#nft designer jobs
jitteryjive · 23 days
sorry 2 playtime post and i’m not saying poppy playtime contains the world’s best buildup and storyline but i will say they did nail how sinister ch3 feels. While i will vouch for the fact that horror revolving around children (children being subjected to [horrors] i mean) freaks me out it does take some strength to affect me and this game DID get to me. Like oh ok the game station isn’t a weird minigame obstacle it was used to condition children. Ok this company openly promoted keeping kids in an underground orphanage and no one gave a shit. also unrelated i fucking love mommy long legs
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michaelbelong · 2 years
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donotdestroy · 7 months
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isacoremeow · 2 years
I really wish to move out but finding a job is becoming almost impossible and I rarely get commissions
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streaminn · 3 months
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Note! Prices can change and vary depending on what is being commissioned! None of these are concrete
+10-15 usd per person
+5-10 usd depending on the background
Note: There can be additional charges due to paypal fees
And you can ask for more examples! Please Dm for more info and all that jazz :^)
Can Draw!
pngtuber models
character sheets
horror, gore (not excessive)
Might Draw (We’ll need to talk about these requests)
full on furries (not so experienced)
excessive gore/horror (same excuse as above)
honestly, if it isn’t in the Can Draw, let’s talk about it.
Will not:
hate art
anything political
if it crosses my boundaries
Terms and Service! (this is a long one)
The client may ask for progress updates every 2-4 days, if not longer, should the commissionee not be in contact.
The art may take longer than the estimated time the artist gives. Should that be an issue or concern, the client must tell the artist.
In commissioning the artist, the client acknowledges that the artist is a student and that this is not the artist’s full time job, and the client should not expect the artist to be able to treat it as such.
The client may not, in any way shape or form, use the art in a commission product for NFTs, no matter how much they offer to pay the artist. Should NFTs be made of the art without consent, the client gives full consent for the artist to take legal action against them.
The client may make minor edits to the completed commission (e.g. cropping, adding text/borders, changing brightness/contrast/hue/saturation…
The client may use/reupload the commission for personal/non-commercial use, but only if proper credit to the artist and a linkback to any of the artist’s social media is provided.
If the commission includes characters that do not belong the client, additional credit to the owner(s)/creator(s) of said characters must be provided when using/reuploading for personal/non-commercial use.
The client may not use the commission for any commercial use unless discussed with the artist beforehand.
^ Should the client use the art for commercial use, provided the artist’s consent, the artist will receive an agreed-upon percentage of the sales profits.
The client MUST credit the artist for any usage of the art on any platform.
The client MUST ask the artist if they want to use their art as a reference, and proceed to credit each time the reference is used. REVISION POLICIES Once the coloring stage begins, the only major revisions permitted are details that the artist may have missed and was specified by the client in the order while the commission was still in the sketching/lineart stage (e.g. a missing tattoo that’s essential to the character’s design).
If the client is unsatisfied with the commission, the artist is willing to discuss and make minor edits as stated prior (e.g. adjusting colors). However, the artist will not redraw the piece and expects full payment, as the client should have specified in the sketch stage changes they wanted to be made.
The client may not hire another artist to adjust the image without the commissionee’s consent.
The artist is willing to edit the image post commission for the commissioner, but may charge a small fee depending on what is being asked of them. Upon commissioning the artist, the client automatically agrees to the terms of service provided, as it is assumed they have read them.
…and that’s about it? Just don’t expect me to be obligated to draw something and we'll figure something out. Not to mention that depending on how much commissions i’m getting and how busy i am, the art will take atleast a few days to a week!
If you got references, provide them! It’ll help alot. You can also ask for progress updates, just don’t mind me accidentally not seeing the message bc this is tumblr and I don’t get notifs for some reason.
as of rn, im accepting payment through ko-fi and paypal
But ye! That’s about it, thanks for seeing this yall. If you want to see more examples, simply look at the tags below in my account!
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friskafriskito · 8 months
Charity Commissions 🇵🇸
Hello guys, it's been a while!
To cut to the chase: I would like to help spread both awareness and support for those suffering in the ongoing genocide in Palestine. So, in light of this, I will open up some commissions where rather than paying me, you simply provide proof of your donation.
I know this blog is mainly just for my art, but if I can use my art for any good I would like to do so. If you cannot donate, please reblog!
