#night club miri
dira333 · 7 months
Glass Heart, take flight - Asahi x Reader
A/N: Soulmate AU, requested for the Follower Celebration, tagging @screamin-abt-haikyuu because DUH!
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You’ve got a Glass Heart tattooed just below your left ear. 
It’s small enough to hide behind your hair or a pair of earrings if you want to. 
You don’t know when you’ve got it. It’s what happens to people who are too young when they meet their soulmate. You're pretty sure you know who it was though, not that it helps.
Gravel flies everywhere as you fall off the swing. You’d meant to fly as high as you dared, when someone grabbed chains from behind, bringing you to an abrupt stop. You fall face first, tears spilling over your bruised cheeks way before you can start wailing.
“Are you okay?” Someone asks, picking you up with ease. For a moment, you think it’s someone’s parent, but when long fingers carefully grab your chin and turn your face around to inspect the damage, you see it’s a boy, maybe a few years older than you, lanky and long-haired. 
His touch is soft and tickles, surprising you enough to stop crying.
“Who are you?” You ask.
Your words break whatever spell there had been. He jumps back, blushing.
“I, uh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
He moves back, step after step after step. You try to grab him, what for, you don’t know yet. But you miss, nothing but air between your outstretched hands.
“I’ll go grab your Mum,” he insists, jogging away. 
“What school are you going to next year?” Miri asks over Lunch.
Your fingertips find the little heart beneath your ear that appeared last night. 
“Sekodai,” you tell her as confidently as you’ll ever be.
“Ah.” She nods. “They’ve got a great Volleyball Club, or so I’ve heard.”
“Yeah.” You shrug. “But I’m more into art.” And cute guys. But you don’t say that out loud.
“Hi. I’m from Class 1.5. Could I draw you? It’s for the Art Club.”
You watch as he blushes, the redness reaching even the tops of his ears.
“I…” He stammers helplessly.
“Dang, Asahi!” One of his classmates whistles lowly. “You’ve got game!”
“I…” His voice’s barely a voice anymore. It sounds more like a kettle whistling. Well, at least you know his name now. He cut his hair shorter and it’s wavy, framing his face in a way that makes you want to drag your hands through it. Or paint it, whatever he’ll allow.
“Please?” You ask. “It won’t take long. It’s just a sketch.”
“F-Fine…” He’s still red-faced when he arrives for the session, relaxes only slightly when he realizes that he’s not the only one. 
Most students have asked their classmates to sit for their panting. He’s not the only third-year, but the teacher eyes him curiously. 
“Do you need something?” She asks. “We normally don’t have high schoolers visiting.”
“I-I… I’m a student here.” Asahi stutters helplessly. “Third year.”
“Oh.” She blinks. “How old are you then?”
“He looks older than he is.” You interrupt, reaching forward to take his hand, to pull him away from the discussion he’s clearly dreading. 
Asahi pulls his hand away like you’re a snake, ready to bite.
It hurts more than you let on.
He barely speaks as he sits for his portrait. Today’s lesson is meant to be in black and white and while you’re glad he agreed to sit for you, you hate the fact that all his blushing is lost to you. You can do nothing more but hope the image will burn itself into your brain, for that you’ll never go without it.
When you’re done and you turn the canvas for him to see, he stills. 
A multitude of emotions flickers over his face, each too fast for you to catch before he bows so low you fear for his spine.
“Thank you for considering me.” He presses through his teeth and darts from the room and you pretend you don’t notice that he takes a few extra steps to avoid the risk of touching you.
The sound of a whistle cuts through your heart.
Below you, Karasuno loses, Dateko wins. 
Asahi’s grown taller in the two years you haven’t seen him. His hair has grown out too. 
But there’s added weight on his shoulders, you can tell by the way he walks. 
Your fingertips reach for the Glass Heart below your ear. You wonder how it’s holding up now.
“Are you sure you wanna go to this school?” Miri asks next to you. “I mean, you don’t have to come to Aoba Johsei with me, we’ve been friends for long enough, but you got a ride to Shiratorizawa.”
“No, I want this one,” you say, your voice firm. 
Miri sighs. “Well, at least the Art Club there isn’t bad.”
Barely one week into the school year you get the chance to deliver some papers to the Third Year Classes.
Well, the task had been meant for the “strong boys” in your Class, but you’re too stubborn to take the hint. 
Now you’re sweating under the weight of too many folders to count and your hair is sticking to your face in a way you hope is looking cutely disheveled instead of ready-to-murder-you.
“Ah, thank you. That looks pretty heavy, didn’t Takeda-Sensei send someone with you?” The teacher asks. You ignore her words and let your eyes run through the Classroom. There, a little bit further back, sits Asahi.
When your eyes meet his there’s instant recognition. You’d be proud about it, proud that he remembers you even two years later if he didn’t turn away right after. Your heart plummets all the way to your feet, but you need to keep up the facade as well as the weight of folders in your arms.
“Azumane,” his teacher orders. “You’re tall and strong. Help this student out, will you?”
He blushes furiously, but he gets up nonetheless and walks out stiffly.
You pull your sweater over your hands, one by one, so that he won’t have to fear touching you before you offer the folders for him to take.
“I…” He starts, but he doesn’t finish his sentence.
It happens. There are Soulmates who don’t fall in love. 
You never thought you’d be one of them.
If only you’d have been born without a stubborn head as well.
It would make everyone’s lives easier.
“Can I walk you home?” You ask, stepping out of the little shed that holds the bicycles.
Asahi flinches away like you’re the one towering over other people.
“What? How? I..” He stammers. 
You shrug and pull the straps of your backpack a little tighter to hide your shaking hands.
“Can I?” You ask again.
He stares, wordlessly.
“You don’t have to agree, I can just follow you home on my own, two steps behind you so you don’t see me sneaking.”
That brings something like a smile to his face but he turns away to hide it the moment it flickers over his lips.
But he starts walking and you rush to catch up to him, taking two steps everytime he takes one.
“You know,” you say, a little breathlessly when you need to tackle an incline, “As much as Hinata’s going on my nerves, I think he’s good for the team.”
Asahi stops again. “You know Hinata?”
“Uh, yeah. Everyone knows Hinata. Also, I’m a First Year.”
He walks two steps before stopping again.
“You know about the team?”
“Yeah?” You huff, trying to hide the fact that you’re already out of breath. “The only reason I’m not a manager is because I’m way better at art than I ever was at managing.”
“Why don’t you play?”
You point at yourself, still unable to take a proper breath after less than five minutes of jogging next to him. He doesn’t seem to understand.
“I’ve got the Athletic Genes of a Muffin,” you translate when you can breathe a little better. On the other side of the hill, the sun sets the sky on fire. “But I think it’s all the same. It doesn’t matter if you paint or play Volleyball, really. Humans have no wings, so they search for other ways to fly.”
When you look back at him, there’s something in his eyes you haven’t seen before. It makes you nervous and you swallow thickly, try to regain the composure you’ve had before.
“Do you… do you believe in Soulmates?” You ask, your mind running on empty.
“Sure.” His voice sounds weirdly detached. His face is tinted golden from the sunset. 
“Is this why you don’t want to be touched?” It’s a guess, really. He could still be a germaphobe. But he flinches like you’ve caught him.
“It’s a great burden,” he admits, quietly, staring at the sun. “What if they touch you and then you’ve got a mark but they don’t like you like that? You’d always be tied to them, whether they wanted that or not. I’d rather not put that on anyone.”
“It’s a bit late for that.” The words slip out your mouth too fast for you to catch them. You’d wanted to say something else, to put it differently. But he understands nonetheless, his head snapping over.
You pull your hair back to reveal the Glass Heart below your ear. 
Whatever you thought would happen, doesn’t. 
Asahi takes a step back instead of forward. You can see the doubt cloud his mind.
“Please.” You step forward, lunge for his arm like you’ve done all those years before on the playground.
This time, your hand closes around his wrist. It tickles.
But Asahi is taller, stronger, faster than you. When the turns to run, you’ve got no chance to follow.
The boy is about as tall as Hinata, dark hair with one bleached strand that makes it look like he’s being hit by lightning.
You remember hearing Yamaguchi talk about him, but his name is lost on you.
“Can I help you?” You ask rather rudely. You haven’t slept well ever since that evening. It’s been a week and it’s starting to catch up to you. 
You wonder if you’ve left a mark on Asahi. Maybe you’d read it all wrong. Maybe you’d run after the wrong guy all these years.
“Are you in the Art Club?” He asks.
“Yeah? Why?”
“You’re really pretty.”
He grins, gives you a thumbs up and leaves. Whatever that was, you don’t have the energy to deal with it right now. 
It takes two more times of him showing up until you learn his name.
Nishinoya-senpai is weirdly adamant about getting to know you. He’s also hilariously bad at it, spending most of his time telling you about how great he did at training today, how he almost couldn’t save a ball Asahi had spiked, or how their manager is the prettiest being in the whole wide world.
“Why are you here?” You ask when he catches you after school. You’re in the middle of washing your brushes and you’d like it very much if your heart just gave in. But it has been two weeks and you still cannot stop thinking about Asahi. Even though you haven’t seen him since that evening. Has he stopped going to school?
“I’m a friend of Asahi.” He tells you.
“He talks about you a lot.”
“Sure he does.” The sarcasm in your voice would be enough for two more people.
“No, really, he does. I think you’re Soulmates. But you know, we didn’t win against Dateko last year and… well, I think he needs to prove to himself that he’s worthy- Are you okay?”
You can taste the salt of your own tears. You nod, hoping he will leave you alone. He doesn’t.
“What does it matter?” You ask. Not necessarily Nishinoya, but if he’s not willing to leave you alone, he’s going to have to deal with it. “What does it matter if he wins or loses? Isn’t he worthy no matter what?” You try to dry your nose on your sleeve but the tears just won’t stop.
There’s a more pressing question to it all, a question you hadn’t dared voice before but it won’t leave your mind so why not give it the room it craves?
“Am I even worthy?” 
When your tears finally dry, Nishinoya is gone. 
Well, you’ve always known that not all boys are created equal. Some just cannot deal with tears. 
