#nexus dick grayson
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The under the red hood final confrontation scene happened right after bludhaven blew up which means at some point during that night Bruce probably thought that there was a high likelihood that two of his sons were dead and that he was responsible for one of them. lol. LMAO even
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Dark Crisis: Nexus Being
For the Dick Grayson Big Bng 2023 hosted by @dickgraysonbigbang. Paired with the lovely @kiwilart check out their beautiful art done for this! (Thanks for being my partner <33)
The grey zones are spheres of shadow that appear on earth with no rhyme nor reason to their occurrence. They block out what is kept in; no signal, no tech, no arcane or supernatural means are able to penetrate through it. And those who go in never come out. Until Dick Grayson came stumbling out of one with a grave look and a lead. And maybe a truth about himself that could be the answer to stop it.
It was another routine evacuation mission. Star City, 3:32pm.
Nightwing swung from building to building for a better vantage point to spot any citizens.
Speedsters and movement-favoured heroes scouted inside buildings to rush them out.
A simple system formed over months of this, especially for him as an adaptable member for any role.
Zone approaching t-minus 5 minutes, his communicator announced before going back to regular levels of activity.
Comms going off one after another. Requests for backup at Zone C for 20 citizens. Land vehicles requesting clearance and navigation en route to rendezvous point.
Many things. But with grappling hook and his humanly physical attributes, he had to stick to his role.
Then— crying, he hears. Young, just a turn away.
Nightwing let go of the grapple and landed at the corner of a junction.
And right next to a parking metre, a child no older than nine from Nightwing's estimates laid curled up on the ground bawling his eyes out in fear. Black hair, small body it was like looking at a picture of himself. weird.
With how packed the junction was with empty cars haphazardly parked in the middle of the road, it was no wonder that the kid was left forgotten. a bad misight on their part.
Where were his parents?
“Hey,” Nightwing kept his voice calm and inviting. a blend of calming a citizen and child rearing, with a bit of levity that could encourage the kid to look at him.
The boy looked up and immediately latched onto him. Still sniffling but less afraid. no speaking, must be overwhelmed by everything poor kid, he thought sympathetically as he stroked his hair and wrapped another arm around his body.
“It’s gonna be scary for a bit but I’ll get you to safety as soon as we can and get you to your parents ok?” he said. “You can close your eyes for this part but I promise I won't let go.”
He felt a small nod. Good enough.
Nightwing adjusted his grip to grapple onto the nearest building out and let gravity guide him.
Nightwing was created from a story. A history passed down to him from his own hero. Superman had always been a stable figure in his life, a lighthouse when he felt lost.
Nightwing was the great rebuilder. Born of redemption and rebirth and he wanted it so badly. The idea that there was something after a name and purpose is gone.
Nightwing was something else to Dick Grayson. An entirely new understanding of what skills he had and how he could use it.
But lately, with the Grey Zones and its uncomfortable feeling of impending doom left him restless. Every week he went on the field to evacuate thousands and migrate them to the nearest refuge. It was stressful. To hear the cries of those that have lost their lives to the black hole of an enemy, to hear begging and pleading of turning back, or the solemn silence of developed apathy.
It always felt as though Dick could do more as a vigilante. Despite all he had done; his relentless training to keep his skills sharp, his connections within the hero community, the actual good he has put into the world. He chalked it up to perfectionism most of the time, but this was different.
As if his identity held another weight. a meaning being formed right in front of him. As if the universe had started calling, humming a crooning tune that beckoned him closer, to an answer or a demise he wasn’t sure.
He felt it the moment they went into this mess.
It was a routine day for the heroes on the west coast of the US. They heard reports of an abnormal darkness spreading and investigated.
Emergency services were already present on the field when they arrived, yet where the road continued to lead off to shadows instead. It was a spherical wall of opaque black, yet swirling like smoke at moments in non-euclidean similarity. They sent off one of their vehicles to go in and report if it was safe to move forward.
Communications malfunctioned as soon as the last glimpse of the ambulance passed through.
They thought they would be better able to pass through and evacuate the citizens left inside.
News broke out that an entire team of heroes were lost to the zone the situation took on a dire light. So the Justice League swiftly acted.
Superman, the face of the League took charge of the first emergency meeting with
The first report of the Grey Zone outside of the United States was the UK.
Then followed by China, Mexico, South Africa. Soon enough, every nation had been plagued with the darkness, entire cities of people left homeless, setting forth hastily formed refugee bases in stadiums, school gyms and convention centres. Because no one knew if they would be hit next. If there was any point in fully stocking these areas if there was a chance that it would be gone the next day.
Six months into this pandemic, Singapore became completely lost to the Grey Zone. A dark spot on the world
The best thinkers in the world working with the brains of the Justice League were coming up empty, every occultist they knew had consulted the supernatural to no avail, the world had long become antsy for some sort of solution but they had nothing.
They were powerless.
The Grey Zone at Star City stopped expanding.
The heroes waited with baited breath. Nightwing on the comms said it would be a tight squeeze to get out in time but he sounded confident. But the likelihood that he did was decreasing every second.
It’s not that there ever has been a case for people to escape the Grey Zone, so really expecting Nightwing to come out of it was a foolish dream.
It’s just that no one could quite believe that something could defeat him. Nightwing has always been an adversary for the notion of impossibility, a human that could bend reality to what he could do, his feats seeming to contradict the laws of the universe. So for him to not make it out was wrong on so many levels.
They waited way longer than they should have.
And he was still gone.
It couldn’t end like this.
Did everyone feel it in the end? The overwhelming feeling of terror down to the bone, washed in cold guilt like ice down his back.
He kept swinging still, muscle memory from a lifetime of vigilante work taking over as he took greater focus on beating the encroaching darkness. He could feel it nip at his back, a constant push and pull of wrapping them in its arms.
But he started slowing. It started speeding up.
His eyes behind his mask widened as the darkness finally swallowed him and the boy in his arms.
He woke up on a cot in the Watchtower’s medbay. Alone except for Batman in the room. No dire injuries, no bandages, nothing physically felt off. The boy.
“W-where is he?” Dick croaked, voice hoarse from disuse.
Batman, seeming to understand, stepped forward and spoke. “When you went back on our radar, you were alone. Team Alpha two days ago reported that you were carrying a child westward to the rendezvous. We couldn’t find him.”
It hurt to hear how he failed in saving a kid’s life. How they both went in but he was the only one that made it.
There really wasn’t much to say after that. Wait— two days?
Batman subtly straightened up, a miniscule action only caught by years of knowing him; the shift of his cape, his jaw shifting slightly, the narrowing of the whites in his eyes.
“How did you get out?”
“I- I don’t know. Just… It’s— they’re?— stealing the colours, the memories, the lives. Everything.”
He couldn’t remember what happened to him before and after.
But the memories rushed through him. Colours to grey, alive to emptiness, a slow death. And most importantly, how he escaped it all.
“That’s not an answer Nightwing and you know that,” Batman squinted in his cowl even further, “You’re hiding something.”
Nightwing pinched his eyebrows, huffing out an approximate to a laugh. God, Batman would never believe what really happened. He was hoping for some more time to formulate something better. Something that made more sense in words than just feelings and inexplicable experiences.
“I- I saw God?” he tried, incredibly bashful in his delivery.
A hum. Continue on then.
“Not really God either. It was like the universe but larger, so much more than what we know but also smaller?”
The words have never failed him before now. He pushed through, “We were in the darkness and I was the only one awake or maybe I was alone?”
He wavered at Bruce’s increasingly wrinkled cowl. “So, it did and now I’m here,” he summarised, raising jazz hands as he uncomfortably looked away.
It was silent. The sterile white of the medbay grew brighter, piercing his eyes, and there was a faint ringing in his ears that only grew louder. Batman just stood there, emotionless as always, then left the room.
As the doors closed, Dick put his head in his hands and groaned as he stewed over what he did wrong.
The Justice League (and the wider hero community in general) could be such mother hens. It's been a week and Nightwing still hasn't been cleared for the field. For the most part, stuck in the Watchtower or the Manor.
Suffice to say that he was going more than stir crazy.
He used to do ground patrol during evacs. An adaptable member on various teams due to his ability to clear out buildings inside out from the top down or bottom up.
Now they were just trying to put him on PR duty till they felt safe to let him out (read: never). They’ve given him first hand accounts, the latest classified world leaders’ meeting, and even evacuation team reports— which just gave him a massive case of FOMO instead. Not that they were having a good time; he’s a workaholic and he misses his work. He just finished reading the evacuation report in Italy, one of his assigned areas too.
Normally, Dick wasn’t opposed to this side of the vigilante lifestyle, he has just as much experience with the public as Superman. But it didn’t feel as fulfilling making notes for Black Canary to address in the next press conference or chairing the next international meeting, than what he really wanted to do.
He knows what he saw. But he had reason to believe that some of them doubted his testimony, and might even assume that he lost a few screws while in there. Hence, Dick being grounded. If he just had more time to process it. Think it all straight and lay it out for Batman just one more time.
At the very least, there are some in the research team who would “look into it”. Not much to go off of, but it could be a start at unravelling the mystery. Although, with the rapid onslaught of new Grey Zones recently, there’s no telling as to when they’ll get to it.
It also brought him to think about the topic he dreaded most, the one he neglected to tell the others just because of how irrational it was: the nature of himself. When Batman found him out, he didn’t know where to start, what to even say. So he made a diversion to steer away from it, let the others focus on the weird trip he went on to hide what he learnt. It was something that shouldn’t be said yet, something he couldn’t verbalise because of how reality will sink in when he does.
Whatever it meant to be a Nexus Being, what it entails, what is so different about him now that he knew about it.
So, he was stuck with his thoughts and the weight of solving this on his own.
He’s running. His breath fogs in the cold, every inhale burning his lungs. But it physically hurts too. A million tiny pieces of debris crawling down his throat, clogging his airways. Every other breath is him hacking his lungs out.
He doesn’t know why he’s still running. He’s stuck isn’t he? He doesn’t know what happened. When the world went dark, it was as if he walked through a doorway and forgot what he was going to get. All he knows is to try and escape. He keeps running on the empty street.
He was carrying something. He forgot what it was.
Every piece of him longs to see the sun again. But with every bound and leap, there’s a growing feeling that he should slow down, to stop.
And it’s incredibly convincing.
If Dick were to recount this tale, if he were to live and get through this, he wouldn’t be able to say that he tried as hard as he could to brush it off. He was tired and weary and call it uncharacteristic, but he stopped.
A wave of tiredness immediately washes over him. Head spinning, he leans on the nearest wall and tries to catch his breath. He coughs every other time, and attempts to stifle them into every third at least. He finally has the time to observe his surroundings thought, and then it hits him.
It wasn’t really dark.
He knows the night. He grew up in the shadows of the Bat, learned to live and blend in with it. Make it home when everything else was still so unfamiliar back then. Don’t get him wrong, the world blurred to grey as he ran and every part of him felt enveloped by blackness but he knows every shade of the sky when it’s dark out and this isn’t it.
The sky above him looked erased, a blank canvas where there should have been substance. It was disorientating, especially when he questioned where the light was emitting from. Because if the sky was… nothingness— best descriptor he had, and there weren’t any lamps lit on the street, nor any light coming from the windows, then where was it coming from?
He double checks his investigation of the place. All the weirdness pointing to supernatural means.
Then he registers figures coming into frame. Appearing out of the fog that limits his vision.
His eyes widen with what he sees.
People. But entirely grayscale as they walk unseeingly and zombielike. They pass by Dick without a second glance. And they’re all heading in one direction, towards the centre where the Grey Zone first started expanding.
