#nists gifs
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Professor Emmrich Volkarin, of the Mourn Watch
#dragon age#emmrich volkarin#bellara lutare#my rook#nists gifs#dragon age veilguard#also made some special effects edits to not make him appear bald for that moment after dispelling the skull#by editing hair into the frames missing it#datv#dragon age the veilguard#emmrook#necromancer
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the latest guest on give it to me straight ruh roh
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Googling the latest doge news to see an AI generated snippet tell me they're cutting "harmful" AI safety initiatives
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Osjećate li se usamljeno tijekom blagdana Niste jedini, a ovi savjeti će pomoći
Svi smo se u nekom trenutku našeg života borili s usamljenošću. Neki se možda osjećaju usamljeno zbog radnog mjesta udaljenog od doma, a neki zbog preseljenja nakon propasti dugogodišnje veze. Čak i kada ste okruženi ljudima, vrlo je moguće da se osjećate usamljeno. Ako vam sve ovo zvuči poznato, znajte da niste sami. Usamljenost je prirodni dio ljudskog bića, ali to ne znači da ne možete učiniti…
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#CENTAR ZDRAVLJA#dopisivanje#druženje#emocija#film#istraživanja#Kultura#ljubav#ljudi#niste sami#Novo#PIĆE#portal#Poticaj#prijatelji#razgovor#savjeti#veze#Video#Zdravlje
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Alcoolul nu ne permitea sa ne mai controlam, saruturile s-au intensificat. Mi-a parasit buzele, sa poata explora alte parti ale corpului meu. A inceput cu gatul, unde a lasat niste semne, a continuat cu clavicula, a dat sa coboare, dar rochia ii statea in cale. Eram pierduta in spatiu, aveam mana in parul lui, picioarele infasurate in jurul bazinului, lipita de el.
Nu a mai rezitat mult si m-a luat in brate catre camera lui. Tot drumul a fost parcus cu greu, deoarece buzele lui egoiste nu aveau de gand sa renunte la ale mele, deja rosii si usor inflamate.
Ajunsi in camera, ma aseaza in mijlocul patului, analizand fiecare particica. Pieptul mi se ridica si cobora cu viteza, parul lung si negru imprastiat in valuri pe pat. El isi umezeste buzele, eu il priveam nerabdatoare, muscandu-mi buza.
Mai departe continua tu 😌😈
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My 🤍Vanilla Scented🤍 Everything Shower
Hello, my dears! This is kind of a step-by-step guide/how to on my shower routine :) my favorite compliment to get is that I smell good and since doing this I get that at least once a day! My go to is Vanilla or Coconut scents! I usually do a combination of the two <3
1. Before your shower
I personally believe you have to set the vibes of your shower first, I don’t always listen to music while I shower, sometimes I just like to take that time to think, but if I do I set up my phone/speaker in the shower, make sure I have a towel to dry my hands if I need, and find a playlist!
I also love incense, candles, or essential oils while I’m showering! If I have a headache or I’m not feeling good I’ll use essential oils that target that kind of thing and I find the steam + oils really helps!
2. Shampoo
I like to go top to bottom when I shower! I find it makes me feel the cleanest! So step one is shampoo, I still have not found the perfect shampoo and conditioner for me yet (if anyone has any recommendations please lmk) I’m using the Tresseme Keratin one right now but I want to try more!
Double cleanse your hair!! After I shampoo and rinse the first time I go right back in and shampoo again! Some people use two different shampoos, I would like to do that but I haven’t found any I love enough yet. This makes your scalp so clean and my hair is on the thinner side and I find that this makes my hair look less weighed down after day 1!
3. Hair Mask (Twice a Week)
I use a bunch of different hair masks, usually for different things (damage repair, hydration, elasticity) but it’s totally up to you! I feel like hair masks are so treatment based you really have to find which one works for you and your hair type/hair needs.
Leave the mask in for 5-10 minutes, we’ll do the next couple steps with it sitting in your hair!
Tip: keep a claw clip or hair tie in the shower so you can keep your hair up while it absorbs the product!
*If you don’t use a hair mask put your conditioner in at this step and leave in to soak into your hair the same!*
4. Wash #1
Double cleansing is everything to me, when I tell you like two years ago I was trying everything to smell good, it’s embarrassing lol but I was struggling because I didn’t know what to do + I have rather sensitive skin that reacts to some products in a less than great way so I have found that double cleansing everything helps so much!
For this first wash I use an antibacterial bar soap! Specifically the Dial antibacterial one but you can use whatever you want, this came in a huge pack and I’m only like halfway through lol. I know people love Dove and I want to as well but as far as I know they’re big time Z**nists and I try to avoid!
