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dolly-birdi · 10 months ago
The fact that etsy now allows dropshipping while still claiming that they don't is so audacious, the site is literally worthless now. I feel so bad for the artists having to compete with floods of dropshippers and people shelling out $80 for a bjd outfit being like "it's worth it to support local artisans" when in reality they're buying an item from taobao that actually costs $15 and is sold for $25 on aliexpress and ebay. Not even joking the etsy markups are that bad. I wouldn't even hate these taobao resellers if they didn't try to scalp the prices so much and were honest about being resellers instead of making it look like they are the ones making the clothes. Not to mention all the recasts on there...
Anyway, here's some of my fav legit doll clothing shops on etsy:
RopitasKawaii: pullip, blythe, and rainbow high lolita dresses from Spain
AtelierMilabrocc: casual pullip, blythe, and barbie clothes from Poland
Yukijiro: pullip lolita dresses from Hong Kong
Cottonhoney: cute 1/3 and 1/4 bjd clothes from Thailand
HelloCoolCat: clothes and supplies for pullip and blythe from Taiwan (they also have a website that has more stuff for bjds)
Toocuteclub: printed graphic clothes for rainbow high and 1/3 bjd from USA
Ninaherisson: 1/3 bjd alt clothes from USA
Balljointedsoulmates: cute casual 1/3 bjd and minifee clothes from Austria
TiffyCuppyCake: 1/3 and 1/4 bjd sweaters/sweatshirts and hoodies from USA
MilkyWayDreamsFR: cute 1/4 bjd accessories from France
DollishSweets: cute 1/4 and 1/3 bjd clothes, accessories, and eyes from USA
PetiteBonita: cute 1/4 bjd outfits from Indonesia (includes custom measurements)
EliteDollWorld: casual smart doll clothes from USA
YumeWearShop: cute and casual 1/3, 1/4, and 50cm bjd clothes from the Netherlands
HauntCoutureAtelier: monster high, rainbow high, and barbie clothes from USA
Shout out to these artists! If anyone else has more let me know!
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stra-tek · 8 months ago
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High resolution Voyager-A MSD cutaway, by Dominique Rossier. Link.
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alphamecha-mkii · 2 months ago
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Merced Class Refit MSD by Aaron Harvey
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madokatoru · 2 years ago
Lesbians love mechanized infantry and infantry fighting vehicles
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merrydollround · 1 year ago
I haven't posted any doll photo here in literally ages, so let's change that!
So first I'll introduce Mugi, from what I've been calling the Munchkin line (around 42cm)! She came to my mind on December 2022 after my brother mocked me on Christmas about always making dolls that looked melancholic.
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I had been wanting to make an MSD doll for a long time, but never found motivation nor inspiration. Quickly after starting Mugi, I made a bunch of heads (it happens once in a while, I get a "frenzy" and I start a few heads or dolls all at once, then some get stored because I don't find them interesting anymore 🫠) I started naming them all with names starting with M, so there is Mugi, Momo, Mei Fang (or MeiMei) and Minette.
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Still, Mugi was my favourite of those, so it's the one I've focused on finishing.
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Mugi next to Fang, since my idea is that Mugi looks good next to my Juvenille line (small SD). It will be the first time that I make a new doll line that has the same scale as another of my lines. So she can be a little sister!
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Tumblr doesn't let me add more pictures, so I will make another post with more of her and the other dolls I am currently working on soon 👀
👉Part 2
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Extra: This drawing I made of Mugi 🫶
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startrekships · 6 months ago
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Enterprise G MSD by SuricataFX
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vestrix · 5 months ago
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Just finished making this outfit for Maeve! I learned a lot making the skirt especially and I’m super pleased with how it turned out. Lots of fun to do, and a challenge!
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attlebridge · 5 months ago
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[SOLD] Honeybee dress set. 1/4 doll size.
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federationgothic · 1 year ago
Engineering updates
Noticed while skimming episodes the other day some changes in Main Engineering during the first couple of seasons that I hadn't noticed before (or just forgotten about).
Specifically, I'm going to focus on the back end of Engineering, where the Master Systems Display is located:
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Nice and busy
Now that area doesn't show up in Encounter at Farpoint, the couple of shots in engineering are centered around the warp core and the catwalk surrounding it (the open elevator connecting the two gets a lot of use in there).
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Hot elevator action!
The MSD appears in the next episode The Naked Now but it's all alone.
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Nothing more than a repurposed wide corridor where we stuck a giant screen, and it's green (it will stay green for the first two seasons). There's also no isolinear stacks underneath the MSD, and the hallways panels are missing some LCARS. Oh and we don't have our pool table MSD table.
