#no colors only soup
synthshenanigans · 10 months
holy shit its the soup existence
love that guy wowie
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xx-j4nu5-c4t5-xx · 5 months
you know what who cares I'm posting it
A couple people mentioned that they liked the idea of pink soup being some kind of disease for Sims and honestly? I'm down for it
sorry to use Ripp as a punching bag for everything again but that's how it is sometimes
here's a doodle I made a couple weeks ago and forgot about (I know it looks weird don't talk about it)
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Here's a more serious one that I just finished.
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I'm about to get so carried away with this concept none of y'all are ready for it
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housewifebuck · 1 year
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before vs after gif coloring game!
tagged by @athenagranted
here's a few of my more recent psds that im proud of hehe:)
tagging @shitouttabuck @lover-of-mine @callaplums @eddiediaaz @edward-teachs and any of my other mutuals who make gifs im too out of it to think of urls rn
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marcygoo · 1 year
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grimace shake (collab with hollow @fuzzyhives :3)
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hqmillioncorn · 24 days
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Food for Thoughts
“Oh Mister Roriiiiiiiiiii!!!”  Rori braced himself for the inevitable. The inescapable fate of Babycorn Corn running up to him ready to talk both his ears off with some nonsense topic that somehow always, somehow, popped up in her little head.  It always seemed to be during work too. On the bright side she wasn’t asking him what Valentiones day was every time she walked by him. He didn’t even remember when the last time she asked about that was.  Finally, Babycorn arrived. Sitting herself down on some empty crates that might as well have been placed there just for her. “Hiya Mister Rori!” Babycorn greeted him. Cherrypit waved at him from on top of Babycorn’s head. “Hiya.” Rori waved back. “Mister Rori? Do you know where snow comes from?” “The sky?” “Ooooooh!” Yeah that made sense. “How does the sky make it?!”  
ffxiv write day 2: Horizon with @windupnamazu 's Butter and oleo and momoka and @windupiceheart 's rori at the start :)
babycorns always been good at taking care of plants but the truth is they just grow without her trying who can she ask for more plant facts to put in her little head.......
With one last pat-pat of the ground Babycorn smiled with satisfaction at the new little dahlia sprout she had managed to plant in the mansion’s garden without incident. “Wow! That went way better than last time!” Last time referred to the incident just last week when Babycorn managed to set fire to the entire garden by just trying to plant some peonies. 
Thankfully there had been no one around at the time so she was able to use her conveniently fate bending Starsinger powers to make it so like it never happened! Hooray! 
Sure doing that gave her a fever that lasted a whole week but it was worth it to not ruin her friend’s hard work. 
Speaking of…
Babycorn turned her head to look behind herself. A lot more people had begun to hang around the yard since the last seven hours when she first started working in the garden. She was more glad than ever that she didn’t accidentally set the garden on fire again. 
From her vantage point alone she could see Momoka sitting in her usual spot and looking around at everyone else. Just like she was doing! B’ig Nunh was talking about something with Vertical sitting underneath some shade. Whatever it was about–Babycorn couldn’t hear. 
Both Pancake and Linnet were huddled over a huge piece of paper, giggling to themselves. An assortment of art supplies were thrown around them. It looked like Cinnamon was also helping them with whatever they were doing. 
Babycorn also noticed Oleo leaning up against the fence and a pair of mysterious Butter-like ears poking out from behind a hydrangea bush. It was a little hard to see. No matter how much Babycorn leaned in one direction. 
Oh well, she would go and say hi later. 
Babycorn turned her attention to more flowery matters. “Okay little plant! Go ahead and grow up big and strong!!” She stood up and raised both her arms in the air, in her best attempt to motivate her newest tiny little plant. It was her first time growing something outside of a pot so there was a bit of apprehension about the whole thing. “...But I’m sure it’s gonna be fine!” She tried to assure herself. 
“Fine! Fine!” Cherrypit took some time from digging a hole in the yard to assure his sister her worries were nothing to be worried about. “Bebes good at flowers!” 
Cherrypit was telling the truth. Because for some inexplicable and unexplainable reason Babycorn was very talented at raising all sorts of different plants. No matter what sorts of horrors those things were subjected to, they all ended up blooming in the end. 
At least, indoors they did. The day Babycorn finally attempted to grow something outside again for the first time in years it caused an acidic secretion to begin oozing out of the grounds of the Lavender Beds. The fire incident was actually her second attempt.
Needless to say, Babycorn had no idea what she was actually doing.
