#i saw SO many cosplays and snapped SO many pics
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theotherseapancakes · 1 year ago
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Final day of LunarCon photo roundup! Ft the fact I fantasia'd to make Claude Cosplay more accurate... I decided I'll keep the colors for stanza, the green eyes and darker skin looked lovely. Sadly my Viera palette couldnt get any darker. But I got to meet Huskybythegeek and saw SOOOO many good cosplays I just can NOT list them all. Lots of FF14 characters but I HAD HAD HAAAAD to bring up the Hesperos. OLD. MAN. YAOI. REAL. As you all know I've drawn Hespy, and I love him. He's great. Vampire Doo Wop. We also saw someone cosplaying as Morgan from FEA but I didnt have time to get a pic, and we saw a Gatekeeper keeping us all safe with nothing to report. My plans for next year? Chrobin. I'm going to fully deck out and level Chrom alongside my wife's FRobin and we're gonna make many outfits. My first outfit is a FEH alt... hohoho. I had SO much fun. I can't attend cons IRL bc im disabled and this was the most fun ive ever had as a shy sick bean. So many people came up and cheered on their favorite Lords and saw Claude and said hi. I shed a tear or two. Guess the demographic is a circle!
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dozenssporks · 2 years ago
okay but a liveblog by an employee after someone who appears to be THE Vash the Stampede walks into a Denny’s at 2 AM and orders pancakes.
do you think I’m about to be mercilessly slaughtered in cold blood? What if I didn’t give him enough syrup and he flips
I could call the cops but what if it’s some sort of naruto cosplayer and I’m totally overreacting and end up getting fired I have college loans guys
I can’t get a good opportunity to snap a pic but the maybe humanoid typhoon is with a priest??? 
I mean he looks like a priest, but if a priest had their entire parish blown up and he’s turned down a dark but sexy road of revenge
he has? this cross?? as tall as me and from the clunk when he put it down it must be massively heavy
something something his cross to bear? the weight of his sins?
is there an anti-hero priest giving religious counseling to VtS in the back booth?
do I feel God in this chili’s denny’s tonight
what if the guy who blew the parish to smithereens is VtS :O
are they having an intense psychological war where their contrasting ideologies clash before the final showdown in the parking lot
(I’ve seen things ALMOST weirder than that in the parking lot)
are they having an intense psychological war over chconana pancakes (the anti-hero priest ordered moons over my hammy)
or maybe the priest is just in trinity blood cosplay
I refilled VTS’s orange juice and the anti-priest warned me that if I give VtS any more sugar they will only tip 15%
I’m confused was that supposed to be a threat O_O
when I was refilling their drinks I saw VtS shove an entire choconana pancake in his mouth he cannot actually be the notoriously unhinged humanoid typhoon false alarm everybody
(why are there belts on the cross??)
these guys look beat up and dead tired maybe they just came from a con oh well cosplayers aren’t as interesting as the possibility of gruesome slaughter
I want to ask them who they’re cosplaying would that be rude
^the next addition is posted a significant period of time later*
um so we got robbed
almost got robbed
I promised I wouldn’t post this for a few hours that’s why the lag I’m not in the hospital or anything (even if I was hurt I’d fight tooth and nail to stop them from putting me into an ambulance I have college loans)
my life (or at least the cash drawer) was saved by the naruto cosplayer
only he’s not a naruto cosplayer
he actually *WAS* VASH THE STAMPEDE!!!
he shot he shot the gun he was all the way across the restaurant and he shot the gun out of the robber’s hand without even getting up from the booth
they I got they tipped me twenty-seven dollars and all the pennies Actual-VtS had in his pockets all the all the pennies so many why
hair his hair actually really does that it’s not photoshop it is just Like That
robber ran away and VtS hung out for a bit to make sure I was okay (the anti-priest was so super nice and calmed me down?? I hope his parish didn’t actually get blown up he deserves better)
anti-priest gave me a lollipop
VtS gave me an autograph with a little heart with an arrow through it in the corner I don’t understand
asked me to give him a headstart before I called the cops or blogged I told them I was blogging kinda blurted it out VtS knows what naruto is
yeah I didn’t call the cops
I’ve been up for twenty hours maybe this is an hallucination I’ll double check in the morning
but just . . . who was the priest
what was the cross I need answers
but for now ‘night and um Love and Peace?
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husky-twst-and-obeyme · 4 years ago
Anon Asked : "You know how some twst fan artists like to draw Yuu with their face blocked out, usually by Grim? I have this headcanon that in the Twisted Wonderland universe, it’s impossible to get a picture of Yuu, there’s always someone standing in front of them, a piece of paper floating by, or they’re just out of frame, but no one noticed until after the picture was taken. No one knows why, Rook even tried to draw them once but a Pomefiore first year spilled nail polish on the picture when he finished. " I do like that idea! I did see one artist who just had a mickey shaped head with blank eyes and it really looked cool! Now as for the scenario or story i will only do Dorm leaders for this situation, if anyone wishes for more i will provide ! BUT i have a small twist :) Warnings: Cursing Riddle
Riddle wasn't sure why but he it really irritated him how whenever they did civil group pictures, you always end up blocked or something happens to you in your part of the picture
It's not your fault really but it bugs him
he made it a goal to get a perfect picture , such as asking for a selfie
He actually wasn't a fan of it but he wanted at least ONE good picture of you because he cherishes his friends
He's frustrated to no end
He eventually gave up and just accepted fate
he even tried to draw you and it somehow got ruined which made his mood worst
At one point , you came to him with a strawberry tart to cheer him up but he was really pouty
You asked if he wanted to try the selfie again but you hold the phone , which he reluctantly agreed to
afterwards when you left , he went to see the picture and he couldn't believe his damn eyes
a perfect picture of you and him
" i don't know if i want to cry of joy or behead them . "
He stilled loved the photo and refused to show anyone else in case it somehow got ruined or deleted
He wasn't too interested in photos but in your case it caught his interest slightly
he noticed from school activity photos that your face was always somehow ruined.
he thought it was funny but rare
so he tasked ruggie to take a picture for a small amount , mainly because he thought it would be easy
plus it's not like he wants a photo of you for anything psssshh
but when ruggie returned , he was frustrated and tired
confused leona questioned him
"Leona san. i loved getting money from you but i might just not even try anymore ..."
he got baffled that Ruggie had given up money for any easy task. or so he thought was easy
So thinking ruggie was being lazy , he went to do it himself
as a predator, he knows how to be sneaky and hide well , so once he locked you in , he took a snap
he looks ats the photo completely ruined
he took another , ruined. once again , it was ruined
he repeats many tries after and it all ends the same
" ahh fuck it ... " and went for a nap
later on you wanted a selfie with leona
being smug he said " would you even get the picture right ?~"
with a pout " of course i can!" you posed for the picture and snapped
he took a glance and he'll be damned ,, it was perfect
" don't talk to me for the next few day, herbivore."
