#no matter if he's proven time and time again that he cares so much and is the sweetest loving person
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crownedwille · 7 months ago
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ednacrabapple · 7 months ago
“Ken Jennings hate account” is not a fucking joke btw. This man has absolutely ruined jeopardy. Literally the entire reason I didn’t watch celebrity jeopardy as it was airing was because I cannot stand him. I saw one episode (Chris Meloni’s because unfortunately I am SVU trash) and it was so painful to sit through. Ken is bad enough on regular jeopardy, but on celebrity jeopardy? He is a million times worse. Every joke feels so painfully forced. He has horrible banter. The celebrities basically have to take over and run the show themselves for any sort of entertainment value (because let’s be real here, celebrity jeopardy is not real jeopardy. It’s just all for fun). I refused to watch it because it was just so awful and I didn’t feel like torturing myself that way. But for whatever reason, I finally did watch it all, and now I feel so heartbroken that I didn’t get to watch it in real time. I should have completely shocked watching Lisa Ann Walter’s come from behind win in the championship game, but instead I’ve known she was the winner for months and watching it happen was just a formality. I get that not everybody likes Mayim Bialik - I honestly don’t love her myself - but she was quite literally a million times better on celebrity jeopardy (and regular jeopardy!) than Ken could ever hope to be, and if she really isn’t coming back, then jeopardy needs to figure something out and find somebody new to host this show because Ken is not the fucking answer.
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goddamnitmahtin · 22 days ago
Wait for Me
Ok so AU where Jason remembers being dead and remembers what he did while he was dead. And now that he’s back? He’s fucking pissed. He doesn’t actually pay attention to anything while he’s with the league. All of his self preservation? Gone. He just wants to die again and be with his Ghost King boyfriend. That’s all!
Jason huffed as Robin pushed him out of the way of the bus. Goddamn it. He was so close that time. The stupid kid. Ruining his chances.
Jason didn’t even really care that he had been replaced. He had expected it. B was never sentimental and Jason was never anything more than a sidekick anyways. He was replaceable. That was already proven. Batman always had a Robin. It didn’t really matter who Robin was. It was a title, not a person.
After pretending to be thankful for the save, Jason decided to go back to the league. Ra’s was like super evil but he was also a dumbass. It wasn’t hard to set him off. Maybe he could get Ra’s to kill him if he was lucky. Probably not. Since Talia and Damian were there. Ra’s wasn’t really much of a man. Nothing more than an idiot who didn’t want to die. The complete opposite of Jason.
He knew Talia and Damian were concerned with his behavior. The only reason he was dipped in the pit in the first place was to spite the Batman. Hoping he would be out for blood. He wasn’t stupid. But instead of getting a broken boy urging for revenge, what they had gotten was a very annoyed teen with suicidal tendencies. And very strange interests.
Jason went into his room of sorts. It was the area they let him live in. He didn’t have much, just a bed and a dresser. The only reason he even lived with them at this point was because they gave him food. He had made it clear when he was brought back that he had no interest in revenge. He just wanted to be dead. It was where he belonged after all. It had upset Talia so much that she had set up a small are for him to live in right where she could always see him. Almost like League of Assassins’ version of suicide watch. It didn’t stop Jason from sneaking out and trying anyways.
He grabbed a book he stole from Ra’s a week ago. He left his little sleeping area and went to find the old bastard. He threw the book at him, hitting him in the face. He could hear it as the book broke Ra’s nose. Good.
“Do you have a death wish?” he asked.
“YES!” Jason screamed, “If I don’t die soon, I’ll be too old for my boyfriend! If I die and I can’t date Danny anymore because I’m too old, I’ll haunt your death cheating ass until the timeline implodes!”
“You have some serious issues Todd,” said Damian.
Jason didn’t care, he just hoped Danny was still waiting for him like he promised. He had to get home. He HAD to die.
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surftrips · 1 year ago
pairing: luke castellan x aphrodite!reader
request: luke x reader fluff w like an aphrodite!reader? reader is all sunshine and flowers and makes luke all soft/campers teasing luke abt the way reader changed him 🤭
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this is probably my favorite luke fic that i've written so far thank u so much anon for sending this request in! writing aphrodite!reader is so much fun, i'm such a sucker for the opposites trope. hope you all enjoy 🤍
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You were the human embodiment of sunshine, a real life angel. Gentle, kind, and lovely— in other words, the complete and total opposite of Luke Castellan. He was dark and broody, strong and rough, and not totally unfriendly, but definitely intimidating. 
But even if you weren’t the daughter of Aphrodite, Luke believed that you would still be just as beautiful. There was something in the way you carried yourself that had made his heart surrender the second he laid eyes on you. You became the one and only exception in his long list of grievances. 
So it came as no surprise to anyone at camp when the two of you started dating, just to the dismay of many of your admirers and a few of Luke’s as well. If there was one thing you had in common, it was your beauty. With his puppy dog eyes and curly brown hair, Luke was a sight for sore eyes, almost as much as you were. 
One day, you were walking hand in hand when one of the younger campers accidentally bumped into Luke. On any other occasion, Luke might have started an altercation, but today, he simply smiled and said, “Just be careful next time.” The camper stared at him, wide-eyed and shocked into place as you softly giggled.
“What?” he smiled, looking over at you as the kid took it as an opportunity to run away. 
“Nothing,” you mused. “Just that I think you’re getting soft, Luke Castellan.” You poked a finger at his chest playfully. 
“What?” he shook his head. “No, I’m not.” 
Though he attempts to keep a serious face, you could see the amusement in his eyes. He often looked at you like this, ready to go along with anything you said— no matter how silly or whimsical your remarks. 
“Okay, lover boy. Whatever you say,” you shrugged, offering him a kiss on his cheek that instantly causes color to rush into his face. Ignoring that he’s just proven your point, he attempts to hide his expression by seeking solace in the crook of your neck. He would never admit it to anyone, but he often thought his favorite place at camp was the spot in between your jaw and collarbone. 
Even though most of the campers were still a little frightened by the idea of approaching Luke, his closest friends were not afraid to speak their minds. 
“Dude, you’re like, totally whipped for her,” Percy remarked over lunch once. 
“And you’re like, totally fourteen years old,” Luke said.
“I think the fourteen year old’s right,” Chris jumped in.
“Dude! I thought you were supposed to have my back,” Luke throws up his arms in mock aggravation.
The two boys snickered, causing Luke to speak up again. “I am not whipped for Y/N.” 
“Oh, sure,” Chris began. “So the reason you’re practically skipping around camp and letting whatever team Aphrodite cabin is in win Capture the Flag is because…?” 
“Oh, and don’t forget the constant checking his phone to see if she texted back and sharing his blanket with her at the campfire!” Percy pointed out. “Meanwhile, I’m over here freezing…” 
“Maybe,” Luke scrambled to come up with an answer. “Maybe, I was just in a really good mood those days. It could have absolutely nothing to do with Y/N.” 
He barely believed the words himself, and Chris and Percy were certainly not convinced. Luke wasn’t even sure why he felt the need to defend himself. 
“Dude, it’s okay if you are, she’s literally your girlfriend,” Chris said.
“Hey! I have an idea, let’s ask Annabeth!” Percy declared.
“Annabeth? Why her?” Luke furrowed his brow. 
“Because, she’s a girl. And she’s known you the longest, she can give us a real answer,” Percy said matter-of-factly. 
Luke thought it over. The young boy was technically right, Annabeth was like a little sister to him. If anyone could tell if he had changed since dating you, it would be her. This came as both a good and bad realization to him, because what if he had changed? Gods, was it that obvious? 
Before he could agree to asking Annabeth, the young girl was already at their table. Percy must have called her over while Luke was thinking. 
“What’s up?” she asked, sitting down across from him with her plate of food. 
“Oh, nothing, just talking about how soft Luke has gotten since he started dating Y/N,” Chris explained with a grin on his face. 
“Oh?” Annabeth said, seemingly amused. 
“Yeah, we actually wanted to get your opinion,” Percy continued. “Would you say you agree or disagree, that you know, Luke is nicer now that he’s with Y/N?”
Annabeth seemed to think it over for a second. “Gods, you guys are such children,” she scoffed. 
“Thank you!” Luke cut in.
“I mean, all of you,” she looked at Luke pointedly. “Why do you care what a bunch of kids think about you anyway? And not that it matters, but you, Castellan, are most definitely whipped for Y/N.” 
That shut Luke up immediately, and caused cheers to erupt from Chris and Percy, who were clapping each other on their backs as if they had just won Capture the Flag. 
Annabeth smiled and shrugged her shoulders, as if to say “Sorry, Luke. It’s true.” 
Later that night, Luke snuck over to the Aphrodite Cabin to find you. You were surprised when Luke woke you up, it had been a while since he came seeking your comfort in the middle of the night. He used to have bad nightmares, but you noticed he had gotten better since you started dating. You’d like to think it was because of you, but perhaps that would be thinking too highly of yourself.  
In an effort to clear his mind, you suggested to go on a walk together. He agreed, and you climbed out of bed as quietly as you could.
You allowed him a few minutes of silence until his heavy breathing had slowed down and his grip on your hand had loosened. 
“What’s on your mind, hon?” you asked softly. 
Luke didn’t respond at first, distracting himself by tracing the lines on the palm of your hand. You were happy to give him as much time as he needed, placing your other hand on his back and gently drawing circles.
After a while, he did speak up. “Uhm, do you think that I’m, like, unapproachable?” 
Your heart sank and you stopped in your tracks. “What makes you say that?” 
“I don’t know, it’s just something that’s been on my mind recently.” 
“Luke, is this about what I said to you the other day? Because I didn’t mean it like that—” 
“No, baby,” he rushed. The last thing he wanted was for you to think you had done something wrong. He wasn’t sure that you could ever do wrong, not in his eyes. “I was just talking to Percy and Chris at lunch today and they were kind of teasing me.” 
You couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of your boyfriend, Mr. Tough Guy, being teased by a few kids younger than him. “I’m sorry, babe. Continue,” you placed a supportive hand on his chest as you regained your composure. 
“They said that I’ve changed since we started dating.” 
Though you were an expert in human emotion, there were still times you couldn’t read the expression on Luke’s face. You couldn’t tell if he thought of this as a bad thing, or if he was just curious to see what you thought. You decided on the latter. “Changed how so?” 
“They think I’m soft now because I’m always in a good mood and stuff…” he trailed off. Even now, in the dark of the night, you could tell he was blushing.
“Well,” you started, trying to find the right words. “You know, I was just teasing you the other day, babe. I think you’ve always been this way.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, I think you’ve always been a giant teddy bear,” you grinned, unable to contain yourself. “Luke, you’re not as bad as everyone thinks you are.” 
By now, both of you had stopped walking. Ever since Luke arrived at camp, he had been characterized as the tough, stony, and slightly antagonistic guy. All because of a scar he carried and the stories of what he had gone through with Annabeth and Thalia. Many people were still intimidated by him, despite his position as the counselor in Hermes and his job to welcome newcomers. It had been so long, he wasn’t sure if this was the way he was, or the way that he was made to be. 
As if reading his thoughts, you said, “You don’t have to be what they tell you to be. Do you know the words I use to describe you when someone asks me about you?” 
Unable to speak, Luke simply shook his head. 
“Gentle, kind, and lovely.” 
Luke wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but certainly nothing close to the words you had chosen. “You do not,” he objected. 
“I'm serious, baby,” you placed your hands on his cheeks and pulled him in until your foreheads were touching. “I think you’re the most wonderful and caring guy I’ve ever met. I think you always have been, you just don’t always show it.”
He stared at you intently before pulling a loose strand of hair out of your face. You kissed the top of his head, “I must be one lucky girl.” 
“Hey, if there’s one thing I’m sure about, it’s that I’m the lucky one,” he said, before pulling you in for a kiss. 
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thedensworld · 18 days ago
Adrenaline Rush | K. Mg
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Genre: angst, established relationship, gangster au!, smut (18+)
Summary: Mingyu didn’t like to share, especially when it came to you—his lover. So when you left him, his thoughts were consumed with how he would punish you.
Warning: mention of violence, divorce, abuse, kidnap
Mingyu's ears perked the moment he caught Seungkwan mentioning your name. He immediately abandoned the stack of papers in front of him—those endless contracts or reports businessmen like him usually drowned in. None of it mattered now. Whenever it was about you, nothing else took precedence.
“We found her, hyung,” Seungkwan said, his voice laced with urgency.
Those words were all Mingyu needed. Without hesitation, he dismissed everyone around him with a wave of his hand, not caring for the startled looks on their faces. He stormed out, his long strides fueled by a single destination. A brothel. One of those dingy places frequented by lowly men seeking temporary escape. His jaw clenched as the thought sunk in—this is where you’d ended up? This is what you left him for?
The memory of you walking away from him all those years ago burned in his chest, but the thought of you stooping to such a life ignited something darker within him.
Mingyu chuckled, low and bitter, as he reached the establishment’s doorstep. You thought you could run from him? That you could escape the life you had with him? Foolish. He would never let you go again. Even if you screamed, even if you cursed him to hell and back, it wouldn’t matter.
You made mistakes, so many mistakes. And in his eyes, you deserved every ounce of punishment waiting for you now. From what he knew���and what you had proven in the past—being with him was punishment enough.
But this time, Mingyu vowed, it wouldn’t end the same way. You wouldn’t run again. Not now. Not ever.
At the heart of the dimly lit brothel, Mingyu met Jeonghan, the sharp-dressed owner of this lowly establishment. Jeonghan leaned against the bar, a faint smirk tugging at his lips as he took in the sight of the towering businessman and his entourage. Mingyu wasted no time, motioning for Seungkwan, his ever-reliable right hand, to handle the introduction.
Seungkwan stepped forward, clearing his throat as he presented a photograph of you. "We’re looking for a girl named Y/n," he said, his voice calm yet firm.
Jeonghan glanced at the photo, his expression unreadable as he handed it back. He shook his head and smiled, his gaze drifting lazily to Mingyu. "We don’t do business with her. She’s exclusive," Jeonghan replied smoothly, his words laced with a challenge that made Mingyu’s jaw clench.
The tension in the air thickened. Seungkwan, ever the diplomat, opened his mouth to negotiate, but Mingyu cut him off with a voice that brooked no argument. "How much for her?"
Jeonghan’s smirk widened into a grin, sly and unbothered. "Now we’re talking about something I love—money," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. But then, with a dramatic sigh, he added, "Unfortunately for you, boss, she’s not for sale."
Mingyu mirrored Jeonghan’s grin, but his eyes held none of the humor. They wandered lazily around the room, taking in the lavishly decorated yet sordid interior. With a flick of his wrist, he signaled his men outside. Moments later, several burly figures with tattooed arms and intimidating glares entered, their presence immediately darkening the atmosphere. These weren’t just bodyguards—they were the kind of men who got their hands dirty for Mingyu without a second thought.
"I could burn this place to the ground in seconds," Mingyu said casually, his tone calm but laced with menace as his dark gaze settled on Jeonghan. He stepped closer, lowering his voice, the threat now unmistakable. "Now, tell me—she’s still not for sale?"
Jeonghan held his gaze for a long moment, the smirk never quite leaving his lips. He glanced between Mingyu and Seungkwan, weighing his options. Finally, he chuckled softly, raising a hand in mock surrender. "Follow me, gentlemen," he said, motioning them toward the back.
Jeonghan’s office was exactly what Mingyu had anticipated—classic and dimly lit, with dark wood furniture, leather chairs, and a faint aroma of cigar smoke lingering in the air. A single golden lamp illuminated the room, casting long shadows across the walls. Jeonghan motioned for Mingyu and Seungkwan to take a seat, but Mingyu remained standing, his imposing frame towering over the desk.
Jeonghan settled into his chair with a casual ease, folding his hands in front of him as he looked up at Mingyu with a bemused smile. "So," he began, his voice smooth, almost teasing, "what’s the story here? What’s she to you? A runaway lover? An unfaithful wife?"
Mingyu’s jaw tightened at the question, his eyes narrowing. "That’s none of your business," he replied coldly. "Just tell me where she is."
Jeonghan chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "See, that’s the thing, boss. It is my business. Y/n is under my care now, and I don’t hand over my people to just anyone, especially when I don’t know their intentions."
Seungkwan, sensing the rising tension, stepped in. "We’re not here to cause trouble, Mr. Yoon. We’re simply here to take her back. My bosshas every right—"
"Every right?" Jeonghan interrupted, his gaze shifting sharply to Seungkwan before landing back on Mingyu. "Let me guess. She ran from you, didn’t she? And now you think you can just waltz in here, throw your weight around, and take her back like she’s some kind of lost property?"
Mingyu’s fists clenched at his sides, but his voice remained steady, albeit colder. "She belongs with me."
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, his smirk returning. "Does she? Funny, because from what I’ve seen, she seems to be doing just fine without you."
"Fine?" Mingyu scoffed, his voice rising slightly. "You call living in this—" he gestured around the room, though it was clear he was referring to the entire establishment—"fine? You think I’ll let her stay in a place like this?"
Jeonghan’s expression darkened, the playful edge to his demeanor fading. "And you think dragging her back to you is the better option? Tell me, why did she leave you in the first place? What kind of man drives a woman to run to a place like this?"
The words hit harder than Mingyu expected, but he didn’t flinch. Instead, he stepped closer to the desk, his towering presence now almost threatening. "I don’t need to explain myself to you," he growled. "She’s mine, and I’m taking her back."
Jeonghan met his glare head-on, unflinching. "Not if I have a say in it," he said, his voice calm but firm. "Y/n is under my protection now. I don’t care who you are or what you think you’re owed—if she doesn’t want to go with you, I’m not handing her over."
The room fell into a tense silence, the air thick with unspoken threats. Seungkwan shifted uncomfortably, glancing between the two men. Mingyu’s patience was wearing thin, his temper barely contained.
"You don’t understand," Mingyu said, his voice low and deadly. "I’m not leaving without her. So, either you cooperate, or I’ll make you regret it."
Jeonghan smirked again, leaning forward slightly. "Is that a threat?"
"It’s a promise," Mingyu shot back, his tone icy.
For a moment, the two men stared each other down, the tension crackling like a live wire. Finally, Jeonghan leaned back in his chair, the smirk never quite leaving his face. "You’re persistent, I’ll give you that," he said. "But persistence doesn’t mean you’re right. If Y/n wants to leave, fine—I won’t stop her. But if she doesn’t…" He trailed off, his meaning clear.
Mingyu’s eyes burned with determination. He wasn’t going to let Jeonghan—or anyone else—stand in his way.
"Jeonghan is looking for you," Yumi called out as she stepped into the kitchen, where you were commanding the staff with practiced ease.
You turned your head, surprise flickering across your face. "Really? At this hour?" you asked, glancing at the clock on the wall. It wasn’t common for Jeonghan to summon you during the busiest time of the day.
Curiosity mingled with unease as you stepped out of the kitchen, hastily taking off your apron and brushing the flour dust from your blouse. Straightening your posture, you made your way to his office, your heart thudding louder with each step.
Pushing the door open, you froze at the sight inside. Seated comfortably on Jeonghan’s sleek leather couch were two faces you hadn’t seen in years but could never forget. Mingyu and Seungkwan. The room seemed to shrink around you, the air growing heavy as their presence stirred a whirlwind of emotions you’d long buried.
They had found you.
Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, you stepped further into the room, willing your trembling hands to remain steady. You stopped near the desk and bowed your head politely, keeping your gaze firmly on the floor.
"Do you know them, Y/n?" Jeonghan’s voice broke through the tense silence, his tone casual but edged with curiosity.
You nodded slowly, clasping your hands behind your back to hide their shaking. "Yes," you murmured, your voice barely audible.
Jeonghan leaned back in his chair, his sharp eyes flickering between you and the men. "This gentleman here," he began, gesturing toward Mingyu, "wants you to come with him. He asked me to sell you."
Your breath caught in your throat at his words, and your teeth bit into your bottom lip to keep the rising panic at bay. Your eyes remained glued to the scuffed toes of your old flats, blinking rapidly as the reality of the situation crashed over you. Summoning every ounce of courage, you finally lifted your head and met Jeonghan’s gaze.
"I’m not for sale," you said firmly, though your voice wavered ever so slightly.
Jeonghan smirked and turned to Mingyu. "You heard her, boss. She’s not for sale."
For a moment, the room was deathly silent. Then, without a word, Mingyu rose from his seat, his towering frame exuding an aura of quiet menace. He crossed the room in a few long strides, stopping right in front of you. Before you could react, his hand clamped around your arm, his grip firm but not painful.
"Then I’ll take her for the night," he said coldly, his voice cutting through the air like a blade. "I’ll send her back tomorrow."
"No!" you protested, struggling against his grip. But he ignored you entirely, dragging you out of the office as if you weighed nothing.
You fought harder, your heart pounding in terror, but Mingyu didn’t even falter. One of his men stepped forward at his signal, muffling your protests with a hand over your mouth as he effortlessly hoisted you into his arms. Tears pricked at your eyes as you were carried out, helpless and humiliated.
Jeonghan didn’t move to stop him, though his eyes followed the scene with an unreadable expression. Seungkwan was nowhere to be seen, likely handling the details behind the scenes, as he always did.
You were shoved into a sleek black car, the smell of leather and cologne overwhelming your senses. Moments later, Mingyu climbed in beside you, shutting the door with a quiet finality.
For a moment, the car was silent as he stared at you, his dark eyes cold and calculating. You felt small under his gaze, dirty and insignificant. The contrast between the two of you was stark—he, immaculate in his tailored suit, every inch the powerful man who never dirtied his hands. And you, disheveled and raw, someone who had clawed her way through life’s filth.
"Where are we going?" you finally managed to whisper, your voice trembling as you avoided his gaze.
Mingyu didn’t answer. He leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. His silence was deafening, and with each passing second, the fear in your chest swelled like a tidal wave, threatening to drown you.
You clutched at the hem of your blouse, fighting to keep your composure as the car sped off into the night, carrying you toward an uncertain fate.
The drive felt endless, the silence in the car heavy with unspoken tension. Your heart pounded relentlessly as the city lights blurred past, each mile pulling you closer to a destination you had tried so hard to leave behind. When the car finally pulled up to the familiar building, your breath hitched. So, he still lived here. After all these years, nothing had changed.
You barely had time to process before one of Mingyu’s men yanked the car door open, grabbing you roughly. You struggled against his grip, but it was useless as he hoisted you onto his shoulder like a sack of rice. Humiliation burned in your chest as you were carried inside, powerless to stop him.
The next thing you knew, you were thrown onto a large, familiar bed, the softness beneath you starkly contrasting the harshness of your situation. Your eyes darted to Mingyu, who stood tall beside his man, his commanding posture radiating authority. His gaze was cold, unyielding, a side of him you had never known—or perhaps had refused to see until now.
He kept surprising you, even after all these years.
"Take a shower," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "I’ll wait for you."
He turned and walked to an armchair in the corner of the room, sinking into it with a calmness that made your skin crawl. His sharp eyes remained on you, watching, waiting.
Your mind raced with questions. What was he planning to do? Why was he looking for you now, after two years of silence?
You swallowed hard, the lump in your throat almost unbearable. The Mingyu you had once known was far removed from the man before you now—this version of him was colder, darker, and infinitely more dangerous.
Mingyu adjusted his pants, his movements slow and deliberate, as his eyes remained fixed on you. You lay on the bed, your body trembling as sobs wracked through you. The sound of your cries filled the room, and for a moment, it was as if time had rewound to a past neither of you could fully escape.
Once, that sound had been his undoing. He used to hate hearing you cry, hated the way it made him feel helpless and consumed by guilt. Every tear you shed back then felt like a blade slicing through him, a reminder of how much he had failed you.
But now? Now, it was different.
Two years had passed since you walked out of his life without a word, and he had made himself a promise. He no longer cared to soothe your pain or ease your fears. All he wanted was to hear you cry—louder, longer, and only because of him.
He didn’t flinch at the sight of your tear-streaked face or the broken sounds that escaped your lips. Instead, a dark satisfaction curled at the edges of his mind. This was what you deserved. You had run from him, abandoned him, left him to piece himself back together alone.
And now, he would make sure you never forgot the price of leaving.
Mingyu leaned against the wall, his gaze unrelenting, as though your pain was the only thing grounding him in this moment. His voice was low, almost a murmur, as he finally spoke.
"Don’t stop," he said, his tone devoid of the warmth it once held. "I like it when you cry."
Mingyu walked out of the room, closing the door behind him without a second glance. His long strides carried him through the quiet halls of his penthouse, the tension in his shoulders evident. He summoned Seungkwan with a sharp nod as soon as he saw him waiting in the adjacent living room.
"How did the negotiations go with Jeonghan?" Mingyu asked, his voice curt, every word clipped with impatience.
Seungkwan adjusted his tie, his face carefully neutral as he responded. "Jeonghan didn’t make it easy, as expected. He insisted she wasn’t for sale and tried to keep his cards close. But when we presented the legal documents…" Seungkwan trailed off, glancing at Mingyu for approval before continuing. "He had no choice but to back down. He can’t hold her. Not when the paperwork makes it clear—she’s yours. Filed and legal."
Mingyu let out a low hum, the corner of his lips twitching in what might have been satisfaction. "Good. Jeonghan may think he’s untouchable, but even he knows better than to challenge what’s already mine."
He dismissed Seungkwan with a wave of his hand, not waiting for a reply as he headed toward his bedroom. His steps slowed as he approached the door, the weight of the past pressing against him with every step.
Inside, the room was dimly lit, exactly as he’d left it two years ago. It felt frozen in time, untouched and preserved like a mausoleum of their shared history. On the nightstand sat the object that had haunted him all this time—your wedding band.
It lay there, small and unassuming, but its presence was enough to stir something in him. The sight of it was a cruel reminder of the night you had walked out, leaving it behind as if it had meant nothing. He reached for it, his fingers brushing the cool metal as a bitter smile played on his lips.
"You thought you could leave," he murmured to himself, the weight of the ring heavy in his palm. "But you were mine then, and you’re mine now. No one else has the right to you."
Mingyu rubbed the cool metal of the ring on his finger, the same one that had circled it for five years now. The weight of it felt heavier tonight, a reminder of the moment he had impulsively decided to settle down with you. It hadn’t been planned—it was a reckless decision, one made in the heat of the moment.
It was in one of his nightclubs where it all began. He had been sitting in a VIP booth, deep in conversation with Dino, one of his most trusted managers. Mingyu’s gaze wandered, and then he saw you—sitting alone at the bar, nursing a drink with an air of detachment.
“She’s a regular,” Dino had said, noticing where Mingyu’s eyes lingered. “Still young, but life’s been rough on her. Seems to have hit her harder than most.”
Mingyu saw himself in you then, a familiar weight of the world reflected in your posture, in the way your eyes avoided the lively crowd around you.
He remembered every detail from that night—the red tube dress that hugged your frame, the way your shoulder-length hair framed your face perfectly, enhancing your natural charm. You were magnetic, even in your silence, and something about you drew him in before he could stop himself.
Without hesitation, he stood and made his way to you. The noise of the nightclub faded into the background as he approached, leaning casually against the bar beside you.
“I’m Mingyu,” he said, his voice cutting through the noise of the nightclub.
You barely glanced at him, muttering an indifferent, “Okay,” before taking another sip.
Most people would have turned toward him, eager to make an impression. But not you. Your disinterest amused him, even challenged him. He found himself wanting to break through that wall, to see what was behind it.
“I like your dress,” he said, his lips curving into a small smile.
You froze for a second before finally meeting his gaze, the suspicion in your eyes softening just slightly. “Thanks,” you said, your tone still wary but warmer now. “I designed it myself.”
Mingyu’s brows lifted in surprise. “You’re a designer?”
“Not yet,” you muttered, a bitter edge to your voice. “I’m a fashion design student.”
The way your shoulders sagged just slightly didn’t escape him. “What’s holding you back?”
You let out a humorless laugh, shaking your head as if the weight of the world rested on your shoulders. “I just lost my part-time job,” you admitted. “I’m drowning in bills, I’m behind on rent, and I’m about two weeks away from dropping out. So yeah, life’s peachy.”
Mingyu felt a strange pang in his chest as he listened. He’d been there once, clawing his way out of his own struggles. He saw a reflection of himself in your frustration, in your refusal to give up even when everything seemed stacked against you.
“Why not ask for help?” he asked, his tone more curious than judgmental.
You scoffed, your lips curling into a bitter smile. “From who? My family’s barely getting by, and my friends aren’t in a position to help. It’s just me.”
Something about the way you said it—so resigned yet so determined—hit him harder than he expected. He hadn’t come to the bar looking to get involved in anyone else’s problems, but now he couldn’t ignore the pull he felt toward you.
“What if someone did help you?” he asked, his voice quiet but firm.
You shot him a wary look, your brows knitting together. “What do you mean?”
“I’ll give you a job,” he said simply, watching your reaction closely.
Your eyes narrowed, suspicion flickering across your face. “What kind of job?”
“Something stable,” he replied, shrugging as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Enough to cover your bills and keep you in school.”
You stared at him, clearly caught off guard. “Why would you do that?”
“Maybe I see something in you,” he said, holding your gaze. “Something worth investing in.”
You let out a dry laugh, shaking your head. “There’s always a catch.”
Mingyu tilted his head slightly, a faint smirk playing on his lips. “You’re right. There is.” He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a low murmur. “Be my girl.”
Your eyes widened, and for the first time that night, you looked genuinely rattled. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” he said, his voice steady and unyielding. “Date me. Stay by my side. Let me take care of you.”
For a moment, you just stared at him, your lips parting as if you were about to say something but couldn’t find the words.
“That’s insane,” you finally said, your voice rising slightly.
“Maybe,” he admitted with a shrug. “But it’s the best offer you’re going to get.”
Your hands clenched into fists, and Mingyu could see the storm brewing in your eyes, the way you were fighting to hold your ground. But he also saw the hesitation, the flicker of doubt that told him you were considering it, even if you didn’t want to admit it.
“And if I say no?” you challenged, your voice sharper now.
Mingyu’s smile faded, replaced by a look of calm seriousness. “Then you keep struggling,” he said matter-of-factly. “And I walk away.”
The air between you felt heavy, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Mingyu could see the conflict written all over your face, the way your pride clashed with your desperation.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a sleek business card, placing it on the bar in front of you. “Take your time,” he said as he straightened up. “But don’t take too long. Opportunities like this don’t wait forever.”
Mingyu's fingers traced the cold metal of the wedding band that had sat on his finger for five years. He could still see your face so clearly that night, framed by the dim lighting of the bar. He remembered the fire in your eyes, the sharpness of your words, and the way your defiance had chipped away at his guarded heart. You hadn’t made it easy for him. In fact, you’d fought him every step of the way. But somehow, in your stubbornness, he’d found something he never knew he needed.
He chuckled bitterly at the memory of you glaring at him when he handed you that business card. He had left the club half-convinced you’d never call. But you did, two days later. And that one decision had set everything in motion—your life intertwined with his so quickly it felt inevitable, like the universe had conspired to push you together.
Mingyu’s hand clenched into a fist, his knuckles whitening as the weight of the present slammed back into him. The bedroom was silent now, suffocatingly so. His eyes fell on the wedding band that still sat on the small glass tray by the bed—your band. The one you had left behind two years ago.
The ache in his chest deepened as he reached out and picked it up, holding it between his fingers. It felt heavier than he remembered, or maybe that was just the weight of your absence. He turned it over, his thumb brushing against the faint engraving inside: Forever, no matter what.
A bitter laugh escaped his lips, filled with self-loathing and regret. No matter what, he thought, his jaw tightening. That promise had shattered the night you walked away, leaving nothing but unanswered questions and an emptiness he couldn’t fill, no matter how hard he tried.
Now you were back—thrown back into his orbit by circumstances neither of you could escape. But this time, Mingyu wasn’t going to let you slip through his fingers. He would hold on to you, no matter what it took. No matter what had happened between you, no matter how far you had run, Mingyu wasn’t about to let anyone—not even you—take that away from him.
Mingyu’s jaw clenched as his emotions roiled, threatening to spill over the edge. He paced the length of the room, each heavy step reverberating through the walls. The mere mention of you leaving, of you wanting to go "home," ignited something dangerous in him. He stopped abruptly and turned to face you, his dark eyes narrowing, filled with unrestrained fury and hurt.
"This is your home, Y/n," he growled, his voice low but trembling with intensity. "You're not going anywhere."
You flinched at his tone, your lips parting to protest, but no words came out. His presence was suffocating, his emotions a storm that threatened to consume everything in its path.
Your trembling hand reached for the wedding band you had tossed at him moments ago, lying carelessly on the floor like a discarded piece of your past. But Mingyu was faster. He bent down, scooped it up, and straightened with a sharpness that made you freeze in place.
He took a step toward you, towering over your seated form on the edge of the bed. "You think you can just throw this away?" he demanded, holding up the ring between his fingers. "You think you can throw me away?"
His words sliced through the room, heavy with the weight of his anguish. You met his gaze, defiance flickering in your eyes despite the fear. "I never leave. You—"
"No," he interrupted harshly, his voice rising. "You don’t get to justify what you did."
Before you could say another word, Mingyu grabbed your left hand with a firm grip, his touch both rough and possessive. His movements were deliberate as he slid the wedding ring back onto your finger, forcing it down until it rested snugly where it once had.
"You don’t get to decide this anymore," he spat, his tone laced with betrayal. "You’re mine, Y/n. You’ve always been mine. And you will wear this, whether you like it or not."
You yanked your hand back, tears welling up in your eyes as you shook your head. "You shouldn't treat me like this. You—"
"You left me two years ago!" Mingyu roared, his anger finally breaking free. "You walked away when things got hard, and now you think you can waltz back into this life like you have any right to tell me what’s yours and what isn’t?"
His words hit you like a slap, and the tears you had been holding back began to fall. But it wasn’t just anger in his voice. Beneath the fury was something raw, something broken, something desperate.
Mingyu’s shoulders rose and fell with heavy breaths as he struggled to rein in his emotions. He turned away from you, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He didn’t want to break in front of you—not like this. But seeing the way you treated him now, after everything, after all those nights he spent waiting and wondering if you were alive or dead—it gutted him.
