#next day you are asked why you apologized you just dat that you realized you were not doing things well enough
dancex2revolution · 2 years
I have responded to brutal honesty with kindness.
But I do not forget the brutality.
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: you and jungkook share a moment in a bookstore. pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc warnings: cursing, excessive use of pet names…bc its me
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“Oh, lighten up Jeon,” Yoongi rolls his eyes, “You look like someone told you that your cat died.”
“The only kitty he wants won’t give him the time of day,” Mina grins, earning herself a glare from Jungkook.
“More like I can't get her time of day because her stupid best friend has a stick up her ass,” Jungkook mutters.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this,” Mei observes, “Our baby tattoo artist pining over a girl…”
“If looks could kill, you’d be dead by now, Mei,” Yoongi says pointedly, “Now stop wasting time meddling in Jungkook’s love life, Jin will have all of our heads-”
“Love life? I don’t have a love life,” Jungkook protests, eyes adorably round.
“And that’s why you’re so broody today, honey,” Mina teases, “More so than usual at least.”
“I am not broody,” Jungkook grumbles, turning his back on his laughing coworkers and friends. He can’t help but smile at their teasing.
“Oh, lighten up, Kookie,” Mei says lightly, clapping his shoulder, “If it makes you feel any better, that girl couldn’t stop staring at you at Hobi’s birthday. And she definitely wants a piece of this.”
Jungkook ignores the raucous laughter of his friends (which only increases when Jin comes out from the backroom to add on to his suffering) and the reddening of his cheeks as he gets ready for his full day of tattoo consultations and appointments.
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Jungkook’s day ends about an hour earlier than he had anticipated- his last client for the day had to reschedule due to a last minute conflict. That’s fine by him. It gives him time to stop by the bookstore a few blocks away from the tattoo parlor before it closes.
Jungkook tries his best to read at least one new book a month. He’s known the older shop owner, Jia and her young son, Jae-sung, for years now, as he had basically grown up with Jia from childhood.
He loves the quiet of the store and the immediate scent of vanilla and cedar that surrounds him as soon as he walks in. The bookstore itself has a vintage sort of feel, with dimmed lights, old shelves of mahogany and candles placed throughout the store.
Jungkook always brings croissants from the bakery nearby for Jia and little Jae-sung. Usually when he comes by, the bookstore is empty (or close to it).
Jae-sung screeches when he sees Jungkook walk in the door and immediately runs up to him, hugging his legs. Jungkook crouches, ruffling his hair fondly and Jae-sung is nearly bouncing off of the heels of his feet.
“Mommy say she have new book for you, Kookie!” Jae-sung beams, eyeing the box of croissants in Jungkook’s free hand.
“Does she?” Jungkook muses, “Your mommy always knows what kind of books I like.”
“Me too! Me too!”
“Hey, Jungkook,” Jia’s voice filters through the store as she approaches, “It’s been a while.”
“It took me a while to finish the last book. But so worth it,” He says apologetically, “I also brought croissants. Enjoy.”
“You spoil us,” Jia rolls her eyes, “The new arrivals are in the back, third aisle from the left. You know the drill.”
Jia has known Jungkook since he was a baby in diapers- she’s been his aunt’s close friend for years and years now. Jungkook likes to joke that he likes Jia more than his own aunt, and Jia always reprimands him (without really meaning it).
He thought the bookstore was empty, save for Jia and Jae-sung. But he’s clearly mistaken, when he sees a figure in an olive green sweater and black jeans perusing through the new arrivals with their bottom lip tucked between their teeth in concentration.
He recognizes them immediately and when the person raises their head in curiosity, he sees your wide eyes and a shy smile starting to pull across your lips.
You’re here, in his favorite bookstore where he feels like he’s at home. If he was looking for a sign, then this was it.
“Hi,” You say softly, waving your fingers at him, “So you like reading, huh?”
You visibly cringe and Jungkook chuckles. Your cheeks feel warm when you take him in, swirls and dots of his tattoos peeking out of his black leather jacket and beckoning you closer to him. The three hoops in his left ear glint with the light and the dangling earring on his right ear dangles with the movement of his head. His hair is tied back into a ponytail, accentuating the curve of his jaw and his soft dimples.
Your breath is stolen away when you meet his eyes, deep brown and murky, popping against the peach eyeshadow on his eyelids.
You nearly swoon on the spot before you get your bearings. Maybe he’d catch you if your knees buckled, you think dryly. How embarrassing.
“I try reading something new once a month,” Jungkook replies, pulling you out of your reverie, “And I just like the bookstore in general. Sometimes I like to just come here and hang out with Jia and Jae-sung.”
“Oh! Jia makes my favorite lavender chamomile tea. There’s nothing like it,” You say a little dreamily, “Jae-sung is a cutie. That boy can just look at you and you’d be putty in his hands. Kinda like you.”
The last bit slips out of your mouth without you meaning for it to.
“Kinda like me, huh,” Jungkook smirks, eyes glittering, “It would be fun to see if you’d be putty in my hands, wouldn’t it?”
“The world may never know,” You mumble sheepishly and avoid his eyes again, “What kind of book are you looking for?”
“The one you’re holding, baby,” Jungkook murmurs, looking past your shoulder for another copy of the same book.
“Are you looking for this book just because I’m reading it or because you’ve been genuinely eyeing it?” You ask boldly, a hint of a smile playing on your lips.
“Oh, you’re funny,” Jungkook snorts, walking past you to grab the book off of the shelf.
“So I’ve been told,” Your eyes flash, “We should do a boozy book club.”
“Is it a book club if it’s just the two of us?”
“It can be whatever we want it to be,” You shrug, “Besides, don’t you wanna hang out with me?” You tilt your head and Jungkook’s resolve weakens. His heart does something funny- is this how it’s supposed to be?
“Of course I wanna hang out with you, baby,” Jungkook murmurs smoothly, “C’mon, let’s go have some of Jia’s tea. And a croissant too, if Jae hasn’t eaten them already.”
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Jungkook glares at Jia the entire time that she’s making tea for both of you. He knows her sly, curious eyes and was unable to keep the surprise off of her face when you had both walked down the stairs together.
She even had the audacity to wink at him. He hopes that the family groupchat doesn’t start blowing up when Jia inevitably informs his aunt and mother about this new development.
“Kookie,” Jae-sung whispers (loudly) when you step away to use the bathroom, “Is dat your girlfriend?”
“What?” Jungkook hisses, “Who told you that?”
“My mommy say I ask you! I not know!”
“No, Jae, that’s not my girlfriend,” Jungkook mumbles, shooting Jia another death glare. She only smiles smugly at him from her spot behind the counter.
Jia leaves him alone for the most part when you return and take your seat next to him. He can still feel her eyes on you both as she washes teacups, watching like a hawk.
“These croissants are so good,” You nearly moan, “Where’d you get them?”
“There’s a bakery near the tattoo parlor,” Jungkook says, “You should come by sometime.”
“The bakery or the parlor?”
“I’ve only been there a few times,” You muse, “I hear you’re the best tattoo artist there. From the mouth of Hobi and Jin themselves.”
“Don’t let Mina and Mei hear you say that,” Jungkook says weakly, rubbing the back of his neck. His cheeks are a little pink and you resist chuckling to yourself.
“I’ve always wanted to get a second piercing,” You trail off, “But never really committed to it.”
“What would you want to get? We do piercings, too,” Jungkook says.
“Cartilage? Industrial? I don’t know,” You shrug, sipping your tea.
“Mina usually has a good eye for that,” Jungkook admits, “Now you have more of a reason to stop by.”
“Oh, I already had a reason to stop by the parlor,” You say brazenly with a sweet smile.
“Is that so?” Jungkook says, quirking an eyebrow at you.
You hum and continue to sip your tea, wondering if he can somehow hear the loud rattling of your eager heart in your ribcage.
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Conversation with him comes so easily and you don’t know when the last time you had spent this long with him was. Something always seems to interrupt you both when you eventually do find yourselves alone with each other during outings with friends. But this time, it’s just you and him tucked away in this bookstore.
The sun has long gone down and Jia was about to close the bookstore for the day. In fact, the only reason she kept it open for this long was because of you both. You apologize profusely with worried eyes when you realize the time and see Jae-sung fast asleep in his mother’s arms.
She waves you off, giving Jungkook a lingering look that you don’t understand.
“I’ll be back soon,” You promise Jia in a soft voice, so as to not wake Jae-sung, “Be well, Jia.”
She bids you both goodnight, and unbeknownst to you, she shoots Jungkook a simple text. It states: “keep her close, i like her”.
Jungkook ignores it in favor of focusing on you.
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“How you getting home, baby?” Jungkook asks as you both walk up the block shoulder to shoulder.
“Hmm… I’m supposed to meet Sora for dinner but she said she’s stuck at work,” You murmur, wrapping your arms around yourself as you scroll on your phone, “But I was just on social media and it looks like she’s getting drinks with her other friends…”
You look at him with a frown tugging at your lips and your eyes wide. “Maybe it was a last minute thing,” You mumble to yourself.
“Or maybe she lied to you,” Jungkook says sharply. You only look at him in silence for a few moments with furrowed brows.
“Maybe there was a reason,” You shrug, “Why would she lie about that?”
Because she’s Sora, and she just would. But Jungkook stays silent. You don’t need to hear about how he dislikes your best friend, at least not yet. Not when you’re not ready to hear it.
“Forget about her,” Jungkook says easily, “Lemme take you home, baby.”
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“I’m not riding that metal death contraption,” You say flatly, “You just got it! Like two weeks ago! You don’t even have an extra helmet, and forget a helmet, I need elbow pads and knee pads-”
“Will you relax,” Jungkook says, putting your books in the small basket he built into the front of the motorcycle.
“No, I will not relax, Jeon Jungkook!” You nearly screech, “This is so dangerous, we could both fall in the road and then what? Become roadkill for the next soccer mom van to run us both over? Death by soccer mom, what a way to go-”
“Are you done?” Jungkook says dryly.
“No, actually, I’m not done-”
“You trust me, baby?” Jungkook asks, hand on your shoulder. You can’t even properly appreciate the warmth of his large hand over your jacket.
“Of course I trust you, I don’t trust that,” You point at the motorcycle accusingly and Jungkook rolls his eyes. You can already feel your resolve weakening. He wordlessly places his own helmet over your own head and you glare at him, about to start your tirade again.
“You take mine,” Jungkook murmurs, “And hold on to me.”
“You can’t just give me your helmet, what if you fall? Or worse, get pulled over?”
“Or worse, get pulled over, are you joking-”
“Jungkook! Be serious!”
“I am being serious! You said you only live ten minutes from here, just relax. I won’t let anything happen to either of us,” Jungkook says, tongue poking the inside of his cheek.
“If anything happens, it’s your head on a platter and I’m bringing it to the tattoo parlor.”
“How can you do that if we both die?”
“Shut the fuck up,” You say, but a laugh escapes your lips. Jungkook sits on his bike and looks at you expectantly.
“C’mon, baby,” Jungkook coaxes you and you awkwardly sit behind him, making sure that your legs don’t touch his and your arms are safely away from him.