So yeah, brand of soap doesn’t really matter to me as long as it’s an antibacterial one! That will get rid of the bacteria that produces BO
5. Shaving Time
I know not everyone shaves but I love have smooth legs so this is how I do it!
First, I’ll go in with a scrub! There are a few I like (Tree Hut has great ones and a million scents to choose, Bath and Body Works has some, they’re not my favorite but they work, I really like the OGX coconut coffee one, not expensive and smells great!)
Then, shaving cream! If I’m out of shaving cream I’ll use conditioner instead but you just want something to kinda lube up your legs before you shave lol. As for shaving creams I’m not too picky, I really like the EOS vanilla shaving cream and I’ll get that when I can but I don’t find that the smells sticks around from it so whatever shaving cream works best for you!
Finally, the shaving, I use a 3-5 blade razor, usually the generic brand from Target lol but I find they work really well and I hardly ever get cuts from them! Anything less than 3 blades I find myself getting nicked way more!
6. Conditioner!
So, after you shave, you wanna rinse the hair mask out completely and apply your conditioner! (I’ve been using the matching Tresseme Keratin conditioner but again I’m not obsessed with it)
*if you skipped the hair mask step you can either keep your conditioner in for longer or rinse it out at this step!*
I like to leave my conditioner soaking in my hair same as the mask making sure to get the ends of my hair really well!
7. Brush your Teeth
Some people think I’m crazy for this but I way prefer to brush my teeth in the shower, plus it gives me something to do while I wait for various hair products to soak in haha, idk if anyone cares about what I use but I use an electric toothbrush and usually Crest Whitening toothpaste!
I also do this every day, not just in the shower but scrape your tongue! It helps keep my mouth feeling clean and fresh all day I cannot recommend enough!
8. Rinse your Hair
Get all the conditioner out! It’s healthiest to rinse your hair in cold water and I really do feel a difference in the smoothness and moisture in my hair when I do but it’s hard lol so if you can do a cold rinse (or better yet rest of your shower) that would be best, I usually turn it to a lower warm and pretend it’s doing the same thing lol
9. Wash, wash, wash your face
Now that my hair is clean and all the product is out of it I move on to washing myself, you want to make sure you get all the product residue from your hair off of you! That’s a huge cause of body acne and irritated skin!
I wash my face first, I like the cleansers from The Ordinary and Good Molecules but keep in mind I don’t really struggle with acne, in fact I have pretty dry skin so I try to go for more moisturizing ones! What is good for my face might not be what you need :)
Oh what’s that? You thought we were done? Nope! Wash your face again! Double cleansing saves my skin but kills my wallet lol! I wear makeup and sunscreen and touch my face all day, I want to make sure I’m getting all of that off and then ALSO cleaning my skin underneath! It has made a huge difference in the way my skin both looks and feels!
10. Body Wash!
Last step! Grab your body wash of choice! I have been using Bath and Body Works Madagascar Vanilla scent but I like pretty much any vanilla scented body washes! Then, I take a loofah and scrub my whole body, making sure to get my back and legs because the run off from the conditioner isn’t good to leave on and will clog your pores!
11. Out of the Shower
Ok! Now that you’re all done in the shower I thought I’d tell you about my post shower smell good process because it’s just as important lol. I start with a body lotion (I use a matching Vanilla scent to my body wash) I hear putting body oil on first then lotion makes your skin super soft but I haven’t tried yet!
Anyways, put the lotion EVERYWHERE, arms, legs, chest, stomach, feet, get your whole body nice and smooth!
I use a body/hair mist, right now it’s the Tropical Vanilla one from Pacifica and I put that in my hair and all over the lotion while it absorbs!
Then for deodorant, literally the only one that works for me and doesn’t give me a rash is the Secret Clinical Gel, it smells like nothing, I wish I could use one that smells good but unfortunately my body hates them :/
Lastly! Purfume/purfume oil! My favorites are Sweet Cream and Fresh Cashmere by Philosophy and I’m using the Creamy Coconut perfume oil by Kuumba Made!
All done! Thank you so much for reading! I hope this helped or you at least found this fun! Have a good one <3
#self love#self care#shower routine#clean girl#clean moodboard#shower aesthetic#tarot#cozycore#divination#spirituality#aesthetic#90s supermodels#90s runway#it girl#that girl#smell good#vanilla girl#coconut girl#cozy aesthetic#cozy vibes#cozy#glamour#self improvement#hygiene#sailor moon#sailor moon aesthetic#cute aesthetic#y2k aesthetic
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3rd of October: Durin's Day / An Treasamh Latha dhen Dàmhair: Là Dhurin
English Translation:
In the early years after the dragon came, the Dwarves of Erebor set their eyes on survival. Much was lost to them during this time, cultural and religious customs they failed to sustain in their wanderings.
