ts2cambremon · 9 months
@niamh-sims : How many neighbourhoods do you have? Does each have a different season configuration?
Thanks for the question, I love talking about my game hehe. I actually have 4 different NH now. The 1st is the original NH, but I was running into some issues with it so I rebuilt all the Cambremon buildings in a 2nd NH. But the Dantuzine buildings are still in the 1st, so let's say this has become the 'Dantuzine hub'. I was having problems with the 2nd one too so I moved the Cambremon buildings (again...) to a 3rd one, which is the current one. My mistake I think was choosing huge NH maps and plopping down too many NH deco items, especially trees, my computer couldn't handle it. So this 3rd NH is on a tiny map with zero deco. I miss having a cool looking city view, but I do not miss the constant crashing. I'm actually not sure where to send off the army "outside the hub", maybe to a lot in the 2nd NH which is currently empty? I've kind of integrated all these changes by saying that the Cambremon hubs kept getting destroyed by freakish winds so they had to rebuild everything from scratch. Hopefully the 3rd time's the charm!
The 4th NH is called Faarsen, and unlike the first 3, the weather is nice and hot (spring/summer/summer/fall) and it's a peaceful and technologically advanced society. It's become my "chill gameplay" NH, where I test the sun and moon sets. Faarsen and Cambremon might meet at some point, it could lead to some interesting developments!
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merluvlee-sims2 · 2 years
really loving your game, and the Rosewoods are one of my favourite families so far! Could I please ask a WCIF? I love Hollis' outfit... Could you please tell me where you found it? Thanks!
Aww, thanks so much! It makes me so happy that you are enjoying it!
Hollis's outfit is from beryllium's Dernhelm, Female Warrior set on PBK ^_^
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hallasimss · 5 months
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Niamh Ó Dálaigh (they/them) for day 2 of @sisisimss' BHMCAS challenge — Black Panthers
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eulaliasims · 30 days
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good news, I found some broody elf pictures I never posted.
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omgkayplays · 6 months
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just your typical supernatural family
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wolfavens · 2 years
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Coffeezilla   │ ★★★★✩
WE HAVE LIVE MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY + SATURDAY! I mean... this is a cool coffee shop in Prescott Square, Copperdale. Coffee is okay and you can hardly tell all the furniture is second hand from the smell. Come by and ask for Ash. btw the person writing this review is not the owner, okay? jeez, stop being weird. not everything is a conspiracy y’know. LIVE MUSIC FRIDAY + SATURDAY!!!
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loomsims · 2 months
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Trouble in Paradise Pt. 2💔
Turns out that Edward should maybe be just a little bit more nosy...💀 And I thought Eddy and Niamh clicked suspiciously fast! To my shock and horror Niamh has staked claim on our newest survivor, and Edward (who is still picking flowers at the graveyard) is none the wiser to what's happening between the two...
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charmandersims · 11 months
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Only completed this LTW for the first time recently, and now I've completed it for an adult! I'm getting good at this game (only taken a bazillion years...)
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nervosims · 4 months
Just wanted to drop by and say how much I love and appreciate your game! The aesthetics are just perfect, and I love how you have mixed Victorian/Steampunk/Medieval fashion, and it just works!
that means a lot coming from you! your neighbourhoods are the prettiest thing ever <3
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tipsypixel-sims · 5 months
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Niamh finally made time between some of his nature hikes and meditation sessions for a date with Sana.
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Unfortunately it coincided with Bree going into labour, so they had to cut it short.
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"I'm sorry. I hope you still had some fun?", Niamh asked while seeing her out.
"Well I've had better dates, but it wasn't TOTALLY awful.", she laughed. "Witnessing childbirth is not really my idea of a first date, but I'm sure next time will be better."
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equinoxts2 · 1 year
Heart of the Village Replies
@cindysimblr: It's really pretty! I also love the idea of doing laundry on a community lot, didn't think of that, but it really makes sense.
I wanted my sims to be able to (at least in headcanon) meet up and chat while doing laundry, so putting @sunmoon-starfactory laundry rocks in the village centre made absolute sense. If you don’t have washing machines in your tribe, why not turn it into a social activity? :)
@niamh-sims: It looks awesome, Quin.  I like how you have used terrain paint, particularly around the stream/pond.  I also love the sweat tent!
I’m trying to scale back on the terrain paint and use it to add detail rather than cover every single pixel of ground on the lot like I used to do. The stream/pond bit is one bit I’m particularly pleased with, I’m glad other simmers think so too!
