#Thanks so much for everyones patience!
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binksart · 12 days ago
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Thespius Green: A Fashion Zine is now available...
free to view here in Canva,
and free to download here on itch.io!
Special shoutout to @scribblelimbo for all his incredible help and wisdom in making & formatting & publishing the zine, to @jathis for all their wonderful support throughout this process spreading the word and gathering submissions, and to EVERYBODY who submitted their artwork! You made this community project possible!
Also a wild coincidence, but happy birthday to Yugo Limbo!! wow!!!!!!
Thank you SO SO MUCH to everyone that participated!!! please check out the credits below :]
@treefory, @wishgraanted, @brainman1987, @fr00t-snacc, @sweetberry-roebuck, @theyouthjester, @modmad, @determunition, @bluedendroica, @upperstories, @maarshmint, @cheveronya, @payasita, @tazeralien, @superyokaigamer, @organchaos, @zooterscooter, @hug-monster, @dendixia, @ejsmith145, @coffinshaped, @scribblelimbo, @toonilumi, @m-0-l-0-t-0-v, @beastwhimsy, @thegroveofgreatgods, @echobsilly, @zzapnel, @a-demifish, @voidedtea, @gwinver-art, @sunflower-dreamboat, @skettihair, @cozyghostly, @kovvskii, @mochis-hideout, @poke-a-dork, @taropancakesys, @artscheese, @blorpberry, @thehedgehogarts, @michaels-reality, @inspektalover, @tarot-the-silly-one, @citrussillies, @whirlwindwonderland, @alpoocka, @clickety-clacker, @voxymoxyboxy, @deedee-sunflowers, @voidvendetta, @octobobble, @malartsorte, @aroundclown2, @4cyberdreamz, @aces-and-ashes, @chirpy-chase, @gummyshork, @sootnuki, @plutoons, @orderforbrian, @soupsnspoons, @cyberscraps, @vintage-dummy, @pespillo, @amber-chickadee, @lizorbblizzorb, @souppotat, @nachogoobus
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javierduffy · 18 days ago
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silly drawover because i missed them :]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months ago
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MDZS x ISAT part 1: In Stars and Necromancy.
(Part 2)
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royalarchivist · 3 months ago
Pac: This is the new me, ok? I want you to welcome... the new Pac! [...] This skin is really cool, I think I'm gonna use this more often.
Himaru: ...What happened to you, man? Did you get run over? 😰
Pac: [Laughs] Don't judge me, don't judge me!
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Being ugly in Arkanis is a crime, and unfortunately for all of us, Pac loves being a criminal. 😓
[ Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: Guys– This is the new me, ok? I want you to welcome... the new Pac!
Pac: [Laughs]
[Pac gets kicked from the server with the message: "Change this"]
Pac: [Laughing] No! No! No– I won't change, I won't change, I won't change! I won't change! Let me- let me in! No no no– What a dictatorship– there can't be a dictatorship here, no– No, I won't change! [Stammers] I'm- I'm myself! I'm myself!
Pac: [Pinches his nose so he has a nasally voice] Hi friends, welcome to class. I'm going to talk like that, ok? I'll even turn off the facecam, because today, I'm going to– I'm kidding, no no no.
Pac: Man, this skin is really cool, it really is. I think that this– I'm gonna use this more often, man. [Reading chat] "Halloween is over" Guys, this– This is who I am now! Who I am– This is me now, I'm this person here.
[Red text appears on the screen saying "30 seconds to change"]
Pac: "30 seconds to change–" Hang on, what is this?! No– calma, what is–? Guys, for the love of god–
[Another warning appears saying "20 seconds to change"]
Pac: No!!! No! No no no! No no no! You can't do this! You can't do this here. You- you can't. You can't make me change my skin.
[A final warning appears saying "10 seconds to change"]
Pac: No– You can't, I won't take it off! I'm going to my class now, I have to go to class! This is my "studying" skin! I- I–
[Pac gets banned]
Pac: [Hits his desk]
Dono: The skinmakers in chat are crying, having heart attacks, collapsing. It's horrible, dude.
