#bts to presidency
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antoniamultiverse · 2 months ago
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Bts to presidency. Twice to presidency. Newjeans to presidency. Kpop to presidency.
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bluebutbetter · 8 months ago
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did you guys hear about the new candidate (twt)
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mrs-monaghan · 2 months ago
Hey Shaz, how are you. I have been sad lately, and I was hoping you could cheer me up. Would it be too much to ask you to do a post on Hobi accidentally putting our favorite couple out there?
Listen. Not alot of people would put this moment on the list but its on the list for me. But mostly because this happens to me all the time! See anon, I am a laugher. I laugh ALOT, much like Jhope.
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Not too long ago my sister and her hubby were going at it over something and I was in the back seat just laughing my head off. Then day before yesterday a close friend of mine and her hubby had a silly back and forth and I was there having the time of my life. So when I saw this tweet by Busan baes just now I couldn't help but add it to the list because Jhope here 👆🏾 is me when a couple bickers near me. And I bet I'm not the only one who's experienced this. So yeah, to me Jhope's reaction to Jikook here goes on the list 1300%
But moving on, anon. Exhibit B
A popular moment we all know and love ☺
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I go more in depth about it here. The fact that Jhope didn't even notice his slip up thou 🤭🤭
Exhibit C.
Anon idk what in your life is making you sad but I'm hoping this small analysis of Jhope being a snitch, brings a smile to your face 😘 it sure brings a huge grin to mine 😂 its the way Jhope couldn't wait to tell Jimin what he had seen. Poor JK 🤣 Nah, I love that moment sm 🤭🤭
P.S -> that moment answers the age old question on who Jhope would pick if Jikook ever broke up 🤭🤭
Exhibit D
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I talk about it here. I remember some ot7s tried debunking this moment by saying that Jhope confuses Jimin and JK's names all the time, so this was just him doing that. While that explanation is valid, it doesn't apply here. When Jhope shouts "JK!" He actually turns around to look at JK. So yeah, he didn't make a mistake this time.
Exhibit E
Speaking of Jhope confusing their names. On this compilation is all members confusing Jikook with eo.
Ends at 3:50. You will notice the culprit is mostly Jhope. This part is my fav 😂😂
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BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Its hilarious to me but its also really telling, anon. He is one of the reasons we know Jikook spend ALOT of time together.
Exhibit H
This compilation here shows Jhope being the Jikook president he is 😍
Among the things mentioned, is this moment where Jhope shouts "wifey" when JK carries Jimin
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Notice how he didn't say it when JK was carrying anyone else ☕
Exhibit I
I actually didn't know about this one, anon. It's new to me 🤭
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Its on this analysis here by "breakdown the kookmin" we all know that moment in rom coms where the couple goes to a pottery date and the man sits behind the woman, wraps his hands around hers and they mould the clay together. Now why on earth would Jhope tell JK to do that to Jimin? Eh? And like BTK asks, why can't he just do it himself? 😏😏 oh Hobi 🤭 tell us more, please 😂 tell us everything! ☕
Exhibit J
I don't really need to say much about this one do I?
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It's a popular Jhope outing Jikook moment. Basically Jimin was lagging behind and Jhope went to JK specifically -not any other member- to complain about Jimin being slow. You know, like how you can go to a boyfriend about their girl and vice versa?
Tweet with video here
Exhibit K
Is another common moment. We talk about this live a little bit here and talk about Jimin being a big eater here.
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Otherwise there is plenty of analyses videos on this live everywhere. e.g this one.
This is considered a Jihope moment but really its a Jikook one. Once you realise JK was in the room, what Jhope was doing to Jimin makes sense. This was a bestfriend teasing their other bestfriend about how they were gonna get some later 🤭🤭 tihihihihi.
LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST (he will continue to slip once they finish serving. Ha haa)
Exhibit L
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We talk about this moment here. Like I said, he could have used Jin or Suga as an example, but he used JK 🤷🏾‍♀️
Jikook is real. Have been boyfriends for a long while. So if in doubt, then pay attention to Jhope 😁😁 He's the closest to them which means once in a while he will slip up.
Thanks for the ask anon, I enjoyed doing it 😘 Hope you've cheered up and are feeling better 💛💜
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lysscomplicated · 2 months ago
Outside, night.
A girl stands in a blue hoodie and jeans, ignoring the suburbia around her to stare at the clear, starry night. She looks up, peacefully.
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casualavocados · 2 years ago
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“He must have wanted to express it, as his character can’t play anything.”  — dir. Au Kornprom
“I was a member of the music club at my school. I was a school singer before. So I’m quite familiar with musical instruments. However, I mainly sang. I’d observed how people played different instruments and I followed them.”