“Can I walk you home?” Asahi asks, stepping out of the little shed that holds the bicycles.
You flinch. You thought you’d be the last one to leave.
“You don’t have to agree,” he stutters. “I-I can just follow you home on my own, t-two steps behind you…”
“Why?” You ask, voice a little hoarse from crying.
“Nishinoya told me… About what you said.”
Asahi stretches out his arm. His shirt is pulled back.
On his wrist is something you haven’t seen before. Two black wings spread out on either side, like a bird taking flight.
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner,” he tells you. “If you want, you can take my hand.”
You move to grab it, half expecting him to pull away again. But his hand is warm, big enough to swallow yours and he squeezes back even as he blushes furiously.
“What about Dateko?” You ask, not willing to let go. “What about being worthy?”
“I tend to get lost in my own head,” he confesses. “I doubt that will ever change. But, I- I want you to know that I never doubted that you were worthy. I knew ever since we met for the first time, well, I hoped, but I… I didn’t want to-”
“Put a burden on me, I know.” You nod and squeeze his hand at the same time. “You’re going to have to get used to it, you know? I’ve got pretty strong shoulders.”
You can’t see the sunset from where you’re standing. But the way Asahi smiles makes you think you don’t need to anyway. He’ll always be golden anyway.
“Careful, door opening.” Asahi announces, one arm on your back as he guides you into the coffee shop. 
Your eyes are glued to your phone screen, but you trust your fiancé that he will keep you safe on your early morning hunt for breakfast.
He orders for the two of you, squinting down over your shoulder every once in a while to check in on your live feed.
Your newest art project hasn’t been online for long and the comments are flowing in almost too fast for you to read.
It’s only when Asahi awkwardly clears his throat behind you that you look up. You spot it right away.
“Excuse me?”
The Barista looks up right away, flinching slightly when she locks eyes with you. 
“He asked for oat milk. That’s soy.”
“Sorry, I mixed that up.”
“No worries, just making sure.” You smile as Asahi deflates behind you, leaning all his weight onto your shoulders.
“Thank you,” he mumbles into your ear. “I wouldn’t have been able to say anything.”
“I know.” Your right hand finds his, squeezes tight. “That’s why we’ve got each other.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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lesbicosmos · 1 year
it's international lesbian day and since im ill and just sitting here reading, have some of my fav lesbian book recommendations!!
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A Short History of Queer Women by Kirsty Loehr
Starting with a non-fiction one, this tells the stories of many lesbians and other sapphics from history and is really interesting and, at points, hilarious
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Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield
This is my current favourite book, I read it recently for a book club and just fell in love. It tells the story of Leah, a marine scientist who went on a deep sea mission that went horribly wrong and is now acting very strangely, and her wife Miri. It is a dual pov, with Miri's chapters following her trying to figure out what is happening to Leah post-mission return, and Leah's chapters following the events that happened on the mission itself. The strange supernatural body horror is part terrifying part intriguing and the love story is so tender and devoted, and the writing style is absolutely GORGEOUS.
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Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
In the similar realm of lesbian supernatural fiction, this is probably one of my all time favourite books. The first half is a sweet first-love romance between teenagers Ash and Poppy in Brighton, but when Ash dies on New Year's Eve and becomes a grim reaper, she can't forget what she and Poppy had, even if it means giving them only a few more days together.
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Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
A lesbian retelling of Cinderella, this book follows Sophia, who grew up hearing the fairytale and is now about to be sent to the royal ball for choosing, where her life may be forfeit if she isn't chosen by a man. Sophia doesn't want to be chosen at all, and she fears the girl she loves will be chosen and they will have to part.
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She Gets The Girl by Rachael Lippincott and Alyson Derrick
I read this book while I was on holiday and loved it. It's a YA romcom which follows two perspectives:, Alex, a headstrong flirty lesbian who knows how to get girls but struggles to keep them, and Molly, who is very awkward and doesn't know how to go about talking to Cora, the girl she's completely in love with. When their paths cross at college, Alex begins helping Molly talk to Cora in an attempt to prove to her ex that she can be serious about romance, but as their plans progress, their feelings may have changed and they could be instead falling for each other.
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Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
This is the book I'm currently reading but I'm putting it on here anyway because I love it already. Set in Chinatown in 1954, with Red-Scare paranoia and deportation looming over her father, seventeen year old Lily Hu risks everything once she meets Kathleen Miller and the two fall in love at a lesbian bar called the Telegraph Club
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findingnemosworld · 10 months
𝐢 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐲𝐲, ( 𝐚 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐜𝐡��𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐞𝐧 )
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" Hermano, Serge! "
The Spaniard blinked as he noticed his sister waving her hand in front of him, he hadn't realized the fact that he'd been spaced out for the better part of their conversation - the pair had met for lunch, and while Sergio appreciated the time he got to spend with his sister, especially now at this part of his career, his mind had been rattled by a deep rooted issue for the past few months, an issue that involved the feelings he'd harbored for someone for the past three years, someone he couldn't see himself living without.
It all started when he made his triumphant return to Sevilla, his home town club, the place where his career started, he'd managed to win La Liga as well as Copa Del Rey; despite his contract being a one year deal, he'd been convinced by the manager Diego Alonso to renew, the renewal decision mostly prompted by his desire to be around her, the club's bubbly photographer - he still recalls their first encounter; it was that encounter that set his unrequited love ablaze.
" I'm sorry Miri " He murmurs in shame.
Mirian raised a brow, " What's your deal? you've been spacing out a lot? "
He looks down then looks back up with rosé colored cheeks which caused her eyes to widen in shock, with a soft smile across her lips as she said. " No ... you're in love "
" What! " He retorts defensively, and shakes his head. " No, No ... "
" Serge, I'm your sister ... and your cheeks are exposing you " Mirian giggles. " So come on, tell me ... who is she? "
He seemed hesitant for a brief moment before he finally relented, he lets out a soft sigh. " It's the photographer in the club "
Mirian frowned in confusion, before her eyes widened in recognition. " You mean that gorgeous girl I saw during your introduction ceremony "
He nods leisurely, recalling how he was so enchanted that he wasn't able to speak properly for the first few minutes, " Yes, and I ... I mean, we are close, but we're just friends "
Mirian raised a brow, " You didn't tell her? "
" How can I Miri? she's ... " He trails off with a soft sigh, " She's gorgeous "
Mirian grew silent before giggling, " I never thought I'd see the day where you become so flustered over a girl, I don't think I've ever seen you like this since ... Sofia back in high school, come on tell me about her "
He blushes then began to gush over her, recounting every bit he had noticed about her, " Miri, I can't even begin to explain how I feel " he chuckles in embarrassment before adding on, " Every time I see her, I feel like a love sick teenager "
" I bet you do " Mirian giggled, " And why didn't you tell her? "
" Well, there's the fact that she's nine years younger than me and the fact that she gets along with the younger players which makes me self conscious " He murmurs.
Mirian rolled her eyes, " I think you of all people should know that nine years isn't that much, she's what twenty eight, and on top of that, you are a catch hermano and any woman who doesn't see that, ... well it's their loss, I say .. you should invite her for dinner, or maybe ask her out, to try and see how things should go "
" You think she'll accept? " He wonders.
" Of course she will " Mirian said, " I trust that she will "
Since that conversation, he'd tried to muster up the courage to admit his emotions, only for hurdles to come in the way preventing him from doing so each and every single time - Until, on one unexpected rainy night as he was on his way to run some errands, he found him self thoroughly soaked which caused him to seek shelter under a bus seat, he was about to phone Mirian when suddenly he heard a soft familiar face.
" Sergio! "
He looked up to find her approaching him, carrying an umbrella - she joined him under the bus seat and said. " What are you doing? "
" I was -uh- ... -um- ... " He struggled before chuckling, " I was running some errands and then rain happened "
She giggled, which drew out a smile from him. " Why aren't you driving? "
" My car is getting fixed, and I was going to phone my sister to come pick me up " He chuckled, his face red from embarrassment.
" I can take you home " She offered with a soft tone, before adding quietly. " Or ... if you'd like, I make a very nice hot chocolate "
He smiles to himself, as the distance between them lessened - their arms touching every now and then; just as he turned to respond, their lips collided in a soft peck causing both of them to widen their eyes then look away, both blushing from the sheer embarrassment of what happened, she opened then closed her mouth, " I'm ... I'm sorry, I ... "
" No, I ... I'm sorry " He said with an embarrassed tone before his face shifted. " You know what, I'm not sorry "
Her brows knit in confusion, " What do you mean? "
He didn't respond verbally, instead he pulled her in for a searing passionate kiss that lasted for about a minute before he pulled back and licked his lips, " I've been wanting to do this for the past three years "
" What? " She whispered in shock.