Pac: [Laughs] It's not that ugly, it's fine, it's good.
Himaru: [Long pause] ...What happened to you, man? Did you get run over?
Pac: [Laughs] Don't judge me, don't judge me! Ok? Look at- look at- look at JVNQ! He has a funny face too, but nobody says anything about it!
Himaru: No man, I'm not judging you, but– I just wor- I'm just worried! [...] Well for me, I'll be serious with you: it doesn't matter what's on the outside, ok? What matters is what's inside, got it?
Pac: Thank you. [He hugs Himaru] Do you think I'm poggers? Do you think I'm poggers? Say it.
Himaru: No Pac, it doesn't matter that you look ugly, ridiculous, like a truck reversed into you then ran you over, like someone hit you–
Milo: my god
Himaru: –like Anderson Silva crushed you in the ring– Hey, it doesn't matter! What matters is that your heart is beating.
JV: And you have a home!
Himaru: Understand? Give love to others, ok?
Pac: My god.
Milo: he was saving those insults
Himaru: And that's all, ok man? You can be at peace, ok? I won't- I won't judge you, I'll just... I'll just do one thing, man.
Pac: What are you doing?
Himaru: I'm just going to avoid eye contact, ok? But I'm still talking to you, I'm still listening, ok? I hear you.
Pac: ...I can't believe this.
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souperluminal · 11 months ago
Hello!! I'm a huge fan of your art and I thought I would ask about your colorwork, because it's genuinely super impressive to me how all your pieces have amazing palettes and they add so so so much to the general atmosphere. Do you have any process to pick colors for pieces? Like using picture references, gradient maps, etc or do you genuinely just eyeball them? I'm super curious :]
But yea I really love what you do and love seeing every new piece!! Have a nice day! Ty for reading <3
Thanks! I very much use references, though I don't use the color picker on them, gotta train the eye. I have an ever-expanding reference folder of photos and paintings with colors that I like so that when I start a new painting and I have an idea of the color scheme I want in mind, I'll already have some reference on hand. Good reference really makes a world of difference!
I also like to bias colors a little bit away from their standard versions:
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The more blue green and the more yellow green are both more interesting to me than the "just green" green. Nothing wrong with that average green though, sometimes that's exactly what you need. It's always situational.
Lastly, a fantastic color tip for digital art specifically that I got from Mike Hernandez: Use the RGB sliders instead of the HSB color selection!
By default, Photoshop gives you the HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) color picking setup which looks like this:
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It's perfectly functional and has its uses, but it doesn't really feel like mixing color. On the other hand, if you use the RGB sliders:
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Now you can add a little more blue if you think that's what the color needs, or you can take away red, add some green, etc. It gets you actually mixing color and thinking more about how the colors relate to each other. It can take some getting used to if you've only used the HSB setup before, but it's worth it!
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shkika · 2 years ago
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I just hope you don’t come to regret it..
You can think of this comic as a part 2 to the UI leaking the rot comic. Please check it out! (x)
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months ago
"Oh my Nova, you like stargazing, too?! It's so awesome to meet other Waddle Dees who like space!!! It's just so calming to sit out there and look up, right?! It makes you feel really small, but in a good way... oh! Anyways, what I meant to say is that if you ever want someone to show you all the BEST stargazing spots on Popstar, I'd be happy to show you around!!!! I bet you'd love it!!!!
- Starry Dee
(ps sorry for the long ask, i just saw your answer to fitaphim's ask and my brain went oooooooooh space/pos) :D
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found: one cosy spot to sleep. a tree hollow even Coo would be proud of! it's pretty late, so let's try to get some shut eye.
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<< prev || [masterpost] || next stage >> additional ask from @lunala8368
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serennes-art · 2 years ago
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final batch of emblemcon comms!
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bills-pokedex · 2 months ago
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. . . .
. . . .
Lanette? I'm going to need to be restrained.
