#no kink this time
min-angel · 4 months
hands around my neck, forcing me to look into your eyes while you fuck me deep and i struggle to breath properly
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kerwynlar · 7 months
It's Not Flattery
A Prequel to The King of Mirokan Series by Kerwynlar
Nate and Lawrence talk about whether or not they should get married.
No kink in this one, just a lot of talking. Character building, some worldbuilding. This story is for anyone who liked the other installments in the series and wants to know more about the characters. And also to get a bunch of my head canons about them written down somewhere.
3,296 words.
Read it below or on AO3.
Nate fiddled with his cufflinks as he looked out the window of the car. He had been stymied standing in front of his closet in the hotel room as he prepared for this evening. Was a tie appropriate for a meeting (date?) with a king who may or may not want to marry you? In the end, he figured that because he had only ever seen King Lawrence in a three-piece suit, that was pretty good guidance. He had gone with a dark gray suit and a vivid purple tie and pocket square. 
He forced himself to take a deep breath. He shouldn’t be nervous. He had dined with King Lawrence plenty of times. They had had plenty of private discussions before, and they liked each other. This was just like any other visit to the palace. 
Except it wasn’t. 
The car stopped at the gate and the driver rolled down his window to present his ID to the guard. The guard examined it and glanced at Nate in the back seat. Nate gave him a wave and a friendly smile. The guard handed the driver’s ID back, then signaled for the gate to open for them. 
Nate and King Lawrence were having dinner to discuss the possibility of getting married to seal the treaty between King Lawrence’s country of Mirokan and Nate’s homeland of Vyrian. Nate’s older sister, Queen Amelia of Vyrian, had insisted that King Lawrence wanted to marry Nate. 
“You said yourself that you’re friends with him, Nate. You’re a prince, you’re hot, and you get on well with him. It’s common knowledge that he’s gay and he doesn’t need a spouse to bear children. Why wouldn’t he want to marry you?” 
Nate hadn’t had a good answer to that beside the fact that everyone who interacted with King Lawrence fell in love with him, at least a little, and Nate had been no exception. It just seemed impossible to Nate that after a lifetime of bracing for an arranged marriage that, best case scenario, might be tolerable, that marrying Lawrence was really an option. Nate couldn’t bring himself to believe that Amelia was reading the situation right and that marrying him was actually what King Lawrence wanted. 
A servant was waiting in front of the palace and opened Nate’s door for him the second the car stopped. 
“Prince Nathaniel. Welcome, sir.” 
“Thanks,” Nate said as he got out and buttoned his suit jacket. 
“If you would care to follow me, sir?” The servant gestured towards the large doors. 
“Lead the way.” 
The servant escorted him to a luxuriously furnished sitting room that, Nate noticed, had a small dining table set next to the window. King Lawrence was standing close to a pretty woman in a skirt suit and looking at something on the tablet she was holding. 
The servant cleared his throat. “Pardon me, Your Majesty. Prince Nathaniel is here.” 
King Lawrence looked up quickly and gave a somewhat bashful smile. “Prince Nathaniel, thank you for coming.” He turned to the woman. “Renee, we’ll have to finish another time. Solomon will let you know when I’m available.” 
“Of course, Your Majesty.” The woman took a step back and bowed to him, then turned and bowed to Nate as well before hurrying out. 
King Lawrence moved closer, his blue eyes meeting Nate’s own. “I’m sorry, my staff is trying to fit all of my regular responsibilities in around my meetings with your sister. It seems that they’re snagging every available moment.” 
He really was quite handsome, a little voice spoke up in the back of Nate’s head. Maybe not conventionally attractive the way Nate himself was, but certainly striking. “Ah, please don’t apologize, Your Majesty. I know Amelia is facing down a mountain of paperwork back at the hotel right now.” 
King Lawrence chuckled. “I’m glad it’s not just me. Would you like a drink?” 