azul didn't like photos , much at least because of certain ones of his past
though he took note of a particular incident
(Event after chapter 3) when you all took a picture at the museum , he noticed that your part of the picture , floyd's arm covered your face
He thought nothing of it until he noticed it often
Ace took a photo of you and deuce and somehow grim flew in front of your face
Cater took a selfie but it ended up blurred
it was pointless but hard to ignore so he assigned Jade and floyd into getting the perfect picture of you
after a couple hours, jade and floyd came back frustrated
even jade looked visibly irritated which was VERY rare to the point it scared Azul
they showed him nothing but blurry pics, he knew something was up because even jade wouldn't fail this bad
He knew he couldn't stand the chance if the tweels failed
but later on , you wanted to take a selfie with him
he refused immediately but you promised to keep the photo private , then he did agree , reculantantly
His immediate thought was that the picture would of been ruined anyways but was shocked to see a cute selfie of him and you
"....send me that picture . " you turned to him "what???" "SEN ME THAT PICTURE"
We all know this absolute dork would love to take pictures , possibly from Cater's influence , because he sees it as a fun thing to do
So you , being one of his favorite people, he obviously wants a good photo of you
but to his disappointment, when he wanted to take a pic of you while you were at the gardens, it turned out super blurry
he thought nothing of it , just might of moved a bit , until the next one came blurry
he was getting semi frustrated and you had already left , so for once, he was actually grumpy to the point where he just asked Jamil to take a good picture for him
he felt lowkey bad of course but he was a tiny bit frustrated
Jamil didn't care until he had the same issue
Jamil tried a it but gave up when he kept getting the same result
then kalim was just sad , he just wanted a cute picture of you
you visited one day and he was his usual self but you here reminded him of the picture incident
you offered to try again , he was hard for him to say no to you
but after looking..you took a perfect photo
he wanted to cry and you were just so confused
hug him he needs it
Vil is a perfectionist of course, which includes photos too
you , him and a few others went on a small trip , you wanting to take a photo to remember the trip
you're one of the only people he's allowed for a picture minus fans because he's aware you just want a genuine picture and knows you won't share/ brag about it
Rook offered to take the photo
you two posed and rook took the shot but Vil automatically saw Rook's confused face
"Rook?.. is there a problem?" "non non roi du poison! I must of moved a little fast, part of it came blurry
he didn't think on it , just a small mistake no biggy
that was until the problem kept repeating itself
Irrigated , he took the camera and looked at the photos , each and every one of them was blurred of were you were at while vil looked completely fine
he slowly looked at you while you just stood there worried that we weren't going to get a picture
"Vil senpai? maybe i can just take a selfie? Rook's camera's probably broken"
sighing in defeat , he agreed ,after getting in a cute pose , you snapped a photo
he took a look and he was legit about to burst
It was an absolute beautiful picture
He was stunned that you did an even better job then rook
might make you his photographer
we all know for a fact, he hates pictures , at least mainly of himself
though he doesn't mind pictures of you
of course , he doesn't take pics of you willy nilly , he asks you first because he'd be hypocrite to take a picture of someone who didn't want a photo
You often cosplayed as some of his favorite characters and of course he'd want a picture of it but he was in for a surprise
The first time you cosplayed in front of him , he asked and you agreed
he snapped the photo , it blurred
he got irritated but thought nothing of it and tried again
still failed
he has plenty of cameras ( I dunno it's for the story make up your own reason XD ) and used a different one to get a photo
it failed and he tried many times , it was too a point he built up the courage *cough*two hours*cough to ask rook to help
he was dumbfounded when rook couldn't do well
you later went home , while idia was sad , he really wnated to take a good pic
soon after, you sent him a text
"I'm sorry you couldn't get a cute picture earlier, so i took a shot at it with a selfie!"
and there he saw the perfect picture
"...what the f**k is this voodoo magic- "
he of course loved it but he was so confused
oh boy here we go-
he was still confused on the idea of photos
but he thought it was similar to a painting but it's instant
so of course he wants one with you
he attempts to use an old style camera (hey be lucky he made it this far)
he sets it up to where it takes a picture with a timer and you both pose
After it was done, he looked at the photo and somehow it blurred
he just thought it was a small mistake and tried again
second time, same result
this is where his temper slowly rises and it's shown every time it fails
and after about the 20th time , he smashes the camera
you attempt to calm him down and offered to use your phone
he agrees because he trusts you more than a dumb camera
after you took the photo, he was very happy , it looked wonderful
he didn't care about the camera anymore, he just cared that he got a good photo
I hope you enjoyed!
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cosplayinamerica · 6 years ago
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In 2014, I wore the comic book Captain Marvel costume to HeroesCon, a guy ran up to me and asked if I could take a picture with his baby daughter. She was wearing a little Captain Marvel shirt and red boots and was just the cutest thing. I tried to hold her but she squirmed away and her dad said “Oh, she’s in one of those phases where she doesn’t want to be held. But she fist bumps!” So I stuck out my fist and she punched it rapidly like the little genius she was. The dad snapped a pic, and we ended up following each other on instagram and becoming good friends (IG: @tsfogg). 
Cut to this past year, and Scott was asking around about how he could get his daughter a Captain Marvel costume in time for the movie. I offered to make her costume myself. He sent me all her measurements and I sewed up her costume, which is what you see her wearing in the picture on my IG. Scott and I then schemed about the particular pictures we wanted to take with her and me together at Heroescon 2019, and top on Scott’s list was to re-create the fist-bump photo from 5 years before. A Captain Marvel fist-bump five years in the making!
Overall, cosplaying Carol this year has been such a treat, with the movie having come out and all. So many tiny girls were shaking with excitement when they saw me, and I was so happy that I had this opportunity to be this tough, awesome superhero woman for them. And the little boys, too! I took a picture with a little boy who was dressed up as Captain Marvel and I almost cried; it’s so wonderful to see these sorts of things changing since when I was a little girl. When I was little it seemed like there were no female characters I could relate to, and women were just nuisances in a story you had to endure to get to the good stuff. Now, to see little girls and little boys loving Captain Marvel and not learn all that toxic, misogynist junk I learned as a little girl is just wonderful, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.
-- https://www.instagram.com/amuly21/
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braincoins · 6 years ago
“Come on, it’ll be fun.”
“I don’t know...”
“Okay, but... in costume? You’re sure?”
“Trust me.”
Technically, Lance was here to cover it for the site. 
I love my job so much.
He was getting paid to attend the first Starlight Con, where the geeks of the city could pay honor and homage to their superhero. And he had a press pass to get him into basically any and every event he could want to attend! 
Cosplayers were everywhere, most as Starlight, but he caught a few Paladins wandering around. The dealer’s room was packed with superhero-related RPGs, CCGs, video games, and comics. 
Lance spent a good chunk of time in the artist’s alley, which was full to bursting with fanartists, fanfic writers, and a slew of fancomics. These were the hardcore fans (aside from the cosplayers), and he interviewed a few (and let them promo their stuff in return).
“Starlight does so much for this city, and she really captures the imagination!”
“I think it’s important for my daughters to see a strong black woman hero. She’s their idol - and mine, too.”
“I just think she’s super hot.” Because of course the fanboy contingent was out in spades. Lance drummed up some controversy asking their opinions on Paladin, and there was almost a literal fistfight between two fans when one said he thought Paladin and Starlight should hook up and the other said that Starlight didn’t need a man. Convention Center security was right on that, thankfully. Lance quietly decided not to publish the video he got of the fight; it’d just be embarrassing for them both, and “nerds fight over their opinions” wasn’t exactly newsworthy.
He was taking a lunch break when he saw two people stroll in wearing the best costumes he’d seen yet. They were Starlight and Paladin, of course, and they were almost immediately thronged by con-goers eager for pictures. 
The Starlight cosplayer seemed a little anxious, but her partner whispered something in her ear, then grinned and posed for the cameras. She copied him somewhat uncertainly and everyone snapped away and thanked them. Huh, first time cosplaying, maybe? Well, hers, for sure. He snapped a couple pics as they walked by and went back to eating his overpriced hot dog. Lunchtime was sacred. Hopefully he could catch up with them later.
