#no thats a lie and a cowards way out
Danny wasn't sure what to expect from living with the Waynes. Okay. Thats actually a lie. He was expecting them to be like Vlad, complete fruitloop and evil or like Sam's parents, controlling and caring way too much about image
Instead they were really nice. Sure, Damian could get kinda aggressive when his boundaries weren't respected and Tim was someone he didn't want to be on the wrong side of but both had been very kind to Danny.
The issue was with them being bats. Of course the Waynes didn't know that he knew (they have a betting pool for when he finds out) and he planned to keep it that way. So when he saw Duke dressed as Signal sans the helmet standing at the kitchen counter they kinda just stared at eachother. Ghostboy was panicking. He didn't want to be guilt tripped into being a hero like he was in Amity. Would his new family think he was a coward if he refused? Would they think he's selfish and cut contact like Sam had?
Overwhelmed, Danny blurted out, "Nice cosplay dude!" And left.
The bats make it a game to see who Danny thinks has the best "cosplay"
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thicctails · 1 month
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Gravity Falls is finally popping off again, so naturally my obsession with it has been dragged out from deep within me and thrust to the front of my mind, so here's a collection of various au ideas i have.
Explanations below! Contains Book of Bill Spoilers!!
A different form, a different time: Due to a widescale time and space fuck up, both Bill Cipher and the Axolotl get reincarnated (temporarily?) as humans. Specifically as older teens/very young adults. Hot topic wannabe and pink gumball son of a bitch must learn to navigate the hell that is mortality and human puberty as they set out on a road trip to try and reach the only place they can think of to find answers: Gravity Falls.
Obligatory dragon au: exactly what it says on the tin.
Time Stuck... with a twist: Something goes horribly wrong with the Time tape, resulting in Mabel, Dipper, and a 12 year old Billy Cipher being sent to the 80's. Trapped in the past/future, depending on who you ask, the preteens end up on the run with a mullet-wearing grifter with a familiar face, and must learn to work together to set things right. However, having two Bills' will make things much harder than usual, especially since one absolutely adores his star-marked humans and their weird Larger Human, while the other wants nothing more than to watch them burn.
Monster Falls but they're both Unitaurs: Mabel and Dipper are twins, let them be the same monster you cowards.
Under the Falls: This is one of my older ones! Its a strange little mer! au, where a younger Stan and Ford must take in their niblings after a monster hunter slaughters the rest of their family. Baby mers cant disguise themselves, so they must stay in the nearby lake. Luckily, their cat-eyed deer friend is more than happy to keep them company, and take them on Non-Grunkle-Approved adventures.
I Grow Maddened (From Grief): In the Book of Bill, we learn that Mabel and Dipper don't make it to 13 in pretty much every other timeline. Now, Bill 100% could be bullshitting, but i like to think thats its at least partially true: Dippers and Mabels don't tend to last in the Multiverse. But what about their Grunkles? Surely there are quite a few timelines where one set of twins is left to mourn the other.
This au follows a Ford that lost his Dipper and Mabel to a dangerous creature that escaped confinement while he was distracted by his work. It managed to also near fatally wound Stanley and nearly take one of Ford's eyes before he managed to kill it, leaving him with two dead family members and his twin on the brink. Consumed by guilt and refusal to live in a world without his beloved niblings, Ford set Stanley up on cryogenic life support and managed to lie his way into more time by convincing the twin's parents that both of them would be more successful under his tutelage.
Once everything was in place, he threw himself back into the multiverse (this time with a way back) and began hopping through other timelines, looking for the perfect replacements for his missing family. Man spirals hard, eventually deciding that the twins, when he gets them back, would not be leaving his and Stanley's sides again, because his twin is also not leaving. After all, their parents clearly dont value them like they should, and Ford knows that it will be easy to remove any memory of the twins all together.
Euclid + Scalene live (and get better children): Somehow spared from the genocide of their entire dimension, the deeply wounded Cipher parents eventually find themselves inexplicably drawn to a little backwater planet. The two find themselves becoming attached to a pair of twins that seem blessed by the Axolotl itself, and although their last child had caused violence on a previously unseen scale, both Euclidians find that they want to try again. The Ciphers become mostly unseen guardians to the little Pines, content to simply watch over them and bring them sweet dreams while they struggle to hold themselves together.
Then Bill shows up, and everything goes to shit.
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morganalefae · 11 months
s3 morgana being "beyond redemption" is soooooo crazy to me like yeah trying to kill the evil tyrant king whos been murdering every last one of your kind is sooooo evil lock her up and throw away the key!!
such a prime example of a kick the dog character too. like they cant condemn her for just fighting for her right to exist so they have her executing civilians and trying to have gwen executed to make her into the villian.
and! the same goes for morgause! literally what did she ever do wrong? uther conquered camelot (said by him in the episode where gili fights in the tournament) and then executed hundreds if not thousands of people with magic but morgause trying to kill the king is a step too far? why? its almost like the show is actually on uthers side 🤨🤨🤨🤨
which leads me to: the fact that we essentially watch the entire show through the pendragon perspective. merlin protects arthur so everything we learn about the purge and magic and the old religion is from uther/gaius. so, biased, to say the least. one of the most important things they tell you when researching history is to consider where your information is coming from and how that persons perspective influences their discussion of it.
which is why i also dont consider nimueh to be a villain. shes an activist! yeah she tried to kill arthur that one (?) time but he didnt even die so. doesnt count <3 but we SEE her having a conversation ALONE with uther where she says she didnt know what would happen to ygraine and i just cant imagine why she would lie. if she really wanted to hurt him she could have said she'd known and killed her on purpose but i dont think thats the case at all. she says she never would have helped him if she'd known what would happen. like, surprise, if you hunt and kill people for the crime of existing they will fight back and its not going to be the way you like it and innocent people will die. because thats war. you ruthlessly slaughter her people and she will slaughter yours.
worlds most unstructered post. professors hate her. anyway the show eventually starts to take on a very firm, "merlin has magic but ues not LIKE those other magic users therefore hes ok :) everyone else is evil tho. except the druids (sometimes :|)", whereby merlin using magic is only allowed if hes helping or saving arthur (except all those other times but we dont talk about those i guess) and his stance on magic eventually warps until hes just kind of horrible about it.
100% unpopular opinion but gaius should have died in s2 or 3. he influenced merlin far too much and basically never for the better. sorry to gaius lovers but i do NOT like that old man. he advises merlin EVERY time to not tell morgana about her magic (which she has no control over and therefore is manifesting in ways that will absolutely get her caught), to never help any of the unfairly persecuted people of the episode or even to use magic at all. hes a bootlicking coward who only helped people he cared for or when it suited him. how many people do you think he watched burn simply because he didnt agree with the way they used magic, whether it actually "evil" or not.
merlin's only friends who know about his magic are an old conservative man and a guy who dies right when merlin could have used the support of someone to help him "come out" to arthur about his magic.
im firmly of the opinion that had he told morgana about his magic everything would have been literally fine. because alone and with loterally no support system at all, is it any wonder that morgana would go down the road she did? after years of fear and watching people just like her be burned for the crime of existing, with no prophecy or friends to tell her that it wont always be this way. you dont have to be afraid because youre not the only one and i wont let anything happen to you. oh wait. she did get told that. by MORGAUSE. not about the prophecy but how can they be judged by trying to bring about change by themselves. by trying to kill a king whos killed so many of their own people.
if the intention of the show had been to give a poignant message about the cycle of abuse (morgana succumbing to bitterness and hatred just like uther) or how fear can control you (merlin eventually becoming essentially the bad guy, judging everybody who doesnt use magic the way he sees fit, staying silent and contributing to persecution of magic people because living in fear can make you paranoid and bitter (sound familiar?)) then i would applaud because wow did that make me fucking cry! and hit actually very close to home! and it was tragic and horrible but also inevitable
but as far as i can tell that was not at all the point, because in the end kilgharrah tells merlin the prophecy has been fulfilled, albion is united and magic returned! hurrah! but. um. did i miss something? when did that happen? oh, you mean when gwen is queen....? so.... gwen unites the land of albion and returns magic to the land? except, merlin seems to have lived on until the 21st century of our world and magic is not what i would call flourishing atm.
so i guess my question is... well actually i dont have a question. actually wait i do. what the fuck?
