#cabaji imagine
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year ago
One Piece preferences - how they tell you that they like you (GN!reader)
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Luffy -
● Luffy is not one for shame or embarrassment yet he's always nervous around you
● he always awkwardly rambles when you're near him
● and he even asks if you want the last bite of food before he takes it for himself like usual
● he goes to Usopp first for advice which Sanji and Zoro overhears and tells him to ignore Usopp's terrible advice and listen to them instead
● which then Nami overhears and calls them all idiots and gives Luffy actually good advice
● Luffy finally tells you he likes you but rambles again while talking so you kiss him to shut him up
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Nami -
● she doesn't
● you have to make the first move
● even when you do tell her you like her she makes you work for it
● "I'll go out with you when we find the one piece"
● "I'm holding you to that"
● a couple months later when she thinks you've proven yourself she sets two plates of food in front of you guys
● "what's this?"
● "we're on a date"
● "I thought you weren't going to go out with me until we found the one piece?"
● "I changed my mind now start eating before I change it again"
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Sanji -
● He is very confident and makes it known he likes you the moment you meet
● He flirts with you the entire time you're eating in the baratie
● "Anything else I can get for you cutie? I've been told I make a mighty fine dessert, that is unless you want me for dessert instead"
● "just the check please sweet talker"
● he brings the check to you with his number written on the bottom
● "just so you know I do accept tips in the form of a date"
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Zoro -
● no matter how much Luffy points out to Zoro that he likes you he refuses to acknowledge his feelings for you
● It's not until you get critically hurt in a fight that he finally admits to himself that he likes you
● you've been unconscious for days and he never leaves your side while you're recovering
● you wake up to him sitting at your bedside and you've never seen him look this worried
● "thank God I thought I lost you"
● "you saying you care about me Zoro?"
● "yes Y/N, I care you about you a lot so please don't do that to me again"
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Usopp -
● always brings you flowers and little trinkets
● "I saw this in town and thought you'd like it"
● names one of his slingshot moves after you
● all around gentleman trying to woo you
● Zoro "you know he likes you right"
● "of course I know, I just think it's sweet how hard he tries"
● the first time you kiss him on the cheek to thank him for your gift he blushes so hard and nearly faints
● he goes around proudly telling everyone that you kissed him and that he's your boyfriend now
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Buggy -
● puts on an entire show for you
● pulling out all of his best jokes and stunts
● making the crowd cheer extra hard
● he does a huge speech throughout the entire performance about how you two could conquer the world together
● and how he needs you by his side to be the best pirate he can be
● for his final trick he uses his powers to send his hand up to you with a bouquet of flowers
● "what do you say Y/N? Want to be my co captain?"
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Shanks -
● whenever he's in town he tells you stories of his adventures over drinks at the bar
● and always gives you part of his treasure that his crew found on their recent voyage as gifts
● "You're really giving me this? Do you know how valuable it is?"
● "There's no treasure in this world that I value more than you"
● "well Shanks it sounds like you're trying to tell me that you like me"
● "I would travel the entire ocean for you my dear Y/N and I would love if you joined me on my next adventure"
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● Literally kills a guy for you
● you're complaining about some jerk you ran into at the bar
● he mumbles "he shall pay for disrespecting my Y/N" and excuses himself
● he returns a little bit later with the guys decapitated head in his hand and blood on his shirt
● "you said you had a problem with this guy so I killed him in your honor"
● "Oh thats… sweet"
● "I knew you'd be impressed. So, dinner?"
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Cabaji -
● always tries to look cool in front of you
● doing tricks on his unicycle
● like riding it through a flaming hoop
● or having you stand on his shoulders while he cycles around the ring
● or putting someone on the spinning wheel and throwing knives at them landing impossibly close to their skin
● "that was cool wasn't it Y/N"
● "sure was Cabaji"
● "So what do you say you and I get drinks together sometime?"
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stinkysam · 1 year ago
OPLA men - How they take it.
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Warning : nsfw, top!reader
Genre : smut
Synopsis : "I don’t have any specific characters in mind so feel free to do whoever, but may I ask you which One Piece men are the best / worst at taking dick in the ass Mr Stinky? Who rides cock like they are about to enter a rodeo and who turns into a total pillow princess as soon as just the head pops in. Please and thank you Mr stinky" - anon
Reader : male (you/yours)
A/N : this isn't ranked, it's alphabetical order.
-cis women dni-
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Akagami no Shanks
Can take dick. He contracts a bit at first, and when you fully push it in, he will sigh as if he's sipping a good bottle of rum in ages. It's like he's fully relaxed. He's like this the whole time. Riding you like a champ with pretty little moans. He can be a pillow princess at times when he's feeling lazy.
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Buggy the Clown
Likes to act like he can take anything, but once your dick is in sight, he acts like he won't be able to. He's a full pillow princess and is a bit ashamed of it once he's out of the bedroom. Will boast that you're the pillow princess when he fully knows that's not true.
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He's always stressed at first, like really anxious. No matter your size. But he does very well. He's a bit of a pillow princess at times. It depends on his mood.
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Dracule Mihawk
Can take it, but he likes to make you work for it because he doesn't have a very high sex drive anyway. But once you start, you're in for a ride. Like Shanks, he rides like a champ, but to get a moan, you'll have to work really hard. They're really soft and quiet.
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Monkey D. Garp
I've seen a couple of people thirst for him on tiktok, so that's why I put him here too. Can take dick. No stress. Feels very tight, though, even when fully relaxed. He's just like that. You better get ready because it'll only end when he decides it. Grandpa has a lot of energy and strength.
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Monkey D. Luffy
He's stretchy. He can take it. But he's really whiny and eager. It's sloppy and unsteady. He's a bit of a pillow princess as well but not ashamed of it at all. In fact, he doesn't care. What does that even mean ? Very easy to make him moan.
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Roronoa Zoro
He's a stressed virgin, unlike Luffy, who's not stressed at all. It's very cute. Can take it but be slow and steady at first. Not a pillow princess.
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Another stressed virgin one, no matter your size. But not a pillow princess ! Thought he's a bit unsure he's good at riding you. Not rodeo style, though, very sensitive. His moans are delightful.
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Vinsmoke Sanji
And another virgin ! But not as stressed as the others, thought a bit anxious on the edges. He can take dick very well but will need lots of foreplay. He's a pillow princess at times. It depends on whether he needs to be taken care of or not.
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twistedbunni · 1 year ago
Unrequited pt.2
Buggy x reader
A/N: here's the second part in all it's messily written glory. Angst again but the ending is sweet (and funny in my opinion).
Pt 1
You'd been traveling with the Straw hats for a while now, for a few months or maybe even half a year?? Honestly you had stopped keeping track of time or at least days, it was pointless to when it was hurting you more than it was helping. Starting out the journey counting the days since you had last seen your friends and the man you loved, but you quickly realized after a week or so that it was only serving to make your heart grow heavy with sorrow.
The new crew kept you on your toes far more than you had ever been before. Constantly being dragged along to explore the islands you docked at, getting dragged into fights you didn't want to be in, getting a target basically placed on your back by a warlord for simply being around Luffy. It was fun at times but you'd often find yourself exhausted and longing for the more relaxed life you had back with Buggy.
Sure the Buggy Pirates we're fearsome, known to destroy whole towns over night for fun, but you'd been placed on the part of the crew that would stay in the boat to not only guard it but also to prepare the circus tents to be set up for performances. You were a pirate, there was no denying that, but you'd always been a somewhat passive one who would do all the necessary background type jobs while the tougher guys of crew did all the dirty work.
It was always like that for you on Buggy's ship and even on the ship you'd sailed with before, but these straw hats really made you feel like you'd joined a pack of wolves operating as a pack, not the beehive with workers coming and going like you were use to. They were all nice, friendly, charming people sure, but they could never make you feel the same level of comfort that Cabaji, Mohji, and unfortunately Buggy had brought you.
The longer you stayed with these misfits the more you missed the freaks. You wanted to get away from the circus so you wouldn't have to feel that pain of unrequited love, but your leaving only served to bring you loneliness of feeling like you don't belong here.
Thankfully you were somewhat saved by Fire Fist Ace, he'd very briefly joined up with the straw hats and ultimately when he left he offered to take you with him. You had been grateful to him, able to see how you really didn't fit in with his brother or the rest of the group and so he'd asked you to come with him. Ace was open to helping you find somewhere you'd fit in better, which ultimately led you back to the ship your heart longed to be on again.
Buggy wasn't fairing any better than you had been to be honest. When he'd seen you riding out to sea aboard the Going Merry, he'd felt something in him break. He knew you said you would be leaving his ship back in LogueTown because you'd both known it would've been torture for you to stay any longer with things as they were, but deep deep down part of him was hoping, praying, wishing for you to be there when he got back. He had hoped you'd change your mind, not for his sake but for the sake of his 2 most faithful members.
Cabaji refused to do any unicycling for a month or so after, stating it hurt him to perform on it after he'd already gotten his mind so dead set on the idea of teaching you how to ride so he could perform with you. Mohji was not much better, really only spending his time with his lion Riche, often talking to the beast about how he misses the times you'd offer to brush out the lion's mane only for him to find the pair of you asleep.
The rest of the crew, even though never becoming as close to you as the main 2, all seemed to have imaginary rain clouds over them after you'd gone. The whole ship seemed to be quieter, less vibrant, and all around gloomier now that you weren't here to constantly liven the place up with jokes or general upkeep of things.
Buggy felt things the hardest though. Sure he'd inadvertently distanced himself from you a while prior to your leaving and had grown to barely talking to you, but he still missed your presence on board. He missed seeing you around the ship smiling at him when he'd spot you. How you'd have everything perfectly ready for him to perform, but now having to prep all by himself. He'd begun to often forget things in his dressing room, since he'd grown so use to you having all of his props ready to go before he had even finished getting ready. He missed the way you would brush his hair out as he'd rant about things, always being so careful to not yank his hair when you'd encounter a tangle or two. You would tell him tales of your adventures from the ship you'd been on previously, often finding himself falling asleep to your voice, it hurt to not be able to hear it at all. Overall he missed you, and all the things you did, even the things that'd typically get on his nerves.
He may not have loved you at that moment in time you'd left, but as each day passed he could feel himself at least developing feelings for you and he'd begun to believe that there was a real possibility he would fall for you if he did embrace these budding feelings. Though he'd messed it all up and lost you as a result, it was something he could never forgive himself for.
Buggy was currently sat looking over some documents related to the next step of his and Alvida's plans, about ready to just give up on reading them for now to go distract his mind from his own thoughts. That's when he heard it, the sounds of cheering from the deck followed by heavy footsteps and his door bursting open.
"Captian!" Cabaji stood in the doorway, out of breath with wide grin on his face. "You're gonna want to see who just came on board."
Filled with a mix of dread and excitement, Buggy followed his subordinate out to the commotion on deck, finding his men surrounding around what he assumed was someone. When he'd approached, the crowd of his crew parted to give him a clear path to see who'd they'd been crowding around. He saw the famed Fire Fist Ace which was interesting, but more importantly he saw you standing there on his deck.
Your attention was on Riche, petting the large lion's mane, until you noticed the sudden silence of everyone, you turned to follow their gaze, seeing Buggy standing there. His eyes were wide, mouth slightly agape as if he'd been processing if what he was seeing was real or not.
"Hey..." As soon as the word left your lips you'd felt a weight crashing into you in an instant. Buggy detached himself from his legs, his upper half had flown to you grabbing you tightly in a hug and spinning you up off the ground.
Eventually when the spinning had stopped and you'd found yourself stood once more on your own two feet, Buggy's legs made their way over reattaching to the torso that still held you in his arms. "I've missed you... God have I missed you" His voice was barely above a whisper as he freed you from his grasp.
It was bittersweet to hear him say that, it meant he'd held something for you in his heart but you dared not assume it was anything other than platonic. "I missed you too."
Riche now jealous you'd stopped giving him attention, began to nudge you with his nose. "Alright, alright! I missed you too buddy." You went back to petting him, gaining a little growl in satisfaction from him. The crowd of pirates around you kicked back to life a moment later, begining to celebrate your return and getting to know Ace who'd brought you back to them.
You'd been kept busy for the next few hours, from catching up with your friends to telling tales of what you'd gone through with the straw hats. Everyone was excited to see you again, even Alvida who'd given you a flick on the forehead acolding you not to go running off again, leaving the crew in such bad spirits over your absence.
At some point you'd managed to slip away from the party that'd moved below deck, making your way to the top deck to get some fresh air. You'd found Buggy standing with his back to you juggling a set of colored rubber balls, fumbling and nearly dropping them when you cleared your throat to make your presence known.
"Shouldn't you be downstairs partying with your crew?" You question as he turned to face you.
"I could say the same to you, especially considering they're celebrating your return." He slid the rubber balls back into a pouch, putting it into his coat pocket.
"Damn, you got me there." You smirked, leaning your back on the railing closest to him. "Needed a break from them is all."
"You saying they're too much to handle or something?" He joked coming to stand closer to you.
"Not exactly, I've missed everyone a great deal, but I've also missed being able to just relax. Those straw hats are too adventurous for me."
His head cocked to the side, an eyebrow raising itself on his face. "And we're not? I'd argue we've been on more adventures than those brats have."
"It's not that they adventure more, it's that they seem to jump head first into everything and everyone in the crew is expected to come along. Felt like I literally had to fight for my life daily, almost got turned into a wax statue, endured an avalanche then nearly died of heatstroke in a desert. Even got put on Crocodile's shit list." You groaned.
"How the hell did they get you on a warlord's bad side?!" Buggy's eyes practically popped out of his skull, before he dramatically turned his nose away all snootily and waved a hand dismissively at you. "No, that's too preposterous to think my little Y/n could ever be on anyone's kill list. I mean you don't even take part in anything that could be considered dirty or dangerous, much less doing something worthy enough of anyone wanting you dead."
You stiffened a little. "Uh since when am I your little anything?"