There was a panel starting at 1 PM about the need for superheroes in this day and age. Lance got there early for some good crowd shots, recorded the whole thing, and got some interviews with the panelists afterwards. There was a police representative who gave the standard “vigilante” line, of course. One of the panelists said she was a cop but stressed that her opinions were her own and not representative of the city PD before saying that she loved Starlight and was glad she was out there, but that she didn’t want normal civilians trying to do what Starlight - and this new one, Paladin - were out there doing. “They’re... unique. Let them do the dangerous stuff. There are so many other ways of being a hero: adopting a pet from the shelter, or adopting a child from foster care! Donating time and money to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Taking a moment out of your day to do something nice for someone else.” Lance got every word she said... but didn’t get her number sadly. Oh well; can’t blame a guy for trying.
Coming out of the panel, he ran into the super-good cosplayers again, but they were thronged by other cosplayers asking about how they made their outfits. “Starlight” was uncomfortable with all the attention and questions; “Paladin” seemed to be enjoying himself, saying it was a “trade secret” and he could tell them but then he’d have to kill them and making everyone laugh. Lance let them be for now.
He prowled around the dealer’s room some more. There were some modern day snake oil salesmen here, of course, claiming that their smoothies or drink powders or “super foods” would make you healthy and strong just like Starlight! Lance tucked his press ID into his shirt; they’d pounce on him if they saw a chance for free advertising. He did take free samples though; most of them tasted kind of chemical-y, but there was some sort of granola crunchie thing that was actually pretty good. Might not make me a superhero, but at least it doesn’t taste like cardboard dipped in paint thinner. 
The con organizers seemed to have segregated the wackos into one area. Most of them were obvious nutjobs, but there was one, run by what looked like a high school girl, that made a pretty compelling case for Starlight being an extra-terrestrial. “It explains her gadgets!” the girl declared. “Super advanced tech, like nothing anyone’s ever seen!” She leaned close to Lance to confide, “And I think her ears are actually pointed. I mean, what point in making them look like that otherwise? It’s not like pointed ears are a necessary part of a ‘starlight’ themed aesthetic, y’know?”
“You think Starlight’s a space elf?” he asked skeptically.
She frowned as she straightened up and folded her arms. “That’s reductive. I think she’s an alien who happens to have pointed ears. ‘Space elf’ is just silly.”
“Oh, sorry, of course. Thanks for the food for thought, though.” But, it was a good point: why did Starlight want her ears to look like they were pointed?
Most people weren’t interested in looking too deep into the gift horse’s mouth. They were just happy Starlight existed and was willing to help out. There was another panel at 3 of people who had been saved by Starlight. Lance had to run and it took a flash of his press pass to get in since they’d just closed the doors.
Heh, I wonder if Shiro’ll be here. Everyone at the paper knew that Shiro’d been saved by Starlight hundreds of times, probably. He was probably her #1 Most Rescued or something.
But, alas, no sign of his colleague. Some of the “panelists” were mundane - “Starlight helped me carry my groceries” - but there were some more exciting ones. One guy had been part of a small crowd evacuated from a Planned Parenthood when a wackjob had threatened to blow it up.
“I tripped and fell and I could feel my ankle give. Probably wasn’t broken, I thought - and I was right, as it turned out - but I didn’t think I was going to hobble out of there in time. But then Starlight showed up, picked me up, and ran out of the building.
“You all probably know the rest of the story: the bomb did blow, but it didn’t have enough force to do more than knock out some windows. Made a mess of the waiting room, though. And that was where I tripped. It might have killed me, or at least injured me a lot more.”
A woman saved from her abusive partner. A group of kids who’d not only been saved in the moment from a drive-by shooting but who had thereafter dedicated themselves to making their neighborhood safer, following Starlight’s example. A teenager who said he’d never met Starlight or seen her in person, but that following her crime-fighting career gave him a reason to keep going every day despite the bullying he endured for being trans. “She’s black, like me. When she’s not wearing the mask, I bet she has to put up with bullshit all the time. But she doesn’t let it beat her down. She keeps going out there and saving people. Knowing she’s out there lets me know the world’s not as bad a place as it seems sometimes.”
Lance interviewed every single one of them afterwards, even the little old lady with the groceries. No task too small for our hero, he thought with a satisfied smile.
He was about to leave for the day - the con went all weekend, and he wanted to file the report soon so maybe more people would come tomorrow - when he came across the couple with the awesome costumes again. Last chance! He called out, “Hey, Starlight! Paladin!” and jogged up to them.
They turned towards him; Paladin smiled widely but Starlight just groaned, “Oh my god.”
“Fantastic costumes! Can I get a picture? I work for the online version of The Daily World, and you’d be a great cover image for the story!”
“Anything for one of the citizens of our fair city,” Paladin said in a deep voice. I love it when they’re in character, Lance thought. 
“This is too much,” Starlight protested, doing a spot on impression of that weird, British-y accent of hers. “In the paper? Are you kidding me?”
“Really, you’re a knockout, both of you!” Lance assured her. “Best costumes I’ve seen!”
“It’s important to have only the very best equipment when you’re fighting crime,” Paladin agreed.
“You’re loving this,” she accused him.
“I absolutely am,” he replied with a wide grin. “Come on, Starlight. It’s for the paper.”
She sighed. “Oh, very well. I suppose it will look nice.”
“You gotta pose,” he told her, striking his own ‘Valiant Defender of the City’ pose in demonstration.
“Oh, this is ridiculous.” But she did her own pose anyway.
Lance snapped a few pics. “Perfect! Fantastic! I swear if I didn’t know better, I’d think you two were really them!”
Paladin started laughing, but then Starlight grabbed his arm. “Okay, that’s it, we’re leaving.”
“Aww! We’ve only been here a few hours!”
“That’s more than enough. Besides, if we’re too tired, we won’t be having any fun tonight.”
“Fun or fun?” he asked her.
“Okay, we’re leaving.” He waved at Lance. “Take care, citizen!”
“You too!” Lance said with a laugh as Starlight hauled him towards the exit. He checked his photos of them, which were all excellent, of course, chuckled, and headed out as well. He had a story to write.
{The Adventures of Starlight & Paladin}
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yourthyla · 7 years ago
I am here with my enthusiastic report about how I met Jeffrey Combs for the first time at Sheffield horror con, cosplaying Herbert West. If this post triggers you in any way, feel free not to keep reading. Sounds strange but these posts did trigger myself, that’s what you get for unhealthy celebrity crush. Because, this post is also going to relate to platonic love a bit because that was a big part of this experience to me and sometimes it can get out of hand, sometimes this is a very intense moment for people. For that intensity, this might be a trigger.
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Honestly, not gonna lie with you folks but I have a huge crippling platonic crush on Jeffrey and when I saw him from distance, when he raised his head to look at the next person in the queue, his eyes were sparkling and his smile was engraved in my mind as the warmest thing I’ve seen. The man is 63 and I am not ashamed to say he is beautiful. He just is. And first time he looked into my direction, probably not even seeing me, I was weak in knees, butterflies in my stomach, adoring warmth in my heart. For a person who has problems experiencing real-life love because they can’t help but compare it to something unreal, fictional, without reach, I am sure many of you have been there at some point, this was..simply very intense. I’ve been dreaming about this very moment most nights for the past month. 
