valfemtino · 10 hours
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Jealous Vox
just thought the outfits would be cute :3
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valfemtino · 5 days
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scribbles of some bitcheeeeeeeessss
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valfemtino · 7 days
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val and her pocket wife
fem! voxval
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valfemtino · 15 days
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some drag!val sketches inspired by the lovely @grownupchangeling's fic <3
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valfemtino · 16 days
i wanna have a completely normal conversation with a girl except they’re sitting on my lap and i have my knife to their throat and i don’t say anything about it but they can never quite forget it’s there
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valfemtino · 18 days
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after dark ✧
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valfemtino · 18 days
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valfemtino · 19 days
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Trust Us with your Organs!
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valfemtino · 21 days
You are in his DMs. I am in his DNI. We are not the same
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valfemtino · 21 days
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I love them...
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valfemtino · 25 days
*cute art of me*
*captioned by death wish*
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valfemtino · 26 days
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After their first break up of the week
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valfemtino · 28 days
Me, lying on my stomach kicking my feet in the air and twirling my hair around my finger: ehehehe yeah I'm gonna break him down to the constituent parts of himself and destroy his sense of self worth and when he's at his lowest point I'm gonna force a life changing event on him which makes him consider everything about his life up to this point leading up to a climax in which he's forced to decide the sort of person he can live with being
Me: and then I'm gonna make him fuck nasty
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valfemtino · 28 days
ⓘ this user is always horny
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valfemtino · 28 days
Choke me until I basically stop struggling then shove my bottoms down and bind my hands together as I catch my breath.
When I start panicking again, wrap your hand back around my throat, squeeze, and use your other hand to rub at my clit so there’s a little lubrication.
Tease me and laugh about how wet I’m getting while your about to rape me.
When you decide it’s enough, shove your cock in and just hold it there. Make me cockwarm you while you continue to choke me and rub my clit. Stretching me out.
Keep making fun of me because I’m basically fucking myself back onto you.
Keep rubbing my clit until I cum and I cry because how could I do that while I’m being raped.
You ask me if that means I want you to fuck me because I just came? That has to be consent? That means you can cum in me, right?
I’m crying and trying to get away, all the while you keep rubbing my clit.
Start thrusting in and out of me because now it’s your turn. Let go of my neck and shove your fingers into my mouth so I can’t scream.
Lean down and “kiss” me, kiss and bite my neck, suck on my nipples. Whisper in my ear.
“Aw are you gonna cum again? To being raped? If you cum again I’m gonna fill you full? You wanna have my baby? If you cum again, I’m gonna fuck you over and over until you’re pregnant.”
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valfemtino · 28 days
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valfemtino · 28 days
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happy first day of pride month
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