#noble dolls raspberry
willowwhack · 5 months
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The girlfriends are ready for the meet-up tomorrow!! So happy I redid Val's outfit, the yellow looks so cute on her ❤️
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maintaining-sanity · 2 years
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I'm just putting her everywhere because she's gorgeous. My lovely Ophelia photographed by a friend ❤️
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
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ss RoseMary
ss Elvis
ss Wendy's
ss Russia
ss Soviet Union
ss Valor
ss Vladimir
ss Shiva
ss Hindu
ss Levitate
ss Birds
ss Bats
ss Cats
ss Snakes
ss Kylé
ss Stylé
ss Kim
ss Kay
ss Cvs
ss Rite Aid
ss Adam
ss Amish
ss Lizard Tail
ss Eye of Newt
ss Cameron
ss Karma
ss Caméléon
ss Camel
ss Raspberry
ss Ketchup
ss Amy Wine House
ss Velveeta
ss Chubby Chasers
ss BBW
ss Alaska Husky
ss Ali Ali Ali
ss Allah Allah Allah
ss Always Always Always
ss Aladdin
ss Hercules
ss Pegasus
ss Lord Ganesh
ss Lord Vishnu
ss Tom
ss Jerry
ss Onyx
ss Mew
ss MewTwo
ss I dream of Jeanie
ss Bewitched
ss Daren
ss Samantha
ss Switzerland
ss Arabia
ss Adam’s Family
ss Tim Burden
ss Nightmare Before Christmas
ss Fay
ss May
ss Oxford
ss Corpse Bride
ss Jack Skellington
ss Sally
ss Xfiles
ss Dana Scully
ss Fox Mulder
ss RugRats
ss Dexter Laboratory
ss Dexter
ss DeeDee
ss Chris Angel
ss MeerKat Manner
ss Power Puff Girls
ss Teen Titans
ss Batman Robin
ss Cat Woman
ss Ivy
ss Drew Barrymore
ss Twilight Zone
ss E.T.
ss Barbie
ss Ken
ss Seer
ss Rainbow
ss Arron
ss Gary
ss Garret
ss Valentines
ss Romeo
ss Juliet
ss Selina
ss Gomez
ss 101 dalmatians
ss Roger Rabbit
ss Bugs Bunny
ss Loony Tunes
ss Hermaphroditus
ss Hermaphrodite
ss Ritual
ss Spiritual
ss Twister
ss Scrabble
ss Hey Arnold…!
ss Clueless
ss Reese Witherspoon
ss Legally Blonde
ss Coffee
ss Java
ss Joe Joe
ss Jehovah
ss Judah
ss Buddha
ss Japan
ss Jasper
ss Jason
ss Poltergeists
ss Wrath
ss Ghost
ss Hub
ss Alaska Husky
ss Nazi Swat Team
ss Russian Swat Team
ss North Storm Swat Team
ss Rainbow Scissors
ss War Elephants
Not Deli
Not delMA
Not belMA
Not velMA
“toe shoulders”
“chest thighs”
War Sights
“tacoma wa” taco cat
“lakewood wa” blaire witch “claire donut”
“seattle wa” “caddie saddle” “sad duel”
“space needle” “ironic man”
“dallas tx” “shower dial ass” “day licenses”
“mckinney tx” “Macdonald kidney stones”
“princeton tx” “depraved dolls” “cell pre”
“Gideon” “Neo” “Geo” “Galaxy” “Guy Op”
“Soul Matron” “Arron”
100% Brandon
100% Bradley
99% Rainbow
1% Anti illuminati
Anti indoctrination
Anti inflammatory
Anti castrations
Anti assassinations
Anti Youth Thin Eye Z Nations
Anti Lab Bot Tony
Brandon Wayne
Bradley nickname
Sarah Johnny Kaye Burdett Leeper Rivera
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Bird’s Moon’s Bee’s
bwb bbw wb Warner Brothers
Jessica Ray Rivera
Jacob Gabriel Rivera
Justin Rivera
Kevin Rivera
Cara Autumn Burns
Cody Burns
Chad Burns
Clete Burns
Martha Burns
Morgan Burns
Pamela Burns
“4415 Daisy Meadow Dr”
“Katy Texas”
Rainbow Peace and Power Taco Cat
Rainbow Peace and Power Ali Ali
Rainbow Peace and Power Allah Allah
Rainbow Peace and Power Always Always
Rainbow Peace and Power RoseMary
Rainbow Peace and Power Valor
Rainbow Peace and Power Vladimir
Brandon Wayne Burdett
Saint Binard
Catholic Vatican
Hindu India
San Francisco
Frankincense oil
Salam Islam
Barbie and Ken go to Jerusalem
Barbie and Ken go to San Francisco
Barbie and Ken go to Kentucky
Barbie and Ken go to Jupiter
Barbie and Ken go to Venus
Barbie and Ken go to King Author
Barbie and Ken go to Barnes & Noble
Barbie and Ken go to Ben & Jerry’s
Barbie and Ken go to Bed Bath and Beyond
Barbie and Ken go to Tel Aviv
Barbie and Ken go to El Salvador
Barbie and Ken go to Quebec
Joke: What Happens if Flamingos get Flees
Joke: Pinky and The Brain
“Lizzy Hebrew”
“Young Guys Satan Submissive”
“Old Guys Devil Dominance”
Varsity Volleyball
Valor RoseMary Vladimir
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squaretablehold · 2 years
An incredibly indulgent drabble about Hunter feeling out of place and missing home. Also Varré is there because I think its funny when he gets freaked out by tarnished that are weirder than him.
Blood Under Moonlight
The sound of hooves splashing through the swamp at an easy canter wake Varré from his slumber against the wall of the church. He doesn’t stir immediately, movement attracts attention and he’d like to know a little more about whoever approaches before he makes his move. A familiar whooshing sound followed by two feet hitting the ground singles that it can only be that frustrating tarnished that gallivants around on that damn steed. He stays as still as possible, hoping they’ll move on or at least have manners enough not to “wake” him.
Lucky for him they pass right by and wade into the bloody pool behind him, sloshing about as if demanding attention. Their call of course is answered as yet another sanguine noble is summoned from the crimson depths. There’s a cackle that’s distinctly not appropriate for one of noble blood as the ring of weapons clashing sounds across the island. The tarnished starts singing out the notes to a wordless song as they fight.