He has nothing to do but follow.
Every vigilante worth their salt knew how to create evidence boards, vigilante as in the Bats presenting their discoveries. If only to aid in some finer flaunting.
And as such, it was what he was currently doing to figure out the whole Nexus Being and saving the world problem. Simple.
As of now, he’s dug out an old cork board and a few discarded theories from Research: a tie to the nth metals from that one crisis involving the Dark Multiverse, thus connecting it to the electrum metal flowing through his blood, a possible Court of Owls involvement? Then more about the darkness, the Great Darkness, the Great Evil, the Shadow Creature, etc— Dick had to applaud the list of aliases, but the ambiguous branding could use some work. Digressing, the only two barely connected ideas were the Carter Hall notebook and something about a Sandman?
He was nowhere close to understanding. And it was also a bit of pride stopping him from calling any of Justice League Dark, who he justified as being very preoccupied. It’s an uncomfortable space to be in, being short of an answer you thought you could find out yourself.
He debated on whether he should involve someone else in this. If it was something he should even share. But in reality, those questions covered for the other part of him that was scared he wouldn’t like the answer, mainly that a Nexus Being meant he was a danger to others. If things would change with how others view him.
And a tinier part of him was angry if this was all fate. That he didn’t work as hard as he actually should because of the world intending it so. It’s not as if he couldn’t handle sudden change, but maybe he didn’t want change right now, he was happy with how he was living life, why should something he apparently has always been change that?
It’s those tiny thoughts that spiral and take over what was important. That cloud his mind sometimes from duty. As a hero, he knows what it takes and he knows what he should prioritise.
He buried the Batman in him and dialled Zatanna.
Dick can only describe the trip as a weird cross of dystopian hellscape paired with the uncanny familiarity of Star City. To sum up the rest of his experience though… he is surrounded by people, but they walk as if forced into rigid lines and columns. However, there’s a wide circular berth around Nightwing—he doesn’t feel a compulsion to fit into the status quo, nor does he need to walk in the same as them, so he’s just barrelling through the people out onto the street.
He continued a little ways behind them all as they walked and walked and walked.
He had a sinking feeling in his chest as more people appeared in droves heading the same direction. Junctions allowing a growing crowd to emerge and spill onto the road. As they entered the park gates by Midtown, it finally hits him.
They’re at the epicentre of the Grey Zone, a water fountain frozen in time stood at ground zero. He knew that his team branched off from the park but with the way the people lined themselves in wait around the fountain, it was a detail he couldn’t shake.
Everyone stands stock-still, and as he’s already incredibly unnerved by all of this, he goes to touch someone. He knows him— it takes a while to get his name, Peter, a fan of Nightwing that he once saved who came up to him after the battle to talk about acrobatics. Just a pleasant conversation with a fellow acrobat that makes what he does all worth it.
But he doesn’t get the answer he thought he’d get. Peter doesn’t recognise him. He’s a stranger. And there’s a growing indication that everyone around him is also in this state.
He staggers back and finds himself alone drifting through the cosmos. Alone. At least it’s easier to breathe.
The black canvas and its painted stars. There is a peace in being alone with such beauty, and he takes painless breaths as he watches the glinting galaxies. It’s a nice change but
The peace doesn’t last.
The hair on his neck quivers as he feels a presence behind him. He turns around.
What Dick has on the topic of… whatever is going on, is actually pretty in depth. It’s amazing what someone can do when they have nothing else going on.
He dug up as much as he could but what Zatanna could offer helped more than he could say.
He first had to tell her the whole story from start to finish. The problem was that he never did improve how he told it after the first time. Fortunately, Zatanna was more than capable of understanding of course she was. Dick loves her so much for that.
Who could forget the magician and her reverse words? Her power in knowing the twisting nature of language and the natural state of a confusing world was well suited for Dick’s experiences. His stuttered speech finally comprehensible for the first time?
While she didn’t have time to explain fully, she guided him in the right direction. Zatanna had big duties. A point of contact for the supernatural that the League could rely on (sorry Constantine). She still took the time though, which was much more than what he expected.
She first added onto the Sandman point: “There was this thing he once said, something about a black sun? But he did say it would be his fight if that were to happen.”
“Thankfully, we’re not at that part.” yet he added silently.
“He knows this isn’t it. Always good to take out what isn’t relevant.” And easily as that, Zatanna removed his pin on Dream. It was a loose guess anyway.
“Moving on, what exactly is this?” she tapped an idea he tacked on last minute.
The theory of the reverse universe. So, William Sidis was one of those people Bruce added to his reading list in vigilantism. A moral story of genius pushed into obscurity, and this and that about expanding ideas. But also, how some things can be truer than what meets the eye.
And for this theory, he couldn’t get it out of his head. The laws of the reverse universe work in opposition to theirs. Focused not only on energy, but time as well. Sidis proposed that the organisms in that universe would conceive the past as the future and the future as the past. The past then, becomes something unknown.
And energy instead of dispersing, gathers.
Dick simplified this as much as he could when he relayed it to Zatanna. A rough yet solid idea. But one she couldn’t add any weight to.
“For something like this… I don’t know, Dick. I guess in the same way the Phantom Zone exists, it might be possible. But why here? Why now?”
He couldn’t answer with that statement. “It’s outlandish but almost everything in that book was uncanny. We just need to know how the Grey Zones come into this. I just need to dig further.”
“You mean we?” Zatanna said that with no-nonsense.
Dick pointedly did not answer. She sighed heavily and gave him a long look but didn’t press on it. Has he mentioned that he loves her?
It’s not that he doesn’t trust her. The depth of which he can trust his life in her hands feels infinite. But he can’t bring her into this more than he already has.
They continued on bullet point after bullet point and they would have done so till they exhausted every possibility, extrapolated every piece of information, if not for Zatanna’s comms to go off.
“Oh, duty calls—” she checked her alert—“I gotta get going—something’s going down in Malta? All the best though, Dick.”
After a quick peck on his cheek, she leaned in close and whispered. “You’re not in this alone.”
“Thank you for the help, Zatanna,” he ignored that last statement, definitely a dick move but what else could he say?
She had no idea what a Nexus Being is, coming to the same conclusion he did about focal points and connections. Zatanna did say though, right before she left, that she’d look into it.
He hasn’t decided if that’s a good thing or not.
He takes a step back to take in the whole board. Turn his head to the side, then the other. His eyes widen and he turns on his heel and leaves.
Dick can’t describe what he’s looking at.
The background is simple. The stars and galaxies are still there, twinkling. The purples and blues in a marbling display in his sight, they swirl in his eyes that expand infinitely across his surroundings.
But the entity in front of him is literally beyond comprehension. Any depiction he conjures in his head is wiped. He knows he catches faces appearing, his brain scrambling to find life in there like a jacket over a chair in the middle of the night. Inexplicable images flashing faster than the blink of an eye.
He can work with referring to… them as the anthropomorphic night. More than a lifetime of experience for that honestly.
Contrary to popular belief, he is not given the heavenly task of spreading the word of God. Instead he is greeted with warnings.
He is projected with flashing red errors and every hazard symbol that spells out bad news. He’s a deadly virus, a relentless parasite. He embodies the world in chaos, raging fires, and the apocalypse. He’s at the centre of it all— every finger pointed at his existence.
Dick voicelessly screams into the void. He feels every inch of pain rack his body. He dies over and over again, it’s not the pummelling blows he’s used to, it’s the very breath being taken from his lungs in a constant loop.
He feels himself slip into unconsciousness under the currents of the stars. And he dreams of something called a Nexus Being.
Zatanna doesn’t often find herself listless in her line of work. She has a grocery list of things to attend to in this crisis.
But her thoughts stray to Dick’s situation. The League had been hesitant to say anything about his disappearance and return. For valid reasons too, the questions, the accusations that could pop up— she does not want to be in the PR team’s shoes if that were to happen.
Luckily, or unluckily depending on how you view it, those two days were only stressful for the League who just lost one of their strongest members in both skill and bond.
They push against impossible odds so often that those two days were spent trying to find him, hoping for the business of revival to come to him. It did, but at what cost?
Dick was slightly off-kilter when he came back. Pulling away and retreating into himself despite the League’s attempts at protecting him. Zatanna gets it but Dick is not meant to be cooped up on the ground for so long. She jumped at the opportunity to help.
A fat load of good that did. Now he’s gone again and all that’s left is his mystery board that no one can begin to decode.
But Zatanna knows. She just needs help from a couple others.
End of Part One
#Dick Grayson#Dick Grayson Big Bang 2023#i have a whole lot of stories for this world#but the ending of this will be done soon#Nexus Being Dick Grayson
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here are some fics from my beautiful mutuals that left me in shambles this month:
those million tons of light by mintchocochips absolutely devastating donna character study set right after countdown with a heavy focus on kyle. stunning prose & the most authentic consideration of donna's identity torment nexus + her relationships with all the people in her life. gorgeous allusions + superb examination of canonical moments
Moments After The End by vividities short ficlet for titans/yj graduation day #3 exploring dick's immediate reaction to donna's death. bonus appearance from roy; succinct & gutting with some heartbreaking imagery & dialogue
Passiontide by bigdamnher0 dick in his spyral era. consideration of the impact of nightwing #30 with the most gorgeous and chewy prose. heavy focus on bruce & the kind of devotion they have for each other + a wonderful insight into some of the grayson '14 elements
with golden string by FromStarstuff donna character study. the thesis. will leave you devastated but heart-fulfilled for the kind of love dick & roy have for donna. gorgeous consideration of donna's personhood + the impact of having all that history encased in her + what a terrible and beautiful thing it can be
all we are is an aching that can barely be filled by 2mad4plaid dickroy in outsiders era my absolute beloved. gorgeous depiction of the push and pull they have in this era + insightful consideration of how differently they grieve for donna. compelling character work with beautifully depicted chemistry
Parable of the Friend at Midnight by dustorange tim centric with a gorgeous juxtaposition of his relationships with jack & bruce. bonus features from alfred and dick. stellar internal voice for tim and as always, dustorange's prose is beautiful and layered; reads so authentic to how tim was in this era
memories {like water slipping through your fingers}. by SHINeeNAilee dickroy but make it canon divergent: roy meets ric grayson. there are layers to every moment and mack does such a wonderful exploration of how well roy knows dick & how terrified and untethered ric is till this moment. insane chemistry work
i'm in the business of losing your interest by mintchocochips babs character study set during NML. absolutely stunning insight into some of the behind the scenes moments of barbara's competence and grit. all her complexities are beautifully considered and her desperation + how tired and scared she is, are all tied together wonderfully
burning money by yutro canon divergence where willis todd lives and comes out of prison into a world where jason is dead. absolutely devastating character work and prose for his grief. every vignette packs a punch + a wonderful examination of the dubious ethics of child sidekicks in a way that feels like it could fit right into canon
#pretty much all of these were written in january so if you haven't read any you gotta do it RN#fic recs#dc comics
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thinking about some quotes i’ve read and i wanna hear your thoughts on them because i have a lot and i don’t know what to do with them.
“the day Dick Grayson turns evil is the day the universe ends, not because that day will never come but because the boy will make it come”
“Dick Grayson isn’t the universal constant of good. Dick Grayson is the universal constant of competence”
“So, having said all that, it is a few but definitely significant words that fill the contingency plan on Nightwing in case the hero of Bludhaven ever turns to the dark side. Let's hope that never happens.”
“the day Dick Grayson turns evil is the day the universe ends, not because that day will never come but because the boy will make it come”
This is the truest fact I've ever heard because this is really canon.
Word for word this happened.

