#no longer on mobile yay!
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Definitely didn’t just figure out how to build a pc exclusively to mod dragon age and be gay with Morrigan
#and so that I can play da4 lol#my brother has not stopped making fun of me for this lmao#a mobile girlie no longer!#first post from my new computer yay#this is what dedication looks like
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I would loveeeee to hear your weird creeper hcs 🙏🙏🙏
okay so i guess first off. i hc silverfish to be larval creepers. that, in addition with a creeper's diet (and silverfish's, of course) consisting of ore, is why creepers explode players. see, when creepers explode, their eggs are embedded in the surrounding terrain. as players often carry ores on them, a creeper managing to explode a player and drop their inventory means the silverfish that hatch are almost guaranteed a very generous meal upon first hatching. after that, silverfish burrow underground to continue eating, and to stay safe until they're ready to metamorphise into creepers
(bonus doc lore at the end of the post 🐐)
creepers emerge from the ground at night because that's when it's generally safest for them to finish the final stages of development and gather their bearings. creepers themselves cannot dig or burrow, so they stay on the surface (or in a cave, if that's where they emerged) for the remainder of their life.
the combustion is the result of a chemical reaction- they store reactive materials in chambers in their body, and when they're released and come into contact with each other it causes an explosion as a side note, creepers can eat meat, but are more scavengers than hunters, and only eat it when it's readily available with little to no risk.
moving onto doc (because i'll never pass up a chance for blorbo talk), his anatomy is somewhat different from a standard creeper due to all the modifications to give him a more 'human' bodyplan and appearance.
his forelegs were originally removed and reattached to act as arms, however his spine and leg joints weren't built for a bipedal upright stance, so it gives him back, knee, and ankle pain to walk like that too much. his retractable robotic forelegs were a later addition he made for himself as a mobility aid to help relieve that pain. because of that he has a slightly more 'taur' like body structure, vs standard creepers whose necks are centered between all 4 legs. originally both his arms had 3 digits each (as they were made by modifying his legs), but when he made his right arm prosthetic he gave it a 5-fingered, more human-like shape for easier manipulation of stuff designed for human use
his combustion chambers were also removed long ago, so he can no longer explode himself (which he doesn't really mind. not big on the whole 'one panic away from exploding himself to death' thing)
he can digest a larger range of food than standard creepers can, but he still needs to eat ores to keep a nutritionally balanced diet. mostly he eats non-mineral foods just because he likes the taste, rather than actual nutritional value. it's recommended not to eat anything he makes for himself, because even if it looks like smth a human can eat, it's probably seasoned with redstone or iron shavings (he is good at making human-safe food, but he has no reason to make his own meals human safe. only eat doc's cooking if you know it's meant to be shared)
his scales are also softer, fading into something more similar to rough skin on a lot of his body. his 'hair' is thicker than a human's but thinner than a creeper's scales- it has almost a quill like texture. he can still 'hiss' by rattling them, but it's a somewhat different pitch than your standard creeper.
he also has a lot of mods on his neck to allow him to speak, and his robotic eye sees far better than a creeper's (slightly above human average, vs creeper eyes which are far below a human average). also a lot of questional brain/head mods to give him a more human appearing face and human-level cognition. his horns however are purely aesthetic.
#this kinda turned into doc hcs but. whatever. little bonus for yall <3#talking#hermitcrap#docm77#answers#countthelions
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gold might've finally fixed the crabbing rss issue???????? the rss feed might at last be Fixed but we'll see once it's actually updated with a new item
also the settings buttons are on the left now! because the sidebar means the left margin is bigger anyways. for mobile it's a whatever situation i guess. also courtesy of gold!
the css behind it is now also significantly less stupid! did you know that beforehand i set the position of every single toggled button individually via id. i did. this is no longer the case (thanks to gold)
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super basic, but just to help people get started :p
TRANSCRIPT BELOW (is it called a transcript?)
so i use alight motion for most of my tweening and such and ill try to share what very little stuff i know for my sillies. im not good at explaning so err yay. this is on alight motion mobile!!!
i begin with drawing a sketch of whatever im gonna tween. the sketch is normal and not cut into pieces yet.
afterwards, when im outlining i draw all the body parts on different layers, so separating the body parts. a tip for doing any head movements is giving the neck a bit more height
do this, dont do this
when doing arms i tend to leave some parts open because itll appear as one when im tweening it later
if you have a part of the body you know will be moving more drastically than the others you should close it off/ like turn it into a nub so its less awkward to tween later
after thats done, colour it. first time tweeners should avoid going in with shading or whatever because it makes it harder to connect those lines lol (it might be easy for you tho i just found it hard. give it a go if u want)
afterwards i save all the layers as transparent.
now we are on alight motion. click the cross at the bottom of the screen. if you have certain ratios feel free to enter them by clicking the pen. mine was a preset ratio by ibis (4:3) so i wont be changing mine.