"You don’t get to walk away again, Y/n," he said finally, his voice quieter now but no less intense. "Not this time. Not ever."
You sat frozen on the bed, your hand trembling as you stared down at the ring now back on your finger. The weight of it felt suffocating, a reminder of all the promises you had broken, all the ties you thought you had severed.
Mingyu turned to face you again, his expression hardened but his eyes betraying the depth of his pain. "You’re staying," he said, finality dripping from every word. "And you’re going to learn that running from me was the biggest mistake of your life."
And with that, he left the room, slamming the door behind him, leaving you alone with the suffocating weight of his words—and the impossible decision you had made two years ago to leave the man who refused to let you go.
Mingyu pounced on you mercilessly, his unrelenting touch leaving no room for protest. Tears streaked your cheeks, remnants of the countless climaxes he had forced out of you since bringing you back to this house. Every movement felt like a punishment, each thrust a reminder of his control and your helplessness beneath him.
You didn’t recognize this version of Mingyu. The man you once knew was sweet, attentive, and so careful with you. He worshiped you in a way that made you feel cherished, not claimed.
“Red dress,” you remembered him saying one night long ago, his voice soft like a whisper in the dark as he cradled you. “That’s the word. Say it if I cross the line, love.” His lips had trailed along your skin back then, his hands moving with reverence, bringing you both to a shared climax that felt like love and devotion wrapped into one.
But the Mingyu hovering above you now was someone you didn’t know. His eyes burned with something darker, something destructive. He didn’t hear you—or maybe he refused to. The only sound he seemed to acknowledge was your cries, and instead of stopping, it fueled him, driving him harder, faster, as though he wanted to break every part of you that had dared to leave him.
Your hands weakly pushed against his chest, trying to create some distance as his pace quickened, his body chasing his release with a rough intensity that only added to your pain. It wasn’t love—it was punishment. And it was tearing you apart.
“Mingyu…” you choked out, your voice barely above a whisper as you gasped for air, your chest heaving beneath his weight. But he didn’t stop. He didn’t slow. He was too lost in his anger, his obsession, his need to make you his again.
It was too much. Your body ached, your heart cracked, and the memories you had buried. You couldn’t take it anymore.
“Red dress…” The word fell from your lips, faint and trembling, but it was enough to make his movements falter. You gripped his shoulders with what little strength you had left, your voice louder this time, more desperate. “Red dress!”
For the first time, you said it. He made you say it.
Mingyu froze above you, his body stiffening as your safe word registered. His breathing was ragged, his hands still gripping your hips tightly, but the haze of anger and desire in his eyes began to clear. The weight of what he had done—and what he had almost done—crashed down on him like a tidal wave.
He pulled away from you abruptly, sitting back on his heels as he ran a hand through his damp hair. His gaze dropped to the floor, avoiding yours, as his chest rose and fell with uneven breaths.
You curled into yourself further, clutching the sheets tightly against your trembling body. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t block out the flicker of memories that surged forward, uninvited and cruel.
A darkened room. A rough hand clamping over your mouth. The searing pain that ripped through you as you struggled, screamed, and pleaded with a monster who didn’t care. His laughter, cold and hollow, echoing in your ears as he broke you in ways you could never mend.
Your chest tightened as the memories clawed their way to the surface, the terror suffocating. You shut your eyes tightly, hoping to will them away, but they were relentless, forcing you to relive every second. The metallic tang of blood, the biting cold of the floor beneath you, and the deafening silence after it was all over—they haunted you.
"Stop…" you whispered, your voice shaky, as though saying it aloud could chase the memories away.
Mingyu’s head snapped up at the sound of your voice, his eyes filled with concern. He hadn’t seen you like this before, hadn’t known how deeply you were fractured beneath the surface.
“Y/n…” he murmured, his voice low and cautious. He reached out a hand toward you, but you flinched, shrinking further into yourself as the memories overwhelmed you.
The sound of a lock clicking echoed in your mind, followed by the ghost of a whisper, taunting and cruel: “No one’s coming for you. You’re mine now.”
You choked on a sob, clutching your knees to your chest as your breathing grew shallow. Your entire body trembled, the scars of that night ripping open as if they had never healed.
Mingyu froze, his hand hovering in the air, trembling slightly as he watched you crumble before him. This was the moment he thought he wanted—the moment you would break, the moment you would stumble into pieces right in front of him, a reflection of the pain he carried for two long years. He had imagined it countless times, the satisfaction it would bring to see you fall apart under the weight of your own actions, just as he had when you left him.
But now that it was happening, it felt nothing like he expected.
You weren’t just broken; you were shattered in ways he hadn’t anticipated. Your trembling body, the way your arms wrapped tightly around yourself like you were trying to hold what was left together—it wasn’t the kind of collapse he had fantasized about. This wasn’t regret or guilt consuming you. This was fear, despair, and something far deeper and darker than he could ever understand.
“Y/n…” he whispered, his voice faltering as he tried to reach you, but the sight of you made his hand retreat. It was as if he could feel the weight of your pain just by being near you.
Your sobs were raw and unrestrained, tearing through the room like thunder in the silence. It was unbearable, a sound he had sworn to never let leave your lips when you were his. And now, he was the reason for it, the catalyst of your unraveling.
He had wanted to see you vulnerable, to prove to himself that you weren’t untouchable, that you weren’t as strong as you appeared when you walked away. But this? This wasn’t what he wanted. The sight of your broken form twisted something inside him, something he didn’t even realize was still intact.
His lips parted as if to speak, to comfort, to apologize, but the words died in his throat. What could he say to someone who looked so lost, so haunted by a pain he couldn’t comprehend? Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision as he whispered your name again, softer this time. “I’m sorry…”
But the words tasted bitter on his tongue, hollow and meaningless against the devastation before him. He couldn’t take his eyes off you, couldn’t stop the ache in his chest as he realized just how far gone you were.
This was what he thought he wanted—to see you stumble, to watch you fall. But now that you had, he realized he had been wrong. He didn’t want this. He couldn’t watch you like this, drowning in a darkness he might never be able to pull you out of.
You met Jeonghan on a ship bound for Jeju, a vessel that had become your prison for the past month. They had held you there, tied to a bed in a dimly lit room, your wrists raw from struggling against the ropes. A filthy cloth gagged your mouth, muffling your screams while they came and went, using you as their entertainment during the long voyage.
You didn’t know what they planned to do with you. After realizing you were nothing to Mingyu, that he wasn’t coming for you, their patience had grown thin. They could’ve killed you—thrown you overboard into the endless black waves—but they kept you alive, perhaps for their own cruel satisfaction or some plan yet to be revealed.
The ship was alive with noise that night. A New Year’s Eve party was in full swing above deck, the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filtering down to your dark corner of despair. But you weren’t thinking about celebration. You had spent the past hours tossing and turning, twisting your body until the ropes that bound you finally gave way.
Your hands were shaking as you worked the knife left carelessly on the desk to cut yourself free. You didn’t know how much time you had, but every second felt like a ticking clock. Once your wrists and ankles were free, you tore the gag from your mouth, the sudden rush of air painful but freeing. Your lips were cracked, your throat parched, but none of it mattered. All that mattered was getting out.
For the first time in a month, you stepped out of the room, your bare feet silent against the cold floor of the corridor. The world outside your prison felt foreign—bright lights, distant music, the murmur of voices—and it overwhelmed your senses. But you didn’t stop moving. You couldn’t.
That’s when you saw him.
Jeonghan. A stranger to you, yet his presence stopped you in your tracks. He was walking down the corridor, dressed in crisp white, his sharp features illuminated under the warm glow of the ship’s chandeliers. His eyes met yours, and for a moment, everything else disappeared.
His brows furrowed, his steps slowing as he studied you, his gaze dropping to the knife clutched tightly in your trembling hands. Before you could decide whether he was a threat or a potential savior, he spoke.
"I'm sorry,” he said softly, his voice laced with something that felt like grief. “You…you look like my late sister.”
You bit your lip hard, the guilt rising in your chest even though you didn’t know why. You didn’t have time for this. Every second wasted was a chance for them to find you.
“Please,” you whispered, your voice breaking as desperation took over. “Help me. I’ve been kidnapped. They held me here for a month. They’re going to kill me. Please…”
Jeonghan’s expression shifted, his sharp features hardening as his gaze swept over you, taking in the marks on your wrists, the disheveled state of your clothes, and the raw fear in your eyes. For a moment, he said nothing, and you wondered if he would turn and walk away, leave you to whatever fate awaited you.
There was no hesitation in his movements as he gently took the knife from your trembling hands, his touch firm but careful, as if afraid you might shatter.
“Stay quiet,” he murmured, his voice calm yet commanding. It was the kind of tone that made you believe him, that gave you a fleeting sense of security amidst the chaos. “I’ll help you.”
"What are you thinking about?" Mingyu’s deep voice pulled you from the swirling storm of your thoughts. The dining room felt heavy with unspoken words, his presence almost suffocating as you sat across from him. Your gaze dropped to the wedding ring on your finger, spinning it absently. It hung loose now, a cruel reminder of how much weight you’d lost since the last time you’d worn it.
“Eat,” he said firmly, his tone edged with concern. “You’ve lost so much weight.”
You bit down on your bottom lip, your eyes squeezing shut as the ache in your chest grew unbearable.
"Why didn’t you look for me?” you whispered, your voice trembling.
The sound of his utensils halting against the plate echoed louder than it should have. Mingyu’s jaw tightened, his gaze unreadable as he looked at you. “Let’s not talk about this in front of the food,” he said finally, his voice clipped.
“I was waiting... for you…” Your voice cracked, the words barely audible. But even as you spoke them, the memories you’d buried began clawing their way back to the surface—the night they captured you as you walked out of his house, the nights they kept you, their hands holding you down, their voices laughing while your life was ripped apart piece by piece.
Mingyu’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the edge of the table, but he didn’t say a word. His silence cut deeper than any of the horrors you had endured.
“You left me,” he said finally, his tone low and cold. “It was your decision.”
Your heart sank further, his words like a knife twisting in your chest. Your eyes fell to the ring again, its presence mocking you, and before you could stop yourself, you slid it off your finger. The metal felt foreign in your palm, just as your life with Mingyu had started to feel like a distant dream.
“Divorce me, Mingyu,” you said, your voice shaking but resolute. “I beg you.”
You slid off your chair and onto your knees beside him, desperation consuming you as tears spilled down your cheeks. “Please, divorce me.”
Mingyu froze, his breath catching as he looked down at you in shock.
“Y/n,” he said quietly, his voice unsure, as if he didn’t recognize the woman kneeling before him—the woman who had once stood beside him with fire in her eyes and laughter in her voice.
“You never loved me,” you said, your voice breaking. “Why are you holding on to me like this? Why, Mingyu? Why?”
His expression twisted into something you couldn’t decipher—anger, pain, guilt. But still, he didn’t move, didn’t speak.
You clutched the ring in your hand, trembling as you searched his face for an answer, for any sign that the man you once knew still existed somewhere within him. But all you saw was the shadow of someone who refused to let you go, even if it meant keeping you trapped in the very thing that was tearing you apart.
"I told you, I'd kill for you!" Mingyu’s voice thundered across the room as he stood in front of you, his body trembling with anger. You clutched the file tightly in your hands, your chest heaving as you tried to hold your ground. The contents of the file—a health report of your boss who had ‘accidentally’ been involved in a car accident—felt heavier than ever.
"You can’t just interfere in my life like this!" you shouted back, your voice cracking under the weight of frustration and exhaustion. "I have my own life, Mingyu, one that’s completely separate from yours!"
His jaw tightened, his dark eyes burning with fury. "I did it for you! Why don’t you understand? I’ve always done everything for you!"
"You can’t use your power to manipulate people like that!" you shot back, shaking your head in disbelief. "This isn’t love, Mingyu! This is control!"
His fists clenched at his sides. "I did it because I love you! I wanted to protect you!"
"No," you said firmly, your voice cold and distant. "You did it because you wanted to prove something to yourself. You don’t love me. If you did, you’d listen to me. You’d trust me to handle my own life!"
The words cut through him, and for a moment, you saw the hurt flash across his face. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by the seething anger he used to mask his pain.
"You never appreciate my efforts, Y/n. Do you even realize what I’ve done for you? I’ve given you everything!"
"And I never asked for any of it!" you snapped, your voice trembling with emotion. "I didn’t want your money, your power, or your obsession with control. I just wanted you, Mingyu. But you—you’ve made this impossible."
"I’ve made it impossible?" he asked incredulously, stepping closer to you. His towering figure loomed over you, but you refused to back down. "I’ve given my everything to you, and you’re telling me I’m the problem?"
"I’m done, Mingyu," you whispered, your voice barely audible. The weight of your decision pressed down on your chest, but you knew it was the only choice you had left.
"You’re not going anywhere," he said, his tone dropping to a dangerous low. His hand shot out to grab your arm, his grip firm but not enough to hurt. "It’s late. I’m not letting you leave in the middle of the night."
"Don’t tell me what to do!" you yelled, pulling your arm free. Your breathing was uneven, tears welling up in your eyes as you stared at him.
He stood there, his chest rising and falling heavily, his eyes searching yours for something—anything—to make you stay.
Without another word, you slipped the wedding ring from your finger, the cold metal burning your skin as you clenched it in your fist. Then, with trembling hands, you threw it at him. The sound of the ring hitting the floor echoed in the suffocating silence that followed.
"I’m leaving, Mingyu," you said, your voice breaking as tears streamed down your face. "Don’t look for me. Don’t try to find me."
You turned on your heel and walked toward the door, every step feeling like it was tearing you apart.
Mingyu watched your figure curled up against him, your body finally relaxed as you slept on his arm. His fingers moved instinctively, brushing the tear stains from your cheeks, the evidence of all the pain you had carried with you. Even after all this time, after everything that had happened between the two of you, you still held a place in his heart—one so sacred it terrified him. You awakened a part of him he didn’t know existed, a part that craved to protect and cherish, even when he didn’t know how to do it right.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. Watching you like this, peaceful in sleep, was a stark contrast to the chaos of earlier. The image of you kneeling before him, begging him to let you go, still burned in his mind. It made his chest ache in a way he hadn’t thought possible.
His thoughts drifted to the beginning, to the earlier days of your marriage, when everything was new and full of promise. He had loved you with every fiber of his being, and he still did. That hadn’t changed. But somewhere along the way, everything had shifted, spiraling into arguments and misunderstandings that neither of you could navigate.
Mingyu ran a hand over his face, exhaling a shaky breath as your words from earlier echoed in his head.
"Why didn’t you look for me?"
"I was waiting for you."
His jaw tightened as guilt twisted in his gut. He had looked for you. He had turned the world upside down trying to find you, desperate to bring you back into his life. He had sent people out, combed through every lead, and left no stone unturned. And yet, you’d slipped through his fingers like sand.
But why would you say that?
Why would you think he hadn’t searched for you?
Hadn’t you known how much he needed you?
“What went wrong?” he whispered into the stillness of the room, his voice trembling with frustration and confusion.
He glanced down at you again, at the faint crease of worry that lingered even in your sleep. Had he missed something? Had he been so blinded by his own grief and desperation that he’d overlooked something crucial?
Mingyu’s hand lingered on your cheek, his thumb brushing lightly against your skin as if trying to piece together the answers from the fragments of your shared past. He thought back to the fights, the nights you spent in silence, the moments when your eyes begged him to understand something he couldn’t see.
Mingyu noticed the faint movement of your eyelashes fluttering open as the morning light spilled into the room. He had been awake for a while, watching over you, memorizing the delicate rise and fall of your chest and the way your hand unconsciously rested near his heart.
A soft smile tugged at his lips as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face, his fingers lingering in your hair like it was the most natural thing in the world. You blinked a few times, your gaze unfocused at first, before your eyes met his.
“Am I dreaming?” you murmured, your voice hoarse with sleep.
He shook his head slowly, his smile deepening as he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your temple. His lips lingered there for a moment, warm and reassuring, as if he were silently promising that this was real.
“No,” he whispered against your skin, his voice low and steady. “You’re not dreaming.”
You stared at him, your brows furrowing slightly as if you couldn’t believe he was there, holding you like this after everything. Mingyu shifted closer, his hand cupping the side of your face, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek.
“I’m here,” he said softly, his eyes searching yours. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
Your lips trembled, and for a moment, Mingyu thought you were about to cry again. But instead, you exhaled shakily, your hand hesitantly reaching up to rest against his chest.
“Why?” you asked, your voice barely a whisper. “Why are you still here after everything?”
Mingyu’s smile faltered, but his gaze never wavered. He leaned his forehead against yours, his voice trembling with emotion as he replied, “Because I love you, Y/n. I always have. Even when it hurt, even when I didn’t know how to show it, I never stopped.”
Your eyes glistened with unshed tears as you searched his face, looking for any sign of dishonesty, but all you found was sincerity and the weight of a man who had been carrying the burden of his love for far too long.
“And I know I’ve made mistakes,” he continued, his voice cracking slightly. “But I’ll spend the rest of my life making up for them if you’ll let me.”
You didn’t answer right away, your hand tightening slightly against his chest as if grounding yourself in the reality of his words. Mingyu didn’t rush you; he simply held you, his heart pounding beneath your palm, as he waited for you to decide if you could let him back in.
You swallowed hard, your voice barely audible as you broke the silence. “Can you protect me?”
Mingyu’s brows furrowed, his hand still resting against your cheek. “What?”
“From anything,” you whispered, your eyes searching his face. “If it happens again… if they come back… could you save me? Will you always be there?”
Mingyu blinked, confused by the weight of your words. His thumb stilled against your skin as he tried to process what you were saying. “Y/n,” he said softly, tilting his head, “what are you talking about? Who’s coming back?”
You bit your lip, hesitating as the memories clawed at the edge of your mind. “Just… answer me,” you urged, your voice trembling.
“I don’t understand,” he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. He sat up straighter, his hands gripping your shoulders gently. “What do you mean, ‘if it happens again’? What happened to you?”
You averted your gaze, unable to look him in the eye. “Mingyu, please,” you said, your voice cracking. “Just promise me you’ll be there next time. That no matter what happens, you’ll come for me.”
His heart twisted at your words, at the way your voice shook like you were asking for the impossible. He cupped your face, forcing you to meet his gaze. “I did come for you,” he said, his voice firm but laced with pain. “I looked everywhere for you. I tried—God, Y/n, I tried so hard to find you.”
“But you didn’t,” you whispered, your tears spilling over. “You didn’t find me, Mingyu. And I was alone. They took me, they—”
“Stop,” he interrupted, his hands trembling as he held you. “Don’t say it. Please, just—don’t.”
“But it’s the truth!” you cried, your voice breaking. “And you don’t even understand what I’m asking you. I need to know that if it happens again, you’ll—”
“It won’t happen again!” Mingyu snapped, his voice rising. “I won’t let it. Don’t you see that? I’d die before I let anyone hurt you again.”
“But you can’t promise that,” you said softly, your voice carrying the weight of your fear. “You don’t even know what you’re protecting me from.”
Mingyu stared at you, his chest heaving as the reality of your words settled over him. He wanted to argue, to tell you he would protect you no matter what, but the truth was, he didn’t understand. He didn’t know the full extent of what had been done to you, and that ignorance made his promise feel fragile.
Mingyu leaned back in his chair after Seungkwan left, his eyes narrowing in thought. The younger man’s words echoed in his mind, but they left a bitter taste.
“Do you know something I don’t, Seungkwan?” Mingyu asked, his voice steady but laced with suspicion.
Seungkwan blinked, his brows furrowing. “What are you referring to, hyung?”
Mingyu shook his head, his jaw tightening. “I don’t know. You tell me.”
Seungkwan’s lips parted in confusion, but he quickly composed himself. “Hyung, I don’t understand. I always be honest with you."
For the first time, Mingyu felt a crack in the unwavering trust he had in Seungkwan. He had always been his confidant, his right hand, the one person who never failed him. But now… there was doubt.
Mingyu tapped his fingers on the desk, the rhythmic sound punctuating the silence of his office. His instincts told him that something didn’t add up, and for all his reassurances, Seungkwan hadn’t erased that suspicion. If anything, he’d deepened it.
What if Seungkwan knows more than he’s letting on?
The thought was dangerous, but Mingyu couldn’t dismiss it. He’d built his empire on trusting his gut, and right now, his gut was screaming at him to tread carefully.
Picking up his phone, Mingyu scrolled through his contacts and dialed a number—one of his trusted security heads who operated far outside Seungkwan’s circle.
“Hyungnim?” The voice on the other end answered almost immediately.
“I need you to start looking into something,” Mingyu said, his voice low. “Discreetly. No one else can know—not even Seungkwan.”
There was a pause before the man responded. “Understood. What are we looking for?”
Mingyu hesitated, his thoughts racing. He couldn’t put everything into words—not yet. “Just… go over the records. Anything tied to the search we did for Y/n two years ago. Cross-check it. See if there’s anything out of place. And keep me updated directly. No one else.”
“Yes, hyungnim.”
Mingyu ended the call and placed the phone back on the desk. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his mind spiraling.
He hated this feeling—the uncertainty, the doubt. He had always relied on Seungkwan. He wanted to believe him. But he couldn’t afford to take chances anymore. Not when it came to Y/n.
For now, he would keep his suspicions to himself. Seungkwan didn’t need to know what he was doing behind his back. Mingyu told himself it was just precaution. But deep down, a darker thought lingered: What if Seungkwan really did betray me?
Mingyu clenched his fists. He didn’t want to believe it. But he also knew one thing for sure—he would uncover the truth, no matter what it cost.
The file arrived late at night. Mingyu sat in his study, the glow of the desk lamp casting harsh shadows across his face as he opened the folder sent by Myungho. His heartbeat thudded heavily in his chest, each second stretched thin with anticipation.
The first thing he saw was a grainy photo from a CCTV camera. The timestamp read two years ago, the date burned into Mingyu’s mind as the time he lost you. The image showed a familiar figure walking into a high-end restaurant. Mingyu’s stomach dropped when he recognized him—Seungkwan.
Seungkwan wasn’t alone. He was with Seungcheol.
Mingyu’s jaw clenched as he flipped to the next page. More photos followed, showing Seungkwan seated with Seungcheol, their expressions unreadable in the stills. It wasn’t just one meeting. Myungho had compiled several images of them together, spanning weeks.
Then came the texts.
Seungkwan: "I’ve done what you asked. Mingyu won’t find out."
Seungcheol’s associate: "Good. We’ll keep our end of the deal. Make sure everything goes smoothly."
Seungkwan: "I’ll handle it. Just remember what we agreed on."
Mingyu’s hands tightened around the papers, his knuckles white. He read the messages over and over, trying to make sense of them. His mind raced as the pieces of the puzzle started falling into place.
Two years ago, when you disappeared, Mingyu’s business had taken a massive hit. Deals fell through, clients backed out, and his empire wavered for the first time in years. At the same time, Seungcheol’s ventures skyrocketed, almost as if he had insider knowledge of Mingyu’s operations.
And now, Mingyu had proof that Seungkwan, the man he had trusted with his life, had been meeting with Seungcheol during that exact period.
Mingyu leaned back in his chair, his mind spinning.
Was this why Seungkwan claimed he couldn’t find Y/n?
Had he been working with Seungcheol to sabotage me all along?
The thought made Mingyu’s blood boil. He had built everything with his own hands, had fought tooth and nail to protect it—and someone he considered family had betrayed him.
Mingyu closed his eyes, the weight of it all pressing down on him. If Seungkwan had truly betrayed him, then what else had he lied about? Had he been complicit in keeping you away from him?
He couldn’t afford to jump to conclusions—not yet. But the evidence was damning, and the rage in Mingyu’s chest grew hotter with every passing second.
Picking up his phone, he dialed Myungho.
“Hyungnim,” Myungho answered immediately.
“Keep digging,” Mingyu ordered, his voice cold and steady. “I want everything—every detail, every connection between Seungkwan and Seungcheol. I want to know what they did and why.”
“Yes, hyungnim.”
Mingyu ended the call and stared at the file on his desk. His fingers drummed against the wood as he thought.
Seungkwan would come to his office tomorrow as he always did, unaware that Mingyu now saw him in a different light. Mingyu would pretend nothing had changed—he’d play along.
But inside, a storm was brewing. Mingyu had built his empire on loyalty, and if Seungkwan had broken that loyalty, there would be consequences.
His eyes hardened as he whispered to himself, “No one betrays me and gets away with it.”
Mingyu drove you both to Jeonghan’s place, the familiar path stirring something nostalgic within you. It had been weeks since you’d last been there, and the moment you stepped inside, you couldn’t stop smiling. Memories flooded back as you reunited with old colleagues, chatting and hugging them like no time had passed. Your laughter echoed through the walls, and for a moment, it felt like you’d returned to a piece of yourself you thought you’d lost.
Jeonghan greeted Mingyu with a firm handshake, his characteristic smirk in place as he led him to his office. The air between the two men was thick, the weight of unspoken things hovering like smoke in the room. Speaking of which, Jeonghan pulled out a pack of cigarettes, offering one to Mingyu, who accepted without hesitation. The faint flicker of the lighter cast brief shadows on their faces as they settled into their conversation.
“I figured you’d come to visit sooner or later,” Jeonghan said casually, chuckling as he leaned back in his chair. His laid-back demeanor struck a nerve in Mingyu, who forced himself to remain calm.
Mingyu shook his head slowly, exhaling smoke as he spoke. “She refused to tell me everything.”
Jeonghan nodded knowingly. “Of course. It’s not something easy to talk about. If I were married, I don’t think I’d share the darkest parts of my life with my wife, either.”
Mingyu’s gaze sharpened. “You’re married?”
Jeonghan let out a soft laugh. “Not a chance. There’s no way I’d run a business like this with a wife waiting for me at home.” He paused, taking a sip of his coffee before continuing. “Anyway, I’m guessing you’re here to know how I met your wife. It’s been over a year and a half now.”
Mingyu’s jaw tightened as Jeonghan leaned forward slightly, recalling the past.
“I don’t remember all the details, but we met on a ship to Jeju. She wasn’t in good shape. I kept her hidden in my room for about a week before I managed to fly her back to Seoul. That was tricky—getting her out without exposing her identity took some doing.”
Mingyu’s voice dropped an octave as he asked, “How was she when you found her?"
Jeonghan shook his head, his usual lightness dimming for the first time. “Horrible. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. It wasn’t just physical, though. The real damage was… mental.”
Mingyu’s fingers tightened around his cigarette, but before he could press further, the door swung open.
You stepped in, arm in arm with one of your old friends—Yumi, your face lit up with excitement. “Can we go to the café on the next block?” you asked Mingyu with a grin, your tone brimming with the carefree energy he’d missed so much.
He softened immediately, his lips curling into a small smile. “Of course, love. Let me know if you need anything.”
As soon as you left, Jeonghan’s chuckle filled the room. “You two really are married. You can see it a mile away.”
Mingyu nodded slightly, taking another drag from his cigarette. “My right hand showed you the documents, didn’t he?”
Jeonghan leaned forward, his interest piqued. “Your right hand… Seungkwan, isn’t it? Something’s off about him.”
Mingyu’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”
Jeonghan rubbed his chin, a faint smirk playing on his lips. “I remember him. He’s been here before—long before you ever showed up. At first, I didn’t think much of it, but now…”
Mingyu leaned forward, his tone sharp. “What was he doing here?”
Jeonghan’s chuckle was low and deliberate. “What do you think, man? He works for you like a dog, doesn’t he? Even dogs need their own satisfaction sometimes."
The insinuation hung heavy in the air, Mingyu’s mind racing as the pieces began to connect.
For the first time in what felt like forever, you allowed yourself to believe him.
In the weeks that followed, Mingyu worked tirelessly to show you he was serious about rebuilding your relationship. He opened up more, shared his own fears and regrets, and listened when you finally began to share your trauma. You both sought help—individually and together—and slowly, the walls between you began to crumble.
One evening, as you sat together on the couch, your head resting on his shoulder, Mingyu turned to you with a small smile. “You know, I don’t think I ever told you how much I admire your strength.”
You looked up at him, surprised. “Strength? Mingyu, I’ve been a mess.”
He shook his head. “No. You survived things most people couldn’t even imagine. And despite everything, you’re still here, still fighting. That’s strength, Y/n. And I’m so proud of you.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you leaned into him, your arms wrapping around his waist. For the first time, you felt safe in his arms—not just physically, but emotionally.
“I think,” you whispered, “we might actually be okay.”
Mingyu pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his own eyes damp. “We will be. Together.”
The next morning, Mingyu approached you cautiously as you sat by the window, sipping tea. His face was calm, but the slight furrow of his brow gave away the thoughts swirling in his head.
“Y/n,” he began softly, catching your attention, “I’ve been thinking about everything you’ve been through and how I can help. I want to do this right.”
You looked at him, tilting your head slightly. “What do you mean?”
He stepped closer, sitting across from you. “I’ve reached out to someone—a professional. A psychiatrist. I want you to have someone to talk to, someone who can help you process everything.” His voice was steady but tinged with hesitation, as though unsure how you’d react.
Your fingers tightened around your teacup. “A psychiatrist?”
“I know it might feel strange or overwhelming, but you’ve been through so much, Y/n,” he said earnestly. “I’ve seen how you carry everything on your own, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to anymore. I’ll be here for you, always, but I’m not equipped to help you the way a professional can. You deserve this.”
You hesitated, your mind racing. The idea of opening up to a stranger about your darkest moments felt daunting, almost unbearable. Yet, there was something in Mingyu’s eyes—a mixture of concern and unwavering support—that made you consider it.
“You really think it’ll help?” you asked quietly.
“I do,” he said, reaching out to take your hand. “And I’ll be there every step of the way if you want me to be. But this is your choice, Y/n. I won’t force you into anything.”
You looked down at his hand covering yours, warmth spreading through you. For so long, you had felt like you were navigating a storm alone, but now, there was someone willing to anchor you, to guide you toward calmer waters.
“Okay,” you said after a long pause. “I’ll try.”
Mingyu’s relief was palpable, and his lips curved into a gentle smile. “Thank you, Y/n. That’s all I want—for you to feel like yourself again.”
A week later, you found yourself sitting in a cozy office, the walls painted in soothing tones of blue and green. Mingyu had accompanied you, waiting patiently outside the room as you met with Dr. Han, the psychiatrist he had carefully chosen for you.
Dr. Han was warm and approachable, her demeanor instantly putting you at ease. As the sessions progressed, you found it easier to open up, piece by piece, unraveling the tangled web of trauma, fear, and guilt that had weighed on you for so long.
Each time you left the sessions, Mingyu was there, waiting with a reassuring smile. He never pried, never asked what was discussed unless you brought it up first. Instead, he focused on being a steady presence in your life, reminding you in small, thoughtful ways that you weren’t alone.
It happened during one of your sessions with Dr. Han, but this time, Mingyu was allowed to sit in at your request. It wasn’t planned, and you had no intention of talking about everything that had been locked deep inside your heart for so long. But as you sat there, looking at Mingyu’s face, his unwavering support breaking through your walls, you decided it was time.
Your hands trembled as you spoke, your voice cracking under the weight of the words you hadn’t dared to say before. The memories came rushing out—how you were taken that night outside his house, how they had hurt you, broken you, and left you feeling like you’d never be whole again. Every agonizing detail poured out, and Mingyu sat there, silent, his jaw tightening with each word you uttered.
By the time you finished, the room was silent except for your shaky breaths. Mingyu’s hands clenched into fists, the veins in his arms bulging as he fought to contain the storm raging within him.
“Y/n,” he said, his voice low and trembling with barely restrained fury, “they will pay for this. Every single one of them.”
You reached out to touch his hand, trying to calm him. “Mingyu, I—”
“No,” he cut you off, his eyes blazing with a mixture of pain and anger. “No more letting this go. They took you from me. They broke you. I can’t... I won’t let them get away with it.”
Without another word, Mingyu pulled out his phone and dialed a number. “Jisoo,” he barked, his tone sharp and commanding, “get everyone to my office. Now. We’re settling this.”
The drive back to his headquarters was tense. Mingyu’s hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white. You sat in silence, unsure of what to say, yet oddly comforted by his determination to make things right.
When you arrived, Jisoo and the rest of Mingyu’s trusted men were already gathered in his office. Mingyu stormed in, his presence commanding as he slammed the door shut behind him.
“I have reason to believe Seungkwan betrayed us,” Mingyu began, his voice cold and steely. Gasps and murmurs filled the room, but Jisoo remained calm, his eyes narrowing as he took in Mingyu’s words.
Mingyu threw a file onto the table, the photos and texts spilling out for everyone to see. “This is proof of his dealings with Seungcheol. He lied to me, he lied to all of us, and he left Y/n out there to suffer while he worked with our rival.”
Jisoo stepped forward, examining the evidence before looking up at Mingyu. “What do you want us to do, hyung?”
Mingyu’s expression darkened, his voice low and menacing. “I want justice. I want every man who was involved to pay for what they did to her. And I want Seungkwan brought to me—alive.”
The room fell silent, the gravity of his words sinking in. Jisoo nodded, his loyalty unwavering. “Consider it done.”
As the men began to file out, preparing to execute Mingyu’s orders, he turned to Jisoo one last time. “This isn’t just about business anymore. This is personal. Make sure they all understand that.”
Jisoo’s lips curled into a grim smile. “Don’t worry, hyung. They’ll understand.”
When the room was empty, Mingyu walked back to you. His expression softened slightly as he knelt in front of you, taking your hands in his.
“Y/n, I swear to you, this ends now. You’ll never have to look over your shoulder again. I’ll protect you, no matter what it takes.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you nodded, his words offering a comfort you hadn’t felt in years. And for the first time, you began to believe that maybe, just maybe, justice was finally within reach.
Seungkwan paced his dimly lit apartment, the glow from the city skyline casting jagged shadows across the room. His mind churned with thoughts of his next move, fueled by frustration and ambition. Mingyu’s resurgence had become impossible to ignore. The empire Seungkwan had worked so hard to weaken was rising from the ashes faster than he’d anticipated, and he knew he couldn’t stop it without drastic measures.