“La, Da-da, Da. La Da-da!” If the surgeon strains his ears he can catch the squelch of the tarnished’s rapiers sinking into flesh on each note. “La, Da-Da Da, da-da Da!” The singing and sounds of fighting continue until a heavy splash signals the noble has fallen. Again. This particular tarnished seems to take great pleasure in pitting themself against his back up. Really they could put that bloodlust to far better use but either couldn’t find an appropriate sacrifice, or were dragging their feet on their final task. His stewing is interrupted by the very cause of his irritation. 
“Oi! Dollface, you awake?” Varré tenses but doesn’t move, how they manage to make such an affectionate nickname sound like an insult is beyond him. Uneven footsteps pad closer and slow to a stop nearby.
“You dead?” Oh please don’t poke him. He’s seen them poke things they believed were dead, seen them trot happily up to Rhys with the slimy corpse of some lake vermin skewered on their sword like a cat with a dead bird. Varré makes a very subtle point to breathe and shift the slightest bit, still hoping he can avoid their attention.
“Ah, well, sweet dreams then,” they pass him by and round the side of the church. He hears them summon their steed but instead of mounting it and leaving they start tending to it. 
“Alright, c’mon upupupupup! Can’t have any lake goo rotting in your hooves.” The steady scrape and drop of each hoof as it’s cleaned is almost enough to let Varré drop back into a doze until he hears the tarnished speak again.
“Ya know, of all the people to remind me of her you wouldn’t think it’d be him.” They speak with a quiet pensiveness Varré’s never heard them use before, and he strains to listen as they can only be speaking of him. “Rasberry’d make more sense, but I guess the whole porcelain face thing is what sold it. At least he breathes in his sleep, you know how many times she nearly scared the shit outta me taking a nap? I mean how do you even sleep in a dream? Makes no sense.” 
Varré isn’t sure what he’d been expecting other than more nonsense. No, yet again Hunter fails to say anything intelligible. At least if they’re comparing him to someone in a dream they had that explains the whole not breathing part of it. Absently he wonders if the horse has a better idea of who Raspberry is than him. The beast snorts as Hunter scrambles up onto a ruined wall so they can sit as they start brushing its mane, so maybe it does. 
“I miss her, the Doll, didn’t think I’d be leaving her behind like this.” Ah, now that was grief. The kind of grief he’d expect from a maidenless welp like them, but he’d never expected to hear it so plainly from the frustratingly unflappable tarnished. Though that is the point of eavesdropping, still Varré’d like to think himself a better conversationalist than a horse. 
“Thought I’d see her again, in the dream. It’s supposed to be mine now after all, but…” They trail off, swallowing down their pain along with the end of their sentence. Varré tilts his head slightly to try and catch whatever they’re going to say next. The mention of a dream again piquing his interest. What was that cult, St. Trina’s? Maybe that was the key to understanding their madness, a different kind of religious fervor to the two fingers' sheep. Perhaps Varré might actually be able to unravel something about this tarnished.
“Well, you know better than anyone don’t ya, buddy?” Of course not. The horse knows, because they’re talking to a horse, at midnight, with blood undoubtedly having seeped into their boots. Varré’s not sure why he even bothers.
“Do you know why I keep coming back here though?” Varré must be having a nightmare, surely his own subconscious would be the only thing precise enough to torture his curiosity so.
“It’s cause it smells like home.” 
What? The surgeon almost sits up at that. He’d never smelled anything like the church before.
“Bloody, but sweet and cloying, with the faintest hint of starlight.” Exactly, but where else would smell of holy blood? Nowhere the tarnished should have access too. Definitely nowhere they ought to be calling home.
“Wrong kinda flower though. You think it’d kill the guy to plant some lilies? Oh Flora of the Moon of the Dream…” Hunter dissolves into half-hearted chuckles, at least somewhat aware of their own nonsense this time. Varré tumbles what they’ve said over and over again in his head, trying to pull what he knows about lilies and carian sorcery from the depths of his mind as he does but only succeeding in frustrating himself. He isn’t sure whether to be grateful when Hunter pulls him out of the maddening task they’ve unknowingly set him too.
“Thing is, I’m not sure when I started thinking of it as home, the city or the workshop. I guess only once I started to miss it. Funny how that works, couldn’t stand the place until I left it, now I just wanna go back. Not to the hunt mind you, but the Doll, and the old crow, and Gilbert. Fuck. Gilbert. I shoulda left when he told me too, ran as far as I could on a little bit of blood and then died by the side of the road wherever. I mean it’s not like they even fixed me just patched me up enough to throw me out to the literal wolves! Fuck, I just-” 
Varré can’t see what they do when their voice cracks, he imagines they must bury their face against the horse's neck or something of the like. He doesn’t even try to make sense of all they said, just strains his ears so he doesn’t miss a single word.
“I shouldn’t have woken up. Shouldn’t have started dreaming. Maybe then I wouldn’t be this. Would be able to sleep. It’s all so familiar, the gods, the hold even, the blood…" Varré grinds his teeth as they trail off again, resisting the urge to storm over and shake answers out of the tarnished. What blood? Is there another sect of The Formless Mother out there? If there is Luminary must be informed if he doesn't know already. They could have allies across the fog…or competition. Varré not sure which he'd welcome more.
"I shouldn’t be here. This place seems like it might actually still have something of a chance, but if I stick around well…” The laugh they let out at that is sharper even than their swords. “We’ve seen the mess Marika’s already made, they don’t need their own Mergo too.”
Varré’s thoughts grind to a halt. Were they likening themself to Marika? Through this Mergo figure sure, but still, what foolish illusions of grandeur this tarnished must have. To think a lowborn fool like them would be worth comparing the scum on the bottom of his shoe much less a goddess. Really he ought to stop trying to spin gold out of whatever rotting straw passes for their brain.
The horse nickers softly, making the tarnished give a watery laugh. "I know, I know, I'm not quite Mergo, managed to stay locked away thanks to the Doll I suppose, but still. This is a bad idea, Torrent, I really should figure out how to go home, but I just… I get it now. That longing. That loneliness. Don't get me wrong, the Doll's great but I miss other people." They pause for a moment and for the first time that night actually manage to tug at Varré's heartstrings. Even if everything else was gibberish, the pain of isolation he could understand. 
If only they'd return the favor soon they could be welcomed properly into the dynasty. He could unravel their mysteries and patch together their broken mind. The sanctuary here already seemed to soothe their homesickness, Moghwyn would be the perfect place for them.
"Though I'm really not sure I get to call myself people anymore. I mean, granted, I was never the most popular, but at least I could hold a conversation with someone other than a horse!" Yes, there's hope for them yet, their self awareness hasn't completely fled. Varré's sure that whatever delusions they've taken solace in can be brushed aside by the right hand. They can be guided, nurtured, healed, all with the right shepherd. 