“If you sit like that, you’ll definitely fall off,” Jungkook snorts, “Wrap your arms around me.”
You hesitate, afraid of touching him like this for whatever reason. He unnerves you and you feel completely exposed like this. You’ve never really been this close to anyone, at least anyone who made you feel the way Jungkook makes you feel.
Biting the bullet, you tensely wrap your arms around his narrow waist loosely. “Good girl,” Jungkook murmurs, “Tighter, baby. I don’t bite, unless you want me to.”
Your stomach flips at his words, subconsciously wrapping your arms around his narrow waist even more tightly. Your fingers graze the hard press of his tummy over his jacket and you almost moan at how warm and strong he feels. He smells nice, like Sunday morning laundry.
“Ugh, you’re annoying-” And then you shriek as he pulls away from the road and shoots off into the night with you plastered against his backside.
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“See that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jungkook says, taking the helmet off of you. He’s met with a glare but you sigh in defeat.
“No, I guess it wasn’t. But I never want you driving this hunk of death without a helmet for yourself,” You say, poking his chest.
“You should be nicer to her,” Jungkook says, taking your finger in his large hand.
“You’re right, it’s you that I should be mean to,” You roll your eyes. You wonder if Jungkook could feel your heart slamming in your chest (in fear, adrenaline and excitement) as you hung tight to him. You had refused to look up, pressing your face into his back and squeezing your eyes shut the entire way. Jungkook had only chuckled.
The heat in your eyes melts away quickly once Jungkook helps you off of the motorcycle. “Thanks for taking me home, Jungkook,” You murmur, “I’m glad I ran into you at the bookstore.”
“Any time, baby,” Jungkook says. A strand of dark hair falls from his ponytail and into his face. You reach your fingers up to thread through his hair before pushing it back behind his ear for him.
“Get home safe,” You say, with stars in your eyes, “Can I hug you?” When he nods, and before you can change your mind or convince yourself out of it, you wrap your arms around him. And before he can properly return it, you dash into your apartment building while calling out “text me when you get home!”
Hours later, when he’s in the comfort of his home, he decides that he likes the way your spicy vanilla scented perfume clings to his leather jacket.
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tags: @kookdbean @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria
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lxstfulbeans · 4 years
JUST CURIOUS OR NOOOOT....if you’re open or not, that’s cool~....
*slides a hundred your way*
I must know, what would it be like for Levi, Erwin, and lastly HANGE *clears throat* to be with a Black S/O, but here’s the catch. They’re the only black person behind the wall..well atleast what’s his name comes around..
Also, Drink plenty of water, stay hydrated, sleep well, relax, breathe, happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
Aight I gotchu babes, lemme get that hunnid up outcha 😏. And thank you so much 🥺 same to you!!
I feel like I gave more to Erwin and Hange than Levi, but I love these three equally 😭✋🏽. But, hope you enjoy this!
Headcanons: what it’s like with the only black s/o behind the walls.
Levi Ackerman:
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When he first met you, he’s like “what in the fuck-“
He never meant it in bad way, oh no ma’am. It’s just that NO ONE has ever seen anyone like you before, let alone thought there were people of a different race.
But knowing Levi, and seeing his resting bitch face.. how could you ever know 💀.
My guy literally lived in the UNDERGROUND, on some “City of Ember” type shit, and has never seen someone like you before.
When you decided to join the Survery Corps. then eventually choosing the Scouts after being top of your class. He took it as an opportunity to observe you (well, him and like twenty, thirty other people 💀), whenever y’all sat and talked about expedition plans with Hange and the Commander, he enjoyed listening to you speak your mind and blast your opinions.
And don’t get me started on how strong and open-minded you are.
Eventually, he’ll start catching feelings. He’ll talk to you more, occasionally praise you for a job well done more than he’s done ANYONE else. He’ll even fucking compliment you and pick up on little things you’ve done.
Of course, when the other brats get outta hand when it comes to awful flirting and tryna see what that thang do. He shuts that shit down before it can even start.
“Oi. Get the fuck outta here before I use you as live bait for the Titans.”
Best believe they skedaddled.
He asks if you’re okay, and to tell him that if anyone else makes you uncomfortable like that again so he could properly whoop they ass.
Y’all get to talking and.. somehow talk most of the day away.
When he heard you laugh, he was struck. His heart pounding, though he couldn’t help but feel a smile tug at his lips.
Then, he asks you to be his. Which you accept with pride.
He’s always there to help you with wash days if you need it. He loves helping you, even if he doesn’t really show it.
Oh, and that discrimination shit? Y’all can cut that shit out right now cuz Levi don’t play.
Teamwork makes the dream work when it comes to cleaning. He’s impressed at how much better you are at it than he others.
Oh and your COOKING babyyy
He be stingy with it for sure. He was big mad when everybody else wanted some, at least you saved some pie for him.
And y’all are partners in fucking crime. Y’all be bodying Titans left and right bruh. Don’t nobody want the smoke.
Erwin Smith:
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Oh my lawd, why is he so fine and RESPECTFUL 😔✊🏽.
Okay, okay this ain’t about me rn heheh.
Honestly, he’ll be flabbergasted to be in your presence. He’s never seen someone of a different race before, he wondered were there more of you on the outside?
When he saw you the first time on the return from another expedition outside the walls. His eyes met you and he was just.. amazed. He was sure that he wasn’t seeing things but, he had to see you again.
When he couldn’t find you, he had to come to the conclusion that you were a hallucination. I mean, he was exhausted, sleep deprived, and hungry.
But, eventually he found you by yourself at the bridge. He was amazed at how the morning sun made you glow, reflecting off of your brown skin.
When you caught him staring, he choked on his words as he rambled with apologies. This made you smile, inviting him to sit and enjoy the morning with you.
Y’all started talking and you just.. clicked. When he heard your laugh for the first time, he had it bad.
He tried visiting you as much as he could, even if it was only a simple “hello, how are you?” or the slightest of small talk.
When the Walls were invaded, you were helpless. No one bothered to help you, either saving their own asses or being eaten alive. You couldn’t count the times where you were so close to meeting death. You refused to become a victim and have fear control you.
When you joined the Scouts, he was shocked to you standing here before him. Your fist over your heart as you announce yourself. He never thought you would be here about to risk your life everyday.
But, he saw that fire in your eyes and smiled.
He couldn’t guarantee your safety but would do everything in his power to make sure nothing happens to you.
He’s a busy man. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t sit and talk with you all of the time. If you were lucky, he’d send a smile or even a wink your way.
Though, he’s often caught you by yourself again, watching the sunset or gazing into the night sky. The way you skin would glow made him look back on old times.
He sits with you, talking the night away and making you smile again.
Overtime, you eventually get closer. When you originally closed yourself of because of the events of “That Day”, but opened up more and more when you both were together.
Whenever somebody tries to snitch on you to him, you’re literally not phased by this shit.
“Tell him then, I don’t give no fuck! Matter of fact, I’ll tell him for you!”
He honestly adores how you don’t take shit from anybody, but he lets you get away with a little bit of things. He won’t reprimand you but will give you a slap on the wrist if you went too far with something.
Whenever he says something unintentionally funny, you just crack up laughing. Like, you are wheezing so silently and rolling on the floor in tears. He couldn’t help but chuckle and shake his head at how silly you were.
He adored everything about you. Your laugh, how your skin glows in the light, your captivating smile, and how you weren’t playing games with nobody.
This time, he realizes his growing feelings for you.
Eventually, he confesses his feelings to you. Like this man is poetic as hell, he’s listing off everything he loves about you, even the little things made his heart soar. You were honestly shocked that your Commander felt this way about you.. but you couldn’t lie and say you didn’t feel the same.
After y’all get boo’d up, you’re basically a power couple.
Somebody got one time to talk shit about you, on god he is on them like white on rice.
“If you say one more word about them, I will personally make sure that on the next expedition, I will leave you behind...”
Ah, don’t you just love it when it he gets serious and protective?
And both y’all side-eye the fuck outta people when they don’t rub you the right way.
Wash days? He’s all for it. Once he sees your arms drooping, clearly worn out from washing your hair, he’ll happily roll up his sleeves and get up in there.
Bruh, have you seen his hands?? You KNOW his massages are bomb af, like you damn near fall asleep everytime he massages and scratches your scalp.
Don’t get him started on your cooking, he’d do anything for it. He gets so happy when you save extra plates for him to eat later.
When push comes to shove and everyone’s losing their shit, you have to be strong. Erwin’s always motivated you and inspired you, if humanity had any chance to survive, you had to show it.
“Y’all need to get yo shit together PERIODT! It’s okay to be scared, but we won’t make it out of this if you keep actin’ like this! Y’all signed up to protect humanity right?! Well, show these Titans who they fuckin’ with!”
After hearing that.. he wanted to marry you.
(bonus: let’s say that he’s alive 💀 cuz I literally cried when he got clapped like how-)
When you were finally able to go outside the walls without any fear of the Titans, you felt free.
When you came across the ocean, he couldn’t take his eye off of how amazed you looked at the clear blue waters, the sun making it shine towards its horizon.
“It’s everything Cadet Arlelt said, right? Where there’s an ocean.. there’s other lands, eventually other enemies.”
“I know. We made it this far, it’s only right that we keep goin’.”
Hange Zoë:
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Hange can GET IT MM- 🤧 they are literally so fine.
oh, and it’s kinda canon that they’re non-binary so 😃.
This’ll be after you first join the Scouts and baby they was on you like white on rice INSTANTLY.
They’ve never seen anyone like you before. It was almost forbidden to learn or talk about anything beyond the walls, were there more of you?? Where did you come from?
Though, they’re outta pocket questions and lack of knowledge of something called, “personal space” kinda made you nervous so they brought down a couple notches.
When they got to know you more, they were just ecstatic to see you.
When Hange caught you alone, basking in the warm embrace of the sun, they couldn’t take the throbbing of their heart as your dark skin was shining.
When you eventually start dating, they had no problem putting folks in their place when they try you.
“Alright, I see that you have quite a lot to say about my s/o! I bet you won’t be spouting a word when you come face to face with Titan. I’ll happily let you see them up close..”
They’d absolutely kill for your cooking. Deadass. If they’re not the first and last one to get a plate, they’ll be big mad for a hot minute.
I’m sure they observe you a lot, especially when it comes to your routines and how you try your best not to smell like a hunnid cans of bounce dat ass 💀. So when wash day comes and you’re kinda tired after training, they’ll happily wash your hair for you.
They’ll praise you for all the hard work you’ve done, giving you little forehead kisses, massaging and giving light scratches to your scalp.
OOH WEE- you are in absolute heaven with them.
Both of y’all share that chaotic energy, bugging the hell outta Levi when you get the chance.
When it comes to fighting Titans, y’all don’t play! When it’s time to put the moves on ‘em you do it!
- - END SCENE - -
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midearthwritings · 3 years
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Oh Gods I'm so excited for this!
Hello my dear friends! It is me, Max, your host and devoted writer. And today I am here to challenge you, my dear followers and friends who support and motivate me!