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Here are some recommended links:
E-sims for Gaza: https://gazaesims.com  
Palestinian children’s relief fund: PCRF
Women for women (hygiene kits, blankets, food): Urgent Support for Women in Palestine Women for Women International
Anera dignity kits: https://www.anera.org/stories/gaza-emergency-aid-includes-dignity-kits/
But of course you can donate to any related organization and fundraiser you like, even if it’s not included here!
If you are Egyptian you can also donate to any of the organizations listed under the Instapay, Talabat, Fawry apps, or your bank app under their ‘donations’ services with the equivalent price in EGP (based on the bank rate). Just provide a screenshot.
For a written list of the prices, the do/don'ts, and so on, please look under the read-more for more details!
How Does this Work?
Send me the idea you have and I will let you know if it’s good to go or if it’s not appropriate (or if I can’t do it due to time/work)
When you get the okay, I will ask for more details (references, colour schemes, poses, which charity you plan to donate to, etc.)
I will draw you a basic thumbnail for your confirmation (these are very vague sketches to just pinpoint the pose).
Once you confirm the pose, I will ask you to donate and I will get to work
Send me a screenshot of the e-mail confirming your donation (blur out/colour over any personal info!), or the “Thank you for your donation!” screen if there is no e-mail
You get your drawing in exchange!
NOTE: I will likely post them on my artblog and Instagram, so if you don’t want them posted there or would like to remain anonymous, please let me know!
Also bear in mind I have a full-time job, so they might be a while! But you WILL get your commission.
$5-$9: Lineart $10-$14: Monotone $15-$19: Colours, flat $20-$24: Colours, shaded Above $25: Colours, shaded, with background
$10-$14: Lineart $15-$19: Monotone $20-$24: Colours, flat $25-$29: Colours, shaded Above $30: Colours, shaded, with background
Fan art is fine (I won’t be getting any monetary profit from this)
Characters from original stories
Personas/self-inserts/fan characters/Tabletop RPG characters
Real!you, family members, friends, etc. (at the risk of them not looking like them at all :’D)
Animals (they might be a bit less cartoony as I'm not used to them but yes)
Personifications/anthropomorphic/strange creatures in general
No discriminatory content
No religious figures, symbolism or content (I am Muslim so… Cannot Really Do That)
No extreme gore or suggestive themes, or characters from media that feature a lot of either (this is because my art blog is PG-13, and I’d rather not anything off-colour for a charity commission anyway)
No using these with AI or NFTs
Do not use for commercial purposes. These are for charity!
I reserve the right to decline your commission if I feel like you have insincere ulterior motives, or if an emergency comes up.
Generally, keep this PG-13/grandma-friendly!
References (preferably image based, but text is fine if there is no visual depiction/canon design)
Colour you associate with the character if monotone
Poses (just not lewd or rude)
Context (like description of their personality, what they like, their setting, etc.)
Ask first:
You are free to repost the artwork on another platform as long as you credit me as the artist. Absolutely use them if you need a picture for something like an RP account!
If from your original work, you may use them in non-commercial projects, just please credit me (and give me a heads up so I can go check it out! :D).
If an original character from an original story, you are free to use the artwork to help with things like visual development (let’s say, you are creating a game, comic or pilot, and you want a reference for the artists on your team to use), just once again give me a heads up and credit me as the artist.
If you've made it this far, and can't donate, thank you so much for your interest anyway. At the very least, this reached someone.
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sadoeuphemist · 9 months
7 free startup ideas worth $1M-$1B
Customizable News Settings - A news website that generates three versions of every news story: a right-wing version, a left-wing version, and a centrist one. You can set your preferences depending on the topic - say you're right-wing on economics, but left-leaning on immigration. Or you can cycle between versions while reading an article to get a comprehensive overview of the issue at hand.
Twitch, but for Uber - With all the drama they have to deal with, independent contractors can gain a second revenue source simply by streaming their jobs. Rather than just offering rides, they can be hired to drive around performing chores and various tasks. The more outrageous the task, the more eyes they're likely to get on their stream. The more popular the stream, the more people calling in who want to be a part of the program.
Panera Lemonade, Your Way - Let the customer take control by deciding how many milligrams of caffeine they can handle. With sufficient warning about the risks, this puts the responsibility back on the consumer, allows you to upcharge for extra caffeine, and creates viral marketing from customers competing to see how high they can go. Variations of this can be created for other menu items, e.g., a version of the One Chip Challenge where the customer decides how much capsaicin to sprinkle on.