He glanced at his desk, where a manila envelope lay open, its contents spread out like pieces of a puzzle. Photographs of you, smiling faintly in the arms of your colleagues, and reports of your whereabouts that spanned the past two years. Seungkwan clenched his fists. He had always known where you were. From the moment you fled, he had kept tabs on you, careful to stay one step ahead of Mingyu.
It wasn’t just about business anymore. It was personal. Mingyu had everything—power, loyalty, love. Seungkwan wanted it all. He wanted to replace Mingyu, to claim the empire he believed should have been his, and he would use every weapon in his arsenal to make it happen.
And you, the one thing that could shatter Mingyu’s focus, were the perfect distraction.
Seungkwan picked up his phone and dialed a number, his fingers steady despite the storm raging inside him. “It’s time,” he said when the call connected. “Make the arrangements. We’re putting her in the frame again.”
The voice on the other end hesitated. “Are you sure about this? Mingyu’s already suspicious of you. If he finds out—”
“He won’t find out,” Seungkwan snapped, his tone sharp and commanding. “Mingyu’s too blinded by his feelings for her to see the bigger picture. He’ll be too busy protecting her to notice what’s happening under his nose.”
The plan was simple but ruthless. Seungkwan would leak just enough information to make it seem like he had miraculously “found” you, ensuring you were brought back into Mingyu’s orbit. He would manipulate events to sow seeds of doubt, making it appear as though you were somehow tied to the setbacks Mingyu had faced in the past.
Seungkwan smirked bitterly, his eyes dark with envy and determination. He had always envied the way Mingyu looked at you, the way he spoke your name as if it were sacred. Seungkwan wanted to strip that away, to prove that love and loyalty were nothing more than weaknesses.
But deep down, he knew his ambitions outstripped his competence. Mingyu’s cunning, his ability to rebuild from the ruins, was something Seungkwan could never match. That thought only fueled his desperation, pushing him further into the abyss of his schemes.
As he hung up the phone, Seungkwan stared at the photograph of you on his desk, his expression a twisted mix of resentment and resolve. “You’ll be the key,” he muttered to himself. “The key to taking everything from him.”
He poured himself a drink and sat back, the weight of his plan settling over him. The lines between personal and professional had long since blurred, and now there was no turning back. If he couldn’t have what Mingyu had built, he would destroy it—and you would be the cornerstone of his revenge.
Seungkwan sat rigid in the sleek leather chair across from Seungcheol, the low hum of the air conditioner the only sound in the room. Seungcheol’s office was cold, both in temperature and atmosphere. It was an embodiment of the man himself—efficient, calculated, and devoid of sentimentality.
Seungcheol tapped a pen against the edge of his desk, his sharp eyes fixed on Seungkwan, studying him like a chess piece he was deciding whether to sacrifice.
“You’ve come to me for protection,” Seungcheol began, his tone measured, almost disinterested. “But you’ve yet to explain why I should bother.”
Seungkwan straightened his back, forcing himself to appear composed despite the storm of nerves raging inside him. “Mingyu is closing in. He’s suspicious of me, and it’s only a matter of time before he acts. I’ve been loyal to you, Cheol—feeding you information, giving you an edge. That has to mean something.”
Seungcheol leaned back in his chair, his gaze unwavering. “Loyalty is a word people like to throw around when they’re desperate. Let’s not pretend this was ever about loyalty, Seungkwan. You came to me because you wanted power. Because you saw an opportunity to rise above your station.”
“That’s not—”
“Spare me,” Seungcheol interrupted, his voice cutting through the room like a blade. “You turned on Mingyu because you thought it would benefit you. Don’t expect me to believe otherwise. And now that your gamble has backfired, you want me to clean up the mess?”
Seungkwan clenched his fists, his face flushing with frustration. “I’ve been an asset to you! Mingyu’s losses, his setbacks—those didn’t happen by coincidence. I made them happen. I gave you the information you needed to cripple him.”
“And what’s stopping me from discarding you now that I have everything I need?” Seungcheol’s voice was calm, almost bored, but there was an edge of menace in his words.
Seungkwan’s jaw tightened. “Because Mingyu isn’t finished. He’s rebuilding, faster and stronger than we anticipated. If you leave me out to dry, you’ll be facing him at full strength, and you know as well as I do that Mingyu doesn’t forgive, and he doesn’t forget.”
Seungcheol smirked, his amusement cold and condescending. “You think I fear Mingyu?” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. “Let me tell you something, Seungkwan. Mingyu is formidable, yes. But men like him—men driven by love and loyalty—they are predictable. And predictability is a weakness.”
“Then why not use me?” Seungkwan pressed, desperation creeping into his tone. “I know how he thinks. I can help you dismantle him piece by piece.”
Seungcheol’s smirk faded, replaced by an expression of cold indifference. “You overestimate your value, Seungkwan. Mingyu trusted you, and you betrayed him. Do you think I’d trust you any more than he did?”
“I had no choice!” Seungkwan shot back, his voice rising. “Mingyu’s world suffocated me! I gave everything to him, and it was never enough. I deserve more than being his shadow!”
Seungcheol’s gaze hardened. “You don’t deserve anything, Seungkwan. You earn it, or you take it. And from where I’m sitting, you’ve done neither.”
Seungkwan’s breath caught in his throat. He had come here hoping for an ally, for someone to stand between him and Mingyu’s wrath. Instead, he found himself face-to-face with a man who saw him as nothing more than a tool—disposable, replaceable.
“Here’s my advice,” Seungcheol said, rising from his chair and walking around the desk to stand over Seungkwan. “Run. Disappear. Because when Mingyu finds you—and he will find you—I won’t be lifting a finger to save you.”
Seungkwan swallowed hard, the weight of Seungcheol’s words sinking in. “You’ll regret this,” he muttered, rising from his chair.
Seungcheol chuckled, a low, menacing sound. “No, Seungkwan. The only one with regrets here is you.”
Seungkwan stormed out of the office, his mind racing. He had gambled everything, and now he had no allies left. All he had was the knowledge that Mingyu was closing in—and he was out of time.
It had been a quiet afternoon when Yumi suggested you go out for a coffee and stroll. The idea of unwinding felt like a breath of fresh air, so you agreed, trusting her as you always did. The two of you wandered through the park, sharing stories and laughing, the kind of lightheartedness you had missed. Yumi seemed more excited than usual, her energy contagious as she led you toward a quieter street.
"There's a new cafe around the corner," she said, smiling warmly. "You’ll love it. It’s got this cozy vibe, perfect for catching up."
You followed her, glancing at your phone to let Mingyu know where you were. Before you could hit send, Yumi suddenly slowed her steps, her demeanor shifting subtly.
"Everything okay?" you asked, sensing something off.
Before she could respond, you felt a cold hand on your arm. Turning around, your heart dropped as Seungkwan appeared, his expression a mixture of triumph and menace. He didn’t come alone—two of his men flanked him, blocking any chance of escape.
"Hello, Y/n," Seungkwan greeted, his tone deceptively calm. "Nice day for a walk, isn’t it?"
You instinctively stepped back, but Yumi’s hand on your wrist stopped you. That’s when it hit you—this wasn’t a coincidence.
"Yumi?" you whispered, disbelief washing over you as you looked at her.
She avoided your gaze, her smile now tinged with guilt. "I’m sorry," she murmured. "I didn’t have a choice."
Seungkwan chuckled, stepping closer. "Don’t blame her too much. She’s been very helpful, feeding me all sorts of useful information." He leaned in slightly, his voice dropping. "Including where to find you."
Your heart raced as his men closed in, grabbing you despite your struggle. You shouted, hoping someone nearby might hear, but it was a quiet street, and no help came.
"Don’t make this harder than it has to be," Seungkwan warned, pulling a gun from his coat and pressing it to your side. The cold metal against your skin sent a chill down your spine. "We’re going for a little ride."
"Why are you doing this?" you demanded, your voice shaking as you glared at him.
Seungkwan smiled, the kind of smile that didn’t reach his eyes. "To teach Mingyu a lesson. And you, my dear, are the perfect way to do it."
The car ride was suffocating. Seungkwan didn’t say much, his men watching you like hawks. Yumi sat quietly in the front seat, her silence louder than any apology she could offer. You wanted to scream, to cry, but you forced yourself to stay calm. Panicking wouldn’t help you now.
When the car stopped, you were dragged into a building you immediately recognized: Mingyu’s office. Your heart pounded as you realized what Seungkwan was planning. He was using you to get to Mingyu, and there was no way this would end peacefully.
As you were forced through the hallways, Mingyu’s men appeared, their eyes widening in shock. They tried to intervene, but the gun pressed against your head kept them at bay.
"Stand down!" Seungkwan barked, dragging you further inside. "Unless you want her blood on your hands."
The silence in Mingyu's office was suffocating as the door burst open, Seungkwan stepping in with you held tightly in his grasp, a gun pressed against your temple. Mingyu stood frozen for a moment, his eyes locking onto yours. He could see the fear you tried to hide, your trembling hands clinging to the fabric of your coat. His fury was palpable, but he didn’t let it show—his calm facade was a mask, concealing the storm brewing inside him.
Seungkwan's smirk was mocking as he pushed you further into the room. "Surprised, hyung? Or maybe not. I’m sure you’ve already figured it out. You’re smart, after all."
Mingyu’s voice was low, dangerous, as he took a step forward. "Let her go, Seungkwan."
"Ah, ah, ah," Seungkwan chided, the gun digging into your temple as you flinched. "One more step, and I’ll splatter her brains all over this room. You wouldn’t want that, would you?"
Mingyu froze, his jaw tightening. His hands raised slightly in a gesture of surrender. "You don’t have to do this. Let her go, and we’ll talk. Just you and me."
Seungkwan’s laugh was bitter, almost maniacal. "Talk? Now you want to talk? After everything? After you’ve had everything handed to you while I’ve had to scrape and crawl for scraps?"
"You think this is about me?" Mingyu shot back, his voice rising slightly. "You think hurting her will fix what’s broken inside you?"
Seungkwan’s grip on you tightened as he sneered. "This isn’t just about you. It’s about everything you’ve taken from me. The respect, the loyalty, the power—and now, even her. You’ve built your empire on my back, and I’m taking it all back, piece by piece."
You tried to steady your breathing, your voice barely above a whisper. "Seungkwan, please. You don’t have to do this. This won’t end the way you want it to."
Seungkwan ignored you, his eyes locked on Mingyu. "Tell your men to stand down, hyung. I’m walking out of here, and she’s coming with me."
Mingyu’s fists clenched at his sides, but he kept his voice even. "Alright. I’ll call them off. Just don’t hurt her." He pulled out his phone, dialing Jisoo. "Tell everyone to stand down. No one makes a move until I say so."
Satisfied, Seungkwan smirked. "Good. Now, let’s settle this like men. But first..." His eyes darkened as he looked at you. "Let’s make him watch you suffer a little."
Mingyu’s body tensed, his eyes narrowing as he took a careful step forward. "Seungkwan, if you hurt her, there’s no coming back from this. Whatever you think you’re proving, it won’t matter. You’ll have nothing left."
Seungkwan hesitated for a moment, his grip on you faltering just slightly. You felt it—the tiniest crack in his resolve—and you acted on instinct. Twisting your body, you broke free from his hold, stumbling forward just as Mingyu lunged toward him.
The gun went off, the deafening sound echoing through the room. Your scream filled the air as Mingyu wrestled the weapon out of Seungkwan’s hand, pinning him to the floor with a force that rattled the furniture. Blood trickled from a graze on Mingyu’s arm, but he didn’t seem to notice as he pressed his forearm against Seungkwan’s throat.
Seungkwan choked under the weight of Mingyu's arm, his face contorted in pain and anger as he struggled against the grip. Mingyu's eyes burned with fury, a darkness you had never seen before.
"You had the nerve to put her in harm's way?" Mingyu growled, his voice low and dangerous. "After everything I did for you?"
Seungkwan coughed, clawing at Mingyu’s arm. "You don’t get it, do you?" he spat, his voice strained. "You think you’re untouchable. But everything you have should’ve been mine!"
"You betrayed me!" Mingyu roared, tightening his grip. "You betrayed us all! For what? To chase a delusion of power you could never handle?"
You stood frozen near the corner of the room, trembling as the events unfolded. The gunshot was still ringing in your ears, and all you could focus on was the thin line of blood running down Mingyu’s arm. He had risked himself for you.
One of Mingyu’s men burst into the room, his weapon drawn. "Hyungnim!" he called, his gaze darting between Mingyu and Seungkwan.
"Stay back," Mingyu ordered, his voice cold. His attention returned to Seungkwan, whose resistance was weakening. "Tell me, Seungkwan," Mingyu said, his voice quieter but no less menacing. "Was it worth it? Selling out everything we built for a shot in the dark?"
Seungkwan coughed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "You’ll never understand," he rasped. "I’m not like you, Mingyu. I’ll never be like you. And I couldn’t stand living in your shadow anymore."
Mingyu’s jaw clenched as he stared down at the man who had once been his most trusted ally. For a moment, it looked like Mingyu might not let him go. But then his eyes flicked to you, and he saw the fear written all over your face. Slowly, he eased the pressure on Seungkwan’s throat, standing and motioning for his men to take him.
"Get him out of my sight," Mingyu said coldly. "I’ll deal with him later."
Two of his men dragged Seungkwan out of the office, his protests fading into the distance. The moment the door closed, Mingyu turned to you, his expression softening as he crossed the room in a few long strides.
"Y/n," he said gently, reaching out to touch your arm. "Are you hurt?"
You shook your head, but tears spilled down your cheeks as the adrenaline crashed over you. "Mingyu, you’re bleeding," you whispered, your voice trembling.
"It’s nothing," he replied, brushing it off as he cupped your face with his uninjured hand. "You’re what matters. Are you okay?"
You nodded, though your body was still shaking. "I thought—I thought I was going to lose you," you admitted, your voice breaking.
Mingyu pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as if to reassure you that he was still there. "You’ll never lose me," he murmured against your hair. "Not now, not ever. I promise."
As he held you, the weight of what had just happened hung heavy in the air. Mingyu had always been a protector, but this was different. He had faced betrayal, risked everything, and still put your safety above all else.
And in that moment, you realized just how far Mingyu would go to keep you safe.
Jeonghan’s wedding was a grand affair, held at an outdoor venue surrounded by lush gardens and glowing fairy lights. The evening air was filled with the hum of laughter and soft music, the perfect backdrop for a celebration of love. You stood beside Mingyu, your hand resting on his arm as the two of you watched Jeonghan and his bride share their first dance under the canopy of stars.
Mingyu glanced at you, his gaze lingering on your glowing expression. "You’re smiling like it’s your wedding," he teased softly, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
You laughed, nudging him lightly. "Maybe because I know how it feels to have my own dream come true," you said, your free hand gently brushing over your small baby bump.
Mingyu’s eyes softened, his fingers tightening around yours as he looked down at your stomach. “Every time I see you like this, it feels surreal. Like we’ve finally made it.”
His words made your heart swell. The two of you had been through so much—heartbreak, betrayal, and pain. Yet here you were, not just surviving but thriving. You leaned into him, resting your head against his shoulder as the music swayed around you.
“I wouldn’t trade this for anything,” you murmured.
Before Mingyu could reply, Jeonghan appeared in front of you, grinning wide as he stretched out his arms. “Y/n, Mingyu! Aren’t you two going to come congratulate me properly? I didn’t just invite you to stand there being all lovey-dovey.”
You laughed and stepped forward to hug Jeonghan. “Congratulations, Jeonghan. It’s a beautiful wedding.”
Jeonghan returned the hug, then turned to Mingyu, who gave him a firm handshake. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time,” Mingyu said with a chuckle.
Jeonghan smirked. “What can I say? I don’t settle for less.” Then, his gaze fell to your belly, and his expression softened. “And you two are about to outdo me in the family department. When’s the baby due?”
“In about three months,” you said, smiling warmly.
Jeonghan gave a low whistle. “Wow. It’s hard to believe you two are already at this stage. Seems like just yesterday Mingyu couldn’t figure out how to smile in a photo.”
Mingyu rolled his eyes. “Don’t start embarrassing me at your own wedding.”
Jeonghan laughed, patting him on the shoulder. “Fine, fine. But seriously, I’m happy for you both. You deserve this happiness after everything.”
As Jeonghan left to mingle with other guests, Mingyu turned back to you, his hand instinctively finding its place on your belly. His thumb brushed against the fabric of your dress, and his eyes were full of love as he looked at you.
“I still can’t believe it sometimes,” he admitted softly. “That you’re here, with me, and we’re going to be parents soon. It feels like a dream I don’t want to wake up from.”
You smiled, placing your hand over his. “It’s real, Mingyu. And we’re going to make the most of it.”
Later in the evening, as the two of you sat at your table watching the festivities, Mingyu leaned over and whispered, “I’ve been thinking… Once the baby’s here, we should move out of the city. Somewhere quieter, where we can focus on our family.”
You turned to him, surprised but touched. “Really? What about your business?”
Mingyu smiled. “I left it in Jisoo’s hands. He’s more than capable. I don’t want to be tied to that life anymore. I want to be with you and our child, making a life that’s ours, free from all of that.”
Tears pricked at your eyes as you leaned in to kiss him gently. “I love you, Mingyu.”
“And I love you,” he replied, his hand once again finding its place on your belly.
The night ended with you and Mingyu dancing under the stars, the world around you fading into the background. Jeonghan’s wedding wasn’t just a celebration of his love but also a reminder of how far you and Mingyu had come—a testament to your strength, resilience, and love.
As the two of you swayed to the music, Mingyu pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. “This is only the beginning for us, Y/n. I promise, our best days are still ahead.”
And as you leaned into him, your heart full of hope and love, you believed him.
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ryozakidesu · 16 days ago
illicit affairs - l.hc
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4/4 of diary of the heartbreakers
summary:➸ ♡ Infamous for being every girl's guilty pleasure, Lee Haechan strutted through his life shamelessly. But recently, the new girl caught his eye. Im Hayeon, who he believes that would finally tame his wreckless heart. He was confident he could get the girl. And when he did, he never expected her to have baggages. For example, you, Im Hayeon's best friend. Who suddenly, sparked an idea on his pretty little head. You're trouble-- and you're making Haechan commit Illicit Affairs.
“You're making me do bad things, very, bad things. But then again, I'm no stranger in being the bad guy."
GENRE: Angst, Humor, Fluff, Smut
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI, Explicit Sexual Content, Drugs & Alcohol, Infidelity (Cheating), Mentions of Self-harm, Haechan and reader are assholes, nonidol!haechanxfem!reader
WC: 20k (I know, shush)
DISCLAIMER: This story is purely fanfiction. Only the names of the Idols are used, and does not reflect on them in real life. There's no way in any shape of form that they are like this in person, because I MADE IT UP. I don't personally know them. DO NOT STEAL / TRANSLATE / MODIFY. This is my work and I don't appreciate people stealing it. Thank you.
enjoy reading!!
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To be fair, Lee Haechan never claimed to be the good guy.
No, matter of fact, he takes pride in being insufferable. He makes it his mission to piss everyone off when he gets in the room. He gets off knowing that even though they hate him, they still can’t get enough of him.
“Lee Haechan!” A girl screams on top of her lungs, rage evident with the way her voice scratches. “Fuck, Renjun, please open this fucking door—” He practically broke his knuckles from knocking at the door too much, but he didn’t care. He needs to get in— like, right now.
For what it feels like two decades, Renjun finally opened the door and he quickly threw his entire body in the room.
“Close it, close it, close it!” He says, struggling to close the door and just as soon as Gaeun, or whatever her name is stepped in front of the door ready to barge in, Haechan manages to close it properly.
“Lee fucking Haechan, what did you do this time?!” Renjun asks, more so yelled whilst grabbing his slippers to throw towards the heaving boy.
“Shit, put that down you crazy bitch!” He flinches everytime Renjun moves his hand with the weapon.
“What the fuck is happening—” Jaemin asks, just leaving the bathroom to witness the war that’s going on in his living room.
“A crazy girl is currently trying to break our door, again, thanks to this fucking—” Renjun finally throws the slipper, but Haechan, being in this same spot way too often, dodges it easily. “—whore!” he winces as he missed
“Okay y’all better keep it down before Jeno wakes up and I know you know he’ll fucking turn you upside down, Haechan.” Jaemin reminds the both of them that the real monster is sleeping, and if Haechan wakes him up even a minute early from his supposed alarm, Jeno would have his arm broken in two seconds.
“Fine! Injunnie, please, let’s calm down. She’s not even there anymore!” Haechan points at the door, and when they glanced at the little gap in the bottom, he was proven to be right. No one’s at the door.
“You’re gonna tell me what happened this time,” Renjun asks, this time his voice controlled but still angry.
Haechan takes a deep breath, plopping himself at the couch before slowly smirking at both of his friends in front of him.
“It’s kinda funny—”
“If you don’t tell us right now I’ll make you eat your shirt,” Jaemin says through his smile.
Haechan rolls his eyes. “Remember Gaeun? From the last party?”
Both his friends took a minute before nodding.
“Yeah so.. we had sex last night.. in her house… and uhm–” he cleared his throat. “Also remember that Spanish professor I bagged last month? Yeah… uh, that was kinda her mom.”
Five full seconds have passed but no one dares to say anything. Renjun’s jaw is on the floor and Jaemin, well.. he smiles like a freak after a few seconds of silence.
“Can’t say I’m not impressed, I mean.. if any of us will do the dumbest shit out there it would be you, but dude… that’s another level of whoreness.” Jaemin says, crossing his arms on his chest and shrugging like it’s a normal conversation.
“I swear to god, if any of those girls even try to get in my way to find you, I'll burn your entire pc set.” Renjun stated with a serious face.
Haechan smirks as he looks at him, fond of Renjun’s annoyed expression, exactly what he liked to see. He could’ve sworn Renjun looks the best when mad.
See, Haechan thrives in the thrill of it all. Girls love bad boys, and he’s really good at being exactly that. The rush of having sex feeds him, the adrenaline fuels his entire system.
He’s hard wired to be a rule breaker. And it’s not like he tries so hard to get girls, that’s not the case at all. Far from that, actually. He doesn’t try at all, which adds above the plethora of things that allures girls to him. With a face and body like his, with the way he talks sweeter than honey, and his movement flows smoother than silk, he gets girls way too easy.
And of course, he pleases girls just as good as everybody expects him to. Matter of fact, way above expectations, the very reason that girls overlook his lack of compassion, or just empathy.
He’ll take you to heaven and let you fall to hell with a smile dancing on his lips.
He’ll treat you as if you’re the most beautiful girl in bed, but act like he doesn’t know you the next morning.
And it’s not like girls doesn’t know that he doesn’t look for a serious relationship, because words travel fast, and Haechan’s reputation is well known, but then again, he’s just that good, that he got girls risking getting their fragile hearts broken in hopes that Lee Haechan will take them serious.
Pfft, even that sentence makes him laugh.
Different girls every other day, Renjun still questions how Haechan avoids diseases on how often he fucks. Jaemin calls his dick an immune titanium rod, and Jeno’s just convinced that Haechan has the most magical yet disgusting dick ever.
Meanwhile, Haechan just simplified it. He likes to fuck, and it’s just so happen he’s not bad on the eyes either, and God had blessed him with a stamina like a superbowl player and a libido of an incubus straight from hell. Not to mention, he’s big and he knows how to use it. With all of that combined, girls just fawn over him so… it all just makes sense. He doesn’t need to be nice. Lee Haechan is infamous for being every girl’s guilty pleasure.
“Who the fuck is she?!”
Haechan lets out an exasperated sigh, covering his right ear slightly as he flinches at the high pitched scream. Brushing his palm across his face, he faced the girl. Whispering an apology with the other girl on his side, he looks up.
“Look, Miyeon–”
“It’s Haru! My name doesn’t even sound like Miyeon!”
Haechan rolled his eyes. Pulling Haru on the side, “Remember how I told you we’re over?”
Although it was fun, Haechan has to admit that this part is exhausting. It’s the sex he enjoys, not the dealing with them after. He knows that they know that he’s not for the long game. It was never that serious, and with the amount of girls he had slept with, he expected them to already know how it is.
“You– you can’t just say that over text!”
“Well, I just did.” He says casually, as if there’s no crying girl in front of him.
“You said– you said you loved me, asshole!” Haru cried more, in hopes to see a glimpse of empathy in the boy.
“Must’ve been high or something,”
And right then, he felt a sting on his right cheek, and gasps from the small crowd that’s gathered. Haru walked off a crying mess, while Haechan was still trying to recover from the ringing in his ear.
“You handled that very well.” Yangyang teases when Haechan comes back to their table.
“Shut your ass up, before I knock your big ass teeth out,” He hissed, and sat by his girl that’s now looking at him shocked and angry.
“Look, baby she’s just crazy, alright? I’m done with her and I’m all about you now,” He says, disgustingly sweet as he puts his hands over her shoulders. and it sounds so fucking insane, but it worked. The girl looked up at him with hope, nodding, believing in what spell Haechan said to her.
“As I was saying,– before you got your ass handed to you– there’s this girl transferring mid semester from Sacred Heart, and apparently she’s the hottest girl from there,” Shotaro, one of his friend, says.
Haechan rolls his eyes, “I don’t care about girls, dude. I have my girl here,” He squeezes the girls arms and smirks at her, making his friends gag in disbelief.
Sacred Heart? He knew about girls from Sacred Heart. Jaemin’s girl, the same one who rejected him was from Sacred Heart. So no, he doesn’t like girls from Sacred Heart.
Besides, there’s plenty of hot girls everywhere, it’s not like he exclusively likes to fuck University girls. It’s not like this girl is that extremely hot to actually pique his curiosity.
“You’re so sweet, babe.” The girl leans on him, with a sickening smirk on Haechan’s face, he brazenly winked at his friends.
“Of course,”
His friends can’t help but to just shake their heads in amusement, seeing Haechan’s magic work first hand still amazes them sometimes.
“Holy shit,”
Haechan didn’t look behind him, even with his friend’s over dramatic reaction to something happening. Their eyes wide, pointing at the entrance of the cafeteria.
“That’s her, dude,” Yangyang says in almost an awe.
That’s what made Haechan look behind him.
And when he does… oh boy.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“No, I swear, I’m in love!” Haechan clutches on the throw pillow, looking like a lovesick puppy.
Renjun was baffled. It was strange seeing him like this, Haechan never and he meant it when he says never, says that four letter word out loud, even more so pertaining to a girl.
“What’s her name again?” Jeno asks, brows furrowed.
“Im Hayeon,” Haechan says her name in such a delicate tone, as if said out loud, butterflies and rainbows will start pouring out.
“Sacred Heart, right?” Jeno reads off his phone, in hopes to find the girl’s picture. He admits she’s pretty, no, scratch that, she’s beautiful.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Lee Jeno. As a matter of fact, it goes out to the three of you– she’s off limits, alright, fuckers?”
Jeno scoffs, Renjun rolls his eyes and Jaemin– well he’s not here. “She’s all yours man. Heard everybody wants her ever since she transferred tho,”
Haechan almost laughs at that statement. “Trust, I will get her– because damn, I think I might go crazy if I don’t.”
Renjun still couldn’t believe all of this is coming from Lee Haechan himself. He’s still suspicious, but at the same time, he hopes that his friend really tries to be serious for once.
“I need everybody to know that I’m off the market. Officially!” Lee Haechan spoke with an intention, one only a love struck person would have.
“Damn, there goes his reputation– straight down the drain.” Says Jeno, watching Haechan daydream about a girl, holding a pillow close to his chest.
“I still don’t trust this,” Renjun says, watching his friend grow heart shaped eyes, clutching his chest on just the mere thought of that Hayeon girl.
And when he heard her talk, oh, game’s over.
Voice sweet as honey.
“I’m Lee Haechan,” He stood before Hayeon, confidently offering his hand to the girl, and damn, her eyes… Her eyes might just melt Haechan in a second.
“Hi.. I’m Ha–”
“Hayeon. Im Hayeon.” Funny, Haechan who’s infamous for forgetting girls names, remembers hers– and she didn’t even say a proper word to sentence yet.
“You’re really pretty.” He doesn’t recognize his own voice.
“You’re sweet,” and when Hayeon giggles and avoided his staring eyes, he knew.
Immediately, he knew it’s so over.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“You’ve got two beds here, sweets. When’s your roommate coming?” Haechan asks in curiosity.
“Soon, hopefully. She’s from Sacred Heart too, been friends since forever,”
Haechan nods, “Aren’t they not accepting late registrants?”
“Yeah they are, but I talked to her on the phone and she says she’ll be here soon. I really hope she settles in quick, I don’t want to have a random roommate or something.” She states. Haechan finds it so cute that her face is so expressive. Every word comes with emotion, and he can just awe.
“I could be your roommate,” He snickers in.
“Don’t be silly,” Hayeon giggled, pulling a smile out of him.
“Don’t want to interrupt– but I think I’m gonna pass out if I didn’t have caffeine in the next two minutes..” Yangyang says suddenly, bursting the bubble Haechan and Hayeon were in.
“I’ll treat you guys! Dream cafe?” Hayeon claps in excitement.
Haechan shakes his head off, “Funny you think you’d pay when you’re around me, sweets. Don’t be silly,”
This isn’t like him, at all. It’s been three days, and he already can feel the lack of sex in his system. He blocked all his girl’s numbers and he can’t find it in himself to look at any other girls right now, except for of course, Hayeon.
“How long are you gonna keep up this act, man?” Yangyang whispered as the two of them walked behind Hayeon, entering the cafe.
“Shut the fuck up, what act? This is me, dude,”
“Don’t make me laugh, in about two days your dick will fall off and find a girl to fuck on its own,” Yangyang laughed but he got cut off when Haechan hits him at the back of his head.
“If she fucking hears you I’ll actually decapitate you,” He whispers, “–and no, it wouldn’t. I’ll make sure at the end of the week we’d be together and we’ll have the most mind blowing se—”
“Haechan? What’s yours?” He didn’t even realize Hayeon is already at the counter when she calls him. He quickly turns to her at a full tilt and beamed,
“Just Iced Americano,” He says, walking up to her to join her at the counter.
Once they settled in a table, Haechan just sat quietly listening to her voice, telling stories and he’s sure he’s never heard something sweeter. He felt like a creep, admiring her every feature but he can’t just help it.
He’s sure her lips would taste like honey, and god, what he would do to taste–
“What did you say your friend’s name again?” Yangyang says in between his sips.
“Y/n, why?”
“Y/n… where do I know her… shit I feel like I knew her..” Yangyang thinks harder than he does in his Biology exam, wondering why your name leaves familiarity in his tongue..
“She’s… been around. Have you perhaps… slept with her?” Hayeon winced at the end of her sentence. Haechan just furrows his brow, confused as to why they’re talking about a random person.
“Oh, fuck, Choi Seungcheol’s Y/n?!” Yangyang almost screamed. Haechan blinks thrice, very baffled about Yangyang’s reaction.
Choi Seungcheol? He knows that man.
And before he could join the conversation, Hayeon’s phone rings, and of course, her phone is pink, with a big ribbon at the back. Hmm, would she like pink flowers? Maybe–
[Shit, Hayeon, I’m not fucking pregnant!]
Yangyang spits the coffee in his mouth, and Haechan chokes on his own drink upon hearing the loud voice over Hayeon’s phone. The girl just froze, looking up at them with wide eyes, and then closing in her shoulders in embarrassment.
“H-hey, hi! I’m with friends,” She answers meekly, putting the phone off of the speaker.
Yangyang covers his grin over his coffee, Haechan acting like he heard nothing.
What a weird conversation starter.
“You’re at the campus? What? Now?” Hayeon says in panic. Haechan was alert in his seat, in case Hayeon needed him to come along.
And as expected, she now started to gather her bag, “Sorry, guys but I have to go. My friend’s somewhere the campus and I need to find her,”
“D’you need me with you?” Haechan offers, but deep inside him, he just wanted to lay down somewhere. All that heavy lifting made him tired– the caffeine getting him even more exhausted.
“No, not really, Channie.” The sudden nickname elicits a hue of pink in his cheeks, getting him flustered. No one ever calls him that.
Yangyang on his side snorts, eliciting an elbow from Haechan making him hiss. “I’ll text you, okay, sweets?”
“Alright, bye, guys!” And off she goes, with her elegant strides, she walks away.
“Channie– what the fuck was that?” Yangyang burst out laughing, but Haechan was still.
“I think I’m hard.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Three weeks.
“I’m starting to lose eyesight on my ears– and I’m fucking chafing bro!” He cries at Jeno, who’s just focused on his game, unbothered by the grown ass man crying behind him.
This has been officially, since he lost his virginity, the longest Haechan went without sex and he’s about to explode.
“But I can’t– not when it’s not her. Fuck, man, why can’t she just put out!”
Haechan pulls at his hair, frustrated and horny. He doesn’t know what to do– he wanted Hayeon, that’s for sure, but at the same time, old habits die hard, and there’s only so much his hands can do.
He knew Hayeon wants him too– that’s just obvious. However, she just doesn’t allow him to take a step further, and duh, he’ll never do anything that she doesn’t want, so it leaves him where he’s at. Delirious.
“Jeno!” He whines again, this time, tapping his friend on the shoulders.
Jeno moves his headset from his ear a bit, looking at him. “What?”
“You weren’t listening all this time?!”
Jeno, eyebrows lifted and clueless, shrugged before going back on his game.
“You fucking bitch,” Haechan murmured before walking out the room.
He was about to take a cold shower, as always, but then his phone pinged.
[11:01pm] hayeonnie: hi haechannie, wanna come over?
As if electrified, Haechan straightened up, quickly bolted out of their apartment.
There’s only one reason why she would invite him over, no? At this time, too? Haechan can feel legit excitement on his body as he drives to her apartment.
He stood outside her apartment door, inhaling deep to calm himself down, and adjusting his already hard dick struggling in his skinny jeans.
[11:12pm] haechan: im here @ ur door, sweets ;))
Taking a look at his phone camera and fixing his hair, he waits.
After a minute, she replied.
[11:13pm] hayeonnie: omg, already? im out buying our snacks but the door should be unlocked u can w8 in my room !!