In one of the canon timelines Clark laser blasted Bruce under mind control.
And oh how Dick took over. You know what Luthor says?
"After all, as I've heard your father [Dick] so often quoted, 'we make the hardest decisions for those we care about the most.' Well, in his case...that has meant remaking the world."
This man has the power to single-handedly control the fate of the world.
Whatever he wants, he will make it happen.
The entirety of the justice league, all the metas, heroes, and villains too stood no chance against him.
DC vs Vampires

“Dick Grayson isn’t the universal constant of good. Dick Grayson is the universal constant of competence”
I think it's true.
Nightwing is one of the most formidable figures in DC, without fail consistently coming out on top, so if Superman is iterating that Dick's personality and essence of being is the same, then there's really no room for disagreement.
But more truly, I think he is a Nexus.
By Marvel's definition, "Nexus Beings are rare individual entities with the ability to affect probability and thus the future, thereby altering the flow of the Universal Time Stream. These beings, each referred to as a nexus, act as the keystones of the Multiverse and are crucial to its ultimate coherence and stability."
That means that the universe hinges on the actions of Dick Grayson.
Not only does he control the fate of the world but his mere existence determines what will become of it by other people:
I'd like to reiterate that Neux Beings are "the keystones of the Multiverse and are crucial to its ultimate coherence and stability."
You can still be a nexus if you turn dark. For example Lore was a dark version of Wanda Maximoff but she is still considered a nexus. So you're right in saying that Dick Grayson is a multiuniversal constant of competence.
“So, having said all that, it is a few but definitely significant words that fill the contingency plan on Nightwing in case the hero of Bludhaven ever turns to the dark side. Let's hope that never happens.”
In the easiest terms as someone put it, "hope he fucks up" is Bruce's only contingency plan against Nightwing. The man doesn't have a clear plan how to neutralize Nightwing.
His exact words are: "As a result of overanalyzing any situation, this allows Dick Grayson to overconfident and misdirected. This will make himself open to a second attack."
So the plan is basically 'Dick is too smart for his own good so we'll have to go with a lucky surprise attack.' He's literally saying 'yupppp. Let's just hope he messed up because there's nothing we can do on ouR end.' Note that Bruce doesn't even have a back up like 'the second attack didn't work? we're fucked.'
For everyone else he actually has a coherent plan in mind- do this and they will fall. But for Dick? 'I hope he messes up enough for a second attack to actually stick. Otherwise we're shit out of luck. And lives. Fingers crossed he doesn't jump to the bad side.'
Tim also confirmed he would never make a contingency plan for Dick. The only person in the world he wouldn't do one for.
He's just that formidable of a man. Even now he can easily take down the Justice League if he wanted to.
And we know that Dick has one of the strongest wills on the planet.
"I have my enhancements. I have powers. Dick Grayson...what do you have?"
A world where Dick loses his emotions is a world that would not survive.
#canon#dick grayson#nightwing#bruce wayne#batman#clark kent#superman#midnighter#batfamily#dc comics#thanks for the ask!#tiger#cl anon asks#cl asks
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Shows, movies, anime, & cartoons (Organized Alphabetically by TV Title)(pinned) - Message me if any of this is outdated! Organized whump of my posts
Ray Palmer | Arrowverse Jake Peralta | Brooklyn-99 Tangerine | Bullet Train Richard Castle | Castle Ryan | Castle Dexter Morgan | Dexter Johnny Gage | Emergency! (1979) John Carter | E.R. Peter Bishop | Fringe Simon | Firefly Malcolm | Firefly Mike Schmidt | FNAF Movie Tom Mason | Falling Skies Matt Damon | Jason Bourne Jake Green | Jericho (2006) Hawkeye | M*A*S*H Steven Grant | Moon Knight Thomas Shelby | Peaky Blinders Shawn Spencer | Psych Daniel Jackson | SG1 Trip Tucker | Star Trek: Enterprise William Riker | Star Trek: TNG Rodney McKay | SG: Atlantis John Sheppard | SG: Atlantis Sam Winchester | Supernatural (S1-S15) Mark Wahlberg | Ted 2 Hughie | The Boys Shaun Murphey | The Good Doctor Dick Grayson | Titans Rust Cohle | True Detectives Cordell Walker | Walker Ryan Gosling | Multiple movies Owen Strand | 9-1-1 Lone Star
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Johnny Cage | Mortal Kombat
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ngl though, my personal ideal reverse robins scenario (circa bruce in the timestream era) is batman cass with robin dick--if you want to mirror the initial "bruce isn't thrilled about the new child in his house" dynamic on damian's arrival, cass is the one at the circus that night. but she doesn't watch the graysons die--she watches their son watch them die, sees and feels his grief as viscerally as her own, and swoops into action as black bat... and brings a child home with her. she's always been his batman 🥺 ANYWAY the two of them together as a batman-robin duo is insane. two extreme prodigies with preternatural control and understanding of their bodies, their team up moves would be bonkers. I think dick would idolize cass to extremes but struggle with how she just shuts him down regarding his desire for vengeance on his parents' killer rather than really talking him through it.
damian is and stays nightwing when bruce dies, obviously, although while not quite "battle of the cowl" levels he and cass definitely have a knock down drag out verbal argument about it. so he spends a lot of this era sulking in blüdhaven and working with the titans, who include jon kent, yara flor, and irey west. (how is irey here when her dad is a little baby like dick? idk, speedster timestream shenanigans. bart's furious at her for stealing his future time traveller schtick. or maybe the speedster for damian's era could be avery or ace instead? actually yeah, reversing age on the two wallaces makes much more sense lol. anyway.)
duke upgrades from robin to signal and goes haring off across the globe to track bruce through the timestream (possibly taking spoiler!jason with him?). he (and the rest of the robin gang) had taken up the cause in the wake of steph's (and tim's, more on that later) death, when bruce is spiralling and gotham still needs a light ✨ they're so determined that even getting on batman's badside can't stop them, and finally they wear him down. duke (who knows bruce wayne is batman) is the one bruce thinks of as robin, but riko izzy and the gang are still around. (then jason shows up in purple, and he's inducted into the gang for months before bruce finds out there's ANOTHER teenage vigilante running around.)
tim is an oracle equivalent, but this is the one identity I would actually change the name of; I don't know what I would make it, but oracle specifically is deeply connected to babs for me and I'd like to leave it open for her to take up later. (robin IS deeply connected to dick but it's also been given connections to some of the other robins over the years, so I don't think it's unreasonable to keep it in an au like this, especially for how iconic it is. dick of course still gets a really heartbreaking scene connecting this new hero name back to his mother's nickname for him.) (batgirl is open at this point in and time and babs does hit the streets first on her own and then taken under cass's wing while bruce is dead, obviously.) tim doesn't have babs's talent and ability for being a living information nexus but he does have the tech knowledge and the tactical knowledge to still take on a ~big brother~ style hero persona and run a team a la the birds of prey (I would also not actually make them BoP; I would pull the rest of core four young justice + others he pulls in for various jobs); tim's number one advantage as a hero has always been network building and so I would play off that as much as his tech skill. a la steph's faked death in canon, tim's civilian persona is fake dead in this au, and I lean towards making tim an amputee rather than parapalegic, to facilitate interesting conversations between him and babs down the line after she's paralyzed, about what it means to be a disabled hero and how their situations compare and differ.
when steph gets resurrected and eventually takes on the red hood persona, she doesn't know tim is actually alive, because that's juicy. and extra fodder in her vendetta against bruce. tim starts working with the red hood before either him or steph knows who the other is. yes, they have a weird agressive flirtation going on. yes, it only gets worse once they find out. (yes, tim blows up at bruce when he finds out bruce has known/suspected the red hood's identity for a while.) yes, duke, jason, and dick fucking hate working with the two of them because it's super embarassing to listen to their older brother flirt with a mass murderer.
oh, and I'd make charlie gage-radcliffe the bette kane bat-girl equivalent who's like, relatively removed from all of this but also knew and worked with damian when he was a baby robin and has all of the good dirt and they lowkey hate each other but in a, like, frenemies way
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Year 1- 2002.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/s4qWTcR
by Nexus_Squad2650
A few months after defeating shapeshifting aliens who were trying to invade Earth, the Justice League finds themselves dealing with threats from all directions, as well as guarding two kids who know far more than they should.
YOTP 2023 but I rewrote it.
Words: 3898, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of why can't you let me live? (why won't you let me die?) or: Nexus's YOTP 2023
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Encyclopedia Brown, Sally Kimball
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Clark Kent/Lois Lane/Bruce Wayne, Encyclopedia Brown/Sally Kimball, Encyclopedia Brown & Sally Kimball, Bruce Wayne & Everyone, Clark Kent & Everyone, Diana (Wonder Woman) & Everyone