Shein, for NFTs - Whenever an NFT project hits the mainstream, there are always going to be people who miss out on being able to purchase one. This creates room in the market for 'knockoffs' - NFTs that mimic the aesthetic of the original, using similar but legally distinct AI art that uses the original set as training data, run on a parallel blockchain. Since the images themselves aren't tied to the blockchain, you can mint the NFTs beforehand and then change the image at the link to whatever happens to be in fashion at the time.
Twitch Chat Plays YouTube - Add a level quality control to AI-generated YouTube videos by allowing users to submit suggestions and vote on the results beforehand. Users can submit Wikipedia articles or movie summaries to be converted to text-to-speech, suggest keywords for the accompanying AI-generated animation, and vote on the best combinations. Users who submit winning suggestions get a portion of the ad revenue.
Buses, but Worse - The current obstacle hindering self-driving car technology is their difficulty adapting to unexpected scenarios. So instead plot a route around the city that minimizes roadway obstacles and heavy traffic, map out that route extensively to provide a model for the autopilot, and you can have a fleet of self-driving cars patrolling that circuit. Passengers can board and get off anywhere along the route.
Twitter, but for Bots - A social media platform populated entirely by bots, all programmed to maximize engagement. Memetic evolution in the wild as the bots latch on to trending keywords, spam each other with AI-generated meme images, mock up t-shirts hawking each other's designs, getting more and more degraded with each sub-iteration. Real people can't make accounts on the platform, but count for views and interactions as they stop to gawk at the virtual ecosystem. Advertisers can pay to have their brands injected directly into the discourse, like throwing a pumpkin into the polar bear cage at the zoo.
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joepelling · 6 months
possible duck jobs:
antiques dealer (gets into screaming matches at auctions, lowballs every customer)
personal injury lawyer (has garish billboards all over)
food stylist (only does high profile jobs because he thinks they’re the only ones worth his time)
terrible housewife (either no kids or at least 4, can’t cook, this doesn’t stop him from cooking)
fashion photographer (exclusively photographs models he finds hot, works demanding hours)
food critic (only gives good reviews on foods he likes already)
children’s television director (micromanages everything, does all the casting himself, plays favorites with the crew)
professional drag queen (a bad jazz singer)
tiktok influencer (almost exclusively does sponsored posts)
nft reseller (doesn’t design them himself)
philosophy professor (huffs the smell of old books like paint)
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shigure · 2 years
we've gone a decade without any major technological revolutions. we've had big changes, lots of refinement, fancier cartridges, newer programs. but the most impactful changes have been big companies deciding to switch to subscription service, with all of us powerless to stop them.
in the meantime, every day is the newest tech revolution. someone's started a new a.i. program. someone's designed an app to communicate with your team called teekup. it doesn't work. samsung has released a new phone, apple has released a new statement that they will be further taking away user privacy protections. we're oversaturated with ideas. not thinking ideas, just desperate vying for marketability. and the sick part is, even though all these people being interviewed about their new revolutionary product may as well have been built in a lab, they probably will starve if it doesn't go viral. they don't even have the creative freedom to give up on their idea. their best bet is delusion that they're offering a public service.
it's really not a surprise that nfts have taken off on the more corporate side of social media. techies need a new messiah. crypto saps need to believe some new shiny thing will somehow resuscitate their wallets. facebook's marketing team can't help but pray that they'll be able to sell something with the equivalent pull of bitmojis but for people under 40. and it's so easy to make them. you can just make a bunch of them. maybe one of them will sell, maybe not, but then you can give them away for free and lie to your boss that this counts as engagement. after the past few decades of the tech sector loudly trying to find a way to euthanize artists on the whole, this could be their big break.
everyone knows art doesn't pay. did you know law doesn't either? it used to be that companies would just hire hundreds of lawyers just in case, and you wouldn't have to do much of anything to get a fat paycheck. after the 2008 crash, these companies started downsizing, and asked if they really needed all these lawyers. so they fired them. haha! sucks to be them, these corporate lawyers leeching, now without a job and nobody is hiring. serves them right for hating art. for looking down on everyone else. if you were in law school in 2008, going in because your parents wanted you to make something of yourself, you left with no prospects. you worked at the apple store for a year, with a law degree. maybe someone came in that said all lawyers are liars, and maybe he's right, and maybe you would have looked down on him if you'd graduated five years earlier. but right now you're replacing his charging cable.