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When it was finally my turn (kudos to the convention system - you got a number like in a bank and didn’t have to stand in the queue until your number was nearing) I froze for a moment a meter in front of Jeffrey and his eyes were on me then. I stepped closer at last, no idea what my face must have looked like, probably awe. And Jeff went “Look at you!” So I melted. He seemed proud of me to wear a nice cosplay of him, later on he even showed some person next to him “Look, that’s Herbert West.” Anyway, I shook his hand and then I showed him my wristwatch to have something to go from. I had sent him a pic of my unfinished cosplay some time ago on Twitter and he actually replied then, saying it’s excellent and not to forgot “Herbie’s” wristwatch. Which I might have if he didn’t say. When I showed them, he immediately remembered with enthusiasm, again pointing out the story to his assistant or whatever, about how he saw my tweet. Then we had a little chat about what hand Herbert had the watch on, where I found out Jeff was left-handed. Moving on, I handed him my Lovecraft Re-Animator short story to sign and he wrote my name and all, we also took a selfie. 
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Look at him, he looks so proud. Seriously guys, he was such delight. And I will fight you on the opinion that age just adds to his charm. Beside a few other comments, that was it. Oh yes and I actually asked to hug him which was...fucking nice. Jeff then had a panel with Barbara Crampton, who played Meg on Re-Animator and who was actually a sweetheart too. Because I was extra, I snapped a pencil in the audience for some Herbert vibe but unfortunately it was too far for him to hear lol but some people behind me laughed. 
We had a quick photo too! Where Jeff immediately reached for my Reagent because he does love to use our props guys. I asked him if he wants to use that on me, to which he always goes “Uh-hmm!” with this..smooth excitement, it was really cool. 
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And after that, staying in the room for few minutes to realise my friend and I are the last ones there who aren’t staff, I left, super embarrassed like what the hell? I realised I should stop staring. But sometimes I could not help it, especially in the beginning when I just watched from far distance. He was just glowing, you know? No less than in TV. And I kept telling my dude, I could just look at him all day, it’s mesmerising, I just want to watch him, that’s all, watch him do his thing, mundane as it was, I watched him smile and enjoy his job and it made me satisfied and there was no time-space, there was just Jeffrey. But there was also the constant feeling at the back of my head, yelling loudly, don’t be creepy though, don’t be a crazy fan, don’t linger too much and give him a chance to respect you. But it’s hard.
Anyway, after that, while I decided to join cosplay masquerade just for the hell of it (which was fun and successful, although i obviously didn’t win) I was overwhelmed by intense melancholy. Because this was it. It was literally like a drug, when you get high and you are somewhere else for a while, you just live in a state of agitated happiness. And then it’s gone. And I don’t know when, and if, I see him again. This man I am ashamed to say I love. I know, it’s more like a big admiration, call it obsession or whatever you want, I am not stupid, I experienced a feeling like this before and I am mature enough to control it and express it to the person in an adequate and appreciation-worthy way, but that doesn’t change the fact that I felt love, and I felt heartbreak, and I was empty without him next to me. Because you had it within reach but then you have to leave it. Because obviously, you love it, you must let it go. 
Despite that, I couldn’t stand the way I felt and decided to see him one last time, luckily finding him signing his last autographs. I came to his table and he was first to greet me again, in a very nice, tireless (what a guy) voice. I stuttered out something like I couldn’t help it not to say a proper goodbye to him. That fantastic man stood up and hugged me over the table once more while I was telling him how much much much this meant to me, close to crying but I didn’t. Jeff thanked me for representing him. Then I again lingered more than I should have lol, but I left, much more satisfied this time with some sort of closure. I am currently working hard on my Weyoun cosplay so I really hope to meet him again to be able to bow to him in it! So, that was that? One of the most important events to me, for sure. Thanks for reading my reflective essay whoever did, take whatever you want from it and know that Jeff won’t disappoint in giving you a very delightful experience if you meet him! What a sweet, sweet man.
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geekyboymom · 6 years ago
DragonCon 2018 Cosplays
I saw a so many great cosplays this weekend! Most I saw just in passing and wasn’t able to snap a pic (the on point Mary Poppins and Bert were awesome!). Here are a few I was able to snap.
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oneeightcosplay-blog · 7 years ago
Anime Boston 2018 | Day One
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This was by far the best con yet! This was Kate and I’s first con where we actually met awesome people! Kate and I always make it a goal to make friends at cons but we get too nervous to talk to new people but this con was so much different! We met brilliant new people every day at the con and it was honestly a dream come true! There are so many faces I cannot wait to see again! 
Day One we went as Deku and Uraka and get this WE WERE ACTUALLY AHEAD OF SCHEDULE IN THE MORNING!! When we left the hotel by 9:15 I was honestly SHOOK! I was so proud of us because usually Kate and I say we’ll leave at a certain time but then we spend too much time being cozy in bed and then scramble to get ready. We left the hotel and the first thing we did was we went and picked up our badges. The badge line was luckily not bad at all! It took us maybe 20-30 minutes which was a shock! SO THANK YOU PRE-REGISTRATION YOU’RE THE REAL HOMIE!! <3 
After picking up our badges we decided to get Starbucks because Deku and Uraraka are basic. Kate and I both got coffee fraps and a double chocolate chip frap for our friend Nicole ( @talacosart ), which turned out to actually be for her friend Orion. Sneaky sneaky! But honestly I would’ve picked up coffee for anyone TBH just say the word and I got you! Because of all the frappuccinos in my hand, I forgot to record me meeting Nicole for the first time!!! It was a chase through the artist alley. I went through aisle and aisle until I finally spotted her! I shouted, I think don’t quote me on this, NICOLE! She stared at me for a moment and just didn’t say anything but then after a few seconds it clicked and we went in for the running hug! She later admitted she forgot what I looked like...thanks Nicole -_- <3 
I introduced her to Kate and she introduced me to three of her very sweet and awesome friends! Later that night I asked Nicole for her friends’ Instagrams so I could stalk them only to discover that I already followed them and already stalked them a few weeks ago. Orion taught me “bust a nut” so that’s exciting! What a guy!! We roamed the artist alley for a long while and I gushed over all the beautiful Lance art and Tododeku art. After artist alley, I really kind of forgot what we did after that...I want to say OH WAIT I REMEMBER!! We went up to Nicole’s room so that she could change into Killua from Hunter X Hunter!!! We waited for Nicole to change and Kate and I bonded with her dad Jim while watching Friends and talking about the origin of the laugh track. Then we went to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen and Kate and I shared a Margarita Pizza. The Margarita Pizza had hidden tomatoes in it and I was not happy but it was still yummy I guess. Jim paid for lunch which was INSANELY KIND AND GENEROUS!! Kate and I insisted that he didn’t but he insisted that he did and I couldn’t believe he would pay for the food of two strangers. It was so sweet! <3 THANKS AGAIN JIM!!!!!!
After lunch, we went to the Vendor’s Room! Kate was on the hunt for a One Punch Man figurine for her brother Alex and I just wanted something cute and fluffy. As we were walking through the vendor’s room we realized that Josh Grelle, THE VOICE OF ARMIN MY BEST BOY, was having a signing which is wild because I thought I was going to miss it because I thought it was at 8 PM!! So I jumped right into line and Kate and Nicole were so sweet to wait with me!! Josh was soooooo sweet and funny and he spoke to me in his Armin voice and I almost started crying. It was an amazing experience and I’m so happy I got to meet the man behind some of my most precious children (Armin, Yuri, and Nitori). 