On January 8th 2021, I have decided to open this blog to share my fics with the world. At first I thought that it would last for a few weeks, and that I would have maybe 50 followers, not more. But here I am today, 5 months later, with 650 followers, and I'm so happy about it.
So I have decided that to celebrate my blog's anniversary and my 650 followers, I would create a writing challenge. Yup, that's it. A challenge.
The deadline is July 8th, my blog's 7 months anniversary (because 7 is my lucky number). On this day, everybody will have to post their works. After that, I will link all of your works in a post (the link to this post will be available in my Masterlist).
When you upload your work, you can tag me in it, of course. But I will also ask you to use the tag Midearthwritings Rewriting Challenge . That way I will be able to easily find them and won't miss anything.
What is the challenge about and how to participate?
It is...About me. Because I am a very egocentric person. No, just kidding.
But it really is about my works. See, I used to be a literature student. And for years I have been asked to re-write pieces that already existed. It is a very common exercise, and it is always extremely fun to do. So I thought...Why not give my followers this exercise?
Below the cut will be listed thirty-five quotes and ten plots. All of them are from my works. Your task will be to write a piece based either on a simple quote, or an entire plot.
There is no limit. You can select as many quotes or plots as you want! To participate just send me a DM or and Ask telling me which one you want to write about.
Up to three people can use one quote and up to five people can use one plot :) So make sure to claim the one(s) you want before it's taken!
How long does it have to be?
As long as you want! It can be a 200 words fic or a 10k one shot. Or even a multi-chapter fic! It really is up to you!
Does it have to be a reader insert? What can I write about?
Absolutely not! It can be a reader insert, a character x character or even a story about your OC if you have one! I love to read about OCs.
You can change the pronouns in the quote you choose to fit your story.
And you can write about everything. You can write Angst, Fluff, Unhappy Ending, Triggering Topics, NSFW, Modern AU. Whatever you want! Just make sure to tag your story properly so no one will be surprised.
Can I upload my work on another platform?
Of course. Just make sure to send me the link so I can read it and add it to the final post!
Participants : @shethereadinghobbit @riderofrohirrim @guardianofrivendell @grunid @imnotevenhere9 @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse @hobbitkin-journey @hey-its-nonny @dark-angel-is-back @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @sassyscribbler @laurfilijames @learntosharefeanor-blog @classyhorseeclipseduck @cassiabaggins
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Here are all the Quotes and Plots you can choose from! Don't forget to tell me which one you picked so I can write your username next to it!
QUOTES : If you pick one (or several) of those, you will have to include the quote into your piece. Reminder that you can change the pronouns to fit your story of course.
1-One last time, you look back. (Claims : @dark-angel-is-back )
2-The words were like a punch right in the stomach. (Claims : @grunid )
3-“No. This is not good.” (Claims : @learntosharefeanor-blog )
3-Because after all, happiness takes its sweet time, doesn’t it? (Claims : @cassiabaggins )
4-”You belong to me!” (Claims : @dat-pan-dwarf )
5-”I can sense that something is troubling you…” (Claims : @imnotevenhere9 )
6-He keeps you close to him, his arms circling your body like a shield. (Claims : @hobbitkin-journey )
7-”May I join you?” (Claims : @imnotevenhere9 )
8-“I know.” You said, smiling. “I trust you.” (Claims : @dark-angel-is-back )
9-“This is a misunderstanding!”
10-“I could help, you know.” (Claims : @shethereadinghobbit )
11-“You better apologize, or I will make you regret your actions.”
12-But you cannot bring yourself to care. (Claims : @riderofrohirrim )
13-After all, you hadn’t done anything to deserve his anger. (Claims : @shethereadinghobbit )
14-“Excuse me?”
15-Or maybe were you simply imagining it. (Claims : @dark-angel-is-back )
16-You were his greatest, most precious treasure. (Claims : @bitter-sweet-farmgirl )
17-You had almost died.
18-“I see you find this rather amusing.” (Claims : @shethereadinghobbit )
19-Never before had you seen those people.
20-”They need you, all of them.”
21-”I must go now.”
22-”Yet, my love, I cannot bring myself to be angry at you.”
23-”Please, do not forget me.” (Claims : @hey-its-nonny )
24-“I will get rid of them.”
25-Why? You do not know. (Claims : @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse )
26-“If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself.” (Claims : @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse )
27-“As you wish.” (Claims : @sassyscribbler )
28-“Are you feeling alright?” (Claims : @sassyscribbler )
29-“Why is it that you are crying?” (Claims : @classyhorseeclipseduck )
30-“Careful, we do not want you getting hurt.”
31-“Is this treason I hear?”
32-“Will you please get off me?” (Claims : @laurfilijames )
33-“I am sorry. I should have said something. I should have protected you!”
35-For a moment, everything is quiet. (Claims : @hobbitkin-journey )
PLOTS : If you choose to rewrite an entire plot, you don't have to include any quote from my work. You can also change the character the story was about (ex : If you pick Be Mine, you don't have to write it about Dwalin) .
1- Angels Standing Guard : Going through a difficult time together.
2- Time Won't Heal, Only Your Love Will : Taking care of each other.
3- Let Your Love Wash Over Me : Sharing an intimate moment. (Claims : @guardianofrivendell )
4- Bye, Baby Bye : Saying goodbye. (Claims : @dark-angel-is-back )
5- Farewell : Writing each other a letter.
6- Tongues Rip Like Razors : Having a disagreement. (Claims : @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse )
7- Pour a Little Sugar on my Wounds : Giving love to each others and showing affection. (Claims : @learntosharefeanor-blog )
8- Love Stumbled into my Heart : Realizing how much they love each other.
9- Be Mine : Confessing their love.
10- I'll Show you my Shadows : Comforting the other.
Thank you so much for reading all of this, and a big big thank you if you decide to participate! It means the world to me! ❤️
*big forehead kiss for you all*
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aurmgoldau · 3 years
*juun here
Because the latest few Ask(s) are about Mei x Anya, I remember I once wrote something short about them with unclear timeline when it happened. I’ll post it below.
Even though Anya often boasted about how she could handle any kind of unexpected events, there was actually one thing in this world that kept surprising her: Mei Schnee.
Anya was currently on a lonely trip in Mistral. It wasn’t a Huntress mission or a job from either Mrs Belladonna or others, it was a personal trip. If she was allowed to put it into a more melancholy description, she would call her journey a “pilgrimage”.
Anya went to Mistral to get to know about her mother and her former team, team IRIS. Out of curiosity. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, maybe something more. Anya always welcomed every opportunity to see new things.
Since she felt it wasn’t necessary for her own team to tag along, Anya just said about her plan to her teammates and didn’t really invite them to come along, but the three of them seemed interested with the proposal. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, they couldn’t go. Rhodo had to go back to Vacuo, Ulm’s father was sick, and Mei—of course—had a strict schedule ahead, part of her duty as the Heiress.
A “strict schedule” for the Heiress left no space for any excuses, but here she was, Mei Schnee, running away from her home in Atlas to Mistral.
“You got into an argument with your Mom and ran away?” Anya repeated slowly.
Mei nodded.
Anya did receive a panic call from Ruby Rose, asking her about Mei whereabouts. Mrs Rose knew her daughter went to Mistral, but she couldn’t contact her at all. Knowing Mei (possibly) planned to catch Anya up, Mrs Rose called her. Fortunately, Mei did exactly that.
“You shouldn’t do that,” Anya said. “You made them worried.”
“I don’t care,” Mei replied, stirring her drinks. Both Mei and Anya were sitting at a bar table in a nearby shop.
“Hei, c’mon, don’t be so stubborn. You should at least tell them you arrived safely here.”
“I want to let them panic for a bit longer.”
“Your mother, Mrs Schnee, I mean, won’t be hesitant to dispatch a team or two or three, even, to get you back,” Anya sighed.
“That’s … too exaggerating ….” Mei didn’t sound so sure.
The Heiress pouted and finally pulled her Scroll out. She made a call. It wasn’t too exaggerated. Weiss Schnee might do that.
Wow …. Anya rubbed the back of her neck. Just … wow. Never thought Mei would do something as drastic as running away from home.
Anya secretly felt guilty. After all these years, it wouldn’t be surprising if Mei caught some bad influence from Anya.
Not that Anya was happy about it …. This would definitely lead to trouble. Soon enough.
“Anya,” Mei withheld her Scroll, “Mom wanna speak to you.”
Anya took the communication device. She hadn’t even said the first word when Weiss Schnee’s cold, stern, intimidating voice was heard from the speaker.
“You better take a really good care of my daughter.”
My goodness …. Anya held her breath. I thought I’m gonna speak to Mrs Rose.
“Of course, Ma’am.”
“Protect her at all costs.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Without saying “thank you” or at least anything indicating farewell, Weiss Schnee ended the call.
Mistral was a tropical area, with humid, warm weather almost all year round, yet, Anya thought there had been a blizzard passing by just now.
Anya knew how much Weiss Schnee disliked her. She was against Mei’s relationship with Anya. As far as Anya knew, Mei went through a fierce argument with her own mother just to get an (reluctant) approval.
“What did she say?” Mei asked, suspicious.
“Remind me to take care of you.” Anya swallowed. She could feel her cheeks grow a bit warmer when saying her next sentence. “It’s … a chance to prove to her that I’m suitable, right?”
“Well ….” Mei stirred her drink again, avoiding eye contact. She smiled. “You’re always suitable for me.”
Anya grinned, but not too long. Mei glared at her.
“What is that on your left arm?”
Uh oh.
Anya put away her left arm from the table, a futile attempt to hide her new tattoo, which stretched from her wrist up to her neck. Anya had her tattoo done about two days ago.
“It’s … a tattoo.”
“I don’t recall you had that many when we met last time in Vale.”
“Uhm ….”
Anya did say to her teammates about wanting to have a new tattoo, fully covering her left arm. Mei showed a hint of disagreement, but said nothing. That was why Anya didn’t give it much thought and proceeded with her plan. Especially because she would visit Mistral, where one could find good tattoo artists.
“Aren’t you satisfied with the one on your face?” Mei continued. “Why do you feel that you need to add this many?”
A really difficult question.
“I … don’t really have any particular reason ….” Anya took an ice cube from her glass and crunched it. She avoided meeting eyes with her partner. “I always wanted to have a tattoo like this,” she added with a low voice.
Mei squinted her eyes.
“More importantly!” Anya changed the topic. “We should think about where we’re going to spend the night. I’m not staying in some fancy place, y’know?”
“I know. And I don’t mind staying anywhere. I’m not here as the Heiress.”
“I’ll find somewhere more proper, okay?”
“You don’t need to—”
“I stay in a hostel where it’s six or eight beds in each room,” Anya said. “If I’m going to stay with my partner, I want more privacy for us.”
“Oh ….”
Anya browsed through her Scroll for a quick glance at potential places. She would have to replan her budget with Mei tagged along now. Of course, Anya didn’t mind. It was kind of her “responsibility” as Mei’s partner.