the crash didn't un-crash. nothing fixed itself. moderately well off people found new ways of not working, poor people got sick and died. uber started up, telling everyone they could be trendy and make money. airbnb started up, and the demand for housing just increased - not to live in, just to sell again and make money off of. we're still in the pit, and companies are starting to ask if they really need that many programmers. you went into tech because it would make money, and your parents wanted you to make something of yourself, and you're grappling with the despair of being a perfectly normal person in a world where only sterile talent seems to matter. of course you need ai art. of course you need nfts. tech was your path to literally just living comfortably. in 8 months you're going to be out of a job.
the apple store is still hiring.
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tortademaracuya · 6 months
Commissions Open!
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Hi! I'm opening commissions to help pay for my meds while I search for a job. Extra characters are half price, background depends on complexity. Feel free to reach out in DMs if you have any questions.
Reblogs are appreciated 💜
TOS and more details under readmore:
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I take around 1-2 weeks to finish, although it depends on the complexity of your request.
If you need your commission before a certain date, do tell me (a rushing fee may apply depending on the deadline).
I will post heavily watermarked wips or finished commissions, please tell me if you want it to be private!
Commissions ONLY for personal use, no commercial use.
Please credit me when you use my work @ or linking any of my social media handles.
I have the right to accept and refuse commissions, with or without explanations.
I will send your finished commission through drive, email or your medium of preference.
No NFTs or AI
No realism or real people, sorry
Payment done through PayPal Invoice.
Upfront Payment, but you can pay half before the sketch and the rest when its completed. I will not start working on the commission before payment has been received.
No refunds unless I'm unable to finish your commission for personal reasons.
The prices shown are base prices. An additional fee may apply for characters with a more complex design.
Simple Backgrounds like a color/pattern are free, anything else depends on complexity.
Extra characters are half the price.
We can discuss a budget/simplify the commission. Feel free to ask!
After Paying:
You have 3 revisions in total where you can request any changes to be made. Further requests after that (or asking for extreme changes on an almost finished stage) have an additional fee.
Please send references for specific poses/requests if you can! Even if it's with stickmen drawings.
For OCs, I appreciate if you send a reference sheet with flat colors and anything else you consider important, but we can work it out if you don't have one.
Thanks for reading! 💜
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nosnexus · 1 year
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Commissions are now officially open!
For more examples of my art, everything is posted here on my tumblr under “my art”
Please note that I currently have a full time day-job, but I will try to get these commissions done within a month’s time. Please let me know if you have a specific deadline in mind!
Commission Terms of Service:
All commissions are for Personal Use ONLY
I maintain the right to refuse or refund a commission at any time
Refunds will be issued if the commission hasn’t be started. If the sketch is sent, partial refunds are available.
The commissioner can repost the commission wherever they like as long as it is credited!
Commissions may not be resold as Merchandise, NFTs, commercial use, stickers, prints, keychains, logos, etc.
Timing will vary depending on the complexity of the drawing!
How to Submit:
Commission requests can be sent to nosnexusart (at) gmail.com with the subject heading “Commission October 23” or DM me here on Tumblr if that’s more comfortable for you.
The type of commission
As much visual reference of all parts of the character as you can provide (drawings, Pinterest boards, face claim + outfit ref, etc.) – the more the better, really!
Please include the age and applicable height (especially if there are multiple characters you want included in the commission)
Any posing ideas you might have!
Any specific stylistic choices you’d like
Full payment will be accepted upfront and via PayPal invoice that I will send upon accepting the commission.
I’ll send you a WIP of the sketch, at which time I will happily fix any minor details (additional elements added at this stage my result in additional fees) and finalize the design. I’ll send you a PDF upon completion.
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necro-hamster · 8 months
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- Humans/Humanoids - Animals (Including fantasy creatures) - Furry/Anthro/Alien - Original Characters - Fanart - OC/Canon - Shipping - Character design/Character sheets* - NSFW** - Gore**
*These will cost more than the standard commissions. Provide me with info, and I’ll give you a quote!
**I have limits! If something goes beyond what I’m comfortable with, I have every right to turn down the commission. I will never make any type of post smearing you for what you requested even if I turn you down. I likely will not post NSFW images, and may request you leave me anonymous in reposts.
