#nho angst
i-eat-ppl · 8 months
An unspoken rule of Hermitcraft is “we don’t talk about the NHO incident.” It was traumatising and X is amazed it only caused temporary damages. What went down with Convex and the NHO is between them and Mojang now.
Scar never got the memo and has in fact bragged about how he’s why Doc only has one horn now.
- Anonymous Demon
sdjhfbs oh definitely. Scar wouldn't even realise that it was, in fact, traumatising. I think theres some fun angst to be had with this whole idea for everyone involved :)
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bloop-im-a-frog-now · 6 months
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Correction! He's brought it up like six times explicitly now and implied it a couple more times. :P
Talked about roasting clown meat on a spit
Said that Vexes eat people and that's what happened to the NHO.
Made the snails cannibals.
Fed some beef he was eating (very much intended to be the remains of the NHO) to the alien in Area 77.
"If I didn't love you I'd barbeque you. Isn't that what love is, not barbequing your friends?"
Talked about roasting clown meat on the spit in his train.
Mentioned that the s5 documentary crew investigating the Convex mysteriously vanished...
Xloy asked Scar not to eat the recap team in the recap comments.
Well, that's twice the clown thing, but indeed. That is more than 2. Thank you for the correction, it gives me more angst ideas lmao
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galaxyworm103 · 2 years
Wait why was it locked off? Was it just for that angst reason or? -20w14a
I had to remember the tags I left on the reblog.
personal headcanon for s5 bein locked off was bc of the Jungle, since I like to think it began rapidly growing at some point n they Needed to Leave. Most the hermits weren’t informed Of This but none of them can rlly Go Back
this is both for Wormman and Ex angst but Also nho angst :>
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ashipcalledrelation · 2 years
Oh yeah completely forgot i posted part of my scardubs fic (which ive decided to post as a series of oneshots in whatever order instead of the longfic i was planning on lol)
Go read it if youd like (its not super ship heavy its like one conversation and theres hints at s5 nho jungle angst because i legitemately cannot resist thinking about that in every bdubs context)
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twelves-writings · 4 years
Songfic based off “Sleep” by My Chemical Romance
(tw: suffocation, passing out)
They’re, they’re these terrors
And it feels as if someone was gripping my-
They’re, they’re not like tremors; they’re worse than tremors
They’re these ter-
Doc combed through the footage. There had to have been something there, anything. There was a reason for everything, across every world. Cause and effect. He knew correlation didn’t imply causation, but… there had to be something. He couldn’t've just… 
Doc sighed. He rewinded the video again, staring at the screen as he had for the past… How long has it been? Doc didn’t care. He scoured the footage, analyzing every pixel until his biological eye went numb. He didn’t care at what cost it came to him. There had be a sign, a message, a hint at what was to come. 
A voice nagged at the back of his head, telling him he need to rest. Don’t overwork yourself. Take a break. Go get something to eat. He would’ve wanted you to rest. 
Doc shook his head, erasing the thoughts from his head. There was no telling what he would have wanted. He was gone, and Doc was determined to get him back.
Another block of blackstone here, slab, block, redstone block… Wait, no; the redstone block goes over there. Or maybe… Beef rubbed his eyes, yawning as he picked up the offending block. It was getting late, the moon was nearly peaked, but he had to keep building. He just wanted to finish one more building in Three Fox Hole, then he would rest. Ah, that’s where the redstone block goes! And then the glass, and the other color of glass, and the other other color… 
Block after block was placed. Not much thought went into the details, but he’d do those later. He was always better at detailing the buildings in the morning. “Oh wait, Keralis is coming over tomorrow. Oh well; I guess I’ll finish them in the afternoon.” 
Beef was always glad to see his friends. He was hesitant about reaching out, about coming back, but Etho convinced him in the end. It was strange, Etho reassuring him when he refused to return to the server himself. Oh, Beef missed him. That was Etho’s choice, though, and Beef couldn’t and wouldn’t force anything upon him. With or without his old buddy, Beef was glad to be back on Hermitcraft. Especially after…
Beef kept building. Blackstone block, block, stair, polished block, glass, polished slab. The city was coming along nicely. Planning out the roads and buildings, filling them all in, and detailing them was all quite relaxing. It was the perfect way to start a new season. Beef stepped back from the building after placing the final slab. He was proud of himself. 
