silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
lucky one: lily evans-potter ( @silvcrsickle ) location: the potter safehouse timestamp: january 4th, 1982. 19:46.
marlene shifted where she was laid across the sofa, one of her hands resting on harry’s back, memorising the way his chest rose and fell as he slept where he’d positioned himself after knackering himself out following her around on his toy broom for the past four hours, and then again after his bath and change into his pajama’s. her eyes were half-shut themselves, his limbs splayed out on hers and the sight of lily emerging from the kitchen with two cups of tea within her grasp spun a tired grin onto marlene’s face. “you’re an angel, lil.” her voice is hushed, but not by much - it seemed harry was as deep a sleeper as marlene was, and she squeezed him cautiously as his head laid on her shoulder. “i’ll be up in a min, promise. just five more minutes?” she pushed out her bottom lip at lily as she hovered above her, almost certain that she’d tell her that harry needed to be in bed, not atop a human mattress who was certainly very happy about the tiny boy she loved as her own strewn across her as she cradled him. 
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lily had been watching marlene and harry over the kitchen counter as she made their tea with a soft smile on her face.  it was a sweet sight, to see how completely enamored with his godmother harry was.  when she was around, he couldn’t be torn away.  not that lily ever would have tried.  marlene was a miracle with him.  it came so easy to her, easier than it ever felt for lily.  late at night when she was halfway between asleep and awake, when all the darkest parts of her whispered in her ear, she sometimes thought marlene would be better at this whole mothering thing than she was.  which was why she was so lucky to have marlene around, to help raise harry and to be a support she needed.  “you can keep him there until he wakes up for all i care,” she said with a grin, setting marlene’ smug down and then taking her own seat on the other side of the couch, her hands curled around her steaming mug.  “he likes to sleep on top of people.  he ends up on jamie’s chest most nights.”
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
Shakespearean Character Ask Meme
ANTONY: What bad habits do you need to break? BEATRICE: What is the achievement you’re most proud of? BENVOLIO: What comes to mind when you think of peace? BIANCA: What do you want most in life? CELIA: Do you want to fall in love? CIRCE: Would you rather be loved or feared? CLAUDIUS: What is the worst thing you’ve ever done? CORDELIA: Do you consider yourself a good person? CRESSIDA: What makes you feel trapped? DESDEMONA: Do you believe that the truth will set you free? EDGAR: Do you want to make your family proud? EDMUND: Do you ever wish you’d been born someone else? If so, who? GERTRUDE: Would you (or have you) ever cheated on a significant other? HAMLET: Do you prefer to think things through thoroughly or act on impulse? HECATE: Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? HELENUS: Do you believe in God? HIPPOLYTA: What is your biggest regret? HORATIO: Who do you love most? JULIET: What is your favorite luxury? LADY MACBETH: What is your favorite thing about yourself? MACBETH: Have you ever killed anyone? Would you? MALCOLM: What does honor mean to you? MEDEA: Do you have any quirks? MERCUTIO: Is there anyone you would die for? MIRANDA: Is happiness a choice? OBERON: Does reputation matter to you? OPHELIA: Is there anything you regret not doing? ORSINO: If you could have any material thing in the world, what would it be? PARIS: If you had the chance to rule the world, would you? PORTIA: When did you lose your innocence? PUCK: Do you consider yourself a mischievous person?  ROMEO: How far would you go for love? ROSALIND: What does your ideal day entail? ROSALINE: Which people from your past haunt you? SEBASTIAN: Is violence ever the answer? TITANIA: Do you believe in magic? TYBALT: If you could kill one person without consequences, who would it be? VIOLA: How skilled of a liar are you? VOLUMNIA: Describe the biggest sacrifice you’ve made.