Uh, maybe it was high time for Anya to call Mei as her “lover” or “girlfriend” rather than just “partner”. However, whenever she thought of those words, Anya always went nervous and embarrassed.
It still feels unreal. That Mei and I are dat—in a relationship now.
The thing about being “in a relationship” was it was too different from being “a friend”. It was a stream of happiness and fear altogether. The happiness of having someone supporting and rooting for you, but, at the same time, the fear of disappointing or losing the person.
It was really strange. Anya did realize how much she was willing to submit to Mei in order to … prove her worth? Or was it a more selfish reason like keeping Mei for herself?
Did … Mom go through this too? Head over heels for someone she really liked?
If it was, Anya could imagine how painful it would be if your loved one left.
Mei mumbled something.
“Hm?” Anya put down her Scroll for a moment. “What is it?”
“It’s nothing.” Mei’s face flushed red. “Nevermind. It’s nothing.”
I think I heard her saying something about “bed”.
“I apologize,” Mei mumbled again. “I was really angry with Mom and just wanted to put some distance with her. It’s not the first time I run away from home, but it’s usually to my aunt’s place. Not this far away.”
Mei would be nineteen this winter. She was as responsible as ever, if not more responsible. On the other hand, she grew more and more rebellious toward her mother. It seemed like Mei had found her own way, which was different from her mother’s, and Mei was willing to prove that she could also make her own life choices, that she was an adult now.
As her partner, Anya could do nothing if Weiss Schnee believed Anya was a bad influence. Nevertheless, human beings were shaped by their peers—family, friends, and rivals, or enemies.
“No worries.” Anya shrugged and grinned. “It’s getting a bit lonely, solo travelling like this.”
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Protection Chapter 6
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Summary: Mia and August are in the safehouse, but Mia has a plan, since she really doesn’t want to be here. 
August Walker x Mia Makaruku (ofc)
Wordcount: 5.4k
Warnings: Mentions of stabbing and guns.
Masterlist // Protection Masterlist // Previous Chapter
1 hour at the safe house
After the three hour drive, August and I arrive at this safe house. It’s the middle of the night and normally I’m in a deep and nice sleep, spooning Bobo and dreaming about some sort of male celebrity to ease my mind. That is not the case now, despite my brain being dog tired, but it’s also running over time.
The safe house is like every ordinary house, but maybe that is exactly what we need. We need to fit in with the rest of the world, not sticking out like sore thumbs.
Bobo is already acclimated to the place, curling himself up on the sofa, purring loudly as he is about to drift off to sleep.
Me on the other hand, can’t relax for shit. I’m pacing (no, not pacing, limping) through the living room, desperately hoping to remember something. It doesn’t matter what. Maybe something about my family, something that is a dead give away I’m not part of this weird family who had access to the safe. Maybe something about what happened between the crash and me sitting on the curb, holding my arm as I was waiting for help.
Or something that would get me out of this place.
August was my safe haven for the drive here, but I don’t know what to think of him. Do I believe him when he says he’ll protect me? Yes, especially what happened to me on the parking lot.
Do I trust him?
I have no idea…
Is he soft and kind to me?
And is that everything I need for now?
I hate to admit it, but yes…
I let out a deep sigh. While I keep on wishing I need to be with someone who I feel safe with, it’s brutally obvious that… August is the only one who can both protect me and make me feel safe. I think about his strong arms wrapped around my body, my forehead resting against his chest and him allowing me to hold his hand. I know that’s not what he wants, or at least, what he would initiate, but he lets me. He lets me hold him, lean on him and cry on him.
And that sure means something right? He understands and gives in to my needs.
I turn on my foot, but since my brain is nearly frying itself, I forget this one hurts. I wince and sit on the floor, holding my ankle tightly. Tears trickle down my cheeks, without me actually crying.
I just want to go home, to my own psychical therapist who could help me out. I need normalcy back in my life.  
‘What are you doing?’
My head jerks up, to discover August standing near the kitchen, leaning against the wall. The softness I felt during the way here, it disappeared. Maybe because I wasn’t responding well to it, or because I was responding to it a bit too much. I have been a snotty and hopeless mess since early Monday morning, when I found out about the file.
‘I was pacing.’
He walks into the living room and stops in front of me. ‘You need to be careful.’
‘Well spotted. I can see the CIA training taught you well.’
August sighs. ‘I think you need a new gauge on it.’ He holds out his hand and with a groan I take it. He pulls me up, but when I’m standing, his arm glides underneath my knees and back, carrying me to the kitchen. He does it so effortlessly and without a thought. Maybe that softness is still there. Maybe he does care. He places me on the counter and takes off my shoe.
‘That hurts,’ I hisses.
‘I know,’ he says. He opens a few cabinets, but doesn’t see what he was looking for. ‘Wait here.’
He wanders out of the kitchen and comes back with my mug. The one with the flowers. The one I left at his place. He fills it with water and holds it in front of me, together with a strip of painkillers. ‘Did you bring this with you?’ I ask him, as I wrap my fingers around the mug.
He nods.
‘Because it’s home and I figured you could need it.’ He ushers me to take the painkiller and I do what he asks me to do. I lean back, with my head against the cabinet doors. He grabs a dusty barstool and places my foot on his lap.
‘August,’ I whisper.
‘I don’t hate you.’
He looks up. ‘I know.’
‘I’m just scared.’
‘I know that too.’ He takes off my sock and bandage and checks my ankle, that is swelling and turning red. ‘I think I need to provide you with a brace. Or do you have one with you?’
I shake my head. ‘I left it at home, I’m sorry.’
‘Don’t apologize,’ he snaps and I tense up. Just because he isn’t apologizing, he all of the sudden has this personal vendetta against me doing it. ‘I’ll try and arrange something. For now a new bandage will do.’
While he prepares the new bandages, I carefully place my hand on his cheek as I lean forward. He lets it happen and maybe I’m totally hallucinating, but I think he is leaning against my hand. ‘You sure you’ll protect me?’
‘I will,’ he answers in a dead serious tone.
‘Even Bobo?’
August looks up and bites back a smile. ‘Especially Bobo.’
5 hours at the safe house
I’m back at the crime scene, but this time I’m not a young girl anymore. I’m the me of today. I walk around the car wreck, spotting the limb bodies of other me’s family. I notice a young girl sitting on the curb. Me on the curb. Clutching my arm and simply staring at the wreck, as someone without a recognizable face drags away the body of a teenage boy, while another man drags away the body of a man.
They look deceased, but as of right now, they could be unconscious.
A woman, who is just as unidentifiable as the other men, crouches down in front of me. ‘Vanaf nu, is jouw naam Mia,’ she tells me. From now on, your name is Mia.
The young girl—me—shakes her head. ‘Nee, dat ben ik niet.’ No, I’m not.
‘Jawel, luister goed. Als iemand er naar vraag, jij heet Mia. Mia Makaruku. M-A-K-A-R-U-K-U.’ Yes, listen carefully. If someone asks, you’re Mia. Mia Makaruku. M-A-K-A-R-U-K-U.’
With a jolt I’m wide awake. I look around me, expecting to find Bobo for some emotional support, but he is not here. I could use a hug, to be honest and Bobo is the one that I wished was right here to hug me. I slip on some warm socks and get out of my bed. No, the bed in the safe house. It’s not mine. It smells musty. My bed always smells like lavender.
‘Bobo,’ I whisper shout, ‘where are you?’
I see August’s door is opened ajar and I peek inside, only to see Bobo curled up on the windowsill, while August isn’t asleep. He looks up and flicks on his light. ‘What’s wrong?’
I want to make a stupid remark about Bobo sleeping here and how they are becoming close buddies and how it should make me jealous, but it can’t seem to leave my lips. I simply lean against the doorframe and fumble with my shirt.
‘Mia, what’s up?’
‘I had a memory,’ I whisper, but it’s loud enough for him to hear. I close the door and I walk over to his bed. I sit on the edge, staring at Bobo, who is still asleep and doesn’t really care I walked in. Looks like I’m traded in for. Nice to know that my lovely cat will trade me for someone with testosterone. ‘My name is not Mia Makaruku.’ I tell him what the memory is about. I don’t feel tears coming up, but to be fair, I have cried for hours on end.
August sits up straight next to be on the edge. ‘You know what your real name is?’
I shake my head. ‘That was all I wanted to tell you.’ I want to stand up again, but August grabs my wrist and forces me on his bed again. ‘What?’
‘I know it’s hard.’
‘How?’ I ask him. ‘Because this all happened to you when you were younger? Did you have a promising career, that was put on hold because someone swooped into your life and all of the sudden you realize you are not who you think you are?’
He doesn’t say anything, but I simply pull my wrist out of his grasp, grab Bobo and march back into my room.
1 day at the safe house
I came to the conclusion that in no way, I can stay here in this safe house.
August is keeping a close eye on me and I have to tell him what I’m going to do every single time I leave the room. Even when I just need to pee! This whole situation is suffocating me. I wished he would just be a bit more relaxed, less controlling and just back the fuck off.
Ever since I had my first memory, I have been thinking about it, nearly giving myself a painful headache. But I don’t remember anything.
When I was wandering through the house, I confiscated a letter opener, to use it as some sort of weapon. Who knows if I might need it one day. And that one day might come sooner than I think.
I’m sitting in the living room, as the blinds are closed, leaving us with the lights on, in the middle of the day. I can barely sit anymore, so I walk towards a wall and do a handstand against it. I hear some bones in my shoulders crack.
For a top athlete, going from intense training to nothing, it’s unhealthy. I read about those people who get heart attacks after they retire and get a heart attack within the first week of doing nothing, after a very intensive job for forty years.
While I’m not suspecting a heart attack anytime soon and I shouldn’t compare this situation to retirement, I’m keeping it in mind.
Is it your left arm that starts to hurt when you have a nearing heart attack?
‘What are you doing?’
I roll my eyes, but he doesn’t see that. ‘I would swear you’re blind,’ I say, as I get back on my feet. ‘I was bowling, you happy now?’
August doesn’t say anything. He simply walks over to the couch and sits on my spot. Man spreading is tame in comparison with what he is doing. I think it’s a good thing this man wears pants, because I could’ve looked right up his ass and do an internal examination, without trying.
That’s quite the picture, Mia… What are you doing to yourself?
I turn around and let out a gasp when the doorbell rings three times very short. August stands up and ushers me to come over. I don’t understand why, but he looks pissed and I better listen to him. I limp towards him and he pushes me behind him. When he opens the door, he simply takes the package after signing for it and closes the door. ‘What was that about?’
‘Better be safe than sorry.’ He opens the package without using scissors (which is weird, because I would’ve needed a scissor or a knife to open it, but to each their own) and hands me my new ankle brace.
‘Oh,’ I say, when I see he actually arranged a real good one. Maybe he cares in his weird way… ‘Thanks.’
He doesn’t say anything about it. ‘I’ll start lunch.’
3 days at the safe house
It has been two days since I found the letter opener and I don’t think he suspects a thing. The hours pass by without a mishap. I let him check my ankle twice a day, I try to get him to like Bobo (no success so far and that’s all on August) and we watch the stars every night, since that’s the only time he lets me out of the house.