The man froze, he hadn't even realized he'd called you his, it just slipped out without thinking. Quick Buggy think of something fast! "Uh- I um- I meant like your mine in terms of you're my crew. Ya know like how I could say my little Cabaji, cause he's also one of my men- one of my loyal crew!"
You gave him a skeptical look, not quite believing him but not fully understanding what he mean by it if not in the context he claimed it was. "Okay... But who said I was even joining your crew again? Maybe I have decided to travel with that guy that brought me here and we're only stopping by this ship so I can see everyone."
"You're... not staying?" His expression fell, voice shaking at the thought of you leaving again, he hadn't even thought about how this could just be a visit due to coincidence.
You were going to stay, there was no doubt in your mind that you would, but something was bothering you still. You didn't want to give Buggy the full satisfaction of knowing you're back for good. Even though it wasn't his fault he hadn't been able to return your feelings back then, he'd still hurt you when he choose to stop making time for you, and you wanted him to see that.
"If I stay things would be different, I wouldn't be coming back just to let everything play out exactly how it had been before." Your gaze was fixed on the wood of the deck, not wanting to meet his gaze or see his expression at all.
"Of course things will be different. I promise I'll make time for you, make you a priority again." He stood up straighter, a hand reaching out to you, only for you to swat it away and turn away from him completely.
"No." You took a heavy breath, willing yourself to keep it together. "I didn't do this all for your attention, I did it so I wouldn't have to see you."
Turning finally you were able to see just how broken Buggy looked as he processed your words, trying to choose his own carefully. "Did you grow to hate me that much?"
"No I grew to love you that much. To the point my heart was aching constantly knowing you didn't feel the same. That you were giving your not just your attention but also your time to someone far more attractive and powerful than I could ever hope to be. I was broken when you found me, you put me back together, made me feel somewhat special and like you cared, only to have you cut me off completely when you brought her on. I know that just like you don't love me, you don't love her either, but my brain didn't see it that way. I had to get away in order to get over my own feelings, even though it hurt like hell to leave everyone- to leave YOU behind. I suffered physically with that crew while I suffered emotionally over missing you." At this point you were shaking with anger at not only him but yourself as well.
"Do- Do you still love me?" He had swallowed hard, to scared to look into your eyes and see the truth before you could answer.
Your fist clenched "What the fuck does it matter if I do or don't anymore? I'm trying to tell you how being close to you hurts me."
"Please just answer the question." His tone was pleading, pulling perfectly at the strings of your heart.
Sighing and closing your eyes for a moment, you responded honestly. "Yes I still love you. I never stopped and at this point I don't think I ever could stop."
The pirate sighed with relief, smiling at you. "Thank God... I feared you didn't."
You scowled. "This isn't a joke!" Swinging your fist in an attempt to punch him. He'd dodged it easily, grabbing you as he did and pulled you to his chest. You didn't try to fight your way out of his arms, giving in letting him hold you as you'd finally began crying, letting out all the pent up emotions from inside you. You'd been on the verge of breaking ever since you got onboard, somehow managing to keep up the facade and keep yourself together until this moment when you he embraced you like you'd longed for him to do since the day you'd left.
One of his hands came up to pet your head comfortingly. "I'm sorry- I'm so so sorry you've been in so much pain because of me. I fucked up, I knew I did as soon as you left. I shouldn't have let you leave in the first place, I should have fought for you to stay. I could never dare compare my hurt to yours but you should know that I've been hurting badly in your absence as well. I took your presence for granted and when it was gone I realized just how much I missed you. I missed all the things that we'd do together and all the little things you did for me."
He pushed you away from him gently, just enough so he could see your face and you see his. "Missing you made me realize, I like you. I don't quite love you like you love me but I do have feelings for you that Im sure will blossom into love. I'd subconsciously buried them out of instinct to protect myself so I could never feel betrayed or abandoned again. Regrettably It took you leaving to bring them out of hiding."
You're eyes sparkled in the sunset, gaze fixed on the Tall clown. "Do you want to let them blossom into love though?"
Gloved hands cupped your cheeks as his eyes looked deeply into yours. "More than anything, I want to let them blossom untill I practically have a field of flowers and feelings that have bloomed with love for you. Will you allow me to fall in love with you?"
You smiled sweetly answering in a sugared tone. "Of course Buggy." Then you punched him in the gut.
He released you, doubling over in pain as he held the spot where your fist had landed, groaning in a pained tone. "What the hell was that for?"
"For dodging my earlier punch, and for being an idiot." You crossed your arms, watching as the man you loved was in pain thanks to your own doing.
"....Fair enough" He croaked "Your punch has gotten a bit stronger, so congrats on that."
Cabaji came to bring you a drink, finding the captain bent over in pain and you standing smugly above him. "Uh, what happened here?"
"Buggy just confessed his feeling for me, and basically asked me out." You smiled taking the drink he handed you.
"Oh..." He replied, both of you taking a sip of your drinks, looking down at the pained pirate clown. "NICE!"
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thebunnednun · 1 year ago
LA!Buggy the Clown x Fem!Reader Enchanted meeting Part 3
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Back again with hopes of new.
Hello my loves!~ Part 3 as promised. Look here for Part 2. Make sure to check out my other works and the ao3 account by the same name. Please make sure to leave a like and follow. Comment what you want to see next.
My request are also open and a Dracule Mihawk story should be coming out soon this week.
Cliffhangers are going to be a thing and Buggy is totally going to chase after reader.
Oh how did it come to this?
Here you were, on a night out with your friends. Freshly shipwrecked but looking hot. Crew in tow, survived a crazy fall from a trap door and even made it to the show you had so excitedly told your friends about to boost their spirits. 
Though, not everything went as planned. As in you and your family of a crew almost died trying to get rare ice cream and were now shipwrecked. Like how the horror house had given you some bruises you’d definitely feel in the morning. Or how Brooks and Usopp almost shit themselves trying to find you in the loony house. You losing the face mask you wore in public to remain anonymous. Luffy going from being excited to frowning so hard it scared the fuck outta you.
And then there was the clown. 
Oh yeah, the clown. 
You were totally thirsting over a clown. 
Back to the present moment, you couldn’t be in a more delicious situation.~
To the performer's credit, they did not react much. Everyone in the East Blue knew the flashy captain. Most towns he had paid a visit to would definitely remember him. Anyone who had ever met the infamous red nosed clown couldn’t forget that one appendage. Your Captain, Luffy, surely didn’t forget that first encounter. 
Nor would the Flashy Fool himself forget this enchanted meeting with you. 
You had tumbled off the stands from the safety of your friends and crashed into the clown prince of crime. 
With your Cherry Red lips pressed right into his infamous nose. 
Now surprisingly, Buggy did not react negatively at all. In fact, he didn’t have a reaction.
The man that now held you in his arms was staring at you in disbelief. You slowly removed your lips after what seemed like hours to everyone else. Normally, Buggy would throw down with anyone who even mentioned his nose, let alone touched it. 
However, you were rather soft in the action. Sure you stumbled into him like a blind bat. But the accidental kiss was something to behold. Flustered, you removed your lips from his nose quickly, making a soft, "Tch," sound. Stunned (Y/ec) looked up into his green eyes to see complete stillness. 
And that scared everyone, including yourself, even more. 
You found yourself gasping for air as his firm grip on the small of your back made you feel vulnerable and exposed. Despite your best efforts to hide it, your voice gave you away as you whispered an apology. Your hands were still tightly pressed against his chest, and the other was gripping his shoulder for support. In that moment, you realized that you had lost your focus and gotten distracted, leaving you feeling embarrassed and uneasy
As his gloved fingertips trailed up your arm, you felt a shiver run down your spine. His touch was gentle yet firm, and it seemed to calm the nerves that had been jangling inside you. You looked up at him, and as your eyes met, you felt your heart skip a beat. His other hand found a resting place where your cheek and jaw met, and you closed your eyes, savoring the sensation. 
As you opened your eyes again, you noticed that small bits of the carefully placed glitter on his skin had fallen onto your chest. You realized that you were chest to chest with him, and the realization made your heart race even faster. The fast pounding was so loud that you couldn't tell if it was coming from your chest or his. 
Finally, he stopped, and just stared at you, his gaze intense and unwavering. You felt your cheeks flush as you met his gaze, and you wondered what he was thinking. It was a moment that seemed to last forever, and yet it was over in the blink of an eye.
“The fuck-” “SHHHHHH!”
Suddenly, Buggy's expression changed, and he did something that filled you with fear - he smiled. But that wasn't the worst of it. 
Buggy burst into a fit of laughter. 
The kind that made you feel uneasy and unsure of what to do next. It wasn't a simple chuckle or a casual laugh; it was loud and uncontrollable, as if something deep within him had been unleashed. You couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle within as you watched Buggy laugh on and on.
“Oh, my,” he chuckled, finally wiping away tears. You could hear Zoro behind you clip open a sword. You could also hear Robin cracking her fingers in preparation. Not wanting any trouble, you tried to separate from the giggly clown. 
As you stood before him, his gaze was still fixed on you, holding you captive. His eyes were a striking shade of green, clear and bright, yet there was a hint of danger to them. They seemed to bore into your soul, piercing through the spotlight and the darkness beyond. As he looked at you once more, his pupils dilated, giving his gaze an even sharper focus.
By then, your eyes had adjusted to the bright lights, allowing you to take in every detail of his physical appearance. You noticed the redness creeping up his neck, the warmth of his cheeks as they flushed with color, and the subtle changes in his expression that his makeup couldn't hide.
When the grip on your waist momentarily slackened, he lifted you in front of the cheering crowd, only to hold you tighter again. "What an affectionate fan you are, Sweetheart! If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was ask," he teased, his voice laced with forced stage presence and barely concealed anger. Despite his impressive ability to improvise and clean up the situation, you couldn't help but sense a faint hint of embarrassment and sadness in his tone that he was trying hard to mask.
You ran out of time to ponder this though as his acrobats began to hoist you over the crowd. Next, his dancers brought in a cage with a cover on it. It was rather large, larger than you would’ve expected given the space.
Looking over at your friends you could see them at war with themselves. On one hand, they wanted to help, but on the other, they wanted to not blow your cover immediately. 
“Now ladies and gentlemen, thank you, so much for your patience.”
His tone was still teasing and you could see his shoulders tense under the coat. Okay maybe you could look him over a little bit. His arms were very strong and while you couldn’t see them you sure felt the muscles when you were being held up. Not to mention but he was rather tall, actually. You’d guess he was about 6’5 even without the boots. Also those blue ‘ribbons’ were his hair in two pigtails. 
As your eyes peered over the room, you realized that you were trapped inside a net, suspended in the air by three ropes connected to the ceiling. The clown had stopped talking and was now facing you. Then he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out four daggers.
Buggy's mischievous smirk returned as he turned his attention back to you. "You ready up there, dollface?" he asked, his voice dripping with sinister glee.
“Ah Shit.”
As the audience held their breath in anticipation, the clown pulled the sheet off the cage to reveal a massive pink lion. With four sharp blades in his hand, he waved them around in the air and announced his next feat.
"Now I'm going to throw these four blades, count 'em, folks, four," he exclaimed with a grin. "Let's see if that pretty thing up there can keep her cool and NOT fall into the lion's den."
Buggy turned back to you with a dark smile, but something seemed off. As you looked closer, you couldn't help but notice that your lipstick had smudged onto his nose, overpowering his grease paint. Would it be inappropriate to mention it now?
One dagger hit the wood post behind you. 
You had to get out of there and fast. 
You nodded towards Zoro who patted his shoulder in response. Hopefully, the moss head would pick up what you were putting down. The dress you wore offered no hiding places for weapons, but your thighs did. Pulling your legs up slightly, you feigned fear as you pulled a switchblade from your garter belt. From the looks of things, the lion was very alert. But you were not on the menu this evening. The crowd seemed to love it though. Cheering and gasping at the deranged clown as he drank up their attention. 
Another dagger, another rope, and you only had one lifeline left. The goal was to cut the rope before he could and swing yourself away from the lion's cage. You could see Zoro managed to get away in the chaos of the crowd and hearing a familiar sword click behind you brought some comfort. On the ground behind you was the mossy goof you loved to whistle and take walks with. Taking a deep breath, you began to quickly cut away from the rope below you. 
The final dagger sliced into the rope below you. Had you not been prepared, that lion would've had a very tasty dinner. You held onto the net with one hand as you regained your footing and got ready to swing.
"Ah!~ Now that's cheating!" Hissed the clown below before he threw the last dagger. 
Fuck you forgot about that one. 
The rope fell, but not without many things happening at once. For starters, Zoro lunged forward and tackled the clown in front of you. Second, Luffy had stretched his arms over the lion's cage and Robin grabbed you and used her powers to bring you back to safety.
Chopper was tucked into Sanji's arms while Ussop got ready to take a shot if needed. Nami drew her bow staff seeing Zoro rise with his hands around the clown's throat before-
A man that resembled a bear screamed out causing the parents to grab their children.
Making sure the towns people got out safely was dangerous but you couldn't help but look back at the clown that you smooched, albeit on the nose. Body parts were flying everywhere as his performers drew various weapons. 
"What do we do?" Ussop called out. Brooks dropped his mask and steadied a hand on you. "We're too open to attack, everyone, RUN!" Nami called out, grabbing your hand. Your eyes found Luffy's and while he didn't want to abandon a fight, he knew that there was no way they could protect the citizens of the town if everyone was captured now. As the crew scrambled for the exit you felt a foreign object on your ankle. The gloved hand crawling its way up your leg was NOT welcomed and you screamed while hurling it towards the face of the clown chasing you. 
The next few minutes seemed to last hours as you and your crew ran into the forest of the island. Truthfully, it was much larger than it had appeared on any map. Too bad you couldn't take its beauty in while running for your actual life. 
Grabbing Zoro and Brooks's hands as you ran you made a Beeline for the ship's remains. They felt a surge of determination, urging them to move faster as you ran. Your heart raced as you hoped that the rest of your group would somehow make it to safety.
