#no bg because i'm tired
ask19thcenturyengland · 4 months
Courting season is coming soon? *wink wink*
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"It... sure is here. This year's social season started this month, and I'm already exhausted with it. Because naturally with it, comes an avalanche of letters, invitations, and obligations. The humans are relentless. Of course, not all of it is directed at us personally, but we are expected to host a lot of parties, and attend even more. I don't enjoy being courted much, the humans are very weird about us being immortal..."
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ddddd-pixels · 4 months
So. That Year Two announcement, huh?
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averlym · 1 year
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ghostwriter (their grandma would tell them she'd lose half her soul)
#or smth smth. having a lot of Thoughts. anyways here's the piece i've been working on and sometimes u have to just say Done#there's a lot of thinks but i am maybe a bit tired and so tmr i'll come in and add all the Tags that i'd personally want to get from myself#maybe i'll reblog the extras tmr too. this is an incredibly self indulgent piece + it probably deserves a tag ramble essay or smth#ig for now we see how it stands for itself + in the meantime:#adamandi#beatrix valeria campbell#hello!! i'm back with belated tags yippee!! alright so for funsies i'm going to make it sound like i'm going bonkers over this :3#the eye shine... the glowy eye... it's like phaethon shine but also smth about eyes to windows to the soul and like#there's two beatrixes here! half the soul. lost part doing things specific to the phaethon and here it's portrayed as tearing off her name#because that's really; truly; when it all starts!! also notable for the ghostly beatrix is i did it more painterly and cloaked in shadow and#fading into the bg. i think i was super duper specificish about where the glow comes from! front lighting back lighting beloved!!! like help#let's put it this way- beatrix face always glowy. important parts of paper also glowy. it's just that different elements are turned away#from the viewer by each beatrix!! also also. let's talk about the very gently implied blood and red etcetera#like the red string is canonical and i love personally the whole red strings of fate thing even though it's not Here Applicable exactly but#that definitely was an influence! and also the blood in the bg... i'm starting to think this is a recurring trend. but anyway shadowy bea#the other strings hang while the red string loops!! so like that one string feels almost alive. it's a sort of whimsical i put on the same#as metaphorical glowy eye!! also also the eye is lowkey influenced by the whole idea of Eyes and Spotlights within the show and also glow#as in power as in heyyy you ever think about writing as a visual medium huh#speaking of writing!! there is no beatrix thingy complete in my head without text sorrry but the black text overlays are always so >>> to me#and in the sense of art styles and overlays shoutout to all the black crosshatching outline thingys because For Some Reason in my mind#of all the characters beatrix feels like the bnw ink printed illustrations you get in books idk#fun fact! i spent so long rendering this and that was fine i liked it! but then trying to figure out text to go on the papers was a Thing#i tried to do. but then gave up on! sometimes i have to pick my battles and graphic design is indubitably Not my passion bc Fonts#fun facts about this is i Actually did start with a quick sketch in mind and there's been so many changed elements. in the og the front#paper for instance had 'ardess murders' written on it and the back one said phaethon interviews.. i like the nominee list better it feels#more narrative-esque and less passive than her just holding her writing.! other elements that got discontinued were that#front beatrix was supposed to blur into the other ghostly beatrix but i couldn't do it without sacrificing clarity so... no... no blurry#oh and the red string morphing at the ends to smth more abstract was always there from the start!! og had more floating papers#and also a silhouette of vincent and a scalpel bc 'one who pulls the strings' but that (pun intended)! got cut (hahahahahahaha) (sorry)#used also to be a lot of print room clutter but that got cut to bc compositionally i made beatrix larger (learned lesson from last art)
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axewchao · 1 year
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A Difficult Topic To Broach
Broach (v): To raise a sensitive or difficult subject for discussion.
In which the Rito and the Hylian have a long overdue talk.
Story's under the readmore! And it's a long one, longest I've probably ever written! Enjoy the wall of text, y'all :'D
Revali could count on one wing all the times he'd been this nervous.
His first archery competition. His first flight race. The first time another Rito showed romantic interest in him. That time he challenged his endurance by flying nonstop for several hours, followed by him crash-landing on Satori Mountain and meeting the mountain's Lord face-to-face, ending with him shrieking in pure terror as he ran away.
But this… this was something else entirely. It wasn't his pride nor his life on the line, merely his heart.
It had been several weeks since he retrieved that accursed mask from the aforementioned mountain. Several weeks of replaying everything in his head, searching for any signs of deceit or truth, and giving himself a headache from his indecisiveness. Several weeks of lying awake at night with the mask in his arms, refusing to admit that he wished the mask's owner was there with him, to have those long-winded talks he'd grown so fond of.
Several weeks of avoiding the Hylian that caused all this, either hiding out of reach on Medoh or staying out of sight as much as possible when grounded by the other Champions as a group. Daruk and Mipha ended up having Revali as both backup and a sparring partner more often, not that either of them showed any complaints. If anything, Daruk in particular was overjoyed, assuming that their normally standoffish Rito ally was finally coming out of his shell. Rather than deny it, Revali for once held his tongue, letting the loud Goron think whatever he pleased.
The proud back "pats" he could do without, though.
And Urbosa? Revali never liked it when she tried lecturing him, or gave him that look that said 'I can read you like a book.' But it seemed as though this time she was just as in dark as everyone else, only commenting on Revali's shift in behavior a few times before moving on to more important matters, like the Princess' wellbeing, along with her knight's.
Speaking of that little knight…
Revali's rage over "the incident" had mostly died down, enough for him to stomach seeing the Hylian or hearing the other man's name without sneering. The knight in question didn't seem to make any effort to seek Revali out as far as he could tell, though whether it was because of guilt or indifference remained unclear. Revali's first instinct was to assume the latter; that the other boy was back to being his unemotive, uncaring, placid-faced self after his little stunt.
But those dark circles under his eyes, the signs of neglect in his hair, his ears somehow drooping even more than they already do, the overall faded complexion he'd displayed since that fateful night…
No one would take an act that far… would they?
If he truly wished to “toy” with you as you say, would he have bothered to reveal his true self at all?
That was the question Medoh probed Revali with, one he couldn't answer. Because truthfully, he was afraid.
Afraid that everything he assumed was right. That the perfect Rito, the perfect person he was able to form a meaningful connection with, was nothing more than a wicked, heartless lie.
Just this once, he wanted to be wrong.
Asking the Hylian to meet him alone was not easy.
Something always got in the way. A new monster to fight, a Yiga ambush, the knight just not being left alone for even one damn minute. For all of Zelda's efforts to get away from her appointed knight, he always found a way to keep her in his line of sight. And when she wasn't around, someone else was. From Mipha healing his wounds, to Urbosa dragging him off for sparring or lectures or Medli knows what else, to Daruk challenging his "brother" to random tests of strength. All in an effort to "get the little guy out of his funk!" in the big lug's own words.
Regardless of his "funk" being real or not, Revali had to give the Hylian credit where it was due; enduring such a complete lack of personal space for weeks on end wasn't something just anyone could do. Not without snapping, anyway. Revali would've undoubtedly started pecking at someone or plucking his own feathers by now if he were in the Hylian's talons. Er, shoes.
Was this the reason why he only appeared as a Rito at night, then? Because that was the only free time he actually had? And he chose to spend it with—
Revali forced the faint traces of hope in his heart back down. It was too soon for things like that. That was another thing Medoh told him: to not take his first guess and run with it. The ancient bird really was trying to act like a mentor of sorts, turning this into one giant "lesson" for Revali to learn.
The timing could've been better on her end. Maybe when Revali's ability to trust others wasn't in danger, perhaps? Just throwing it out there.
Now, with all these obstacles in place, simply waiting until nightfall was obviously the correct option, right? Oh, how he wished.
Even on the nights where he wasn't too tired to think clearly, all it would take is one glance at the Hylian and Revali's nerves would fly right out the window. He gave himself excuse after excuse; it's too soon, I don't know what to say, the others will hear us, he'll humiliate me. But the topic needed to be broached, whether Revali liked it or not.
It was either that or suffer in silence forever.
So with a heavy wing and pounding heart, he reached out and grabbed the Hylian's shoulder, stopping both of them from following everyone to the Highland Stable. He ignored the way the other man nearly flinched as he leaned in from behind, his beak barely brushing against a silver-pierced ear.
"We need to talk." He whispered urgently, "Meet me in Faron Woods. Tonight."
