controversial. But like I said I’ve never followed her so idk if this is dramatic enough of a switch to count as what I’m saying.
I also feel like this a rahu trait to switch between extremes🤔 idk lmk what you think
I feel like the capitalist commodification of identity has most adversely affected Nodal people.
If you think about it, spirituality's aim is to transcend the "self" entirely, you stop identifying with labels and attaching yourself to this or that thing. I'm not saying you cease to be a person but you stop trying to "accumulate" identities to hold on to.
9/10 times the reason we identify with something is to feel a sense of belonging but searching outwards for it will only lead to disappointment, when we search within and feel at home within ourselves, we lose the need to externally confined ourselves to rigid "identities"
Yk how people dye their hair, get piercings/tattoos etc to mark a new chapter or the end of an old one or whatever??? It is an attempt to claim something as "yourself" and "solidify yourself". Everything changes all the time, everybody changes yet there are many people who will never dye their hair or change their name or join a cult or whatever (not that all these things are the same) its just that if you're at peace with yourself and truly grounded, you will no longer be shopping for different identities or things to associate with.
Yk those people who have IG bios that read like "Mother, Pluviophile, ESFJ, Petrolhead, UJC'22, Missourian, Ancient Spirit, 1/4th Cherokee, Bitcoin Enthusiast, EDM Lover"
like what do any of those terms say about them?? how on earth is any of this central to your identity? all of these are external ??? is loving rain and being a petrolhead central to your sense of self?? im not trying to demean anybody's interests, im only trying to point out that what we choose to make the focal point of ourselves is up to us and its possible to not be defined by anything?? i think a truly ugly consequence of capitalism is how people try to define themselves by things outside them (their interests, hobbies, job, income level, marital status etc etc) because there is more to a person than all that.
when we retreat within, we base our sense of self on our qualities like kindness, compassion, creativity (this becomes the essence of who we are) so we don't feel the need to claim 87373 other things to describe ourselves
some people overly identify with others like their partners, friends or even strangers and kind of become them. this is also the root of stan culture, by being obsessed with someone to that extent and giving them all your time and energy, you are losing your own qi and harming your Sun (the same way criticizing the appearance of others ruins your Venus)
Rahu is prone to taking things to extremes and Ketu is prone to trying on different identities and losing interest in all of them one after the other. so your observations are right.
i dont really use social media so i dont know any influencers that i can quote as examples ;-; but im thinking of certain celebrities who have had drastic style changes in the past and all of them have nodal influence lol
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in the 2000s, the Olsen twins were known for their boho chic hippie style and over the last decade or so they have become known for their "quiet luxury" style. They are Magha Moon
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Julia Fox is Ardra Rising and she went from basic to avant garde
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Jared Leto, Mula Sun, Ashwini Moon & Rising , he's also the leader of a cult allegedly so👀i guess it all adds up
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Adele, Mula Moon & Ardra Rising
im not just talking about her weight loss, just her overall change in style. she got married young and had a baby and in a couple of years she got a divorce and revamped her look to that of an ig baddie
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Kylie Jenner, Swati Moon she's changed her style/demeanour every other year since the early 2010s lol
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Taylor Swift, Ardra Moon has also had many diff lewkzz throughout the years
before anybody says dont celebs change their styles often?? no they dont, not everybody for sure. look at Jennifer Lopez or Sarah Jessica Parker, theyve been dressing the same since the 90s. constantly evolving style/looks/personality is a Nodal thing. its also a big part of the reason why Nodal people succeed in the entertainment industry and in the material realm (a lot of rich people including Bezos have Nodal placements) because entertainment = illusion, pretending to be someone you're not and for Nodal people, this is pretty much second nature.