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
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name meaning & personality traits.
first name: alecto
meaning: unceasing in anger, one of the greek furies
hogwarts house: slytherin
three house traits that fit your character best: clever, traditional, ambitious
archetype out of the 49: the maestro
the three traits associated to the archetype: ambitious, focused, confident
zodiac sign: virgo
three traits associated to the sign that fit your character best: meticulous, analytical, harsh
alignment: lawful evil
three traits that fit both the alignment and your character: honorable, power seeking, disciplined
three traits that fit both the mbti type and your character: direct, reliable, inflexible
patronus: shark (non-corporeal)
three traits that fit both the patronus and your character: driven, fearless, terrible
last name: carrow
meaning: named from old english carr 'rock' (a celtic loan word) and hoh 'spur of a hill'
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
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name meanings & personality types. 
first name: lily
meaning: from the name of the flower, a symbol of purity. 
hogwarts house: gryffindor
three house traits that fit your character best: nerve, bold, courage
archetype out of the 49: the mastermind
the three traits associated to the archetype: methodical, intense, self-reliant
zodiac sign: capricorn
three traits associated to the sign that fit your character best: caring, confidant, intelligent
alignment: neutral good
three traits that fit both the alignment and your character: practical, humane, dedicated
mbti: enfj, the protaganist.
three traits that fit both the mbti type and your character: tolerant, altruistic, overly idealistic
patronus: doe
three traits that fit both the patronus and your character: gentle, graceful, intuitive
last name: evans
meaning: son of evan
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
remus didn’t use to be much of a hugger, but thanks to lily, had become one in the recent years. therefore, he thoroughly appreciated lily hugging him and hugged her back tightly. “i honestly can’t wait to see him, but i’m glad we get to spend some time alone together. nothing against james and harry, i just… i need some quality lily time.”
grinning, remus tapped his beer against lily’s before relaxing into the opposite end of the couch. he was glad he had decided to go see her that day. he usually didn’t like doing much during the week before the full moon, but being around lily was different. it calmed him, yet also made him happy, in a way few but lily and marlene could manage to. also, he was quite glad to find that james was busy at the moment, not wanting to have to deal with possible questions concerning what he was going to do for the next full moon. it felt wrong, somehow, to discuss the subject with james and sirius now, and he knew lily would approach the subject delicately if she even did so.
laughing, remus took a swig from his beer, and shook his head. “that’s what you get for having a child with james potter. you didn’t really expect his son to be a calm, well-behaved little thing, did you? but no worries, i’ll protect you against scary harry if he dares to terrorize you this afternoon! what are friends for, yeah?”
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“please, no one understands like me.  it can’t be james and harry time all the time.  even if james believes it is.”  she knew things were rocky between remus and james lately, and it hurt her to see it.  but she understood it.  and she was on remus’ side.  so anytime he needed a safe haven, she was happy to give it to him.  she laughed as he went on, he had a point.  “well i did try to avoid it, after all.”  
she was able to joke about it now, they all were now, but the joke was rooted in truth.  she hadn’t planned to be a mum, had actively said she didn’t want to be.  james had nothing to do with it, it was the kid part she wasn’t sure about.  not that she’d trade harry for anything but the fact was what it was.  “i wasn’t an angel when i was his age either.  unfortunately i can’t blame james entirely.”  she stretched out a little, making herself comfortable.  “so what’s going on, petal?  how are you?”
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
derangcdarchive /
Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
who: lily potter ( @silvcrsickle ) where: lily and james’ place. when: january 5th, 1982. 09:56. 
alice didn’t even realize she was smiling as she looked at the two boys playing on the carpet, though that often happened where neville was concerned. gently reaching over to give them back a block they had thrown away, she grinned at the two of them and kissed the top of neville’s head before going back over to the couch, where lily was sitting. truly, alice felt bad for the redhead. whilst the longbottoms had to go in hiding for a while, it was nowhere near as bad as what the potters had to go through, especially not now. with confirmation that voldemort wanted them dead, it was difficult for anyone in the order to want anything but lily, james and harry well hidden, and far away from danger. still, the blonde could see the restlessness in lily, and she understood it. she didn’t know what she’d do if she wasn’t able to go out and do something, even if it was for neville. it was why she made sure to visit lily as often as possible. alice said it was so that their boys could learn to interact with others their age, but mostly, it was so she could make sure the younger woman was still okay, and didn’t feel too cut out from the rest of the world. “i meant to bring in things to make mimosas, but halfway here i realized i had gotten apple juice instead of orange and forgotten the champagne, so… next time, yeah? anyway, how are you doing? you seem well.”
