#But since this was OOC I didn’t think I should 😅
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x-noirangel-x · 5 months ago
ahhhh its so good to see kinnies active on tumblr!! (major alex kinnie) ur cosplay is rlly good and you and chloe are cute 2gether!
Eeeek! I’m so sorry it took so long to answer this, I wasn’t sure how to bring the asks back up on Tumblr mobile :/ But now I can finally start answering! :D
Thank you so much!! ( ^ - ^ ) I’m the biggest nerd about Chloe, I could write essays about her—I just love her so much! So I love that the internet is seeing our relationship! It’s like I get to show off my favourite thing whenever I make Pricefield posts, because my two favourite things are my girlfriend and Pricefield… and she’s both :P
My cosplay has improved so much more since you’ve sent this 😅 Chloe and I have since cut our actual hair, so we’re no longer wearing wigs! We feel much more authentic that way, and it’s ubercool to just be IRL Pricefield everyday :P
And hella yes! Kinnies unite! :D I feel like it’s super rare to find other LIS kinnies, so I always get uber excited whenever I meet one! :D Alex is one of my favourite characters (I have synaesthesia and extreme empathy, so Alex’s power makes me really happy, it’s so accurate to how I experience those things), so YAY! :D
Tumblr has always been my home, I’m so happy to see it becoming more active again! I’ve been obsessed with it since 2014, so I’m glad I’ve found my little corner of the site :P
Thank you for the ask! <3
Since this was out-of-character, I don’t know if I should make a GIF :P
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lyranova · 3 years ago
Hello !!! May I request a story about william and his wife oc ' alistar mother ' , and thank you vary much (^
Hiya anon! Of course you can, I’m sorry this took so long (as have my other requests 😭)! I promise I’ll try and get as many out this week as I can, but I hope you enjoy this, I apologize if it isn’t very good or if William is OOC 😅!
Word Count: 1,025
Warnings: None
“ Here is today’s reports Captain Vangeance.” Vice Captain of the Golden Dawn Yuno said as he handed the white haired man some documents. William nodded and began going through them silently.
“ It seems the mission went off without incident. Great work as always, Yuno.” He told the dark haired boy with a gentle smile, Yuno nodded and saluted his Captain with a soft ‘thank you’. “ By the way, may I ask you something?”
“ Of course, Captain.” Yuno said with a slight frown on his face, he watched William lean forward as he steepled his fingers together in thought.
“ My anniversary is coming up and I’m trying to decide on a gift for my wife. I’m not sure if she would prefer jewelry or maybe a new satchel for her grimoire? Or maybe some kind of rare plant seed?” William said with a defeated sigh, he turned and noticed an odd look on Yuno’s face and blinked. “ Ah, my apologies, I didn’t think about the question making you uncomfortable. I should have asked Alecdora.” He added with an embarrassed laugh.
“ N-No it’s ok. I’ve never been in a relationship before so I’m not sure what would be the best gift, but since I’ve known your wife for a while now, I honestly think she’d be happy with whatever you give her. Because it’s from you, and that's all she would care about.” Yuno said softly and with a small blush on his cheeks. “ O-Or at least that’s what I think but I don’t know her as well as you do.” He added as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, William chuckled.
“ It’s alright Yuno. I think you’re right actually, that would be what my wife would want, and I’ll admit I feel the same way. She could buy me a new toothbrush or something and I would still love it, because it came from her and her heart.” The Captain said with a chuckle, he knew how corny it sounded but it was true, as long as he got to spend the day with his beautiful wife he didn’t care if she got him something amazing or absolutely nothing. Because spending time with her was already the best gift in the world.
“ Captain Vangeance!” Klaus shouted as he threw the door open, the blue haired man’s glasses were slightly crooked and he was very out of breath. William stood up immediately.
“ Klaus, what’s wrong? Has something happened?” William asked as he approached the out of breath man.
“ Your…Your wife,” Klaus gasped, William felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. His wife? Has something happened to her? Was she injured? Williams' mind began to race.