The burgundy-haired boy hesitated before nodding, not even turning to meet Revali's eyes. In a way, Revali was grateful; he felt like he would've cracked under the stress if he had to look at those darkened purple irises again. He pulled his wing away as though he'd been burned and continued onward, leaving the knight behind.
He kept walking, even passing the princess and other Champions, eyes firmly locked on his own talons.
He didn't look back, not even when several voices called his name in concern.
Night had come much sooner than Revali would've wanted.
The sky was clear, both the stars and rising moon were in perfect view, so Revali had no need to worry about getting lost in the dark due to his damned lack of night vision. Under any other circumstance, the moonlight streaking through the trees would've been a lovely sight, but it currently failed to ease his racing mind.
As he walked (he didn't run, shut up) across Fural Plain towards the woods, Revali made the choice to wait by the entrance instead of going inside. This way, he could keep an eye out for when the man in question showed up. The last thing he wanted was to be left sitting in the woods alone like some fool.
He already made a fool of me once, no reason to let him dig the knife in.
Enough of that, Revali.
Revali nearly set off his gale in a panic. Medoh?! Gods, I told you to stop scaring me like that!!
My apologies. But my point still stands, you must stop that nonsense.
What are you talking about?
Clinging to your assumptions. You are doing it again. Medoh paused, as if sighing. And you were doing so well earlier…
Revali scoffed. I don't recall asking for your approval.
Perhaps you did not, but I will express it anyway. Medoh wasn't capable of chuckling, but Revali could practically hear it regardless. You were indeed doing well before. And it is clear that you are trying to do well now. I am glad to see that you took my words to heart.
Revali growled under his breath as he smoothed down his feathers. …Thanks.
Hm? I detect a note of… what was it again… sarcasm? Are you being sarcastic with me?
Don't give me that, you know what sarcasm is, Medoh.
Yes, yes, I am well aware. I was simply trying to calm you down with our usual banter. Medoh's tone suddenly turned to faint concern. Your mind is filled with troubled thoughts…
Revali didn't reply, his crest drooping as he looked down. He leaned against a tree and hugged himself, despite there being no chill in the air.
Are you alright?
Alright? Revali's eyes burned, How could I possibly be alright? My heart could be shattered to pieces by sunrise. How do you expect me to feel?
So you decided to confront him after all?
Aren't you literally in my head all the time?
Medoh paused again before answering, her tone switching back to that of a consultant. Revali… I understand that you are fearing the worst. But I believe that you are… how to put it… overprepared.
Revali raised a brow. What?
You have made yourself aware of the worst possible outcome. Which is, again, understandable. But in the process, you are convincing yourself that the worst result is the only one you will get. Have you forgotten what I said before?
Revali sighed. No… I haven't. But what if…
What if… Revali gulped, his heart picking up speed once more. What if he really is sorry? What then?
Medoh made a confused trill. I do not understand your question.
If he really was just using me, at least then I know what I'll do; hate him for all eternity, never forgive him, and never give him the time of day again. But… If he wasn't, then… Revali trailed off, reluctant to finish the thought.
I do not have the answer to that. What happens next between the two of you is for you both to decide.
Yeah… Revali sighed, I figured you wouldn't. He looked up, gazing toward the distant stable. I know he agreed to come, but…
I am not nearby, so I cannot see him. Nor can I currently see him through your eyes. But the night is young, and you left rather early.
That much was true. Revali had opted to leave for the forest as soon as he'd finished eating that evening. Everyone (minus Mipha and Daruk, who ate their own fill of fish and rocks respectively) had carrot soup this time, but sadly they weren't the godly Kakariko carrots, so he couldn't distract himself with a delicious meal. All he could do was eat quietly while the others talked, and steal glances at the Hylian when no one else was watching.
He has a name, you know.
Oh, shut it.
Yet another preparation, perhaps? Teaching yourself to stop addressing him by name in case the worst comes to pass?
Revali felt himself flush under his feathers, mostly out of anger than embarrassment over the beast's correct guess. Shut up!
You are better off waiting until after your suspicions are confirmed or denied before you try something like this. You have been refusing to call him by name for weeks now.
If he really is as cruel as any other Hylian, then I don't even want to think about his name, let alone utter it. Is that a crime now?
It is if you are doing it before you talk to him. Must you be so dramatic?
It's not dramatic! If he saw no reason to treat me with respect then I don't—
Honestly, Revali… Medoh cut him off, It would not kill you to hold off on your judgement a moment longer. Now be still and hold your tongue. Revali's vision suddenly gained a faint blue hue. The Divine Beast was using his eyes.
The stable. Look again.
Revali did as he was told, but wasn't sure what he was looking for. The blue of Medoh's presence made everything blend together. …What? What is it?
…He is coming. It would seem that much like you, he has no intentions of wasting time.
Wait, what-?! Revali's feathers puffed in alarm. He shook his head and blinked several times, willing Medoh's vision away. Sure enough, there he was, walking down the path towards the now-panicking Rito. His head was down, so Revali couldn't see his face, just locks of burgundy that were much duller than they should've been, even under moonlight.
His time was running out.
No no no no no, not now! Revali hid behind a tree, hoping his feathers would blend in with the foliage. How long has he-? I don't even know what I'll-! He grabbed at his frazzled crest, Medoh, help me out here!! What do I do-?!
As I said before, what happens next depends on you. Both of you, and no one else. I refuse to interfere.
You couldn't give me a better warning, at least-?! Revali mentally yelled as he frantically smoothed down his feathers.
Calm yourself. Be patient and listen to his defense. Once all has been said, then you may pass your judgement. And not a moment sooner. Do you understand?
I… I…
Do you understand, Revali?
Revali's eyes started to burn, and he shut them tight. After a moment's hesitation, he finally relented. …Yes. I understand.
Good. I will leave you to settle this mess. Do not do anything rash, and do not act as though woe is all that betides you.
Was Medoh really about to just leave him to fend for himself here?? Sure, he never asked for Medoh's assistance in this matter, or any matter at all before, but him not asking never stopped her from meddling anyway!
I wish you the best of luck, my Champion. And with that, Medoh's presence was gone.
Of all the times to leave him alone… why now? It felt like Medoh had just thrown him to the wolves. Damned beast!!
All Revali could do was curl his hands into fists as he tried to force himself to calm down. Keep a straight face. Don't let the Hylian know that his will was unsteady. He had to be firm and direct, like always. He could do this. He had to do this. He—
…was cut off by the sound of someone gasping under their breath.
Oh dear Zephos and Cyclos, he couldn't do this.
Revali looked over his shoulder, and there he was, just a couple feet away.
He felt a brief chill as he stared into those pupilless purple eyes. Eyes that once shone with a light pink glow, eyes that once made him feel a number of different things. They were still rimmed with dark circles, implying that the Hylian either became a night owl from doing gods know what after dark, or he simply wasn't sleeping well.
Revali was afraid to find out the answer. But he already knew that through the conversation they were about to have, he'd get that answer anyway.
At Revali's lack of a reply, the Hylian ducked his head again, looking down at the ground. He raised it back up when Revali cleared his throat.
"Well, it's… good to know that you're punctual." Gods, even that was hard to say. He turned his back, waving the other over with a wing. "Follow me."
He heard footsteps following behind him, and that was enough for now.
Faron Woods was bigger than it looked on a map.
And in a way, that was a good thing. It meant that when Revali found a decent spot to sit, the view was lovely without looking too cramped or foreboding. The trees overhead provided cover, but still let streaks of blue light through, making even the leaves resemble sapphires. It was a scene worth painting, or taking a picture with the Sheikah Slate.
If things went well, Revali could look back on this clearing fondly. But if they didn't…
His feathers ruffled at the idea. Ignoring the urge to smooth them back down again, he glanced over at the Hy-
You are better off waiting until after your suspicions are confirmed or denied before you try something like this.
…at Dalex, who quickly turned away from him. Even under the shade of the trees, Revali could still see how disheveled he was. He was almost tempted to call this little meeting off and send Dalex back to the stable to rest. But it was too late to turn back; they were already here, and if Revali forced himself to delay this once more, he doubted he'd ever be able to fully shake off the shame.
Revali is many things, but a coward is not, nor shall it ever be, one of them.
He crossed his arms and braced himself. "You… you know exactly why I asked you to come here. Don't you." It was a statement, not a question.
