#no one knows it but garden has so much jewelry. my god
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bigfatbreak · 1 year ago
while im at it, lore for my painted pegasus because life is a lucid dream
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later in life garden/SS will have big problems in the royal guard bc a captain there has beef with his dad, but itll be fine eventually
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katieaki · 4 months ago
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My ✨ post-apocalyptic Lesbian Cowgirl Mailman choose-your-own adventure✨ has just updated! Read it here for free on my Patreon and vote in the poll! Here is a guide to get you started, the summaries of each part of the story thus far, the complete collected text, and FAQ, all in one place. They have everything you need to know about Lou, her requited-but-complicated love, the religious assassin who just beat the tar out of her, the worst person she's ever met, and the ill-advised journey she is on! There is also a discord where Pony Express readers from all across god's green internet can gather, here!
✨Read the update for free on my patreon & vote on what happens next! ✨Excerpt below the cut.
When her vision cleared, she could see that a whole group of people had gathered around the infirmary door: Holliday, all of the divers, Mrs. Kikkawa, Kanon’s wife with her baby in a sling against her chest, Solitude, and Artie. Everyone looked so relieved to see her, but an air of palpable anxiety still hung around them. Mrs. Kikkawa laid her hand over her eyes, hung her head, and started to cry. Sol made the sign of the star and brought their hands together in prayer. 
For a moment, Lou couldn’t understand why. Why would any of them care what happened to her? She was a stranger to them. Then, she remembered how much loss they’d all experienced, and so recently, too. It seemed that, in recent days, so many of their loved ones had gone into the infirmary and not come back out alive. Sumie’s side of the family had lost, at least, their mother, oldest brother, and baby sister from the same illness. Of course they’d been feeling anxious. They’d been hounded by death. They didn’t need any more of it. The only person who didn’t have their eyes trained on her was Artie, who looked out, over and past her, but close enough that nobody but Lou would notice she wasn’t looking at her. She sat close to Tsuneko on a short stone wall that bordered the garden adjacent to the infirmary. She looked right over Lou’s head, like she wasn’t even there, her expression neutral, but when Tsuneko looked back at her to whisper something Lou couldn’t hear, she smiled broadly at her. She was glowing. Her skin looked beautiful and all her scratches were almost faded. The dark circles under her eyes had lightened considerably. Like in Lou’s dream, the scabs that had been splitting her lips had healed. She didn’t even look sickly anymore. Someone had either cut her hair or lent her a buzzer because she had gotten her sides shaved back down to near-skin. The length of her hair was curly and charmingly messy; it was clear she’d been swimming. Everybody thought Lou was going to die and Artie was spending her days swimming in the ocean and hanging out with a beautiful girl. Lou felt the sting of betrayal like a thorn pressed into the flesh above her heart. She actually felt it. It hurt. Artie once again had on a little makeup and wore more jewelry than she ever had on the trail. Worst of all, she was beaming. She was so beautiful and so happy there, in the light of Tsuneko’s attention. Lou couldn’t stand to look at her but couldn’t manage to look away, either.
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softenkiss · 10 months ago
breakin their heart (pt 1)! yandere knights of favonius ଓ
tw. yandere, obsessive + posessive behavior, delusional behavior, clingyness, stalking, kidnapping, drugging, rumors & being pressured into things (reader)!
notes. rewritten based on the old post (which has been DELETED,, rip 😔 dw though the others are still privated) enjoy loves (and i hope you like this style of my writing!!) ♡
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oh boy. she does NOT take it well. she's literally like :(( the whole time.
girl is trying her hardest to stay calm but it's hard 😔 the love of her life is literally leaving her,, how can someone not expect her to freak out?? she's trying her damn hardest to convince u to stay. it's her busy work schedule isn't it? she'll make time for you, she swears!! you can even stay in her office as she works if it's not possible. just don't go...
(jean doesn't come to the conclusion that no, her work is not one of the main reasons why you're trying to break up with her. it's her freakish obsessive behavior. and no, she probably won't ever come to that fact either. definitely gaslights herself and goes right back to thinking that her load of work is the main and ONLY reason why ur trying to leave).
when the words leave your lips, she's shaking. blunt and icy, jean's not used to u sounding so cold! her hands are trembling and she can't bear to look at you, drowning your words out because archons...she bear to look at you right now. she already knows that she'll break down into tears and start sobbing pathetically.
keeps quiet and most likely let's you leave with only a few pleading words. you deserve someone better, someone that actually has the time to love and care for you, but by the gods...she couldn't (and wouldn't) let that happen! you both belong together, even if you don't seem to see it.
(which is totally understandable, she gets it, she gets u! she'll be better just for you <3)
overloads herself with work, paperwork mostly. duties related outside remind her too much of you. she'll pass by windrise and literally start bawling (that tree over there was the same one where u both had you're first date!). the other knights are extremely worried about her, and it's not too hard to put the pieces together.
(lisa walked into her office once to her literally sobbing while holding a picture of you in her arms,, her sadness is very easy to see)
some of the knights try (maybe even forcefully hint at it too? they're desperate) to get you back with jean,, coming into ur house and informing you of her behavior. if that doesn't work, jean will...eventually take things into her own hands.
gifts and a overwhelming flow of letters sent to you are her ways of getting you back! ur door is practically loaded with stuff and you always end up tripping over something when you walk out the door. her gifts are sentimental and always (attempt) to alick a memory back into ur head.
(the pink roses she leaves you brings up the time she made a whole garden just for you, or the fancy set of jewelry u once mentioned that you wanted. she has a good memory and writes anything you mention you want down in case she forgets <3)
if you even show the slightest bit of fondness in her gifts/letters, jean immediately takes this as you wanting to get back together. and boy,, does she start amping her efforts up to 100%. i can see her also starting to act a little better and the other knights are just like 'jean seems to be getting better! we should try to help out so she's feeling better again!' and start pressuring you again. they, along with jean, are very persistent and won't stop until you get back with her :))
thinks ur very silly and just kisses your cheek! just another silly moment from her darling partner, you're hilarious! it'll take a while to convince her otherwise that no, you aren't being 'silly' right now and that you want to break up with her because she's an obsessed weirdo.
(and to stop trying to tickle u in an attempt to make you laugh. because she will definitely bounce on the fact as soon as she sees you start to crack a smile. she knew you were joking! you're smiling and everything!)
and even then, after showing her that you actually mean it, she's...laughing. it's strained and slightly nervous, but she's laughing. her lips twist into a (fake) smile and she justs itching to grab you. ur arm or anything! you have to be joking...right? her smile will widen into a grin that makes you uneasy, though u stay quiet.
opposite of jean completely, doesn't even try to hide how upset she is. just starts clinging into ur arm and begging and pleading for you to stay. oh archons, you can't leave her, please! please, don't go! please...? she begs of you...
you'll literally have to drag yourself back home with her clinging onto ur leg /hj. she will NOT let you leave omg 😭 on a serious note though you could probably just push her off (u gotta use your muscles her grip is tight as hell 😔) and just leave her there sobbing. she'll get over it, amber always does! it's for the best for both of your sakes (...mostly for ur sake though).
amber comes to work looking a MESS. eyes puffy and hair all frazzled. everyone's worried for her and wondering what happened, and soon she just starts sobbing again. she's misses you so much and will literally start crying in the arms of whoever embraces her first 😭
once the knights are informed of the situation (because unlike jean, amber can't help herself and spits out everything),, they're going RIGHT to u. you think you're about to be arrested one day when two knights are at your door but they're literally just there to get you back with her lmao
girlie is a mess without u. she can't eat, sleep, work, nothing. all she can think of is you and it's just so hard to get out of bed 😔 she will...someday with the pursuit of getting you back! yep, that's what she'll do and she'll do it well!
boy,, she does NOT leave you alone for even a second. she's all over u and literally acting as if ur still dating. she's buying you gifts, food (tons of food, lots of food), and even writing you letters (even if she's not...all that good at it- she's trying her hardest, okay??). the knights are also helping her too because seeing the energetic outsider so depressed is not something they want to see :(( ...atleast they care??
give her a inch she takes a fucking MILE. thanking her for paying for your food? you obviously want her back omg,, it's a sign!! she's squealing and literally so happy and ur just trying to enjoy the food and just 😐🍕
(she knew you wanted her back!! she just needed to court you again and gain ur love back! she promises she'll never make the same mistake again, she swears!! she knows how much u hate her popping into ur house unannouced and stealing your stuff so she won't do it! ...as much)
woe is him and he is woe... 😔
he's just so hurt, heartbroken even. the love of his life is breaking up with him, just leaving him as if the relationship between you both wasn't anything. he's just so sad,, sniffle sniffle...
seriously, though. he's just :)) throughout ur whole breakup speech. you'll be going off on how u noticed he's been stalking you and the way hes been distancing you away from ur loved ones and he's just grinning and shit.
obviously this pisses u off because he's just taking this so...nonchalantly?? archons,, you can't stand him! u walk out steaming and he can't help but grin and watch you walk away. he's confident, that's for sure. like he knows you'll come back.
but how wrong he is, because unfortunately (for him) you don't! he watches you even before the 'break up' and he's watching you now,, and you seem so...relaxed. happy, even. better off without him in your life.
(this won't do at all. don't you know u mean so fondly to him? don't you know he can't live without you? your disregardment for his feelings really breaks his heart, y'know?)
has a very particular plan on winning u back up his sleeves,, just you wait :)) it'll all start with him being so kind and gifting you things you know you want (or need), and being a corny lovey dovey letter writer (shakespeare wannabe). this'll last for a good month or so and if he sees no sign of process,, it's time for the other part of his plan!
(he obviously has layers to this. this is you he's trying to win back, he's gotta put in all the stops!)
this...is the part where things get a little messy for u 😬 he necessarily doesn't want to,, but his other plans revolve him doing worser (hint! hiding you away is one of them!), so this is for the best for both of ya, okay?
people are going to start avoiding you. with some, it's sudden. with others, it's slower, but it's not unnoticeable. it's strange, because you don't remember doing anything wrong to anyone, but everyone's avoiding you! ...except your little secret admirer (who really isn't so secret,, he signs all the shit he's get you proudly 😇)
and who's behind all this weird behavior from the people in mondstadt? well give it up for ur ex, kaeya alberich! he's a snotty little weasel,, and you have a inkling feeling who the perpetrator was (and ur right!! kaeya thinks your a very smart cookie!!). confronting him won't get u anywhere honestly because he won't admit to it, he has nothing to admit! ...unless you get back together, of course :33
it's all up to you really. facing the rumors with ur head up high and avoiding him won't get you much anywhere as he'll just end up snatching you away after a while (he loves and hates how mentally strong you are sometimes!). and giving up will just have you back in his arms, which was he wanted from the start! he won this little game of urs fair and square!
she's drugging your ass lmao
joking...kinda. she's not going to start pleading and begging for you to say, though she's obviously going to be upset. she has emotions, can't you see? she's frowning so deeply 😞
lisa doesn't want you to leave her. she loves you! if that wasn't obvious with how keen she is of having you all to herself and throwing off potential rivals in pursuit of u, then she doesn't know what is! won't you atleast share a cup of tea with her first, just before you go?
(DON'T drink the tea. it's drugged and you will fall asleep before even finishing the cup)
and hey, even if you don't wanna relax with her for the last time, then you both can still be friends right? or atleast hang out possibly? she's rather persistent but it doesn't come off as clingy/pathetic because she's just rather calm about it all. and unlike kaeya, she's not faking dramatics and just let's you leave.
(obviously,, this is all just ruse to get u back into her arms. she's saddened, really. she truly is. she truly didn't expect for u to see her...darker behavior but she always knew you were a smart cookie <3)
will give you a week or two before she's slowly inching back into ur life. she'll give you a small wave, a quiet hello, etc etc. it's little things really. short conversations soon start happening again and she'll just ask u how ur days going, that sort of thing. she just wants to see how her favorite person is doing! nothing wrong with that, hm?
it'll slowly come to the point where she's offering you to share a cup of tea with her, just like when she tried to break up with u. you can obviously say no, but she'll still want you to take this special batch she has!! it's rather tasty and it's good for calming the drinker down <3
you'll end u stuffed somewhere. it's cold, so extremely cold and ur night clothes aren't much help (she did say the tea was for calming, and u really couldn't sleep that night!). ur obviously scared, but that immediately turns into frustration as soon as lisa appears and tells you her whole plan. tell her that she lied about the tea being for calming and she'll literally just tell you that it wasn't technically a lie! you were still relaxed in your last moments in your home, weren't you? 🙂
(situation will end up the same even if you don't end up taking in the little baits she set up so perfectly for u to take. she didn't expect you to be so smart! she'll just have to go into your house with the key u never took back from her and put something in ur drink, easy peasy :))
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househrt · 5 months ago
househrt's Non-Physically Hurt fic rec list
Fic recs where Wilson and/or House is emotionally/mentally hurt (obligatory: mind the content warnings/tags). I've tried to tag authors' tumblrs where they exist, but pls tell me if I've missed any!