“ What happened to the Captain’s wife?” Yuno asked as he approached. Klaus swallowed the lump in his throat before he looked at the younger man.
“ She’s, She’s in the kitchen!” Yuno and William both let out soft gasps before looking at each other and rushing out the door.
William's wife in the kitchen? That was not a good sign.
William gaped like a fish out of water at the sight before him.
The kitchen was in complete disarray. Flour was on the floor, pots and pans were strewn about, smoke was fluttering out the windows, it was a complete mess.
In the middle of said mess was William’s wife, her already messy blonde hair was even more of a mess if that was possible. She had food stains on her clothes, she had flour on her hands and some on her face, and she even appeared to have some food or sauce in her hair as well. William slowly approached her.
“ Darling, what happened?” He asked softly, the woman’s ice blue eyes turned to look at her husband. He could tell just by looking at her she was annoyed with her surroundings, but he could also sense a bit of defeat as well.
“ W-Well, the kitchen and I got into a bit of a fight and um…the kitchen won.” She muttered to herself as she crossed her arms, a slight pout began to form on her lips and William couldn’t suppress the chuckle. She was just too cute sometimes.
“ I can see that, but may I ask, what are you doing in the kitchen?” William asked her curiously, she hardly ever came into the kitchen, because she couldn’t cook to save her life. So for her to be here was already strange.
“ W-Well,” she began sheepishly as she looked away from her husband. “ Our anniversary is coming up, so I wanted to do something to surprise you, so I was trying to learn how to cook so I could make you an amazing anniversary dinner. But…as you can see, the lesson didn’t go well.” She added as she poked a burnt piece of meat with her finger. William looked around the room, she had been trying to cook some of his favorite meals. There was even a cake, well, a very sunken cake. But still.
“ You did all of this for me?” He asked in amazement, when his wife nodded he laughed a bit before kissing her on top of the head. “ Dear, I love the thought, I really do, but I don’t need all of this. Spending time with you is already the best gift I could ask for, and it’s all I really need.”
“ Well aren’t you just being corny?” She joked with a warm smile, she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around her husband. He smiled gently down at her and placed another kiss on top of her head.
“ So darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.” William said teasingly as he began to slowly move himself and his wife out of the kitchen, he felt his wife’s shoulders shake with silent laughter as she nodded.
“ I was thinking the same thing, maybe that’s why you and I make such a good pear.” She joked, causing William to sigh at her food pun. His wife was completely flawless in his eyes except for in two areas.
She couldn’t cook, and she made terrible puns.
Thank you all for reading! I hope you all have a good day~!
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lorirwritesfanfic · 4 years ago
Ooh ok: 1, 4, 6, 18, and 22
Hi @clansayeed! Thanks for asking!
1.Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
I’m on creative hibernation, but until yesterday I was working on a fluff/smut one-shot for Rafael x F!MC. I’m a sucker for fluff and I love writing Rafael because of his backstory and his personality. He’s Brazilian and it gives me a chance to write about all the stuff I’m familiar with (cooking, sharing brigadeiros with somebody, cuddling while talking about telenovelas hahahaha). It’s a piece originally written for Kinktober, but since it didn’t make to the event, I feel more inclined to focus on the sweetest part of Rafael and Evelyn’s relationship than writing an extensive BDSM scene. 
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
When I brought my Desire and Decorum MC to a modern setting, I decided to ignore canon and add something to her story that would change everything for her. But to actually sit down and write it was the worst. Unlike most people in this fandom, I don’t have fun putting my favorite characters through hell. Still, I wanted that story to be told. And this is why I wrote it.
(I’ll strike the paragraph because it’s unsuitable for minors)
Behind closed doors, shame washed over Daphne’s body. Tears streamed down as her face as she watched a video herself on Briar’s phone. The footage was long and image quality was clear. On her knees, with her wrists tied on her back, she used her mouth to give pleasure to the only man she has ever been intimate with, whose face was conveniently blurred and voice modified. By her side, her friends wrapped their arms around her in silence, allowing her to simply feel their support through the embrace.
