#no strong opinions one way or another. she knows way more about the complexities of the situation than the average bug against her will
mantisgodsdomain · 8 months
28 vi and elizant 1
(for this ask game)
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]?
That is... a very good question! For Vi, former queens fall into the area of "vague politics", we think - not something that especially affects her, but something that matters to other people and thus that she may have to present opinions on should she run into A Person Who Cares About That Shit.
For the Elizants especially, it's Ant Kingdom Politics - though with the groups she hangs out with, it's likely that she's heard some very different takes on her from different groups. The Hive and its historical diplomatic relations plus the relatively recent change of queens mean that for the majority of Bees, Elizant 1 is known as a peaceful, benevolent ruler and preferred to the current Elizant, but for her less legal ties in the Tavern and, most likely, Black Market, she's likely to be more of a hot topic.
On one hand, she was a benevolent ruler who made great strides in diplomacy and keeping other bugs from Simply Going To War. On the other hand, her benevolence wasn't equally extended to all bugs, and the fact that Elizant The Second opens the borders to bugs of all kinds in the intro implies that they were not previously open to all bugs - and considering how crime most often comes from people who don't get their needs met through other venues, and groups discriminated against previously are prone to Continuing To Be Discriminated Against, it's very, veeeery likely that at least a few of the bugs present spaces that accomodate Extremely Illegal Dealings both A) were around to experience the previous queen's policies and B) likely have some VERY strong opinions about them that they're willing to share with the class when anyone talks about the old queen.
...which is to say, of course: Vi has very little in the way of personal opinion about Elizant 1, because she's got little reason to care about dead queens of her own volition and Elizant 1 isn't someone she would've had to look into to know about current policies and how they're likely to change, but she's probably used to hearing any mention of Elizant 1 rapidly devolving into a bunch of criminals yelling at each other over dead people's policies that don't even apply anymore and thus will attempt to avoid the topic of her if necessary.
She's a queen who died. Vi herself thinks very little about her. History's never exactly been her forte. Other people have opinions about her, and her job is to either seem like she Nebulously Agrees or stay extremely neutral on the issue. Or, if she's still stuck as a worker at the hive and feeling particularly cantankerous, inform whoever's talking about her that she's a dumb queen and it's a good thing she died before running off, though it would be in a "disagreeing with people on an issue because you're in a shit mood and want to yell about things" way rather than anything actually opinion-related.
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soarrenbluejay · 3 months
Supervillains for a community. (Well, except those jerks over in Gotham, insular lot, but they’re they’re one problem) Of course they do- supervillains are a group defined by strong opinions and a willingness to see them through, often with a healthy dash of societal failures and trauma as a catalyst.
The fentons, while not active even on the online message boards, are well known and explosive when they do show up, full of fascinating insights and hours long rants on mad science on hair pin turns courtesy of that ADHD attention span. Bit of the cryptids you feel honored to bump into kind of deal. Besides, like a good quarter of the community as it aged, they’d settled down and had kids (not necessarily in that order) and taken it very seriously! Out in the middle of nowhere, where even the most fearsome government outpost members, the local branch of the IRS, quake before them in fear. Out of the way.
Reveal gone okay-ish, Danny moves to Gotham still to get some air bc now things are Akward and he landed that engineering scholarship which is loads better than any other college would give him with his track record. So- the mysterious Fenton children are finally crawling out of hiding! Everyone is psyched! And roll in to Gotham en masse to witness the fireworks!
Except Danny is Determined To Be Normal. He’s had enough of the throwing himself into harms way shit for a lifetime- he wants to be free to peacefully built Rube Goldberg machines and unintentional increasingly complex bombs to his hearts content. JAZZ, on the other hand- the coveted token Normal One, has finally snapped! She’s watched her baby brother she practically raised throw himself into danger over and over and could do nothing, and now that she’s exposed to this whole network of superheroes outside of small town Amnity, some of those uglier emotions are coming out. And boy is she pissed! And can’t afford to show it much while filing the paperwork to have Arkham legally razed to the ground!
See I love this idea of like, niches in superhero society. A villain the heroes know they can plop their kiddo down with for an exciting afternoon brawl while they take care of a particularly grisly case and come back to a few hours later ranting about some new life lesson and a new move they really want to try. A villain who has a functioning moral compass despite their somewhat batshit long term goal and you can contact to fuck with another villains’s plan so they can laugh at them and you can have an easy afternoon. One who pries up hostile architecture and fills in pot holes, idk man. Get creative here, there’s such potential!
So Jazz becomes a Training villain- someone the heroes know their sidekicks will walk away from in a fight 100% of the time, usually with some new lesson to ponder and only a couple of bruises. Sometimes even snacks!
She also absolutely ambushes mentors to check that they’re worth the kiddo, which they appreciate once they get over being jumped in a dark alley by a 7 foot Amazon trained force of nature. They are not used to being on that side of the jumping, it’s a little unnerving.
(Yes, she low key adopts Shazam upon checking in with him on cursory ‘is the main hero of this city and asshole’ checkin. Yes, the super clones get yoinked out from under Superman’s negligent thumb to go have a blast with Ellie. What about it?)
This however only encourages more assorted weirdos to crawl out of the woodwork. It’s not often one of their own forfeits their potential spot for the running of the coveted Most Normal I Swear prize, but when they do it’s bound to be good! But jazz is off hounding various heroes and punching the faces in of pedophiles and shit whenever there’s no cape within easy reach, and so is a mite bit harder to contact than Danny, who has innocently gotten an apprenticeship under a clockworker for access to their workshop and is gleefully going about doing nerdy shit with great abandon.
Plus this is Gotham. No one gives a shit if someone in the Mad Alchemist uniform and still smoking from their latest experiment pokes their head in a window to bother the local shrimp teen- none of the usual social rules apply, everyone’s crazy here! So everyone drops any and all attempts at masking and just acts their genuine unhinged selves, much to the alarm of the Bats and frustration of Danny.
Bc he cannot get these mfers to go. Away. Even liberal use of the creep stick has little effect when the interloper is calibrated for an opponent with super speed or laser vision or whatever, and he’s trying to maintain his guise as a Normal College Student Do No Investigate.
So he calls in the big guns. He’s not super active in the supervillain kids group chat ever since things in amnity calmed the fuck down post becoming King and then immediately using a loophole that says he will not take the throne until he is grown, as defined by finishing learning his trade a la the medieval standards Pariah set up. So he can just take his sweet ass time with his graduate degree and out of inter dimensional bull shit that much longer! Point is, he hasn’t taken the chance to rant over there in a while, so his Crazy friends are getting a lil worried.
The change to come over and shout at their batshit crazy but (mostly) well meaning parent AND see Danny? Score!
The bats, however, are getting awfully suspicious about this one kid that villains from all over the country are flocking to, especially young and upcoming ones as of recently! And he’s acting his engineering course- all the worst rogues are known to have flown through their PhD studies prior to Cracking. They seem to have a real problem on their hands with this Fenton guy.
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lilislegacy · 1 month
I'm not a big fan of Percabeth. But, I'm still open to see different sides of a thing. So, I would like to ask what do you see in the couple? What made you like Percabeth? Was the ship important to you when you were a child/teenager? Can you list the positive things that you may remember about Percabeth, please? If you can't, it's okay too. For the last one: What is the thing you love the most about them?
Oh my god I could go on and on about this question. I will try to keep it as short as possible. Basically, I just love how deep their relationship goes. There are so many things about them that makes them such an incredible pairing to me
1. There is so much mutual respect and support between them. They are battle partners. They respect each other's strengths and capabilities to the highest degree. Annabeth deeply values Percy's bravery and loyalty, while Percy deeply values and admires Annabeth's intelligence and strategic thinking. They support each other no matter what. No one respects Annabeth more than Percy, and no one respects Percy more than Annabeth. They trust one another explicitly. And that deep-rooted trust and respect is what separates them from so many other pairings.
2. They perfectly complement each other. Their contrasting personalities balance each other out so beautifully. Percy is impulsive and unpredictable, and Annabeth is thoughtful and strategic, which makes them an incredibly strong team. In any situation, whatever one of them lacks, the other has in abundance. Percy gets angry and worked up easily, but Annabeth can calm him down. Annabeth overthinks things and stresses herself out, but Percy can simplify things and bring her back down to earth. They keep each other level on a deep mental/emotional level. And the biggest one, in my opinion: Annabeth’s biggest fear is being betrayed and abandoned, and Percy’s defining trait is unwavering loyalty. They are like two different puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.
3. They’ve been through so much togeher. The two of them share a history that no one else could possibly understand. They have learned and grown so much together. They started going on dangerous quests together when they were little baby 12 year olds, and have been fighting by each other’s side ever since. From going on quests, to being part of a prophecy, to dealing with the complexities of their identities as demigods, the challenges they’ve faced have impacted them both tremendously. And no one else would understand exactly why they’re the way they are. And you know, there’s the fact that they literally walked through hell together. Their experiences deepen their connection and understanding of each other more than words can describe. No one else could possibly understand them like they understand each other.
4. The chemistry is off the charts. The heat and attraction between them is abundantly clear, which adds a layer of realism and excitement to their relationship. In PJO it’s mainly tension - that’s clear in their banter and arguments and angsty thoughts - but when they’re older and together, it’s shown more through attraction and physical affection. Let me give some examples. When Annabeth touched his back in TLO, Percy says he feels as if jolts of electrify course through his body. In the demigod diaries, Percy mentions how beautiful she looks while in combat. There’s also a scene where he can’t focus because he’s literally staring at how her camp beads lay against her throat. Annabeth is constantly wanting to hug him and be in his arms. When she sees him in MoA, she literally has to restrain herself from continuously kissing him. And when they are about to fall into tartarus, to either death or torture, her dominating thought is how handsome he looks. Throughout all of HoO, they are super touchy and affectionate with each other, always touching and cuddling and kissing one another whenever they can. And of course, I have to mention the time that they literally made out in front of Piper in BoO, and Annabeth makes “grunt-whimper” sounds. I just love how down bad for each other they are. No one who can read can deny it. There is so much heat and attraction and affection between them.
5. Their loyalty to each other is unwavering. They consistently prioritize each other's well-being over anything and anyone else. They always have each other’s backs, both in battle and verbal interactions. They quite literally go across the country/world to find each other when they each get kidnapped. No distance, no person, nothing will stop them from finding each other and protecting each other.
6. They are equals. Given they are both legendary greek heroes who will go down in olympian history, it’s hard to find someone who compares. But they are both so equally extraordinary. Sure, they have different strengths, but neither is better than the other. They are both incredibly brave. They are both super witty. They both would do anything for their friends. They are both leaders. They just GET each other. They are on another level - and it’s the exact same level.
There’s more too. I could go on and on and on. (And on.) There is so much I didn’t say. But all of those elements combined is why I love them. They were made to love one another. They choose to love each other, every single moment of every day.
And my favorite thing? Probably that above all, they are best friends. There are all the things I mentioned above, but at the foundation of their relationship is an unwavering friendship. They just love being together. They love joking around together and hanging out, but also holding each other when times are rough. They take care of each other. I love that they are BFFs. Two besties who also happen to be soulmates, together against the world.
Ugh I just love them. I need to stop talking
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forevermore05 · 2 months
Zuko and his protectiveness over Katara backfired on the show
I think we're all quite aware of the fact that Zuko is canonically very protective over Katara
Exhibit A
When he saves Katara from falling rubble in the Western air temple.
Exhibit B
When he protects Katara from flames in that same episode when she is about to blood bend that fire nation soldier.
Exhibit C
The famous Agni Kai where he take lightning for Katara
Now why are these so significant? I think these are big gestures are to show Zuko's efforts to make amends after what he did to Katara. It could be argued these are very extreme ways of making it up to her because these came at the cost of his life. But this also goes to show his character development, as he is willing to protect Katara from danger. For me, one of the reasons why I ship them is because of his protectiveness. It's refreshing to see a character that has always been there to help and to be a support system to others be protected by someone else. I think it can be very fulfilling as a viewer. This effort that was made to write their relationship was so genuine, and it felt so heartfelt as the viewer, that it just made their dynamic one of the strongest in the show. Whether that be romantically or just platonically, their dynamic is probably one of the best in my opinion.