He wouldn’t be proud. 
“Yes he would,” he responded to his thoughts aloud. “Of course he would. I’m creating and detailing buildings. He loved that. He’d be proud.” 
They’re facades, fronts, empty shells. 
“I’ll fill them in eventually.” 
Fill yourself in first. 
Beef squeezed his eyes shut with a sigh. Knowing he wouldn’t win to his thoughts tonight, he kept building. 
There were always other buildings to work on. 
Details needed to be added. 
Mobs that could bring this city to life. 
Beef began work on yet another building. He could’ve sworn he heard whispers from behind him, but wrote it off as phantoms, or his insomnia getting to him. “Alright.” He walked away from the build, having run out of blackstone. “I need to get some more- Oomph!” He had run into a street lamp as he turned around. As he looked up, he realized it wasn’t a light on the street, nor a creature of the night come to attack him.
“No, no, no.” Eyes wide as the moon, he stumbled away from the figure. “I- I can’t deal with this again! You’re not real! You can’t be! I- I can’t do this again.” He backed into a wall, sliding onto the ground. Tears welled in Beef’s eyes as he gazed upon the figure. 
Green wrapped around its entire frame, weaving around its torso and limbs. Its face was mostly free of the vines, bar its straggly hair. Its eyes were darker than the void, oozing jet black tears. Beef’s eyes were locked with the figure’s, fear flooding every ounce of his being. When he was finally able to pull away from the unmoving, unblinking voids, his gaze landed on the being’s shirt. His breathing and pulse accelerated as he read the letters: NHO. He timidly brought his eyes back back up. “B- Bdu-”
Don’t you breathe for me
Undeserving of your sympathy
The air was pulled out of Beef’s lungs, leaving him gasping. He clawed at his throat, eyes somehow widening more. He choked, breathing without air to breathe. How is he- Why is he- Beef couldn’t think straight. How could he, unable to breathe because the ghost of his friend yanked the air out of his lungs? 
‘Cause there ain’t no way that I’m sorry for what I did
Tears were spilling from Beef’s eyes; out of fear or sadness, he didn’t know.
And through it all, how could you cry for me?
‘Cause I don’t feel bad about it
Beef wanted to scream. He wanted to tell the phantom all his thoughts. He wanted to tell him how he still cared, how he remembered him, how he’d never let go of him or the memories they shared.
So shut your eyes
No, no! Beef felt the unconsciousness pulling at his eyelids, dragging him down. Beef didn’t want to let go! He couldn’t let go! He could never let go! 
And sleep
Just sleep
The voice reverberated through his brain, overwhelming any thoughts Beef had. It surrounded and enveloped him, echoing through the emptiness inside. He was hollow. He had been, ever since that day. The tears stopped flowing as darkness crept towards him. Eyes flickering, Beef relaxed. The voice echoed one final cry, more to itself than anything else.
The hardest part
Is letting go of your dreams
He’d just rest a bit. Just for a minute. Just for… 
They’re, they’re these terrors
And it feels as if someone was gripping my throat, and squeezing
They’re, they’re not like tremors; they’re worse than tremors
They’re these terrors
Rewinding the footage again, Doc sighs. He’s getting nowhere with this, but he has to keep going. He would have wanted him to keep going, keep searching for an explanation. He goes over the clip again, subconsciously mouthing the words. He’s heard this so many times, seen this so many times, too many times… He jolts up with a start, his eyes sleepy but wide. He has to stay awake. He has to know what happened. Just a few more minutes.
His stomach growls, like a hoglin that hasn’t been fed in days. When was the last time he ate? That didn’t matter. All that mattered to Doc is answers. Rest and food are for the weak anyways. When was the last time anyone had seen a creeper eat?