“Hmm…” Babycorn hummed to herself. “Hey Cherry?” She turned to look at her brother who was now successfully filling his new dug hole with hose water. “Myeah?” Cherrypit tilted his head curiously. He stared right at his sister as he grabbed a stick from the garden and threw it into the muddy water. 
“Do you think I’m growing flowers the right way?” 
“Myabbababa Gabaga!!” Cherrypit helpfully babbled. It probably meant something along the lines of, “If the flowers and vegetables you’re planting are actually growing then you’re probably doing it right!” Then he grabbed a handful of leaves and put them in his mouth. Dropping the few leaves still stuck on his hand into the mud along with the stick.
“Yeah! You’re probably right!” Her brother was so smart. She was so proud of him! But it didn’t take very long for a hint of doubt to crawl its way into Babycorn’s thoughts. “Well…I don’t think that people's plants usually start fires…Right?” Like Vertical’s plants! Babycorn had seen her planting new ones before and they never even so much as sizzled like her plants did!
Now that she really thought about it, there was a weird memory in her head about Vertical and a bunch of other people! Whenever Babycorn would catch someone in the garden they usually had something in their hands. The thing was a really strange shape! 
It sort of reminded Babycorn of a teapot! Something that, by the way, she should not be drinking out of. 
There were a lot of things that Babycorn knew she didn’t know. The names of certain things was one of them. If this was anything like those other billion things then this was probably something that everyone else in the world knew about except for her. 
It didn’t bother her that much. Not unless it caught her on a bad day. 
Babycorn pushed herself off the ground, her knees and hands were almost caked in mud. All thanks to a certain toddler’s playtime.  As Babycorn shook herself clean of any dirt she had on her she could feel that today was anything but a bad day. 
With a twinkle in her eyes she turned around to see if Vertical was still around so she could ask what was in her hands that day.  Sadly both Vertical and B’ig were long gone. They must have left some time between when Babycorn saw them and now.
Trying her best to ignore the rising dread in her chest at not knowing where her friends were, Babycorn looked around for anyone else that could answer her question. 
Unfortunately for her the twinkle in her eyes was giving away her intentions to everyone around her. 
It was a very familiar look to everyone and everything that knew Babycorn by now. It was a look of curiosity. A sign that Babycorn was about to run over to you and seek your guidance about a certain something. Something that sounded very simple, yes. 
Except there was a catch. Where there was one question, a couple of hundred always followed suit. 
Not many had the endurance (mostly the time) to go through a round of Babycorn’s question gauntlet. 
Momoka was the first to notice what was going on. Her eyes grew wide as she grabbed a convenient flower vase placed in the center of the table. She sneakily slid it in front of herself to cover her face in a successful attempt to take advantage of Babycorn’s lack of object permanence. 
Babycorn gasped, “Woah! Where did Momoka go?!” It was like she was here one second and gone the next. How mysterious…
With Momoka out of the question Babycorn thought about asking Pancake and Linnet if they knew what she was thinking about. As she handed Cherrypit another stick for his little project she figured that both girls looked really busy. “I don’t wanna bother them…” Whatever it was they were doing it looked really important. 
(Babycorn had no way of knowing but it was very important. Both girls were planning the eventual Butter and Babycorn wedding of the future.) 
Babycorn’s eyes drifted over to Oleo and what she could see of Butter’s ears. As soon as she looked in their direction she noticed Oleo talking to someone next to him, hitting them with his elbow and pointing right at Babycorn. 
Babycorn grinned, putting her hands together in excitement. “I’ll be right back, Cherry! Don’t go anywhere!” Cherrypit looked up from stirring his creation together. “Okay!” He lifted up the stick from the mud and waved it around happily. 
Just as Babycorn began to step towards Oleo and the pair of ears–the front door to the mansion opened up. Grabbing Babycorn’s full attention. 
“Sirius!!” Babycorn waved her arms up and down at the sight of her second self-proclaimed BFFFL. (best friend for life) Sirius closed the door behind and hurriedly walked his way past Babycorn without a word. He more than recognized that look in her eyes. “Hey! Wait a second I have a question!” Babycorn followed right after him even when he started to pick up the pace. 
“Sorry, busy”
“Did Lunya ask ya to pick something up again?” Babycorn walked around him almost in a circle. It was almost a surprise she wasn’t tripping over her own two feet. 
“It’s something like that.” 
“Did she forget an ingredient in something and she’s asking you to go buy it before it’s too late?” 
Sirius stopped walking to give Babycorn a break in trying to not fall flat on her face. Which ended up happening anyway because of his sudden stop. “Yeah, exactly like that.” Sirius helped Babycorn up from the ground and turned to keep going towards Gridania. He was starting to have his suspicions that the doll in the kitchen was doing more than just sitting there. 