Their steed whinnies, and they laugh again, obviously pleased with the acknowledgement. Varré refuses to be suckered into thinking how oddly response the beast is to them, as if it actually understands. 
"No, you're right, I couldn't ask for a better listener. Too bad I can't take you with me when I go. Don't think I've got enough space to keep you happy, and wouldn't wanna push my luck trying to expand." Varré hears their feet hit the ground as they push off the wall.
"That's probably good for now. I really oughta grab those roses for Rhys, guy goes through them like candy." Torrent snorts and paws at the ground in a way Varré’s forced to admit sounds incredulous. 
"Okay, yeah, I walked right into that one but listen! It's not my fault the magic grease tastes like starlight, stuff's addictive!"
Do they eat magic grease? For a moment Varré forgets he's supposed to be pretending to sleep and covers the eye holes of his mask with his hand. The horse lets out a put-upon sigh and he surprises himself by how fiercely agrees with the animal at that moment.
"Well, you know the drill, sleep well, or whatever it is you do." Hunter dismisses their steed and Varré carefully returns to his false slumber, not fancying the idea of being  caught now. He listens as Hunter goes sloshing back into the flooded church, steps far less pointed this time. He's just about to tune out and leave them to their gathering when they do something not all together unusual.
They start to sing. 
The difference this time is that, contrary to their usual boisterous and over the top belting, the melody is low and crooning. Varré's fascinated to learn the tarnished actually has a decent voice when unhindered by fighting or buffoonery. What unsettles him though are the words.
"Your blood's gone bad. I knew it would…The devil came, made you bad for good…" 
Given everything he's heard tonight it shouldn't be surprising they're singing about what's on their mind. The tarnished always had an uncanny ability to conjure up a relevant song. Still.
"So death is coming to purge this town. I know your name, and I'm gonna cut you down…" 
Their voice echoes with resigned malice, and it stirs a strange fear at the base of Varré's spine. The words dripping with intent even when sung as a gathering song.
"You can run…You can hide… You can pray… But I'm gonna cut you down…" 
They can't know he's awake. They aren't singing to him. They're not even doing anything threatening, just picking roses and singing, so why does the surgeon suddenly feel like a rabbit staring down a hungry wolf.
"I don't bring forgiveness. I don't bring peace. I've come to slay you, come to kill the beast…"
As viscerally unsettling as their voice had become, Varré also finds himself drawn in by the naked sorrow shining through in the night. The song is a lament, a funeral dirge, a serenade from a reluctant executioner. 
"I'll search the shadows you wear like a crown. You know it's coming, and I'm gonna hunt you down…"
Varré’s struck with two incredibly foolish notions at once. The first, that Hunter's name may be more of a title than anything, distracts him while his body acts on the second. Silent as a mouse he creeps towards the doorway to catch a glimpse of his late-night visitor.
"You can run… You can hide…You can pray…" 
As the surgeon peeks around the corner he half expects them to meet his eyes and charge, rapiers bared like teeth. They don't. They're facing away, trailing their fingers along the tips of a rose and drawing a bead of blood from their skin.
"But I'm gonna cut you down…" 
Varré watches as the droplet rolls down the petal, catching the light of the moon with an unnaturally bright reflection. Its color crimson beyond even what it should be when shining in blood, as if the moon itself were red not white. It hits the stem and Hunter moves, beheading the rose with a slash of their sword.
"You can all run if you want to!"
Their voice soars as they spin and dash forward to cut down another rose. It echoes eerily off the walls of the church, folding back in on itself as if they were singing with extra throats. 
'Want to, want to!' Varré shudders but can't turn his eyes away. The cut stems weep crimson and, as the tarnished dashes around the pool, sending ripples across its surface, the white reflection of the Moonlight turns a sinister vermillion.
"You can all hide if you need"
Varrè ducks out of the doorway as if their words were an order, pressing his back against the wall to avoid any possibility of being seen. Something in the deep, instinctual part of his brain tells him it won't be enough. 
"But I'm gonna cut you down…"
Varré fights with the panicked prey animal his mind insists he is for another peak at the tarnished. He needs to know what it is about their voice that makes the bleeding walls of the church join in. 'Down, down…' 
If he could just look, if he could see, he's sure he'd understand why it seems to call to the very blood. It must, because he can feel it, feel the song echoing in his veins, reverberating with a power he's only ever felt in the presence of his Lord. If that were it surely he'd be able to glance round the corner, but what stills him and sets his hands shaking is the difference. Like a slightly different floral aroma, a lily as compared to a rose, a nightmare instead of a dream.
"I'm gonna cut you down…"
The final note fades, mournful even in its brutality, and the tight ball of fear in Varré’s chest starts to loosen. He peaks back around the threshold to the church to see the tarnished standing there with bloody rapier in hand. They're almost too still, he feels as if he should be seeing their outline ripple like the pool, but he can't focus his eyes right. The sensation fades as the blood settles, and, just before it stills completely and returns to white, he notices the Moonlight shining red.
Hunter sighs and when he looks back to them they seem the same as they always are, albeit covered head to toe in viscera from the noble and the church itself. They start gathering the sliced flower blooms, shaking the excess blood off their petals and storing them away. 
The surgeon watches in stunned silence, trying to make sense of what he saw and feeling as though he might go mad from it. He ought to report this to his Lord but he's not exactly sure what it is. 
Would it be heresy? To admit he'd felt a power not unlike that of the Luminary radiating from a lowly tarnished? Has he gone mad after all? Maybe dreamt up the whole encounter? That would make the most sense, but he knows in his blood it's not the case. More than anything he wants this to be a nightmare and not whatever actually happened. He, of course, fails to realize how true the instinct is.
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nyxicnymph · 3 years
Guardians of Arcadia: Operation: Secret Santa
Christmas is quickly approaching in Arcadia. While the town may not get such luxuries like snow or ice-skating, the Guardians still want to participate in some form of Christmas tradition all together. Some might not know exactly what is happening, but they're giving it their best shot! (TOA CHRISTMAS SPECIAL WHEN?!)
Rating: ages 13 and up!
Warnings: Canon and character typical levels of teenage violence. Staja. Jlaire. No Zoe, sorry guys. Oh, and swearing.
Part five: Skin of stone, where'd that paper go?