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spidermanifested · 3 months
as someone who likes to think hes thought a decent amount about the story of fullmetal alchemist. aka every single day for the past however many years. the thing about the bafflingly prevalent contingent of people who insist that fmas politics are actually very nuanced and leftist is. that i honestly cant figure out what parts of it they even mean?
is it the part where fascism is defeated by war criminal "heroes" who insist that the best way to enact large scale change is to never directly challenge systems, but to infiltrate them and work your way up to the top until you can become the dictator yourself and then tell everyone that actually voting is cool. unless the whole world is about to end, in which case youre allowed to do One coup but then you have to lie to the whole country about what happened and go back to doing incrementalism
is it the part where fascism isnt interrogated realistically as a cultivated product of social unrest, stratification and bigotry, but instead was instituted by a Cosmically Evil Badguy, and all the imperialism and genocide was just kind of a byproduct of that, and if we beat that one guy then everything will eventually be fine
the part where the difference between a Good King and a Bad King is that a good king CARES about his subjects and a bad king DOESNT care >:( but even within the "we need to turn amestris into a democracy!!!" lukewarmly liberal moral framework theres zero discussion of the fact that maybe monarchies are also pretty bad. and the good ending is when the Good King promises to protect the oppressed ethnic minorities in his country but god forbid those minorities actually have any political power themselves
is it the part where the most oppressed ethnic minority in *amestris* is represented by "Religious Terrorist (But Sad)", "Terrorist's Dead Brother", "System-Loving Cop", "Old Lady Who Shows Up Once To Say Not All White People", and "Literally Gandhi. Look At Him Hes Saying A Gandhi Quote"
is it the part where killing people is the worst thing you can do, but if you do mass murder to civilians on behalf of a government but feel really bad the whole time you can still be a good guy, but if you do any amount of killing for any other reason or while feeling an emotion other than sadness youre a borderline-irredeemable monster, unless youre barry the chopper in which case it was funny so its okay (< the only part here thats true)
is it the part where the main character gains the respect of a member of the aforementioned ethnic minority by being racist to him. the part where a black girl has to get scolded by a white girl to realize that stealing is wrong. the part where the only major character to refuse to take part in a genocide is constantly called a coward for doing so by his epic girlboss hypernationalist sister and this is never really challenged. the part where the Sad Religious Terrorist gets guilt tripped so hard about killing 2 people while he was having the worlds most understandable panic attack that he decides hes fine working together with the guys who killed his family, because the System Loving Cop is so heroic, for wanting to do incrementalism, which again, is inherently moral
like the more i think about it the less i get it. this is the most milquetoast "bad things are bad and good things are good" status quo loving political narrative for 15 year olds on earth. where is the super relevant social commentary. because it feels like its just incredibly surface level "the bad guy is like hitler so the author is antifascist and based!!!" 2014 harry potter fandom type nonsense and its REALLY weird that it always comes from people insisting that theyre just that much better at media analysis than all the haters?? and that any criticism must be missing the point. what point. what is the point
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xryin · 3 months
Let me get this straight
Anakin was the exception to balancing the force light and dark essentially a “grey Jedi” the fandom put it but here’s the thing
He failed hampered by Palpatine I won’t ignore that but he failed
Revan failed
Anyone who attempts to balance the dark and light side of the force had failed
Anakin only achieved balance once he died and returned back to complete Ashoka’s training
Thats the real objective view of this shitfest that is the fandom
Let’s get this out of the way also
I dare anyone in this fandom to tell the military the peace they are guarding is a lie and it’s on the same level of people being assholes and telling you it’s ok to bully and abuse someone for being different or for being weak
I want to see how it works for you tough guys to go up a to a soldier and his mates and tell them to stop fighting because someone is an asshole and a bully who twists everything including their morals to serve their self interest
Let me know how it works out for you cowards
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arxxq · 2 years
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╰┈➤ ❝ [the moment I saw you've changed..I just couldn't help myself and did too..] ❞
ft. Itoshi Brothers (seperately), Isagi Yoichi, Nagi Seishiro
Warnings...aged up to 20+, angst?, Mentions of pro! Fencer reader (rin's part) mentions of volleyball player reader (nagi's part) mentions of figure skater reader(sae's part) and pro! archer reader (isagi's part) soccer mentioned as football
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•
You and Itoshi Rin were childhood friends. So it was a shock when you found out that he became more cold and ruthless from other people. You refused to believe so. Why? Because the rin you had knew was such a sweet person..so you thought, "there's no way he changed..."
You were wrong. When you returned to japan once again at the age of 16, your brother managed to drag you to a stadium which was where the U-20 vs Blue lock's eleven was held at. You didn't really thought much of it and was barely paying attention...that was until you saw them.
The Itoshi siblings fighting against eachother. You were surprised. Why? You asked. Didn't those two shared a dream together. You kept bitting your nails as it became a habit to you when you get anxious.
You realized that..the rumours about Rin was never a lie. He really did change. He wasn't the person you knew before. He wasn't the sweet boy who shared a dream with his older brother..it wasn't him anymore, he had become so cold, so distant. At least to you. And all this time you had refused to believe others when they told you he had changed.
You really sacrificed your own dreams on becoming a fencer just so you could support the two brothers on their dreams. But it seems like it was such a pathetic choice. You shouldn't have done that. But due to being blinded by love..I guess maybe that's a reason why.
Once the game ended, you immediately stood up running out of the stadium. When you first saw rin you thought it was a good opportunity to greet him and to tell him you were back but not anymore. You couldn't handle see him change. So you ran out leaving your brother to chase after you.
It been years now, you are now 20 and known as a famous pro fencer. You've win alot of medals in the olympics. Being well known as a well known fencer in the olympics felt nice because this time you learn to prioritize yourself no one else but yourself.
One day, during practice with you're teammates, you're fencing instructor had called for you which piqued the interest of not only you, but you're teammates as well. You excuse yourself from you're opponent and went to you're instructor asking why she called for you.
"Did I do something wrong?" You looked at you're instructor confused while you took off you're mask. The coach smiled and shook her head to reasure you. "It's not anything bad, just that someone is requesting to meet you," now you looked at her full of curiosity.
Someone searching for you? I mean thats quite rare. It couldn't be you're brother nor you're parents and any other relatives or outside friends of yours because they should've known that you have practice. So this just made you curious.
You went outside the training hall only to hear a deep voice of a male. "Hi," he stated. You look up wide eye when you were met with those bright aquatic blue eyes that you have seen when you were a child. What was he doing here? Wouldn't he be busy right now.
You wanted to leave but you're body wouldn't budge. You were frozen right beneath him. You didn't like it, him towering over you and yet here you are being a coward. "What do you want Itoshi?" You asked with a cold voice. You were slowly losing your composure.
"what happened to you?" He asked and you scoffed. He looked at you with a raised brow. "What happened to me? Psh I should've asked you the same.." now he looked really confused.
He looked at you with eyes that held concerned. He noticed something different. He knew that this wasn't you. At least not to him. He noticed you had become a whole new person. "You've changed.." he stated. You looked at him with a smirk. "So did you.."
Rin looked at her. He didn't expect that reply from you that he backed away. You lowered your head trying to hide you're face and eyes that was threatening to spill out the tears.
You chuckled. "Oh c'mon..I saw you when you went against the u-20. I refused to believe you've changed," a tear from your eyes had dropped to the ground. "But now... I've learned to accept it, so now you should accept the fact I did too,"
He couldn't believe his ears..he felt as if life was decieving him right this moment. This wasn't you..this wasn't the person he knows, no it can't be right? or was it really you..and you really have changed. "I have to go...it was nice meeting you again rin.." before you went back to the training hall, you made one last eye contact with him and continued..
"or should I say..the young prodigy," and with those words that had came out from your own mouth, you had left him right there. At least now he understands how you felt during that day. that you have changed to a different person just like he did.
Your relationship with Itoshi Sae was just you two being close friends from the start of preschool. You and him were known unseperatable. It's as if you were stuck to him like glue because every moment people would see you and see together.
When sae took in the dream of becoming the best striker you went to support him. You never stopped supporting him. Every day, every moment you would be there when he practiced and you would be there in every game he had played.
But it all ended when sae was given an opportunity to play in spain. You were proud of him. He finally reached this point. Although there was a feeling of sadness in your heart, you told yourself to hide any signs of sadness.
It's been years since sae had been in spain, when you heard he's about to return you were so overjoyed. But obviously sae was going to meet his little brother first. Afterall he is family.
But what you didn't expect to here from rin was that sae's no longer the person you guys knew. You were oblivious to what he meant so you shrugged it off. When the doorbell rung you were happy...well just for a while untill he gave you the harsh reality.
"I want to break our friendship.." he was blunt with it. Not even one single emotion or feeling of guilt. He was so fucking straight forward. You froze. "What do you mean?" You asked. "I just decided to leave you because all this time you've been a distraction,"
"a distraction, but I've been supporting you—" he cut you off. "That's the exact problem," you wanted to cry right there and you did and all he did was scoffed. "You're annoying, all you do is hold me back. Its also funny how you keep trying to fit in and hide in the shadows at the same time,"
"you're pathetic so now I realized it's time to leave you," he stated. It really shattered. Out of frustration you yelled out at him. "Fine leave, but once you do I don't want to ever see you again..!"
"tch you really think I want anything to do with you? What a horrible assumption."
"I wished I had never even met you in the first place.."
"glad you feel the same way l/n—san.."
Now you are 22 years old. You were known as one of the worlds talented figure skating champion in the olympics. You had won so many gold and silver medals along with trophies. Let's just say ever since sae had said those words to you..you decided to chase the impossible.
He was right. You tried so hard to fit it, but sometimes fitting in won't get you anywhere. So you stood out, and here you are known as one of the worlds best figure skaters. It felt good to stand out. It felt good to be known and not be hidden under some stupid shadows. This was what you could've done years ago if you hadn't been so dependant on sae.