As you burst from the dense foliage, the frigid air hit you hard, and you all stumbled down the melting ice-covered beach. You could feel the sweat on your forehead, and the fabric of your dress clung uncomfortably to your thighs as you ran towards the tent and ship remains with your hands outstretched. 
Despite not knowing what d.fruit you had eaten as a child, you knew that your powers allowed you to manipulate matter and you could compress objects to a tiny size for transportation. However, the efficacy of your powers depended on the emotions you felt while compacting the object, and you were anything but calm right now.
Your hair was wild and fizzy from the night air, and your heart continued to thump wildly in your chest. The image of those piercing green eyes was seared into your mind, adding to your already heightened sense of anxiety.
"(Y/n) do whatever you're going to do and do it fast," Zoro said, getting his swords ready. Brooks dispatched his cane while taking a stance a few feet from you. "We'll have company soon," you nodded at the bone Dad, and closed your eyes to concentrate. Soon you could feel your remaining energy being drained as you concentrated on compressing the debris around you. The tent and ship remain quickly compacted, and you swiftly scooped them into Nami's bag for safekeeping. It was clear that soon, you would have company, and you needed to be prepared for whatever was coming your way.
Looking up you quickly realize that your luck has run out. 
"Well would you look at that! The little princess has got herself some bodyguards."
It was a blue-haired clown, unmistakably the same one that you had given an unexpected nose kiss. He seemed to be following you with a purpose as if he had a score to settle. The nervous bear man from the town square and the green-haired juggler were standing closely behind him, almost as if they were his accomplices. You couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as you secured Nami's bag over your chest. 
"We don't have to do this Buggy. We all know how it'll play out." Zoro seemed to be buying you some time. But you weren't leaving your comrades deserted. Taking a look around you realized that someone had left a bucket on the deserted beach. Creeping away as 'Buggy' and Moss head traded barbs you filled the bucket with seawater. 
"Stop moving you little mouse," the green-haired male threw a knife in your direction which was blocked by Brooks. "Trash like you will not speak to the lady in that manner," the bag of bones rattled. Which was funny considering the skeleton's track record. However, you had no time to laugh about this as you crept up close enough to the clown. 
"Hey, Mister Clown guy?" 
Verdant eyes snapped towards you. A cold sinister smile stretched wide over his blood-red lips and you noticed how sharp his jawline was in the moonlight. 
"Yes, cherry princess?"
You smiled and leaned forward with your hands behind your back. 
Confused his posture straightened before you threw the sea water over him. 'Buggy' was now completely soaked with you throwing the bucket. 
Buggy's rant was abruptly halted by Zoro's fist, which knocked the jester of the seas unconscious. Brook's cane took care of the green-haired male and the bear man held up his hands.
"Please," he looked towards you, "Let me take them back." Your heart softened for a moment as you considered the man carefully. He looked like he was ready to run away but not without his captain and comrade. You nodded towards him and then at Zoro. 
"Alright, take them back. But we're even after this." You spoke firmly but your eyes offered a kindness. He smiled a small smile at you before dragging the green-haired male away first. As you approached Zoro, you noticed the sweat glistening on his forehead and bruises forming on his knuckles as you ran your fingers over the grooves.
With a deep breath, you extended your arms and pulled both him and Brooks into a warm embrace. Even though words were unnecessary, the shared hug conveyed everything you needed to say, and they reciprocated with equal emotion.
After carefully inspecting the pack, you turned your gaze towards Buggy's unconscious body. His vibrant blue hair was splayed out around his head, creating a unique and almost ethereal halo-like effect.
Despite the fact that his crew was known for their penchant for violence and insanity, there was no denying that Buggy possessed a certain attractive quality. 
If not for the circumstances, one might even describe him as being quite handsome.~
'Oh who am I kidding he's still really fucking hot. Plus the moonlight reflecting off his hair is NOT helping,' you frowned and shook the thoughts from your head. 
Zoro gently nudged you with his hip while looking over his shoulder. "The bear guy will be back later. Let's just leave him here," he whispered. You nodded slightly, taking in the serene surroundings. The moon was setting, casting a silver glow over the rolling waves and the sound of chirping crickets filled the air.
You knew everything was fine, but you had to resist stealing a final glance at the peaceful man before falling into step with Zoro and Brooks, quickly walking back into the lush flora. Each step brought you closer to your group, but you couldn't shake the feeling that you were leaving something behind. 
If you had bothered to look back you'd see the Blue clown's eyes intently following behind you.
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That's right folks it's another cliffhanger.
Chapter 4 posted.
Remember to like, follow, and comment down below what you'd like to see next.
Requests are open as well so don't be shy. Dracule Mihawk will be next sometime this week.
Check out my ao3 account of the same name.
See you soon my loves!~
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cryingpariah · 1 month ago
Buggy: Galdino, give it to me straight, what are our numbers looking?
Galdino: I cannot lie…THEY'VE NEVER LOOKED BETTER!
Cabaji: Uh Boss? There’s *gulp* someone here to see you!
Buggy: Who? The Navy? The other Warlords? Hell I’d even take Strawhat! We're swimming in beri and have powerhouses on payroll! Nobody can ruin my good mood today!
Cabaji: It's..The World Economic Journal's courier, Jackie.
[The Buggy Pirates gasp in horror. Buggy looks around confused.]
Buggy: The who's what?
Alvida: You've seriously never heard of her? The Living Log Pose herself!
Galdino: Heiress apparent of the Underworld!
Mohji: They say she keeps her fingers to the pulse of the whole world! That no secret is truly safe while she is alive!
Buggy: *sweating up a storm* WELL WHAT COULD SHE WANT WITH US?!
Galdino: *dramatic gasp* She must have taken offence! We are technically encroaching on her business! She has to be here to make an example out of us!
Jackie: Hello!
[The Buggy Pirates scream and scramble to hide behind Buggy's tent body.]
Jackie: Wow you guys are jumpy! Been burning the midnight oil? Cause let me just say, been there.
Buggy: Don't think I don’t know why you’re here Living Log Pose!
Jackie: You already know? Sorry for being so late with this then!
Cabaji: *whispering* Mohji, plant some flowers at my grave 😭😭!
Mohji: *whispering* Of course Cabaji 😭😭!
Jackie: *cracks knuckles* Let’s not beat around the bush here, there’s something I’ve been meaning to say to you ever since I heard of your little operation..
Buggy: 😭😭😭
Jackie: THANK YOU!
[A shocked pause.]
Buggy: …Par-don?
Jackie: Oh my seas your delivery services has been a godsend! I've been able to sleep in til noon! And I can take half days now! I really can’t thank you enough!
Galdino: *peeking out* So you’re not here to cut our heads off, put them on seastone spikes and put it on the front page as a warning to all who try to encroach on your job?
Jackie: 😵‍💫😵‍💫 You pirates really do have the strangest of imaginations. I wouldn’t do that even to my worst enemy!
Alvida: But you’re-
Jackie: Jackie, just Jackie is fine really. I’ve never been one for grandiose titles.
Buggy: So… you came here to thank me?
Jackie: And congratulate you! Not everyone can start up such a successful business, especially not a pirate of your notoriety Warlord Buggy. And what an exceptional crew you’ve gathered at that! It's all very impressive!
Buggy Pirates: ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Buggy: *flattered* Aw shucks you’re making me blush kid! It’s nice to be recognized for the hard work you put into this sort of thing! Delivering is truly a thankless job!
Jackie: I've been saying that for years! Glad to see someone else gets it!
Buggy: Well what are you standing in the doorway for? Come on in, I’ll give you a tour of our humble facilities! Maybe even swap some trade secrets??
Jackie: It'd be an honour and a delight! As long as I can get an exclusive with the Star Clown about your daring dive into the world of courier work and the Impel Down breakout if we have time…
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cursedvida · 1 year ago
Hi! I'm taking a bit longer to update because I'm in the middle of exams, but I always find a little time to write and move the chapter forward. I'm amazed by the amount of support I received on the previous chapter, thank you so much. It was the one I've enjoyed writing the most to date. This one doesn't have the same action, but I hope you like it just the same <3 Thank you so much for all the comments, reblogs and likes!!!
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RATING:+18 / Explicit TAGS: Drama, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Romeo & Juliet trope, Idiots in love, Drama, Romance, Unresolved sexual tension, Eventually Smuth, Age Gap, Reader is in her 20s, Insecure Buggy, Strangers to lovers. Unresolved romantic and sexual tension. Mutual pining.Romantic Buggy. Romantic Fluff. Forbidden Love. A lot of drama and obstacles in the way of love. PLOT: As the daughter of an eminent Marine Captain, your fate seemed sealed from the beginning: you would live neatly by the rules, you would never cause anyone a headache and if you ever got married, your future husband would be a man of honor and a wealthy family. And while it's true that things don't always turn out the way you think they will, among all the possibilities, the one of a clown with a pirate flag crossing your path was not something anyone would have imagined.
@randomly-a-fan @lostfirefly @bepo-is-sorry
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tossawary · 1 year ago
In the live-action "One Piece" adaptation, there's a brief confrontation in which Cabaji says that Zoro chased him and his brother through the jungles of Goa Kingdom or something. Which made me think IMMEDIATELY about an AU in which Zoro and Luffy meet early, when Luffy is around 15 or so and Zoro is around 17, sometime shortly after Ace has set out on his own adventure and Luffy is on his own.
So, like, imagine Zoro being this 17yo bounty hunter who thinks he's hot shit, people are starting to call him "THE Demon of East Blue". He gets one Cabaji brother but the other escapes, leaving Zoro injured and alone in the jungle (similar to the side wound that Zoro gets at Orange Town in the manga). It's getting dark, he has a corpse to drag back to a Marine base somewhere back in Goa Kingdom, and there are beasts here. He thinks he can see a tiger, stalking him in the bush.
And then some 15yo in a straw hat and shorts bounces out of the trees going, "WHOOOOOAAAAA, you're SO cool! I was watching your fight! You're amazing! You should join my pirate crew!" Like... what? (If there was a tiger, the tiger has fucking RUN FOR IT. It doesn't want to be EATEN.)
So, Luffy drags Zoro back to Dadan's place for medical aid ("YOU BROUGHT A BOUNTY HUNTER INTO MY HOUSE?!" Dadan yells, while her guys patch up this kid anyway) and politely introduces Zoro to Makino ("I'm not going to be your first mate, don't introduce me that way," Zoro says for the tenth time already). And Zoro ends up being convinced to stick around Dawn Island and Foosha Village to train for a month (and also to heal, but that's less persuasive), with Luffy following him around like a starry-eyed puppy the entire time, unless he's dragging Zoro off to fight beasts and each other in the jungle. Kicking the shit out of each other is a sign of FRIENDSHIP.
Seeing Luffy's burgeoning fighting skills is enough to make Zoro go, "Maybe this kid is alright," and hearing Luffy talk about dreams is the beginning of Zoro's doom. But he's not going to sign up until Luffy is more impressive! If Luffy wants him for his crew, he has to come find Zoro when he sets out on his own adventure. And Luffy agrees this is reasonable even if he's going to miss his new best friend sooooo badly.
Now, I'm a Zolu fan (ace-spectrum Luffy), so I like to imagine Zoro and Luffy having a really dorky teenage romance between future monsters here. If only because when Luffy and Nami bust into Captain Morgan's Marine Base, Luffy can go (after 2 years of having Makino keep track of Zoro in the newspapers), "Oh, my boyfriend is here!!! 😃 I wonder how much stronger he's gotten? I need to impress him so that he'll join my pirate crew!!!" And Nami and Koby can be like, "What the FUCK are you talking about?! The PIRATE HUNTER?! The demon who kills pirates?!" Luffy: "Yeah! ❤️"
Even better if Luffy has already gone to a couple different islands (with or without Koby), loudly going, "I'm going to be King of the Pirates! And also, HAS ANYONE SEEN MY BOYFRIEND?! He has green hair and three swords and he gets lost really easily!" Or maybe Luffy was just shouting this on Alvida's ship and around the town under Morgan's control? It doesn't really matter. It just has to be loud enough that Garp finally catches wind of this situation.
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sordidmusings · 1 year ago
Tender Love and Care - Massage 1/3 (Buggy x Reader)
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Art by Capitanpoops!
A/N: More love for our beloved fool! This one with a dash of idiots in love and a heaping scoop of yearning. The next half of this installment is mostly done as wel,l but I needed to get this out and I think it'll be digested better in these chunks. Gotta pace yourself on the clown content (Do as I say and not as I do 💀) I trimmed it down to the necessary events and the important (read: indulgent) interactions with Buggy and she still somehow got long whoopsy
Word Count: ~4.4k
Warnings: afab!reader (no pronouns), brief suggestive allusions, reader is oblivious and Buggy is delusional, Buggy continues his inner married life fantasy world, you feed him tangerines and he’s kind of a freak about it 💀
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~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
You weren’t there.
Why weren’t you there? 
Buggy found himself alone in sheets, which barely held the remnants of body heat. Your body heat; the only proof you left behind of your night together. Or was he imagining it? Wishing it into existence so hard that his brain took pity on him and let him feel warmth that wasn't truly there. He turned his face further into the hammock, deeper into the bedding, seeking more pieces of you. All he was able to get was some of your elegant smell from a lukewarm pillow and it ached. It ached that he was here begging for scraps of you and all he got were vestiges of your presence.
He tried to comfort himself with the memory of your cheek on his head and your hands in his hair and your skin under his lips. That sweet, blissful second of contact only made his chest feel tighter wherever it was leagues away. It may as well have joined him, burrowed in your hammock, with how potent the sensation felt. He felt bitter that you would be so kind and then leave him as an afterthought. Was it a trick after all? Buggy found himself switching back and forth between distrusting your intentions and accepting them as genuine. It would've taken a pro for all of that to be an act, but then again he didn’t really know you. You could’ve had a history in intel gathering. Or honeypotting. On top of that, what reason could you have to treat him so tenderly? Not only was he an enemy of your crew, he was already assisting you all. Beyond even that, you were, well, you.