" Muñeca " He smiles softly, " I've been in love with you since the day I saw you, and I tried to hold myself back, I really did but I can't do it anymore "
" Oh ... I had no idea " She giggled, " in fact I .. I've been harboring my own feelings but I thought someone like you wouldn't feel the same way "
He chuckles, " I guess we both held back, but not anymore "
She kissed him, " not anymore "
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corriganatheart · 1 year
Jude Bellingham x Influencer Reader mini series pt II ( Instagram Edition)
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Liked by judebellingham and 1,768,999 others
lifeof_Y/N I 🖤 U Paris
view all 8,789 comments
username123 attention whore! Only getting likes because of Jude 🖕🏼🖕🏼
judessbaby ewww stay away from my man 🤮
wofiecindy I’m so happy!!🖤🌹🌹
kyliejenner 🖤
melinahsiJ only using your body for likes 🤢
jennierubyjane 🌃 princess
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Liked by lifeof_Y/N and 877,889 others
judebellingham a nice day in Paris?
view all 5,789 comments
jobebellingham button that shirt up 😡
trentarnold66 oh?🤭 what we doing in Paris?
erling.haaland 😎
judessbbay break up with Y/N or I’ll 🔪🔪 her
username123 babe, you deserve so much better
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Liked by trentarnold66 and 2,778,978 others
lifeof_Y/N officially urs 🌹
view all 9,789 comments
judebellingham ♥️
wolfiecindy ♥️♥️ the cutest
sofiarichiegrainge the coolest couple 😎
jobebellingham goodluck💪🏼🙏🏻
TMZ I’m just hear for the comments 🍿
username123 fuck off!
judessbaby omg no!! I hate u kill urself!
soccer123 not going to last 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Liked by jobebellingham and 567,889 others
lifeof_Y/N bestie, me, and shades 😎 @wolfiecindy
view all 4,789 comments
jobebellingham lemme join 😎
trentarnold66 aye no invites?
judebellingham cute ig😒
wolfiecindy @judebellingham u just jealous 🤪
judebellingham @wofiecindy 🖕🏼
lifeof_Y/N love ya @jobebellingham
jobebellingham @lifeof_Y/N wrong Bellingham 😯
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Liked by lifeof_Y/N and 1,789,788 others
trentarnold66 boys night gone wild
view all 6,688 comments
trentarnold66 @lifeof_Y/N
lifeof_Y/N @trentarnold66 ???
trentarnold66 @lifeof_Y/N I know ur jealous 😝
lifeof_Y/N I’m not? 🤔
trentarnold66 @lifeof_Y/N u jealous u didn’t get to hang out with us 🤣
lifeof_Y/N @trentarnold66 I was the one that took the photo tho….
jobebellingham 🤦🏽‍♂️
Comments is disabled
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Liked joaofelix79 and 1,789,889 others
judebellingham “I’ll be ready by 7:30 babe”….Rt now it’s 9:00…
view all 8,788 comments
username223 Jude she is using u!
judessbbay I hate her🤮🤮
hsiinee that girl is not worth ur time😡
Sjionehu 🔪🔪🔪🔪
wolfiecindy 🖤 my babe
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Liked by wolfiecindy and 767,678 others
lifeof_Y/N my dinner 🌹
view all 3,889 comments
wolfiecindy chill 🥶
jobebellingham aight Imma 🏃🏾
username123 bitch get away from him!
marcusrashford 🙌🏼
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Liked by neymarjr and 1,788,657 others
lifeof_Y/N hey😗 @judebellingham
view all 9,789 comments
judebellingham hey😉
jobebellingham cringe 😬
neymarjr goodluck👏🏼
brunamarquezine 😍 amor
brunabiancardi 💕
trentarnold66 bombastic side eye 👀
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Liked by wolfiecindy and 2,678,888 others
judebellingham vacation with the boys ☀️
view all 6,979 comments
allforY/N what about ur gf?
owjjenisn kind of sus….someone posted him at a club
lifeof_Y/N have fun! 😊
judebellingham @lifeof_Y/N miss you 😘
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Liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham and 878,978 others
wofiecindy my friends are better than urs 👅
view all 3,899 comments
lifeof_Y/N for life 😉🥰
wolfiecindy @lifeof_Y/N yessir😚
jobebellingham 🙇🏽‍♂️
trentarnold66 yo ☠️
wolfiecindy @trentarnold66 stfu hater!
Tags: @lunamelona @orionsbelltss @fayypooh1 @koolkelsey @escapsim @braziliandollbaby @mounthings @mo-ali-m @miri-97
@laylaynaynay130 @aj8007 @oyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoya @superswaggycooch @fadingfemme @r3dskywaterfall @amour88-blog1 @marialikescherries @mentalbaddie @ironmaiden1313 @ala2ilas-s
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bobbiworks · 11 months
Beyond the Bell's Chimes | Part 27
RIIZE fanfiction: Wonbin, Eunseok, Seunghan, Shotaro, Sohee, Sungchan, Anton, Original Characters
Genre: Youth, Teenage Romance, High School, Friendship, Angst, Fluff, Fanfiction
Trigger Warning Please be Advised | Dangerous Scene
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"What happened?" Seunghan inquired upon seeing Jiwoo sitting alone on the bench next to the stage, her head down, tears flowing. The weight of the day's events had overwhelmed her to the point where she could barely recall Wonbin's confession. This vulnerability was foreign to Jiwoo, and the fact that everyone witnessed her in this state troubled her.
"I'm not sure what happened," Wonbin responded. "We were talking, but she must have gone through something bad today. Do you know something?" he asked Seunghan, who had no insights. Wonbin sighed, torn between wanting to stay with Jiwoo and the impending performance they had in 10 minutes.
"I'll stay with her," said Suyoung, who was about to leave after their performance. "Don't worry," she reassured the boys, heading towards Jiwoo with two cans of cold cider hidden in her jacket. She handed one to Jiwoo before taking a seat beside her.
"You look horrible," Suyoung remarked without glancing at Jiwoo. "Don't make them worry that much. It's quite annoying," she added.
"I'm not in the mood to fight," Jiwoo replied coldly. "Leave me alone."
"I can't," Suyoung asserted. "Not when those two keep looking this way," she said with a forced smile. "And, I'm sorry for what I said to you last night." Suyoung spoke softly, turning to Jiwoo.
Jiwoo heard the apology but couldn't recall what it was about. "I know my sorry is not enough to make you feel better right now, but know that it is sincere," Suyoung said.
"I don't know what's sincere anymore, not even from people I care about the most," Jiwoo expressed, prompting Suyoung to realize that the hurt might not be from their class. Could it involve Eunseok? Or perhaps the upperclass students? Suyoung spotted the girl Jiwoo had been spending time with hanging out with the upperclass girls like a follower.
"You'll grow from it," Suyoung remarked, taking the cider can and opening it for Jiwoo. "Drink up. We should watch the boys up close," she suggested, tapping Jiwoo's shoulder.
Jiwoo remained silent, but Suyoung gently held her hand, pulling her up. "It is the last day of the event. Don't end it on a bad note," she urged.
Jiwoo finally stood up, compelled by Suyoung's encouragement, and followed her into the crowd. As they reached the front, Mars Club was getting ready to perform on stage. Squeezing their way to the front, Suyoung yelled, catching the boys' attention, and they happily waved in response. Jiwoo couldn't help but smile, waving back at her friends.
"Good evening everyone, I'm Sohee from Class 1-B, and we are the Mars Club!" The trio bowed in unison. "We are here to perform two songs to color this warm evening," Sohee announced, eliciting cheers from the audience. They took their positions, but Wonbin unexpectedly approached the microphone and spoke, captivating the crowd with his charisma.
"Hi, before we start. I would like to dedicate this song to a very special girl who was hurt tonight by someone she cared for. I hope this song reaches you just like how you reached for me," Wonbin shared, creating a romantic atmosphere. As he returned to his spot, Sohee and Seunghan teased him for his unexpected romanticism. Wonbin just smiled and began strumming his guitar, playing the intro to their first song.
Throughout their performance, Jiwoo listened wholeheartedly, grateful for the new connections she had made. If she lost a friend, she could still find new ones, even better. Turning to Suyoung, who was singing and cheering, Jiwoo tapped her shoulder. "Thank you!" she shouted over the noise.
Suyoung smiled and patted her head. "You're welcome!" she replied, and the two girls immersed themselves in enjoying the rest of Mars Club's performance.
Miri observed Jiwoo from a distance, tears streaming down her face. Envy and hatred consumed her, fueled by Jiwoo's association with attractive and popular individuals. Yuri's interruption, hurling a shoe at Miri, jolted her from her thoughts.
"Listen up, slowpoke," Yuri scolded, annoyed by Miri's apparent obliviousness. "If you keep this up, Sungchan won't give you a second glance."
Miri had sacrificed her friendship with Jiwoo over a guy, driven by jealousy of Jiwoo's connections with the most popular guys in their year. Yuri, promising to help, unknowingly led Miri into a web of deceit, including plans to distance Sungchan from another girl.
Yuri handed Miri a note from Sungchan, sparking excitement. Following the instructions, Miri blushed as she hurriedly approached Sungchan, who was puzzled by her unexpected presence.
Sungchan, returning microphones, sensed someone trailing him. Startled, he called out, realizing it was Miri. Bewildered, he asked, "What are you doing here?"
Miri, confessing her feelings, took a step toward Sungchan, who, feeling uneasy, took a step back. "I like you," she admitted. "You don't have to be embarrassed. Do you like me too?"
Sungchan, feeling increasingly uneasy, insisted, "No, you've misunderstood. I never said that." Miri, however, was adamant, recounting a lunchtime conversation with Jiwoo present.
"I have to do something," Sungchan said, attempting to shake off the unsettling feeling he got from Miri. He often felt watched when alone, initially attributing it to Eunseok but now uncertain.
Walking away from Miri, Sungchan sensed her lingering presence. Turning back, he found her too close for comfort. Miri declared her intense feelings, startling Sungchan, who tried gently pushing her away.
"You're scaring me, Miri! What's wrong with you?" Sungchan exclaimed, realizing Miri's behavior was far from what he knew.
Miri, desperate to be accepted, cited Sungchan's invitation to talk. Sungchan, recognizing her instability, urged her to stay away, concerned for his safety.
Miri, on the brink, revealed a paper blade, expressing a dark desire for vengeance. Sungchan, realizing the severity, pleaded for her to calm down, aware of the potential harm she might inflict on herself.
Sungchan, feeling cornered, desperately called for help, "Miri, calm down!" The situation escalated, leaving Sungchan to confront the danger unfolding before him.
Miri raised her arm as she was ready to attack him. Sungchan could only run away from her but there was no other way asidr from going inside the supply room instead. He quickly ran to the supply room, just as he moved, Miri moved as well but he was fast enough to lock the door after him.
"Come out, oppa.." Miri softly spoke, crying. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She said, with the sudden change of her tone, Sungchan was in trouble. She was crazy.
"You are scaring me, Miri. Please stop that." Sungchan said but Miri wouldn't stop scrapping the door with the blade she was holding. Sungchan quickly fished out his phone and called for Eunseok, but unfortunately, Eunseok's phone died and he was with Miyoung in the field partying. "Shit.." He fumbled in his contact list and called Shotaro. Luckily, Shotaro answered.