He stood there a little confused, but he understood quickly, because he did sprint to get here. His sneakers didn’t even touch the ground. He’s that desperate.
He texted a simple ‘okay’ and attempted to turn the knobs, and thankfully, it was unlocked.
Her apartment was cold, but definitely lived in. The few sweaters lying around the couch and the succulents decorated on every corner made the room cozy, really different when Haechan helped her move in a couple of weeks ago.
What caught his eye was a couple extra home slippers by the door, one bedazzled pink and the other plain white, with a hotel branding on its side. Huh, maybe her roommates finally here.
Haechan sat carefully on the couch, checking his pockets for something really important.
Pulling the foil out of his front pocket, he made sure he brought not one, but three condoms.
“Okay,” He sighs and finally sinks into the sofa. He can relax now, he’s ready. He’s just waiting for his girl!
As soon as he felt comfortable, his entire body jolts when he heard one of the door open.
“The fuck?” His brows furrowed as he sees a tall man shirtless walking mindlessly to the kitchen counter.
When he got a good lighting on his face, his eyes widened.
It’s Choi Seungcheol.
It’s Choi motherfucking Seungcheol!
He never even saw this man in person, but the stories he heard about the infamous Sacred Heart Alumni was crazy. Apparently, he hosted the most wildest party that went down in history, and ever since then, he led the Carat House which rivaled NCU’s biggest frat. A quarterback that had the entire season in his palm— and because of that, NCU looked at him as an enemy.
So yeah, as an NCU home grown, he was taught that Choi Seungcheol is kind of the villain.
He didn’t realize how bad he’s staring at the man, until he looked at him in the eyes with a sour expression.
“What the fuck are you looking at?” Seungcheol with his deep voice asks. Haechan blinks,
“Are you here for y/n? I hate to break it to you but she’s not seeing anyone else anymore. So I suggest get your ass out before I fucking–”
“No! N-No, I don’t even know her. I’m here for Hayeon, uh, she’s out for a bit but she’s on her way back.” Haechan defends himself, and he hated the way he spoke in panic. He’s losing his cool, damn if anyone could see him pissing himself infront of another man, he'd be ruined.
Seungcheol says nothing but nods, before grabbing his shirt which somehow, was under the table.
“Just making things clear. You don’t want to mess with me, boy.” Seungcheol says and smirks, before leaving the apartment.
When Haechan finally loosens up, that’s when he realize he’s been holding his breath the entire conversation. When the door finally closed, he shakes his head.
“Fucking bitch. I’d break his pretty little lips open if he’d said one more word but I’m– Jesus fucking christ!”
“He’s out?”
A girl peeped through the other bedroom door,as he holds his chest in surprise. What the hell is happening?!
“Oh, sorry. My bad,” The girl says, gritting her teeth.
Haechan still holding his chest, looked up at the girl. His knees almost turned jelly because holy shit, this girl is so fucking gorgeous.
And if he could only speak, the first word that would fall of his lips was–
Oh, fuck, did he say it out loud?
“Nothing– shit, yeah he’s.. uh, out.” Haechan straighten up his posture, putting his hands on his pockets and clearing his throat to gain composure back.
“Oh thank god, I don’t know how long I pretended to be asleep for his ass to get a hint,” You sigh, finally letting your entire body out the room and walk past him like he’s not standing there.
Even your voice sounded hot. It was deeper than Hayeon’s, with a slight scratch at your words as if you’d just got done singing at the karaoke for hours. It sounded so fucking hot in his ears.
You went to the kitchen, grabbed you a coke in a can and opened it with your teeth. The mere sounds of your actions was the only thing keeping the room less awkward.
“Lee Haechan, was it?”
“Yeah.. how’d you know?”
“Hayeon tells me everything. Also the fact that you’re pretty famous in this school,” You chuckle at your own words, and he can’t help but feel a little intimidated but definitely… something else.
Sure, one of the reason is because you look like you’re not wearing pants under your oversized shirt, but it’s more in how you handle yourself. You look like you don’t care about anything.
“Y-yeah but not anymore tho.. I’m straightening up.. you know, Hayeon likes good guys so,” He doesn’t even know why he’s panicking to explain.
“Sure she does. By the way, you didn’t see Seungcheol here, alright? Nothing gets out of this apartment,” You walked towards the couch where Haechan stood, and his body tensed.
He gets a whiff of a powdery scent, like some kind of delicate perfume you had on and usually he prefers fruity ones but he’s starting to like this one more.
“You know that the entirety of NCU hates him, right?” He acts nonchalant.
“I understand your lack of tolerance with him, yes. That’s exactly why,” You pause when you get near enough, “–you, Lee Haechan, won’t say anything about it. Besides, we broke up so I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem.”
There’s something in the way you say his name, like it meant different. It felt strange, he’s used to hearing his name said with anger, adoration or pleasure, but with your voice, it just sounded… weird.
Before he could ponder about it further, the door opened, revealing the girl he had went here for. Right, Hayeon.
“Haechannie! I see you met y/n.” Hayeon were quick to step in between him and you.
There’s an awkward tinge in her face, as she smiles way too big, stretching her lips to appear enthusiastic. Haechan didn’t notice, but he definitely felt like him and Hayeon should just go inside her room.
“You’re right, Hayeon, he is a cutie.” You say, with the most obvious sarcasm.
“Right. Uh, we’ll go,” Hayeon gripped Haechan’s wrist, pulling him with her inside his room and before she could even close the door, his eyes found yours, and maybe he was hallucinating, but he definitely saw you look at him too.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You lied.
You don’t think Haechan is cute.
You think he’s fucking hot.
His golden skin and his perfect lips made you almost quiver in fear, that you might just have the hots for your best friend’s man. Which even for a woman like you, is a low blow. You don’t want to be the girl who fucks a man whose spoken for.
So you tossed it to you being horny. Maybe Seungcheol didn’t do enough, maybe if you’d seen a different person standing on your living room, you’d feel bothered too. It’s not Haechan– no, it can’t be him.
Because if it is him, then you’ve got a real big problem. Especially the next day, when Hayeon told you the news.
“I agreed to be his girl, and we did it.”
Normally, you’d congratulate her because she doesn’t have that many ex boyfriends and she’s the type to take a relationship seriously. After a few years of being single– she finally has a man, again.
But damn, you’ll be lying if that didn’t annoy you one bit. How’d Hayeon get to him first? Ugh.
[NCU’s like… really big. Just avoid him a little bit and it’d be fine.] Your friend, who is probably the person you trust the most, talks across the phone.
“Jurin, he’s literally my roommate’s boyfriend. I can’t even get away from him in my own fucking apartment.” You say, walking around the campus trying to find the auditorium, for one of your lectures. Jurin made a point, this campus is enormous compared to SHU.
[I don’t know what to tell ‘ya, he is fine, and it’s your fault for missing the first day and he happened to see Hayeon first.]
Finally, you seem to see the entrance to the auditorium, but you’re not sure. You try to look at your schedule, “To be fair, it’s just my first week here. Maybe there’s someone else I could obsess over–”
“That’s auditorium hall three, Prof Watson’s lecture?”
You turn to see a boy, with baggy jeans, a baggy shirt, a snapback worn backwards with a headphone barely hanging on it, a laptop on one hand, and a skateboard on the other. You wanted to scoff, this is almost a stereotypical college dude, except he actually rocks it. You’re conflicted, if you find this hot or not.
“Oh, yeah, uh– thanks?”
“Osaki Shotaro, by the way.” He offered to shake your hand, but forgets that he’s occupied with both. That’s when you actually let out a chuckle.
[Hello?? Just find somebody to fuck to get your mind off the dude,] You forget that Jurin’s still on the phone.
“Yeah, I’m gonna call you back.” You absentmindedly say before hanging up the phone.
“Y/n.” You smile at him, and with his innocent eyes, he smiled back.
“That was.. Wow.” Shotaro sighed in satisfaction, combing his hand across his hair.
You smirked at him, finding it adorable how he’s reacting to what just happened about three minutes ago.
Jurin was right, fucking somebody else was distracting enough to get your mind off of Haechan, but it felt like putting a band aid on a broken glass. You knew damn well you’d be back gushing about Haechan once you see him again.
“You’re great too, you know,” You say, fixing your skirt.
“Yeah sure but you… damn.” You chuckled at him.
Shotaro is hot, and shit, did he knew how to use his body. And for the first time, you had sex with a man who moans in Japanese. That was hot as fuck.
“Y’know rumors about the hottest chick from Sacred Heart went around before you transferred, and I never expected you’d even notice me in the first place,”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Oh, that’s probably Hayeon. Not me,”
You let out a laugh. Hayeon has always been crowned the most gorgeous student in SHU, and you were always out of the spotlight. Lots of people thought that you’re in her shadow, but to be honest, you like being in the dark.
You get away from a lot of things being unnoticed.
“You’re Seungcheol’s girl, right?”
You wince after hearing your ex’s name, but you were also used to this. Seungcheol and you had a past, a very bad one at that, and people often asks you about it. He was basically a celebrity in your previous school.
“Was.” You put an emphasis on the word.
“Then you’re the girl they were talking about. And to be frank, I think you’re hotter.” Shotaro claims with his chest out.
“You’re saying that because we just fucked,”
“I’m just being honest, but yeah, that too.”
Shotaro chilled in the apartment a couple more hours when you decided to order food. Of course, he insisted that he paid, and who are you to resist free food.
“The audacity to say Game of Thrones is way too boring, and here you are gushing over Harry Potter?!” Shotaro yelled playfully.
“Hey, I like what I like. Game of Thrones puts me to sleep faster than white noise,” You slurp on your Ramen, entertained over Shotaro losing his shit.
You two continued to bicker until you heard the sound of the pin to the door being opened.
The both of you looked at who’s coming, and you mentally curse seeing Haechan’s pretty face.
You roll your eyes, breathing in his overwhelming cologne that immediately surrounds the place. His leather jacket that he somehow make it work, and his tight skinny jeans that made him look taller. Fuck, this was never your type. What is wrong with you?
“Dude!” Shotaro jumps excitedly, seeing Haechan. That’s when Hayeon followed in, smiling at Shotaro but the confusion in her eyes stayed.
“What are you doing here?” Haechan says, eyes switching from Shotaro and you.
“I invited him here,” You say, trying your best to avoid his lingering stare. You felt like a highschool girl avoiding her crush. This sucks.
“You two know each other?” Hayeon asks.
“Yeah, we’re friends.” Shotaro says proudly. Dapping up Haechan as soon as he got near him. Haechan seemed suspicious, still glinting his eyes at his friend.
“You and her?” Haechan whispered ever so slightly, in hopes to not be heard by you or Hayeon.
“Yeah, dude.” Shotaro knowingly nods in excitement, as if winning a game, dragging the word ‘Yeah’ to emphasize his exhilaration.
Haechan nods, silently commending his friend for bagging you. He never knew Shotaro had it in him, to be honest.
“Really, y/n, Haechan’s friend?” Meanwhile, Hayeon pulled you aside, scolding you as soon as you were out of earshot by the two boys.
“I didn’t know he was his friend?”
“Look, I believe you, but I want this thing with Haechan to work. And I can’t have you sleeping around with his friends and risking my relationship with my boyfriend–”
“How would that risk anything? I’m literally minding my own business.” This was one thing you hated about Hayeon. She gets too controlling, everything should be in her way. That’s how she wants it.
“I don’t know, maybe your hobby of sleeping around with his close friends then ghosting them to go back to Seungcheol– Gee, I don’t know if that’d upset Haechan and lookie here–” She points at herself animatedly, “Unfortunately, I’m friends with you so who will eventually take the blame?!”
Hayeon seemed to spit harshly with her words, and it left did kind of stung. Hayeon is nice, kind and caring, but there are times where she sure knows how to make people feel bad. Lucky for you, you’re one of the people who suffers from this side of her.
“Unfortunately– huh. Okay.” You smile bitterly at her, before grabbing your wrist back from her grip.
“Don’t worry, Hayeonnie. I’d step away from his friends, I wouldn't want to jeopardize your one week relationship with him. And I mean this from the bottom of my heart, I hope you shove Haechan so far up your ass, in that case, you’d be together forever, you psycho.”
You, on the other hand, never claimed to be nice.
As you walk away, you stare extra hard at her, and that’s when you see the familiar look in her eyes.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
The difference of being in a new school compared to your old one, is that here, you had to start from scratch.
Yes, people here in NCU might’ve heard something about new students from SHU, given the famous rivalry between two schools and students who love getting dirt from each other, but you still need to build your persona from level zero.
“Word around here is that you’re apparently the hottest chick from Sacred Heart.” Juyeon, your seatmate in one of your classes.
“Apparently? Are you not sure?” You huffed.
He tilts his head to the side, “Don’t get me wrong, you are hot. But I’ve always thought you’d immediately jump on either Haechan or Jaemin once you moved here,”
You let out a chuckle. This man has no idea. You for sure would’ve jumped on Haechan. Your timing just fucked you over.
“Well, Haechan’s with my friend now so he’s out of the picture. Jaemin’s sexy, but not my type.”
“Meh, I’d give Haechan a month before he gets bored.” Juyeon shrugged.
You look back at him with intrigue, “Is he that much of a fuckboy?”
“He’s the worst out of the four of them. Haechan is infamous for fucking girls left and right. Jaemin is a close second, but Haechan? That man is a monster.”
You don’t know whats wrong with you, but your entire body suddenly turns warm over hearing Haechan’s reputation. You shift in your seat, contemplating a lot of things. Nasty things.
“Yeah? That bad, huh.” You clear your throat.
“Yep. But hey, heard he blocked all his girls for Hayeon. Made her an official girlfriend too. That got to count for something. Maybe he’s a changed man.”
Changed man your ass. “Nobody really changes, Juyeon. They just mask their true color. That isn’t changing, that’s just faking.”
The attention you received was nice at first, but as it went on, it felt irritating. Everybody just wants to talk to you and get to know you, despite the fact that you’ve made it clear that you’d rather keep to yourself.
You don’t know how Hayeon, or even Haechan does it.
They instantly became the power couple after a few more weeks of dating– and surprisingly, it seemed to be going on smoothly. They were both popular, Hayeon climbing up the status quo extra quick now that she has Haechan.
You? Oh, you tried to lie low, go back to what you had before, and at least try to stop ogling your friend’s boyfriend. It was just annoying before, but now it kind of starting to affect you.
Every time he’s in the apartment, it’s like he made it his mission to fuck Hayeon so hard that her moans sounded concerning, and in about an hour or two, you’ll see them cuddling in the couch watching a movie you’re sure they’ve seen before. Like, hell, who haven’t seen the Notebook?
“We’re ordering in, you want some?” Hayeon kindly asks, one time when you catch them on the kitchen counter.
You just woke up from your nap, and as soon as you see them making out in the kitchen, you almost want to knock yourself out.
“Nope. I’m actually craving for…” You take a look at your limited choice of cereal, “Fruit loops.”
“Hmmkay, I’ll head down stairs to get some packages, I swear they never bring my packages up here. Babe, please go with me?” The sickening baby voice she uses left you cringing, and all you can do is to fill your mouth up with a spoon full of cereal. This’ll keep you from saying shit you’d regret.
“My legs are about to give up, babe, we went for an hour of dog–”
You almost spit out your cereal, freezing over what Haechan just almost said. Are they fucking kidding you?
“–Cardio.” Haechan’s attempt at covering his sentence went unuseful, because you’re not dumb. You knew what he meant.
“Heh, okay, babe. Can you wait in my room?”
You see him furrow his brows at his girlfriend, “Can’t I wait here?”
Hayeon didn’t say anything, but her eyes said a lot more. She looks at you as if she’s seeing a problem with your presence around her boyfriend, without her in the room. She looks back at him, and sighed. “I’ll be right back,”
Once she closed the door, that’s when you chuckled. Same old Hayeon.
“That’s weird,” Haechan starts.
“That’s just how she is. Don’t worry,” You say casually, as if what she pertained to isn’t about you. Because it’s always about you.
“What do you mean?”
“She doesn’t trust me around men, she thinks I’ll jump every dick I came across to– specially you, her boyfriend,” The exaggerated tone you added to the term boyfriend was prominent. Saying it just annoyed you.
“Oh.. that’s.. that’s crazy. How’s you and Shotaro?” You didn’t want to read into his demeanor, and how fast he changes the topic, so you just grin.
“Meh, one time thing. Don’t worry tho, he’s a sport. Don’t want to break any friend dynamics you have with your circle,”
“Why would you break the dynamics?”
“Your friend Yangyang hit me up last night– and I almost gave in, but I think Hayeon is right, I don’t want to mess with your friends.” You say absent mindedly.
“I mean, they’re grown ass adults, it’s up to them if they let some girl break the friendship.” He casually blurts out, not even thinking of what he just said.
You catch a tiny bit of offense to it, “Some girl?”
He immediately raises his eyebrows in shock of his own word, blinking rapidly. “No! No, what I mean is it’s okay to do whatever you like! They have to deal with their own shit and it’s on them if they let it affect anything,”
You nod. Why does he seem nervous? This wasn’t what you expected from him at all. People says he’s over confident and cocky, but why is he stuttering in front of you now?
“Besides, your school is a lot bigger than Sacred Heart, I’m sure there's plenty of men that I can have. It’s not that hard to avoid your friend group,”
“Yeah. Yeah, definitely.” He clears his throat, for what seemed to be the nth time.
“I mean, I could, technically, go for your friend– Jaemin, was it?” You don’t know why, but you lied. Mainly to get a reaction out of him, indulging into your little theory.
“What? No. Not him, he’s obsessed with the art kid from SHU. Jeonghan’s friend?” His explanation seems valid. You bit your lip. You were expecting a lot more.
“Jeonghan’s ex? The girl who slept with Sir Nakamoto?” You asks, intrigued at the sudden mention of the girl you once knew from your previous school.
“Yeah! That one!”
You smirk in amusement, “Huh. Small world.”
“Yeah so definitely not Jaemin. Or Jeno, Or Renjun. Nope. They already have their own girl.” He says in finality, shaking his head.
You chuckle at his expression. He’s so damn cute. You just want to… fuck.
“Alright, chill. I’ll step back from your friends. God, you sound just like Hayeon.”
He flinched over the mention of his own girlfriends name. He looked like he forgot about her for a second there, but you don’t let yourself believe that. You’re just feeding into your delusions.
You drink the milk that’s left in your bowl, and when you bring it back down to the counter, you see Haechan’s gaze lowering in your face, stopping right where your lips are.
“You got some, uh–”
You point at your lips, “Oh,” you lick the milk mustache above your upper lip, all while Haechan watches.
Shit, this looks like an introduction to some porn. You didn’t even mean to do it, you swear!
He clears his throat again, “B-but… would you tho?”
You raise your brow at his sudden question.
“Would I.. what?”
“J-jump.. on my… d-dick?”
Slowly, the smirk you had before shows again.
“Oh, Haechan, that’s not a nice question to ask your girlfriend’s friend, now is it?”
“I-I was just–”
“Finally! I ran up here as fast as I could, what are you two talking about?” Hayeon’s catching her breath, quickly stepping between you and Haechan, effortlessly breaking the thick tension between you two.
You, on the other hand, managed to break your eyes away from the boy and walked to the sink to wash your bowl.
“Fruit loops,” you lie.
Haechan was still standing there, trying to amuse his girlfriend, as if he didn’t just ask you if you would jump on his dick a minute ago.
“Yeah, fruit loops.” He whispers as he takes a deep breath.
Things just got way more interesting.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Haechan doesn’t know what it is. Maybe he’s just really tired, maybe the exams are slowly getting to him.
He laughs. He doesn’t give a fuck about the exams.
“I don’t like your friend, Renjun. His smile seems so fake when he smiles at me,” Hayeon says through her teeth.
“Nah, that’s how he is on everybody. He doesn’t even smile at me,” Hayeon snuggled more onto his side as they continued watching the Kissing Booth.
“I guess you know him better, but still, can you tell him to be nice?”
Haechan just nods at her. Renjun is nice, only to people who’s nice to him. However, in Hayeon’s case, Renjun is still doubting his relationship with her. Something about being way too quick, or way too forced.
And even tho Haechan doesn’t show it that much, he does value Renjun’s judgement among all of his friends. He trusts him to see through all his actions, and think of what’s best for him.
But, of course, he still insist that his relationship with Hayeon will work. Because it needs to work. He’s not gonna embarrass himself after chasing this woman for so long— only for him to break up in a month.
“Let’s go to bed?” Finally, the awful movie ended, and a sense of relief washes over him. He hated the Kissing Booth.
“I’ll do the thing that you like..” Hayeon whispered lowly in his ears, making him smirk. She knows exactly how to get his attention.
However, before they could even get walk to Hayeon’s room, the front door swung wide open, revealing a huffing figure stomping inside.
You’re angry—no, you’re actually fuming. And it all made sense when he saw whoever followed you into the apartment.
“Fuck you!” You yelled as you threw your bag on the floor.
Seungcheol brushed his hands through his hair as he strides big steps towards you. Haechan frowned at how aggressive Seungcheol was approaching you and he was about to interfere, when Hayeon tightened her grip at his wrist.
“Don’t– they do this all the time. Let’s just go in,” She says quietly.
“Get out of my fucking apartment, Choi Seungcheol.” You say, voice cut deeply, eyes closed as if trying to gather patience.
“What were you doing with that Soohyun, huh? Throwing ass like I’m not fucking in the same room?!” Seungcheol shouted, pointing at you as if you were nothing. Haechan flinched everytime he sees Seungcheol almost touch you.
“We’re over, weeks ago, you delusional fuck! You’re fucking stalking me— it’s like you have a fucking tracking device, weirdo!”
“If you think we’re over, think again, bitch. I made you. I own you. You can do whatever you want, switch schools, create a whole new personality, but the truth is, you’re still the same fucking slut for me.”
“That’s–” Haechan was supposed to get in between you and Seungcheol, but a forceful tug on his wrist made him stumble back to Hayeon’s room.
”Leave it, Haechan. It’s not our business!” Hayeon then slammed the door shut.
“That’s your friend, babe! He’s going to hurt her!”
“It’s their problem, Haechan! They’re always like this! That’s how they are! An hour from now, they’re gonna be fucking like rabbits next door, trust me.”
He doesn’t know what to feel. Did they see the same thing? Did she not see how aggressive that guy is towards you? How can Hayeon let her friend get treated that way?
Haechan was straight up dumbfounded.
Maybe it’s a Sacred Heart thing. He’s heard some of the crazies went there. Maybe you’re one of them.
But every minute that had passed, he felt like his ears was hyper alert. His eyes wandered around the thin wall separating Hayeon’s room to where you are.
Another muffled scream, followed by a thud that sounded like something being thrown across the room. It felt like a telenovela, a drama that he used to watch.
“They’ve been like that forever. Y/n always leaves, but Seungcheol always chases. It’s a cycle, and you should be used to it, because no matter how bad they get, they’ll still end up together.” Hayeon further explained.
But he still doesn’t get it. He only saw a fracture of your relationship with that man and he could already tell it’s not a very healthy relationship, a dangerous one at that, and Hayeon, who’s apparently supposed to be your friend, witnessing this for a long time— thinks this is okay?
“Don’t worry, babe, okay? It’s fine.” Hayeon’s attempt at calming him down did little to nothing. Not when the silence that followed sounded terrifying.
Turns out, Hayeon was right.
The angry curses, the yelling, and the aggression earlier was completely gone— replaced by the same words, just different way of expressing them.
Haechan hears a very different types of curses next door now. The rhythmic banging on the wall adds to it all, and all he can think of are you graphic moans filling up his brain.
Haechan was rightfully confused. However, confusion isn’t the only one swimming in his system, there was something else. Hearing you get fucked less than five feet away from him left an unnamed sensation he was scared to confront.
So, he did was he does best. He distracted himself by focusing on the girl he’s with, the girl who he should only think about.
Yet, despite his eagerness to erase whatever thought he had, Haechan was never a strong willed person. He admits that he’s mentally weak, that he’s a slave to his own body.
So when his brain was focused on Hayeon, his body reacted differently.
Because every time he hears you moan, his hips involuntarily thrust– and then everything else just happened without him thinking about anything, just desperately seeking release. He listened to every cry you made, every breath you take.
“Ah,” He moans deeply, eyes closed shut as he tried to scrape the bottom of the barrel and listen intently to your whimpering next door.
“Harder,” Your faint voice kept him going.
Not Hayeon’s, no one else but yours.
“Hm-hmm,” He bit his lip as he followed your order, thrusting with extra vigor. He kept his words vague, not letting Hayeon figure out what the fuck is in his head.
“Cum,” You muttered more incoherent words but he takes what he could understand. And as if in command, he cums. Hard.
The moment he opens his eyes,
“God, what’s with you tonight!” Hayeon giggles in satisfaction, catching her breath. Once he was back in his senses, a huge wave of guilt washed over him.
Did he… just fucked his girlfriend to the thought of you?
He shakes his head violently, as if the idea of him doing it could fall out of his memories.
Haechan was a pervert. He never denied it. But this… this just made him feel dirty. He’d admit, he isn’t the nicest, but come on, he’s a decent human being–sometimes.
“Where are you going?” Hayeon asks when she looks at him.
He grabbed his jacket, “Renjun called.” He didn’t.
“Uh, okay?”
And for the first time, Haechan didn’t bother to look at her eyes before he walked out her room.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Haechan had already heard of every insult he can imagine, and he never finds it in himself to care. Heck, sometimes, he takes pride for being called a manwhore. In his mind, that’s just another way of saying he gets so much pussy, that people felt the need to give him the title.
But this time, it’s different. He didn’t hear it, he felt it.
This was the first time he felt a tiny bit of shame. And it doesn’t feel good, like, at all.
He struggles to even admit that what people thought of him was true. That he cannot handle being in a serious relationship longer than a couple months.
He could’ve sworn that what he felt with Hayeon was true, it was intense, it was a different feeling than the girls he had before. But then you came along, and ruined everything.
Any chance of Haechan finally finding his true love crumbled upon his feet, all because of you.
That’s it, you’re a curse. A curse he needs to avoid at all costs.
“Woah, you look like shit.” Renjun sat beside him, carrying a shit-eating grin only a true friend could show.
“Shut up, I’m in a predicament.” He brushed Renjun off.
“Predicament? Big word for elmo,”
“Aish–” He hits Renjun, softly, of course, and Renjun just laughed. Seeing Haechan visibly distressed somehow intrigued him, because Haechan never worries about anything, at all.
“Is it Hayeon?” He asks casually.
Haechan sat straight, coughing– “Nope! Not at all– me and my girlfriend are very happy together.” Haechan frantically shakes his head, smiling as if a gun is pointed to his head.
“O-kay? Calm down, freak.” Renjun proceeds to take out his laptop.
Haechan rolls his eyes, but as soon as he focuses on the door of the lecture hall, his breathing hitches.
You entered, hiding under a black hoodie, head hanging low. You clutch your bag as if someone’s out to take it from you. Your steps are calculated, but rushed at the same time.
Odd, Haechan muttered deep in his breath.
However, even after being intrigued by your peculiar demeanor, Haechan didn’t approach you. Not that you care tho— this is only one of two classes he shares with you. It’d be easy to avoid you, right?
Wrong. In some shit luck, for the semester’s first project by pair, his name just had to be called after yours.
Biting his lip as he strides to reach you, he took a deep breath before actually approaching you. You had this dark aura, ever since the start of the lecture. Haechan couldn’t name it.
“W-we’re partners,” There’s the fucking stuttering again. He swears this is all your fault.
About three seconds passed before you finally acknowledge him, like you’ve been pulled out of a trance. You snap at Haechan, but the wary eyes turned soft as soon as your eyes connects with him.
“Yeah. R-right, uh– let’s just do it in the apartment, so we’d both be comfortable since you basically live with us too.” The pathetic attempt of smirking did little to nothing, to cover the puffy eyes you desperately hid.
But then again, Haechan’s not in the place to ask you whats wrong. He doesn’t want to be concerned, nor does he want to care. It’s not like you’re someone to him. Psh, you’re just his girlfriend’s best friend.
Jesus fucking christ.
“K.” He slings his bag on his shoulders, and spins around to walk away.
What you didn’t see is how tight he grips the strap of his bag until his knuckles turned white, and his breathing shakes as soon as he left.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
This won’t do.
Ever since he got to your apartment, all you said to him was ‘Hi,’ and you never talked to him again if it’s not about the project. Worst, you keep your words as minimum as possible, and your hand trembles every time you type in your laptop.
There’s no way you’re okay. You’re avoiding his stares, you’re refusing to hold a conversation even for a minute.
Haechan should be glad, you make it easier for him to avoid you, but instead of relief, Haechan is faced with worry.
You’re not acting like you. Your usual confident and carelessness was replaced by whatever this is.
He curses in his head, before slamming his laptop close.
“Let’s take a break,” He says.
You shake your head, “We’re almost done,”
“I know, so we should take a break,”
“You look like you’re gonna shatter any second now, y/n. So let’s take a fucking break.” Haechan’s stern voice was a rare occurrence, but he needed to be assertive.
You gulped and finally take off your hands off the keyboard.
“Are you okay?” Haechan carefully asked, as to not make you uncomfortable.
“I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine,”
This time, your eyes glare at him. Haechan blinks, trying to hold a stare but he couldn’t. Your bloodshot eyes was trying to suck him in.
“Seungcheol… he’s not a bad guy.” You started off and immediately, Haechan didn’t like where you were going.
“Is he why you.. look like that?”
“I look like a what?”
“Like you’re on the verge of breaking down,”
“Haechan-ah… tell me. Are you happy?” In an innocent mind, this question seems simple. In Haechan’s mind, this felt loaded.
Is he really? Pff, no. He accepted the fact that he might not really be inlove with his girlfriend and dove into a committed relationship head first way too fast and now he’s on a position that might just ruin his new found reputation of being a good guy. So, yeah, no.
“I’m glad. Cuz I’m really not.. Seungcheol was my safe choice, but when he gets like this.. it’s not fun. So I decided to leave him, for good. But I realized that no one’s on my team now that he’s gone.” You sounded so off. Like you weren’t yourself. Haechan couldn’t bear it, so he looked away.
“I’m on your team,” He softly says, hopefully sounding less cringy.
“Really? Haechan-ah?” Okay, he really doesn’t like it when you call him Haechan. It sounds so.. unfamiliar.
“Yep. Me, Hayeon, and all your friends are here for you.” He didn’t like saying his girlfriend’s name whilst talking to you, but he knew he had to draw some kind of line. Just in case you get the wrong idea, or worse, he gets the wrong idea.
You let out an awkward laugh. He doesn’t understand which part of this you find funny at all.
“Right. Hayeonnie.” This time, it sounded like you hated her name. Like it didn’t need to be in the conversation.
“So.. promise me you’ll never go back to Seungcheol again, okay? He’s a bad guy,” He exaggerated a scolding tone just to lighten up the mood but it didn’t do much.
You just nodded– looking like you just wanted to end the conversation.
Thankfully, a notification from his phone breaks the dead silence. He used it as an excuse to escape.
[7:03pm] hayeon: I’m at my sisters, babe. Aren’t u going to Yang’s party tonight?
He sighs. Right, his loving girlfriend.
He can’t just leave you all alone, can he? Not when you’re in this state, not when you’re not okay.
This isn’t even about his problem with you anymore. Any decent human being wouldn’t leave a poor girl all alone when she clearly needs someone.
“Come with us to Yangyang’s party. Take your mind off of things.”
“It’s either you go or I’ll drag you with us.”
There was another pause, silence filled with tension you could cut through with a knife. You didn’t say anything but sighed, basically confirming to Haechan that you’ll go.
You guess you needed a little distraction.
“I’ll be there.” You softly whisper. You closed your laptop, and stood up from the coffee table straight to your room.
As soon as the door clicks, Haechan catches his breath. He doesn’t realize he’s been holding it in everytime you look at him. Thank God you didn’t notice it.
This will do him good. It’ll clear his mind, and in no time, he’ll be back in his girlfriend’s arms. You’ll be busy with other people and you’ll be out of his sight. Yeah.
[8:56pm] hayeon: Can’t go to Yang’s tonight babe :( My sister needs me to help with something. See you tomorrow?
He was about to reply, when another message popped up in his phone.
[8:57pm] yangyang: u better come to my party !! bring ur gf or wtv.. make sure she brings y/n too haha
[8:57pm] haechan: im going, but hayeon cant go. y/n will be there.
[8:58pm] yangyang: fuck yeah dude i cant w8 to see her!!!
Why is Yangyang so obsessed with you? Didn’t you say you turned him down already? Well, knowing Yangyang, he does get a bit infatuated with someone that does so much as give him the time of day, but come on. You already said no to him, right?
Haechan reminds himself to reply to Hayeon, but his mind was somewhere else.
So he never did.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“It’s been so long seeing you without your girl, dude!” Yangyang excitedly put his arms around Haechan, almost choking the guy. In return, Haechan elbowed him slightly, just to get the guy off of him.
“You’re choking me, asshole.”
“Huh, could’ve sworn you’re a little bit into that.” Yangyang joked, earning a hefty hit from Haechan.
He kinda get Yangyang tho. It has been a while since he attended some party without Hayeon by his side, and honestly, it kinda brought back a vibe in him. Only this time, he needs to be careful.
The hushed whispers of girls upon seeing him alone was noticeable, some even saying that maybe Hayeon’s out of the picture. He needed to clear things up before everybody misunderstood.
“My girlfriend, Hayeon is at her family house. She’ll be with me tomorrow.” He says very loudly, for everybody to hear.
He doesn’t know why he felt the need to prove others wrong, but one things for sure. He’s not going to mold himself to the expectations of him not being able to keep one girl for a long time.
“Alright, man, no need to yell.” Shotaro popped in his right.
“Where have you been?” Yangyang asked.
“Y/n’s over at the hallway with Soohyun. I think she’s wasted, dude.”
Haechan’s ears perked with the mention of your name. You’re here earlier than him? And you’re already wasted?
So what? Not my responsibility. Haechan says to himself. He grabs one of the shots on the counter and downed it straight. Haeving, he goes and takes another.
“Slow down, stupid!” Jeno appears beside him, chuckling a bit.
