#no discourse possible
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cardentist · 1 year ago
hey, so people need to be aware that youtube is now (randomly) holding basic features for ransom (such as being able to pin comments under your own videos) in exchange for Your State ID/Drivers License, or a 30 Second Video Of Your Face.
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not to pull a "think of the children," but No Actually. I've been making videos as a hobby since 2015 (and I've had my channel since middle school), I was a minor when I started and I'm not sure I would have understood the kind of damage something a seemingly simple as a video of your face can do.
this is a Massive breach of privacy and over-reach on google's part No Matter What, but if they're going to randomly demand a state ID or license then they absolutely should not allow minors to be creators.
google having a stockpile of identifying information on teenagers is bad enough, but the Alternative of recording your face and handing it over to be filed away is Alarming considering it opens the gates for minors who Aren't old enough to have a license.
and yes, there is a third option, but it's intentionally obtuse. a long wait period (2 months), with no guarantee of access (unlike, say, the convenience of using your phone's cameras for either of the other two), with absolutely No elaboration on what the criteria is or how it's being measured.
it's the same psychological effect that mobile games rely on. offer a slow, unreliable solution with no payment to make the Paid instant gratification look more appealing (the "payment" in this case being You. you are the product being offered).
and it's Particularly a system that (I think intentionally) disadvantages people who don't treat their channels like a job. hobbyists or niche creators who don't create regularly enough or aren't popular enough to meet whatever Vague criteria needs to be met to pass.
markiplier would have no problem passing, your little brother might not be able to. and while Mark's name is already out there there's no reason why your little brother's should be too.
something like pinned comments may seem simple, you don't technically Need it. but it's a feature that's been available for years. most people don't look at descriptions anymore. so when there's relevant information that needs to be delivered then the pinned comment is usually the go to.
for my little channel that information is about the niche series I create for. guides on how to get into the series, sources on where to find the content At All (and reliably so). for other creators it can be used for things Much More Important.
Moreover, if we let them get away with cutting away "small" features and selling it back to you for the price of your privacy, then they Will creep further. they Will take more.
Note: I have an update to this post here: [Link]
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darishima · 1 year ago
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made a chart of the straw hats' skin tones with the colors being screencapped directly from the episodes, to show how much they've lightened. this is more than just an "artstyle change" or "design evolution" or "just the timeskip" this is blatant racism/colorism. it's fucking ridiculous and i don't understand how toei is continuously getting away with it please reblog btw, i think this is something people should see
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opashoo · 2 months ago
I'm absolutely losing my mind seeing "We need to not treat men and masculinity as inherently evil and worthy of hatred, and not fall back into biological and gender essentialism because that hurts everyone, including trans women" being misinterpreted as "Women need to stop oppressing men", "I think trans women are actually men" or "You specifically who have trauma around men need to get over it because men are the real victims". It's so willfully disingenuous. It makes me sick how willing people are to read in bad faith, especially how willing other trans women are to suddenly start harassing and dogpiling another trans woman.
I am a trans woman too, I understand what it's like to feel unsafe, but it helps no one this cynical attitude that crops up every time someone suggests being kind to men in our lives. "You could save a man you know from falling down the alt-right pipeline" is not the same as "It's your fault that men murder you". "There are people who could be on our side if we don't meet them with immediate hostility" is not the same as "You need to shut up and stop criticizing power structures for the sake of your oppressors' feelings" (I promise there are a lot of people who can be taught about their complicity in oppression without immediately shutting down but you need to work with them). This kind of attitude isn't somehow more informed or correct. It's just lashing out to avoid considering one's own agency.
Making a better, safer world for ourselves requires all kinds of work, but it's always work. It's hard to try to reach out to people who could very realistically harm us, it's work that not all of us can afford to or are able to do and that's fine because we're all just trying to survive. But some of you would rather condescend, tear each other down, and make more enemies before even considering it a possibility.
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idliketobeatree · 1 year ago
btw when you're being mean to aziraphale this is who you're being mean to. hope this helps
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mossy-aro · 3 months ago
sorry but i am SO deeply tired of the 'aphobia isnt real' arguments because they are literally always being conducted in such bad faith. NO there is not specific societal or legal discrimation against aces and aros BECAUSE we are asexual and or aromantic. you cannot hold specifically bigoted beliefs towards a group you do not even know exist. there ARE, however, underlying and deeply pervasive systems and beliefs that actively erase, dehumanise and make life tangibly more difficult for aro and ace people on a social, economic and legal basis. most of this is due to hyperinvisibility, the medicalisation of any nonnormative + misunderstood orientations, the elevation of romance + romantic structures as the most important aspects of interpersonal relationships in society, as well as the nuclear atomisation of the family. among other things. like. amatonormativity has never been ABOUT aromantic people specfically oh my GOD. its simply the underlying social belief that everyone is expected to be in monogamous romantic relationships and that those relationships are expected to the default centre of one's life. its something that affects EVERYONE! but within that it affects aromantic people in a specific and heightened way because of our inability to participate in it in a societally acceptable way. like these are not 'aromantic' or 'asexual' or 'polyamorous' issues specifically. these are theories and terms that originated within feminist + queer sociology studies! its all part of the wider underlying social fabric! aspec people are simply pointing out that we are often affected by these things in unique and often unseen ways.