“Waaaaaaaaaaaaait!!!” Babycorn yelled out at the top of her lungs even though Sirius hadn’t gone anywhere. “I had a question about the garden! It’s super duper ultra important!!” 
Sirius stopped once again and noticed Oleo and Butter standing almost right next to where he and Babycorn were. “If it's a question about the garden you could ask someone who works in the garden and isn’t busy.” While Babycorn wondered where she could find such a specific person–Sirius walked closer to the bush and cleared away some of the leaves so Butter could be in Babycorn’s sight. 
“Oh! Butts!” That was who those ears belonged to!!
“Exactly like him.” With the coast clear Sirius made his exit as fast as he could. 
Butter straightened up and smiled at Babycorn. “H-Hi!” His whole escapade of hiding in the hydrangea bushes was mostly Oleo’s idea. Something about how Babycorn tended to hide in the same bushes. 
Then when they bumped into each other in the same place Butter could hit Babycorn with a pick-up line Oleo gave him. “Psst-!” Oleo leaned in closer to Butter, “The line! Don’t forget the line-!” He whispered as loudly as he could. 
“Right!” Butter looked at Babycorn and almost froze up again. Something about the lumps of wet mud in her hair were sending him into a tizzy. “Um. Uh. Do you come here off-often..??” he was finally able to spit out. 
Oleo gave him a thumbs-up. As a certified lady woo-er he was more than sure this would be enough to win Babycorn’s heart.
Babycorn grinned. “Well yeah! Cause I live here! You live here too!” She turned to look at Oleo. “You don’t live here Oleo but I do know where you live so it’s okay!!” 
“Thanks…?” Oleo had no idea what Babycorn meant by that. 
Butter giggled to himself. “You’re sooo right! Ehehehe…” Babycorn started laughing right alongside him. Her laugh was so cute, too cute. Butter made a note to thank Oleo for his idea later, it had worked out after all. 
The gears in Babycorn’s head began to turn again. “Oh right!” She grabbed Butter’s hand with her dirt caked one and began to drag him back to the garden with her. Just as Oleo thought he was in the clear, Babycorn rounded back and grabbed him by his arm. “Nooooo! Babycorn wait-!!” He couldn’t be walking around with mud caked all over his sweet jacket!! 
Once all three of them were back in front of the garden Babycorn sat down in the mud and pointed at her plant. “Um-! Um! What’s that thing called that you hold over the plant? It like…Looks like a big teapot!!” Her arms were flying all over the place trying to make a shape she had no idea looked like. 
Butter of course knew instantly what Babycorn was talking about. “Those are called watering cans!” The one he used was blue, like the color of his jacket. Pancake painted it herself so he would know which one was his. 
“Cooooooool!” The easily impressed Babycorn was amazed to finally have her answer. As the prophecy foretold however, after one question another soon followed suit. “What’s a watering can for?” Sure now she knew what the name of one was, but why were people using it? Was it important?
“They’re for watering plants!” Butter did a little gesture like he was holding some sort of invisible watering can. Dropping some invisible water on Babycorn’s little sprout. 
“Watering?” Babycorn blinked, “What’s that?” 
This time Oleo was the one to answer. “That’s when you drop a bunch of water on a plant.” He paused to think. “You can’t give it too much cause then it uh, drowns. Or something like that.” 
“A plant can drown?!?!”
“Kinda-! Yeah!” Butter didn’t want Babycorn to get scared of watering her plants. “Plants need water though! It’s just not a good thing to give them too much!”
“Yeah! Just like us!” Oleo helpfully added. “We need food and water. Just like plants do!” 
“Woaaah….!!!” Babycorn eyes sparkled with excitement. There were so many things in the world she had no idea about! There was a desire in her to learn as much as she could. She was just so happy that she had so many friends around her that knew so much about all sorts of things. Maybe someday she could even teach them about something that she knew about. 
Babycorn made a note to give Butter and Oleo a thank-you big hug later. 
(a hug that oleo would successfully leave to his bro after excusing himself to go water his plants) 
“Oh! And what do plants eat?! Do they like eating candy like me?! I’ve got lotsa candy!!” 
“Not exactly!” Butter answered. 
All three were so engrossed in their questions and answers that they didn’t even notice Momoka scooting in closer and closer. Just in case, she was still holding the flower vase in front of her face. Her attempt to get any closer was stopped when she felt something touch her leg. 
