#nicoby au
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dax-enfinity · 2 years ago
okay i got bored so here’s a little Proxy of Hades AU incorrect quote:
(Proxy of Hades AU is by @angels-and-demons )
Nico: Dammit, Toby!
Toby: What?! It wasn’t me!
Nico: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Natalie!
Natalie: Not me either.
Nico: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Leo: *whistles*
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year ago
Nico/Toby is fun bc the ship actually makes a great Arranged Marriage AU bc seriously I reckon Hades and Slenderman would attempt to seal a deal that ensures both the freewill of the Proxies and the order of the Underworld by, well, proposing a marriage.
It makes sense in my head okay!
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angels-and-demons · 5 months ago
Since @dax-enfinity has been wanting Nicoby fanart, here are some silly doodles of them dressed up nice for the arranged marriage au:
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angels-and-demons · 10 months ago
@dax-enfinity proxy of Hades au nicoby
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collection of posts for a very specific dynamic
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too-much-tma-stuff · 3 years ago
OK, so basically, the blog is called @angels-and-demons. It's mostly just headcanons and incorrect quotes at this point.
Fic is under the same name on ao3 with spaces instead of dashes.
Toby and Nico are already married, because I say so in this au/fic. They live in the woods and have their nice little life.
They have a son called Teddy in the au/fic, who is completely silent, and was created by a mad scientist that was promptly killed by Masky. Teddy likes hiding in places, like basements, and will probably cause all of his babysitters and both of his fathers to go completely grey in the hair by the time he's 12.
They also have a dog!
The au fanfic was a movie one, based on Shrek 2 (the best of them all). It is simply titled "Nicoby shrek 2 au" because it says on the tin. It is simply Shrek 2 with Nico and Toby.
Meanwhile, the spinoff blog is @pins-and-needles-and-gears and follows Clockwork/Natalie and Leo navigating a relationship (it was a joke at first, but it expanded).
Also, since I have started all of this, I've drawn the Di Angelo-Rogers family in the dashcon ballpit, drawn Toby Jeff and Smile in the "They dont even have dental" scene, made a bunch of memes, and have had a lot of fun spewing my nonsense.
So much so that I sound like Brian David Gilbert during his sonic rant.
That's so cool!! I'm so glad that you found inspiration in my works :) I'll follow your blogs for sure. Thank you for reaching out, you have no idea how happy this makes me <3
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mo-barabd · 4 years ago
Mes quatre Saisons (Nicoby)
Mes quatre Saisons (Nicoby) Première partie d'un récit autobiographique. C'est bon comme du bon pain ! :) Dans la collection Aire libre des éditions Dupuis
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Nicoby © Dupuis – 2020
Au printemps, Nicoby se rappelle les préoccupations qu’il avait à 20 ans. Il dessine à tout-va depuis l’enfance, a des idéaux à revendre, les pieds sur Terre et la tête dans les nuages. Il rêve de faire de la BD mais la réalité économique le force à trouver une autre orientation… une alternative.
C’est aussi à cette période que L’Associationcommence à se monter et…
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angels-and-demons · 10 months ago
Since the other Creeps are probably used to it and don’t care that much about Nico and Toby being a couple
On the other hand what would the demigods at both camps and the gods (more specifically zeus, hades, poseidon) think about it?
Does hades just go: “oh right, remember my kid? he’s dating a proxy of that eldritch, faceless, horror urban legend monster… it’s out of my hands…”
I have talked about this before, honestly. And the camp half-blood kids are kinda freaked out about it ngl.
At camp Jupiter, it's more of a... well, it's harder for the story to get around. Since the place is so big, yk?
And as for the gods, they more or less... don't really care.
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angels-and-demons · 11 months ago
Arranged marriage au ideas I have that I'm just making a note of:
Characters are aged up a little to make it a bit more comfortable.
The deal between Slender and Hades has Toby and Nico stay with each for six months of the year. The winter and spring with Hades, and the summer and autumn with Slender.
Nico and Will went through a pretty nasty breakup.
He pours himself into his work for Hades to distract from how numb he feels like, all the time.
Nico is very much trying to shield himself/lock himself away so he doesn't get hurt again. Usually either in the cabin or in the underworld.
Toby tends to be quite rude at times/takes things too far.
He also isn't consistent with his meds (as he tends to come off them when he goes on missions), which will be a hurdle for Nicoby to overcome.
Some slight Queen Charlotte vibes (Toby is kinda George coded ngl).