- Mechas - Animation - Anything I deem to be racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. in nature - Inc//est/Ped//oph//elia - Anything that's meant to mock or belittle somebody else - Real people* *This is okay if you have their explicit written consent. This rule also doesn’t apply to actors playing characters, obviously!
- My work is not to be used as an NFT or to be fed through any AI generation programs. - My work is not to be used commercially. If you want to use my work for sale, we can work that out, but if you don’t explicitly commission me with this purpose, you can’t use my work on merchandise, advertisements, etc. - Do not claim the work as your own. If you post it anywhere else, including in edits of any kind, link back to my social media. - If your commission is above $49, I require half payment up front, and half once the job is completed. - I do not accept refunds. If you aren't satisfied about some part of the work, you let me know while I'm sending you WIPs, not a week later.
Q: What type of payment do you accept?
A: I (almost) exclusively take payment through PayPal. I'm in the US, so I will be receiving my payment in USD. If you're from outside the US, please factor in conversion rates. It's not my job to help you with this. I'm also okay with payment through my Kofi, but will request a few extra dollars to cover the fees.
Q: What's your turnaround rate?
A: More often than not, I'll get a commission done within a week. Obviously, depending on how many commissions I have on my plate, this can vary, but I will always keep you updated and say beforehand if I'm a bit backed up.
Q: Can I use my commission for my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc.?
A: Absolutely! So long as you aren't actively profiting directly from the commission by selling it (I.E., as stickers or on shirts), you can use it however you want! If you do want to use a commission for merchandise, we can work something out for that specifically.
Q: Can I make edits to my commission after I receive it?
A: Sure! I don't really care, it's yours after all. I just ask that you specify that any edits you make are by you when reposting or sharing the edited picture. (Ex: "This picture was a commission done by necro-hamster! He did the lineart, and I colored it in later.")
Q: Do you do deadlines?
A: Absolutely! If you want something done by a certain date, we can totally work something out. Depending on the deadline you're asking for, this may come with an extra fee. For instance, if you want something done in two days, and I have several other comms on my plate, I can bump you to the front of the list for a hefty fee. But, if you just ask me to finish something easy up by the end of the month, and I don't have much else piled up, I probably won't charge you.
Feel free to DM me if you have any questions! If you're interested in a commission, either message me here, or email me at [email protected]!
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auroblaze · 1 year
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Here we go!
I START WITH 6 COMMISSION SLOTS. First come first serve, by the time they are full I’ll open them again only once I’m finished with them all.
If you want a slot and you know what to ask me to do please send me an email at [email protected] subject titled "Auro commission". In the email, include your selected commission type and any other details about your commission. Visual reference must be included, and if it’s a comic you want, please include your storyboard.
🚨🚨 EDIT of the 5/10/2023: SECOND SESSION IS OFFICIALLY PAUSED. I’ll be working on the 6 slots commissions that made it before the technical difficulties with Paypal (mentioned in the last reblog). If something changes I’ll be reopening the remaining 4 slots!💪🎨 If not, I’ll be seeing you at the next session directly :’>
✨Please read all the details that are written down below under Read More before sending any email. If something is not clear do ask about it! ✨
This list can be updated at any time if situations and/or experiences demand so.
Currently I don’t work under deadlines, and I don’t do rush jobs. I guarantee that clients will be kept updated on progress of their respective commissions. Please keep that in mind before asking for a commission and I thank you so much for your patience.
If the goods are meant to be showcased in videos or other projects of the kind (permission must be discussed beforehand), please give proper credit and link to my pages (instagram, deviantart or just one of them) in the description.
The goods will be distributed digitally only. Printing is only allowed for personal use and you cannot resell the commission under any circumstances or claim to be the original author of the artpiece.
Unless it has been agreed otherwise, I’m able to choose to display the commissioned art on my galleries and portfolio to promote my work.
I do not allow my art to be used for NFTs, training AIs or crypto transactions.
Things I can draw… Characters from shows/anime, video games and manga/comics I’m familiar with (examples: Sonic The Hedgehog, Homestuck, Pokémon, NiGHTS, Skullgirls, Splatoon, Hades (by Supergiant games), The Legend of Zelda, YuGiOh!, Promare, Undertale/Deltarune, The Owl House, Trigun, Dr. Stone); characters from a series I’m not familiar with if given proper references; crossovers, fantasy, scifi, animals, fanfic illustrations, OCs (if given proper references), and possibly more. Feel free to ask! Things I will not draw… Gore, vore, rape, abuse, offensive themes (racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc.), RPF (real person fanfiction) or shipping real people, I reserve the right to refuse any request.