He shakes his head. No, no, no, no, no.
“Are you okay?” Renjun asks, this time more seriously. He had never seen Haechan being in distress for long periods of time, and never this conflicted. He knew Haechan like the back of his hand.
“I’ll get over it.” Voice rasp, Haechan walks away from his friends.
He rings his girlfriend one time, only to be answered by a robotic voice telling him she’s busy. He tried it again, but the result was the same.
Every shot he encountered, he drank. He can’t really handle anything without being sober, let alone think about you while being sane. He’ll go crazy.
But then the when the alcohol hits, his thoughts got more even insane. Batshit. He can fucking hear your voice now.
Your screams, when you were fighting with Seungcheol.
Your moans, when he was pounding you to oblivion.
Your tears, when you yelled profanities.
And your fucking words that made Haechan cum that night. The same fucking words that he knew wasn’t meant for him, but he took it as if you whispered in his ear.
“Fuck!” He screams out of frustration. He felt disgusted with his own thoughts.
Man these walls must be talking ‘cuz he swear he just heard yo–
He turned around to see you, and he can’t pin what his exact feeling the moment your eyes met. He was relieved for a split second, then he suddenly felt tense because it was like he manifested you to appear in front of him.
“Look who decides to show up without his pet.” Another voice popped from behind you, however, he can’t think of anyone else but your flushed face.
“Didn’t you miss me, Haechannie? Come on, I know your girl doesn’t compare..” It was a drunk Gaeun, stumbling past you, managing to nudge your shoulders.
Her hands finds Haechan’s shoulders, putting her entire weight pulling him down to her level.
He was in panic mode. You were just standing there, visibly disturbed, rightfully so, as Haechan tried to push Gaeun away as respectfully as he can.
“Gaeun, pleas–”
“Are you fucking insane?” Your voice thundered as your hand pulled the drunk girl away from him. His eyes widened, feet frozen as he sees you drag the girl away from him.
“Get your hands off me! Haechan!” Gaeun screamed for him, but he can’t really do anything, he’s still, fascinated at the scene in front of him. Are you.. jealous?
But when he notice the moment escalates and you’re now dragging Gaeun by her hair, he jumped into action and gently tried to pull your wrist away. “Let go,”
Your sharp eyes turned to him, still in attack mode, but you took one deep breath and let go of her hair. A sobbing mess, Gaeun runs away from you.
“You’re really gonna let her be all over you like that? What if I wasn’t here?!”
“You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna let you cheat on Hayeon with a bitch like her–”
“Then who else?”
His hands aren’t on the steering wheel anymore, and any control he had– he threw it all away.
The game was over. Haechan forfeits, this isn’t something he can deny any longer.
Haechan, still holding your wrist, pulled you closer to his body.
“Who would you rather me cheat on her with?”
“Nope. Wrong name. Come on, say it.” He completely turned off the switch. He basically slashed the throat of the angel that gives him the conscience he’s been holding on so tight, and grabbed the devil’s hands.
This was a risky game he was playing, you could totally call him out, and tell Hayeon right away, but the other side of the spectrum is way too good to even think of the risk. You could come to him and give him a taste of what he was craving for.
“You’re drunk–”
“Were you drunk those nights when you’d stare at me when I visit Hayeon? Were you drunk when you pretend you didn’t find me hot? Or were you drunk when you moan extra louder whenever I’m around while being fucked by your boy-toy? Huh?” You couldn’t even recognize his voice at this point. He sounds so… out of it.
“Being drunk has nothing to do with this, y/n. I’m gonna ask you again, you can just turn around and pretend nothing happened, and we’re just both drunk to think straight. But tell me, y/n, the truth. Didn’t you at least think about what it’s like? To be fucked properly?”
Think about it? Fuck that. You fantasized about it. Day and night. Haechan plagued your mind twenty-five-eight, and the fact that he’s inside your friend’s room instead of yours.
So yeah, you did more than thinking about it.
“This is bad..” You whimpered, lips a paperthin away from each other.
“You make me do bad things, very, very bad things. But then again, I’m not a stranger to being the bad guy.”
And just as Haechan lets the last word fall from his pretty lips, you took the bait. You shook the devil’s hand and kissed him. And from then on, you know there’s no going back.
Haechan pulled you by the waist, and your hand grips his neck to deepen the kiss. As your tongues danced to a perfect rhythm, you feel his other hand take the back of your left thigh, urging you to wrap them in his waist, signalling you to let him carry you. Which you did, you were always a good listener.
It’s crazy. You feel everything, all at once and it was so overwhelming but it felt right. Which is such a fucking lie because everything about this is wrong. It’s so wrong, but fuck it, it felt so right.
Carrying you by your ass, Haechan managed to walk inside one of the rooms, and because you’re so hyper focused on touch and what his lips are doing, you didn’t even realize that you’re already in a bed, ‘til you felt a soft texture on your back.
Haechan pulled away, and takes a second to look at you from above, “Fuck, you’re so pretty. You’ve always been prettier,”
It sounded so bad, yet so good in your ears. You can’t believe you’re hearing this from a boy who’s just a month ago, drooling over your friend.
“Shut up before we come back to our senses and realize how fucked up this is,” You murmured.
“Why do you gotta spoil the mood, baby?” He whines but still kissed you again, letting his hands roam free across your body.
His fingers stealthily pulled the hem of your shirt, letting his bare hands come in contact with your stomach which you respond with a shudder.
“Hmm, my baby’s ticklish.” He chuckled as if he just unlocked a new discovery.
He continued kissing you on your neck, you assume its to distract you from his hand slowly creeping up your bra. Which he does a bad job at because you can feel everything he’s doing. And once he came in contact with your nipple, you let out a proper moan.
“God, you even sound pretty.” You supposed you already expected him to be a talker in bed, but nobody prepared you on how good he can be at it.
“Can I take this off?” He looks at you as he tugs your shirt.
He smirks, “Let’s just.. take everything off, hmm?”
You eagerly nodded. You keep on thinking excuses in your head, that in some fucked up way, this is okay. That this was fine. That this is how it should be.
Before you know it, you were naked in front of him, You’re naked in front of your friend’s boyfriend.
Haechan used his arms to lift himself up, looking at your body with lust dripping from his iris, jaws slightly ajar. “Fuck.”
Not long before his hands continued roaming around your body and it felt like every single touch burned, but you loved every single sensation that came with it.
“This is bad…” You whisper, but your hands pull him closer.
“So bad,” He says, grinding his clothed member on your core, and even if the rough denim felt uncomfortable, it doesn’t compare to the pleasure that it gave you.
You see his other hand struggle to open his pants and pull ‘em down. You help him with his shirt which he gladly removed, and when you’re both exposed, that’s when he finally puts his hand to good use.
You moan at the initial contact of his fingers onto your folds. He used his free hand to get the hair out of your face, just to see every single reaction you gave him.
He deepens the contact, until you feel his long fingers sink in and thats when you curse. It felt fucking good. “Hae..chan,”
“Uh-huh,” He encourages.
His fingers went in and out, gradually going faster, and you couldn’t help but whimper. You grab his wrist when you felt like cummin, because you can’t believe he managed to make you feel this way, this quickly.
“Your hands,” He warned, so you let go. This authoritative voice he has made you feel some type of way.
He continued to move, like he knew you were in the verge. “Look at me when you cum,” He says, this time with a much softer approach.
But it was hard to open your eyes– especially when you started to feel euphoric. However, Haechan wasn’t gonna take it. He grabbed your face, forcefully making you look at him. “Open your fucking eyes, or else I’m gonna stop.”
“No, p-please.” You shake your head.
“Then look at me,” He says.
And then, you exploded. A moaning mess, you try to stop your legs from shaking but it proved to be ineffective, as they still shook from the sensation you just felt. It was different– everything felt different with him.
“Good girl,” He almost growls, “Good fucking girl,”
You were catching your breath, recovering from the mess you made. Haechan was something else. You’ve had orgasm before, but this was the first time it felt so real.
“Can I fuck you?”
There’s a shift in his voice, almost confusing you why he sounded so… whiny. You bit your lip as you look up at him and you nod.
He whispered a soft okay, guiding you to sit up. Thats when you realize he’s also naked and fuck, of course he has to be hung. There’s more to his face— that’s why girls go fucking coocoo for this man.
He sits up by the head board as he pumps his own cock in front of you, while he looks at you lustfully, as if he’s seeing his fantasy come to life. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispers.
You crawl your way to him, eyes can’t help but stare at his hand desperately jerking himself off. You tap it away and he knew by then what you were trying to do. His hands instinctively go to the back of your head. He looks down at you by the tilt of his head as his jaw hangs low.
Your hand replaces his, and Haechan knew– he’s fucked. The flick of your wrist felt so good.
And then, you try and give him a tiny lick, and he could’ve sworn he almost came there and then. But he’s not a pussy– oh no, if he’s gonna come, it has to be from fucking you.
“Oh, fuck, y/n,” he moans when you finally suck him fully, gripping the remainder of his base where you can’t go even more lower. Your name falls way too familiar from his lips.
Not even a full minute of you sucking him off, he pulls you by the hair. “Need to fuck you now or I’ll come,”
“Okay,” You whisper, waiting for him to guide you what to do next.
“Ride me, baby.”
You spread your legs and straddle him. You grab his cock and line him up to your core and slowly sinks in. Both of you gasp, you from the stretch, him from the grip you had on him. It felt so right– so perfect.
“You’re made for me,” He says more to himself than you.
You gain momentum, finding a rhythm that works with the both of you. Every time you sunk down, Haechan lets out a whine– then a praise after. His words, if you’re being honest, is what kept you going besides, of course, the feeling of him being inside you.
“Baby, my god,”
“Yes,” You almost growl when you felt that you’re coming undone, again, the twist in your stomach slowly getting more intense.
“Y/n, baby, do I make you feel good?” There he goes again with his whiny voice.
“Yes,” You breathe out.
“You fuck me so good,” He moans, eyes rolling backwards. He looks so scrumptious, and you just want to ruin him.
His eyes started burning through yours, you don’t even see him blinking. Haechan does not want to miss anything on your face as he fucks you. He wants to remember every single second.
“Shit, shit,” He curses, wrapping his arm on your waist, forcing you to fall onto his chest before planting both his feet on the mattress to fuck up into you.
A high pitch moan came out of you, and you couldn’t believe you could even make that noise. Haechan takes it out of you.
“You make me– fuck, please, please– y/n,” He’s blurting out words, burying his head on your neck. You grab the headboard to balance yourself because it felt like you’re gonna fly out of the bed with the way he’s pounding onto you.
“Say my name,” He groans.
“No– Donghyuck. My name’s Donghyuck.”
“Donghyuck, please, cum in me.”
And just like a command, or a magic word, he stilled in you and you felt warm ropes painting your insides as he let out the sluttiest moan you’ve every heard from a man.
You were shaking, but so is he.
“You’ll fucking kill me, y/n.”
Only you, him and the faint music outside these four walls are the only distraction you have as you laid beside him. And then it hit you.
“We just… fucked,”
Haechan— no, scratch that, Donghyuck, let out a snort. “Yeah we did.”
“That’s really bad,”
“It is,”
You sit up, starting to grab your clothes one by one.
After-dick clarity starts to sink in and the pleasure from before was replaced with a crashing wave of guilt.
“This is a mistake, Donghyuck.”
He brushes his hands across his face as he tried to get a hold of your wrist, to stop you.
“Then let’s keep making mistakes,” His voice was sultry. A note lower than what he usually sounds. Like when he was fuck—
No. Hayeon. Haechan and Hayeon. Fuck.
“Big ones,” He continued. You pull your hands away from him and as soon as you dressed up properly, you look at him one last time.
Half naked, he bites his lip as he matches your eyes.
“This will never happen again.” Was the last thing that you say, before slamming the door in front of his face.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Hmm, yeah? Feel so good, huh?”
You look at the mirror as Donghyuck pounds into you in oblivion.
Like a starved man, he locks both your arms around you back, with his hand, while his other hand is busy putting a joint in between his lips.
He hits a long drag, but not letting it affect the way he fucks into you. He’s still in so deep, and it felt euphoric. He looks at you at the mirror and smirks.
“My baby wants a hit?”
You nod, desperately at that, and he then bends over, letting his refined chest hit your back. Instantly, you felt a cool sensation from his dog-tag, but every inch of his skin was warm. Hot.
He puts the joint in between your lips, letting you drag a long one before licking the back of your ears.
“Told you it’ll double the fun when we’re high,” He whispers.
“Love it, Hyuckie, love it so much–”
“Love fucking you too, my y/n. So fucking much.”
You, also as if starving, ate all your words.
Because when you said you’ll never mess around with him, you still found him eight inches deep inside you the next week.
It happened again, and again, and again.
You know this will blow up in your face eventually– but you can’t help it when Donghyuck gives you everything you wanted. He fucks you like he owns you, like you’re the only person in his world.
And despite how many times you convince yourself that you’re a strong willed person, Donghyuck just knows how to get you. One smile, one look, and you’re on your knees for him. Your name just falls off of his lips way too smoothly, melting you into a puddle each time.
But everytime he walks out the door, an immediate wave of guilt washed over you. You hate that you can’t call him yours, even when he makes you feel like you’re his.
He was your own brand of ecstasy, taking you to places you didn’t even know existed, and even though you knew it was all in your head, pretending like it’s real for a moment, felt so addicting.
You knew not to be attached, but you also knew going into this that you’re basically setting yourself up. A suicide mission.
It doesn’t matter how perfect it felt to be with him. Give yourself an hour and you’re back to being the other woman. Because at the end of the day, you know, he’s going back to her.
“You okay, pretty?” He kisses your shoulder blade as you sat in his bed.
“Yeah,” You silently say, smiling. Hiding the fact that when he closes his eyes, you prayed he never sees her.
Because God knows that you do.
He sighs, as if he knows what you were thinking about. Of course, the elephant in the room takes up the entire space. He can’t pretend that what’s happening is normal.
“I’ll tell her soon, okay? I’ll take all the blame– just, give me time, I promise.” He gently caresses your hair.
“Hmm, okay.” Your soft smiles is why he kept coming back. You’re the most prettiest person he’d ever had, and he knows it doesn’t mean much when it comes from him, but he swears he’d never seen anyone prettier.
He just wished he had seen you first.
You don’t know when the drunken mistakes and reckless escapes turn into so much more, but you knew you were falling. Damn you for falling easily. Damn your heart for being so clumsy.
Meanwhile, Haechan knew he was in deep shit.
“Look, dude, I know I don’t usually compliment you and shit, but I’m actually proud of you for being in a relationship this long, man.” Jeno says, sincerely at that.
He liked the compliments, and this new image he had managed to create. Like he’s a great guy, like he’s finally maturing. He likes that people finally likes him, in a light he’s never been on before. But then, you just had to happen.
And Haechan just happens to like you. A lot. And now that he’s got a taste of you, he’s afraid he can’t ever get enough.
It’s so bad to the point that instead of stopping whatever is going on between you two, he’s thinking of ways how to keep you, without incriminating you. Because he’s aware that when this all blows up, it’ll be bad, not only for him, but to you too.
“Are you okay, baby?” Hayeon’s touch started to burn, it started to feel unfamiliar. And he knows he’s being a fucking douchebag, but he can’t lie to himself.
“Y-yeah, uh, Shotaro wants me to come with him to the gym.” He says some pathetic excuse to get away from her. Mostly from the guilt, that’s eating him alive.
Hayeon nods, but a glint of suspicion in her eyes lingers.
“I saw Shotaro studying at the library that day. I asked him if he was with Haechan, but he said he’d never seen him.”
That was the first time you felt the world started to shrink on you.
She was crying on your shoulder, all you could do was hold her. But your hand stung, from the blade you were willing on her back.
You weren’t always nice, but never have you imagined you could do this to her. Hayeon was your friend.
And it’s not like you didn’t avoid Donghyuck, because God knows, that you really tried to.
It was another usual Friday, where Soohyun, a senior, throws a party. It was a big deal, with him graduating this semester. He had invited you personally, and it would be strange for you to turn it down because you had never turn booze down.
But you knew he was gonna be there.
You had ignored his calls and text from last week, avoiding every instances that you might come across the Devil himself.
But hey, Soohyun’s house is big. You could probably go for a couple of hours without crossing paths with Dong— Haechan, right?
Because here he is, sitting across you with his hands wrapped around his girlfriend. Hayeon came in– as if a few days ago, she didn’t cry all night because of him.
They look so inlove. It was disgusting.
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” Soohyun popped beside you. He scootches impossibly closer, putting his arms around you.
“You’re leaving in three months, wouldn’t miss it for the world,” You say, very casually, that it almost sounded fake. Not that it isn’t, but whatever.
Soohyun continued his advances, and you just let him. It at least helped you– although very annoying, still, you’d rather have him than be stuck looking at him with her.
Soohyun is an attractive man. He’s very muscle-y yet slim, fair skin and sharp eyes. He’s one of the guys who you can’t deny that he’s certainly a catch. He’s very tall too, so, yeah, not bad at all.
Unlike someone, who’s very different from Soohyun. Sunkissed, plump lips, soft yet toned body, and tall enough where his lips meets your forehead perfectly. Voluptuous ass, cunty little waist, and most important of it all, big fucking di–
“Soohyun-ah, get up in here!” A loud voice from the main hall called out.
“Gotta greet the boys real quick, sweetheart. If you want something– help yourself at my kitchen, okay?” Soohyun pecks at your cheek. You smiled and nodded at him and watched him walk away.
Unfortunately, your eyes doesn't have anything else to look at but him. Surprisingly, he was already looking at you. However, it wasn’t the usual sweet look he gives you. He looks pissed as he grips the can of beer.
His hand wasn’t on Hayeon anymore. He was leaning back as he eyes you from across the room. Thankfully, Hayeon was busy giggling at somebody else’s joke.
You raise your left brow at him and mouthed, “What?”
He smirks, but it’s nowhere near being enthusiastic, before he pokes his tongue on his cheeks as he shakes his head.
You just roll your eyes at him and before you could even melt from all the attention he’s giving to you, you decided to escape to the kitchen for an ounce of peace.
However, you’ve only enjoyed not even a minute of peace when you feel a presence behind you. You grunt.
“So, you’re with Soohyun now, huh?” Haechan says in his deep voice.
“Not your business,”
He let out a chuckle in disbelief, “When does it become my business? When I’m fucking you from behind?”
Your eyes widen at his sudden burst, as if you two aren’t in the same vicinity of his fucking girlfriend.
“Are you insane?! Hayeon’s right there!”
“You make me insane! You were all over that fucking assface– in front of me. When you know damn well that I–” He manages to stop himself. Haechan bit his lip, before taking a deep breath to calm himself down.
“What, Haechan? What were you gonna say?” Your eyes started to burn, but no tears yet. Not yet.
He sniffs, shaking his head and let it fall down as if to hide his eyes. “You weren’t… reading my texts, you weren’t.. answering my fucking calls. I tried following you through your classes but you’re just too fucking good in pretending that I don’t exist. I’m.. going crazy, y/n.”
You couldn’t believe your eyes and ears. His voice is shaking and he won’t look you in the eye. Is he.. crying?
“Please, don’t go with Soohyun. Please don’t sleep with him, don’t kiss him or do anything with him. I’m begging you– because I don’t think I can handle it.” He whispers, but you’ve heard everything. The frustration and sadness in his voice made it impossible for you to not hear it.
“This isn’t fair– Haecha—”
“That’s not my name, not to you.” His strict tone went back for a bit.
“Donghyuck, you’re being really unfair. I get to sit in front of you and her looking so disgustingly inlove but the second another man shows interest in me you start this shit? That’s so fucking mean.” You wanted to shout at him, to yell at him but you knew better. A party doesn’t seem to be a good place to announce you’re fucking your friend’s boyfriend.
“I know, baby, trust me I feel so fucking horrible but I won’t lie to you. Ever since that night, you’re all I think about. No, fuck that, ever since the first time I laid eyes on you I knew I made a mistake. And fuck me for denying it but I can’t lie to myself now. I wanted to end it with her–”
“You want to end it? Okay. I’ll help you,” You stare at him blankly, not even sure if what you’re about to do is the right thing. You’re beyond being reasonable right now. You can see the confusion behind his eyes, followed by shock when you shouted.
“Hayeon-ah!” You call out her name.
Haechan was terrified and panicked at the same time. Your stunt poured a bucket of ice all over him, leaving him frozen on the spot.
Not even a full thirty seconds when Hayeon showed up, completely unaware of the conversation that had just occured.
“What? Why?” her tone was unassuming, despite the painfully obvious tension that filled the room.
“Donghyuck here, wants to tell you something.” You say, once again blankly. You couldn’t show any emotions because you don’t even know what to feel in the first place.
“Donghyuck? Who’s that?”
You look at her in slight incredulousness, but now’s not the time to be baffled by that.
“Haechan, I meant. He wants to tell you something,”
He was standing there, frozen in shock as he looks at you, then to his clueless girlfriend, waiting for whatever he’s gonna say. He swore his heart beats out of his chest. Like the room started to spin and the oxygen’s suddenly not fit for the three of you.
His hands are shaking, weighing the situation that’s unfolding in front of him. Once the very confident and sure of himself Lee Haechan was standing here like a beaten puppy, couldn’t even form a proper fucking sentence.
He gulps, before glancing at you one last time, “We need to go, Hayeon-ah.” He grabs her wrist and before you knew it, he’s already gone.
You don’t know why you would even expect anything. You knew he wouldn’t, you knew he treasured her still despite how many times he crawls back to you. You knew he’d never pick you, but damn, it still hurt like a motherfucker.
You knew you were in the wrong side, and deep inside you, you’re calmed by the fact that there’s two of you on the that side, but then, you were left alone wallowing in the dark. Like you always were.
To be second to her, again, you thought was the most hurtful thing you could ever feel.
But to not be chosen by him, felt way worse.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Haechan didn’t even know why he didn’t just tell Hayeon right there and then.
Was he afraid of being judged? Come on, he’d been judged his entire life! Looks from people never bothered him, in fact, it exhilarated him.
He’s sure he wants you, no one else but you, so what’s the deal?
He thinks once again, that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t want you to suffer from being judged. He knew that if the truth was revealed in front of people from the campus, they’d crucify you more than him. That’s the sad reality.
He’s all to blame, yes, maybe you too, but most of it is his fault. If only he’d wait a little longer to see you first before Hayeon, if only he’d ended his shallow relationship with her right after he saw you.
If only he could see himself from a different perspective, he’d definitely slap himself across the face.
He never thought he’d scoop so low, to cheat on a girl– but it’s you. Fuck everything if it’s you he’d get after all of this.
“Are you okay?”
Of course, whenever he’s in a rough situation, Renjun just coincidentally pops out of nowhere.
“No dude, I’m really not.” There’s no use at pretending he’s the big bad Lee Haechan around Renjun. He knows him in and out.
“Is it about y/n?”
That, he didn’t know that Renjun knows.
“How’d you..”
“Saw her running out of the apartment one time.” Renjun smiles as he thinks of that one time he caught you. You never saw him tho, he was standing still in the dark kitchen stirring his coffee.
“I fucked up, man.” Haechan lets himself loose, voice breaking as he covers his face with both of his palms.
“You did, you really did. I always knew you were a..” Renjun debates if he could use the term knowing his friend’s state of mind, “… player but I never thought you would actually cheat. You hate cheaters, man, we all do.”
“Look, you need to come clean this shit up. Own up to your bullshit– tell Hayeon. She deserves to know.”
Renjun was right. He can’t keep on hurting the poor girl, and the longer he waits, the more painful it would be for Hayeon, thus, affecting you more.
He’s just scared that after all this, he still couldn’t get you. He’s afraid that he’ll lose everything.
“Hayeon-ah..” He calls for her name as soon as he enters her apartment. He knew you wouldn’t be here.
He found Hayeon on her bed, scrolling mindlessly through her phone. When her eyes found his, she quickly jumps out to greet him.
“Hi baby! I found a new movie we could wa–”
“We need to talk.”
Her expression falls rapidly, visibly confused as to why Haechan suddenly sounded serious.
“W-what’s happening?” She asks.
Haechan knew there was no stepping away from this. He needed to do this, not only for you, but for him, and her aswell.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
[11:28pm] haechan: i’ll talk to her
[11:28pm] haechan: i’ll end it
[11:29pm] haechan: please wait for me
You hate to admit it, but there was a glint of hope in your chest when you read the text. You knew not to expect anything, especially after what happened last time. But this was different. He ignites the familiar spark in your system.
However, those texts was three days ago.
Three days, you have not received any other message from him. Not a text, not a call, not a fucking letter from a fucking pigeon. Nothing. Silence.
You started making paragraphs in your head– you were overthinking every little thing. Hayeon had not messaged you either, there was totally no some sort of retaliation you were expecting from her. Did he really say it? Did he confess? He did, didn’t he?
“You don’t look good,”
Jurin has came and visited you from Sacred Heart, slightly concerned about your lack of enthusiasm in your texts. From her words, you seemed ‘not you’.
“Hayeon hasn’t yelled at me yet. She manages to get out the apartment before I even wake up. Or I don’t know– maybe she’s sleeping at his place.”
It makes no sense. There should be some sort of confrontation because you fucking slept with her boyfriend. You’d rather that than nothing, because it’s driving you insane.
“Haechan’s MIA too?” Jurin asked which you just nodded to.
She sighed, and you knew what she was gonna say next. “I told you this isn’t a good idea,” She says as she sips on her coffee.
“I didn’t say it was. I just hoped– you know, he’d fucking call me.”
“You know you sound insane, right? You’re the side chick here, you don’t make demands. You don’t have the right.”
The last sentence hit you hard. Jurin was right, you sound pathetic. You need to remind yourself that you’re the other person. You were the parasite that ruined a relationship. But hey, it takes two to tango, right?
But as the old saying goes, Be careful what you wish for.
Because that same day, all your questions was answered.
The nights you spent restless, was all worth nothing. Because you just saw him, with her. They’re walking hand in hand, as if nothing ever happened.
You almost lost the grip of your bag as you watched them walk away. Hand in hand. Hand in fucking hand, still.
“You okay?” You hear one of your friends from class asks you. That’s when you realized that there were tears forming on your eyes so you quickly wipe them away.
But you swore, that even before you look away from them, you saw Hayeon look at you with a smirk, before turning away.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
@hayeonssi__: some ppl never change. once a slut, will always be a slut. :D good morning everyone!
comments (45) likes (106)
@kk_nara: is this who i think this is lolll
@the.minho.won: she should be embarrassed haha dude thats so trashhhh
@kimsana: oh it’s definitely that bitch LOL
Read (42) more
That was the first shot out of the many ones she threw at your direction. This just proves that Haechan did confess– but for some unknown reason, they’re still together.
You recognize those usernames, of course you did. They were Hayeon’s friends from Sacred Heart, the same ones you had before. They didn’t need to mention your name– you already knew they were pertaining to you.
Surely, the gossip was already spread around at Sacred. Hayeon’s influence over there is still huge. If she was popular over here at NCU, then she’s a fucking celebrity back at Sacred Heart.
So, yeah, you’re probably in some groupchat by now.
You chuckle in irony. For a person that hates to be in the limelight, you sure have a weird way to stay out of it.
And then, like a plague, it started.
People on the hallways started looking at you weird, like you were naked. Like you’re being escorted at a fucking execution. You thought they probably had suspicions. Actually, no, it wasn’t a suspicion, it was a fact. You slept with someone else’s boyfriend. You out of all people in here deserved the judgemental eyes that’s following you right now.
“Is it true?” Yangyang once cornered you at the emergency staircase.
“I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what you heard,” You say truthfully.
“You slept with Haechan? Your roommate’s boyfriend?”
That’s the confirmation you needed. It’s out in the open. Sometimes it amazes you how words spreads like a wildfire.
You just look at Yangyang blankly, as if to answer his question with your mere silence. You assume he’s smart enough to tell what you meant.
“W-why would you..”
“Yangyang, please, save me the fucking lecture because I already had one a couple minutes ago from class. You were there, remember?”
Yangyang stood there, dumbfounded by how you chose to not take these things seriously.
“You do know that Haechan has a fucking harem that would eat you alive, right? Like dude, I know most of this is that asshole’s fault but they’re gonna blame it out on you!”
You find it endearing how he shows care for you— if you’re being honest you thought Yangyang would be like the others, but you thought wrong.
“What would you suggest I do, then? Stop attending classes and hide out like a little bitch? No, Yangyang. I’ll take what’s coming from me. I know what I did,” You walk away from him, but not before you paused.
“And tell your friend that I don’t want anything to do with him. He’s a fucking pussy.”
And with that, you left. You barely even scratched the surface of the avalanche that was coming for you in the next days.
People never seemed to care that there was the two of you that did it. You’ve never head of anyone curse at Haechan— they’re all pointing at you.
Why would they? When Haechan and Hayeon seemed to be going strong. You were just a pathetic attempt at trying to tear them apart, then failing miserably.
Hurtful words thrown at you, left and right. A homewrecker, a slut, and backstabber were in your mind almost every time you went out in the hallways.
It stung, sure. But it got to a point where you let it hurt until you can’t feel anything anymore.
One thing’s clear. Haechan left you to fend for yourself.
And then, couple of days later, it suddenly got quiet.
All the shushed gossip around you was gone, all the whispers that followed you dissipates. It was so abrupt. Like everybody started to mind their own business. Miraculously.
Apparently, out of all the people you least expected to help you out, Seungcheol had something to do with it.
@iamcseungcheol: @hayeonssi__ @haechanahceah tell your fans to chill out before i bust in your shitass school and do it myself
comments (156) likes (564)
You didn’t want it to be him to defend you. You wished that it wasn’t his username you were reading and you hoped that Seungcheol could always remain the person who hurt you. Not the one to save you in the midst of the chaos that seemed to target you.
You didn’t want to feel the gratitude towards the one person you swore you will never associate with ever again.
Nevertheless, it was still him. In some wicked way of fate, no matter how horrible he is, he’s always been by your side. No matter what.
And perhaps, that’s how life goes. Nevermind the fact that you fell inlove with someone else.
You should always choose whoever chooses you.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“How’d she look?”
Haechan frantically followed Renjun around the apartment waiting for an answer.
“What did you expect? Of course she doesn’t look okay!” Renjun says, while taking off his coat and throwing it at the couch.
“Fuck, should I call Taeyong-hyung again?” Haechan sat beside Jaemin, biting his lips. Meanwhile, Jeno on the other side just looked at Haechan, slightly concerned.
“When did you last sleep, dude?” Jeno was staring at his friend’s eyes, the dark circles under them multiplying each day.
Haechan just shakes his head, avoiding Jeno’s question. He’s got more in his plate right now and he doesn’t need to be bothered about anything else. His only concern is about you.
He combs his hair out with his fingers in frustration. “I’m gonna call Taeyong-hyung.” He decides, standing up to grab his phone. He was about to take a step before Jaemin pulled him by his wrist and made him sit down beside him again.
“You’ve been calling them non-stop since Friday. Taeyong-hyung said he’d do something about it but it doesn’t mean it’s gonna be as quick as you want it to be. Haechan-ah, word travels quick and you can’t control each and everyone who attends this campus.” Jaemin says seriously.
“I know but that’s why I called Taeyong-hyung. He controls this school, doesn’t he? What the fuck is he waiting for–”
“Not to the point where he could shut every student up overnight. Dude, you gotta calm down–” Jeno’s small intervention speech was cut off when Haechan turns to him coldly.
“She’s fucking on her own, man. Hayeon despises her, the entire school turns on her and she can’t even— even defend herself. Y/n quite literally has nobody right now,” Haechan‘s voice was trembling. “--and you’re telling me to calm the fuck down?”
Jeno didn’t like his harsh tone. He furrows his brows at Haechan as he stood up to level with him. “And why is that, genius? Because you fucking decided to be an horny asshole and fuck your girlfriend’s bestfriend.”
Haechan snaps and shoves Jeno aggressively. This marks the first time Haechan has physically tried to start a fight with one of his bestfriends. As a natural reaction, Renjun and Jaemin was alarmed.
Jaemin was the closest one between the two, so he quickly goes in between them.
“Jesus fucking– what’s happening!” Renjun yells.
“I know I fucked up– that’s why I’m doing everything I can to protect y/n from all of this. That’s why I’m going fucking crazy trying to shut everybody up. So, yeah, Jeno. I know where I went wrong. Fuck you.” Haechan spits with a tightened jaw and clenched fists.
“And this is the first fucking thing you think of?” Jeno answers, still being blocked by Jaemin.
“What else can I do, dipshit?!” Haechan yells back with Renjun on his side.
“Oh, I don’t know– break up with that fucking girlfriend of yours and protect y/n yourself, dumbass!”
“You think I haven’t tried?!”
The room went silent. The three men didn’t know what to say and the only noise that surrounds the room was the heavy breathing from Haechan.
He looks up, stretching his neck as he remembers the night when he tried to end things with Hayeon.
“I know.”
That was the first thing Haechan hears when he brought Hayeon back to her apartment.
He was caught offguard, of course. Because he knew what Hayeon meant. There was no other meaning of why she would say that without any context.
However, he wanted to make sure. “W-what do you mean?”
The left corner of Hayeon’s lip rises, her eyes remained blank. “You’ve been fucking with Y/n behind my back, weren’t you?”
Haechan was tense, in a closed off stance. He avoided her eyes, his gaze fixed firmly on the floor. He didn’t say anything, and that already says everything.
“I expected this from her, you know, being who she is. But you, Haechan.. I thought you changed?” Hayeon’s voice trembled, as the first sign of emotion she showed.
“Look, Hayeon–”
“You wanted me, Haechan. Don’t you remember? You did everything to get me and now that I’m yours this is how you treat me? I should’ve never introduced you to that witch.” Her voice was rightfully harsh. But it still rang in Haechan’s ear– the insults she threw at you.
“It was entirely my fault, Hayeon. I went up to her–”
“Oh come on. She’s an expert at this, Haechan. You’ve known her for months, I knew her for years. I know what she’s capable of. That’s why I never trusted her being around you. And you know what’s annoying? You took the fucking bitch’s bait.” Hayeon wiped her eyes, even though no tears had fallen yet.