Blinky cursed as he quickly flipped through yet another book. He couldn't remember who he had for Master Jim's little surprise gift exchange, and he's lost the paper in his pile of books. So was shuffling through the pile, his four arms and six eyes working overtime trying to find it.
He couldn't ask Aaarrrghhh for help, since he couldn't know who Blinky had for the exchange, but Blinky's patience was wearing thin. He needed an assist, and soon.
Gibberish floated up from below the table, and Blinky peered underneath to see Chompsky chattering to his strange doll obsession.
"Ah, Chompsky. Excellent timing. I need your help, since you are not participating in the 'Secret Santa'. I am missing a small piece of paper with a name on it. It's about yey big," Blinky demonstrated with his fingers.
Chompsky looked up at the troll for a minute, chattered briefly, and then scampered off. The gnome ran across the floor to the bookshelf, then ran up the bookshelf, stopping only at the highest shelf. Chompsky pulled out a book, and pulled a scrap of paper from between the pages.
"Heehoo!" Chompsky cooed at Blinky, waving the paper back and forth.
"Thank you, Chompsky! Please bring it here, I must read the name off of it."
Chompsky blew a raspberry, but jumped down and gave the paper to Blinky.
"Thank you, truly you are the most noble of gnomes." Blinky flipped the paper over and peered at it. "Ah! I am to be serving... Master Tobias?"
Blinky pondered this development. "What would Tobias enjoy as a gift?"
Blinky began to pace, shoving the paper into his pocket as he did so. "What does Tobias like? He enjoys trollhunting. He likes his hammer. He very much likes to eat." Blinky paused. "Perhaps I could get him something that he can make food with!"
Blinky grabbed the phone that Master Jim had given to him for quick contact, and navigated around. He had heard marvelous tales about something called "online shopping" on "Amazon". Blinky was fairly sure that the Amazon was a rainforest, but there was a website by that name.
Blinky clicked on it, and it asked for him to make an account. Blinky frowned, and called the only person he trusted to help him navigate.
"Hello, Blinkous, how may I help you?" Stricklander greeted as he entered the cave, ducking slightly to avoid hitting his head on the doorframe.
"How does one use this 'Amazon' website? I wish to get a gift from Tobias from here, as all the stores in the human world tend to close after dark, and I don't yet have an umbrella for shade." Blinky showed Stricklander the screen. "It keeps asking me to make an 'account'."
Stricklander sighed and produced his own phone. "What are you intending to get for young Tobias? I can bring the package down to Trollmarket when it arrives."
"Let me see," Blinky said, snatching the phone from Stricklander's hands. "Something that he can make food with, since he enjoys eating so much."
Something caught Blinky's eye. "Easy-Bake? That sounds simple enough for Tobias to handle." Blinky followed the steps to purchase the item (With Stricklander's credit card), then handed the phone back to the changeling. "Thank you, Walter. I'm sure Tobias will enjoy this 'Easy-Bake'."
A faint smile drifted across Walt's features. "Oh, of course. I can't wait to see his reaction to your lovely, well-thought out gift."
Stricklander left, and Blinky frowned. Something about that whole exchange seemed odd, but Stricklander was a changeling, so it made sense for him to be off-putting sometimes.
Blinky returned to his books, humming an old tune. Tobias would enjoy the gift, he was sure. Absently, he wondered who Tobias was giving a gift to.
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littleashthings · 7 years
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Welcome to the family. 💗 #creativemending #resinrosebjdexpo #raspberry #noble #dolls #bjd #resin #grail #mine #slim #msd #outfit #gorgeous #love
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dollhalla · 4 years
Noble Dolls Raspberry
Noble Dolls Raspberry by Tanja Via Flickr: (grey elf)
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solei28 · 5 years
Coffee, Pie, You-Chapter 11
Ok, so I know I’ve said a couple of times this fic was coming to an end, but it turns out I’m a liar. There will definitely be another chapter after this one. Also, there’s more I want these to explore so I think I’m just gonna keep adding to it until I get sick of them!! 
You had music blasted while you worked your magic. Even though you had never cooked in this kitchen before, you moved around expertly. You had all 6 ovens on cooking various parts of the meal you had put together a few days ago.
Avengers Thank You Dinner:
Zucchini Pancakes
Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers
Fresh Bruschetta with Homemade Baguette
Honey Glazed Carrots
Mixed Seafood Salad
Sauteed Broccoli  
Main Course:
Stuffed Pork Loin
Roasted Red and Sweet Potatoes
Baked 5 Cheese Mac and Cheese
Broiled Chicken Quarters
Cherry Pie
Blackberry Lavender Mini Loaf Cakes
Chocolate Raspberry Mousse
Fresh Strawberry Lemonade
Blackberry and Sage Infused Water
You couldn’t wait to see their reactions when everything was finally done. When you had little downtime between dishes, you wrote down each dish on index cards you found in your apartment. You would put them by each plate or tray so they knew exactly what they were going to eat.
It was a quarter to 6 when everything was finally ready. You set out the appetizers on the table and told FRIDAY to gather the team. Buchanan and Steve were the first to arrive, of course.
You were placing the enormous bowl of mixed seafood salad on the table when you heard a low whistle.
“It smells amazing, doll,” Buchanan said, eyes widening as he looked at the table.
“I hope it tastes as good as it smells,” you told him hopefully. “Since you 2 are here you can help me bring out the rest of the food.”
Steve’s eyebrows went up. “There’s more?” The table was already packed with bowls and trays of food along with a half a dozen pitchers.
“Yeah. The main course, Cap.” You walked past them. “Come on.”
“Holy shit, that’s a lot of food,” Buchanan deadpanned.
You laughed handing him a large pan of mac and cheese. “Put this on the table, sweety.” You then turned and grabbed the pan with the chicken quarters and passed it to Steve. “This as well, please.”
Buchanan came back in. “Anything else?” You handed with 2 large bowls of potatoes. He took them and turned on his heel, heading back to the dining room.
“Look at this spread,” Clint said excitedly.
You came out of the kitchen with the pork loin. “Only the best for you lot.”
“Y/N, I think you may have gone overboard,” Nat said walking in.
You tilted your head and scrunch your nose. “You think so? I was going to make lasagna and stuffed mushrooms as well.”
“Ok, that definitely would've been overboard,” Nat nodded.
“Wow, Y/N!” Sam cheered walking into the room. “This looks amazing.”
“Ok, I was going to kick you for convincing FRIDAY to ban me from the floor, but this definitely puts you back in my good graces. So, I’ll allow it this time my dear,” Tony said sauntering in with an amused smirk.