Buggy hadn’t had much time to watch you in Orange Town, as he had simply put you away with the other two for Cabaji to handle. Now that he was diminished to a head, though, the only thing he could do was watch. And talk. He made sure to do both in abundance, half for boredom and half to piss off your crewmates. He especially liked messing with the skittish one. 
You, however, he would mostly watch. Yeah, he couldn’t keep his big trap shut, but it was more to fill silence if he felt uncomfortable or to prod you mildly to test your reaction and learn more about you. He had learned a lot. Your interests were broad but not without depth, and they spanned so many disconnected topics that it spoke to an inherent love of learning and engaging. You liked to play back with those around you, making them feel included. You were kind; understanding and nurturing were clearly in your nature with how you’d tend to others. You always noticed and cared for the details of a person - how they embody their feelings, how they like to be cared for, pieces of their tasks that could be eased, habits that kept them from caring for themselves, any act or item that made them smile. He saw it as so diametrically opposed to the destructive path he left behind him. Why would you bother yourself with tending to him and his messes?
His thoughts made the physical distance between you two feel even greater. Buggy allowed himself the comfort of snuggling fully into your pillow and breathing deep the scent of vanilla and spice from the cushion and his wild hair. He had begun to slip back into sleep when gentle fingers brushed his hair back across his temple, pulling a small gasp from him.
“Bugs?” you whispered, checking if he was awake or needed more prompting. You caught his eye and were distracted by the way his lashes brushed your pillowcase with each blink.
“Oh so you decided to come back,” Buggy grumbled into the bedding.
“Of course I did,” you soothed. You didn’t want him to start out the day on a bad note, but you had duties to take care of around the ship. “I wanted to let you get some rest. I doubt you were able to get much in a sack or a barrel.”
Buggy took in the way you grimaced at the thought and some of the ache in his chest lessened. You helped him turn over before placing your hands on his cheeks. Finally, the warmth on his skin was fresh.
“C’mon, let’s get you some breakfast,” you chirped. Buggy didn’t care if he imagined how fond the shine in your eyes was.
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
“You just had to poke the bear huh?” you admonished. You nudged the door to Nojiko’s hut closed with your foot and looked down at Buggy’s face in your hands. You didn’t think you’d be seeing him gagged and glaring again, especially so soon. At least this time he was more angry at the situation than being purely upset with you. Meeting his eyes with a sympathetic smile, you settled the both of you to sit on the edge of the deck. 
“Can’t say I blame you, though,” you said, pulling the tangerine out of Buggy’s mouth, placing it higher on your legs than where he rested. He chased it with some choice curses and moved his jaw around to rid himself of the stretched discomfort. You helped him by rubbing your thumbs into the muscles above the sharp angle of his jaw. With each circling motion, some of his bitterness followed the tension out of his face. “They barely let me give you anything for breakfast, no lunch, and now you can’t have dinner? I dont…” you trailed off, looking for the right words. Coming up short you sighed and finished, “I don’t like it.”
“Join the club,” Buggy spat.
Your eyes fell to your hands, which now fiddled with the tangerine. “Well, we do have a little food.”
“I guess it’s better than nothing,” he relented, and you began peeling. While he mostly just looked grumpy, there was a despondency in the glaze of his eyes and the twitch of his lip. Your heart ached for him despite the fact that you knew at least some of this was his own doing. It was definitely his own mistakes that led his path to being held captive and at the whims of others, but you were really stuck on things like the lack of food. You decided you were probably too soft for piracy with the way his head being thrown around made you wince. Maybe you’d have to find out how to be a different kind of pirate. Like Luffy. A smile began to soften your face at the comfort that idea brought you. It felt right.
Meanwhile, Buggy’s mood was sullen at best, fueled by his distant howling stomach. The pretty smile decorating your face, however, began distracting him enough to start calming down. Focusing on how beautiful you looked, wearing a tender smile in the moonlight, he began to feel distant from you. You looked natural - like you belonged right here amongst quiet air, sleeping sky, and things that grow. He was a naturally disruptive force; he belonged here as an observer, an audience member, and not a part of the scene.
Buggy was broken from his musings when you offered him a piece of tangerine. He truly did wish for something more substantial, but he couldn’t deny that at the first bite all other thoughts stopped except the pungent flavor refreshing him. On the second, he nearly took your finger off when he lunged for more.
“Easy, easy,” you soothed, “I can always pick another one.”
He didn’t apologize but he did take the next few pieces more delicately. You’d give the segments to him in two bites so that it would draw the process out and hopefully make him feel a bit more sated. The next time he bit into a piece of tangerine, the juice burst back onto your fingers. After pushing the other half into his mouth, you brought your hand up to your mouth and sucked off the juice. The refreshingly bright flavor distracted you from the way Buggy stared at the action. You presented him with another slice, which he bit hard to make sure it would splash again. He wanted a repeat showing.
“You’re so messy,” you chastised. Again, your fingers were cleaned by lips and tongue. Again, Buggy was absolutely enraptured. Again, you did not notice.
This time when you fed him a piece, you put the whole thing in his mouth to avoid splashing. A new problem replaced the old one; Buggy’s lips closed against the tips of your fingers. Those fingers felt so soft on his lips and he promised himself to move slowly next time. Your mind kicked into gear when the way his lips pressed at you felt more like a caress - like a kiss - than an accidental brush. Your eyes snapped to his face to see what he was thinking, but his eyes were closed and his face relaxed and gave you absolutely nothing to go on. You wrote it off as taking time to savor fresh food after having been mostly starved and fed scraps. Even so, your hand was more hesitant this time.
Buggy kept his eyes closed and opened his mouth at the feeling of tangerine prodding his lips. It only made it halfway into his mouth this time. He chomped down creating a spray. You huffed but he didn’t care when the second half was given to him and he pushed forward to take it all and to taste the juice on your fingertips. He didn’t linger for fear of rejection but he couldn’t deny himself the chance to lick juice from your skin. Your fingers were soft and the tangerine was sweet and he was giddy that you’d shared a transferred kiss.
You had a lot more trouble explaining away the swipe of his tongue than the purse of his lips. The urge to ask him what the hell he was doing almost overcame you, but you were stopped by how peaceful he looked. You didn’t want to take that from him. Besides, the touch didn’t bother you. It was quite the opposite actually; you were immediately addicted to the buzzing sensation it shot from your fingertips through to your chest and stomach, where it stayed to flutter.
Buggy didn’t venture to be so bold through the remainder of the fruit, though your fingers received an almost-kiss with each piece. Your yearning to feel his lips with your own grew each time, pressing at your heart until each beat kicked back strongly. You take a handkerchief from your back pocket to wipe your hands and dab at his lips. Buggy was placid through the whole thing. You wanted to bask in that a bit longer, so you tried to think up a reason to stay outside. Placing your hands on the sides of his face with care, you tilted his face up to look directly at you.
“I wanna stay out in the fresh air; the hut’s still hot from cooking. Wanna stay with?” you asked. Buggy didn’t respond. Instead, he was eyeing you like you’d asked a trick question. “Of course you could always go back to the bag.”
“Out here.” That was much quicker.
“Good!” You were already placing him to the side to stand up and set up. You grabbed a cushion from a chair on the porch and placed it on the large rim in front of the porch’s support beam. After carefully picking Buggy back up, you settled into the surprisingly comfortable cushion and leaned back on the beam. Buggy was placed in your lap, tilted and facing out so that he could take in the bucolic scene with you. Neither of you spoke for the remainder of the night, even when you settled in for bed. It felt unnecessary to say anything to add to the atmosphere that had fallen around the two of you. There was more than enough filling it between the patterns of endless stars, moonlight on waxy leaves, and crisp breeze over earthen ground. The main reason for the silence, though, was that you already felt connected from the way that your body warmed the back of his head, the way his weight settled in your lap, and the way your fingers never stopped stroking his jaw, cheeks, and temple.
~ ~ ~ ••• ✦✦✦ ••• ~ ~ ~
The whole Arlong thing was going to shit. You were separated out with Usopp, trying desperately to get back to your crew and help with any remaining fishmen. Each pounding stride sent vibrations up your legs, rattling your bones and joints. Your ragged breaths and pumping arms helped carry you further from the smoldering corpse and closer to more enemy bodies, these ones still able to snap their teeth at you. You could distantly recognize that you were afraid, but there was no room for it to exist inside you with your heart pumping in every spec of your body.
Breaking your tunnel vision was a call of your name from behind you.
It echoed through your body and made you freeze because you knew that voice. In front of you, Usopp was staring confused over your shoulder. You were too nervous to turn and look with him. Your every muscle was gripped tight with indecision. His eyes moved to meet your wild look and the scrunch of his brow asked the question.
“Tell everyone thank you and I’m sorry.” The words were simple but the quaver in your voice carried all the meaning you had no time to speak out.
You wrenched yourself around, not even waiting to see Usopp’s nod, and began sprinting away from the weight of your decision.
Buggy’s heart was in his throat. At first it was fear that had it jackhammering, but then you turned and happy disbelief kept it pumping. Holy shit, you’re really running to him - literally running to him - hitting him like a freight train and yanking him with you. Even though he had watched you for every second of your charge toward him, it was a surprise when you got to him, so much so that when you grabbed him, he separated from the waist up. His legs had to rev like a wind-up toy to try and catch up. Your hand fisting tight around his wrist was edging on painful but he loved it because it was real and you were real and you really chose him.
~ ~ ~••• ✦✦✦•••~ ~ ~
When you close yourselves off in the inn room you feel like you can relax for the first time in a long while. There’s warm food in your bellies and a roof over your heads. The room was a fair price and any of the shabby touches just added to the charm. It felt like being tucked into the guest room of a distant relative; there was an air of home even though you knew none of the stories this place has seen. While you were taking your time to look around the room, Buggy made a beeline for the bed and toppled onto it with a theatrical groan. You gave him a minute to breathe before you decided to touch base on the run in at dinner.
“She’s definitely trying to use us,” you cautioned.
“Well the feeling’s mutual,” Buggy responded, slowly getting himself upright. You snorted.
“I guess you’re right. Just gotta keep on our toes; there’s been enough bullshit recently,” you said, plopping next to him on the bed. He ate up the way your arm pressed into his. He sat stone still, hoping that if he didn’t move then you’d never realize you were touching him and move away. Fuck, having his body back was euphoric with how he got to experience more of you and your touch, but it was also overwhelming. Normally, he’d have no trouble asserting himself or stealing into someone's personal space but this felt so different. Every move closer to you felt like crossing an ancient rope and plank bridge; he was swaying and unsteady and every new piece of wood may give to let him plunge away into a rabid river, far away from the safety at the other side. You felt how he froze up like a rabbit before a wolf and worried you’d said something wrong.
“I’ll keep like the daintiest of my dancers, Toni Twinkle-Toes,” he promised, trying to appear normal by giving you a cheeky look.
“Oh yeah,” you laughed. “Better swap out your clunky ass boots for some slippers.” You nudged his boot with your own and kept your leg pressed tight to his. You were proud of yourself for finding a casual way to feel more of him. 
“Got any on hand?” he asked after pausing just a touch too long.
“Nah, left my ballet get up on the ship.” You waved a hand to gesture at the bag you’d overstuffed between your run from Usopp and escape from Conomi Island. It was easy to convince your companion to go with you to gather your things. It was much harder to convince him that, no, you would not help him steal the whole ship.
“That's too bad,” he sighed. “I would’ve loved to see you in a tiny leotard, sweetcheeks.”
Buggy happily received your shove, though he still fell to his side, holding it like you’d broken him. Through laughter you said, “Well when you get me one, you better make sure it’s over the top and flashy.”
Oh no, he’s a goner. 
You stand up and walk to your bag, missing the love-struck look set on you. A shame, really, because those eyes you loved so much had never looked shinier or softer.
“Okay, so since we’re sharing a bed, your ass is taking a bath.” Way to ruin the moment for him.
“But I’m tired and want to sleep,” he whined. A few moments passed where he fully registered your words and had to reboot. He popped back up to sit straight and rushed out, “We’re sharing a bed?”
His eagerness absolutely melted you and you turned to look at him with affectionate eyes. It felt nice to have someone so excited to be near you. You felt valuable. “Yes, we’ve done it before.”
“But I was just a head,” he pressed. You raised a brow.
“I mean we can figure something out if you don’t want to.”
Fuck, no, back track! Back track!
“It’s fine,” Buggy said, a little too loudly. “I mean - I don’t care. Well, it doesn’t bother me.” He took a breath and tried again, while you tried to stifle your laughter. “Since you want to be in my bed so bad, you’re more than welcome to it, toots.”
“How sweet,” you cooed sarcastically. Your walk over to him had a predatory sway. He stayed enraptured as you grabbed his scarf and leaned in close to his face. He shivered as the material pulled gently at the back of his neck. His rounded eyes did their best to take in every fleck of color in your own. “After you take a bath.” You let him go quickly and moved back to finish gathering your things.
“Fine,” Buggy groaned. He felt much too flustered so he compulsively added one more joke. “Sure is one way to get me naked.” He waggled his brows and winked when you gave him an unimpressed look. You wouldn’t let him see how much the thought got to you. The image of him spread out in a tub, skin pink through the steam and long hair sweeping down his shoulders to cling to his chest then float lazily in the water, had you blushing. You imagined him opening droopy eyes, darkened by those pretty lashes, to invite you in with a reaching hand and a devilish smirk. You had to make that a reality. But for now, whatever was happening between you two was too new and unstable.
“I’m sorry to say your nudity will be between you and the room; I’ve bartered with Alvida to use her room’s tub tonight,” you explained.
Buggy was torn evenly between relief and disappointment. On the one hand, he was hurt from what felt like a polite rejection, but on the other, he had more time to prepare before he tried presenting himself to you. When you see more of him, he wants to look his absolute best. He wanted to stand up to your looks and prove he was worth looking at. He needed you to feel he was worth touching and especially holding. He desperately needed it to be perfect so that if anyone was making a fool of themselves with nervousness and desire it would be you.