"H-Hyung... Hyung. Where are you?" Sungchan ran to the other side for Miri not to hear his conversation. "I'm in the supply room but Miri... " Sungchan sighed, thinking that Shotaro wouldn't know her.
"Miri? Why? Are you with her?" Shotaro asked, he was with Jiwoo and her friends heading out to grab dinner after the event. Unknown to Jiwoo's and Miri's friendship breakup, Shotaro called for Jiwoo and asked about Miri.
"I– I dont know." Jiwoo shook her head. "Why?"
"Hyung, she is scaring me. Please help me out here! She might hurt herself... or hurt me! Please please." Sungchan panicked, he only could imagine situations like these in horror movies and did not event expect he'd be in it. "She is armed hyung.."
With that description, Shotaro felt ice cold water poured on to him. "I need help." He said, referring to Wonbin, Seunghan and Sohee. The boys unsure what was going on followed him.
"Wait, I'll go with you." Jiwoo said grabbing Wonbin's hand.
"No, you stay here with Suyoung." Wonbin said, but Jiwoo insisted.
"She is my friend," Jiwoo sternly said gripping on his hand. Wonbin sighed and decided to let her go with him.
"Just stay behind me then." He said and Jiwoo went with them.
They all reached the supply room and indeed saw Miri standing in front of the supply room. Shotaro walked towards her but maintained a distance as Sungchan told him, she was armed. He knew Miri because of Jiwoo. These girls were inseparable before but how Miri looked right now was totally different from the last time he saw her.
Miri..." Shotaro gently called. Miri turned her head, her eyes eyes were wide open, crying. "Are you alright?"
Miri mumbled, slowly bumping her head on the door. "Did someone hurt you?" He asked next, taking each step towards her carefully. "What you are holding is dangerous. You'll hurt yourself, hmm?" He assured her as much as he could.
She finally responded by dropping the blade from her hand. She then turned to him and was about to take his hand but she saw Jiwoo and her anger filled her head once more, that she grabbed the blade from the floor and was about to hit him on the chest but Jiwoo quickly held her hand to stop her. She then pushed Miri away and kicked her in her gut, causing her to fly a distance away from them.
All the boys were surprised from what they saw. Miri was knocked out for a few seconds before she regained her senses and saw Jiwoo walking towards her. She was still holdibg the blade and wanted to hit Jiwoo without as she could see that she was with her friends, but Jiwoo did not say a thing as she stepped on her wrist.
"Jiwoo..." Shotaro spoke, aiming to stop her from hurting friend. Miri winced in pain until she lets go of the blade. Wonbin and Seunghan came to pull Jiwoo from her before Shotaro helped Miri up after throwing the blade to Seunghan.
"Sungchan, you can go out now." Shotaro said and slowly Sungchan came out and ran his way behind the two boys.
"I don't know you guys but keep away from that girl, I beg you." Sungchan said, but he did not know that Seunghan and Wonbin were more scared of Jiwoo. It was the first time they saw her did those moves.
"Jiwoo, are you a fighter?" Seunghan asked.
Jiwoo sighed, "A little bit." She confessed. The boys were more curious about it more than what just happened with the girl.
"Jiwoo, come help." Shotaro asked but Jiwoo just stood there far from him as he helped Miri up. "Jiwoo?"
"I'm sorry." Jiwoo dropped her head as she looked away. Seunghan noticed how Jiwoo looked hurt more than earlier so he decided to go to Shotaro and helped her friend. Wonbin stayed by her side, quietly connecting the pieces together.
Miri was taken to the hospital after Shotaro called her older sister. When they were gone, everyone turned to Jiwoo with questions in their mind, but the girl didn't say a thing and stayed quiet. Sungchan was with them until Eunseok and Miri came to them.
"Eunseok." Sungchan whined, letting go of his cool persona when he saw his best friend. "I am so glad to see you, my friend." He said as he hugged Eunseok.
"What happened?" Miyoung asked. "I even thought you got abducted already." She joked but the look on Sungchan's face looked like the same thing almost happened to him. "You are kidding."
"Remember when I told you that I feel like someone is stalking Eunseok? It turns out it was me being stalked the entire time!" Sungchan explained. "I almost died there." He said as he clung on Eunseok who barely said a thing at all, but his eyes were focused on Jiwoo who was quiet the entire time. He pulled away from Sungchan's hold and walked towards Jiwoo.
"Hey." Eunseok said. Everyone was quiet that they all looked at the two of them. "Your friends are here." He said.
Jiwoo looked at him before she looked down once more. Eunseok was quiet for a moment before he held her hand. With that question, two more hands grabbed the same hand he was touching. "Shim Jiwoo. You have to tell what's going on before anyone you know gets hurt."
"What are you talking about?" Wonbin asked he was holding Jiwoo's hand too. Eunseok did not take his eyes away from Jiwoo, so Wonbin turned to look at her instead. "Jiwoo..."
Jiwoo looked at the people around her. They all looked at her in a way that she felt like she needed to tell them things. She felt like the people with her right now are there to listen to her. She thought she will not cry anymore but what happened made her think things in a different light.
The boys let go of her hand when she was going to speak. "Miri and I fought. She told me that she was suffering while I was enjoying spending time with you guys. She wished me to suffer more than she should and told me that we are no longer friends. I tried talking to her but she wouldn't listen and just ended everything there." Jiwoo managed to tell them everything in one breath. "I'm sorry, I am just too hurt and I did not want to knock her out... but she lost it. She was not in her mind."
"Well, serves her right." Suyoung bluntly spoke. "I got blamed for trapping Jiwoo in the storage room even though it was her." She scoffed, eyeing Wonbin who was surprised to hear that.
"Suyoung is right. It was Miri who locked me in the storage room in the council room." Jiwoo added.
"The hell? It is so creepy!" Miyoung gasped. "Are you okay?" She asked Jiwoo and the latter assured her that she was fine.
"And... there is this girl who wanted me gone." Jiwoo turned to Eunseok. "She said she was your girlfriend."
It was the first time Eunseok rolled his eyes in annoyance upon mentioning that. It was Yuri again, but he was more worried about what Jiwoo would think about him after hearinh all what Yuri had told her.
"That girl. Urrrrgh. I am gonna rip that face!" Miyoung grumbled angrily but Sungchan helped her calm down by patting her head.
"I did not believe whatever she said to me. She looked like she likes to say whatever she wanted to say, but Miri... she meant everything she told me." Jiwoo said. "I can't believe we have to end like this."
"Oh gee, I can be your best friend." Suyoung shoved Seunghan away from her and placed her hand on Jiwoo's head. "Right?" She smiled.
"Me too, if you lose a friend, you can make two more." Miyoung grinned.
It made Jiwoo smile for a bit, it somehow cheered her broken heart and began to thank everyone who was there for her.
"I'll take care of Hwang Yuri. I should have disposed of her when I got the chance." Eunseok said, though he was smiling, he was already frustrated about Yuri's presence. "And... to clarify things, I broke up with her the day she bullied Miri, but I did not expect things would escalate like this."
"Can't we do something about Miri?" Sungchan asked. "She almost tried to hurt me!"
"Oh, be a man for once!" Miyoung pinched his cheek but eventually softened up when she realized that she didn't want him to get hurt either. She stopped and gave him a hug instead.
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hjarta · 2 years
hi miri! i’m sorry if someone already asked u this but could u recommend some sapphic books that you like?
i haven't read that many but i enjoyed last night at the telegraph club by malindo lo, our wives under the sea by julia armfield, and crier's war by nina varela <333
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buddy-daddies · 2 years
EDIT: this theory has been debunked as we've found out that the woman in the trailer is kazuki's deceased wife
so the (presumably) last trailer before the premiere dropped a day or two ago, and one of the most shocking and fascinating scenes in it was this one:
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that right there is most definitely kazuki, but who is the woman ? more importantly, what happened to their relationship ?
it's clear from this scene alone that they were in a relationship and that this wasn't some one-night stand our womanizing assassin knocked up; you can see the matching pink and blue heart mugs on the coffee table, and there's blue and pink yarn in a box that the woman must have been knitting something up for the baby. so why aren't they together anymore ? here are some of my thoughts:
- it's revealed (in what interview i can't recall off the top of my head) that kazuki is a womanizer who always runs away from love, but what if he wasn't always that way ?
- what if he fell in love when he was younger (imo he looks around 22-23 here) with this woman, and they were going to start a family together ? as i said earlier, they look like they had a close relationship given the hints from the room they're in, and kazuki is lovingly holding her stomach in this scene
- we know he's clearly not with her nor the kid as he's living with rei, so what happened ?
- well, what if kazuki found out that the child wasn't his ?
- maybe this woman cheated on him, and kazuki only finds out later (before the birth of the child) that he wasn't the father. no doubt would this break his heart and turn him away from love. could this actually be the reason he's now a no-strings attached kind of guy who goes from woman to woman and avoids them at the first sign of romantic interest ?
now, i have a second, much more wild take that is adjacent to this one: could kazuki actually be miri's biological father ?
it's a slim chance, but imagine the twist if that's true !
now, to why i think this might be the case:
- (disclaimer: i couldn't find an english translation to the trailer, so there's a chance what i'm gonna say is refuted by what's said there lmao)
- the singer at the club who kazuki is shown with is, at least based on the way the trailer is set up, most likely miri's mother. but what if she's also the pregnant woman kazuki was with ? he doesn't exactly look thrilled while they're talking, so my guesses are that a) they have some history, or b) kazuki's pissed at her for (presumably) abandoning miri since the girl is in his and rei's care
- now, what we are led to believe is that miri is the daughter of a mafia boss, and that's entirely possible ! but what's so strange is that miri asks kazuki if he's her dad:
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does miri not know her own father ?
- now, i'm convinced that the only reason this would be the case is that the mafia boss had an affair and accidentally got this mistress pregnant with miri. he has no need for an illegitimate child, so he turns both the child and mother away and doesn't show up in their lives.