You smiled brightly. “Good thing I’m a damn fine cook. Emphasize on the fine,” you joked winking at him. You looked around. “Where’s Bruce?”
“He’ll up in a minute,” Tony said inspecting all the food on the table.
“I’m here,” Bruce said coming in. He looked at the spread and back at you with an impressed look. “You made all this yourself, Y/N?”
You smiled toothly. “Yup!” You looked around at everyone. “Alright, everyone take a seat.”
Once everyone was seated, you walked over to the empty seat Buchanan had save for you. It was between him and Steve. You looked around the table again taking in a deep breath. You were a bit nervous but you knew you wanted to say a few words. Buchanan sensed this and grabbed your hand. You smiled down at him and felt a little more confident when he smiled back.
“You guys have done so much for me over the past couple weeks without really even knowing me. I can never truly express how grateful and thankful I am to you all. This is just a small token of my appreciation and I hope to make it up to all soon.”
You felt the heat behind your eyes but held back the tears. You were sincere and you did feel like there was so much more you should do for them. These people saved your life, protected you and gave you a place to stay and didn’t ask for anything in return.
Buchanan stood up and hugged you tightly. “Doll, this is more than you needed to do to thank us. We appreciate this more than you can know.” He kissed the top of your head.
“Bucky’s right, Y/N. This is more than enough,” Steve chimed in.
There was a chorus of agreements from around the table and you felt your heart swell. “Thank you,” you whispered.
“Ok, so are we over the sentimental crap so we can eat?” Tony inquired with mock impatience. “Also, Barnes and Noble are right. This is one hell of a thank you, dear.”
You sat down smiling. “Alright, let’s eat!”
There was no time wasted as they all piled food onto their plates. Buchanan’s plate was overflowing when he was finally ready to dig in. You noticed Steve’s plate was the same, as was Sam’s. Nat had a decent amount of food on her plate, Clint’s plate was somewhere in between Nat’s and Sam’s. Bruce and Tony were pretty stacked as well.
This was the moment you were waiting for. The moment they finally started eating. Their reactions left you feeling prideful and relieved. Buchanan and Steve moaned which caused you to giggle. Sam let out a “So good,” as he shoveled more food in his mouth. Clint looked at you nodding, pointing to the food then giving you a thumbs up. Bruce smiled in appreciation while Nat nodded at you in approval.  
Tony looked at you seriously. “Y/N, are you sure you don’t want to open your own restaurant?
You let out another giggle. “Nope. I open up the kiosk again once I figure out to get a new one. I couldn’t afford insurance, so it looks like I gotta start from scratch again.” You shrugged.
Tony nodded wheels in his head turning. “Well, if you ever  change your mind, let me know.”
Once the plates were empty, (yes, these savages cleared their packed plates.), you got up and started clearing the table. Buchanan gently grabbed your wrist and tugged a bit. You got what he was trying to do and sat back down.
“We’ll clean up. You have done enough, doll.” He leaned over and pecked your lips.
“I was just trying to make room for dessert,” you said sheepishly.
Clint jumped up. “Come on! Let’s get this table cleared, people. There’s dessert.”
Sam and Steve got up to help. The rest of you stood sitting down chatting about how good the food was and other nonsense. It took them about 7 minutes to clear everything away. Clint was really adamant about having dessert.
“Ok, all clear.” He looked at you expectantly.
You got up and looked at Buchanan. “I could use your help.”
He nodded getting up. “Sure thing, sweetheart.”
You walked into the kitchen and instantly felt Buchanan put his arms around your waist, pulling you to him. You wrapped your arms around his and leaned your head back into his massive chest. He’s so warm and when he pressed his lips to your temple you melted into his embrace.
“Thank you, doll. The food was amazing,” he spoke softly in your ear.
“I’m happy you all enjoyed it.” You turned in his arms to face him, putting your arm around his neck. You looked deep into his eyes. “I’m so thankful I met you. I wouldn’t be here right now if I hadn't. I’d probably still have my kiosk and apartment, though.” You laughed at the pout he gave you. Your face grew serious. “Thank you, Buchanan.”
He leaned his face forward and captured your lips in a passionate kiss. “I’m thankful to have you in my life, Y/N,” he breathed on your lips when he pulled away.
“Hey, where’s dessert?” Clint asked walking into the kitchen. “Listen. You guys can have sexy time later. Right now, is dessert time. I need some sweets.”
You shook your head. “Alright. Calm down, guy.” You walked over to where the pies, cakes, and mousse were. “Here, you can help. Takes the pies.” You handed Clint the 2 cherry pies you made.
Buchanan came over and picked up the 2 trays of the blackberry lavender mini loaf cakes. “These look interesting, doll. What are they?”
You told him what they were while you followed him out of the kitchen with the chocolate raspberry mousse. You were greeted by eager faces. Looks like Clint wasn’t the only one waiting.
“Enjoy, guys,” you said sitting down after placing the mousse down on the table.
Much like with the food, no time was wasted grabbing dessert. You were praised for how delicious everything was from full mouths around the table. When everyone was finally stuffed, Sam, Clint, and Steve offered to clean up.
You and Buchanan bid them goodnight and made your way to the elevator. You were holding hands waiting for the lift to get there. He looked down at you, concern in his eyes. He bit his lip and you watched him have a conversation in his head.
“What’s wrong, sweety?” you finally asked him.
He opened his mouth but was interrupted when the doors opened. After stepping on, did he speak. “I wanted to ask you something. I just don’t want to upset you, though.”
You gently stroked his cheek. “You could never upset me, Buchanan. You can ask me anything, anytime. OK?”
He nodded taking your hand in his and planting a kiss on the back of it. “How would you feel if I told you Steve and I decided to have a funeral service for Sandra?” He studied your face waiting for your response.
He wanted to talk to you about it earlier, but you kicked him out, so he didn’t get a chance. When Steve had approached him about it, he felt like it was the right thing to do. Now, however, he was having doubts. He needed to know how you felt about it. She did try to kill you after all. And, nearly succeeded.
A small smile tugged at your lips. You could see how much it bothered him and that he valued your opinion. “I think that’s great. We should honor the person she was before HYDRA got their hands on her. When will it be held?”
Buchanan let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Really?” The look of relief on his face made your heart flutter. “It’ll be this Friday at St. Raymonds. It starts at 10.”
“OK. I’ll be ready.”
The elevator doors opened and the 2 of you stepped out. Buchanan was smiling at you as made your way to your apartment. Not only did you think it was a good idea, but you also wanted to go. How did he end up with such a beautiful, kind hearted, understanding woman like you?