In a panic she looked down to see a stain of mud on her boots. Not only that, there was a mud caked baby looking right up at her. With a smile on his face he held up a stick with a huge glob of mud hanging off the end. “Wan’ soup?” Cherrypit asked.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 8 months
hey soap remember the bakery au you thought up?
well, i was working at school on art for it so yeah
aka heres a gift for you @lesbianchipbastard
typed out dialog on the cut that i just didnt write cause i wanted to use the space to draw
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Chip: Welcome to [insert bakery name here, you get to pick it soup cause like your the one who made it]! I can interpret to Common Sign Language if needed, and feel free to disregard the above menu if you have a custom request. What can I do for you boys?
William (in his mind probably): WHAT THE FUCK
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i-spilled-my-soup · 2 years
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went to art museum today
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hershelwidget · 1 year
Caleb and Darwin have arrived!
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Finished these two in record time! I also had them in more dynamic poses to make up for how out of character the other two were (cough cough Beast)
Caleb possesses the Gup-C, while Darwin has the Gup-D! Much like the two before them, they borrow some design points from their main drivers, but it is a lot less obvious now.
Face closeups!
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(oh whoops lmao i didn't think darwin would be so close- ah well)
Next up is Emma and Felix! They will be the last of these for a while... At this rate you'll at LEAST get snippets of Emma's design by the end of the month.. I am struggling very hard with Felix :(
#octonauts#octonauts au#octonauts gups#octonauts oc#hershel’s octonauts au#cw bright colors#cw eyestrain#the Curse is back#can we just talk about darwin for a second. i need to get this off my chest#before you say anything about how he looks high i need you to know that that is Canon actually. like genuinely#he smoked a blunt with Lars before he got killed and he was still under the effects of it by that point#so now in his current state he behaves like hes high a majority of the time (because he is)#and becomes fully lucid and aware and ‘sober’ basically only like once a week#this explains his behaviour in just about every rp we did :) except that one time he had to calm a player down#he was sober then and by god was the shift phenomenal#anyways. caleb and darwin’s lore is that they were literally married in life and for some reason caleb doesn’t Quite remember that#(the reason is he had some of of the soup before he was killed to be put in it and he got the Amnesia effect. some of it)#and now every chance darwin gets he tries to help caleb remember so they can get back to where they left off#funnily enough the other gup spirits have NO IDEA whats happening. Everyone is clueless EXCEPT darwin#also if you look closely caleb borrows from Octolings from splatoon AND. gloating narcissist from sky. and others too but yueheheu#caleb’s head is FLOATING by the way!! he has no neck!!#darwin’s arms can extract and retract!! dont ask me how those big things fit in there they just do ok#COUUFHSSS THATS ALL FOR NOOOW. LOOK FORWARD TO EMMA AND FELIXXX
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Various images of things
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1. PIBBINS.... cheering clapping hooting hollering glorious applause everytime I see a pigeon in public#2. Birthday card that I drew for someone. .. kittys...#3. 2023's annual haul of tiny white pumpkins.. i get at least one white pumpkin every year around fall when they have pumpkins in stores#because I just love the color and texture ... bright white and smooth and cold and round.. kind of like a volleyball or something#4. A brief adventure into watching big brother (only earlier seasons of course as I hate all reality shows post like 2013 or something when#they became overly focused on social media and overproduced memeable phrases more.. like even though ALL reality shows have always#been extremely fake and annoying and mindless it's like..... newer stuff seems A Different Kind Of Fake or something) since whenever#I'm sick sometimes I find weird mindless things like that to watch (that one time I had bronchitis I watched all of Flavor of Love in my#half awake illness stupor and now everytime I heat up canned minestrone soup (mostly all I ate that week) I think of flavor flav since#thats just a weird brain connection I have now lol) ANYWAY.. I was sick and watched like 2 seasons of this and then thought it was too#uninteresting and obnoxious to continue (more like 1 and a half since I skipped the rest of one once only boring people were left) BUT this#one guy had a very mischevious looking face and he also said a few things (like the above captioned speech) that sounded like dialogue#some fantasy character would say.. so I took a screencap of him and edited him into a mischevious wizard i guess.?? idk I was sick lol#~your little friend has a poisoned tongue~ is just a very unexpectedly serious sounding wording for some random normal#frat dude looking guy to say while casually chatting on a reality tv show in like 2008 or whenever that was filmed lol#5. FLUFFY CLOVERS!! I'd never seen them be furry and soft before?? inchresting..#6. Noodle sitting in bed with the cat figurines looming above him... the council of kittys...#7. McDonald's full breakfast platter + asparagus + strawberries & cream (also of course this is old and I am now boycotting mcdonalds etc)#i try to group the images somewhat consistently like.. winter stuff with winter stuff or summer stuff with summer stuff#but I have so many random pictrues floating around on my computer that I never post that sometimes some are not organized or just#thrown into a set because there's nowhere else for them. Like the pigeon picture is from like 3 years ago for example lol#8 & 9 - I think I've posted these before but I just find them very interesting looking flowers. whenever they happen to be blooming#I'll pick up a few when I'm out on walks or etc. ... poof ball looking things#photo diary
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sweet-dining-car · 1 year
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When you’ve been thinking abt Greaseball and Dinah going on a gym date and you’re teaching yourself to animate
I’ll probably fix it up later and give Dinah some animation too
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dreaminginmysoup · 1 year
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mmmmmm sona wip now i eepy
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fragiledate · 11 months
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cringetober day 31: HALLOOWEEEEENNN!!!!