Dalex's ears twitched as he nodded. His silence didn't sit well with Revali.
"You can't nod your way out of this. You and I both know that you can talk." If he looked away as soon as Dalex flinched, then it didn't happen, right?
Be patient. Do not do anything rash.
Revali sighed, "For the last few weeks, I've… been thinking about what I'd say to you. About… that." He couldn't hide the anger in his voice, only lower it. "I thought I'd have everything worked out, like I always do. But… I don't."
Dalex said nothing, the only indication that he was still listening being the twitching of his ears.
"You…" He crossed his arms, "We both know what you did. I don't see any need to waste time pointing it all out." And if he did so, he'd either crack or succumb to rage, and he wasn't about to do either.
Yet again, Dalex said nothing, but his ears drooped impossibly lower.
"There… ever since you… 'revealed' yourself to me, there've been nothing but questions running through my head. So many questions. And every time I thought about asking you, I just…" He squeezed his arms, willing his feathers not to ruffle. Now was not the time for that.
At the third lack of a reply, Revali felt his patience wane. They'll be sitting here til dawn at this rate.
"I'd like you to look me in the eye when I'm speaking to you, Sta-… Dalex." His crest lowered at the near slip-up.
He felt a wave of regret when Dalex finally did look at him. A light breeze had tousled the bangs that normally covered half of Dalex's face, revealing the right side that was hidden from everyone despite looking just as normal as the left.
He looks so exhausted…
If Revali was wrong in the end, that sight wouldn't be leaving his memories any time soon.
"I suppose I will just say it, then…" His beak hung open, piles of questions forming in his throat as though they were at war over which one could come out first. In the end, he settled on the one that was there the longest:
"Why did you pretend to be the Sta-… him?"
Dalex blinked, clearly expecting something else. For Revali to yell again, perhaps? Like he did that night? Part of him wanted to. But just asking that one question took all the anger out of him, leaving nothing but hollow longing.
You were at your happiest when you were with him. If the way he acted as the Starling had any hint of truth, then I want you to be able to see that.
Revali didn't need night vision to see the hints of reluctance in Dalex's eyes. "I won't yell, or scream, or cut you off, none of that. I want to hear what you have to say."
Listen to his defense. Once all has been said, then you may pass your judgement. And not a moment sooner.
He saw Dalex's mouth twitch, and he bowed his head. "…Please."
He heard Dalex take a deep breath, and then…
"I… I just wanted a break."
Revali raised his head, confused. A… break? "From what?"
"Everything." Dalex's shoulders fell, and his breath hitched. "I've been training to be the Legendary Hero for so long… I couldn't do anything but train, no one would allow me to do anything else. Not when Ganon could show up at any time and destroy everything. I had to follow Her Highness everywhere she went, even if she hated my guts and wanted nothing to do with me. I have to listen to other knights acting like jealous little pricks because I got the Master Sword and they didn't."
Revali winced at that last statement, but thankfully Dalex had already covered his face with his hand.
"Everyone looks at me like I'm either a god amongst men that will save them all or the bane of their existence, and I just-" He stopped, his whole body shuddering. "…Do you remember what I said at Warbler's Nest?"
He most certainly did. How could he forget?
"My life had barely gotten started and I already had to give it up. I couldn't say no; my-… what I had to do, what I still have to do is too important. Is… is it wrong if I'm upset about it…?"
Revali told him otherwise that night… He held the Sta- Dalex's wing in his own and told him that it wasn't fair.
"If I were in your wings, I’d be completely furious.”
"All this time, I never got the chance to do anything unless I had a reason, a damn good one at that. If it wasn't necessary for my role as the Hero, then I couldn't do it. I wasn't… I'm not supposed to be anything but the Hero."
Were… were Revali's ears tricking him or did he just hear a sniffle?
"I… have to be the Hero. I can't be anything else. Not until Ganon's gone. But I…" He pushed his bangs away, eyes now shining with unshed tears. "I was just so tired."
You look like you're still tired. Revali thought to himself. "That's why you used the mask?"
Dalex rubbed his eyes, nodding. "I didn't- I wasn't trying to… to quit, or anything, I'd never do that. I just, I just wanted to get away from it, for a little while."
"But… surely you've heard about those things before. Many have claimed that they'll curse those foolish enough to wear them." Revali personally didn't believe in such things, but he heard it through the grapevine plenty of times, especially near the end of autumn.
"Yeah… I know. That's what I said to the guy that gave me the mask in the first place." A tear fell before he could stop it, and Revali felt a chill run down his spine at the hero's admission. "But… but that first night, I just kept thinking about everything. About my duty, about Her Highness, about Ganon, about y-…"
About… me? Revali's heart fluttered, and he couldn't fathom why.
"I couldn't… I couldn't handle it anymore. I put it on, turned into- into him, and…"
"…Bumped into me." Revali finished. He remembered that night clearly as well. He never thought a Rito could be so clumsy, crashing into him just as he reached his favorite landing. That could've been the only time they ever interacted, but… "…Why spend your 'break' with me, then?"
Dalex made a choked noise, like he was holding back a sob.
"We both know that I've made my… opinions on your status as the Hero very clear. By all means, you should've wanted to avoid me as much as the princess avoids you. Yet you sought out my company above anyone else's."
"I-I wasn't- I mean, I didn't-" Dalex stammered, rubbing his eyes. "I just thought… I thought that things would be different. If I didn't have that damn sword."
Revali tilted his head. "Different?"
Dalex suddenly glared, the tear streaks somehow making his expression even more intense. "Everything I said to you as… as him. Think about what those things were."
Revali was struck silent as memories rushed to the front of his mind, one after another.
"Revali, that was incredible! How're you able to hit so many bullseyes from so far away?!"
"I never thought your bow would have so much weight to it… you're stronger than you look!"
"You're really lucky you get to see your mom all the time… I can't wait to see mine again."
"You know, I was wondering… You've picked up a lot of blacksmithing know-how from your mom. More than I've ever heard, at least. What made you turn to archery, anyway?"
"Ugh, how can you stand carrots? They're awful! Wha- EWWW! Keep them away from me, you- you featherbrain!"
"I never thought there'd be so many uses for your feathers… You guys are like, masters at repurposing."
"Fly across the Gerudo Desert, huh… I never thought about what lay beyond all that sand… but if your dad came from somewhere out there, then yeah, there's gotta be something! It's not like Hyrule is the only place with life in it, after all!"
"Maybe the other Champions were blessed. That's all well and good, but… I have to agree with you, nothing can beat hard work to get where you need to be. And your Gale is… It's more than just a skill. It's literally the start of a whole new legacy for all the Rito."
And one memory in particular stood out amongst all the others:
"To be honest, Revali… I can't remember the last time I talked to someone about anything other than my-… my journey. How important it is, how 'honorable' and 'noble' it is… I'm sick of hearing that. I just want to talk about literally anything else, and… I can, with you. It… It's nice, is what I'm saying."
Dalex, the Legendary Hero, the Hylian Champion, the mightiest knight in all of Hyrule… had said those words right to Revali's face.
"Would you have believed me if I said them the way I am now?" At Revali's silence, Dalex chuckled. "Thought so… You know, hearing you actually have a problem with me being the Hero… it was refreshing, in a way."
"Wh-Refreshing?" Revali was taken aback, "I fail to see how-"
"You didn't like that I had the sword, yeah. But… you weren't a complete ass about it. You at least offered to let me prove myself to you a few times instead of moaning and groaning nonstop." Like that time he suggested they battle on Medoh's back, followed by him bailing from Dalex's lack of a response. Not one of Revali's better moments…
"And… I've seen the way you act when, uh, 'off duty,' I guess. 'Specially around kids. It's sweet."
Revali's feathers ruffled at the compliment. It was true, he'd been known to dote on the children back in Rito Village; offering archery lessons, cooking large meals to feed them in groups, telling stories of his battles against the more powerful monsters, and so on. He'd caught Dalex listening in only once, but that was apparently enough.
"But… whenever you spoke to me, it always came back to my title. That stupid sword. And I just…" Dalex sighed, rubbing his arm. "I thought that… maybe if I didn't have it, then I'd actually get to talk to you. I'd been wanting to, anyway…"
"Have you now…?" Something about that statement made Revali's heart beat just a little faster.
