#next up on my list is gonna be the yaoi
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ferfbish · 5 months ago
What your spooky month pfp says about you!
all my muts @mayisgoingnuts @bulldog-geckorahhhhh @candyclazzyashton @0pumpkinpie @lolipoptheclown @roy-shenanigans whoooo!
(note im not a expert on people and why they like things so if you cant relate to some of these go talk to god or something idk) (one more thing no images cuz my computer sucks and it takes forever)
kevin: overworked, overstimulated, underpaid, GAY next
skid: you are a being of complete destruction for no reason other than ''I can and I will'' and the ADHD of the two.
pump: you also are a being of conplete destruction for no reason other than ''I can and I will" you also dont have autism you have ''awwwtisum''.
happy fella: you took that ''imma little trash rat'' to heart and i love you for that.
bob: you either like him cuz hes you energy or your that ''i wanna fuck your beekeeping dad" meme.
lila: you are the mom of the group or you wish your mom was like her.
father gregor: im forced to think your also a gf fan cuz ant no way your not a MASSIVE yoai shipper also 85% chance your a mad gilf lover.
skids dad: you prob started a cult on discord when you were 12 for funnsies.
moluch: you kin him cuz you got mad anger issues you also are that ''i eat kids'' meme.
roy: your 90% of sm fans you most definitely got that cartman swagg and im willing to bet you say something like ''i will cry scream and through up in that order if xyandz doesn't happen'' same babe same.
ross: you took the one guy with the least voice lines out of anybody and went like ''i love him i love him so much''.
robert: your cool and better than them all. * cough cough awwwtisum
streber: ok i went over this list like 30 times in my head and all i could think is yaoi shipper cuz like he looks cool, he likes Halloween, hes gay and he got de armed those first three things ARE LITTERLY ALL OF US.
the clown: clownergy.
john: yaoi shipper but depressed.
jack: basic sorry.
dexter: dog person, autistic.
patty: depressed also youd be like the bill has a gun meme if you had a gun. *cough cough lesbian
candy dealer: you dissapoint me like HES JUST A FUCKING HAT YOU ARE SIMPING FOR A FUCKING HAT????????????????.
juan: you like lesbians, as you should as you should.
radford: you like one of the better ships, idk he cool.
roys mom: you looked at the 20sec she was on screen and went like "i mean shes an asshole but DAMM IS SHE FINE" which same my pfp would be her if i didint like robert more.
the guy who keeps quitting his job (i forgor his name): you gave up before you even started: hes one of the smarter ones tbh bro went like ''im not gonna get murderd over a shitty underpaying candy job fuck this".
alright thats all i could think of. if i missed any let me know and i might make a part two. i hope some of you are offended i want all the smoke losers.
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absolutebl · 6 months ago
Hello ABL. First of all, let me just say, that I love your devotion to Seven Days. It was my very first bl and what got me to discover the genre. Of course it was all downhill from there lol. Just kidding. Maybe... Anyway. I've been doing this thing since the beginning of the year where I watch older jbls (usually before 2020, although that is not old by any stretch) to kinda get a broader view of the genre in Japan. I haven't been in this for that long so I'm still catching up. Some of the stuff I've watched so far. All the Pornographer series/films ; Dangerous Drugs of Sex; Takimu-kun 1 & 2; Junjou (2010); Athlete (2019) Udagawachou de Matteteyo (2015); Ai no Kotodama (2008) No Touching At All (2014) ; The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese (2020). I've also watched things like His (series and film), Restart coming back home, Life Love on the Line, and I'm probably missing a couple but not a lot. So I was wondering if you had more recs for me. Anything you can think would fit with what I'm trying to do.
Thanks so much for your time.
Hi darling!
You're missing Boys Love, both of them. If you can stomach it.
Did you see my History of Japan thingy? I'd say try to hit everything discussed in that post: (The top 10 is out of date tho)
And the ones I picked from Japan for the 101 Syllabus
Apart from that's I'm gonna just give you my list of older JBL stuff. I put a * next ones often referenced in the zeitgeist of weedy discussions here on Tumblr in particular, some of which you already mentioned but I just want it to be as complete as possible. These are by date (sort of).
Older Japanese BL (Live Action Yaoi)
* Boys Love 2006
* Boys Love: The Movie AKA Boys Love 2 AKA Schoolboy Crush 2007
Itsuka no Kimi e 2007
Asymmetry 2008
* Forbidden Love 2008
Gymnasium Baby AKA Taiikukan Baby 2008
Melody of Our Love AKA Bokura no Ai no Kanade 2008
Ai no Kotodama 2008
Ai no Kotodama 2: Sekai no Hate Made 2010
* Takumi-kun 1: And The Spring Breeze Whispers 2007
* Takumi-kun 2: Rainbow Colored Glass 2009
Takumi-kun 3: The Beauty of Detail 2010
Takumi-kun 4: Pure 2010
Takumi-kun 5: That, Sunny Blue Sky 2011
* Junjou: Pure Heart 2010
Fujimi Orchestra 2012
Shape of Happiness 1 AKA Love Place: Hakanaki Kata Omoi - Gaiya no Koi 2013
Shape of Happiness 2 AKA Love Place: Shiawase no Katachi 2013
Coming Out AKA Kamgu Auto 2014
* No Touching At All AKA Doushitemo Furetakunai 2014
* Same Difference AKA Docchi Mo Docchi 2014
Forever Summer 2015
* Wait For Me at Udagawachou AKA Udagawachou de Matteteyo 2015
Candy and Kiss 2015
* Seven Days AKA Seven Days: Monday-Thursday AND Seven Days: Friday-Sunday 2 parts 2015
* Double Mints 2017
* Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru 2017
* The Novelist AKA Pornographer (Pornographer series) 2018
Mood Indigo (Pornographer series) 2019
Pornographer Playback (Pornographer series) 2021
* Does the Flower Bloom? 2018
* Ossan's Love (original) 2018
* The Shortest Distance is Round (Noir) AKA Saitankyori wa Mawari Kudokute 2019
The Shortest Distance is Round (Blanc)
The Shortest Distance 3: Fallen Flowers AKA Saitankyori Wa Mawari Kudokute: Rakka Ryūsui 2020
The Shortest Distance is Round 2: Rain and Soda AKA Saitankyori wa Mawari Kudokute: Ame to Soda Mizu 2020
* His the series: I Didn't Think I Would Fall In Love AKA His - Koisuru Tsumori Nante Nakatta 2019
Athlete 2019
* What Did You Eat Yesterday? AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? 2019
* The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese AKA Kyuso wa Chizu no Yume wo Miru 2020
* Dangerous Drugs of Sex AKA Sei no Gekiyaku 2020
* Love Stage!! AKA Rabu Suteiji 2020
The Reason Why He Fell In Love With Me AKA Kare ga Boku ni Koishita Wake 2020
The Reason Why He Fell In Love With Me 2 AKA Kare ga Boku ni Koishita Wake 2 2021
* His the movie 2020
* Life: Love on the Line AKA Life Senjou no Bokura 2020
* Restart AKA Restart After Come Back Home AKA Risutato wa tadaima no ato de 2020
* Cherry Magic AKA 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard AKA 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii AKA Cheri Maho 2020
Post 2021 - A few lesser knows that might be worth it
Given 2021
Kiss Kiss Kiss series
The 8.2 Second Rule AKA 8.2 Byo no Hosoku
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eebeewrites · 1 month ago
Something abt Callon and Alex brings back 2009 fujoshi XD vibes to me and I don’t know why.
it should be clear whos who now, but the color coding does in fact make my brain go brr. its so pretty :) also we get more indepth intros to the rest of his friends so. yay!
i don't know what to title this so
Self-Indulgent Yaoi With Two Side Characters I Wrote At 7AM For No Goddamn Reason
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You started to enjoy hanging out at his practices. You had been getting to know everyone a lot better, and had gotten to learn everyone’s names (finally). The dynamics between some of them were certainly entertaining.
Taleisin sat at the far left of the row of computers, with Anthony sitting next to him.
You knew Anthony, the team’s jungler, fairly well at this point; he was in the same major as Taleisin, and despite being quiet, he had always been kind to you. He was also arguably the most…normal, out of the five of them. The two seemed fairly close, both starting college and the team at the same time.
It wasn’t abnormal for him to come over to the apartment, the two of them working late into the night on whatever project they had been assigned. While Tali was smart, he often struggled staying focused and organized; that was where Anthony came in.
🟢: I hate to ask but could you do me a favor 🩷: what’s up? 🟢: can you please make sure Taleisin takes his meds today? Yesterday he said he forgot and it was…rough, to say the least 🩷: what happened? 🟢: nothing awful, we just got zero work done and he just infodumped about airplanes for two hours 🩷: yeah that checks out. I’ll remind him
It wasn’t that Taleisin refused to take care of himself, but he was certainly forgetful to say the least. Forgetting his meds, to drink water, to eat, all were common occurrences. Apparently, you coming into the picture had made things a bit easier for everyone.
Sitting towards the right of him was Ezra, their top laner. He had a habit of being impulsive; if anyone was going to do something stupid for jokes, it’d be him, and he’d be loud enough to let everyone know. He had a tendency to be a bit dramatic at times, but nothing he ever said was out of malice.
🟡: are you bringing treats this week 🩷: I wasn’t planning on it, I’ve been kinda busy 🟡: :( 🟡: now I’m gonna STARVE
To the right of him was Alex, their ADC. He had a habit of being a bit hot-headed, but he never directed it at his teammates. Apparently, this was a welcome change from last year. He had been chat-restricted in game a few times, and Taleisin had to gently tell him he couldn’t play for the school if his account got banned.
🧡: okay so 🔴: it’s not like I called him a slur 🧡: brother you didn’t even let me FINISH 🔴: WHAT FUCKING IDIOT GOES HEARTSTEEL ON JANNA 🧡: now you’re yelling at me. 🔴: this is a DISCORD DM.