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Minor Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Minor Jason Todd/Rose Wilson, Minor Jonathan Samuel Kent/Damian Wayne, Getting Together, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Bruce Wayne is So Done, Polyamory, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Time Loop, Queerplatonic Relationships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/s4qWTcR
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In light of Dick Grayson being vampire king, here’s a snippet from a wip I’m currently working on…
The day Dick Grayson turns evil is the day the universe ends, not because that day will never come but because he will make it come.
#can you guess who is saying it?#I literally got this quote when I was sleeping#it was wild#I had to wake up and write it down before I forget it#the whole vampire king had the same vibes#I love it#supporting dick grayson rights#while also supporting his wrongs#nexus dick grayson#bamf dick grayson#also please bully me into finishing this fic#deadline is coming soon and I’m still like 30% done#dick grayson#dc vs. vampires#dc vs vampires#dc#vampire dick grayson#vampire nightwing#mine
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Sorry to bring back up a concept from a while ago, but I just found all ur stuff on nexus being Dick Grayson and I am going insane over the concept like it FITS honestly I love it so much
If u have any more ideas etc I would obviously love to hear them but dw this isn’t a demand for ur ideas I just wanted to let u know that I appreciate ur au so much and am rotating nexus being dick Grayson in my mind at all times <3
never apologize for bringing up the nexus dick au babe it's my most self-indulgent thing ever and i love it i love it so much
do i care about dark crisis all that much? no not really. it's got some pretty good moments but overall i'm kinda like meh about it. but when the cover art for dark crisis #7 came out oh dear lord
if this isn't nexus dick idk what is
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Bottom line why the “Tim being fired as Robin was just like Bruce firing Dick, so Dick should’ve known better” thing bothers me so much is it manages to spin things to assume the worst of Dick in all scenarios, while never expecting any of the others to be accountable for their own reactions to being replaced.
What I mean is: if Dick ‘firing’ Tim as Robin and replacing him with Damian is just like Bruce doing the same with Dick and Jason....then why is Tim considered justified in resenting both Damian and Dick for this and holding a grudge for years....but any time Dick is mentioned as having initial animosity towards Jason, its painted as though he should have gotten over it?
Like, look at how mentions of Dick and Jason’s early interactions due to Dick’s rumored animosity to Jason are portrayed in fics....and tell me its anywhere close to as sympathetically rendered as Tim’s resentment towards his own situation is in fics.
Not to mention the facts that Dick didn’t take it out on Jason in canon, and it ISN’T the same as when Bruce fired Dick and made Jason the new Robin without telling him, because Robin WAS Dick’s to give away or share, in a way it never was Bruce’s to do so.
This name that they all have been written as resenting Dick because of, due to how he did or didn’t handle each successive passing of the torch, only EXISTS because of him and his homage to his family. And its so fucked up that the one guy who gets the brunt of the others’ grudges in regards to it, is the one and ONLY person who should have ever had control over its succession in the first place.
Imagine if after Bruce’s parents had been murdered, members of WE’s board of directors bribed people to rob Bruce of his inheritance and control of WE, and had him taken from Alfred and shoved into the system. Imagine if he’d been told Gotham isn’t a good fit for a traumatized kid like him and been taken away from everything he knew and was familiar with and sent to another city to grow up in. If he didn’t have his house anymore, or his belongings, or his parents’ portraits or heirlooms, or anything else that tied him to his parents, his family, the generations that had inhabited his family home before him....imagine if the only thing he had left of all that, the only thing tying him to everything he was ripped away from and not allowed to keep, the only thing he brought with him to this new place he now was expected to grow up in, that he didn’t have to be given by his new guardians....was his mother’s pearl necklace, that let’s say Bruce managed to pocket and hang onto the night they died.
Imagine saying that ANYONE could EVER be justified in taking that pearl necklace, the ONLY thing in this world that is definitively Bruce’s....and giving it away. Demanding he share it or let others wear it. Arguing ‘well its not like you’re wearing it/getting any use out of it/you just keep it lying in a drawer.’
Because that’s what Robin is to Dick. Its his pearl necklace, the only real piece of his family history he could hold onto, that the system couldn’t take away from him, force him to give up.
That’s the thing that’s been passed around and that Dick so often ends up resented for, for having the NERVE to act even slightly possessive of, or like, daring to imagine it might actually be HIS to designate who wears the mantle and when.
Even acknowledging that his brothers have of course added their own bits of family history to it now, does not change the fact that Robin did not exist to BE Batman’s partner. Robin existed because Dick was going to do this whether he had help or not, as we’re so often told in multiple versions of canon, and the only reason Bruce ever let a kid out on the streets to fight crime was because he knew he couldn’t stop him and so figured this was his best chance of keeping him safe. And Robin specifically was the guise and symbolism Dick chose to conduct his own mission in. The name ONLY has meaning because of the meaning it carried for Dick, and that Dick in turn gave to it in the eyes of others.
Like, if you imagine that for a family of entertainers, they saw their life’s work as being about making peoples’ lives a little brighter, lighter, more hopeful after they walked out of their shows than when they’d first walked in......then of course Robin made Batman’s existence brighter, was the light to his darkness, as Tim saw it by the time he became Robin. But not because Dick was TRYING to be that for BATMAN....but because Dick was trying to be that for GOTHAM, period....and Batman by virtue of being at his side, received the most tangible benefits of that.
But that doesn’t mean it was intended that way, it was merely a byproduct due to proximity. And the more the characters and fandom try and cut out Dick as ‘the middle man’ between Batman and their versions of Robin, instead of paying actual acknowledgment to Dick’s place in all of this, the more it ends up that like....this one thing that the member of the Batfamily most INSISTENT on having his own identity outside of Bruce’s partner/shadow/heir, the ONE thing he had that didn’t come from Bruce or the Batfamily, this one thing that was his and his alone, his continuation of his family’s work just in his own new way.....its become like, completely in service to Bruce and his legacy and lineage.
And that’s so...so....blergh.
Robin was Batman’s partner situationally. But Robin was created to connect to a family legacy that only Dick is a nexus point for, because he’s the lynch pin between generations of Flying Graysons and each new sibling to be named Robin.
And to then on top of it try to box Dick out of his connection to it more and more with each succession, like with all the others bearing some kind of grudge or resentment towards the guy who was FORCED to share this in the first place, not even asked, but just EXPECTED to make his peace with it.....and to say that Dick doing this to anyone, at any point, for any reason, could possibly be the same as Bruce taking it and giving it to someone else....
The other Robins are NOT the victims of Dick’s like....entitled handling of HIS family legacy. They’re just not. There’s no way, shape or form, in which anyone EVER has more of a right to the name, colors and mantle of Robin than Dick himself.
And this isn’t a slight against any of the others at all? It doesn’t make them lesser as Robins, because how could it, if Robin makes them all brothers, makes them family, and the original Robin has always said hey, Robin means family, and that’s how we’re brothers.
Its not about ranking them or anything like that, its simply about context.
Jason has Gotham itself. He’s frequently written both in comics and fanon as though like...he’s OF Gotham in a way that even Bruce isn’t, that he’s part of it, part of the streets of the city, its people, its neighborhoods, in a way that none of the rest of the Batfamily ever can compare to. And the others acknowledge this in various ways, in both canon and fanon.
Tim has Drake Industries, his inheritance from his parents, his family name on tons of buildings all bearing the name Drake due to his first family’s contributions to the city and the footprint they left on it. And again, Tim’s status as the heir of Drake Industries is frequently acknowledged in various ways, in canon and fanon.
Same with Damian’s legacy from his mother’s side and his grandfather - for better or worse, its very much acknowledged as being THERE, and his connection to prior generations, and while Cass would likely be more than glad for more distance between her and reminders of her parents, those connections are everpresent in everyone else’s eyes as much as hers.
Only Dick’s connection to HIS past and and his family’s history is like....CONSISTENTLY claimed and appropriated, without anyone ever thinking this is a problem. Sidelined more and more with each new Robin, as the others’ gripes with Dick over his ‘mishandling’ of HIS family inheritance, essentially, all compound and group together, resulting in Dick’s brothers finding solidarity AGAINST him in the name of like...their issues with how he views HIS freaking legacy.
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Final Crisis