“I’m trying to make this all right and end it here–”
Hayeon slaps Haechan across the face. Haechan’s eyes are wide, and he almost curses because of the pain but he reminds himself that he deserves this.
“End it? Are you fucking kidding me? You think I’ll let you go and run over to that slut’s arms? After you fucking screwed me over?!” Hayeon yells, no, screams so loud that her voice starts to strain.
Haechan was speechless. He doesn’t know what to do– Hayeon is unconsolable. But he can’t just leave without doing anything. He remembers the texts he sent you. You’re expecting him to end it tonight with Hayeon.
Slowly, with his eyes shaking, he knelt down– one knee at a time. Hayeon gasps in disbelief as she watched him sink down.
“I’m sorry. I know this fuck ass apology won’t cut it but we both know this relationship is bound to end. And we need to end it tonight, Hayeon-ah. I’ll apologize over and over again, please, don’t make this harder for the both of us,” He begged.
If this moment was captured by some sort of camera, it’ll be legendary among the entire campus. Lee Haechan, the so-called heartbreaker, on his knees in front of a girl. Unbelievable.
Hayeon didn’t answer, but she did freeze upon looking at him. And then, half a minute has passed, before she opens her mouth again.
“She really had you fooled, huh? What makes you think she wouldn’t make the same fucking thing to you? She’s a slut, Haechan! She’ll never stick to one guy!” She says through her gritted teeth.
Funny, everybody used to say the same damn thing about him.
“That’ll suck, but what can I do? I love her,” Haechan says in defeat, shoulders slumps and his breathing turned shallow.
Another slap landed on his cheek, and he just accepted it. Another, after another, until Hayeon sank down in exhaustion. Now they’re both in their knees.
“What about me, Haechan-ah? I love you,”
And slowly, she rolls up her sleeves to show what Haechan never expected to see.
She smiled, “Don’t you feel sorry? You did this to me, Haechan.”
He blinks rapidly, eyes stuck at the bandages on her wrist. “P-please, Hayeon.. not over me. Don’t.. don’t do this,”
“If you break up with me, it’ll be worst.”
Haechan doesn’t remember the last time he smiled. Genuinely.
He used to be on top of the world. Nothing stopped Haechan from being unapologetically him. Cruising through his life with nothing to worry about.
Now, he just felt.. empty. All the excitement and adrenaline that fuels his system was drained, and the carefree attitude he lived with was all sucked out of his soul.
Maybe this was the karma they were talking about? Maybe, maybe not. He doesn’t have the energy to care.
The aggressive knocking on the bathroom door was getting louder, loud enough to surpass the booming bass from the music outside.
“What the fuck’s taking so long?!” He hears a random man outside.
He assumes the line to the bathroom is getting longer, but all he cares about is the lines he was doing inside. It felt freaking awesome.
Straightening his back, he sniffs to get all of it in his system. He then rubbed his nose out of the excess before shouting back. “Fuck you!”
The sudden rush gets to him, and he closes his eyes to let it sink in. Jaws slacking, he takes one deep breath. He looks at the mirror.
The person staring back at him seems familiar, but can’t tell who it is. Is it him? Is this how the great Lee Haechan looks now?
“Woah, you’re handsome,” He says to his own reflection.
If only he was sober, he’ll recognize everything that had changed. The expressive eyes he boasts on and on about before are now empty, and the smile he used to wear everyday are non-existent.
This isn’t Lee Haechan, fuck it, this isn’t even Lee Donghyuck. Standing in front of him is a man that’s gave up on everything.
The room started to spin, and only then Haechan knew he had taken too much.
All of a sudden, a loud bang depicts the door being forced open. He turns to see his friend, Jeno, heaving as he quite literally kicked the door open, followed by Jaemin and Renjun’s worried faces.
“Oh? Hello,” Haechan chuckled at the ridiculousness of it all. Did Jeno really kicked the door open?
What he also doesn’t realize is he’s now slumped on the bathroom floor, leaning at the bathtub. Weird, he didn’t remember falling down.
And then he hears it. Her voice. That fucking voice that haunts him.
“Haechan! What the hell!” She squeals as she pushes his friends away.
“Of course you’d be here,” He grunts.
Haechan tries to stand but failed, ending up on the same position as he was seconds ago. Renjun helps him up but Hayeon pushes his hands away. “I’ll take care of my boyfriend,” She hisses at him.
Haechan frowns at this and looks at her. “Don’t touch Renjun like that,” He slurs his words but its clear enough for Hayeon to roll her eyes.
“You can’t carry him home, Hayeon. We’ll take care of him.” Jaemin interferes. Hayeon thought for a second and she hates to agree with them, but they’re right. She’ll make a fool of herself if she thinks she can carry a grown ass man.
Jaemin and Jeno takes each of Haechan’s arms as they carried him off the ground. Haechan roams his eyes for a bit when it landed on Hayeon’s wrist.
Weird, the bandages are off. They fought over it just this morning, how come there’s no marks on it now?
He shakes his head off, before he turns to Renjun. “Injunnie, are you hurt?” He asks sweetly and his friend just patted him as Renjun sighs and follows them out.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Are you really gonna follow me around?” Haechan asks Jaemin as he watches his friend scroll on his phone while he walks on the hallway to his class.
“Cut the pissy attitude, I have better things to do than this, but after the shit you pulled last night, you pissed Renjun off so we gotta take turns in babysitting your dumbass.” Jaemin casually says, eyes still on the phone.
“Renjun can kiss my ass,”
“I can kiss your what, now?”
Haechan turned around to see Renjun standing with one brow lifted and his arms crossed. “Oh shit, when did you get here?”
“Shut up,” Renjun turns to Jaemin, “Jaemin-ah, Jeno says you two had a schedule at the gym.”
“Right,” Jaemin’s eyes widened, swiftly turning around and skedaddled away. Leaving Haechan and Renjun.
“Honestly, Injunnie, I can handle myself,”
Renjun looks at him as if Haechan was spitting nonsense, “So you passing out at some random party’s bathroom after doing lines, is you handling yourself?”
“I didn’t know I worry you this much, you really do love me, huh?” Haechan pokes Renjun’s sides as they walked, Renjun responding with a punch on his shoulder.
They continued play fighting until they turned a corner and hears the school’s counselor. “Ms. Y/L/N, we’re not done talking,”
The door opens and Haechan stood frozen. His breath hitches when you walk out of the office, covered with an oversized hoodie. His jaw slackens as he eyed you, this was the first time he saw you after that night at Soohyun’s party.
It felt like his blood ran cold, but his entire body started to warm up. He couldn’t do anything but stand there and see it unfold.
“Sucks to be you, because I’m done talking,” You say in a raspy voice.
Even from afar, Haechan could see your red eyes and pale lips. He also got a glimpse of sweat beads forming on your forehead. Initially, Haechan jumps to conclusion that the counselor had done something bad to you, however, two other people walked out of the office.
It was Ms. Lim, a professor and Nurse Suh.
The hallway was empty, and it would be suspicious if they had just stood there. So, Renjun, decides to grab Haechan’s wrist. Haechan didn’t move but Renjun grips him harshly. “We’re not leaving, we’re just hiding.” He says, pulling the boy with him and hiding on the corner.
Haechan takes in your posture, your aura and your entire vibe. You were still eternally beautiful, but he can sense that you’re not okay.
“Is it your boyfriend?” Ms. Lim ask softly, obviously trying to gain even the tiniest of cooperation with you.
“Seungcheol has nothing to do with this,”
Haechan flinches, eyes burning through you as he heard the name. It broke him, into a million pieces but he still manages to stand in his feet, wanting to hear the rest of it.
“We should go–” Renjun stopped talking when he saw the look in his bestfriend’s eyes.
“I need to stay,” He whispers, barely audible.
“The bruises on your neck are concerning, that’s unnatural, you can’t say its just because of your period. Somebody had to inflict force to create bruising that’s as horrible as those around your neck.” Nurse Suh explained.
Haechan can feel his own heart shattering. Mouth slowly opening in disbelief, tears threatening to escape. What he felt upon hearing that was beyond heartbreak, the pain was unbearable enough to cause him to go numb. With his hands shaking, he turned around.
He can hear Renjun calling his name but he focused on getting the hell out of there.
He finds himself outside your apartment, staring at the door not knowing what to do. He knows you’re not in here, yet he still can’t find it in himself to leave. He truly has no idea what step he should take next.
He doesn’t know how long he was standing there before the door opened, revealing the least person he wanted to see right now.
“Haechan? What’re you doing here?” Hayeon stood there, confused.
Haechan didn’t say anything, instead, looking down to confirm what's been killing him.
“Were you lying about this?” Haechan takes Hayeon’s clean wrists, and immediately, Hayeon snatched it back.
“W-why a-are you–”
“Hayeon-ah, please! J-just be honest, please,” Haechan yelled on top of his lungs, extremely tired of it all.
Hayeon knew there was no point in hiding it anymore, “Yes,”
And there it was. The truth that scared Haechan the most. He lost you, for no real reason.
The fact that he had left you suffering on your own, because of a horrible string of lies that held him from reaching out to you. All his sacrifices, for absolutely nothing.
“I knew what I did was wrong but did you have to lie about this?” His voice was now controlled, but the exhaustion was still pertinent.
“I can’t lose you to her, not her.. I’m so much better than her,” Hayeon breaks down crying, but Haechan just watches her hug her knees and sob.
“I think you never wanted me, Hayeon. You just wanted to compete with y/n, and you didn’t want to lose. This isn’t about me,”
“I hope you know that after what you did, you just stooped down to my level. We’re both fucking evil in this story, Hayeon. The only difference is that I tried making it right, but you will never stop if you wouldn’t have been caught.”
With that, Haechan walks away.
“Fine, fuck you, anyways! You both deserve each other!!” Hayeon screams, but Haechan just keeps walking.
Walking away from all the pain, from all the strings that bind him to her. He gets a whiff of freedom, and he felt relief knowing that the chapter that has him on hold has finally ended.
Haechan never expected Winter break to be this cold.
Afterall, the news said it wouldn’t even break last year’s temperature. But meh, what does the weatherman know? He might just spew bullshit to keep his job for all Hae-Donghyuck knows.
“You keep repeating the same show over and over again, Donghyuck-ah. Give up the remote!” Renjun’s girlfriend, Birdie, as everybody calls her, says as she tried to snatch the phone out of Donghyuck’s grasp.
“Remind me again why are you here?” Donghyuck jokes at her, earning a hefty slap on the wrist from Renjun.
“Renjun told me you wouldn’t be here.”
“Yeah, dude, you’re ruining our valentines day!” Renjun says lightly, but Donghyuck just mocks his words like a child.
“Do you have a thirdwheel kink?” Birdie kids again, but this time Donghyuck stood up.
“Y’know what, both of you can kiss my plump ass! Besides, who celebrates Valentines day at home? Renjun, you stingy bitch,” Donghyuck says as he grabs his coat and walks towards the door.
He hears both of them yelling at him to come back, saying they were just kidding. But Donghyuck knows that he’d be disturbing their cute-sy cozy home date bullcrap and he wouldn’t want to hear any of his friend’s fucking later on the evening.
“I’ll be back before eleven so you two should fuck now,” Donghyuck says before he closes the door.
And immediately, he regrets going outside. He’s literally gonna freeze his balls off, even with the layers of clothing he has right now.
“Aw shit,” He curses as he hugs himself, all the way to his car.
He drives off the streets of Seoul, with no particular destination. He just wanted to drive mindlessly, yet carefully, of course.
This was the first Valentines day Donghyuck had to spend alone.
He now swores off doing the shit he does before. No playing with girls, no fucking rando’s, and no doing hardcore drugs. ‘Til to this day, he still cringes when he thinks of what he used to be.
If the old Haechan could see him right now, he’d probably laugh in his face.
He then takes off his gloves for comfortability while driving, and he stares lovingly at his middle finger.
There, inked deep within his ring finger, was your initial.
He read a book once, when he was snooping around Renjun’s room. Before he could even snooze off, he gets to a page where he read something intriguing.
How to know if you’ve finally found your greatest love;
And it was so strange, because every single one of them falls under you.
You, who Donghyuck still thinks of everyday.
You, who became his standard whenever Jeno introduces him to a friend.
You, who he correlates to every single sunflower he sees.
And you, who he loved so much even tho you’ve never been his to begin with.
Donghyuck was convinced you were his greatest love.
Given, he has nothing to compare you to because he has never loved somebody this much before, but he just knows.
So, on one fateful night of his drunken escapades, he got your initial tattooed on his ring finger. Something he could keep. Something that he owned.
And sure, it was a reckless decision made by a drunken man, but he never felt any hint of regret the day after.
“How corny,” He says under his breath as he watches a public engagement unfold literally in front of the bench he was sitting at.
He aggressively chomps at his bungeoppang before starting to wrap it the plastic up. He decides it’s better to eat it at his car rather than keep watching these corny couples be couple-y looking.
“Can I have one?”
Recoiling backwards, Donghyuck turns around to see who that voice belongs to. Even tho he had a hint.
What greets him first was the same set of eyes he longed for, then the lips that he dreamed of each night he went to bed. Everything else was a blur.
Mouth slightly agape, Donghyuck once again finds himself speechless in front of you. After everything that had happened, it’s kind of hilarious how he still has the same reactions whenever you’re in front of him.
After a quick inhalation of his breath, “U-uhm, I only have the ones that has red beans in it.”
He honestly don’t know what else to say.
“That’s good,” You say and lend your hands over. With trembling hands, he grabs you a piece and gave it to you. Without blinking, he watched you sit on the same bench he was sitting on before.
Despite your obvious invitation for him to sit with you, he stood there in shock. Is he starting to imagine things?
“Are you gonna leave?” You say when you notice him not moving.
He swiftly shakes his head in disagreement as he takes quick steps to sit beside you.
“Your friends are really something, y’know?” You started off.
Donghyuck had questions, but before he could even spew them out, you continued.
“Renjun calls me everyday, Jaemin bothers me in class and Jeno constantly tries to talk to me everytime he sees me. How much did you pay those bastards?” He knows, based on your tone that you were saying those lightly but Donghyuck hurriedly turns towards you.
“I swear I never asked them to bother you. I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know they were doing that, really–”
“They were saying the same damn thing, but I never believed them.” You say as you take a bite off of your bread. Not knowing how your words just re-open scars Donghyuck spent time healing.
“I’m so–”
“Because I want to hear it from you,”
For the second time this night, you left him speechless. With his rigid body posture and rapidly blinking eyes, his brain scattered thoughts he wanted to say to you.
“I was so ready to leave you and all these behind, you know. But everytime I try to look at other people, I just can’t help but to think of what would’ve happened if I gave you a chance to explain yourself?”
You continued, “Is it true that you called Lee Taeyong yourself to stop the rumours spreading? Is it also true that Hayeon lied about harming herself just to keep you? Is it you that reported Seungcheol to the police?” You listed all of the questions that he already has an answer to.
“All these questions, and none of them answered is the reason why I couldn’t just move on. There’s no clean slate if I still had baggage from the past, you know?”
Donghyuck feels like there’s a time ticking on him, like you’ll disappear any moment now. So he takes a deep breath before answering, “Yes, yes, and yes.”
“I’m gonna need more than that, you know?” You chuckled lightly, and he could’ve sworn it sounded like angels singing directly at his ears.
“I had connections to Taeyong-hyung and I begged him to scare off anybody who says a word about you, and I literally had to stand outside his door for hours on end just to talk to him,” He paused, because he knew he had to explain the other one more seriously. “And Hayeon did threaten me to hurt herself if I left, that’s why I couldn’t break up with her at that time. There was also a part of me that was dying of guilt, maybe that’s why I never questioned it. But the night I–” He squeezed his eyes shut, “--I down-spiralled because of d-drugs, I saw that she was faking it all along.. and that was the time I ended it with her. And yes, I did report that son of a bitch to the police.”
“After all that… you still didn’t come to find me?” You say, finally, looking at him straight in his eyes.
Just like the first time you two met, he still felt the same feeling of almost melting into putty everytime your eyes meet his. Every. single. time.
“I hurt you enough, I didn’t think I deserve you.” He says with nothing but the truth. He can’t afford to lie to you now.
“Did you regret it?”
Donghyuck nods his head. “I do, I really do. But would I do it again? Absolutely.”
“I think.. I think I’ve heard enough. B-but.. It’s gonna be hard to go back to what we were before.”
Donghyuck, with all of his strength, dared to touch your hand. Although it was cold, the spark he felt was enough to bring warmth.
“I don’t want to go back.” He says.
You furrowed your brows, “Uhm, oka–”
“I want to start over, I want to get you right, this time.” He says while it takes all of him to match your eyes.
“I want a fair shot, to a chance I never got before. I want to make you mine, but I hope you know that I’ve always been yours. Then, now, and forever.”
You smiled at him as you let a tear drop from your eye.
“Start over?” You ask.
Donghyuck nods again, this time as he smiled back at you. The first time in a long time, he smiled genuinely.
At you, the person that made him love his real name again.
At you, that turned him to a better man for himself.
At you, whom he’d never forget for the rest of his life.
And at you, who reminds him that after all, Lee Haechan, the heartbreaker, also has a heart.
He lets go of you hand and offers you a handshake.
“Hi, I’m Lee Donghyuck of NCU. Do you want to go on a date before Valentines day?”
He smiles goofily.
“Hi, Lee Donghyuck, I would absolutely love to.”
To be fair, Lee Donghyuck never claimed to be a good guy.
But for you? He’d die trying.
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A/N: It’s finally finished! Aaah this series really tested me as an author. It’s amazing how a fanfiction can make you feel, moreso when you make one! A series at that! I realize that writing is a commitment, to both the readers and characters themselves. This was my first major project for myself— and although it took a looooong time, I am so glad that I finally finished it. One thing I can say tho, is that every story was straight out of my brain. I never rushed it, and I was never afraid to redo it all over again if I didn’t satisfy myself. That’s why it took a long time. Thank you all for supporting this series and please do support me by interacting with this post! And yep, you’ll be seeing more stories from me soon.
Again, Thank you so much for the support. Sincerely.
Na Jaemin, Lee Jeno, Huang Renjun and Lee Haechan from The Diary of the Heartbreakers now signing off.
© ryozakidesu, 2025
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writingwithciara · 3 months ago
could be -jack hughes-
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summary: y/n and jack are as inseparable as real best friends should be. so much so that even though they're not dating, she is considered a 'wag' anyway
word count: 4.6k
pairing: jack hughes x reader
notes: jack is just precious and so wholesome istg.
growing up, jack was always taught to treat women with respect. he was also told that he should pay special attention to the girl in his life that meant the world to him.
and that's what he did with y/n. she was his best friend & had been since the 6th grade. ever since they met, they were completely inseparable.
even when jack went straight from high school to being a professional hockey player, y/n went with him. she figured she could take a gap year then enroll in school in jersey once she found one that was right for her.
it was obvious to everyone that their close friendship bordered on a real relationship but nobody could be bothered to bring it up. especially not when they saw how much they both cared about the friendship and would do nothing to jeopardize it.
jack's rookie season in the nhl was not as great as he expected it to be. he lost more games than he could count and felt like he wasn't living up to his full potential. but he was reminded every night when he came home that no matter how bad he played, he would always have his favorite girl cheering him on.
and given how close they were, most people had a feeling that something or someone would come along and cause a rift in their friendship. and when jack got his first girlfriend since going pro, they were all proven wrong. turns out that the girlfriend didn't like how close he and y/n had been and she gave him an ultimatum. of course he chose y/n, leading people to believe that there was definitely something going on between the pair.
and no matter how many times people put that idea out there, they always shut the thought down and insisted they were always going to be just friends.
but those closest to them knew that was most certainly not true.
everything they did was something an average couple would do. they could deny it all they wanted but it was clear they were destined to be together.
"hey, y/n. are you coming to the game tonight?"
"do you want me to come?"
"always." jack smiled, but immediately became concerned when she didn't smile back. "of course i want you there. do you think i don't?"
"i was just messing with you, jack. of course i'll be there."
"okay good." he kissed the top of her head and smiled. "you almost gave me a heart attack. i can't play without you there."
"no need to worry, darling. i've never intentionally missed a game since the second half of your rookie season and i'm not going to start now."
"i know. i don't know why i thought you weren't coming tonight though."
"you'd miss me too much if i wasn't there." y/n smirked.
"you know me too well." jack chuckled and grabbed his gear. "i'm late for practice. but i'll for sure see you later tonight, right?"
"absolutely. wouldn't miss it." y/n walked with jack to the door. he looked at her bracelet and smiled.
"you're gonna need a whole new bracelet if we win tonight."
"you mean after you win tonight?" y/n smiled and moved the bracelet around. "who picks out the charm this time?"
"i believe it's jesper's turn again."
"oh, sweet. i love the charms he picks."
"what about mine?"
"i love them even more than jesper's. you know that."
"yeah, i know." jack smiled again and grabbed his keys. "alright. see you in a few hours."
"bye." y/n shut the door and examined her bracelet again. jack had bought it for her after he scored his first career goal and told her that every time his team won, he would buy her another charm because he considered her to be his personal good luck charm. after the 10th win, his teammates started taking turns picking out the charms, as they not only believed that y/n was jack's good luck charm, but theirs as well. they never lost when she attended a game so the belief stuck.
a few hours later, y/n grabbed her jack hughes jersey, put on her black jeans and slipped on her red converse. she threw her hair up in a messy bun and didn't bother with any makeup since she never really wore it much anyway.
before she got in the car, she sent a text to both jack and luke, wishing them good luck on the game. luke's reply was just a thumbs up while jack's reply was an entire paragraph. y/n left it open and drove to the arena. when she arrived, she put her phone in her purse, completely forgetting to respond to jack's text.
in the locker room, luke was finishing adjusting his skates when jack sat next to him.
"y/n left me on read, luke. do you think she's okay? what if something happened to her on the way here?"
"i'm sure she's fine. she's the most careful driver i know." he finished lacing the right skate and pulled the left one tighter. "have you tried calling?"
"no. we never call before games. it's a rule."
"you might have to break a rule every now and then."
"okay, fine." jack pulled his phone out and quickly dialed y/n's number. it went to voicemail and jack sighed. "right to voicemail, luke. this is not good."
"relax, jack. she probably just turned her phone to do not disturb so she could focus entirely on the game tonight."
"okay. maybe you're right." jack stood up. "thanks, bro."
"no problem." luke chuckled. "you gotta learn to never doubt me."
"yeah, yeah. whatever." jack rolled his eyes and grabbed his stick. "we got a game to win."
as the boys came out onto the ice, y/n's gaze immediately landed on jack. he looked at her and smiled, thankful that nothing happened to her on the way to the game. he skated around and that's when the thought hit him.
she didn't respond to his pre-game text like she normally did.
the game went on like it normally would, but with jack distracted, he wasn't playing his best. y/n watched as jack took a hit at the end of 1st period. it never should've happened and she was beginning to worry.
she pulled out her phone and went to send him a text, knowing he was gonna check his phone during the break. and that's when she realized she never replied to the paragraph he sent before the game. she felt guilty, as if she was the reason jack was having a bad game.
she typed as fast as her fingers could go, rattling off an extra long apology text, hoping it would make up for earlier.
and when jack was back out on the ice for the second period, he seemed to be playing a lot better than before. the text seemed to have worked.
halfway through the last period, the devils were up by 2. as jack scored, he turned to look at y/n. when he saw her, he smiled.
he was distracted and the other team knew it. so they took this opportunity to slam him in the boards as hard as possible, taking jack out for the last 10 minutes of the game.
as the ref escorted jack off the ice, y/n hurried out of her seat and down to the tunnel. she rushed to the medic's office and watched as he did his routine checkup on jack. when he was finished, he turned to y/n.
"take good care of this one. he's showing signs of a possible concussion and he may be out for a game or two. we have to make sure he'll be okay."
"don't worry. i'll make sure he's fine." y/n smiled as the medic walked out of the room.
"that was a terrible game." jack shook his head slowly. "i screwed up."
"no you didn't, jack. you played great." y/n squeezed his shoulder softly and smiled.
"you and i both know i didn't. i was a mess in the first half of the game and-"
"i know. it was my fault. i should've answered your text."
"what? no. that's not why i wasn't focused. okay well maybe a bit. but i wasn't mad. i was scared. the last text i got from you before the game was that you were on your way here. and when you didn't reply to my text, i thought something bad happened to you. i wouldn't know what to do without you."
"don't worry. i'm right here."
"good." jack looked up at her and smiled. neither of them knew why they began to lean in but when their lips were about to touch, luke walked into the room, causing them both to jump apart. luckily luke didn't see anything.
"hey. we won the game but i wanted to come see you. how are you doing?"
"i'm alright. might have a concussion and may have to sit out for a game or two. but i'm fine."
"do you need me to stay tonight and keep an eye on you?"
"no thanks, luke. i appreciate the offer but y/n is gonna be there. she lives with me, remember?"
"right. are you sure there's not another reason she's living with you? like, say, maybe you guys are more than friends?" luke raised his eyebrow.
"oh yeah. i sleep with jack every night and he's sooo good. and oh my god. the size is just-" y/n smirked when luke interrupted her.
"i was kidding. i really didn't need to know any details. gross." he shook his head and left the room. jack couldn't help ut laugh at his brothers reaction.
"you know he's gonna tell the rest of the team, right?"
"let them believe what they want. only we know the truth." she winked at him and grabbed his stuff. "now let's get going. i hear my bed calling me."
"you're so dramatic." he chuckled and followed his best friend out to her car. "it's a good thing i got a ride here with luke this morning."
"yes it is. now you can be my little passenger princess this time, instead of the other way around."
"ha. ha. very funny."
"i know i am." y/n smiled and started driving back to their apartment. "how's the head feeling?"
"little rough. but i'll be fine, i promise. you don't need to worry." jack reached over the center console and squeezed her leg gently.
"i always worry about you." y/n kept her eyes on the road but when jack moved his hand, she felt like her leg was on fire.
"i know. and i appreciate it. a lot." jack smiled and got out of the car when she parked. he hurried over to her door and opened it for her.
"thanks, jack. but i could've done that on my own."
"i'm showing my appreciation."
"jack, there are other ways to show your appreciation." y/n smiled and walked to their door. jack was frozen in his spot as he watched her walk inside. before the door shut, he rushed in behind her.
"hold up. just wait a second." he sat down on the couch and looked at y/n. "what other ways can i show my appreciation?"
"by getting me a new charm for my bracelet since your team won." y/n smirked. "did you think i meant something else?"
"what? no. of course not." jack shook his head rapidly, causing y/n to continue smirking.
"oh my gosh. you totally did!"
"well, i kinda thought that we could talk about what almost happened back in the medic's office before luke walked in."
"jack, it was a slip up. heat of the moment situation. it never should've happened."
"it didn't happen. but i agree. heat of the moment." jack sighed and looked at her. "you're my best friend and i love you. but what didn't happen is not going to change us, right?"
"of course not." y/n smiled and headed to her room. jack watched her close the door and let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.
it was going to change everything.
over the course of the next few weeks, the dynamic between y/n and jack had shifted. everyone noticed immediately but it took jack and y/n a little longer to catch on.
it wasn't drastic enough where y/n felt like she had to move out. but she no longer felt like jack wanted to spend every minute with her like he normally had in the past.
his attitude changed and he slowly became less of the happy guy he always was, and more of a moody one instead. he was getting into fights more often than not & he was bringing girls home with him almost every night.
he would ignore y/n when she would greet him and each time he did, y/n felt like he was chipping away a piece of her heart. it was starting to become an issue for her and she didn't know what to do.
until an 'angel' knocked on the apartment door one afternoon.
y/n was home alone, getting ready for the last regular season game, when she heard the knock. she got up and looked through the peephole.
"nico? what are you doing here? shouldn't you be at the arena practicing for the big game?"
"i should be. but i think we need to talk."
"what about?" she held the door and looked at her friend. "what's going on? is everything okay?"
"with me? yeah. with jack? no."
"what do you mean?"
"you've noticed the changes recently, yes?"
"of course. i notice a lot." she shook her head. "what about his changes?"
"it's messing with his playing."
"he used to be the best player on the team but for the last 4 weeks, he's been different. his points haven't gone up and his skill level has declined. he still ranks fairly high in the league but it's nowhere near where he deserves to be." he sighed. "i need to know what happened between you guys."
"why do you assume something happened?"
"because i know you guys better than you think i do. and the dynamic between you has shifted since he got the concussion a month ago. so what happened? did jack say something to upset you, or vice versa?"
"no. at least, i don't think so. and to be honest, i have no idea what really happened. the night he got the concussion, we came home and things were fine. but when i woke up the next morning, it was like the jack hughes i know and love was replaced by someone else."
"so jack is the only one to know why he's been acting so weird?"
"i guess so." y/n looked at her phone. "you should get going. the team's gonna need their captain before the game."
"yeah, you're right." he went to walk away but stopped. "are you coming to the game?"
"yeah. i'll be there. there's just something i need to do first. see you later." she shut the door slowly and walked into jack's room. it looked pretty much like it always did. it was a little bit messier than normal but that's how jack tended to keep it.
as she was about to walk out, she saw a gift on the floor by his bed. there was a tag attached to it that had her name printed neatly on it in jack's handwriting. she picked it up and took it with her to the car. she needed an explanation and was determined to get one, even if jack didn't want to give it to her.
when she parked at the arena, she climbed out of her car and ran inside quickly. there was still a little while before the game started but the fans were already filing into their seats. the team was skating around the ice doing their warm ups but jack was nowhere to be found. and neither was nico.
y/n was about to send nico a text, telling him she had arrived, but when she looked up, jack and nico were skating onto the ice. nico waved when he noticed her but jack hadn't seen her yet so she would have to wait to talk to him.
the first half of the game was brutal for the devils. they were down by 3 at the end of the second period, not having scored a single goal yet, and they were looking at a complete shutout,
y/n watched the team skate off the ice and sent a text to nico, letting him know she was on her way down to the locker rom to talk to jack. she couldn't wait another second.
as she got to the room, the rest of the team was walking out slowly. nico was last and he stopped her.
"um, just a heads up but he's not in a great mood and he's blaming himself for what's happened so far in the game. hopefully you can work your magic on him like you always do."
"yeah, hopefully. good luck out there." she smiled and stood in the doorway to the locker room. jack was pacing back and forth with his head down so he didn't notice her and he was mumbling to himself. she knocked lightly on the door to get his attention. "jack?"
"huh?" his head shot up and they made eye contact. "w-what are you doing here?"
"i came to see my best friend play kick some ass and make it to the playoffs tonight."
"that's not gonna happen so you can go home if you want. i don't want to disappoint you when we lose."
"you're not going to lose, jack." she took a step into the room and the air felt thick.
"we haven't scored once this game and there's 20 minutes left. i highly doubt we're coming back from this." he shook his head. "and it's all my fault."
"no it's not. it's a team game, jack. it doesn't depend on just one person. you know that."
"if i hadn't played so badly this last month, we'd already be guaranteed a playoff spot. but this game is the make or break one."
"what's gotten into you? where's the best friend who is always full of spirit and determination? the one who never wants to give up, no matter how hard a task may be?"
"he's a total mess who can't get his shit together. he's lost hope for a lot of things in his life and he doesn't know how to get back to his normal self again."
"when did things change?" y/n took a seat beside him on the bench. "was it before or after the concussion?"
"the same night." he sighed. "i felt the change after we got home."
"was it something i did that maybe upset you?" y/n looked at him but he didn't answer. "jack, please talk to me. i want to help you in anyway that i can."
"do you really think that our almost kiss was just a slip up? a heat of the moment thing?"
"just tell me the truth, please?"
"i've known you since the 6th grade and not once did i ever think about kissing you. you've been my best friend since i met you so yeah. it was a heat of the moment thing." y/n looked up to find jack staring at her.
"i feel the same way. or at least i thought i did." he sighed. "i had never thought about kissing you before and have had no romantic feelings towards you since we became friends. but that night, when you didn't answer my pre-game text, i was scared something happened to you. and you already know that. but as i was freaking out, i started thinking about why i was reacting that way. i realized that i never wanted to experience life without you. and then when i saw you and saw that you were alright, my heart nearly exploded with happiness. i thought i lost you but you were there, in front of me, and these brand new feelings became overwhelming for me." jack took another breath. "that night when you told me it was a slip up, it hit me that you didn't feel the same way about me. so i started giving you space because it felt like what was best and i realize now that it was a mistake to do that. because without you by my side, i fell apart real fast. i screwed up by almost kissing you and if it was possible, i would turn back time and stop myself. i never intended for things to end up this way. and i am so sorry i disappointed you."
"you could never disappoint me, jack. you're my favorite person in the entire world. and yes, i thought it was a slip up that night because i had never thought about kissing you before. but when you were giving me that 'space', it gave me time to think about what almost happened and i have come to the realization that it wasn't a heat of the moment situation. i realized that i can't live my life without you. truthfully, i love you jack. i never really thought about it before but now i know."
"so all that space was a dumb idea, huh?"
"of course, dummy. but maybe things can be different now. we can get back to how things were before the concussion." y/n took his hand. "but with an added bonus of love."
"that sounds like a good idea." he went to kiss her but she stopped him.
"wait. i almost forgot the main reason i cam back here."
"what's that?"
"i found this in your room." she pulled the gift out from her purse and handed it to him. he turned it around in his hands and smiled. "what is it?"
"as ridiculous as this might sound, it's a book." he let out a chuckle.
"a book?"
"yeah. but not just any book." he smiled. "this book is special and i was intending to give it to you for your birthday but i didn't know if things would be back to normal or not." he looked up at her. "go ahead. open it."
y/n carefully unwrapped the book and stared at the cover. a little cartoon version of herself with jack stared up at her with the title my best friend written in shiny silver letters. she flipped through the book and smiled with every page she read. it was a story book of her life, before and after she met jack. it was illustrated so perfectly and each hidden detail throughout the book made her eyes water. "jack , i love this so much."
"i figured you would. but i'm glad you do." he looked at her. "did you see what was taped to the back cover?"
"no." she flipped to the back cover and taped to the inside was a little swan charm. y/n carefully pulled it off and smiled. "seriously, jack. you didn't have to do this."