It was odd; the person he seemed to get mad at the most was absolutely, without a doubt, Callon. Being the team’s support player, the two shared quite a bit of time together in game. If you looked either of them up, you could see when they weren’t playing with the team, they were almost always playing with each other.
🧡: it’s very cute how you guys duo together <3 🔴: it’s called practice dipshit 🔵: he carries me ❤️ 🔴: fuck off 🔵: okayyyyy :3
Anytime Alex seemed to lose his cool, Callon never got upset; he would just laugh, giggling like a school girl. Somehow, that seemed to calm Alex down.
Callon was always a little weird. He had straight up flirted with you the first time you met, but you quickly learned he flirted with everyone. Once Taleisin told him off, you were erased from his list. Something you noticed though, was he seemed to flirt with Alex more than anyone else.
It seemed counterintuitive. Most of the time, Callon’s antics seemed to calm Alex down. When he flirted with him, it only riled him back up. Yet…that seemed to be his goal.
Callon leaned down behind Alex’s chair, wrapping his arms around his neck. Alex immediately moved away. “Dude, get off me.” Despite his tone, his cheeks turned pink.
“Fine,” he sighed, standing up and sitting back down. “You’re no fun.”
“No, you’re just being fucking weird.”
Callon looked him up and down, watching as Alex awkwardly tried to hide the tent in his pants as he pulled his chair in. He wouldn't tease him so often if he didn't make it so easy. He had hardly even done anything, just got close enough to touch him, and that was enough. Yet, he'd never admit how he felt; even if drove him crazy.
“Right. I’m the weird one. Keep telling yourself that,” he winked. He redirected his attention to his computer screen, but his attention was quickly redirected by the buzz of his phone.
🔴: stop touching me in public 🔵: that makes it sound like you want me to touch you in private :P 🔴: no that’s not 🔴: no 🔴: I fucking hate you 🔵: you wanna fuck me so bad you look stupid 🔴: I’m not gay 🔵: ...anyway. 🔴: fuck off 🔵: hear me out 🔴: no 🔵: motherfucker I haven’t said anything yet 🔵: anyway 🔵: after this game I’m gonna go get water 🔵: but I’m gonna take the back stairwell instead of the one out front 🔵: if you’d like to join me in said stairwell that no one ever uses and is empty literally all of the time 🔵: maybe I can help you :P
Callon looked back at him, watching as he read his last few messages. He watched his face turn an even darker shade of pink, and he knew he had gotten in his head. The question was if he'd actually do anything rather than their cat and mouse games of flirting at practice and on Discord.
He’d just have to wait for the next game to be over.
Of course, to their luck, it lasted fifty minutes; almost double the length of their last game. Every time they’d move to close out the game, something would set them back.
It was unbearable.
Once the game was done, Callon did exactly what he said he’d do. He got up, went to the back stairwell, and waited.
“Five minutes,” he thought. “If he doesn’t come in five minutes, then it’s whatever.”
It only took Alex two.
Callon leaned against the wall, smiling at him. “You know, you can always just-”
Before he could get another word in, Alex pinned his arms to the wall and kissed him feverishly. It certainly wasn’t what Callum was expecting, but…he wasn’t complaining. He was even more surprised when he felt Alex’s tongue slide into his mouth, but he eagerly reciprocated the gesture.
When Alex finally pulled away, the two stared at each other, breathing and flushed.
“So…?” Callon grinned, placing his hand alongside Alex’s covered cock, running it back and forth. “What did you think?”
“I…we don’t have much time.”
“Way to dodge the question,” he said with a laugh. “Besides, it’s not like Taleisin and his girlfriend haven’t snuck off between games before. We’re fine.” He got on his knees, undoing Alex’s pants as he felt his hand behind his head.
“Wow, you must really like me,” he teased, rubbing his thumb on the head of his cock, the precum still dripping out. He rubbed it along his cock, getting it as wet as he could before taking it in his mouth.
Alex watched carefully; Callon didn’t even hesitate, his tongue licking his shaft from top to bottom before bobbing his head up and down on his cock.
Alex tried to stifle his moans, watching as his friend dutifully serviced his cock. He couldn’t help himself, slowly thrusting into his mouth and feeling him take even more of his cock down his throat. He choked on it, but kept going, deepthroating his friend’s cock and getting it wet with his spit. He didn't think Callon would've been bad at it, he hoped he'd be good, but...he didn't expect him to be so eager about it.
He stopped, looking up at Alex. "You know, you don't have to hide that you're enjoying this," he teased, returning to licking the base of his cock before he could respond.
"I-" he let out another moan, holding his hand over his mouth, gripping Callon's hair even tighter. He wouldn't admit it, but he had never felt anything like this before. Something about Callon's enthusiasm, the way he looked up at him, he couldn't take it.
When Callon wrapped his lips around his cock once more, he couldn't help himself. He grabbed the back of Callon's head once more, and started to move faster. The sound of him choking on his cock, the feeling of his warm throat, the look in his eyes, he couldn't take it.
He threw his head back, letting out another moan before spilling his seed into Callon's mouth. He watched as he happily swallowed it all, looking back up at him with that same, stupid smile on his face.
"I..." he mumbled, "Sorry, I didn't think I'd..." he bit his lip.
"No, that was the goal," he wiped the spit away from his mouth before standing up. "What, did you seriously think I'd let you fuck me here?"
"Well, I-"
"Because I would've, but it's cool. Besides, we have things to do. Anyway, I'll see you back inside." He collected himself, then walked away like nothing happened, leaving Alex stunned.
"Did that...did that actually happen?" He took a deep breath, watching as the door shut behind Callon. He looked down at his wet cock, remnants of his seed dripping onto the floor. Flustered and embarrassed, he put himself back together, and walked back inside.
Callon walked back in, looking confident as ever. When Alex followed a few minutes later, keeping his head down and avoiding eye contact with anyone you knew exactly what happened.
🩷: callon and alex are fucking btw 🧡: WHAT 🩷: dude look at them 🧡: wym 🩷: both left at the same time, both came back at the same time, look at their faces 🩷: they're totally fucking 🧡: hmm idk, theyre just kinda like that yk?
🟡: someone fucking nutted in the stairwell 🟡: i hate this god damn school 🔵: lmao wtf 🔵: tali do you have something you'd like to share with the class 🧡: ??????????????????? 🧡: what the fuck are you on about
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this was so fucking self-indulgent. this is what i get for listening to horny vocaloid songs on repeat. i hope you enjoyed it!! i know its not my usual stuff, but i love some toxic yaoi. might write more of these two. might not. unsure!! but theyre fun :D this was written mostly like within two hours after i woke up on a whim JLK;FDSKAD
alex as soon as practice ends:
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yea hes got issues. bro is in denial.
callon really is the character of all time. hes in the mafia. hes bisexual. he plays league of legends. hes killed a man. hes in a fraternity. what a guy
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amyoffline · 12 days ago
a playlist for those of us in the throes of phupload withdrawal:
good morning, phannies! this was inspired by a text post @autisticdnp made and @foolish-took reblogged last week. idk if any of these songs are "niche" given that 1) personalized algorithms currently dominate music discovery and 2) my parents grew up in the 70s, so many of these artists were already familiar to me. but who cares? i made a playlist. a phlaylist, if you will.
full track listing (btw, the runtime on this is the perfect length to burn to a CD). along with a web weave-ish selection of lyrics and my thoughts on each track's inclusion:
1) "I've Got to Have You" - Carly Simon (1971)
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i shan't say it. just kidding - dailybooth era. you know the post.
2) "Either or Both" - Phoebe Snow (1974)
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romantic or platonic? either. both.
3) "If" - Bread (1971)
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dedicating this one to the we're all doomed skeleton
4) "This Guy's in Love with You" - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass (1968)
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"this guy" being the singer. this is a romantic comedy in song form. why have i not seen it featured in a single songfic in my 12+ years in online fandom???
5) "How 'Bout Us" - Champaign (1981)
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shoutout to the commenter on shanspeare's larry video who said phan got the good ending in the doomed yaoi cinematic universe.
6) "Happy" - Carpenters (1975)
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don't mind me. i'm just gnawing at the bars of my enclosure. about dnp and about karen carpenter.
7) "Intimate Friends" - Eddie Kendricks (1977)
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a sexy song? nope, no idea what you're talking about. nothing to see here. just a pair of comic lads and intimate friends.
8) "French Waltz" - Nicolette Larson (1978)
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9) "And I Love You So" - Don McLean (1970)
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[punches through drywall] they're next to each other in life
10) "Still...You Turn Me On" - Emerson, Lake & Palmer (1973)
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if nothing else, spending a whole day working on this playlist was worth it because it reminded me to put ELP back in my work music rotation.
11) 「人魚になりたい」 [Romanized / English: "Ningyo Ni Naritai / Wish I Were a Mermaid"] - Yumi Matsutoya (1980)
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had to rely on auto-translate here, but this is one of my favorite finds from the citypop boom of 2018-2019. to me, it strongly evokes a romantic but melancholy slow dance, regardless of the lyrics' intended meaning. like how we were all obsessed with arctic monkeys' "no 1. party anthem" in 2014.
12) "You Are My Starship" - Norman Connors (1976)
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the alien abduction metaphor is the load-bearing support beam of this song and i very much enjoy that. it's elevated. elevated beyond the reach of earth's atmosphere, you might say.
13) "I'm Your Man" - The Moody Blues (1978)
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we used to be a society. we used to be a fandom. it's been so long since someone just Wrote A Song about them.
14) "Up On the Roof" - Carole King (1970)
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they're indoor cats. they're each other's closest confidante. also, the inherent romanticism of being alone on a rooftop.
15) "Beautiful" - Gordon Lightfoot (1972)
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thank you (and rest in peace) gordon lightfoot for contributing the perfect penultimate piece to this playlist. they're a ranch metaphor. and best friends forever. UGH
16) "Song on the Radio" - Al Stewart (1978)
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if you have a 70s playlist of any sort and al stewart isn't on it i'm not sure if we can be friends.