GEMINI NORAWIT as Tinn, MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT bts: Open House, Open Heart
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justafriend-ql · 2 years ago
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Fourth + finally getting his soundwin kiss MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT BTS | Episode 6 -> Episode 12
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 5 months ago
TWO failed assassination attempts?! And no fatalities? It's not like Trump is always bribing and cheating behind the scenes to play a martyr or anything... If someone was actually trying to do the job, then why hasn't anyone smashed that rotten orange already?!
(That is unless.... He's the one behind it. Hmmm... It's not like it's blatantly obvious or anything.)
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shapinginvisible · 6 months ago
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It's RM day today. Happy Bday to the legend.
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solid-six · 4 months ago
Speaking of replaying things...got it in my head recently about maybe playing Death Stranding for a second time. Played it through once a few years ago and didn't think I'd want to do it over again.
So last night I thought I'd watch some of a YT playthrough, see how I felt about it. And after about and hour or so, I stg I've oscillated back and forth between...
Oh hell yeah! I can remember there was a lot here I really liked that was enough for me to finish the whole thing the first time; and
Bluhhhhhhhhhhhhh I also remember why I haven't wanted to play it again until apparently now lol
...like 20 times.
#like fr watching the whole opening sequence with fragile and the bike crash i'm like yessss alright alright alright#and then the whole voidout sequence is demonstrably sick and id truly forgotten how awesome some of the major scenes are#and the actual PLAYING part of it was - to me - oh so satisfying and fun#the slow and deliberate preparation and planning for each trip#the BTs and the little detector thing you have are so cool and tense#but...then the two “Die-/Dead-” dudes show up and just will not evER SHUT UP and let you just play the f-ing game#every character other than sam is so gratingly and distractingly earnest with every word they speak#it's as if every character is an animatronic historic figure from a theme park ride#guy walks up to Sam the main character. Sam sees it's Diehardman. the screen says 'Diehardman'. Diehardman says “SAM...ITS DIEHARDMAN” x100#and my god all of the “if we rebuild ***AMERICA*** with YOUR help we can SAVE the WORLD” makes me want to vomit#the number of times they screech into your earpiece every 10 fucking paces to be like “SAM...” “SAM...” “SAM...”#and they keep saying “I know I don't need to tell you this but...”#then fucking DONT TELL ME#“...but the audience needs to know this..." even though you were fucking BORN in this world and are a ”seasoned pro“ as they refer to you#“SAM...don't forget. You can use LADDERS to climb both UP and DOWN. A pro like you MIGHT even be able to find OTHER uses.”#“SAM...the PRESIDENT wants to see you. Also remember: the president is YOUR MOM.”#SAM...I probably don't need to remind you but: DONT DIE:#and yet i still kindasorta want to play it again?#ugh i cannot decide lol
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shepbal · 1 year ago
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"Can I look into your eyes?"
"I just told you not to ask."
this show has my entire heart in a vice grip since I watched it last July and it might just be my favorite show of all time. ty, show, for bringing me so much joy.
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lyknest · 2 years ago
so, who is writing TinnGun fake dating practice kissing AU. listen to my pleads ao3 gods.
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marengogo · 6 months ago
This is my Day 3 back in the real world and out of my Staycation and GURL/BOI/ENBY it’s been hard 😳!
Before my Staycation I was walking on an a thin-ass thread and child let me not tell you.
But what I will say is that I feel so relaxed. Shit still happening, as always 😬as it should, nature namean? 😬. But I’m clearer minded so I just let it happen, and do something about it IF/WHEN needed.
There are a few little posts that I want to make cause I selfishly need to let some stuff out 🤡 , so heads up for those but for now, in this very second, on this sunny day,
This is all that matters:
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My heart is even more serene, more at peace, more ready to go for the day.
If you have a close/tight circle, keep it close and tight and tell them you love them TANNIES WITH EACH OTHER, because at the end of the day, your love will make you strong and your strength will echo to those who are meant for it ARMY.
Have an amazing day y’all 💜🫰🏾
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Always respectfully yours,
PS - @ejassy @chikooritajjk @stormblessed95 love y’all.
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tayvengeance · 11 months ago
Hi! I’m opening some emergency art commissions to help with bills. I don’t have a limit right now, so if you’re interested, DM me! I’d really appreciate it~
Commission info below:
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wishfulkatnaps · 1 year ago
Nathan feeding the joel fry girlies as always
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lalarubyss · 9 months ago
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Firstkhao matching
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casualavocados · 2 years ago
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"Gemini has this "young master" vibe. He cannot have spicy food. He cannot eat veggies. His eating preferences are like those of a kindergartener." — Fourth Nattawat
HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak 🎉♊ June 13th, 2004 ♊🎉
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