im sorry that my response is kind of all over the place. your question provoked some thoughts within me lol and i just had to shareee
i cant think of celebs who have drastically changed their life paths like the example u cited ;-; EXCEPT Bridget Mendler who is an actor, singer, and entrepreneur, has a PhD and went to Harvard Law and now runs a satellite company?? she also adopted a kid during all this? She has Mula Sun
anywayyys thats it for now
tysm for sending this ask!!! its a very thought provoking and interesting question<33hope u have a good day<33
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snarkywrites · 1 year
The New Moon in Cancer on July 17th, 2023 will occur in conjunction with the Lunar Nodes changing signs. The energy on this day will be in Cardinal mode. It is an energy that allows us to initiate and feel much more fearless and optimistic. Nevertheless, these signs are in challenging aspects to each other, which can make things feel slow and frustrating. However, the New Moon will have Saturn as its champion. The trine shows us that although it can feel challenging, we have the determination to push through. One key theme of this transit is to keep looking ahead and not to the past. There is an emotional heaviness when planets are in Cancer, and this transit is no exception. Understand the value of letting go and looking inward for healing. Staying connected and acknowledging our emotions can work in our favor. Things may feel overwhelming now, but there is always sunshine after the storm. See how this transit will impact
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nico-esoterica · 6 months
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It’s almost midnight and I feel like talking about LaLisa. Ms. Manobal—Didn’t I call for at least 2 years that she’d make a HUGE gargantuan career move at this time?
With the NN currently separating from (most) of her stellium, all but one, this indicates to me that her recent arrival at RCA records was probably finalized around the time of the solar eclipse on April 8th. This would be due to said eclipse occurring at 19° and formed a neat conjunction to her Mercury at 21°. 19 degrees falls within a Libra degree in Degree Theory, which can symbolize contracts and peaceful agreements (albeit rushed in Aries tbh), and Astrologer Kira Ryberg describes the second face of Aries as not only being highly dignified because of its amplified solar energy but creates a sense of royalty, honor, and the question of worthiness that follows with the 3 of Wands energy associated with this phase.
Before one embarks on their journey, they stare out into the horizon, waiting for the ship to arrive and are filled with a gnawing sense of anxiety amidst their excitement. Will fear or the courage for adventure take hold?
Lisa’s actions tell us that the latter is her decision. Especially since her Mercury, which is associated with writing, speaking, and the mind, was the catalyst. However, seeing as the last full moon and penumbral lunar eclipse occurred on her Sun and Venus, I can also see negotiations happening at that time, which would mean, imo, that the October eclipses on this axis were also relevant to this deal being made. But I alsoooo believe that since so much of her chart is being activated at this time (we haven’t even discussed PLUTO’S SEXTILES), there’s more down the pipeline coming that we don’t see. A lot of the kpop tarot readers have been mentioning that ONE particular member of Blackpink would outshine and out pace the others and my betting horse was always Lisa.
But with so much activating for her, esp with her Saturn Return in Aries on the horizon, I also feel like it should be mentioned that ‘pace’ should be a factor here. Aries, at its worst, even if it’s doing well, can run the risk of burning itself out often with disastrous results if they wait until the last moment. With the next nodal cycle occurring RIGHT on top of her Retrograde Virgo Mars next in Sep later this year and in March the following, we’re going to find out if she’s been learning that this power thrust of sudden momentum can only be sustained through Actual ™ periods of rest and downtime.
Meaning—not still working when you’re supposed to be sleeping and doing nothing. With a Scorpio Moon ruling said Mars and the stellium ruled later by that, she may not believe in the concept of rest or taking it easy. She’s so neurotic and frenetic that it just doesn’t make sense to her because that isn’t the way her body works. At rest, she’s often antsy, hard to pin down, and is most likely doing something ‘productive’ to channel that extra steam into. I can also see her being rather lazy and sleep prone during her down periods in response to it. ‘Lazy’ isn’t a bad word either.
However, this can also mean a more strategic shift in direction where she becomes more mindful of where (and who) she invests her energy into. She’d see herself as The Star ™ instead of a playing piece and would value her self worth and act accordingly. She’d also make more informed choices. With Pluto in Aqua sextiling her points after its official permanent ingress after December, this would amplify the inclination for her to want to be more reserved and discerning in how she conducts business and navigates her stardom. Imo, the South Node conjoining her Retrograde Virgo Mars feels like a growth period after a break out, if that makes sense. Breaking free into the wild and then re-learning yourself as someone who’s liberated opposed to imprisoned. It shifts you from a scarcity mindset of needing to sign everything, do everything, and reaching for the top for the sake of it to being more relaxed and self-assured that you’re doing everything right and don’t need to prove yourself.
It circles back to that creeping 3 of Wands worry of ‘worthiness.’ To project further, what comes next in the arcana series are the 5, 6, and 7 of Wands in Leo, the domicile of the Sun, who’ll occupy the South Node in the eclipse following the one to come. Since the Leo decans surround topics of earning your place, celebrating it, and defending it, Lisa’s next phase will predict how she’ll handle this one since the Sun exalts in Aries.