the idea that we believe people actively 'hate' us for being asexual or aromantic is completely ridiculous. most people i know do not even know the definition of those words! so how could they hate me for it. they could however, for example, hold the pervasive + societally unchallenged belief that not experiencing sexual or romantic attraction is a medical issue or something concerningly abnormal in a human being + something i should get fixed. and its not uncommon that when you DO explain that its simply your orientation to them, they continue to medicalise it and see it as some sort of issue. genuinely so deeply tired of having to explain this to people time and time again when they only want to cherry pick the most ridiculous arguments to respond to and then act as if that's a majority held opinion in the aspec community. like i actually think we are aware of how society views us we're not fucking deluded and stupid. we don't have victim complexes we are just pointing out facts that yall are so desperate to ignore. UGHHHHH
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sforzesco · 2 years ago
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something. about. the horror of being sent on an impossible (death) quest and obligations and hospitality politics. the trauma of not having a home, and then the trauma of being in a house that becomes actively hostile to you, one that would swallow you whole and spit out your bones if you step out of line. all of this is conditional, your existence continues to be something men want gone.
it's about going back as far as I can with the perseus narrative because there's always a version of a myth that exists behind the one that survives. the missing pieces are clearly defined, but the oldest recorded version of it isn't there! and there's probably something older before that!! but it's doomed to forever be an unfilled space, clearly defined by an outline of something that was there and continues to be there in it's absence.
and love. it's also about love. even when you had nothing, you had love.
on the opposite side of the spectrum, this is Not About Ovid Or Roman-Renaissance Reception, Depictions And Discourses On The Perseus Narrative.
edit: to add to the above, while it's not about Ovid, because I'm specifically trying to peel things back to the oldest version of this story, Ovid is fine. alterations on the Perseus myth that give more attention Medusa predate Ovid by several centuries. this comic is also not about those, either! there are many versions of this story from the ancient world. there is not one singular True or Better version, they're all saying something.
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Perseus, Daniel Ogden
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Anthology of Classical Myth: Primary Sources in Translation, edited & translated by Stephen M Trzaskoma, R. Scott Smith, Stephen Brunet
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raventreehall · 16 days ago
sometimes when you guys discuss who is the REAL younger more beautiful queen you sound exactly like cersei. it's no one and it's everyone. it's the idea of a younger more beautiful queen simply existing. cersei thinks it's sansa, then thinks it's margaery, and it is. because cersei's crazy paranoid brain has done the work for her. the ymbq as a figment of her imagination has actually cast her down and taken all she holds dear.
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luckthebard · 24 days ago
I promise you do not need to tell people who don’t like this that Matt brought Vax back for his wife, we know. I know. I get it.
I am allowed to find this immensely dissatisfying on a narrative level as a viewer of a story they have released publicly. It completely undermines something I loved about C1. Just defanged an interesting and complex and meaningful story in the pursuit of a milquetoast Happily Ever After
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bludgeon-alt · 1 year ago
hey, so, i've been a wilbur fan for ages, and i want to see the evidence against him. this isn't sarcasm or anything, i just genuinely want all the evidence so i can make a decision
Sure! I got you covered, anon. No shame in deliberating on the evidence yourself. I'll link you a few posts.
This is a good master post, but I will provide a few additional sources:
Shelby's Stream
A Follow-Up Tweet by Shelby
Additional Corroberating Statements From Former Lovejoy Trumpeter, Zoe
Statements From Admin of Wilbur's (unofficial) Discord
Statement From Julie Verlintox (Wilbur head mod/admin)
Clip of Shelby Talking More About Her Story on Lexie's Stream
Addition Piece of Potential Evidence Submitted by an Anon: Wayback Machine Archive of a Reddit Post Likely Made by Shubble in November; Mirrors Her Stream Statements
Additionally, both Smajor and Ranboo have unfollowed Wilbur. Make of all that what you will!
EDIT (3/27/24): Wilbur responded.
Shelby's Response to Wilbur's Response
Aimsey's Response to Wilbur's Response
Ranboo's Response to Wilbur's Response
Lexie's Response to Wilbur's Response
Punz's Response to Wilbur's Response
Tubbo's Response to Wilbur's Response
And many, many more.
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lockandkeyhyena · 1 year ago
just found out about twitter users compiling a public list of ‘bi lesbian supporters in the warrior cats community’ and i think its especially fucking insidious given they’re targeting smaller creators and users with followings that don’t interact with the larger fandom as a whole or aren’t even big name fans. i know a few people from this list and its fucking appalling. at this point, creating a public list of ‘bad people’ with very small followings is gross and i can’t abide by it.
