ninjakitten1699 · 1 year
You know how people headcanoned that when Mikey from Rise of the TMNT used magic to rip open time itself/a portal to another dimension he developed an essential tremor?
Yeah, that but put it on Lloyd who discovered his Oni self earlier than his Golden Powers so he develops a sort of essential tremor too.
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ninjakittenhaswords · 3 years
Number 31 from the prompt list
Edit: Forgot to say this was in my AU that’s still in the works (aka in my brain)
He didn’t know what sounded worse. The fact that he was basically in a coma while his other half ran rampant in a feral state or having the other half come back and remembering everything it… he did.
The half Oni man sat up on the rooftop of the monastery, trying to be away from everyone after the Oni had rampaged through the cities and into his old home until they were banished from the realm entirely. That led to his other half to go back into hiding in him and he hadn’t heard of it since.
He could hear the sound of someone’s feet on the floor of the attic he was above. He leaned a bit before pulling back up when he saw a familiar form coming through the window. “Stupid.. fucking Oni man.. thinking he can brood up here and not expect anyone to find him.” Ah yes he can recognize that grumbling anywhere.
His eyes looked over and he saw someone in dark red robes, gray hair and copper eyes. His eyes used to be a shade of red orange when he had his powers. It took time to get used to his eyes being different but he liked them.. even if he denied it just to bury his old feelings.
“So what’s wrong with you?” Krux finally spoke up with a hint of annoyance. He sat down beside him, getting on his level. “Please don’t bother lying to me or dodging the subject. I’m not in the mood for your games.” Krux crossed his arms.
Garmadon remained silent for a while. How the heck was he supposed to word everything that happened? He didn’t want to believe it himself and he definitely didn’t want word to get out. Nothing left Garm for a few more moments. Krux watched him tilt his face into his hands. No noise.. nothing… until finally he heard it.
A sound he’d never thought to hear from him. It sounded— no, it is sniffling.
Krux’s normal scowl softened at that. His form was less tense but he kept his guard up. “Krux.” Garm whimpered in a low whisper.
“I fucked up.”
Krux leaned his head to find his gaze. “Isn’t that what you always do?”
“No I mean… I fucked up real bad this time.” He found his gaze and his breath hitched in his throat. His eyes were bloodshot and he was fighting back the tears. “I remember.. everything he did… everything I did.. the running, the fighting.. and-..” He cut himself off. He had hours, days even, to process this but he still didn’t want to believe it.
“Krux, I don’t know if I could even say it. I can’t tell Kimiko just yet about it. I don’t know how she’ll handle it and my son… oh my son he’s.. they’re all I’ve got in the end and I feel like I just messed it all up. I—.” There was the sound of a smack across his cheek and his head turned along with the hit. “Enough, Garmadon. Enough.”
Krux had to sigh at him. “Just give me the shorter version.” Garm remained silent once more. His hands moved back into his lap. He swallowed in nervousness and let out a sigh.
“Krux… there was a serpentine woman… and my other half… he… I…” The tears finally slid down his face. He hissed when they made contact with the still stinging slap mark. It took a moment or so, but Krux pieced it together and had to look away, holding a hand to his face. “Oh… you fucked up so bad.”
“I know.. I know.” He wiped his eyes away. “I know there’s no use hiding and crying about it but.. Krux what am I supposed to tell Koko, Lloyd, Wu, or any of them?” His hand hovered for a moment before he felt Krux grab his wrist. “Not immediately is how.”
“I’m no expert on this, but there’s still more we need to figure out first. You need to collect your thoughts, put everything together and tell them as best as you can.” Krux held on his hand with both, fastening the bandages around the hand. “Look, I don’t want to help you but you’re giving me little choice.” ‘And I don’t like seeing you like this.’ He thought about saying that but decided not to add it. The time twin looked up to him and before he could fight back the feeling of setting his hand on his cheek, it was already going there.
The taller man pulled away for a moment but the other’s hand followed. The second he set it down, he flinched underneath the touch. “Sorry for the slap but I had to snap you out of it somehow.” He apologized, rubbing his thumb against the trail of tears. “That and I probably had it coming from you.” He gave a broken sounding chuckle that dragged for a bit before becoming a set of sobs he tried to soften. He didn’t want the others to see him like this.
As much as Krux didn’t like the physical contact, he just couldn’t sit there. He was careful in shuffling closer, trying not to slip off the roof. His hand remained on his cheek while he went in front of him and set his other hand on the opposite cheek. Garm’s hands found his and he held them in their place.