- is the singer at the bar this mistress ? most likely, and that could explain why kazuki is mad (as he was himself going to be a father and would likely be angry that this man wouldn't be there for his own child)
- now, like i said, it's next to impossible that miri is his child, but if we find out that kazuki and that woman have history, i'm CONVINCED he's actually miri's father
- it could be that the woman cheated on kazuki with the mob boss but that the child was in the end still kazuki's
- i think it would be really amazing if kazuki ended up raising this random little girl as the father she never had completely unaware that she's actually his biological child. he maybe regrets not being there for the child his former love was pregnant with, so he takes this chance to be a father for a child that's not (at least to his knowledge) his own.
maybe he'll find out by the end of the series, or maybe he never actually learns the truth and only we the audience are aware. it doesn't matter at the end of the day: either way, he's going to be her father.
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eorzeashan · 2 years
ok last crying over keeper/minister/dad post but i actually am crying in the club over this. like eight was his favorite. his actual son. the one that stayed up with him all night just to watch him monitor a stressful op. the one who celebrated with him after. the one he gave his wife's cooking to and scolded for always eating miri noodles. the one who bothered him about every single soul in intelligence- he talked to him about everything. i feel like he always expected him to be there and to always return after a mission smiling like "look i did it!" after pulling off the impossible.
swtor how could you give me another parent and shatter their heart into a million pieces watching their son be taken away from them again i'm going to melt into a puddle
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signalfirefly · 2 years
So, what’s everybody been up to during the timeskip?
Zhenya - spending most of his time in Northrend, helping the Ebon Blade contain and clean up the remnants of the Scourge. With regular trips home, of course, he’s certainly not gonna stay away from his friends for too long. Enan has been doing much the same.
Vian has spent most of the last three years in a state of domestic bliss with his new husband Tallak, having gotten married six months or so after returning from the Shadowlands. He’s been working in a hospital, gotten active in his church again, and reveling in having a house with a mostly-empty library to fill up.
Adamska and Haldon broke up after Hal finally faced the fact that he wasn’t getting any younger and couldn’t stay any longer in what was supposed to be a casual, short-term thing with someone who didn’t want kids. Neither of them are doing great, to be honest. Adamska’s got his cats and that’s all he needs. He’s fine. They’re fine.
Volenka  - helping the Forsaken rebuild Lordaeron. Being a menace. Sometimes both at once.
Silvestry and Jogu have adopted two kids from Kul Tiras and have been traveling, exploring all their family’s various cultures. Jogu is now an honorary Tidesage and loves learning the various languages and dialects of the seas. Hal’s been living in their house in Stormwind while they’re away, I think. They’ve also gotten married, mostly for the legal benefits, but also it meant so much to Jogu to be officially part of a family again.
Lorel is ready to start dating again but doesn’t know how. Trauma aside, he’s still a shy nerd who married his high school sweetheart and hasn’t dated since he was a teenager. He did go on one or two dates with a guildie, mostly as practice, so he isn’t completely lost, but...yeah. He’s totally open to his friends setting him up. In the meantime, he’s been researching, and traveling to learn more about world history, sometimes with Natkata. He’s also done some tutoring on the side.
Helunir’s been focusing on his kids. Anor’el and his mom moved to Eversong, and while Nari is still pretty much all wolf and hasn’t made much progress in becoming a person again, he’s gotten better at traveling and being around people and he and Vali visit often.
Letharion has spent a lot of the time in Northrend cleaning up Scourge, and doing what he was born to do - protect Azeroth. He’s been spending a lot of time alone, adjusting to having his mind to himself without the Old Gods whispering in his head. Enjoying the silence, but never quite comfortable in it, feeling like it could break at any moment. It’ll be a long time, if ever, before he fully trusts his senses.
Miri has been dividing her time between Azeroth, keeping in touch with the largely disbanded Illidari, and frequent visits to Revendreth, to see Theotar and Gadreel, who’s more or less retired to live with Renathal. She picks up strangers in clubs and bars a few times a week when she needs it. A lot of people are quite eager to spend a night with a succubus who promises not to eat their soul out via the Nether.
Broktan managed to track down his birth mother in the Shadowlands and finally had the chance to get to know her. Later, he met a lovely blood elf playwright and they’ve been a thing for a while now.
Nuzali has been doing what Bwonsamdi told her: meeting new people, making friends, seeing more of the world.
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kuiperkat · 10 months
December’s Night Sky Notes: A Flame in the Sky – the Orion Nebula
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by Kat Troche of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
It’s that time of year again: Winter! Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the clear, crisp sky offers spectacular views of various objects, the most famous of all being Orion the Hunter.
As we’ve previously mentioned, Orion is a great way to test your sky darkness. With the naked eye, you can easily spot this hourglass-shaped constellation. Known as an epic hunter in Greco-Roman antiqity, Orion and all its parts have many names and meanings across many cultures. In Egyptian mythology, this constellation represented the god Sah. The Babylonians referred to it as The Heavenly Shepard. In most cultures, it is Orion’s Belt that has many stories: Shen in Chinese folklore, or Tayamnicankhu in Lakota storytelling. But the Maya of Mesoamerica believed that part of Orion contained The Cosmic Hearth – the fire of creation.
1,500 light years away from Earth sits the star-forming region, and crown jewel of Orion – Messier 42 (M42), the Orion Nebula. Part of the “sword” of Orion, this 24 light year wide cloud of dust and gas sits below the first star in Orion’s Belt, Alnitak, and can easily be spotted with the naked eye under moderate dark skies. You can also use binoculars or a telescope to resolve more details, such as the Trapezium: four stars in the shape of a keystone (or baseball diamond). These young stars make up the core of this magnificent object.
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These Webb images show a part of the Orion Nebula known as the Orion Bar. It is a region where energetic ultraviolet light from the Trapezium Cluster — located off the upper-left corner — interacts with dense molecular clouds. The energy of the stellar radiation is slowly eroding the Orion Bar, and this has a profound effect on the molecules and chemistry in the protoplanetary disks that have formed around newborn stars here. The largest image, on the left, is from Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) instrument. At upper right, the telescope is focused on a smaller area using Webb’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument). A total of eighteen filters across both the MIRI and NIRCam instruments were used in these images, covering a range of wavelengths from 1.4 microns in the near-infrared to 25.5 microns in the mid-infrared. At the very center of the MIRI area is a young star system with a planet-forming disk named d203-506. The pullout at the bottom right displays a combined NIRCam and MIRI image of this young system. Its extended shape is due to pressure from the harsh ultraviolet radiation striking it. An international team of astronomers detected a new carbon molecule known as methyl cation for the first time in d203-506.
ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, M. Zamani (ESA/Webb), PDRs4ALL ERS Team
But stars aren’t the only items visible here. In June 2023, JWST’s NIRCam and MIRI (mid-infrared instrument) imaged a developing star system with a protoplanetary disk forming around it. That’s right – a solar system happening in real time – located within the edges of a section called the Orion Bar. Scientists have named this planet-forming disk d203-506, and you can learn more about the chemistry found here. By capturing these objects in multiple wavelengths of light, astronomers now have even greater insight into what other objects might be hiding within these hazy hydrogen regions of our night sky. This technique is called Multi-spectral Imaging, made possible by numerous new space based telescopes.
In addition to the Night Sky Network Dark Sky Wheel, a fun activity you can share with your astronomy club would be Universe Discovery Guide: Orion Nebula, Nursery of Newborn Stars. This will allow you to explain to audiences how infrared astronomy, like JWST, helps to reveal the secrets of nebulae. Or you can use public projects like the NASA-funded MicroObservatory to capture M42 and other objects.
Stay tuned to learn more about what to spy in the Winter sky with our upcoming mid-month article!
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fullcfphobias-a · 1 year
It was getting on in the day. Shadows were getting a little longer, talk had switched over into a lull of what to do afterwards, and the crowds were a little thinner. Most had departed already, and those that hadn't were those who had some after-school activity or another to see to.
Miranda didn't have any of the latter, and most knew this about her. She had other things to do and matters of business to attend to, and this was far more of her side gig than anything else in her life. Usually she was one of the first to leave, if not even earlier than that, as she had some other arrangement to see to that couldn't spare her the time.
She wasn't usually standing by Oz's usual place, waiting for him there with an expectant, though nonetheless still delighted, smile on her face.
"Ozzy!" Yep, she was waiting there for him, and she smacked her tail against the ground and wiggled her fins and seemed, overall, far too pleased to see him. "I told you that I wished to go home with you, so here I am! For you to take me home with you, to accompany you for the night and to sleep with you!"
No, she never did get any better at her phrasing. At least there weren't as many people around to overhear this time.
Oz's schedule was a rather confusing mess. Although he never officially signed up for any of the many extracurriculars offered, he found himself bouncing around the various club rooms regardless. It always started as a quick favor, someone had cancelled and they needed just one more seat filled for such and such. It was a miracle he was quick to adapt as he was, and far too concerned with potentially disappointing someone to worry about what else he could be doing with this time.
Fortunately, today he had managed to evade the usual shenanigans.
He stood a little straighter when Miranda came into view, rather surprised she wasn't already long gone. It was a relief he hadn't accidentally left her to stand here while he was carted off to do who knows what for however long.
"Hey, Miri.."
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Oz was sure his cheeks were growing pale at her phrasing, he wasn't sure if he'd ever stop being so easy to fluster, but he chose to instead focus her intent to stay the night. Okay, she wanted to stay over! He could do that, he'd just have to move some things around and– well, he'd deal with it when they got there.
"Alright! Just, uh, follow me!"
Walking the halls, the amalgam glanced around before his eyes settled on the janitor's closet. He usually wasn't one to fiddle with random rooms, not unless he was being roped into the shenanigans of others, but a sparingly used door was what he needed. Putting his finger to the lock, the digit morphed into a rather ornate key. The two were greeted with a rather monochromatic living room upon Oz opening the door, the contents and space of the original room nowhere to be seen.
Despite the lack of color the place was far from dull, there was not a single spot on the walls not taken up by one thing or another. Shelves not containing books were filled with a neatly organized mix of statuettes and pottery, paintings and photographs of various landscapes hung proudly beside the array of clocks. Some connected to the wall, some stood on the floor, but all emitted the same faint ticking. A large sofa and a pair of armchairs sat on the thickly carpeted floor, an abundance of throw pillows occupying them each.