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agoddamn · 2 years ago
It's tempting to stick Mashita into the traditional dom/aggressive/asshole yaoi role opposite Yashiki's soft-heartedness (it's an explicit argument they had in the game, after all) but I offer the counterpoint that Mashita is a walking disaster. Any suggestion of him having his shit together is merely an illusion because he's standing next to a man currently getting manipulated and gaslit by My-Size Murder Barbie.
The decisions this dude makes...!
The investigating a case after being fired part, that's not crazy. That's standard fictional character behavior. It is a bit interesting, though, because Mashita has a cold case he's willing to put his life and sanity on the line for and it's not the Hanahiko case. It's the Shimi-O case. Just, narratively-- it's interesting that he goes from "I'm willing to throw my life away for this case" to "I'm willing to throw my life away for this case but for real this time." It suggests he's already living recklessly by the time he gets cursed.
And one more thing--he isn't running the private eye business when you meet him. He's instead listed as unemployed. He gets the detective business running after getting his curse cleared up. He's not digging into the Hanahiko case for anything more than his own satisfaction.
The real interesting things start when he sticks around for chapter 2. He has no idea he's going to be lead to the Honey Bee case when he makes the decision to stay. He says something suggesting that he believed following the paranormal with Yashiki would lead him there, but that feels very much like an excuse to me since he has no reason to believe that.
And in particular, why did Mary have him stay? With the knowledge that her "fates entwined" bullshit was indeed bullshit, why would she want Mashita to stay? Pure practicality, needing someone to be able to leave the house and drip-feed information to Yashiki? I just don't think so. I think she made his staying useful to her, but I genuinely think Mashita must have asked to stay. "Mary nagged him into it" cannot explain the litany of insane shit he subsequently does.
Showing up in the nick of time to save Yashiki? Not terribly crazy. Showing up in the nick of time to save him with a gun? Deranged.
Ok, look. I'm strongly inclined to think Mashita was not carrying the gun on him during the Hanahiko case for two reasons. First is that he never brings it up during the Hanahiko case even when in mortal danger. Also, getting caught for trespassing at the school would be much less serious than getting caught trespassing while carrying an illegal gun. Second is that he pulls it out of a paper bag instead of a holster. Nobody who is actively using or carrying a gun is gonna store it in a paper bag. He has a gun, but he doesn't have a holster.
It's clearly his own gun. He's clearly got Complicated Feelings about it judging by how quick he is to try and hand it off to Yashiki; cops don't do that, especially not a cop in a culture where bearing a gun is a huge, solemn responsibility.
And yet! He does it anyway! He goes home, digs his gun out from the bottom of his grimy dresser, and tries to give it to a man with no firearms experience.
You could argue that Yashiki doesn't accept the gun going by how your items all reset at the end of the chapter and how Mashita is still the one to use it in the Shimi-O boss fight, but just the going to Yashiki with the full intent of giving him his gun is deranged.
So he does all this shit, and then, once he shuffles offscreen, gets his life together! He actually starts that detective business he was spitballing before! He gets his life together because of Yashiki and then tries to get Yashiki to share the business he started because they met! That's like a fucking marriage proposal!
And that's not even getting into the DLC case where he bitches the whole time about being dragged into paranormal stuff (again while inviting Yashiki to work with him) and then turns around and reveals he was off researching the Masquerade case for you the whole time.
This man is a tsundere tire fire who looks like an insomniac coat hanger.
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wowowwild · 1 year ago
I asked for 20 but I also want to ask about 21! I love fic recs.
21. Did you ever read fanfictions? Which one is your personal recommendation?
Sorry it took so long! It took me a while to get everything in order, but here it is.
So fun fact: Whenever I read a fic I love I book mark it with the note j'adore so I can read it again later. Some of them get this note preemptively. I also tend to go through a tag on ao3 in date posted ascending order so I start with the oldest and work my way forward so I don't potentially miss anything, but I haven't made it all the way through some tags that I would like to. If there's a fic you think I would like that's not on here, I probably just haven't gotten to it yet! (Most of the newer ones on here I found through Tumblr.)
Also! I'm pretty sure any of the ones that involve smut I have marked as such, but please check the tags on the actual fic before reading! I am not responsible for what content you choose to consume!
That being said, here is Ace's All Time Best Fic Rec List (AATBFRL for short):
Nobody Can Just Say What They Mean (Series)- The first fic is Narumitsu and the second is Klapollo and I think about them allllll the time, especially Things Are As They Are altered me on a microscopic level. Rocks are just rocks, you know? (Narumitsu, Klapollo)
undeniable you (the currents pulling me onward)- Idk what to say. Kristoph Gavin dies in prison and Klavier is suspect #1. Apollo flies back to defend him and yaoi happens. I'm a sucker for Klav getting all scrungled up.
fame vs infamy (the price of writing fanfic out of spite)- It's a crack fic. It's funny. 10/10 would recommend. (Klapollo)
The Definition Of Home- And there was only one bed?!?!?!?!?! What?!?!?!?! And there was a little angst in the bed?!?!?!?!?! Unbelievable. Actually the angst was on the couch, the bed made it better. (Klapollo)
13 Hours- This fic keeps popping up in my fever dreams. I'm not even kidding. I didn't have it bookmarked the first time around but when I found it again, I was like 'oh, I know this one! It haunts my dreams!' and immediately slapped a j'adore on it. Airport Klapollo getting together.
Dig Enough Graves- This one is still being put out, it's a Klapollo roleswap and I love it. I get so excited when I see it's updated. So many things are happening and we have clues and I'm gonna figure it out, ok? *boston accent* I'm sleuthin 'ere! (rated M for violence and sex reasons)
stop the presses (series)- V funny. Apollo works as a columnist and writes thirst essays about KlavGav and gets a date out of it. I am very impressed with the coding used to make this look the way it does.
And if my wishes could all come true- I have reread this one a couple times. I think about it a lot. It is genuinely so funny and makes me feel all sorts of things. I love pre-relationship klapollo divorce complete with alimony while they were not not dating but actually not dating, Apollo you can't just assume that.
Nothing Like This Feeling- Apollo top suregery fic with a dash of Klapollo!
Turnabout Dishwasher- For when you get the hankering for a 422.6k work of art. It's like three fics in one that happen concurrently, which doesn't sound like a description that makes sense unless you read it. There are so many characters here, and shipping is part of it but it's also a whole lot of everything else. These characters are actually living and you get to take a look see. (klapollo, blackmadhi, wrightworth, look just read the tags on the fic there's so much going on)
Such Terrible Tales- A gorgeous magic filled AU with a focus on the casts of aa5 and aa6 and fun cameos from Investigations (so far). This fic is still on going and I would def recommend reading it as it comes out! I love trying to figure out the lore and what will happen next! This fic kind of pulls me off my hinges lol. (blackmadhi)
You Wear Stripes, Too?- Apollo and Klav come out to each other as trans and nb respectively.
Things Best Shared- Klav teaches Apollo guitar.
For A Bad Time Call Simon Blackquill- Iconic blackmadhi fic. I think about it all the time. V funny fake dating au with bits of angst.
Last Resort- And they were roommates! Blackmadhi roommates with lots of healing and shenanigans.
Dating for a Turnabout- Narumitsu fake dating for a case. Larry is there doing Larry things. Franziska did it to them bc she is very smart and cool.
Vacation All I Ever Wanted- I think about this sooooooo much. Tagline: One condo. Six lawyers. Seven secret plans. What could possibly go wrong? (klapollo, narumitsu, athena blackquill and trucy are there)
Alternative Dispute Resolution- Apollo makes Klavier talk to Mr. Wright before they can start dating. It's awkward (and funny) and Trucy is a delight.
Turn(about) my words- The fic where I realized I instinctively start laughing when someone gets shot. He's fine. uhhh narumitsu, phoenix got shot of course bc why wouldn't he and found family stuff.
You're Alive (And that's the only thing that truly matters.)- Klavier gets poisoned and Edgeworth tells the nurses Apollo is his partner so he can get in to see him. Turns out I don't laugh at poisonings, only shootings.
Dog Days- Apollo and Trucy go to another Gavinners concert and Polly misinterprets everything all the time.
Reckless Endangerment- One of the funniest klapollo get togethers. Pollo insults him real good while he's standing behind him, klav thinks about going abroad to study, phoenix has prosecutor going abroad ptsd, apollo might actually be into the gavinners, or at least the titular member.
Good Advice- Klavier Gavin makes categorically bad decisions in the face of love. (klapollo)
Hot For Justice- klavgav gets a muse, guess who?
Rules for Dating a Rockstar Prosecutor- klapollo first date that literally everyone is more invested in than Apollo (until he actually goes).
The Things We Do For Gym Access- Fake dating so Apollo can use the gym at Klav's place until the one he normally goes to gets fixed. Except they're actually really into each other and it's killing me everyday it's killing me I'm dead I'm dying they're so dense and in love and can't figure out why they haven't been caught and it's bc they actually feel like that and on top of pretend dating are pretending to date each other to themselves just kiss istg. Rated Explicit for sexual reasons.
The Walk to Tomorrow- Narumitsu doing Narumitsu things.
Legal Partners- Oooooooo this one! I also think about this one a lot. Narumitsu and klapollo and everyone is idiots they're all idiots. Klav and Edgeworth make a stupid, stupid bet about who has the more meaningful connection with their preferred defense attorney. I love this type of fic.
Turnabout Rubesville- Edgeworth gets accused of murder in a small town bc he's a grump. Phoenix sorts it out.
You Ever Been In Love?- Everyone gets way too involved in making Wrightworth happen, and it goes horribly until it goes right.
Gravity- Rated Explicit for sex reasons. Tbh I really like the oc. She's real cool. def read the tags for trigger warnings. (klapollo)
The soul truth (and nothing but the truth)- Franmaya! There's some spirit medium shenanigans and Lang is a bro.
