#nico and hades
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raphael-angele · 3 months ago
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca Part 41
Zagreus, coming back from an adventure: Hi, Dad.
Hades: Zagre- GOOD GODS!
Bianca and Nico: *dirty from Underworld adventures* Hi, Papa! :D
Zagreus: In my defense, I didn't know they were following me until I was already in Asphodel.
Zagreus: Heeey, Achilles
Achilles: Oh, hello, lad. *sees the two* Hello, little ones. My, you are very dirty.
Zagreus: That's the thing. My dad wants to have a word with me about being more aware of them. And they need a bath. And my mom isn't here right now so...
Zagreus: ...please?
Nico: Patty!!! *runs over to him*
Patroclus: Hello, child. Oh, my, you're filthy. *sees Achilles and Bianca* Hello. What is this?
Bianca: Hi, Mr. Patroclus. We went on a quest with Zagreus!
Achilles: And they need a bath.
Patroclus: My darling, please do not tell me you intend to give them a bath here. In the River Lethe. Where it erases memory.
Achilles: ...no?
Patroclus: *sigh, carrying Nico* They need a proper bath.
Patroclus: Hello, Odysseus.
Achilles: Mm ( ≖_≖)
Patroclus: Achilles.
Achilles: ...hello, Odysseus ( ≖_≖)
Odysseus: Welcome to the Hot Springs. Should I prepare you your baths? Or should I say, bath?
Patroclus: Maybe another time, Odysseus. For now...*shows Nico and Bianca*
Odysseus: My, my! How filthy
Achilles: What did you say?!
Patroclus: Achilles.
Achilles ( ≖_≖)
Patroclus: Nico, Bianca, this is Odysseus. He's an old friend of ours. He looks after the hot springs and he can give the two of you a bath. Odysseus, these are Nico and Bianca, they are Lord Hades' children.
Odysseus: Well, we can't have Lord Hades' children all dirty, now can we? How about I take you to the hot springs where you can swim around and get clean?
Nico: Yeaaah!!! *runs around*
Bianca: *stays close to Achilles*
Achilles: Bianca, what's wrong?
Bianca: *whispers*
Achilles: Mm. I agree. This man is creepy.
Patroclus: Achilles.
Achilles: ಠ╭╮ಠ
Patroclus: Bianca, it's nothing to be scared of. Your sister Melinoë goes here all the time
Bianca: ...mkay...*goes to Odysseus*
Patroclus: Don't kill him
Achilles: I said nothing.
Patroclus: You had that look.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year ago
Hades’ pet: the guardian of the Underworld, fearful three headed beast the size of a mansion.
Name: Spot.
Hobby: playing with red ball.
Nico’s pet(s): fluffy, quiet, the size of a ball at best, absolutely obedient.
Name: The Cocoa Puffs.
Hobby: making people relieving their traumas. 😀😀
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1800-lemon-boy · 7 months ago
Friendly reminder that hades told Nico that he wished that Bianca had lived and not him.
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year ago
Poseidon: Stops Zeus from killing Percy by giving up his pride, begging and surrendering.
My hope for future seasons with Hades: Literally shielding Nico with his whole body and holding him(to mirror a flashback of him protecting Nico and Bianca). Begging Zeus not to take anything more from him.
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*me banging pots and pans as I shout*
Let Hades be a good dad too. They better make him a good dad.
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Nico: I learnt that there is a special day today
Hades: And you came to my palace to tell me that?
Nico: The day is Father's Day
Nico *gives him a mug that says #1 Dad who can raise the dead*
Hades *raises an eyebrow*: You and your mortal holidays...
Hades: ...Thank you
Nico *smiles*: Happy Father's Day
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folklorewoods · 10 months ago
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A Nico sketch I did recently🐈‍⬛
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mrsoftthoughts · 10 months ago
I just love the idea of Nico having soo much of Hades favor, to the point that he could ask anything and would be granted, of him being a Prince by all means, probably has the title of Hades heir ( we all now that is essentially useless because Hades is inmortal, but the importance of it it what matters here) and he probably has guaranteed Godhood once that he pass away, has certain amount of respect by all of his father subordinates despite a lot of them being gods and he a demigod and in general he is just at a position that most people couldn't even dream
And Nico is just oblivious towards that,like, he seriously doesn't realize that is actually a BIG thing that he has that kind of status, he just think of it a something normal or doesn't think of it at all, util he's talking to someone about anything slightly related to that , like if was the most normal thing in this world, or that same person has to see it in person because whatever reason, and they are like ;
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mischievousmary · 1 year ago
i just love the idea of Hades trying to bond with Nico After the Whole Luke thing because he did NOT want a repeat. And He would be SO goddamn awkward about it too.
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theprinceofdarknesssquad · 2 years ago
Nico, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Hades: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Nico: Orange soda, please! Hades: I'll have the strawberry soda. Persephone: Me too, strawberry soda. Nico:
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livsoulsecrets · 1 year ago
“Even so, I only have a few moments.’
Story of our relationship, Nico thought. You only ever have a few moments.
‘So tell me, Father. What do you want?’
Hades clasped his hands together in the sleeves of his robe. ‘Can you entertain the notion that I might be here to help you, not simply because I want something?’
Nico almost laughed, but his chest felt too hollow. ‘I can entertain the notion that you might be here for multiple reasons.’
my boy Nico was on fire (very rightfully so) in Blood of Olympus
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raphael-angele · 1 year ago
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca Part 25(feat Dusa)
8 year old Baby Nico, who just arrived at the Underworld Castle yesterday: *running towards Hades, crying* PAPA!! PAPAAAAA!!!!
Hades, confused: *quickly picks up Nico* Niccoló, what happened?!?!