In Brainiac's starship, Dolphin, Captain Comet, Rip Hunter, Animal Man, the Atomic Knight, and Adam Strange convince the reviving robot that his memory was tampered with to make him forget the Crisis. Admitting that his power is inadequate to battle the Anti-Monitor, he sets course for the world of a more powerful being. On Earth, the Anti-Monitor's visage is seen in the skies all over the globe. He repeats that the Earth is now in the anti-matter universe. His past victories over positive universes are meaningless, he says, because of the super-heroes' efforts to stop him. When he lists Supergirl and the Flash as casualties, Kid Flash demands to know what has happened.

The Supermen scan the globe and watch the populace panicking. Harbinger appears, and teleports them to a chosen destination, then gathers Dr. Light from Japan, leaving Sunburst to defend the island. When Dr. Light states that she caused Supergirl's death, Harbinger replies that the battle had already killed Supergirl, and that the Anti-Monitor's final attack merely gave her a swift death. In the skies, the darkness splits into a million shadow demons, which begin an all-out attack on humanity, and the super-heroes mass to resist them. The Global Guardians team with other heroes to free their native lands from the threat, but the demons' numbers seem endless. The Phantom Stranger summons Dr. Mist to help revive the Spectre who lies comatose. Below, Harbinger has gathered a large group of heroes, along with Pariah and Alex, to lead a final assault on their nemesis. Alex creates a bridge between universes, and they depart near Apokolips.