"And I did. And it was… probably some of, if not the best nights I've ever had in my life. I could finally be… me. I actually remembered how to do that, even after a decade of being the Hero." Dalex's smile fell as soon as it came. "But as time went by, and I got to know you more, I…"
"…You what?"
"I started to realize it- it still wasn't-" Dalex pinched his brow, struggling to find his words. "It still wasn't me. Not in your eyes. Could I really count as your friend when you didn't even know who I really was?" He stopped to sniffle before continuing, "That's… that's why I…"
"…You took off the mask in front of me." Revali finished for him.
Dalex nodded, crossing his arms. "You… you deserve a real friend. Someone that can actually speak to you without needing to hide behind a mask the whole time. When I realized what I was doing, I… I had to stop it. I was being selfish and I was hurting you and…" He stopped to take a breath, then raised his eyes to meet Revali's. "And I'm so sorry."
Had… Had Dalex ever apologized for this before? Revali couldn't remember; most of that night became a blur due to his heartbreak and rage. He wouldn't be surprised if his outburst prevented Dalex from doing just that.
Hearing it now, though… it felt real. Revali wanted it to be real, so badly.
"You… you don't have to worry about me using it anymore. The mask, I mean. I threw it away." Dalex briefly looked away to growl under his breath, "Whoever finds it can have it, for all I care…"
Now the former, Revali remembered hearing Dalex say, before Revali silenced him with a gale as he fled. And thanks to a little (er, big) birdy, Revali had undeniable proof that Dalex had completely abandoned the mask. It took a fair bit of strength to not admit that he knew already, and that said mask was now hidden away in his own home.
As for what Revali could say… was there anything? Dalex had said his piece, so…
Listen to his defense. Once all has been said, then you may pass your judgement.
"…I would say that I knew what to think about all of this… but frankly, I don't." He ran a wing through his crest, "If I hadn't blown up at you when I did, then maybe you would've said all this already. Maybe we'd already know where to go from here. Or have an idea, at least…"
Dalex fell silent once more, ears twitching at his words.
I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but… Medoh was right. I was too prepared. Now I don't know what to do.
"I… don't know if I forgive you yet. Or even at all." He didn't see Dalex wince. He didn't. "But… It doesn't seem like you're lying, at least."
He did see the stunned look cross Dalex's face. Once again, it looked as though he was expecting Revali to say something else. An accusation, perhaps? A blatant disregard of his reasons behind everything that's happened between them?
When Revali thought about it, Dalex hadn't so much as tried to beg or fish for forgiveness in the entire conversation… Was he preparing for the worst too? If he was, then that would mean he…
The possibility is there. You know this. That he truly felt remorse for hurting you so.
Revali rubbed his temples as he felt a headache come on. The constant mental back-and-forths haven't been doing him any favors these past few weeks. He was so tired…
"Are… are you alright?" Revali heard the concern in Dalex's voice, and waved it off with a wing.
"I'm fine." Without giving Dalex a chance to reply, he started to stand. "…We should head back."
It was an abrupt end, Revali knew this. And he was pretty sure that they'd have to talk about this a bit more before Revali could make a decision. But again, he was tired. This whole conversation was probably the most exhausting thing he'd experienced in weeks, and all he'd mostly done was sit and listen. At this point, he just wanted to curl up in a cheap stable bed and sleep.
He was so tired, in fact, that he didn't even think twice about offering his wing to Dalex, who took it without uttering another word. Nothing was said when he gave that smaller hand a mild squeeze, and nothing was said when he held onto it, only letting go once they exited Faron Woods.
It wasn't the wing Revali held at Warbler's Nest all those nights ago. Not even close.
But… it still felt the same.
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self-shipper-snowdrop · 3 months
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A story in three parts
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piplupod · 4 months
every day i see people talking about things that I simply do not understand no matter how much I look into it and think about it and try to figure it out. i cannot tell if it's brainfog and fatigue or if I'm just ,,,, incapable of being intelligent enough for it all :[
#i sure do feel like a fucking idiot lately!#I wish I wasn't (weren't?) aware of how stupid i am but unfortunately i am acutely aware of it and I can't seem to do anything about it#like... why am i unable to comprehend things. why can't i figure it out if I go learn about it. why does it just not Click for me.#becoming increasingly aware of just how little i know and how naive i am and i have to say ... its frightening me fhfkdl#i feel like i am going to be fucking mauled if i say anything ever or if i try to participate in any conversations of worth#so I've just been staying quiet constantly. but then I just feel disconnected from everything and everyone#because i never participate! i just stand in the bg and listen and watch!!#but what's driving me crazy is i dont even seem to be learning in any significant way!! even though im just listening all the time!!#why can't i make any progress in understanding shit 😭 why is it all still just as out of reach as when i started !!#i really feel like there is something very wrong with my brain but idk what to do about it dhfjdkl#I've been isolating a lot more than usual the past couple months because i just feel so useless and stupid compared to everyone else#but then i talk to ppl irl and i feel like I'm operating on a higher level of social awareness than most ppl#which then makes me feel bad bc i worry im somehow thinking im better than other ppl but its not that fhdkdl#i just get tired of like... guiding the conversation for ppl and smoothing over social potholes#like im always the one driving the conversational vehicle. and if i stop driving then we crash. idk if this makes sense#but then online im always the one who is one step behind everyone else and making blunders#so ... I don't know what to do anymore fhfjdkl i think smth has gotten very broken in my brain and idk what it is or how to fix it#UHMM ANYWAYS. this is ... a rant and a half. oops.#im the worlds most average joe cool though 👍 nothing to worry about or see here! (<- sarcasm i think)#this is one of my worst vents of all time actually fbfjdkl this one is just a real stinker#just kind of incomprehensible and way too self-pitying methinks. oh well! I'll delete it if i think better of it later dbfjdkl#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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allisas · 2 months
lovestruck stream thoughts
I really like the "way of life" turn-ons and turn-offs and that they're combined into slightly broader categories instead of being based on single skills. They also include broke, wealthy, taken (already in a relationship) which is nice. 👍
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I'm really bummed that the only physical turn-ons and turn-offs are hair color, clothes related. Maybe the game doesn't track tattoos, body hair, eye color etc and that's why they're not included or maybe they just want to push the "the inside is what matters"-part really hard? Not clear to me why there weren't more. I'd also liked to have turn-ons based on different occult states, like attracted to vampirers, werewolves etc.
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We're finally getting a copy to all outfits button in CAS as a BG update! 🙌
I'm super happy that lashes are separated into a new category and I'm crossing all my fingers that the CC-lashes will be updated to be compatible with this. I'm not sure if I'm maxis match enough to use those BG-lashes..
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The world seems similar to many of the last EP worlds with 12 lots including a gym, nightclub, park & lounge. I wish we had gotten a few new apartments in addition to the penthouses. I'm having a hard time getting excited for new worlds these days, they often feel a little lackluster and empty. With the same tired food stalls everywhere, a lack of things to do and the areas to big to be populated.
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What really struck me during the gameplay showcase was how they still to this day can't seem to make the sims react in any visible way to most of the interactions in game. Many times the only way to know if an interaction was "liked" or "successful" is to read the pop-up because the animation wont tell you anything. The first thing that happened was a sim telling (throug a pop-up) that they were super unattracted to another sim and the next second they were flirting with the same sim. I was just like 🤔..
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Sims break up via text pop-ups instead of animations. Meh..
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The sky gazing animation is cute and picking the date activities seems to be basic enough that it shouldn't be gamebreaking. It'll be nice to have dates with different goals than the BG date which becomes quite tedious after playing for so many years.
Love that the date can ask to continue at your played sims' house the date if it's going well. 😘
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Build/buy seems a little lackluster to me personally, mostly new bars, workout equipment & mis-matched windows and doors. I really, really, really don't need another bar in this game.. But, on a more positive note, I like the new decorative items and the collectible, breedable axlots looks fun. 😊
All in all I'm not super impressed or excited. The UI in this game is becoming soo bloated with all the personality stuff that ultimately mostly shows up to you as text pop-ups or moodlets and doesn't result in any unique animations or interactions in game.
I'm still going to try it out when it arrives and see what it feels like when playing. I'm thinking that playing through a scenario with a limited amount of packs might be a good way to do that.
What are your thoughts on the new pack?