By the time he calmed down, Krux was leaning his forehead on the other’s, murmuring and humming a little lullaby softly. Garm could barely hear it but it brought a sense of comfort he hadn’t felt in a long time. A sad smile slipped and he turned his head a bit, without thinking he pressed his lips on the man’s palm. Despite the physical difference and the years, his lips were still soft and he was obviously being careful with the scars on his palm and wrist.
Krux debated whether he should just replaced his hand with his own lips but ultimately decided against this. He didn’t want to muddle up Garm’s thoughts while he was like this, though he wasn’t sure they weren’t muddled in the first place. The time twin pulled his one hand away but the other was still stuck by Garmadon’s other hand while he still kept his lips pressed into his palm. It didn’t feel much like a kiss anymore. Just his mouth being placed against his hand.
“Garmadon.” He whispered. He moved the salt and pepper bangs out of his face and he continued in his low whispers. “You have to come down sometime.” Garm looked up at that and pulled away from his hand finally. He shook his head. “Not yet.. I just.. I don’t want to face them yet.”
“And you don’t have to. You don’t have to say anything about it yet until we have all the details.” He comforted. Garm noticed the small detail in his wording. “We?” Krux froze for a moment, realizing what he said. “Well, you shouldn’t have to go through this alone. That’s not fair to anyone.”
“Not even to your old enemy?” The corner of his lip curled a bit at that and he looked up to the former brunet.
“Not even to a good person like you.” He could feel himself become a little flushed at saying that but in all honesty and despite their messy history (even calling it messy was a severe understatement), he knew he was right.
“Can we still wait here a while longer?” The demigod looked him over, not even hiding it. Krux rolled his eyes at him. “Only a while. I don’t need your son to chase me out thinking I’m trying to have a one night stand with his father. I may have been an enemy who amassed an army for over four decades and almost won but I’m no home-wrecker.”
Garm let out a small chuckle. “No. No you’re not.”
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ninjahcs · 7 years
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razzle-zazzle · 5 years
Cole Wants a Refund, Pt 1
A continuation of this drabble, based on this request!
Part two, after nearly a month, is finally out! Can be found here!
1265 Words; Redemption AU
The second time was honestly much better than the first.
Well, the pain of having his ethereal body dissolved away after falling in a lake was still just as bad, if not worse, than being eaten away at in a grimy little alcove, but at least Cole was prepared this time when he came to in the temple.
Even better, Yang didn’t show up to taunt him. Cole made his way out, pausing just outside the temple. He glanced back in, a little confused. His only reply was a small breeze.
Cole supposed he should be relieved to have not encountered Yang, but something about the emptiness of the temple sent a chill down his spine.
Cole shook his head. He didn’t have time for this.
And he had no intention of coming back here, either.
(“Back so soon?” Yang taunted, calmly stirring sugar into his tea. Cole grumbled as he sat up, saying nothing. This was the third time he’d respawned here.
He left quickly, barely sparing Yang a backwards glance.)
(Cole was seething. Barely two days had passed and he was back here again.
Yang sighed as he sipped his tea, “Are you really that clumsy, or did you need something?”
Cole fixed Yang with a glare. “I don’t have time for this.” He said, leaving in a huff.
FSM, he hoped he wouldn’t be coming back here again.)
Of course, as the cruel, merciless fates would have it, what Cole wanted and what actually happened were two very different things.
Really, he should have seen this one coming. Barely a week after falling into the lake and he gets caught outside in a storm.
He and Jay were huddled under a bus stop, trying to wait out the downpour, but it wasn’t a secure shelter—and they knew it. Water dripped in through a crack in the roof, which sagged under the weight of the water pooling atop it. It wasn’t even fully intact, a haphazardly-taped down tarp covering a large portion of it. The glass sidings of their makeshift shelter were shattered on one side, cracked nearly everywhere else. Cole wasn’t even aware that bus stops could fall into such a state of disrepair. It was a wonder the whole thing wasn’t being blown away by the wind.
But it was the only shelter they could get to in time, and now, with the elements pounding them from nearly all sides, they were stuck here.
Well, Cole was stuck here. Jay wouldn’t be dissolved if he confronted the downpour.
“I’m so sorry.” Jay apologized, for the umpteenth time. “I should have been paying more attention.”
“You’re fine.” Cole said dismissively, trying not to get caught off guard by a sudden shift in the wind.