As soon as they had homes once again, mines to work in and forges to fire, Thorin looked to these things for the final missing piece in their lives. His nephews, growing fast, had never experienced Durin's Day in any way other than that of the Blue Mountains.
He heard Erebor in their speech, saw it in the style of their clothes, and even in the weapons they favoured, but so much of his nephews' cultural references lay elsewhere. He wished for them to understand Durin's Day through the eyes of their own culture.
Thus, ten years since Erebor had seen its last Durin's Day, her people put on a feast in Thorin's Halls the like of which was rarely seen. They worked tirelessly to have everything right: musicians woke up old ballads, bakers brought back old delicacies, and the elders gathered to pass their folktales onto the new generations. The exiles.
Another wound was healed that night, another wrong put right. Thorin watched over the festivities as Fili and Kili learnt how to sing a traditional Erebor hymn and thought of his own childhood.
Finally, everyone came together on the stone slopes before the gates of their halls to watch the last vestiges of the sunset fade from the sky behind them and the autumn moon rise in the eastern horizon. For a precious few minutes, both lights lingered together, before the sun was overcome at last.
Thorin stood with his arm around Dis and the boys by their legs, wide-eyed with their first Durin's Day beads braided carefully in their hair. They were't likely to sleep tonight.
The towering stature of the Misty Mountains blocked it from view, but Thorin knew - could see - beyond their white peaks lay Erebor, bathed in the silver light of Durin's moon.
Maybe he started it, or perhaps they all did so at the same time, but slowly and quietly, their low Dwarven voices rose into the sky with a song of home-sickness on their lips. A mourning song.
Oh, far over the Misty Mountains cold...
Scottish Gaelic Translation:
Anns na bliadhnaichean a chaidh seachad as dèidh don nathair-sgiathach tighinn, thoirt na Troichean Erebor an sùilean air mairsinneach. Chaill iad tòrr tron àm seo, nòsan cultarach is creideamh nach do chùm iad beò anns am fuadan aca.
Cho luath ‘s a bha dachaighean aca a-rithist, mèinnean a bhith ag obair anns agus ceàrdaichean a chuir teinne anns, chaidh Thòrin don rudan seo a’ sireach am pìos mu dheireadh air fhàgail bho am beathannan sa Bheinn Ònaranach. A’ fàs cho àrd a-nist, cha robh na mic a pheathar eòlach idir air an dòigh dhen Là Dhurin ach an dòigh na Beanntan Ghorm.
Chuala e Erebor san dòigh-bhruidhinn aca, san stoidhle aodach, eadhon san arm a bha an dithis measail air. Ach leis na rudan beaga, chunnaic e gun robh sin a’ tighinn bho àitichean eile. Bha e airson ‘s gum biodh iad a’ tuigsinn Là Dhurin tron shùilean an cultar aca fhèin.
Air an adhbhar sin, deich bliadhna seach gun do chunnaic Erebor an Là Dhurin mu dheireadh, chuir an t-sluaigh aice seòin air dòigh nach fhaca iad gu tric anns na Tallachan Thòrin. Dh’obraich iad gu cruaidh airson a h-uile rud a bhith ceart: dh’èirich ceòladairean seann balantan, rinn bèicearan seann biadh fìnealta, agus chruinneach na daoine aosmhor ri chèile airson am beul-aithris aca a thoirt don ghinealaichean ùra. Na fògraich.
Shlànaich gort eile an oidhche sin, rud eile a chuir ceart. Choimhead Thòrin air an subhachas mar a dh’ionnsaich Fìli is Kìli laoidh traidiseanta Erebor a sheinn agus smaointeach e air na làithean anns an robh e fhèin beag.
Mu dheireadh thall, thàinig a h-uile duine ri chèile a-mach air na slèibhtean mu bheul an geata nan tallachan. Choimhead iad air dol fodha na grèine san speur air an cùlaibh, an solas a’ dol às beag air bheag. Agus gealach an foghair a’ tighinn suas san fàire Ear. Airson beagan mionaidean prìseil, dh’fhuirich an dà sholas anns an speur ri chèile mus do dh’fhalbh a’ ghrian.