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As spacious as the room was, it seemed to lack any other doors or even hallways. If one were to look up, however, they would quickly catch onto the non-euclidean nature of the place. The room extended upwards into infinity, twisting and spiraling the higher it went. Staircases zigzagged through the space, leading to either one of countless doorways or veering off into nothing. Countless eyes blinked from the darkness, shadows always slithering about. No doubt other phobias, as a few jump from Oz's body and melt into the walls as shadow.
"Yeah, um.. you'll see a lot of those guys! Just so you know.."
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straycatboogie · 2 years
2022/12/04 English
BGM: Erik Satie "Trois Gymnopédies No.1"
This morning I attended the meeting of the English study club. There, we read the English version of Yu Miri's "Tokyo Ueno Station". I had already read that version this time so I could join the discussion, but I had to notice my misunderstanding of translating it into Japanese my way. I solved the word "neatly" as "smartly", and other members corrected me by suggesting another idea as "appropriately". What a shame. But despite of that my poor translation, some members praised me "you've learned a lot!". Of course, I'm glad. Next month we're going to read Sunak's speech in English. It was a severe, but interesting time.
After a nap, I thought I should watch a movie but I couldn't solve that because I couldn't decide what I would watch. Indeed, I have to watch the ones I have never done, but my mood didn't follow me. I understood that my mood would come if I watched anyway, but still, my mood didn't wake up. So I gave up and started reading the book "Independent Eurospace" I had borrowed. This is a long interview with Kenzo Horikoshi, the head man of Eurospace and a legendary person of Japanese movie culture.
Reading it, I thought it was the right choice. In this, Kenzo Horikoshi talks about himself and his activities of introducing great directors like Leos Carax and Abbas Kiarostami. It describes how he loved the movies and how he did his job as a gamble to show the movies in the Japanese market. I learned that he was an important person who made one of my favorite movies "Smoke" a famous one in Japan. Takeshi Kitano must owe Horikoshi to work as a great director in the world. Even if I feel suspicious about this book because he ignores Hirokazu Koreeda completely, I have been impressed by this book which shows his "entertaining" job.
Night came. I attended a meeting on Discord and chatted a lot. We talked about a lot of topics. Someone said that this diary of me is Fernand Pessoa-like for him. It is really glad for me because Pessoa's "The Book of Disquiet" is one of my favorites, therefore I have already read it six times. After that meeting, I read that "The Book of Disquiet" until the 100th page. Besides reading John Irving's orthodox novel, I read this kind of "anti-story" book. That made me think that every author has their direction of working and also character. Which direction I should go? I have to wander between them, and it is a pleasant time.
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sixthoctavarium · 3 years
SixthOctavarium's Hamefura Fics Masterpost
I have decided to shamelessly rip off follow in @cutekittenlady's footsteps in having a masterpost which will have all of my fics in one place. For everyone new to Hamefura, this'll be a helpful place to reference my fics. Here goes.
That Night In A Safe Haven - Hiding in a safe haven awakens some bad memories for Mary, and Catarina needs to comfort her.
Six Interesting But Ordinary Weeks - Catarina spends six weeks with Maria after graduation in her hometown, and obliviously makes things better for the common folk there as well.
A Pact Between Mother And Son - Keith makes his intention to marry Catarina known to his mother. His mother declares her support for his efforts. Then they gameplan.
Fight Like A Lady - Part 1 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. There's a sword duel tournament at the Academy of Magic. Catarina enters it hoping to get to face Geordo in a duel to gauge her swordfighting skills against him.
Tears Of A Saint - Part 2 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Catarina and Geordo go on a date to get a dress and accessories for an upcoming school ball. In the background, a sore loser from the duel tournament plots his payback.
A Lady In The Lion's Den - Part 4 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Catarina gets an invite to Sorcier's most prestigious Under-18 duel tournament, and finds out some surprising things along the way.
She Is NOT My Kissy-Kissy Girlfriend! - Geordo over the years begins to realize his feelings for Catarina. His mom, The Queen, trolls him mercilessly about them.
Dumbass & Dragon - Catarina gets kidnapped by a dragon. An awkward teenage dragon who has no idea what he's doing. Absurdity at its finest!
Catarina Claes MUST DIE! - A girl from Catarina's old world isekais into Sorcier. She remembers Fortune Lover and how much she hated Catarina. The preconceived notions she has carry the potential to cause disaster.
Under The Silverlight - Catarina and Geordo attend the Silverlight Festival, Sorcier's winter festival with romantic elements. They have a lot of fun, and other festival-goers witness them and begin shipping them bigtime.
Picturing A Wonderful Birthday - Keith's first birthday with House Claes, but he's still unsure about his place in the family. Catarina aims to answer that question once and for all.
The List of Geordo - Geordo, annoyed by his rivals, comes up with a new tactic to combat them. He thinks it's funny, but fails to realize some may take it the wrong way.
A Rose Blooms In Sorcier - Sorcier's all-women festival is coming up. Mary, Sophia, and Maria all want Catarina to attend with them. They jockey with each other for the upper hand.
Flip The Script - Part 5 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Catarina is encouraged by her friends to audition for a play the Theater Club is holding, but she screws up by signing up to audition for the male lead. Or does she?
The Sword Saint's Battle For Honor - Part 6 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Maria is the (unintended) victim of a prank performed by a stuck-up first-year student. Catarina stands up for Maria's honor.
A Parent's Worst Nightmare: An Omake to Catarina Claes MUST DIE! - Events from Catarina Claes MUST DIE! told from the viewpoint of Catarina's parents, Luigi and Miri Diana.
The Catarina Claes Birthday Extravaganza - Part 3 of the Sword Saint Chronicles. Keith screws up in planning for Catarina's 17th birthday. Thanks to some quick thinking by everyone, they figure out how to work through Keith's mistake.
Hell Comes To Sorcier - Catarina gets kidnapped by a demon and Geordo sets off to rescue her. Along the way, he finds out some things about Catarina, while a sinister force tries to take advantage of the situation for herself.
Naked Posed The Duke's Daughter - Catarina offers to be a nude model for the Academy's Ladies' Art Collective. Everyone's going to have a reaction to that.
Into The Haremverse - A magical experiment at the Ministry of Magic goes wrong, and Catarina finds herself traveling to the future, where revelations are made to her.
My Next Life As A Planeswalker: All Routes Lead to The Multiverse! - A biomechanical monster's attack at the Academy of Magic causes Catarina to awaken powers which seem to go against the laws of magic. Her awakening results in things that will change Sorcier forever.
And that's my fics for now. I will update this when I post up new fics.
Also, I have questions open. If you read one of my fics and have a question, want to ask about how I wrote something, ask about fic writing, or just ask me my interpretations of Hamefura in general, feel free to ask!
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
sypnosis: mini scenarios for a few BNHA boys. 
characters: mirio togata, bakugou katsuki, and izuku midoriya 
request status: OPENED / all fandoms I write for are pinned to the top of my page as well as my rules! feel free to request as you’d like! 
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he has to come pick you up drunk from a club: 
oh god, mirio is crying from laughter the minute he sees the way you are. the look of being plastered is written all over your face and you couldn’t stop laughing for some odd reason. 
Nejire had called him on the fact that you were complaining that Mirio wasn’t here to enjoy the night with you. the reason why was that this was your last night before becoming a married woman and mirio wanted you to enjoy it before the wedding.
a part of his mind knew that this was going to happen though. you got very clingy to him when you drank and although he was hoping that you didn’t get as drunk tonight, the call from Nejire made him know he wasn’t getting what he was hoping for. 
he grabbed his shoes, making sure to put all of the medicine you would need in the morning on the night stand before heading out the door. you and Nejire were at a club not too far from where the both of you stayed so the drive wasn’t even more than fifteen minutes. 
once he arrived to the club, he flashed his ID to the security outside and walked in. the club was relatively packed for a Friday night but once he saw Nejire’s bright blue hair, he knew exactly where you were and how loud you were being. 
when he finally spotted the two of you, he could see how drunk you actually were. you had a cup filled with whatever alcoholic contents you were drinking and singing, actually more like screaming, to one of your favorite songs. 
“babe!” he sang, trying to catch you attention. you still hadn’t realized it was Mirio as your eyes were still closed and taking small sips of your drink, “( your name )!” mirio screamed again. finally, you heard your name and turned around, “MIRI!” you screamed, jumping onto him. 
he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, “ready to go home?” he asked, seeing the way your eyes were getting droopy, “you can’t hungover to your final fitting tomorrow,” he informed, grabbing your bag and phone. 
“boooo!! i wanna stay and party with you!” you exclaimed, trying to get him to stay, “nope! we gotta get you home or else no wedding,” he saw the way your eyes instantly watered at the idea, “babe! no i was kidding!” he exclaimed, trying to back track on the comment. 
your lip stuck out in a pouty way as he grabbed your wrist, “see you tomorrow Nejire!” he said, knowing she’d probably come over after all of you got done with the final dress fittings, “yup! she’s making me dinner actually!” she yelled as he grabbed her own things to head out, “make sure she doesn’t die on me tonight,” she giggled. 
“i’ll make sure! see ya!” Mirio said as he felt your weight get heavier. he looked down to see that you were already starting to fall asleep as you walked, “i swear, what am i gonna do with you?” he joked, as he put you in the passenger seat, making sure you didn’t double over in the process. 
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you accidentally get hurt in front of him: 
all of you were doing some simple training on the grounds outside of UA. it was nothing that you hadn’t done before but there was something that was not making you preform at 100% 
you noticed a few weeks ago that you weren’t preforming as best as you could because of the weight you gained over the winter break (lmfaoo, this is 100% self projecting). you couldn’t stand the fact that you weren’t skinny as the rest of the girls were and decided to put yourself on a diet. 
because of said diet, you were strictly drinking water and a very small dinner. 
no one had noticed it but you weren’t seeing the results you were hoping for. at first you thought you had to cut off the dinner portion of your diet but you knew if you had done that, you weren’t going to succeed in your performance either. 
you were fighting Kirishima, giving him a decent run for his money as you countered each of his attacks with one of your own but Kiri had noticed how tired you were getting. your attacks were strong but they weren’t as quick as he had seen them before. 