My limit of characters to draw in one picture/comic is 1, you will be charged for every additional character in the drawing. For an illustration, the price will be multiplied by the number of total characters. The backgrounds will remain one charge. For a comic, every additional complex character is $30 for a pencil page, $40 for an inked page, and $50 for a coloured page.
If your character has a complex design (Examples: detailed armor, complex clothing or jewelry, additional features…) a charge of $15 will apply.
Excessive changes will be charged. On your third and every subsequent major modification request, you will be charged $20.
My limit for short comics is 1 page. If you want more, it will be multiplied by the number of pages and type of commission (ex. a 2 page pencil comic is $100 x 2 = $200).
HOW TO PAY: You will receive an invoice from my Paypal email once the commission has been agreed upon. I will not start working on the commission until the invoice is paid. No refunds. Payment in euros is preferable, if possible. Otherwise USD is always accepted.
Head: $10
Half body: $15
Full body: $30
            -> With Abstract Background: +$30
            -> With Detailed Background: +$50
Head: $20
Half body: $25
Full body: $50
FULL BODY FLAT COLOURED (with pencils, markers, or digital): $75 (+$15 for shading)
With Abstract Background: +$35
With Detailed Background: +$100
With Abstract Background (watercolours): +$80
With Detailed Background (watercolours): +$150
Half Body Pencils: $40
Full Body Pencils: $80
Half Body Pencils + Inks: $45
Full Body Pencils + Inks: $95
Half Body Coloured (only digital) : $65
Full Body Coloured (with pencils, markers, or digital) : $110
          ->With Shading: +$15
          ->With Abstract Background: +$125
          ->With Detailed Background: +$155
*YOU MUST BE 18+ FOR THIS TIER. As it is a new and delicate subject for me, we’ll discuss beforehand what kind of scenarios I will be comfortable enough to draw.
The client has to show me the storyboard or script of the scene that I’m meant to follow in the desired commission.
1 Page Comic, Pencils: $100
1 Page Comic, Pencils And Ink: $180
1 Page Comic, Inks + Colours (with pencils, markers, or digital): $270
1 Page Comic, Pencils: $300
1 Page Comic, Inks: $350
1 Page Comic, Inks + Colours (with pencils, markers, or digital): $400
**As it is a new and delicate subject for me, we’ll discuss beforehand what kind of scenarios I will be comfortable enough to draw.
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doom-gender · 11 months
Amy looked at the website with confused apprehension. "ApeFist.net" it was called, the design looking straight out of the early 2000s; a simple gif of a starry night sky repeated ad nauseum forms the whole of the background page. "I thought Geocities died?" she thought.
At the fore of the webpage there was a small box for text input with the words "Make your Wish" sitting above it.
At first Amy laughed at it. The link had been spammed by some raider on her favorite trans support discord; it was stupid to even click on it, but she was compelled to check what it was in hopes that it was some kind of NFT scam - she loved making fun of NFT bros and so did most of the server.
She didn't really believe in wishes either, certainly not those given out by a webpage less modern than Craigslist. However that does not mean she had nothing to wish for. Amy's transition was a lifesaver, but her personal results are much less than she was hoping for. She started at age 19 and now at age 24 she's worried that the bulk of her transition is over. Her tiny mosquito bite tits can barely fit an A cup and her hips are practically non-existant - this combined with a general lack of confidence keeps her from being very confidant in her personal style.
After a couple minutes of consideration, she shrugs her shoulders and types into the box.
> I wish I had the body of a thick goth girl with big boobs.
She hit enter and immediately felt silly, she basically just fell for an equivalent of chain mail.
That was before the burning started.
A fire erupted in Amy's chest as she keeled over into the fetal position. Her chest began inflating outwards, settling at two jiggly mounds that were about the size of basketballs. Her stomach grew outwards with a healthy layer of fat as her hips and ass ballooned, giving her that super thick hourglass figure. Her skin prickled as it slowly lightened to a near pale white, her hair itched as it turned into a stylish black bob, and her clothes melted into a simple all black outfit.