Sheas Thòrin le a gàirdean timcheall a phiuthar, Dìs, agus na bhalaich ri taobh nan casan. Bha na sùilean drileach aca a’ coimhead mòr, agus bha a’ chiad grìogagan Là Dhurin a bh’ aca air pleatach anns am falt. Cha bhiodh e comasach gun cadail iad a-nochd.
Cha b’ urrainn dha a’ faicinn tro na Beanntan Àird a’ Cheò, ach bha fios aige gun robh Erebor air a seasamh dìreach thar air na mullaichean gheala, lannrach anns an t-solas ghealach Dhurin.
Is docha gun do thoiseach esan e, no ‘s docha gun do rinn iad uile e aig an aon am, ach gu slaodach agus gu samhach, chaidh na guthan ìosal troiche dhan speur le òran chianalais air an bilean.
Ò thar na Beanntan Àird fhuar a’ Cheò...
#writing#short ficlet#dwarrowtober2024#dwarrowtober#dwarves#thorin oakenshield#the hobbit thorin#durin's day#middle earth#tolkien#writblr#scottish gaelic#fili and kili#dis durin
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"sounds more than good." it sounded downright perfect, but west wasn't going to be that much of a simp. at least not yet. andi already knew that his sun rose and fell to her rhythm; there were fleeting moments that he wished he wasn't so far from home so he could introduce the woman to his mother. his parents had always been the birth of disappointment—perhaps, one day, he would be able to show his father just how successful he was, not in commerce but in love. "much more comfortable than trying to get jiggy in a haunted house, although i'd bet you'd love that. your answer to the mile-high club, or something." and so they were off, pedal to the floorboard as west rocketed across the asphalt. it was as though life had no speed limit, as though he was invincible to the mercy of the road. if the only heir to the graves empire ended up as a smear on the tarmac, the world would have been a much better place. fingers squeezed fingers, using the respite of a stoplight to glance at andi. "you know how beautiful you look?"
Andi just had this weird feeling that she had to be there - like the house had called to her and she was there to make sure the story of what happened there was told right and no one disrespected the memories of those that still lurked there. That was the big thing for her. She loved telling people the stories and it brought her a sense of peace. It was nice that West didn't push her to try and find a more normal job.
She did have a wild side though, as did mostly the entire Soto clan, so she loved that she could escape with West when those little moods of rebellion hit. Placing her hand over his that was resting comfortably on her thigh she giggled and leaned back in her seat. "Ridin' off into the sunset and seeing how far we can get before we gotta stop. Find a cheap motel on the side of the road and stay there. Sound good?"
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Emmrich Volkarin (and Rook) Walking the Graves Dragon Age: The Veilguard
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⭐ hi !!! im jj or atlas !!! im an irl dog and i draw things looool !! mind and heart r real and they talk to me a lot,,, ⭐
🏳️🌈 my queer identities include 🏳️⚧️ -
• aroace hypersexual transmasc pangaylesbian demiboy {the hypersexuality part is a problem}
• canine {i mean u see the vision right}
• baltimorian aussie 🇦🇺💔💔
• french learning 🇨🇵😭😭
• PLURR anti-harassment pro freak 🌈🌟
dream stans | racist / n*zi / zi*nist | sysmed / anti-endo | radqueer / kandiqueer / xenosatanist / pro/neu/com-contact paraphile / pro-harmful transid | queerphobic / transmed / anti-mspec lesbian/gay/anti-male lesbian / etc | puritan / anti-fiction / anti-kink / believe in thought crimes / "immoral" attractions / "fiction affects reality" | overly sensitive | anti-transspecies / therian | anti-agere / anti-permakid / etc | basically anything that is actually harmful
{i will always be accepting of those who are kind to all and do not commit/support harm irl {and if u support harm to those u find 'icky' without them doing any harm irl especially over fiction of any type,, ur the person who's not safe to be around,, not them {ur literally a diet c*nservative}}}
anyways i love chonny jash and hot sus adult men bye :3
sus men like him ↓ 🥺🙏🏾
also heres some recent art iggg
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Measuring Length: Transit-Time Measurements
One method of measuring distance, or length, is to emit a signal toward an object and measure the length of time it takes for that signal to return. Any signal can work for this method (sound, light, etc.), so long as the math for the speed of that signal is known (such as the speed of sound in water, or the speed of light in air, etc.). Then, a mathematical calculation can be performed to determine the distance between the signal emitter and the object.
Radar is one example of this method, using radio waves to determine distance. Another example is the global positioning system (GPS), which determines distance based on the time difference between your device and the signals sent from multiple satellites.