Exorcism- Klapollo AU aa4 rewrite Kitty is a doll I love her these boys are unhinged look they have a conspiracy closet ok? Rated E for sex reasons.
Play Your Cards Right- Narumitsu agree to go on a date and shake hands about it. Rated E for sex reasons.
Hostile Environments (Series)- Justquill Shenanigans
satisfaction brought him back- Justquill Simon gets turned into a cat. I love fics where someone gets turned into a cat. There aren't a lot but it is a trope I enjoy. I've def read this one a couple times.
Stripped- Klapollo impending. Apollo is also secretly a stripper. Idk if this fic will ever get finished but I liked everything in it.
Curiosity Created the Cat- Klapollo impending. Also not finished and maybe never will be and only 3 chapters but in this one Klav gets turned into a cat. I'm sorry.
if it's really me you seek- Klapollo. I'm just going to post the official summary bc I j'ador'ed it but I don't remember exactly which one this is: Or, when Apollo comes home from Khura'in only to learn that Prosecutor Gavin is avoiding him, the last thing he expected was for Gavin to offer to let Apollo stay at his house while he looks for a new apartment.
As of right now this is everything in my bookmarks that I've read, I think you can figure out my favorite ship lol.
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gayelderstourney · 2 years ago
Bracket Be Upon Ye
This was really hard to seed because I know half of them will be eliminated round 1 but I don't really want any of them to lose lol. I ended up deciding to dedicate entire quarters to (mostly) yaoi or (mostly) yuri, with yaoi and yuri only going up against each other starting in the semifinals. This is just because most of the yaoi pairings are more popular and if I seeded solely on popularity most of the yuri would be eliminated immediately.
(I'm not trying to misgender Raine, and I'm not gonna label that specific pairing "yaoi" or "yuri"; it's just their partner is a woman and there's no easy way to split up the contestants otherwise.)
Round 1 on the left side will start Sunday, July 23. Matches will start being posted at 10:00 AM CST (15:00 UTC) and last for a week. Right side will be next week after the left side concludes.
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[Image description: A 32-contestant tournament bracket labeled "old man yaoi + old woman yuri bracket!" with multiple exclamation marks. The background is a pink and lavender gradient. The matchups are as listed below. End ID.]
Hemithea/Josephine (Percy Jackson) vs. Grace Hanson/Frankie Bergstein (Grace and Frankie)
Gertrude Robinson/Agnes Montague (The Magnus Archives) vs. Buddy Aurinko/Vespa Ilkay (Penumbra Podcast)
Red/Blue (This is How You Lose the Time War) vs. Arcee/Aileron (Transformers)
Ms. Bitters/Countess von Verminstrasser (Invader Zim) vs. Miriam Forcible/April Spink (Coraline)
Gerald Robotnik/Black Doom (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Sheo/The Nailsmith (Hollow Knight)
Jean-Luc Picard/Q (Star Trek) vs. The Once-ler/The Lorax (Lorax 2012)
Ilya Tchaiko/Seichirou Agawa (Our Dreams At Dusk) vs. Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Dr. Coomer/Bubby (Half Life VR But The Ai Is Self Aware) vs. Statler/Waldorf (The Muppets)
May Parker/Olivia Octavius (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) vs. Aunt Holiday/Auntie Lofty (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Raven Darkholme/Irene Adler (Marvel) vs. Maggie Radcliffe/Jocelyn Knight (Broadchurch)
Hanayo Nishida/Yoshiko Dojima (Hanamonogatari) vs. Navani Kholin/Raboniel (The Stormlight Archive)
Kelly/Yorkie (Black Mirror) vs. Eda Clawthorne/Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Sir Alistair Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs (Borderlands) vs. Irving Bailiff/Burt Goodman (Severance)
Jean Valjean/Javert (Les Miserables) vs. Ravenpaw/Barley (Warriors)
Fiddleford McGucket/Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Xehanort/Eraqus (Kingdom Hearts)
Bob Zanotto/Helmut Fullbear (Psychonauts) vs. Craig Cuttlefish/DJ Octavio (Splatoon)
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jazzmckay · 2 months ago
started davg today! haven't made it very far but im enjoying it :>
commentary and screenshots below, including ~female presenting n*ps~ lol
spoilers, obviously
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my girl fuckin blinked right as i took the shot cant believe this shit. get a load of her tits tho
im playing a female qunari rogue with the shadow dragon backstory. playing a they/them calls to me SO hard, and i will 100% be doing that in my second playthrough. i just already had an idea for this character and was gonna do it in dai but never got even close so! now shes a rook instead lmao
speaking of they/thems, i chose my first lavellan for the inquisitor and did a TERRIBLE job of making them in vg's character creation. someday ill redo them while having a dai screenshot as reference bc this feels like it doesnt look like them at all. mostly the eyes and cheekbones are super wrong, alas, i was getting impatient to actually start the game by this point, id already been in cc for a million years. i also couldnt find the option to choose their class so theyre listed as a hunter instead of the keepers first whoops
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my first choice was to beat up a whole bar instead of talking things out :)
my second choice was smashing every pot i came into contact with
tevinter is absolutely gorgeous. im enjoying the wilderness and fade stuff that comes after too, but i hope it isnt too long before i get to see more big active cities. all the magic built into the architecture, sometimes in ways that feel so modern while still being medieval fantasy, is fascinating
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a good boy.... best boy. so cute
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always love murals and statues and shit in these games. l o r e
im still struggling to get a hang of the controls--there are so many attack styles that i can barely keep it straight, before even getting into the abilities. i do enjoy this kind of combat a lot though. it reminds me of witcher 3 combat, which i really love, its just gonna be a hot minute before i'm no longer bumbling around like a dumbass lmao
the solarric really be solarricing dude love them sm. doomed yaoi... also there's already so much to pick apart with solas gosh. AND even tho ive only seen their outlines, ghilly and elgar look super cool. im looking forward to learning more about the connection with the darkspawn. have been curious about that since playing return to ostagar in origins and seeing what looked like a darkspawn-made altar to ghilan'nain
favourite status update ive gotten so far:
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i'm digging neve the most. i feel like im betraying an old friend when i support her over harding but :( neve
also since im playing a female rook, the party feels SO "varric and the girlies" right now. ladies ladies ladies. full squad of women constantly since varric got stabbed (lets go doomed yaoi lets go). we love to see it. and theyre all so pretty ;w; harding sitting on the couch with her legs tucked up all cutely.... girl thats illegal. i wanna scoop her up into my strong arms
(theyre also cool characters, i just got distracted with queer thoughts sry)
had to stop right after the ogre fight. looking forward to whats coming up next!
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feuqueerfire · 9 months ago
Unknown Live Blogging
I loveeeeee a younger pursuer character, especially when they've known each other for a while and the older is just like I love you kid (platonic/familial) while the younger is losing their mind with their crush/love/lust. Also, the fact that the novel it's adapted from is literally called Da Ge 大哥 ah, I've gotten more into adoptive or step-brothers trope since I got into live-action BL but I've only just watched Addicted/Stay With Me and Kiseki: Dear to Me 2nd couple, so it's exciting to add another one to the list.
This is also a novel from China that's being adapted in Taiwan so that they don't have to censor it, right? There are several other BLs currently in the works like this.
Anyway, seems like people really like this show (not counting the sex scene in ep 11 or something because I heard so much complaining about that lol), so my hopes are high.
Ep 1 (June 13)
ahhh crazy start/glimpse into future
starts when they're young but have been living together a while already
ahhhh trying to take care of things/the family/his ge by paying the bills using his gift money + some part time job maybe. isn't quite a grownup yet but he wants to be so bad
2007 - when they first met
oh fuck the child being hit with the metal pipe was scary and unexpected
oh man, Qian getting embroiled with gangs and doing their dirty work for money
oof, gonna have to win 3 boxing matches to leave the gang
Ep 2 (June 13)
the teacher saying an older brother is like a father
not them ganging up on Xiao Bao!
dang, Qian's mother hated him because he did well, that's wild
Qian is so attractive like woah
we've reached current year - 2016
Ep 3 (June 13)
Yuan to the rescue
Bao and Yuan's dynamic is so cuteee
damn, Qian mad as hell at Xiao Bao's outfit and it has a bit of the "proprietary" thing that so many father-daughter older brother-younger sister dynamics have (in media at least) but also most importantly it reminds him of their mother who they are both very traumatized by
I'm so nervous, I hope nothing bad happens to Xiao Bao (esp because we know this world has like gangsters and stuff)
Is this guy part of the gangsters? Does he know who Xiao Bao is?
Yuan recognizes the gangster oh no
Sam Lin as doctor, though I must say I would not recognize him if I wasn't already aware of this
sharing a bed
studying abroad mentioned
I don't wanna read thoughts of r/boyslove or look for gifsets on tumblr, I just wanna get to the next episode.
It feels like since they both scold/get upset at Xiao Bao in an attempt to protect her, she's not gonna retain any of the reasons they're worried about her but rather maybe rebel and end up in troublesome situations. please no rape storyline though plsplspls
Ep 4 (June 14)
Yuan's 18th birthday? adult Yuan alright
pls Qian thinking that Xiao Bao's saying Yuan watches porn
it's romantic stuff but is it yaoi/BL? because the one Sweet Summer or whatever novel seemed to be two guys on the cover?
Qian kinda reminds me of Na Jaemin (my NCT bias when I was into them) from some angles
I will forever love helping something with feet, whether it be shoelace tying, giving a massage/a foot bath, or now taking care of an ankle/foot injury. it's not even a foot kink, it's just... idek like lowering oneself... in aid of the other... taking care of them...
Yuan definitely doesn't wanna hear about them seperating and liking other people
this kiss must be in Yuan's imagination
so I guess Qian doesn't suspect Yuan's feelings toward him at all + also doesn't return the feelings (yet + he might be unconsciously feeling something but it's not as intense as Yuan's feelings). However, I'm unclear on whether he thinks Yuan likes boys? Like he saw Yuan's romance novel with 2 boys + asking about the high school class monitor...