Nat and Leo have met and are kinda awkwardly crushing before Nico and Toby meet (because hey).
Their marriage is very much a political one at first. Mostly just to try and keep Slender as a powerful figure in the creeps' society/underrealm.
It will very much be a story of them trying to find a way to break out of a deal they didn't want in the first place - and then them finding love when they didn't expect it.
If you have any ideas for it, please let me know. As I am struggling atm, but definitely coming along.
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angels-and-demons · 9 months ago
Lmao nicoby arranged marriage au go brrr
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angels-and-demons · 10 months ago
An ask for the Arranged Marriage! AU:
(technically 2 questions)
Compared to canon and whatever how much MORE trauma do both Nico and Toby have for the Arranged Marriage! AU???
Also… is Arranged Marriage! AU Nico on bad (like, REALLY bad) terms with all the other demigods at both the Greek and Roman camps??? or is he just on bad terms with Percy, Will (maybe Annabeth too..?)???
Oof-! Uh... they both have quite a bit more trauma, I'll admit. Which I will put under the cut.
But to answer your second question, most demigods avoid him/are wary/ambivalent of him. The only ones he's really on bad terms with are Percy, Annabeth, Will, and - surprisingly - Hazel.
See, Nico and Hazel had a fight a couple months before they appear in the story (which I am working on, dangit!) And Nico wound up retreating to the underworld, because the shadows were kinder to him than reality at that point.
Anyway, one big point in the story is that Nico is too alive to properly live in the underworld, and too rotten to truly belong above with the mortals. So... yeah.
But, back to the first point, under the cut
(Tw for discussions of assault/injury/SA/drug use and a bunch of other things)
The abuse Toby faced was... a lot worse, to put it bluntly. He suffered a lot of blows to his head, and his back... and when his mom was out at work while he was homeschooling... well, Connie couldn't protect him from everything.
He was sexually abused by his father. It's something that he and Nat bonded over (only she, by her brother instead).
Toby sometimes goes to the underrealm (creeps - their place) to have fun and adventure. And Nat comes with him a couple times too, because they're besties and do that. Anyway, they got to partying and drinking, and Nat took a lot of... something, and had an overdose. Since then, they don't really party anymore, and Nat... doesn't stray far from Toby. And she hates the way he looks at her when they do.
Sometimes, Toby exercises to try and work through it/as a form of therapy, but he can also go too hard and wind up overexerting himself to the point of overheating and seizure. After the thirtd time this happened (and Ben had to sit with him while they waited for Smiley to show up), it was decided that Toby could only use the exercise equipment in the slender mansion when another proxy/creep is there with him.
Nico went on his own for a couple years. He got attacked by Dr. Thorn/the manticore (titan's curse). When he shadow travelled back to camp, and had to be healed up by Will and Chiron, that was kind of the last straw for Will. Nico wasn't willing to open up to him, or ask for any help, or... care for his own needs.
He almost wound up getting himself killed - and Will couldn't deal with that. He's had to bury too many friends and siblings to go through it again with the man he supposedly loved. So, he healed nico up... and he left.
And Nico still has the scar from the scorpion tail on his back/shoulder.
Will probably could have healed it, but Nico feels he deserved to have the pain - as a reminder of what he put Will through.
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dax-enfinity · 1 year ago
@too-much-tma-stuff Seriously I wouldn’t have gotten back into writing fanfiction (specifically ships) if it weren’t for NatC and you are a VERY good fanfiction writer in my opinion !!
You pretty much spawned a sub-fandom of sorts for CreepypastaXPJO content and Nicoby as an actual ship!
There’s a big Nico-centric blog on here that the owner actually ships it too! There’s now AU’s, and even another ship that also spawned due to Nicoby in a similar vein (Creepypasta x Demigod) that gets paired often with Nicoby
(Natleo, it’s the ship between Clockwork and Leo Valdez that pretty much got spoken into existence by @angels-and-demons on here!!)
Hell, there’s crack fics too!
No but seriously, thanks.
I wanna know, how did y’all get into Nicoby as a ship?