Bby Nico: *crying* MONSTER! MONSTER!
Hades: Where?
Dusa, comes into the room: I'm so sorry, your Majesty. I seemed to have frightened the little prince while I was doing my rounds.
Persephone: U-uhm...thank you for telling us, Dusa. Go ahead and return to your duties. We'll handle him.
Dusa: Of course *leaves*
Persephone: Little doe, it was only Dusa. She works here. She helps keep the castle clean
Bby Nico: NO! NO, I DON'T LIKE HER! SCARY! SCARY MONSTER! *clings tightly to Hades*
Hades: That's weird. I could've sworn Nico likes snakes.
Persephone: Worms, Hades. He likes worms, not snakes.
Hades: What's the difference?
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year ago
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Nico di Angelo the only one thinking of demanding child support from his lord of the dead father
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Night time storytelling with the Di Angelo’s and their slightly unnerving houseguest
(It’s hair salon time, and since hades has the prettiest hair, he is always assaulted with braids, clips and bows. It’s Nico’s first time braiding. He’s learning.)
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year ago
Nico letting his hair grow long. He ends up looking even more like his father. Imagine him going to see Hades for something, his father goes to speak but stills at seeing Nico. He hasn't seen him in a while so his long hair is new. Is hit by the realization that his son is growing up. Turning into a young man. Nico looks at his father confused, "Dad?". Hades goes to cup Nico's chin. "My demigod children always grow up too quickly," Hades says a little sadly. But theres definitely some pride in his voice. Pride in his son. Nico sighs and says in Italian, " I'll always be you little boy Papa."
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(hope we get something like that in the tv show)
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sorrybutthisonestaken · 6 months ago
I don't understand how there are so many fics for the sea fam but you can scarcely find one for Hades and Nico. Hades who would let nothing happen to his wife, dog, or mother in law/sister. Hades who was the most level-headed in the myths. Hades who offered his nephew and his mother sanctuary from his own father the Titan lord the moment the king of the underworld found out he was rising again.
Hades deserves to be a good dad, and not just seen as a villain all over again
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perseus-fairchild · 2 years ago
So I absolutely love the idea of a Kane Chronicles/PJO crossover in which somehow Nico accidentally becomes the host of Anubis.
Nico and Anubis are hanging in a graveyard. Anubis is standing behind a mausoleum so when Sadie and Carter find them they are understandably confused. After all, Nico looks very similar to Anubis–so similar, in fact, that with Anubis behind the mausoleum, they thought Nico WAS Anubis.
Anubis moves to introduce them. He calls Nico his friend and goes to pat his shoulder when *something* happens. And suddenly Nico has fallen and Anubis's form vanished. In Nico's eyes instead of pupils there are golden ankhs. He's understandably panicking, and Anubis appears again, trying to comfort him.
Because somehow, when Anubis placed his hand on Nico's shoulder, he took him as a host. So Nico has a god in his head now. And he can see into the Duat.
Just imagine.
Nico fighting like a demon, the faint image of a jackal fighting alongside him. Throwing out Divine Words as he summons shadows and bones. Biting with extra-sharp canines if he's trapped. A wild animal, and in each eye a golden ankh, burning with the fury of the gods.
On the other hand, he works through some stuff
He becomes less shut off from everyone. Less anxious with somebody in his head to reassure him. Anubis is respectful; he backs off when Nico wants to spend some time without the voice in his head, but is always supportive when he's needed.
Nico and Anubis in Tartarus.
It would be hard for Anubis to reach him down there, of course, because though death is universal, monsters are not, and Tartarus is just so very Greek. All Anubis can manage is to lend Nico some strength, which is all that keeps him from dying in the house of Nyx. When he's captured, it is Anubis's power that keeps him alive until the Seven can rescue him– the pomegranate seeds are powerful, but not that powerful.
When Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus, Nico can't move. He desperately reaches out to Anubis, allowing him to possess his body, not caring in anyone finds out. They sprint forwards and Anubis casts a Divine Word– Tas, bind, to create a net keeping the two up. But the pull of Tartarus is too strong, and they fall anyway.
Nico beats himself up about it. After all, if he hadn't frozen, hadn't taken the time to decide to let Anubis take the reins, he may have been able to save them. But Anubis gently reminds him that some things are meant to happen, and Nico doesn't blame himself as much, especially once they emerge from the Doors.
Eventually he tells the Seven. He introduces them to Anubis and Brooklyn House. Everyone becomes really great friends. Nico has dinners with the Kanes. He visits Brooklyn House often, occasionally bringing Percy and Annabeth if they want to see Sadie and Carter again. He even brings the rest of the Seven sometimes. Eventually, he starts bringing Will.
Bast kind of dislikes Nico from the beginning, because of his connection to/the fact that he is hosting Anubis, but soon she grows to think of him as another of her kits.
When Hades finds out, he asks Anubis to show himself, so he makes another form and Hades chews him out (how could he be so irresponsible, does he have any idea the danger this holds for Nico, does he even know how to mitigate the damage that their powers combined will cause to Nico's body, etc) but it's clear he's just worried. When they explain they're okay Hades kind of unofficially adopts Anubis, despite them being from separate pantheons. Nico is Prince of the Underworld, and now by extension, Anubis is Prince as well.
Anubis helping Nico accept himself. Nico in my AU is non-binary and it takes him a while to come to terms even longer to accept that he doesn't have to look a certain way just because of his gender or because of his being the child of Hades. Anubis helps him realise that he can wear colours, he can be pastel and soft and still be badass and not be any less non-binary– and absolutely the Ghost King while being adorable and fluffy and rainbow.
So yeah. Basically Nico as the host of Anubis.
You can just see the autism huh
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