Ep 5 (June 14)
I knew this was a daydream because of the dreamy filter + I kinda remember some post on reddit about Yuan's daydream but if I was watching this in real time, I would've lost my shit
oh oh my god okay. "Ge, do you already know that I like guys?" extremely forward and sudden, I wasn't expecting it
ahhh, I can't watch this, it's so T.T. like ik it's very Uncle Jim to Liming, looking out for their young(er) nephew/brother because being gay openly isn't easy but like T.T still
What year is this? 2016 right? while gay marriage became legal in Taiwan in 2019
I love a "it's my business who i like, not yours" or whatever
ah, Qian's nice to Yuan again, he likes gives him a little lecture but isn't like actually homophobic
Xiao Bao turns 18 too
damn, what's up with Qian? head hurts?
pls the colleague (is that San Pang? yeah right?) running into Qian's room to see him and Yuan in bed sleeping and cuddling and being like... hm
pls Qian himself being like "it's not what it looks like" before the other guy even says what it looks like
omg San Pang now coming over to talk to Yuan
pls I know why he's asking but the way he's talking about where Xiao Bao sleeps and where he sleeps like hey ! stop
that's her literal brother and they have no parents, I think it's fine if Xiao Bao climbs into her Dage's bed to sleep occasionally lmfao
oh I guess he was talking about Xiao Bao sleeping in Yuan's bed. whelp he'd have a point in that case I guess becuase Yuan def can like these siblings lol he just happens to not like the sister
pls Xiao Bao wants San Pang to ask about her, so whenever he talks about Yuan and Qian the way her eyes roll so hard that her whole head rotates, so funny
not the office fujos Noticing and Observing lol
ahh, Yuan's inner turmoil seeing his "future sister-in-law"
ah, San Pang straight up asking if the one Yuan likes is Qian
I just wanna know when the confession is gonna happen, is it gonna be next ep? because Yuan also has to go abroad (though I don't think that time skip takes too much airtime from what I've read). I want some stuff to happen after confession + after getting together too.
Ep 6 (June 14)
I wonder what role San Pang will play like will he help them figure it out or hinder all the way through? they're kinda hinting him with Lili, so he can't possibly be a "bad guy." I get him dissuading them now or giving them reasons why they shouldn't but once they do, I assume he'll be okay with it at least
"Don't tell me that guy also has some?" oh Qian
Qian feeling pity for Yuan and being like why do you have to like him... oh Qian, oh Yuan
aklsdfjalksdf ahhh Yuan about to me a drunken mess at this important work function plssss I'm nervous. but also... does the confession happen when Yuan's drunk? Is it gonna happen this ep?
Feng Ning is so cool I love her. if Yuan does anything that upsets her I'll get mad at him im negl
oh omg I have an image in my mind of when Yuan confesses maybe and it was not in this outfit and they were also maybe sitting, so the i like you and attempted kiss was like oh!
It also stressed me out that they're still at work
woahhh it hurts so good the way Qian not only punched Yuan but also didn't stop to care for his wounded hand
ahhh Qian avoiding Yuan and the home entirely
studying abroad plan on
Aw, Xiao Bao who is like ? wtf is going on, why are my brothers fighting and also Yuan literally going to NY
is that Yuan sitting on the floor with his paper on his face and crying? yes, same sweater stripes
The angst is done well. The situation must happen (I was anticipating the fallout from the confession so much!), it's not overdramatized (Qian reacts badly but then just avoids Yuan for the rest and Yuan tries to apologize a bunch but doesn't force anything when Qian ignores him), the acting-writing-directing are all good. I'm also liking the consequence of him moving away to a different country (for a few years?) because he's known Qian all his life and practically only talks to Qian, Lili, and sometimes people like San Pang or a classmate but he'll broaden his horizons now and it'll be less "he loves Qian because he only knows him"
Ep 7 (June 14)
damn, Qian's apparently been so apathetic that San Pang's like maybe I shouldn't made Yuan stay so that at least you wouldn't be like this
Qian's alcohol problem + his chronic headache bruh
San Pang straight up asking if Qian has feelings for Yuan too and Qian does not deny it
also it's been 2 years right? since it's 2018 now and 2017-2018 were blank for Yuan's height
Qian is truly so attractive. his face but also his mannerisms and expressions and gestures. woah. and of course my forever weakness: nice smile and there's a dimple too
2017 - 2023?! omg 6 years? that's a lot, I was expected 2-3 fr
Qian continues reading Yuan's texts but not replying to them. then impulsively calling Yuan and immediately hanging up again
first reciprocal contact in 6 years, if I was Yuan that call would've made me lose my whole entire mind fr
Bro, it's actally Qian who's losing his mind because he's sitting on Yuan's bed in Yuan's room and texting Yuan to come home if he misses it
Xiao Bao has truly become grown up model Lili
San Pang is at the office gathering, so who did she see at the door? would Yuan already be at home lmfao
ah, indeed Yuan's here lol
Yuan and Lili antics begin again, how fun
From a few Tumblr posts, I thought Lil iand San Pang's relationship was gonna get exposed? next ep i guess.
also saw some gifs that Yuan's gonna be petty toward Qian next ep and I'm so excited, how did people wait weekly for this? I can barely wait for tomorrow.
Ep 8 (June 15)
starting this around 7:30pm because I had to watch Wandee Goodday episode today. Hope I like this episode than I liked Wandee's
ah, Yuan's so bold now "Have you seen enough?"
The fact that Yuan made eye contact with Qian before handing the drink over to Xiong-ge. Qian expectantly holding out his hand but having to retreat and check afterwards that nobody else saw lmfao
It's killing me that Yuan keeps looking at the other two ges during the conversation while Qian keeps glancing at Yuan and can't keep his eyes off of him even when he tries
Yuan even thanking San Pang for making him go to the states...
the hickeys?!
Qian's incredulous look at 8:00 is really so Na Jaemin, why does he remind me so much of him
I would say Qian's slow for not catching on that they're together somehow but ig San Pang and Lili are LDR since she doesn't even live here anymore? and so Qian's not aware of it? but it's also funny to think his brain was barely working while Yuan wasn't here but managed to deduce it by glimpsing the hickeys as soon as Yuan came and Qian's brain started working again lmao
damn, Lili's literally shaking her head no, how dare San Pang make the executive decision to confess to Qian?
Yuan literally sitting back and eating fruits on the couch as he observes is so funny
and his smiles lmfaooo
and only inserting himself when Xiong-ge brings up Qian dating somebody else lmfao he's a menace
Yuan calling Qian as Wei Qian instead of ge is so .
Qian's mad because the two of them are dating and there's an age difference and San Pang's known Lili since she was a child and he figured it out through hickeys and he's the last to know and all those reasons but also... he's probably also mad that why isn't he with Yuan then? If those two can do it, why not him too?
Yuan knowssssss he's getting to Qian
I've seen a glimpse of a gif of Yuan feeding Qian ahh
and now that Yuan's indeed giving him his full attention at the table, Qian can't look at him
Qian's losing his mind and I along with him
Yuan's so bold now, it makes me nervous like chilllllll, move back like the way he kept walking toward Qian and nearly kissed him alksdfjla;ksfj
Yuan is suchhh a menace, the way he starting speaking loud and clear when he heard Qian at the door
my mom dragged me away right then but I'm back
plss he's talking about how he also likes somebody and both Xiao Bao and Ge know that person. lmfao. menace.
Xiao Bao reading from a script lmfaooo
Yuan truly is such a menace, sliding the family vacation into Lili's script pls
cryingggg Xiao Bao ditched the family trip to go to Milan
Yuan kept poking until Qian finally says to not keep feelings for him anymore, only to hit him back with "what makes you think i still like you?"
Yuan saying Wei Qian really does me in. "Wei Qian, don't you like Wei Zhiyuan?" was woah
agh, A'Le and gangsters next ep. hmph
I've been curious to see which other age gap older male/younger female ships I like because they usually give me major ick but I'm such a fan of age gap ships in m/m-f/f-noona romances. I think History 3: Trapped side side ship with the sister and bulter man is the only one I can think of and they barely existed lol. So I want to like San Pang and Lili, especially when she said she's the one who pursued him (I'm into that trope a lot too; like Yuan's also the younger one pursing the older one) but I wish San Pang wasn't a hypocrite/homophobe because if he's into Lili and has no problems getting with her but so disapproved and dissuaded Yuan, like the reason is homophobia yes? I wanted him to come to The Realization that Yuan liking Qian is... fine-ish when he developed feelings for Lili, not have him separate the two situations.
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Ep 9 (June 15)
so many things to do but I'm watching this instead, goddammit. but been a little while since i've been so eager to binge and watch next ep (Kiseki and Triage last month I think)
Also, I saw a post that had a clip from the trailer that hasn't happened yet or something and I didn't watch it but there was text about how Qian looks Yuan in the eye when he confesses... omg now I'm so excited to see when that happens. I hadn't been thinking about how they'd actually come together but a confession must happen and I'd be very happy if Qian's the one who does it this time, even more so if he's very tortured about it
oh, abroad was 4 years ago? not 6
I like Yuan's whole spiel about I can't stop liking you but this is enough
Yuan calling Qian out on his bullshit, he can't kick Yuan out again
Qian can tell when Yuan's lying/hiding something
hmm they're calling Qian the snitch and the cops came back then... I feel like Qian didn't do it since he himself was involved
when's that napkin with the poem from?
what is the plan exactly? Lin's telling Yuan to remember that Qian cares about him...
damn, Yuan left for a trip with very short notice?
"You're acting like a wife trying to catch her cheating husband" read the room, San Pang. you can't tell this to Qian who is trying to not be in love with his didi
Dr. Lin so funny. also did We Best Love have eating raw noodles? I feel like it did...