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it was always funny for lily, in those moments when the world stilled and she really settled into the fact that she was a mum.  she’d never planned to be one.  back in school and when she and james had first started dating, she’d always been rather adamant about not wanting to be a mum.  she didn’t think she’d be any good at it, she didn’t want to raise a baby in the middle of a war, she had a million reasons why it was a bad idea.  then she’d gotten pregnant, quite by accident, and those millions reasons just got stronger.  it wasn’t until she was holding harry in her arms that she actually felt like this was right, like she could do this.  a feeling which lasted for all of six hours before she started to doubt herself, mind.  and she hadn’t been completely wrong.  she sat here, in a safe house that wasn’t even hers, not having been outside even to do the shopping in months, all because of this war and because — very specifically — of her child.  and so it was funny for her to settle into that feeling, to sit and watch her boy play, and feel a sense of peace and happiness at the sight.  “you say that like you believe i don’t have champagne in his house,” she replied, pulling her eyes from the two boys on the rug and looking at alice.  “and i bet it tastes as good with apple juice as it does with orange.”  she shrugged at the question.  “we’re getting on.  as well as can be expected while we’re stuck up in here, anyway.  how has it been getting back to work?”
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
who: lily potter ( @silvcrsickle ). when: january 4th, 1982. 15:29.  where: lily and james’ house.
“i brought beer,” were remus’ first words when lily opened the door for him. smiling, he walked into the house, looking around for harry. “i tried to arrive around nap time. not that i don’t want to see harry, but i thought it’d be nice to just hang out a little bit.”
thing was, remus knew how hard this all was on lily. staying inside, unable to fight against the bad guys and protect those she loved? that couldn’t possibly work for the redhead. therefore, remus tried to visit as often as possible, but that was sometimes difficult with the secret missions dumbledore sent him on. luckily enough, the full moon was close by, and he didn’t have anything planned for the next two weeks. so what best than hang out with one of his best friends, having a beer and most likely complaining about dumbledore? not that he was to blame for anything going on, but he was the one who wanted lily to stay hidden and who kept on sending remus on those dangerous missions, which made it much too easy to complain about him. 
“so,” remus said, grabbing a beer and opening it before he handed it over to lily. she was perfectly capable of opening it herself and remus knew that, but he liked doing what he could for her considering the situation she was stuck in. “any news?”
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lily grinned when she opened to door to remus, always glad for the visitor and always even more glad when that visitor was remus.  she pulled the door open wide enough that he could step in, hugging him tightly once the door had closed behind him.  “i’m sure he’ll wake up before you go, but putting him down once he’s already seen you would be impossible.  this works out nicely.”  
lily lived for these visits, for the days when remus or sirius or marlene could get away long enough to come see them.  she loved james and harry with every ounce of her being but she was going stir crazy with no one but a two year old and a man as tired of this as she was to talk to.  the change of pace was refreshing, it was life saving, and she looked forward to these moments from the moment one of their friends walked out the door to the moment she heard another knock.  
she chuckled a little at his question, taking the beer and settling down onto the couch, legs pulled up under her as she tucked herself into the corner,  “oh yeah, loads.  harry’s started to throw tantrums, which is always fun.  i’ve got to get alice to bring neville around more.  it’s not good for harry to be alone all the time.  also, the other day, he managed to pull a chair over to the cupboard, climb up, and get to the chocolates.  so officially, no where in this house is safe.  i’m being terrorized by a two year old.”
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
the fool & temperance for alecto!