Now, with all that his protectiveness towards Katara immediately evaporate after the last Agni Kai which was pretty shocking, as they didn't get time to be able to talk about what happened. I feel like it removes a piece of genuineness from the show that the characters care for each other. And of course I know a reason why this could have happened is because, well, Kataang and Maiko exist. I think what made their dynamics so strong is because of their protectiveness for one another. Especially, Zuko's protectiveness over Katara. When it was removed in the comics, it felt like a bond had been destroyed because a big part of their dynamic was protecting each other and being there for each other, and having that level of communication. They were protecting each other through their communication and through their support for one another.
How I feel like it backfired on the show is that it created a bit of an emptiness in both of the characters. Especially when they interacted, it felt more distant in the comics, and it felt as if they were strangers. Zuko's writing, which leads to him being protective over her, is so poignant in their relationship that once it is removed it creates a hole in a way it makes his character feel more hollow in his relationship with Katara. It feels like an effort to create a divide and an erasure of their past and how significant his taking lightning for her was. A show that is built of meaningful character relationships took a piece of its own heart out and of its own show and stabbed it in front of all of us when it came to the erasure of Zutara. So they could push the canon ships. They were willing to remove that important element of character relationships for 2 poorly written couples.
I think it creates a level of ingenuity in this show. That is not shocking as many of Katara's other love interests met the same fate of ingenuity, whether that be Jet or Haru. Where she's never able to show her feelings about these people. Which I find quite strange seeing how the show aims to create depth and talk about feelings that actually provoke feelings in you. They don't actually go in-depth with what the leading lady's thoughts are about other people. For all the sake of keeping the focus on Kataang it costs the good writing for Katara to be able to feel complex emotions about the other male interests in her life. And it leads to a rough ending for a strong dynamic like Zuko and Katara that shows their desperation for Kataang at the cost of good writing especially for Katara.
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eunseoksimp · 3 months
Infatuation ; Park Wonbin
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Pairings: Cheater!Wonbin x Devoted!Reader
Genre: angst, infidelity
Description: an exploration of secrecy, infidelity, and the complex emotions that arise from these actions. a woman who is in a painful relationship with a man who she loves, but is seen as nothing more than the object of his desires. an unfortunate tale of a woman making a God out of a mortal.
Warnings: mentions of sex, swear words, illusion to mental health issues (depression, bpd), mentions of religious ideas, obsession, manipulation, gaslighting, cheating.
loosely inspired by sad girl by lana del rey, i had this song on repeat while writing this.
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‘he’s never going to love you like you want him to.’
you were often told this; after all what good came from being the mistress in another persons relationship.
but this didn’t bother you at all, they didn’t understand wonbin like you did. people always said you would never be anything to him but his little side chick, like a trophy.
he was essentially clyde and you were his bad bitch partner in crime, bonnie. only, the love between you two wasn’t as passionate, at least not on wonbin’s side.
it was hard to see at first that park wonbin would never truly be yours, that he would never love you the way that you hope he will.
but that didn’t bother you, because being his mistress was better to you than being nothing at all. you weren’t sure it was even possible to live in a world without wonbin anymore.
you were stubborn, calling everyone that criticised you natural haters, that they just weren’t as open minded to the complexities of relationships as you were.
they couldn’t see the way wonbin would spoil you rotten, your house filled with gifts that he got you. they didn’t see the expensive dates he took you on, or the bunch of flowers sitting on your windowsill that he always made sure to refresh.
if they caught the attention of park wonbin, they would understand you.
a man so hauntingly alluring, blessed with the beauty from deities above, with a face that wars were surely started over. comparable only to adonis, stealing the hearts of many that he encountered.
meeting him was like a dream, one that you did not want to wake up from. his long hair framed his facial features, dark clothes creating a contrast to his fair skin.
something ignited inside of you, a desire so strong that you were sure it was fate that he had walked into your life. after all you had endured, you were finally being rewarded, finally seeing the end of the tunnel.
all the hardships you had been through in your life became minuscule compared to the joy that wonbin brought.
he was different, always making sure you got home safely, draping his jacket over your legs whenever you wore a skirt that was a tad bit too short.
whenever you were struck with sorrow, he was someone you could find solace in, melting into his embrace as you breathed in his aroma.
park wonbin was your saviour. your reason to live, the reason why you believed that love maybe did exist after all.
he was the first male figure in your life to leave a positive impact, the first one who didn’t use or abuse you, and you were sure it was divine intervention.
the love you felt for him was intense, all consuming and powerful, like nothing could make it waver. your love for park wonbin would definitely stand the test of time.
he had to feel the same way about you. the deities were not cruel enough to give you someone so perfect without knowing if he loved you back.
that’s why you never felt the need to question things. you didn’t need to, it would be silly to question the intentions of the gods.
you instead spent your time enjoying wonbin in his entirety. every kiss, every embrace, it became the catalyst to the blood pumping around your whole body.
the opinions of others were irrelevant, after all what could they know? would they ever be able to experience a love as perfect as yours.
‘i’m dating ningning,’ he told you one night, head in his hands as he watched you busy yourself at the stove.
you froze in your spot for a second, wooden spoon still in hand as you turn to face him. surely it wasn’t true?
‘dating? with ning ning? what do you mean by this?’ you question him, closing the gap between you two, reaching up to play with his dark locks.
‘she’s my mothers family friend, they’ve been pestering me for so long about us being together and i just got tired of hearing it,’ his voice trails off at the end, leaning into your touch as he sighs.
‘do you love her?’ you ask as your fingers work their way through his hair, enjoying the way he leans against you.
‘of course not, don’t be silly,’ it provided you with enough comfort, to know that they didn’t have anything nearly as strong as the both of you.
‘then that’s good enough for me.’
so despite the objections from your friends, you continued to stay with wonbin, not paying much mind to the other girl; she wasn’t important.
he made sure that when it was only the two of you, nothing or no one would come in between it. and at the time it was enough to keep you content.
but slowly over the months, a part of you started to feel restless.
your meetings went from as frequently as three to four times a week to only once if you were lucky. like an addict you were suffering from withdrawals, and you weren’t sure how long you could wean off of the drug that was park wonbin.
‘i’ve been a little busy lately, you understand that right?’ was what he told you the first time you had gathered the courage to tell him
how you felt, twiddling with your thumbs as you looked down at your boots.
‘i know how you feel pretty, let me make it up to you today,’ his hand rest on your thigh, giving it a squeeze and a pat.
it was pathetic really, how a gesture as small as this was enough to absolve any sort of discontent you held against any of his actions. but that was what love was all about.
he would focus his whole attention on you, stopping wherever you wanted to go, taking you to eat at a fancy restaurant, buying you treats.
when he told you that you shouldn’t hold hands you knew it was just because he didn’t want others to know how good your relationship was. they may try to sabotage it.
that was why he didn’t introduce you to his friends ever. what if they tried to take you away from him?
wonbin never did any wrong, whatever he did had a plausible reason, and you had learnt a long time ago not to question things.
‘i’m having a game this weekend, you should come and watch,’ he told you as he parked in front of your house.
‘i would love to binnie,’ maybe he was finally ready to show you off to the world. to give a big middle finger to societal expectations and prove that what the both of you had was special.
he grinned, leaning over the console to give you a kiss, slow and passionate, and you felt your skin burn at the contact.
only he was capable of making you feel this way.
‘take care of yourself love, i’ll see you soon,’ he tells you as you leave the car, not driving away until the moment that you’re inside your house. always the gentleman.
it was an exciting moment in time for you, wonbin was personally inviting you to one of his games. you weren’t secretly watching at the back of the bleachers, he told you that he wanted you there.
the day couldn’t come any quicker, and you spent the remainder of the days thinking of what to wear, how to smell. would he like it if you had your hair up or down? you should dress light so he offers you his jacket at the end of the night.
and when the day finally dawned, you spent ample time in front of your vanity mirror, curling your hair, painting your face to perfection, making sure you looked the best you could. you wanted to look like someone wonbin could be proud of.
he wasn’t able to pick you up seeing as he needed to get to there early to warm up with the team, but he paid for an uber to pick you up, telling you to be vigilant of the persons car you were entering, and to make sure you were keeping him updated on his location.
his kindness knew no limits.
upon arrival, you were greeted with the low hum of chatter, with quite a large crowd beginning to fill the benches, and the sight of the basketball teams warming up on their respective sides of the court.
but like a moth to a flame, you were only drawn to one man, whose long hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail, a few of the front pieces falling on his forehead.
you were in awe of him once again, your own physical manifestation of a greek god, and you were unable to quantify the extent to which it had an effect on you. he was like a higher being walking amongst mere mortals.
you take out your phone for the sole purpose of taking pictures, ones that you know you will be staring at later on in your moments of need.
when the game started it was hard to contain the excitement, and you may have left out a few screams of his name, but luckily for you it was drowned out by the loud thuds of the basketball hitting the ground, and the squeaking of the boys’ shoes on the newly polished floors.
then you heard it, someone else other for you cheering with such passion, and you whip around, curious as to who the owner of the voice was.
it’s ning ning. it was the first time seeing her up close, and truthfully, her beauty intimidated you.
she was undoubtedly stunning, her face structured to perfection, an air of elegance surrounding her.
she leans over the railing, cupping her hands around her mouth as she shouts his name again. this time he looks up, eyes scanning for the source of the noise before raising his hand and blowing a kiss.
but he meant for that to be sent towards you right? surely he knew you were not too far away, and it was his secret way of letting you know that he could see you.
it had to be.
after the game you were desperate to see him, to be wrapped in his arms as you gushed about how well he played, about how good he looked while playing.
you wanted to enjoy an evening with him, cuddled up on your couch as you basked in his presence for a little longer.
but to your disappointment ning ning beat you to it, running up to him first and peppering his face with kisses.
you frowned. she should know her place after all. you half expected wonbin to pull away in disgust, but you remembered he had to keep up appearances, so that explained why he held her face in his hands, like he would do to you, and returned the kisses.
the walk towards them was agonisingly slow, the sounds of his teammates and friends teasing and cheering at him were beginning to drown your ears, and all you needed was some reassurance from your lover.
clearing your throat, you stood awkwardly, the bag that he bought you in your grasp. turning towards you, an unreadable emotion flashed across his face before he introduced you.
just by name? no signs of affection, or illusion to the relationship between you two. it was plain, as if there was nothing to tell between you two. but you knew that wasn’t true.
you watched as he laced his fingers together with that girl.
‘we should go out to eat and celebrate the win,’ you think it was shotaro who suggested it, and everyone else nodded in agreement.
for the first time wonbin looks at you, waiting for your answer, and you immediately cave in, talking about how much you would love to.
following after them pathetically, the pattern on your skirt suddenly becoming so interesting, you try to calm yourself down.
he doesn’t love her, he told you this already. but why was she all over him?
at the restaurant it was overbearing. was this a test? was he being overly affectionate just so people wouldn’t suspect anything?
that had to be it. it was the only reasonable explanation for why he was behaving like he was.
so you tried your hardest to push it to the back of your mind, politely listening to his friend sungchan ramble on about something.
you swallowed and continued to swallow the lumps of food on your plate, knowing that wonbin hated when you wasted food.
you shovelled food into your mouth until your plate was clean and your stomach began to churn.
you sat in front of him, the lack of heed towards you making you feel queasy from restlessness, as you rose to your feet, excusing yourself to empty the contents of your stomach in the ladies bathroom.
when you had rose back to your feet, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you headed towards the sink, looking at the pitiful girl staring back at you.
wonbin wouldn’t find you attractive like this. taking your time to freshen yourself up, you let your mind focus on good things to calm down.
he still loved you. he wanted you to be here for a reason, so all you had to do was trust him.