“you okay?” Kirishima asked. you nodded tiredly as you stood back up, getting into a fighting position, “nothing i can’t handle!” you exclaimed. he laughed, shaking off his concern before going in for another attack. 
as soon as you felt the impact of his punch on your stomach, you knew that this wasn’t going to end well. you instantly fell back, flying a few feet from where you were before and hitting the wall with a giant thud as you slipped down. 
at first, Kirishima had thought that you were just messing with him in order to get him riled up but when he saw that your body remained slumped on the ground and you weren’t getting up, he instantly ran over to you. “hey!” he screamed, seeing your eyes closed, “hey, get up!” he yelled a bit louder. 
Bakugou, who was fighting with Momo, had saw the interaction from the corner of his eye and instantly dropped the match. he ran over to you to see you still passed out on the ground. Momo caught Aizawa’s attention as he had saw you still not moving, “take her to recovery girl,” he informed Bakugou, knowing that if he didn’t take you, he wouldn’t allow anyone else, “and let me know the extent of her injuries,” he added on.
Bakugou nodded, basically scooping you into his arms and running to her office. once he got there, he pushed anyone who was already waiting for her away and slammed the door open, screaming that you weren’t awake and you had passed out from training. 
recovery girl, being used treating Midoriya, sighed and told him to put you on the spare bed as she took out her tools to see what was wrong with you. once she hooked you up to a few machines and let them check your vitals, she instantly saw the issue. 
“when’s the last time she’s had a proper meal?” she asked, a bit in disbelief, “her water intake is fine but her food intake is extremely low. it looks like she hasn’t ate a significant meal in a while,” she told Bakugou, showing him the screen. his eye twitched, trying to remember when’s the last time he actually saw you eat. 
“i’d suggest you bring her something to eat. by the time you arrive with food, i’m sure she’ll be up,” she said, basically kicking him out of the room until you woke up. Bakugou growled, not wanting to leave you but he knew better than to piss Recovery Girl off and did as she ordered. 
it took about an hour for him to come back with something for you to eat when he saw you awake, playing with the blanket and trying not to focus on him. he stared at you, trying to suppress his anger as best as he could. 
“what the hell happened?” he asked, setting the plate down and looking at you. it was like a dam breaking as your tears came down in strides. you tried to explain but all Bakugou heard was the hurt in your voice as you basically confessed your insecurities, “listen you idiot,” he scoffed, sitting down on the bed and wrapping his arms around you, “your body is fine. nothing is wrong with you and even if there was something wrong, you should have told me,” Bakugou said. 
you nodded, trying to hide your face on his side, “but if you have such an issue with how you look, come and work out with weird hair and i. don’t pull some stupid shit like this ever again,” he warned as he put the plate of food on the small lap table, “and i won’t be leaving you until i see you finish all of that food.” 
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the two of you run into your ex: 
both you and midoriya were running a few errands for his mom while the two of you were visiting her. you had offered to help her with dinner before you were due back at UA and she asked if you and midoriya could run to the store for a few things she was missing. 
before you and midoriya got together, you had been friends with him for a while. you, bakugou, and midoriya had attended the same middle school and when all of you got accepted to UA, he confessed his feelings for you after a few months. 
you and midoriya were walking down the street, groceries in hand and his other arm wrapped around your shoulder. he had been talking your ear off about some all might facts when he felt you come to a sudden stop and become stiff. 
he followed your eye trajectory and realized who it was. it was ex and an ex that you practically had a death wish on. the two of you dated the summer before entering UA and broke up after he made some sly remark about how you didn’t deserve to go to UA with the weak quirk you had. 
“lets try to find another way back home,” midoriya murmured. the two of you tried to turn the corner but it was too late. your ex had saw you and basically screamed your name before running down the street to see you, “hey!” he yelled with disgusting happiness. 
you turned around giving him a fake smile, “hey,” you whispered, feeling midoriya’s grip get stronger. your ex saw the way he was holding you and frowned, “how have you been!” he asked, trying to ignore midoriya. “okay, just been at UA, training and all that,” you replied. 
your ex nodded, trying to get closer to you but midoriya instantly pulled you closer, “so, are you here visiting his mom?” he asked. you nodded, a bit happily, “yeah, ever since we got together, we’ve been visiting his mom more,” you said. he cringed upon hearing you mutter that the two of you were together. 
“the two of you....” he implied, “are together?” he asked. you nodded, “yep! we’ve been together for a few months now!” you looked at midoriya and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “i wonder how long that’ll last. not long considering he’s midoriya,” he joked to his friends. 
your eyebrows fluttered in anger as midoriya whispered to calm down. you looked to your ex, “well, we should be leaving. we actually have to leave in a few hours to head back to UA. you know, the school you couldn’t get into,” you retorted, making midoriya laugh loudly. 
your ex tried to say something back but before he could, you grabbed midoriya’s arm and ran in the opposite direction before your ex could follow you. the two of you ran for a little while longer before agreeing that you both had lost him. 
“what an asshole, right?” you asked. midoriya agreed, grabbing your hand and kissing it, “serves him right. he’s always been so rude,” he replied, seeing his house coming into vision, “plus, i think my mom is going to find the story pretty funny.” 
you rolled your eyes playfully as you tried not to think on the exchange with your ex any longer and trying to refocus on what midoriya was talking to you about before you ran into him. 
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bobbiworks · 8 months
Beyond the Bell's Chimes | Part 55
It was just in time for the Segye High School Cultural Festival when Jiwoo returned to school. Their class had decided to showcase the Mars Club as one of the opening acts for the main event, while simultaneously organizing a horror room for their class booth. Thanks to Sohee's exceptional leadership as the class mayor, this year's festival preparations exceeded everyone's expectations.
Jiwoo, having been on temporary leave from school, was unable to participate in the preparations. Nevertheless, the school principal assigned her additional tasks to assist the student council, recognizing her as a valued member. Eunseok, ensuring she didn't overexert herself on her first day back after a long rest, took care of Jiwoo throughout.
Walking down the hallway with Sungchan, both carrying flyers for the upcoming main event, Jiwoo headed towards the faculty office.
"Good morning," she greeted the teachers, especially Mr. Park and Ms. Lee, who had been supportive during her challenging times. "We're here to give you invitations for tomorrow's event."
"Wow, a ball?" Ms. Lee remarked as she read the details.
"Yes, everyone has the freedom to dress elegantly tomorrow night. There will be drinks and snacks too," Jiwoo explained. "The student council must have quite a budget," teased Mr. Park. "Thanks, Jiwoo, Sungchan," he added, acknowledging their hard work.
Leaving the faculty room, Sungchan revealed something to Jiwoo. "Ji, actually, Miri visited me at work. I'm not sure if I should tell you, but she apologized."
"Really? It's okay, oppa. You can tell me," Jiwoo reassured him.
"Have you girls talked?" he asked, and Jiwoo nodded. She explained that they had a conversation after the trial, and Miri apologized to her. "So, does that mean you're friends again?"
Jiwoo gently shook her head, "I think I am satisfied with what we are now, oppa. Besides, I have greater friends now." She chuckled.
Sungchan smiled, pleased with her response. Returning to the student council office, Jiwoo cleared the desk from paper cutouts while Sungchan organized boxes in the storage room. "Jiwoo, I'm going back to my classroom for a while. Do you need anything?" he asked.
"I'm fine, thank you, oppa," Jiwoo replied, and Sungchan left after checking everything. Alone in the office, Jiwoo focused on organizing the disarrayed papers. In the process, she accidentally knocked over a box of paper clips hidden underneath. "Omo," she gasped, quickly picking up the scattered clips. As she did so, she noticed a slightly ajar drawer. Opening it, Jiwoo found a small framed photo of herself wearing glasses and with her long hair, taken about a year ago during an educational trip while holding a bowl of spicy tteokbokki. She smiled, realizing that Eunseok must have kept this cherished photo quietly.
"Jiwoo…" The door creaked as Eunseok walked in, a concerned look on his face, thinking she might have hurt herself.
She got up from the floor, presenting a big smile. "I'm good! I accidentally dropped the paperclips, so I was picking them up. Look what I found," she said, handing him the framed photo. "Is this yours?"
Without hesitation, Eunseok confirmed that it was indeed his. "Is it creepy?" he asked, but Jiwoo shook her head, smiling.
"It's cute. I look cute there." She chuckled.
Eunseok laughed softly and nodded. "You are. I took this and kept it this way," he explained, looking at her with affectionate eyes. Jiwoo couldn't hold back her laughter, deciding to cover his face. "What?" he asked.
"It's just that… the way you look at me…" She tried to stifle her chuckle, but Eunseok continued gazing at her with so much fondness that she chose to cover his face instead. "Stop looking at me like that!"
"Why? Why?" Eunseok teased, holding her hands. "Can't I just look at you? I came here to see you," he said, gently pulling her hands to wrap around his waist as he cupped her cheek. Jiwoo held her breath, finding it hard to take his approaches seriously. "Hey, Shim Jiwoo…" Eunseok sulked.
"Song Eunseok," she shot back. "You have to behave," pointing an authoritative finger at him, but they both burst into laughter. Eunseok pulled her into an embrace, cherishing the moment, as every minute spent with Jiwoo was like being on cloud nine.
"Aren't you busy?" she asked.
"Well, the ceremony has just finished, so Miyoung is taking over the rest of the tasks," Eunseok replied. "How about you?"
"I was cleaning this table when you came in. Mind if you lend me a hand?" she asked, and Eunseok willingly began helping her tidy up the place.
"Will you be here tomorrow?" Eunseok asked, making her stop. "I mean, for the ball…"
"Oh, yes," she smiled. "Why?"
Eunseok's smile widened as he nodded at her response. "Will you dance with me at the party?" he asked.
"What sort of question is that? Of course," Jiwoo chuckled, cupping his cheek.
"Maybe we can have dinner after the party too…" he added, and Jiwoo couldn't help but agree to all of his plans.