“Yes, please,” Nate said with a smile. This close he could see a few threads of silver in the king’s blonde hair. Nate knew King Lawrence was in his twenties - only two or three years older than Nate - but taking the throne of an active monarchy right after graduating from university must have taken a toll. 
“Gin and tonic, right?” the king asked. 
Nate blinked. The King of Mirokan knew his drink order? “Um, yes, thank you.” 
King Lawrence nodded to the servant, who was waiting beside the door, and the man exited, leaving them alone. 
“Will you sit?” the king gestured to a nearby sofa. 
Nate thanked him and sat, and the king took a wingback chair beside him. 
“So,” Nate said, “it sounds like things are going well with you and Amelia.”
“Yes.” King Lawrence smiled. “Your sister is a very intelligent woman, and I believe she shares my sincere desire to see the economies of both our kingdoms grow. I’m confident the treaty will ultimately be good for both of us.” 
Nate was cut off by the servant entering again with two drinks on a tray. He handed the king a glass of red wine and then served Nate the gin and tonic, bowed, and left. 
Nate’s mind raced. Should he toast to the success of the negotiations? Was that too loaded? Something about an enjoyable evening? Maybe that was too forward? He raised his glass. “To your health, Your Majesty.” 
King Lawrence raised his glass as well with a small smile. “To yours.” 
They sipped. Nate’s drink was well-mixed, with lots of lime. He nodded at the king’s glass. “Do you have an opinion on what should be considered ‘Mirokan’s finest’?” 
Unexpectedly, the king chuckled. “Shall I tell you a secret?” 
Nate’s eyes widened. He had no idea where this was going. “Sure…” 
King Lawrence peered at him. “I’m serious. You must give me your word that you will not tell another soul.” 
What could this possibly be about? “Of course, Your Majesty.” 
“While Mirokanian wine will always be served at my table and to every guest in my home,” the king’s eyes twinkled, “when the contents of my glass are not under scrutiny, I generally drink Otamsian wine.” 
Nate felt his jaw drop. “No!” 
“You see why I swore you to secrecy.” 
Nate laughed. “I do! My god, Your Majesty! The scandal if this ever got out!” 
“Exactly.” King Lawrence leaned back in his seat, and swirled what Nate now understood to be his glass of foreign wine. “Mirokanian wine is so fruit-forward. I prefer a drier, more mineral taste.” 
Nate shook his head and took another sip of his drink. “How do you even manage to get it into the palace without arousing suspicion?” he asked. 
“Every new year I gift the Otamsian ambassador a few wheels of Mirokanian cheese, and he sends me a case of wine. He knows I enjoy it, but he probably thinks I give most of it away, rather than hoarding it for myself.” 
“Well, my lips are sealed,” Nate said, feeling warm. “I’ll never tell.” 
“I appreciate that, Nathaniel.” 
It occurred to Nate that his name sounded quite nice in King Lawrence’s accent and he thought about how he could be hearing that quite a lot. 
When they moved to the dining table shortly thereafter, they were quickly served a first course of soup. 
“I suppose,” King Lawrence said after they had both taken a few bites, “that we should talk about it.” 
Nate swallowed, feeling awkward. “Yes, Your Majesty.” He took a breath. He wasn’t Amelia’s most trusted diplomat for nothing. He could do this. An easy smile came to his face. “My sister thinks you want to marry me.” 
The king peered at him, looking worried. “Prince Nathaniel, please know that the treaty between Mirokan and Vyrian will happen regardless and is in no way contingent upon any relationship between you and I. As I told Queen Amelia, I am committed to moving Mirokan towards a more open trade policy and I think in general this has broad support domestically. There are, however, factions in parliament who fear this development. While they don’t have enough support to block me, they can - and likely will - make my life much more difficult when I go through with lowering tariffs. 