He refocused himself by continuing your banter. “Oh, sweets, what’d that cost ya?”
“A future favor to hold over my head,” you answered. A grimace tugged at your lips for a moment at the memory of Alvida’s predatory smile at the terms.
He let out a low whistle. “Sure is a high price for a tub.”
“You have no idea how desperate I am for a soak,” you moaned in a way that sounded exhausted to you but sinful to Buggy. You needed to get away from him before he said or did something stupid.
“Then go already and be quick; we paid for a nice bed and I’m getting my money’s worth,” he said, flicking his hands to shoo you. With a roll of your eyes, a shakedown of your bag, and a sarcastic salute, you left the room to give yourself the scrub down of a lifetime (and then that relaxation soak for your aching bones - Buggy will survive some waiting).
A very small piece of Buggy wished that he had asked you to share the tub, but a very large part of Buggy was a chicken. Besides, he wanted to see you on the ‘after’ side of clean; not ‘before’. He gathered his supplies, mostly shaved and siphoned from yours, while the tub filled. After the water reached high enough, Buggy stared at it with a sour frown. He was monologuing to himself about the tedious endeavor you’ve trapped him in, only to change his mind the moment he settled into the bath. Though he’d never admit it to you, the relief he felt at the warm water loosening him and washing the stale feeling off of his skin made the effort and delay of a bath well worth it. Before he moved to start however, Buggy closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling and release his imagination.
His mind was kind and supplied him with images of you sitting beside the tub, preparing your tools and tinctures to take care of him. The smile he gave you was the one he admired on the tangerine night, and even though it was conjured by his own mind, it made his heart stutter. He made his plight worse when he imagined overflowing love in your eyes and sweet words on your tongue. You were helping him after a long day at sea - no, no, after a successful raid for treasure. You sang his praises and called him things like “sweetheart” and “my love”. Your body was dripping with the priceless gems and precious metals that he’d placed on you the moment he had gotten back to his cabin, and he told you you looked like a queen. You blushed and smiled and hugged and kissed and pulled him over to the tub to show your gratitude with loving service.
The fact that he was able to use your shampoo and conditioner again made the illusion better but his fingers were no match for yours. They pulled no sighs nor tingles from him. They didn’t ease him into liquid contentment. Even though he was able to mostly replicate the soothing and intentional way you had worked the products into his scalp, he gave up the effort quickly. It wouldn’t feel nearly as good because it wasn’t you doing it. He instead set about going through the process as quickly as possible.
Buggy had hoped that moving on to washing his body would give him a reprieve from his yearning, but it simply continued on. Each swipe of the soaped cloth across his skin has him daydreaming of your hand behind it instead. He wondered what bliss you would be able to bring his aching muscles if he had turned to putty after only a scalp massage. He wondered what details you would notice and add to like you had when washing his hair. Which surfaces would you soften? Which senses would you guide? Which hidden knots would you free him of? Which pieces of himself would you have him learning new joys from?
He wrenched himself back into the present, realizing he had stood still in his thoughts for much too long. Setting back to his work, Buggy gave himself a painstakingly thorough washing and rinsing, finishing it off with a long brushing of his teeth. He felt very ridiculous going about the whole process, but the thought of being so close to you and having or doing anything that disgusts you. He’s positive it would crush him.
That very feeling had him washing every spec of sand, dirt, sweat, and makeup off of his face so he could build the whole look back up fresh. He gave his past self one drop of gratitude for keeping makeup in his coat. Though it was usually for touch-ups, there was plenty to make almost any of his looks. He was meticulous with his application, especially around his eyes. There was not a line or lash or spec of glitter out of place. He kept to the same crossbones and blue diamonds you had first seen him in, hoping that they’d continue to keep your attention. He remembered that you noticed his eyes only second to his hair, so he darkened the smudged liner around them in hopes you would stare longer. 
Next, the wild red smile was painted across his face. It made him feel more comfortable, like his nose stood out less, but something was missing. Buggy stared too long at his reflection, picking at every detail until all of it was ugly and distorted and unfixable. With a sigh, he settled on blending his painted smile to be a deeper blood red at his lips and turned away from the mirror. Though he was saved from seeing himself any longer, he didn’t feel any better. That was precisely when you knocked on the bedroom door.
~ ~ ~••• ✦✦✦•••~ ~ ~
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Taglist: @fanaticsnail @youreinthewind @snippychicke
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assiraphales · 1 year ago
I'm fairly new to OP, but I read that Zoro in early ideas was going to be a member of Buggy's crew?? Which I find hilarious??? Not only because if Zoro keeps his canon!dream, he would have a connection with not only one but both of Shanks' exes! And I love the idea that Zoro has never addressed Buggy as Captain but that he does address Luffy as soon as he meets him. And in Buggy's eyes it's like ???? suddenly a nobody with that straw hat arrives and ruins his plans??? And takes his swordsman!?
this au is so funny to me because
1. based on what I’ve read, zoro was supposed to specifically be buggy’s body guard and cabaji n mohji’s brother. can u imagine the hatred that would have been born from luffy not only stealing his gold, beating up his crew, and sending him into orbit but also charming his prized bodyguard right from under him? a man in a straw hat would have ruined his life twice
2. imagining luffy trapped in the cage trapped in the cage and singling out a green haired swordsman in the crowd and going HIM!!
3. luffy making fun of zoro for dressing like a clown for eternity “hey zoro remember when—“
4. running into the buggy pirates later down the line (loguetown I guess?) and luffy shamelessly being like hey :D while zoro hides in embarrassment because yes he did run away from home for a boy
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year ago
I’m now imagining Bee and Dee are the exploding distraction from Ali and Ari who steal everything in sight 🤭
Circus of Trouble
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Check out Old Men Series <<<
• Buggy felt truly blessed- A famed pirate, a loyal crew,He had a beautiful partner, two healthy boys and now two healthy girls. What more can a man ask for!?
• The famed clown pirate was overjoyed to have his daughters, he'd always had wanted daughters and he finally got them.
• He had painted the nursery on the ship, decorated it fully in pastel circus themed and had custom cribs for each girl. {He also got the twins their own room and decorated it with them, He let's them share a room since they prefer it anyway but have custom separate beds}
• Spoils them rotten- Absolutely rotten from the very beginning
• You can already tell from a early age that the girls have more of Buggys personality then most would expect-
• Ari was the embodiment of Buggy's egotistical ways- She was loud, bossy and had his temper. While most of the time she was a sweet girl who loved to make those around her happy if you told her no-
Better prepared-
• Ali was his more Quiet side- A manipulative petty backbone that was quiet but prepared to strike. She was a adorable girl, shy beyond all belief and clung to her brothers and dad- However piss her off she knew how to use other people.
• However both twins had two things in common-
• One was a infinity for shiny things and stealing...
• And second was stealing..
• The discovery of this was then the twins were just 5 months old- their eyes focusing in anything that was shiny and immediately bolt for it- taking whatever it was and either chewing on it or stashing it away.
• In short anything was a fair game for the Twins.
• "I'm missing my medallion-" Buggy huffed as he searched His cabin room he shared with you. You also looking around "I can't find my earring-"
• You two look at each other blankly before going to the nursery on the ship- already knowing only two people could have stolen from you.
• Quickly you both find Ali chewing the medallion and Ari clenching several shiny things in an iron grip-
• "Sorry Cherry's but you can't have these" Buggy starts, Kneeling down to take them. Immediately being met with resistance by both girls-
• You look at Buggy amused as he kept an eye closed at to try and tune out Ari screaming bloody murder on his left side while Ali pouted and tears silently ran down her cheeks in his right.
• "Can't wait for those teenager years huh?" You mused and Buggy gave you a glare at daring to mention that-
• He wants them to stay his baby forever..
Bonus Story!-
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• Buggy had done his best to keep his family away from his work- Especially when he joined the Cross Guild and accidently became their leaders.
• No one besides his crew who were all quiet about his family knew- not wanting to put you or the kids in danger.
• However it seemed some thing just didn't work out for Buggy-
• Both girls had gotten a cold when a important meeting with Crocodile and Mihaek was taking place-
• You had a cold as well worse then the girls so you were at the hospital and couldn't watch the girls- The twins who were 14 did try their best but 14 year Olds watching 2 year Olds didn't exactly mix.
• He couldn't have Cabaji watch the girls since he was watching the Twins and Alvida wasn't exactly a baby person- Mohji was out on a mission with Galbido
• Aka. He was fucked-
• So he had to improvise! With both girls in a stroller he snuck into his own building and quickly went up to the conference rooms
• So he got to the meeting room early and found a side room that connected to a secondary conference room-
• He set up the stroller so it was more comfortable for the girls and gave them their sappy cups of water and a timer for their medicine which they couldn't have yet. Changing their diapers he put them to bed. Rushing out of the side room to the Main conference room right ad Mihawk appeared-
• It didn't take long for the meeting aka bullying to start- Buggy of course doing his normal yelling antics, However every 10 minutes or so would stop whatever he was doing and drifting to the side room.
• At first it was ignored till the third time- "Buggy what are you doing?" Mihawk questioned. Buggy glaring at him- "NOTHING!"
• Annoyed at this point Crocodile stood and marched to the side room to see- Buggy screaming in surprise.
• "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING STAY AWAY FROM-" Crocodile cut off Buggys head and tossed it across the room before slamming open the door and seeing.. a stroller
• Both former Warlords looking surprised at the sight. Two toddlers bundled up well clearly with some form of sickness and a cool rag on their foreheads- The red noses cluing them both immediately.
• "Their mother has a too so I'm watching them.." He hissed angrily as he floated his head back to his body, clearly defensive of his children being found out.
• "I'm just surprised you have children at all- or that someone would sleep with you" Crocodile jest and Buggy glared at him as he picks up Ari who was starting to fuss and checks her forehead. Feeling her fever had indeed gone down.
• "I actually have 4 kids with the same women" He grumbled setting her back down with a sigh.
• For the first time the two other men actually felt some level of respect for Buggy- With all his flaws he seemed like a good dad.
• This ends with Mihawk holding Ali and Crocodile holding Ari while Buggy portioned out the children's cold medicine and talking over paperwork.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year ago
Strawhats and Buggy, Shanks and Mihawk’s Preferences on how they sleep/wake up?
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Luffy -
● can sleep literally anytime and anywhere
● and is awake the moment he smells food cooking
● "is that bacon I smell" he says shooting up in bed
● "go back to sleep"
● "no way Sanji is cooking breakfast already" and literally jumps out of bed
● also a midnight snacker
● with plenty of snacks hidden under his bunk
● you often get woken up to him snacking next to you in bed
● "luffy what are you doing?"
● with a mouth full of food "....nothing"
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Nami -
● a light sleeper
● will wake up if you turn over or move your pillow
● she doesn't get a whole lot of deep sleep because she's always on high alert
● though when she's sleeping next to you she feels a lot safer
● usually wakes up before you and reads until you wake up
● will start mumbling in her sleep when she has a nightmare but as soon as you wrap her in your arms she immediately relaxes
● she really didn't know what it meant to get a peaceful night sleep before meeting you
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Sanji -
● the little spoon
● and a huge blanket hog
● you wake up all the time freezing cold because he's wrapped the blanket around himself
● you even tried getting your own separate blankets and he still ends up with both of them by the morning
● loves when you sleep in his clothes
● and loves to be woken up by you kissing his face
● it gets him in a good mood before he has to get up to make breakfast for the crew
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Zoro -
● the only normal sleeper really
● sleeps the average amount
● perfect balance of cuddling without overheating
● snores a little but in a cute way
● and he's a morning person so it's easy to get him out of bed
● if you're docked on land then he goes for a morning run before breakfast
● if you're out at sea he has some boat deck curated workouts to do instead to keep his mind and body in sync
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Usopp -
● talks in his sleep a lot
● like sometimes you genuinely think he's talking to you but he's fast asleep
● also the most difficult to wake up in the morning
● says "5 more minutes" twenty times
● and wakes up in the weirdest positions
● sometimes even on the floor
● and he drools
● "Usopp you need to wake up we have so much to do today"
● "5 more minutes"
● "you've been saying that for the last 2 hours"
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Buggy -
● the most restless sleeper
● he tosses and turns all night long next to you
● and boy does he snore
● sometimes you have to smack him awake when he gets too loud
● "no I didn't trip the trapeze artist - huh what?"
● "Buggy you were snoring again"
● "was not!"
● can easily sleep for a full 24 hours if you let him
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Shanks -
● the cuddle addict
● he bear hugs you in his sleep with his leg thrown over your waist
● sometimes his cuddles are a little too aggressive and you have to push him off of you in his sleep because it's too hot
● and in the morning he's fully on top of you again
● if he wakes up first he'll watch you sleep and admire you with hearts in his eyes
● likes to relax in bed and have a nice chat with you before you guys have to get out of bed and start your day
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● needs very little sleep to function
● like it's kind of concerning how little he sleeps
● he is always awake before you
● you'll wake up and he's either sharpening his sword or training
● though occasionally he'll make you breakfast in bed when he's feeling romantic
● "how much did you sleep last night?"
● "I got a full three hours can you believe that"
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Cabaji -
● the deep sleeper
● can and has slept through cannonballs being shot off
● has a morning and night time routine for his hair to keep it looking flawless
● says he'll join you in bed in a few minutes
● but takes him a full hour to get his hair contained so he can sleep without messing it up
● snores only if he sleeps on his back
● and the first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning is check his hair
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stinkysam · 1 year ago
Cabaji - Honk honk.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “oooh could you write a headcanons for cabaji with a touchy partner? clinging to him, grabbing him a lot, that kinda thing” - anon
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
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You're possibly, no, undeniably the only person he lets stand this close to him.
He's cold and distant with everyone else, not liking to be touched by the others but he makes an exception for you and for you only. And the captain, because he can't really dodge it when he pats his shoulder or his back.