The next time we see engineering from this angle is The Last Outpost.
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A lot of progress for sure, but it's not right. The LCARS panels have been added to the bulkhead and the isolinear stacks are now underneath the display. The MSD Table, itself recycled from Star Trek 4, hasn't fully undergone the TNG conversion and looks out of place.
Here it is in The Voyage Home:
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The Lighting elements that are flush against the Display are the wrong shape, flanking it. for comparison:
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And now, a brief interlude to Where No One Has Gone Before:
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They're GREEN. I had not...it had not clicked with me before (at least not consciously) that the lighting panels were green for the episode. I don't know if they were still tweaking the look or decided it should be green bc of Kosinski's so-called upgrades but in any case it's green and distracting now that I see it.
table's still wrong:
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I feel like they're going to show us some x-rays on here.
By the time we reach 11001001 the table looks right (hard to tell from this angle but looks like the entire surface is reflective now).
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the big lights are off, for some reason.
Another quick detour, this time to Home Soil, where the MSD also acts as a viewscreen:
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also when you put chairs there it really emphasizes how those controls look like navigation (you can control the ship from Engineering I guess you could set it up that way).
The rest of the season won't see any further changes. Season 2, starting with Where Silence Has Lease the lighting elements around the MSD will have been updated to the ones that will remain throughout the rest of the series
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The lighting might have changed between Where Silence Has Lease and Q-Who or just might be colour processing.
Finally, season 3 brings us the updated MSD with more detailed okudagrams on it
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There might be rubber duck in there.
It will remain mostly unchanged for the rest of the series, except at some point someone slapped a label on the bottom left.
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(this occured at some point between s3-4)
A final, minor, update was brought to the MSD where the label was removed and two lines were added to the pedestal for Star Trek: Generations.
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(similarly to how the runabouts had a bunch of random lines that looked like electrical tape to make the sets pop).
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ppilotco · 2 years ago
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leila’s new hair, new eyes, and new and blushed body!!!
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publiusscipiospqr · 1 year ago
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golden-earcuffs · 11 months ago
*any csk batsman gets out*
csk fans: oh no
*ms dhoni on the field*
the entire stadium: OH YES
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stra-tek · 8 months ago
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Two blurry shots of the Master Systems display of the Voyager-A, and some beauty shots. Cetacean ops is HUGE
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year ago
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USS Titan-A Bridge Ship Systems LCARS Display by nibl83
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madokatoru · 2 years ago
Last reblog but I hate when “kids these days are ignorant of internet safety” is bookended with “and that’s why their parents should have even tighter control on them”
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merrydollround · 1 year ago
Part 2/? of Mugi and other dolls!
More process pictures! Mugi is my perfect excuse to buy cute dresses 🥰
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The original idea was to make the torso split into 3 parts, with a ball in the middle just because I liked the aesthetics of the ball, but it did not improve the posability (unless I changed the overall shape of the body, but I didn't want to), so at the end I decided to make it into 2 pieces, so it matches the other bodies!
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Also redid some joints digitally, so they look way more neat. Making joints and pieces that are more technical is always harder to do by hand, like neat edges and perfect spheres. So being able to make them digitally is a time saver. Just so you can make an idea, it took me several days to make the piece on the left and the surface is still not smooth. For the piece on the right, it took me 30 minutes to sculpt it digitally, and 1 hour to get it printed. It's just too fast and easy 🥹
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Mugi current status is practically finished! But before sending her to the casting factory, I want to digitalize her. First of all, because I want to make a human version of her head, with no horns. But also because the casting factory waiting times have gone up like crazy, and I don't want to wait for +5 months to play with Mugi, so I will print a copy to play in the meantime 🥲
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Head is all smooth and soft 🥰
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I sculpted a lot of hands in cute poses and I want them to be easily interchangeable with magnets, but making hands is super tedious 🥲 Sanding between the fingers, make sure all nails have the same overall shape in all hands...It's the only part that I still have to finish 💔
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Last but not least! Please let me introduce you to MeiFang or MeiMei!
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My most requested doll has always been an MSD Fang. I KNOW. I am fully aware that this is NOT what people have been asking me to do 😅 But since I don't think I will make a MSD mature Fang (let's say, a shrunk version of the current one) I decided to make a child version of her! I adjusted the features accordingly to the age change, so the eyes are larger and rounder, the nose and mouth are smaller, and her cheeks are puffier. Really hope people still appreciates her 🫶
I am sending you a virtual snack If you read until this! 😆
Thank you so much,
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