Locking down your bank account as we speak. —LH
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determunition · 11 months ago
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if you haven't already checked it out, OLD_FOLKS HOME chapter 23 is finally posted on ao3! it's the first in a four-part tournament arc i've been cracking away at for months now, wherein the scrybes' grandchildren (or student, in magnificus's case) duel it out for their respective scrybe-parent's exclusive right to run their campaign at the retirement home!
in this chapter we start off with kaycee versus the trader, and wiz versus luke carder; things are pretty easygoing for kaycee and the trader, but luke and wiz find it difficult to face off properly with magnificus's insistence to micromanage the match a bit more than he reasonably needs to...
hope you guys enjoy!
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iridescentmirrorsgenshin · 7 months ago
Hello again! I was the anon that asked what interactions you would like to see with Alhaitham and Kaveh (and I am the reader that made the two listed comments). Thank you for the thoughtful response. It's so interesting to hear your perspective of these two. I hope you had a nice vacation. My one takeaway from Cyno story quest act II is that Cyrus was acquainted with the Sumeru crew's parents. He was shown in the photo from Kaveh's handout standing behind Alhaitham's father. I don't imagine they were close or anything, but it does make me intrigued. I wonder if they would explore more of that group in the future, given how they relate (literally and in parallels) with the Sumeru crew.
Hiya! I’ve finally managed to find time to dedicate to this ask, it’s scratched the itch in my brain! I, apparently, have quite a few thoughts about this topic so thank you for asking! Also !!! Thank you for previous asks AND the listed comments on my fic??? I truly appreciate the time you must have spent :,D <3333
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This!! The specific detail of Cyrus canonically being mentioned to personally have met, not only Kaveh’s father and mother and tighnari’s parents, but ALSO alhaitham’s parents drives me insane because of how it is directly unmentioned.
It’s uncertain as to the extent of Cyno’s actual relationship with kaveh’s or alhaitham’s parents, but based on what Kaveh’s mother wrote, she, personally, didn’t seem to be close with cyrus, as she records their meeting to be the first instance in which she has met all the attendees. She records that her and her husband were invited to a gathering, but she knew none of those in attendance, only that her husband seemed to be friends with “the man with long ears” - being tighnari’s father. nothing is said about kaveh’s father knowing the other people in attendance, but as it isn’t specified, it also isn’t impossible? faranak does write that it’s unlikely they’ll see any of the people in attendance again after the gathering - but i imagine that tighnari’s father here is an exception, given that he and kaveh’s father are recorded to be friends (also, the only inkling i have for the 'talkative woman' is potentially madam faruzan? but as this is so vague i'm not too sure about speculating)
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kaveh’s mother having canonically met alhaitham’s parents drives me a little bit !??!!?? because kaveh notes that the figures in the drawing seem familiar, which, of course, doesn’t mean he has identified alhaitham’s parents, especially after he disregards any potential connection with “maybe we were thinking too much.” but given tighnari’s father being a fennec it is rather odd(?) that he doesn’t make a more personal connection, at least to tighnari's father being the "friend" to his father that his mother writes about
however, in terms of what the narrative is trying to achieve in kaveh's hangout, it does make sense that these dots aren’t connected. the point here isn’t that kaveh recognises these figures, but rather that he relates the companionship in the drawing to those around him. kaveh’s hangout is very much symbolic, being that each figure in faranak’s drawing is meant to represent kaveh’s friendship group, meaning he should rely on his friends, tighnari, cyno, and alhaitham - as the quest is entitled “companionship, the sole antidote”
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the fact kaveh DOESN’T identify cyrus in the picture leaves room for development, or future mention of this. Cyrus canonically talks to zaha hadi, kaveh’s mother’s lecturer, about kaveh, and zaha hadi is the person whom kaveh turns to in order to learn about his mother when she was younger.
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There’s definitely potential to draw upon here - if cyrus knows he has met kaveh’s parents in the past, and he and kaveh have a personal rapport due to kaveh’s friendships with cyno and tighnari, it seems strange that he omits this detail? Especially, if it’s considered canon that kaveh’s hangout has taken place in-game, then cyrus, given that zaha hadi mentions kaveh to him, might be aware that kaveh has been asking about his mother?