Though sometimes, you use that to your advantage.
He was at a table, sharpening knives and swords and you spotted him. You quickly approached him and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against his shoulder.
You felt him tense for a second before realizing it was you and relaxing, continuing what he was doing.
“Did I scare you ?”
“A bit. Don't approach all silently like that.”
“I wasn't really silent.”
He hummed, focusing on his blades as you watched.
Your thumbs gently caressed his skin, tickling him a bit and slowly gaining his attention.
“What are you doing ?”
“Nothing ? Just watching ?”
“With your hands ?” He stopped what he was doing to look at you. You kissed his shoulder and nodded.
“I'm touching. With my hands.” You grinned, looking back at him.
“It's distracting.”
“Oh, is it ?” You said, kissing his shoulder again, your palms caressing his stomach. He blushed a bit, looking away and exhaled, his heart beating rapidly.
“But do you like it ?” You asked cheekily, raising your eyebrows. Cabaji's hands were clenching on the table as yours were moving to his chest, caressing his unclothed tits then moving them under his scarf, tips of your fingers stroking his throat before moving down again.
“I like touching your boobs.” You said with a dreamy sigh. “They go so well in my hands.”
“They're not boobs, [Name].”
“They are. And they're pretty.” You replied, nudging your cheek against his shoulder. Cupping his tits with the palm of your hands. “Look, my hands act like bras.”
He didn't want to look down but curiosity got the best of him. It did look like he had small boobs.
“Say ‘truck’ for me ?” You asked quietly.
“Why ?”
“You'll see.”
He squinted his eyes but complied anyway.
“Truck ?”
“Honk, honk !” You said with a laugh, squeezing his tits twice. He gasped, surprised.
“I have knives !” He blushed, trying to make it pass for anger.
“Oh, kinky.” You mused, not caring about his threats.
“And swords !”
“That you can swallow, I know, are you trying to say something ?” You looked at him with fake innocent eyes and he blushed harder with inintelligible grumbling.
You continued hugging him, your hands back to their initial place by his waist, kissing his shoulder once more.
“You're lucky…” He didn't finish his sentence, too embarrassed to do so.
“Love you too.”
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lostfirefly · 11 months ago
Secrets I have held in my heart are harder to hide than I thought, maybe I just wanna be yours
One of my favorite moments of the 3d episode in OPLA, the moment with the knives. And I thought. Why not? English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Buggy and F/GN Reader - Masterlist is here.
Description: You throw knives together with Cabaji. Buggy joins you.
Words: 1665
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots
The title is taken from “I Wanna Be Yours” by Arctic Monkeys.
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“Oh, come on, Y/N! Admit it!”
“You're talking nonsense, Cabaji!” You were sitting in an awning on a keg sipping beer. “I don't care about him!”
“Really? I thought you like him.” Cabaji shrugged. “There was some harbor girl coming out of his quarters this morning, barely able to walk. I think you should stop this outrage already, Y/N. You must leave his cabin without being able to walk!” 
You choked. "Are you out of your mind? He's my captain, I'm not going to sleep with him!" You started to blush. 
“But why? You're an acrobat. I think he'll like it!” Cabaji laughed loudly.
You lost in your thoughts. You joined the Buggy Pirates a few months ago, and became an acrobat on his circus team. To be honest, running off with Captain Clown seemed like a good idea. Your family didn't understand your fascination with the circus and tried to force you to learn a boring profession. You were drawn to the magic of the circus all your life. You liked the smell of candy popcorn. You loved hearing the laughter and applause of the audience. What you didn't like was that after a few months you realized you had feelings for the captain. No, no! A grown man who paints himself as a clown. But the more often you saw him, the more you realized that the sight of him gave you a light electric shock. You tried to avoid making eye contact with him or standing next to him. Every time your captain passed by, touched you, you blushed, and it seemed to you that the whole team already knew about your feelings.
“Okay. Let's take another round!” You sipped your beer, spun off the keg, and picked up your knives. “I'll beat you this time.” 
“You haven't been able to beat me since day one on the ship, Y/N!” Cabaji laughed.
“Go to hell! I can do it!” You took the knife firmly in your hand and hurled it at the board.
“Ha! You missed! Loser!” Cabaji sipped his beer, walked over to you, patted you on the shoulder, and threw the knife. “See! Right on target! Who is the winner? Cabaji is the winner!” He pointed at himself with his index fingers.
“You must have thrown a knife at someone the first thing you did as soon as you were born, otherwise I don't understand where such marksmanship comes from!” You waved your hands and shrieked loudly. “Oh, I know! I need a target! We had cabbage for Richie here. Go get it!”
Cabaji shrugged his shoulders and quickly ran off to get the cabbage and went back inside. “Now what am I supposed to do with these sprouts!” He asked in surprise.
“Fix it on a board. I'll imagine it's our Captain Buggy's head, and I'll throw knives at him!” You twirled the knife in your hands with a proud look. 
“I told you like him!” Cabaji succeeded and nailed a cabbage sprout to the board.
“He's my…I don’t li..” You swung the knife. “....ke him! Yes! I hit it!”
“The sprouts take up half the board, of course you hit it!” He gave you another knife.
“Oh, Y/N, you like him!” You started imitating Cabaji's voice. “I don't love him! Captain pisses me off! He an...” You took aim and threw another knife. “...noys me!” Another knife. “Walks around his ship like he's king of the world. The fucking king who is always whining!” 
“Uh... Y/N!” Cabaji cleared his throat. 
“Oh, my beer's too cold. Y/N, get me a new bottle from the fridge!” You threw another knife with anger. “Get it yourself! You can detach your fucking arm and send it to the fridge!” 
“Y/N!” Cabaji tried to get your attention.
“Ooh, my omelet is too cold. Y/N, heat it up!” You picked up another knife from the ground and threw it at the cabbage. “I wasn't hired to be your fucking cook, asshole!”
“Y/N!!!!” Cabaji shouted. “Hush!”
“What?” You snapped back. “What's he going to do to me? He's just a fucking cabbage on the board. What do you think? I bet if he was standing behind me right now, he'd start whining about something.” You noticed Cabaji's gaze looking somewhere behind your shoulder. “He's standing behind me now, isn't he?” 
He slowly nodded.
You blushed and turned around. “Good evening, Captain!” You slowly looked up. Seeing first his boots, then his clothes, then his red lips, red nose, green eyes, and blue hair. “And we are... We…”
Buggy crossed his arms and stared at you intently. “Having fun, huh?” He shifted his gaze to Cabaji. 
“Yeah, relaxing after the show. Throwing knives and talking.” You said quietly. 
"I noticed." He said rather dryly and took off his coat.
The first thing you saw were pumped up arms, and you got a little out of breath.
“May I join you?” Buggy walked over to Cabaji who was pulling knives out of a cabbage and took one. 
“Sure!” You started to blush and looked away from him.
“Do we have any bets?” Buggy asked, rubbing the hilt with his hand. 
“No. Just for fun. Not playing for anything.” You tried to sound calm.
“No interest in playing for anything. I suggest a case of beer.” Buggy threw the knife, and it hit right in the middle of the sprout. “Looks like one point behind me, huh? Cheesecake, your turn!” He smiled slightly and held the knife out to you. 
You gently took the edge of the handle, trying not to touch Buggy's hand, and stood in front of the target. You began to swing.
“No, no. My cheesecake, you're holding the knife wrong.” Buggy came up behind you, putting one hand on your wrist. “Take it a little to the right.” He gently moved your hand in the right direction. Your heart began to pound faster. 
Buggy brought his face close to your ear and said quietly, “Now throw it!”
You gulped and threw the knife at the cabbage.
“See! Almost hit it!” Buggy adjusted his white glove, sipped from your bottle, and turned back to you. “Let's do it again!” He handed you the knife and stood behind you again. “Take your hand back.” Buggy put his hand on your wrist and lightly touched your waist with the fingers of the other. “And throw!”
You froze for a second, feeling the warmth of his hand on your waist.
“Cheesecake? Throw it!” He ran his hand lightly over your side.
“Oh yeah, I'm throwing it!” You threw the knife at the target but missed s little. 
“That's better already! Cabaji, your turn!” Buggy sat down on the keg and sipped your beer again. 
Cabaji shrugged, picked up a knife from the ground, threw it and hit the target. 
“Good for you! Now it's my turn! Watch how the real masters throw knives!” Buggy mewled, picked up a knife from the cabbage, stood close to you, and threw it towards the board. 
You tried your best to hide your admiration and refused to admit that this whole situation was turning you on a bit.
“Cheesecake! Your turn!” Buggy nodded his head at you. Cabaji wanted to walk over to you to help steady your hand, but the captain tsked at him. Buggy walked over to you and took your hand again, with his other hand he had already hugged you tighter and pulled you closer to his chest. Goosebumps ran through your body. You felt like you could feel every beat of his heart through your vertebrae.
“Aim more precisely.” Buggy looked at you over your shoulder. You cast a glance with the edge of your eye and immediately averted your eyes. He literally drilled you with his gaze, and began stroking his hand down your back. 
“Jesus!” It went through your head.
You took a deep breath, covered your eyes and threw the knife.
“Ha! You got it!” Buggy clapped his hands together happily.  "Hey, is someone keeping score?" He asked, looking back at Cabaji.
“No, captain.” Cabaji shrugged.
“Okay, we’re gentlemen! Let's let the cheesecake win, right?” Buggy picked up the knife from the ground, stood behind you, and pressed closer. “Go ahead yourself, Y/N.” He placed both hands on your waist and pulled you closer.
You didn’t quite understand how to throw a knife in such a position when all you could think about was how close he was standing.
Buggy started stroking your waist, and you didn’t notice how you twitched slightly.
“What's happened?” Buggy asked as he looked at you, placing one hand on your hip.
“Nothing. I'm afraid I'll lose your beer. Captain!” You giggled idiotically, trying to hide your increasing breathing in every possible way. You exhaled, tried to straighten your shoulders and snuggled closer. You pulled your hand back and glanced at Buggy, who didn’t seem to notice that he had already lowered his second hand to your thigh.
You narrowed your eyes and dropped the knife.
"You won, little cheesecake!" Buggy smiled widely and moved his hands to your waist.
“But we didn’t even keep score!” You carefully placed your palms on his.
"I'm the captain here. I said you won, that means you won!" Buggy rested his chin on the top of your head. "Okay. Time to go back to the ship. Let's go, cheesecake, I'll treat you to beer!" He abruptly removed his hands, grabbed his coat, winked at you and walked out.
“I’m telling you for sure, soon you will have difficulty leaving his cabin!” Cabaji collected the knives from the ground and from the cabbage, and grinned.
“I wish...” You whispered.
“What?” He asked again.
“Nothing. Let's go. He's probably waiting for us near the tent.”
In the morning, you really left Buggy's cabin. And judging by the faces of the crew, everyone heard you shout the captain's name loudly several times during the night.
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eleventhdoctorsangel · 11 months ago
Never wanted you to hate me
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I was sitting on my throne as we were sailing closer and closer to where the people who stole my map to the grandline. Another blessing turned out to be that the girl that Cabaji saw with the two males is the same one that stole of my ships. “Captain Buggy sir we finally have eyes on the ship.” One of my underlings said. “Well better get some Buggy balls prepared and fired at them.” I said. They nodded and started to prepare the cannons and fired. I watched as my ship was covered with the red smoke. Once we figured that the three of them were out cold I was the first to step on the ship to look for the map but I found something that caught my interest a little bit more. I discovered another girl with them. “Well Cabaji looks like you were wrong with how many people with apart of this crew.” I said. “She wasn’t with them when I saw them. But I heard stories about a girl that travels with him and that he is extremely protective of her.” Cabaji said as I kneeled down in beside the girl brushing some hair out of her face. “She’s quite pretty don’t you agree.” I said. But there was no answer. “I said she’s quite pretty don’t you agree.” I said. Finally I could hear replies agreeing with me. “You want us to put her with the others?” One of my other underlings asked. “No I have a special role for her. No one is allowed to harm her if any of you so as much pluck a hair from her head even if it’s by accident you’re dead.” I said as I picked her up and carried her back to the ship. I carried her back to my quarters gently laying her on my bed. I went to grab a special outfit I have been saving for a time just like this. I sat the outfit right next to the girl as I went to get a female crewmate so they could change her. I stood outside and waited. It was only a few minutes later she walked out giving a nod. I walked back into my room and went over to her. The outfit looked better than I could have imagined on her. “I have to admit that this outfit looks cuter on you than I thought it would have.” I said as I took off a glove and ran it down her face. Her skin was also somehow extremely soft. There was a knock at my door. “What is it?” I asked. “Sir everything is ready.” An underling said. I put the glove back on and picked the girl up holding her close to me.
I ordered the rest of my crew to put the box with the three other members that we found on the boat in the middle of the ring while the other stayed with me. Since we couldn’t find the map on the ship I left an ear hidden within the box to be able to hear if they happen to say where it was. I was sitting on my throne with the girl on my lap still sleeping peacefully but I could hear the other three start to wake up. “Hey. Zoro.” One of the males said. “They took my swords.” The other male said. “And my rucksack ugh with all navigation gear.” The female said. “They didn’t take my hat.” The first male said sighing in relief. “Yeah small blessings.” The female said. “Wait. Where’s Y/?” The second male asked. “I didn’t see her when I woke up. Maybe they didn’t find her.” The first male said. So that her name I thought as I put a hand on her cheek. “No she was out with us they definitely would have found her.” The second male said. “Maybe they didn’t think she was much of a threat. Incase you haven’t noticed she doesn’t look like much of a threat.” The female said. “Shut up you don’t know anything about her and what she’s capable of.” The second male said. “She can’t be capable of much if you do every little thing for her. Damn it we’ve lost the map.” The female said. “No. No we didn’t. It’s in a safe place.” The first male said. “Ew. Hey. Stop. Stop that. Stop that.” The female said. As the second male was trying to break out. “What? I’m trying to find a way out.” The second male said. “We’ve been captured. We need a plan.” The female said. “I don’t need a plan. I just need to beat the hell out of every marine I see. Then I’ll find Y/n and get her the hell out of here.” The second male said. “Hey everyone relax. We’re fine.” The first male said. “We’re not fine. The marines will throw us in jail if we’re lucky. Execute us if they don’t.” The female said. “They. They are not Marines. Before I got knocked out I saw a jolly roger. We’ve been captured by pirates.” The first male said. “That’s much better news.” The female said. “No he’s right. Marines have training. Pirates are easier to kill.” The second male said. Then the girl started to stir in my arms. Distracting me for a moment but I decided that I heard enough and summoned my ear back to wake Y/n up so the show can begin.