You opened the door and felt a tug as you tried to walk in. You looked back him with furrowed eyebrows.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
He was still smiling at you. “Nothing. You’re just amazing. That’s all.” He pulled you into a kiss.
You looked into his eyes when he broke away and rested his forehead on yours. “You’re nothing short of amazing yourself, Sergeant. Now, come on. The Animaniacs are starting soon.”
Y/N and Buchanan sitting on the couch watching the Animaniacs: Buchanan watching Y/N more than the show. Y/N: Why do you keep looking at me like that? Buchanan with a lopsided smile: Just tryin' to figure out how I ended up with a great dame like you. Y/N raising her eyebrows: Did you just call me a bitch? Buchanan startled: What!? NO!! Y/N laughing hysterically: Your face is great right now. Buchanan shaking his head confused: Why would you even say that? Y/N: Great dame. Great Dane. Very easy to mishear and confuse. Buchanan rolling his eyes: You're the worst. Y/N giggling: I thought I was a great dame? Buchanan shaking his head and pulling Y/N onto his lap: Yes, you are while simultaneously being the worst. Y/N grabbing his face: Yeah, sounds like me. Make out session.
Hey, do you enjoy my content and want to help me continue to create more? Consider buying me a coffee. It will help a ton!!!
@babygurl8840 @booktease21
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caravanslost · 6 years
14 - Complex
Characters: Damen/Laurent; Jokaste and Kastor’s son.
Tags: Post-canon; Laurent is better with children than Damen. Written for @capri-month
“I still don’t know,” says Damen, “whether I like that she called him Theomedes.”
The child toddles across the room in his white sleepshirt, and his steps fall soft and uncertain on the marble floor. He has only recently learned to walk without gripping onto firmer hands—or so Jokaste had said.
Damen and Laurent sit cross-legged on the floor near him, reaching out with a steadying hand when his balance threatens to give way. There has never been a child in their chambers before. The room was a curiosity to him—and he was a curiosity to them.
He was a sunny child, and olive skinned like his father had been. When he toddled into the patches of sunshine on the floor, the light split colours out of his chestnut curls. It was easy to make him smile, and he grabbed anything his round little fingers would reach—although he had taken a particular liking to the silver buttons on Laurent’s shirt, and to tugging on Laurent’s hair.
Laurent held a red ball in front of him, and pushed it gently it towards the child. It bounced lightly off his legs and vaulted off in another direction. He began taking uncertain steps towards it. Laurent beamed at him with obvious pleasure.
“I still don’t know,” says Damen, “whether I like that she called him Theomedes.”
“I don’t think your preference matters there,” says Laurent, “King or otherwise.”
Theo reaches the ball and tries to lean down for it. In doing so, he knocks it further away, and resumes the chase.
“I would have done the same,” says Laurent.
“Absolutely.” He begins to count out the advantages on his fingers, reciting them as he goes. “First, it honours his grandfather. It doesn’t quite atone for Kastor’s sins, but it pays appropriate tribute. Second,” he says, “to say his name is to remember the royalty in his blood. If little Theo should ever challenge for the throne, he has a name that can rally bannermen around him. And third,” he adds, “it never lets you forget who Jokaste used to be.”
Damen gives him a withering look.
“Try to sound less impressed with her. For my sake.”
“I am impressed. I don’t trust her, but I won’t fault her strategy.”
By this point, Theo had lost interest in the ball. He wanders slowly back towards them, making a beeline for Laurent, who reaches out for him. Theo falls gleefully into his arms, his peals of laughter muffled in the fabric of Laurent’s shirt. Laurent wraps his arms around the child and pulls the bundle of him into his lap.
The sight of them pulls Damen’s heart in multiple directions. There is a particular warmth in Laurent’s expression, a momentary suspension of the control he wears like a second skin. He is so good with children, so easy with his tenderness towards them. He pulls faces and blows raspberries without shame and each time, Damen’s heart swells so much he thinks the might keel over with love for him.
“I think he prefers me,” says Laurent, eyes dancing in Damen’s direction.
“Because you’re pale and fair. He thinks you’re his mother.”
“Well.” Laurent smiles wryly, and plants a soft kiss on the crown of Theo’s head. “It’s not the child’s fault that his uncle has a type.”
Damen shifts closer, until his knees are almost touching Laurent’s. Theo fidgets in the space that has narrowed between them, and Damen reaches for one of the other toys beside them. This one is a soft doll. He offers it to Theo, who receives it, and promptly sticks it into his mouth.
They watch him in silence for a long while.
Damen runs his hand through Theo’s hair, and it feels too light and delicate to be real. He thinks: this is my blood. Kastor’s blood. My father’s blood. The same three thoughts had revisited him, over and over, since Jokaste had formally presented the child at court.
“If I had known that toddlers could silence you,” says Laurent, “I would have ordered court flooded with them long ago.”
Damen does not respond immediately. He leans back on his hands.
“What do I do with him?” He says.
“Nothing. He’s not yet two.”
“Do I acknowledge him or renounce him? Do I have him raised away from court, and foster his resentment? Or is it better to bring him here, and raise him under the shadow of his father’s legacy?”
“Court is no place for a child.”
“We were raised in court.”
“And look what became of us. We were never children. You had to lead armies before you were 18, and I had to abandon childhood games for adult ones. Court either swaddles a child with so much comfort that it blinds him, or if it doesn’t, it it cuts short his youth.”
Theo loses interest in the doll, and drops it to the floor. He turns back to Laurent’s shirt, and grasps for one of the buttons. Laurent pulls him further onto his lap, and smiles down. It’s a wistful smile—a little sad, perhaps—borne of his own thoughts rather than anything Theo has done.
Theo settles in Laurent’s lap and leans against his chest, allowing himself to be held. Laurent wraps his arms tightly around the child. He stills around Laurent in a way that he won’t with Damen.
“He played such a role in what happened to you and I.” Says Laurent quietly. “And he has no idea.”
“I want to keep it that way. I want him to be a child. Nothing more. Not yet.”
“A noble intention. You have my sympathy.” Says Laurent. “But I wonder—will you have Jokaste’s?”