to input photos or videos, click media. click on your media and press the plus button on the upper right hand corner
some basics— click the bottom buttons to cut off or divide.
long press the arrows on the side and slide it left to shorten the clip and right to make it longer.
click your layer, then this button to duplicate the currently selected layer. long press it to move the entire layer.
to reorder layers , hold the three lines and move it up or down.
to input audio, select a video from media and click on the layer. find the button ‘extract audio.’ after that, a layer should appear which is the audio layer. delete the video layer if you have no use for it now.
ok now how to tween.
begin by putting in all your layers. you can reorder them once everything is in. it also helps to name everything, because it does get confusing when youve got lots of parts. click the layer and at the top right of your screen click (unnamed layer) and name it. i dont do this often because i cant be bothered but its helpful.
now im reordering it.
afterwards it is time to place pivot points. pivot points means where the thingy will be rotating around. or something. It makes tweening much more easier and is why i prefer alight motion to capcut in this aspect.
heres without pivot point placing. the pivot point is always auto set in the center.
and heres with. i have placed the pivot point at where the body parts would join.
to place a pivot point, click on your layer and on the right side buttons click ‘move and transform’.
tap the first button out of the four that pop up. these four buttons control your movement, rotation, size and angle (in tha order). after clicking the first button, two blue coordinates should appear. these are the coordinates of your pivot point. glide your finger around the square to move the dot towards where you want ur pivot point. pivot pointe are typically at where the body parts would join (if ur tweening a person)
now for parenting layers. click on your layer, and on the top right hand side click the button next to the trash bin. parenting layers basically means we are connecting two layers together. if we have two layers here, and connect layer two to layer one, two will move whenever one does, but one will not move when two does.
ok so again, click your layer. click the button next to the trash bin. select the other layer which will become your parent layer.
now for keyframes. if youve used capcut this should be relatively familiar.
we begin with clicking the layer, then move and transform button. click on whichever of the four youd like to keyframe. i will click rotation. on the left side, beneath the undo and redo button should appear the keyframe symbol. place it wherever you want on your layer. there needs to be at least two keyframes to allow for movement. one of the keyframes should be the original placement, while the other has been altered.
after the two keyframes have been placed, beneath the keyframe symbol is now graphs. this dictates the easing of your animation. like how fast the animation goes from position one to position two.
you can also make bounces/loops with this, and it’s typically how i do headbopping. glide the yellow button to decide the speed of the bopping/movement.
if youd like to copy and paste a graph to a different layer, click on the three buttons at the bottom left. and click copy. go on your other layer, click the graphs button, the three buttons again then paste.
after all of your tweening is done, you can (if u want to) group it together. this way, if youre looking to move this thing around its much more easier to. long press over here until it lights up, and select the layers youd like to group together. once that is all done, you can move it around.
if u wanna use effects like bounce to make your silly thing go crazy, click effects. im not gonna go through them all because i honestly dont know what half of these do. click bounce, and scale it however you like. its liteally just keyframing and what we did before.
if you need to edit the grouped together layers, click on the layer and then u can edit it.
ok thank u for watching follow my socials i post there everyday. yay.
#eure-k-a#alight motion#tweening#oc animation#tutorial video#art tips#art resources#art tutorial#alight motion animation#alight motion tutorial#artists on tumblr#Youtube
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Spoilers below if you want to go in blind for the new Season, will only talk about the SR related stuff
3x Splashdown and Kraken have been added to Salmon Run!!!!!! Big W for the Splashdown SR fans, L to Reefsliders uselessness yet again, and I'm upset with Kraken LMFAODFGJKDFJKG /lh
Ok I'm more so kinda upset with Kraken being added over Ultra Stamp because I don't think Kraken would be as.... fun or good compared to Ultra Stamps potential. Though I suppose they're afraid of making Ultra Stamp overpowered (they could've given it armor piercing).
Next section is Kraken fears + Ultra Stamp possibilities and also Ultra Stamp bias in general I love Ultra Stamp
Also this has been a discussion with oomf's before on adding Kraken to SR and it was still concerning LMFAO. Marooner's Bay has grates so if it's high tide, good luck getting back to basket (you can't). Imagine you get thrown off into the ocean due to Missiles, a slap, 1 Big Shot because you charged towards it but it diverts your path and leads you into the ocean. The possibility of Kraken being body blocked by a Steel Eel (probably unlikely but we don't know yet!!).
Ultra Stamp is way more mobile compared to Kraken (Ultra Stamp Bias (I'm an Ultra Stamp main)) also because it's not slippery Steve over here. Plus you can target Steelhead's with it and throw your Stamp into a Flyfish bucket!!!