   THE FOOL : something you've always wanted to try
“ there is a tomb in brazil i’ve wanted to visit since i first heard about it.  every team they’ve sent to make their way in has failed to even get the door open.  i’d love to get my hands on the puzzle, i’m sure i could figure it out.  i want to know what’s in there and i want to know how the curses are so advanced.  and what inside warrants protection that strong. “ — alecto carrow
   TEMPERANCE : your ideal day
alecto’s ideal day begins in bed with her dog sleeping at the end of the bed by her feet.  she reads the daily prophet while sipping her tea.  she’s not terribly fond of breakfast but she does know she gets cranky when she doesn’t eat so she grabs a piece of toast as she leaves her townhouse to make her way to gringott’s.  yes, her ideal day includes work.  she likes the mental challenge, to have her mind stimulated.  she doesn’t enjoy sitting around in boredom.  after work, she goes for a drink with some friends — probably bellatrix and rabastan — before going back home to her dog, orion.  amycus comes over for dinner and the two spend the night talking before alecto winds down with an oversized glass of red wine and a book, her dog once again at her feet.  
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
The High Priestess and Death (for lily) & The Empress & Justice (for alecto)
   THE HIGH PRIESTESS : one thing you wish you knew 
“ when i could leave this gods forsaken place.  i’m tired of being stuck in this house or that house, of being locked up away from the world.  if it weren’t for my son, i wouldn’t do it.  i’d be out there with my friends — with my family — fighting and playing my part instead of hiding away and letting people keep my secret at the risk of their own lives.  i wish i knew when it would be over.  i wish i knew what i could do to bring that moment sooner. “ — lily potter
   DEATH : someone you really miss
“ my mum.  and my dad, of course, but my mum and i were really close.  my mum understood me in a way no one else did.  when i was a kid, my mum was the one who taught me to play pretend, who stoked my imagination.  she was my first playmate and a better one than petunia ever was.  i used to tell her everything.  it’s not the same when i can’t hear her answer.  I know she is answering, but i’d give anything to actually hear her again. “ — lily potter
   THE EMPRESS : a woman you really admire
“ i’m sure you expect me to say my mother.  i assume that’s what most people say because they can’t be bothered to think of a better answer.  my mother, however, wouldn’t even be on the top five of the list.  a witch who would, however, is cecilia gallerani.  cecilia lived in the 1400′s and was the most celebrated of the misstresses of  ludovico sforza, duke of milan.  she was also an intellectual, something unheard of in the women of that time.  she was well known for arranging meetings for the intellectual elite of milan and she presided over discussions of philosophy, law, and science.  she held her own among the men of her time and she did it all on her own terms. “ — alecto carrow
   JUSTICE : a decision you wish you could do over
“ bold of you to assume i don’t think through all of my decisions enough that i would regret one later.  that’s not to say that all of my decisions have worked out exactly as i would have planned but none of them were rashly made nor did i regret them.  although i will say there was one dress i wore when i was seven to a tea party that was regrettable.  white dress.  strawberry jam.  i wasn’t as graceful then as i am now but of course i was seven. “ — alecto carrow
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
   1 january 1982,   
          dear ted,
   happy new year!  i hope you and andromeda are doing well and that dora had a happy holiday.  did you get the gift we sent along with sirius?  i hope she liked it.  i’m sorry we couldn’t visit this holiday.  haven’t been able to visit.  
   i’d never thought i’d miss holidays with my family so much.  you remember petunia, i’ve told you about her.  she’s been unbearable at the holidays since i was in fourth year and i used to think i’d love an excuse to skip them.  i don’t know why we kept getting together after my parents died.  some sort of weird sense of obligation i guess.  mostly it’s just an uncomfortable dinner at some overly fancy restaurant because merlin forbid they let james into their house.  and since the boys were born?  for a toddler, i’ve never seen such a spoilt boy as their dudley.  harry whacked him over the head with a rattle last year and i had to pretend i was choking on a biscuit to keep from laughing.  
   anyway, i hope you’re all well.  give andi and dora our love and from harry as well.  hopefully we’ll manage to visit soon.  oh and i’ve sent some biscuits along with sirius so if he hasn’t given them to you yet, smack him, and if he’s eaten them, tell him i won’t be baking for him for a month.  
          love you all, 
   — lily   
( @floopcwder )
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
WHO : alice longbottom ( @floopcwder ) WHERE : diagon alley WHEN : 3 january 1982; 17:37.