“Zane said it would probably rain today, but did I listen?” Jay was rambling now, and Cole was only half-listening. “No. I insisted on going through with this outing anyway. And now here we are, lost in the wrong part of town, huddling under a ghetto bus stop waiting for the rain to pass, cold and miserable, and any moment this whole shelter could collapse and then—” He paused, turning to look at Cole in horror.
“...and then that’d be it for you.” Jay said softly, as if it was only sinking in just now. “And… oh my master, Cole, you’d be—you’d be gone! And it’d be my fault!” Jay was on the verge of tears now.
“Jay—” Cole began, about to explain that no, he wouldn’t be gone for good, that things would be fine—
But then the roof collapsed, soaking them both.
Cole couldn’t even hear Jay’s scream of horror before everything went black.
Cole groaned as he came back into awareness, the sound of rain pounding against the temple being the first thing he noticed. Glancing towards the window only confirmed his fears; rain was coming down in sheets around the temple.
Which meant he was stuck here.
With Yang.
While Jay and the others were probably freaking out, thinking he was gone for good.
“Fuck.” Cole said sharply, not feeling that much better for it.
“Language.” Yang scolded from somewhere behind Cole. Cole whipped around, being met with the image of Yang floating there in annoyance, arms crossed. “I will not have swearing in this temple, young man.”
Well, maybe Cole did feel a little better for saying it.
“Oh?” Cole grinned, “And what the fuck’s stopping me?”
Yang pinched the bridge of his nose. Cole reveled in joy at the sight.
Yang fixed Cole with a glare, “You are being extremely petty right now.”
Now it was Cole’s turn to be angry. “Yeah, no shit. I’m stuck here with your soggy ass while my best friend is alone in the middle of a storm thinking he killed me.”
“Tell it to someone who actually cares.” Yang sneered.
Cole bristled. “Yeah, fuck you too, old man.”
“Watch your language, boy, or so help me I will silence you myself.”
“Yeah, sure.” Cole taunted, “You and what army?”
Yang simply raised an eyebrow, fixing Cole with a flat stare as the house began to shift and shake around them. Cole stumbled, falling flat on his backside.
“Oh.” That’s right, Yang was the master of this temple. “Right.” Cole shrunk in on himself. Probably not the best idea to piss off the guy who could remodel the building at will.
Yang glanced back at the window; the downpour was still going strong. He waved his hand, and a table and chairs appeared, complete with a tea set.
“Well,” he began, making his way over to the table and pouring himself a cup of tea. “Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, might I be able to offer you some tea?”
Cole gave Yang a look. “Why?”
Yang returned said look. “Why not? Shouldn’t a host offer their guests refreshments?”
Cole supposed he couldn’t really argue with that. Still, he was wary as he made his way to the table, cautiously taking a seat. A cup appeared in front of him, and the teapot was quick to fill it. Cole grabbed the cup cautiously, surprised to find it felt warm in his hands.
Cole gave the cup in his hands a suspicious look. “How do I know this isn’t poisoned?”
“It’s not.” Yang said. “Even if I knew how to poison a ghost, it would be pointless seeing as you’d just reform here anyway.”
Cole still couldn’t shake the suspicion he had. “And it’s not drugged either?”
Yang met Cole’s paranoid gaze with a flat stare. “Please. Keeping you here would be far more trouble than it’s worth.” He took a sip from his own tea. “Besides, you come here often enough that I don’t need to.”
Those were admittedly good points. “Alright.” Cole said, taking a sip.
It wasn’t extraordinary by any means, just regular tea. But still, the fact that Cole could taste it caught him off guard. Given that there was a tea for everything, Cole should've guessed that there’d be a tea for ghosts.
“How is it?”
Cole set the now empty cup on the table. “It’s okay.” He refused to admit that the very fact he could actually taste it nearly brought him to tears.
Yang huffed, muttering something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like “teenagers”, but did not contest Cole’s lackluster review.
Thunder crashed outside. Cole wondered if this temple had a deck of cards somewhere. A game of solitaire should help pass the time.
Outside, completely unbothered by the denizens of the world, the storm raged on.
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jaydabbing · 5 years
holy fuck this season really is chock full of ninjangst
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
I know it’s my birthday but do y’all want a gift from me?!?
Once I heard it in his voice I couldn’t un-hear it and so it had to be done.
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
You know how in season seven they drank Obscuri-Tea to forget the time travel the twins did?