‘i’m fine, as long as i’m with him,’ you repeated, until a smile crept onto your face and you deemed yourself ready to go back out.
when you returned, you were met with concerned faces, including wonbin’s and you felt your cheeks warm at the accomplishment.
in fact, his eyes remained on you for the rest of the time in the restaurant and even when he offered to take you home.
he dropped ning ning first and gave her a kiss over the console, like he did with you, and you willed yourself to look away.
when she left he patted the passenger seat and you eagerly climbed over to sit next to you.
‘are you okay my love?’ his voice was soft, tender, as he caressed your face.
you nodded, missing the way he felt after trying your hardest to behave. it would be unfair for you to push your own selfish needs on him, when you knew he was just doing what he needed to.
‘i want you,’ you mumbled, want taking over your being and all you could think about was him. you needed him.
‘i know love, you’ve been so patient today,’ he cooed, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
but it wasn’t enough for you. he wasn’t close enough. you wanted his touch to be engraved in your skin for life, for the part of your body that he touched to serve a constant reminder of the hands that had been there.
‘stay with me tonight. please,’ you pleaded, your thighs crossed over the other, biting your lip. he easily picked up on what you were really suggesting, his larger hand coming to rest on your upper thigh.
‘whatever my princess wants.’
it was a great struggle trying to be patient, one look at the side of his face, the way he looked so concentrated on the road, only needing one hand to spin the steering wheel, was just adding to your arousal.
as soon as he put the car in park, you were scrambling out of your seat, eager to be inside and feel all of him.
it was urgent, rushed, the way you both couldn’t wait to get back to the bedroom, flinging articles of clothing along the way as he kissed you.
he made love to you, prioritising your own needs over his own, telling you that you deserved it for being so patient today, for putting up with him.
he made you cum again and again, addicted to the noises you made, or how you clung onto him so hopelessly, like there was nothing else you could do.
you become obsessed with how he coaxes you through every orgasm, telling you how he needed more from you. not her, but you.
‘wonbin,’ you pant, voice barely over a whisper. he hovers over you, taking in the way your eyelashes are wet from tears, streaming down your cheeks.
he hums, running his tongue over his bottom lip as he dips his head down to place kisses on your neck, loving the way you squirm underneath him.
‘one more for me baby, i know you can do it.’
i-i i don’t think. fuck i don’t think i can,’ you gasp, your voice getting higher with each thrust, hands gripping your waist and your own hands shoot down his arm, fingers wrapping around his wrist to slow the momentum.
‘yes you can love, i know you can do it,’ he snakes one of his arms around your waist, shifting your position.
‘you’re my good girl.’
that’s why you allow him, even when you start to lose feeling in your legs, or even when your eyes begin to unfocus, unaware of your surroundings as your jaw slacks and your toe starts to cramp.
in a haze, you can hear the muffled sounds of wonbin saying something in the background, but nothing is registering as he continues to pound into you.
it’s all becoming too much, pleasure flooding your senses as you reach out for something to hold.
your eyes land on the star necklace around wonbin’s neck, conveniently swinging above you, almost hypnotising as it moves with each harsh thrust.
a raw moan rips through your throat, one that is so animalistic that you’re almost unsure of how such a noise could leave your lips.
pulling him closer by the cool metal, your finger twirls the chain once, and then twice, closing it in your fist.
you barely have enough strength to close the gap between you, high pitched noises leaving your mouth as you kiss him ferverently.
your body is hot to the touch, hair sticking to your forehead and your neck from all the sweat.
wonbin presses you further into the mattress, showing no signs of slowing down as you pathetically claw at his lower stomach, trying to push away from him.
‘i know angel, i know. feels good doesn’t it?’
you’re unable to answer, nodding dumbly.
he pins your hands to your side, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips, before lifting your thighs up until your ankles almost touched your ears.
your body began to shake, thrashing as you struggle to breathe.
‘you’re so pretty baby, so fucking pretty. all for me, you’re such a good girl,’ he praises you, and it makes you feel like everything is worth it.
‘i’m- i’m your pretty girl,’ you struggle to get the words out, letting out a soft moan as you feel one of his hands cup your face.
‘yes you are,’ his voice is so gentle, tears welling up in your eyes but you wipe them away so that they don’t take away from the sight of wonbin on top of you.
‘good girl, you’re about to cum aren’t you. i knew you had one more for me,’ his hand snakes down to your clit, rubbing steady circles with his thumb, and it takes everything within you to push away from him again.
‘fuck- i- i’m-‘ but you couldn’t finish your sentence, back arching as you let out a few broken moans, rocking against him as he fucks you through yet another orgasm.
it was so intense, your body going limp and your mind spinning as every thought floating around in your head disappears. you can see wonbin’s mouth moving, but nothing is registering.
‘i’m right here angel, there you go. breathe a little for me, just like that,’ he brings you back down to earth, gently tapping your face until you look up at him again.
you did so well, my angel. so perfect for me,” he says, kissing the top of your head and you whimper softly, feeling his praise and love surround you, sniffling in appreciation.
you lay back as you watch him look after you, cleaning you up, carrying you to the bathroom, making sure you got changed as he puts you to sleep under clean sheets.
you were unconditionally and irrevocably in love with park wonbin. you realised that you could no longer be satisfied with only having a part of him, you needed him wholly.
‘fuck. i love you,’ you mumble, like the pathetic person you are, wrapping your arms around him. wonbin grins and bites your lip before pulling you into a kiss.
he had you right where he wanted.
‘i love you too baby,’ he says, and like a fool you believe his words, unable to face the small voice in your head that tells you he might not mean it like you do.
you thought that day had sealed the deal. that it was confirmation of the escalation of your relationship.
but soon after it felt like you were only being driven further apart from him. calls were ignored, texts were answered far too late and you were barely able to see him.
he would get upset when you brought it up and you didn’t want to provoke him so you left it as it was.
maybe he was just stressed, it must only be a season. he would be back to normal in no time.
but soon it turned into two months, and then three, and there was an immense amount of pain suffered from his absence.
you sobbed till you were unable to breathe through your nose, your throat sore and a headache beginning to form.
you couldn’t function. you couldn’t eat, you were no longer focusing in classes and the thought of him kept you up most nights.
where had your lover gone?
you were unsure whether it was frustration or depression that prompted you, but you called and called, leaving message after message until he finally responded.
‘wonbin,’ you were relieved to see him finally pick up, just needing to hear his voice.
it was silent for a second, before you heard him sigh, ‘hi.’
the smile on your face drops. was he not happy to hear from you too?
‘are you free? can you come and see me,’ you’re afraid you might have disturbed him from something important.
‘i’ll come. see you soon,’ and before you could tell him how much you could love him the call was disconnected.
you found comfort in biting your nails, until the nail beds were raw and red, but none of that was your concern right now.
wonbin was over an hour later, flowers in hand and a smile on his face, and you convinced yourself that maybe everything was alright after all.
you both sat on the couch, watching a movie, but the overwhelming urge to say what was on your mind overpowered your reasoning and you paused what you were watching.
‘it was getting to the best bit, why did you stop it,’ he complained, pointing towards the now frozen frame.
‘i think we need to talk about us, about the direction we’re both going in. it really hurt me not hearing from you wonbin.’
he only scoffs, eyes still facing forward and you feel your heart sink.
‘do you need more flowers or something? what’s got you all emotional?’
‘wonbin can you please just listen to me when i speak, don’t dismiss how i feel,’ you hated the tone he was using to speak to you, almost like he was mocking you.
‘i’m not dismissing how you feel it’s just- it’s just kind of pointless talking about it baby,’ he pats your knee, trying to reach for the remote but you won’t let him have it.
‘why? why is talking about the future of our relationship pointless?’
his eyebrows furrow, eyes narrowing as he looks at you with genuine confusion. as if you were speaking a completely different language to him or something.
‘what relationship?’
you felt your heart shatter, tears flowing down your face rapidly as you blinked, looking at the face of your lover.
‘wonbin..’ your voice trails off, and you’re in disbelief. he doesn’t even realise you’re crying until a drop splashes onto the sleeve of his hoodie.
but instead of the way he would normally reassure you, pulling you into his arms and kissing all of your worries away, he just sighs.
‘there must have been a mistake somewhere down the line. maybe we should go our separate ways,’ he’s quick to rise off of the chair, already making his way through the apartment to get his things.
you feel a lump in your throat, unable to call out to him loud enough, so you shuffle behind him, hoping to catch him before he leaves.
‘i thought this would happen someday, no hard feelings baby,’ wonbin is too nonchalant for your liking. he barely seems fazed, pulling his jacket over his shoulder and stuffing his keys and his wallet into the pocket.
you tug on his sleeve, willing him to look at you so you could make sense of what was going on.
‘i- i don’t get it. is it something i said?’ your voice trembles, barely heard over the hum of the washing machine, and wonbin has to bend down by your hair to catch what you’re saying.
‘oh baby, i thought we were both on the same page. i have a girlfriend, of course me and you are not in a relationship.’
‘then- then what were we?’ your bottom lip finds solace tucked in between your teeth, chest rising and falling as you try not to heave in front of him.
‘i don’t know, do we really need to have labels in this day and age. but wasn’t it obvious that there was no possibility of us being together,’ word after word, minute after minute, your heart continues to thud in your chest, threatening to break through the enclosures of your pericardium.
had everything been a lie? the gifts, the dates, the kisses, they had to have meant something? how could he dismiss what you had so easily?
‘i’m not a cheater baby girl, how could i have two girlfriends,’ his thumb swipes over your damp cheeks, patting your face with his palm before he retreats.
‘i thought we loved each other?’ you whispered, placing your hand on top of his, pulling him closer just so could feel something again, anything to distract you from the mind numbing agony that was settling in.
‘i don’t. it’s not possible to love two people at once.’
it takes a few seconds for his sentence to register in your head, too focused on the thumping in your head and the ringing in your ears.
he loved her, not you. she was always his number one, not you. the one he really wanted to be with, the one his heart belonged to, was her.
was it because you were broken? were the cracks in your past beginning to show?
baby i don’t get it, what changed? when did you stop loving me?’
‘love? i never loved you.’
‘liar. are you telling me what we had between us was nothing. you must have felt it too, that what we had was special.’
‘what was special about what we had between us? it was nice of course, but it can never be more than that.’
‘what about me?’ your voice is broken, akin to the way your heart feels, clutching at your chest, looking for any sort of relief.
he opens his mouth to respond, but his phone rings and you see her name pop up on his phone, bile quickly rising to your throat.
you watch him answer with a smile, speaking to her with a sweet tone as he tells her he’s on the way, that he’s missed her and can’t wait to be with her.
it had to be a dream. he was yours. your man. your wonbin.
the sense of possessiveness and desire for exclusivity overtook you, but it harshly contrasted with the reality of your lover, eager to be in the arms of another.
the flowers, the gifts, all of the material things would be unable to fill the void caused by him, only leading to deeper feelings of sadness.
‘i have to go, i guess i’ll see you around,’ he barely spares a glance in your direction as he’s out of the door, leaving you all alone.
you can physically feel the pain, with sharp pains in your chest, as if your heart was personally trying to claw its way out, and you drop to your knees.
why were you being punished? it was cruel, the way the ones from above watched down over you, possibly rejoicing over your misery.
how much they must have laughed when you chalked everything up to love. it left a bitter taste in your mouth and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
perhaps this was your fate from the beginning, that the words that man said to you that day becoming prophecy.
‘you’ll never be loved.’
you felt an internal struggle, trying to face these conflicting emotions, which were starting to have a profound impact on your mental state.
the pain and emotional turmoil was juxtaposed to the devotion you felt towards him. despite the pain he had just caused you, the deep affection that had manifested over the year of your meeting was something that you felt was engraved on your heart.
it showed the complexities of human attraction, the internal struggle between what was logical and what the heart desired. you could never leave park wonbin.
that navigating the difficulties of loving someone who never seemed to be yours to begin with was something you would have to do.
you felt your existence being reduced to an accessory to him, someone who was easily replaceable, who had less of a value than you initially thought.
you would always be the girl on the side to him, a sad girl. after all, you were not his.
and some deep, twisted part of you didn’t mind, as long as you got to spend an extra night with him in your arms.