It was a near silent noise, but Doc caught it. He whipped around, sword in hand, ready to face the enderman who dared to interrupt his work. But he didn’t see an enderman. Far from it; he saw a figure leaning again a cluttered table in the corner of the room. A wine glass was held in its hand, and for a moment Doc suspected it to be Joe, bringing him a glass from the winery next door. However, the glass was empty. 
A drink
For the horror that I’m in
Doc took a moment to look the creature over. Its skin was like his own, rough and plant-like. Was that actually its skin, or a thick layer of foliage covering it? Its eyes and head were hidden in the shadows, except for its half-open mouth lined with teeth sharp as blades. What the heck is this thing?
For the good guys and the bad guys
For the monsters that I’ve been
Three cheers for tyranny
It hoisted up its glass, acting as if a toast were to be given. Instead, it tossed the glass in the air. Doc was frozen in place out of fear or exhaustion; it was difficult to tell which. He only moved to flinch when the glass shattered on the ground. It sounded as if a million glasses had broken, not just the one. The figure did not react.
‘Cause there ain’t no way that I’m coming back again
The words burned themselves in Doc’s mind. He knew instantly what- who the creature was. Or rather, what the creature used to be. He shook it off, dismissed it as his mind playing tricks on him. It liked to do that on late nights like these. Before he could turn around to get back to his work, the figure grabbed him by the shoulder. The two were face to face now, mere inches apart. Its dark, empty eyes stared straight into Doc’s soul. The teeth were far more menacing now, softly clinking with every word spoken. Doc didn’t want to admit it, to himself or the beast, but he was terrified. The voice cried:
And through it all, how could you cry for me?
‘Cause I don’t feel bad about it
It took its hands off Doc’s shoulders, pushing him back against the desk.
So shut your eyes
Kiss me goodbye
And sleep
Just sleep
Doc whipped back around, forcing his eyes back upon his work. One of the monitors was cracked, but he didn’t care. He cared about nothing but the tapes. He blinked hard, pushing back any tears that threatened to spill. He ignored the creature’s- the ghost’s cries behind him. 
The hardest part’s
The awful things that I’ve seen
He ignored it all, pinning his eyes to the screens. He was so close; he could feel it. Just another couple of minutes and he’d have it. He’d know why Bdubs died. 
Sometimes, I see flames
And sometimes I see people that I love dying
It’s always-
Just sleep
The creature whispered. He ignored it.
Just sleep
It called to him, like a siren out at sea. He ignored it.
It screamed. Doc whipped around to see the figure levitating off the ground. Wind from nowhere spun around it, papers and small objects being pulled into the gusts. The being’s eyes shone black, somehow emitting light while being dark as black holes. 
Doc couldn’t take his eyes off the figure, and couldn’t deny its appearance any longer: it looked like- no, it was Bdubs. Doc saw the bandana, ripped and stained a blood-like green, flapping in the wind. Its hair was swooped in the front, blown up off its face. The logo on its shirt was unmistakable, even through the vines that spread across its chest. It screamed again and again for Doc to sleep. 
Eventually, its voice went hoarse. As the cries faded into echos, the wind slowed. Doc was swaying on his feet as it stopped, collapsing onto the ground. His eyes flickered, but no! He had to hold out. He had to stay awake. 
The figure- Bdubs’ feet gracefully touched the ground. Bdubs made his way over to the nearly unconscious Doc. Doc wanted to reach out to him, say something, anything. But he couldn’t. He… he needed to rest. He needed some sleep. 
The tapes were playing quietly as Doc drifted off. 
And I can’t… I cant ever wake up.
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chromations · 4 years
doctober day 5: twisted  (twisted in vines f for bdubs)
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doctober/sirentober :)
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Etho doesn't wear a mask because of some sinister past or a scar or anything like that
Oh no
Its much worse.
A very long time ago, he made the mistake of falling asleep with some of the nho nearby, who drew cat whiskers on his face in permanent marker.
Turns out when the marker says permanent, It Means Permanent.