Yeah I just realized that Garm could’ve drank enough to forget about his old feelings of Krux and Krux never knew that
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
One sided GarmaKrux angst, anyone?
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
Everyone, your nightly dose of angsty Lloyd
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 years
Make a Ninjago fan cry in 5 words or less.
I’ll go first,
“Somebody say something! Where’s Cole?!”
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 years
Few people remember that our darkest of monsters were human too. Some were broken in some way. Some thought that they were doing the right thing. Some just lost too much to give a damn anymore. Of course their actions are to be condemned.But for some, there is understanding that can be gleaned. Is there any justification for Garmadon's actions? What is the purpose in power? Why do need all this?
Ultimately that is true. Most villains are actually just broken people who society didn’t bother to care for and just let them go through a broken system. World domination to them actually makes sense in the terms of fixing said system themselves and hoping no one else would ever feel what they felt.
Other times it’s a villain losing someone and the villain just decides to watch the world tear apart from the inside out. They see how awful people are and watched as no one cared about that someone they loved dearly and now the villain wants them to suffer just as much as they did.
For Garmadon though? I came up with a headcanon long ago with a friend of mine on DA and proceeded to add on to it.
We don’t know too much but we do know that Garmadon treasured Lloyd more than anything in the world, loved him more than life itself. So when he saw Lloyd gone and he couldn’t even see his wife in the distance, he broke down. So I told my friend that maybe Garmadon thought if the world was as dark as him, he’d find Lloyd because that’s his little light of his life.
After Garmadon had been cured, he always thought the happy ending he had before him was just a dream. He would’ve been used to that idea since back in his corrupted days, he dreams about the life of being with his wife and kid but then he’d wake up and be all alone. So the idea that he could one day wake up again and not see his wife next to him scared him.
My AU Garm would suggest that his Oni half was thinking something wasn’t right with Lloyd and it wanted to get rid of him (and knowing Oni mythology doesn’t help his case any) which lead to Koko running away from him with Lloyd while Garm was fighting on the inside. When he came to, he mourned at them leaving and basically shut down. The venom took advantage of that negative state of mind and he proceeded with the idea of taking the weapons as his.
We could go into how if Garmadon took over the first time around perhaps Ninjago wouldn’t have to worry about being attacked as often because one, he may have not been the favored son, but he is still the son of their creator. We saw how much power he had being manipulated into gaining it, imagine if he had free will and his human mind in tact. Two, who’s going to go up against an Oni-Dragon hybrid who’d rather seek his family’s safety over vengeance, domination, or just about anything else?
And he probably would’ve had allies, including but not limited to the Serpentine, Skulkin, Time Twins (if he manages to get on Krux’s good side first), Elemental Masters, the Royal Family, etc. Basically anyone else except for Chen and Clouse, because Chen screwed everyone over in the end and he wouldnt look for a repeat and Clouse wasn’t looking to change his mind any time soon.
I don’t know too much about Movie Garmadon as much as I used to admittedly but I think he got the whole four arms thing before he decided to be a “villain” which suggests that when everyone, his friends, acquaintances, strangers, saw how he looked different, he got treated different. He was so used to the whole “monster” title that he decided to become the monster everyone thought him to be... Koko just happened to not change him, but to come to an understanding him just as much he did to her. @dinogaby Can you confirm this headcanon for me?
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 years
Angsty idea: Garmadon still falls into the Underworld but get this, Wu jumps after him to try to catch him because even though they were just fighting Wu didn’t want to lose Garmadon. So he does catch him, turns them around and Wu’s the one hitting the ground first.
@arcticskys So what’s your thoughts on this? Personally I think it’s between being angsty and being a crowning moment of awesome for them.
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
GarmaKrux angst.
Otherwise titled as “While you guys are thinking of TheyDeservedBetter/Garmakoko fluff, there’s GarmaKrux angst on the side.”
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
Me: *listening to Popular Monster* Yeah this would be good angsty Lloyd theme. Maybe one of them. I think I need a playlist.
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ninjakittenhaswords · 4 years
Ninjangst Day 1: Past
(Wanted to draw something but the need to write is stronger)
Anyone want GarmaKrux angst?
The past..
It was something he was always dwelling on.
That might be because he used to have the Reverse and Halt power of Time before it was stolen from him.
Granted he did terrible things under influence but he never expected for his power to be taken from him in the most painful way possible... if there weren’t any more painful ways.
There’s a certain aspect of the past that he’s focusing on...