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bottlepiecemuses · 11 months
Let’s Be Honest He Appeals To Women A Different Way
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People call Oda Oda sexist, but in my opinion focusing on his target demographic isn’t bad. Girls aren’t excluded but I think it’s good he’s not automatically pandering to them through romance because in my opinion if he did those elements would feel forced in this show. And I think unintentional pandering to your unintended audience tends to be better than when you intentionally do so and it could potentially turned off that segment. 
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The most obvious attraction that women have to this series is the dilf hot males, especially the villains. Seriously, it’s really the most unintentional of pandeirng that Oda creates these types of villains and the female audience eats it up. While most shonen series focuses on hot young men, this series give attraction to old men as well and we female fans are eating it all up. 
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And again the female characters, despite the criticisms of same character mold I do think when it comes down to it excluding romance has helped. Seriously, while on the surface level the latter three are attractive and used for fan service, Oda does his best to also flesh out their characters. For instance, Nami and Robin are different types of smart guys on the crew and are critical to helping Luffy on his journey by traveling safely through the world and knowing the secrets about the messages of the Poneglyphs. In my opinion, it makes them stand out to me because they serve more than fanservice but also as people who have their place in the story. They might not get as much fights, but they manage to be strong female characters in their own right. 
Another is Vivi who isn’t the strongest fighter but has the strongest spirit and has taken on evil organizations and now the government itself to stand up for what she believes is right. Vivi might not be an official member but she is in spirit a close secret ally of the crew and her presence really brought a great dynamic from the crew that makes them all still miss her being around. 
And finally Big Mom why is she on this list, because interesting enough Oda could have just made her a one dimensional fat fuck, but instead he made her a complex character even though she’s a villainess. And even though everything she’s gone through is not an excuse for her behavior, it still makes her a compelling character to read because again someone like her ended up this way because so many people wanted to use her and enable her worst qualities for their selfish ends. And in the end we have a woman who not only can’t emphasize with people and feels entitled to everything due to how she was taught to see the world. In my opinion Oda, didn’t have to do this but I am glad and it makes antagonists like her very happy to see. 
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And again even though One Piece isn’t about romance, it really gives compelling canon couples some spotlight. Seriously, one of them is Capone and Chiffon, who you wouldn’t think make a wholesome couple but they do. He seriously showers this woman who was so abused by her mother for what her sister did and adores the son they have together. He even goes up against her brother who was going to kill her even though she pleaded to leave her. This guy really does love his wife and would anything for her like a real man would. And again in my opinion, lovey dovey romance is something Oda will never do but I admit I think any woman would want a man like Capone to stand up for her like that. And in my opinion, if you ever see a married couple in this franchise you will bet your ass that married couple will have something deep and lasting. With exceptions being Yassop and Big Mom herself. 
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xabarik · 4 months
Sorry but... but why andrey and block???? i reeeaaally like ur work but and they somehow work together but why them??? /nbr
ohhh this question.... I don't want to be that person who writes an essay in response to a question but who cares what I want right? going to brutaly use your question to talk about them (sorry for the repeats and mistakes, eng is still not my first language)
In short: because I want to. In long: actually blockdrey is a thing that was born year++ ago from a silly idea (they do have a couple of interactions, so it was fun) I told my girlfriend and she really wanted to support me at the time because of my job-killed state. a lot has happened since then but we still love them very much.
It's an explosive combination that's either fire or, suddenly, harmonious resonance. Interesting perspective. First of all, they are two independent and NOT codependent adults. andrey and block are as equal as possible, even if they disagree on some points. block is stronger and tougher physically, andrey is more agile and strong-willed.
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andrey demands a "deterrent" for himself. he brings harm to everyone with his own personality, and the people around are not the kind of people who can stand it. andrey is too strong, freedom-loving, too impetuous, and destructive. block is a deterrent by profession. a major-general undertakes to be the commander-in-chief of his unit's actions. and he is so in character: restrained, logical, rough…. and he's clearly going through things that the average man can't. he's got a strong inner core.
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They'd be looking for equal partners. there was no situation that andrey was interested in people weaker in any way (primarily in spirit) and, as it seems, all those who interested him have great willpower. yes, eva yan too. and block has proven himself over a hard and rough life. a man capable of answering both a blow and a word. what he needs from another person is freedom
block comforts himself with hopes for a miracle. i love the way he warmly treats the polyhedron without disliking either side. he is caught between the hammer and the anvil of events. If you remember the conversation between stamatins and dankovsky, then you know they are not so different in their positions. polyhedron needs the city, without it it's confined in formalin. block with all honesty can close the gap in andrey's "inferiority complex" so to speak, which by the end of the story goes completely over the edge. he doesn't feel real without maria and peter, doesn't feel whole. "he's done everything that was asked of him". block is a pragmatist. he knows who invented the polyhedron and whose hands made the miracle stand. and this understanding is important to andrey as a person. and he really needs that faith (especially in this situation with Powers). The matter of miracles is their personal way of finding common ground, even in the fire.
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block can be admired for andrey's courage and determination in achieving goals. he himself gives in return stability and reliability, the necessary restraint, deterrent, a stick in the wheel. and yet he does not suffer from it. this helps andrey to focus his energy on achieving constructive goals. in independent self-realization. overcoming the stagnant crisis!
for both of them life is a never-ending struggle for a place under the sun. block is used to making rules, andrey is used to breaking them. block wants to control his environment, andrey hates control. a fight in this situation is more like what they both need in the context of repressed anger in one and open aggression in the other, which no one can resist. andrey finds an equal opponent, block finds an opportunity not to be judged for this breakdown, as andrey will only support this. a fight that is a need for both is not always about destruction.
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I like this combination because they are equal and… They can talk about what they both want... they can discuss their positions! opinions!!! each other!!!! im chose to be happy with fireworks and presentation. and being chill. their maneuvering on the edge, where there's fire on both sides, I like it. it's interesting and gives me more space. I need a normal (as possible) "plate breaking", where everyone will understand the position in the end and won't go crazy. where the quick burnout of one and the neurosis burning life of the other will give them an opportunity to look at it differently. i mean... relationships are always about passing on and gaining new experiences, it's mutual help, trust. you are two self-sufficient people, able to speak with words through your mouth and without using each other (even if they CAN but they don't and thats the thing). and not denying a different outcome in their case at all lolol but im interested in other things i just like to analize life and everything and show it through stuff. that's why it's them. that's just how the stars aligned yk
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agentrouka-blog · 10 days
I feel like this is kind of a dumb question, but what do you think about the term ‘Strong female character’?
Is it bad when female characters are presented (maybe not all the time but mostly) as ‘helpless’ or ‘weak’ or a ‘damsel in distress,’ and it takes a lot of time for them to develop and change and be more capable than they were before? Or just that they’re presented like that at all?
I don’t even know what I’m trying to ask here cause it’s really hard for me to word my thoughts but I’ve just been seeing a whole lot of videos where people are saying they’re tired of female characters that are weak and helpless and cry easily and can’t stand up for themselves, can’t save themselves, can’t do anything useful, etc.
It just makes me really emotional especially when it’s my favorite characters that are being criticized for this.
But, yeah, sorry for this nonsense 😭.
What Strong Female Character should mean: well written in a way that centers their own development instead of existing only to serve the story of male characters. Consistent within themselves. Equally complex to male characters, with equal standards applied to any shades of grey. A character who carries their own compelling story, whatever that may be. This can apply to female villains, female characters who are victimised and allowed to exist within and develop within their own victimization, female characters who are wrong and make mistakes, female characters who are active, female characters who are passive, characters who are doomed to tragedy, classic female heroeines, unconventional female heroines. It's about how the character exists within a story.
How it's often used instead: Girlboss who enables a power fantasy.
A character who is victimized and exists only to scream "Hero, help me!" to motivate another character and has no discernible personality or motivation or skills or development outside what is presented in the context of another character's interest, is not a strong female character and often justifiably frustrating to witness.
But so would be a quip-slinging, axe-wielding warrior woman who only exists so The Hero can look progressive because he Treats Her With Respect while we learn absolutely nothing about her inner life.
A character who is victimized and presents their own experience within the narrative, how it affects and perhaps changes them, can very much be a strong , i.e. a well written and complex character who is also a female character.
Say, if someone claims that Sansa is not a strong female character because she cries sometimes, they aren't looking for strong writing, they are just uncomfortable with writing that explores vulnerability.
If someone claims that, say, Val is a strong female character because Jon calls her strong that one time, they aren't looking for strong writing, they are projecting onto a blank surface the author has deliberately kept devoid of complexity to reveal the prejudices and desires of a male character.
But that's just my opinion.
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frozen-heart · 23 days
Sooo... Episode 6 is out...
For me this episode is the weakest we've had so far. And I need to rant a bit...
I don't even know where to start. Of course not everything was bad about this episode, like the pride party. I really loved that part.
But there are some icks...
Maybe I set my expectations too high, because I've seen a few posts about how there's a shocking twist, ect. But the hype really ended up going nowhere for me..
First of all, Noa and Jen..
So.. I wish they would just show us why Noa us so attached to Jen. Because all we see is Jen causing trouble for Noa and it sucks. And Noa saying that Jen and her are 'more alike' than her and Shawn felt like a bullshit excuse. And if she really feels that way, why not break off with Shawn right away? Instead she uses him, his money and then cheats on him. I could look past the cheating in Juvie, because Noa didn't know that Shawn would wait for her and that she was scearching for comfort in Jen. But this? This is just bullshit.
Even worse, Jen stole the money from Shawn's mother to give back to him?! Like what the fuck? And Noa is actually still considering a relationship with her after she got accused of stealing the money?
I also don't get how Jen told Noa she doesn't need more on her plate and when she's confronted with her STEALING from Shawn's mother, she turns around again and puts pressure on Noa to make a decision?! Excuse me?
This is just peak self sabotage. She is considering leaving Shawn, who she has a really stable and healthy relationship with for someone who steals and causes her trouble. Are the writers even trying to make us like Jen?
And I expected Noa to get some backlash from the liars. Especially Faran. She always has strong opinions and isn't afraid to voice them, but she doesn't say anything against Noa cheating? This would've been the perfect opportunity to create some tension between the Liars. Not only did Noa lie to them about Jen, she's cheating on Shawn and playing with both of them, which could taint the picture of Noa the other Liars have of her.
Side note: Where is the scene of Jen and Noa that we saw in the promo pictures?
Also, I really hated how easily they just cut Jen off of their list for Bloody Rose.
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Next one, I saw some people say that they want Kelly to die a horrible death now. But I still don't want her to die.
What she did was horrible and hurtful to Imogen, but I don't think Kelly really had another choice. Her mom is abusive and she had to obey her and therefore the church to avoid further trauma and abuse. She has no other choice but to adapt to the view of the church to survive. And I think that's really sad.
I want her to get the chance to work through her trauma and redeem herself to the Liars, especially Imogen.
I hope they don't kill her off, because I feel like there could be a lot of ways to further explore her character, because she's so complex.
Side note: I can't take it when my two favorite girlies are fighting T_T Great acting from both of them!
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And it seems like we're really pushing Faran x Greg now.. And I'm not sure how to feel about it.
I really like the actors and they do have good chemistry, but I don't really know if I can like this ship..
I mean we could have Faran x Kelly. They're literally right there and would be better representation than Jen x Noa..
And now to the 'big reveal'.
First of all, Imogen's 'test' didn't feel like a test. (I'm also not convinced that Noa actually finished her test last episode.)
It was really lacking, but at least she had her moment last season..
I thought something was up from Davie, as I stated in the first post I made about Summer School. Imogen kept confusing Bloody Roae and her mother throughout the season, but the reveal still didn't really work for me.
We didn't even see her face. And we saw in the trailer that Imogen will accuse Dr Sullivan of being Bloody Rose in episode 7 or 8. We also saw Dr Sullivan saying she's putting on her face, as in becoming Bloody Rose, which will probably be another dream of Imogen.