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rory-multifandom-mess · 5 months
My Thad Headcanons
Because I'm so totally autism about him, you have no IDEA
I took this from a fic I read, but Thad runs warm. By this I mean his cooling system likes to malfunction every now and then and he has to throw himself into a bunch of icepacks until it works again. If he overheats, he’ll shut down so it systems can cool down much like a phone would
He's self conscious about his sharp canines, but not in the sense that he’s constantly thinking about it. It’s more like a “if i look at myself in the mirror and see my smile, I’m going to remember they’re there and be like ‘oh. that’s not right.’” Because of his insecurity with his sharp teeth, he refuses to go to the dentist
The fact Uzi had a crush on him before meeting N absolutely flew over his head (he’s stupid)
He likes girls AND boys
Ever since the fight with J and V in the pilot, he coughs up oil on occasion. Basically; Worker Drones are stupid and don’t know anything about their own anatomy, so instead of trying to fix the internal damage, they just welded his wounds closed, so now he’s just perpetually internally bleeding
He heals pretty quickly and has a high pain tolerance (entirely because he’s a sports player, and also he heals quick because of the fact he runs warm)
Sometimes he’ll get nightmares about the attack with V and J and also when Solver yonk’d his ass in episode 2. These fucked him up for a little while after and he couldn’t sleep very well, but they’re not as big of a problem anymore
His room is usually surprisingly neat and full of trophies and medals and other various sports memorabilia
Gets really competitive during football matches, but has really good sportsmanship <3 like he’ll be screaming shit during the match and then he’ll lose and to the other team he’s like “good job guys you absolutely rocked it out there, but we’ll beat you next time i’m sure of it >:)” he likes a lil friendly competition
Thad and Lizzy are twins but he’s younger than her by like 2 minutes. She teases him for this. In retaliation, he teases her because he’s taller (by 1 inch)
Sometimes they get in trouble for ‘bullying” each other, but every time they do, Lizzy just says “Siblings are fair game!” and Thad nods
I think he says “no problemo” a lot. He also says other silly phrases like "Okie Dokie Artichokie" and calling things "Rad" and ironically saying" tubular." Lizzy says "This isn't the 80's" and then he responds with "Well the 80s were sick as heck dude so I don't care"
He's a morning person
Listens to highly energetic songs without paying attention to the lyrics, so he’ll listen to the most like. Innapropriate songs without even realizing it just because they’re bops
Gets dating advice from Ron (the drone at the door from episode 2 for those who forget the bg characters)
Yk how people will throw food like popcorn into the air and then catch it in their mouths? yeah he’s really good at that
Sometimes when he can’t sleep he goes out and plays basketball by himself. tires him out so he can eep
Has a nice singing voice, but he doesn’t think he does (i’m projecting)
He doesn’t like to swear, but sometimes jokingly says “I will swear word at you” to his friends
If he’s holding something, he’ll start idly just flip it in the air and catch it over and over. subconsciously too, he just does that
He also plays Soccer and Basketball
Sometimes when someone grabs him unexpectedly, he’ll flinch a little (thanks solver). This usually only happens if he’s been spacing out or doesn’t see the person who grabbed him at first
Chill until someone messes with Lizzy. Then he will fight. Though she’s one of the popular girls so it doesn’t happen often
Weak to flirting; he gets flustered easily. Yet he’s a total flirt when he likes someone and is comfortable enough around them
I like to think Thad gets hurt a lot because he’s a fucking football player and usually he doesn’t get it fixed because it’s normal, but Lizzy and/or Uzi will yell at him to get it fixed because it could fuck with the strength of his casing
One time Thad said “Bite me” to Uzi and she just looked at him like a smug cat while he had a moment
Sometimes he’ll try to hide in his collar when he’s flustered (it never works)
He, Lizzy, and Doll were a trio of best friends (Until Doll's Solver infection started getting really bad and began distancing herself from the other two)
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kozachenko · 6 months
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I'm finally drawing digitally again so her is a WIP of Enoko and a wolf while also applying the new style I've been developing for faces, also took a break from the BG because I have been having some trouble with that part lol
No artist notes as I am saving that for the finished piece (also someone tell me if there is something wrong with the knees, it feels like something is wrong with them and I need to know if I'm seeing something wrong or if it's late at night and I'm tired of looking at it)
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bonefall · 9 months
While we’re talking changing who appears in places- can we change the cats helping out with Sunbeam’s rock trial? I was so confused why the cats selected to help were selected. Sure Cherryfall because she was going to be the one opposing Sunbeam, why not, anyone can do that though honestly and not who I take issue with being there. But Alderheart was there? The medicine cat? Don’t you think he has better things to be doing than pushing a rock around? Where’s Lionblaze aka “I may as well still have my god given super strength”? He could easily be the cat that gets pissy for Sunbeam “not listening to senior warriors” and maybe with age feels that she doesn’t respect him, head of patrols, enough to warrant her staying this sabotaging her in the third trial. I felt robbed that Plumstone who seemed to be established as another bg strong cat was absent. Sure sending Sunbeam with all the strongest cats would make it easy but it’d also be making it safe considering Ivypool didn’t want the rock to hurt anyone and it’s a pecking rock. Why not send your strongest cats to deal with it?
I feel very strongly about this trial, can you tell?
I'm a bit dissatisfied with certain trials in general. Most of the time I LOVE the new trials they made, I think they've been super creative so far, but some have been so lackluster that I need to shine them up.
Namely Berryheart's active attempts to get challengers killed. Someone has to get ACTUALLY hurt by one of those, instead of them just being generally unfair and no one raises an objection about it. I did not like the spring-powered adder that went BOING out of a log.
I will say that I would like to expand on Plumstone in this arc, plus her whole little family. They're in an interesting place, with Bumblestripe coming back from Ferncloud's Parting while leaving his father with the Tribe, Blossomfall still reeling with emotional abuse she suffered at the paws of the impostor, Stemleaf's death and Spotfur raising his kits, and Shellfur's mateship with Fernstripe.
Plumstone ALSO has some stuff going on. She's besties-maybe-dating Thriftear, Bristlefrost's sister, and yet she's one of the more outspoken cats about how she's getting tired of the ThunderClan nepotism. She's strong, reliable, and a competent warrior-- so HOW is it fair that Nightheart keeps getting all these undeserved "chances to prove himself" when SHE is here, SIGNIFICANTLY more orange, and wants her own chance to shine??
I still see her personality as being "a dear" lmao, she's not mean, but she's also not willing to bite her tongue either. She will say what's on her mind, and point out unfair treatment when she feels it.
Thriftear supports this. Yeah, she's a descendant of Firestar and a great warrior, but she EARNED the respect she gets. Bristlefrost did too. Nightheart doesn't even want his legacy, why is this clumsy humbug still getting special treatment?
Good-cat bad-cat pair type thing going on.
So I'm probably going to let them both act as a unit, since BB's Dewnose isn't in ThunderClan and that was a really random pair-up anyway.
("wait! Elder Bones! Where did Dewnose go?" Probably ShadowClan, here is the BB!ThunderClan family tree. There's been shuffles; the Cloudbright kits are now Whitewing, Foxleap, and Icecloud, 3 "singlet" litters, spaced out over years.)
Quickie thoughts on touching up the trials;
Berryheart's are going to need serious overhauls. Nightheart's were really cute and I enjoyed them, but BB is supposed to be about how her group is escalating towards violence. I do not want them to stay so "cute" for the story I'm telling.
I also don't want to keep Nightheart failing his last one on purpose. I want his growth to be more based in self-realization than trying to let Sunbeam "save face."
I kinda want Fringewhisker to get injured during one of her own, and then Antfur dies as collateral damage in Nightheart's last. I'd like Nightheart leaving to be half him realizing that his BEHAVIOR is a problem, and half for his own safety.
In ThunderClan, I'd like the boulder one to be more about Sunbeam assembling a team, almost like she's a patrol head.
Since it's her second trial and she displayed some pretty fantastic leadership skills with her first one, I've got an inkling of an idea that Squilf actually talked with Ivy about wanting to legitimately assess her talent.
Like, "We both know that this whole trial-system was just to appease the other Clans. These are meant to be easy because idgaf. But wow, Sunbeam was actually impressive with those kits. What else can she do, if we give her the chance?"
I really like writing Squilf as she's described in Bramblestar's Storm, where her good leadership comes from being attentive of details and making everyone feel useful.
Man... maybe ill save Rosepetal for this arc and let her be deputy during this. Something feels very Rosepetaly about this. Maybe even have Rosepetal be clearly treating her as if she's a Secondary Apprentice, preparing her to take over her reputation of being a prolific mentor... Nightheart comes back from his trip only to find Sunbeam with twice as much respect as status as he ever had.