Pretending I made peace with the situation, gave me enough opportunities to plan my escape. Even when he made me a hot water bottle the other night because I was shivering, even when he suggested to cut the onions, so I wouldn’t get teary eyed and that time when he carried me to bed.
Even when he makes me feel like no one else made me before, I cannot stay here. I have read the files, I have seen where he hides our passports, I know where he hides his guns. I can escape.
Especially now, since I don’t want him near me anymore.
The only way I can actually lock him up, is by luring him into the basement and that sounds painfully scary, I admit, but I have to try. I’d rather die trying, than give up and sit here like I’ve given up on life.
I have to leave him.
Everything is all set and done in my bedroom, ready for me to leave. If I can’t hide it in my room (the car keys, the file or the passports and of course his guns) I know exactly where to find it.
I’m standing in some tight black leggings and a cropped sweater in the basement, trying to find something on the top shelve I could desperately need and I can’t reach. Pasta sauce? That seems like something I could use.
I have made some food in these past couple of days and I have yet to make some pasta. It sounds like me to try something new.
Normally I wouldn’t wear something that accentuates my ass this much, but I have to distract him some way, so maybe this’ll do. I don’t know, I have never done this before. Sure, I’ve kissed, but never anything further than that. Being a professional athlete, you barely have time to date.
Or that’s just me, I don’t know. Other girls seemed to find time to date…
My heart is pounding painfully fast in my chest. You can say about August Walker whatever you want, but that man looks terrifyingly experienced. He seems like the type of man who can rip you apart and you’d beg him to do so again.
It’s now or never, Mia.
‘August!’ I yell.
It takes a second before he answers. ‘Yes?’
‘Can you help me out?’
Asking him for something, is the way to his heart.
I hear his descending footsteps and I turn around, to see him approaching me. ‘Can you reach the pasta sauce for me?’ I ask. ‘I wanted to make pasta tonight.’
August simply nods and stretches himself to grab the package from the top shelf. ‘Anything else?’
I bite my lip, before shaking my head.
‘There is something on your mind,’ he says. ‘What is it?’
This man reads me like a book. I hate it. ‘Nothing, it’s silly, really.’ That and I might chicken out right now. Maybe this isn’t such a fantastic well thought out plan, though I thought about it non stop for the past forty eight hours.
But, am I seeing this correctly? Is he smiling? ‘Tell me this then: why are you wearing this?’
Oh shit, he is too good. Fuck, I just blew my cover, simply because it’s too much. ‘What?’
August places his large hand in the dip of my waist, his fingers touching my bare skin. ‘You never wear this.’
I clear my throat. Now is not a good time for that heart attack you were thinking about a two days ago, I tell myself. ‘Oh, I…’
‘Come on,’ he whispers, ‘you can tell me.’
I swallow hard, all of the sudden not so sure about this anymore. I shouldn’t let him intimidate me, but it sure does. It might have to do with this authoritarian lining I hear in his deep voice.
‘Tell me,’ he says, ‘did you plan this?’
I finally find my voice again, yet it’s not a very secure one. ‘Maybe,’ I whisper shakily.
‘It’s you, really,’ I say and that is not a total lie. I mean, I have seen him pretty up close these passed few days. And since I’m a functioning human being with a heart beat and certain—slightly nasty—dreams about him…  It seems reasonable to be planning this, right?
August nods, before lifting me on the empty table I wished in my initial plan he would place me. ‘If I start, Mia, I don’t think I can stop.’
‘I don’t want you to stop,’ I whimper, already completely at his mercy.
I curse myself.
He chuckles and bites his bottom lip, his eyes turning a few shades darker. He takes off his shirt, revealing his strong and broad chest, covered with chest hair that I only saw glimpses of.
Am I sure I can do this? Am I sure I can do what I plan to do?
‘What?’ I ask him.
‘You look like a deer caught in the headlights, Mia.’
‘Oh,’ I gasp, which is a dead giveaway that I am indeed a deer caught in the headlights.
His strong hands force my legs open. ‘It’s a good thing I sometimes find you adorable.’
Now I’m actually offended. ‘Why only sometimes?’
He smiles. ‘Maybe always.’
I shouldn’t do this, I think to myself. I feel sorry for him now, he looks so approachable and finally he shows me who he is deep down. The August Walker that I knew was in there, hidden by the walls he has built. The August Walker I saw glimpses of since the day I met him. Okay, maybe not since the day I met him, but since we went to that basketball game.
I place my hands on his broad chest and let my nails drag over his skin. August bridges the space between us and the second our lips touch and his tongue enters my mouth, I hook my feet together behind his hips.
The way this man kisses… I have never been kissed like this. Never have I ever been so overpowered, so dominated.
I’m getting too sucked into this moment, that for a second I forget my plan. He buries his face in my neck, his tongue running over the delicate skin. I bite my lip to keep my moans in, but somehow one escapes.
‘Such a needy little girl,’ he grunts in my nape, before going out of his way to leave his marks on me.
When he kisses my lips again, he seems distracted enough, I think to myself. My hand goes underneath the edge of the table, where I taped the letter opener…
But I can’t find it.
‘You were looking for this?’ he asks when he pulls back. His fingers twirl the letter opener around.
Oh fuck, I screwed up big time.
‘I admire you thought about this,’ he says, ‘but I’m not a total idiot.’ He lets the sharp tip drag over my cheek, causing me to pull back.
‘You knew?’
‘Of course I knew,’ he chuckles. ‘I’m a CIA agent, I notice everything you do. I’m trained to do such thing.’ He pulls back completely and I let out a groan. While he puts the letter opener in the back pocket of his pants, he grabs his shirt from the floor. ‘Shame, Mia, that I can read you like a book, but yet again… I appreciate the effort.’
He turns around with a cocky grin and I clench my jaw. What an asshole. I look around me and see a block of wood next to the table. I jump off the table, grab the wood and rush towards him. I am not giving up, because if I did so, I wouldn’t have become the soccer player I am today.
I was, I mean, because I’ve come to the realization those soccer playing times might be over.
August must’ve heard me (he is a CIA agent after all), but I’m mid swing already and the edge of the block hits him on his temple. I watch as the enormous man falls like a bag of potatoes and I stare at his limp body on the floor.
Did I just kill him?
Before I jump over him to go up the stairs, I quickly check his pulse in his neck. Okay, there is a heartbeat. I climb up the stairs and lock the door.
It’s game time.
I rush to my room, grab my coat and the carriage for Bobo. I figured I would bring him to a shelter, before I would get on the plane, because I’m not leaving my precious orange cat in a safe house with August Walker.
Within record time I have got my bag ready, the file and I grabbed the fake Indonesian passport I need. ‘Come on, Bobo,’ I try to coax him and the dumb ass actually goes into the cage.
‘Mia, don’t fucking do this,’ I hear August yell, as he is trying to force the door open.
Okay, it’s quite a relief to know he really wasn’t dead.
I grab the car keys and when I walk passed his room, my eyes fall on his weapon holster. The one last thing I need. I grab his gun and though I have zero idea on how to use it, I can just do what they do in movies.
Just pull the trigger, right?
I grab the carriage with Bobo, only to hear August breaking out from the basement. The door collapses in front of me and I see his eyes are dark, but not filled with lust like they were a few moments ago.
Filled with absolute rage.
‘Don’t even fucking think about it,’ he growls.
Before I even think, I grab the gun out of the bag and point it to him. My hands are shaking. ‘Let me go,’ I say.
‘Mia, I can’t let you go.’
‘I don’t want the CIA to help me,’ I tell him, as tears run over my cheeks. Way to make your point, Mia. ‘I just want my normal life back.’
‘You can’t and you know that.’
I do know that. ‘I want to find answers on my own,’ I continue, ‘and on my own, doesn’t involve you. I hate you, August Walker, I fucking hate you.’
I can see it in his eyes, that he tells himself that it’s not true and it’s not true. I don’t hate him, I just need to get out of here. He clenches his jaw. ‘Give me the gun, Mia.’
I shake my head. ‘No. Step aside or I’ll shoot.’
Even I’m not convinced…
August walks up to me and places his hand on the barrel, pulling the gun against his chest. ‘Do it then.’
My finger is on the trigger, but… I’m too weak to shoot him. I hand him the gun, before hiding my face into my hands. I lean with my back against the wall. This is so embarrassing. Why on earth did I think I could escape?
I hear August opening the door of the carriage, followed by the soft steps of Bobo.
‘Talk to me, Mia,’ he says, causing me to look up. When our eyes meet, he isn’t mad. He looks so disappointed. but I’m not sure if he’s disappointed in me or himself for letting this happen.
I take a deep breath. I don’t know what to say about this situation. ‘How is your head?’ I ask him, noticing some blood running over the side of his face.
‘It’s okay.’
I simply take his hand and drag him with me to the kitchen. He sits on a lower stool, so I can actually reach his face, without having to wear pointe shoes. I see a small cut on his temple, the source of the stream of blood and I grab the kit he used on me so many times. ‘I’m sorry,’ I say in a soft tone. ‘I don’t know what I was thinking.’
‘Don’t apologize.’
‘But I have to, August. I hurt you.’ I clean the wound, before grabbing the special bandages to pull wounds like this back together.
He sighs deeply. ‘You did what you thought was best. I can’t argue with that.’ His tone is low, raspy, but also soft.
He doesn’t sound angry at all, while I expect him to be. I mean, I kinda wanted to stab him.
‘It’s just that I… I just want to get out of here.’
August nods. ‘I know that and we will go. Eventually.’ When our eyes meet again, I see the hurt. Fuck, I hurt him so badly. Guilt washes over me and there are a million things I could say to him. But he doesn’t let me. ‘Don’t beat yourself up over this.’
He can indeed read me like a fucking book and I should hate that. But I’m actually quite relieved as of now.
‘I’m not beating myself up.’
‘You are.’
I push back some of his hairs, my fingertips running over his scalp. He melts against the touch and shuts his eyes, letting out a deep sigh.
‘I won’t escape anymore,’ I whisper.
‘I know.’
‘It’s… I don’t know what possessed me. I mean… I hit you in the head quite hard.’
He shakes his head. ‘Don’t you worry about it. Besides, I’m actually pretty relieved. I now know you can defend yourself properly.’
‘Properly?’ I can’t help but chuckle and I see a tiny smile form on his lips. ‘Don’t over exaggerate. August, I just… I feel so useless here. I don’t remember a lot of stuff. I just sit here and wait. I haven’t done that in a long time.’
He nods. ‘You are not useless.’
‘I need to do something with my time. It’s awful sitting here, with you breathing down my neck.’
He smiles. ‘How about I teach you some basic self defense tips?’
‘Please,’ I say. ‘Honestly, you could ask me to do some embroidery and I would take it.’
He places a hand on my back and actually forces me to sit on his thighs. My eyes enlarge, causing him to chuckle. ‘I meant what I said in there,’ he says. ‘Both the deer caught in the headlights part and the needy little girl part.’