Also they added a system when you get Kraken or Splashdown so you won't get a shitty poopoo comp consisting of only short ranges
Already talked about them adding a per-determined score for Big Run, whatever WHATEVER
Your rank no longer goes down to 40 EVP depending on your score! Easy scale grind for higher level players. If we struggle at 400 EVP oh god so help me
Smell-o-meter is changed, yay. They'll probably change it to a question mark or default to Coho for randomized bosses
Lastly, Rush, Griller and Mothership will now have the same spawns! Which is awesome because I thought I was going crazy for the past few Eggstra Works!
There's also some weapon buffs. Mainly Dreadwringer and .96 Gal getting ink efficiency buffs and some other buffs with Blaster and one of the Splatlings that has to do with more ink painting yay yahoo
Anyways big W for Salmon Run fans all around yay yipee woohoo
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Being disabled and actually starting to live a healthier lifestyle according to the nature of a disability can be so fucking hard.
I know I'm right on the cusp of my quality of life improving dramatically from multiple different factors coming into play recently, but until those things actually happen, all I can do is stay in bed and sit with myselves (DDNOS-1B; google it) while I resist the urge to crumble under all the years of lost opportunities due to my chronic pain and mobility needs.
Like... I know I'm disabled, and have been my whole life, but my journey has been rough as hell. Before I got approved for disability status legally, I couldn't really work despite trying for years to make it as a writer (yeah, I quit, for a lot of reasons), while begging my family to help me out with affording mobility devices.
It took me almost 5 years of pleading just to get my cane. My mom, being my only financial supporter at the time, only ever reacted like I was just being melodramatic. Until I finally got in her face and screamed at her, "I HURT ALL THE TIME BECAUSE I HAVE TO WALK WITHOUT A CANE!"
Another 5 years of begging and pleading for help, and I'm finally getting an electric wheelchair so I can stop pushing myself to walk altogether. A family friend is the owner of a wheelchair and mobility aid company that's not only responsible for some of those awesome offroad wheelchairs with tank treads on them, and he's been sourcing some of the newest and shiniest models of wheelchairs for me with financial assistance, too.
It's just that, now that it's actually in the works and happening, the first thing I have to do is wait. He asked me a lot of questions about my mobility needs and what I like doing that a chair could help me do more easily, and then went off to Miami to a floorshow debut of some even newer-generation, specialty wheelchairs he'll be stocking.
I'm not not excited. I want to be able to move without pain! Of course I want to go outside without worrying I'll fall or have no way to move if my sciatic nerve goes berserk on me! But now that I'm actively waiting for something that's gonna happen, that's actually going to happen...
I've never been more aware of how close my bedroom walls are. I hate asking family members to help me with basic tasks, or even helping me pick up something I knocked over and can't bend down to retrieve/clean up without godawful pain. I've been bedridden for weeks now with what's turned out to be Endometriosis Appearing In My Abdominal Muscles. My PCP has me on a good pain-plan while I wait to see a surgeon (I'm trans so it also doubles as bottom surgery for me yay), but I've never seen myself for how limited I actually am until the promise of more mobility became a reality, and it's really hard not to feel even more self-loathing than I already naturally do.
I'm also angry. Angry that it took so many years of literally crying for help with mobility aids before anyone in my own family took me seriously, while simultaneously wondering why I rarely ever left my room, or even got out of bed, for almost a decade.
At least I have one escape hatch: The DDNOS-1B. I may be in a lot of pain, but Alex has been a champ at fronting for me for hours on end and greying out my senses so I can move around a little more comfortably with less pain medication, get a handful of tiny things done, and getting me fresh air. Sometimes he'll just sit there in front in order to force my perception of time to move faster.
I cannot wait to finally go outside in the sun again when my chair arrives. But until then, I keep remembering the words of Nando Parrado when he was trapped in the Andes and facing despair: "Suffer for a little longer."
#mobility aid#electric wheelchairs#ableism#invisible illness#invisible disability#endometriosis#chronic pain#did/osdd#did#osdd#ddnos#ddnos 1b
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ahhhh its so good to see kinnies active on tumblr!! (major alex kinnie) ur cosplay is rlly good and you and chloe are cute 2gether!