He could have rocked them. He could have just kept them out in the open, acted completely chill about it, and turned them into an Etho signature feature with no harm done to his mystery or his reputation. But instead, he started wearing the mask. Gradually, on one day off again the next, explained away as a health precaution or a fashion statement until people just got used to it enough to stop asking. Until, by that point, the nHo and everyone else had long forgotten that the whiskers were even there.
So what does Etho have now? The perfect opportunity. Because the nHo all think those whiskers wore off years ago, and when Etho finally stops playing the long con and finds just the right moment to take off that mask? The looks on their faces will be PRICELESS.
~ Mod Shade
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sphor-art · 4 years
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NHO is here! Members including - Etho, Bdubs, Doc, and Beef
This one’s a bit long cause we have nho brainrot 😔 Keep reading below the cut
[hermitcraft borderlands au developed by me, @biinaberry and @that-gay-computer - more can be found at #hermitcraft borderlands au]
The NHO was a vault hunter group working under the SciCraft Research Organization, tasked with exploring Pandora to collect and research Eridian relics. Each member is assigned a ‘role’ based on their area of expertise. 
Doc was the impromptu ‘leader’, and was responsible for the more technical aspects of the mission: collecting data and studying chemical compounds using his Cool Robot Eye.
Beef spent several years studying Eridian language, culture, and music. He worked as a translator for any writing or scripture they come across.
Etho was the resident bodyguard and engineer - tasked with driving, fixing electronics, and keeping the party and relics safe from aggressive encounters with the Pandoran wildlife (and bandits).
Bdubs, with a history in precision excavation and demolition, worked to safely extract and transport any artifacts and relics back to the primary lab orbiting Pandora using Warp Tech. 
One of their travels yielded the discovery of a vault key. After affirming its legitimacy, they sent it up to be catalogued and charged. The SciCraft team on-site determined the location of the closest vault the key was attuned to, and sent the NHO to go study it.
The crew reached the vault, instantly being enamoured by both its size, and the sheer quantity of new material able to study. Weeks pass and Doc progressively descends into obsession. Doc keeps contact with the SciCraft team, insisting that with the vault open, the potential for new knowledge could be endless. Unfortunately Methodz calls him a dummy and says to just move on and wait for the Professionals to handle it.
Wanting to impress and potentially make his friends day, Bdubs suggests that he try to blow up part of the vault in order to potentially unveil more intel. Doc questions this decision at first, with Beef being strongly against the idea. Though Doc’s sheer urge to know more results in him agreeing.
Despite Beef's warnings and several protests, in the end Doc made the executive decision to pull through with opening the vault and ordered Bdubs to try and break it open by all means necessary, which in this case was an absolute shit ton of explosives. Bdubs executes the order, and with a simple press of a button, history was set in scars. 
Though Bdubs’ explosion was contained, the energy the vault released upon being chipped away was enough to send the group flying back into the newly formed crater, scarred not only physically but mentally. Beef, the least affected physically, called in Scicraft to get everyone picked up and taken to a hospital to deal with their wounds. Beef is no SNITCH, so he explained the situation to the medics, chalking it up to an accident with unstable eridium.
After all was settled down, the group decided to split up. While Beef and Etho made amends, Doc and Bdubs continued feuding, each blaming each other and being too stubborn to back down.
Doc would continue to work with SciCraft. The explosion blew off one arm, his already cybernetic eye, and inflicted multitudes of internal injuries. The SciCraft medics patched him up as best they could, but the severity of his injuries resulted in him needing multiple cybernetic implants that pump refined eridium into his system. Alas, Doc is far from a siren, so the eridium is slowly poisoning his body, but it, and Doc’s own stubborn refusal to die, keeps him alive for long enough to do more research.
Beef stopped working with SciCraft shortly after the incident - returning to his home planet to study zoology. After studying the strange behaviours of his planet’s wildlife in regards to elemental damage, he catches wind from Etho that eridium does some funky stuff to one’s body. Taking this as a challenge, and also decided that having a clone would be a great idea, Beef decided to invent a completely safe eridium powered cloning device. 