Yeah, I just want to disappear and I wished that could be arranged. ‘Could we maybe not mention that. Like, ever again? I’d like to maintain some form of dignity.’
His lips graze over my cheeks. ‘Had I not found the letter opener,’ he whispers, ‘how far would you let me go?’
‘Not far. I was gonna stab you, August,’ I chuckle, but it’s a nervous one, since I can hardly focus as I sit on his thick thighs. ‘Why?’
‘Because something tells me… You’ve never done that before.’
That can’t be good. I feel like my self confidence just disappeared into thin air. ‘Was it that bad?’
‘No, no, no!’ he quickly says. ‘It’s just that your heart rate was out of the roof and… You seemed nervous.’
‘I kinda was. But mostly because I needed to stab you.’
‘I’m not a liar.’
‘You are,’ he says, before placing a kiss on my cheekbone. It’s so soft and tender, almost a full 180 of that kiss he gave me in the basement, a place I will never go back to again, because I’ll probably die of shame. ‘And that’s okay.’
I want to say something, but then I hear a loud meow and August growling. ‘Stupid cat, stop doing that!’
‘The attack thing on your leg?’ I ask him.
‘Yes, what a stupid idiot.’
‘Hey, don’t talk to him like that!’ I look over and see Bobo peeking around the corner of the kitchen island. ‘I can’t believe I genuinely thought I could take Bobo with me on my little adventure.’
August pulls me closer to him. ‘It shows your character, Mia.’
I meet his eyes again. ‘You’re not mad at me anymore?’
‘I haven’t been mad at you. I know you don’t want to stay here and that is a mutual feeling. I just have to know I can guarantee your safety.’
I nod. ‘When do you think we can leave?’
‘Next week somewhere?’
‘Is it allowed for me to get wasted or am I bringing the operation in danger if I do so?’
He smiles. ‘One drink, that’s the best I can do.’
I don’t want to do it, but I press my lips against his. A quick peck, nothing compared to the kiss earlier. But it’s all I can do right now. ‘Can we start now?’
5 days at the safe house
‘What’s that?’ I ask August, when he places a box on the table.
Ever since my little escape debacle (I let August swear never to mention it again and so far he lips were sealed), time doesn’t go by as slowly and August actually trusts me now. I don’t have justify myself for every step I take. He teaches me some self defense, but I’m a very slow learner and he tries to be patient, but really isn’t.
It’s nice being around August, especially when he tries to be nice to Bobo.
He is just a bit uneasy around the cat.
‘It’s for you,’ he says, not making eye contact.
‘It’s not even my birthday,’ I say.
August simply shrugs. ‘I can give you gifts, right?’
‘I mean, if you want, you won’t hear me complaining. I love gifts.’ I grab the box and pull it closer to me. It’s not really tightly closed, so I can easily open it. I peek inside, only to discover a…
A soccer ball?
‘Are you serious?’ I ask him. ‘Why?’
‘Because I know you miss soccer,’ he tells me. ‘I know I can’t bring back full stadiums, screaming fans and a better opponent, but this is the least I can do. Just remember: take good care of your foot.’
‘Of course, of course.’ A smile appears on my face and I take it out of the box, balancing the ball on my hand. Memories flash through my mind. My first soccer ball, the first goal I made in amateur soccer, after that professional soccer.
I walk around the table and I give him a kiss on his cheek. Ever since kissing one another after the basement event, we didn’t do that anymore. But now feels like an appropriate time to do so? Maybe not, but it’s happening now.
I can’t go back now.
‘Since I can’t use my foot, you want to throw it with me?’
‘Of course,’ he says. However, before we can start, I sense he wants to say something to me. I wait, but he shakes it off. ‘Never mind. Let me move the couch, so we have more room.’
10 days at the safe house
I am in a deep sleep, when I hear some rumbling sounds in the background. I open my eyes, but I figure out it’s one of August’s nightly escapades. He does that quite often in the middle of the night. Just wandering around, moving around some things and sometimes I even hear him exercising. I wonder if he ever sleeps.
Not me though, when it’s dark outside, I’m sleeping.
I turn around and try to drift off in a nice sleep again, hoping to go back to that lovely dream again, but then my door opens. I jolt awake, when August enters my room. ‘Easy now,’ August says. ‘You’re coming with me.’
‘What’s happening?’
‘I got your clothes, your stuff, everything. Even your creepy cat worked with me and got in his carriage.’ He hands me a thick sweater and helps me in it. My head is still a bit drowsy and my body barely works. August lifts me up and I place my head against his shoulder.
‘I can walk,’ I mumble.
‘I know, but you’re sleepy,’ he whispers. ‘Besides, I don’t mind.’
That shouldn’t make me smile as much as it does.
He carries me to the car and places me in the passengers seat. He starts the car and with an illegal speed he drives off. I look over my shoulder, to see Bobo in the carriage.
‘What’s happening, August?’ I ask him. ‘Why are we leaving?’
‘We might’ve been found,’ he says, his eyes not leaving the road.
I nod. I grab his hand from the steering wheel and I hold it in both of mine. ‘I trust you,’ I whisper. ‘I really do.’
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sarahzstories · 3 years
✨Interview with Princess and Narry✨
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✨*A/N This is in the format that Niall, Harry and Princess are having a sit down interview with someone for a magazine. I have a Part 2 ready if you are interested, also feel free to send in questions you want the three of them to answer! Enjoy!*✨
Q: How did you really meet? And when?
Niall: At a Christmas party in New York about what like eight years ago?
Princess: Yeah they crashed my aunt’s party and Harry ran into me and spilled a drink all over me.
Harry: It was an accident and I have apologized several times since it happened.
Princess: That’s true he does apologize every year on our friend-anniversary.
Q: Is there a group chat?
Princess: Yes duh.
Harry: It’s called the Three Amigos.
Niall: I love dat it’s been da same name since we made it eight years ago.
Q: Who is the most annoying in the group chat?
Harry: Me
Niall: For sure Harry. He’s da bloody worst at sending incomplete thoughts instead of just thinking about what he’s tryin ta say and sending one long paragraph.
Princess: He just tells us things as they pop into his head is all. It’s not annoying.
Niall: She’s jus sayin dat cos she’s nice.
Harry: No she’s saying that because she does the same thing just not as much as I do. Remember that time she was trying to tell us she ran into Orlando Bloom at Starbucks?
Niall: Bloody hell that was such a shit show of a text conversation.
Princess: I was star struck! I couldn’t form complete sentences!
Q: What are yours names in each other’s phones?
Niall: Harry is jus saved as H an Princess is saved as Princess wit da crown emoji an a heart.
Harry: Niall is the Irish One in my phone and Princess is Bestfriend and it has a sparkle and heart emoji next to it.
Niall: *rolls eyes*
Princess: Oh Harry is saved under Little Lanky Baby with a red heart and Niall is My Little Irish Marshmallow with a clover emoji.
Harry: What? Are you serious?
Niall: Have Ya never noticed our contact names when she sends screenshots?
Harry: I’m not lanky?
Niall: Are ya havin a laugh mate? Yer arse is lanky.
Princess: You really are and that’s okay! Everyone loves it!
Harry: I don’t know how I feel about this...
Princess: You’ll survive.
Q: When do you three actually become as close as you are now? Was it instant?
Harry: I think it was maybe a month after we met. We got really close very fast because we talked all the time.
Niall: I agree, it was pretty fast we jus clicked and I think it was like after a month or so that we invited her to a show and after dat it was like we knew each other fo ever.
Princess: Texting and talking on the phone really helped speed up the getting to know you process. They’ve had a key to my apartment since like six months after knowing them. We all just meshed really well and it’s been great.
Q: Have you ever been in a fight? If so what was it about?
Niall: Oh god...
Harry: Yes. One fight and I don’t like to talk about it. But it was about my debut album details getting out before I was ready.
Princess: He’s so sensitive about this subject but yeah only one so far and it only lasted like three days so wasn’t too bad.
Harry: Wasn’t too bad? It was horrible. We didn’t speak for 72 hours.
Niall: It was all a misunderstanding type thing cos Harry over reacted and got mean and then just didn’t know how to fix it.
Princess: He didn’t overreact. He was right to be mad at me.
Harry: I’m not getting into this.
Niall: It’s been years mate let it go it’s okay you got upset at her, no friendship is perfect, even ours.
Harry: You wanna talk about how you also got mad at her the same day? Or no?
Niall: Jesus Yer in a mood today, m’fine talkin bout our little fight cos it only lasted a day and it was cos I blew things outta proportion.
Princess: Once again it’s fine we are allowed to be upset with each other. Next question?
Harry: Yes. Let’s move on.
Q: Is jealously an issue between the three of you?
Niall: *looks at Harry*
Princess: *also looks at Harry*
Harry: Excuse me, may I help you two with something?
Princess: Wanna talk about getting jealous?
Harry: I don’t get jealous.
Niall: Are ya fuckin jokin? Yer arse is the reason why we have ta have a group calendar so no one gets more one on one time than the other Ya knob!
Harry: That has nothing to do with being jealous. I like to be organized with my time that’s all.
Princess: That’s all? You sure?
Harry: I’m sure.
Princess: So it’s not because one time you realized Niall and I had seen each other three times in one week without you?
Harry: I mean three times in a week is a lot.
Niall: Yer ridiculous mate jus admit ya get jealous whenever P hangs out wit anyone besides you.
Harry: I’m choosing not to respond to that.
Q: Who’s the most protective?
Princess: It’s a toss up between the two of them.
Harry: I’d say i get more protective while Niall is the first to want to fight anyone who makes P feel uncomfortable or makes her cry. But I’m the one who wants to just prevent it at all costs.
Niall: what he means is he would rather P never leave da bloody house.
Harry: It would make it easier...
Princess: I get protective over them as well though!
Harry: *looks at Niall*
Niall:*looks at Harry*
Princess: What? Remember that time I yelled at that man who was trying to take pictures of us at the beach?
Niall: I mean yer right, ya can get protective an are always the first ta tell paps to fuck off.
Harry: She can be very ferocious when she wants to be.
Niall: *laughs*
Princess: Both of you are assholes.
Harry: I didn’t say anything!
Q: Was it easier being friends when Niall and Harry were both in the same band?
Princess: Yes I mean it wasn’t as chaotic trying to figure out what dates work best to see who but also it was a whole different type of chaos when I’d go visit them while they were in One Direction.
Niall: Ya it was wild as hell when she’d come cos we were literally always doin somethin fo tha band either all five of us or dey would separate us into groups and it would be Harry and I and the rest of da boys and we would be shootin promo or even recordin a bloody album!
Harry: It was always her getting shoved in a backseat with us in a car or getting little fifteen minutes breaks to talk and actually see each other between whatever the hell we had to do the days she was on tour with us.
Princess: But the shows were so much fun, but I’d honestly say getting to visit them while on their solo tours is better than when they were in One Direction simply because they get more down time and it’s not always go go go like it was back then.
Niall: I agree, when we get to the venues of our shows we don’t have ten thousand things ta do before the show so we get to chill and hang out.