It was that half Oni man he dared let close to him.
Every word, from greeting to farewells, didn’t feel real. His so called kind acts weren’t sincere. His smile was infuriating to think about...
He told himself these things but he was just feeding himself lies.
Lying was supposed to be an Oni thing but yet.. that stupid brunet was never a liar... not to him.
But then that day changed it.. The Master of Destruction caught the eyes of the woman he’d been chasing for so long. She never really looked at him the same way until then...
Krux was on the sidelines just at the entrance when he saw Garm get the affections he was looking for from the woman.
He ended up turning around and leaving, meeting his twin brother halfway down. Acronix didn’t really know how to react with Krux desperately holding in his sobs.
It failed when Acronix hugged him. He felt so ashamed of wailing like an infant into his shoulder.
Even now he felt so ashamed and so angry for still crying over that man. He had no right to make him believe that his feelings were genuine to him, that the nights were special between them, and the mornings were so warm and gentle.
All he could feel now was cold and numb, no matter the time, whether it’s be early morning or latest of nights.. he still hated this feeling..
He hated still being able to feel his hands on him, hear his gentle whispers in his ear, see the piercing gaze he had when they were in darkness... but everything was just met with no warmth... Just cold air and this numb feeling.
Every bit of him missed the other... and he wanted to hate him for ever getting close to him like that. He hated himself for letting that happen in the first place. He had no right!
Garmadon had absolutely no right to make Krux hurt so much after so long.
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ninjakittenhaswords · 4 years
Ninjangst Day 3: Bleeding
Ah. A turn point in plot of season 1 in my AU.
He was a hybrid and hated for it.
A Hypnobrai and Anacondrai mix.
You’d think he’d be strong but he didn’t like the warrior status.
He disobeyed the new General one too many times but he went too far this time in the leaders’ eyes.
Vasuki stood between the Serpentine Warrior and the human. The human was understandably terrified but she ran as far as her legs could carry her. The hybrid kept his ground while she ran.
He was punished then and there.
Sometimes one seems to forget how much wooden staves hurt when they hit your back repeatedly.
He cried out in pain and they just kept hitting him all over his back and the back of his head. His short tail got stomped on to keep him from going forward.
It kept going until he was knocked out cold, laying down in a pool of red.
The Ninja were captured and they were thrown into their cell. One of them turned around and they gasped at the sight. Two guards were coming in and they were dragging a third between them.
He’d seen that snake before. The Serpentine was in close company of their kunoichi ally and Kai really meant close. Kai nor the others had seen the kunoichi since.
Now the Serpentine hybrid was right here. Bleeding from open wounds after getting beaten to death or almost death, since he could still hear him stagger between breathing and hissing out in pain.
“You’d hurt one of your own?” Wu voiced to Pythor. “He was in our way of awakening the Devourer. He’s branded as a traitor to his kind.” The violet serpent hissed. The hybrid looked up to him at that. “I’m no traitor.. You’re the one leading our people to the slaughterhouse.”
Pythor gave a sneer and he was quick to send his staff in his direction, but purposely missed just as the head made impact with the ground, causing a crack from next to the Hypnobrai Anacondrai hybrid.
“You’re just like your mother... A traitor to her own when she foolishly believed humans and Serpentine were meant to coexist...” Pythor bared his fangs at the rebellious younger serpent. “You can guess where that lead her.”
Vasuki glared at him with his crimson eyes. “I know the truth. No human killed her... It was you.” He spat a bit of blood at him. “You’re no king... you’re not even a general. You’re just a cannibal.. A fraud... Our real king will come with his army.. and that basilisk has every right to take back what was stolen.”
He got smacked right across his snout by Pythor’s claws and it made him silent once more. “Take him away.”
Whispers were among the crowd, words of doubt and fear filled the snakes around them. “There’s fighting among the snakes?” Jay asked. Wu sighed, “Not everyone will follow the word of their leaders.” It sounded like he wanted to finish that sentence with an ‘I should know,’ but he didn’t.
They turned away as a streak of red trailed behind the snake while they dragged him to his own cell. Another guard was masked but he had a chain and a muzzle ready to silence the rebellious Serpentine. It got placed right on him with no fight and he got chained and hung up, still bleeding from his open wounds.
It’s like he was displayed as an example of those who crossed Pythor and his plans.
Oh Kai could imagine how furious the kunoichi ally would be when she sees her Serpentine beloved like that.
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