Wei Zhiyuan means "belongs to Wei"
no but what was Yuan plan actually because mans just went to their lair, asked for Le-ge and now is just getting beat up lmfao
scary, Le-ge's got bullets
please why are we doing Russian Roulette rn T.T
Can't have a bullet in there if he's doing it on himself, right? I didn't see how many bullets he put in there. or is he just fucked up in the head enough to do it anyway lol
Qian hugging Yuan in desperation
omg that napkin was literally what Yuan wrote as he thought they were his last words stuck on a mountain during his study abroad. and Qian was avoiding speaking to him during that time godddd, what a tragedy it would have been
and it's a good time to reveal that since they just did the russian roulette for e/o
I don't wanna read ppls thoughts or look at gifsets, I wanna just watch the next episode omg but I won't look at anything after ep 10 until I finish the whole thing since ep 11-12 spoilers will also be there, so I should look at stuff now.
Ep 10 (June 16)
Qian remembering everything Yuan's said and done
nose bleed...
parallels w the hair drying and cuddling to sleep, it'd be funny if san pang woke them up again
does Qian think he'll die
lmaoooooo San Pangcame but unfortunaly Qian was aklready downstairs
i knew bout this blood clot
not the i wish i could tie you up with a rope
Idk how Qian thinks he could possibly hide this from Yuan lol I'm surprised he hadn't just listened in or bothered Lin about the info
the three of them just exchanging eye contact and the focus from San Pang -> Qian with a zoom! sound effect was very funny
Yuan is so funny to San Pang lmfao he keeps being like San Pang ge thank you <3 to the point of uncomfortableness
welp indeed Yuan figured it out on his own
ah, Yuan's mad that Qian hid it from him and keeps saying he'll deal with it on its own
Qian made all of Yuan's favourites to try to win him over askdf but Yuan's still mad
Yuan taking a brief break from ignoring Qian's existence to take away greasy food/beer and give him and San Pang salad instead
San Pang once again telling Qian to consider Yuan and getting with him seriously
Did he not that he wants Yuan to have a future without him?
I think I got a little lost about what exactly led to Yuan storming out but ahhh that convo, fuck. Qian's turmoil and inner conflict and Yuan being like it's mind to deal with, not yours but Qian not being able to let Yuan go.
Ep 11 (June 16/17)
I wanna binge these last 3 eps but it's Eid so I'm busy and gotta watch the rest later. I'm really excited for this ep since it's gonna have the confession and also the sex scene but I know it made everybody fucking mad because of the editing (they had flashbacks to them as kids?) + position top/bottom implications/confusions lmfaoo
The first time Qian took initiative to grab Yuan omg
wait, we're already going into the house okay
I need a pillow or stuffed animal to dig my nails into rn omg i keep grabbing air
what was the more correct translation of "I've been waiting all my life. This isn't fast at all." that made me lose my mind when I saw it and I hadn't even been watching the show back then
"You don't even know what I dream about you at night" hah. hahahah. haha. ok
hello why are we having flashbacks to a conversation from 5 minutes in between the sex scene instead of just... being linear??? I didn't know this happened bc it got drowned out w the other complaints ig lmao
yeah, interspliced scenes we haven't seen before + flashbacks of scenes we've seen during a sex scene are already annoying but then WHY ARE THERE CHILDHOOD FLASHBACKS. this is not the time to have kids on my damn screen wtf
also I just kinda took top Yuan from that, is it top Qian in the novel or something because I feel like people mentioned that it seemed one way but it wasn't supposed to be that way? or is it because the scene where Yuan had his bare legs splayed that gave the illusion of bottom Yuan and people didn't like that? I'm so curious
domestic morning kissing, they've really come all the way here
Lili's home?!
a fight? girl lmao ig Lili's the normal sibling who's not guessing that her other siblings are fucking, biologically related or not
what is this Le/Lin scene lmao
fancy dinner date at the same gangster restaurant as always lol but apparently Qian's reserved the whole place and made it romantic
Enough angles for one kiss!
restaurant owner gang uncle just witnessing all this lmfao I think it'd be hilarious if he gossips with Le-ge about Qian and his brother kissing
fuck, this nerve and surgery stuff is so scary fr
Okay, finished the last 10 minutes while having lunch the next day because I had to leave yesterday. Good to see both Yuan and Lili care about Qian and want to take care of him and such. Qian took up smoking again in all this stress. I still don't fully get all the mom stuff beyond she thoroughly abused him.
The sex scene was like... what??? and I'm glad I was already aware of its issues because I would've gone beserk if I was watching this weekly for 10 weeks and got that in return wtf. The whole show relies on their emotions and inner conflicts but it felt like neither aspect was truly explored in the scene and made worsened with the horrific editing.
Also I can't fucking reblog but this is maybe the post I was talking about with the translation during the sex scene. Yuan's line implies he's masturbated thinking about Qian which is like the most unsurprising thing ever.
Ep 12 (June 17)
Final episode, hope it at least ends well
Lili figures it out. she's kinda upset that she's the last one to know about it, her lines remind me of when Qian found out about her and San Pang haha
but what does she wanna say, why am I nervous that she's pregnant
lol Qian liking that Yuan's trying to help him out at work
I'm suddenly embarrassed, I really can't do office romances
Xiong-ge showing support in his awkward ways is nice
hehhehe Yuan coming to pick Qian up from work dressed up so nice and Qian kissing him outside after checking nobody's around
I got stressed out by Yuan kissing Qian at work omg in broad daylight with people around
yeah the office fujo will certainly keep this a secret lol as if a bunch of them weren't already gossiping like 4 years ago or whatever
I can't handle office romances guys my body shrivels up and my toes and fingers curl, I'm so embarrassed. can the employees stop squealing about it in public. I'm so stressed out by office gossip even if it's like shippy/supportive. also the excited fujo character can sometimes work for me in high school/college shows because it's like young characters but this in an office is like. no. their family and friends can know but i don't need to see their coworkers finding out unless it's meant to be a point of conflict
how can you be discussing top-bottom dynamics of your boss with your colleagues!! and asking your other boss about it !!!! let's get serious I hate this, I should skip through
HOW CAN YOU ASK THIS TO YOUR FUCKING BOSS?!?!?!?!? HOW CAN THIS BE A POSSIBLE THING?!?!?! this show is generally so grounded, even in it's more out-there aspects, that this is like... what world are we in? so inappropriate and also like probably homophobic because you would not be asking this if Qian was dating a woman
are they insinuating Qian's the top/tiger? That does not go with what I want form this trope so I'm ignoring it lmfao I can do verse because I can almost always ship verse but with the younger-guy-deeply-in-love-with-and-madly-pursues-older-guy-who-is-resistant-and-conflicted trope, I like a younger top
but i think people were also annoyed about this suggestion of top Qian lmfao, I think I remember reading comments about it
ah, Lili is indeed pregnant
aw, hug before the questioning but it's like genuine, not from anger. Especially important for them because their mother was terrible and they don't want a child to go through that again obvs
pls San Pang's also here loll I think it's good the ways they were all in different rooms
the panic when Xiao Bao knelt and the 3 of them also scrambling to kneel, especially when Qian also knelt
aw, Qian really was their da-ge, father, and mother all in one
Qian's afraid Lili will follow in their mother's footsteps (pregnant then married young) and be unhappy
why is this so good T.T
I can't believe the messy sex scene from last ep and the utter bullshit that was the office scene in this ep made me forget for a bit how good this show can be
Damn, they're really saving the surgery thing for the very last few minutes. anyway ik he doesn't die because everything would've gone up in flames if that happened
omg how much timeskip, there's a whole baby now
The office discussion actually made me so uncomfortable, it was so inappropriate and unnecessary, why didn't we take that time to... just show at least a bit of the surgery and aftermath or whatever? Like that was such a huge thing in the past 2-3 eps but it just... disappears and we assume it was successful bc of the ending
I'm so glad I got over my pseudo-incest brother-lover aversion because I can now watch this stuff in delight. Though I must say, my favourite aspect of this show is the little family trio with Qian, Yuan, and Lili, with San Pang occasionally invited as well. I loved how they cared for each other and how though Lili was left out of the romantic duo inside their trio, it didn't feel like she was forgotten or sidelined. They each had specific relationships with each of the other people, their interactions had their own flavours and it was so good.
The romance itself hm I think the development was nice, especially from Yuan's side since we saw how he thought of Qian and how he supported him and such. We also saw a bit of how Qian was so lost when Yuan was gone that even San Pang was wondering whether Qian liked Yuan and it would've been better if they hadn't sent him away. It just feels like since there was so much angst and build-up for like 10 episodes, their actual coming together should have been grander. The sex feels a bit sudden, I don't think it should've happened right after that conversation because Qian was barely ready to admit whether he saw Yuan as more romantically than just a brother, and then the editing of it all was terrible.
The surgery stuff also kinda dwindled, if they'd brought it up, I wished they would've at least shown the direct aftermath or whatever. I despised how we had the office Yuan/Qian gossip for so long in episode 12, we could've used it for better things. At least we ended with the Lili pregnancy announcement and coming together over that, which reminded me just at the end why I liked the show.
Some other things I really loved: 1) Qian's face, holy shit. Qian is so beautiful, like incredibly attractive to me, woah. Reminds me of Na Jaemin who I was also taken by when I stanned NCT; is it the lower half of their faces/their mouths? 2) The 2 scenes where Qian finds out Lili and San Pang are dating in ep 8 + finds out Lili's pregnant in ep 12 and just going to kill San Pang lol (also loved how Yuan was enjoying it in ep 8 but was helping San Pang and Lili out in ep 12 lol). 3) The episodes, especially the earlier-middle ones, were so addictive, I didn't end up reading the on-air reddit threads because I was too into watching the next ep instead of reading about it.
In the end, I don't think I'll think about it often, especially not the Yuan/Qian ship unless just to remember the brother-lover trope and even then, Kiseki's Chen Yi/Ai Di gave me more intense brainworms for a similar trope I think. I'm disappointed that I didn't love the show, its flaws are at moments that are too important. So deeply conflicted about whether to give 6 or 6.5, I'll go with 6.5 for now.