Right now you were being interviewed by a crowd of people. You didn't really like being interviewed. You hated it along with big crowds but most of the time you can't escape them. They kept asking you questions until a question from a certain person frozed you.
"how does it feel to be known?" The crowd of people froze due to amazement to see one of the worlds 11 also known as itoshi sae was there. The crowd even gave way for him to make his way Infront of you. "It's nice to see you again Y/n.." You smiled but you were really just irritated that he caused this scene.
"ah well if you could excuse me people but Itoshi-san and i might have to talk in private right now," you dragged him by his wrist to an empty hallway.
Once you made sure it was clear you didn't hesitate to slap him. "What the hell is your god damn problem?!" His hand went towards the cheek you had slap him on. "Didn't I fucking told you that I didn't want to see you're face ever again?!" Sae was taken aback since you snapped. "I remembered, but you really think I was going to listen to you?" He mumbled. After a few minutes of silence, sae decided to break it.
"You've changed.." "So did you sae-san," sae didn't expect that to be you're response.
You let out a shaky breathe. "Look sae, I want nothing to do with you anymore so now I suggest you to leave me, and never come back..just like what you did before,"
And with that..you left him there while sae was silently regretting his words and choices he had said to you years ago. If only he could move back in time, maybe he would've changed what he had said to you.
Isagi Yoichi had been you're best friend. You never left his side. Whenever he felt down you were there for him. Whenever you felt down he was there for you. You supported isagi's dream to becoming a football player and he supported your's in becoming an archer but you had to gave up on it all due to you an injury. A wrist injury. It happened when Isagi was playing soccer and the ball hit you're wrist.
As you two grew up, you're relationship never changed. When Isagi lost to go to the finals you were there and went he told you a few moments later that he was picked by the jfu you were proud of him.
But maybe you should've stopped him..or maybe not. When you heard that he was playing for the u-20 you were happy and you went there with his parents. But when he was playing you noticed something his parents didn't. Part of you said it was still Isagi...but the other said it doesn't seem like it was Isagi to you.
You shrugged it off thinking it was probably just coincidence. Well I guess it wasn't. Even after Isagi won, he didn't acknowledged you at all. It was as if you never existed to him anymore. Even if he did, it would be a simple greet.
You didn't think he changed much until you saw him play against england along with noel noa. That proofed you that he had changed, that his ego raised. You realized that Isagi had technically achieved his dream. You were happy but dad he changed.
As time passes by you learned to accept his change and decided to change yourself. You've finally decided to go after that dream again. You didn't care if you were to injure your wrist again because you told yourself if you didn't take a risk, then your life wouldn't go anywhere.
You're relatives didn't think it was a good Idea but you didn't listen because this dream was something you've been longing to achieve. Times passed on, and eventually the more you believed in yourself, you've changed and you achieved the dream of becoming a successful professional female archer.
Most of the time you played in teams during events but you usually prefer playing as an individual instead. You're ego had also raised because you're mindset changed from "one for all," to "all for one".
You were known quite cold and focused and that attitude lead you to success. Working in teams were fun but sometimes it's best to go solo.
You were finally back in japan after being in US for an archery tournament. Even after you returned home you kept training in the backyard. You're family was quite worried for you're well being but they probably had figured out this was like a routine for you.
Just as you were about to shoot another arrow to the target, someone had stopped you by holding you're wrist. You flinched and looked behind to see Isagi.
"what are you doing here?" You asked in a stern voice. He smiled at you. "You shouldn't be overworking yourself especially since you just came back.." he said completely ignoring you're question.
You let down you're how and scoffed. "Like I said..what are you doing here?" You asked once again. "I heard you were back in japan and decided to visit you," once he said that you immediately went back to practicing.
"Well I thank you for the visit but I'm quite busy as you can see right now," you shot the arrow on the bullseye as always. Isagi sighed. "You've changed (n/n)—chan.." you froze and held in a breathe. He was right you did change but it was because you saw him accept a change. You let out the breathe you held and lowered down you're head along with the bow then proceed to smile.
"So did you..yo-chan"
Nagi Seishiro. Who was he to you? Well you could say you were strangers who immediately became gaming buddies. You met in the arcade. Nagi and you were known unstoppable whenever you played together.
No matter what, you two managed to beat others. You and nagi were quite unseperatable. Although as you grew up you realize that eventually nagi will change but you decided to shrug it off. Afterall it shouldn't come so soon right.
But...it seem that it did come so soon. Magi immediately change the moment he met Mikage reo. Now you don't hate reo obviously not. He was a nice guy it's just... because of his encounter with nagi.. you're friend had changed.
Ever since he met reo, nagi had a strong passion into playing soccer. You were happy for him but because of all that you and nagi weren't as close as before. It was as if...you guys were strangers again.
Nagi and you had become distant. You usually have long conversations with eachother while playing games but that immediately change and become to small talks.
You've realized he changed. The nagi seishiro you knew wasn't there anymore. So when nagi decided to break the friendship you weren't surprised but you felt relieved for some reason. Maybe it was because now he broke it, you won't have to think about it again.
That was years ago. You heard that now, both Nagi seishiro along with Mikage reo were known as football prodigies. What about you? Well you are known and a volleyball player. You see after nagi broke off the friendship you joined the volleyball team and managed to bring the team into the nationals.
Not only that, as you grew you were invited in the japanese volleyball team. You've win so many games along with you're teammates and you were happy you've reached this far.
One day and you were walking on the streets that was not so crowded while playing a game, you bumped into someone or well more if one person while the other was focused on something else.
"watch where you're—wait y/n-san?" Well it seems like the person you bumped into was none other than reo. "Ah reo—uhm hi?"
"WAH, it's been so long hasn't it? How have you been?" He asked. Nagi was there observing the two. He realized something. He realized your change. "It has been long but I'm fine reo.." you replied to his question.
Just as reo was about to talk again, someone had cut him off. "Reo..can I talk to y/n alone?" You knew that voice and you will never forget that voice.
"oh nagi, uhmm sure I'll go on ahead. I'll see you next time y/n!" You waved at reo before he was no longer in your sight. Now you were alone with nagi.
"it's been a while huh seishiro?" You smiled at him. Nagi froze. You had never called him 'seishiro..' it was always 'sei'. He stayed silent.
You sighed. "Seishiro if you plan to not talk I think it's best I get going.." you were about to leave him there until his hand stopped you.
"you've changed so much...why is that?" You looked at him but with a smile. "So did you sei, you've changed as well.." you said completely ignoring his question. And with that you left him without letting him question you the same question again.
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Mistakes will be fixed once I reread
reblogs are highly appreciated!
Please don't claim as you're own.
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static-errorcode · 7 months
incorrect quotes with my friends
@darkleafblack, @bobateablue, @the-random-creechur, @toffeechad, @sleepypillowynight, @demondevilevil, @coolkiwiyummy
Btw mp mean mechanical pencil
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Bobatea: I just want someone to take me out.
Demon: On a date?
Nightmare berry: With a sniper gun?
Mp: Both if you're not a coward.
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Kiwi : I have issues.
Demon: Finally, you admit it! The first step to redemption is accept-
Kiwi : With you.
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Slimebottle , after getting a job as a life guard: Hmm... I wonder what those things at the bottom of the pool are..
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Slimebottle : If you got arrested what would be the charges?
Demon: Theft.
Bobatea: Disturbing the peace.
Mp: Aggravated assault.
Nightmare berry: Arson.
Static: All of the above. In that order, probably.
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Slimebottle : Nightmare berry won’t wake up, what do I do?
Static: Did you try kicking them?
Slimebottle : Yes.
Static: I’m out of ideas.
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Pillowy: Static, you need to react when people cry!
Static: I did. I rolled my eyes.
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Kiwi : You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Nightmare berry: Those are wanted posters!
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Pillowy, to Demon: Why is Static not talking?
Demon: I'm playing the silent game with them.
Pillowy: Well, then you just lost.
Demon: I lost two hours ago. I gave them ear plugs and told them to close their eyes. It was the only way I could think of to get them to shut up.
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Kiwi : Are they stupid?
Slimebottle : Yes, but they prefer to be called Bobatea.
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Bobatea: What’s something you guys are better than Pillowy at?
Nightmare berry: Mario Kart.
Mp: Yeah, video games.
Demon: Emotional vulnerability.
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Static: Twilight Sparkle was the main character because she represented the element of friendship—
Static: I'M NOT DONE!
Static: And Rainbow Dash was the sporty girl—
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Static: Pillowy, I know you snuck out to see Demon last night.
Pillowy: If you tell Kiwi or Bobatea, I swear I’ll murder you, and they’ll never find the body.
Static: Five bucks?
Pillowy: Fine.
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Slimebottle : Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Pillowy: I'm a knife.
Demon, from across the room: They're the little spoon.
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*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Bobatea: Would never stab anyone.
Demon: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Nightmare berry: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Static: Would stab without warning.
Pillowy: Would stab as a warning.
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Mp: Hey bro, what do you want to eat?
Static: The souls of the innocent!