Imogen has been hallucinating this season so I'm also not sure that we can trust her judgment on this. I hope they don't do the secret twin thing with Davie. That would just be boring, because we got that last season. I assume it was probably a mask to mess with her.
I just don't buy Davie or her secret twin being Bloody Rose and it would be one of the more boring plot twists, if they go through with it. I have read other theories that seem more exciting than this..
Where did Bloody Rose go anyway? And why didn't she kill Imogen? She clearly had the chance to. Wouldn't she want to kill Imogen to keep her identity hidden?
I'm sorry for rambling so much. But I needed to get this off of my chest.
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frankie-bell · 9 months
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An Essay Exploring Psycho-Pass's Most Controversial Character
I know I’m opening a huge, slimy can of worms and potentially incurring the wrath of half the Psycho-Pass fandom, but I feel compelled to share my feelings on Mika Shimotsuki and how I believe she serves as a lightning rod for fan culture misogyny. Now, before I start, let me just say that this essay isn’t targeted at any one individual, and it’s just my personal opinion, which you are more than welcome to disagree with. I’d also like to stress that, despite my love for Mika’s character, I’m going to try my very best to approach this topic from an academic standpoint rather than an emotional one. I recently picked Parasocial Relationships and their effect on female celebrities and fictional characters as a thesis for my Gender and Media course, and it really got me thinking about this anime in particular, so here we go…
Let’s tackle the female side of things first, because it’s the one that shocks and disappoints me the most. Don’t get me wrong -- I think fandoms with a strong female presence are awesome, complex, uplifting, and oftentimes incredibly positive and inclusive spaces. I love being a female genre fan and interacting with other female genre fans. That said, I’ve noticed female fandom can sometimes fall prey to online bullying and misogynistic groupthink when it comes to (a) female characters they find arrogant, bossy, mean, etc. and (b) female characters who are positioned as potential love interests for their collective male "blorbos," "husbandos," "faves," whatever the term may be. These two things very often overlap, which I’ll touch on later, but for now, let’s talk about the first point.
There was a big movement online several years ago urging creators to “let women be mean. Let them be angry. Let them be petty and complex and difficult. Let them be messy.” I fully support this idea in both theory and practice and wish it were that simple, but unfortunately, it’s not, because uncomfortably large swaths of fandom don’t like/appreciate unapologetically mean female characters the way they do male characters. Men in fiction are allowed to be cutthroat, selfish, cruel, narcissistic, arrogant, and even evil without garnering even a fraction of the judgement that female characters receive for simply being “difficult” or “unlikable.”
Take, for instance, Shougo Makishima. The Psycho-Pass fandom at large adores this character (myself included), despite the fact that he’s a remorseless sociopath who touts the importance of free will as a wholesale excuse for murder. He is a bad person, full-stop, and yet he garners love -- even sympathy -- in abundance. He’s the subject of fawning fan fiction, chibi art, thirst tweets, and endless Reddit analysis. Fans are capable of seeing him, murderous warts and all, as a product of the warped dystopian society Sibyl has created. But Mika? Nope. Just “a bitch, a whiner, an arrogant little girl who deserves to get slapped in the mouth.” (I am not making this up. These are the type of comments I see *female* fans making left and right about her character). She receives far more hate for giving up the location of Akane’s grandmother as a blackmailed, frightened teenager than Makishima does for slashing Yuki’s throat or blowing up Masaoka. Hell, she catches more heat for Akane’s grandmother than Sakuya Togane, the woman’s actual murderer and -- I can’t stress this enough -- a 41-year-old adult man.
Now, I know what some of you are thinking -- Makishima and Togane are villains, so their personality flaws (putting it lightly) and horrible actions are essential to the narrative and indicative of good storytelling. We’re meant to “love to hate them.” All correct, and yet this doesn’t change or excuse the fact that their standing in the fandom, when compared to the equally complex and emotionally fractured Mika, is textbook pernicious misogyny. But, for the sake of argument, let’s compare Mika to another character ostensibly on the side of good -- Nobuchika Ginoza. [Note: Ginoza is my favorite character in Psycho-Pass, and any commentary regarding his PP1 shittiness is made with pure love and appreciation for him and nuanced character growth in general.]
When we first meet Ginoza, he is rude, terse, unyielding, intellectually smug, and totally unforgiving of those closest to him. He’s a brilliant character, and his behavior, no matter how insufferable and seemingly cruel, is the result of compounded trauma -- the trauma of having his father ripped away when he was only nine, the trauma of being unfairly judged for the “sins” of said latent criminal father, the trauma of his mother numbing her pain with medication and eventually becoming something akin to a human corpse, the trauma of finding a new support system and best friend in Kougami only to once again be “abandoned” for the other side of the law. In many ways, he’s still a hurt child lashing out at the world, unwilling to see it for the complicated, morally gray place that it is, because being mad is easier. Telling himself that Enforcers are nothing more than dogs for him to guide and use as shields is easier. Blindly trusting the judgements handed down by Sibyl is easier.
In this way, he and Mika are remarkably similar. When she first joins the MWPSB, she’s a 17-year-old minor whose best friend (and probably first love) was dismembered by a latent criminal under the direction of a serial killer disguising himself as a teacher -- a trusted authority figure. She’s filled with guilt and self-loathing over her failure to act, and the easiest way for her to sort out her feelings and ensure the same thing doesn’t happen again is to harden herself to all latent criminals. Distrusting them, treating them as “other,” is her form of self-preservation. Yes, it makes her come across as mean, as closed-minded, as unlikable, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s good storytelling, and it presents her with plenty of potential for growth, which she is certainly given.
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[Upon discovering that her best friend, fellow Oso Academy student Kagami Kawarazaki, has been murdered by Rikako Oryo, Mika breaks down in tears, blaming herself for the tragedy. This is the moment her distrust of latent criminals is solidified.]
But, unlike Ginoza (a 28-year-old adult man), over half the fandom decided that Mika was so awful, so totally unforgivable, such a “heinous cunt,” that they were unwilling to allow her the time and space to grow beyond her trauma and immaturity. But why? Is it because we’ve been taught to judge women, even fictional ones, based on a different set of criteria than men? I think the answer is obvious, and I urge fans who dislike Mika’s character with such intensity to seriously examine their reasoning. I don’t mean to say that she’s infallible (hardly) or that it’s wrong to dislike her. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and no one person’s take is more valid than another’s, but it’s definitely something to think about in the larger conversation that is media analysis.
Which brings me to Akane Tsunemori, someone who fits all the abovementioned criteria for a “likeable” female character. [Another note: I love Akane, and none of this is meant to disparage her. I am simply trying to point out that she’s a more easily digestible female when viewed through the patriarchal lens of pop culture.] She’s smart but not arrogant about it, strong-willed but never disagreeable, empathetic but not easily led by her emotions, and most importantly, she’s always kind to the fandom’s male faves. She is, in almost every way, trademark "Best Girl" material, and Mika is her foil (at least in PP2). She’s set up to be the anti-Akane, both in personality and narrative function. If Akane trusts someone, Mika doesn’t. If Akane wants to bend the rules, Mika is rigid in upholding them. If Akane isn’t afraid of clouding her Hue, Mika is downright terrified.
Though it’s never stated outright, she probably hoped her senior Inspector would serve as a mentor figure, yet we see none of that from Akane, who often abandons Mika to chase down seemingly wild leads and appears to be stuck in the past, yearning for the original Division 01. (Mika even says as much to Ginoza in a novelization of the first film.) On top of that, I think it’s important to remember that we’re predisposed to side with Akane, as she is both our POV protagonist *and* the hero of the narrative. We have unprecedented access to her private moments, motivations, and methodology. We know she means well and trust that her unconventional strategy will pay off in the end. Mika does not. All she knows is that her direct superior is habitually breaking the rules, overloading her team with what feels like excessive busywork, and ignoring the more bureaucratic side of the job in favor of unconventional/unsanctioned detective work. If I’m being perfectly honest, I would also be submitting concerned reports to my boss.
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[When Akane blatantly disregards Sibyl's judgement of bomber Akira Kitazawa, talking him down from a Crime Coefficient of 302 to 299, Mika confronts her for putting both their colleagues and nearby civilians in danger. This later proves to be the right call, as Kitazawa attacks Inspector Risa Aoyanagi and escapes police custody.]
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[While investigating Kirito Kamui, Akane keeps her suspicions/theories close to the chest, leaving Mika and the rest of Division 01 in the dark as to her game plan.]
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[Although Akane's decision to entrust Hinakawa with all 185 Halos proves to be the right one, it's understandable why Mika is taken aback by her placing so much responsibility on a single subordinate -- especially one with Hinakawa's history.]
Now, that’s not to say Mika’s feelings about Akane are purely altruistic. She’s definitely jealous of her senior Inspector and resents her standing within the Bureau, which makes her behave in ways both petty and vindictive. But I’d argue that this, too, is understandable, if not wholly forgivable, when viewed through Mika’s eyes. Picture this: You’re the youngest-ever recruit to a highly coveted position. You follow protocol to a T, are deferential to your superiors, and show a genuine aptitude for the job. Even your callousness toward the Enforcers (again, your childhood best friend was butchered by a latent criminal) is in accordance with Sybil’s will. Shitty, yes, but standard for someone raised within the Orwellian hellscape of 2100s Japan. And yet, everyone around you prefers your senior Inspector. Your subordinates defer to her when you’re the officer in charge (Hinakawa) and even help her game the system (Ginoza). The Chief tells you you’re boring, but displays obvious favoritism toward her. This severely harms your self-esteem and colors the way you interact with everyone around you. After all, it’s hard to feel like a valued member of the team when you’re being undermined and lectured at every turn. This doesn’t excuse Mika’s behavior, and if she didn’t evolve, I might understand some of the hate, but she does evolve. Spectacularly. She’s just not Akane, and that’s okay.
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[While dealing with the hostage situation in PP2, Mika notices Hinakawa working on something off to the side. When she confronts him about it, he admits that he's acting on Akane's orders, even though Mika is technically the officer in charge.]
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[A similar incident occurs in Sinners of the System: Case. 1, when Ginoza shoots down Mika's (admittedly ridiculous) plan, which she interprets as him once again siding with Akane over her.]
Again, this is good storytelling at work, and you can acknowledge that these two women are diametrically opposed and still appreciate -- hell, even like -- both of them for the well-written characters they are. After all, most Psycho-Pass fans like both Kougami and Ginoza in PP1 despite their many differences, not to mention the fact that Ginoza is (and I say this with love) a giant asshole. Let’s not forget, he was *this close* to microwaving Kougami at Chief Kasei’s behest. You can tell yourself he wouldn’t have, but are you sure? Are you really sure? But we forgive him, because he’s a man. Anyway, back to Akane and Mika. For reasons I’ll never understand, many fans find it borderline impossible to love two women with beef, whether it’s one-sided or mutual. There can only be one Best Girl, and everyone better be on her team. It reminds me of the Sansa vs. Daenerys discourse that gripped the Game of Thrones fandom in its last few seasons. This is doubly ridiculous in Psycho-Pass’s case, because Akane and Mika come to trust, respect, and depend on each other. But people decided to hate this 19-year-old forever, so none of that matters.
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[Notice how Ginoza's gaze narrows ominously in the last frame, suggesting he might actually have pulled the trigger, thereby killing his best friend, had Akane not intervened.]