Sources/Further Reading: (Image source - University of Illinois) (NIST) (radartutorial.eu) (Wikipedia)
#Materials Science#Science#Radio waves#Electromagnetic spectrum#Light#Sound#MeasurementMonday#Acoustics#2024Daily
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i published my little fanfic about Adrian the sexy bastard from Daylight Robbery, about when he is in prison after the series, and gets punished :].
the fic is very explicit porn. and there are some slightly negative/dark things happening in it too. so it's not for everyone.
do keep in mind that this takes place in a prison, and some of the people are kinda messed up, including Adrian (sexy but evil).
also, i'm not very good at writing so don't expect greatness.
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Adrian Harris/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Anal Sex, Orgasm Denial, Long Hair, Hair Kink, Hair-pulling, Prison, Dom/sub, Attraction, Masturbation, Sexual Harassment, Prison Sex, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Bondage and Discipline, Non-Consensual Bondage, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Everyone Is Gay, Sort Of, Humiliation, Smut, Porn
Words: 2 696
have some more gifs too
#my fics#daylight robbery#this was actually the first fic in this fandom on ao3 o.O#for a thing that's been out for 24 years#i'm still working on a mccann fic but been rather stuck on it#but maybe someday#hopefully#also kinda working on a vong star wars fic but haven't come far on it#both these will be more positive and romantic
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*pridem na UE Tobačna z kolegico*
*dobim čakalno številko*
*čakava 2 uri, anticipation rising*
*pridem pred okence, vesela, nasmejana, po 3 mesecih bom končno uredila dokumente in pridobila potrdilo za letalsko karto*
Gospa za okencem: *dobre volje, gleda najemno pogodbo in se ustavi* "... ali podjetje ne posluje z žigom? Čigav podpis je to?"
*ugotoviva da ne moreva storiti ničesar, ker je najemna pogodba nepopolna, in zato ne more vpisati podatkov ter jih preveriti ob prijavi stalnega prebivališča*
Jaz, ki se zavedam da po več kot 3 mesecih čakanja in poskušanja in preobratov mentalnega zdravja še vedno nisem dosegla cilja:
Gospa: "Oprostite, z veseljem bi, lahko razumete z moje strani zakaj ne morem-"
Jaz, napol v joku: "Razumem, razumem, saj niste nič krivi če pač manjka informacija." *poskušam poklicati lastnika, se ne javi*

Gospa: "Imate še čas, potrebujete samo pisno potrdilo lastnika, čez 10 minut lahko pridete nazaj in bova vse uredili."
*razložim da najverjetneje ne bo uspelo pridobiti podpisa tako hitro*
Gospa: *mi pove da lahko vloge in vse izpolnimo, poskeniramo in naj ji pošljem na njen email naslov. Poudari katere stvari so nujno potrebne in se jih ne sme izpustiti*

Skozi solze in bolečino mi je vsaj nekaj upanja v človeštvo povrnjenega.
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WHO — seren nist & meric arorjia ( @courtfallen ) WHERE — tavern
SEREN MADE IT NO SECRET THAT she felt most at home in a tavern or a forge. generally, if she was drinking alone, she liked to keep it that way. if she came with a friend she was more likely to get friendlier as her drink emptied. drinking alone? that meant she was only getting feistier per empty cup. and it happened to be a night drinking alone.
being trapped only made her more wary, carrying twice as many, even going to far as to not bother concealing them for quicker use. however, she still had plenty concealed under sleeves and hems. she had just finished her second drink she felt a hand on her shoulder. the body remembered actions the mind forgot. she was quick to stand and quicker to pull a dagger to the new presence's abdomen.
his face was vaguely familiar but not enough for her to draw her dagger back. ❝ what business do you have with me? ❞ her eyes narrowed as she scanned his face. she'd sold him something, hadn't she? it didn't matter. he wasn't from the autumn court and right now that meant an enemy. things were too chaotic to be trusting. her past had taught her that much.
#there are no set locations right????#hope this makes sense i'm sleepy#✧.*・゚𝔰. 𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔱 — interactions. ❞#✧.*・゚𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔫 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 — meric. ❞
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── what makes you think 𝑖 want someone to be 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 with me ? ❞
a selective & private indie blog , i may not follow back . composed by kayla , twenty4 , she/her featuring all original muses . please do not interact if you are a minor .
𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃 : dub/nonc*n , in/stepc*st & predatory age gaps . anybody deceased , camila morrone , dove cameron , ester esposito , holland roden , jeffrey dean morgan , johnny depp , selena gomez , suki waterhouse , sydney sweeney , taylor swift , racists & zi*nists .
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