“One thing I have considered to ease their fears is a more symbolic gesture to show friendship and cooperation between the nations, to try to combat cries that Vyrian will pillage Mirokan’s economy. And a marriage between you and I could be that symbolic gesture. However, if that prospect is distasteful or at all unpleasant to you, please rest assured that we can finish dinner and never talk of this again. Queen Amelia and I will come up with some other symbol of friendship.” 
“Oh, Your Majesty,” Nate said quickly, “there’s no distaste at all. I’m honored that you would even consider me.” 
King Lawrence grimaced. “You’re not here as a diplomat, Prince Nathaniel. There’s no need to flatter me.”
Nate reached across the table and placed his hand on the king’s wrist. “I’m not flattering you.” The king met his eyes again and Nate continued. “That is truly how I feel.” Nate swallowed and continued, keeping his hand in place. “This conversation is very important for both of us… maybe one of the most important in our lives, to say nothing of the impact on Mirokan and Vyrian. If I give you my word that I will be honest and open with you here, will you do the same?” 
King Lawrence took a breath and swallowed, then nodded. “I will. But. It is very important to me that you not feel pressured.” 
If the king’s honest feelings might lead Nate to feel pressured… Nate’s skin prickled with warmth and he considered kissing the king’s hand but thought better of it. He withdrew his own hand reluctantly and picked up his spoon again. “I appreciate that, Your Majesty. Thank you.” 
They both took a few bites of soup. 
“Wouldn’t the more reactionary elements of parliament see you marrying me as Vyrian stealing you away from some sweet Mirokanian girl?”
The king laughed. “I’m fairly certain my entire kingdom has known I’m gay since I was 17.” 
Nate kicked himself internally. He knew that, but just hadn’t been thinking about it when asking his question. “A sweet Mirokanian boy then?” he amended with a smile. 
“Well it’s not like you’re going to take me away to Vyrian. If anything, I’ll be stealing you away. My mother was Mirokanian but a foreign royal is generally considered an acceptable spouse. Particularly if the marriage is political.” King Lawrence met Nate’s eyes again. “You’ve um … suggested in the past… but we’ve never actually discussed…” 
Nate raised his eyebrows. “My sexuality?” 
The king nodded. 
Nate chuckled ruefully. “I’m a second son, Your Majesty. I’ve always known that I would likely be called upon to make a political marriage. And given that most monarchies use a standard hereditary succession, the odds of me being required to marry someone with a womb were high…” Nate trailed off, looking at King Lawrence’s hands and wondering if he could touch him again. Nate shook himself and cleared his throat, moving his eyes back to the king’s face. “I’ve had … dalliances. With people of various genders. Beyond that, it’s always seemed safest to wait and see who I would be presented with.” 
The king looked… sad?
“I’m so sorry, Nathaniel.”
Nate frowned, not comprehending. “For what? Why?” 
“That you had that little self-determination.” 
“How can you of all people say that?” 
It was King Lawrence’s turn to look confused. “What do you mean?” 
“You’ve been the heir to the throne since you were, what? One year old? I could have had my choice of careers but you were always going to be king.” 
“Yes, but at least in Mirokan that didn’t have to dictate who I could love.” 
“Didn’t it? I mean, we’re here discussing a political marriage.” 
“A political marriage that neither of us is being forced into. If we do this it will be because we’ve both agreed that it’s what we want.” 
Nate smiled at him and nodded. 
They both finished their soup and their bowls were quickly replaced by plates of fish and vegetables. The meal was perfectly cooked but bland and Nate made ample use of the small dish of spicy sauce that was served on the side.
“So, the adoption thing…” Nate said. 
The king looked up from his meal with a charming smile. “You mean the sensible and enlightened way that my kingdom has handled the succession of the monarchy for hundreds of years?” 
Nate chuckled. “Um, yes. That. When are you supposed to do it?” 