Now, let’s return to my earlier point about certain fans irrationally hating any female character they deem unworthy of their blorbo, husbando, etc. This is where Parasocial Relationships become extremely interesting. As mentioned above, Ginoza is my favorite character in Psycho-Pass, which I think is pretty common. While I myself have never been one for self-insertion or creating OCs to pair with my favorite characters, I understand that it’s a popular trend, and if you enjoy it, more power to you. It becomes problematic, however, when those who engage in self-shipping/OC-shipping decide to collectively gang up on the female character creators have paired (or hinted at pairing) with the object of their affection. Enter GinoMika. Now, I know what you’re thinking -- “But Mika’s a lesbian!” I don’t necessarily agree. Do I think she was in love with her best friend at Oso Academy? Yes. Do I think she had a crush on Yayoi at the beginning of PP2? Yes. Do I also think it’s obvious she currently has feelings for Ginoza, which have been steadily growing since Sinners of the System? Absolutely. For this reason, I interpret her as being both bisexual and demisexual. But that’s beside the point --
The point is that many Ginoza fans who ship him with themselves, their OCs, or Akane (remember, she’s Best Girl) seem to enjoy trashing on Mika like it’s an Olympic sport. And when I say “trashing,” I don’t mean your normal yet still disappointing level of ship nonsense; I mean unhinged, violent rhetoric that makes me feel like the Internet is a place where women can never win. And why? Because she was mean to him when she first started working for the MWPSB? As if he was oh-so-kind to the Enforcers who worked under him. I seem to recall him screaming at his father and threatening to “make him pay” for visiting his sick wife without permission. Oh, and then there was the time he introduced Akane to her new colleagues by telling her, “Don’t think that the guys you’re about to meet are humans like us.” But yes, Mika once told him that she didn’t want his opinion as a latent criminal, which is so much worse. And before you can say that she’s still a bitch to him, let me point out that she is a textbook tsundere. That’s how she flirts, shows affection, etc. She can never come right out and say what she means, because that would make her vulnerable. But she can surreptitiously tell Ginoza he better come back alive by insisting he return her special Dominator. You know, because it would be a real hassle if she had to replace that thing.
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[The language Ginoza uses when introducing Akane to the Enforcers, including his own best friend and father, is deeply dehumanizing.]
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[When Aoyanagi takes Masaoka to visit his estranged wife, Ginoza reacts with explosive anger, reprimanding his father in front of their colleagues and threatening to retaliate should he do it again.]
Which brings us, at long last, to the male portion of the fandom. While many female fans like to call Mika out for her more negative character traits, completely ignoring any and all growth she’s experienced since PP2, male fans tend to direct their anger, dislike, etc. in a much more aggressive manner. I wish I was exaggerating when I say that I’ve seen multiple posts praying for Mika’s rape and subsequent murder. You can’t dive into a single “Season 4 Wish List” thread without finding at least one person wishing extreme ill on Mika Shimotsuki. It's pure misogyny, classic “I’ll fuck the bitch right out of her” rhetoric, and it has no place in this fandom or any other. You would never see a male character being talked about in these terms. Consider this: There’s more fan fiction featuring Mika being raped or coerced into sex by her tormentor, Sakuya Togane, than her having a positive, consensual experience with any other character. Love her or hate her, that is extremely fucked up. We as a fandom need to do better, because once this type of misogyny can be weaponized against fictional characters, it becomes much easier to use against real people. Fan culture, though it might seem trivial, says a lot about us and our values.
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[This is just a sampling of the comments you'll find on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, and other social media sites.]
That said, I’d like to end this essay on a more positive note, so let’s take a look at all the ways in which Mika has become a better, more compassionate human being over the course of the series...
By PP3, she shows obvious concern for her Enforcers, values their opinions, and treats them like integral members of her team. In an especially cute scene, she even fist-bumps Tenma Todoroki after they work seamlessly to defeat Koichi Azusawa’s henchmen. She also makes a point to attend the party thrown in the Enforcers’ quarters, as she now longs to be part of the gang -- a gang she would have actively shunned in PP2. 
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[During First Inspector, Mika shows time and again that she's willing to work with and for her Enforcers.]
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[As Chief, Mika realizes that Enforcers deserve respect and gratitude from their superiors. They are no longer dogs to her.]
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[In PP2, Mika tells Ginoza she doesn't care what the Enforcers think of her. By PP3, however, we see her display concern that her team might find her dull. She wants to be liked and accepted by them.]
She becomes far more flexible with her co-workers, allowing Inspectors Arata Shindo and Kei Mikhail Ignatov plenty of freedom to conduct investigations as they see fit. Yes, she consistently scolds them (textbook tsundere behavior), but this is done in a manner far more humorous than anything else. We know she actually trusts them and has their best interests at heart; she just can’t bring herself to say it aloud. She also repeatedly takes heat from Chief Hosorogi on their behalf and is genuinely worried for Arata when it seems like Sibyl might “eliminate” him. The palpable relief on her face when she finds out he’s allowed to remain an Inspector speaks volumes.
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[Throughout PP3, Mika allows Kei and Arata to play to their individual strengths, even if it means bending the rules -- something she would never have done in PP2 or the first film.]
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[Just look at that excited face. No caption necessary.]
She goes out of her way to make sure the immigrant prostitutes saved by religious leader Joseph Auma are protected following his death. This is an especially big deal, since many of these individuals are latent criminals, and Mika is forced to ask her newfound nemesis, Frederica Hanashiro, for a favor in order to secure their safety. When she tries to pretend it’s no big deal, Frederica calls her bluff by pointing out that no one would stoop to asking someone they hate for help in order to protect people whose fates they don’t care about.
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[Even though Mika detests Frederica, she puts the well-being of the immigrants before her own pride.]
In Sinners of the System: Case. 1, her distrust of latent criminals is permanently altered after dealing with Izumi Yasaka, whom she works tirelessly to rescue and comes to view as brave, capable, and worthy of reintegration into society. She also displays genuine concern for and lack of discrimination toward Takeya Kukuri, the young son of a latent criminal, and is horrified to discover that the latent criminal inmates at Sanctuary are being used as disposable tools to move nuclear waste canisters.
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[Sinners of the System: Case. 1 marks a decided shift in the way Mika views latent criminals. Instead of lumping them all together, she begins to see them as individuals who deserve basic human rights.]
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[Even though Mika is unable to save all the latent criminals at Sanctuary, she does everything in her power to ensure Yasaka and Takeya walk away clean.]
When Enforcer Mao Kisaragi turns out to be the “fox within the CID,” Mika and the rest of Division 01 are united in supporting her claim of innocence. Mika trusts (without concrete proof, mind you) that she’s telling the truth about being an unwitting accomplice, something she never would have done in PP2 or even the first film.  
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[While the old Mika would have been the first person to distrust Kisaragi, here we see her standing up for the beleaguered Enforcer.]
She comes to respect Division 01 (Akane, Ginoza, Sugo, Hinakawa, Kunizuka, and Shion), views them as a surrogate family, and misses them once their unit is disbanded. In Sinners of the System: Case. 3, Frederica Hanashiro, who temporarily worked as part of their unit, says, “CID Division 01… They’re not just capable; they have a rare teamwork that overcomes the barrier between Inspectors and Enforcers.” Yes, this is mostly due to Akane’s guiding influence, but it’s clear Frederica is talking about the whole team. It’s taken Mika years to get there, but she is now definitely part of the group, not a jealous outsider looking in. In fact, even Mika’s obvious dislike of Frederica in PP3 is a clear result of this affection. After finally finding a place to belong, she feels as though Frederica swooped in and stole her found family, leaving her right back where she started -- on the outside.
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[Though she'll never admit it, Mika views Ginoza as both a mentor and a friend. When he leaves the PSB to join SAD/MOFA, she misses having him around.]
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[During her lowest moment in PP2, a jealous Mika actually hopes that Akane's Hue will darken. In Sinners of the System: Case. 2, she pleads with her to take her own safety more seriously. It's clear a big change has occurred in the intervening years.]
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[Instead of feeling constant competition with Akane, by PP3, Mika is finally able to give her her due. It's clear they trust and respect each other despite their many differences.]
She’s grown from an immature young woman who couldn’t bring herself to take responsibility for her failures -- most notably her involvement in Akane’s grandmother’s murder -- to a responsible PSB Chief who holds herself accountable for anything that goes wrong with her Inspectors and Enforcers. This is most evident in her reaction to Koichi Azusawa taking control of Nona Tower and subsequently endangering the lives of MWPSB faculty and agents. We first see inklings of this change near the end of PP2, when Kunizuka tells Mika she’ll never forgive the person who gave up Aoi Tsunemori’s location, and Mika responds in kind. It’s clear that she’s not merely parroting a response to save her own skin but is deeply troubled and filled with regret over her own actions.
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[In PP2, Mika is constantly blaming others for her mistakes. By First Inspector, she's owning mistakes she didn't even make.]
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[Mika trusts her team so much, she's willing to put her job on the line.]
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[Although Mika doesn't come clean to Kunizuka about her role in Aoi Tsunemori's death, it's clear she’s haunted by it. Later, when she confesses the truth to Ginoza, he admits to feeling a similar guilt over the way he treated his late father, telling Mika they'll have to bear their respective shame silently for the rest of their lives.]
And lastly, I believe the biggest example of Mika's growth can be found in what is arguably her most important relationship -- the one she shares with Ginoza. Whether you view them as mentor/mentee, begrudging friends, potential love interests, or all three, you can't deny that they have one of the most interesting and entertaining dynamics in the series. As mentioned above, when Mika first meets Ginoza, she views him as a cautionary tale. His demotion from Inspector to Enforcer is her worst nightmare, something that could conceivably happen to her, though she'll never admit it. Because of this, she treats him with hostility, disregarding his opinions and shunning his advice. But the longer they work together, the more we realize that Ginoza brings out the best in Mika -- and vice-versa. His calm, cool demeanor tempers her fiery spirit, and her enthusiasm makes him feel like he still has a purpose. By the time PP3 rolls around, he's become her #1 confidant, the person she calls whenever she has intel to share, grievances to air, etc. And you can't deny that Mika is the one person who makes Ginoza funny. Their flirtatious banter is genuinely charming and shows the softer, more human side of both their characters.
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[Given her history with latent criminals, Mika refuses to listen to Ginoza, even when he's coming from a place of experience and genuinely trying to help her.]
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[After working together for several years, Mika learns to value Ginoza's opinion and even feels proud when he compliments her.]
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[During the Sanctuary case, Ginoza admits to both Akane and himself that being an Enforcer isn't so bad, as long as Mika is the one calling the shots. He knows she has a good heart, and working for her reminds him why he joined the MWPSB in the first place.]
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[Notice how Mika's body language changes from PP2 to Sinners of the System. She now looks at Ginoza with appreciation and, in certain instances, affection. The fact that he views her the same way speaks volumes about how far their relationship has come.]
If you made it to the end of this mammoth post, thank you for sticking with me. Hopefully, we can all treat Mika with a little more patience, kindness, and respect when PP4 arrives.
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mirageofadesert · 10 months
"Out of time" - Appreciation post for Li Susu portrayed by Bai Lu
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Out of time: Traumatized Time Traveler
Li Susu is chosen by fate, time and birthright to fight the Devil God. She has bravely faced him to protect her family, her sect and her world - and lost them all in the blink of a (red, sexy) eye. Travelling 500 years into the past to prevent the rise of the Devil God has left her traumatised and overwhelmed. On top of that, she has to find her way into Ye Xiwu's life, which has left her a mess.
Through it all, Li Susu never loses her distinctive personality. She has a strong moral compass, cares and loves easily. Within a few weeks, she reciprocates the love of Ye Xiwu's family and, according to Bai Lu, develops feelings for Tantai Jin's relative early on. She is also cheerful, cheeky and stubborn, but also smart and modest. This is where Bai Lu's charisma, chemistry and comic timing really shine.
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As an audience, we see the world through her eyes. I have seen complaints about her early behaviour - described as cruel and contradictory towards Tantai Jin. It seems that one thing that divides the audience of Till The End Of The Moon isn't simply their opinion of Ye Xiwu early on, but rather the ability to emphasize with her character and behaviour. It seems that some people fail to understand her complexity. She is not mean or vengeful, she is overwhelmed and traumatised. Li Susu struggles to find the right path between her own morality, her developing feelings for Tantai Jin and her mission. I find this inner conflict fascinating and well portrayed by Bai Lu. She doesn't act in a logical way - but how could she do such a thing given the extraordinary circumstances she faces? I think the inner logic of her character is coherent.
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Her introduction as the main character is well done, both in terms of writing and acting. We meet her at one of the worst moments of her life, which gives Bai Lu a chance to show off her acting skills right away. For me, a lot of dramas lack compelling female leads, especially before the character development unfolds, so seeing Li Susu's emotional turmoil in the first episode gave her depth and range from the start.