Eeeek! I’m so sorry it took so long to answer this, I wasn’t sure how to bring the asks back up on Tumblr mobile :/ But now I can finally start answering! :D
Thank you so much!! ( ^ - ^ ) I’m the biggest nerd about Chloe, I could write essays about her—I just love her so much! So I love that the internet is seeing our relationship! It’s like I get to show off my favourite thing whenever I make Pricefield posts, because my two favourite things are my girlfriend and Pricefield… and she’s both :P
My cosplay has improved so much more since you’ve sent this 😅 Chloe and I have since cut our actual hair, so we’re no longer wearing wigs! We feel much more authentic that way, and it’s ubercool to just be IRL Pricefield everyday :P
And hella yes! Kinnies unite! :D I feel like it’s super rare to find other LIS kinnies, so I always get uber excited whenever I meet one! :D Alex is one of my favourite characters (I have synaesthesia and extreme empathy, so Alex’s power makes me really happy, it’s so accurate to how I experience those things), so YAY! :D
Tumblr has always been my home, I’m so happy to see it becoming more active again! I’ve been obsessed with it since 2014, so I’m glad I’ve found my little corner of the site :P
Thank you for the ask! <3
Since this was out-of-character, I don’t know if I should make a GIF :P
#But speaking of GIFs… I have a post I CAN’T WAIT to share!! :P#It’s a GIF set of just Chloe and I being cute ( ^ - ^ )#I feel kinda bad because I totally abandoned the original idea which was sending GIFs to respond to asks with#It’s still something I really wanna do!#But since this was OOC I didn’t think I should 😅#Maybe one day!#For now#I’ll just keep making random posts until y’all send more asks :P#I don’t mind as long as you guys don’t!#This blog is uberfun anyway! :D#asks#honeybunchesobees
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Sam where do I play the Layton games they look so sillay and fun
the entire HD mobile ports of all 3 original trilogy games are available to purchase on android and ios.
If you really want, the spinoff Layton Brothers Mystery Room is available for free/cheap on mobile but it is very different from regular gameplay and does not feature the actual professor layton ever lol (but i love it <3)
alternatively, if you'd like to play the original ds titles on your pc or something heres what i did:
step 1: get your very real ds. for 2ds titles here's desmume and here's melonds you can pick whichever one you want.
i personally use desmume more but melonds is the more frequently updated one.
for 3ds titles here's citra (no longer receives updates but you can still download the latest version)
step 2: laytong roms. i got curious village, diabolical/pandora's box, lost future, and spectre's call/last specter (all 2ds titles) from this site. miracle mask, azran legacy, and the Ace Attorney crossover (3ds titles) are available on this site (as well as 2ds titles but i didnt notice until just now lol). just search layton and pick the region version you want.
EU and NA versions are both english but may differ slightly in dialogue wording, specific puzzles, and also they have different VAs for Luke. and sometimes they will give NPCs different names for some reason.
Here is a full list of games so you know what to look for.
I feel the best ones to start with are either Curious Village or Spectre's Call/Last Specter depending on what you prefer
Curious Village is the first in release order so you can gradually get more used to the gameplay & artstyle and see more qol functions and improvements as the games go on. (to avoid a jarring quality drop when you finish up the prequel trilogy and move onto curious vilage lol)
but if you'd rather experience the story in chronological timeline order, then Specter's cool to start with 👍they also got descole thats awesome.
or you can do a secret other thing and play lost future first for some reason if you wanna meet my favourite character
step 3: have fun yay!
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So I've officially been unemployed for a month now, and I only just feel like I'm finally catching up on sleep and starting to feel vaguely human again.
We were in Melbourne last week and it was bloody delightful, but the week before that I went to the doctor because I was actually just so wiped out and he was like, not to be OTT about it or anything but this is burnout and you're in it basically. So thanks for that! All the blood tests came back ok though which is excellent news but also rude because a pill for low iron would be much more convenient than simply you need to rest for several months to get yourself back on track which is rude but anyway. I've dropped from 10 hours of sleep a night to 9 so I guess that's something? No longer feeling compelled to have an afternoon nap every day so that's helpful.
Melbourne was great, as it always is. We clocked up about 15kms a day of walking which was really good, and a nice reminder for this old overweight body that it can actually move and do things again. Ate a lot of delicious food, did some good shopping, caught up with family, and got to hang out together and buy some things for the new house as well which I guess really isn't so new anymore?
Had my first PT session today which was enjoyable? I think we're on the same page. I just need to relearn how to move in a body that's significantly heavier and less mobile than it used to be, and she was like, what do you even enjoy doing? How can we make this fun for you so you actually want to be here? which was a very refreshing perspective and she was like, let's just try some things and see what feels good and go from there? what a novelty. It's nice not to feel totally intimidated at the gym, and she's given me a cheap pack of PT sessions since I'm currently unemployed so winning for that.
Mum got an all cash offer with no conditions for her house so yay for that. She's moving on 13 December which will be nice to get her out of that house. finally.
Still haven't thought about a job or what comes next career wise but I also can't be bothered to stress about it? I've got enough savings to get me through til March so that's a good time. Happy with it in general.
Rest, exercise, good food and some creative fun stuff is on the cards and I'm happy for it.
Big yawn, need to cook dinner and go to bed!
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to the google-mobile
So, on tonight's episode of things I never thought I would search on Google
I got an idea for something I might write - most likely in an attempt to avoid the part of the WIP I'm working on that is kinda kicking my butt.