Nate was vaguely aware that the heir to the throne of Mirokan had to be adopted and that the idea was to make sure that the monarch was “of the people” so they would never consider themselves above their subjects but they would also be raised and educated from their earliest days to rule. That Mirokan’s monarchs were not required to consider fertility when marrying was, as far as Nate was concerned, an added benefit. 
Nate knew that King Lawrence had two older siblings who were his parents' biological children, who were prohibited from taking the throne. He also knew that the king had only been adopted when his parents were much older, and the prior king had died when Lawrence was just 15. Mirokan had been ruled by a triumvirate of regents for six years until Lawrence was coronated. 
“My spouse and I will become eligible to adopt after we have been married for a year.” 
“What if you had been married before you took the throne?” 
“The year would have started at my coronation. The idea is that the heir to the throne needs to be raised by two people who are used to each other and the responsibility of rule. In theory that leads to a stable and positive parent-child relationship that adequately prepares the heir for the throne.” 
Nate noted the ‘in theory’ phrasing and the slight chill in the king’s tone. “You’ve always given the impression of being more than adequately prepared,” he said gently. 
The king smiled. “Thank you, Nathaniel.” 
Nate decided it was best not to ask about King Lawrence’s own adoption. There would likely be plenty of time for that. 
“So if we were to get married…” 
The king gave him an evaluating look. “On our first anniversary we would become eligible to adopt my heir. That means that if a child younger than two years old is orphaned or abandoned, the Child Welfare Services are instructed to notify the palace. An investigation is then conducted to confirm that the child has no living relations able to care for them. If that is the case, we would adopt them.” The king paused. “How… how would you feel about adopting rather than… fathering children?” 
“I think that would be wonderful,” Nate said sincerely. “The biological part of parenthood isn’t important to me. And you’re right that the way Mirokan handles succession is enlightened. I would be proud to be a part of it.” 
King Lawrence cleared his throat and looked at Nate from under his lashes. “Still not flattering me?” 
Nate pursed his lips. “Have a little faith, Your Majesty, please.” 
“Right.” The king took a breath. “Sorry.” 
Nate gestured this away and took another bite of his food. “You said ‘children’ not ‘child’. You’re your parents’ only adopted child, aren’t you?” 
King Lawrence nodded. “But that’s mostly because they were so much older than planned when they got me and I think my mother harbored some hope that an exception would be made for her biological children and my brother would be permitted to inherit. Before my parents, most monarchs adopted at least two children. ‘An heir and a spare’ as it were. I… um, I would like at least two. Probably close in age. Would that… be agreeable to you?” 
Nate reached out to touch his wrist again. “Very agreeable. I’m two years younger than Amelia, and our sibling, Aster, is two years younger than me. All three of us have always been close.” 
“That sounds nice,” King Lawrence said, and Nate thought he detected some wistfulness in his tone. 
“Do you think you could be happy living here? In Mirokan,” the king asked after they had both eaten a little more.
“I assume I’d be able to visit home sometimes-“
“Yes, of course!” 
“I like Mirokan very much,” Nate told him. “And I’ve always felt comfortable in your court.” He wiped his mouth with his napkin, and fixed the king with a serious look. ”Please don’t ask if that’s flattery.”
King Lawrence chuckled. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”  
Nate smiled at him warmly, then continued. “I am used to traveling quite a lot on diplomatic missions for Amelia. I know you have your own diplomatic apparatus, and I don’t assume that would be my role, but … I would like to have work that would be useful.” 
King Lawrence nodded. “I have nothing but respect for your diplomatic skills, Nathaniel, and I am well aware how popular you are in Vyrian. While I have every expectation that you will eventually be as popular here as you are there, I do think it will take some time for my people to see you as an extension of the crown rather than a foreign prince. I see your role primarily being that of prince consort while you’re getting your footing here, but in time that role could certainly expand as we see fit.” 
“Ribbon cuttings, local festivals, and charitable events?” Nate asked with a grin. 