Kate and I invited ourselves to the Hunter X Hunter meetup and somehow became professional photographers for the meetup. Well I mean not really but I pretended like I was. I snapped 10000000 pics of Nicole and the whole gang! And I’m pretty sure at first the people at the meetup thought I was just some creepy stranger BUT I PROMISE IM NOT!! Got some awesome shots of Nicole and some meme shots of her, Kate, and I. But who doesn’t love a good meme? 
We all went back to Kate and I’s hotel so we could change into our onesies for the BNHA PJ meetup. Kate wore a pig onesie and I wore my carrot onesie. We stayed at the hotel for about an hour and we laughed at Barbie Vlog Videos and we told some fun stories from high school and talked about prom experiences and such. It was really fun and awesome bonding time!! Then we went to Nicole’s hotel room again and Nicole changed into Todoroki for the BNHA PJ meetup. NICOLE CHANGED SO MUCH ON FRIDAY OML BLESS HER SOUL. Then we walked to the place where we wanted to eat dinner but it was too fancy for us to eat there in cosplay so we had to scramble to find a new place. We finally decided on going to a Poke place right across from the con and I don’t think Nicole and Kate liked it that much :( BUT I LOVED IT! On our way there we ran into a nice man on a bicycle who asked us all about the convention and he told us about his first con experience at Katsucon when he was 8. He told us he was thankful we ran into him so that he knew the con was going on and he pulled out his phone to buy tickets. He gave us great advice on where to eat the rest of the weekend and then he biked away! We never saw him at the con but I hope he made it and had a great time!!
The last thing we did was go to the PJ meetup!! It was so fun! I had never been to a meetup of any sorts before and it was fun to see all my fave characters in fun PJs!!! There was a Tokoyami which was awesome and there were a lot of adorable fellow Dekus!!! After the meetup, we did our own little mini photoshoot. We did some Tododeku, Uradeku, and just some trio pics!! A lot of dabbing!! Then we just sat around in that spot for about an hour. We went live and our friend Lu joined us and taught us about how to edit photographs and they showed us their awesome photography project for school. They were worried about it but Kate, Nicole, all the people on the live, and I reassured them that their project was SLAYING AND BRILLIANT AND FABULOUS!!! 
We got back to the hotel at about 12:30 AM and I started looking through vlog stuff, took a shower, watched my friend Faith go live on Instagram and do some awesome cosplay makeup, and watched Netflix till about 2:00 AM. After Kate got out of the shower she was on her phone for about 30 minutes and then she passed out. We were so happy with how the day went and we were so excited to do Voltron the next day!!!!! 
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vsenpaiii-writes · 5 years ago
October 31, 2019 & November 1, 2019
I woke up the morning of Halloween not feeling the best - it was a struggle to get out of bed because the moment I woke up, I remembered that the ones I love the most are not there anymore. I obsessively check my phone to see if any of them has messaged me, and become depressed and sad when I don’t see anything from them. It makes me feel so alone. I don’t want to bother them anymore so I don’t message them first, which has been absolute torture. I want to see how they are doing, what they are up to, and to tell them that I miss them. But self control is something I’m practicing. 
I texted another best friend of mine blocks of texts just venting out all my feelings. I never got a response, which made me curl up in a ball for a bit. My withdrawals are getting worse and worse - I read that trying to detox on your own is actually life threatening because you’re all of a sudden depleting your body of what it was so dependent on that your body doesn’t know how to handle it. I made an appointment for next Tuesday to receive medical assistance on detoxing safely, so I hope that will help with the withdrawal symptoms. 
I had plans to go to a rave for Halloween, but even that was hard to look forward to. I sat staring at my Neko-Chan Nezuko costume for hours wondering whether it was worth it to go out, even though I was so looking forward to wearing it out and to rave again after so long. And then at the absolute perfect time, my best friend from California, who I have not talked to since I left, sent me an encouraging and positive text reminding me to love myself, because the moment I love myself is when everyone else will love me too (if you’re reading this, which I know you are, I love you very much <3). This is the positivity I need to keep going. 
And so I put on my costume, though half-assed because I was a bit lethargic after spending all day in my mind (like I didn’t even put on the sash or ribbons or anything lol I was like eh..it’s a rave, not a convention). And then I went.
And it was one of the best decisions I’ve made during this recovery period.
I received so many compliments on my costume and so many head pats it was ridiculous lol. I would walk around and someone would scream “Nezuko!” and then ask for a picture with me and then give me a head pat. Or if I was just chilling and dancing, random people would come up to me and just pat my head. Or if I was walking by people, I would get random hugs (and moaarrr head pats teehee do u see why I’m so happy I fucking love head pats). I felt like I was at a convention bc I don’t know how many pics I took that night with people or how many people walked by and yelled “I love your cosplay!”
And I met so many cool people that night too. A girl in a Sailor Moon costume spotted me and freaked out hahaha she was like “HOLY SHIT IT’S NEZUKO” and hugged me for like a minute and wouldn’t let go lmao. She then actually started tearing up?? Bc she was like I love Nezuko so much holy shit you’re so cute I loveee Nezuko and took like 5 billion pictures of me and with me. We’re now friends on Instagram :)
I also met like 6 Tanjiros too LOL (but surprisingly no other Nezukos or Demon Slayers?). They were all so nice and sweet. One of them chased me from half way across the venue bc I was walking toward the bathroom and asked for a picture with me. He then stayed with me for a bit and saw that I was struggling to see bc I’m short af and asked if I wanted a shoulder ride. I said no LOL bc I’m scared of heights and two wtf that’s a weird thought to see Tanjiro shoulder carry his sister (carry her in a box, not your shoulder bro). We did exchange Snaps and I got a head pat before we parted ways :)
The other Tanjiros who walked by me were also super kind. We took pictures and also exchanged Snaps and man it just felt so PLUR that I felt like I was in a state of euphoria all night. At some point, a girl walked up to me and just stood next to me and stared at me. She was so short wtf like I’m short but this girl had to look UP at me. She clearly did not look okay, and I asked her if she was alright. She just nodded, but grabbed onto my arm and just mumbled “Nezuko” over and over again. I took her with me to the bar to buy her a bottle of water, and at that point one of her friends found her and thanked me for watching over her. I felt happy that I could help someone out :D
Then at the end of the night, I was walking toward the exit when ANOTHER Tanjiro approached me. He was with a group of friends who spotted me earlier but they said they were too shy at that point to come up to me. He asked for a picture with me and it was originally a selfie, but then his friends were like dude you need to piggy back her she’s your sister. And so I agreed to that, and like 10 plus people had their phones out to take pics and I’m like am I at a rave or a convention lmao. I not only exchanged Snaps/Instas with Tanjiro but literally all of his friends too and I got 10 more head pats LMAO. I woke up this morning (I’m writing this on Nov 1) and saw that Tanjiro posted the piggy back photo on his Instagram with the caption “pats head” and I smiled :) Although it was super embarrassing because people commented thinking I was his gf and I was like IOJDOFJSOIJ oh nOOOOoooOOOO
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(he messaged me and apologized for his friends and I was like hahaha its ok...but I’m still feeling very embarrassed and shy >__<)
And remember that smol Asian girl I helped earlier? I found her sitting outside on the curb alone when the rave was over. She looked 10 times better and I noticed that more than half her water bottle was gone. I approached her and asked her where her friends were and she said they were in the bathroom, so I sat down next to her to keep her company. She thanked me for watching out for her because she was rolling on something bad and lost her friends, and she didn’t know who to approach. But then she was like “Then I saw you and I was like Nezuko can’t be a bad person, Nezuko can take care of me.” And so this time I was the one to give the head pat and I told her I’m glad she was feeling better. We exchanged Instagrams before we both parted ways. I felt so warm after that. 