Pillowy: A bagel.
Static: No!
Pillowy: Two bagels.
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Pillowy, handing a balloon to Static: I have no soul. Have a good day!
Static, walking off: I don't have one either.
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Nightmare berry: Don’t be sad!
Kiwi : Why not?
Nightmare berry:
Nightmare berry: I don’t have a good answer.
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Slimebottle , on the phone: Uh. . Hey, Demon, i uh, I’ve been stabbed.
Slimebottle : Wait- You aren’t Demon. Sorry- I didn’t mean to call you-
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Mp: Not gonna lie, I'm kind of afraid of Nightmare berry...
Slimebottle : As you should be.
Mp: No, for real, they're kind of-
Slimebottle : As. You. Should. Be.
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Kiwi : What do you have?
Static: A KNIFE!
Kiwi : NO!
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Nightmare berry: I'm bored.
Static: Wanna commit first degree murder? Nightmare berry: Sure!
Mp, hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Kiwi down!!
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*Kiwi and Mp are texting*
Kiwi : Who are you? Someone changed the names in my phone.
Mp: What did they change my name to?
Kiwi : Chosen One.
Mp: Don’t change it back.
Kiwi : BUT WHO ARE YOU?!?!
Mp: I’m the chosen one.
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Mp: Team A will consist of myself, Bobatea, Demon, and Pillowy.
Mp: Team B will consist of Static.
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Hope you enjoyed
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intergalactic-garbage · 2 months
i see you've chosen to be into red dwarf today, which i've never heard of, so i'm currently working out from your posts what it even is at all
my guess went from fiction podcast to musical (a la starkid) to somewhat low budget tv show (made no later than 2007 and likely in the 80s)
it seems fun! and i'm also having fun with my lack of understanding of what it is so it's your call whether you want to tell me or just laugh at my guesses :)
hiiii monarch! i love the phrasing "whats this mf gonna reblog today *spins wheel*" :D <3
red dwarf is a sci-fi comedy sitcom from the uk, which aired some time ago. it's something i used to watch with my dad (still do sometimes) - we have all the series on dvd in czech, and the dub holds a special place in my heart.
as do the characters! the cast features dave lister, last human whos accidentally survived an accident that killed everyone else on the spaceship, wakes up 3mil yrs later, and is only accompanied by rimmer, his former insuffrable roommate (now in the form of a hologram), cat (guy who is from a race that evolved from lister's cat which he sneaked on the spaceship (and the reason why he got sent to stasis for 3mil yrs)), totally flamboyant and very stupid mf (i love him), holly (the ships sarcastic ai interface) and kryten (servant robot who learns to be more human and rebel against his programming).
the cast all have their insufferable qualities that make them so very human. lister is just a guy. hes very punk subculture guy who just views the world through very common sense, likes to poke fun at rimmer, and is gross at times :D but very much is the one to be the voice of humanity and just. empathy. real. rimmer is a horrible know-it-all whos a terrible coward and loves to pesk everyone around him (and drop the blame for things he did to himself on everyone else). he has 97 illnesses and isnt allowed in most public spaces
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(this is a hannibal meme but applies to rimmer too well.) hes very autistic coded, his parents hated him, is obsessed with becoming a great world ruler/hero/whatever, and terribly in denial of the fact that hes just sabotaging himself in becoming that. also frequently made fun of for not having a lot of sex with women, but it all just comes of as him being gay and horribly horribly in denial about it.
basically, rimmer was only revived as a hologram to be a companion to lister, and was picked to be the person who was best fit to be listers companion for an eternity in space from every person on the ship of red dwarf (which is said to be big like a small city). which idk but if you ask me thats pretty gay.
the sort of core of the show is the banter of them two, and them being polar opposites in a way, but also, despite how annoyed they are by each other, clearly caring about each other.
the third character is holly, the ships ai with iq in the thousands, who exists to provide info on the ship and have sarcastic remarks. sometime in s2 he switches gender and becomes a woman. dont remember why or how. but then she has this horrible haircut
the fourth character is cat. hes stupid, cares about himself, dresses in flamboyant suits (my personal fashion icon), but never to such an extent that hed become actually unlikable. theyre all kinda annoying but that makes it so good :D the fifth character, who joins the cast sometime in s2 is kryten, android who is their maid. hes very kind and caring and they slowly actively try to disrupt this programming, so he can lie and rebel and just. im soft abt it
the entire show is enjoyable bc of the characters and the fact they all share a single braincell, and the setting allows fun sci-fi shenanigans to happen. like a manifestation of their worst aspects in the form of a planet, a version of earth where time is in reverse, and all that jazz - but it all really serves as a setting for the characters and the bits :D despite all that, often theres a deeper thought underlying the eps, like theyre often on the verge of death, or discussing the morality of something. it's all just very british.
and ahhhh i just love them all they have zero braincells and the humour is so special to me<33 and thank you for asking!!! im literally so happy someone asked me about this :3 also please if theres anything that didnt make sense to you or want to ask further about please do <3
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
apologies for being less active now, school started up like a bitch (take a thinkies post, possible spoilers ahead)
what if gill and chip like swapped "moral" codes in a sense. gillion lies about who he is and what the underseas like and shit as to hide from the truth and out of fear for what happens if he doesnt (could also be some form of rebellion of the elders treatment of him). hes still a heroic and "honorable" to the public eye, yet he has a bit more fear. fear that his friends will find out and he'll be exiled again but it will feel oh so much worse because as time goes on it eats away at gill more that hes getting closer to them so he has more to lose. fear that one day hell have to pick between the truth or someones life or something and at first, while theres a little doubt, he feels confident that hed sacrifice them for his sharade to be kept. but, as gillion keeps being the hero, the lovable "idiot" (GILLION IS NOT AN IDIOT HES JUST CONFUSED ON OVERSEA CULTURE NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM ALRIGHT??), he wants to actually be the character he plays, because he wants to go back to (or actually be, up to you) being an undersea hero, maybe even just a hero for both worlds, and he no longer can find himself able to sacrifice one for his own safety/comfort, and it scares him how much hes changing. yet, he'd keep lying, because the one with nothing to lose doesnt want his "only" strength to be proven false too.
and chip? why would he be more honest? he probably wouldnt, lets be honest, hes chip bastard for asters sake! well, maybe he could lie less, but i doubt hed give it up entirely. so how would he work? well, with how much others have helped him not just survive but live, he finds it more comforting to put trust in them. he'd lie to protect others, hed lie to get out of a situation where theyre in danger, but he doesnt prefer it. he chooses trust, not exactly blind but by the gut feelings (to add some mystery around niklaus, hed be one of the few people he couldnt find a single trusting vibe) he uses like a compass. is he still a bit of a coward? absolutely! he could even be seen as a bit more careless with it, thinking more how to get this to end with all them safe rather then keeping them safe in the moment.
the reason they duel? obvious of course, but gillion is revealed to have lied. some gamble in the casino battle causes gillion to have to say it. and chip is fucking stunned, because he didnt have to help gillion. he didnt need to pick him up from the sea that day. how long was he lying to him, the captain (at that point, chip was indeed the captain) of the ship that gave him water for his gills? how long was he planning on keeping it? chip dioesnt care. the next day, he immedately confronts gillion for it. gillion says similar arguements he does in canon, but more so as reasoning as to why he did it rather then why chip shouldnt have. and chip isnt having a word of it.
im not sure if gill would still win, or by some magic, chip would win this time. each would be dramatic. gillion winning, yet not wanting to finish it, and chip telling him ("orders from your fucking captain gillion tidestrider." and when that doesnt work? "orders from your once friend gill.") that the only way hed let this slide is if he finished the job. chip winning by a thread, fueled only by rage at his betrayal, and he has gillion at the end of his sword and he looks into his eyes and just, "get off my ship, gillion. get out of here before i change my fucking mind with mercy." jay steps in, with her whole speech and everything, and everything plays out the same (yeah i could never change the hot sauce prank).
AND MAKE NO MISTAKE! CHIP STILL GIVES THE FLAG BOOBS AND THOSE KINDS OF PRANKS! thats just because the crew (every once in a while gill doesnt understand it) gets its a simple joke and its chip bastard! why wouldnt he?
these are my thoughts but you guys add your own shit to it id love to see it
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valandhirwriter · 3 months
9,10,24 for the whump ask :)
Thanks for the tag @do-androids-dream-ao3acc
9. Which of your stories has the most whump in it?
Thats actually hard to say. Song of the Dragon certainly has a big whumpy chunk with Eskel's injury after fighting Geralt.
A distant Light on the other hand too has several big chunks of whump, starting with Kili physically and emotionally wounded after the Battle of the Five armies, followed years later Boromir in Amon Hen, and adding several battle injuries over the course of the following battles.
10. What is your favorite whumpy story you have written?
At the edge of the world - and that mostly for a short scene right after the shipwreck, there is a moment in that scene, that I am still proud of, though the story isn't focusing too much on the whump.