Hurt!Wilson and Hurt!House
Involuntary Commitment by ignaz Creator's summary: House heads to rehab. Things go pretty much as well as you'd expect. Rec notes: 42k. Established Hilson (established in this fic, where they get married for Reasons). Wilson is sad and lonely, House is in rehab and detoxing. They both (separately) get dragged to therapy, as god knows they need
and i fight time (it won in a landslide) by vadeofspades Creator's summary: But the image of Wilson eating the garden, the morning sun on his aged face, the wind in his fully gray hair, and the smile, on his cracked, ever so slightly cyanotic lips, is enough. It has to be. It is time with Wilson. They got five months. Then they got two weeks. Now they have one day. On Wilson's final day, House gets stuck in a time loop. Rec notes: 6.6k. Hilson. Time loop on Wilson's last day. Made me sob
hail mary by ictus Creator's summary: House can't let go. Rec notes: 12.8k. Hilson getting together. House doesn't accept Wilson's diagnosis, and does morally dubious medicine to try and fix it. Made me cry (not a death fic)
my blood is water with red dye i'm hollowed out with nothing inside by wishbone Creator's summary: What happens after House tells Cuddy he's not okay. Rec notes: 1.1k. Pre-Hilson. 5x24 missing scene. House is hallucinating, crying, and Wilson takes him to Mayfield
Being There by Flywoman Creator's summary: When things get bad, he’s all you can count on. But when things get really bad, it’s impossible to be certain even of him. Missing scenes from 5X24, “Both Sides Now.” Rec notes: 1.9k. Gen. House is hallucinating, having a bad time, and Wilson looks after him
At the Violet Hour by Topaz_Eyes Creator's summary: Wilson's done some hard things in his life. This counts among the hardest. Rec notes: 2.1k. Gen. 5x24 missing scene. Wilson taking House to Mayfield
my armor falls apart by orphan_account Creator's summary: Unintentional touches from Wilson made House realize just how touch-starved he was, but he’d be damned if he ever showed it. Wilson catches on and cares for House when he starts to spiral. Rec notes: 8.8k. Hilson getting together. Touch-starved!House is lonely and sleepy and sad. Wilson is concerned and caring and they're soft together :)))
the amber bracelet by blackbeardskneebrace Creator's summary: The woman laughed, her red glossed lips parting and outstretched her hand. “Rina.” “Hou-” House went to take her hand and froze. Hanging off the wrist of her proffered hand was a bracelet, translucent and honeyed. “Hal?” She asked, brow furrowed, confused at this sudden shift and the hand that stopped inches before hers, now trembling. House got up, gripping his cane tightly and taking a step before mumbling, “I have to go,” over his shoulder leaving both Wilson and Rina bewildered. or: House gets triggered by someone's amber jewelry Rec notes: 1.5k. Gen. House has a panic attack and feels guilty about it
'Samson's Mistress Cut His Hair, Thus Removing His Strength' by Sparklesinthewater Creator's summary: Set in season 3. Stacy doesn't come back. Tritter doesn't interfere. But the drugs and the infarction keep getting House into trouble anyway. Wilson is trying his best (but his best may not be what's best for House). Or: House gets himself a girlfriend. Life goes downhill from there. Rec notes: 129k. Hilson getting together. House is in an abusive relationship with an OC, Wilson is well-intentioned but keeps doing the wrong thing (for a while), House suffers
help me (make it through the night) by vadeofspades Creator's summary: It is Wilson who arrives at House's apartment when he almost relapses. Rec notes: 3k. Hilson getting together. Emotionally hurt!House
and you're trying not to tell him that you love him by Anonymous Creator's summary: House finally registered two hands holding his face so softly it was like they were afraid he’d break. He wasn’t just staring at the bathroom tiles anymore, either. Now there was a body in front of him; rumpled shirt, slacks, dress shoes. A familiar tie he remembered hating. He hadn’t even heard the front door open. He held himself back from yelling. It’s not as if he didn’t want Wilson here. Christ, House thinks he’s the only person besides maybe Cuddy who he’d tolerate at that moment. But seeing him ached. aka what if it was Wilson who showed up at the end of 6x22? and also what if there was even more pining and near missed kisses? Rec notes: 2k. Hilson getting together. Hurt!House
Machete by orphan_account Creator's summary: After the events of One Day One Room, House makes a drunken confession. Wilson turns to Chase for advice. Rec notes: 5.6k. Established Hilson. Wilson learning about and (poorly at first) dealing with House's past trauma
Now What? by mnwood Creator's summary: With Wilson only having five months left to live and House faking his own death to avoid going back to prison, they hit the road with the goal of going to as many national parks as possible. Thinking it's now or never, they get together. Then, Wilson doesn't die. Rec notes: 21k. Hilson getting together. Post-canon road trip, jealous!House
Control by apographical Creator's summary: All of his life Wilson has felt powerless, out of control. After the whole debacle with Tritter he decides to take control in the one way he can, his diet. Rec notes: 6.6k. Hilson getting together. Trans Wilson has an eating disorder, House is caring (in a canon-typical way)
Illusions to Live By by willywonka3435 Creator's notes: Wilson kills himself slowly. No one notices. Rec notes: 4.2k. Gen/Hilson. Wilson has an eating disorder, House helps (in a canon-typical way)
the arms of the ocean delivered me by RMarie124 Creator's summary: "People are talking around him, but Wilson barely registers what they’re saying. He should be paying more attention, he knows he should. He’s the head of the department, and it’s his responsibility to listen and be the compassionate, patient, caring man they’ve all come to know. The man they expect. That man is nowhere in sight. He hasn’t been for days." Rec notes: 2.4k. Hilson getting together ish. Wilson is depressed, dissociating and vaguely suicidal
thumb, index, palm by PaintedVanilla Creator's summary: Wilson takes his mood levelers. He takes his antidepressants. He has has good days and he has great days and fine days and okay days. He has bad days. He has abhorrent days. Some days he’d like to curl up in House’s arms and be talked off the edge. But he can’t ask for that. He has no reason to be on the edge in the first place. Rec notes: 4.1k. Established Hilson. Past child abuse (Wilson). Wilson has BPD and has a bad time that he (attempts to) hide from House, who runs a DDX on him, trying to figure out his trauma
pills & drinks don't mix by cafewrites Creator's summary: Wilson glances at their glasses stained with alcohol and suddenly remembers his psychiatrist’s words. "Anti-depressants don’t mix well with alcohol," she had warned. "I recommend you lay off drinking until your body grows accustomed to the medication." Rec notes: 1.1k. Hilson getting together ish. Wilson having bad side effects/reactions from drinking on anti-depressants. House helps (in a canon-typical way)
Like Cinnamon and Sunflower Oil by Reddish_Wolf Creator's summary: He could still feel her last breath, warm on his skin, still remembered the grip of her hands on his arm. Wilson pressed his face into her neck, clutching at the hospital gown around her shoulders. OR Amber is dead, and Wilson is great at coping /sar Rec notes: 2.5k. Wamber and Hilson. Grieving Wilson having a bad time feat. canon-compliant hurt!House
Camel's back by fayding_fast Creator's summary: Everyone has a breaking point. Rec notes: 1.4k. Gen. Wilson has a mental breakdown and dissociates (continues in this series)
Three Months by willywonka3435 Creator's summary: "Three months," he said. "Three months since anyone's--" And Wilson's voice trailed away. He knew House didn't go for that kind of thing, and it was a ridiculous admission under the best of circumstances. Rec notes: 3k. Hilson getting together. Touch-starved!Wilson and House who cares in a canon-typical way :))))
Here and Now by hoppa12345 Creator's summary: Set before 1.10 Histories. Wilson has a panic attack. His trigger: losing people. Rec notes: 1.4k. Gen. Wilson freaks out, House helps
Don't Touch Me by OneLastTime (this is me. hi) Creator's summary: James Wilson hates physical contact. It makes his skin itch, his teeth vibrate, and he needs to shake his hands out to remove the residue from the touch. People keep touching him and he wants to scream. Rec notes: 2.3k. Gen/Pre-Hilson. Wilson is austistic, trans, touch-averse and having a very bad time about it
i keep so quiet (it's hard to tell i'm alive) by itooaminthisepisode (anarchy_opossum) Creator's summary: “You’re alone,” he mutters to himself as he paces the room, clawing at the suddenly-too-tight fabric of his tie. “He’s not here, he can’t get you, Wilson, you’re okay...” If he says it enough, maybe it’ll come true. or: A face from Wilson's past returns to haunt him. Rec notes: 1.3k. Gen. Wilson with past trauma being triggered and having a panic attack (Part of Whumptober 2024)
got a sunset in my veins by itooaminthisepisode (anarchy_opossum) Creator's summary: 'He should have seen the signs. Wilson’s been withdrawn for days now, this air of melancholy about him that House had puzzled and pondered and pestered him about to no avail. Then just yesterday he had come alive again, that ruddy flush to his cheeks and a sparkle in his eyes, and House had thought everything was right again, and they would continue on like usual. Then came the call. or: Wilson tries to kill himself. House does his best to pick up the pieces. Rec notes: <1k. Gen. Depressed!Wilson in the aftermath of a suicide attempt (Part of Whumptober 2024)
at the rind by ShanaStoryteller Creator's summary: Wilson keeps having nightmares about House dying. They feel more like memories. Rec notes: 18k. Hilson getting together. Panicky, stressed Wilson dreaming about House dying (in all the ways he almost/could've died in canon).
[feel free to send me fics you think should be on this list and I may add them. The rest of my fic rec lists are here. Last updated 05 October 2024]
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integra1127grimmreaper · 7 months ago
The Path of Gods: A Daughter's Sacrifice - Part II
Marcus Acacius Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Pt I
Warning: swearing, smut
Summary: Bored at one of your father's gatherings, you go to seek some solitude when a welcomed interruption occurs. 
A/N: Carissima(f)/ Carissimus(m)– dearest
Dulcissima(f)/ Dulcissimus(m) - sweetest 
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You always hated these gathering; your father, entertaining his fellow high military commanders and their families. This time it was to celebrate the leaving of your father’s legion to campaign, as well as the victorious return of General Acacius’ own.
It was a nice evening, too nice to be trapped indoors with room filled with drunk old men discussing past victories and boasting of those yet to come, nor were you eager to have to be sociable with their wives and daughters whilst discussing art and the latest fashions of hair and clothing. The clothes you wore were the latest of feminine fashion, yes, yet it never made a difference; as long as they were comfortable, it didn’t quite bother you. Your hair couldn't really be styled much after having hacked most of it almost three years ago, it had grown out somewhat since then; now hanging just above the shoulder in loose curls, which you would often style with some sort of decorative jewelry or securely tide up whilst training.
That was the reason behind you wondering the villa gardens in search of silence, you were most definitely antisocial, and this evening proved it even more so. The evening would have been more bearable had he been here, unfortunately, he had not arrived a yet and by the looks; might not be attending at all.
So lost in thought and disappointed at the evening, you don’t notice nor hear someone coming up behind you, not until a large hand was slapped across your mouth. “Has anyone else had you while I was away...?”, a very familiar voice softly utters against your ear. Their nose lazily dragging downward against your skin, lips halting at your collar bone as the hand across your mouth lowers slightly.
“Marcus...” you whimper softly as he peppered kisses along your throat, lips then moving upward as he turns your head to capture your own in a hard kiss.
“Answer me”, Marcus commands after breaking the kiss, his idle hand reaching up to grip tightly onto your hair when you took too long to respond.
“No”, you finally manage to utter out, “only you... always, only you.”
“Good...”, Marcus hums in satisfaction, pushing you up against the nearby wall as he hastily grabbed at the hem of your dress. “There are many able men that lust after this...”, he remarks, roughly cupping your mound with his large hand. “They cannot have it though...”, Marcus coos, burying his face in the crook of your neck to breathe in your scent and you whimper at the sensation of it.
“Do you know why?”
Wanting to tease him a bit, you shake your head in a silent no.
“Because this sweet cunt of yours”, Marcus drawls out, peppering open-mouthed kisses against your neck as his hands slowly roam across your body, “and the rest of you... belongs to me.”
“Marcus...”, you whimper out, “we should not be doing this here...”
“I have been away for so long and cannot wait till morning”, Marcus lets out an agonizing groan against your flesh, “let me have this...”
Not being able to deny him anything and being just as in need of him, you yield to his wishes. “Lets us go to my chambers then.”
“No”, Marcus gently tugs you back toward him, reaching up to cup your face into focusing. “Not this time. They will know soon enough of my arrival and being an honored guest, they will surely look for me.” Resting his forehead against yours and rocking it to and fro; Marcus stares pleadingly into your eyes, “Dulcissima...”
Shutting your eyes with a defeated sigh, you surge forward to capture his lips in a harsh kiss as a silent agreement.
“Thank you”, Marcus utters against your lips, abruptly spinning you around to face the wall. Hastily dragging your dress upward and releasing himself, Marcus glides the tip of his cock up and down your folds. "I know that now is not the right time, but when that day comes... I am going to ask your father for your hand in marriage. Once you become my wife... I am going to fuck my seed into you and witness with pleasure, as your belly swells with my child inside”, he utters into your ear, slapping a hand over your mouth at the exact moment he thrusts into you. You let out a muffled scream, eyes screwed tightly closed and lips parting to bite into his palm. “Pleasurable pain?”, Marcus grunts in response.
Exhaling heavily through your nose to compose yourself, you finally give a silent nod of confirmation, and he releases a harsh sigh of relief whilst giving you a moment to adjust. But knowing that time was limited; Marcus slowly retracks his hips, only to suddenly snap them forward into you again. “We must be quick and quiet, Dulcissima”, he tightens the hand over your mouth and sets a harsh thrusting pace.
If were not for the deafening noise of the indoor festivities, the sounds of your and Marcus’ coupling would certainly have been heard by now. Your muffled whimpers into the hand over your mouth, Marcus’ soft grunts against your neck and the slapping sounds of skin against skin as he buried himself continuously inside you with each vigorous thrust.
“Gods, I have missed this sweet cunt...”, Marcus softly groans after a particularly hard thrust, “how tightly it squeezes my cock, how wet and welcoming it is for me.”
Your eyes roll back in your head as your walls flutter around him at the words. “Wish that I did not have to pull out of it when I cum”, Marcus agonizingly groans out with another harsh thrust, and you clench tightly around him. Marcus lets out a soft growl in approval, “you want my seed?”, his hand around your mouth tightening as the other reaches down to vigorously rub at your clit. “One day, my love, one day”, pace picking up to bring both of you to completion.
“I can feel it”, Marcus grunts as your walls gripped tighter around him with your nearing orgasm, “give it to me... let go, love.”
You could never deny Marcus, and neither could your body, and just as he commanded; your climax hit you full force. “Fuck-”, Marcus groans in pleasure at your walls contracting around him, ripping himself from your body after a few more thrust, spilling his seed onto the ground as not to soil your dress.
Forehead rested against the wall as you struggle to steady your breathing and trembling of your body, you finally turn around again to face him. “How did you know to find me here?”
Flashing you dimpled smile, Marcus gently brushes your hair out of your face, “you forget, this is where I found you the last time.”
“Carissimus...”, you return his smile when remembering the first time he claimed you, pressing a soft kiss into the palm rested against your cheek.
Gently resting his forehead against yours, Marcus captures your lips in one last kiss, “let us make our appearance before they send someone out to find us.”
Silently nodding in agreement, you made your presentable before taking the arm Marcus offered as he led you in doors to the festivities. 
Part III
Tag: @nosebeers @cherrys4suckers
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year ago
How would Belo be with a cult leader s/o?
She already has followers consisting of both monsters and humans who rave about how perfect she is, and they think Belo is a testament to that.
I mean, not just anyone can receive the affection of an angel; she must be akin to a god!
There is a hierarchy in the cult, and Belo is at the top of it. He can rest his head on her lap and watch as the others worship the very ground his lady walks on (he doesn't have a choice; the leader demands it this physical contact, otherwise she will be unhappy the whole day).
They validate Belo in every thought he has of his lady and also obey him as he is basically the leader's right hand (or so he believes, but in reality, they respect him so much because he is their leader's precious).
And what if more angels started coming out of the woodwork to serve his lady? If he was able to handle the cultists, surely this would be a stretch.
I can just imagine the cultists praising Belo as they dress him up in lingerie fitting to their leader's taste, then tie him up, mindful of his wings, and leave him in his lady's quarters. His lady comes in and gets on top of him, caressing his wings and whispering something about being her 'pretty little canary' and 'give yourself to me, show me your devotion.'.
This is the ideal situation for Belo.
Unlike most angels, who tend to have a mindset favorable to sharing with other celestials, Belo gets intoxicated when he realizes he's the only holy entity in a location, that he no longer has to share, that his tier hardly matters because he's the only celestial present and automatically the authority in a plethora of matters. He feels special in a way he never has before and his ego swells almost incomprehensibly.
Which is exactly why he's living his best life in this situation. Not only are you a sacred being, your generosity blinds you to the misdeeds of your own following. My Lady they are clumsy, obliviously disrespectful, they hold no discipline! Someone who is built to serve and protect needs to teach them how to behave, how to conduct themselves before you and how to make sure that your love is not for naught.
It's only right that Belo be the only one allowed to touch you. His holy nature makes him incapable of corrupting you, and others live through him their own lecherous, selfish fantasies of being your favored.
With him at the helm of many secondary areas and tasks, your cult blossoms like the loveliest lotus and gains a level of steadfast efficiency previously unforeseen.
The arrival of other angels... Complicates things. They're immediately perceived as threats to Belo's position.
You may not know this, but he's only a power. If there's a dominion, throne or, Eden forbid, a seraphim... By their own laws, Belo could have to step down and allow the worshiper-tiers to overrule him in the hierarchy.
And he goes half-mad at the idea.
That's not happening.
No tier can understand and service you better than him, and Belo will personally confront the more powerful celestials about this. There is a very special balance here, in your wonderful garden of light, where the rank of an angel is not what makes them worthy of your love and guidance. Belo may be just a power outside of these blessed grounds, but in them, he is your second in command, your favored, your fighter, your whorshiper, your guardian. He's your everything.
And though he may celebrate the arrival of more angels beside you, he makes sure they always remember their place.
He's determined to keep this perfect balance.
In your name, he thinks as he placidly remains in position, bottom eye counting the patterns on his service gown and the jewelry on his spread wings, everything in your name.
This won't be like before. He's doing so much better now, the cultists are behaving perfectly, the workflow is stable and satisfactory, the other angels are impeccable. You wouldn't leave them. Not when everything is immaculate, when mistakes are non-existent. This time will he different.
You enter the room, and his thoughts vanish.
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years ago
congrats on 4k, my fav writer! can i ask for buddha with fem!reader and number 14? it could be friends/lovers or something similar :) love you
# tags: scenario; strangers/?; a bit of comedy; fluff; size difference; human!reader; precious!reader; playful!buddha; ragnarok time; sfw
includes: female reader ft. buddha {ror}
author’s note: thank you so much, anonnie! love your idea so i hope you like it!
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14. “Need some help, shortie?” 
Buddha loved to sit in nature surrounded by animals and plants, so exploring the gardens built in the arena was his favorite thing from the beginning of the first fight. He always sat under the trees with his favorite sweets, and sometimes he just took short naps; very often between conversations with other gods or the eldest Valkyrie and her younger sister.
Currently there was a battle between the most powerful sumo of the human world – Raiden Tameemon – and the god worshiped in India – Shiva. The Buddha was next, and his plan was slowly approaching its culmination. Before the fight, however, he wanted to rest and gather his thoughts, while enjoying a sweet snack in the form of a colorful lollipop, which he managed to smuggle.
Unfortunately (or not?), his favorite tree was taken. A young woman with a beautiful skin tone and a friendly-looking face was plucking juicy fruits in a shade of delicate purple mixed with pink from the huge plant. I would like to mention that she was not greedy and chose only very ripe fruit, ideal for harvesting. She had only three in her small basket and was trying to pick the last fruit, which unfortunately was much higher than she could reach. Her light dress looked really good on her body, while the jewelry decorating her neck and fingers perfectly emphasized the sparkle of her eyes and charming smile.
“Need some help, shortie?” The man stepped a little closer and glanced carefully at the petite woman.
When you turned around, he could have sworn you looked like a true goddess. You were just as beautiful – no – you were more beautiful than Aphrodite and definitely sweeter than the fruit in your hands. Your eyes expressed pure curiosity of the world, and your lips were twisted in a sincere, even childish smile. The necklace jumped slightly as you turned to your interlocutor, then greeted him with a slight bow.
“Only if you want... I’ll gladly accept your help.” You spoked timidly, causing the fair-haired sage only to nod. He quickly reached the beautiful plum from the branch and handed it to you. He was curious about you and really wondered who you were. After all, he had never met such a beautiful goddess before. Which religion were you from? “My name is Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you.”
“Buddha.” He said softly, looking at you even more closely. Your voice as beautiful as the singing of nightingales in the morning, and the blush on your cheeks resembled juicy strawberries. “What pantheon are you from?” He asked curiously, and you only frowned, putting the fruit gently into a dark-colored wicker basket. Then you shook your head.