I’m also very proud to say that this is my first ever rave that I went to sober. And it was still so much fun and the fact that I can remember everyone and everything is such a great feeling. I woke up this morning to so many kind messages and Snaps and Instagram posts/comments from the people I met last night that I would have been so sad if I didn’t remember who they were. I was also in the right state of mind to help someone and to not make a fool of myself. There were many times where I would walk by the bar and stare, but my mind screamed no, you need to love yourself, your body needs a break since you are detoxing, you are strong and don’t need any substances in order to have fun. And I kept telling myself that, and the many people I was surrounded with last night truly kept me grounded. I haven’t been this happy in so long. The rave community truly is a blessing and I’m so happy that I went out last night (although my head is a little sore now from all the head pats LOL but it was so worth it).
10/10 would rave as Neko-Chan Nezuko again. <3
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spekture · 8 years ago
After attending a recent Anime convention, I was still running off the fumes from it and looking forward to the next con to attend. My family and I enjoy going to comic conventions, but it’s been awhile since we have all gone to one. Since they missed out on the Anime one I went to, they were ready to go to a con, luckily Comicpazoola was just around the corner. The last time any of us attended Comicpalooza was back in 2013, so we were due for a returning visit. At first my wife and son planned on going for one day only so I book two single day passes and two weekend passes, as the event near the single day passes were upgrade so we could all attend all weekend.
Comicpazoola began on Friday for the three day event located in George R. Brown convention center in Houston. I waited at work to be picked up so we didn’t have to take two vehicles as I didn’t want to have to pay for parking twice. As soon as I arrived, I rushed to one of the panels I wanted to attend. My family roamed around the convention to see what was going on with my wife and daughter in costume. As soon as I was done, I met back up with them on the third floor as my kids were LARPing in the battle area. Afterwards we checked out some of the various gaming setups that were there. There was only a few hours left till the end of day one, so we wander around until the end. . My kids ended up with some bag of goodies from a few of the booths in the exhibit hall. I walked around snapping a few photos as we made our way out. Afterwards we headed into town to grab some dinner before making the trek back home.
Saturday I didn’t have any plans in my schedule besides a specific panel on cosplay photography, so we had a late start and arrived at noon. This time I joined in on dressing up, but it was a simple costume if you could call it that. I dressed up as newer Superboy with the black shirt and red “S”, boots, and jeans. I did get notice by one fellow comic fan, but other than that it was pretty inconspicuous. I checked out a few different activities and panels through the convention, as well as several vendors all while snapping photos of fellow con goers in costume.
There was a lot more people present than the previous day, but it could’ve been the hours we were there as well. I ran around going back and forth between different areas of the con but spent most of the time on the first floor. Of course the more recent movies and shows inspired many of the cosplayers for the con, there were several Deadpools, Harley Quinn, Guardian of the Galaxy characters, Star Wars characters, Spider-Mans, and some Ricks (Rick and Morty). Even though there was several Ricks there, I didn’t get any pics of them… ugh. I was happy to see different variations of Harley, not just the latest Suicide Squad version. After being there for six hours, I wanted to stay longer but my family was ready to go.
Sunday I returned with my daughter only, she was sporting her kangaroo onesie and she convinced me to wear my classic Superman suit. We made our way to the third floor so she could play some games before making our way to the exhibit hall. The last day’s attendance was a bit lighter than expected. Most cons I have attended, Sunday does usually have a lower attendance along with shorter hours, but with it being Mother’s Day it might of had even less. One character seemed to be popular on this day as I saw several Riddlers walking around the convention center. We made a few rounds and made some purchases from the vendors before heading back home early to celebrate Mother’s Day. I definitely need to work on a schedule for these cons as I missed some of the activities I wanted to attend, but the 2 panels I was most interested in I was there for.
I took a decent amount of photos, but there was so many more cosplayers I missed out on. Especially when seeing the other photos from the con, there were some really great ones I missed out on. Hopefully next time I will be able to capture more. Now I wait for the next con to attend!
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Military Demonstration team for Operation Homefront
Peter Brock arriving
Automotive legend Peter Brock
Staffer Alex Ventura raids George R Brown convention center in Houston to cover Comicpalooza. #spekture #comicpalooza #alexventurathephotographer #houston After attending a recent Anime convention, I was still running off the fumes from it and looking forward to the next con to attend.
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jessedrover · 7 years ago
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Day 2 photos from our road trip! From wine in Carmel to the beach in Santa Cruz. There is some great stuff I didn’t get photographs of, notably our intense table hockey match inside the boardwalk arcade. And being that it was in Santa Cruz, the table was San Jose Sharks home ice. As I type I am deeply regretting not taking photos. If I could have somehow stolen the 150 pound table hockey game and got it into our rental - I would have. 
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Santa Cruz was easily one of my favorite days. The drive along the coast was fun, the traffic not to insane after getting north of LA, and of course beautiful. Santa Cruz was sunny, and our walk from the boardwalk to the lighthouse didn’t seem nearly as long as it was. There was a really local vibe about it, which was refreshing. Residing in Santa Cruz seems like living in a scenic paradise. I can’t begin to imagine how many sweet spots locals are aware of. And the light during golden hour is just plain cheating for photography.
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When we went to Natural Bridges, we arrived the same time others were pulling up in vans. They sat in their trunks and prepared beers for the coming sunset. For me, it was like walking around a movie scene. Or maybe like falling into a postcard. If I was to spend another day there, I would’ve photographed the onlookers enjoying the incredible landscape. I don’t know anywhere in Alaska were people just gather to watch a sun set like that. 
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Before I talk more about the photos - I’ve been on a huge Adam Savage binge this week. If you have any interest in movie effects, fabricating, cosplay, or just general crafting, definitely check out his youtube channel and/or website:
https://www.youtube.com/user/testedcom www.tested.com
I already have a list of tools and tips going from watching (I literally watch with a small notebook and a pen). Besides taking you alongside him to visit special effects crews on sets like Blade Runner 2049, he spends a lot of time in his shop doing projects. You can tell he puts a lot of love into his craft. Every detail has  a meaning. Every piece he fabricates got there in a fictional world the same way my keyboard is here, right now, under fingers. Watching his videos is like watching a motivational speaker for me.
Here are the photos after sunset -
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I want to apologize a little bit about such vague descriptions. I hate that I am starting this blog a month after I took these photos. The idea is that I post recently snapped and edited photographs so these adventures are fresh in my mind. This is for me too so I can journal my thought that accompanied these photographs.
That’s not to say these images are without an adventure. I’m incredibly fond of this entire set, especially the sunset ones at Natural Bridges and after sunset pics. This entire trip, Selina and I moved from state to state as we pleased, and I think the pictures here and the ones to come really project the laid back vibe we felt.
After sunset we walked along the beach. Within five minutes of our toes touching the sand we saw a group of neon balloons tumbling along the ocean. Selina yelped and chased them down, and soon she had all of them. Selina absolutely abhors littering, so the balloons not only gave her a mission, but were fun as well. After sneaking around the closed boardwalk and deflating the balloons, we headed back. 
I can say it was the first time I had ever walked along a beach were I couldn’t see the sand or see the ocean. It’s interesting, to hear the tide but only know where it starts by the moistness of your feet. It’s exactly the type of experience I was looking for.  