Rating: 6.5/10
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alonelystargazer · 7 months ago
jjk for the fandom ask (hope i was first and also that you're doing well <33)
hi rin! I'm having a nice day today actually, and I hope you're having a nice day too! also yeah you're the first one!
The first character I first fell in love with: 
This might be a surprise to some people, but I actually was a Megumi fan when I first got into JJK 3 years ago. I always gravitate towards the dark-haired, moody, reserved guy in media lol, so of course I would end up liking Megumi. But then I met Nanami and he got bumped down. Sorry! I still like Megumi though, he's definitely a top 5 JJK character for me.
I'm putting the rest under a read more because this is really long.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Hmm, I guess I would say Yuuta for this one. Not that I didn't think I wouldn't like him as a character, but he definitely jumped higher on my list after I read/watched JJK 0.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
During season 1 I would've said Todo, because he seemed like one of those meathead frat boy type of guys, but he grew on me during Shibuya Incident as a source of inspiration for Yuuji, and in the more recent chapters of the manga.
But now, I would say Toji. Objectively speaking, he has a complicated history that seems interesting, and he's also attractive, but also he's a deadbeat dad who tried to sell his son to the Zen'in clan, and I can't really find any justification for that. Him sacrificing himself for Megumi in Shibuya is quite emotional, but I don't think it makes up for abandoning Megumi. Maybe it's just a personal issue for me lol.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
I could joke and say Megumi for this one, but I'm gonna go with Mahito. He's a really compelling villain character and served as a foil to Yuuji in terms of philosophy regarding humanity. And him being the one to kill Nanami and Nobara, as his final acts as a cursed spirit, really impacted Yuuji and left a permanent mark on him.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
I wouldn't say I loved Mei Mei, but I liked her enough as an example of a morally-gray character, someone who only looks out for herself. But then Gege showed us where she disappeared to during the Shibuya Incident and THAT whole scene was really disturbing to me and from that moment on, I wanted to erase her from my memory. We really didn't need to see THAT to get the impression that she's greedy and has secrets and all that. It was enough of an example of her taking bribes from Gojo to have the students being promoted and all that.
The character I would totally smooch: 
Hehe, well, I think it's obvious I wanna smooch Nanami and Choso, but would it be weird if I also said Heian Sukuna? Also, Kashimo (old man or reincarnated is fine with me hehe). I would also say Shoko, but she's a smoker and I don't really like the smell of cigarette smoke, sorry. She has a gf anyway.
The character I’d want to be like: 
I really want to be like Nanami in the sense of being a mentor to the next generation, and also like Choso in being the best older sibling.
The character I’d slap: 
Fuck ass Mei Mei lol. If Mei Mei has no haters, then I am dead.
A pairing that I love:
ItaFushi my beloved! The angst, the devotion, it's just so peak tragic yaoi. I've already said what I like about them as a ship, so I won't write a long ass paragraph, but I still have some hope for them, unlike with SatoSugu. I also like Haibara/Nanami and Yuuta/Toge as my top 3 JJK ships.
A pairing that I despise: 
*looks at the long list of ships I dislike/hate* Uhh... well, besides the incest and adult/minor ships, I REALLY hate Nanami/Mei Mei, which is something I've seen on twt a few times and it made me wanna rip the flesh off my bones. They are the antithesis of each other, Nanami who's so selfless and kind-hearted and protects children vs MM who's so greedy and selfish and is a danger to her younger brother, not just because she's a weirdo but also because she uses him for his Cursed Technique. They would never work as a ship, and it really irks me how she's the one who gave Nanami the idea for "going south".
anyway, this was fun!
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totally-lyrical · 23 days ago
Heya, hiya, nice to meet ya, my name is Lyric, he/him pronouns please
this is the blog where i reblog too many things and scream into the void about my fandoms!!!
this post here is gonna be to help me keep track of things so i can find them later!
Under the cut is the detailed stuff, but right here is the rundown...
be nice to me and others!
fanart is not only welcome, but encouraged!
My Ao3 is MercilessMidnight and i write dumb shit there
My twitch is also MercilessMidnight and a stream dumb shit there
My YouTube is also also MercilessMidnight and i make dumb shit there (link not working, please be patient)
first off, my counters...
Times Lyric got jumpscared by five nights at freddy's (including flinches, vocal reactions, and physical jumps): 54
Current total fandoms: 30
next up, details!
Current Hyperfixation: writing
Current Main Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
My tags!
Frostbound Book - Posts related to the novel I'm working on called Frostbound.
Vessel of Pestilence - Posts related to my Kallamar Cult of the Lamb AU.
Crown of Conquest - Posts related to my Cult of the Lamb AU that needs it's own whole post to describe
Good Intentions - Posts about my Persona 5 Royal no metaverse AU.
Elevator to Heaven - Posts about my Persona 5 Royal roleswap AU.
In Our Ranks - Posts about my. my among us fanfic. yeah im sorry
Ladybird AU - Posts about my Miraculous Ladybug salt au.
Writing tag - just miscellaneous writing or poetry.
Art tag - drawings and arts and such. i am not good at art but that will not stop me
The Great Goose of Gotham - Posts about my DC OC Goose.
Dr. James Wright - Posts about my OC James Wright. hes a fruit
Aryn Ross - Posts about my OC Aryn Ross. He is James Wright's love interest.
Science Yaoi - Posts about the Aryn x James ship.
Cicerobot - Posts about my OC Cicero, a robotic jester.
Splatoon Headcanons - My tag for my headcanons about splatoon.
Lyric's Collection of People from Outside the US - exactly what it says on the tin
Posts about L - my tag for talking about my irl friend L
Here's a complete list of fandoms...
Cult of the Lamb, Splatoon, Alice: Madness Returns, Portal, Hollow Knight, Five Nights at Freddy's, Poppy Playtime, Stardew Valley, Hermitcraft, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Hazbin Hotel, Miraculous Ladybug, Danny Phantom, Monster High, Ever After High, Camp Camp, LEGO Monkie kid, Batfatm, Minecraft: Story Mode, Power Rangers, Hades, The Stanley Parable, Skyrim, Super Mario Brothers, Nicktoons Unite, Persona 5, Persona 4, Persona 3, Voltron, etc
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waitmyturtles · 2 years ago
Your weekly weekend Old GMMTVC Challenge update -- let's battle, honeys!
1) I've been fighting with Tumblr's new web editor all weekend, so hopefully there will be no glitches, but my review of Gay OK Bangkok, Seasons 1 and 2, drops tomorrow (Monday) morning. I jacked up my list and order of reviews to put this one out (...pun intended, you'll see why) before the premiere of Only Friends this weekend (see what I did there!). Gay OK Bangkok was written by P'Aof Noppharnach and directed by Jojo Tichakorn all the way back in 2016/17, and Jojo himself has referred to GOKB when talking about Only Friends on Twitter. So, to YouTube I went to do my research, and I HIGHLY recommend in my review tomorrow that you do, too!
2) Speaking of jacking my list up, I've added a few pre-television-BL movies to the list after hours of fabulous conversation with the inimitable @bengiyo and others. Next week, I'll review 2007's The Love of Siam, one of the very first films from Thailand that explored queer love in the slightest positive way. Sometime between now and the next 14 days, I'll also drop a review of 2014's My Bromance, starring Fluke Teerapat and Fluke Natouch. For approximately a nanosecond, I considered putting both movies into one review, but I watched My Bromance on Friday night, and just -- I ain't gonna do that to LoS.
I fell in love with LoS, even while the ending is controversial, and I'm planning to approach my review with an intersectional lens towards the history of how mass media has habitually treated queer characters before the rise of BLs across Asia; as compared to broader Asian media, and our general tolerance for suffering and non-happy endings. The Love of Siam captured a LOT for me about understanding who I am as an Asian, and what I expect out of media from Asia, while also digging into my understanding about continental perspectives on queerness. LoS, filmmaking-wise, was extraordinarily well-done, and I cannot wait to sharpen my pencils and get into it.
I took on My Bromance to understand where the Flukes stood between that movie and where they're at in their careers now -- Fluke Teerapat as a successful screenwriter (My Ride, La Pluie), and Fluke Natouch as a seriously well-regarded actor (Until We Meet Again, Make A Wish). I also wanted to get a better grip on common yaoi stereotypes before the rise of television BLs in Thailand. Welp -- My Bromance did just that, HA. Yiiiiiiii. I'll have to have a little tipple by my side while I write that review! But it's important to have on the list, nonetheless.
3) All of these movies mean that I've bumped some television content from the queue. After My Bromance, my awaited Manner of Death review will come out, with my loving homage to my rewatch of A Tale of Thousand Stars after that. Sometime this week, I'm gonna get started on Lovely Writer -- back to Tee Bundit, oh gawd -- and from then on, it's go go go to Nadao Bangkok, Last Twilight in Phuket, and I Promised You The Moon. AND Be My Favorite ends this week, AND Only Friends premieres this weekend, AND Dangerous Romance premieres next week. The riches! The blessings! THE LACK OF TIME, HA, but who cares, we're going down, down, baby!
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shovson · 4 days ago
For sleepover Saturday: if you could put together your ultimate F1 team, who would you pick for each role? And bonus question, what livery would your team have? (If it's matte we're getting divorced)
HELLO SEANAGH. it's evening monday now but still....GOOD QUESTION!!!! This is tough because I want to put all my favourite guys on one team BUT we also gotta spice it up with some odd choices maybe!!! SO LETS GET RIGHT INTO IT. USER SHOVSON RACING!!! sponsored by big yaoi (and maybe some fellas at team brackley too....)
bonus question: I want it to look like the old BAR car with the quirky typography!!!!!! I'VE SAID THIS BEFORE BUT I LOVE QUIRKY SAYINGS. maybe not in this colour scheme. I like black liveries. I'd have to think about it.