Jiwoo entered the music room after Suyoung informed her that the band would be there, only to find that it wasn't just the band. Hanbin and Minseul were also present.
"Jiwoo!" Hanbin was taken aback to see her. He was practicing on his keyboard when she walked in. Minseul stood beside him, watching him play. "I didn't know you were here. How have you been?"
"I am good. You're part of the band?" she asked, and just then, Wonbin and Seunghan approached, greeting Jiwoo.
"Ah, we didn't mention, but Hanbin's pretty talented in music too," Seunghan said. "After all, we are all friends. Right?"
"Definitely," Wonbin added, his gaze fixed on Jiwoo.
"It seems like someone couldn't take their eyes off someone," Minseul casually remarked, prompting Hanbin to pull her back to avoid making things awkward for Jiwoo and Wonbin.
"Anyway, will you be there tomorrow?" Wonbin asked.
"Hmm," she nodded. "I will. Why?"
Wonbin and Seunghan exchanged glances, smiling at each other, before putting their arms around Jiwoo. "I bet you're going to be very pretty."
Jiwoo frowned, side-eyeing each of them before stepping out from their hold. "I am always pretty," she huffed. But the two boys continued to look at her as if they hadn't dated her before. "What?"
"I wonder why I did like you," Seunghan teased, but Jiwoo immediately grabbed his shirt, about to choke him. When Wonbin spoke up, she glared at him.
"I told you. Stop teasing me about those feelings and past relationships. We made a deal," she stomped her feet.
"We know. Kinda stings," Wonbin mumbled, making Seunghan chuckle.
"We still love you, Ji," Seunghan made a heart shape with his hands, tapping Wonbin's shoulder to do the same, but Wonbin hesitated, not enjoying Jiwoo's glare.
"You should stop. You forgot that she's my ex, and she's… scary," Wonbin said, running away.
"What did you say? Park Wonbin!" Jiwoo yelled, about to chase after him, but Seunghan held her hand to stop her. "Hmm?"
"Do you mind if we dance tomorrow night?" Seunghan asked.
"Eh? Why do you have to ask?" Jiwoo chuckled, quite surprised. "Even if you don't ask me, I'd still dance with you, silly!" She said, holding his arm and giving it a tap. Seunghan smiled broadly and thanked her before going back to practice.
She watched Mars Club play their piece, and they were even better than last year with Hanbin added to the group. All the boys were amazing singers, and their harmonies moved Jiwoo to tears.
"Ji, what's wrong?" Suyoung asked, noticing Jiwoo's tears.
"It's beautiful. You guys are beautiful," Jiwoo answered, unable to control her emotions.
Wonbin sighed, setting aside his guitar to go and hug her, offering comfort after pulling her up. "Why are you such a crybaby?"
"I'm not. It's just that… I am really happy to see you guys play," Jiwoo said, pulling away as she spoke. "The fact that you're going to leave again saddens me."
Wonbin smiled, "Our friendship is stronger than this, remember?"
"Of course!" Jiwoo nodded.
Eunseok watched Jiwoo hanging out with her two best friends the entire day. Since he was busy dealing with president stuff, he couldn't even join her for lunch, but he knew that Jiwoo would want to spend time with him even more.
In the office, he sat reading the reports his treasurer submitted, signing each of them. The seemingly endless line of papers to sign made his hand tired from writing. Dropping his pen, he leaned back in his chair, gazing out the window as the sun began to set, trying to clear his thoughts. The sound of footsteps caught his attention, and he assumed it was Miyoung coming in to offer help.
"Miyoung, I told you that I don't need help signing the papers," Eunseok said, expecting his treasurer's presence. However, he was surprised to find Jiwoo standing in front of him, holding a box of donuts and drinks. Eunseok immediately got up and greeted her with a hug.
"Careful! I might drop these," Jiwoo teased, aware that she should have placed the food on the table before speaking. Eunseok chuckled, pulling away. "Signing papers again?"
"I'm almost done," Eunseok said as he pulled a chair for Jiwoo to sit before returning to his seat. "What brings you here? I thought you're hanging out with your friends."
"We did. We went to the horror room," Jiwoo smiled, handing him his drink. "But they have to practice more for tomorrow's event, so they have to go to Seunghan's place."
Eunseok smiled, "Did you enjoy?"
"Well, Wonbin screamed a lot inside the horror room," Jiwoo shared. "He was clinging on Seunghan the entire time."
"Aren't you scared?" Eunseok asked, and Jiwoo shook her head. "I don't get scared with horror stuff. You?" She smiled, cupping his cheek as she threw the question back at him. "Do you like gore, oppa?"
Eunseok's face flushed at the term of endearment. He couldn't hide his reaction, making Jiwoo laugh softly at him. "It's not that I am not scared, I just don't have good reactions to it."
"Eh? What is that supposed to mean?" Jiwoo asked. "Are you scared or not?"
"I'm not," Eunseok replied, laughing along with her.
Jiwoo didn't seem to believe it at first, but considering his usual low energy about everything, it made sense. "Fine. You should eat these donuts. I bought them from a class booth," she said, opening the box.
"Thank you," Eunseok smiled and went to pick a piece, but Jiwoo noticed his hand with blisters. She immediately grabbed his hand and checked it. "It's nothing."
"You've been writing for how long? This is not okay," Jiwoo frowned and went to get the medicine kit from the storage room. "I told you that you really have to ask for help from others." She sighed as she held his hand and took care of his blisters. Eunseok watched her mend his hand with a sweet smile, adoring the care she was providing. "You should really stop writing for now," Jiwoo told him after applying plasters around his fingers and palm, covering the blisters.
"Okay. I was actually thinking about it," Eunseok smiled and went to gather the files back into the box after labeling the unfinished ones. "I'll have Miy—" He stopped when Jiwoo fed him with a donut, stuffing his mouth with the sweet yet salty taste.
"No talking, just eat," Jiwoo frowned. Eunseok chuckled in defeat and began to eat while Jiwoo sipped on her drink, watching him. She then pulled out her handkerchief and wiped off the powdered sugar from the corner of his lips. "I wonder how your ex-girlfriends take care of you."
"Trust me, they don't," Eunseok immediately admitted, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable about him answering. "I told you that asking about my past girlfriends will only make you uncomfortable, doesn't it?"
But Jiwoo only looked at him confused, her brows furrowed to the point that what he was saying seemed like nonsense.
"Jiwoo, don't you get jealous?" Eunseok asked.
"I don't," she shook her head sideways. He was about to be disappointed when she continued, "… why would I be? When I know that you like me very much?" She said with a big smile, her eyes sparkling as she giggled. Eunseok couldn't handle the cuteness, dropping his head to hide his happiness. Jiwoo then held his arm and shook it. "What is that reaction?" She whined and went to cup his cheeks to make him look at her with his flushed face. "You're embarrassed," she chuckled.
"Why would you even say that?" Eunseok denied but eventually accepted his defeat. "You are absolutely right."
"And, to give you assurance… I also like you very much!" She chuckled and pecked his cheek.
"Jiwoo, jokes aside, I want us to be together until we grow old," Eunseok finally spoke his heart as he held her hand that was cupping his cheek. Hearing these words made her heart pound a bit. She thought she didn't like those words before, but when he said it, she wanted it too. She looked at him and smiled.
"Me too, Eunseok," she smiled.
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rivernovaa · 3 years
books i read in 2021
the ravens: kass morgan
the midnight library: matt haig
sisters: daisy johnson
how to be an anti racist: ibram x kendi
the hollow places: t. kingfisher
horrid: katrina leno
never let me go: kazuo ishiguro
a brief history of time: stephen hawking
the invisible life of addie larue: v.e schwab
they never learn: layne fargo
home before dark: riley sager
on earth we’re briefly gorgeous: ocean vuong
pretty girls: karin slaughter
sharp objects: gillian flynn
my sister the serial killer: oyinkan braithwaite
i’m thinking of ending things: lain reid
love warrior: glennon doyle
nori: rumi hara
killing commendatore: haruki murakami
when they call you a terrorist: patrisse cullors
the girl who drank the moon: kelly barnhill
violets and other tales: alice dunbar nelson
the complete poems of sappho
conversations with friends: sally rooney
the price of salt: patricia highsmith
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe: benjamin alire saenz
my dark vanessa: kate elizebeth russel
inward: yung pueblo
enigma variations: andre aciman
everything i never told you: celeste ng
the mystic path to cosmic power: vernon linwood howard
beautiful broken girls: kim savage
the book of longings: sue monk kidd
there there: tommy orange
pretty little wife: darby kane
dark places: gillian flynn
sleepwalking: meg wolitzer
monday’s not coming: tiffany d jackson
the divines: ellie eaton
lore: alexandra bracken
after dark: haruki murakami
every heart a doorway (wayward children series) seanan mcguire
the divines (the diviners series): libba bray
last night at the telegraph club: malinda lo
84 charing cross road: helene hanff
down among the sticks and bones(wayward children series: seanan mcguire
nerveworld wake: marisha pessl
blue horses: mary oliver
i’ll give you the sun: jandy nelson
brokeback mountain: annie proulx
the dream keeper and other poems: langston hughes
dark matter: blake crouch
beneath the surge sky (wayward children series): seanan mcguire
dearly: margaret atwood
the hole: hye young pyun
writers and lovers: lily king
what’s mine and yours: naima coster
the night circus: erin morgenstern
the upstairs house: julia fine
the mothers: brit bennett
in an absent dream (wayward children series):seanan mcguire
catherine house: elisabeth thomas
girl a: abigail dean
the cruel prince (the folk and the air series): holly black
the elephant vanishes: haruki murakami
come tumbling down (wayward children series):seanan mcguire
upstream: mary oliver
a history of what comes next (take them to the stars series): sylvain neuvel
my year of rest and relaxation: ottessa moshfegh
circe: madeline miller
verity: colleen hoover
the maidens: alex michaelides
they both die at the end: adam silvera
beautiful world where are you: sally rooney
luster: raven leilani
tokyo ueno station: miri yu
house of hollow: kyrstal sutherland
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