I'll give you just the quote of the scene
When he came closer, he saw the Man had long black hair, tangled wildly across his face and still wet enough to shine the light of dawn. He hadn’t been out of the water for long. His arms were outstretched and dug into the ground, claw-like furrows in the sticky sand. He had tried to claw his way ashore.
The tanned skin told Boromir at once that this could not be his friend, but rather someone from the enemy vessel. It was not a revelation he liked.
He slowed down, eyes carefully trained on the Man lying still on the sands, the waves licking at his feet. Could it be the one he had been swimming with?  Again he tried to remember. He had been on a piece of wood first, someone swimming with him, but the wood had been torn away and… he still could not conjure up more – all he remembered was the rage of the waters, swimming against the ocean itself and the vague sense of not being alone. No, there was more, only a glimpse, a fragment of something… drawn under the waters, someone grabbing him and an oddly familiar pair of eyes looking at him… He sighed – nothing to help him here.
When it came to the stranded enemy soldier, Boromir wished he could just ignore him, but the way he lay close to the waterline suggested he had barely had the strength to make it ashore. Letting him lie there and be drawn back into the water to drown would be a coward’s decision.
Kneeling down beside the Man, Boromir touched his shoulder and arm to roll him to the side. He wore only some ragged dark clothes that were still soaking wet, and his skin was deeply cold, colder than even the long time in the water seemed to warrant. Bracing one hand on the firm sand, he pushed aside the heavy wet locks, revealing a familiar face, unnaturally pale with exhaustion. Shakurán. Boromir remembered seeing him aboard the Corsair vessel, a captive amongst others. Like a slap it all came back to him: crashing into the Easterling when the lightning struck, tumbling into the water before it all became dark, clinging to the mast… and the waves nearly drowning them. It had been Shakurán with him in the storm. It was the strangest feeling but Boromir was not entirely surprised that the Easterling had helped him – it was something that fit him, in an odd kind of way. He had often shown his willingness to respect an enemy more than some friends. Still… Boromir had never owed his life to an enemy before, not by being spared out of mercy and certainly not for being saved in a tempest.
He grabbed the limp, cold shoulder firmly and shook the other Man. “Shakurán,” he said, his voice strained and hoarse from his throat’s burning. He was glad it was the Easterling who had been washed ashore and not one of the Corsairs. With Shakurán, he knew where he stood, whereas the Corsairs were thieves and pirates.
The Easterling moved slightly: his eyes opened, though his gaze was unfocused. His hands still clawed into the sand; he tried to move, painfully slow. Boromir helped him , and only to lie in a position where he could breathe easier. “Shakurán,” he repeated, not sure if the Man was even hearing him yet.
“Aye.” The Easterling’s voice was equally as rough when he spoke several moments later. He drew in his legs slightly and managed to get to his knees, before his body convulsed and he violently threw up. It was the very same reaction Boromir had lived through, only much longer and more painful. Cramps wracked the warrior’s body for a long time, shakes running through his muscles, as his body convulsed anew.
Reaching out to steady him, Boromir felt the muscles shiver under the skin; the entire body was caught in the violent spasm. He could feel Shakurán tense against his grip but did not brush him off, accepting what help he could give. The shuddering stilled first and the convulsions abated next until finally Shakurán managed to breathe normally. “You should have killed me right away, Boromir, before I woke up,” he snapped, his voice still raspy.
“Sorry to disappoint – my sword is on the bottom of the sea,” Boromir replied dryly, releasing his grip of the warrior.
“At least you spare me the moralizing that is wrong to kill a man half drowned.” Shakurán drew his legs in and pushed himself to his feet, only to get sick again, and collapsed back to his knees. There was no more water he could vomit on it seemed, his body spewing mostly air, cramping hard again and Boromir watched the ashen complexion of his skin grey even further.
24. Do you have any whump pet peeves? Meaning things that just bug you when you see them in a fanfic.
Yes. Several.
1. In many fics it feels gratuitous. There is no real story reason for that much emphasise on the injury/wound and it's not really needed for the story, it is only for wallowing in it. There is no character development or anything, which is annoying. The carer often just worries and worries, but it doesn't go anywhere, doesn't create any change or insight, or anything that will affect the overall story later.
2. Many whump stories make one character needlessly weak and pitiful. It feels a lot like mimimimi. Which means I will quit reading it.
3. Baby. - Many fics have the carer/comforter start using ridiculous diminutives to adress the injured person. It's just embarrassing.
Overall I am not a very whumpy reader.
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yamatossideboob · 3 months
One Piece 1117 spoilers!
This week's philosophisings:
I fucking love Yamato hugging Daddy Cat, happy father's day son
So I did not cop this until I saw people raving about it but. Gin lives babes.
And he made it back to the New World with Dong Krieg and Pearl...
I'm genuinely stunned by this, I can't lie. Oda is stuffing in cameos from E V E R Y O N E.
This is so strange. On one hand I feel like I should be cross that Oda has not only cowarded out of ANOTHER character death, but the fact that 1) it's after 20 literal fucking years after we saw him last, which is genuinely just hilarious, and 2) its fucking GIN!!!!! OUR GUY FUCKING MADE IT!!! HE DEFIED THE GRIM REAPER BEFORE ZORO!!!!! DON GIN FOR LIFE BAYBEEEEEEEEE
also nice callback to the City of Gold myth from Skypiea
oh hi Saruyama lads
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Kujaku...
DRAKE??????????? glad you're alive I guess now you can do something interesting
This fella channeling the entire readership for what feels like months now
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One inch closer to gtfo Egghead, real den den mushi pace to this escape manouvre lmao
Nusjuro is easily the scariest-looking of the Elders, the fucked up skeletaur form is just peak nightmare fuel. fuckin SMT shit
'Fishman Jiu-jutsu Piggyback' doesn't quite hit the same as 'Fastball Special' but FUCK if it doesn't otherwise tick those Hype Shit boxes, gwan Jimbei and Mosshead
Zoro stanboys creaming themselves reading this, power scalers succing themselves thru their jorts at this display
Fr though good on swordsman repelling a fucking Elder to let the crew have more time to flee, ditto Jimbei on the slick catch
also Zoro sword deemed significant somehow woowee
shit, what are the chances we get another crew split a la Whole Cake? Doubt it at this late stage buttttttttt
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (thats Luffy yellin)
the Giants delight in their carnage yay yippee
I cannot help but read Bluegrass in a Cork accent.
I guess some VAs being not useless is good for stakes. On the Giants tho.
go Giant Robo... you gave us nothing.. lol I'm not yet convinced that the Iron Giant is kaput yet, it just seems too hardy for that even with the Elder assault going on. but that signal is banjaxed now, probably for good. Which suits me fine, Robin can still have her big moment in due time this way.
What's the deal with the D though... I can't wait til we finally find out... mamma mia
Thankfully another chapter is due next Sunday. This is likely the end of this colossal lore drip feed by Vegapunk, but next time will surely be immensely exciting now that we can finally get off the island and off to Elbaf! I'll meet ye there nakama!
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credulouscanidae · 11 months
every day i live in a passive limbo, waiting for the moment i suddenly feel better and can confront my anxiety, paranoia, and loneliness.
i feel like i have been shattered, and left in pieces with no glue to be put back together.
every day my existentialism and history of being gaslit dominates my brain and i can never make sense of my thoughts and feelings. i am constantly second-guessing myself, and implanting intentions that weren't previously there. i feel like i am required to have constant self-awareness, and to not have so means that i am Obviously Insane and Unsalvagable.
people on the outside would think im just a very holistic thinking person. which is true, and can be a good thing. but honestly? it's detrimental to how i perceive myself. i cannot unabashedly live in the moment of anything. i am, by default, viewing myself from a third person perspective in a hyper critical way. i feel afraid to fall into any category of people or labels, because to claim anything about myself is felt to either be a lie, a mockery of people who are "really" that thing, or it's attention seeking (which of course is the worst thing you could ever do right?)
even claiming to be existential causes a fear and anxiety that i am being pretentious or not self aware that it's a very human experience. my detachment from the world, my trauma, my existentialism, none of it is important or matters because others experience it too.
i cannot begin to describe what gaslighting does to the brain.
what it's done to me.
i dont even wanna claim ive become very isolated because others also experience it. id say the lockdowns from 2020-2021 triggered this, but i think more and more and realise that i wouldve done this when my mum died, or even earlier had i not had a confident person with friends take me under their wing.
i feel my whole life has come into question. i feel like my old home, my old life, my friends and pet and loved ones, dont exist anymore. i feel like im a dead person, looking back on their life and realising who i really was. all the mistakes and inconsiderate behaviours i ever done. it just fuels the fire of the gaslit brain.
everything i ever do or feel is a contradiction. i dont matter to others, but i also have more of an impact on others than i realise. the impact i have matters more than what im ever feeling, and for me to not be self aware of that clearly demonstrates how selfish and horrible i truly am.
maybe it's why people think im such a giving, non-judgemental, and sweet person. im not. im angry. im subjugated. im frightened. like a deer in the headlights, i have no choice. im easygoing and agreeable because i am scared of disagreeing or giving my thoughts through normal debate. because doing so in the past has caused assumptions about me, or intentions skewed or created. my words did not matter, but also they did.
i dont know how to just. start talking to people again. i have been given advice from people who have dealt with isolation but. i know the secret is to challenge yourself and do things even when you dont feel ready, because youll never feel ready, but how? i have lost so much. i dont have the support i need to do something so brave. because i am a coward who avoids and runs away. thats probably manipulative for me to do anyway. ive dug myself into a hole i cant climb out of. ive literally made it worse for myself for no reason. and now i cant even face the consequences of my own inaction.
but why would i wish for people to be there for me when i cant even be there for them? i know i would be there for them, in a heartbeat, but i cannot right now. thats selfish and manipulative to say i guess but. it's not fair that others dont get considered as a result of me not considering myself. mental illness makes you selfish. it makes you not a good friend.
i want to be a real friend.
dont wanna break when i bend.
i have a therapist im gonna be seeing every 2 weeks. if this doesnt work out, then idk what i'll do. i have settled for the most part, and when life feels good, when my roots are grounding and growing in england, it feels good. i dont have many friends here, but i am happy with my partner and his friends, but it feels like i have so many loose ends and a life i have left behind that i cant face. and i am guilty when i experience happiness, let alone share it. because that doesnt align with my narrative that im suffering. which i am, but, i am also trying to survive and live in the life i currently have.
i guess that's what happens to the gaslit brain.
but i have to believe things will get better.
because if i don't
then what?