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willowwhack · 11 months
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My lovely girls at today's meet-up!! Still getting the hang of posing Val, but I have a little couple photo shoot in mind for them. Fingers crossed I can pull it off
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lucykisaragi · 6 years
cards i still need fullbodys of
these are under a readmore! listed by character and card name as stated on the aikatsu wikia’s cardlists! (yes some cards have an * in the title due to the words technicly being slurs, i didn’t name the cards)
sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers peach brilliant gothic appeal of a frill dress heart catch little white bird by the waters pisces of mermaid the bear swimming ring ribbon ribbon summer the witch & the magic mirror if its a dress then definitely new swallowtail the witch with a red ribbon speaking of alphine medows waku waku koh-haku white cosmos east and west pink sugary pink fancy gift radiance of the blossom special sweet memories are in the future playful kunai throwing
prism star sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers blue light of the sun blue intellectual gothic heading for the party have some black tea exact timer magic of the beautiful snow shutter chance i am that girls number one fan welcome to the house of sweets the rainbow that stiches across the sky cool chemsitry messenger from the future even the warpping needs to be brillant blue santa present of the holy night east and west blue radiance of the comet star of tears futuristic siegfried three twinkle graceful lady looking up at the stars cosmo night
night of ageha blue rose under the moonlight rock style kimono of the spring flowers purple secret message light of the sun purple glossy gothic purple ageha enjoy summer festival romantic elegant its because we are rivals austere as usual math teacher of exact accuracy unforgettable memories purple santa heart of japan purple radiance of the iris five twinkle beautiful figure noble amaranth healing cushion jewlery night leo's shooting stars leo's shooting stars +
rainbow alice orange of happiness sweet chocolate pinky fruits feelings above the clouds fluffy chic together with the dolphins potepo-tan at the summer festival new stylish theif forgetful santa-san happy tree shiny santa snowman heart of japan - pop east and west pop radiance of the canary yellow popping star mascot character pajama tinder night fluffy seal
elegant smile resident of the bird cage tone of black & red kimono of the spring flowers dark blue elegant noble pure white queen colorful cake surprise present gothic santa mint noel heart of japan - dark east and west dark retro gothic suggested gothic two twinkle the lad's dream and mind's darkness charming star
guide of fairytales girl of the spring garden sweet chocolate lime candy polka dot puririn heart of japan - sakura east and west sakura as fate unfolds gorgeous daughter of flowers pillow for cupping the ogiri's master of ceremony the one in bloom is the smiling flower
pop magic magical ribbon charm of the monotone to the colorful pop addicitive cake relaxation delivered cookie stars heart of japan - yamabuki east and west yamabuki my heart is for you surprise chocolate glowing star of the night circus usher enjoy movie midnight tv
la la la porter chance catch union rock ball of memories brave charmont happy top spinning rockish sword dance
colorful title milk clown magical style marching style sweet temptation happy wrapping yummy yummy yu-mmy ghosts are surprising magical present cr-cr-cracker
stone charm bohemian who weaves the wind bohemian earth matte mint green navy indian glittering bijoux
maiden of ribbons airy painter the alps flower flower country the beach & shells flora snow fluttering alice paris daisy
dreaming alice heading towards the future dreams ufo skirt blue candy stripe puririn dignified umbrella spinning leave the program to me
secret queen adult like tulie casual elegant her walking poise is that of a lily the off time spent with everyone heart of japan moon moonlit nights marine blue sparkling glossy bouquet of my blessing six twinkle amethyst goddess sparkling moon printing moon my new goal
happy greet surf girl devil paint honey valentine let's go to the beach sweet scent of the beach coconut scented night in search of wreath materials fluffy penguin poppin penguin
white angely
lively coord
purple elegant shining swallowtail
lets sing a show sweet chocolate five court musicians crimson heart of thrill princess peach heading towards the sky dream skip scarecrows dream pink pop girl sky dress akari sunshine + obento-san of my dreams natural reindeer dreaming red radiance of the cherry four twinkle my favorite plush toy lets make a snowman
blue noblesse sumire colored tale sweet chocolate five court musicians blue mysterious magic user mischievous witch magical painter bell that glows in the night sky quiet sound of the ocean morning glory that blooms in the night dress that delivered the wish purple cat sith sumire gelato+ both scholar & warrior violet santa navy noel the glistening flute radiance of the aquar little devil punkish gothic prince tiny bit of happiness suport for me rockin' gothic special tea
sweet chocolate merry of the three court ladies three court ladies yellow princess yellow king of hearts king of pop negative check pop craftsman precious contents new discovery...? im feeling fantasy devil tulie hinaki twister ai-katsu yo-ru-shi-ku orange santa white fairy surprise is on the bonus add-on lively drum roll warm coord vivid march pretzels of love poppin green seven colored vivid special flavor found only in the night
five court musicians peach ski ski sweet skip lovely magician lovely dress a preemption spring color coord princess cute pastel lion's feelings angely pink girl in my dreams fluffy rabbit with my favorite mug sweet night daylight pastel innocently sweet
dignified of the three court ladies three court ladies blue gentle mad hatter the mad hatter who likes to dance just like the lightning blik's wish blue star dancing on stage special move rice pepper punch princess's bodygaurd stars that spread across the sky my bursting BPM cool jade steam doll
passion of the three court ladies three court ladies scarlet passionate century positive check cant wait for summer the girl of the sun modern monotone goodnight to flamenco jurius caesar salad jurius caesar salad+ hot blooded teacher's yell passion red a passionate winter eight twinkle i love you juri passion rose key to skincare delicioso night passionate idol activities wandering bodygaurd modernly dressed up straight rose
little devil tune of the five court musicians flute five court musicians wisteria playful little devil sexy devil the memories from the potatoes radiance of the raspberry chasing the admiration glamor of the lame ribbon admired stage milky devil
tune of the five court musicians kotsuzumi five court musicians plum little devil naughty little devil cutie devil dont miss out on the potatoes
caramelize a hundred mark smile i love sweets the worlds center winters cheerful dress exciting dolphin clover i finally found retro modern girl first shrine visit here japanese retro flower
freely strechable stylish monster honey honey bee candy girl will give you
nadeshiko mode miya-beam winters glossy dress shining snowy fields
supporting you decided high touch original little devil rockin pumpkin deilviery from the bottom of my heart cutie little devil holy love lives on sleepless nights new year sunrise rockingly vivid
pink step my crowning tv show two bonds marchen santa present thats a cake active girl so many delicious foods
ROLA (laura for those who dont spell her name as rola)
blue step the thing like usual reason for passing lets go shopping confident bat girl the north and southern cross blue roses of courage ice punkish
melon step yellow santa ring throwing that i won't let go of
lavender step china heroine memories of our playtime lets it it! onee-chan winter visits orchid of elegance glossy jasmine g*psy dancer
japan heroine star appears romance christmas feminine style even in winter
checkered activities in the morning
canary santa aiming at
tip toeing a little bit refreshing ori*ntal healing wink ethic ballarina beautiful roth flowers
my suggested tv show chances to shine girly christmas while waiting for santa cosmetic dress fairy awaiting spring
input of knowledge turning point
sweet pirate kiraran sparkling fairy
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majestyrising · 6 years
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Let’s talk about Lord Adrien de Richelieu.