Brainiac's ship goes into stationary orbit, and he and his guests teleport to the planet, where Darkseid appears and introduces himself.

Back on Earth, the majority of the heroes are still battling the demons. The Dove is slain by a shadow-being as his brother watches in horror.

In Dr. Fate's Salem tower, the magically powered heroes have gathered to pool their shamanistic might. The Earth-2 Green Lantern and Dr. Occult form the nexus of their energy.

On Qward, in the anti-matter universe, Harbinger and the heroes have arrived in the Anti-Monitor's old headquarters. Kid Flash insists on joining them because of his mentor's demise. Suddenly, an image of the Flash appears to him—the last one Barry cast before his death. Wally follows the afterimage to where an insane Psycho-Pirate clutches at an empty uniform. Kid Flash knocks him out, and realizes that Barry Allen is truly dead when Lady Quark finds his ring. Pariah informs them that a great concentration of evil lies before them. They follow to find a towering Anti-Monitor, ready for the final slaughter.

In Atlantis, Aquaman leads his underwater legions against the shadows. Lori Lemaris saves a trapped Mera with a force beam. A demon closes in on her and kills her. In Chicago, Green Arrow of Earth-2 is killed by a shadow. In Philadelphia, Cyborg, the Son of Vulcan, the Vigilante, and the New Wildcat continue rescue operations.

In New Orleans, Shade the Changing Man witnesses the death of Prince Ra-Man. In Skartaris, Travis Morgan leads his forces against the black menaces. In Gotham City, both Clayface II and the Bug-Eyed Bandit perish at the hands of the demons. In Salem, the tide finally turns. The supernatural crusaders send their combined force in a net of energy to gather the demons from the Earth's surface, and bind them helpless in space. Over the Earth, lives have been lost, including those of Kole, Huntress, and Robin, but other lives have been saved. For a moment, the survivors can take stock.
On Qward, the Supermen of Earth 1 and 2, Captain Atom, Lady Quark, Firehawk, Wonder Woman, and other tarot's strike at the Anti-Monitor, but he ignores their blows, feeding on the energy of a nearby star, As Dr Light absorbs the energy of one of the binary suns they are between, the Anti-Monitor feels his power draining away. Alex begins to drain the anti-matter energy away from their enemy. Negative Woman uses her negative-self to bind the Anti-Monitor and inhibit him: then Harbinger leads all the energy-producing heroes against him, Dr. Light blasts him with the energy of a sun, and he falls into the ruins of his fortress. Alex creates a dimensional hole, large enough to enclose the Earth and return it to its proper universe. The heroes follow. The ball of bound demons hover and then fall on the fallen enemy. Thus, the Anti-Monitor absorbs his slaves energies and rises again, while the heroes start to give battle. Wonder Woman is caught in a withering flash of power, and is borne away to an unknown destination. Superman of Earth-1 and Lady Quark vow deadly revenge, but Kal-L knocks them out, and tells Superboy to take them back. Since he has no world and no wife to return to, the elder Superman has the least to lose. Then he confronts the monstrous Anti-Monitor, and batters him. Superboy sends Superman and Lady Quark back through Alex's shrinking body, and turns to aid him. Superman continues his one-man war against the Anti-Monitor, striking telling blows, while the villain, his power waning, absorbs more energy from the anti-cosmos, and blasts him and Superboy. Darkseid, watching the conflict on a viewscreen, proclaims his planet to be endangered if the Anti-Monitor survives, sends a power burst at him through Alex's eyes. The enemy, devastated, is hurled into the core of one of the binary suns. Superman, Superboy, and Alex are stunned to see the spectre of their enemy rising from the sun. Superman smashes into his foe's fiery body, scattering him: the remains fall back into the sun and the star begins to implode.

They bravely await the end and Superman wishes that Lois could have lived to see their triumph. At that, Alex produces Lois from a void-pocket in his body where she had been sent to wait. She tells her husband that she had been to a tranquil world. Alex cannot return them to Earth but he can take them all to this beautiful world. Superman, Lois, and Superboy opt for that choice. The foursome vanish seconds before the exploding sun would have reached them.

Back on Earth, Lyla is explaining facets of the Crisis to Pariah and Lady Quark. Wonder Woman was returned to the clay which Aphrodite and Athena had given life, then spread across Paradise Island.

Time then continued to reverse itself, as the Amazons were returned to their original homeland before they fled Man's World. Zeus brought the homeless Wonder Woman of Earth-2 and her husband Steve Trevor to Olympus, where they could live peacefully. The bodies of Robin of Earth-2, the Huntress, and Kole were never found. All those who died were mourned. In Keystone City, Jay Garrick determined that Kid Flash's illness was in remission, his body chemistry being changed by a blast from the Anti-Monitor. He could again move at super-speed, though only to a maximum of Mach-1. Wally donned Barry Allen's uniform, and announced, "From this day forth — the Flash lives again!"

The Great Disaster will not exist in the Earth's future, but a lost child will be found in Command D. adopted by General Horatio Tomorrow of the Planeteers, and named Thomas. Jonah Jex will be torn from his era to fight in the future, while the Guardians of the Universe must face the first division in their ranks. Thus, Lyla concludes her tale, and Lady Quark and Pariah ask her to help them explore their new homeworld. They leave with her, honoring the memory of their benefactor, the Monitor. And, in Arkham Asylum, the staff discuss a new patient who seems beyond help, straitjacketed in a rubber-lined room. Roger Hayden, formerly Psycho-Pirate, gibbers about Earths beyond numbers, the Anti-Monitor, and the memories, which only he had been allowed to keep.