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Out of time with the society around her
There is another meaning of the phrase "out of time" which I think fits Li Susu quite well: In the musical sense, it means "not in accordance with the appropriate musical rhythm or tempo". It refers to her not dancing to the same beat as everyone else around her. This is not only because of the time travel, but also because of her upbringing as an immortal "pure spirit body" in an isolated sect. This position as an outsider makes her a more relatable character to modern audiences.
Li Susu doesn't fit into the social and gender roles of her new era. Like the century-old demon Pianran, she defies these norms. She is free-spirited but righteous, conflicted but persevering.
The show challenges us to root for more multiple characters whose goals are at odds with each other. And if the audience is able to keep track of these different perspectives, and keep up with the tension of the resulting contradictions, the plot becomes a nuanced and complex story about the greater good of the world as well as the struggle to control one's own destiny.
I found Li Susu very likeable and enjoyed her journey through three arcs. However, I regret that the last arc was cut and that her character development was not allowed to fully unfold.
Out of time in her relationship with Tantai Jin
Li Susu and Tantai Jin are out of time in every sense of the phrase. As they travel through three arcs, three worlds and two lifetimes, they are never quite on the same page, never quite in sync.
In the first arc, Li Susu hides her true intentions and can therefore never fully reciprocate Tantai Jin's feelings. Tantai Jin then spends 500 years desperately searching for a spirit whose real name he doesn't even know.
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In the final arc, Li Susu tries to move on from Tantai Jin while he still tries to resurrect Ye Xiwu. Once reunited, she tries to peruse the Heartless Way to seal the evil bone, while he tries to win her back.
They only get into rhythm for a brief moment after their betrothal before they are separated in preparation for their wedding.
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In the final episodes, their initial roles are reversed, with Tantai Jin hiding his true intentions for the greater good and lying to Li Susu. He is running out of time to let her ascend to godhood and stop the All-in-Distress Way before it destroys everything. Even as gods, they are still not on the same page, as Tantai Jin denies her the choice to follow him into death and rebirth, instead tricking her into living on alone.
Nothing symbolises this theme better than the final scenes at their graves: visiting them and mourning each other at different times, never to be reunited again. This scene is so heartbreaking that even after watching the show four times, I still can't make GIFs of it because it makes me cry.
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Never out of place: Bai Lu's acting
Bai Lu's acting is another highlight of the show. While her chemistry with Luo Yunxi is well documented, she actually manages to have great (non-romantic) chemistry with the entire cast. Their relationships always feel ingenious and alive. Between Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu, the showrunners have managed to hire four very impressive and emotional eyebrows!
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Bai Lu's facial expressions are always on point and elevate her scenes. While her approach to comedy involves exaggerated facial expressions, in more serious moments she is able to portray many different emotions at once without it feeling out of place.
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I have talked a lot about Luo Yunxi's acting in the show, but I think Bai Lu deserves a lot of credit for her role beyond their chemistry. She is such a joy to watch on screen! From funny to heart-wrenchingly sad, she made me go through so many emotions and tissues. To be able to touch the audience in such a profound way is the highest compliment I can give her!
Behind the scenes, Bai Lu is a vibrant and dedicated person who gives her best to every scene: Be it immersing herself in mentally demanding or physically exhausting scenes. I'm looking forward to getting to know more of her acting.
Edit: Spelling!
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gayloringinplainsight · 4 months
why is all of your "evidence" so contridictory? if she came out on lesbian visibility day and all her past relationships are pr beards, why does it matter the bisexual hints she drops? AND if she IS bisexual, why come out on lesbian visibility day and have so many lesbian flag themed hints? why would she be in pr beard relationships if shes openly bisexual?
Okay first idk why you need to scream at me. Calm the fuck down. And if you don't care about Taylor Swift then I'm not sure why you're on my blog screaming in all caps about her, but let's do this anyways cause I'm in a verbose mood.
Second, it's not my evidence, it's her evidence and her flagging, and I have eyes and a brain capable of a modicum of critical thinking.
And I don't think any of the evidence is contradictory but I kind of understand what you're getting at.
So let me begin by saying that I have no strong opinions on if she's bi or pan or lesbian or fluid or whatever. I think there was a lot of bi flagging in the 1989 era, both bi and pan flagging during the Lover era, and then there's been a lot more lesbian flagging during the Midnights/eras tour period. So if I had to venture a guess I'd say she used to identify as bi and now identifies as lesbian, but I don't feel super strongly about it and I also don't think there's really enough evidence to say for sure one way or another, only that there's more than enough evidence to be certain she's some flavor of queer.
What additionally contributes to the lack of clear answers on labelling is the fact that she does flagging on lesbian visibility day, and then mixes bi flagging and pan flagging in the same music video. But I don't think it's fair to say that if she's (for the sake of argument) bi, then she can only do bi-specific flagging. She can do any kind of flagging she wants, and that doesn't diminish the queer message she's coding. It might also be that she simply identifies as queer or unlabeled, and therefore feels free to mix and match all of these things. Or maybe her label is more complex and reliant on the split attraction model, like bi-romantic lesbian, or homo-romantic bisexual/pansexual.
To address some of your specific statements, she didn't "come out on lesbian visibility day". At least not explicitly. But she flagged very hard and said something that could be construed as coming out in a glass-closeted kind of way.
We also don't know that all of her public relationships have been PRships. They might have been, and I think a lot of them were, but we don't actually know. I think you're also asking, if every public relationship with men was PR, why would she ever flag as bi? But just because the relationships we know about were potentially PR doesn't mean there couldn't have been relationships with men that we don't know about. A great example of this is Martin Johnson, who many people think was a real relationship (and the muse for Dear John).
All this goes back to the point that she can do any kind of flagging she wants. She's not restricted to bi flagging if she's bi, or lesbian flagging if she's a lesbian. Perhaps she vacillates between labels. Perhaps her labels are more complex like bisexual lesbian. Perhaps in addition to whatever her own label is, she wants to give visibility to other queer identities.
Just because we don't know her exact brand of queer doesn't mean the evidence is contradictory. It means we don't know her exact brand of queer.
Lastly, to address your final demand where you want tangible proof except not lyrics or videos or social media posts or hints. Which is a request that's not really based in reality. Because that's exactly where the tangible proof lies. It's in the enormous pile of queer flagging that can't be explained away. It's in the performances where she sings "I want her midnights." It's in her panoply of rainbow outfits. It's in statements like "Gay pride…makes me, me!" It's in all the mv scenes of glass closeting. It's in Jack accidentally outing her. It's in the rep prologue. It's in lyrics that reference hairpin drops and secrecy and religious guilt and fear of being found out. It's in her literally telling us "I prefer hiding in plain sight." This is all queer flagging and if you know how to read it then you can read it. And if you can't or refuse to, then that's on you. If you want to wait for her to shout her identity from the rooftops before you think there's tangible proof, then feel free to wait for that day. I think it will come. But in the meantime, queer flagging IS proof. And the sheer volume and scope and clarity of it makes it tangible.
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versegm · 1 year
What they don’t tell you about Chaldea is that once you get past the most obvious of bullshits (the literal apocalypse, whatever was happening during Christmas, the fucking Gudagudas,) you still end up with a large amount of very small bullshits that make absolutely no sense.
Case in point:
There is beer in the fridge.
Why is there beer in the fridge.
Goredolf’s first thought, is, naturally, that one of the servants must have made some. They’ve got so many servants here; it’s not that far-fetched to imagine that one of them might be into brewing their own stuff. He’s heard of at least one who makes her own wine (and has been throughoutly warned to never drink any of it.)
He picks up a bottle and examines it closer. The side of it reads Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster – guaranteed to get drunk even those with debuff immunity! There’s a pictogram of a skull with an ahoge beneath it.
Okay. So. This was, presumably, picked up in a store. This explains how it found its way here, except for one tiny little detail:
What fucking store the whole world was bleached???
And no, don’t bring up any of the other food they eat in Novum Chaldea. These are direct contributions from Beni-Enma (bless her heart; she may be indirectly responsible for one of the most stressful weeks of Goredolf’s life, but she’s also one of the most reasonable and normal servants around. Goredolf will take strong cooking opinions over whatever is going on with the knights of the Round Table any day of the week.)
Clearly, there is Servant Shenanigans afoot.
He could search for the owner of this bottle. They shouldn’t be drinking on duty anyways. And if they have access to intergalactic stores, they could bring back more than just beer. It would be in everyone’s best interests to identify them.
On the other hand: Servant Shenanigans. Goredolf prides himself in being a wise man (lies; he singlehandedly got Chaldea exterminated. He is a fool and an idiot and it’s a miracle that the crew hasn’t realized his uselessness already-) and that means acknowledging that anything servant-related is widely out of his depth. There is strength in withdrawing too. Yes; whatever this is can be dealt with by someone-
“If you leave the fridge open like this we’ll have a hell of a bill to pay.”
The sudden voice startles Goredolf in a calm, dignified way.
“Wow, you’re jumpy. No need to squeak, I’m not here to hurt you.” (For the record, it was not a squeak, it was a perfectly respectable and regular noise.) “Lemme just grab this.” A hand reaches out to take the beer off his palms, and-
Goredolf. Isn’t really sure what he’s looking at?
The servant is a woman in a swimsuit. A pretty one, even, (not that it’s relevant) whose blue scarf and tight suit really emphasize her- (we said this is not relevant.) She’s also wearing,
High boots?
And a helmet?
A strange and complex set of armor over her arms and legs.
Wait, no. Upon closer inspections, these seem closer to some sort of robotic suit.
This is. Certainly a confusing outfit.
Ignorant (or uncaring) of Goredolf’s plight, the servant tears off the bottlecap and takes a swing at the beer. “Now that hits the spot.” She sighs, pleased.
“… Aren’t you a cop?” Goredolf asks, and yes, he’s aware this is a stupid question, but give him a break, how is he even supposed to react here. He’s not even sure she’s a cop. He’s read the servant files ages ago and this particular one was absolutely incomprehensible.
“Not since you guys hired me I’m not.” She takes another swing, eyeing Goredolf with a pleased expression. “Besides, the casters can debuff cleanse me if an emergency comes up, it’s fine.”
This doesn’t really sound fine, but again, servant shenanigans, not his lane. Goredolf has no claims speaking up when he believes to know better (for instance, when the Master goes off to do something stupidly dangerous and reckless again for the love of god why is no one alarmed by their blatant desensitization to danger this is not normal this is not healthy what the fuck) but for things like this he supposes he should leave it to those heroes of- holy shit her armor just vanished.
A blue jacket materializes over the servant’s shoulders, hiding a grand total of 2% of her skin. The sight strikes him dumb for a couple seconds.
“And you are?” She’s leaning on the counter as she asks, which is not helping Goredolf focus. Come on boy, what are you, some horny teenager?? You see half-naked heroes at the cafeteria every day! Get a grip!!
“Ah, have you not heard of me? I’m Goredolf Musik, Chaldea’s Director! I’m responsible for every major operation here.” He replies, puffing up his chest. And then, because some unfortunate altercations with the Celtic heroes made him realize that was a very vague title to most servants: “I also make desserts on my free time.”
The woman perks up at that second part, which, ouch. It’s good to be known for something. He supposes. “Oh! You’re the pastry guy? These are soo good, I’ve heard the others mention a new chief on the staff, I didn’t know that was you.”
The compliment is a balm on his bruised ego at least. “Well, yes. Not to brag, but I believe my croissants rival most bakeries.”
The woman nods eagerly. Oh, sweet sweet validation. Then, for some reason, she steps closer to him. “You know, Director, I have a favor to ask.”
Flattery would never work on Goredolf (but it did, it did, this fox got him good-) flattery would never work on Goredolf, but it would be rude to not at least hear her out, especially when she calls him by his proper title. “What kind?”
“Well, the Master has been bringing me to battle a lot recently. I’m the go-to when it comes to dealing with berserkers, you understand.” She sighs, putting her beer on the counter. “It’s exhausting. The mana we get from Chaldea is enough to fight, but I was wondering… is there any way for me to get a little extra?”