Harry: It’s really such a different world going on tour now than it was when we toured with One Direction.
Princess: But I honestly would put up with the craziness of visiting them while in One Direction still if I had to.
Niall: Is she-
Harry: Hinting that she wants a One Direction reunion tour? Yes.
Princess: What? That’s not what I meant.
Harry: Mhm...right.
Niall: *laughs*
Princess: *rolls eyes*
Q: Okay but really who do you enjoy hanging out with more?
Niall: *looks at Princess*
Harry: Hmm...
Princess: Is this just a question for me? *raises an eyebrow*
Harry: I have the most fun with Princess.
Niall: Same. Harry makes me wanna smack em upside da head too much when it’s jus tha two of us.
Harry: I could say the same thing about you, you little hobbit.
Princess: I don’t have a favorite. I get asked this all the time on my Instagram and I feel like no one believes me? But I truly don’t have a favorite to hang out with and actually like it when it’s all three of us together.
Q: How do you deal with dating while being so close to the boys? Does it get weird?
Harry: Threats. Lots of threats.
Niall: Oh please we aren’t tha most threatenin set of blokes H. It doesn’t get weird tho cos P doesn’t really date do ya Princess?
Princess: I go on dates yes, I haven’t been in a serious relationship is a while but it’s not weird, everyone I talk to knows I’m friends with Niall and Harry.
Harry: I’d like to think we have more than just a regular friendship...
Princess: I mean yes it’s a bit different. But I let them know before it even gets to us going on dates that the two of them are a massive part of my life.
Niall: Same goes fo us though, I tell the people m’interested in bout P and the fact she’s one of the main people in my life and most of em are fine wit it.
Harry: Everyone who knows me knows about my relationship with Princess and knows that nothing comes before it. She will always come first, like it or not.
Princess: He is so dramatic i swear he makes it sound like I’m the only person in his life that he’s like this with, it’s the same with his family. Not just me.
Niall: Harry is dramatic though but it’s true, everyone that even tries ta get wit H knows three things for sure and it’s that he loves a good Gucci suit, loves his family and his friendship with Princess is untouchable.
Harry: Oh now who sounds dramatic?
Princess: We are going to be single forever aren’t we?
Niall: We could do one of dem packs about getting married if we are single when we are thirty.
Harry: I’d rather not marry you when I’m thirty that’s when I’ll just be starting to thrive.
Niall: Oi! Then when? Ya wanna be so old ya won’t enjoy it?
Harry: You’ll enjoy it no matter the age it happens you knob.
Princess: How about sixty? Still young, I mean look at Bruce he is thriving!
Harry: *rolls eyes* you’ve been dying to bring up Bruce Willis haven’t you?
Niall: Deal.
Harry: I guess I can agree to that.
Q: Favorite thing about each other?
Niall: I’d have to say I enjoy Harry’s opinions, he doesn’t sugar coat em he knows I don’t like all that fake ass stuff so he tells it to me straight.
Harry: You’re quite welcome for always telling you when you’re being an asshole.
Niall: Ya gotta ruin every moment don’t ya? Anyways I’d say my favorite thing bout Princess would be...her ability to jus know what I need and when I need it.
Harry: It’s kind of freaky how she does that though right? The texts are the creepiest.
Niall: Right? Like when she can jus sense ya’ve had a bad day so she sends ya Dis heartwarming text and yer jus like how the bloody fuck did she know??
Princess: I just know you both so well! I can’t help it.
Harry: It’s great love, we love it.
Niall: doesn’t make it any less creepy though.
Princess: Well I’d say my favorite thing about Niall is that he has this ability to make everyone around him instantly feel comfortable and like at home if that makes any sense?
Harry: I can agree, he’s very good at making everyone around him feel at ease.
Princess: And my favorite thing about Harry is he has this weird way of knowing how you need to be comforted. Like he knows when to just hold your hand, when to pull you in for a hug or just when you grab you and hold you. It’s lovely.
Niall: Ah yeah dis is so true. Always tryin ta hug me.
Harry: Well I don’t see you fighting me off.
Niall: Oi yer arse didn’t answer what yer fave things are bout us, do ya not have one?
Harry: I love Niall’s sense of humor, we both have the same type of lame humor and laugh at the stupidest stuff. My favorite thing about Princess is probably how she just gets me and lets me be me.
Princess: *sniffles* Can we move on?
Niall: Way ta go got er all watery eyed now.
Harry: I’m not the one who asked the question! I just answered it. You got her all emotional too you knob.
Q: Have you written any songs about your friendship?
Niall: Yeah Harry have we?
Harry: *rolls eyes* yes.
Princess: Go on, just tell them.
Niall: Yeah H jus tell em. Get it off yer chest.
Harry: You’re in such a mood today. Fine. I wrote meet me in the hallway about when Princess and I had a fight.
Niall: And...
Harry: I wrote Adore You with her in mind about her effect on the people around her. That she has no clue she has.
Princess: What about you Niall?
Harry: Yes hobbit what about you hmmm?
Niall: I wrote the Tide while thinking about her when she was datin that one arsehole.
Harry: And?
Niall: Fine you arse I also wrote Mirrors about her as well.
Harry: Oh and if you’re wondering about One Direction songs the main one we wrote about our friendship is Drag Me Down.
Niall: S’pretty obvious though, s’fo her and da whole fandom really.
Princess: That is my hype song. So damn good.
Q: What’s a memory the three of you cherish?
Princess: Oh that’s a good one!
Niall: S’gotta be when we all went ta Cabo fo a week like three years ago and we jus laid in the sun by the beach all day and got drunk off wine at night an it was one of tha most relaxing vacations I’ve ever had.
Harry: That was a great trip.
Princess: Mine is when we had our first sleepover at my tiny ass New York apartment. When we did face masks and ended up passing out on my bed watching Will and Grace. I think that next morning is when I really realized you two were going to literally be my humans forever.
Harry: Oh the good ole days of our sleepovers and trying to squeeze onto your loveseat. Mine is the time when Niall and I had to go get you from the bar when you got too drunk on a Monday night.
Princess: That’s your most cherished memory? Really?
Harry: Yes, because that was the first time you ever used us as your like emergency contact and the first time we had to come save you. You weren’t super wasted, Niall and I just had to make sure you got home safe and it was nice because you kept telling us how much you loved us.
Niall: Now we always gotta come save er, member that one time we had ta crash her date wit dat golf dude?
Princess: Oh god
Harry: That was fun! He was a proper dick.
Princess: Next question?
Q: This is the last one, who said I love you first out of the three of you?
Princess: It was Niall
Harry: I know everyone is gonna be shocked to hear it wasn’t me.
Niall: I mean yeah it was me. M’not ashamed of it. I was tellin P bye and was like love ya and she said love you too Ni and then Harry got all mushy an was like, what did ya say H?
Princess: He said and I quote “if we are saying we love each other I want to be involved because I love you too!”
Harry: Sounds about right.
Niall: That was like what three months into the friendship?
Harry: Yeah five or take a few weeks.
Princess: Now we say it all the time!
Harry: So that’s it then yeah?
Interviewer: Yeah that’s it! Thank you so much for your time this was so fun.
Niall: It was fun gettin ta hear what people wanna know bout the three of us. Hope it wasn’t borin.
Princess: Us boring? Never.
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Well This is Strange and Unexpected [Toshinori x Reader] [Part 3]
<- Part 2
Summary: You’re feeling guilty over past mistakes and wake up in a bad mood only a certain human golden retriever can cure. 
2,696 words | SFW (but there is some canoodling & severe injury)
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Hot tears roll down your cheeks, flowing in burning rivers along the side of your nose, and over your lips, filling your mouth with the taste of salt. Searing pain shoots through your left arm from the elbow up through your shoulder. Every time you move, even in the slightest, unbearable agony rips through your arm and pulses through your whole body like a thing with teeth, consuming you whole. So you sit as still as possible, trying not to move, dreading every breath and every sobbing wail that makes your chest rise and fall, shifting enough to renew the torment.
Your arm is broken, but you don’t understand that. You are four years old, and you have never experienced this kind of pain before.
You just want it to stop.
Mama runs toward you, calling your name. She’ll make it okay again. She’ll help. She’ll make the pain go away. You would do anything to make the pain go away.
She scoops you up in her arms, cooing calming words. Wrapped in her protective embrace, the pain goes away.
You stop crying.
She screams.
“Are you all right?!” A hand shakes your broken arm.
Your eyes shoot open. Lightning blue irises stare back at you from their shadowed sockets.
“No!” you scream, scrambling back until you strike the headboard. “Stay back! Get away from me!”
Toshinori retreats to the door with a yelp, turning his back respectfully and shielding his eyes. “I’m sorry! I wasn’t trying to be creepy, I swear! You were shouting, and I thought...”
Broken? Your arm still throbs with the sensation of being fractured. No. You rub it with your other hand, testing it, and find no pain. Not broken. You knead and stretch the offending limb, massaging away the horrible prickling beneath the skin. You’re fine, you breathe. It’s fine.
Someone is frantically muttering apologies in the doorway.
Toshi. He thought you were angry at him. You have to—
You try to hold in a laugh, but, failing, it ungracefully bursts out your nose as a snort.
He is wearing a short pink sweater that shows off his abs, and sweatpants that say “DAT ASS” on the butt.
A wave crashed behind you, spraying up sea foam and a million jewels of water that reflected the dazzling fire-colored sky silhouetting your entwined forms. If someone had been standing there with a camera, the frozen snapshot of that moment would have made a stunning poster for a heart-throbbing summer romance film.
Unfortunately, time marches on, and in the next moment, you were both soaking wet in water up to your ankles, fleeing, gasping at the shock of freezing water. You laughed about it, but since you hadn’t taken your shoes off to walk on the beach, and the not-quite-summer sun was sinking below the horizon, the walk back to the train was uncomfortably squishy and cold. The damp chill set off Toshinori’s blood-fueled cough nonstop, making other passengers stare, unsure if they were in the beginning of a zombie film.
Huddling close together for warmth the entire way home, however, somehow made all the shivering worth it.
He insisted on getting off at your stop and walking you home—he couldn’t let you go off all alone freezing! In turn, you refused to let him go home covered with goosebumps and hacking up blood everywhere. You lent him some dry clothes, but he is so much taller than you, all of your shirts fit him like crop tops. You’re not sure why he had to pick those sweatpants though. He claimed it was because they were the most comfortable pair, but you didn’t quite believe that reason as he twisted his hips to show off the ass-writing while grinning like an idiot.
“Nope. You are not walking home like that,” you said dryly.
“Aw, come on. I’m adorable.”
“Yes. But someone will beat you up.”
“It wouldn’t be a date with you if I didn’t get beat up.”
“Couch!” you growled, dragging him across the living room and pushing his shoulders down onto the sofa. He was being so goofy all of a sudden. You’d never seen him in such a relaxed, cheerful mood—and it was infectious. You couldn’t resist climbing onto the couch after him, straddling his lap. He folded his arms around your neck and laid back, drawing you down on top of him. Your nose was an inch from his, and your face grew hot with the desire to kiss him again. A throaty hum rumbled in his chest.