I can always axe Rose later to get Ivypool in... But I also REALLY love all the Ivypool Deputy Drama with how there's a conflict with ShadowClan... man. why are there so many interesting girls.
Maybe Rose doesn't have to be deputy, but Ivy assigns Rosepetal as the only "mandatory member" of the Boulder Patrol. Like a tutorial tip lmaooo
Sunbeam: "I think I will pick......................" STARES AT ROSEPETAL, "aaalderrr-" Rosepetal frowns "--pluuuuumstone??" Rosepetal nods, "Wise choice."
And lastly. The final Sunbeam trial. Ngl hated it. It felt really boring compared to the previous two, which were super interesting and excellent ways to give some spotlight to background characters.
Riddles don't even feel like a ThunderClan thing. Idk that was a very RiverClan (philosophy) or ShadowClan (trickery) kind of thing.
I think I'll hold off on thinking about it though; I think it would be SUPER cool if I totally overhauled that last trial to make it foreshadow the later books, somehow.
I DO want to keep that disney channel ass Cherryfall being a bitch part though. I love her so much. I'm so glad she's walking in her father's pawsteps and becoming the snot-nosed brat of ThunderClan.
I will definitely be changing how Sunbeam HANDLES it though. Hate the way that the books emphasize never telling anyone anything.
In fact, I kinda want to make Sunbeam approach Sparkpelt for advice, to show she finally has a figure she feels like she can trust.
Explicitly contrast the way that she NEVER felt like she could approach Berryheart, and that so much of her appeasing, avoidant behavior had been because she didn't feel safe or respected.
Here, in ThunderClan, she has family. She begins to realize that even if Nightheart came back and dumped her, Sparkpelt and Finchlight would NEVER kick her to the curb.
So she goes to Sparkpelt about how she is being bullied by Cherryfall, and they TALK ABOUT OPTIONS.
Like, you know,
Spark: "We could go to Squirrelstar or the deputy."
Sun: "I don't want to cause a fuss if I don't have to... besides, idk, I don't want to set the peat on fire, it would be nice if I could be on good terms with Cherryfall later."
Spark: "that's very wise of you, but just remember that Squilst is a very fair person. We can always go to her. Do you want any backup at all or do you want to do this on your own?"
Sun: "I think... I think I actually do need to do this on my own. If I was being confronted, I think I would just double down if I was being attacked in a group. That was right with Brambleclaw because you weren't trying to convince him, but... what do you think?"
Spark: "I think Cherryfall's just like her father and her ego is everything to her, so I think you're right on the mouse with all this. Honestly, I don't even know how much I'm helping here!"
Sun: "Oh but you are helping! You're helping a lot! StarClan... it feels so nice to just... have someone to listen. Thanks, Sparkpelt."
Basically, tweak the trials to bring them more in line with the themes and messages of BB, y'know? And also beef up the Clans themselves, by stressing the various personalities that are at play here. Especially since I quite like how Sunbeam in ThunderClan has some super neat traits she wasn't expressing in ShadowClan.
Like... it feels like it could be a really cool story to tell about how supportive environments can make you really shine. How you can suddenly seem like a brand new person, just by having people who have your back and encourage your autonomy.
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demonsword586 · 9 months
Leviathan Bloodshed story part 3
(Whew,I'm glad the parts after the prolouge aren't so long yet give quite a bit of content. Now that I'm rereading his story,I feel like he's getting greener every part. Oh! Also I might not post the next one till weekend,getting visits tomorrow+ got a lot of irl work to do. Wish you all a fun and non-stressful day!)
Leviathan's clothes which now looked more like rags than anything else were now tattered and completlly non-functional.
The more of his skin was exposed,the more scars were revealed.
But neither you or Leviathan felt any pain or pity for it. Instead you were both excited by the increased skin showing.
Before you knew it,Leviathan moved on and unbuckled your pants.
Judging from what you felt between your buttocks and behind your back,his pants have long been pulled down.
Mc: You stay still. You're a patient.
With that said,you slipped your pants and underwear under your buttocks before grabbing Leviathan's penis between your butt crack.
Leviathan: Ungh...wait...
Leviathan ended up closing his eyes.
You also tilted your head,sharing the sweet sensation between your legs.
You hadn't even put it in,yet Leviathan was acting like you swallowed him whole.
You could feel that your weight,your grip on his shirt,your skin against his,were turning him on.
You even started rocking your hips up and down,Leviathan also rocked his hips to match.
The wet clothes and skin rubbed against each other,creating a lustful sound going slap,slap,slap...
Mc: (What should I do,this alone makes me want to come..)
You bit down on your lower lip and thought,but your body didn't stop at all.
Mc: Leviathan,wait,I...think I'm c-
Leviathan: .....
Leviathan rocked you harder as though he coudn't hear you.
You wanted to rub Leviathan's penis against something more forward, sensitive and not between your buttcheeks.
You stradled Leviathan's chest,pressing your chest against his and stuck out your bottom.
Leviathan grimaced from pleasure and grabbed your sides.
Leviathan: Are you tired?
Mc: No,it's just...I prefer this...
If Leviathan thought you were pathetic,you had nothing to say about it.
But far from considering you to be pathetic,Leviathan began to rub his shaft against your center.
You shuddered,alternately being rubbed against your wet underwear that had climbed precariously down and Leviathan's bare skin.
Mc: Hnn...! Hnnnn!!!
Leviathan: Ha..
Leviathan's sweet sigh tickled your forehead.
You didn't forget to rock him as you diligently moved your mouth.
(bg changes to Leviathan smirking like he's the hottest deer around)
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All the skin that was exposed through the torn clothes was blackened with your hickies.
And on your body,on the exact same spots,there were red marks that appeared with sucking sensations.
Each time you sucked on Leviathan's skin,he sped up.
Then he suddenly stopped as though he was flooring the brakes.
Mc: What's wrong? Are you alright? Is it because you're hurt?
Leviathan: ..No
Leviathan smiled picturesquely with a lewd look on his face.
Leviathan: It looks like neither you nor myself wish to reach climax yet.
You did once think he resembled a pure and innocent deer...
Mc: (Oh my...There can't be such a lewd deer like this.)
Leviathan: You. You're completely wet.
The moment you finished thinking,Leviathan spoke in an alluring voice and stroked from between your butt crack and back.
Mc: Uhh...?!?!
It resulted in you shudder with sudden pleasure and then reaching a shallow climax.
But before you could even feel the aftermath of your climax,Levithan began to move again.
He was a horribly injured patient,but the ecstasy that controlled his brain and body seemed to overcome it.
The same went for you as well.
Mc: Leviathan, Leviathan..
When Leviathan's hand moved away from his private area to outwardly touch yours,you called his name as though you were drooling.
Soon,the finger making wet sounds frequented your hole shallowly.
You bit your lips and tightened,and loosened around the finger that entered you.
Then Leviathan's penis that you weren't even touching swelled even more and kept tapping your bottom.
Mc: (This is unbelievable..I can feel this good...in a situation like this?!)
Not only had you already come although he wasn't even inside you,Leviathan was also gasping roughly and feeling you.
The feeling of sex had no intention of settling,instead it only hightened.
(Bg changes to Levi looking like his pp is about to explode)
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Just then,Leviathan grimaced as though in pain and grabbed your thigh,
Leviathan: This isn't enough...at this rate..
Leviathan was steadily reaching climax,but he pleaded you for bigger stimulation as though it wasn't enough.
When you looked lost,Leviathan held the Chackram of light that was embedded in his body.
Mc: Leviathan,that will open your wounds!!
Leviathan: I don't think so. Not if you do it.
Leviathan meant it.
You felt your changeable conscience and guilt raise their heads again...
Leviathan: Please...
The string of rationality or the borders of your morality snapped loudly inside you.
You sat up,staring at Leviathan with your eyes so seized with excitement you could almost feel your mind going black.
Then,you held the blade of light embedded in his body and began to move it roughly.
Leviathan: Ha,hnn,uhh...!
Unspeakable pain spread out through your body as well.
It was such a thrilling pain that you thought you would black out at the slightest wrong touch.
But pleasure bigger than that soon covered it.
You could feel the sheer affection and desire in the touch,and the knowledge that you were turning him into a mess,filling Leviathan to the brim.