“Oh. I fight for humanity.” You replied with amusement, causing him mixed feelings. He was surprised; he did not expect that humanity has such beautiful women, and also so modest and delicate in her manner. “You may not know me because I died quite recently.” You added and the man nodded one more time. He wanted to know your story, your abilities, your problems. After all, everyone has one. “I’m seventh in line.”
Since Buddha was in the sixth round and you in the seventh, the deity hoped that you two would have a chance to meet again and talk for much longer; about life and death, about Ragnarok and about these sweet fruits... Like... Why did they catch your eye?
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mmmmmmmmmmmmsoup · 1 year ago
yandere(s) x gardener pt7
warning: kidnapping, yandere stuff, unedited writing
you are starting to wake up from your...nap? as you open your eyes, you look around. your not in a room thats familiar to you, you try to sit up, but you quickly notice you can't move. your legs are tied together, in several spots, ankles, knees, and thighs. your arms in a similar matter, but only tied at the wrist.
"hey cupcake, try not to move too much, I don't want you to get rope burn"
cupcake? you look where the voice is coming from, and there Cash sits, in the corner of the room sitting on a chair. All you can feel is rage.
"what the fuck are you doing??? Cash you better untie me right god dam now."
"you know I can't do that"
"and why the fuck not!?" you yell.
" Darlin please, don't be mad, I'm doing this for us, so we can have a life together."
"what are you on??? are you saying you like me? cause this is surely a fucked up way of saying it"
Cash cringes at your response, he knew you were't gonna take this well, but what other choice did he have?
"I didn't have any other choice! you were leaving me, and I wouldnt be able to see you till spring!" Cash starts to raise his voice
"Leaving you? I was still gonna keep in contact with you over the winter! you gave me a place to stay during a really scary situation, but after this you can forget about me ever wanting to come back to this place! I mean honestly! to think I was actually developing feelings for you, makes me feel sick. where even am I!?"
Cashes eye widen. Had you really been developing feelings for him? did he ruin his chance with you? Cash was starting to feel guilty, finally realizing he might have gone too far.
no. this couldn't be, maybe he did fuck this all up, but even then those feelings you once felt can reoccur. If he just does everything right, keeping you safe, warm, and feeling loved and wanted , you'll understand that you two are meant to be together.
cash is forced out of his thoughts "y-yeah?"
"where. am. I?"
"oh, your in our guest house. we have a little house with the basic necessities if any family chooses to visit us.."
come to think of it, you do remember a smaller house farther down the road, but it never came up in conversation and you had no need to ask about it.
" what about all my stuff? I have a moving company coming tomorrow to move all my things to my new place"
Cash chuckled a little bit "oh darlin, its already been dealt with. i told them too load everything into a storage unit for you" Cash came closer, and sat on the bed next to you, he gently moved a stray hair out of your face.
already dealt with? What day was it? had the day of your moving already pass?
"what day is it?"
"Tuesday. I went into town this morning and dealt with everything for you...since you were still sleeping and all" Cash started to caress your cheek
you are freaking out. cash has basically canceled your plan to move, you don't know where all your shit is, let alone your cell phone, you can't move, and your stuck psycho.
Cash can see the panic in your eyes starting to build "shhh, its gonna be ok darlin... I need you to calm down, ok? it's all gonna be fine, I'm gonna take care of you." Cash gives you a kiss on top of your head and stands up "now I'll be right back ok? I'm just gonna get you some food m'kay?"
As Cash walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. you use this time to get a good look of the room your in. Its a pretty plain room, with white walls and a wooden floor, theres a mirror hanging on the wall across from you, but other then that theres nothing on the walls. theres a wooden drawer also across from you and two nightstands on each side of the bed you were laying on. the sheets of the bed where a burnt orange colour. and when you really looked, you realize some of the things in the room where from your house, like the lamp on the nightstand, one of the extra blankest was one of yours. some of the books, jewelry, hair accessories, all little things that Cash could hold in his truck. you suspect the drawer was probably full of your clothes too.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV CHANGE: david
David is pissed, after your little...kerfuffle a fews days ago, David did end up coming back to your house to try and talk to you again. But he found out rather quickly that you weren't home, when he checked the cameras in your house, there had been no sign of you being around and when he checked the tracker that was on your car, it said that you were at the ranch that you work at once a week, this would all be normal... if it wasn't 6:30pm. you were always home during this time, so why not today?
David chose to give you a few days, maybe it will sort it's self out.
So David waited, he allowed you a week , and during that whole week David was freaking out. who the fuck is she staying with? Are they better then me? how close are they? y'know, the normal questions. he tried to do research on who owned the ranch, but there were no pictures or any kind of social media the rancher was on.
eventually Davids phone buzzed, it was an alert from the camera's he set up in your place, saying they have spotted movement. He never opened his phone so quickly, excited to finally have you back he could finally talk with you and sort everything ou-
wait a sec. thats not y/n, no those are two buff dudes moving her furniture....wait what? it looks like they were packing all of her stuff, what was going on??? did y/n get kicked out? who was that guy that was there? he didn't look like he was one of the movers. he was tall, with mid length, light blond hair and a bit of a stubble. he was skinny but definitely has some muscle on his arms, he seemed to be collecting a few things, things likes clothes, a lamp and other small nick nacks, but he wasn't putting them in boxes like the movers, no he seemed like he was packing it up to put in his truck.
something about this guy was making David angry.
'I bet thats the fucking rancher' David thought to himself.
after David watch these pigs pack all your shit up, David had made the decision that he was gonna come get you. even if it meant he needed to ram his car through this fuckers fence.
David packed everything he could possibly need, unsure of how tonight was gonna go. he checked your tracker, still at the ranch, he put in the location in his gps and got in his car.
after a bit of a drive he finally made it the gates of the ranch, there were camera's all around the entrance. the gate was made out of metal but he was sure a full speeding car could break through. David didn't really care if his car got recked, he had money and lots of it, if he really needed to, he could just buy another one tomorrow.
David lined up his car with the gate entrance, reversed a bit and then shifted it in drive again, and fucking floored it.
the car and the gate clash, metal on metal scraping against each other. but the car made it through, alarms were set off and now blaring. David speeds up the road and finds the first house he see's. he parks his car and starts knocking on the door of the house like a mad man.
the door opens only to reveal an old women, she looks startled and confused "h-hello?"
"wheres y/n?" David says sternly
" what? y/n? she left this morning"
"thats fucking bullshit and you know it! where the fuck is she!"
"I swear! I don't know!" the older lady tries to close the door, but David pushes past her, making her fall, she yelps in pains.
David is ripping the house apart, looking for you, it takes a few minutes to see that you aren't here, he checks his phone to see where your tracker is, its a little more up the road, he leaves the house, running to the next possible building, and he see's it. its a house but a smaller one then the one he was just in, he heads towards it.
unknown to David, the older lady manages to pick her self up and grab her phone, she calls her son.
Cash walks back into the bedroom with a bowl of what seems to be some sort of soup. he deeps a spoon in and then reaches the spoon out to you, he's trying to feed you.
"I'm not eating that." you say
Cash is looking frustrated with your unwillingness.
" now darlin, you gotta eat. and you know i can't untie you, so this is the your best option... plus ma made this soup, and you it's good if ma mad-" Cash was cut off by his phone ringing, he checks to see who's calling, its his mother.
"hello, what do you need ma?"
"someones here."
cash froze "wha-"
"someone is here! and there looking for y/n! I think its that creep she told us about! I tried to tell them that they already left, but he's convinced that she's still on the property!"
"I'll be right there." Cash hangs up and stands up
"now I have to go deal with something real quick, ok? you just stay here and be extra quiet alright darlin?" he gives you a peck on the head and then rushes out the door.
you didn't hear all of what was said on the phone, but you did hear that someone was looking for you. this could be your chance, your chance to get away from cash and go back to your normal life.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV CHANGE: Cash
after the phone call from his mama, he rushed outside. it didn't take long to spot a guy heading his way. he had short black hair, slightly shorter then himself and was thicker built. But Cash had always was stronger then he looked, so he wasn't worried about taking this guy on.
"you! where the fuck is y/n!" the guy yells
"thats none of your concern" Cash spoke
"I know she's here fucker, and I know you've been keeping her from me!" Cash was a little surprised by that, how would he even know that? did y/n tell him some how? however he found out, it doesn't matter, what matters is getting this guy off the ranch.
Cash takes the first swing, punch the dude right in the face, and quickly uppercutting (is this the right term?) him a few times in the stomach. this dude pushes him off, hits Cashes knee so he falls to the ground and then slams his fist into Cashes head... a few times.
Once David had nocked blondie out, he turns towards the small house, he can see your car parked behind the building. he rushes inside and starts calling your name
------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV CHNAGE: you (are the pov changes too much?)
you hear someone ram through the door and start to call your name.
"y/n?! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU!!??" you realize its David thats calling for you. how did he know I was here?
not wanting to stay here any longer, you call back to him "I'm in here!"
soon after you shout, David practically runs through the door, quickly scanning the room landing his eyes on you. "oh baby!" he rushes towards you untying your ropes. "what did they do to you?"
"I'll tell you later, lets just go!" you grab Davids hand and rush out of the house, you see your car, but you have no idea where your keys are.
"I have my car, its just down the road!" David takes the lead now, running towards his car. thats until someone grabs your other hand, its Cash. his face was all bloody, so was Davids but Cash was more so, and he had a firm grasp on your hand.
"Darlin, don't let this creep take you! don't you remember what he did to you? please baby, just come back inside and we can talk this out" Cash looks at you with soft eyes, if you still had feeling for him, it would be a tempting offer, but this man kidnapped you and tied you up... so you kicked him right in the balls.
Cash crumbled to the ground groaning in pain, he had let go of your hand from the pain. you took this opportunity and run with David to his car.
once you both get in, david slams on the peddle and starts heading towards town.
you felt relief, but it was quick to turn into a new kinda dread. Cash wasn't a problem anymore, but a new one arose, David.
"where are we going?" you ask
"home." David answers simply. you had this feeling he didn't mean your home, but his.
you started to think about how much it would hurt if you just jumped out of the car. it would give you a chance to get away from both of the insane men in your life, and slowly you started to reach for the door handle.
"don't you even think about it." David speak and is quick to grab your hand and keep it in place.
"I already lost you once, I don't need to loose you again." David softly smiles at you.
it was silent in the car for a bit, until a question popped in your head.
"how did you know where I was?"
David shuffled in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with the question. "it doesn't really matter how, just that i did."
"David. how did you know where I was"
" it's really not the impor-"
"FINE, fine...I have a tracker on your car."
you were shocked, not expecting that to be his answer. you rest your head in your hands and start to laugh while crying.
"oh my god! haha, it wouldn't have mattered what i did, did it?" you say
"what do you mean?" David asks
"what i mean is, I willing chose to stay at that ranch to take a break from you. so i could get some fucking sleep and not have to worry about you showing up randomly at MY home! the plan was to stay at the ranch for a bit, find a new place to live and move. and i did find a place to live and I was suppose to be in my new place right fucking now! thats until Cash went... the point is, even if i did move, you would still know where to find me and you would still have knocked on my fucking door bagging for a second chance! I wasn't gonna loose you like i planned..." after going off on your little rant, anger started to to fill you, you slip your hand out from Davids grasp and start hitting him with all your might
"ow! y/n your hurting me!"
in between every word you spoke you would hit him once more "you. ruined. my. life!"
David was quick to pull over the car, not like you noticed you were too busy trying to give him what he deserved.
"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YO- MMMHF!!" before you knew it, David had grabbed a cloth and put it against your air ways, you were suddenly feeling very sleepy, and shorty after, everything faded to black...
Dear lord, that was a lot to write, hope ya'll liked it!
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eadanga · 1 year ago
A Royal Valentine's Day
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Gabriella sat in the limo as she heading back to the palace she had a meeting with a duchess and had established a trade negotiation with her. She felt good and was ready to tell Liam all about it. She pulled out her phone and looked at the date Oh geez look at the time will I be able to give Liam his Valentine’s gift I really wanted to do something amazing for him She sighs then smiles Well it’s ok I can still do something for him I bet he’s not even back with all the meetings he has
The Limo pulls up to the palace gates and Gabriella walks inside she looks around and sees no sign of Liam It sounds quiet I guess he’s not here She walked up the stairs to their living room and saw a note on the table
Happy Valentine’s Day my love I’m waiting for you at a secret location but first I’ve got some surprises for you what they are I can not tell you’re gonna have to find out for yourself. Now head to the limo I’ve the driver instructions on where to take you. First put on the dress I left for you on the bed and head outside love you with everything within me
Gabriella grinned widely as she headed to the bedroom and saw a beautiful simmering purple dress with shoes and jewelry next to it she quickly puts it on and admires herself in the mirror “Liam has amazing taste” She heads out her door to the limo then drives away
The limo pulls up at the airport and Gabriella gets on the private jet she smiles as she drinks her wine Liam is always doing over the top things for me I can’t wait to see what he has in store for me The plane lands in New York and another limo brings her back to her old bar Gabriella steps inside and her eyes light up as she sees the place decorated with millions of rose bouquets Gabriella smiles as she reads a note on one of them
My Love,
Remember when we first met here? I know I was with the guys all night but my eyes were only on you. I couldn’t stop admiring at how beautiful you were and still are. Honestly I’ve never had my heart skip a beat as it did that night and I remember everything you did for me to see the Statue of Liberty and then when we kissed I swear fireworks when off it was such an amazing night. I’m repaying you back for that night 100 times over but even this could not amount to love I have for you. Now head to the next destination my love
Gabriella felt tears coming to her eyes “Oh God Liam you’re gonna make me cry” She took one of the bouquets and headed to the limo. The limo takes her back to the jet and the jet lands back in Cordonia and the limo takes her to the palace gardens she heads to the center of the maze and sees a table with multiple boxes of chocolate she reads the next note
Remember we came here during the ball and I confessed how much I love you. To be honest with you I knew I was in love with you while we were in Lythikos and we spent that time in the hot tub together. I wanted to tell you during the beach party but wasn’t the right time and we got interrupted by those animals running around. After all the time we spent together I wanted to make sure when I said it would be the perfect moment. I almost lost control a few times specifically while we were at the Beaumont estate God you were so beautiful and it took everything within me not to ravish you right there. Now I can say it whenever I want and have you in my arms everyday I love you. Now off to the next stop
“Aww Liam this is so sweet” She opens one of the boxes and eats the chocolate “Mmm this is good I wonder what else is in store” She heads to the limo. The limo drives her back to the airport and she boards the jet and the jet lands in Paris. She heads to the limo and it stops at a hotel. The front desk people hand her the room key and Gabriella heads to the room and opens the door. There’s a single box on the bed and she opens it her eyes go wide at the sight of the necklace and earrings inside she reads the note beside it
All throughout the engagement tour with Madeline my mind was all on you I couldn’t get you out of my head I wanted to do so much with you throughout it. Honestly it was disgusting that Madeline even offered me that deal but I had no choice but to take it since there was plot against you. But once we figured it out I was so glad to finally be with the woman I love so much. The tour we had I was much happier to know that we were planning our wedding and that I would officially call you my wife. The happiest day of my life was the day we stood at the altar and said I do. I swear I stopped breathing the minute I saw you in that dress and don’t even get me started on the reception one you drove me so wild. The box I left you well these are my mother’s jewels I want you to have it because I know she’ll want the woman that I love and cherish to be wearing them. I’m giving them to you because no other woman deserves it more than you I love you. The last stop is where I am I can’t wait to see you
Gabriella can’t hold back her tears “Liam this is the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever given me this is so amazing” She takes a deep breath and fans herself “I’m gonna need a minute before I go see him” She takes another deep breath then heads to the limo. The limo stops in front of the Eiffel Tower and Gabriella grins before she eagerly heads to the top where Liam stands enjoying the view of the city.
He turns smiling “There’s my beautiful queen”
Gabriella jumps into his arms then kisses him deeply his arms tighten arounds her before she pulls away giggling “I can’t believe you doing all this sending all over just to get here you could have just told me to come here”
Liam chuckles “What’s the fun in that?”