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nono-bunny · 7 months
Thoughts from watching the ATLA live action!
Episode 2:
So I guess no intro every episode? A shame, but understandable (we literally got it twice in the first one lmao). Hopefully it's back in season 2!
Ah, so this is the aforementioned diary related hissy fit I've been hearing so much about! It is pretty funny tbh lol. Anyway, no, Iroh, Zuko had it right actually lmao, Aang is a coward! It's just... A bit strange to include that here given that his biggest running away incident isn't present in this show? So like. Yes, animated Aang absolutely is a coward, as to this one? It remains to be seen ig, so far he isn't that much, actually, which just makes Zuko seem wrong when in the animated show he would've been 100% correct
OwO what's this??? An Aang thats being proactive and interested about learning and how to control and best use his powers??? You love to see it.
Alright so. Truly I don't know what people are talking about in regards to Katara? Her sense of adventure and tendency to get in trouble while doing reckless things is still absolutely present- those are also important things about her, not just being angry and nurturing! This is a Katara that presents and composes herself differently, and yeah, it's a bit strange! But she still feels like Katara, just... A quiet Katara! She's much less out there with her emotions, which. I do miss a bit ngl, but it's a really interesting direction for her that feels like it's inevitably gonna lead to a major explosion, probably around the time of TSR too! So idk, its really not as big of an issue to me as it seems to be to other people ig. She and Aang were changed a lot- with Aang I do think it's absolutely a positive change because I hate him in canon, but with Katara I just think it's really interesting and worth giving a shot to because it doesn't seem wholly out of pocket or to be leading nowhere, not when you know that her highest emotional points still lie in wait and might, in fact, hit harder if they were a complete deviation from normal to this otherwise calm character. It may still flop and fail, but I genuinely do thing they're building up to something with her and that it's worth giving a chance to.
Kanna once again being the goat!! Idk that I talked much about her during the last episode but I think it was mostly just because I didn't really have any notes lol, I just enjoy her expanded role a lot! The entire legacy of the southern bending being lost in favor of the northern one is a thing I've seen talked about a lot, so I actually really like that there's at least one moveset from the southern style that's preserved here. Of coursing losing "I'll save you from the pirates" is a great personal loss, but I've already seen The Scarf scene so I'm glad at least there was a more or less equivalent replacement lol
Burying Gyatso is a great addition!!!
Blasphemy!!! No such thing as "chicken"!!! What is this abomination Sokka speaks of here???
God everything about Kyoshi Island, including Suki, is just... 😍 I really do love that this Aang is capable of like. Relating to others, being understanding and persuasive and cautious. It's certainly like. A whole different person aside from brief moments of silliness and levity, but it works much better for me because, again, this is a level he never reaches in the original even at the end of his story even though he SHOULD'VE.
Iroh is fr so weird with how direct he is, I just. Can't get used to it- literally his only eccentric quality atm is being a bit of a gourmand, it feels really off. For all his talk about being able to know how to talk to people to get what you want, Zhao sees through him super quick, because like, c'mon, literally who wouldn't??? It was super obviously a lie and. It's all so bizarre, he feels WAY too serious for this point in the story and it genuinely really takes me out of every scene he's in.
As weird as it is for Suki to still get offended when Sokka respects her position and calls her a warrior, the Sukka here IS really funny and fun to watch haha!
Katara is genuinely so sweet with Aang here, idk I just really enjoyed that scene! Do kinda wish we'd get to see Katara drop her water orb lmao, I keep waiting for it to happen and it just never does. She IS a natural prodigy, but I think the original show demonstrated a bit better how much she struggled without any guidance by having her fail her forms rather than just fail to get anything to happen.
It's the intro air scooter scene!!!! Also I'm really enjoying how Katara's right here about Aang being good with people, and how I noticed it myself as well!
Suki trying to flirt with Sokka is so cute oml
Aang being TOO powerful and unable to control his bending is actually such a good idea!!
Omg finally Iroh feels like Iroh!! Who knew all that was needed was literally just for him to talk in Pai Sho metaphors again lmao. Tbh, maybe just literally ANY metaphor whatsoever was missing, oof
Interesting to have Suki take off her makeup right before battle, or like. At all during her first appearance! Not really like, bad or good, just an interesting choice I felt was worth mentioning because it certainly hit me as very different
Hey, uh, Kyoshi babe, you're 100% correct and I enjoy seeing you yelling some sense into Aang but. This is the wrong Aang for this??? Like he literally never ran away it's so bizarre how they keep acting like he did when the original was all too happy to drop that angle when he consistently did. Idk it kinda feels like him not technically running away was maybe like a last minute rewrite or something? It's weird and doesn't gel with how people keep treating it- especially Kyoshi, who was there and should know he legitimately had no intent on turning back from his duties at any point. I love love LOVEE this scene but? It doesn't fit in this version of the story, sadly
Wait why the fuck can Kyoshi see the future?? This is so weird, like I get that it's his call to action and a way of pointing them to the NWT given that they haven't really talked about going there yet but. It's a really weird power for her to suddenly have lmao (unless this is a thing in the novels? I wouldn't know, haven't read them, but somehow I feel like I would've heard about it)
Can I just say that I really like Yukari, and in particular her relationship with Suki? She's a fine addition to this arc imo, and really supports the whole "young people lead the charge on making a difference". Kyoshi Island's motivations for staying neutral in the animated show were of course understandable, but I like that here we can see there's a real conflict about it even before the gaang arrive there. It really endears Suki in a whole new way (tbh she's generally amazing here) and it will make it a lot more natural when we see her again in the following seasons! Also my own personal selfish wish is for the show to find a way to make her a part of the gaang for longer and earlier on. Like, as it stands, if there are three seasons, she might show up once again in season 2 and obviously join up with them in season 3 but. Boy do I want to see more of her, always have, always will! This show is genuinely such a prime opportunity to integrate her more info the story- make her have meaningful relationships with each member of the gaang, establish a role for her and what unique thing she brings to the group (special mention as always to @emletish-fish 's Stalking Zuko for having her be "the sensible one" which worked great)... Just. Make her matter for once, because I will never forgive nor be able to get over the way her existence was just completely ignored and essentially erased in LoK. Suki has always deserved better, right down to the way she was constantly brought back each season because everyone loved her, and I want this show to better reflect that that the absolute nothing she was given in LoK. Suki is a member of the gaang and she deserves to be treated as such, not just as Sokka's girlfriend.
Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled post!Sokka pissing off Zhao while using Suki's fan is something that can be so personal... Like, I can get into the symbolism here about the connection between these characters but. For anyone who knows where the show is going, there are no words necessary to understand why that interaction carries the weight it does. It's just... A beautiful, emotional little moment amidst some really solid fighting choreography! Of course Suki and Sokka working beautifully together was great, Yukari's fighting highly suggests she was a Kyoshi Warrior in her time as well (is... Kyoshi leadership a nepotism/family thing? Questions to ask.), and Momo getting involved were all great, but. That was really the highlight for me. It would be really impactful to anyone who knows, and to anyone who doesn't it's still just like. A really kickass Sokka moment
Also may I just say I'm very impressed with how far Sokka's come in less than two days? Like, of course it's probably not very realistic, but it absolutely supports what they're getting at here which is that Suki IS a great leader and teacher (the short scene with her looking over the other warriors' training and correcting their form was great), and that Sokka is ultimately just as competent a fighter as Katara and has the same natural talent and drive. Their little exchange about nonbenders having to work harder and be better felt very... Real in a way I can't quite express, and it felt like a very important thing that deserved to be acknowledged by the show. Sokka gets underestimated so much and reduced so frequently to being the meat and sarcasm guy, even by himself, so like. Sokka's arc is very important to me because of how often it goes unnoticed or unmentioned in the face of other, more visible ones... And I feel like they're doing a great job at adapting it, slightly modernizing him ("tastes like chicken" notwithstanding) and making him stand out more while keeping the core of it. Sokka's arc was something I was already slightly concerned with initially, and the "we're removing Sokka's sexism" rumors didn't help assuage my fears given how important it was to help set the stage for the kind of person he is, so like. Genuinely I have to give them kudos for finding a way to take it out and keep how he changes and what we ultimately learn about him as a character that didn't feel forced. This is kind of just? A great episode for all of the characters, they all flow much better individually and with each other, and I genuinely really enjoyed it for the most part as opposed to the first that was a bit stilted in a lot of places- but I guess it being mostly just. All of the exposition and Aang's backstory stuff was the issue, and when they let the characters just... Be, it all works really well!