Seriously, cause I know some people who ship it aren’t in the Creepypasta fandom and don’t know anything about Toby or the Proxies but are big PJO fans and interact with the fandom a lot
And then there’s the other way around with big Creepypasta fans that are very active in the fandom yet don’t know almost anything about PJO
I got into it after seeing it get mentioned by a crossover shipping-centric blog on here where the owner of the account was live posting their thoughts on each chapter of “Nico And The Creepypastas”
Then I dug myself down this rabbit hole (LMAOOO) by seeing a few posts made by @angels-and-demons under the #ticci toby x nico di angelo tag so that got me into the ship even more
By the time I started reading NATC on AO3 I was fully rooting for Nico and Toby to kiss be all cute and couple-y with each other
So I’m curious
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angels-and-demons · 11 months ago
Heyyyy so uh, I started writing the Nicoby arranged marriage au.
Uhhhh idk where I'm gonna take it so far, but... hee hoo. At least I've got some stuff down!
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angels-and-demons · 6 months ago
How’s life going ? I’ve been busy but every now and then I check the Nicoby AO3 ship tag to see if the numbers have changed lmao
I know you’re alive thanks to Deadpool & Wolverine (RIP Peter i guess….)
Since it’s been months since the last update for the Arranged Marriage! AU do you plan on making changes to the future elements in the story that you’ve mentioned before that are planned out?
Or do you already have the FULL story planned out and don’t have the time to continue updating it due to IRL things?
Either way, I’m glad you’re alive !!
Hi! I've got a vague plan for the arranged marriage au, but on the whole, each chapter is written kinda one at a time.
I am working on the next chapter, I promise. Its just the lack of motivation getting to me.
There is a plan, I know vaguely where the story is going, I swear.
Also, the vaguest description of the next couple chapters is as follows:
Nico and Toby go to the underworld. Toby is alone while Nico works for his father.
They go to CHB/The surface in the spring. Some slight getting to know each other.
Slender mansion in the summer. They have a fight/argument.
New Rome in autumn. Planning for the wedding. Something big/scary happens with one of the grooms. And then some slight bonding.
Also: here are a couple snippets from the next chapter that I really like:
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angels-and-demons · 10 months ago
Hee hoo working on chapter 2 of the arranged marriage au and Slender is somehow so much fun in this istg he is gonna be a delight to read about
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angels-and-demons · 1 year ago
...I hope you know you inspired me to write this concept out...
Niccolo Di Angelo is the son of Hades.
He is the ghost king.
And he's one of the most powerful demigods in centuries, with the entire legion of the dead at his disposal. 
Cold, calculating.
A worthy adversary in every sense of the word.
Tobias Erin Rogers is a wildfire in human form. Impulsive, reckless, destructive.
…he ruins everything he touches.
Maybe that's why Slender takes such pride in having him as a proxy…
The two of them? 
And they don't even know it.
Pieces played in a chess match that they are barely even aware of.
Little more than a pair of pawns in the game of gods. 
Nico/Toby is fun bc the ship actually makes a great Arranged Marriage AU bc seriously I reckon Hades and Slenderman would attempt to seal a deal that ensures both the freewill of the Proxies and the order of the Underworld by, well, proposing a marriage.
It makes sense in my head okay!
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angels-and-demons · 8 months ago
It’s July now, and Pride Month ended, anyways… I’ve got a question for the Arranged Marriage! AU:
It caught my attention that you decided to introduce Leo so early on in the Arranged Marriage! Nicoby AU and make him already have a sort of established thing with Nat too.
Are they supposed to be a direct contrast to Nico and Toby? Since those two are gonna be the slowest slowburn of all time and probably be very messy, because on the other hand Nat and Leo already met and are sort of dating now.
Eh, kinda. Nat and Leo are basically what would happen if they had a more natural meeting, instead of being forced together by fate.
Nat and Leo meet, they get together and be cute, they deal with their issues head on and support each other.
Whereas Toby and Nico are very much gonna be like this scene in Bridgerton:
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(Very grumpy, very intense, very much a "they hate each other, but we know they're bound to be together" kinda thing).
Basically, it wasn't intentional, but kinda.
Also, some shit under the cut.
Okay, so Nat is very much going to he somewhat messy in this as well. She used to be a bit of a slag, as Tobias implied in the most recent chapter. She dates casually, she'll make out with anyone. And she desperately wants to be seen as more than just a warm body.
Almost acting as a foil to Nico, who pushes everyone away, and doesn't want to get close. However, he too desires that same intimacy.
Meanwhile, Toby is intense and a bit bonkers, and he goes too far often, and doesn't know when enough is enough.
Directly opposing Leo, who doesn't want to be an asshole, he just wants to make people smile.
So, once again... yeah, basically they're gonna be foils/comparisons to each other.
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