As I was thinking it through, I looked down at my own hand and realized that unless either of the characters (Alex & Henry) were left-handed, it would make my whole idea less likely to work. So I started down a Google rabbit hole researching the likelihood that men would use their non-dominant hand during sex. I needed info outside of my own experiences, well, that and my sex has not included 2 men (well except that one time when I was like 20 but that was long ago).
So, now my Google history makes me look like a sex-crazed fool or something with searches such as:
do men jack off with dominant hand masturbation with non-dominant hand use of non-dominant hand during sex
So, yeah, that was an informative hour. Where I learned that non-dominant masturbation has increased since more people are using their devices while doing so, and their dominant hands are occupied by that. Also, the reasons I had assumed, such as to make it last longer or make it feel like it's someone else, amongst others.
All of this because I realized that engagement or wedding rings would, of course, be on a person's left hand, so you'd only feel said ring against your cock (if ya have one) if they are left-handed or using their non-dominant hand. All of that because I got eager to write a scene before thinking through some of the little simple things first.
So, yeah, these boys have ruined my brain, that they live in rent-free, and now I need to figure out how to set-up a non-dominant hand scenario or if one of them is left-handed. Yay!!!
#rwrb fic#rwrb fanfic#red white and royal blue#alex and henry need to have sex i guess#and one of them needs to feel the others ring against their cock#i don't make the rules#i just do what they ask sometimes#boys kissing boys#boys sexing up other boys
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wednesday sprint review time: 3/3 tasks complete this week!! i did it! did i complete one of the tasks this morning? yes. but it still counts! baffled at how i did this when i didn’t start any of the tasks until monday evening, but yay!
notes on short terms plans and using ellipsus under the cut
corset kink fic is coming along nicely. i am really really happy with what i have written and have reached the horrible point of ‘hm, i’ve hit all the emotional beats i though i needed but there needs to be more sex for pacing reasons’. that really means i need another emotional beat but i don’t know what it is yet. i’ll figure it out eventually but i am not terribly optimistic about completing that task this week, but we’ll see.
i also put this fic in ellipsus, which has been… most of it is fine but i need to enter some support tickets and if they don’t fix them or explain their use cases better i may decide it’s unusable. the biggest problem is the way the comments nest—the comment thread literally displays in a random order so having any kind of back and forth with your beta reader is a huge problem. also the draft and merge feature? seems really cool in theory but the way it actually works is insane and makes no sense? there doesn’t seem to be a conflict resolution process? when you go to the merge screen it will diff the files but then you can’t edit? you’d have to go back and make your edits in the draft and push the whole thing to main. which… no. especially since you can have multiple drafts. that could make sense as a use case if you could only had one draft, but no! i do not understand?!? and you can’t just not use the draft functionality because you can’t make comments in the main doc (which is both how i leave myself notes as i’m writing and communicate with soymimikyu during beta reading). but the biggest problem, especially in mobile view is how hard it is to easily see what draft you’re working out of. and it doesn’t hold state in terms of what draft you were in if the page reloads. which, fair, that’s hard, but then you need a lot more visual hints of what the state is. i made a whole bunch of changes in main instead of the draft i thought i was working from, and then since the merge conflict resolution sucks it was very messy. and if it had been a longer fic…
anyway… i’ve not given up on this yet, but it may be in a come back to it once they’ve worked some things out thing.
i reread what i have of manic pixie dream jaskier, and on the one hand i really like a lot of it and that gave me renewed motivation to work on it, but on the other hand, it is a fucking disaster in terms of pacing and structure and having a cohesive point. it’s ok. we’ll get there. i’m going to attempt to write what i currently think the end should be and see if that helps. it usually does.
hopefully it’s not suspiciously nice out this weekend and i actually do writing and iwtv watching :)
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eep i have a test on all of ww1 and ww2 (and the interwar period! yay!) tmrw and i'm not very ready!! anyways i'm going to summarize most of what i know ABOUT WW1 under the cut. mostly for my studying but if you want to see you're welcome to read it. BEWARE IT IS LONG
scene opens on Germany, a young nation eager to prove itself as strong to the other European powers, namely Britain, who has lots and lots of colonies at this point. (the sun never sets on the British empire!). Britain also has the strongest navy. Germany believes in "Weltpolitik", meaning aggressive expansion.
Germany has recently beaten France in the Franco-Prussian War and acquired the territory Alsace-Lorraine. France is angry and embarrassed. It went from being the biggest European power under the rule of Napoleon to this!! France hates Germany.
Russia is poor but MASSIVE and has a HUGE POLULATION. if it is awaken, it will do serious damage. luckily it is "sleeping" for now.
The Austria-Hungarian empire is made up of many different nations along the Balkan Peninsula who hate being part of the empire. The Balkan Peninsula is known as the powder keg of Europe because a single spark could make it blow up.