“You’re always doing over the top things for me”
“If I had my way I broadcast to the world how much I love my wife but spoiling her with a million gifts that’s even better”
Gabriella grins “I love you too Liam you’re so amazing and I’m so happy to be with you”
“I love you more Gabby more than you can imagine more than you ever dream to me everyday is Valentine’s day with you” He kisses her deeply as the fireworks go off in the background
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @iaminlovewithtrr @gkittylove99 @twinkleallnight @princess-geek
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oblivionscribe · 11 months ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
Note: Sorry this took me so long to answer! Five Things that Make Me Happy: 1.) The love of my life, @mistermegee I could write a college thesis paper on how much mistermegee/cal means to me and I love him with all my heart and soul. 2.) Any pet I've ever have, do have, and will have. I'm an animal lover (horses, owls, and rats are my favorite animals). Presently Cal and I have two cats, Pumpkin and Navi and they're both little furballs with some sassy personalities. 3.) Music: Music is another big part of my life. I was first Clarinet in middle school though I left band by the time I entered high school because I didn't know how busy I would be and kind of regret not sticking with it. I also tried learning guitar but my fingers just don't want to cooperate. I was also a metalhead in high school but have since expanded my enjoyed genres but still don't overly enjoy pop or top 40 playlist groups. Some songs are good but pop music is too peppy for me. 4.) Video games, comic books, & horror content : I'm lumping these together since they usually fall under the class of media. Video games are a big part of my life (I have a sleeve tattoo dedicated to Dragon Age that I still need to have work done on.) All three of these subjects inspire me in my writing and world building for an interactive fiction I'm developing (very slowly developing to be clear). I even enjoy bad and classic horror movies. 5.) My hobbies!: This is probably the widest group of things that make me happy. Art and writing top this list, of course. Art, like music, is a huge part of my life. I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil and get my hands on some paper. I don't write as much as I should but god, in high school I had notebooks filled with a story I was working on (it was heavily inspired by isekai anime) but never finished. I also enjoy reading, crocheting, beading/jewelry making, and crafting/learning new crafts. Dungeons and Dragons is also a huge inspiration to my interactive fiction and I am getting back into playing Magic: the Gathering. Thrifting vintage items is also a hobby of mine along with collecting cool and eccentric items. Gardening brings me peace of mind and I'm very proud of my collection of plants that I tend to and I work hard to learn how best to care for them. Right now I'm learning how to best prune some of my plants that have gotten a little carried away with their growth. This year I'm going to attempt to grow my own crop of potatoes! I live in a building complex, so most of my food gardening has to be in containers/buckets but that's just fine with me! There are probably so many other things I could get into that make me happy when it comes to my hobbies, so I only included the big ones that I'm currently focused on. Thank you for sending me this ask and I hope you know a little more about me now. ^^ Have a great day!
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montanababe7 · 11 months ago
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Posted this many years ago☺️:
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Twenty-Five Things
1. Jesus is the LOVE of my heart, soul, and mind. I love serving HIM and seeking HIS FACE in everything.
2. I love, love, love reading the WORD of GOD soaking up and RECEIVING all that HE has for me. It sustains me. In the same way that we hunger for food, so much more so...we should crave, hunger for, desire the Word of God. To know it inside and out.
3. I love to pray to for others: whether the prayer request need is large or small it truly matters to God.
4. Entering into HIS Presence: there is NO greater joy than knowing that you are dining and supping with the KING all Heaven. That you dancing with and are being embraced by your Heavenly Father. Worshiping all mighty God. Worshiping HIM with complete abandonment. Give HIM your all. In worship, HE desires intimacy with you. When you worship- Heaven and earth become one.
5. I love encouraging others. Just to see them smile, and to make their day. Saying a kind word. A kind gesture can radically change and alter the way someone looks at and approaches life.
6. I love my Family. They are amazing! My dad loves to encourage us, and just to make our day. He tells my sister and I, that we look beautiful. He tells my brothers that he is proud of them and that he believes in them. My sister Kelli: she just radically shines the love of Jesus. She is a true leader. Very humble, yet very strong in morals and in convictions. We have shared a many good laughs till tears ran down our faces. Joshua: He always loves to encourage you. He loves to make you laugh. He is not afraid to stick up for you and to let you know that he believes in you. Peter: He has the heart of servant. He is the kind of a brother who would go through any barrier just to see you smile.
7. I love my future husband. I'm praying that He will be a man after God's own heart. And that he will desire to know and love God more than anything else. I've never dated, never had a b/f. I'm waiting for the right ONE that Jesus has chosen for me long before time even began 🙂! I'm saving my very first kiss for my wedding day at the alter! I love wearing my purity ring 🙂!
8. I love my friends. I enjoy our girl talks. Going out for coffee. Praying for souls. Praying for our loved ones, for our friends. Laughing about silly things. And most importantly, strengthening our walk with GOD and letting each other know that we believe in each other, and want the best that God has for each of us!
9. I love playing with our pets: Luke our Golden Retriever. Rose our Tabby Cat. Sunny my parakeet. Misty Kelli's Cocktail, and Skylar Peter's Parakeet.
10. I love reading books. Ones that are based on knowing God deeply and intimately. Books on worship. Books about Purity. Books about working with and helping teenagers and young adults. Books on Purity. The Left Behind Series...they are soo good! The Love Comes Softly Series. I love books that really make you think. Think about life. How you treat others.
11. I love Cappuccinos.
12. I love tea: Good Earth Tea....it is absolutely and positively delicious...🙂
13. I absolutely LOVE Grapefruit juice, pineapple juice, Grape Juice.
14. My all time favorite restaurant is Red Lobster, my second favorite is: The Olive Garden.
15. My all time favorite food is: Shrimp
16. I love Mexican, Italian, Chinese, and SEAFOOD. I've always liked the deep sea food rather then the fresh water fish.
17. I absolutely Love to write. Stories, articles, setting goals, plans.
18. I love being outdoors.
19. I love flowers: roses, daises, anything pink, red, or purple...and anything that resembles light pink.
20. I love looking at jewelry and other pretty things.
21. I love to be organized.
22. I love decorations.
23. I love watching the Left Behind Movies.
24. I love taking pictures 🙂, being creative, making little memos...
25. I love these verses:
Esther 4:14
"14For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Jews from elsewhere, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and for this very occasion?"
Isaiah 40:31
31 "but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 48:10-11
"10Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried and chosen you in the furnace of affliction.
11For My own sake, for My own sake, I do it [I refrain and do not utterly destroy you]; for why should I permit My name to be polluted and profaned [which it would be if the Lord completely destroyed His chosen people]? And I will not give My glory to another [by permitting the worshipers of idols to triumph over you]."
1 Corinthians 4:3
"3But [as for me personally] it matters very little to me that I should be put on trial by you [on this point], and that you or any other human tribunal should investigate and question and cross-question me. I do not even put myself on trial and judge myself."
Hebrews 12:1-3
"1THEREFORE THEN, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,
2Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.(A)
3Just think of Him Who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against Himself [reckon up and consider it all in comparison with your trials], so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting in your minds."
Revelation 19:7-9
" 7Let us rejoice and shout for joy [exulting and triumphant]! Let us celebrate and ascribe to Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb [at last] has come, and His bride has prepared herself.(A)
8She has been permitted to dress in fine (radiant) linen, dazzling and white--for the fine linen is (signifies, represents) the righteousness (the upright, just, and godly living, deeds, and conduct, and right standing with God) of the saints (God's holy people).
9Then [the angel] said to me, Write this down: Blessed (happy, [a]to be envied) are those who are summoned (invited, called) to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said to me [further], These are the true words (the genuine and exact declarations) of God.
Revelation 21:2
"2And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, all arrayed like a bride beautified and adorned for her husband;"
Revelation 22:20-21
20He Who gives this warning and affirms and testifies to these things says, Yes (it is true). [Surely] I am coming quickly (swiftly, speedily). Amen (so let it be)! Yes, come, Lord Jesus!
21The grace (blessing and favor) of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be [g]with all the saints (God's holy people, [h]those set apart for God, to be, as it were, exclusively His). Amen (so let it be)! "
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evita-shelby · 2 years ago
Prove it
Version of my only other Namor x reader one shot with the dialogue in English.(spanish dialogue)
Gif by @unicornspwnall
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You weren’t born yesterday.
There was no possible way for this fucking historical hotel was truly haunted.
There was no cool poltergeist, no ghost ladies giggling in the floral room where the hacienda’s owner’s daughter died suddenly in the eighties, and there was no fucking way there were Mayan Warriors with blue skin led by fucking K’uk’ulkan himself to pay homage to the big rock in the garden.
That had to be some idiot they had hired from town.
You bet your shitty paycheck you knew that dumbass in the slutty green shorts.
“How much are the paying you to do this bullshit every December?” you ask as the man stares at you in horror.
“What?” the man asks before cursing you in Yucatec Mayan, an older type with like no Spanish in it whatsoever.
But it’s still the same language, so you insult him back, which makes it worse.
Especially when you slip back into Spanish and he acts like you just spat in his face.
“This is my mother’s sacred grave!” he shouts at you in Spanish, but you don’t buy it. He is too real looking to be a ghost, that vein popping out on his forehead and the way he gets close enough for you to feel the warmth of a human being lecturing you on your rudeness.
“Yes, I know that is the grave of a woman, but I seriously doubt a woman in the 16th century has a , I don’t know, thirty year old son in the year 2020.” You cross your arms and stand your ground.
Would he be offended if you ask him out for drinks at the shitty hotel cantina once you two get over this?
“And if I told you I am over five hundred years old?” he continues with the farce, and you wonder if its worth it to have another wannabe actor fuck buddy here.
“I’d say you look pretty fit for a five-hundred-year-old geezer, but I’d sooner believe that you get five hundred pesos to show up in such little clothing every fucking winter.” You answer with a scoff, five hundred pesos was a shit rate, that was barely fifty dollars. The cute girl from the local University got paid twice that to do her fake shaman tarot reader bullshit every month.
This fucker should ask Rigo the Owner for more.
He laughs, a slightly bitter thing that tells you he is this close to just killing you outright.
He is handsome, you give him that. And well endowed, which is probably why Rigo’s slutty much younger wife chose him.
The feathers and his outfit look legit, too real, especially the fake jade jewelry. You had to hand it to him, the nose plug and the earrings looked pretty fucking good.
“I would kill you, but I wouldn’t dishonor my mother’s grave with the blood of an idiot who can’t see the difference between a human man and the god, K’uk’ulkan!” he exclaims and you think he may be right.
If the Norse had sexy Thor and whatever his goth brother was, if the Americans can defrost Captain America like frozen meat, maybe, just maybe the weirdo standing here was the Serpent God of Mesoamerica.
Could explain why he looked the same in all the photos since cameras were invented.
Could the man you’ve infuriated so much that he stands there breathing hard and clenching his fists to avoid hitting you be the god, K’uk’ulkan?
“If you really are a god… then prove it.” You say goading him into proving he was fraud. If he is a fraud, he will do anything to make you forget it, like kiss you in anger and get the two of you fired for hate fucking where some of the guests can see you.
You hope he is a fraud; it has been so long since you’ve had a good fuck.
He smiles, one that makes you shake in your metaphorical boots, as he took you by the waist and flew with the weird little wings on his ankles.
“Holy fuck.” You utter as he flies you to the beach.
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wildernessuntothemselves · 3 years ago
You Are My Queen Now | Part 2
Word Count: 4.6k
Genre: Smut, angst
Summary: Growing up as a child of a minor lord, you had it instilled in you since a young age that you needed to find yourself a rich and affluent husband that would not only provide a comfortable life for you, but would also help further your family’s position in the court. So it was of the utmost importance that you remain a virgin in order to land such a coveted husband.
The problem lies when the man you secretly love, Prince Beomgyu, suddenly and unabashedly propositions you.
Warnings: This a Yandere!beomgyu fic and will contain future noncon so if that is not something you’re comfortable with please avoid reading altogether. This particular chapter includes: handjobs, inexperienced oc, corruption, thigh fucking, pushy beomgyu, switchy dynamics but mostly dom!gyu.
Honestly Beomgyu’s theme song for this series
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         This really isn’t good for your heart–being tipsy and hiding away in your very own secluded section of the gardens with Beomgyu under the starlight that pales in comparison to the light in his own doe eyes. Yes, it’s your tradition that has become sacred over the years, but it’s here exactly where the trouble first started, and now that you’ve developed this physical relationship with Beomgyu, he’d become very bold in his touches, wrapping his arm around your waist or stealing a kiss when you least expect it, something your poor love-riddled heart can’t handle much of.
And now here he is again, tugging on your hand and demanding cutely that you come closer. “Why are you sitting all the way over there, baby? I’m cold. Come warm me up.”
Anyone else saying these words to you would make you cringe, but coming from his pouty lips, flavored with his unique brand of adorable mischievousness, they only make your heart flutter.
“Because I know what you want.” You try to protest. You know as soon as you’re close enough, he’ll be on you. He’s been insatiable since this whole agreement started. You’d think that helping him get off would take some of the edge off and make him calm down but it seems to only spur him on more.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He bites his lower lip in a failed attempt to keep from smiling as he pulls you flush against his body.
God, he’s ten times more beautiful from this close up. And the way he looks down his nose at you with that cheeky smile on his face makes you want to combust. So it’s no wonder that you only put up a minimal fight, just for appearances really, when he leans down to kiss you.
Hungry. That’s a word you’d come to associate with him. Nothing is ever enough for him. One kiss would never do. He comes back in for another. And another. And another until you’re on your back with him hovering over you and you’re both breathless and dizzy from more than just the wine.
In moments like this, you can almost fool yourself into thinking you’re lovers. Isn’t this what lovers do? Steal kisses under the moonlight?
But you’re not lovers. Because what lover would say what Beomgyu says to you next.  
"I want you to touch my dick this time. I can’t keep humping you like a dog in heat.”
His words make you stiffen, all the giddiness fleeing from your body at once. 
It’s not just him ruining the moment that upsets you, but it’s the way he’s become so pushy with you. Gone are the cautious appeals and desperate pleas. Now he just demands what he wants like you owe it to him. 
"What makes you think I have to do that?" You scoff. 
"I'm paying for it, aren't I?"
There it is. The root of his entitlement. You suppose you brought this on yourself when you introduced money into it. 
Still it hurts your pride.
"I'm not a whore, Beomgyu. I'm only doing this to help you out but I can stop." 
Lies. You’re doing this for you too. 
Ever since you started this, you’ve accumulated more things now than you've ever had before. Not just dresses but jewelry and all manner of fine things. You finally feel like you fit in with the other ladies. Even if they look at you strangely, no doubt wondering how you came across this sudden wealth. They never outright asked you but you still felt the need to mention in passing how your father’s business has been booming lately. You don’t know if they buy it or not but even with their suspicions, you still fit in a lot more than you did before. 
And the other big thing you’re getting out of this is Beomgyu himself. Yes, he’s brash and demanding but he’s not the only one enjoying these debauched moments. Yes, the context makes you feel dirty, but at the end of the day you’re still getting the attention of the man you love. And what attention it is. Beomgyu is positively obsessed with you during these moments. Seeing him so lost in the little pleasure you provide him feels even better than all these riches. 
"I know you're not a whore." He breathes against your skin, kissing along your jaw, and you almost relax. But then he continues, “That’s why I chose you.” 
He’d have less luck hurting you this much if he was trying. 
This is your only value to him, that you're not a whore. It’s not that he’s attracted to you personally. No, you're just the only lady who would let him do these things to her. 
"Now can you touch me, already? I feel like I'm going to burst."
You want to cry, but you refuse to do it in front of him. Not just because you don’t want to look vulnerable, but because he’s still your best friend and he’s bound to ask why you’re crying, and you don’t trust yourself not to confess everything to him. 
So you grit your teeth and go through with it. 
The problem is, you don’t really know what to do. All these times before it was easy to project confidence and control since you made him do all the work, but now you're lost. 
But you can’t dwell on it too long or you’ll give yourself away. Steeling yourself, you just go ahead and touch him, your right hand trailing down his body to cup the bugle in his pants. 
He sighs, resting his head against your shoulder, and you take that as a good sign to continue. You’ve never done this before but you’ve swiped one book from the library that talks about the ways of pleasuring a man or a woman and you’ve heard little remarks here and there from the maids enough to get a rough idea about it. 
As you move your hand up and down his confined length, you remember something you’ve read about the nipples being an erogenous zone for some people. So you move your free hand underneath his shirt and you fumble up until you reach one of his nipples and brush your fingers over it. 
He gasps against your skin and you immediately stop, thinking you’ve done something wrong. 
“Did I hurt you?”
“No, no.” He moans, grabbing your hand and putting it back on his crotch, pushing the heel of your hand down as he grinds into it. “Just didn’t expect you to touch my nipples, that's all.” He laughs, “And didn’t know I was sensitive there.” 
“Is that good or bad? Should I stop?” You know you're letting on how clueless you are, but you don't want to hurt him.
“No, keep going.” He groans, sucking a kiss onto your neck that makes you shiver. 
“Okay.” You say shakily, your hand going back to his nipple again to rub the little nub, making him groan and grind against your hand. 
“Ah, baby. I need more.” 
"What do you mean?"
"Put your hand down my pants."
"Oh, okay." You hesitate, feeling like you’ve barely got the hang of this and now you’re thrust back into unfamiliar territory. 
Once again, you just gather your courage and do it, squeezing your hand under his waistband and grabbing his bare dick. You suck in a sharp breath at the feeling, but it’s drowned out by the moan he lets out. 
“Fuck, baby, that’s it.” He hisses, continuing to move against your hand, now without the barrier of clothes. It’s a tight fit so you can’t do anything except rub awkwardly over his dick but he seems to like it anyway if the moans he’s letting out are any indication. 
"It’s so warm and soft." You marvel at the heat of his member in your hand. You’ve always heard it described as hard, and it is, but you’re surprised by how soft the skin is. “And… wet.” 
“That’s what you do to me. You like it, baby?” He hums, pulling back to stare at you. “Wanna see it?” 