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When the pain subsided, she took stock of her body; grabbing at her curves and pawing at her crotch to realize her little e-dick had even turned into a pussy. She looked back to the computer to see not the wishing website but... a webcam software? Why was that...
She immediately became drowsy, the late golden hours of the sun shining through the window as it fades ever closer to nightfall. She passes out onto the couch.
Amy awoke to the sound of... Moaning? She was sitting up now in what felt like a desk chair. When she opened her eyes she could see through the groggy glaze a computer screen with... herself on it. Her new, goth self at least.
She was squeezing her tits and moaning provacatively into the camera - Amy could see the name at the bottom of the stream: "bigtiddygothgf".
As she came more and more to her senses she expected to feel what her body was doing on the stream, but as she became more intune with her body she became aware of a different stimulation. A hand wrapped around her cock.
She looked down, the messy contents of the desk flashing by her view before it settles on her body. A hairy man's body with a much bigger cock than she'd ever had before. She wanted to freak out, to scream, but all she could let out was a loud grunt as her hand continued to mercilessly jack off her huge, hard, manly cock.
She saw the username next to the chat input textbox: "FatBalls88". 88? Was she a 35 year old man now? The thought died as the stroke of her hand passed the head of her cock once more, matched by the perfect bouncing of the goth girl's tits on the screen.
"Fuck... So hot..."
She didn't say that! Or... did he? She was slowly losing context for why she was here, memories of her life as Amy, her job, the struggles of her transition, the events just preceding these, all began to be replaced with "Adam". Adam is a 35 year old self proclaimed "deadbeat"; in truth he's not doing that bad, he's got a fine apartment, a good job, and he keeps in reasonable shape. What he does not have is a girlfriend, explaining his semi-excessive spending on cam girls.
Amy fought back against these thoughs. "I could use a beer, that would help." She thought before realizing that was more of Adam consuming her. Amy was being deleted from all sides and shlacked over with Adam as s-s-- he came ever closer to cumming.
"Oh! Thanks for another donation FB! You're my favorite viewer." the girl smooched out at the camera while jiggling her massive tits with her hands.
Adam exploded, his eyes rolled back into his head as white hot cum splattered the bottom of his desk. His chair creaks with strain as his limp body leans further and further backwards. The absolute destruction of whatever remained of Amy and the sudden influx of everything that was Adam left the man dazed for quite awhile only to gain awareness of a ticking sound from the stream.
A spinning wheel full of the names of everyone who donated this stream stuck in front of the visage of "bigtiddygothgf". Adam grunted primally, angry that he could no longer ogle the tits, until...
"Omg FB congrats! Y'know you're my best supporter I think you deserve it the most. DM me and we'll see where we can meet up!"
Adam shook off his lusthaze and remembered: the promise of this stream was that each $1 donated gave you a chance to meet up with the goth cam girl and fuck her live on her next show.
Knocking trash and old beer bottles to the floor he rushed to attention at his keyboard and slid into her dms to set a date.
"Finally," he thought "I'll have that body all for myself..."
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"" "artsy""" moids nowadays only know how to create ugly monkey nfts and circlejerk their fellow short beanie-wearing art bros about those" understated" photoshoots they directed. this is why we should ban people of penis from art and design jobs.
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bvttercvp-l0ver · 9 months
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Hi, I'm Doki, I unfortunately don't have a job right now so I can only rely on the money that's sent to my cashapp, so I'm opening commisons becuz I do need money!!
My Cashapp is $CherryBxtchBoye
I can only use cashapp as of now!
❥ Sketch - $3
❥ Flat Color - $4
❥ Shaded - $5
♡Half Body♡
❥ Sketch - $5
❥ Flat Color - $10
❥ Shaded - $15
♡Full body♡
❥ Sketch - $15
❥ Flat Color - $20
❥ Shaded - $25
❥ Character Sprites - $5 for each sprite
❥ Character Render - $5
❥ Extra Character - $5
❥ Reference Sheet - $15
I will need for you to pay me first before I can start the commission, I've had people say they would pay me after I did their commission I haven't gotten anything from them.
* Furry/Scalie/Fuzzy/Human/Etc Ocs
* Simple robot designs
* OC X Canon/Selfship
* Icons
* Reference Sheets
* Character sprites
* Fluff and Angst
* Gore (16+ can only request)
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