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schuneko · 8 years ago
The Awesomeness that is John Barrowman/ Motor City Comic Con.
Having had to fight with staff and then deal with broken wheelchairs.
Fight is really, the wrong word. The Con staff was, actually, quite, friendly and accommodating. Save for this one issue…  
I was at my end and I doubt my friend was feeling much better. My first photo op of the weekend, was at 5:15. The scooter we had secured, wouldn’t be there till Six. Already having had to forfeit any time for Autographs, I wasn’t about to miss it. So, Kale got me up and into a chair, with at least one foot rest, still intact. Every time we hit a bump, my leg slid off the rest, because of the brace. Finally, I held it as best I could with my good foot.
For what it’s worth, being disabled does give you a few perks. We were treated like VIP’s even though we only had regular passes. Having to sit and wait for things, also means you make friends with the staff and they remember you!
Remembering your p’s and q’s to a fault goes a long way with people as well!
They directed us to the front of the line. We were literally feet away, when JB came out with a bull horn. Giving out rules and instructions for his photo ops; like always. He looked over, recognition flashed and he grinned. Now I may be a fangirl, but I’ve been taught, this little thing called, common courtesy. I have respect and limits. I honestly think it’s why people like him, seem to go the extra mile around me. Having an ultra-rare and super depressing disability, never hurts either…    
Or you know, I’m being a fanciful idiot, but I like living that dream.
Anyway, instead of calling out to him, I just smiled back and waited, while he went behind the curtain. Kale wheeled me in and Kelsey, John’s PA smiled and was like ‘hey I remember you!’
 I’ll try to keep this as verbatim as I can, but everything happened very fast, considering and a lot is my interpretation etc. Nothing here is fiction, but still. (Also I think there is one actual swear word, so apologies n stuff.)
I gave them my ticket and I think this was the one where he was busy, while I was getting up. I remember being standing already when he recognized me again.
 “Hey it’s you, how are you!” John enthused. Or you know, something to the extent of that. I don’t know if it was the stress of the day or what, but I was fully honest with him. Told him about the crazy long day, can’t remember what I said. I imagine I looked absolutely shattered. He grabbed my arm so I would have to ‘hobble’ closer. With a grin, he said, “Well you just need a big old hug then!”
I’m thinking, ‘oh dear sweet baby Jesus, yes!’ (That brace fricken hurts! I deserve a hug.) Not even waiting for the camera, he flings his arms around me and pulls me in. It was only a few seconds, but it was enough for me. Not ready to let go, he told me to look at said camera, I did and they snapped the pic. Still not letting go, he shifted me, keeping at least one arm around me and apologized to Kale for forgetting him. He seemed just fine with the fact, I was attached to his side like a limpet, the whole time.
I can only assume he’d heard me tell my friend to ‘get his arse in there’ (the picture). Kale had totally gone to bat for me that day and I’d felt he should be in the photo. During the hug, I’d sort of went la la and forgotten I’d said it. Apparently, John hadn’t. The first picture was on him and we’d take another. They only charged like 10.00 for the print of the first shot. It was basically like getting a free photo op!
I’d turned back, squeezed him harder in goodbye and told him we’d be at his table tomorrow. “Good.” John stated, in almost a, ‘you better be’ tone.
Internally I was combusting. Outwardly, I smiled as he walked me over to the wheelchair. Exclaiming the whole time, that he was happy to see me, especially in Cosplay. I was like, “Well yeah, just because I’m in a chair doesn’t mean I’m not going to do it.” He seemed to like that answer. When John was sure I was ok, he turned back to everyone else.
We tooled around Artist’s Alley till they called to say the Scooter would be there soon. That was pretty much the end of Friday.
Turns out the scooter, like everything else, was made for people with working or bendable legs. Not willing to spend another day waiting. I found a way to deal, even though it made wearing the brace, extra, uncomfortable. I had made JB a gift and ended up having to put it in a plastic bag, because the other one had ripped. Did make it slightly easier to carry though. In my haste to get to the line I’d forgotten to grab my money and my phone. Kale rushed over with one after the other, then went back to guard the scooter. Arms full, I passed his sister and promised to be back later. I looked up and saw Scott behind a plethora of Barrowman merchandise. Told him I might get something tomorrow when I had less to carry. My arms were starting to shake and I didn’t want to drop anything. He pointed to the CD’s and told me those were the only ones left. I said I was planning on ordering a shirt. Then I looked right at him and explained my ‘fixed’ income. He smiled and nodded in understanding. Next was Kelsey who smiled and said hi. She was taking the money, I looked from my money pouch, to my full arms, to her. Dropped it in front of her and said, “I trust you, can you get it?” She grinned and counted out the right amount then held it up and recounted to show me.
I nodded, smiled and took the pouch back. I shuffled forward and John looked up, eyes beaming. “Hey girl! You’re walking!?” He looked so incredulous and happy.
I hated to burst that bubble…
I told him about the scooter, my worsening depth perception, and the Anxiety. He nodded, almost sagely, then looked around.
“They didn’t make you stand in this line did they!?” John growled. He looked pissed and ready to go beat on some people. I assured him they hadn’t and he smiled again. Seriously starting to shake, I held out his gift. Needing to get it off my arm.
Remembering our conversation in Atlanta. I’d decided to make him A ‘Bad Day Kit’ he, really, liked the chocolate. Giving me this wide excited grin, when he uncovered it. I, honestly, don’t think he got many gifts at this Con.
Next, I set down the prints I had, intending to get them out. He took the package and proceeded to help. They were commissioned prints from Kale, I had gotten awhile back and they’d turned out amazing! I’d therefor, wanted to show him and he said they were beautiful. He signed two! (I’d only paid for one signature) I now had a free autograph and a free photo op! My hand was shaking, as I fought with my phone so we could take the selfie. John grabbed my cell, exclaiming at my home screen. (It’s set to the selfie from Atlanta.) “Aww this is a great picture!” He gushed.
Me: *Durrrr* ‘I love you.’
“Here I’ll show you an easy way.” (Talking about getting to picture mode.) He leaned into me, like he was sharing a secret.
“Ok.” I stated, kind of dazed after all he’d already done. Stepping closer, practically leaning on him, while he got it to work.  He turned around for the selfie and I’d ended up on the wrong side. Told him, a little sheepishly, I needed to make a ‘three-point turn’ to successfully get turned around. When John told me to make the silly face I, actually, made the ‘blah’ sound to go with it. He seemed to like that.
“Where is your scooter parked?” He asked and I blinked, pointing and telling him where we left it. “Can you make it there?” John asked seriously.  
Despite having started to shake again, I told him yes, but then my brain betrayed me and I mumbled. “I think so.”
“Stay here I’ll get it for you.”
Me: ���Whaaaa’ “You don’t have to…”
John was gone and every phone in a 10 yard radius was out. I barely heard the beep, as he seamlessly backed it into the exit lane of the autograph line. I stepped closer, only to have him speed forward and proceed to do a few laps up and down the aisle. Screaming like a lunatic the entire time! The line behind me was cheering so loud, people in connecting booths were pulling curtains back to see what was going on.
I was trying not to cry.  
I can’t remember his exact words, but John shouted something like, “I bet I’m giving you Anxiety now!” The line erupted and I doubled over. He backed into the lane again. Noticing my purse was his noh8 bag. “Here let me fix this for you! So, you can all see me!” John crowed, moving the bag so it faced out.