I think she’ll do exponentially well. However, I see an issue that I’ll bring up in my next piece about her.
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taisoleil · 11 months
Rahu in Pisces, Ketu in Virgo
What I don’t think people understand about nodal shifts, especially on the Ketu front, is that it is violent. Ketu going into Virgo will make changes in the workplace, to @lunagiiselle (on twitter) point, but the means for these changes are more than likely be devastating. Let me explain.
Ketu is release, but it is not this “ahh let go!” There’s a reason why I compared Ketu to “everything must go” energy. Think about why “everything must go” in a store. They store has lost everything. They are no longer making money, they have to liquidate and take their L.
On a purely honest point? Based on what I already see from Ketu going into Virgo? This is what I will bluntly say about Ketu in Virgo:
• I need you to watch out for the person who is acting weird at work all of a sudden. They may be a danger to the workplace. Not tryna put that energy out there. Just be careful.
• A lot of people are going to be frustrated at work, especially during holiday season. Expect more worker to consumer physical and verbal fights.
• Please be nice to the people doing your services. Being unnecessarily mean means your ass needs to be doing it yourself because I promise you that “customer is always right” bullshit not flying and you gon suffer tryna rudely get your needs met. Even if the worker has to go through hell, they already hit rock bottom. Watch your mouth.
• May be a lot of DIY stuff because of worker shortage.
• Work strikes out the ass. It may take longer for your packages to arrive or find someone to help you in a store.
Stop thinking this Ketu shit is there to help you purge in a gently cleansing way. When you see themes related and Ketu is involved, there’s going to be damage to justify. Ketu doesn’t go out without a fight and Ketu co-rules with Mars in Scorpio for a reason. Ketu is a “fuck all this” type of node and by any means necessary the GOAL is going to be met. This is not a fear tactic. It is a truth because people are tired. When you don’t hear the child’s cries, the child will act out and you WILL listen.
All ima say is Ketu in Virgo you better stay on top of your mf HEALTH. Don’t say I ain’t tell you. Treat damn near everyone like they dirty idc. I’m hazmatting tf outta y’all. Take your vitamins. Drink WATER. Eat good 💚
More about the nodal transit here on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/91833702?utm_campaign=postshare_creator
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astroa3h · 9 months
past life reading: jacob elordi ✨
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For a past life reading I first look toward a clients South Node placement. Jacob has his South Node in Pisces @ 23 Degrees, not only an Aquarius Degree, 23 Degrees brings about unexpected shifts and extreme dramatic changes. Then, I look toward their Nodal MC (In Jacob’s case) or IC line, paired with my intution I can pick up where this past life took place. I believe Jacob lived in Los Angeles, California during his most recent past life. *yes I'm on a Jacob Elordi kick lol*
The Piscean energy, known for its depth, intuition, and spiritual inclinations, resonates with the artistic and creative life he led in Los Angeles. It implies that Jacob's current life is a continuation of that journey, bringing forward lessons, talents, and unresolved quests. The unexpected shifts and dramatic changes he experiences, especially in high-profile relationships and his unique personal style, are echoes of the past. They are invitations to explore deeper layers of his soul, to understand the complexities of human relationships, and to embrace the artistic and intuitive gifts he has carried over from that past life.
I believe he was deeply rooted in the arts and culture scene of Los Angeles during The Golden Age of Hollywood (1920s-1950s). Not merely a spectator, but a creator, a mover in the vibrant world of creative expression. His career was marked by an innovative spirit, likely intertwined with the burgeoning film industry, which was flourishing in Los Angeles during this period. His work was more than a job; it was a calling, a way to leave an indelible mark on the world, merging artistic vision with the palpable energy of the city.
His face reflected determination and intelligence, with sharp, possibly deep-set eyes. These eyes, a dark hue, would have conveyed depth and insight. His eyebrows might have been prominent, lending an air of intensity to his expressions. His olive skin tone was influenced by a mix of ethnicities. He may have worn minimal jewelry, with a pocket watch being a very imporant staple in his every day life. His walk and posture likely exuded confidence and purpose, with a straight-backed, assertive manner of carrying himself. 