@episims: I love all the little paths. Would you know where I could find the log benches?
Always happy to answer a WCIF - the log benches are part of a Secret Santa gift by VampireKiss6661 at Plumb Bob Keep. Click here to grab them, the pictures in the post don’t work but the download button does. :)
And to all three of you: thanks so much for those comments! You’ve put a great big smile on my face, which is very much needed given that I’m troubleshooting my default replacement folders to find the cause of those apartment crashes. Simblr hugs <3
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sim-berry · 8 months
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debsplayssims · 1 year
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Little lookbook based on 5 different vibes ^^
When I say I searched high & low for the cc links lol, unfortunately a lot of them were downloaded a long time ago and I can't find them. If I ever come across them again I will link them here! links to what I could find below
All shoes
denim mini skirt
ripped tights
flowy white shirt
Again I really apologise for the lack of links, I searched my internet history as best I could but I have downloaded a lot of cc lol. Will update if I ever find them again. Thank you to the amazing cc creators who made these cute pieces and if you recognise any of their work please let me know so i can add to the list! <3
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hallasimss · 10 months
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Niamh Ó Dálaigh (they/them, 26), Head of the Internal Audit Department for @kashisun's Simblr Office. their resting bitch face is to scare your ass so you don't commit fraud under their watch tyvm
— half Afro-Indo-Guyanese (mother) half Irish (father) — grew up just outside of Dublin. the accent is thick — Hozier's album dropped on Friday and they've already booked an appointment with their tattoo artist to get the Gaeilge verse from De Selby (Part 1) printed on their shoulderblade — is fluent and will curse you out in Gaeilge, English, Guyanese Creole and Aili Gaili if you provoke them. do not provoke them — the next time someone mispronounces their first name as 'nee-AHM' instead of 'NEEV' despite having been corrected beforehand they're going to commit acts of unspeakable violence. lack of Anglicization is not an excuse break free from the colonizer mindset — calling them 'Ni/Nee' for short is a criminal offense and also grounds for acts of unspeakable violence — studied business and accounting in university. almost chose law but decided against it at the last minute — plays cláirseach and steel pan in their free time. watches @rainymoodlet's Kiss Me in Komorebi religiously on the weekends. have placed bets on the contestants. they won't say which ones — once sang the entirety of Humors of Whiskey + The Rattling Bog at double speed while drunk. that was also part of a bet — best friends with @browntrait's Jesminder Bheeda. has a chapter in her upcoming cookbook dedicated to them. cameos on the blog sometimes. helped name the baby but if you ask for details before they're actually born it's an automatic audit for the nerve alone — 6'4", mainly leg, still wears heels most days. doors in the building were previously adjusted for @crsentfairy's Aesir Dhillon so it's a walk in the park where height's concerned — yes they have a boyfriend, apologies to those asking. yes there is a rumor that their ex also works at the company. yes said ex does not come within a 5 floor radius otherwise HR will be hearing the complaints — why would you drink coffee when cocoa tea Irish breakfast tea and strong masala chai exist. not necessarily in that order per say but. that being said if there is none available they're taking the coffee black no sweetener. the only time you use sweetener is in caife Gaelach anywhere else you're a f*cking coward — broke a man's nose outside a pub after he catcalled them. he didn't sue bc they threatened to break his nose again after surgery if he tried. the surgery cost a pretty penny btw — you hear any noise from their office that's just them playing the Ram-Leela soundtrack on loop since it came back to Spotify after how many godforsaken years. you hear any noise in between that then those are the ads. they don't pay for Premium that's a corporate scam — leaves work on time if there are no ongoing audits. they do not subscribe to the culture of the Grind — they're the one who passed on the budget discrepancies under @vhsmage's Hamda Farrah to the higher-ups. final report came with a note to add her perfume as a separate category by itself. as far as company gossip goes there hasn't been a problem in that regard since — goes down to Guyana at least once a year to visit with extended family. usually times it around Carnival, Holi or Diwali. will take PTO for all three. do not attempt to contact them once it is turned in, that will gain you an automatic audit on their return
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sulsul-nim · 1 year
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another day, another night: and another sim household.
sage niamh. honors physics student, local cat lover, a bit on the mean side, and like most college students: a total coffee addict.
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omgkayplays · 1 year
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falling asleep Relaxing on a floaty with your boo 😌
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