"well i wanted to. i needed to show you how much you mean to me but with everything you've ever done for me, the book and the charm are not going to be enough."
"jack, they're more than enough. they're perfect." she looked at him. "you're perfect."
neither of them hesitated to place their lips together. they fit perfectly together, just like everyone knew they would. jack held y/n's face as he deepened the kiss. her hands held his wrists as they slowly pulled apart.
"okay, my team is waiting for me. i've got a game to win." he stood up quickly. "i love you."
"i love you too. now go out there before they start to worry." y/n laughed as jack rushed out to the ice. she slid the book back in her purse and made her way back to her seat just in time for the final period to start.
30 seconds in, jack scored a goal and the fans went nuts. his teammates all hugged him and nico looked up to where y/n was sitting, knowing she really did work her magic on him.
there was 5 minutes left in the game when nico passed the puck to jack, who scored another goal, putting the game at 3-2 for nashville.
with 2 minutes left, it was looking like they were going to lose. but luck must've been on their side because curtis somehow got the puck to jack. he took it and sped down to the other end of the rink, shooting it right into the net to tie the game.
and when the buzzer went off to signal the end of the game, everyone on the team was excited. they were congratulating jack as they made their way to the bench.
"whatever you're doing, keep it up. that was an excellent third period." curtis high-fived him and walked down the tunnel. both jack and nico shared a look and their eyes went to y/n in the stands. she waved to them and they smiled.
"she must've worked her magic real hard on you to get such a turn around like that."
"yeah. something like that." jack smirked and took a drink from his water bottle before spraying some down the back and front of his jersey. he knew he was a great player but even he was impressed with how fast he shifted the game.
overtime started not long after their conversation and even though nashville was playing hard, new jersey was playing harder. their team dynamic was so much stronger than it was before.
with the clock ticking down and jack with the puck, the win was in sight. but the nashville players were not letting it go that easily. all the players on the ice chased jack and nearly cornered him. one slammed him into the side, causing him to lose his balance and fall. they all looked for the puck, believing that he would've given up the possession when he hit the ice.
but he did that before he went down. he passed the puck to jesper, who was not being defended. luckily nobody saw that pass. jesper took off back towards the nashville net and hit the puck as hard as he could, sending it flying towards the goal.
everyone watched with baited breath as the puck moved faster and faster towards the net. when it hit the back and the buzzer went off, everyone cheered. the devils were going to the playoffs.
y/n made her way down to the tunnel to wait for the team. nico had a feeling that's what she would be doing so he made sure jack was at the end of the line.
as they passed by, y/n congratulated the guys on the big win and continued to wait for jack. when she saw him, she couldn't help but throw herself into his arms. he was shocked but he held her tightly.
"that was incredible, jack. i told you you were going to win."
"i couldn't have done it without you and our talk."
"well, you could've. but i'm gonna take the credit where i can get it." she smiled. "go get changed so we can go home and celebrate."
"yes ma'am."
things were going to be okay. they were gonna make sure of it.
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morbiderotica · 1 year ago
Hii! Can i pls request a Light x reader nsfw? You know the scenes where L planted a camera in his room right? Well maybe to make L less suspicious of him Light fucks the reader in his room? I thought that it was a hot idea♡ you dont have to do it if you dont want to😊
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★ DECEPTION ─ fem!reader
#NOTES ─ i love you for requesting this i cannot tell you how many times i've day dreamed about this (sorry it took so long)
#WARNINGS ─ smut, cnc peeping toms (L), p in v,
#SUMMARY ─ "there was an elaborate plan set in place. but as soon as light's hands snaked around your waist you seemed to forget everything you were supposed to do and say." innocent until proven guilty
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there was an elaborate plan set in place. but as soon as light's hands snaked around your waist you seemed to forget everything you were supposed to do and say. his moderately chapped lips kissing your cheek lovingly. much unlike how light usually behaved around you.
"light." his name left your lips, trying to warn him he'd made your mind go blank. but he knew.
"i know." he whispered back, displeasure laced in his voice. luckily, light was more than capable of carrying out the plan for the both of you.
"just let me do all the work." he muttered, his voice not loud enough to be picked up on by the mics on the camera but still he was careful with what he said.
he hoped you would be too. you nodded. looking up at light with a lustful look in your eye that he couldn't deny was making him a little aroused. light kissed your jaw, roughly. as if light was capable of doing anything without roughness.
"last chance to back out." it's not a soft tone, but it does let you know that he won't be mad at you if you do decide you don't want some random creep watching you have sex with your friend.
you shake your head, you weren't going to let him down now. and to be totally honest, the thought of someone watching you in such a vulnerable position was intriguing to say the least. light began to undress you once you'd given him your final consent.
meanwhile, L watched his screen with wider eyes than normal. his eyes grazing every pixel of the screen as he watched light take off your shirt. neglecting the other screens that were broadcasting equally, if not more, important information. L racked his brain trying to figure out if this was just a trick of if he was really witnessing this dirty scene play out.
all your clothes were off in what seemed like a blink of an eye. pressed into the mattress with light's knee inches away from your heated core. you dumbly pull at his tie, fucked out expression but light hadn't even gotten started with you yet.
"you got any thoughts in there at all?" he smirks. silently gloating now that he knew he had every single person he knew wrapped around his godly finger. there was not a thought behind your blown out pupils. it prided light to know he had such an effect on you.
"i haven't even done anything yet." he furthers. and L was hearing all of it.
you paw at the waist band of his bland khaki pants. light chuckled feeling your shaky hands trying to get more of him. his rubs his hand over your chest, caressing your nipple with his pointer and thumb.
"patient girls get rewarded." he tsks. he's met with a whine to which he chuckles again. he knows L will over analyze and find something wrong with the scenario if he doesn't hurry up.
"you wanna get rewarded?" he unbuttons his pants with one hand. you're eager, desperate. you need hm in a way you didn't even know it was possible to want one of your friend.
he reaches over you, grabbing a condom from the book shelf. it was wedged between two books. clearly he was trying to keep it hidden from his maid of a mom and his nosy sister.
he opens the condom with his teeth and you might as well just have hearts in your eyes as you watch him. the wrapper falls somewhere unimportant on the bed. he rolls the condom on. you knew it was only a matter of time before you finally felt full with his cock.
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unknownplane · 4 months ago
The Court Jester Part 1
Yandere Batfam x GN Reader
Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4
"How did this happen?" the man who claimed to be my father asked.
"It started when I was young. My mother was close friends with Bruce Wayne. So when she died, he decided to take me in. Looking back on it now, I can tell it was just so he could have a piece of her even though she was gone. He, like many other men were infatuated with the idea of her and what could happen if they had her. That is how I came along. Someone couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Nobody, but my father knows that they are my father. We have tried finding him before, but there has been no luck.
I was 4 when I was brought to the manor. Bruce, overwhelmed with anguish, couldn't even look at me as I had my mother's features. Alfred showed me around. I even got to meet my new brother Richard, better known as Dick. An accurate nickname because as soon as he met me, he decided he did not want to be around me. That was fine. I was still dealing with the loss of my mother. As time went on, I felt as if I was forgotten. Bruce was busy throwing himself into "work" and he only needed Dicks help. It didn't take me long to figure out who he was. With all the bruises and tension around the house when things got bad in Gotham anyone living in that house could tell he was Batman. He had claimed he didn't want me to get hurt that's why he never asked for help but I knew it was because I looked like mom. I had her (h/c) (h/t) hair and her (e/c) eyes.
A couple of years later, a new boy came into the mix. His name was Jason Todd. He was okay. He didn't really know when to stop, though. I heard a lot of fights between him and Bruce. He talked to me sometimes when we had time. I was in school getting good grades and he was a Robin so we didn't have much time for each other. But then he died, and I had no one again. Even when he did come back, he came back changed he no longer cared for me. He was harsh. Ruined.
Then there was Tim Drake. He was really nice at the beginning, but he got busy and sleep deprived, so I stopped reaching out. I didn't want to take up his time as he had an actual job.
Then Stephanie Brown came, and I realized that there was a pattern. These people were too busy for me. I should stay out of their way and not be a burden as I have proven to be before.
It was like that until Damian came. He was unlike all the other Robins. He was mean and brutal. It was around this time that I started to reach out to the family. I had realized I had severe depression and self esteem issue from being the only one in this family that did not excel at anything. When I reached out, he was the one who but me back in my place. He was the one who told me to stay in the background where I belonged. And I might have if I was still the child that came here unwillingly at 3 years old, but I am no longer that child. I am an adult who has a degree in psychology and has a stable job. So I left.
When I first moved out, the first person I told was my online friend. I had been in contact with him since I was 5. He was like a father to me. He was very happy for me and told me, "You are finally free from that dreadful house!" and I couldn't agree more. I stayed in contact with him over the years, and our bond strengthened.
Then, one day, not even a month after I left the manor, he asked to meet up. I agreed. We met up at an abandoned wearhouse. He had told me he was a wanted man, so I did not mind. When I saw him, my face lit up as did his. We talked about a lot of things that night. One of which was if I wanted to help him in his endeavor. Chaos. And I gladly agreed as I would do anything for him as he was my father.
He soon started training me. Making sure I could deal with pain and know how to fight. The first week was agony, but then we both realized something. No matter how badly I was injured, it never had reproductions as the injuries would heal almost supernaturally. So soon, we started experimenting. Of course, I still felt pain, but anything for my dad. We found that no matter what happened to me, I couldn't die.
Then, I became strong enough to take part in one of his acts. Which leads us to now. Dies that answer your question?" I say, looking into the desperate eyes of The Batman with an elongated smile. Glee shined in my eyes as I finally had his attention.
"But SHHHH dad doesn't want to know your secret identity! Says it would ruin all the fun!" I proclaim. My teeth are fully showing as I giggle.
"What did I do wrong?" Bruce whispers to himself. As if he didn't already know. This was all his fault, and now the last piece he had of (M/N) was out of reach.
Hello!! This is my first time writing on Tumbler and just wanted to say Hi. Please let me know if you want this to continue. If it does, updates would probably be slow as I am in college and am using this as an artistic outlet. Thank you so much for reading!!
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girlkisser13 · 5 months ago
being married to james "logan" howlett would include
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• logan's protective nature is heightened when it comes to you. whether it’s shielding you from danger or simply ensuring you have a coat on a cold day, his instincts to keep you safe are always present.
• you and logan often go on adventurous trips together, from hiking through dense forests to exploring remote locations. he enjoys these moments of peace with you, away from the chaos of his usual life.
• logan isn’t the best with words, but he shows his love through actions. he’ll fix things around the house, cook breakfast, and take care of anything that might be bothering you without being asked.
• despite his rough exterior, logan appreciates the quiet moments with you. he loves sitting together by the fireplace, a glass of whiskey in his hand, enjoying the simple pleasure of your company.
• logan struggles with his past and often has nightmares or moments of doubt. you’ve become his anchor, the one person who can calm him down when the memories become too much. he never thought he’d find someone who could handle his darkness, but you’ve proven him wrong time and again.
• you’re one of the few people he allows himself to be vulnerable around. he shares his fears, his regrets, and his hopes with you. your relationship is built on mutual trust and understanding, a bond that he never thought he’d have in his life.
• logan has a dry sense of humor, and he loves to tease you in a lighthearted way. it might be a comment about how you can’t keep up with him on a run or how you hog the blankets at night. it’s his way of showing affection, and it always makes you smile.
• he’s not overly affectionate in public, but in private, he’s incredibly tender. he’ll wrap his arms around you from behind, nuzzle his face into your neck, and kiss the top of your head, murmuring how much you mean to him.
• logan is fiercely loyal to you. he would go to any lengths to protect and defend you, no matter the cost. You are the one constant in his chaotic life, and he values that more than anything.
• he often trains with you, whether it’s sparring or teaching you self-defense. it’s his way of ensuring that you’re capable of handling yourself if he’s not around. plus, he secretly enjoys watching you hold your own against him.
• logan can get a bit jealous, especially if he senses someone might be interested in you. his feral side can come out, and he’ll make it clear that you’re his. but you know how to calm him down, reminding him that he’s the only one for you.
• despite his rough exterior and sometimes gruff demeanor, he’s always gentle with you. whether it's holding your hand or helping you with something, he treats you with a level of care that shows how much he cherishes you.
• logan enjoys cooking, especially when it’s for you. you often cook together, and he loves watching you try to keep up with his culinary skills. there’s a playful competition between you two, but he secretly loves when you take over, especially if it’s a dish you’re passionate about.
• you both cherish the mornings when you wake up before the world does. he will brew coffee, and you’ll sit together on the porch, wrapped in a blanket, watching the sunrise. these quiet, peaceful moments are some of his favorites.
• logan is a bit of a wanderer, so sometimes you’ll pack up and just hit the road. these trips are spontaneous, often with no clear destination in mind. you’ll spend hours talking or sitting in comfortable silence, enjoying the open road and each other’s company.
• despite his rugged persona, he is surprisingly good at planning special dates. he’ll take you to a hidden spot in the woods for a picnic or to a little-known jazz club in the city. he knows how to make these moments feel intimate and unique, showing you just how much he cares.
• logan’s enhanced senses mean he’s very attuned to your scent. He finds comfort in it, and when you’re apart, he’ll wear one of your sweaters or keep something with your scent close to him. it grounds him and helps him feel connected to you even when you’re not physically there.
• he has a tattoo dedicated to you. it’s a personal symbol, something that reminds him of you and your love. it’s one of the few permanent things he’s ever had, and he likes the idea of carrying that piece of you with him always.
• logan isn’t much for texting or phone calls, so he leaves you handwritten notes around the house. they’re often simple, like "breakfast is ready" or "miss you, see you tonight," but they mean the world to you.
• he has moments of surprising tenderness. he’ll brush your hair out of your face, trace the outline of your features with his fingers, or cradle you in his arms like you’re the most precious thing in the world.
• logan loves reading, and the two of you often share books. you’ll recommend novels to each other, and he’ll surprise you with rare editions of your favorite books. it’s a quiet way of bonding, discussing the stories and characters over a glass of wine.
• the two of you have developed a way of communicating without words. a look, a touch, or even the slightest change in body language is enough for you to understand each other. it’s a testament to the deep connection you share.
• logan has an immense amount of patience when it comes to you. whether you’re upset, confused, or frustrated, he never loses his temper. he’s calm, steady, and supportive, knowing exactly how to help you through whatever you’re facing.
• he LOVES to surprise you with unexpectedly romantic gestures. he’ll bring you wildflowers he picked on his way home, or he’ll play a song on an old record player, pulling you into a slow dance in the living room. he’s not traditionally romantic, but his unique gestures show his deep love for you.
• logan is extremely vigilant in social settings, even if it’s just a casual gathering. he keeps an eye on your surroundings, making sure you’re comfortable and safe. if anyone makes you uncomfortable, he’s quick to intervene.
• despite his long life and all the losses he’s endured, logan dares to dream about a future with you. he talks about places he wants to take you, things he wants to experience together, and the kind of life you could build. you’re the first person who’s made him believe in forever. <33
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year ago
One Piece preferences - how they tell you that they like you (GN!reader)
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Luffy -
● Luffy is not one for shame or embarrassment yet he's always nervous around you
● he always awkwardly rambles when you're near him
● and he even asks if you want the last bite of food before he takes it for himself like usual
● he goes to Usopp first for advice which Sanji and Zoro overhears and tells him to ignore Usopp's terrible advice and listen to them instead
● which then Nami overhears and calls them all idiots and gives Luffy actually good advice
● Luffy finally tells you he likes you but rambles again while talking so you kiss him to shut him up
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Nami -
● she doesn't
● you have to make the first move
● even when you do tell her you like her she makes you work for it
● "I'll go out with you when we find the one piece"
● "I'm holding you to that"
● a couple months later when she thinks you've proven yourself she sets two plates of food in front of you guys
● "what's this?"
● "we're on a date"
● "I thought you weren't going to go out with me until we found the one piece?"
● "I changed my mind now start eating before I change it again"
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Sanji -
● He is very confident and makes it known he likes you the moment you meet
● He flirts with you the entire time you're eating in the baratie
● "Anything else I can get for you cutie? I've been told I make a mighty fine dessert, that is unless you want me for dessert instead"
● "just the check please sweet talker"
● he brings the check to you with his number written on the bottom
● "just so you know I do accept tips in the form of a date"
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Zoro -
● no matter how much Luffy points out to Zoro that he likes you he refuses to acknowledge his feelings for you
● It's not until you get critically hurt in a fight that he finally admits to himself that he likes you
● you've been unconscious for days and he never leaves your side while you're recovering
● you wake up to him sitting at your bedside and you've never seen him look this worried
● "thank God I thought I lost you"
● "you saying you care about me Zoro?"
● "yes Y/N, I care you about you a lot so please don't do that to me again"
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Usopp -
● always brings you flowers and little trinkets
● "I saw this in town and thought you'd like it"
● names one of his slingshot moves after you
● all around gentleman trying to woo you
● Zoro "you know he likes you right"
● "of course I know, I just think it's sweet how hard he tries"
● the first time you kiss him on the cheek to thank him for your gift he blushes so hard and nearly faints
● he goes around proudly telling everyone that you kissed him and that he's your boyfriend now
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Buggy -
● puts on an entire show for you
● pulling out all of his best jokes and stunts
● making the crowd cheer extra hard
● he does a huge speech throughout the entire performance about how you two could conquer the world together
● and how he needs you by his side to be the best pirate he can be
● for his final trick he uses his powers to send his hand up to you with a bouquet of flowers
● "what do you say Y/N? Want to be my co captain?"
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Shanks -
● whenever he's in town he tells you stories of his adventures over drinks at the bar
● and always gives you part of his treasure that his crew found on their recent voyage as gifts
● "You're really giving me this? Do you know how valuable it is?"
● "There's no treasure in this world that I value more than you"
● "well Shanks it sounds like you're trying to tell me that you like me"
● "I would travel the entire ocean for you my dear Y/N and I would love if you joined me on my next adventure"
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● Literally kills a guy for you
● you're complaining about some jerk you ran into at the bar
● he mumbles "he shall pay for disrespecting my Y/N" and excuses himself
● he returns a little bit later with the guys decapitated head in his hand and blood on his shirt
● "you said you had a problem with this guy so I killed him in your honor"
● "Oh thats… sweet"
● "I knew you'd be impressed. So, dinner?"
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Cabaji -
● always tries to look cool in front of you
● doing tricks on his unicycle
● like riding it through a flaming hoop
● or having you stand on his shoulders while he cycles around the ring
● or putting someone on the spinning wheel and throwing knives at them landing impossibly close to their skin
● "that was cool wasn't it Y/N"
● "sure was Cabaji"
● "So what do you say you and I get drinks together sometime?"
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jarofstyles · 8 months ago
Growing Pains
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Hey lovely people 🫶 here is a bit more of the Stacy’s Mom universe. Its a nice mix of angst, smut and fluff. Let me know what else you'd like to see from them if you'd like to see more!
Read Stacy’s Mom here
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WC- 5.9k
Warnings- smut, unprotected sex, age gap relationship, cream pie, bellybulging, praise kink, use of 'mama', angst, not too long tbh, mentions of misogyny, etc
Harry was really good at ignoring what other people thought. 
It had always been one of those personality traits that people said they envied, but his whole life’s philosophy is why care if you’re happy? If he wasn’t hurting anyone, if he was happy and solid in what he was doing, why did it matter what someone else thought? 
He knew there would be inevitable pushback against him being in a serious relationship with Y/N. And it was serious, as he had made abundantly clear. It wasn’t at all conventional and in their small, gossip ridden town, it wasn’t a shock in the slightest that the rumor mill began buzzing as soon as they stepped out into town together for the first time, Harry taking her to dinner at a decent place of her choosing. 
Their dates had been majority in the towns over just so they could enjoy their little bubble of happiness. Y/N spent time at his place when Stacy was home for the first few weeks, Harry going to hers when she was away, but he had to assure her that he knew Stacy would be upset and he’d talk to her himself. 
It was a hard thing to navigate considering Y/N utterly adored her daughter. She’d been pushing her mother to go out on dates , get back out there, all of the girl power stuff since the divorce was finalized- but the woman highly doubted she meant with someone in her friend group. 
All things considered, the pros and cons had been weighed and juggled and there had been no reason to keep hiding it after two months in. For a bit, Y/N had been holding on to the secrecy because she was afraid he’d tire of her. That she’d damage her relationship with her daughter and in the town for a fling that the younger man would be bored with after a bit. It was unfair to think that of Harry, she knew that, but considering her ex husband had essentially done that very thing to her? It had lingered in the back of her mind. 
To his credit, Harry had been nothing but understanding and patient with her. He didn’t push too hard to go public, but he didn’t hide his desire for it either. Y/N was his, and he wasn’t ashamed of her in the slightest. He’d go up to bat for her again and again if it meant he got to keep her. The man wasn’t stupid- he knew a lot of the backlash would fall onto her. Something he’d happily take the burden of if he could. It was a conversation they revisited quite a few times, Harry holding her against him as his fingers traced the curves of her face while she expressed her fears. Luckily, it seemed that his feelings for her had proven it a worthy risk after he started talking more about the future. 
Maybe with anyone else it would be coming on too strong. Hell- it had come on too strong at first, spooking Y/N when he’d asked if she was open to having more kids. If she wanted to get married again. Both things she hadn’t given much thought to before he brought it up. It had sent her spiraling for a few days, worried that perhaps she wouldn’t be able to give him the things he needed. That he’d be throwing away his youth for her instead of exploring, that she would be essentially trapping him. Her worst fear was him resenting her for settling him down. 
It had caused their first fight, one of their only. His jaw had been tight when he showed up to her place after being ignored all day, arms crossed as she opened the door. He’d been dirty and sweaty from work, the sun hadn’t set yet but he had been worried sick when she had stopped replying after their initial good morning messages. 
“Are you alright?” Eyes scanned her all over to observe for sickness, injury, but found nothing. His features twisted as his eye scanned her pocket, jaw ticking when he saw the phone sitting inside of it. “What's the problem?” He asked lowly. “Worried me fuckin’ sick all day, but I see the phone in your pocket. Don’t play those games with me, Y/N. You’re a grown woman and that’s part of why m’so gone for you.” 
She blanched, swallowing the lump in her throat as she dropped her eyes. “I…” a shaky inhale interrupted the chirping crickets. “I don’t want to hold you back, Harry. I don’t want you to wake up one day, thinking about how you wasted the rest of your twenties on me. How… how you jumped in feet first, landing hard and buckling your knees because I’m exciting for a while.” It hurt to even think about, let alone say out loud. “I’m terrified that you’ll hate me for it. I think we’re going too fast.” 
Harry didn’t answer for a moment. All she heard was a sharp exhale, seeing him tip his head back in her peripheral vision. Like he was exhausted, trying to collect himself before speaking. Rolling his neck, he looked back at her. “So you’ve worked yourself up over a situation that hasn’t even happened. That won’t happen, considering I’ve been thinking about having you since we fuckin’ met. Is that right?” He sounded mad because he was. Frustrated, more so, at the situation. He’d been able to feel her pulling away a little bit the last few days but he’d felt that sickness in his stomach the whole day when she had been quiet and not responsive to his messages. 
It wasn't like he was a super clingy guy. He knew that he could be in person, he liked to be touchy, but he rarely expected constant communication. Y/N was her own woman and he liked that about her, but this wasn’t something he was a fan of. 
The tone of his voice made her reel back, eyes snapping up to him at he looked at her with an irritated expression. He never spoke to her like that, let alone looks at her like she was being ridiculous. It wasn’t a nice feeling in the slightest. “Let’s be honest here, Harry.” Her irritation rose. “Yeah, I’ve worked myself up over a situation that could realistically happen. It’s one thing to fuck older women, but it’s another to settle down and be in a committed relationship with one.”
It was the wrong thing to say, simplifying their relationship like that, and she knew it. His nostrils flared as he looked at her with slight disbelief. “S’that all we’ve been doing, Y/N? Fucking?” He scoffed, running a hand through his hair. “Cause I was under the impression that you were my girlfriend and we were figuring it out. Silly fucking me then. Just a little boy, huh?” 
“No- Harry, don’t you do that.” She growled back. “That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that I could be a lot of fun right now but later on down the line it maybe won’t be. Ill slow down faster than you, I’ll get wrinkles before you, I won’t be able to keep up-“
“And you know what I’ll do then?” He stepped closer to her. “I’ll slow down with you. I’ll get wrinkles too. I could be bald. Are you gonna leave me if my hair starts to thin?” 
“N-no.” She whispered, wind leaving her sails as she replied. 
“Yeah; I know you wouldn’t. Just like you should know I wouldn’t.” There was a pregnant pause, the warm early evening stinging her skin because, fuck. She was just terrified. 
“I wouldn’t. I’m not like him, and I know he… I know there’s that underlying trauma and stuff there. I know and m’so sorry an ass like that ever got his hands on you at all. But please try and see that I’m not him. There is no boredom. If there ever was- which there wouldn’t be- I’d come to you, I’d talk to you. I’d never cheat on you.” Stepping closer to her, his fingers curled around her cheeks, searching her face for something she couldn’t place. Apparently he found it, though, because his shoulders dropped and he nudged her face up in his grip, thumbs rubbing her the apples of her cheeks.
 “I’ve dreamed of you for years, Y/N. If I’d get tired of you, I’d have done it already. But honestly?” Licking over his bottom lip, he pinned his gaze to hers. “I don’t see how that’s even remotely fucking possible. You’ve become everything t’me so quickly it should be scary, but m’not anything but ecstatic. Giddy. Please give me some credit. I’m younger than you, but I’m not stupid. I know exactly what I’m doing. I’ve got the most incredible, intelligent, kind, generous, beautiful woman in my hands. Do you think I didn’t get a little nervous at first?” 
No, actually. No she didn’t. Harry hadn’t even hinted at it, but it grabbed her interest, confusion marring her features. To be truthful, he’d never seemed to waver when it came down to her and this relationship. “I didn’t.” She admitted, feeling a bit of shame for not even considering it. 
“Before I went for it, I was… it was hard to tell if you’d be alright dating someone so much younger than you. If you’d think I could handle you.” He smiled sadly. “There were a few times I was going to try and get you alone t’talk about it but fate was in my hands when you called me that night. I was over the fuckin’ moon, but still nervous. It made me feel better when I could tell you were looking at me, that I wasn’t makin’ it up in my head like I’d originally thought. And then…” his lip curled in a smirk at the memory of taking her against the counter. It was one of his favorite memories of all time. “Then I was pretty settled, but there were still nerves that you’d push me away like this. I thought I was in the clear this far along, that I’d proven how much m’utterly enamored with you but it seems I’ve got work to do.” 
The anger was gone from his body, replaced with a sadness. He didn’t like the thought of her hemming and hawing over if he would get bored of her when he constantly needed to pinch himself over the knowledge that she was his. “I just need to reassure you that since I was a kid, I’ve been set in my ways. I still like the same food as I did as a child, the same shows, the same music. If I really like something? It’s there to stay.” He wasn’t obtuse. Of course relationships had their issues and there was no expectation of perfection 24/7, but he wanted to keep it as peaceful as he could. 
Y/N’s face scrunched, bottom lip trembling as tears glossed over her eyes. It was embarrassing to cry over this, but the words were the reassurance she had desperately needed. “I’m sorry.” The apology was a little whimper before he sighed, pulling her into his body. Large hand running up and down her back, the woman leaned into the comfort of the larger man and relaxed into his form, burying her face in his neck. He still smelled like a bit of oil and sweat but his sweet and fresh soap lingered underneath, giving her the comfort she hadn’t known she needed so badly all day. 
“S’okay, darling. Let’s go inside and sit for a bit, hm? We’ve got t’talk a bit more about what’s bothering you.” 
And they did. They talked for hours that day, Harry holding her legs across his lap as he watched her express the fears she’d been holding back. In all honesty he knew it had needed to happen to make them stronger, and it did. 
It was showing a bit tonight, though. 
“What’s the matter?” His voice was delicate as his palm ran over her hip, curling his fingers into the soft shirt. “Hm? You’re bein’ awfully quiet tonight. Can tell something’s bothering you.” 
Y/N still was shocked at how perceptive the man could be. He seemed to know the slightest shift of her mood and  it had spooked her a bit at first, but now she realized she couldn’t hide much from him. Perhaps it was her own life lesson that she needed to trust someone, but still. 
“It’s silly.” She sighed softly, reaching a hand up to cup his stubbly chin. The comfort of his touch had only gotten stronger since they’d gotten together, the mixture of feeling delicate in his hold but empowered considering she knew he would move the moon if she asked him to. 
“Not silly if you’re thinking about it.” He clicked his tongue. “Off with it then, pretty girl.” 
“It’s… one of those women, the one you slept with from Stacy’s swim club… she was awfully bitter about us being together. Tried to tell me that I was just a phase of yours- which, I see your eyebrows, I know that isn’t true and that isn’t why I’m upset.” She laughed quietly, gently pinching his cheek. “I just couldn’t believe the audacity of her. Trying to tell me how passionate you are in bed, doing all sorts of catty things… I know she’s jealous, I’m rational enough to deduce that she’s just a bit crazy but it irritated me that she talked as if you’re some sort of object. Like you’re… an accessory or something.” 
Y/N had found herself very defensive of the man in the months they’d been together, and while she was aware he had slept with other woman, she hadn’t expected them to be so awful about him. 
“Darling…” Harry chuckled, shaking his head at the thought. “To her, I am an object. I gave her nothing of me besides physicality. And I can assure you, it wasn’t very passionate. It couldn’t hold a candle to you. In all honesty, I haven’t thought about another woman in months. Forgot about her, actually.” Harry had no woman on his radar except her. He was so utterly smitten with the woman in front of him that he knew he would never think of another woman in any sort of way again. 
“Yeah. It is silly, because I know you’re devoted to me-“
“And I am, Mama.” He purred, his hand gently tugging on the ends of her hair to lean it back to where he wanted it. “I’m completely and utterly devoted to you. You’re my goddess, didn’t you know that?” The hushed voice made her swallow thickly, the hand on her hip pushing under her shirt. “There is no one else I think about. They don’t exist to me. The only woman occupying my brain is you.” Lips pressed against her forehead, exhaling slow and heavy through his nose. “I’m obsessed with you. Don’t you know?”
“I-I do.” She stuttered. Somehow, the man years younger than her had a way of completely making her fall back into the shy younger girl she used to be. Giggly and giddy, shy when he would express such sweet things to her. Her ex had never been this verbally kind to her, let alone wax on about how much he adored her. It still shocked her. 
“Mm… good. Because I have no problem reminding you, baby. None at all.” His nose brushed hers, letting their breathing mingle. “I’ll be happy to remind you every single day that you’re the woman of my dreams and the other people I’ve been with don’t exist to me. They’re nothing compared to you. My dream girl.” 
Y/N took the first bite, pulling him down to kiss her. It was a need now, not even just a want. She needed to feel him, to taste him. It was still new to her, how adored he made her feel, and all she could do was hope he knew she felt the same. “H….” She whispered, breaking apart from their kiss as his hand slipped under the waistband of her shorts, wiggling down to cup her ass. 
“Hm?” He chuckled lowly. “Do you need me to remind you, Mama? Want me to show you just how obsessed I am with you?” 
The woman didn’t want to need that reassurance, but she really did enjoy a reminder considering she knew how he was going to give it to her. “I think I could use a refresher, yeah.” She replied, watching his grin grow before he kissed her again, hauling her body up and into his arms. Ignoring the squeal, he brought her into his bedroom, laying her on the sage green comforter and let his thumbs tug at the shorts. 
“I’ll give you as many refreshers as you need, my girl.” He hummed, letting his shirt follow and fall to the ground as Y/N followed suit. His eyes zeroed in to her panties, easily getting on his knees and grabbed her thighs to pull closer to the end of the bed. “S’been too long, hasn’t it? You’ve been mean and kept me away from my pussy.” He shook his head, kissing over the fabric. 
“I was on my period!” She squeaked, watching his fingers curl into the waistband of her panties. 
“And?” He lifted his eyes to her own. “Told you that it doesn't matter t’me. Put down a towel.” He wouldn’t mind in the slightest. Even more so because he knew it would potentially help cramps, but he respected her decision to not want to. 
“Oh god….” Her head fell back as his tongue licked over the sligh through the fabric, wetting it. “Harry… you can’t be serious.”
“As a heart attack.” He assured. “It’s your decision, but M’just saying it doesn’t gross me out and I don’t care. But now you’re off of it, and M’gonna take full advantage of that.”
Y/N gasped as the panties were tugged off in a hurry, so fast she had barely realized they were gone before his face was buried in her pussy. “Oh my g-god, H.” She laughed in shock, though it quickly melted into a moan as he pressed his tongue over her and let his nose brush her clit. 
He had never been anything but thorough when it came to oral sex, and she had the knowledge that he thoroughly enjoyed it too. She would even contemplate if he liked it more than her, but it was hard to confirm that when she had the pleasures of his mouth. 
Harry hummed at the taste of her, slowly peeling her thighs to the side and using a finger to spread her open. “There she is. I missed this pussy, baby.” He mumbled, the sheen of her and his spit on his lips. “How could you think of me with anyone else when I can barely go four days without this, hm? Don’t you know how addicted I am?”
She had some clue. A shaky exhale left her as she watched him purse his lips, a string of spit dribbling over her exposed cunt. Somehow he made it so hot, it had become one of her favorite things. A trigger of sorts. She’d never imagined herself liking any sort of spitting, but there was something so filthy and carnal about the way he did it that she found herself squirming and wanting more each time. 
“I know you like that, baby. My sweet girl, like when m’dirty and spit on this cunt to get it wet.” He crooned, repeating the action. He watched as the spit dribbled down to her asshole, humming in satisfaction. “You don’t need the help, not with how drenched this cunt gets for me but you like it when m’filthy with you.” 
Y/N loved how Harry was in bed. From going to somewhat pleasant missionary to completely and utterly wrecked by a man who wanted nothing more than her pleasure, it had been a complete 180 and quite frankly, rocked her damn world. “I do. I like when you’re dirty and you act like you… act like you can’t get enough.”