alecto had never been a fan of the holidays, of the forced time spent with family she avoided the rest of the year.  she preferred being on her own, or with amycus, but the moment arcas and aditi were added to the mix, alecto lost all interest.  most holidays she volunteered to work, preferring the cold marble walls of gringotts to the cold dark wood of the carrow estate but at christmas and new year’s, even gringotts offered no solace.  and new year’s had the audacity, this year, to fall on a saturday meaning there were two days before she could get back to work.  by sunday, alecto was bristling from the holiday weekend, from the parties and the forced smiles and the twelve hundred times she had to come up with a way to avoid the men her mother tried to parade her in front of that weren’t screaming “i’m bloody gay,” in the middle of someone’s ballroom.  she needed some fresh air, she needed an escape.  
she also needed breakfast and was on her way to madame puddifoot’s when she saw alice longbottom headed toward the same door.  “might i recommend somewhere else for breakfast, longbottom?  i don’t particularly fancy eating with your sort, i prefer being able to keep my breakfast down.”
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
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“smoke from a bonfire, cinnamon and nutmeg, sudden bursts of thunder that rattle your bones, smiles with dangerous eyes, deep scarlet red and black, echoes that might be screams, cats with claws, classical music, red wine“ – ( priyanka chopra, thirty, cisfemale, she/her. ) alecto carrow? yes, i have more information about them. the thirty year old pureblood used to attend hogwarts as a slytherin. nowadays, they’re a cursebreaker, and are currently a death eater. from what i’ve heard, they can be quite creative and dedicated, but also cruel and unforgiving. from their records, i can also see that their best subject at school was ancient runes. ( dani, 25, she/her, est. ) – CANON
alecto is the elder of the carrow children, her birth sending her parents into deep waves of panic for exactly eight minutes and twenty two seconds before her brother, amycus, was born.  for then and always, alecto was a disappointment to her parents — someone to be overlooked in favor of her brother.
the feeling was mutual.  even as a baby, alecto was fussy and her parents considered her an annoyance.  
her father couldn’t be bothered with her, she wasn’t the child who would be carrying on the family name and arcas carrow wasn’t the sort to let himself be wrapped around anyone’s little finger.  alecto was her mother’s concern, as a daughter should be.  of course, alecto and aditi carrow were less in sync than alecto and arcas.  
and yes, if you’re playing the home game, arcas is the mythological son of callisto and aditi is an indian name meaning ‘mother of the gods.’  i had way too much fun choosing their names.
the only member of her family alecto ever really cared for and got along with was her brother, amycus.  they were the perfect counterbalance for each other.  his fire met her ice and together they both could burn.  all her favorite childhood memories are with amycus — as well as a fair few of the worse.  the only time the two were separated was when their parents mandated it, though that never went how the older carrows would have hoped.
alecto was born with strong opinions and those opinions were almost always in direct opposition to what her mother tried to instill in her.  she did not sit quietly with hands in her lap, she had no interest in good manners or graces, she was not the soceity bred witch her mother tried to turn her into.  she often thought that her mind worked more like a man’s, analytical and practical instead of driven by emotion like her mother’s.  in that respect, alecto was always more like her father than arcas liked to admit.  
of course, as alecto grew, she saw the value in playing the part her mother had encouraged her to play and so when necessary, she used that fine breeding to her advantage.  
hogwarts was all alecto had ever hoped it would be.  she came into her own within it’s walls, learning all she possibly could and carefully forming the woman she wanted to be.  her hunger for power was clear even from her earliest years at hogwarts and it only became more prevalent as she grew.  she was named a prefect in her fifth year and she valued the position for the power it promised her more than for the ideas of creating order and keeping the peace and the rules intact.  in her seventh year she was made head girl, though it seemed she and slytherin house were the only people in the castle who were unsurprised.  
after graduation, alecto relished a job that not only pushed her intellectual boundaries but something that would fill her with adrenaline.  she became a curse breaker, much to the chagrin of both her parents who had hoped to marry her off quickly so she could play house wife and be someone else’s concern.  instead she flourished on her own, jetting off to explore ancient tombs and unlock long forgotten secrets.  