From Lovers To Something Else - Part 3 (Meant To Be AU)
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
I got this question twice, so right now I’ll say Leo Rys. Because he was raised to be king, but he never gave a damn about it. He wanted to choose his own path and it takes a lot of courage to leave everything behind and start a new life without all the perks of being royalty. Also, he makes me laugh.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
Yes, I do. My original idea to break Sinclaire and Daphne apart on Meant To Be AU was simpler: Ernest would cheat on her. He would be led to believe she was cheating on him. the idea would be reinforced by rumors of a pregnancy and he’d end up with Ms Holloway. The child would be his, but he’d find out too late. I gave up on that because I’d have to write him OOC, which is not something I like. Also, I think Sinclaire stans would’ve kicked me out of the fandom 😅
I also gave up on writing a Flower shop AU for TRM and Cordonian Democracy AU. When I started outlining those stories, I thought maybe I should create my own characters. Now they’ll become original stories.
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
I do. I have twelve different stories and I write them whenever my muse feels like it it must suck to be my reader hahaha. So, eventually I have to go back and reread a series to know where I stopped and capture the “vibe” of the story again. I also read my favorite one-shots. 
I have zero shame to say I love my own stories. Because I write them to please myself. Any praise I get is a given.
Send me asks about my writing
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zephfair · 3 years ago
Writing is hard; lying on the floor crying is so much easier
Not sure if I’m looking for accountability or encouragement, but here is the list of WIPs I’m currently messing around with.
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The Raven Cycle
1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU only it’s Mr. Lynch and Mr. Parrish, and omg it has so much potential that I can’t get it to live up to because I’m not a good enough writer. 😥
2. Allegedly funny little in-canon-timeline Adam meets Ronan story I scribbled most of while waiting in a doctor’s office but I’m too ashamed to finish and post. 😊
3. The very first Ronan/Adam fic I ever started right after I read the books but I feel like it’s totally ooc. 😣
4. The sugar daddy Adam and Ronan AU that I poke at every time I want to try my hand at drama. 😖
5. The TRC summer PWP trilogy but I haven’t written good smut in a long time so it’s really hard snerk that’s what he said 😏
6. I have three Halloween fics in three different fandoms (TRC, Bleach and Da Vinci’s Demons) but if I get one finished at any point I’m posting, I don’t even care if it’s Easter. 😂
7. I have a very long, very self-indulgent Christmas fic that I didn’t finish because of reasons and I tried on purpose to fill it with every Hallmark movie trope I could remember, but then it kept wanting to turn into a threesome and honestly, I just want to let it but someone is going to be massively ooc. Oh, it’s Gansey, Ronan and Adam. 🤗
8-9. Shower fics aka ideas that seem brilliant when I’m in the shower but which I haven’t been able to flesh out when I actually sit down to write. One’s a fairy tale and one’s based on a myth. 😅
For Bleach
1. The Grimmjow and Ichigo Halloween story, humor and smut 🙄
2. The Isshin and Grimmjow story that haunts me to this day but I love it so much 😅😋
*I had several more outlined or partially finished but since my Bleach fic suuucks even more than my TRC stuff, I’ve been stealing my own ideas and reworking them into TRC fics.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For Teen Wolf (Teen Wolf in my 2022??! 😨)
So when I was clearing off an old hard drive, I found the Teen Wolf stories I’d outlined and started. Some of it wasn’t bad, so I was tempted to finish the one smutty comedy Sterek AU fic...but now that I’m considering it, I bet I could rework it into a TRC fic without too much trouble and hmm, I wonder which fandom I should foist it upon would read it?
And I found all that remains from a corrupted hard drive of my very first TW fic that is my only unfinished work on AO3 and it haunts me still. Either I finish it from what I remember OR I post what I found and let it gooo.
For Da Vinci’s Demons
Or, the world’s tiniest fandom that somehow inspired my actual best writing and I wish I could recapture that.