You do. You know you won't ever get to make love to him, but at least you'll get to imagine it better.
He doesn’t need to be told twice, sitting back and unbuttoning his pants, making a show of it as he pulls his dick out and strokes it languidly.  
It’s too much for you, the way he touches himself while staring you dead in the eyes, and you end up looking away from the salacious sight. 
"No, no." Beomgyu tuts scoldingly, grabbing your face and turning it back towards him. "You have to look at it. You have to see what you’re doing to me.” 
You take a moment to steady your breathing before you look down at it again.
It’s bigger than you thought, and it’s red, explaining the heat you felt before. Looking at it, you understand why Beomgyu is so horny all the time. 
“Is it supposed to be this big?” 
He groans. “If you don’t want to get fucked, don’t say things like that.”
You pause. You hadn’t meant it like that, but he seems to like it. 
"Don’t just stare at it. You're driving me crazy here." He whines, his husky voice doing things to you. 
“I-I don't know what to do." You admit finally, “I’ve never touched a man like this before.” 
“Oh, baby, you’re so cute." He leans down to kiss you deeply. "What are you going to do when I tell you I want you to put it in your mouth?" 
You gasp, scandalized. “Beomgyu! I’m a lady!” 
“I know, baby. A lady who would look good with her lips wrapped around my cock.” He says, running his thumb over your lips as he stares at them, no doubt imagining that exact scenario.
You falter. Is that something you’d be willing to do for him? It’s disgraceful, but you find yourself gulping at the thought of getting to feel the weight of his hot member on your tongue, to taste the wetness that’s seeping out of it in need. 
These lustful thoughts fill your mind and you unconsciously poke your tongue out to wet your lips, but end up licking against his thumb in the process. His lips part in a heated exhale and he pushes your tongue down with his thumb, trapping it. 
A heated silence follows and you struggle not to squeeze your thighs together to relieve some of the need that’s burning you up. 
Thankfully, Beomgyu snaps out of it, sparing you the disgrace of your own thoughts. 
“But that’s for another day.” He murmurs, pulling away from you as he sits back on his haunches, finally giving you the space to breathe in something that isn’t him, helping your mind clear up a bit.  
“Come on, I'll teach you how to jerk me off.” He says, grabbing your hand and directing it to his cock. “Just wrap your hand around it, okay?" 
“Okay.” With cheeks burning, you take his dick in your hand. 
“Good.” He grunts, bucking into your loose fist. "Now move your hand up and down." 
You press your lips together in determination and follow his direction. 
“Tighter.” He groans, falling back over you and resuming his kisses along your neck. 
You tighten your grip around him slightly, not wanting to hurt him, but he doesn’t like that. 
“Tighter.” He repeats and you hold him even tighter until it seems to his liking. 
“Good girl.” He murmurs wetly against your skin, making your pussy leak even more arousal. “Faster now.” 
You follow his demands, pumping his dick faster, the movement causing an embarrassingly lewd noise. 
“Yeah, just like that.” 
“You like it?” You ask, needing to hear from him how much you’re affecting him. 
“Yeah, you’re perfect.” He answers, and everything–his hoarse voice, his moans, the open mouthed kisses he lathers upon your skin–make you feverish. You wish to be touched too, but you can’t ask that of him. You can’t give him more than he’s already taking. 
Your thoughts must’ve distracted you, causing you to neglect him, which Beomgyu doesn’t appreciate. 
“Why did you slow down? Keep going.” He complains, biting down hard on your shoulder. 
There it is again, the entitlement. It annoys you more than it probably should but you can’t help it when you’re trying so hard to get him off when you yourself are uncomfortably wet and neglected. 
“My hand is tired.” You shoot back brattily, “I’ve given you what you wanted. If you want to cum then just fuck my hand like the horny dog you are.” 
You still your hand, holding it in a tight grip around his swollen length as you stare each other down. You feel your heartbeat pick up even more speed than it did before. He really doesn’t like your attitude, and you get antsy at his lack of response.
When he still doesn’t move, you start removing your hand. “Well, if you don’t want to–”
He growls, moving his hand over yours and tightening it around his length as he starts thrusting into it. "Such a spoiled princess. I give you all these things and you won't even be good for me." 
You falter, the new nickname prickling at you. "I'm not a princess." You say bitterly.
"You're my princess." He doubles down, making you feel like a joke. What kind of princess would let a man that’s not her husband treat her like a toy for his sexual gratification? You're closer to his whore than his princess.
"Shut up. Someone could hear you.” You sniff in disdain, deflecting
"I don’t care. Let them see what a brat my princess is being." 
Each time he calls you that, you feel more and more humiliated so you do the only thing you can think of to shut him up–you put your hand over his lips. 
But this is Beomgyu you’re dealing with, and you can count on him to always find a way to come out on top, and this is no different. He uses this chance to slip your fingers into his mouth, sucking on them obscenely.  
"You're such a pervert!" You screech, ripping your hand away, feigning disgust when in reality, the feeling of his hot mouth around your fingers and his tongue prodding at them shoots straight to your pussy, making you wonder what it would feel like if he were to eat you out. 
It’s disgusting. No proper lady should ever wonder such things, and it’s all his damn fault. 
With renewed zealousness, you go back to pumping his cock, going faster than you did before while simultaneously rubbing his nipple, the wetness making it all the more sensitive and, before long, he gets close.
"I'm gonna cum.” He mewls, mouth parted as his moans never cease. “Gonna spill over your hand." 
That’s what you were waiting for, your chance to retaliate, and you suddenly stop. 
"Why?" He heaves, looking at you wildly. 
"Where are your manners?” You ask haughtily, “Didn’t I teach you to ask nicely for what you want." 
"Don't play with me, princess." He growls, his tone brokering no argument but you stupidly don’t back down.
"Don't call me that." You hiss, "Ask nicely, puppy." 
That seems to be the wrong decision on your part, for he pulls back and grabs your legs, placing them over his shoulder, making your dress ride up to your waist and his dick come to rest over your underwear. 
"Wanna see me act like a dog?” He spits on his hand and gives his dick a couple of strokes. “Then don’t be surprised when I treat you like a bitch."
“What are you–” You’re cut off when he pushes your thighs together around his cock and snaps his hips forward, fucking your plush flesh. 
“Oh.” You squeak, the position causing his dick to drag over your pussy every time he ruts his hips forward. And soon, you’re too overstimulated to say anything. This is the first time you’ve gotten so much direct touch before and you don’t know how to handle it.  
Unfortunately, Beomgyu notices it too. 
“Finally gonna behave?” He mocks, smacking the outside of your thigh, no doubt seeing how dazed you are as your body jostles with each of his thrusts, your tits jiggling obscenely and the doughy flesh of your thighs engulfing his dick. You can’t even help the little gasps and moans that are forced out of you by his rough thrusts. 
“God, look at you. You look like you’re being fucked for real.” He drawls, his eyes eating you up. “And you sound like it too.” 
You immediately bite down on your lip to silence your moans, but they still burst out of you every time his hips slam against yours, and they excite Beomgyu to no end.
“Gonna cum for you, baby. Can I please cum?” He asks sarcastically. 
You wish you could say no. The way his hips are slapping against your ass and his cock drags over your pussy have you so close to the end yourself, but you can’t expose yourself to him and you can’t tell him to stop without explaining as he’d think you’re messing with him again. 
“Yes, cum for me, Beomgyu.” You whisper as seductively as possible, and he finally breaks eye contact as his hips stutter and he looks down to where his cum lands on your stomach. It feels warm and entirely based. And for a moment you get an out of body experience and you look down at yourself, splayed over the garden floor with the prince’s cum soiling you. 
It’s not right. What you’re doing is not right. 
But you can’t dwell on it for too long because you’re suddenly forced back into your body when his thumb brushes over your clit.  "Look how wet you are. You like playing with me, baby? Making me go crazy just for a little touch?" 
Your legs shake around his head. You’re so fucking close, all it would take are a few more strokes and you’d be creaming your underwear. 
"Beomgyu, stop." You mewl before that can happen. He's been trying to touch you even since that first time, never once getting discouraged by your constant rejection. 
You use your legs that are over his shoulder to try to push his torso away but that only brings his head down to your lap as he resists you, and now he’s face to face with your pussy. 
"At least let me taste you." He says, before he flattens his tongue along your clothed pussy, making you yelp and squirm until you manage to scramble away from him. 
"Stop it!" You pull your dress down, covering yourself.  
"Why are you being so stubborn?” He grabs at your ankle, “I know you want me." 
“I don’t!” You lie through your teeth. “Let me go or I’ll stop this whole thing.” You threaten, watching him clench his jaw, clearly displeased with the fight you’re putting up. But he lets you go and you stand up, straightening your dress–or straightening it as well as you can after the events of the night–and demanding he take you back to your room.   
You’re such an idiot–-you think as you rush through the halls of the palace, running late to breakfast because you spent way too much time last night touching yourself to the thought of Beomgyu’s mouth on you, his lips around your fingers, his dick slipping in and out your thighs, the heat of it seeping through your underwear to your sopping pussy…
Fuck, you can’t go down that rabbit hole again or you’ll not only be late for breakfast but you’ll have to sit there soaking through your undergarments in the presence of the entire royal family. 
You’re bursting through the dining hall door, apologies already tumbling out of your lips, when your eyes catch the gaze of an unfamiliar person and you screech to a halt. 
The man smiles lightly, pretty dimples showing even with that slight smile, making your heart flutter. Who is this devastatingly handsome stranger?
“Oh, good morning, sir.” You sputter, staring at him dumbly. 
“Good morning, beautiful lady.” He greets you back, his voice sweet and light and so melodic it almost distracts you from the fact that he called you beautiful. You have no idea how to respond to that. No man has ever called you beautiful before.
You’re lucky the king chose now to speak up or else you would’ve made a fool of yourself just standing there and staring at the stranger. 
The king helpfully introduces the newcomer as Lord Taehyun, the head of the Kang family. 
You immediately straighten up. The Kang family is one of the most ancient and dignified noble families in the kingdom, probably second only to the royal family themselves. They control the harbor that lets the sea trade into the kingdom, so it goes without saying how much power they hold. Even worse, they’re renowned for their ruthlessness. They have to be, since they not only let the sea trade into the kingdom, but they also hold down the sea border and protect the kingdom from any pillaging or invading forces. 
It’s even rumored that the man standing in front of you has killed his own father in order to become the head of the family. Of course that’s just hearsay, but that doesn’t make you feel any better.
“Apologies for my rude interruption, my lord.” You bow deeply. God, you hope he doesn’t start demanding they take your head off for ruining his breakfast. “I’ll take my leave.”
“Don’t.” Lord Taehyun speaks out, his gentle voice but it stops you right in your tracks. “I will not have such a beautiful lady suffer through an empty stomach on my account. Please, have a seat.” 
You blush at his unexpected kindness, scurrying to your seat with a low “Thank you, my lord.” before he thinks you’re disobeying him.
Once you’ve sat down at your designated seat next to the other ladies, you hazard a glance towards him, only to find him staring back at you with that same smile, and you quickly look down again. 
“And what is your name, pretty lady?” 
You jolt when you hear his voice, not having expected him to acknowledge your presence again. You tell him your full name, your voice uncharacteristically weak. 
He looks a little puzzled at that. “Forgive me but I’m not familiar with your family, my lady.” 
The queen speaks up before you can. “That’s because it’s a small family. Minor really.” She says, almost disparagingly, and you’re taken aback. 
You know your family isn’t much, but no one in the royal family has ever spoken that way about it, at least not to your face. It makes you feel so small in front of such a powerful lord and you stare down at the plate in front of you in shame. 
“No matter to me. It just means I have more to learn about the beautiful lady.” 
You breath catches in your throat at that and you look up at him in disbelief. Is he… flirting with you? 
You hear the sound of a glass being slammed against the table and you look to the source of the noise to see Beomgyu staring Lord Taehyun down. The other man looks at him with mild interest, no doubt wondering what his problem is. 
Luckily, the queen interjects, diffusing the tension. “So, Lord Taehyun, are you ready for the next archery competition? Beomgyu has been practicing so much lately. I think he’ll finally snatch the title of the best archer in the kingdom from you.”
Oh right. Lord Taehyun always wins the archery competitions the crown holds. He’s supposed to be a prodigy in the field. Not that you’d know. You’ve never been allowed to attend these competitions before as Beomgyu insists that it’s really no place for a lady. But you don’t understand how that could be true when his own mother and sister attend them every time. 
Lord Taehyun lets out a short laugh. “I’d like to see him try.” 
You throw a glance at Beomgyu's way. You know that must’ve irked him. He’s always complained to you about his losses against this man and how much he wishes he could take him down for once. 
You can see Beomgyu’s grip tighten around the utensils he’s holding. “You will.” 
“I wish I could be there to see that match.” 
You don’t know why the hell you spoke up, but suddenly, the whole table’s eyes are on you. 
“Why don’t you come?” Lord Taehyun cocks his head to the side. 
“Oh, I…” You trail off, glancing at Beomgyu again, and you wonder if he’ll actually disintegrate the knife and fork in his hands from how hard he’s gripping them. 
“Better yet, why don’t you come down with me to the archery range and I could teach you to throw a couple of arrows yourself.” He grins at you invitingly, and your jaw slackens.
“I could never.” You breathe out, once again looking to Beomgyu. You know he wouldn’t like that. He’s always told you that a lady shouldn’t worry about such things and that it’s a man’s job to protect her when you’ve mentioned to him how much you’d like to learn archery. “It’s unladylike.” 
“Nonsense. Everyone could benefit from learning how to defend themselves, even women. Especially women.” Lord Taehyun says. 
“I guess so.” You reply in a small voice, unsure of what’s happening right now. 
“Then it’s settled. You’ll accompany me to the archery range?” He asks, then turns to the king. “That is, if the king would allow me to make use of the palace’s range.” 
The king hesitates for a moment before replying, “I’m afraid I can’t, my lord. The guards are scheduled to have their practice there today.” 
You deflate at that. You hadn’t realized how much you wanted this until the king said no. It’s not just the archery, either. It’s lord Taehyun. This is the first time a man has expressed an interest in you and you were so looking forward to exploring that. Maybe, just maybe, your dream of getting married to a powerful man wasn’t completely hopeless. But now you’ll never know. 
“That’s a shame.” Lord Taehyun ponders for a moment as you sit there lamenting your bad luck. “No matter. I’d still like the company of the beautiful lady if she’ll have me. What do you say you accompany me on a stroll through the palace gardens after this, my lady?” 
Your head snaps up so fast you’re afraid you might’ve cracked your spine. 
“I-I-” You attempt to formulate any sort of an intelligible response, but Beomgyu beats you to it. 
“She can’t. She has obligations.” His voice is sharp and his expression is hard. 
You stare at him in confusion. “But… I have nothing.”
“Yeah, you do.” The princess pipes up suddenly. “I need your help with something.” 
“Oh.” You say dejectedly. Seriously, how rotten is your luck?
“That’s okay.” Lord Taehyun gives you a patient smile. “I’m staying here till the morning. We could just arrange something later. What do you say, my lady?” 
“I’d love that.” You breathe, simultaneously feeling like the luckiest and unluckiest girl on the face of the earth. 
A/N: oh my god I worked so hard on this chapter so you guys better give me some feedback. Also what personality would you like taehyun to have? 
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mywrittings · 3 years ago
lust 03 / anthony bridgerton
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𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: The man you despise so much is suddenly in the arms of someone else and that makes you realize you actually have real strong feelings for him
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉: 2.2k
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: mild mature talk
part 01 | part 02 | part 04 | part 05 | part 06
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Here you were in the garden with him. Him whom you have just confessed your love. And he was holding you, so close to his body. A close moment between you two, amidst all of the flowers, blooming around.
But then…
It was a guard, probably sent by your Mama. As you were completely immersed, emotions flowing out, you had completely forgotten that by now, people will start to wonder where you are.
‘’Oh God…how are we-...’’ you frantically whisper, as it seemed the guard’s voice was getting closer
Anthony scours the property beyond the garden. It would seem it had a labyrinth. A grassy path continued into tall rectangle bushes, spread out into lines. There is only one way in and one way out, the rest are dead ends. Because behind you there was nothing, no trees, no statues… The only option for you to flee the scene would be through this labyrinth.
‘’Keep a tight grip around my hand,’’ Anthony orders ‘’we will have to run.’’
‘’Run? Run to where?’’
‘’Through the labyrinth.’’ he explains, before taking your hand, intertwining your fingers with his. He gives you a nod, then takes off while you grab onto your gown and start running with him into the moonlight labyrinth.
‘’How do you know a way out?’’ you ask, panting, the dress was clung onto you at the top like a tight glove, making it difficult for you to breath
Anthony, looks down at you ‘’I do not.’’
Your eyes widen, as you feared there is no way out of this, unless somehow you manage to find the right path. The guard’s voice kept asking for your name and repeating ‘It is dangerous for a lady to be out in the darkness!’ but little does he know, you have a man protecting you, right beside. His firm hold on you only tightened, when you would make a turn or if you would come to a dead end.