Etho went off the grid for a few months to find ‘enlightenment’. The conclusion of his journey is “money is quite cool actually - I would like more of it”. Thus, Etho founded Shade-E-E’s, a business run the only way he knows how: through big brains and shady business practices. This was short lived, however, with the company being bought out by ConCorp a year later. Cub, realizing that Etho used to work under SciCraft, decided to utilize that big brain of his to work under Stress on the Elpis Cryo Research Lab where he will be paid fairly. 
Bdubs left Scicraft almost instantly after being bandaged and stable. He would later work under Scar at Concorp Headquarters. Concorp’s employee management proves to be subpar when Bdubs gets sick of their shit and non-fatally shoots Scar during one of their business meetings. He then leaves to eventually find Xisuma and Keralis, becoming one of the founders for IDEA.
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smp-live · 3 years
Watching Hermitcraft fans who haven't seen older seasons rn like: They don't even know that Bdubs was possessed by a jungle in s5, vanished, and repeatedly fell out of the sky in a death loop to join s6. Mans has been through supernatural shit before
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yellinmichellin · 3 years
Yes im writing a nHo angst songfic 4 years after the nHo was a thing, shut up.
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redwinterroses · 3 years
~half an hour 'til Stabby Stab and I'm hungry for angst. Go on anon and hit me with your best shot.
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quaranmine · 4 years
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it brings back hazey memories of a time when his mind wasn't his own
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slabby-jabbies · 4 years
Me: Oh, I’ve liked watching Bdubs so far in Season 7, he’s mostly been pretty chill! I think I’ll watch his Season 5 of Hermitcraft and watch through his Season 6 as well so I’ll be caught up.
Me: O.O  O-Okay.
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rendiggitydog · 4 years
honestly im kinda surprised the NHO doesnt have issues w/ the jungle. like, that sorta stuff can definitely be long lasting and terrifying
The jungle broke all of them, but they handled it very differently. Beef and Etho noticed something was wrong earlier than the others, so the jungle took them quickly. There were no warning signs before they disappeared.
Bdubs went looking for them in the jungle, but when he came back three days later the jungle had him too. Doc was worried when Bdubs started getting more aggressive, but there was no way he could’ve known about the jungle until the vines showed up.
Doc was worried about the vines, but Bdubs insisted they were helping him build his tree. By the time Bdubs disappeared, he was practically a shell of himself. Doc searched the jungle for his friends, terrified, and that’s when the jungle got him.
Doc refused to leave the jungle after that, mercilessly killing anyone who tried to trespass on his jungle. He would wander for countless hours and days, tirelessly hoping he would find his friends alive. The jungle warped his mind, and he began seeing apparitions of players out of the corner of his eye. He talked to them, but they never spoke back.
Until a helmeted player appeared, telling Doc he needed to leave. Doc fought him, defended his jungle until the last second, but Xisuma was too strong, considering Doc hadn’t eaten nor slept in countless days.
It took Doc a long time to break out of the jungles grasp during season 6, but once he came to his senses, he realized he needed to get his friends back. Area 77 was the perfect cover for his research. When Grian built his time machine, Doc thought that was his chance to go save them, but Grian stole it back before he could use it. It took a long time, but he knew the infinity portal would work. It didn’t work quite how he hoped, but he managed to get Bdubs back.
Bdubs has no problem with the jungle itself- in fact, he still feels a fondness towards vines, but in a normal, sane way. He still deals with fits of anger sometimes, but he learns to control his emotions better so he doesn’t kill his friends.
Etho and Beef coming back in season 7 was a surprise for everyone, especially them. Beef didn’t want anything to do with the jungle after what he went through, so he gravitated toward the barren desert for his hacienda. Etho refused to talk about what happened, but he insisted on living in the jungle to help get over his fear. None of them escaped unscathed, but they’re learning to deal with the repercussions.
(Also read this fic by bb coz it makes my heart hurt and influenced some of my headcanons)
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tearosepedall · 4 years
NHO!Team Minato Au.... I'm just saying Etho's RIGHT THERE.
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twelves-writings · 4 years
New oneshot: a songfic based off “Sleep” by My Chemical Romance
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