The king grimaced. “Is that terribly off-putting? There are so many events on a daily basis that my staff has to say no to. Being a royal family of one is very limiting for that sort of thing.” 
“It’s not off-putting,” Nate assured him. “Perhaps not as intellectually stimulating as influencing international relations, but I do enjoy those sorts of duties. I like talking to people, and that’s certainly the best way for me to win the hearts of Mirokan.” 
A thought occurred and Nate took a deep breath, then looked straight at the king. “We’re both talking like this is going to happen.” 
King Lawrence sat up straighter. “We are.” 
“Is that…” Nate reminded himself that he had pledged to speak honestly. “I came here tonight certain that Amelia was wrong about your intent. I thought there was no way that you actually wanted to marry me.” 
The king rested his forearms on the table. “I still don’t want you to feel pressured, Nathaniel. But as I said earlier, your sister is a very intelligent woman.”
Nate swallowed. His heart beat faster. There was a right way to do this. Nate pushed his chair back and stood, watching as the king’s face fell. He looked like he was about to say something but stopped as Nate stepped around the table and went down on one knee. 
“Nathaniel…” King Lawrence said quietly. 
Nate held out his hand and the king took it. “King Lawrence of Mirokan,” Nate said. “I have admired you for years. I have been humbled by the privilege of calling you a friend.” Nate kissed the back of his hand. “Would you now do me the immense honor of marrying me?” 
King Lawrence beamed at him. “Yes, of course I will.” He stood and pulled Nate to his feet, then cleared his throat. “Prince Nathaniel of Vyrian, I very gladly accept your proposal of marriage, and look forward to making you prince consort of Mirokan.” 
The warmth of the king’s smile and the light in his eyes made Nate bold. “May I kiss you?” he whispered. 
“You may.” 
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lomlompurim · 1 month
Something born from a convo on twt
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(Bingmei is still The Emperor and The HHP Palace Master but he spends more time with his family and house duties, and working hard into his dream of having a BIG family)
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The tweet that inspired this, which I very much agree, omega Binghe supremacy
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4K notes · View notes
ftmtoyboy · 10 months
want someone who has trouble sleeping to use me as a sleeping aide. tire yourself out by fucking a load or two into me, then keep me as a cockwarmer to lazily thrust into as you drift off to sleep
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2facehusband · 3 months
oh, look, you're finally awake. i was wondering how long you'd be out, 'cause i can't say i measured the dosage real exactly. sorry about that.
hey, do you know where we are? c'mon, open those pretty eyes of yours and look. uh-huh, exactly. we're just at the edge of this very pretty forest, and it looks a little dark in there, doesn't it? there's probably bears in it.
no no no, hey, don't cry yet. i haven't even told you what we're doing here. see, i wanna play a game, alright? it's like hide and seek. i'm gonna untie you in just a second and let you go in there, and then i'll come looking for you! doesn't that sound fun? and because i'm feeling nice, i'll even give you a five minute head start.
(ah ah- don't be rude. what do you say when someone does something nice for you? there we go, that's a good little lamb.)
now, in the interest of being open and truthful with each other: i'm going to find you. i mean, honey, you don't even know where we are. i've been in and out of this forest my whole life. it's really a non-starter. so when i find you, i'm going to spread those pretty legs open and fuck your tight little hole until you're just screaming and crying and god, it's going to feel good. for me, mostly. but who knows? maybe you're a little more sick in the head than i thought you were. wouldn't that be interesting?
let's get you out of this rope now, hm? ready? alright, poppet. run.
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fixing-bad-posts · 3 months
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I guarantee kink is part of pride, we need kink at pride.
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stilitrash · 1 year
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BRO I rewatched ALL adventure time as an adult and Ice king SURE says some... interesting stuff huh
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milkygothgf · 9 months
Get me pregnant? Sorry. Knock me up? Sorry. Breed me? Sorry. Inseminate me? Sorry. Make me a mommy? Sorry-
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war-forged-storms · 7 days
I know that some people get very nervous around the idea of having sex while under the influence, but don’t worry, I’ll guide you.
