#no trump
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supakixbabe · 2 months ago
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No Trump!
No Fascist!
- Green Day
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moonbean117 · 5 months ago
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 2 months ago
Hey everyone, this is a break from my normal posts for a sec so I can get this out.
With the current political situation in the US, i wanted to say that I am a biracial woman in America. I am White and Mexican, and while I am afforded the privileges of being predominantly white and passing for it, my Mexican family is not afforded the same thing, especially under the new president. I am also a queer woman, who can pass for straight. My friends are not afforded the same privileges as I am, as many are queer or gender non-conforming. For obvious reasons, I am not and will never be conservative, so if you are, unfollow me. Hate, prejudice, and oppression have no room on my page and they never, ever will.
I want everyone reading this post to know that this new presidency will try and kill us. Please, please do not let it. Support your friends, help out your neighbors, and keep yourselves safe. Do not let your voices be silenced, and do not let them scare you into submission. Read books like 1984, and Animal Farm, and Parable of the Sower, and Lord of the Flies, and anything they don’t want you to. Read up on Fascism and how to keep yourself safe under oppressive regimes. Keep yourself informed. I am staring to read as many banned books as I can, and I’m buying them on Thriftbooks.com or at Half Priced Books. Another option for those who can’t buy is the library or Anna’s Archive. For information and real-time updates, see Aaron Parnas on Instagram, TikTok, or Substack (note that he is a Zionist, which is horrible and bigoted, and that I do not condone or agree with this ideology. He has the most real-time updates and is the only person I have seen with such often and consistent news. If you know of more people who do this and support Palestine, please let me know.) Dean Withrs is another good follow, and he’s more political and debate-like. There’s also a lot of Representatives who are posting news and what’s happening. Know that no matter how smart you are, you aren’t immune to propaganda; keep your eyes open and question everything.
If you take away anything from this post, let it be this; take care of the people who care for you. Know your rights, know your history, and know how to keep yourself safe, however that may be. Know who you can trust, and especially who you can’t.
Be safe, be kind, and be strong. Thank you for reading this.
Note: I edit as I get more information. If you have more information/corrections, please let me know
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leasthaunted · 2 months ago
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deedi-hh · 8 months ago
Y'all I'm scared
I'm not an adult, I am a minor. I can't vote, and my word practically means nothing. Please, if you're a young adult, don't vote for Trump. For starters, Trump will strip people of their careers, leaving many, many people without jobs, or he would change people's jobs to a 'better job' in his eyes (at least that's what i got from the article). Secondly, he's going to make the people that investigate the president work *for him*, and that federal employees have to pass a new civil service test he made (prove their loyalty? I dont know, i didnt see the test). He's going to make a travel ban on Muslim-majority countries to "keep out the terrorists", which not only is racism but if someone has family members in one of those countries, and those family members want to move to them, that'd be *impossible*. He's practically going to brain-wash immigrants to be all-good Americans, to not hate him, to basically call him the best. He's going to end birthright citizenship, so people born of illegal immigrants can not get a citizenship from federal agencies. He's going to end transgender rights, so no more surgeries, transferal hormones or hormone blockers. He's going to make project 2025 continue in it's tracks if he wins, and if that happens, civil servants will be sacked, giving Trump even more power, dismantling the Department of Education. I'm genuinely on the verge of tears right now. I wont lie to you, I'm really young. And that dismantling of the DE means that Trump is going to change the curriculum however he likes, which in turn means kids won't learn about important stuff, they're going to have to pay for their food, (which a lot of families, like mine, can't really afford). He's going to make abortion illegal in every state, and the women/people with female anatomy that have been S/A'd or R-worded won't be able to get rid of the outcome of that traumatizing, terrible situation. It's not good too, since nearly 70 PERCENT of those cases are against CHILDREN 17 AND UNDER. A CHILD BEING FORCED TO GIVE BIRTH COULD KILL THE CHILD. It's so horrible, it's vile. I am sure a whole group of you is nonplussed, and I am too, but I can tell that voting for trump obviously isn't going to end well. He's going to send MILITARY workers out on *PEACEFUL* Protests, which weren't endangering anybody. He said he LIKED WATERBOARDING (I'm assuming he's going to do that to secret agents, stuff like that) and thought that it *wasnt tough enough*, so he likes torture. He's going to make birth control so hard to get a hold of, which sometimes is used to help women with terrible periods that leave them bedridden, and he's wanting to end Planned Parenthood, which speaks for itself, since its not good at all.
That's not even all of it. (Read: https://apnews.com/article/trump-policies-agenda-election-2024-second-term-d656d8f08629a8da14a65c4075545e0f) Please, if this man wins he's going to make America terrible. A living hell for all of us, and he needs to lose. I'm scared; I can't do anything, basically, but I can say this. Don't vote for him, I beg you. He's not going to make America great, he's going to make it a borderline dictatorship. If you think these aren't enough reasons, that's because I didn't cover them all. You can watch videos on youtube, tiktok, anywhere, I think, and there are going to be so many reasons. From an American to another (if you are one or just live in the country), do not vote for trump. I live in a red state, and I am ashamed. I hope some of you will vote for the right person, AKA anybody but Trump.
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bluetreeonloudrun · 8 months ago
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antoniamultiverse · 2 months ago
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Bts to presidency. Twice to presidency. Newjeans to presidency. Kpop to presidency.
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rtc-obsessed-gworlie · 5 months ago
Watching the news, trying not to cry (fml)
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spiritualmess122223 · 8 months ago
Trump is not the president spell
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angelgurlhearts-2 · 2 months ago
We do NOT have freedom of speech in the *nited *tates of *merica. Freedom of speech with consequences, yes, but not in general—especially online. I’ve been ashamed to even label myself as an *merican let alone live and breathe here.
Dear Trump lovers,
How does it feel that “these lazy people” don’t have incomes in *merica anymore? How’s your business? Or maybe just in general, what about life hacks or things you never learned growing up?
You complain about people “being lazy and won’t get a job,” but what about the people who cannot mentally or physically step out of their comfort zone or house in general? “They need to suck it up—“ well Dave, lemme just say that some people CANNOT. They have illnesses and maybe the only thing they can do for income is create content on TikTok.
You preach “freedom,” and “freedom of speech,” but yet again, you fucking praise the same guy who wanted to ban it some years ago. That is not “freedom of speech.” That is not “freedom.” Do I believe that you guys will open your freaking eyes? No. Never have, never will.
Do I have faith in the government? Never did, never will; no matter WHO is in power. Trump asked for this ban some years ago. He won’t do jack shit; even with the 90 day extension. It’s just going to go banned again. Trump will not be a “god” or “our lord” or “our savior.” He’s going to be the same racist, homophobic, misogynist and ableist cock sucker that he’s been all his life. Remember this post *IF* TikTok comes back after the 90 days.
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aaronfj77 · 1 month ago
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yeon-chloque · 8 months ago
We should be remember that Russia has invaded Ukraine, committing numerous war crimes by Russia in Ukraine, and these are still ongoing.
And, most importantly, Trump still bigotly biased siding with the Russia, the invaders, predators, war criminals in this war.
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belleandre-belle · 6 months ago
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brightbluesage · 6 months ago
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