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pupsmailbox · 10 months ago
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Mascneu ★ ❭ Which someone feels as if they are masculine, but in a non-binary, androgynous, or simply neutral way
Solarian ★ ❭ Non-binary individuals who are male or masculine-aligned.
Solarset ★ ❭ Where one feels their gender is neutral (or slightly masculine), but with strong masculine influences.
Neuvir ★ ❭ Gender that is male or male-aligned, but is entirely neutral, rather than masculine.
Neutro ★ ❭ Which someone feels as if they are non-binary, androgynous, or genderless(-aligned) but in a masculine way.
Neutroboy ★ ❭ Neutrois or mostly neutrois with strong connections to masculinity.
Non-Binary Man ★ ❭ Someone who identifies both as a male and as non-binary.
Dawnset ★ ❭ Neutral gender identity with slight masculine influences. One may use masculine gender labels, but still feel that their gender is not entirely or very masculine at all.
Verdeboy ★ ❭ Term for an agenrine/neutral boy or man. A boy or has a connection to manhood, but they also have a connection to agenderness, genderlessness, or neutrois, either in their gender or their gender expression.
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thescaryhyperfem · 5 months ago
i really hate how theres no nixichood representation in this community yet the flag gets so (mis)represented like come on guys!!!!!
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transonlyspace · 1 year ago
your daily reminder not to mix up the nixic flag and the "straight pride flag"
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stormy-caffeine · 1 year ago
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Androvixenix / Axendroma
Androvixenix, also known as Axendroma, is a gender that is genderless-, male-, androgyne- and xeno-aligned. These alignments can be simultaneous, fluid, and/or fluctuate in intensity. This may manifest as identifying only partially as male, androgynous and/or xenine genders. This term is intended for those who feel simultaneously connected and disconnected from these alignments, as well as those who have difficulty distinguishing their alignment from their gender.
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Summarized description: A nixic gender that is nixangi, nixvir, and nixenic, simultaneously.
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ryanyflags · 2 years ago
Mavnix? Maverique equivalent of nixic (nixera/nixvir)
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Mavnix ! :D
The flag uses the nixvir flag as a base, with the colors shifted to yellow/orange for maverique.
Also a definition since I haven't seen this term mentioned elsewhere.
Mavnix: a gender that is comprised of both genderless and maverine (maverique) aspects.
I assume this is the definition you mean? Just a maverique version of the other nixic definitions.
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radiomogai · 4 months ago
[PT: Gynix Pride Flag. End PT]
Gynix Pride Flag
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Gynix or gynixic (alternatively: ginix or ginixic): a gender in between nixangi and nixera; a combination of gynx and nixic.
Term source (probably coined by u/tinysporebat)
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das-a-kirby-blog · 6 months ago
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genderfluid-info-blog · 8 days ago
Is there a term for being exclusively agender while having aspects of yourself that are both masculine and feminine while not viewing yourself as male or female? And your ideas of masculine and feminine don't fall in line with the usual ideas that humans have for them? For example, my masculinity is actually masculine in the way I would be like a feminine man, preferring long hair and a more feminine appearance while still feeling the vibe of maleness just not being male. and my femininity is like an alien goddess or a lioness, fierce and powerful, and it feels like it would fall in line with a human idea of masculinity. So it's kind of like I'm masculine in the way a woman is masculine, feminine in the way a man is feminine, while feeling that my essence is agender
Hi there! I was unable to find a term that encompasses all of the things you mentioned, but I could find some labels about being agender and having a connection to femininity/masculinity! If anyone else has some other ideas, feel free to share them!! I'm more of an expert on genderfluid terms, so there might have been some labels that I missed😅
Libragender: a gender that is mostly agender, but has a partial connection to another gender
Nixic: an umbrella of genders that are comprised of both genderless aspects and gendered/aligned aspects
Geengender: a type of agender where one's gender is hard to explain, but one feels a connection to masculinity, femininity, androgyny or a combination of them
I hope this is at least kinda close to what you were looking for!! I sadly couldn't find a label that encompasses the second part of what you've written, although I do know a few labels that go in that direction, none of them are agender :/ Nonetheless, have a great day!! <3
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theflaggerrrr · 4 months ago
Flag Dump (flags I only posted on Pinterest)
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" She/Her Gay (Top Left), Nixic Turigirl (Top Middle), Agender Turigirl (Top Left), Gender Accepter (Middle Left), Nixic Gay (Middle Right), Anya F/O (Bottom Left) & Daisucharic (Bottom Right) "
She/Her Gay: Self Explanatory.
Nixic Turigirl: A flag for turigirls who are nixic or apart of the nixichood.
Agender Turigirl: A flag for turigirls who are agender, or genderless.
Gender Accepter: A term for those who have been misgendered or confused for a gender so much that they start identifying as that gender, starting to 'accept' that gender.
Nixic gay: A flag for gays who are nixic or apart of the nixichood.
Anya F/O (REQUEST): A flag for those whose fictional other is Anya from Mouthwashing.
Daisucharic (REQUEST): A gender related to Daisuke from Mouthwashing.
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[ID: A transparent image that says "Willy holds no DNI, but is not afraid to block." with a picture of the account's mascot (mentioned in the introduction) upside down.]
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pupsmailbox · 10 months ago
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Femineu ★ ❭ Which someone feels as if they are feminine, but in a non-binary, androgynous, or simply neutral way.
Lunarian ★ ❭ Non-binary individuals who are female or feminine-aligned.
Lunarset ★ ❭ Where one feels their gender is neutral (or slightly feminine), but with strong feminine influences.