‘’Why is this even here? Who finds labyrinths amusing?’’ you scoff only for Anythony to snicker
‘’You find this funny?’’ you question, heavily breathing ‘’Mr. Bridgerton?’’
That’s when he gapes at you and without any warnings, picks you up. His strong muscular self, has one of his hands under your legs, while the other one is securly supporting your back. Your gown going over you, that was now ruined from the grass.
You squeal from the sudden lift ‘’I did not give you permission to lift me.’’ you spat
‘’And I told you not to call me Mr. Bridgerton.’’ he resorts, the corners of his mouth going up
Anthony picked up the pace, dashing through what seemed like million paths, before yet again coming to a dead end.
‘’This doesn’t look good.’’ you whine, throwing your head back, groaning in frustration
Quite some time passed by, after you so embarrassingly ran from the ball with Anthony following you after. The festivities in the mansion are still in its peak but sure there are others that have noticed of your disappearance. Especially because of the guard being sent to find you. Not so much of Anthony perhaps… Well there sure is someone special that might bring this into a big scandal. Lady Whisteldown.
You jump out from Anthony’s hold, letting your feet meet with the soft grass. He tries to get ahold of you again but you manage to slip away.
‘’I think I should have the guard find me and you continue hiding, then get yourself out of here.’’ you propose, patting your dress and adjusting the twisted necklace
‘’I will not be allowing you to do so,’’ he answers, narrowing his eyebrows ‘’you can’t possible be left alone in this place,’’ he has his hands on his hips, panting ‘’the guard is out of no use, he won’t find you for a week.’’
‘’Well getting caught doesn’t sound like a very bright idea,’’ you protest, still figuring out your jewelry ‘’also not to mention Her.’’ you pierce at him but he just shrugs his shoulders, unable to figure out what you meant
‘’Lady Whisteldown of course!’’ you whisperly yell, rolling your eyes at him
‘’I do not care about her right now, besides everyone already knows I have been courting you.’’
Which was true and quite every other girl was confused as to why you were not fond of that. But they did not know of Anthony’s ‘not marrying out of love’ claim. Still, getting caught in the dark hours, outside, would not be a good look. It would turn into a scandal and people are eager for gossip. They have been taught so by none other than Lady Whisteldown.
‘’And me not reciprocating back,’’ you stress when he tries to say something but you interrupt him ‘’it won’t look good and you know it!’’
Anthony sighs, while turning his head into the direction you two just came from. He crouches down and takes a peek through the bushes, awaiting to see the guard. The bushes were quite thick but still, if one’s eye takes a closer look, you are able to see what is happening through them.
‘’Okay fine, let it be your way.’’ he gives in, before lifting back up to his feet
‘’This is not having it be my way, this is an important matter.’’ you noted, while he strutted towards you and let his fingers, grasp at your necklace
‘’What are you-...’’
‘’Just let me.’’ he softly says, twisting the necklace back in place, adjusting the giant white stone to rest in the middle of your collarbones
He slightly touches your skin as you gasp, your heartbeat going up. Anthony glances at you, his eyes lustrous amidst all of this. A long gaze, traveling to you, then at your lips. You sink your teeth in the corner of them, getting caught off guard by this intimate moment between you two.
‘’Miss Y/ln, if you do that again, I am afraid I might need to do it for you.” he warns and you fastly, snatch his hands away from your necklace
‘’I will be on my way then. Farewell.’’ you bid your goodbye, rolling your eyes at him but as soon as you turned around you giggled to yourself
The corners of Anthony’s mouth went up as he caught you by surprise. He could tell you got a flush across your cheeks, causing you to flee the scene.
You remembered where you came from, after the last couple of turns but sure enough, you ran into dead ends. You wanted to buy Anthony sometime, unsure when he was going to try and escape the labyrinth on his own. You were also terrified of the thought of him getting caught but at the same time you knew how wicked he was. He could outsmart anyone, especially if he came face to face with any other human by chance.
You finally manage to pick a path that did not lead to a dead end, even though they all looked the same. And you also did not know where the guard might be this very second. As Anthony noted, the guard's chances of finding you right away are very poor, so you started yelling for help.
‘’Help! I am stuck in this labyrinth! I can’t seem to find my way out!’’ you scream, trying to make it believable like you were afraid
‘’Miss! Try to follow my voice!’’ the guard said followed by the voices of two other guards
Now you really knew that your Mama was missing you. Not just her but probably the rest of the guests, gathered for tonight's ball. You were just hoping they would not notice that Anthony wasn’t there as well. But maybe they would not suspect it, as you have been keeping your distance from his courting, that is until today of course.
‘’Everything looks the same to me!’’ you yell, keeping your gown in your hands. You could feel your feet pulsating, from the running earlier. The dress was ruined, stained from the grass and poked through with thorns you would get caught on. Nevermind the dress because you were still wondering what Anthony will do after coming back to the ball. How is he going to act, better yet how are you going to act? What comes after for the two of you?
‘’Miss! I can hear your voice louder, it must mean we are close to you!’’ sure enough just like Anthony said, the guards took forever to find you. After finally ‘saving’ you, you noticed they were holding some white polished stones, to help guide you and themselves back to the entrance.
Taking a step outside, you were met with your Mama, visibly worried. She was nervously tapping her leg, while Lady Bridgerton was trying to calm her down. Seeing you, she rushed to your side, trying to assist you.
‘’Y/n, where have you been? Why did you wander off and of all places this?’’ she points to the labyrinth but you only laugh at her
‘’I do not find this funny one bit! You had me and others worried! Don’t you ever dare, go out at a dark hour like this!’’ she scolds you but deep down she was glad you were safe and back with her
Slowly stepping back into the marvelous ball, you had eyes all on you. Most were peaking down at your dress, wondering what had happened to you, while others were happy you were safe. You do not know how long you were outside with Anthony, as it seemed everyone else was still upmost energetic. The orchestra still playing wonderful tunes, not looking tired at all.
As you were making your way back to where you were standing earlier, you noticed that the Diamond was talking to the Queen. She was visibly upset, probably due to Anthony leaving her 'unattended' in the middle of the dance. The Queen on the other hand, did not care too much about it and was trying to make her feel a bit at peace by introducing her to other suitors. As soon as one of the men were talking to her picked out Diamond, the Queen herself left her and was back sitting on her chair that overlooked the entire first floor.
You scanned the room and noticed Anthony still wasn’t back. Better yet, nobody was questioning where he was, which was a relief since they hadn’t assumed you two were together. It also wasn’t, seeing that you were uneasy, troubled by him not yet returning.
It took you back to that moment, right before the guard yelled out your name. How you felt his soft touch, how he was so careful with every little move he made. How exquisite he looked, with the blazer, wrapping tightly around his strong upper body. And his deep voice, that sent waves down your spine, having you feel ecstatic.
Amongst all of these thoughts, he at last steps into the room, followed by his brother Benedict. You could tell he was searching for someone, as soon as he placed his foot into the loud room. He takes a sip of the gold bubbly champagne and frantically whips his head one way and another.
Just as he was about to take another gulp, he stopped in his place and his eyes landed upon you. For a short moment, it felt like there were just the two of you in this ball, surrounded by all the other parties that were not important. He seemed like he did not just come out of a madly green labyrinth rather he took a stroll in the soothing cold air outside with his brother.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him but yet, still trying to remain cautious, as your Mama was standing right beside you, followed by Lady Bridgerton that was just as worried sick, when you did not return.
He winks at you, pulling out the same exact white stone, the guards set up, to find their way back. Caught by this sudden item you started coughing, pretending like your throat was dry.
‘’Y/n, what is the matter?’’ your Mama asked but you quickly glance back up at Anthony to see him snicker as he puts the stone back into his pocket
‘’Nothing,’’ you reassure her ‘’I just haven’t had anything to drink yet.’’
Anthony smirks at you, as you only bulge your eyes at him, trying to tell him to watch out. He sure did obey you as for the rest of the night, he kept that beautiful stone safe, where no one could see it.
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It was the next morning. The sun was slowly seeping in through the large windows, the rays gently tickling your face. The warm soft duvet came off, exposing your night gown as you stretched. Last night was eventful, after the ball you and Mama decided to go back home, as you were feeling quite exhausted from all of that running. Of course you did not tell your Mama about your little unexpected meeting, even though you knew she would be happy. But again as said before, it is better to proceed with caution, as every little small thing these days, gets turned into a scandal.
After getting ready, you went downstairs to meet your Mama that was holding a piece of paper, scribbled with words. You carefully slipped behind a wall, only a tiny bit of your head peeking in to see her making so many different expressions. Her eyes would widen then she’d laugh, then narrow her eyebrows…
She was reading the latest issue of non other then,
Lady Whisteldown.
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part 04
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years ago
I definitely wasn't binging through Krulu's tag like a horny depraved soul with no life (which i am) when i found this:
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Pinnie I need to know how Krulu responds/reacts to Admin's existential crisis and crippling anxiety telling them that they're useless to him now that he has no need to hide and he can just dispose of them if he wants to.
[Fem reader.]
TW: Slight angst; Religious mindsets.
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It's wonderful seeing your lord in such high spirits.
You never made note of it before, mostly to avoid being insulting, but it bothered you that Krulu felt unsafe all the time, resigned himself to the darkness of his sacred floor, didn't look beyond the walls of The Clergy's Eye or set foot onto his own garden.
It was disheartening.
He's a god! He's your god! He should face the world with nothing but pride and elegance, his might is to be witnessed and revered by all- Hiding is unbecoming of his perfect nature.
You suppose you have to thank Miara for all of this. For the safety and confidence Krulu now exudes, for the push she gave him to finally finally impregnate you- For your beautiful baby boys who have now grown up to take Earth's main annexes by storm! Life is good.
Life is wonderful.
But it's so, so scary...
Ever since your higher stopped using you as a vessel -There's no need for such anymore, after all- A depressing distance has been cast between you two. Something stifling.
You're so very happy for him, for Adelo and Adrul who can now communicate with their second father openly, see him in the flesh so much more often than they once did, for the two of you even -Because you do like witnessing Krulu's glory- But... Things just aren't the same.
You no longer feel Krulu in the back of your mind, caressing your thoughts and murmuring to you. His presence on your body is so diminished you feel naked. Unsafe. Out of sorts. You feel useless as his servant. This isn't right. It's something you're ashamed to admit, but you wish he'd return to your form.
What's wrong with you? To be wishing misery upon your lord...
You're his chosen, you're the mother of the rulers of Eden and Perdition, you're loved dearly by your lord and your angel- So... So why is it that you feel small? Like an ant? Without Krulu... You're just a human. Just a girl.
Tears prick at your eyes.
It's stupid, it's so stupid. You should be happy. This is a day of celebration! Your sons have come to The Clergy to partake in celebration with their parents and the core team after their impressive feats. And instead of spending quality time with the people closest to you...
You're sobbing on a faraway bench.
You don't even hear the footfalls approaching steadily.
" Chosen. "
To say you sprung up like a startled feline is to put it flatteringly lightly. Your lord stares at you from a great height, gaze ever hardened, though you've been his servant long enough to spot the creases of worry in the corners of his eyes.
" M- My lord, excuse me- I'll be joining the festivities in no time. " You stammer, wiping the tear trails on your face and hoping your makeup isn't smudged to absolute shit. But it probably is.
Krulu makes a chuff, then takes a seat beside your figure, not looking directly at you. One set of arms rests on their hips, another steeples its fingers, the remaining one adjusts some of his jewelry.
" Speak. What troubles you? "
To the point. You've come to love that about him.
" Nothing serious, my worship. " You sigh. " You know how fragile the human mind is, I'm just being silly. "
The siadar's tail rattles across the floor.
" Our minds may no longer be interwoven, but make no mistake, I know when you dare lie to me. " He warns, eyes narrowed. " Your pain is still my pain, however. And to hurt me is not wise. "
You curl further into yourself on the bench, sniffling. " My deepest apologies- "
" I will not ask twice. What ails you? "
Slowly, you crane your neck back, meeting only the charred side of Krulu's face. With perhaps the most shaky and futile of inhales, your lips let loose.
" I'm scared. "
The siadar straightens slightly.
" My lord, I would never doubt your words- But I doubt myself. We aren't as close as we once were, and that's amazing! That's good! But... I feel so hollow without you in my body. What duty do I have now? I know it's stupid of me -I know I'm foolish- But ever since you've ceased to use me as a vessel, I've been so... Miserable. "
The shame coating your cheeks burns brighter than a thousand dawns, so you opt to bore holes into the stone of the garden's pathway.
There's a deep rumble from beside you, and soon, your small frame is lifted, deposited in the crevice where your lord's long legs cross, facing forward to the garden's expanse just as he does.
" You are going through withdrawal. "
Krulu begins, giving all your thoughts pause.
" Have been, for quite some time. "
Four hands touch your body, two loop around your neck in a familiar hold that has you sighing in comfort. The other pair rubs your sides up and down.
" I never did think it had reached this state, but then, you have a most insufferable habit of hiding your distress from me. "
" I... I don't want to disappoint. "
The implication is loud, even without being verbalized. A pause passes.
" Pray tell, what bred the idea into your mind that the mother of my heirs is expendable? " He challenges, met with silence for a few moments.
" Was it something I imparted onto you? "
And, when you think about it deeper, there was never a moment where Krulu made you feel as if you were nothing but a body. Or that you would someday outlive your use. Your sentiments are strange and you can't place their source aptly.
" Never! I don't recall a single thing you've said or done to me that could cause this- I think I'm just... Having some type of episode? " What a wonderful thing to say, you snort inwardly to yourself. Yes, you're going mental.
" Episode, hm? " Krulu chuckles above you. " Close enough. You got there on your own, songbird. "
" I- Lord Master, I beg your pardon? " Did he actually confirm you're going insane?
The siadar shudders at the title bestowed upon him, a squeeze of powerful claws reminding you not to rile him up now. It slipped.
" Just as when I took hold of your form your organism experienced many changes, you are now going through several more as well. " He explains simply. " My departure is intense, I would be alerted if you did not react to it. "
You blink, staring into his blazing orange hues. " ... But it has been years, lordship. "
Krulu's grin turns slightly mocking. " Indeed it has. "
You can only blink vapidly again, prompting him to laugh loudly and pet you almost condescendingly.
" How many years did you live as my vessel, lesser? "
Oh. Oh.
No fucking wonder you've been feeling this way for so long. Oh boy, this is going to take a long while... Who knew a hormonal imbalance could last this long, and be this devastating. Maybe to a doctor, it would be extremely common knowledge, but you often forget said information, because it hardly ever holds relevance these days.
You feel even dumber now. Dumb as a door. May the ground grow a hole and consume you immediately.
The berating inner-monologue about to kickstart in your mind is halted entirely by the sensation of Krulu's thin lips against the top of your head as the massive entity curls to shield you from the world at large.
" You are hereby ordered to seek me as soon as these flares of inadequacy show themselves, understood? " Even if his words hold supreme authority, you feel the insurmountable care behind them.
" My chosen is my adored and my adored is the light of this decrepit world. You hold more value than the universe could ever hope to achieve to me, yet you do not even realize it. " He whispers.
And you cry.
You sob like a fucking baby.
You wail into your lord's arms, full of relief, of love, passion and reverence and complete fanaticism- Enough euphoria to blind you for seconds of total bliss. It's almost like an orgasm, in a peculiar way.
He holds you throughout the entire catharsis, silent, stable like a stone wall. Only when your quiet sniffling has petered out does he speak again.
" Come to us, Adrul did say he has many tales of his time in Wrath. His mother should listen. "
You stand with Krulu's help, a smile as bright as the sun on your face.
Everything is okay.
You'll get through this.
For him.
Always for him.
Everything for him.
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sio-writes · 2 years ago
Sacrifice - Chapter 6
<< Chapter 5
<<< Chapter 1
Summary: This winter has been brutal, and you’re out of options. So, with teary eyes, you take your best goat into the woods, hoping for some pity from whatever god finds you.
A/N: My laptop is undergoing some maintenance right now, and I’m posting this from my iPad. So if you see any editing/formatting errors...No you don’t, haha. (Also I’ll add all links to chapters once I get my laptop back!)
The changeling house is an hour's walk downstream from Aurelius' home. It occurs to me to mark my trail as I walk so I can find my way back, until that first look and I see the tree stretching so far into the sky it disappears through the clouds. It makes the sigil on my back itch, and suddenly I'm not concerned with getting lost anymore. So I follow the river's winding path, over slippery stones and muddy banks. Anything that may have gotten in my way, be it animal or fae creature, all scurry out of my path. 
In one arm I hold a basket of fruit from Dachaigh, in the other a book from the library. It didn't disappear when I stepped out of the house, a sure enough sign that I wasn't ripping a piece of Dachaigh away once I left. I only mean it as a tool, a piece of information to trade in case the food isn't accepted. 
The cover is lined in gold filigree, but has no title on the cover or the spine. The pages inside are strange, with slanted, irregular text that cuts off at odd places, or rotates around so one would have to read the book upside down. The perfect, typed font tells me it wasn't written by hand, so it's not one of Aurelius' journals, therefore I felt safe enough being able to trade it away.