Each time you shook the Chakram of light,Leviathan's wounds were exposed in all their glory,but his moans increased proportionately.
Mc: Leviathan...
Leviathan: Ugh,you...How can you...make me...
He didn't continue.
How can I torment you this much?
How can I lust after you like this?
Mc: ( Or...How can I like you this much?)
You guessed the words Leviathan swallowed and rocked harder.
Just then,a drop of rain that fell down Leviathan's eyes flowed down.
At the sight of what looked like tears,you felt goosebumps rise all over your body.
Mc: (If..if I do something worse...!)
You stood up.
(bg changes to Levi looking like a little kitten in the rain)
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And took your shoes off,and then- stepped on Leviathan's cheek with your bare foot.
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hisaribi · 18 days
so, a batfam as hsr paths and types and maybe some backstory they might have in the universe
Part 1 of ???
I'll start with Gotham being something like Luofu or Penacony, they aren't really a planet, but they fly around, my guess because of the Court of Owls they're more on the Abundance path, as dudes were searching for eternal life, and also Talons fit abominations pretty well, or they were a mining ship, that got rich for some time but now they have like incredible crime-rate and a difference between rich and poor to cause another great october revolution, but alas. maybe they're on the Beauty or Elation path, they also aren't a part of IPC, but this one is weird, so don't worry
Then let's go to my favorite, Dick. He was born on a ship traveling the universe, performing life, circus, so basically he has no roots or home other that the ship. Most Carnies are following or blessed by Elation, so Dick grew up around mentions of Aha eon and Fools, also probably somehow connected to Masked Fools (and honestly this way for Dick to be, like how he deals with the world, being constantly happy as a pretend, keeping laughter to fight the misery, a light and a hope or whatever, I'm sure he has his mask somewhere), but because elation isn't a playable path in hsr, we need something else for Dick. I'm actually torn between Abundance and Preservation for him. Abundance blesses selfless, altruistic and healers (though ok Dick isn't really a healer of the party, I guess), and Preservation is for patient, sacrificial and proactive, they act like support with a shield role. Let's stick with Preservation. As for the type, also torn between lighting and physical. maybe we can pull Dan Heng and make his Robin physical with healing (hey, Natasha), and as Nightwing he's Preservation and Lighting, so let's stick with that.
So the story, they come to Gotham, his parents die, Bruce takes him in and Dick stays with him on Gotham.
let's move to Bruce then. He's either on Nihility, Erudition or Destruction path. actually Erudition fits most Bats, so let's stick with Nihility for Bruce, because fighting crime in Gotham is pretty meaningless thing. It also puts a bunch of DoT (Damage over time). I also think he should have Quantum type of damage, once again, because it gives a neat debuffs. so as for his life, his family was killed the same way, as in canon, then he run away from home and traversed the universe, maybe even with trailblazers, he studied blade and all that to become Batman, to help Gotham. Also just thought that now Gotham being a ship and it makes so much more sense to call her a She.
actually @brucewaynehater101 suggested for dc having their own aeons, or some entities, so Lady Gotham might be really cool, but I'm probably not in the mood for recreating a whole world building for this silly small thing that's already way too long
anyway, I'm sorta tired of thinking for now, so let's finish with Alfred being Hunt with Ice type of damage, because of his spy bg and because he has such vibes.
anyway, strike me with who to do next or your ideas about other characters, ye. don't donate to gacha games, good luck in pulling, I want Avanturine rerun
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crescencestudio · 1 year
Devlog #35 | 09.26.23
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Hi everyone!
Hope the beginning of Fall has been kind to you all <3 To be Frank, it has not been Kind to me LMFAO. But I'll get into that, so let's dive in yippee!
Before I do, someone liked this post recently, which was such a throwback. It was before the full demo was out and everything!! I was so young and full of life. I'm going to sprinkle some comparison shots of the new assets with the old ones to break up the text and also walk down memory lane with me! (Full GUI not shown as I'm still waiting on the assets)
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Chapter Cards (Left: After | Right: Before)
The "Progress"
I'm going to structure this devlog a little differently from the usual template. The main reason being, for those of you who didn't see, I have not been feeling Myself recently.
This month I found myself all out of sorts. While I felt like I was making progress and doing so much everyday read: fighting for my life, when I looked back on things at the end of this month, I didn't feel like I really did much.
On a higher level, I finished fulfilling Kickstarter physical rewards, opened a Kofi shop of the remaining merch, edited Druk's route and continued writing Etza's route, updated assets and code for the updated demo, and then general commission stuff (BGs from Vui, soundtracks from Peter, etc.).
But overall, Alaris felt largely like it was kinda sitting at around the same spot as it did when I entered this month. Which made me a little sad! I had wanted to make So Much Progress on Alaris because next month I won't be able to work on it really. Then, I realized I haven't taken a break from game development since I started it two years ago HA!!!
The Real Progress
Development for me has been back-to-back. Chapter releases every 1-2 months during my first half year of development, Full Demo release shortly after, Kickstarter shortly after, Full Game Development shortly after. When I was feeling burnt out from Alaris, I made intertwine. Then I was Heavily Involved in the development of two games shortly after.
All of this on top of my IRL responsibilities, which include a job, PhD school, and well, functioning as a normal human occasionally.
And then here we are at the end of September 2023, and I'm wondering why even though I creatively want to work on Alaris, I find my brain literally just getting too tired to think.
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Etza CG (Left: After | Right: Before)
I think ever since the Kickstarter, I've put a lot of pressure on myself to consistently put out LOTS of updates for each monthly devlog. I don't want people to think I'm not working on things or I'm not committed to delivering after giving me their hard earned money. But now, with two years under my belt, I'm realizing that is... HMM maybe too high of a standard to put on myself for my first game ever. There are many much more seasoned developers than me who don't put that pressure on themselves (which is Good and Healthy).
So this month, I debated scrounging around and gathering all my crumbs to give you all a devlog that you'll be satisfied with. But I decided ultimately that wouldn't be good for me and would honestly not be the most transparent way to present the current process of things.
And so. Here I am. Head in my Hands. Letting you all know that while I'm not "burnt out," I am.... only human LOL (one human at that). And so some months, like this one, will just not have much progress to report. Not because I'm not working on it or any other deeper reason. But because it's physically impossible and unreasonable for me to be continuously pushing out a steady stream of content.
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In-Game Sprites & BGs (Left: After | Right: Before)
Next month, I'lll be taking a vacation. It's actually my first Big, Official one in a Long Time! I'm very excited for it. And while I did initially think about working on Alaris while I was traveling on trains or things like that, I decided to respect my own need to be a Human and just take a break for once in my life. I don't even want to say I Might work on things, because that sentiment alone will pressure me to make some progress. So yes. Next month, there will be no devlog or updates. But please rest assured, I am "working on Alaris" by letting myself just Exist and Rest Up!
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Not an Alaris screenshot but it is market research that deserves to be included because I played House in Fata Morgana recently and it was Phenomenal!
Thank you all for understanding and your continued support. I'm extremely appreciative to have such a kind and patient community. Hope you all have a wonderful October filled with Fall Treats, and I'll see you in November! <3
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beastabyss666 · 11 months
The new Mammon and Fizz episode has been released and I wanna put my two cents in.
The palette is oooof........ One of the most "hard to watch" HB episodes. Seriously, hasn't anyone told Vivzie that her colour choices are just utterly failed?
Mammon was simply annoying and cringe, especially considering he's one of the highest "demons". He curses every few seconds, has an Australian accent and is some kind of a rock star(because......because). Oh yeah, he's also a very bad guy, cuz he disrespects women! Also I find it funny that Vivzie said in one of her tweets that she apologizes the fans wouldn't like him, as he's "fat and ugly". In reality, he's just a typical Vivziepop-ish male character, having sharp teeth and eyes without pupils. And his "fatness" is just looking like a Christmas tree with a round body.
Overdetailed backgrounds and sloppy animation, as always. Some moments look reeeeeally stiff. Maybe Vivzie starts drawing easier backgrounds and make characters with less details so the animation was better and faster to produce? Just dreaming.......
The songs are just generic tasteless pop-stuff. Gosh, I just wish they have a better composer cuz it's tiring to hear these cheap pop tunes every time. Maybe get some real rock or something with synthesizer........ I don't know.....