when alecto joined the death eaters, her father was not please.  now, he’d pushed amycus to join but he didn’t believe it was a place for alecto.  she vehemently disagreed and between her brains and amycus’ talent, the two were an unmatched pair.  her cruel nature was allowed to thrive and she wasn’t just good at what she did.  she enjoyed it.  she took a posting at gringott’s as chief curse breaker, which allowed her access and gave her a stable and reliable presence in the uk.  
alecto is a lesbian. it’s not something she’s ever felt the need to discuss or languish about, it’s simply something she’s always known about herself.  she prefers women when it comes to sex and romance.   or at least sex.  alecto isn’t well suited to relationships and isn’t foolishly romantic enough to pretend she is, preferring instead mutually beneficial relationships of giving and receiving pleasure.
raised in a world of hierarchies and traditions, she holds the highest respect for them – to an extent.  these traditions have nothing to do with the law the ministry drones on and on about, of course.  they’re deeper and more steeped in the way things should be.  these traditions and rules are something alecto upholds with pride and honor. sometimes, of course, these can be tedious and she is no stranger to the desire to do what is best for her and her brother but, at the end of the day, alecto is relentless in upholding those traditions and values she knows to be right.  legal or otherwise.
the only tradition she’s ever really balked at is the one where she is meant to be someone’s wife. she doesn’t like it for many reasons. first of all, committing yourself to one person for all eternity is impractical and, frankly, boring.  she’s seen enough infidelity in the apparently solid marriages among the sacred 28 to know marriage is merely a business arrangement. which is the other reason she despises the idea.  she is no one’s property or an object to be traded.  she has no interest in submitting to the whims of a man or relegating herself to bearing a son to carry on someone else’s name and lineage.
alecto has a dog she loves, one of the few creatures she shows emotional connection too.  he is a german shepherd named orion.  around him is one of the few times alecto seems relaxed or willing to be ruffled. when in the comfort of her own home, she is content to curl up with her dog and a cup of (spiked) tea.  it is the only time she can be considered soft and, even then, between orion’s bark and her bite, soft still isn’t a great word.
alignment: lawful evil (with neutral tendencies).
amortentia: smoke from a bonfire in crisp air, dark chocolate, with the smallest hint of vanilla beneath it all
mbti: estj – the executive
patronus: noncorporeal.
soul type: thinker.
wand: 9⅞ inches, red oak, dragon heartstring core, unyielding.
zodiac sign: virgo
birthday: 17 september 1951.
boggart: darkness.  (sensory deprivation)
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
Tarot Asks
The Fool: Something you've always wanted to try
The Magician: Something you're very good at
The High Priestess: One thing you wish you knew
The Empress: A woman you really admire
The Emperor: A man you really admire
The Hierophant: Something you believe in
The Lovers: A person who makes you very happy
The Chariot: A prize or award you've won
Strength: Something you struggle with
The Hermit: Favourite way to spend a day alone
The Wheel Of Fortune: Something you wish you could change
Justice: A decision you wish you could do over
The Hanged Man: A time when you wished someone would listen to you
Death: Someone you really miss
Temperance: Your ideal day
The Devil: Who you talk to when you're dealing with big issues
The Tower: Something that changed your life
The Star: Someone you consider perfect
The Moon: Something you fear
The Sun: Your happiest memory
Judgement: Your favourite song(s)
The World: Your dream job
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
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”peppermint coffee, fresh parchment, the air after a summer storm, the fiery color of a sunset, the music of abba, bellbottom jeans, freshly sharpened quills, freckles, spiked tea, dancing in an empty flat, laughing until your stomach hurts“ – ( charlotte spencer, twenty-one, cisfemale, she/her. ) lily potter (née evans)? yes, i have more information about them. the twenty-one year old muggleborn used to attend hogwarts as a gryffindor. nowadays, they’re unemployed (though before going into hiding with their husband and son, they had just finished training to become a healer at st. mungo’s), and are currently an order of the phoenix member. from what i’ve heard, they can be quite optimistic and sarcastic, but also insecure and headstrong. from their records, i can also see that their best subject at school was potions. ( dani, 25, she/her, est. ) – CANON
lily is the second daughter of two absolute hippies, rose and edwin potter. 