So down the winding river I go, stopping to sip from the stream and pluck a grape from the basket every now and then. The day is lovely, as always, small feathery clouds dot the sky, the sun lights up the forest floor, and I take the time I'm walking to appreciate just being outside.
Aurelius won’t notice that I’m gone. It’s a thought that strikes at my heart, a hot iron dunked into cool water. Alongside it is the thought that if I’m timely enough, if I make it back before sundown, he would never realize that I left at all. The alternative isn't comforting either. That he knows exactly where I am now, and where I'm going, and he doesn't care.
I feel my control over this situation with him is slipping. Not that I had much to begin with, but the small amount of influence I had is all but gone. The extent of these festival preparations, deciphering his notes, has only led me so far. I 've read what I could and thrown the rest to the side.
The house comes into view through the thickness of the trees, a two-level cottage with a garden to the side, and a stone path to the door. The roof is tiled orange and black, and the walls are colored cream. There's smoke swirling out of the chimney, and I step up to the door and knock.
Gregory implied that I could visit, and I hope he wasn't being facetious, because I'd love to visit the other humans here on a regular basis.
I’d wondered what they’re like, if they’re all similar to Gregory, or if they’re like the fae I’ve come across. Will they reject me, or bring me into their home? Trick me?
Just as I decide it's been too long of a wait and turn to leave, the door creaks open, and a familiar eye catches the light. I offer a small wave and a smaller smile, and the door opens fully to reveal Gregory. He's got a shiny gold shirt on and poofy black pants that end at his knees. His hair is mussed, and there's smudged golden paint around his eyes that speak of sleep— I must've woken him up. Still, after looking me up and down, his face breaks into a smile.
"It's you!"
I offer the basket. "I brought food."
Gregory claps his hands together in delight. "Lovely! Come in, please."
He waves me in, his gold ear jewelry catching the morning light, and I step across the threshold only for my jaw to drop.
The cabin is huge and open, the front room has couches and cushions around a low table, with large windows on the far wall that show a beautiful river just a stone's throw away. There's hallways to my immediate right and left that lead into open sitting rooms, and a staircase on either side leading to the second level.
Gregory, unaware of my awe, continues forward as naturally as I would in the library. He leads me towards the back-right of the main hall that turns into the kitchens, a huge space with a rectangular island in the middle. I follow him only after quickly scraping my muddy feet on the welcome mat and running to catch up. My bare feet slap against the tile, causing Gregory to look back at me, then down to the dried mud caking my ankles and the hem of my dress.
I'd used my first dress, my original dress, for this journey, as I didn't want the nicer ones I'd just finished to pick up mud. I realize that was a grave mistake, and I shift the basket into both of my hands in a futile attempt to cover the mud.  Gregory doesn't say anything, only purses his lips and continues into the kitchen.
Inside there are three other humans, more than I thought I'd ever see again. One is sitting on the countertop swinging her legs, her skin is a rich brown and her black, wildly curly hair is piled atop her head, while the two others swim around each other as they cook. One is as pale as the moon with a shock of red hair, the other is tanned, with silky black hair tied to their nape.
"Everyone, this is Kaitlyn." He announces, getting all of their attention. The two cooks turn around, and the one at the counter stops swinging her legs. They stare at Gregory, then at me, as Gegory points to each person, left to right. "Meet Emile, Kimiko, and Josefina."
They're staring at me, all of them expecting an answer, a response. The one on the counter, Josefina, although I doubt that's her true name, has an eyebrow raised as she looks me over, her gaze stopping at my feet. 
I shuffle awkwardly, looking between each of them. "Hello."
They all look fresh, clean. Their clothes are all crisp, no fraying at the edges. Kimiko's hair shines in the morning light. My feet are covered in mud and the plait I'd pulled my hair into is simple. Ordinary.
The man, Emile, squints. "Kaitlyn, where have I heard that name before?"
Gregory plants his hands on his hips. "She's the one I tried to steal at the market."
All their eyes widen, and Kimiko scoffs. "No shit?"
"Not a shit to be seen," he says, and I can't tell if he's joking, but they all laugh.
Something on the stove starts to simmer, interrupting the laughter with a loud hiss, and Kimiko curses before turning back to her work. Gregory gestures to the kitchen, and I take the sign and set my basket on the countertop in the middle.
Josefina hops off the counter as Emile steps up to the basket.
"Ooh, you brought grapes! I haven't had grapes in a decade!" he says, picking up a whole string and starting to pick them off.
"What did you bring us?" Kimiko quickly examines the basket, picking through the food. "Grapes, cherries-- oh Gregory, you love cherries, don't you?" She glances up at me. "You didn't bring any cheese?"
I shuffle my feet, bare and dirty against their floor. "No."
I’d told Dachaigh I’d be visiting them, but she only provided me with the usual assortment of fruits in the basket. I hadn’t thought to ask for anything extra.
"Well that's okay," she waves me off. "You can bring cheese next time."
"O-okay." Shame is creeping up my spine, I can feel it sinking claws into my skin. I want to make a good impression, I want them to like me. They're my only human connection here.
"Come on Kimi," Gregory says. "She brought us food."
Gregory turns towards me, and rests a hand on my shoulder while offering me an easy smile, the same relaxed smile that eased my fears in the market. "Don't worry about them, they're impossible to please."
Just as I return the smile, the door leading outside opens and in come two more people. A tall, willowy woman with short hair the color of snow, and a tall, dark-skinned man with long dreadlocks. They both have a healthy layer of dirt on their clothes and hands, as if toiling in a garden, and my heart eases its frantic beating. I'm still the filthiest one here, but not the only one.
"Hey!" Kimiko waves to them with her spoon, which is covered in some kind of sauce and splatters the countertop. "We got a new one!"
The willowy woman groans, letting her head fall back. "Another baby? We just finished with Josefina!"
"Fuck off," Josefina fires back, popping an orange slice into her mouth.
"Then what--?" The woman says, her eyes falling on the basket. She looks to Gregory, then past him to me. Her eyes go wide as saucers and she's beside me in a manner of two steps.
"You're new!" she says, her grin wide and excited.
"That's Sveta, that's Francois," Gregory loudly whispers, gesturing to each of them.
Sveta reminds me of a kinder version of the faeries I encountered on the trail. She flits around me, gently tugging my hair, pinching my cheeks and patting my arms. 
"How long have you been here? Do you really live with the master? Were you taken like us? Oh what fun!"
Francois steps forward, gently pushing Sveta aside. He's built like the Greek athletes I've seen in picture books, taller than me by at least a head, and I instinctively take a step back, tensing.
But he’s quiet, gentle when he asks, "I see you brought a book. Is it from the lord's library? What is it? What's inside?" His voice is level, but I can hear the curiosity, the excitement behind it.
His voice is soothing, like Aurelius' is in quiet moments, and I relax as I hand the book over. "I…I can't read it. I brought it in case…"
Sveta tilts her head, looking like a bird. "In case of what?"
"I-I'm not sure," I lie. "I didn't know…what to expect."
Josefina says, "Did you think we worked like the fair folk?" and her tone is upset, offended. I feel my heart sink.
She rolls her eyes, and I see the orange rinds collapse as she squeezes her hands. "It's not all trades and magic, you know."
"That's not--"
"Hey, be nice," Gregory says, stepping between us. "She hasn't been outside, and living with the master? Perfectly understandable, she'd think we need to barter."
Francois turns to me and smiles gently. "We don't work like The Neighbors do, or even the lord. We're still human, all grouped together."
I nod, looking down at my hands and fighting the burning in my nose that comes before tears. How stupid of me, to assume humans and fae followed the same rules. I'm glad Josefina's not staring at me anymore, her eyes are bright green and piercing. Like she can see into my soul.
Francois steps away, leaning against the wall as he flips through the book. It leaves an opening for Sveta to continue prodding. "So you're the lord's new mate?"
I look into her eyes, which are a pale gray with flecks of green. "I'm…I'm not his mate."
She rolls her eyes. "Horseshit. Do you live in his home?"
"I-- Yes."
"Does he provide for you?"
"It's more the house herself that provides…."
"And you fuck, yes?"
My jaw clenches, and the color in my face is enough of an answer.
Sveta barks a laugh. "See? You're his mate."
"Look at her face," Kimiko exclaims, pointing at me. "She is red as a beet! They definitely fuck."
"What is that even like?" Emile asks.
"Does he rut you like an animal?"
"I'd imagine he's soft and kind."
"He's terrifying! I'd want to face away."
They all laugh, and I look down at my hands. They’re chapped and dry from doing chores this morning. 
I think I prefer the company of the fae to these humans. They remind me of the ladies my age that came in from the city. Mean-spirited. It makes me want to take a bath and forget this whole ordeal.
Sveta pulls me into a hug and I try not to shiver. "Don't be so serious, darling! We just tease."
Sveta releases me, and I sway on my feet. I'm not used to so much touching, not even from Aurelius.
Pulling me out of my own anxiety is Gregory, gently holding my hands in his. He's warm, he's stepped close enough that I can smell spices and honey.
I look down at our joined hands. Gregory says something, but his words bounce against my head, unheard. The last human I spoke with, let alone touched, was Andrew nearly half a year past. There's people here. People I can talk to without worrying that they’re going to steal the words from my mouth. 
Emotion, overwhelming and all at once, washes over me. The stinging in my nose returns, spilling over into tears. My face scrunches up as the tears flow freely, and I must look so ugly, but I can’t help it.
Gregory makes a distressed sound in the back of his throat. "Hey, no, it's okay."
Svate rests a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, we're sorry, please don't cry."
"I think she's overwhelmed," he says, pulling me into a tight hug.
I didn’t mean to make them feel bad, to have them worry over me. But still, they guide me out into the living area and sit me on the couch. I feel like a newborn sheep, barely able to walk, blinking the tears out of my eyes. 
Slowly, I come down from my hysterics, wrung out and tired. I’m offered a handkerchief that I use then rest on my lap, and then Kimiko shoves a plate full of buttered bread in my face. 
“It’s fresh. Eat it,” she says curtly, her head turned to the side, her lips pursed.
I take the plate and pick up a slice, and take a tentative bite. It’s sourdough, with a toasted outside and soft inside. I haven’t had sourdough in ages, and I realize I hadn’t eaten breakfast— the basket of fruit is sitting in the kitchen.
Emile leans forward in his seat. "Tell us of the human world. Have they fallen to shit?"
Through my despair, I find the light in me to laugh. "Not quite. In the city there's a lot of steam engines, and a lot of people. There's a machine for everything, even sewing."
All of them 'oh' in unison, fascinated, and I smile as I finish off the first slice of bread. I once found it fascinating too, until I learned how expensive such machines are. But I'll spare them that piece of information.
They ask me about the city, and I tell them what I know, making up only a few details here and there. Kimiko is fascinated by the fashion of whale-boned stays and kirtles, and Emile wants to know if men still wear their hair long. Throughout the conversation I pick up on details, small and fleeting, about my new friends.
Gregory was the first one here, raised by a witch until he was a young man. He learned to hunt, fish, and care for himself on his own. Then came Kimiko and Emile as young children, both stolen away from countries across the sea. Francois was next, replaced as an adult, and he had a difficult time adjusting to this strange, fae world. Finally, Josefina arrived as a baby, and they all worked together to raise her, and she’s been here for at least seven decades. 
I want to ask questions, I have so many. Why they age to a certain point then stop, or how they came across this cabin. But I’m content to keep listening, absorbing their stories as they tell them. It’s Kimiko who pulls me out of my listening state.
"You could live with us, you know," she says, propping her chin on her fist.
I set the empty plate down.They all refused my offer to share, leaving me to finish it off. "I could?"
She smiles at me for the first time. "If you ever get tired of the old lord."
"I appreciate that," I say, smiling back.
The six of them continue talking, mostly about what they did that day, and I let it flow around me easily. I've never been a lively girl, or the best at conversation. I'm more of a listener than a speaker. But having six voices bouncing off one another is a certain type of peaceful. It reminds me of the days my parents and brother would share stories around the soup pot. This is familiar, and I want to be there for all of it.
"This book you brought is full of spells," Francois says, wandering in from the kitchen. "Did you know that?"
I grimace, shame souring my belly. "I couldn't read the script." 
"They're very advanced," he continues, oblivious to my insecurity, idly flipping pages as he slowly meanders towards the couch and finally plops next to Kimiko. "They're all about conjuring, summoning spirits and such."
"That's amazing," I say, genuinely surprised. You can do that?
"The cost is high, though. Look here, to open a portal between planes you need a mutual agreement on top of a great trade."
"How great?" Emile asks.
"Something of 'great perceived value', whatever that means."
I inhale so sharply I choke on my saliva.
"I think she knows what it means," Kimiko says around a laugh as she pats my back.
I feel lighter on the walk back to Aurelius' home. The time with other people was like jumping into a clear pool-- refreshing and bright. Their laughter echoes throughout my head, their easy touches are ghosts on my skin.
I want to tell Aurelius about my day.
He didn't come and fetch me at all, which bodes well for me, as I wasn't interrupted. If he needed anything he knew where I was anyway. But it’s a little disappointing in hindsight, that he didn’t need me, and didn't wonder where I was. The realization slows my steps, makes my arms like lead.
Climbing up the stairs into Dachaigh makes me anxious, as if Aurelius will be waiting for me in the library to reprimand me like a child. But he’s not there, and I breathe a little easier. It’s not like I’ve done anything wrong, or broken some rule, so why do I feel like he’s going to be upset?
I set the empty basket on the low table and head towards my bed. I’m exhausted, all the talking and people certainly sapped my energy. I fall into the cushions lining the massive windowsill, careful to keep my feet off the blankets as I fall backwards and stare at the ceiling. I’m ready for an afternoon nap, and then I’d like to work on my second dress.
“Kyla,” comes Aurelius’ voice from across the room. I sit up, and there he is, appearing out of thin air. 
“Aurelius,” I say. 
He steps up to me, and takes my hand, pulling me to a standing position. "Come, come." 
“What—?” He allows me no time to ask before pulling me across the room towards the stairs. He stretches an arm out and grabs all my notes before shoving them all at me which I barely manage to wrap my arms around it all before we’re flying down the stairs.
He’s dressed very nicely: a crisp white collared-shirt and tan pants and suspenders. His shape is human with those long arms, reminding me of my father, narrow from the legs up until filling out at the shoulders that speaks of endless time chopping wood. Is this his true form? The form underneath the cloak he wears? 
"Where are we going?"
He turns back to me, and I catch a glimpse of his head. I’d thought it was his typical corrupted deer because he maintained the branching antlers, but this one is sharp and dangerous, with extra angles and longer, threatening teeth. "I have business to attend to,” he says. “I require your assistance."
I try not to trip over my own feet. "Business?"
"The vendors for the festival are beginning to arrive. Your papers are what gives them their position."
“Oh,” I say, rather stupidly.
Before I have time to think, he pulls me outside, and there's a long line of Fair Folk, winding like a snake to the treeline. There’s animals that I’ve seen, and animals that I could never imagine. There’s half-human half-animal hybrids, beings with shimmering skin in every visible color, and even a few that seem to be made of pure light. I see feathers and scales and rough skin and slime. Bringers of dark and bringers of light, and bringers of something neither good nor bad, all gathered at Aurelius’ home for a festival.
My eyes widen. "They're setting up here?"
I stop dead, and Aurelius nearly yanks me to the floor when he keeps moving. "In the clearing, yes."
I sigh heavily, resigning myself to go along with whatever he wants. He’s not going to explain.
We step the edge of the shadow but not completely out of it, and every single being, creature and fae, bow their heads, in respect or fear I’m not sure, but it’s a humbling sight to watch them all stare resolutely at the ground.
From my notes, I've gathered that Aurelius sits at the north end of the clearing, with the vendors to the south. There's a large empty section for celebration and dancing, and the whole area is lit with magical floating aurora.
The first patron is easy, Aurelius gives them their assigned location and they walk off. And after five, six more groups it’s almost boring, menial. Until we encounter a snag.
A patron of dryads approaches, and I remember their location was one that I’d changed. Quickly flicking through the pages I find their rearrangement and slap it on the table, triumphant. Aurelius looks down at me, and I swear that he’s glaring.
“No, the Aur dryads will go here,” and he points to the map.
“But this’ll put them closer to the woods, and isn’t that what they—“
“It is not how it’s done, my doe.” And he smoothes a hand over my head, making the dryads laugh and my face ignite. 
He’s not going to listen to me, much less take me seriously. What did I prepare all these notes for, then? What was the point of it? I want to walk away, I want to go take a bath, but I shouldn’t be giving up so easily. I learned that I need to speak up to earn my place here.
After that, I do my best to follow along, chiming in when I recognize a symbol from the notes or a vendor from the list. But every time, Aurelius denies me. Every time, he tells me things don’t work that way, or these vendors are never together. My favorite was a series of stalls that float in the air above the festival that also need to be arranged a certain way. 