There was also the Moroccan Crisis where Britain decided to support France (against Germany) in Egypt and the Suez canal. There is more here, but basically it solidified the hard feelings between Germany and France/Britain.
Everyone starts beefing up their military because conflict is coming!
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy ally themselves to form the Triple Alliance. Germany organized this to try to isolate France.
Britain, France, and Russia ally to form the Triple Entente because they were a bit worried about Germany (especially France).
Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, goes to visit Sarajevo with his wife. He thinks the people will love him! He doesn't know that he is visiting during a parade for Slavic independence. They don't like him. Gavrilo Princip, a member of a nationalist group called Black Hand, kills Francis and his wife.
Austria-Hungary is ANGRY. It blames the government (who didn't organize the assassination, but who weren't sad about it either) and makes unreasonable demands to Serbia, who refuses.
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
Russia mobilized troops to protect Serbia.
Germany declared war on Russia for mobilizing its troops. Germany was aligned with A-H, so it was at war with Serbia too. Germany also declared war on France because it was allied with Russia (and Germany just didn't like France).
Germany marched through Belgium to get to France quickly so it could defeat France before Russia "woke up". This was called the Schlieffen plan.
Britain declared war on Germany because it had secretly agreed to help Belgium remain sovereign. Now that Britain is at war, so are its many colonies. The war has breached European confinement.
Men had the idea that war would be quick and glorious so lots signed up!
Germans and Ukrainians were forced to register with authorities and many were sent to internment camps.
Black and Indigenous men faced obstacles trying to enlist because of racism.
French Canadians enlisted less because they had, for the most part, been in Canada longer than British Canadians, so they didn't feel as emotionally attached to France. They also didn't appreciate being encouraged to go fight for Britain because they weren't British.
Women's suffrage and prohibition became two large issues across the country.
Conscription - Borden had promised not to have conscription, but then he took it back. People were angry. He gave women with husbands overseas the right to vote because they would want to send help to the war to bring their husbands back. Yay?
THE BATTLE OF YPRES: Germany introduced poison gas and created a gaping hole in the defences. Canada remained strong and closed the gap. It was the first European battle Canada fought in and it established itself as a powerful country. yippee.
THE BATTLE OF THE SOMME: one of the bloodiest battles in history for all sides. 68 of almost 800 Newfoundland soldiers survived the first few days.
BATTLE OF PASSCHENDAELE: seen as a symbol of ww1's senseless slaughter as thousands died on the field (either killed, drowned in the mud because it was super rainy, or got trenchfoot (don't google it. yucky.))
VIMY RIDGE: this becomes a source of national pride to this day. Canada was able to take a ridge held by Germany that nobody else had succeeded in taking. Ultimately it gave Canada its own seat in post-war discussions and made it recognized as a country. HOW DID WE DO IT? They build a system of caves and tunnels and a railway to transport explosives. During the attack, a creeping barrage of soldiers made its way up the hill, in between heavy artillery fire (in front of and behind them) that was also making its way up the hill. This way, when they stopped firing, the Canadians were on top of the German soldiers. This is called the Vimy Glide. ARTHUR CURRIE was the general who came up with it.
Not really a turning point but i don't have another section: GALLIPOLI: Australia was a British colony so it had to fight for Britain. Britain threw Australians at the Ottomans as a feint. It was a slaughter.
ITALY CHANGED SIDES due to a secret treaty granting it territories that Italian people lived in. (After the war, they weren't given this territory, leading to the rise of Mussolini).
THE US ENTERED THE WAR: Americans had wanted to stay neutral, but they hated Germany thanks to British propaganda. A German U-boat sunk the Lusitania, which contained American civilians. THE ZIMMERMAN TELEGRAM was from Germany to Mexico saying to attack the southern states to the US was busy fighting and couldn't join the war. The US intercepted this, got angrier at Germany, and joined the war. This helped wear down the Triple Alliance (now down to 2 because of Italy).
there was then a revolt against the German government because German people had believed they were winning.
#im gonna do ww2 on a reblog#if you find this helpful that's nice#social studies#studying#tagging so i can find this for my final lol#school
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For the last week I’ve deleted the tumblr app and using mobile web.
here’s my mini review of what’s good and what’s not so good:
the good
iPhone doesn’t overheat- there’s something seriously wrong in tumblr iOS app that’s causing it to run so hot, it drains battery faster and the heat is also bad for long term battery health
no weird timeline scrolling glitches where it jumps around (yay) and scrolling is super smooth
no ads (because I’m just using safari, and I also have multiple layers of ad blocking enabled)
tags are editable: in iOS if you make a typo in a tag you have to delete the entire tag and start again, in web you can just click into it and edit any part of the tag
less tumblr live: it’s at the top of posts, but quickly scrolls out of view, it’s also in the sidebar navigation but that’s only visible when it’s active
posting photos is fast: on iOS app it takes me a long time for photo picker to open up and load photos, and switching between albums is also slow on iOS app. Always seemed strange to me since it’s just your local photos. On mobile web it’s instant.