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fihyn-art · 2 years
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This is the villain from my story "Crystalline"
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wandering-aloneo-o · 2 years
a really funny thing just happened
for context, i'll hang out with one of my friends and their group at lunch. there's this one kid in the group who my friend doesn't know the name of, but me being a little quiet worm, remembers from the first time i met them (and the only time it was brought up)
person 2: hey [friend], what's person 1's name?
friend: i don't know, wayne or something?
person 2: pfft, no
person 2: hey you, what's their name?
me, deadpan and monotonous: will
whole group: wtf, how do you know what
person 2: no seriously, how do you know that?
me, ignores the question and continues walking with a massive smirk
and this, my friends, is the power of the introvert at it's very best
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fieriframes · 2 years
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astrxealis · 4 months
i am so used to my pinned post i kinda don't want to change the format but i want to
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#Like. i want it to be more ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 u get me?#it's too small/limiting for me rn ragggghhh ..... will change it soon ^_^ 💖#wow. hard to believe it's already june. 4-5ish months till i'm not a minor anymore and around 2 months till college#happy pride btw :3 Hm. i am still not out to my parents but i am vv comfortable now w who i am.#i know for sure i prefer short hair over long hair and hate when it gets past this certain length that i then need a haircut#and i've actually grown comfortable wearing dresses and skirts! which ngl has been there a bit since i watched hamilton#but only now ?? like. Yeah.#it's funny bcs when i had shorter hair than my short hair rn LMFAO it was shorter than i actually liked#but the perks were my friends telling me You Look Like A Guy Even More and some storeclerk calling me sir#but that was funny bcs i was w my twin. and ok we're identical but maybe not obvious at first bcs i wear glasses and they have slightly more#femme and long hair and her style is diff from mine. colorful or bright or maximalist vs minimalist or dark or max 3 tones same colorsalways#LMFAO. me & my twin r super comfy w each other so sometimes we make Jokes. uh. yeah. HELP?#if u get it than yaaaa B) o/ anyway yeah. also comfortable w small amts of makeup now!#if it looks natural enough i'm cool w it :3 i also like stylistic shit. but haven't tried that stuff yet <3#i just hate makeup in general when it is too much that you don't look like yourself anymore... unless it's Cool#IDK HWO TO EXPLAIN. whatever it's not important. <3#ouuughhh i love my new pompompurin stuffed toy... official from sanrio in japan hehehehehehhe#i like making it do stupid shit like eating my soup or mochi and i like using it to tell my mom stuff like#pompompurin thinks you suck (jokingly. i love my mom she knows how i am!)#so she says back pompomsometbinv tell your amo (owner?) she sucks more LMFAOOO#also. just. fhsbkfjd official merch... >___< we were supposed to head back to our hotelwtvr after gpinf to alihabara#akihabara** but while waiting to reload the card thing. i spotted the official yostar store and :)) YAY#so got a little standee. for arknights. 1 for me 1 for my twin but it's gachafied and the fucking. thing. is.#every chara u cld get was basically a fav of mine ESP. TEQUILA. HOLY FUCK. MY ABSOLUTE JOY SEEING HIM.#but the two we got... were both my my Twin's favs... who i also like but. they are Not my faves. :)#so apparently just in general my gacha luck really sucks.#even w the gbf pins. artemis managed to get BELIAL and then for me uhh. ok we got 1 for a surprise gift for a friend#they r not active on tumblr atm i think so shhh anyway so basically anyway. i cld have gotten sandalphon. or other ppl. and i got two charas#i DO like but... more are arti's favs than mine still..... haha. at least w the ffxiv coasters we had equal luck. Amazing luck.
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