The heir of House Richelieu, a lesser Noble House of Arcane, that being one of roughly fifty Houses.
The ruling leader of Richelieu, in fact, which is a matter of some debate since he is so rarely in his estate. It is run by his overbearing mother in his absence. At least, the estate is. She controls little else.
He’s marked as ‘quaint’ by his peers by his desire to oversee the transport of his property personally.
Richelieu is a well known trading house, Adrien has focused it on the acquisition of magical items to be sold to Richelieu’s allies. This is as profitable and dangerous as it sounds.
He knows almost every House by their leader, and those he doesn’t, he knows in reputation. The man is well connected. His largest and most powerful ally is the Duchess Seraphina of House Damask- they’re good friends.
A skilled mage, if a little soft physically from living in decadence, usually he alone is enough to guard his caravans, but sometimes he hires bodyguards; all vetted personally, of course.
Friendly and perhaps too charming and smarmy, he has the appearence of a well-to-do snake of a man, but his mind is cold, and wicked. He has no trouble damning his opponents. A rumour delivered, handkerchief left, cargo torched. He plays to win.
It all makes him sound perfect, in the eyes of the nobility. But he’s a party boy.
He’s travelled across all Sorienth with his traders, and he parties hard. Consorts with men and women, drinks his weight in alcohol, strips to the nude and steals, trashes other people’s property, wakes up with ten dogs he liberated last night.
The list is endless. It’s all fun gossip for back home- the pieces that make it back are exaggerated, he claims.
Despite all this, no scandal has really ever come to him. Nothing can dent how good he is at what he does, and if it were, the Duchess of Damask has enough clout to silence it.
His ex is Lucy, Seraphina’s Lady in Waiting. They’re still on good terms.
A very visible switch is flicked when he goes from serious to party mode, and vice versa. A sparkle in his eyes.
He smells like raspberries and fresh linens, holds himself upright but with an air of relaxed comfort, checks himself out in every shiny surface, and sleeps with a little plush doll of a ferret.
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truebjdconfessions · 7 years
Impldoll Makayla looks an awful lot like Noble Dolls Raspberry...
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video-game-imagines · 7 years
20 Questions
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by the wonderful and lovely @mapplestrudel <3 Thanks, love!
Name: Ashley (But you all probably knew that by now 😊)
Nickname: Ash, Fritos (Long story behind that one and it has nothing to do with an unhealthy obsession w/ corn chips 😊), Lee Lee (by my longtime friends and family), Tinkerbell, Little Songbird, Barbie Doll, Audrey, and Pikachu. 
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height:  5’ 8” (172.8 cm)
Orientation: Heterosexual (Straight)
Ethnicity: European (Polish/German/Swedish) and Hispanic (Portuguese)
Favorite fruit: Pretty much fruit in general! Give me all the fruit! (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Mangoes, Apples, Pears, Peaches, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Clementine Oranges, Apricots, etc.)
Favorite season: Fall or Winter
Favorite book series: I have so many but I have a special place in my heart for the Odd Thomas series, The Kiesha’Ra series (a little unknown but a pretty good series nonetheless), Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and the Classics of course. 😊 I love reading and love getting new book recommendations.
Favorite flower: Roses, Violets, Freesias, Jasmine, Hydrangeas, Honeysuckle, Sweet Peas, Sunflowers, and Tiger Lilies.
Favorite scents: Parchment, Citrus, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Jasmine, Mint, and Petrichor.
Favorite colors: Maroon, Olive Green, Lavender, and Electric Blue.
Favorite animals: Cats, Dogs, Wolves, Deer, Red Pandas, Leopards, Otters, Foxes… just I love animals in general!
Coffee, tea or cocoa: All of them 😊 But I drink tea more often.
Average sleep hours: What is sleep? I guess anywhere between 3-6 hours. (Insomnia is the worst.)
Cat or dog person: Both, I have 3 cats (Oliver, Jasmine, and Pumpkin) and 2 dogs (Belle and Commander). Which is a lot I know.
Favorite fictional characters:
*Deep Breath* BT-7274 (Titanfall 2), Link, Princess Zelda/Sheik, Garrus Vakarian, Tali (ME), Grunt, Joker (ME), Morrigan, Dorian Pavus, Nathan Drake, Victor Sullivan, Chloe Fraser, Charlie Cutter, Joel & Ellie (TLOU), Abigail “Fetch” Walker, Emily Kaldwin, Corvo Attano, , Faith Connors, Lara Croft, Maya & Lilith (Borderlands), Tiny Tina & Mr. Torgue (Borderlands), Handsome Jack, Claptrap, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel Deadpool, Booker Dewitt, Elizabeth Comstock, Sora & Axel (KH), The entire Overwatch Crew, Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway Jacob & Evie Frye, Noble Team [especially Kat, Jorge, and Emile] (Halo: Reach), Max Caulfield & Chloe Price, The Doctor, Odd Thomas & Bronwen “Stormy” Llewellyn, and so many more!
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1-2 it depends…
Dream trip: London, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Paris, Ireland, Japan… and so much more!
Blog created: Early 2016… I think
Number of followers: 699 (After deleting a ton of unsavory blog bots) However, I don’t know what I did to deserve so many followers but you’re the best and I love you!
 I tag… Any of my followers that would like to do this! 😊
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littleashthings · 7 years
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Spam we're not sorry for. 😀 #creativemending #resinrosebjdexpo #goodmorning #raspberry #noble #dolls #bjd #resin #grail #mine #slim #msd #outfit #gorgeous #love #nobledolls #new #personal #collection #addition #goodmorning
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northfey · 7 years
The Wishlist revised
Grails: Popovy sisters Blue Jay Yuki dolls Yuki Asella Noble Dolls Raspberry in grey skin
50cm Magic Mirror Maeve
40cm Twigling Minigenue Lillycat Amy Minifee Sircca
Hybrids: Seed Dolls Wol on a DC K body 11-1 dyed black
Tiny’s: DreamHigh Feiline Doll Chateau Larry Soom AI Doll Chateau Fiona Doll Chateau Zora Island Doll An An
Heads: Peakswood Dotty Muse
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