reblogs don’t get randomly yeeted: on iOS sometimes I’d be typing a long post and switch apps to look something up and coming back to tumblr app it would be obliterated. Sometimes it would give option to restore a draft and sometimes it wouldn’t. Web doesn’t do that.
not so good
no tab bar, so switching between posts and your activity etc is an extra step and takes longer
If you have multiple blogs it’s even more fiddly to switch between activity for your different blogs
no quick reblog/add to queue: I looooved the long press to add to queue on iOS app, and to easily choose which blog to post/queue in a single question, and miss it dearly on web
no double tap to like a post
accidental swiping between history: this is a safari thing not a tumblr thing, but sometimes safari things you want to swipe to return to a previous page when you’re just trying to scroll down. It’s annoying but not specific to tumblr and same for all web apps
Overall I miss some of the details from tumblr iOS app (including the icon refreshes) but my phone battery thanks me for not using it.
Some of the annoyances with tumblr mobile web are not having the toolbar and using the hamburger/sidebar model navigation but to avoid that you can just have multiple tabs open and switch between tabs instead of using the tumblr navigation.
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tagged by @greyhavenisback. thanks love! <3
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: currently single and honestly mostly very content with that, i just. miss kissing. bc kissing is nice. so, kind mutuals, kiss-o-gram for cassidy when? lol.
FAVOURITE COLOUR: petrol/gasoline tones. or the less ostentatious answer of purples and blues and greens.
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: justin timberlake's cry me a river bc me and my fourteen-year-old put it on about an hour ago bc he was trying to argue that bringing sexy back is a better song (it's not and i will take zero criticism). i'm not usually a fan of JT's music—he's better at acting imo—but that tune is just *chef's kiss* and a proper classic early 2000s BOP!
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: just watched some of the brilliant twin peaks: a limited event series (2017) as i'm currently nearing the end of a rewatch of the entire run (og s1+s2, the FWWM film, and The Return). it was ep2 and the song that's performed as the credits roll is shadow by chromatics, so. that.
THREE FAVOURITE FOODS: i could never! plus most of my faves i can't eat anymore because of my evil MCAS. but three faves today? 1. gruyère cheese on sourdough toast with lashings of worcestershire sauce (which i ate for lunch earlier today) 2. fry's turkish delight which i used to think tasted like perfume when i was a nipper but love now. i had one the other day for the first time in ages and i want MORE. 3. spicy phở, nom nom. although i now have to make my own bastardized version bc there are soooooo many vegetables i can no longer eat, grr. still good tho!
LAST THING I GOOGLED: 182 centimeters in inches bc my brain seems to live in the 1970s, pre-metrication, even tho i was born in 1980. i think its maybe bc it's what my folx used? and even tho i was taught metric in school it just never stuck, ha. anyway, the reason is i'm looking for a second-hand sofa bed on ebay and i live in a basement flat so correct dimensions are A Big Thing.
DREAM TRIP: anywhere not-warm with mountains and forests. maybe rural germany or romania? i just want to breathe in the mist and lay down in the damp earth until moss and lichen begin to grow over me tbh. think castle lecter in lithuania, where hannibal grew up... tbh, my chronic illnesses and now shitty mobility means i prolly won't actually get to go abroad ever again *sobs* BUT i believe one can and should always dream :)
ANYTHING YOU WANT RIGHT NOW: i'll take a body that works properly pls! i'm going for a meal and then to a peaky blinders ballet (!) tomorrow eve and instead of feeling pure excitement for it, i'm mostly anxious tbh which, bleugh. also, i'd like to hang out at home with my best mate bc i was too ill for us to catch up over christmastime, meaning i've not seen him in over a year as we live at opposite ends of the country :( but he's hopefully coming to stay with us at easter, so yay.
tagging, play or nay: @shealynn88 @sharkfish @novemberhush @jmeelee @petrichoravellichor @rauko-is-a-free-elf @witchsickness @demonlandline @slytherkins @stevewhoreington @raisesomehale @halinski @eusuntgratie @wulfnerd @harrgrove @jimmypricegf @thisgirlsays22 @catboynecromancy @deklo @grey-sides @lovebillyhargrove @deedoop @suometar @ltleflrt @sailorsally @mjulmjul and anybody else who wants to have a pop pls just consider yourself tagged!