You can come sit on my lap and I’ll hold your cup or can or whatever and help you drink it down, all while my other hand feels you over your underwear. We’ll go nice and slow, I won’t slip my fingers into them until you whisper in a drawl that you want it. If you really struggle with it, I can take the sip of your drink or take the shot for you and spit it into your mouth through a kiss. That way there’s less thinking work for you.
You can take an edible or something and I’ll slowly start to go down on you while you’re in a nice and hazey. If you’re comfortable with smoking, maybe I’d let you take a few hits off my joint, or again I can shotgun them to you, make even getting stoned something out of your responsibility. Just lay down and let me make you feel good.
I’ll tell you everything I’m doing and everything I’m going to do. I’ll make sure you’re as comfortable and care free as you can be while I work orgasm after orgasm out of you when you’re in your own little world.
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anders-hawke · 4 months
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#welcome home Colin “My Wife” Bridgerton 🥹
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karmeneatsalot · 30 days
friday mood
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cradle-quill · 2 months
I want to slowly unpotty train you.
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
I want to slowly unpotty train you. I’d start by having you wear pull-ups at night beneath your jammies. You’d be so comfy, snuggled up beneath the covers with Daddy’s arms wrapped around you. I’d give you soft pats on your padded bottom and make you feel so at ease. I’d gently encourage you to wet them. That's what they're for, after all. And before too long you’d be wetting then every night.
I’d convince you to wear them during long car rides, just in case you fall asleep or can’t hold it quite long enough to make it to the potty on time. But then I’d make sure not to stop until after you’d had an accident. Then I’d gradually have you start wearing them more and more often during the day, like when we’re out shopping. I’d make sure to keep us busy so there’s no time for bathroom breaks. Besides, you don’t really want to use those nasty public bathrooms, do you? Using the protection under your pants is a much better option.
You’d be wearing pull-ups almost all the time. And most mornings, you’d wake up unsure whether or not you had wet during your sleep. Until over time, more and more often you’d wake up with a leaky pull-up and soaking wet sheets beneath your bottom. I’d put you back in thick, crinkly diapers, because the pull-ups just aren’t enough to hold your accidents anymore.
You’d be in diapers every night and pull-ups during the day, until I pointed out how much you love your diapers. How safe and swaddled they make you feel. I’d tell you Daddy loves you in diapers too, and I’d start putting you in then during the day as well. You’d let little leaks out here and there until you barely noticed when you were wetting anymore.
Soon enough, you wouldn’t have any control left at all. You’d helplessly fill your diapers wherever we are, even in public and in front of friends, family, and strangers. And you’d just grow more and more embarrassed, and more and more dependent on Daddy’s kindness and care. You’d grow to love your diapers until you were nothing more than the helpless, thumb-sucking little diaper baby you’d always secretly wanted to be. _
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call-me-pup2 · 3 months
Watched a video of someone making a guy cum six times in a row with little to no time in between and honestly that's how I'm trying to be with someone
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 4 months
”james potter has a praise kink-“
COWARDS. james potter has jake peralta levels of masochism.
regulus-became-a-death-eater-to-appease-his-parents-black has a praise kink.
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silenced-ghost · 3 months
here's an idea: I'm out day drinking with my friends and I've left you with your legs tied up, you're gagged with your ass plugged and a toy strapped against your clit. I'm getting drunk and controlling it remote, edging you more and more while I text you praise for not cumming without my permission. I've also set up a cam with a perfect view of you, so I can monitor you and make sure you follow my instructions like a good girl. I wonder how you would feel if I were to show off my perfect little slut to all my friends too - maybe you'd even crave for me to invite them over to take turns on your holes next?
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gravygranola · 3 months
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heavy rubble clean up goes smoothly. batman's a little hot and bothered about that
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