“Oh Mama, I can’t.” He cooed. “I can’t get enough of this perfect pussy. Obsessed with it, obsessed with you. You know I think about it all day?” His thumb drew slow, firm circles on her clit, making her buck into him a little bit. He ignored it. “Think about when I get to get to you, how all I want t’do is tear whatever’s covering you up and make you sit on my face. You do love when I do that.” 
Oh, did she fucking ever. The man was relentless with his tongue but he became a whole other beast when she sat on his face. In an area she’d been reluctant to, she had become reliant on.  
“Please… I want to cum.” She pleaded. Days after the cycle she was particularly sensitive and the man knew that far too well. 
“Then cum.” He smiled, licking over her entrance. “M’never going to say no to making my girl orgasm. But you’re gonna just keep cumming and cumming, so remember that.”
Y/N had found herself well acquainted with orgasms after years of being reliant on herself for them, but it never ceased to amaze her how the man could play her body like a violin and almost demand her orgasm. How he knew the right spots, the right tricks. No one had taken the time to get to know the things she liked quite like him, and she knew this was a rarity. Her stomach tightening, toes curling as he played with her body like he was the expert in all things pleasure.
The combination on his thumb rubbing her sensitive clit and his tongue pressing into her hole, she could feel the orgasm wash over her. Hands in his hair, she let out a broken moan, the first of many she assumed he’d give her tonight. And just like she suspected, even after the orgasm had dulled slightly, he kept going. 
“Harry, fuck.” She gasped, feeling fingers inside of her cunt and his mouth switching to circling her clit. One thing she’d learned was that he was relentless, especially when it came to making her cum.
“What baby?” He grinned mischievously. It didn’t matter that his face was filthy with her, he seemed to prefer it that way. “S’not my fault I need this pussy. You’re too perfect.” 
For the first time in her life, she was being doted on. There wasn’t a single question in her mind that Harry really was as obsessed with her as he portrayed because there was no way he could fake it this good. Tongue dipping into her entrance and thumbing her clit, working her through another before she successfully tugged him off to meet her mouth. 
Frantic hands tugged at his belt, yanking hard as he chuckled against her lips. “Eager, aren’t we?” He cooed. “C’mon then, Mama. Take me out so I can fuck you the way your greedy little cunt needs.” 
The filth that came out of his mouth was better than any of the sex she had prior to him. His unashamed nature and insistence on honesty had been intimidating at first but now she had come to crave the crass words that used to make her blush so hard it hurt. “I need it.” She whimpered, her own voice unfamiliar to her as she whined at him to get inside of her. Unbuttoning his trousers and slipping her hand inside, she felt how hot and hard he was on her palm. The tip wetting her skin as she stroked him under the fabric, the other hand trying to push the pants down so he was free of the confines. 
“Impatient little thing. I love it.” He grinned, helping her as he balanced over her with one arm. “Can barely let me undress, need to get your beautiful body filled up with me in every way. That’s exactly how I want you every day.” Desperate for him. His hips rubbed into her hand, breathing getting harder as she swiped her thumb over the tip and made him clench his jaw. Her little outfit had been tossed off easily and there was something so dirty about him fucking her almost clothed and her, practically naked. “Put me in, then. You can do it, baby.” 
There was that added layer of intimacy that had her preening, sticky lips connecting with hers as she felt his hips lower and gave her that little bit of control. Swiping the tip through her slickness, he inhaled sharply through his nose before she placed him at her entrance, lifting her leg around his waist. His patience was thin, not waiting more than a few moments before sinking into her. Swallowing her whine as he slipped his hand under her neck to hold it, licking into her mouth until he was balls deep in her. Filling her up to the brim with him, making her feel that sort of full that only he could provide. 
“God…” Y/N whined, leaning her head back into the bed as Harry pulled out slowly, letting her feel every ridge of his cock before pushing back in hard. “You’re…” it was hard to talk at times when he fucked her. While he could run his mouth, Y/N had her mind scrambled as soon as he slipped into her. His dick made her feel drunk and in love. 
“Mhm, I know.” He soothed, though the smug look on his face made his thoughts clear. He loved that she was cockdrunk and fuzzy from her orgasms, wet and soft for him and welcoming his thickness inside of her. It was made for him. “You don’t even have a clue of how much I thought about this, my girl. Don’t even know the filth I’d think of seeing you in those pretty fucking sundresses- fuck.” He growled, the weakness for them evident. She’d noticed it early on, how he’d been exceptionally handsy when she wore them. Maybe she had five new ones since she’d found out- he would see them eventually. 
“What did you… what did you think about?” Poking the bear wasn’t usually her thing, but his mouth was sex itself. Being fucked slow and deep as he spoke about his fantasies of her was something she couldn’t pass up. 
“Things that are so dirty, it would make you squirm.” He mumbled, grinding himself inside of her. The wet walls around him clenched up as she looked at him with her hazy eyes, fingers tangled in his necklace. “Thought about taking you to his old office and bending you over that desk. Fucking you nice and deep with my hand over your mouth while everyone else was in the pool, go back out with my dick covered in you.” The cunt around him clamped down, alerting him to just how much his girl liked that idea. “You like that? Would you have done it for me, sweet girl? Let me hike up that skirt and make you keep watch at the window to make sure no one was coming inside? Because… I really wouldn’t care if someone heard.” 
Y/N knew it was fucked up to like the idea of being caught by her daughters friends while being fucked by one, but he had  this way of framing it that made her feel it to her bones. His thick cock hitting the right places as he spoke about a fantasy she wouldn’t mind participating in. “I’d probably be shocked and- and I’d probably let you. It had been so long and you’re so gorgeous…” she swallowed. “I knew you’d be able to fuck me good when I had those hints.” 
Those catching glimpses of him eyeing her up, or seeing how he gave her all his attention when she spoke. How he’d always help her out in the kitchen and chat with her while the rest of the group was involved in other things- letting his hand brush her or his body squeeze past her. He’d given signals. 
“Fuck.” His head dropped against hers, pulling out and giving a particularly deep thrust, making her clutch his arm. “Yeah? You’d let me fuck you like that? Filthy little thing, Mama. You amaze me…” the idea of her being fucked in her ex husband’s home office was a delicious fuck you to him and empowerment to her. Let a man who could properly make her cum and multiple times at that, show her how sexy she was to him. 
Y/N connected their lips again as she nudged him, signaling him to let them roll over. Harry was never one to tell her no when she wanted something, let alone when she wanted to ride him. “Would you let me sit in his chair, ride me like this?” Hands grabbed at her plush hips, helping her grind on top of him. “I’d take you anywhere, baby. Make you feel good wherever and however you want. You don’t even know how gone I am for you.” 
In some instances Harry’s honesty had her a bit nervous, but when it came to things like this? She was ever so fucking thankful he was an open book with her. There was no shortage of reassurance, no hiding how he felt. The man was as up front and honest as someone could be and after she got over how overwhelming it could be, she relished in how she never had to guess. Harry never made her wonder how he was feeling, if he was mad, if he liked what she was doing. He let her fucking know, loud and clear, and the anxiety she used to experience in her last relationship in that regard was practically nonexistent. “Me too. I am too, I promise.” She nodded, grinding herself down on his cock. 
Harry’s thighs and balls were going to be sticky and wet by the time this was done but he was craving that. Having her traces all over his skin was something he had come to look forward to, to look at as another part of the erotic package that was his girl. Hands held her hips as he helped guide her, head tipped back to watch the pleasure flash on her face. “It’s deep, isn’t it Mama?” He crooned. “Do you feel it in there? Fuck, I can see it…” His deep groan echoed in her room as he took his hand and placed it right over her belly. Felt each time she moved on him, his mouth falling open as he tugged her hand to feel it. “Right there. That’s how deep I am. My perfect fuckin’ girl, got me tucked in your belly like that…” His voice was wrecked, trying to ignore how tight it made his balls but that was an impossible feat. 
“Oh fuck… Oh fuck, you’re so deep in me.” Y/N sulked, brows furrowing as his hand kept hers on the spot, feeling it each time she sunk back down. “You’re… Harry, please.” Her eyes budding with tears, she rocked hard on his lap and knocked her head against his. “Cum in me, right there. I want it deep, I want it to stay there. Please, please… Please, H.” 
The pleading was so fucking hot that he could have keeled over. This object of his affections getting his dick as deep as possible, pleading with him to cum in her cute little tummy and tightening her cunt over him like the idea of it was the best thing her body had ever fathomed… He was the luckiest sonofabitch that got to live. Feeling the silky, scorching walls of her cunt clenching around him like it was begging for the same thing her mouth was, he couldn’t hold it back. 
The broken groan left the man’s mouth while she hurriedly humped over him, Whimpering against his cheek, her mouth fell open as she felt each and every ribbon of cum heat her up, slicking up her insides with his orgasm. Her hand fell away and covered his as he felt her grinding get sloppy, her clit rubbing against the thatch of hair right above his cock. It was messy, sloppy, unpracticed, but so fucking good she felt like she could pass out. Repeating his name as she came, her nails scratched over his bicep, using his cock like a toy to work herself through the orgasm. 
“There you go, baby. You’re so perfect.” He whispered, pulling her back and licking into her mouth. There was no denying that the man could kiss in any scenario, but when he was balls deep and she was full of his cum, his kisses were some of the hottest she had ever felt. In truth, she hadn’t realized a kiss could be that hot until he’d done it the first time. She whined as he sucked over her tongue, keening into his mouth as her tired body started to slow her grinds and sat with him snug inside of her. Even with a taste of him, she wasn’t properly done with him. “Fuck- stay there. Keep my cock warm.” He muttered, stroking the messy hair from her cheeks with his fingers. His body was sticky with sweat and her arousal, his own mix leaking from her and onto the bed, but there was no rush to go anywhere. 
“God.” Y/N exhaled shakily, resting her head against his neck. Words escaped her as she tried not to get too excited again with the weak twitches of his prick she could feel.
“That’s okay, but I prefer Harry.” The smirk was audible in his voice, but she didn’t have the energy to roll her eyes. The large paw of a hand ran up and down her back, the heartbeat still felt in her ears. “I’ll never get tired of that.” The second sentence was sincere. The man always did seem in awe after they finished having sex, like he couldn’t believe he’d gotten to this point. 
“Me either.” She muttered, keeping her eyes closed as she cuddled into him. He still had the scent of coffee on him, maybe a hint of cigarettes, but the comforting one outweighed the rest of them. Y/N hadn’t had a man like him before but she knew now that he was exactly what she’d been missing. Even if he had grease on his tee shirts, sometimes smelled like oil, and had a bit of a grumpy attitude- he’d always put her first. He’d work with his hands to build up the world for her instead of buying it. He had the skill and follow through to do so. “I wanna do it again.” 
“Christ, woman. I’ve made a monster out of you, haven’t I?” His tired chuckle made her grin against his throat, pecking over the hollow of it. “You’re gonna regret that later, but m’not gonna say no.” Flipping her over to lay on her back, her eyes met his again as he smiled down at her. “C’mon, Mama. Tell me what you want me to do next.”
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onepieceisreeeeaaalll · 17 days ago
𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 - 𝒁𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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This is a quick little Valentine's Day fic for Zoro! Short and sweet (pun intended,) but I loved writing it. I have a few other things I'll be trying to post leading up to Valentine's Day, but at the very least I've managed to get this out. I may end up editing it after the fact as I usually do.
CW: SFW, strong language, alcohol, tsundere-ish Zoro, female reader
~2k words
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“I hate chocolate.” 
“Good. These aren't for you, anyway.”
Zoro grumbles under his breath as he follows you out of the little confectionery shop, begrudgingly holding a bag of various chocolates. He's never been a fan of sweets, not at all, not even a little. So when you dragged him inside on the one day you have off the ship, he was a little annoyed, to say the least. 
“What, so you bought this many for yourself?” He asks. His steps keep in time with yours as he walks beside you, careful not to lose you in the crowd.
“Nope. For the crew.” You explain, peeking into the bag you carry. “I thought it'd be nice to get everyone something since it's almost Valentine's Day.”
Shit. Zoro knew he was forgetting something. 
“Right. Valentine's Day.” Zoro mumbles, glancing down at the bag again. 
God, how could he forget? Everyone's been babbling about chocolates, roses, festivities, and the cook has certainly been the worst offender, asking every woman aboard if they'd be his Valentine. Somewhere between his training, their fights at sea, and taking naps with you, he lost track of time. His eyes remain locked on the bag of chocolates, and just as he's trying to push the strange blend of feelings from his mind, he feels you tugging on his arm. In his train of thought, he'd started veering off the opposite way. 
“Whoa, there. Ship's this way, Mossy.” You say in your goddamn adorably teasing tone. It makes him clench his jaw. 
“Yeah, I know. And don’t call me that.” Zoro responds curtly, bristling with annoyance. 
It just makes you laugh. 
“Whatever you say.”
Zoro stares at you from across the deck, watching you hand chocolates to your crewmates. Luffy's confused at first, then overjoyed; Usopp’s awkward, then grateful; Franky's making his stupid poses; Nami's taking it off your tab; Robin's thanking you; Brook's asking to see your panties; Chopper's wiggling and grinning; Sanji's nose is bleeding; blah blah blah. All the same antics, the same lines, yet all Zoro is focused on is that look on your beautiful face as you give out your Valentine's chocolates. Your eyes light up with every ‘thank you,’ every hug, and all Zoro can do is think about how the hell he forgot about Valentine's Day. 
But it's too late now, isn't it? The ship has already left the port and he didn't buy any flowers or gifts. He sucks at making cards, expressing his feelings, baking cookies - basically, anything that could make a decent Valentine. Then there's the most troubling part of all. Is he even your Valentine? Does it even matter?
You've been dating each other for somewhere around two months now. That doesn't necessarily mean that you're Valentine's, though. Nothing was ever said, neither of you asked the other, and at this point, he's not even sure how to bring it up. It seems rather obvious to him that you'd be each other's Valentine's, but that's what makes it even more frustrating - what seems obvious to Zoro isn't always obvious to others. Sometimes he's exhausted being surrounded by so many idiots (though he refuses to admit that he’s one of them.)
But not you. You're the idiot he doesn't get tired of. But, god, why did it have to be chocolates? Valentine's Day has always seemed like some kind of worthless, annoying day where everyone just gives out candy and useless junk as an excuse to make out. Making out, Zoro can handle - sweets, not so much. But then there's you, who's all sugar and spice and everything nice. The antithesis of what he's supposed to like, but your attitude has proven irresistibly charming to the stoic swordsman. 
The way your smile beams across the ship could end wars, call ships away from danger, light up the moonless sky as it so often has when you've been on watch together. It's damn near impossible to deny how much he loves to see that look on your face, and even more irritating that currently he's not the one that put it there. So, chocolates. Zoro can't do that. But that smile? He'll maim, kill, and die for it. He reasons that maybe there's a simpler way. 
You're a little skeptical when your boyfriend asks you to come up to the crow’s nest in the middle of the night. Hell, neither of you is assigned watch and it's well past your usual hours for training. Usually, this late at night, Zoro's fast asleep in his hammock if he's not tucked into your bed with you. So, what gives?
“Just shut up and trust me.” He chides, his tone slightly irritated but mostly playful. Well, that's Zoro.
As you follow him out onto the deck, the cool night air hits the exposed skin from your pajamas. The stars are beautiful, glittering above in a way that's almost distracting, but you don't linger your gaze on them for too long. Instead, you stay closely behind Zoro, your arms crossed over your chest long enough to keep some semblance of warmth. The journey up the crow’s nest is longer than you'd like given the temperature and your sleepy mind, but you swear you can almost smell something weird wafting down from the open door hatch. 
It's not only until you peek inside that you recognize the scent of lavender, and through the candlelight, you recognize a large blanket, several pillows, a bottle of sake, and some kind of food on a few plates. As you're trying to register what you're looking at, Zoro pulls your hand gently to assist you up the rest of the way. 
“What is this?” You ask, and the way your lips curl into a smile makes Zoro's heart stutter. 
He lets go of your hand, walking across the planks of the crow’s nest to his makeshift picnic. It’s a romantic setup that took him all evening, and he can recall the several conversations he had with himself to try to figure out something to throw together. He’s a little satisfied with himself - smug, even - but he maintains his usual demeanor for now. Zoro doesn’t want to get ahead of himself, after all.
“Well, what does it look like?” Zoro responds in his classic, gruff tone. “Made you a picnic. Since it's Valentine's Day and all that.”
Your eyes glance around the candles, and while the setup is fairly simple, you can't deny the wonder you feel at the sight. Never once had you expected anything like this from Zoro. Quite truthfully, you thought he would have forgotten or written off the whole thing as stupid. Taking a few careful steps, your gaze finally glances back up at him. 
“Where did you…I mean, food and candles? I really didn't…”
Zoro hums, and his lips finally quirk up into a cocky smile for a moment. He couldn’t keep that smug feeling aside for long, especially when your eyes light up the way they do.
“Candles are from Robin, and I owe Nami for tricking the cook into getting us some snacks.” He responds before his eye flicks back up to yours. “You like it?”
“Like it? This is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.” You grin, and you move to close the space between you two. It makes Zoro's heart stutter yet again. 
“Really? Is the bar that low?” Zoro replies with an amused huff. “Didn't think it was all that impressive. I pulled it together sorta last minute when I realized Valentine's Day meant so much to you.”
“It doesn’t.” You respond quickly, and you let out a laugh at Zoro’s shocked expression. So, you elaborate. “I mean, I like Valentine’s Day because it’s an excuse to express how much people mean to me. But the holiday itself doesn’t make or break anything. I wasn’t expecting you to actually care about it, which is why I never said anything.”
Zoro seems contemplative for a moment, his eye trailing carefully over to the makeshift picnic. He lets out a huff, one hand resting casually on his sword, the other against his thigh. 
“Of course I don’t care about Valentine’s Day.” He says, almost snapping. Guess you struck a nerve. “It’s a stupid holiday designed for people like that love cook to hit on women. I didn’t even know it was Valentine’s Day ‘till you bought all that candy.”
Despite his harsh tone, you can’t help but smile a bit wider at his response. He seems irritated, and likely just because he was in his own head about it. And god, that smile you give him…
“But I care about you, moron. That’s why I threw this together.”
Zoro sits down on one of the blankets, patting a pillow next to him for you to join. You don’t hesitate, and as you sit down you watch as Zoro grabs the bottle of sake and pulls the cork out with his teeth. He spits it aside, taking a long swig of it. If the candles weren’t so dim, you might have been able to notice the way the tips of his ears light up red. 
“I already told you that this is the nicest thing anyone’s done for me. You don’t have to feel weird about doing it just because I wasn’t expecting it.” You finally speak up, a hand moving to rest on his forearm. “Seriously, I appreciate this. It’s honestly really…sweet.”
Zoro takes his free hand holding the bottle of sake, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand with a sigh. He’s definitely embarrassed, but that sweet tone of yours makes something in his chest feel lighter. 
“Yeah, well…I don’t normally do sweet. You know that.” Zoro says, setting the bottle of sake down between the both of you. And he knows that you know that - hell, you probably know him better than most people. “Just felt like now that we’re dating, I wanted to see you…have a good Valentine’s Day.”
“For someone who claims to hate sweet, you’re very good at it. Thank you, Zoro.” You reply, leaning against him just a little bit. The skin-to-skin contact makes Zoro heat up a bit, and when you lean in closer, you can’t contain the small giggle that leaves you. “But I feel like I should let you know that Valentine’s Day isn’t for another few days.”
Zoro’s expression drops once again, and that stupid annoying feeling of irritation fills him. His head snaps in your direction, and he visibly bristles. It makes you laugh.
“Dammit! Why the hell were you giving everyone chocolates so early then, woman?” 
“Because I didn’t want them to go bad! Plus, I’m horrible with surprises. I get too impatient.” You laugh again, and that laugh somehow both irritates and soothes Zoro. He’ll never understand the effect you have on him.
Grumbling, he grabs the bottle of sake again. Before he can bring it to his lips, though, your hand moves up to his chin, gently pulling it so that he looks right at you. With a grin, you lean forward and press your lips tenderly against his. That irritation in him is gone, and his eye slowly shuts as he feels you both melt into the kiss. Goddamn, Zoro hates sweets, but the taste of your lips against his is addicting. His chest aches when the kiss breaks, but your lips linger against one another.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” You murmur.
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farfromstrange · 4 months ago
Fictober Day 25: Love Language
Fictober Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Prompt: Love Language (🌼)
Summary: Matt's love language is touch.
Warnings: Fluff, love language, not proofread.
Word Count: 687
A/n: I do believe Matt Murdock shows his love through touch a lot, but also through all his other senses. I'm just focusing on one in this fic.
Read Me On AO3! (coming soon)
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Matt’s love language is touch.
It’s not because he doesn’t know how to tell you he loves you—he does. He tells you before you’re even awake, before he leaves for work, during work, and before bed. He utters those three times almost more than you do because he is scared if he doesn’t you might slip away, but that is also why he touches you so gently every time he’s close to you. 
Every morning, he traces the features of your face from your temples to your chin until you wake up. He kisses your temple when you’re busy making coffee, brushes his hand over your lower back when you’re brushing your teeth, or getting dressed for the day and he just happens to have to brush past you. 
He kisses you goodbye three times, one kiss for every word in ‘I love you’. And when he comes home, he kisses you once, but he doesn’t stop for a whole minute because he just needs to taste you after having been apart from you for so long. 
You can feel his love through his fleeting touches, the way he holds you close to his chest when you can’t sleep, and how he lays his head on your chest when he’s had a rough day because you are his only reprieve from the bustling of the city. You are his saving grace. When he touches you, even just for a second, he forgets the world.
So, when he tells you, “I love you,” on his way out the door and you answer with, “I know,” you mean it in the most literal sense of the word.
You know he loves you because he never fails to show you. 
You know he loves you because he will never let you forget it. 
He might never be able to give you peace, but peace, in your opinion, is overrated. He keeps your brittle heart warm. He keeps you safe. He would die for you, that much you know.
He has proven time and time again how much you mean to him, and yet he never feels it’s quite enough. He never feels like he is enough for you. Not good enough. Not pure enough. Not easy enough or safe enough. 
“As long as I’m part of your life,” he’d said once, “you’re always gonna be in danger, and one day, I might not be able to stop you from getting hurt.”
“It wouldn’t be your fault,” you’d told him.
“No, it would. You deserve better. So much better.”
But you only took his hand in yours, intertwined your fingers, and said, “I deserve you.”
If he lost you, Matt wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Having one more person he loves die in his arms would kill him. He would fall to his knees then and beg God to take him, too. He would beg the earth to open up and take him to hell because he is sure he has sinned enough to make it straight to the fiery pits of hell. 
His sins can not be forgiven, no matter how much he prays. You know he thinks like that more often than he cares to admit, and even when you try to tell him how good he is, he refuses to listen.
Loving you is his penance. 
Telling you how much he loves you is not enough, so he has to show it some other way. He has to work to earn it, he thinks, so he does. He will love you until his heart is bleeding on the floor—until he has sacrificed his very soul to you. Only then will he be worthy of redemption.
He’s utterly broken, but you wouldn’t stick around if you didn’t think he’s worth it. You can help him. You can take his hand and tell him time and time again that he is enough, and you will do so until he finally believes you.
Whether it takes two years or two lifetimes, you don’t care. You will never tire of trying because, to you, Matt Murdock is more than enough.
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mcytanti · 2 months ago
manehare analysis i looooove this freakish duo.
on the surface this team seems very sudden and doesn't make sense i mean they were enemies for such a long time, however, i think they make Perfect Sense Actually.
manehare makes sense because both of them gives what the other wants while acknowledging the place they are coming from. they have a distrust now but i think if they play it right they can have something that lasts across seasons.
we got confirmation today manepear really just loves his little chunguses. (his comment about being a mama bear really stands out to me it was awesome). we saw it earlier in the server with zam, then later with wemmbu and bacon. but all 3 of them didnt satisfy mane in the way he wanted. zam was friendly with the brothers but he was for the most part self sufficient, mane let wemmbu into the bandits thinking he would have to be taken care of but it turns out wemmbu was secretly good at pvp and while he lazy could take care if himself in a fight. bacon never wanted to play ball with mane and refused his advances.
however kab is perfeeeect for mane, she needs his help and his protection but she isnt lazy like wemmbu was. she's intelligent, cunning, and willing to learn so he gets all if the ego boosting of taking care of someone who wants his help but none of the annoyance of a resource drainer (sorry wemmbu but its true 😭).
mane is also perfect for kab, he's filling the void clown has left.
since the start of the season kab has wanted a powerful ally who can stand beside her when she wants them to, someone who can guide her, but someone who is also willing to crush her enemies when asked. she thought clown would be that but when given the opportunity he's been lack luster in the role. she then turned to zam as a guide and a teammate, but he didn't want to be her guiding light and thought it was far too sudden to team plus he was unwilling to do her dirty work so kazam fell apart.
mane, however, has a deep blood lust (wanting to death ban all the revived people is the most notable example of this) so he's perfectly fine with carrying out kab's plans as long as it means they agree on killing. he's also willing to train kab without her having to prove herself like she has to with clown (its in my personal opinion kab would have never proven herself to clown. not because she isn't good but because clown simply isnt interested in her development but thats another matter).
in my opinion the 14 killings is actually really good for this team! it means that kab cannot idolize mane the same way she did clown or zam because she knows that no matter what, mane is dangerous, he's able to kill her and is more than willing to kill her. and for mane despite the 14 killings kab still being willing to work with him must give him a crazy amount of validation because it proves that no matter what happened before kab needs him now
i think as long as the focus on their shared goal they can build a real trust with each other. not like a "i trust you not to kill me" trust but a trust the older lifesteal pairs have, that "i know how you think i know you inside and out and no matter what happens we will comeback together" trust.
however they still have all the potential in the world to fall apart in a pretty spectacular way. like if one of them gets too paranoid and betrays the other, or if they're influenced to betray by people outside the dynamic, or maybe kab's planning to betray from the start and we're all fools for thinking manehare could ever work, or simply losing sight of their shared goal and becoming enemies again. all those things could still happen!
no matter what i just love manehare as a duo. they indulge each other's deepest desires but they have so much potential to fuck it all up it a horrible terrible way. its such a careful balance with them im so excited to see where they go from here
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chxrryhansen · 1 year ago
౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ Cherry’s Cevans One Shot Rec List
here you will find all of my favourite chris evans + characters fanfiction recommendations, i have many more to add and will continue to update this list. Please don’t forget to reblog these amazing writers fics as they deserve so much love!💘💘
Walk On The Wild Side - @hansensgirl
you just wanted to go for a stroll down the road—but he wants you to take a walk on the wild side. (Dark!Chris Evans)
You Better Not Pout, Better Not Cry - @hansensgirl
they know if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. (Dark!Multi character) - i would add every single one of her fics to this list if i could💘
Sinful Devotion - @evansbby
Lloyd promises to let you go, but he demands a depraved repayment. (In other words, Lloyd pops your cherry)- my favourite writer in the whole universe💘
Smothered With Bliss - @whereireid
Is it hard being married to the most influential man in America? You most certainly think it is. — Steve Rogers: Captain America, the heart of his nation, the soul of his country. After returning home from a particularly bad day at work, Steve finally snaps, deciding you need re-educating on how to be the perfect housewife.
The Night - @misshoneybee
Working as the Barber family's nanny is a piece of cake, but what happens when the dad you've been tip-toeing around all year comes home late one night to find you asleep in his bed, wearing his favorite sweater?
Little Miss Red - @anika-ann
Ransom’s looking for a good time tonight, when you walk through the door, he knows he’ll get it. And you? Oh you’ll get it too. He's going to make sure of it.
Unholy Errand - @buckets-and-trees
You're caught in the crosshairs when a hit goes out for your boss. (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark! God The Bounty Hunter + Ransom Drysdale)
What A Shirt Can Tell - @justalonelyslytherin
5+2 times Colin asked 'Is that my shirt?' plus the one time he got asked it. Aka a look through the journey of Colin and his girl, each in which his shirts play an important role.
Start Again - @wkemeup
A chemical spill, uncontrollable desires rushed to the surface, an unbridled need, and the consequences in the aftermath (Steve Rogers)
Daddy’s Little Pet - @sinner-as-saint
You and Steve are the epitome of ‘opposites attract’. He is the American hero, a super soldier who is known for his bravery, and righteousness and for being the one leading the Avengers. You, on the other hand, are a well-known fashion designer in the city. Creator and owner of your own brand, and elite boutique. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like you and Steve would be compatible. But you surprisingly are. And behind closed doors, in secrecy – you two are each other’s solace, each other’s definition of home. He’s your strong, loving and caring man. And you, his lovely, little pet whom he adores more than life itself.
Good Girls And Skype Calls - @youre-deadangel
chris gives you a treat for behaving.
Afternoon Delight - @christowhore
you're steve's live-in housekeeper and find your boss and his friends having a bbq on a heatwave stricken afternoon. they invite you to join them and show you all the pleasurable ways to cool down from the sun. (SoftDark!Steve Rogers + Sam Wilson + Bucky Barnes)
Got You - @hispeculiartreasure
The two of you had grown close over the last year; first as teammates, then as friends. You had been distant at the start, just as he had. Slowly, agonizingly - blood, sweat, and tears were definitely involved - walls were dismantled. A current of trust ran between you, one which caught Steve by surprise. As dense as he could be about matters of the heart, suspicions of his blossoming romantic feelings being mutual had proven true with a simple kiss. (Sex Pollen, Steve Rogers)
Golden Boy - @bucksfucks
you’ve always called steve the golden boy, but he snaps one night and decides to show you he’s anything but. (Roommate!Steve Rogers)
It Must Be That Old Evil Spirit - @vonalyn
There’s something unsettling about his demeanor but you can’t quite put your finger on it. As if there’s something hiding beneath the surface just waiting to pry its way out of the tight shirt across his broad frame and tear your throat out. Maybe it’s your general unease around others when you’re traveling alone, or maybe it’s just him.  (Jack-O-Lantern!Ari Levinson)
Stupid Kitty - @onsunnyside
Your father wrongfully entrusted Lloyd to care for you—it’s too bad he’ll never get you back. (Lloyd Hansen x Cat-Hybrid!Reader)
Manners- Or Lack Of Them - @rogerswifesblog
Ransom wants you, the sweet girl at the bar…but you’re not what he expected you to be. (Sub!Ransom Drysdale + Mommy!Reader)
Shadow Boxer - @mypoisonedvine
you’re stuck in the same destructive cycle with ransom, but maybe you don’t want to get out of it. (Angst + Smut, Ransom Drysdale)
It’s Not A Challenge - @gagmebucky
His jaw ticks. “It’s not a challenge, doll,” he bites out. “It’s a warning. If I tried to get inside you, I’d split you in half in the process.” His eyes flicker down, and your nipples are pebbles against the thin, easily-rippable fabric—you’re testing him, and he’s failing. “Goddamn it,” he hisses underneath his breath. “That - that shouldn’t turn you on.” Bristling, he drops his hand and pedals backward—he’s on his last thread, and it’s his sole chance to make a clear-headed decision. (Boxer!Steve Rogers)
Pretty Princess - @frostironfudge
Andy Barber gets jealous when he presumes you shared a room with one of his associates.
Over And Over - @frostironfudge
Ari Levinson is a possessive man, he'll punish you till you apologise.
Such A Good Boy - @lilacevans
You and Ari attend a business meeting, and at the beginning the other boss you're meeting with just assumes that Ari is the one in charge; however, that's not the case. While you look dainty, angelic, like you couldn't even hurt a fly, you're the one who runs the family and will not hesitate to fuck up anyone who stands in your way. (Puppy!Ari Levinson) - one of my favourite fics EVER.💘
Breathe - @buckyownsmylife
The one where the new co-star is obsessed with the idea of making Chris hers, but he makes sure to show her you’re the only one for him.
Justified - @dbnightingale24
Ransom has always been the center of your world you’ve always been the center of his. However, when he can’t change his ways and you’re tired of the heartbreak, is it really so bad if you think it’s best to walk away? Ransom thinks so. - one of the sweetest most talented writers i have ever met💘
My, My, My - @1800jjbarnes
Stevie couldn't help it. Every time he saw you, he felt himself grow heavy in his slacks. You were everything he needed. And he needed you now.
All The Time - @geminixevans-stan
He is one of the most powerful men on earth but there’s more worse than him (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark!Nick Fowler)
Snack - @katherineswritingsblog
he just wants his snack- which is you.
Watchful Eyes - @espinosaurusrexex
When your best friend gets you a new job, cleaning the apartment of the most successful man in New York City, you don't hesitate to accept. The pay is more than good, and the man himself is better than any eye candy you have ever seen. Unbeknownst to you, you've caught his attention just as much. Steve can't keep his mind off you, so much so, that he drives everyone around him insane with his grumpiness when you aren't around. It seems like he has to take matters into his own hands when he realizes, you're too shy to take things further yourself. (CEO!Steve Rogers)
Cherry On Top - @dcllbows
you’ve found your favorite way to help your daddy with his grownup work. (Ddlg, Daddy!Andy Barber)
Voracious - @arilevinsons
The first time he set eyes on you; you were his sudden infatuation. (DarkProfessor!Ari Levinson)
Best Friend’s Dad - @imyourbratzdoll
you've been pining over your best friend's dad and decide to take your chance, knowing he's out and your best friend is asleep, you be a little bit naughty and touch yourself on his bed, not knowing he's coming home early.
The Breeding Ground - @fl0werfae
To others, Ari’s house was a breeding ground for him and his omega, but to him it was just fulfilling her purpose of carrying his pups. (Alpha!Ari Levinson)
My Sweet Pea - @mavsstar
Mr. Levinson lives right next door to you, the sweet, innocent college girl. Little do you know that you're Mr. Levinson's favorite neighbor. He's there every chance you need the slightest of help, maybe a little too much. (Trailer Park Au)
Like A Movie Scene In The Sweetest Dream - @worksby-d
Johnny’s always been on your “no” list, but you've finally agreed to work with him. (Pornstar!Johnny Storm)
Easy As Pie - @navybrat817
You bake pies for Andy, but you're still his favorite treat.
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