I started to poke her cheek with the hand that was already there. “Come on now wakey wakey.” I said. “Luffy stop poking me.” Y/n said swatting my hand away. “Sorry but I’m not Luffy. Now come on and open your eyes I would like to see what color eyes you have.” I said. She let out a groan as she moved her head away. I started to get a bit angry. “Come on now I don’t want to have to get mad but I will if you don’t open your eyes.” I said. When she opened her eyes she let out a gasp and almost fell off my lap but I roughly grabbed her by the upper arms as we got up from my throne. “Now don’t you have some beautiful eyes.” I said as I grabbed her by the chin. I could see as she started to look around for her friends. “Looking for your friends. Don’t worry you’re see them in a few minutes. I just decided that you should have a special role in todays show.” I said. “If you hurt me my friend will kill you.” Y/n said. She must be meaning the second male. The green haired one. Knowing that killing me was easier said than done I started laughing. “Kill me. Your friend can try but they will be the one who ends up dead.” I said. Then the music started bringing a smile to my face. Her first show with her new crew will go perfect. “Come on now the fans await.” I said bringing Y/n with me.
I was waiting on the spotlight to be put on us but it never was. Great who ever was the one the ruin Y/n first show will be paying with their life. “Great they messed this up again. I wanted you’re first introduction to go perfect.” I said. Making my way to the ring with Y/n following me. “No. No, no, no, no. Stop clapping! No.” I said. The clapping had stopped.  “It’s all wrong.” I said stepping into the ring. I put an arm around Y/n waist picking her up and putting her in the ring beside me. For a moment I saw the green hair male glaring at me when I put my hands on Y/n.
The boy in the straw which I knew who that hat belonged to and the girl with the tangerine hair both put an arm out to stop him from coming over. I smirk to myself.  “The spotlight was late. You completely missed our entrance.” I said as I motioned for the spotlight to be put on us. It was very quickly put on us. “And where oh where was the dancing lion?” I asked walking up to Mohji who looked away in fear. “Hey I know you. I saw your wanted poster in Shells Town. You’re the clown guy. Um uh binky right?” The kid in the straw hat said. “Buggy. Buggy the clown. Buggy the flashy fool. Buggy the genius jester.” I said hopping down from my spot then grabbed Y/n by the waist putting her beside me. I grabbed her hand as we walked closer to the other. “Wow. You have a lot of names. I bet everyone in the east blue knows who you are.” The straw hat said. If there was one thing I hate people to mention is my nose. Someone always has something to say about. But she didn’t. Granted we weren’t alone long enough for her to say anything. My nose is always no matter what the first thing that is mention when meeting me but she didn’t say anything.
I rushed over to the boy grabbing him by the face. “Nose! Are you making fun of my nose?” I asked. “Well I wasn’t. But now that you mention it is that thing for real?” The straw hat boy said reaching out to touch my nose. But I was quick to slap it away. “What’s real is I’ve been scheming for months to steal that map from old axe hand moron.” I said pushing the boy away. I went to the tangerine hair girl to see if she got the joke. But she didn’t.  “Only to find out that I was upstaged by four little nobodies who stole it from right under my no. No! It’s in my head now.” I said letting out a groan. “Hey! I’m not a nobody. I’m Monkey D Luffy. And I will be king of the pirates.” The boy said. Luffy huh. “Oh! Now that’s funny.” I said. As the crowd laugh but I didn’t like it so I motioned them to stop. “My bounty poster graces the marquee of every marine outpost for miles. And my menagerie of outcasts and freaks is the most dreaded pirate crew the east blue has ever known.. Expect her. I hope you don’t mind if I take her off your hands because I would like to keep her. I am destined to find the one piece. And when I do. I will be king and she will be my queen.” I said as I looked over to Y/n. But she looked away to her friends. “No you wont cause I’m gonna find it first.” Luffy said. “You? Don’t make me laugh.” I said. As the crowd started to laugh and started to get on my nerves. “I said don’t make me laugh!” I said as I turned to look at the crowd. “Alright listen up. I’m Roronoa Zoro. Drop your weapons now, give me the girl back and I may let you live.” The green hair male said as he walked closer to me. I grabbed Y/n by the waist pulling her closer to me laughing. “Ladies and gentlemen we have a celebrity in our midst. Too bad I hate sharing the spotlight.” I said putting my chin on her shoulder. As the spotlight was put back on the two of us. “Now maybe we should skip right to the finale.” I said bringing out four knives and holding them close to Y/n face. Y/n tried to get out of my grip but I just held on to her tighter. “My freaks put quite a bit of rehearsal time into this little abduction. And if I can’t reward them with that map I supposed I’ll have to offer them a pound of flesh instead.” I said as one of my freaks came and stood by Y/n and I. I felt Y/n come to me slightly. She must think that I would take the flesh from her but I won’t.
That’s when the girl with tangerine hair walked up to us. “Wait. Wait. What if I have something else to offer you? Something more valuable than the map? What if I give you a new freak for your crew? A rare talent. The most spectacular act in all the East Blue. Beside you of course.” She said. “Go on.” I said. The girl grabbed the straw hat off of the boy throwing it up in the air. The boy’s arms stretched high in the air to catch it. So he has eaten a devils fruit too. Out of surprise I loosened my grip on Y/n. She tried to run towards her friends but I grabbed her by the wrist pulling her back towards me. “Try that again sweetheart and I’m afraid I might have to hurt.” I said even though I had no intention on hurting her. “You touch her and I will kill you where you stand.” Zoro said. I laughed as I dragged her away with me.
“Now if I let you go do you promise to behave.” I said. “Yes I promise.” Y/n said. “Good girl.” I said pinching her cheek. I pulled out an orange from my pocket pulling out a knife as I started to eat it. I watched as two members of my crew dragged back the girl with tangerine hair. “What did you do to their town? You destroyed everything!” She said. “Not everything. I let ‘em keep their hands.” I said. As the crowd clapped. I tossed the orange and put the knife away. “Okay. Here end the theatrics. I know one of you three has my map and I’m gonna get it back. What was it you said rubber boy? That it was in a safe place? Don’t look so surprised. I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere. So please make our guest uncomfortable in the green room.” I said. Zoro and the tangerine hair girl were dragged away leaving just rubber boy and My Y/n. “I am gonna have a chat with my stretchy new pal.” I said laughing. Rubber boy looked over to Y/n which I didn’t like one bit. “Don’t look at her. She’s not part of your crew anymore now is she.” I said. “I just want to know if she is okay.” Luffy said. “She’s fine aren’t you sweetheart.” I said. “I want to hear it from her.” Luffy said. Y/n looked over to me. I couldn’t help but smiled that she looked to me to see if I would allow for her to answer. “Well aren’t you a good girl. Looking to you’re future king for approver to answer. Go ahead.” I said. I’m okay Luffy they or Buggy haven’t hurt me.” Y/n said. “See I told you she was fine. Now where were we.” I said.
We put the boy on the rack and stretched him until he broke but he didn’t. He even started to laugh. “I want you to think of this like an artistic exercise because pain leads to art. And art reveals truth. But there’s only one truth I need from this exercise. Where is my map.” I said walking over to the boy. “Truthfully? I’m.. I’m kind of hungry. Don’t circuses have cotton candy?” Luffy asked. What is wrong with this kid? I laughed and let out a groan. “What could you possibly need that map for anyways? You won’t last five minutes in the grand line.” I said. “I already told you. I’m gonna be king of the pir.” Luffy said but I stopped him. “Boring! Let’s go another ten feet.” I said. I watched as he was stretched out more. “You can stretch me all you want. I can do this all day.” Luffy said. “I’m not asking the right questions. We need to go deeper get you out of your comfort zone. What makes a boy want to grow up to be King of the pirates? Who are you trying to impress? A lost love? An absent parent? Or was it someone that you worshiped? A false idol. That’s it.” I said as I took the straw hat off of him. “Hey give me back my hat!” Luffy yelled.
I ignored him walking over to Y/n and put the hat on her hat. I had to admit that she did look cute with the hat on. “I used to know a pirate that wore a hat just like this. Red haired Shanks.” I said. “You knew Shank’s?” Luffy asked. “Ginger? Three scars left eye?” I asked. Of course the last time I saw him he didn’t have the scars but I can find out anything. “We served together on a pirate crew when we were about your age. For a time I even thought we were friends. Until he betrayed me. Just like all the others. He wanted to keep ME out of the spotlight! He wanted to keep my star from shining too brightly! Is that what he did to you rubber boy? Did shanks betray you too?” I said. “Don’t talk about him that way.” Luffy said. “Ah. Now we are finally getting to the truth. Stretch him until he breaks.” I said. “Please don’t make me do this.” The town person begged. “I invite you to take part in the splendor that is my show and this is how you repay me? With a no?” I said. “You’ve destroyed our town. Made us your prisoners. Isn’t that enough?” The town person said. “Well maybe you’d prefer it If I threw one of your constituents on the rank instead.” I said as I walked to the crowd. “Wait!” Y/n yelled. Which made me stop in my tracks. “Yes.” I said as I looked at her. “Pirates like to claim their treasure right?” Y/n said. “Go on.” I said putting a hand under my chin. “You said yourself that I belong to you now therefor I’m technically your treasure right. Don’t you have to claim me so no one else can take me away from you.” Y/n said. “I like were this is going.” I said. “Then do it right now. Carve your initial on me. If I don’t make a sound then you have to promise that you won’t have any of these towns people. But if I do.” Y/n said but couldn’t finished the last sentence. I thought about it for a minute. Claiming her as mine doesn’t sound that bad. “Alright fine I agree to your terms now come here.” I said motioning for her to come to me. “Y/n don’t.” Luffy said. “Shut up!” I said. “It’s okay Luffy.” Y/n said as she walked over to me.
Once she walked over to me I pulled out a knife and started to trace it lightly around her body. “Where oh where should I leave my initial. Oh I know.” I said then moved the knife to the upper part of her right breast. But I placed a kiss there before getting started. “Now remember sweetheart not a sound because if you don’t someone is about to get tall fast.” I said. “Just do it.” Y/n said. As I craved my initial on her she never once made a sound. I was both surprised and shocked that she managed to do it. “Well well sweetheart you managed to do it. But how about next I claim you in a different way.” I said as I put a cloth on the wound to prevent blood from getting on her cute little outfit then putting an arm around her waist pulling her closer to me. “Boogie I’m warning you.” Luffy said. “It’s Buggy! And you’re warning me? Now that’s a laugh. I said that’s a laugh.” I said. But the crowd forced a laugh which caused me to roll my eyes. The boy had managed to free himself. He glared at me as he got up from the ground. “Put her down.” Luffy said. “But why? She’s having such great time. Aren’t you sweetheart?” I said grabbing Y/n’s face. But then I had an idea. I pulled her into me and kissed her. “Yes. The best Buggy. I never want to leave you Buggy.” I said as I imitated her voice. The boy stretched his arm back making me grimace it was gross to watch. “Gum Gum pistol!” Luffy yelled and punched off my head right off.
Of course I was the only one to know that it didn’t kill me. Everyone started to scream but the only one I noticed was Y/n. It was a scream of full terror and dare I say I was turned on by it. My head landed a random woman’s lap. I gave her a wink before turning back to look to Luffy and saw that my body still had a grip on Y/n. “Hi. Well well well looks like we have something else in common.” I said as my head returned to my body and I let go of Y/n who was shaking by now. “You ate a devils fruit?” Luffy asked. “The chop chop fruit. So you can slice me and you dice me but I’ll always put myself back together again.” I said as I stripped myself of my coat. I went over to Y/n and gently put it around her. I split myself into six pieces then put myself back together. “Want to see what else I can do?” I asked as I motioned to my hand to reveal that it was gone. My hand tapped Luffy on the shoulder squeezing one of the smoke bombs in his face then I punched him adding insult to injury I flipped him off just for good measure. “Luffy.” Y/n said as she tried to rush over to his side but I grabbed her by the waist.  “I don’t think so sweetheart. My crew will take care of him.” I said. “What are you going to do to him?” Y/n asked. “I’m going to put him in my tank of doom.” I said.