Oh my god Kyoshi is. Doing so much heavy lifting here, literally where was my girl for the entirety of the animated show, that Aang needed some major reality checks lmao. This is... A lot for the second episode when Aang is genuinely just still trying to get a handle on things, but I don't know that I really... Hate how she's preparing him and establishing the stakes? She's an absolute hardass here, but she's not overly cruel- she's genuinely trying to help as much as she can in her own area of expertise, because who knows when she'll next get to talk to Aang, and what if he never gets to hear this stuff? Would he just... Perhaps turn into who animated Aang did? Like, it's extremely harsh and kind of feels excessive for where the show and Aang are at right now, but... Genuinely I can't really say it's a bad thing for Aang to hear all of this, because I only know what happens in the universe where he doesn't. It's fucking tough to watch little Aang be verbally beaten down like this, but? Ultimately, what Kyoshi is saying are important things that Aang needs to come to understand sooner rather than later, and she IS trying to help, even if her way is harsh, so I can't really fault her for it too much because like. I understand where she's coming from all too well, both as someone who watched the original show and thus is aware of how tough the road ahead is going to be for Aang and everyone around him, and as someone who is a big OG Aang critic and wishes he could've heard all of this in the animated show. It's... A difficult scene to watch, but I don't think it's entirely without merit.
Holy shit I can't believe they kept Zuko trying to appeal to Katara even though they took out the pirates, I was genuinely surprised by that!!
Oh. OHHH. So. I was right about where they were going with Katara, wasn't I? I was fairly certain about it before, but how meek and unsure she is in battle despite how powerful she already is followed by a trauma flashback really cemented for me that they're leaning pretty heavily into the different ways Katara was affected by losing Kya. She's still very protective of her loved ones, she's still brave and powerful and driven... And, more than ever, she's also haunted by her mother's spirit with every step she takes. She's more afraid and cautious than her animated counterpart ever was, and it translates to her being "a doormat", but it's also... So clear to me she absolutely is not staying that way. This is the start of her journey, and it's just as valid as the original one. Seeing her stand against Zuko in the original show was never something that would've caused me to worry, but here I can feel her fear and how much it's holding her back.
Also, in their confrontation scene: Zuko is SCARY here! And that made this scene like. Genuinely really special to watch? Because I didn't even know that I was capable of finding Zuko intimidating anymore- he was always genuinely so honorable in the original that when rewatching you can kinda just... Very easily chalk his whole thing up to being misguided and lost- he does bad stuff, but when compared to the ruthlessness of the other villains he's barely a threat. But here Zuko is desperate, and he's scary, and he truly feels like a big bad evil guy when he's towering over non other than Katara who we so often get the best of him to the point where you kinda forget they weren't always matched in power and... This scene just. Really works for both of them individually, to show where they're at mentally and how they clash at this point in time... And, honestly? Knowing that this is an extremely temporary dynamic for them is actually really cool- that the next time they fight may very well be when Katara beat him? It's really cool. It doesn't scream Zutara, not at all, not in the way "I'll save you from the pirates" did, but? It feels important for them to have it, still- the Zuko and Katara dynamic always advances both of their individual stories, and this time is no different. It's... A bit hard to put into words just how visceral this scene felt and how excited it made me for both of their character arcs, as well as to the progress they're gonna make together, but. This was a great scene
Ngl it's really funny how everyone is flying in this adaptation
God I already miss Suki :(
Not really... Sure about why Sokka changed him mind about sticking Aang when he mostly hung out with Suki this episode, it seems mostly like he and Katara just want some more adventure, which is cool and not an issue at this point but? The episode seems to try and imply they're both there for Aang or for the world when it's pretty clear that isn't quite it, not yet, so it feels like it comes out of nowhere and a bit out of place. I do wish that angle was allowed to be a bit more present, because so far it just feels like either the characters are unaware of it yet or that the writing isn't and thus it's never gonna get addressed. In the animated show Katara was much more obviously self interested during parts of the first season, and Sokka was mostly there for her- which I liked, it gave room for both of them to grow into this new family unit they're creating with Aang over the course of the show! Here it seems like both of them initially wanted to help Aang and found they liked the adventure, and their goals on this adventure often feel a bit inconsistent? Katara is very obviously enjoying the freedom, but she seems to be more willing to go along for wherever because the plot aligns to make things she achieved herself on her road to becoming a master waterbender just... Happen to her? She didn't aquire the waterbending scroll, she didn't suggest and advocate for going to the NWT, they're just things that happen and suit her goals really well! In that sense she feels a bit less driven, as she doesn't have to be- she's obviously dedicated to training and becoming better, but she less creates opportunities rather than fall upon them, which? I'd find it a bit hard to buy this Katara stealing, and I guess maybe she doesn't suggest the NWT because as established they don't know what state its in and she's a bit more risk averse than in the original, but... While her taking less initiative isn't necessarily a bad thing here (again, so long as it is a part of her arc rather than a continuous state), it muddles her motives a bit and serves to make the group dynamic a bit confusing. Is she there for Aang? For adventure? For waterbending? For herself? Of course it's ultimately all of those, but. I think presenting all of them right at the start makes her motivations a bit too confusing, especially when paired with Sokka who, in this order: wanted to abandon Aang out of caution, wanted to help Aang because it'd be the right thing to do, wanted to abandon Aang because he wanted to go back home, and then after hanging out with Suki for an entire episode was suddenly worried about leaving Aang alone. Their connection didn't really deepen in any way, so it feels like his motivation is much less about Aang but about what he could gain, except he doesn't frame it like that either! Idk it's confusing, and genuinely I can't tell if it's just. Bad/inconsistent writing or if it's meant to be A Thing, like, Katara and Sokka trying to find their reason for "abandoning" home. I can certainly twist the events to be that if I think about it enough, as I just did, but... Ultimately I do think there was a bit of a failure here with presenting too many motivations and not committing to any single one. It's both way too complex, and also not complex enough to work, and so in the end it's just confusing. It's truly not that big a deal but the conversation at end of this episode on Appa didn't feel authentic or earned to that episode I just saw, which was the real issue imo. I desperately hope this isn't the end of these two trying to justify their journey, and that thus turns out to have been intentional, but frankly... I do just have a feeling it was a bit of unfortunate mangled writing.
That said, I'm actually not really feeling Zhao? I've read a post that said he gets progressively more hateble as opposed to the original where he started out as immediately hateble so I'm curious if that's what's gonna happen to me too! It was cool to see Ozai though for sure haha!
I do have to shout out the way Iroh and Zhao interact with this forced politeness as something that stood out to me in an extremely good way- it's stilted, and awkward, and it's 100% meant to be, and it worked fantastically with the contrast to Zuko's being so direct and brash. I'm not like, an expert by any means, but I do have an interest in Japanese culture and it definitely felt reminiscent of the way respect and politeness is so important and entrenched in the culture right down to the language structure- it felt a bit like Zuko was just talking casually until Iroh came along and started talking in keigo, if that makes sense to anyone? Might be talking out of my ass here but that's what it reminded me of so I thought I'd mention it. It was really interesting to see regardless!
Anyway I liked this episode a lot more! It still had its issues, but they feel more like growing pains here if that makes sense? There's definitely a sense that this show is slowly getting comfortable in its own skin as a separate entity from the original, so I hope that trend continues! Evidently the direction they're going here is not for everyone, but everything I've seen so far does feel extremely like it ultimately came from fans who have their own opinions on the original show rather than people just looking to make bold new twists. A lot of the changes here, while they might initially feel blasphemous, are also ones I'd have made to the original, and the ones that aren't don't feel like they're made thoughtlessly. I'm not happy with everything I've seen so far, but I'm absolutely excited to keep watching because I genuinely do have faith in this show managing to pull off the big swings they're taking.
Also, I think it's important to note- I'm the biggest Kataang hater, I hate them, truly, I do! And yet as strange as it is and as much as I hate to admit it? There was a genuinely cute scene between Katara and Aang this episode, and if they make their relationship a bit more equal going forward... While it likely still won't make me ship them, I do genuinely think I could stomach seeing them end up together if they stay away from the worst aspects of the ship in the original show. I won't be happy about it, ever, but. There's something to be said for them managing to make it tolerable even for the biggest opposers of the ship. I still hope it won't happen! But if it does... I hope it's done tastefully and in a more thought out way than it was originally.