However, there are a lot of set backs in his past life and a feeling of failure in his career. Confirmed by his South Node square his Midheaven. The early to mid-20th century was a time of significant social and cultural shifts. Adapting to these changes, especially in a diverse and dynamic city like Los Angeles, might not have always been easy. He could have found himself at odds with the evolving societal norms or struggled to find his place during times of change. Like many in the creative fields, financial stability might have been a challenge. There could have been periods of financial hardship, where sustaining his artistic endeavors or maintaining a certain lifestyle became difficult.
xox astro ash
Get your own Past Life Reading @ astroash.net
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
The Week Ahead: July 3-9, 2023
Lunar Phases
Monday, July 3, 11:39 UT - Full Moon, 11°19’ Capricorn
The key phrases for the Full lunar phase are “culminate, illumine, fulfill” and “pour all your energy into” your intention(s). The calendar year is halfway done; we’re in a reflective mood. It’s a good time to take stock, provided we don’t go overboard with pessimism.
Thursday, July 6, 16:30 UT - Disseminating Moon, 29°21’ Aquarius
The key phrases for the Disseminating lunar phase are “teach, share, communicate” about what you’ve been doing; and “ease up on efforts” with your intentions. Watch out for anger and pessimism. (Probably in that order.)
Monday, July 10, 01:48 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 17°36’ Aries
The key phrases for the Last Quarter lunar phase are “turn away” from what you’ve been doing, and “tear down old structures” that no longer serve you well. We all have some healing to do. The temptation will be to act out on our hurt feelings.
Void of Course Moon
Tuesday, July 4, 16:45 UT (Capricorn) - 17:30 UT (Aquarius)
Thursday, July 6, 13:42 UT (Aquarius) - 17:33 UT (Pisces)
Saturday, July 8, 18:22 UT (Pisces) - 19:19 UT (Aries)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Venus/Leo, Jupiter/Taurus
Retrograde: Saturn/Pisces, Neptune/Pisces, Pluto/Capricorn
Post-retrograde shadow: Ceres/Libra
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: from Friday, July 7, 04:47 UT - Saturday, July 8, 19:19 UT. “This long OP is a positive opportunity for the arts, meditation, having fun, and helping others.”
A quiet week again; but (be forewarned!) Monday the 10th looks to be quite the shift in the vibe, as the Lady asteroid Pallas Athene enters Virgo - followed about five hours later by Mars entering Virgo - a little more than 16 hours after that, Mercury enters Leo - and 36 hours after that, the Nodal axis moves into the Aries/Libra polarity. A lot of change which we’re taking into the Cancer New Moon on the 17th.
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dustedmagazine · 2 months
Urs Leimgruber — AIR Vol. 1 (Creative Works)
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When confronted with a four CD set of freely improvised music, basic may not be the first word that comes to mind. But check out the title. What’s more essential to a saxophonist than air? It’s what they project through a horn. If they can’t gather it and blow it through that metal tube in sufficient volume and with enough control, no sound comes out. Urs Leimgruber has been making records using different members of the saxophone family for fifty years, and been playing longer than that. Originally known outside of Switzerland as a member of Om, which recorded for ECM back in the 1970s, he’s operated in completely composed and totally free settings, as well as many creative nodal points on the line between them.
In recent years, he seems to have narrowed his focus to the soprano saxophone. Each disc of AIR Vol. 1 presents an improvisation with a long-term collaborator in The Space, the rehearsal-performance-recording room where Leimgruber works when he’s at home in Lucerne. Hans-Peter Pfammatter plays a prepared upright piano; Jacques Demmierre, an amplified spinet (an antique keyboard that sounds like a harpsichord); Thomas Lehn, analogue synthesizer; and Gerry Hemingway, drums. The accompanists differ in instrument and aesthetic, but each has an individual and deeply considered approach to his instrument. By performing with each in a sequence, Leimgruber invites one to listen for his essential character as a player and improviser.
Certain musical rudiments do not make the grade. While melody and rhythm can be handy, neither is essential. One might expect one or the other to assert their necessity when playing with a drummer, but while occasionally present, both players abstract them into expressions of line, sometimes drawn quite faintly, and other times with force. Likewise, one might look for harmony in encounters with keyboards, but shape and space seem to be more important. With Lehn, mercurial shifts between proximate and distant timbres come into play. But with all of his partners, Leimgruber sounds absolutely like himself. He alternates exquisitely pure tones with bold, lacerating ones, fashioning them into shapes that complement what his partners play, but could be complete on their own.
Bill Meyer
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dreamypisces888 · 1 year
Energy Shifts Venus Retro+ Nodal Return !