Green Arrow (Earth-2)
Robin (Dick Grayson, Earth-2)
Bug-Eyed Bandit
Clayface II (Matt Hagen)
Lori Lemaris
Ten Eyed Man

The ending of Crisis is the only part of it that remains canon after it (as it happened on new earth). Although many things about it will not remain (no one will remember the multiverse, not even the ones that survived it). Same will apply to deaths like Huntress, who will be completely replaced post-crisis.
So, was it worth it? Absolutely. Wolfman’s idea of rebooting the universe every 10 years would have been a great idea, but sales will not always allow for it (this is the reason DC was never able to do a complete reboot, you don’t fix what isn’t broken, namely Batman, Legion of Super-Heroes and the Green Lantern Corps).
As for its legacy, this event is the father of all events. Cross-overs and team-ups have been plenty, not only at DC, since the Golden Age. And while there have been similar events in 1982 and 1984 over at Marvel, they barely had any impact (Spider-symbiote being the one thing to remember). Crisis was a whole different thing. But sadly, it happened at DC, that means that not all the opportunities will be taken seriously.
Crisis offered the chance of a blank slate, but instead, the relaunch was sloppy and as a result, the universe required a soft reboot less than 10 years later. Crisis tie-ins are a good demonstration of how slow DC was to react to what they were doing. They do not match the chapter of the month.
Another interesting example is Wally West, who was restored in the end, with a slower speed, and became the Flash. However, it would take more than a year for Wally to take on his own book. This coincided with Justice League International and the end of Legends. Wonder Woman suffered the same delay as well. There were no plans to what would happen afterwards, because DC wasn’t fully aware of what they just did. They were too busy closing down titles, and the reaction to restart everything was delayed, sometimes by more than 5 years. Fortunately, the man of steel would end the year with one of his most emblematic runs.
As for the story itself, the science makes little sense, but I am willing to forgive those flaws. The essence of the event was to revisit the DCU history, to streamline everything and to showcase every single character they had. It was supposed to launch in 1983, but it had to wait until the 50th anniversary (while a long research had to be done to figure out the full DCU history). This story accomplishes that. The tie-ins... not so much. But Crisis as a story works very well. Without tie-ins.
There is a lot of love poured into it as well, and you can tell. Those final sequences with Alex Luthor, Kal-L, Lois and Superboy-Prime are beautiful and sad at the same time (again, DC would shoot themselves in the foot by desecrating that ending in 2005, but that’s a story for another time).
You cannot imagine another penciler for this story either. George Perez is the god of team-ups. Since then, he had some replacements, most notoriously, Phil Jimenez, but in 1985, it was pretty much him. And the art is so beautiful, and so meaningful, Crisis on Infinite Earths became on of the greatest achievements in comic-book history.
Jerry Ordway had to step in after Giordano and DeCarlo, for reasons I do not know. He was the perfect choice for this event. His style adds some clarity to Perez style, where Tanghal wouldn’t have dared to modify too much. As a result, you get an interesting hybrid. Ordway’s realistic faces, with Perez crazy layouts and detailed backgrounds.
The art in general is something to admire over and over. That scene where the shadow demons break apart and darkness becomes sky... that’s Michael Bay High Octane shit. You are basically watching a disaster movie.
Some of the deaths in this story mean nothing. Losing Green Arrow from Earth-2 or Helena Wayne will not have an impact. But they can seriously affect some readers.
One thing I didn’t mention before, was that New Genesis was actually part of the Crisis, as Darkseid only cloaked Apokolips, but apart from Crisis #10, I haven’t seen anything happening over there in other books.
Now, which version should you buy? All of them.
I grew up reading the spanish adaptation, which was pretty much the original with translated text. Then I bought 1998′s slipcase, which was already re-colored. I really think this one was the best as the wrap-around cover has the full Alex Ross painting. 2015′s deluxe edition includes the History of the DCU, with a new cover by George Perez. Perhaps this one adds more value. There is also a very expensive edition coming at the end of the year that includes all the tie-ins, but as you may have read, not all tie-ins are good or worthy of reading with this saga.
Then I actually recommend the digital version, as this book is so beautiful, you don’t even want to touch it.