Neulier ★ ❭ A gender that is female or female-aligned, but is entirely neutral, rather than feminine.
Neutra ★ ❭ A gender term in which someone feels as if they are non-binary, androgynous, or genderless(-aligned) but in a feminine way.
Nixera ★ ❭ A nixic gender that has both genderless and feminine aligned aspects.
Neutrogirl ★ ❭ A subset of neutrogender that is neutrois or mostly neutrois with strong connections to femininity.
Non-Binary Woman ★ ❭ Someone who identifies both as a female and as non-binary.
Noviluset ★ ❭ A neutral gender identity with slight feminine influences.
Verdegirl ★ ❭ Term for an agenrine/neutral girl or woman.
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stormy-talks · 9 months ago
Is it weird/bad that I don't like the circa-binary model? Like that little graphic with all the colorful balls?
Proxvir and juxera are placed between femache/male and femache/female respectively. Why? Proxvir and juxera don't exist between those things. That's what androgyne is (not androgynous. Androgyne.) Proxvir and juxera should exist on the outskirts of the graph near the points they resemble - proxvir outside of male and juxera outside of female.
Proximal genders and centrigenders (androgyne, gynx, androx, neutremme, neutromme, etc.) should be two different concepts, all a part of the circa-binary. Wouldn't that make more sense? I also don't think nixic genders fit the model at all. Why are they even included? They're just agenrine identities related to the gender binary.
I have a model in mind that I need to doodle real quick and add to this post. I just wanted to get my thoughts out there about this thing. I think we can make it better, more concise.
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your-bigender-big-brother · 5 months ago
is there a term for someone who is maverique, male, and agender?
i feel as though male is my primary or "outside" gender that i present with.
then agender and maverique is what you get when you pull away the layers.
would this simply be trigender or is there a specific term?
i feel as though sometimes they fluctuate and agender/maverique becomes my "primary"
thanks, and yet again i really appreciate the last answer to the ask i sent.
(you dont have to reply fast or anything)
There are terms for being maverique and male (maverivir), and being agender and male (agendervir/agender boy), but I haven't seen any terms for a combination of all three after looking around.
You could call it trigender if that term feels right to you. If you are all three genders, even if they change or fluctuate from time to time, that sounds pretty trigender to me.
Some ideas for new terms could be maverbxy, mavagendervir, maybe something using nix which also refers to genderlessness (like nixic genders.) I can't really think of anything else! - 💙💚
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transgender-activated · 4 months ago
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Hey guys this is @thescaryhyperfem's flag hoarding account :) below the cut is a bunch of info about my identity. Under cut cuz it's long
TW: Reclaimed slurs, eyestrain
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Name Hoard:
Fave: Francis, Funbus / SCPFunbus / Dr Funbus, Crasher & Trasher.
Others: Smasher, Francisco(a), Willy, Will, Mill, Lavender, Crumbs, Fishy & Mr Fish.
Pronouns Hoard:
Fave: she/her, king/kingself, it/itself
Others: ze/zim, ze/zir, xey/xem, xe/xem, xe/xer, xey/xeym, xy/xym, zy/zym, zi/zir, xi/xir, xiy/xiym, zy/zym, xhei/xheir, basically any pronouns that sound "weird".
Term Hoard:
Fave: Feminine & royalty related.
Sexuality: Gay (QLM), Finsexual, Pansensual, Kaitarose, Gaberian, Autorose, Aroace-Spec, Reciproromantic, Aahhce-spec.
Gender: Transgender (Male & Androgynous), Honeybee Transfem, Transfieldian, Non-binary, Agender, Nixic, Androgyne, GNC & Xenogender.
Objectum: Mangerum, Pool Toys, Bathrooms, Houses, Plushies, Fonts (Comic Sans), Balloons, Fursuits, Blankets, Pillows & more... (Attraction is not exclusively sexual / romantic)
Other: Otter / Lobo Guará, Hyperfeminine / Femboy, Sun Bear, Cub Bear, Dyar, Faggot / Viado, Tranny, Drag Queer, T4T, Freak 4 Freak, Weirdo 4 Weirdo, Quizil,
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Tagging System (barely use it):
#🏳️‍🌈 = Flags
#📦 = Userboxes
#✨ = Blinkies/Stamps
#👿 = "CoNtRaDiCtOrY" labels
#🔳 = Roblox Related
#🍼 = Agere Related
#👑 = Royalty Related
#🤡 = Juggalo/ICP Related
#🔒 = SCP Related
#🐈🌈 = Nyan Cat Related
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n1l-xe-xem · 4 months ago
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Strays till we Decay coming to Webtoon on November 20th! Ten years after being tired of being Sunshine Coast Mountain Laboratory's submissive and docile lab rats and escaping, three broke college kids-Tig, Raven, and Mockup, or The Rooftop Rebels group #1; a group of test subjects from SCML that escaped and have six total groups spread through the town-try to survive against the boredom of their incredibly small town NightFall Nixic, where humans can turn into their anthropomorphic forms when they want to. (Warning: basically a lgbtq furry 2000- 2010s Ramshackle(by Zeddyzi) and Scattershot (thesis film on YouTube) crossover but worse. It was originally posted on October 23 2024, but then I changed my artstyle ;-;)
(Edit: I wrote the wrong date, it should be coming in December 5th at least)
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thescaryhyperfem · 4 months ago
Hi do you know how to identify if I'm libragender or nixic?
use whatever yure comfortable with
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das-a-kirby-blog · 6 months ago
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ocs so far
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