(A counter to this would be that due to cyrus’s potential limited encounter with both kaveh’s father and mother, and that it took place over thirty years ago, he has no basis to open this dialogue with kaveh, as it may be a sore spot (This could also apply with cyrus having met alhaitham’s parents - perhaps he simply only met them once, but still, i crave alhaitham parent crumbs) - however, in an ideal world, this could be some sort of catalyst or feed into the idea of kaveh potentially reaching out to his mother in future events, perhaps with cyrus referencing this past gathering(?)
Now, moving onto tighnari’s parents, who are very much alive and well, and also have canonically met kaveh’s parents - with tighnari’s father being directly stated to be close with kaveh’s father, in terms of the gathering at least. with tighnari and kaveh being friends due to exchanging letters during the construction of the palace of alcazarzaray, rather than tighnari’s parents’ influence, could indicate that kaveh’s mother dropped all contact with any friends or acquaintances, which i think likely. however, i am !??!!?? very confused about this implication
tighnari’s parents would, of course, know that kaveh is tighnari’s close friend, and i presume that kaveh has met tighnari’s parents at some point, so from this, i would imagine that tighnari’s parents having known/met kaveh’s parents may have come up at some point? Especially with tighnari’s father being recorded as being friends with kaveh’s father, at least from faranak’s perspective?
in terms of the canon, however, this appears to not be the case, so i would LOVE for this to be mentioned at some point!! Especially as sumeru cast heavily revolves around family, found and biological (i’m looking at you cyno’s second story quest)
In terms of alhaitham’s parents, the only mentions of them are in alhaitham’s character stories and here in kaveh’s hangout. there’s no indicator as to whether alhaitham’s parents were close or just acquaintances with cyrus, kaveh’s father, or tighnari’s parents, but in my mind i think it’s interesting that his character stories record his grandmother teaching him of his parents, and his retaining part of his parents’ book collection when his grandmother passes. basically i think alhaitham treasures what he does know of his parents, and i think a lil mention of them by people we KNOW met them, if only for one gathering, would be appreciated
So this links directly to kaveh’s mother - if she is ever mentioned in the future, it would be INSANE wish fulfilment if her drawing was returned to, and the figures were identified, and memories from those present and alive could be shared
(I also think it’s so funny that her son is roommates/innately bound by mirror symbolism/married to the son of the people she thought were uncomfortable and awkward. basically i am in DIRE need of a kaveh and faranak reunion and for them to sort their issues, obviously for kaveh’s development and reconciliation within himself, but also for a faranak-alhaitham interaction…. Can you imagine. Now i have thoughts about that, but this has gotten off topic!!!)
Of course, i’m aware that i’m overthinking a lot of this, and this could be one of the many plot discrepancies within genshin, and that as a result of creating symbolism, in-game implications were created that weren’t supposed to be touched upon, but i think a lot of fun comes with discussing and hypothesising (manifesting) these things!!
Thank you so much for your ask!! Delving back into this part of kaveh’s hangout is always a treat, so i hope you enjoy reading my brainrot :,)
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 9 months ago
me: okay, this chapter is going to be a manageable length for once
also me:
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year ago
Augh, so many things to draw so little time!
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wintrwinchestr · 6 months ago
what if i told you that strangers part 3 is over 6k words so far and i’m not even close to done. like we’re literally just getting started. i’ve just been yapping.
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zeldalizzy · 27 days ago
Hey everyone,
I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to take a moment to apologize for my absence and the lack of new art lately. Unfortunately, I've been feeling quite unwell and haven't been able to work on any projects. 🥺
Your support means the world to me, and I'm grateful for each and every one of you!! I'm focusing on getting better and hope to be back creating and sharing art with you all soon 🩵
Thank you for your understanding and patience. I can't wait to get back to doing what I love and sharing it with all of you. Stay tuned for more updates!!
Take care friends, and hopefully I will be back to making art soon!! 😊
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zackmartin · 1 year ago
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surprise gift for @ciara-knightly 🎁 (★☆★)
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