I give this story a score of 10
#alex ross#george perez#dc comics#comics#review#1986#modern age#crisis on infinite earths#harbinger#anti-monitor#the monitor#superman#superboy-prime#the flash#kid flash#wally west
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no bc dick is such an.... oldest sibling but like in every aspect of his life. like he’s a fucking trailblazer. the very goddamn first. there was nobody in the “raised-a-hero” game until dick goddamn grayson. the guy has the respect of literally the entire caped community. and he‘s kinda fucking intimidating because he’s fucking nightwing. he quite literally was the blueprint. a living posterboy for how to raise your sidekick. pretty much everyone that came after him hero-worships him to some degree
but he’s also just a guy. like he has off days and a temper and a nasty habit of dying in silence. he can be a manipulative bastard and a petty bitch. he canonically sleeps with people to avoid his own issues. he was sexually assaulted
anyway, i read a fanfic (i’ll link it when i remeber what it is) and it’s about dick having a breakdown in front of jason. and when he cries, jason, in all his vigilante, Red Hood, 6’3” glory, gets scared. because he fucking looked up to him. and because it’s fucking scary to watch people you look up to break down, even if it’s the most healthy thing to do. it’s ugly and scary and it’s so real fuck
dick is so painfully human but also not. he’s a legend. he’s an asshole. he’s a pillar of a stable goddamn universe, and he makes stupid puns and unironically dressed in the largest collar you’ve ever seen in his teens. the closest thing dc has to a nexus being and he got recognized by his literal world famous ass. what an idiot. i love him 🥺
thinking about dick grayson again....
#dick grayson#*sighs dreamily*#i have many feelings#batfam#batfamily#shut up somaya#i am also very tired so there may be some typos#oh well#batman#nightwing#dcu
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Year 1- 2002.
by Nexus_Squad2650
A few months after defeating shapeshifting aliens who were trying to invade Earth, the Justice League finds themselves dealing with threats from all directions, as well as guarding two kids who know far more than they should.
YOTP 2023 but I rewrote it.
Words: 3898, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of why can't you let me live? (why won't you let me die?) or: Nexus's YOTP 2023
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Encyclopedia Brown, Sally Kimball
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Clark Kent/Lois Lane/Bruce Wayne, Encyclopedia Brown/Sally Kimball, Encyclopedia Brown & Sally Kimball, Bruce Wayne & Everyone, Clark Kent & Everyone, Diana (Wonder Woman) & Everyone
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Minor Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Minor Jason Todd/Rose Wilson, Minor Jonathan Samuel Kent/Damian Wayne, Getting Together, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Bruce Wayne is So Done, Polyamory, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Time Loop, Queerplatonic Relationships
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46540432
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Remember Dick being a Nexus? This is a fanfic that kinda plays with the same idea, I thought you would enjoy :D "It's a simulation" by queenofquarrantine
oh holy shit a 100k word fic about nexus dick grayson??? i know what i'm reading this weekend, thanks vv much for this babe
#this is. sO incredible. so many kudos to the author already#i just think that nexus!dick-#nexus dick grayson
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics), Nightwing (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dick Grayson & Everyone, Batfamily Members & Dick Grayson Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Clark Kent, DCU Ensemble Additional Tags: Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, getting to discover what the absence of a multiversal constant could do to a universe, accidental "it's a wonderful life" AU, Dimension Travel, Minor Character Death, Protective Dick Grayson, totally a self-indulgent fic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Additional Warnings In Author's Note Summary:
Dick's already feeling at the end of his rope when an encounter with Death sends him into another universe. Where his counterpart has already died, aged 11. How did young Dick’s death affect that universe? Will this Dick fit into this new universe or will he follow in the steps of his counterpart? Will he ever find a way back home?
#this thing is finally out#i just hope you guys like it#thank you dustorange#this one is for you#would really love to hear your thoughts and if you like the idea#messages are open if anyone wants to talk (or bully me to write more)#nexus dick grayson#dick grayson#fic rec
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zatanna said the word anchor point, and that's where she lost dick. anchor points and multiversal constants and universal stability. galaxies shattering into pieces behind his eyelids before swirling together tighter and more whole, before dick would inevitably wake, the lights from that goddamn recurring dream still flashing in his mind.
constantine was looking at him with sympathy, pity. dick wanted to wipe that look off his face with bleach. with acid. he normally wouldn't consider fighting john constantine, since he's always been able to sense the sheer power bubbling under the man's drunken and sloppy exterior. though, apparently, that ability to sense was what could possibly give him the edge in the fight he was imagining, but would never happen.
there were only a few people in the room, but someone would rip him off the man. maybe clark, whose features were painted with worry and concern. that, and the lights from the galaxies outside the watchtower windows, the eternity of the galaxy covering the entire room in a gentle wash that dick had been able to ignore for all of his life, excluding the past couple of hours. maybe diana, who was starting to look at dick with a bit of fear. not of him, but for him, and for everybody else. dick couldn't blame her. she had more than enough experience with powerful men who made themselves god. the only difference was that dick would rather let himself burn up from the flame that was inside of him before becoming whatever they said he was.
it's not about becoming, raven whispered in his mind. her presence was gentle, familiar. it took a certain length of self control for dick not to latch onto her, about the length of rope needed to make a noose. you already are. there are no new powers or abilities or anything that will happen to you. you always were a nexus being, and you always will be. it's just a part of you.
"just a part of him." just a part of him? like how wally's slowly failing heart had just been a part of him? or how jason's pit-induced fits of rage were just a part of him? or how cass' assassin training she fell back on no matter how hard she tried to override it was just a part of her?
bruce hadn't said anything. actually, zatanna had stopped talking, not that dick had been fully listening in the first place, and everyone was lost in their own quiet thoughts. but bruce's silence had been the most stomach-churning, the most horrific.
dick knew bruce didn't like metas. knew it because of the sighs he used to make due to the league's foolishness back when dick was robin, running a hand through dick's ruffled hair and telling him he was so glad you're not like them, dick, they're exhausting. he knew it because of bruce's fury every time someone powerful fought in gotham and destroyed the city, rubble on the ground as they went off, completely unconcerned of the damage they left behind. he knew it because of the extensive files in the batcomputer detailing each league-affiliated and known meta's weakness, or how their strength could be flipped like a playing card, until dick was almost convinced being a meta made one weaker. (according to bruce, it did.)
bruce didn't like metas. and dick wasn't a meta, but no one knew what he was anyway. no one but the magic users, whose vague explanations told them they weren't really sure what he was either.
"you're connected to the universe, dick," zatanna sighed. "the multiverse comes together in you. and as much as i don't like it, we need you."
all eyes were on him. dick was looking at his feet, but he could still feel them. that was one of his new "powers," right? knowledge of the multiverse? a gross misuse and bitter accusation, dick knew. but he couldn't get the fear out of his mind, and fear left unchecked grew fuzzy with mold until it disintegrated into anger.
"you need me?" dick said hoarsely. "the multiverse, what, comes together in me? you do realize what utter bullshit that sounds like?"
"i know it don't seem all that good, but trust me," constantine said. "it's a thing. it's real. you are one."
"you said these people are supposed to be beings of power," dick argued back. "so why aren't you a nexus being? or raven? or fucking ra's al ghul. i'm sure as hell not a being of power. i'm human."
"i suppose that's exactly what makes you one," diana murmured. "i have met many powerful men in my life. i've found the ones that i respected the most were the ones that were most in touch with their humanity."
this was crazy. this was crazy. dick felt like the particles that came together to make him were blowing away in confusion until he was one big cloud of unrecognizable light, before he was scattered in every direction. how the hell was he supposed to be one of the things that kept the universe together when he couldn't even keep his own damn self together?
avoiding bruce wasn't working. dick just felt like he was about to fray at the edges. so, gathering up his courage, dick turned to face the man and quietly, in a voice more delicate than china, said, "b?"
batman didn't look at him. batman didn't even look up. but batman did speak.
"alternate universe superman. he called you the multiversal constant. the one thing he could depend on."
out of the corner of his eye, dick could see clark nodding a little.
bruce continued. "you named yourself after a mythological figure who was known as the catalyst of change. or the great rebuilder. and kryptonians we've met have said how well you embody the role."
"it's...it's just a name, bruce."
"you, of all people, know it's not," clark said.
"so what am i supposed to do, huh?" dick whirled around. "fight this battle zee's recruiting me for that's entirely above my skill level. become some sort of, what did you say, universal anchor? i don't know the first thing about this shit, and i don't know what it'll do to me!"
"you're scared," bruce said, always willing to cut right to the chase with everyone but himself.
dick didn't answer.
"raven, establish a mental link between me and nightwing."
raven nodded, then with a flutter of her hands, dick felt a presence inside his head. it scared him to realize how easily he accepted it, how easily he had always accepted it. he never understood how unusual that was until now.
of course i'm scared, dick whispered into the mind link. i've gone my entire life knowing exactly who i was, what i could do, what i strive to be. and in the span of one day, that's all gone.
then what do you plan to do about it? bruce asked.
he said it so simply, so easily. like discovering something this monumental about himself was just another tricky case or difficult puzzle to solve. dick would have an easier time plucking each and every star in the galaxy and making a mosiac out of them.
raven's hood was lowered, but dick could still feel her eyes on him. constantine's features were still dripping in pity, zee looked imploring. diana was looking at him with hesitating acceptance, bruce was unreadable as always.
but clark. clark was looking at him with steady eyes and and a kind smile. he looked knowing, quietly vindicated. it was as if he'd known there was something...off about dick. something two hopscotches and a backbend away from "special," but close enough. something that had led to clark giving dick a piece of his people's legacy, and trusting him to fulfill it to the best of his ability.
clark wasn't scared of him at all. but clark couldn't make up for bruce.
"will you help?" zatanna asked.
everything inside dick was itching to say yes. jumping at the chance to help his friends, aching to be useful. it was a response he'd carefully cultivated years ago, and pushing it down was an almost physical ache.
but the stardust behind his eyes wasn't so easily forgotten. the hook behind his navel that seemed to drag him into the fabric of a universe that dick couldn't comprehend still dug into him. the world was spinning and the stars were turning and the earth was tumbling over itself, all of them in an effort to stop their twisting and turning and to right themselves once and for all. but dick wasn't moving. dick was completely, utterly still.
"i don't know," he said.
Dick Grayson Anniversary Week ‘21, Day 6: Universal Constant
"i don't know," the author says, because she truly has no idea what the fuck she just wrote. i started imagining nexus dick grayson and this just spilled out onto the page. it makes absolutely no sense, but there are some nice sentences in there that i don't want to get rid of, so hopefully yall can somewhat make sense of this ramen soup of a fic.
tag list: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan @screennamealreadyused @subtleappreciation @bikoncon @catxsnow @pricetagofficial @maplumebleue-blog-blog @sundownridge @thatsthewhump @dickgraysonweek
#scribbles from the swamp#dickgraysonweek2021#dick grayson#nightwing#nexus beings#nexus dick grayson#dick grayson headcanon#dick grayson fic#nightwing headcanon#nightwing fic#nexus beings headcanon#nexus beings fic#nexus dick grayson headcanon#nexus dick grayson fic#dc#dc headcanon#dc fic
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