On the hard drive, I found bits and pieces of several Leo/Riario works I’d started and outlined. If I work on them again, I know no one would read them, but omg I love those guys so much and miss them desperately. 😭
OK, I think that’s about it. I’ve been so ill and so stressed about finishing everything from Mom’s passing that I haven’t been writing. Now that I’ve got an attorney who seems to know her stuff, I’m a little hopeful that will be taken care of soonish. And I’m undergoing more tests so maybe they’ll be able to figure me out and help. 🤞
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yinx1 · 4 years ago
See I liked Wanda from the cartoons and comics bc unlike MCU (Wanda is a badass mutant and being on the Magneto side of X-men she and her sister are my faves growing up). Like you I didn’t like MCU Wanda until Civil War-ish and most definitely Infinity War cause she obviously is her own powerhouse the men on the team didn’t even know. Cause in the comics she actual is able to wear the infinity gauntlet she’s that strong. (Aka men writing women characters they don’t understand).
I don’t really fuck with white celebs, like the bar is high for white men higher for white women. Women is higher cause I’m a woman and with that it should be a common factor but with white women NOPE. Have yet to find a white woman that will go to bat for ppl other than whites, besides Jane Fonda. Like I believe the only white man I have reblogged is Cillian Murphy only cause he isn’t about that celebrity life, he is very active in the liberation of Ireland, and is a homebody. Like he comes out does Peaky Blinders and goes home. And I every role he puts his all into, you can tell he loves what he does. He’s been unproblematic for decades. LOL. Plus his facial structure 😘👌 man can do no wrong in my eyes. His wife is a very Very LUCKY woman (28 Days Later 😜).
My Brain: Yinka, you is mad crushing on this happily married with two kids white man, why 😒
Me: The eyes, jaw line and Tommy Shelby 🥵
ANYHOOO, what was that😅, I usually follow my rules with what I said before I guess I was thinking more new shows with new characters. MCU yes written by whites the characters are established for decades and were apart of my childhood seeing I’m was huge analog TV after school cartoons/6am Saturday morning cartoons child growing up. I didn’t have cable until junior year in high school. Which is why I ignore that rule when it comes to MCU, DCU/TV, like Justice League Zack Snyder is my JL/JLU and animated movies characters. It’s nostalgic for me. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Now with FatWS apparently the same guy that wrote Empire wrote this. And it shows. 😑 I enjoyed Empire all the way up to the finale season though the first two series are better. It’s just that I’m looking at the episode line up of only six episodes and what he has put out in the first two episodes. There is a lot of shit in those first two episodes and this third episode felt like filler that isn’t needed. I also felt that Sam literally and figuratively took the backseat in this episode. (Just in case ya don’t know I watch shows for the black ppl) and other than Sam being a barrier for Sharon not wasting Bucky and Zemos asses what was Sam’s agenda this episode? He wasn’t needed at all and was refused to comic relief (like Finn in TLJ) and this is his show. Like the whole cell phone on loud af vibrate. No Sam isn’t that stupid. Funny but not stupid. It was just OOC Sam just for the sake of plot. I’m hoping that Sam has a full season character arch but it’s been three episodes and we still haven’t had Sam say truly why he didn’t take the shield or dealing with the shield being with captain douchebag and how he is still working for a system that bold faced lied to him about the shield. And every time I think we about to get some where with Sam’s feelings cops roll up or Bucky is being a douch and talking bout the fucking shield again. It’s frustrating. Cause there are only three episodes left and we got all this other shit in the show as well. It’s been three episodes of conflict I need analyzation, reflection, resolve, and acceptance from Sam’s character now. I’m angry cause I might not get it. That it will be a fake out like Smallville Superman. We won’t see Sam truly be Captain America.
Anyhoo when it comes to new shows with new characters hell yes I’m looking at your writers room. I do have POSE in my Netflix queue but it’s been there a while. I will watch it one day. Maybe sooner since our conversation.