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I'm writing this watching the sun come up. You're asleep, dreams moving behind your restless eyelids. I wish i knew what you were thinking. I wish I could slip into your head and see the world the way you do. I wish I could see myself the way you do. But maybe I dont want to see that. Maybe It would make me feel even more than I already do that I'm perpetuating some kind of Great Lie on you, and I couldnt stand that.
I belong to you. You could do anything you wanted with me and i would let you. You could ask anything of me and I'd break myself trying to make you happy. My heart tells me this is the best and greatest feeling i have ever had. But my mind knows the difference between wanting what you cant have and wanting what you shouldnt want. and I shouldnt want you.
All night I've watched you sleeping, watched the moonlight come and go, casting it's shadows across your face in black and white. I've never seen anything more beautiful. I think of the life we could have had if things were different, a life where this night is not a singular event, separate from everything else that's real, but every night. But things aren't different, and I cant look at you without feeling like ive tricked you into loving me.
I lied to you last night. I said I just wanted one night with you. But i want every night with you. And thats why I have to slip out of your window now, like a coward. Because if I had to tell you this to your face, I couldnt make myself go.
I dont blame you if you hate me, I wish you would. As long as I can stil dream, I will dream of you.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
I'm deeply relate Ryoma in a way I don't want to accept.. I even tried to break the fingers I own to stop myself doing the things even I fear and I'm so pissed at the fandom about Ryoma's characterisation. He is not the guy who deserved to reduce being depressive edgy one, analyse him more you cowards!
And i hate gonta x ryoma way too much because of how their characters get flanderised often when they paired.
And yes yes yes! Kokichi didn't buy it while Gonta buying the lie Ryoma told. This is why Kokichi and Ryoma feels like they have some sort of respect to eachother. And i like the sprite Ryoma laughing with Kokichi. That was cute lol
And again I switch the topic because of one thing you pointed out; parallels. I should let go tsuhara (Tsurugi x Kinji) but when we talk I realised something.
Uehara believed he deserved the death penalty so I realised one thing. Tsurugi affected him much as he affected Tsurugi too only difference they had was.. one of them have the chance the think of the topic while other don't and I start to hardly ship them for one blabber we had again. Wow
(I relate to Ryoma too, but I'm in a much better headspace now then I was when I was first playing Dr. I think if he knew he had a hand in that, he'd be happy)
Yeah, like Gonta and Ryoma have good potential as a ship, but the ship attracts most of the worst Gonta and Ryoma fans so I hardly ever find content for it.
Like, Gonta's toxic trait is that he will do anything to help people, but not ask the people in question thier thoughts. Despite his inferiority complex, he trusts his own judgement the one time I wish he wouldn't.
And half of Ryoma's arc is him asking for the tools so he could help himself, so reducing the ship to "Gonta helps Ryoma because he's pure" is the most boring dynamic they could have! I could see Ryoma helping Gonta out actually! I could also see it turn toxic, but thats just because I love toxic relationships. (in fiction, IRL do not recommend!)
Listen, Danganronpa can have some of the best parallel character arcs I've ever seen and they never capitalize on it, and it drives me insane. Half of the time, the characters in question never interact. Ibuki is the anti!Sayaka, or what Sayaka could have been if she valued authenticity more. Despite Fuyuhiko not directly killing Natsumi, he and Mondo still have a shitton of unhealthy coping mechanisms in common!
Another is so much better in that aspect. Still would like to lock Tsurugi and Kanade in a room together and watch the fallout.
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butch-bakugo · 4 months
The best defense and offense you have against terfs and really most bigots is the withdrawal of your attention and good faith interactions. I'm not saying don't notice where they are, keep an eye out for dangerous people who are ok with hurting you, but more specifically, stop trying to educate people who don't care to learn.
The biggest fuck you you can give to terfs is reporting their bigoted behavior, blocking them and keep being loud and proud as a trans person. Allowing their interactions to massive drop, allowing their inbox to grow cold and allowing their reblogs to vanish. Make them irrelevant. Make them lose the hate-interaction. If we ignore them and drown them out with trans positivity, it won't matter how much they hate us or how loud they are because they are a vocal minority.
Their biggest fear is the death of their movement. They like having a "feminist" label to scurry under when you point out the racism and other bigotry in their community. Don't forget that they are cowards, they run after the first provocation irl. They talk big shit on the Internet but don't mistake their boldness for strength. They are terrified of us and we should keep it that way. They should be scared of being hateful towards others. No oppressed minority has gotten their freedom from taking the hits lieing down and being nice.
The best way you can fight terfs is by being a loud and proud trans person. The best way. It's not screaming at them or trying to educate them, it's by ignoring them. They are sustained only by their bigotry. If they weren't known as being barely-feminists who say outlandish shit about trans people, they would disappear easily into the sea of the Internet. Why do you think jk Rowling only pops back up in the news cycle every few months? Cause she said something crazy and people dont realize she's just begging for attention. Let them become irrelevant. Don't reblog their shit to "own them", your just putting them Infront of more eyes. Don't bother giving a million sources, they aren't gonna read them.
If a "political conversation" with a bigot forces you defend your right to exist, your not having a political conversation, you're begging a fascist to let you live. You don't have to beg them for shit.
Talk about terfs, but dont let them consume you. Show others what they've done and said, but don't reblog it, screenshot it. Make a blocklist but only share them with people you know and can verify, don't throw them around publicly.
Terfs know they are a fringe hate group, that's why they all admit to knowing trans people irl who don't know they are terfs. They all admit to having a separate account to interact with non-transphobes where they can hide their true beliefs. They know it's unpopular and they know it's hateful and they wanna have their cake and eat it too. I came across a very loud and vocal and explicit terfs blog who was stupid enough to have their following be public. I went down the list and found mostly other vocal terfs and a few crypto terfs only posting pretty photography or fandom nonsense but what surprised me the most were 3 cryptos who were clearly wearing trans colored camouflage. One was a Agender boy (who specified she was "female born", interesting wording, gotta wonder if thats a dog whistle) who went by He/They/It pronouns yet, was actively following a loud and proud terf and had vague but suspiciously worded feminist posts.
The other two fed my current theory that because terfs claim to be "gender-abolitionists", they are starting to identify as (afab/female) Agender (lacking gender, get it?) people and going by either she/they or just they/them. That was the case for both of them but they were suspiciously worded (instead of saying afab, they'd say female born, female sexed and other things specifically with the word female) and one of them slipped up reblogging a clearly terf made feminist post between their fandom posting.
Maybe I unfairly judged three other trans people who got confused but the terf they all followed had radfem in their url, explicitly identified as a terf and all their content was terfs based. I don't think this was an accident, I just think terfs are trying to be wolves in sheep's clothing to hide themselves and thats super fuckin cowardly. They already take joy in hiding this identity and being friends with trans people who don't know they're terfs. They admit to enjoying making trans people paranoid.
They wanna be a loud and proud representative of terfs but they can't even tell their trans friends how they really feel 😂 weak ass shit.
I mean shit I just came across one today who was a fucking magat, covid-denier and called people "globalists"( an actual anti-Semitic word), litterally Reblogging these from straight up conservatives with no introspection. This is from not even an hour ago.
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I'm supposed to believe y'all are feminists? Don't make me pull out the other receipts I have of y'all constantly using the r slur, calling people the n word, shoving out rape threats and death threats. Y'all don't give a shit about feminism, don't pretend.
Is this horrific? Yeah. It absolutely is. However, if you've been forced to interact with terfs for more than 30 minutes, anyone could tell you they are the same as any other run of the mill evangelical conservative. They hold the same views, often for the same reason. I've been forced to see them for years and I could easily tell you they are insane and have no backbone or basis in reality. That they often show off how terfism has always been coated in slimy layer after slimy layer of white European feminism. How their views of womanhood are incompatible with science, how they easily show it's racist roots, how disrespectful they are of intersex people and their experiences despite being aginest fgm.
They literally wrote articles, ones retweeted by their god jk Rowling, about how terfs need to start finding friends in the fucking nazi community. The amount of terfs bigotry receipts I have that contain bigotry that has nothing to do with transgenderism or trans people is astounding. I and multiple other natives have been called teepee n****rs and feather ch**ks just for the crime of being a native American. These arnt one off trolls, they are actual verified terfs who've been here for years. I've scrolled many terfs blogs trying to find more to block and seen even more nasty shit, hell, I've seen neurodivergent terfs whine about how common the r slur is in terfs circles.
That's not feminism. That's not progressivism. Your just 4chan with a fucking uterus in the pfp.
Don't give them attention. Don't dignify them with a response. Don't interact with them other than reporting them and blocking them. Shut them out. Remind them of their loneliness and lack of support. Make them the martyrs they think they are by letting them fade into obscurity. Don't let them rest, but don't let them overshadow you.
The best thing you can do to fight these bigots is by ignoring them and drowning them out with trans positivity. You simply waking up every day and choosing to be your authentic self and being loudly and proudly trans on this site and others and real life is the best way to fight them. Drown them out. We are bigger, we are love.
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