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it is spring time and appropriately, i have been a very busy bee !!
i'm on much needed pto and it is wonderful. i somehow managed to get completely caught up on all my work before i left so i'm not stressed about when i go back next week
i've mostly been sleeping a lot which i desperately needed and i've been doing a lot of things i've meant to for a while now
namely scheduling doctors appointments and updating my insurance everywhere i need to and that sort of shit, plus some legal stuff my mom and i are doing for some of my dad's stuff.
since monday i also started finally working on my closet again. i had to stop last time and toss everything back in there because...yeah, but now that i can spread some things out again i've made a lot of progress so far
every day i go in with the goal of getting out at least one bag of stuff to throw away and i've also moved out a bunch of clothes i'll need to sort through and a few other things i might be able to give away
feel like i can actually breathe in there again so that's nice. needed that. i'll probably work on it some more over the next two days and then take a break but it should be a lot easier now that i've really gotten the ball rolling to finish it up and fingers fucking crossed this time it'll be all done by the fall where it can just be my nice closet again and i can actually find things !!
i also finally went to get my oil changed today and fortunately there were no other problems so that went smoothly !! i got it washed, too (not that it matters now because it's pouring rain outside now lol) and i stopped to get my mom a birthday card and a gift bag for her present since her birthday is on monday !!
other than all of that i'm just trying to take it easy and unwind. trying to still rest a lot and not push myself too hard or do anything i don't feel up to.
for the past, mmm, i dunno, while i've just been full of piss and vinegar if that wasn't evident so i've tried to just be real quiet and keep to myself until i can feel less overwhelmed.
i'm still in that time out corner for now but i'm starting to feel a lot better so that's something! i've been doing a lot of cleaning lately as well (i did my bathroom on monday and will be doing laundry all throughout the week as week as well as the usual dishes and garbage duty) so that usually helps me feel a bit better.
it's also very cathartic just...throwing a bunch of shit away !! and having more space !! yay !!
oh, i also finally had therapy again after like...a month and i'm not sure yet what my new insurance situation will look like, but i think we're all happy to be done with my old insurance (she was telling me about something weird they did that i just...cannot fathom (something about mailing her a paper credit card that no one would accept ?? idk), but oh well, good riddance !!) and i'm slowly but surely working on paying her back !!
lastly, i tried a new coffee place today because i'm still trying to figure out which local coffee spot will be my new favorite now that i no longer haunt starbucks or dunkin and i went to this new one today and i....i definitely ordered a chai...a 32 oz one at that because why not, i love chai.... whatever they gave me definitely was not chai.
i'm not sure what it is exactly, but it's definitely got coffee in it and i thought at first maybe it was a dirty chai but no. and it's no big deal, i took it and just drove on but what's baffling to me is i was the only customer at that time.
nobody in front of me, no one behind me and maybe they were doing a mobile order or something but i had to sit there for a few minutes while they made it and it was...not at all what i was expecting, but also not bad !! haven't had an iced coffee in a minute so i'll take it !! (they also put a little chocolate covered espresso bean on the top which was very good)
anyway, i thought that was kinda funny. i've also finished all my chores and errands for the day now so i might take a nap or i might read or who knows what i might do, i actually have time to myself !!!!
just wanted to give a little update since for once it isn't me just bitchin' about things XD
hope if you're reading this that you're doing well and i'll be back to being a human (or as close to it as i get) ....sometime !! <3
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Not sure if I’ve ever clarified, forgive me if I already have as my memory isn’t the greatest- the reason why I don’t really add a Read More to my longer posts anymore isn’t really out of spite lol, it’s that they next to always break my post. As in like, glitch it to hell. Whole paragraphs will often be shuffled, doubled, or outright deleted entirely, and going back to fix my posts after this happens doesn’t help, it can make it worse in fact! I have this issue on both mobile and pc, so it’s not really a fault of one or the other.
Honestly, this whole blog is somewhat glitched, and I have NO idea why, it’s mostly a behind the scenes thing but it’s the only blog of mine that it happens on (because of course my most popular blog is somewhat broken, of course).
Sometimes submissions from specific users will be devoid of images when I know they included them, and these images won’t load for days on end or just straight up never appear at all. For submissions from another specific user, I can’t post their submissions AT ALL. It just won’t allow me. I have to copy paste their words and images and then credit them in the post for it. Sometimes I’ll go back to a post I made and want to add some more tags or change the text colors and it just….will not let me. Oh yeah! And lately in the post editor, if I highlight a word or several and try to color it, sometimes it will only color some of the words or even HALF of a word, and I can’t fix it unless I save as draft and then reopen it. At least I can do something about it there, but it’s still REALLY annoying.
I’ve talked to friends who’ve used Tumblr for years and know about all its quirks and all my glitches are weird even to them. Looks like I have a cool rare cursed blog. Yay! So….cool
Doing the best with what I got here guys 😬
#basically if you want the /option/ to be exposed to long posts just turn on the post shortener in settings#everybody complained about that tool but it’s useful!#also#if you see a format flaw in any of my posts no you don’t 💙#bug’s rambles#colored text
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