Now Chille if you read AND UNDERSTOOD the fuck I said here you deserve a standing ovation
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@yinx1 Sorry. I felt a way about hijacking that person's post that way. I'm bad about that. Idek that person. 😅
There's a lot here, but the points that really stood out to me were about the writers room and the representation. Like, not in this thread, but whenever we were discussing these Marvel shows that they have you felt underwhelmed by the racism notes in Falcon Nem, but tagged that you had enjoyed Wanda's show, which... Eh. Wasn't intestine for me, but I AM curious since you said about projects with certain folk connected to them and whatnot - were there some Black women behind the scenes of that one? Ultimately, I don't care enough about MCU Wanda to watch a whole show about her, but if it's some Black women in the writers room and stuff, I *might give it more attention. I don't like that white lady in the front, so idk. I didn't like her before I even knew about the G slur incident, and in sure it's actual Romani actresses out there they could have given that role to who wouldn't have been so culturally insensitive and heralded as good because she insisted on a costume 🙄.
But also, there are Black people behind the scenes of Falcon Nem too and they are actually, even if watered down, addressing actual cultural and racial situations in the show. Like, sure it's on Disney level, but it's there.
I feel like I'ma go on far too long, but you can ignore me or whatever. I just didn't want it to look like I was like, "Fuck that convo" 🤣
Last thing I plan to say about Ryan vs Julie - hate them both. I think that I can tolerate Ryan more because he's trash, but he thinks he loves and appreciates Black women - in that the white gays way that the white gays do, all the while getting on our Black ass nerves. He writes shitty material for them... But he ALSO handles EVERY subject in a detached and unaware way. He failed at school shooting, bisexuality, trans issues, etc you name it. He's still *sometimes entertaining to me, but I absolutely hate him at the same time. Overall shitty person with issues writing things in a way that's authentic and genuine.
Julie Plec killed or mammified every Black woman that was put on TVD, and in her real life talked to Black female fans like they wasn't shit AND had the audacity to take to Twitter and more specifically speak to a Black woman who had been shot about how she firmly believes that Black women are stronger and meant to save "the rest of us," and for all that Ryan is or ain't, he at least ain't did no shit like that.
I've seen Black women survive in his work. I've seen them have their own shit going on that wasn't snatched away from them. A lot if the typical too, but of stupid shit he's said, I haven't come across any as vile and idiotic as Julie Plec. I literally want her smote, stricken with illness and plague like Job and then dead. Nothing else. She can't have a blink of my time. The ONLY person that she's brought to light that I can think of is Kat Graham.
Hella people didn't know her before TVD. Hella people didn't know numerous Black/queer entertainers that have become known from RM products. Overall, statically, I feel like he's a lesser evil than her. I would watch her choke and die.
If SHE had worked on Pose, I probably wouldn't have watched it no matter who else was involved. I felt like they deserved that chance that they got and there are no shows like it with a Black woman or Black queer as the powerhouse behind it. So, for me, those crumbs and how they will help the generations to come are more valuable than nothing whatsoever. Ultimately, it was a step forward more than a step back, and for everybody who didn't watch it I understand. But, I did see a lot of people who didn't watch it for very woke reasons who will watch white productions, or shows with only one Black character and no queer characters, or shows with a racist lead, or minimal POC in the writers room and/or none behind the production.
That's what I don't understand. If we can dedicate time and energy to predominantly white shows with predominantly white producers, writers, directors, we should be able to dedicate energy to Black shows/queer shows/POC lead shows that do the inverse, even if the big name is a shitty one. And if we aren't willing to do that, or if that's not our biggest concern, then we can just say, "I don't like them and I'm not participating," as I would if Julie Plec had a show with a Black cast.
Like, I'd look like a whole ass lie if I said it's because of the anti-blackness and the fact that there are no Black people in the writers room, because I watch things all the time with that set up, as they're the majority of entertainment. When I saw Pose advertised, first thing I said was, "Naw. Fuck Ryan. I ain't watching that." It was the Black creators and stars that pulled me in and it was them that made it revolutionary. It was Ryan that the network was willing to commit to and sign on for. Girl, if you read all that, I commend you.
If not, I'm sure I'll see yo ass on the dash later. 😂
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