her older sister is named petunia and no one hates lily the way petunia claims to.  petunia is married to vernon dursley who lily, rose, and edwin all dislike immensely.  the last time lily spoke to her sister was at petunia’s wedding.
lily hates to admit it and usually won’t to anyone other than sirius, but she misses her sister.  when they were young, she and petunia were thick as thieves and she misses that relationship.  she sees marlene with her sister helene and even though marlene is her sister - it’s not the same.  
do you know who else she misses.  severus.  lily isn’t good at cutting people out of her life for good, even if she really, really should.  after finding out severus was the one who told dumbledore about the planned attack on the potters, lily has been agonizing about whether or not she should reach out to him, to try and reconnect.  he must have changed, right?  RIGHT?  don’t let her do it marlene he’s still the worst he didn’t even care if james or harry still die
so everyone knows the story of james and lily potter, right.  mostly.  what a lot of people don’t know is that lily definitely called off her wedding when her parents were killed two months before she was supposed to walk down the aisle.  they were killed because they were muggles, because they’d had a daughter who was a witch, because their magical daughter had a big mouth and caused trouble.  lily locked herself in their empty house in her old bedroom after the funeral and only let james in long enough to call off the wedding.  she didn’t speak to anyone for a week, not even marlene or mary.  sirius was the one to finally force himself into the room and talk some sense into her
remus walked her down the aisle.  cry about it.  i do. 
lily is a mum and sure everyone thinks it’s adorable and of course she loves her harry with every fiber of her five foot four inch tall being but before harry was born lily was pretty sure she had no interest in being a mum.  she was scared she’d be bad at it, scared to raise a kid in the middle of a war.  when she found out she was pregnant, she told marlene before anyone else and she didn’t so much tell her as she panic screamed it in her direction.  
she loves ABBA and other similar music, and she loves to have dance parties.  now that she lives in order headquarters, the entirety of the order is privy to her insanity but she doesn’t care.  she loves muggle music and she will force anyone who stands still long enough to listen to it and to dance with her.  
she never used to be a morning person.  she doesn’t particularly enjoy getting out of her very warm and very comfortable bed any time before ten.  prior to going into hiding, however, life did’t work that way.  especially not as she had a boss who regularly got to work earlier than he was scheduled.  now, with nothing to claim her time, she finds she still wakes up earlier than she’d ever liked.  she lays in bed for a while until she can hear harry fussing, using that as an excuse to actually leave bed.  
she doesn’t like to fly.  she can, more or less, but she doesn’t like it.  and by can I mean she can manage to get from point a to point b without falling to the ground and breaking her neck.  she never managed the easy grace on a broom that others have. she always feels like she is giant and awkward and that little piece of wood can’t possibly support her.
lily always wanted a cat.  since she was a kid and was told she wasn’t allowed because petunia was allergic, she has wanted a cat of her very own.  prior to her marriage, she was constantly in the process of trying to convince james (and sirius) to let her have one.  when she finally got a cat, it was sirius’ wedding gift to her because it would be good practice for when she and james gave him a nephew.
lily hates being in hiding.  had she not been married, certainly had she not been a mother, she would never have agreed to it.  only harry convinced her to say yes.  the idea of leaving her friends alone to fight infuriates and terrifies her.  she hates that james isn’t there to watch sirius’ back, that sirius and remus can’t see Harry regularly, that marlene and mary are out there risking their necks and she can’t do a damn thing to help them.
alignment: neutral good.
amortentia: library books, summer wind, and james potter.
mbti: enfj, the protaganist.
patronus: doe.
soul type: caregiver/leader.
wand: 10¼", willow, unicorn tail hair core, swishy.
zodiac sign: aquarius
birthday: 30 january1960.
boggart: her friends turning their backs on her.
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silvcrsickle-blog · 6 years
Charlotte Spencer as Lily Evans
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