The next fae is a kind I've never heard of in books or stories. A giant rabbit, as tall as a man when they sit on their haunches, carrying a small basket and wearing a bonnet. The strangest thing, though. She’s not looking down. She’s actually looking up at Aurelius, with large, shiny black eyes.
Aurelius leans down so the two of them are eye-level. "Hello Eodine."
The rabbit’s nose twitches, and then shakes her head. "Atya, my dear!” I gasp— her mouth barely moves when she speaks. 
“How are you?” She asks. “And oh--" those inky black eyes turn to me. "Who is this?"
Aurelius taps one of his branching antlers with his long claw instead of answering, and the large rabbit named Eodine gasps.
"This is the human you've captured!" she remarks, planting her furry paws on her hips. "Haven't seen a new face in near a century. Send her my way for some tea, Atya, I could use more company than just you."
"Of course."
They speak easily, and Aurelius marks a spot close to his seat for her. I’d originally moved her small art station towards the middle so it would see more patrons, but I don’t mind being wrong about this one. She reminds me of a matron, or a grandmother. She’s opinionated and harsh, but well-meaning and kind.
Eodine speaks a little longer with Aurelius, catching up and making plans, and I wish those plans included me.
“You, human,” she says, looking at me. “Visit me anytime before sundown.” And she turns away, stepping with those large paws towards the grass, where she fades into the mist.
In my silence, Aurelius turns back to the line of fae, and continues his placement of stalls. I want to think of Eodine more, but I’m caught up in a slurry of plans, arrangements, and vendors. Every part of me rails against opposing Aurelius, but I still try to assert myself.
"I think the takoyaki stand could go here with the rest of the--"
"That is not how it's done. The kitsune are always placed here," he gestures to another spot that makes no sense. 
"A food stand shouldn't be in the middle of two textile patrons. The fabrics will absorb the smell."
"M'lord is correct, human. It is always done this way," the fox says quietly, glancing up at me through their long fox lashes. "Although, I'd hate to ruin the lovely river spirit's textiles." They bring a paw up to their snout, as they look over the layout in thought. 
For what feels like the thirtieth time, I want to pull Aurelius aside and ask him why he brought me here. I asked for something to do, but was it a fruitless task just meant to keep me busy?
"Would m'lord perhaps," the fox gestures to the open spot. "Consider moving us here?"
Aurelius goes quiet, considering the map. He heaves a heavy sigh through his snout, and crosses his arms. "You will have to tell the Whiteadder spirit that they're being transferred."
"M'lord is most kind," the fox says with a bow, before literally disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Before the next round of fae comes, I look up at Aurelius, my face drawn into a frown. "Why'd you bring me if you're only going to shoot down all my ideas?"
"I wanted you here, with me," he says, folding his arms over his chest. It’s still strange to see him in human clothing, I’m so used to the tall cloaked form.
“To do what?” I ask helplessly.
“To be by my side.”
One of the fae speaks up, "That's a cursed life if I ever heard one!"
The fae to their right chimes in, "The human is rather silly for agreeing to live with him!"
And another voice asks, "Can you even look him in the eyes when you fuck?"
They all laugh for half a moment, until Aurelius growls low in his throat, and every voice goes silent.
"Certain placements are sacred," he chides me, and I scoff.
"How was I supposed to know that?"
"I'm telling you now."
I want to cry and scream at the same time. I ball my hands into fists to keep from lashing out at Aurelius. I hate it here, I want to leave.
Another fae in line that I can’t see jeers loudly, bringing up a chorus of responding cheers. I don't like having our personal life on display for these creatures. They haven't earned the right to my anger. So I stomp away, ignoring the laughter of the fae behind me.
Maybe that kindly rabbit or the other humans will take me in, I think as I make my way to the center of the tree and up the staircase.
Aurelius takes the rest of the evening to sort out the placements, and I can only go to one place: the library. I’d considered exploring the other levels of Dachaigh, but she still doesn’t feel like home. I’m not comfortable rooting around in Aurelius’ personal belongings, especially when he considers me one of them. He’s been kind in the past, but I’ve seen his anger, not the frustration that pushes me to the floor and makes me his, but his true anger. His rage. And I don’t want that turned on me if I stumble upon some secret.
So I watch the sunset from my bed, through the large window that lines it. The colors run together, orange and red and purple, with wispy, bright pink clouds. It’s gorgeous, and speaks of fair weather for tomorrow. I idly wonder what the others are doing, the humans at the cottage.
My visit to the house floats through my mind like a bird on the breeze. They’d all be nice to visit again, but I need to remember to defend myself or I fear I’ll become their new scapegoat, an easy target for harsh words. But I’m more comfortable with them after this initial visit, and I hope I can remain friends with them.
In the corner, Dachaigh shoves a book from the shelf, the same one meaning an affirmative, and I groan to the endless ceiling.
“Dachaigh, I’m too tired for this.”
Another book falls, and I sigh heavily. I’m not in the mood for more games. But yet another book falls, almost insistent in the way it hits the ground, and I roll out of bed.
I put the initial book back in its place, and turn to fix the others, when it falls again. I squint at it on the floor, put it back again, then straighten to stand just as she pushes it off the shelf again. Dachaigh is trying to tell me something.
I pick up the book and open it. It’s softbound with no title and those same, tilted words that I’ve come to know as Aurelius’ handwriting. I couldn’t read it before, but I’ve become familiar with his script after devoting weeks to planning a festival that I’ll have no part in. Quickly flipping through, I see it’s not completely full, about half the pages in the back of the journal are blank. I flip to the last entry, a single line of perfect cursive: The human has left.
Ice shoots down my spine and my mind is thrown into a tornado of thought. No, this must be a falsehood. Aurelius has told me he’s never brought another to his home, and the fair folk won’t lie. But Aurelius is not of the fair folk, he’s a god. Would he lie to me? Why would he, what purpose does it serve?
The book falls out of my hands and clatters on the floor.
Something in my mind snaps, the world slows to a halt, and everything I knew about Aurelius snaps into focus. I clap my hands together.
“I need a bath.”
Like someone with no personality, I walk away from the bookshelves and into the bathing room to take a long, hot bath. Nothing about today is bothering me. I’m completely fine. 
Strangely enough, I’m beginning to recognize all the bottles on the bath’s edge, so when one very deep green bottle about as long as my forearm appears amongst them, I’m curious. I can’t see the color of the liquid inside through the green glass, but it’s slick, loose flowing like water, not the thick soaps I’ve become used to.
This one still has its glass stopper, and pulling it out I smell roses, jasmine, and an undercurrent of spice. Sandalwood? Ginger? It’s almost seductive, this combination of smells. I take another deep inhale and I tip some of the liquid into my palm. 
I was correct in my assumptions— it’s an oil. For bathing or…some other purpose. The smell is even stronger out of the bottle, washing over the whole room. It’s definitely meant to catch attention, and part of me wants to slather it all over my body and stand in the library, waiting for whatever beast it awakens in this creature I’ve linked my life to.
Instead, I decide on a milder option, and dump it into the water. I dump it until it’s empty, and climb in, immediately dunking my head underneath the water. All sound, all sight, all feeling cuts off from me as I hold my breath. I can’t open my eyes, so I rest my forehead against my knees until my lungs begin to scream.
The human has left.
After a long soak, I dress in Aurelius’ long shirt and pad into the library. I’m not tired enough to fall asleep, and the lights are too dim to read by, so I resume my former position of sulking in the windowsill and watching the stars.
It’s a long time before I hear Aurelius climbing the stairs, making noise so I know he’s coming. I expect he’s going to ignore me and head to his room but instead, I feel his presence over my shoulder.
"You are unhappy."
I scoff. "Yeah, no shit."
"Let me show you something."
"I'd really rather--ah!" He picks me up from the couch and we dissolve away, his strange method of teleportation taking us outside.
The transportation makes me dizzy, and the night air is cold. He's taken us to an empty field, where the grass has grown high and unruly. It’s the dead of night, so I can’t see much, but I can still see Dachaigh in the distance.
“You smell nice,” Aurelius says as he sets me down. He starts off north, at least I think it's north, and we reach a sandy lake.
"Where are we?"
"A practice field. I'm going to show you this," and he produces a book. Bound in black leather, embossed symbols on the front and along the spine. A chill runs up my spine at first— it looks just like the journal— but it’s much thicker, and hardbound like a proper book. I take it— oh, it’s heavy, and inside is runes, the same he used to bring us to this plane. I realize why he brought me out, and I smile.
"You're teaching me magic."
He looks away, shuffling awkwardly. "You requested it."
My face stretches into a wide grin. "You're teaching me magic!"
Unable to contain my joy, I jump in the air and fold my arms over his frame. I’m learning magic!
I open the book, and on the opening page is the setup Aurelius used to bring me to this plane. I run my fingers over it, feeling the raised impressions of the ink, before flipping through the rest of the book. Its language is scattered, runes and symbols blending together to make a stew of words and thoughts. It’s impossible to make anything out, even the margins with scribbled notes are too tightly scripted for me to decipher.
"I…I can't read this," I say, tears welling up behind my eyes.
“Oh,” Aurelius says, stepping forward and starting to fret. He takes the book in one hand and encircles me in the other. “Here, here, let me show you. Here.”
Flipping to a page in the middle, he gently holds my hand in his, the only point of warmth on this cool night, and guides my finger over the sand. He’s gentle, guiding instead of forcing, and I wish I saw this side of him more.
We trace a few circles, some too lopsided, others too shaky, until he finally deems one acceptable. I feel a swell of pride as he nods decisively, and then points to the runes surrounding the circle, telling me which to draw first. There’s six in total, spread around evenly like a clock, and simple enough that I can listen to Aurelius as he speaks and I draw the runes at the same time.
"You're already familiar with the idea, but it bears repeating. All magic comes at an exchange. You’re pulling from nature itself, and nature always takes what it is owed. It is always hungry." 
Before I can ask what he means he breaks off a piece of his own antler, and that black ichor wells up and begins to drip on the ground.
"Your head…" I frown as my stomach turns with guilt.
He waves me off with his free hand as he places the piece in the center of the circle. "It will regrow by tomorrow."
And for a moment, it is quiet. And then, the antler begins to glow a soft green. It shakes and spins, stretching and twisting around on itself as it’s pulled into the air. It flashes several colors, red, purple, orange, before settling on green. It’s as high as my chest before it shudders once more, elongating and exploding from one end, and a bouquet of wildflowers takes its place, held together by a simple black ribbon. The flowers are bright and fresh— red poppies, yellow yarrows, purple bergamot, and several other types I don’t recognize all combining in an arrangement as big as my head. 
The flowers slowly float towards me, as if carried by some invisible suitor, and I grab them from the air. The moment my hand touches the stalks, the green magic fades, and I’m left holding the flowers, grinning impossibly wide.
These are flowers. Real, cut flowers that I could find at the market. And I made them from a branch and some runes in the sand. I shove my. Face into the bouquet and take a deep inhale through my nose. It smells like summer, like summer and beauty.
"I did that! I really, really just did that!” I say, my voice echoing in the field.
Aurelius chuckles, and rests a heavy hand on my shoulder. "Well done."
The contact warms me, makes my heart leap inside my chest. I did something right! I’m full of energy now, I want to do another.
I look up to him, eager. "What else?"
Aurelius hums, idly flipping through the book. "Ah."
It’s another circular configuration, an oval, actually, with a large, complex rune in the center. 
“This will do, for now.”
This oval is much easier than the circle, now that I know what I’m doing, and the single rune is more complex than the last, but Aurelius traces the strokes with his finger and guides me through.
Despite the chill in the air, I manage to draw the large symbol, easily the size of my torso, into the sand. It’s not perfect, and I push my lips out in a pout, but maybe if we do this again I can ask him how to properly draw things.
Now I just need something to trade.
I look down at myself. I have no branching antlers to snap off, nor any articles of clothing I wish to remove. I look back up at Aurelius, helpless. "What should I…?"
He considers me for a moment, tilting his head this way and that as if trying to get a better look, and hums thoughtfully.
"This is your second lesson. Humans with the potential for magic often have to give up very little of themselves. Try something small."
I pluck a few hairs from my head, and set them in the center, expecting nothing. Then the rune begins to glow blue, peeling off the ground and floating into the air. It ripples and shimmers before shooting back into the ground, flattening and growing into a small pool of water within the oval. The sand absorbs the water before I have a chance to touch it, but the damp sand is enough proof that I need to affirm that yes, I just created water.
My grin returns full force, and I jump to standing. Water! I can make water! But something nags at my mind, and I look up to Aurelius.
"Why so little, when you had to…" I reach up, and my fingers barely brush the antlers branching from his head.
“This was nothing,” he says, tilting his head to allow me access to brush my fingers over the empty space. “As much as you giving up your hair. Humans are also more potent because they are rare, they have to trade much less than, say, an average fae.”
My eyes widen. "How did you know I could do magic?"
"I've known since the first moment I touched you."
"And you kept it to yourself this whole time?"
He straightens, and brings one long hand up to tap at his unmarred antler. "I admit that the thought was in my mind, but it was overshadowed by other things. I was only reminded when Eodine brought it up."
I frown. What would take up space in a god’s head?Then I remember: The human before me. When did he write that? How far back did the entries go? Were they like me?
Instead, I ask flatly, "Overshadowed?" 
Aurelius looks towards the house, then back to me. He exhales a long sigh before he leans forward, looming over me, moving as if to gently knock the side of my head with his snout, but stops. It’s like he’s waiting for something, but I couldn’t guess what.
“You left today,” he says.
His head shifts on my shoulder, and he sinks to the ground, sitting so we're level with each other, and holds out his hands for me to take. Against my better judgment, I take his hands, still warm and calloused, and look down at them in the silence.
Aurelius speaks up, “Why did you go?”
“You know where I was.”
“But why?”
“Why do you care?”
He stills and looks away, hands tightening on my fingers, and my stomach drops. I know what he’s going to say.
"Because I love you."
My lips part on a sharp inhale as images rush through my head. Of Aurelius saving me from the forest fae, of him giving me the library, the gifts he brings back. Alongside it are memories of our argument earlier today, of him chasing down Gregory because I dared to wander off, of him removing me from his bed day after day. 
The human has left.
Whatever this is between us right now, it’s not love. It’s not the love I want.
"No, you don't," I say, sighing, and pulling my hands away. 
He doesn't respond, seeming to shrink back into himself, his empty hands folding in front of him in a way that reminds me of a mouse.
"It's getting cold," I say, rubbing my arm for emphasis. "I'm going inside."
And I turn away from him, the magic we just created together, and towards a home I don’t belong in.
Perhaps I'm wrong. What do I know of love? My own parents weren't unhappy, but they certainly didn't seem to be in love. I loved my brother dearly, but I know it's different from romance.
When I sold crops in town, I'd hear the ladies speak of their courtships with the lords. How they'd be gifted a new trinket each day, each one more exuberant than the last; How their beloved would write them sonnets of their beauty, or commission an artist to capture it in painting. They'd cry out when their suitors arrived on horseback, flinging themselves into his waiting arms and peppering each other with kisses.
After my parents passed, I received a few such pleasantries. A few notes written in cursive that I couldn't read, fresh cut flower bouquets that I'd heard have secret languages. One brave man even visited our home, but Arthur had already contracted his illness by then, and the suitor fled once Arthur began coughing. He was a nice gentleman, and I once imagined myself marrying him and moving to the city, leaving the farm behind. The men of town weren't like the farmers surrounding it. They were soft, romantic and well-educated.
But Aurelius is not human. Perhaps I'm expecting too much of him to align himself with the lowly creatures he watches over. Perhaps all I'll ever be is a trinket to him, a pet to be watched over and cared for. We never set out to build a romance.
And yet, I still crave one.
Deep in my bones, I know that I want everything from him, his affection, his touch, his gifts of books and buttons and safety. I want his anger, his jealousy, his need to possess me in every way possible. I want to learn to read better for him, to share meals and a bed. But he doesn’t love me the way he should.
I’m well underneath Dachaigh when Aurelius appears in front of me, a flicker of shadow and bone.
“Don’t be angry with me,” he says, and I see the stars in his eyes sparkle. “I don’t like when you’re angry with me.”
“Then don’t do things that make me angry,” I say in a rush.
“What am I doing wrong?” 
“You shouldn’t need me to tell you!” I shout, and I’m silently stricken. That was a cruel thing to say. I sound like my mother. Angry at a cowering child for doing something without realizing. Aurelius is even still keeping his head lower than mine, so I can look him in the eyes.
The human has left.
I don’t want to talk anymore. I can’t speak with him anymore. I don’t want to crack open my heart when I don’t know what he’s going to do with it. It’s too late, I’m too tired, and it’s too cold for any of this. Aurelius couldn’t have picked a worse time to bring this up.
I push past him, ignoring the hitch of my breaths and the constricting of my throat. I will not cry. Not here.
“Kyla,” he says, his voice far too soft for what he is, and I continue walking, brisque and cold.
Aurelius doesn’t chase after me, doesn’t call my name again, even as I ascend the stairs, and wind through the room, and bury myself into my bed. There, and only there, do I let the tears flow freely.
Chapter 7>>
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