I’m just watching in awe, as it’s been like 5 minutes already!
He gets up and motions me forward. Watching to make sure I get seated ok and Kale lifts my foot as I had to step in wrong. After overseeing that process. John sees the prints, taking them first, to make sure the signatures are dry. He hands them over and points. (Bad depth perception does not equal blind John. I’m not there…yet…) I tell him I have other photo ops; he’ll see me again.
“Of course I will.” John smiles and I, really, have no clue how I keep it together long enough to leave the line and get to a place we can stop for a moment. Finally, I can stop and think. I, really, begin to shake and I start to cry.
I, really, don’t know how Anything will ever top that!
I reign it in and it’s off to John’s panel, where we get front row! (See disability perks.) Turns out, its Kelsey’s birthday. We sing and then he brings in a cake. He asks us to raise our hands if we want a piece. I think, ‘what the hell’ and raise my hand. Scott is one of the people bringing out the cut cake. He smiles and heads for me. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a fork, so I ate what I could without one and had to throw out the rest. I never got to ask my question, but decided asking it the next day would be fine. All in all, it was still a really great panel.
 My first photo op was a duo with John and Billie. For whatever reason, they never printed the right ticket. We were pulled off to the side while they fixed the problem. Finally, they directed us back inside the ‘booth’. John lit up and came over to help, grabbing my arm as I held his hand. There was a moment where everything just switched off and my muscles all locked.
“Nope.” I exclaimed, luckily I was still over enough of the chair to fall onto it. I shook my head a bit, apologized and got back up.
 “Stop saying sorry, you’re fine.” John huffed and Billie came over as I explained my idea. She seemed to, really, like it. “Ok, do your three-point turn!” He stated, holding my hand, arm on my back as I awkwardly shuffled around. You’d think I’d be mortified and yet I couldn’t stop smiling, as Billie kept telling me I was doing a good job.
I love every one of my photo ops, but this is definitely, a favorite.
“I’m coming right back; you’ll see me in a minute!” I laughed as I headed out. He shook his head and said something to the extent of, ‘Ok, good.’
About 20 minutes later we were ‘rolling’ back into the booth. He was right there, helping me forward. “Girl you are just a glutton for punishment!” John joked as he wrapped his arm around me.
Very tactile, this one. (No complaints here!)
“I have another photo tomorrow so…” I think I managed to look proud and sheepish at the same time.
“Of course you do.”
He never made me feel like a weirdo for it. I never got that vibe from him. It was always a ‘you better’ sort of tone, rather than a, ‘seriously? More?’ one.
Voice shaking for some reason, I explained my idea and we took the photo. *insert more JB hugs here*
More tooling around the ally and thus ends Saturday.
Met Billie and she remembered me from the Photo Op. Asked so many questions about KTS and S/PWS that her PA had to step in. She is a real sweetheart! Even walked over, so I didn’t have to get out of the cart.
Next, it was off to the last Photo Op with John. He smiled and rushed over, I was trying to get out the guns. Without thinking I just handed them off to him and started working on getting up.
“These are so cool and I see the vortex manipulator, awesome!” John gushed. “Ok, what did you want to do sweetie?” He asks.
“Um, I was thinking hugging, but guns aiming out.”
“I need to be standing this way.” I said, wanting/needing the good arm to aim.
“Yes, right.” John replies, stepping up so he’s pretty much ‘plastered’ to my back.
Me: ‘Brain shorts out’
He wraps an arm around my bad shoulder, about to aim with the other. Somehow, I’m with it enough to reach out. He’s kept the Webly and given me the Enforcer. (What I call the larger of the Angel Makers.) John’s free hand, wraps over my arm and presses down, directing my aim.
I remember James Marsters telling me the same things, last year, but we posed back to back, he never had a reason to hold my arm.
Anyway, if you’ve ever seen Torchwood and the weapons training between Jack and Gwen...
It took me till Monday to, really, realize, I’d just gotten the equivalent of a weapons training session, with Captain Jack Harkness!!
I’m, fully, aware he’s known for grabbing body parts and people grabbing his; but that is just… …Advdhdtykugjfasrdhdn!!!! *Squees so hard it’s not funny…*
After, he’s still looking at the Webly. Aiming it, like a kid playing guns. “You want to keep it, don’t you?” I snicker.
“I dunno, you’re pretty protective of these.” John laughs, as he walks me over to the scooter.
“They’re my babies! I worked ‘very’ hard on them!”
I feel hyper and drunk, am I drunk? Come to think of it, I’ve been pretty much in some sort of daze around him from Friday on. Kale has offered him a gun again, noticing his interest.
“Are you kidding!? She’s looking at me like ‘you better give me the fucking gun back!’.” John grinned, glancing at me as he said it. I grinned at him as we were led out, looking back as. “I’ll see you in a minute.”
Carol, had ended up moving tables to the beginning of John’s so her booth was free for me to ‘pull’ in and wait. It was there, that my brain reconnected and I looked at Kale. *Giggle* “He just said he’d see me in a minute.” *giggle*
Kale looked at me, nodded wisely and said. “He’s a smart man, he knows.”
Again, it felt like he wanted to see me, not like my, continued presence was annoying. It doesn’t feel like an act either. It’s like he knows how important his interactions with me are. To me at least.
The Anxiety and Depression, are great at reminding me, I’m most likely being a sentimental twat. Then I remember every unprompted thing he’s said or done. I remember I, really, don’t care. It makes me happy and it’s not hurting anyone.
He makes it back to the table. Line filled, as always. I’m down to my last $20 for the weekend and I decide to get Carol’s autograph. Turns out Kelsey and Kale had talked about Carol loving cats and, really, liking my cat ears. So, I showed Carol a pic of my fur babies and she said they were very cute. Scott and Kelsey were together. I admitted to having found Torchwood radio plays and not having money for another autograph. She smiled, “Saying goodbye then?”
I nodded and smiled back. John had been crouched down, talking to a kid. Looking at Kelsey first before seeing me. She told him I was here to say goodbye. He started to say goodbye to me in every language he knew, his arms open wide. I shuffled forward and flung my arms around him. Turning my head, because I always feel like I’m stabbing him in the chest with my nose. We end the hug and he exclaims that I dropped something. I look down and it’s his pen. He bends down to get it and my bad hand ends up brushing over his spikey hair. Then he asks about the scooter. Part of me hopes for a repeat of yesterday. It’s not to be as it turns out Kale is bringing it over, but the lane is to small. I know now, a repeat would have made Saturday less special.
Blinking, I remember the question. I ask if I can ask him. I promise to make it fast.
Maybe he remembers me not getting to ask yesterday. (Good lord, do I, really, make that big of an impression on this guy?)
He grins, “Of course you can.”
So, I ask and he answers, while he moves the poles so Kale can get the cart in. I’m oblivious, as he is ignoring everything about introverts and personal space. (I honestly couldn’t care less.)
I remember I have a dollar to give him. (Watch the panel, it will make better sense.) My very last, every other is in change. He takes it and I tell him it’s my last one. He gasps and pushes it back into my hand.
“I can’t take that!”
I tell him, I have other money. It’s just the last for the Con. He’s holding my hand, squeezing it around the dollar.
“You have to keep it, it’s unlucky for me to take it.” John says seriously.
“Ok.” He’s turning away and it’s like he knows I’m still there. “Thank you for my Bad Day Kit, I’ll see you next time!” John throws back.
I’m grinning like an idiot as I drive away.
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