While my crew was putting rubber boy in the tank I kept my eyes on Y/n who was standing off to the side still wrapped in my coat. Sea water started to fill the tank. “Is that seawater?” Y/n asked. “Why yes it is sweetheart. You see sweetheart if you eat a devil’s fruit you might gain a power like yours truly and rubber boy here but just a few splashes of seawater will take that all of that away.” I said. “Oh.” Y/n said as she looked away. But I just kept looking at her. “What?” Y/n asked as she looked to the ground. “You’re scared of me aren’t you sweetheart.” I said. “I’m not scared of you.” Y/n said. “Then how come you won’t look at me.” I said. “You kidnapped me and my friends, you destroyed these people’s town and you’re now holding them against their will. You hurt Luffy. I don’t know what you’re doing to Zoro and Nami they could be dead for all I know.” Y/n said. “Well their not dead.” I said. “How can I believe you. I haven’t got any proof that you would tell me the truth.” Y/n said. She forgot to mention how I did hurt her. “But you did forget to mention that.” I said motioning where I had craved my initial. “I did that because I didn’t want you to hurt anyone.” Y/n said. Well that was true. She put herself in harms way before anyone else. “Looks like Luffy is waking up.” Y/n said. I placed a kiss on the side of her head. I could see a faint smile. “Do my eyes deceive me or did I see a little smile.” I said smirking. “Just go.” Y/n said. I took off the hat from her head going over to rubber boy. He tried to break the glass but since I used seawater it wasn’t going to work. “Don’t bother. It’s seawater. Hardly seems fair. All those wonderful powers rendered useless from a few splashes. Of course you could always give me my map. If you don’t want to die alone in this tank.” I said as I walked over to the tank kneeling in front of it. “My crew.” Luffy said. “Your crew? You means the ones that abandoned you? Just like Shanks did. I did that make you sad?” I said. “They will come back for us.” Luffy said as he looked over to Y/n which made me mad. “No one’s coming for you. I already made myself clear about her. She stays with me. Your only chance is to turn over that map and if you do I may have a very special place on my crew just for you. Think about how happy she’ll be to at least have someone she already knows and she won’t have to be around all new people. Ain’t that right sweetheart.”  I said tossing the straw hat to the side. Rubber boy struggled to get up and I followed his movements. “Never.” Luffy said. “Why not!” I yelled hitting the tank in frustration. But it ended up hurting my hand as I grabbed it. I could hear soft laughing.
I looked over to Y/n who had a smile and I playfully glared at her. She smirked at me flipping me off. I like this girl. I’m definitely turned on now. “You’re an outcast just like the rest of us. A freak, scorned and abandoned! Join me and you can serve the man who will become the king of the pirates. When I have that map I will find the one piece and then everyone will know my name. And they’ll love me.” I said as I looked over to Y/n. “You can’t make people or her love you. Just like you can’t make them smile. I’ll never give you that map.” Luffy said. “Well then I guess it’s curtains for you.” I said as I walked back over to the tank. “No wait Buggy please don’t.” Y/n said as she stood in front of me. “I’m getting sick of you interfering in my show.” I said and out of frustration I pushed her to the side. I froze for a moment when I heard her cry out in pain. When I heard her cry out in pain I did stop for a moment. Then I turned the wheel as more water started to fill the tank.
I walked over grabbing the straw hat from the ground and took a piece of straw out from it. “Don’t touch my hat!” Luffy yelled. “What was that? I. I couldn’t hear you over all the drowning.” I said as I walked back over to the tank. Y/n was close behind me as rubber boy was now under the water. “You want out? You know the price you have to pay.” I said. Rubber boy smiled and tapped on the glass. I looked behind right as something was thrown at the tank. I saw that it was the girl with the tangerine hair. If she got out then the moss hair one got out as well and he was going to take her away from me. “Where are my freaks!” I yelled as I looked around my big top. Then the moss hair one appeared. “They’re not coming.” He said. “Zoro.” Y/n said as she ran towards him. But I caught her dragging her back putting my arm around her waist. “Did I say you can leave me.” I said yanking her around. “I don’t fucking care. I don’t want to spend a single fucking second longer near you.” Y/n said as she tried to get out of my grip. Then the glass on the tank broke as the water now rushed out. I grip Y/n as we were both knocked to our feet. I lost my grip on her.
I sat up to see rubber boy cough up the map. Y/n got up rushing over to grab the map. I crawl over to her grabbing her leg pulling her to the ground as I climb on top of her. She looked really good wet. “Thanks sweetheart. Because you got me my map I can forgive that little outburst of yours.” I said taking the map from her. “Screw you.” Y/n said. “Well since your friend is back to watch that sounds like a great idea.” I said pulling up from the ground still having a strong grip on her. I look at both Y/n and the map laughing as I put my face in her neck. “You want a piece of me? Let’s see what you got. You better move sweetheart I would hate for you to get hurt.” I said as I let her go as both the girl with the tangerine hair and the moss hair one made their way over to me.
Of course the one with the moss hair to cut me to pieces but it didn’t work. Which just made me laugh. “Surprise shithead.” I said. I put myself in to pieces as I started to attack the other two. After I took them down I put myself back together to put my focus back on rubber boy and my sweetheart. I watched as rubber boy pulled her behind him. “Ah. Would you look at that? Somebody escaped my tank of doom. Well I’ll be back to finish you off. Right after I tear apart your sad excuse for a crew.” I said laughing. “You can dump seawater on me and I’ll let it slide. But don’t you ever threaten or hurt my friends.” Rubber boy said as he punched a hole in my stomach just for it to come back. I winked at both of them but it was mostly for my sweetheart. I watched as she moved away so I took this as my sign to go full out on trying to get rid of rubber boy and the other two without hurting her in the process. I pulled out my knives. “So you want die first? Be my guest. Chop chop cannon!” I said pulling myself apart sending all of them towards rubber boy. I had rubber boy pinned down when I saw him looking to the side. “Nami! The crates!” Rubber boy yelled. Then they all started to work together to put all of my pieces in the crates even my sweetheart.
Soon all that was left was my feet, hands and head. “What have you done to me?” I asked. “Cut you down to size.” Rubber boy said. “The one piece will never be yours. You’re just a sad lonely little boy wearing another man’s hat!” I said. “I know exactly who I am. I’m Monkey D. Luffy. And I’m going to be king of the pirates. Gum Gum.” Rubber boy said stretching his arms back. “Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! No no no! Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.” I said. “Bazooka!” Rubber boy yelled as the rest of me was launched out of my big top but before it happened I detached an ear sending it over to my sweetheart placing it snuggly in her bra.
A/n: SURPISE I'M NOT DEAD!!!! Sorry it's been awhile I'm trying to space out updates until season 2 gets a release date so you don't have to go too long without an update. I'm planning to making at least two chapters being in buggy's POV. The next update will definitely be on May 25th because I'll be adding a special surprise at the end.
Taglist: @ultimatreality @honey-eyed-munson @bigmilkylove @mischiefmanaged71 @cheshirenjp @zaphira-san @valen-yamyam16 @djloveyou3000 @laurelthesimp @the-angriest-angel @starsali
@vix-xen @spqce-bun @zulema222 @beezebub00 @alex-69-420 @paarthurnax59 @missmokaa @cup-of-tee007 @im00flynn @mihawksdemoness @ane5e
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ideas-4-stories · 11 months ago
Cross Guild AU Romance Prompt: Mermaid Shifter AU where devil fruit users can still swim, everyone can shift into their mermaid or man form. Buggy is part of a pod with his crew and they live together in this wonderful reef. They all have these wonderful tails that fit their personalities, while Buggy's is extra special in that his is this bright white with these pearly scales and fins that no one else has. Yet his is not the rarest tail, the rarest tails are the black tails, and they belong to Mihawk and Crocodile, who live in the shadowy area beyond Buggy's reef. They guard everyone in Buggy's reef, but stay aloof and distant. No one goes near Mihawk and Crocodile's shadowy territory. One day Buggy hears a commotion or sees something off in the shadowy territory. Against his better judgement, Buggy swims to the area and is horrified when he sees Mihawk and Crocodile in a life and death struggle with a wicked looking sea creature, like a sea king or a kracken. Mihawk is fighting hard but Crocodile's hurt. With bravery he didn't even know he had, Buggy joins the fight and actually feeds one of his muggy balls to the creature and blows it up. He gets knocked out cold in the process. When he wakes up, he'd in the dark castle like reef Mihawk and Crocodile call home. The moment Buggy is coherent, his only concern is Mihawk and Crocodile, seeing to their wounds and even swimming out to get specially sea plants and anemones known for their healing properties. Mihawk and Crocodile are stunned when Buggy comes back with his arms full and sets about grinding up everything and treating them with tenderness they've never ever experienced before. This little red nosed white tail captured the hearts of Mihawk with his black and red tail and Crocodile with his black and purple tail and they mean to keep him. Mihawk and Crocodile try to intimidate Buggy, only for Buggy to yank them both with him out of their shadowy reef to his vibrant, colorful one, first for lunch, then the next day for dinner, then again and again until Mihawk and Crocodile are no longer the distant guardians in the shadows, but Buggy's badass mates.
Mermaid Shifter AU is quite interesting, I like that everyone has tails that match their personalities. I wonder types of tails that Cabaji, Mohji, Alvida, Galdino, and Daz have… OH! Richie can be a catfish or lionfish I don’t know.
Question, Mihawk and Crocodile has other colors on their tail, does Buggy have colors other than white?
I like to think Buggy having a clownfish-style tail, that’s probably from all the times in the past that I’ve seen Buggy being a mermaid and he had a clownfish-style tail and stuff. There are clownfish that are mostly white with tips being orange and/or black.
Is the shadowy part of the reef like Kuraigana Island? I really hope so, does that mean there’s fruitwanis or animals much like the humandrills there?
I’m just have so many ideas running through my head. Anyway, Buggy helping Crocodile and Mihawk fight off the kracken (I don’t why I like that better as the enemy) When you wrote ‘actaully feeds one of his muggy balls to the creature’ all I can imagine is Buggy shoving it down it’s throat and didn’t get out of the way in time.
Buggy waking up and only thinking about Mihawk and Crocodile (My heart! So cute and sweet!) I feel like he’s ignoring his own wounds, swimming out to grab the healing plants (probably went out with a gasp or something that makes Crocodile and Mihawk thinking he wouldn’t come back, BUT HE DID COME BACK!) Buggy coming back, treating them with such tenderness that both wouldn’t think of (MY HEART!)
Not the two trying to intimidate Buggy, as soon as both know they want him! Good for Buggy to yank them back to his reef. Buggy must of been quite scared but Mihawk and Crocodile need doctors help to make sure those wounds don’t get infected. Then going out for lunch, then the next day for dinner, what about the day after breakfast?
That must of been a shock for everyone, I see their faces now.
I feel like the shadowy reef would be added into Buggy’s domain now as how the colorful reef is now apart of Crocodile and Mihawk’s domain. Afterall they are mates in the end.
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Transfem Buggy anon here to drop a silly valentines idea-
1) don't worry too much about speeding through asks, sweetheart, you're doing fine. Take your time and do your thing at your own pace. Anyone has an issue with it? I'll fight em 😤
So imagine Buggy getting absolutely SMOTHERED in valentines days gifts - from friends, underlings, allies, secret admirers (she thinks they're all fake or lies), and her partners of the year.
She and Alvida do a Self Care Self Love event (maybe include Uta and Perona bc smth about them being so supportive of Buggy coming out as trans and just so easily slotting her in to girls night makes me soft).
Ritchie wears a special Valentine's Day bow, and he gives extra lion licks to his favorite people. He doesn't quite get the whole concept of HOLIDAYS beyond that it makes his humans so happy and silly and so he too is happy and silly. Lion loves.
Mohji and Cabaji, every year, make Buggy a gift for Valentine's. She gives them little gifts too, but theirs aren't conventional - they were there from the beginning, and so they've seen the best and worst of each other. They're besties your honor.
After Impel Down, Buggy wakes up on Valentine's to a MOUNTAIN of cards, candies, stuffed animals, flowers, and balloons. Maybe half of them are signed. It's a long ass affair to organize them.
When she starts dating Crocodile and Mihawk, they hadn't seen the Karai Bari Variant of Valentine's Day. Needless to say, when they wake up and walk with Buggy to get breakfast, they are both BLINDSIDED and BAMBOOZLED by this veritable TON of gifts. Buggy just sighs. "Guys. Really?"
"I can't eat all this. Okay, line up, I'm passing out candies at random. Consider this a treat before breakfast."
"I- ya know what, sure, whatever. I haven't had coffee yet. I don't feel like arguing."
Crocodile and Mihawk though are surprised when she offers them a soft smile and... two boxes? "Open them when you want to, boys, no rush."
She gets a delivery later on in the day, a crate with a blue rose painted on the top. She huffs. When asked, she shrugs it off. "Shanks is still being a damned sap."
He sends her presents as often as he can - with a relatively ser address for Karai Bari, she is more easily accessible, which makes him go a little overboard. In the crate are her favorite candies (ghost pepper flaked dark chocolates), soft stuffed animals, new clothes, a dress, flowers and silly trinkets. ((And maybe a little treasure map he made just for her)).
Buggy would give thoughtful gifts - smth for Croc's bananawani nursery or specialty cleaner for his jewelry, new seeds for Mihawk's garden he mentioned wanting once in passing or new cording to rebrand Yoru's hilt, etc.
She also ties her hair up on holidays, puts on an apron, and joins the cooks in the kitchens. Cooking is smth she's good at, if a tad embarrassed by, but baking if her favorite thing to do. It's like chemistry and showmanship mixed together, two of her most favorite things. Getting the chance to indulge in it is smth she rarely lets herself have, but she makes exceptions for certain days.
And if Mihawk and Croc, knowing this by that point, pooled together to get her her own supplies to indulge more freely in their shared space, away from prying or attentive eyes, well...
Valentines Day isn't exactly a cliche on their little handmade home, but the sentiment, the intention, the love is there.
((And if Buggy just so happens to send a few batches of Shanks' favorite cookies to him a week after the day, well, he'll treasure them!!!
Until he eats himself sick, that is.))
1) Thank you <333 That's really sweet 😭🧡
AND THIS IS ALL AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A bit late to Valentine's Day (sorry, really akjjddnjk) but I absolutely adore it. Buggy loves Valentine's Day and the thought of everybody getting her gifts and also enjoying the holiday on her island is so cute,,, Everything is perfect and tbh, after coming out as a woman is even better because she's finally able to do it as herself. I think she wanted to do it really bad when she was a kid.
Her crew is so silly,, And having a whole day with Perona and Alvida makes her feel so loved,, Crying and sobbing. Also, Crocodile and Mihawk aren't used to celebrating these things, so now that they're with her they're surprised by how much they enjoy it. Not the holiday itself because in general it's extremely annoying and they do not want to be there with all this drama-- But they do like seeing her happy and giving her gifts <333 Why have mafioso-looking boyfriends if they aren't going to shower you with gifts, you know? And also, they're losers for her, which makes it better.
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