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transexualpirate · 1 year ago
hot take but i think that "fictional characters are fictional and liking or disliking them have no real life effect" and "the way you treat certain characters can be an indicative of your character in real life" are statements that can and should coexist
example: character A is violent and makes misogynistic comments. they're still charismatic and their arc is interesting to read/watch. person A acknowledges that the character is bad but they still enjoy consuming content from the character and they do so unapologetically. they're allowed to like the character, especially considering that literally everyone the character has harmed is also fictional. they don't pretend the character isn't violent, or misogynistic, they just like the character despite that. they post about it constantly. this is a neutral action that shows nothing about person A.
character B is a white man that makes racist comments, treats a black person in the show badly and gains money through anti-ethical means. they're still charismatic and their arc is interesting to read/watch. person B claims the character is flawed but overall misunderstood and all their actions are entirely justified. they're allowed to like the character, especially considering that literally everyone the character has harmed is also fictional. person B claims the black character that character B treated badly either had it coming or overreacted. all of person B's favorite characters are white men. person B goes out of their way to justify that all of their favorite characters are actually misunderstood and good people, and more people should like them. this shows that person B likely has some favoritism for white men.
just. you're allowed to like fictional characters even if they're awful fucking people but. and im not sure why this is controversial. the way you interact with media says something about you. this isn't necessarily a bad thing. does this make sense please
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theweeklydiscourse · 6 months ago
God forbid you ever criticize the lack of consequences Bakugou experiences in MHA, or suddenly you’ll find dozens of Bakugou stans pouring into your mentions to make a speech about how cruel you are for forcing him to eat cement. They’ll act as though “consequences” inherently involves throwing him into the dungeon or putting him in detention for 100 years and then moan about how him facing consequences would only perpetuate a cycle of abuse/discrimination.
Listen, it’s not really that much of a consequence if the “consequence” in question isn’t directly connected to his current or past bad behaviour. “Oh but his scars!” “When he died that one time!” “His guilt for getting kidnapped” None of those are related to his bullying, and in my opinion, that makes them insufficient as consequences in an arc about changing for the better.
The consequences I would actually like to see could be as simple as: Izuku feels sad/mad because of what he went through, or certain characters reflect on how Bakugou’s past impacts their perception of him. More introspection on the victim’s end is needed, Bakugou doesn’t necessarily need to be pilloried for the arc to be satisfying.
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sunnibits · 4 months ago
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potentially hot take but this is a pet peeve of mine
#listen. anyone can write whatever they want and idc I don’t have to engage with it. all power to them!!!!#it’s not even an automatic click-off for me or anything#i just… why. I don’t get it#like… that’s literally one of THE most iconic traits of the entire character. of the entire concept of the SHOW even#and you’re just gonna??? get rid of it??? hello????? the entire basis that John and Arthur’s relationship is made from????????#really????????? possibly the most tender part of their relationship???????#you don’t wanna write fluff about John reading him books and describing things and guiding him????? really?????????#it’s just so boring to me. I don’t understand the appeal#like yeah obviously Arthur as himself would definitely prefer to get his sight back#but as a concept like….#something ab the whole ‘happy ending = the disabled character gets ‘fixed’’ thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth#why do u have to fix them. why cant they just be disabled. do you think people can’t be happy and be disabled???#idk maybe it’s not that deep. and still I don’t really care that much#it’s just the vibes. I don’t vibe with it.#and I’m sure there’s some actual annoying as hell discourse in the fandom ab it which I have zero interest in engaging in#but I had to have my little petty bitch moment#bc blind Arthur is everything to me. ESPECIALLY in a jarthur context.#anyways thank u for coming to my Ted talk#malevolent#arthur lester#if anyone wants me to tag this as smth Iemme know
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tevanbuckley · 5 months ago
all i'm saying is if you heard the sentence "has anyone ever told you you are a vision in a cone?" and your mind went immediately to puppy play then i think that says more about you than anyone else.
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stromer · 2 months ago
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so blissfully unaware of the ongoing dumpster fire in his locker room, the two star forwards on his team would literally commit vehicular manslaughter against each other given the opportunity, and he's hearing concepts of rumblings and going into post-games talking about how quinn hughes is so cool and awesome instead
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readwing · 3 months ago
To be honest I think I stopped taking the word ‘toxic’ seriously as soon as it started getting used to mean ‘anything that isn’t morally good and pure.’
Are those characters really toxic, or is their relationship simply layered with past history and complicated feelings that make it hard to communicate? Is the sex really toxic, or is it just consenting possessive non-missionary/bdsm adjacent sex between people who are otherwise in a happily committed relationship? Is that show toxic, or did it just do something that furthered the conflict? Is that book toxic, or is the thing it’s being criticized for literally the main point of the book?
Absolute false advertising. It’s such a catch-all word, it means nothing now. There’s no destructive or decaying or harmful qualities guaranteed here. The definition of what counts as ‘toxic’ has been so watered down that attaching it to a piece of media provides a net zero increase of understanding of what the media contains. It’s the fandom equivalent of putting a sign on your lawn that says No Solicitors, because it’s not about the thing being toxic — it’s about preemptively trying to block any naysayers from otherwise label the thing ‘bad’ by labeling it ‘bad but in an intentional way’ first, which still plays into the same stupid dichotomy of morally good media vs morally bad media that started this in the first place. It’s the same fucking hat.
For fucks sake
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