On July the 17th, 2023 – North Node Entered Aries, South Node entered Libra! + We have Venus retrograde in Leo :
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Hello Hello !
I wanted to share with you guys the energy shift that I have been experiencing lately :) because of my Nodal return North Node Entered Aries, South Node entered Libra!+ Venus Retro !!
I have been partying all weekend with a friend that I have known for 12 years . She came to town last week from the US !
This weekend I felt like I was in my element and I had so much fun . I have so much energy and I partied until dawn ( I am 36 years old fyı hahahah) .
I am attracting lot of pervs nowadays lol. No actually I am having lot of attention from men... like too much !!! It is kinda annoying !
My feminine energy is very high . I feel very attractive and I am paying attention to how I look more than usual ( Libra energy lol).
I am enjoying my life much more this period . Oh I watched BARBİE movie as well and I enjoyed it a looooot !!!
It is ME time and I am putting myself first.
I am in a very good mood even on a Monday morning !
And I saved the best for last I got in touch with my EX because of a very random thing but we were not speaking to each other for a while and boom something very random happened and we talked for a bit also he told me he is enjoying solitude nowadays and as far as I remember he normally has a GF . I really don't know what would happen but that was def a Venus Retro kinda of stuff. It was really really random !
So I would like to know if you are also experiencing some energy shifts this period !!!
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
week of april 14th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: you're on a post-eclipse wind-down. no matter what happened last week, although of course you must deal with it, i hope you are resting! the astrology is helpful with this - rest, nourish, it gives you strength.
taurus: mars sextiles jupiter and uranus in your sign, and meanwhile mercury in its retrograde conjoins your ruling planet venus. okay, mercury retrograde is not a crowd favorite. but overall this is auspicious for you; any change you need to make can be made. avoid grand actions, and actually avoid any action if possible, but make plans now to execute in a few weeks' time.
gemini: if you have been despondent or bummed out about mercury's retrograde, it does at least accomplish some nice little conjunctions. try to use the time well, even if it means spending a lot of time in your head. you don't have to go driving all around or sending a million emails to be productive.
cancerians: cardinal (especially aries) vibe rages on. but with that said it is a good time to beautify your public image. even if you don't go posting your headshots all over your linkedin or whatever, take a nice photo today, see how you feel. you can post it later or not. or now! or not. but at least see how it goes, or something similar if social media isn't pertinent to your social status.
leo: jupiter-uranus makes you a public persona. if you have wanted to develop an online presence, a political shift in the world, a legacy of any kind, sudden "viral" yet positive outbursts are likely for you around this week. you just have to give it the first little push.
virgo: although it is still a somewhat wild time it's actually a pretty sturdy period for virgoans, especially those with closer affinity to ceres than to mercury. if there is something you need to do or learn, it is a great time to lock in and get it done!
libra: venusian nodal activity means you're still not quite done with eclipse themes. hopefully that's not dreadful; hopefully it means great things are coming for you relationship-wise. there is also a jupiter-uranus conjunction in your 8th house, bringing positive changes to intimacy, magic, and/or shared resources.
scorpio: relationships are a very major focus at this time, with a lot of (mostly positive, try not to worry) changes but the end of the week also features a sun-pluto square in fixed signs. pluto is your ruling planet, but it is in aquarius at this moment. so these two bodies may well make a T-square to any natal scorpio points. it is uncomfortable but it brings about transformation, which in the end is kind of your whole deal.
sagittarius: the long-awaited jupiter-uranus conjunction happens in taurus this week. taurus is not a sign you are likely to feel much natural affinity or understanding with. but jupiter is your ruling planet - this is the biggest thing affecting you this week. try to live a little bit like a taurean, but one who embraces change and all the electricity alive in nature. be outside touching grass literally. the miracles then come easier.
capricorn: most modern astrology has you painted as something like a miser or suited up businessman but you're still the old god pan at heart. this week's jupiter-uranus conjunction brings that out of you - let it.
aquarius: even if you stay at home, the weirdness finds its way to you. so there's no need to alter your plans, although if you feel compelled to do so it won't hurt or keep opportunities away either. besides, weirdness has always suited you. this week's style of it is bold but benevolent. this is one of the last major uranian things of this uranus in taurus age, so enjoy it.
pisces: most of this week's events, large as they are, affect you only indirectly. have patience with others who are deeper in the trenches. not that compassion is any real difficulty for you. if you get the chance to volunteer to help someone it is good to take it.
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