The background characters in this episode look much less like some early Deviantart furry OCs or cosplay freaks, which is a real plus. Take some cuties:
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Hee hee goat boy
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Hee hee goat girl(kinda accurate to the demonology, love it).
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I really like the left amphibia girl, she's so pretty. Also yeah, bg characters really look better than in previous episodes. Almost like they were drawn by someone who actually knows their job well and doesn't make every person look like different art style or different teenager's OC.
Fizz being tired to be a clown for entertainment, having panic attacks, dealing with crazy fans and a shitty boss was honestly a good idea but the final song was just too weak to handle it. If it was done better, it would be really good.
The sigh language kid is cute and it was interesting to see a disabled person being cheered and supported by another disabled person.
Oh wow Viv made another female characters whose entire personality is being bitchy and arrogant(even to each other, though they're sisters they're calling each other whore, bitch etc.). Can't wait for the fanbase to hate these two or lust for them in the worst way possible.
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Though there were actually some beautiful and......esthetic frames.
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Am I the only one who never understood why Fizzarolli is considered a sex icon in this show? Like, yeah, Mammon said that he'll exploit his "clown employee" in every way possible and it's all for money, but I still don't get the whole "having tons of sex dolls based on him" thing. Who in sanity would buy a sex doll of Fizz? He looks like a stick with limbs and painted face, which is somehow considered sexy by Vivzie or her fans? Wouldn't it be more logical for a woman to be a sex icon? Lots of real women, including teen idols, were sexualized and fetishized for media by their producers and shown as beauty icons. But I just couldn't imagine the same with males. Like, I'm sorry, but to me Fizz who's a circus performer, celebrity and a sex icon is in the same category as Angel Dust who's a porn star, stripper and prostitute at the same time.
I'm very glad there wasn't much Blitzo.
It's funny that this girl looks like a better design for Loona than Loona herself, lmao.
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It's actually a progress to see that Vivzie didn't fetishize a romantic relationship between two men and actually showed them as a loving couple which doesn't talk about sex and cocks every five seconds. She actually has put some unexpected effort in it.
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Oh wait she didn't—
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fairyjiu · 10 months
A non comprehensive list of gfx makers
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Below you'll find a list of gfx makers because they don't get nearly as much love and recognition as they should and I'm tired of it. I am including both static gfx and gfx including gifs or other animation elements. I've also added which groups they make content for, as far as I can tell from a quick look through their creations, so not certified 100% accurate.
@lunetual: mx, txt, multi bg, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@junsfangs : mostly a.c.e, creation tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@znghao: zb1, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2
@sungtaro: cravity, treasure, yena, ive, multi, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@donghyuckkies: nct, seventeen, pentagon, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2
@seungwoonies: multi bg, graphics tag gfx: 1 2 3
@gyusgal: txt, twice, red velvet, the boyz, multi, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@wonwooridul: svt, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@seulggi: red velvet, multi gg, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@irxne: red velvet, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2
@kimchunsgha: multi gg, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@yxxna: multi, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2
@romsae: fromis, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2
@ryudaeng: itzy, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@ynseeun: multi gg, graphics tag
@itzyish: itzy, multi gg, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@hyeonsuk: cix, graphics tag
@sungniki: enhypen: graphics tag
@nalalized: enhypen, multi gg, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@suuho: exo, highlight, multi bg, creations tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@ye-xiu: shinee, svt, ateez, edit/graphic tag, gfx: 1 2 3
@parkloves: svt, stray kids, graphics tag, gfx: 1 2
There are obviously more so please if you have recommendations, send me an ask so I can add to this post. Remember to be kind to our creators and support their work by reblogging it.
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uninformedartist · 1 year
So a review on Helluva boss So2 ep 6
Ok so gonna break this review down into positives and negatives with my additional thoughts.
So always start off with this, big props and love to the animation team we know know and see your struggle working under Vivienne and animating her over-complicated designs. Props to the BG team really stunning backgrounds, was actually a bit over the top for me (Ozzie's palace and especially the dildo factory shit was moving way too fast) but did pause to have a look at the BGs it is really pretty, the shit pacing made everything a visual blur tho.
VA work stunning love always a joy to hear Alex and James in any VA work tho Fizz's song was eyyy not the best but don't blame Alex it was a shittly written song in general especially when it went to the heavy metal part, overstimulating af and again shit pacing during the song and the flashing visuals gave me a headache. Striker's new VA, Ed's voice really grew on me he should've been Striker in the 1st place because I know for a fact Norman couldn't reprise his role for future episodes.
I loved Ozzie and Fizz's relationship especially the end scene where you can see Ozzie development or got hold of the best technology to give Fizz functional limbs, was a tender scene their relationship and interactions made me smile. I'll give Viv 1 ty for not fucking up their relationship, ty Viv (I can be nice to her :). Tho 1 scene that bothered me... the 12 sec Ozzie dong scene 💀 my soul it was just so jarring especially with the fast pacing. Felt like a race car coming to an immediate stop then speeding off again. Would've like the scene replaced with Fizz telling Bliz something nice about Ozzie, why Fizz likes him. I'm tired of queer couples/pairings in this show describing their partner in 2 ways, 1. how good they are in bed or 2. they got x anatomy that's amazing. But its Viv writing this ep, sigh her and her damn middle school sex jokes I'll let it slide.
Now negatives:
I said it before I'll say it for all eternity, the pacing was dogshit bad oh my soul wtf... Viv, Adam whoever I know you guys don't listen to criticism but if any criticism you take fix your damn pacing 😑. I had to pause multiple times just to see what has happening, what was said, what this paper/sign etc said. It was bad, and that paired with the overdetailed BGs and character designs, for the 1st time ever I got overstimulted from a HB ep and had to take a 5 min break to rest my eyes (was by Fizz's song). Its a noisey spinning kaleidoscope this ep, so unpleasant and its all pacing. Stay on certain scenes a bit longer and allow the audience to take in the scene before them (that flackback scene) its makes a difference. If you get overwhelmed/overstimlated ect by such visuals I recommend watching the leaked episode its much better in terms of pacing since its mostly storyboards and there is no color, plus its just the VAs talking with no background music and zero to minimal sound effects.
I didn't care for Crimson in this episode, I know he became Viv's favorite 😒 but seeing this fucker back so soon, it wasn't enjoyable, especially since the only reason he's in this ep is for a "big score" 😑. Also I'm tired of this over convenient plots, Fizz so happened to be in the greed ring and so happened to run into Blitz and Striker so happened to be in greed meeting with Crim who need a man for a "big score" AND SO HAPPENED Striker sees Fizz/Blitz fighting outside the window 🙃. Its all too convenient for me it takes me out and I then think how the plot coming together is ridiculous.
Striker is so under utilized. Since Viv hates him (confirmed by sources I can't pull now apologies) and she wrote this episode, everything established of Striker in So1 is destroyed. He's a husk of his intended character, all talk no show, a misogynistic clown who you can see Viv has no care writing him properly because she doesn't like him which is fucking horrible, this woman will butcher an integral villian, one with a good motivation (he hates blue-bloods) all because "oh I don't like him he's not in my fav OC list", petty af.
Fizz's disability and how its handled, spoke about it in this post:
It still remains the same though now we see it wasn't Wally holding the cake just some other imp and the card Bliz made for Fizz was a love confession still doesn't justify his reaction shoving the imp and his still underlying jealousy of Fizz since they were young. Yes it was backing off from a love confession/ashamed he's not as good a performer as Fizz, Blitz was jealous of Fizz. Made another post saying how I like how Fizz sees his disability, he's content, happy, has Ozzie who understands him and even made/went out his way to get Fizz the best prosthetics to better his quality of life, I like that good on Fizzy :).
5. Going to be a separate long post on (ಠ_ಠ) Blitz, THE FUCKING BIRD IS BACK 💀💀💀 why your rotisserie chicken ass not in hospital or we just skipping past that and how Viv keeps I'm gonna say it, forcing her characters to have daddy issues by writing this fucking irritating basic fanfic trope of killing the mother offscreen/not having the mother in the picture/us seeing her face. A commenter pointed this out and it irritates me because its the 3rd time she does this, she show Tilla (Blitz's mom) in pictures, you think there would be an episode revolving around Blitz's childhood etc but no she's "in" a fast paced pitty party flashback. This woman really can't show an ounce of respect to any female characters.
This is all for now, will be making more posts the more this ep settles in.
Score: 4.7/10
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