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sleepover saturday! monday
long ramble about the dream team below
TEAM PRINCIPAL -> JV because I love him and never want him to be unemployed think despite everything, he is still a good tp! I need him to have a little bit of his old brackley loyalty dog but I think other than that...I think he has what it takes! Clearly very involved if his clout demoning is anything to go off of.
TECHNICAL DIRECTOR -> Putting Pierre Wache here because I love him I think it's a little bit of a fun choice! I am curious how he's going to do without Newey this year.
(MORE ADDITIONS TO THE TECHNICAL TEAM: I would add Jallison and Newey to my technical team because I want to see them fight and disagree with each other....Wache can mediate lmao)
SPORTING DIRECTOR -> GAAAAAAH you know I love all my favourite sporting directors but I'm going to put Ron here. I almost put Fraudulent but I think Ron is very good at his job and I do enjoy his method of trying to get the least amount of consequence when something does go wrong. I am crying tearing up but its my vision.
TRACKSIDE ENGINEERING DIRECTOR -> choosing Ayao here as much as I LOVE SHOVERS. I wanted Ayao somewhere but I couldn't place him anywhere else but here. Idk shovers needs a break he can go to the factory.
STRATEGY -> TOUGH. I think I'd do Hannah and Ruth where they swap between races (I don't know the year it was released but Hannah mentioned she alternates races/factory roles with will courtenay or she did at some point). Obvious very good strategists, yeah?
CHIEF MECHANIC -> going to pick Lee Stevenson because Fraudulent and my man Matt Deane have had their spotlight. If (IF) he can fix Sauber he's the man for this team. And he's learned from the best Fraudulent.
CHIEF RACE ENGINEER -> gonna put Pete Bonnington here! I'm very excited to how he manages both engineers when his time comes. He's such a wonderful race engineer ofc im gonna pick my man pete
RACE ENGINEERS -> Feeling like Bono as chief was a bad idea since I gotta think who I want on my team next. I think... I think I'd choose Gaetan Jego and Mark Slade. Gaetan is still pretty new to F1 apparently (he's been in motorsport for a while but yeah)??? And so I'd want to see what that looks like with Mark Slade who has been in this sport for eons....also I picked Mark because I think he's evil.
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DRIVERS -> I don't wannnnnaaa pick but for the dream team I'll list off some pairings I would want
Lewis/Val or George
Zhou/Oscar or Val
Fred Vesti/GR
Robert Shwartz/Oscar or Zhou
I think I'd be happy with any of these pairings in da car ^_^.
am I missing anything? I don't think so that's the major roles! What an interesting question
I'd give Ambassador roles to Shov and Jenson ^_^ OBVS. I also want Mika though.....
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mavis-merry-magnolia · 2 years ago
i have more questions 😈 (will ask the next one in another ask)
favorite single moment of monogatari so far? if it's too hard to narrow down, can also be like, favorite funny moment, favorite tearjerking moment, favorite heartwarming moment, etc....
OH this...is actually a pretty easy one to answer! But I like the idea of breaking them down into individual moments so...here we go!
Favorite Funny Moment - This one is so hard to narrow down so i'll list a few but. Koyomi and Kanbaru frolicking in her yaoi books while "cleaning" KILLS me every time and seeing a gif of it is what inspired my current rewatch. It's only a few seconds but it and the ost bakaloleet is just a one two punch combo to make me crack up. The fact it's preceded by Koyomi being so distracted by the mess that he felt the need to clean someone ELSE'S house for them. Comedy gold. I love just about every moment of these two being frat bro idiots together.
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And this is. Gonna sound really stupid but, it's based on a joke one of the boys told. It's this fucking frame from episode 3 of Bake. (Which is also one of my favorite episodes from the whole series.)
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Trevor was out of nowhere like "Well they've sat on the teeter totter together, now they have to get together", followed by a hypothetical of the crab god telling her
Crab: "Because of your self realization, I will give you your weight back. Also you're going to marry the next boy you sit on the teeter totter with."
Hitagi: "Huh?"
[the next day]
Hitagi: "Shit."
And it's just spiraled from there. It came up again in Otorimonogatari when Koyomi finds Nadeko in that park.
Nadeko: "Oh Koyomi-oniichan, before we leave, do you want to sit on the teeter totter with m-"
Koyomi: "Nonono, I already fell for that once. Let's get going."
Favorite Tearjerking Moment - I think this one somewhat also overlaps with heartwarming moment? But I have a very specific one in mind to mention after this. But for this i'd have to say...the finale of Nekomonogatari White...the final culmination of Hanekawa coming to terms with herself...ALL parts of herself, Black Hanekawa and Kako, and finally, finally confessing her feelings for Koyomi out loud to be rejected, so she can begin moving on from this part of her life and healing....when she just finally cries and lets it all out I couldn't help but cry with her...
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And as for my favorite Heartwarming Moment, which in a way I think is still my Favorite Moment of the whole series is...
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"That's Deneb, Altair, Vega. The famous great summer triangle..."
Just, the whole of Episode 12 is such a gem. The dynamic that Hitagi and Koyomi have is such a treasure, and their first date was so well earned. It's SO sweet that she wanted to take him to a place that was so important to her as a kid for their first real date. The gentle piano, the gorgeous night sky they painted, Koyomi losing himself in the moment and her words...it's all so sweet. And then a moment that I didn't remember from when I was a teen. Koyomi and Hitagi have a serious discussion about the fact she was sexually assaulted as a kid, and how it could impact their relationship. Koyomi just holding her hand and listening. And the just...the raw acceptance and love they both share for each other in this moment.
I think this is the moment that now, all these years later, this journey went from "I wanna rewatch something silly I saw as a kid" to "Oh. I think this is something really, really special."
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talesfromthebacklog · 1 year ago
Random: A gamer’s diary entry for October 2023!
While I finish writing, and playing, my next backlog games I’m excited to add to the wishlist ‘Little Goody Two Shoes’. Which looks like it’s going to be getting a physical release. (Which I won’t be picking this game up until the physical drops. I already know I’ll like it.)
One of my favorite YouTube channels called Nostalook worked on the trailer (and I think the in game cutscenes as well) and their work is stunning as usual. It really captures the 90s anime look. It deeply reminds me of Princess Maker.
Also it’s a shoujo yuri. Female romancable characters only! (And they’re all so ✨ PRETTY ✨) I can’t explain how HAPPY that makes me. I just hope it stays in an innocent direction.
You know, because in majority yuri isn’t made for women. 😐
I get it, but at the same time I feel locked out of the content because it’s so obviously not for me. But that’s a complaint for a different post on a different day! Makes me wonder if men feel the same way about yaoi.
I was very bad this month. There were a lot of physical sales. And then my preorders for new games rolled in. I always prioritize my physical games over my… “digital” games, so those will be in the front of my backlog!
Let’s take a look at what I picked up! (I paid full price for nothing on this list. I am wickedly good at finding deals and coupons. Which upon review I will attempt to pass onto you!):
Sonic Superstars
Coffee Talk 2
Moon A Remix RPG
I’m already playing a few of these games, so my reviews on those should be out next week!
I decided to skip this month’s two biggest releases altogether until about next year. I want the GOTY Spider-Man 2 when it comes with all of the DLC for $20. The first one was amazing. I’m just willing to wait on it. Which is a similar story for Mario Wonder. I mostly use the fall season to get all the titles I’ve been wanting for a freaking sick deal. Why should I have to pay full price?
The older I get, the more I feel like I appreciate weird games and indie titles more anyway. I feel like those other projects have the freedom to take more aesthetic risks than the big companies. Not because of the creatives inside (They tend to always have good ideas), but the stockholders. 🙄
I adore some of these triple A titles to my core, but I crave to see more new things too. Different things.
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Dave The Diver is a good example. That seems rad. I like ocean games. I like that we get more of them now. I’m gonna wait and see if that one gets a physical as well. You collect fish to go back to your restaurant to make sushi? Sign me up!
Don’t even get me started on Limited Run’s releases this month.
While ‘Persona 4’ and ‘This Way Madness Lies’ are no brainers for me; I was EXTREMELY on the fence about ‘Persona 3 Portable’. (I did pick it up reluctantly)
The remake of Persona 3 will be upon us soon and I don’t know if I’ll want to play P3P again. The problem lies in the fact that most of these games become much more expensive later. Buying it on “launch” from Limited Run usually IS the cheaper option.
That shit annoys me so bad. I don’t like picking up games for value. But because the game might be value I have to be ahead of the scalpers and pay for it at its maybe cheapest.
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I collect games because I like ‘em. I want to play them and love them. I want to use my stuff. I don’t give a fuck about the “value”. I respect the folks that do care about that stuff but I plain just don’t.
But that’s also just kinda life. Not much can be done about other people. You can only truly control yourself. 🙄
Overall October has been an exceptionally excellent month for gaming! We’ve had so much good stuff come out this fall season. I’m excited for next month as well! Super Mario RPG will be making its re-debut and I can’t wait to talk about that one!
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theotherseapancakes · 1 year ago
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Final day of LunarCon photo roundup! Ft the fact I fantasia'd to make Claude Cosplay more accurate... I decided I'll keep the colors for stanza, the green eyes and darker skin looked lovely. Sadly my Viera palette couldnt get any darker. But I got to meet Huskybythegeek and saw SOOOO many good cosplays I just can NOT list them all. Lots of FF14 characters but I HAD HAD HAAAAD to bring up the Hesperos. OLD. MAN. YAOI. REAL. As you all know I've drawn Hespy, and I love him. He's great. Vampire Doo Wop. We also saw someone cosplaying as Morgan from FEA but I didnt have time to get a pic, and we saw a Gatekeeper keeping us all safe with nothing to report. My plans for next year? Chrobin. I'm going to fully deck out and level Chrom alongside my wife's FRobin and we're gonna make many outfits. My first outfit is a FEH alt... hohoho. I had SO much fun. I can't attend cons IRL bc im disabled and this was the most fun ive ever had as a shy sick bean. So many people came up and cheered on their favorite Lords and saw Claude and said hi. I shed a tear or two. Guess the demographic is a circle!
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