That seems like a reasonable request. Not one Goredolf thinks he can fulfil, though. “I’ll ask my technical advisors about it. I’m sure something can be done-”
Slender fingers cup his chin. They’re warm, Goredolf registers dimly, train of thought utterly forgotten. Like burning stars. Like an echo of summer.
“I was thinking of something else.” The servants says with a smile.
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the-chaotic-christian · 5 months
Disclaimer; these are just my opinions. I'm not looking to start a fight.
I'm getting concerned about Katara's character in Netflix's show.
In almost every trailer, advertisement, interview-at least the ones I've seen-they've been really trying to drive home the point that she's a warrior. Which she is; there's no disputing that. By the second half of the first season she's a force to be reckoned with.
But that's not what I think of when I think about her.
It's not her defining character trait. Her main goal isn't to become a warrior; at least, she doesn't want to be a warrior just because. It happens out of necessity, because she has talents and abilities that are huge assets when fighting.
But at her core, she's a caretaker. She's a girl who sacrificed her dreams and own desires for people who needed her at the age of eleven.
Having her openly pursue and argue with Sokka over the whole 'warrior' business almost seems to discount that. It adds a touch of immaturity and naivety to her character that just feels shallow. Katara has always understood sacrifice; what it means to give up your own wants for another's-she does this all the time.
It's one of the things I find most admirable about her character.
From episode one it's established that she's the person that makes sure everyone has everything together; she's not, primarily, a fighter. She can fight-and she does-but she's more than that. Katara holds the gaang together, both physically-cooking, repairing clothes, making sure everyone's healthy-and emotionally-calming Aang out of the Avatar State, encouraging Sokka, attempting, albeit unsuccessfully and overbearingly, to curb Toph's reckless antics. Even in season 3, when Zuko shows up, her mistrust and dislike of him is because she's trying to protect everyone else.
When I think of Katara, the first word I think of is 'motherly'. I don't want Netflix to box her into the Marvel-girlboss-power stereotype, scrubbing her of any depth and femininity in the name of making her a warrior. Being motherly doesn't make her weak; being the one who cooks, cleans, and makes sure people are, i don't know, sleeping, doesn't make her weak.
It makes her incredibly strong.
She's a warrior, but that's not her first characteristic. She's one of the few people in the series who truly understands how consequential their actions are. She understands that sacrifices need to be made; she's seen them made first hand. Katara's motherliness is an outward sign of the way that she sacrifices for others; she gives them her time, her energy, and her love. That's different than how her brother sacrifices, how Aang sacrifices, how everyone else in the series sacrifices; but that's okay.
I don't want Katara to be just a warrior. I don't want her arc to be purely about 'fighting sexism' or whatever. She's deeper than that. I'm sick of these copy-and-past boss girls hollywood keeps churning out. A;tla is full of so many complex female characters, they don't need to be changed to be 'strong' or something along those lines.
The greatest thing about Katara is that she was a strong female character before she had the ability to throw grown men across the battlefield; and her arc in the first season was so much more about her growing into her abilities than all oh 'woe is me, a female in a patriarchal society!' and I love that. She didn't just complain; she changed the status quo and proved that the Northerners were just plain wrong.
Her magic abilities aren't what make her strong; her ability to fight isn't what makes her strong; her proving that women can and will fight if necessary isn't what makes her strong;
Her passion, hope, love, motherliness, compassion, desire to impact the world in a positive way, and arc about learning to let go and forgive are the things that make her strong.
C'mon Netflix, don't scrub that for some Marvel copy-and-past.
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A Friend in Need
Based on this request:  May I please request an Arthur Shelby fic? Maybe reader(fem and Arthur’s best friend) has never liked Linda because she tried to control Arthur. She never said anything to Arthur though and when Linda leaves Arthur for someone else, he turns to reader who comforts him? Maybe some unrequited love?
Here you are, lovely! I apologize for the wait! *Familiar characters are NEVER mine!*
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Warnings: mentions of cheating(I do NOT condone this), mentions of alcohol and drunkenness, potentially unrequited romantic love. Comfort.
Pairings/Characters: Arthur Shelby x platonic(?)!fem reader, Tommy Shelby, brief mentions of Linda Shelby
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Linda Shelby was a woman you hated with every fiber of your being. It wasn't like you to be so harsh on other women, but Linda was probably one of the worst in your opinion. She wasn't good for her husband at all and you knew that because Arthur had been your best friend for longer than you could remember. He was a strong Shelby man brought down by a manipulative and controlling woman.
         No longer did Arthur come 'round to the Garrison just to have a drink with you. No longer did he come to the ring to let out his frustration. You knew he had children now, so the fighting thing didn't bother you as much. But the slight turning of his back on his family because his…wife decided that the rest of the Shelbys were no better than dirt beneath her feet? That made a rage build within you in a way you'd never felt before. A rage that was only made worse by her "holier-than-thou" complex. So yes, you despised Linda Shelby, but never more than in this moment right now.
         When the pounding began at your door, you were irritated. You were tired and ready to retire for the evening. That irritation instantly melted away when you opened the door to find Tommy and Michael dragging a (very obviously) drunk Arthur between them. You moved aside to let the three in without a single question. They would tell you when they were ready.
         They plopped Arthur down on the couch as you grabbed a bucket in case Arthur got sick. Tommy turned to you as he straightened his jacket. "Arthur's in a bad way." You snorted out a laugh. "I can see that. Am I allowed to know what's happened or is it family only business?" Tommy arched a brow at you. "You are family, Y/N. Linda walked out on Arthur. For another man." Your eyes widened.
         "SHE DID WHAT?!" Arthur groaned at the suddenly volume of your voice. "Sorry, Arthur," you muttered before practically pulling Tommy and Michael from the room. "You're joking. Tell me you're joking, Thomas," you stated as calmly as you could. You knew better though. Tommy wasn't one to joke like that. "Arthur spent most of the day in the pub. Probably still be there if Finn and Isaiah hadn't found him. I thought I'd seen him at his worst. Turns out, I hadn't."
         "Where is she?!" you growled, "I'll wring her neck! How dare she! The hypocrite!" You moved toward the door only to be stopped by the two non-intoxicated Shelbys. "You don't worry about Linda. Arthur needs you right now." You took a deep breath through your nose, indicating that you were not happy about it. "Fine. But if I ever see her face, no force on earth is going to stop me. Not even you, Tommy." He smirked before tipping his hat and leaving your home.
         With a sigh, you turned back help Arthur. He held the bucket you'd given him near his face as he groaned loudly. "Oh, Arthur," you whispered. You carefully sat next to him and rubbed his back. Arthur glanced at you, or tried to, before letting out another noise of agony. The two of you sat in silence for a bit before Arthur spoke in a mess of slurred words.
         "Sh-Should have been you," was what you managed to catch. "What?" you asked softly. You didn't want to make the headache you were sure he had worse. "Should have m-married y-*hic*-you. Wanted to." You blinked in surprise. What the hell? "Arthur, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying." Arthur shook his head which seemed to make him feel ill as he leaned over the bucket.
         "We'll talk about this more in the morning over breakfast." Arthur let out another couple of hiccups and set the bucket on the floor next to the couch. You helped him lie down, your mind racing a mile a minute. Were Arthur's words really those of a drunken mind? Or did he mean them? And, if he did, did you feel the same?
         You loved Arthur, sure. He was your closest friend and had been for years. But were you in love with him? Did you love him as more than a friend? You had never thought about it before. "I need to sleep," you muttered. You could think about this more in the morning. You bid Arthur a good night only to find him already snoring from his spot on the sofa. A soft laugh escaped your throat. Then you headed to your own bed in hopes of catching at least a few hours of sleep. You would deal with this in the morning and you only hoped that, no matter what your head and heart agreed on, it wouldn't change things between you and Arthur for the worse.
         You tossed and turned all night, finally givin g up when you caught sight of the dawn through your window. With a sigh, you rose and snuck downstairs to brew a cup of tea and cook breakfast. You knew the smell of a home cooked meal would wake Arthur from his stupor. And you needed the time to think. Cooking always helped you do that.
         Sure enough, a few minutes later, Arthur entered the kitchen. He looked awful, but then, who wouldn't after the night he had? He let out a groan as he sat down at the table. Without a word, you slid a cup of coffee his way before continuing with breakfast. A comfortable silence settled between you while you worked and Arthur nursed his coffee.
         Once breakfast was ready, you sat a plate in front of Arthur before sitting down with your own food. You felt Arthur's eyes on you as you ate slowly. It was like he was trying to decide if he'd messed up the night before. He was trying to piece together what had happened and you let him. You weren't going to bring it up and potentially embarrass either one of you. Arthur was a man who got angry when he was embarrassed and that would only make his headache worse.
         "Tommy tell ya?" he finally asked and you nodded slowly. Arthur's lips dipped into a frown. He looked like he was contemplated every choice he'd ever made in life. "Am I bein' punished?" You arched a brow. "Of course not, Arthur. Linda's choices were her own. She chose to break the vows she made. She chose. Not you. You love her, enough to remain faithful and stop drinking and fighting, at least for a while. She made the choice. You're a good man, Arthur Shelby. A good man who sometimes makes bad decisions, but no, you are not 'being punished' for anything in this situation."
         Arthur grew silent again, pulling another sigh from your lips. You rose from your seat and made your way over to him so you could wrap your arms around his shoulders as you'd done a million times before. You pressed a kiss to his hair. Arthur used one hand to hold onto your arm a little more tightly than usual, as if he were afraid you would disappear. You had never seen the man more broken and you only hoped he would make through this an even stronger man than before.
(a/n: I hope you like it! I am nearly finished with part 2 of “Deduce Me” so I’m hoping to get that posted soon!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard​ @supernatural4life2022​
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
thoughts on/hcs for steph?
There's this one post (not mine) that kind of explores my thoughts on Steph. I think it's a downright shame that her character gets simplified to liking purple, waffles, and being a blonde girl. She is extremely badass. There are so many hobbies and abilities she does that just don't get talked about (her gymnastics, piano, etc.).
Taking her physical capabilities aside, how the fuck did she manage to be strong enough (willpower and emotionally) to deal with everything she did?
Tim is my favorite Robin due to the entire tragedy that is his Robin. Unlike the ones before and Damian, he had less support and care at the start of his Robin.
Steph, though? Absolutely no support from Bruce when she started being a vigilante. Her time as Robin was hell. She was constantly belittled and disregarded (before, during, and after she became Robin). She kind of reminds me of Barbara in that way (being disregarded by Bruce and establishing herself independently because of it).
Steph is strong as fuck to overcome everything she did. Even putting Black Mask and her dying aside, her becoming a vigilante to stop her father without support is amazing. She was constantly told to quit or met the resistance of a Bat for her efforts. She kept going in spite of that. I admire her resilience.
I have been sitting on the idea of her and Tim's relationship. To me, I think they are horrible for each other romantically. They are too toxic and butt heads too much for a romantic relationship.
Platonically, though? They are each other's soul mate. I love the idea that they know each other and are there for each other on another level. It would be similar to Tim's relationship with YJ, but still more. Those two tried a romantic relationship because they meant so much to each other, but they learned they navigated better without those aspects.
In ways, she reminds me of Dick and Jason combined. They both put up fronts (Dick's is sunshine and Jason's is a tough guy act) to bury their hurt and weaknesses. Steph teters between being peppy and being willing to deck you. That hides the complexity of how much she cares for people, how hurt she can be by others' actions, how intelligent she actually is, and her tendency to put others first.
She'll look out for herself, especially because no one else did, but she also cares too much about others to not help them.
Alright, as far as hc for Steph, I like the idea that she can navigate public opinion almost as well as Bruce and Tim. If she truly truly wanted to put in the effort, she could schmooze like the best of them. She combines Selina and Tim's approach to weasel whatever she wants out of her target. In fact, Tim loves watching her fool some unfortunate person as Steph turns them around.
She doesn't do this often because of the effort, money, and overall unpleasantness of the company required to do it.
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