This wild-haired scarecrow man smiling up at you between your arms. On your couch. You swallowed, a squeezing in your heart. He was so affectionate, like a stray dog once it warms up to you—like he craved it. And he was good at it.
His hands began to slide up your shirt, watching your face for hesitation. When you let out a shuddered sigh and relaxed more of your weight onto him, he started caressing the curve of your waist and ribs, hands enveloping most of your back—so large for such a slender man, though in proportion with his height. He leaned up, but instead of kissing you, missed your lips and nipped your ear. You let out a pleased gasp, which elicited a devilish grin from him, full of teeth.
Your heart beat faster. You wanted more. You were lying on top of him with his hands under your shirt—it seemed like more was where this was headed, and yet… how could you? The squeezing in your chest tightened; became constricting. He only likes you because he thinks you’re heroic. All that stuff you told him about your quirk, about wanting to help him, that’s what attracted him. Just like his refusal to take advantage of your ability turned you on. But he had the wrong idea. You’re the opposite of heroic. Would he still want you if he knew the real you?
You barely knew him, either, come to think of it. And there you were canoodling like teenagers.
You realized his hands had paused on their path up your back, and his lopsided grin had sunk into a worried frown, tension tugging at the creases of his eyes. The giddy, intoxicated atmosphere between you turned harshly sober. Did he notice your sudden panic, or was he having his own second thoughts?
Bless that obnoxious ringtone. It broke the silence that had fallen between you, and you both jerked upright, straight as boards, straightening your clothes, a discreet sigh of relief escaping both your lips.
“S-sorry, I need to take this.” He clapped a silencing hand over the phone as he held it to his ear, quickly retreating into the bathroom and closing the door. Apparently, it was private. You could just make out a few hushed words, “All set?”, “...internships…”, “good.”
“Do you have to leave?” You asked as he finished the call. God, you hoped it wouldn’t end on such an abrupt, awkward note.
“No, no, everything is fine, just checking in. I'll actually be free most of the week,” he smiled. “Well, freer than usual, anyway.”
He sat back on the couch next to you. You both flushed again, a bit unsure if the other wanted to resume... whatever was about to happen. “Ah, m-movie?” You offer.
He wanted nothing more than the reprieve of a familiar activity. A movie would be a welcome distraction to cool off from the conflicting uncertainty of moving way too fast. Yet, he couldn’t let the fire be extinguished that easily without paying it proper tribute first.
He took your hand and drew it to his lips, keeping his eyes on you as he kissed each knuckle. Your heart pounded. He smiled mischievously, and let out a chuckle, raising his eyebrows in commiseration, “A movie would be great.”
Less than an hour later, he was snoring softly, mouth hanging half-open. Quietly turning off the television, you tried to disentangle yourself from his arms without waking him. You threw a warm blanket over his gangly form, curled in on itself to keep from spilling over the sides of the sofa. Silently mouthing, “Goodnight,” you tip-toed back to your room.
“Toshi, wait, it’s not you! I was having a nightmare,” you stretch out your hand to beckon him back, wiping sleep from the corners of your eyes. “And I’m wearing pajamas, you don’t have to hide your eyes,” you add with a yawn.
He had peeked out from behind his hand at your outburst of laughter, suddenly not sure whether he had grievously offended you or not. This new development seems reassuring.
“Sorry for scaring you,” he says, penitent.
You had already startled yourself most of the way out of the covers, so you sit the rest of the way up and throw your legs over the edge of the bed. You shake your head.
“You didn’t. I was just… afraid of hurting you.”
“Hurting me?”
Morning light filters in through the window, casting glowing shapes over the blanket and floor. It’s a sunny day, but your body feels heavy, like there’s a rainstorm outside. Though you’re awake, the nightmare lingers in the air. Its dark clouds had parted momentarily thanks to this enormous puppy dog’s wardrobe choice, but they close in around you again, suffocating.
And there he is—your gaunt, ungainly puppy’s head tilting slightly, trying to figure out what’s wrong. He looks… nervous? He doesn’t know what to do in this situation. It’s weird. Ugh, why are you being like this? He’s too thoughtful, and you’re being weird. Shouting in your sleep and then being all ominous and moody. Taking up his time. Embarrassing.
But you may as well explain.
You recount the dream. Memories, really. Replayed and repackaged a thousand different times courtesy of your brain. The details and facts might change, but the essential truth remains the same: you hurt somebody close to you, and it could happen again.
As you talk, your heartsick expression drives him to sit down next to you and take your hand, massaging your palm between his thumb and fingers.
“You were just a kid. It wasn’t your fault. Kids accidentally hurt people all the time when they manifest their quirks. It can be ugly, but it’s a fact of our super-powered society. You can’t blame yourself.”
Your eyes focus in and out on a pattern on the wrinkled blanket beneath you, where a printed line meets a neat row of stitches. Should you tell him? You chew on the inside of your lips. Does it matter? It was so long ago.
“That wasn’t the only time,” you finally croak, a tightness in your throat. “Remember the I-almost-died story? How I learned my lesson about playing hero and using my quirk more than I could handle? I made it sound like I was the victim. But I left something out that… changes things.”
A villain attack damaged the school. Emergency services hadn't arrived yet and all of your wounded classmates were looking at you like you were the solution to all their problems. And you thought, this is my chance to prove I can save lives. That I’m not a monster who breaks people.
Every part of your body screamed out in agony. You writhed on the ambulance bed like a feral animal blindly lashing out, though every movement shot a crackle of lightning behind your eyes. There was no position you could lay in that didn’t hurt. Each breath was like glass shards rattling in your chest. All rational thought was drowned out by the pain screaming in your ears, burning you like fire. Every moment was more than you could endure.
Only one impulse remained: Make it stop. Please, make it stop.
“A medical technician made the mistake of touching me, and I hurt them. Bad. Just trying to escape my own body—to save myself from my own stupid mistake.
“I always pretend it wasn’t my fault. It was because my classmates kept asking me to help, even though they knew it was hurting me. It was because All Might made it seem noble to grit your teeth and smile through the pain. It was everybody else’s fault for making me go past my limits. Except it wasn’t. I was the one who did it. I was the one who couldn't control myself.”
“Yeah, that was pretty stupid,” he says plainly. Oh. That was blunt. He sighs and tips his head to the side. “Did you want me to scold you for it? It sounds like you already know exactly what you did wrong, and you’ve beaten yourself up plenty.”
It wasn’t the most comforting thing to say—more like he was lecturing a child—but to be honest, if he had sugarcoated it and told you it wasn’t that bad, you wouldn’t have believed him.
“I just... don’t want you to have the wrong impression of me. You probably think I’m a good person, but I’m not. I’m a villain!”
He actually laughs. Then he sees your face.
Toshinori’s eyes flick wide in a moment of panic, realizing he was being callous, before instantly transforming into comfort mode. He puts his arm around your shoulders. You hadn’t realized you were on the verge of tears until you instinctively turn and bury your head in his chest. Dark wet spots appear on the borrowed sweater where your face presses into it.
“You are not a villain, young lady.” He kisses the top of your head, nuzzling your hair. “Nothing like one.”
“But I still used my quirk, even after all that, knowing it could have happened again. When I make a mistake, people get hurt. And I broke the law! I’m not licensed!”
“It was to help someone you saw in need. You reacted. It was brave, especially knowing how worried you must have been about using it.”
“Yeah? I doubt All Might would see it that way.” Your words, hitched and muffled in the pink sweater, are needlessly sharp, but you don’t care about insulting his stupid idol right now. “Any hero would still just see illegal public quirk use. There's only good and evil with heroes, no in between, and clearly I'm on the wrong side.”
His grip around you becomes fiercer, his teeth gritting, like he’s trying to squeeze the sadness out of you. “I am absolutely certain he would not want you to feel that way. Only an idiot would think you're evil.”
Well, All Might is an idiot, you think, but don’t say, choosing instead to bury your face into his chest again. Even if you could speak through the crushing pressure of his arms, you wouldn’t want to spoil the moment, or end the comforting, consuming weight of his embrace. When he finally lets up, you gasp for air. He takes your shoulders firmly but reassuringly, hands so large his thumbs rest tenderly on the sides of your neck. He blinds you with his bright blue eyes.
“When you make a mistake, you learn from it, and keep moving forward.”
His voice is so deep and confident, yet so gentle. The way he says it makes it sound easy, and the heavy storm clouds begin to evaporate into the morning air.
“Just move forward, huh?”
He nods. “It’s a dangerous gift you have, but you weren’t afraid to use it when someone needed help. In fact, you insisted you’d use it again in an emergency, even if I told you not to.” He smiles warmly, his thumbs ghosting up and down the crook of your neck. “Why is that?”
You slowly let out a breath. “Because I know my limits now, and how to defend my boundaries. I know I won’t lose control again.”
“That doesn’t sound like a villain at all,” he lifts a brow.
“No… I guess not.” You wipe your eyes on your pajama sleeves, sniffling. “Dammit, you squeezed the sad out of me!” You laugh. He’s a little confused, but glows when he sees you smiling again.
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be-dazzled · 4 years
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Day 7: Euphoria Fairy Tail World Pairing: Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser Series: Fairy Tail
“Can’t believe we are having a hard time finishing these morons.” fussed Gray as he froze the ground beneath around five to six thugs.
 “Well, there are a number of them.” reasoned Lucy who just Lucy-roundkick-house a pervert hanging on her leg. It was a new trick she mastered. Well, an upgrade on her ‘Lucy-kick’.
 Behind the two young mages, a certain Fire-Dragon Slayer just jumped into the air and roared a giant fire that eliminated around fifteen faceless hooligans that were approaching, including a number of merchant stalls and private houses.
 And behind the destructive Fire Dragon Slayer was the catastrophe made from hell – Titania, the Queen of the Fairies.
It wasn’t looking good for Team Natsu. They managed to finish the job but not without a big chunk of deduction from the reward; all thanks to the destructive duo. Gray helped too. Some things just didn’t change.
 Lucy hanged her head low as she profusely apologized to the Mayor of the City of Denish. He waved her concern but still insisted on the deduction to reimburse the destroyed church bell, a few angry merchants and angrier Denish citizens.
 The mayor had one of those non-threatening smiles and a bubbly personality. His belly was round and protruding, as if he’d been left in the kitchen for far too long. His eyes were so small like just two dots put on a very large face canvass. Gray couldn’t place where he’s seen the man before until he remembered talking to him when he and Juvia went to Denish for one of their dat-er, missions. Gray visibly changed his expression as he tried to correct himself – one of their missions.
 “Here,” the likeable leader placed a tray of beverage on the coffee table before Team Natsu. “Why don’t you help yourselves with this city’s finest tea?”
 Gray almost smacked his own head at his teammate’s, he wasn’t going to name names – Natsu’s – lack of manners when the Fire Dragon Slayer grabbed the cup and downed the tea in one audible gulp. Then, asked for more.
 What an embarrassing fellow.
 Gray stared at his cup for a moment, crossing his legs, like he was some kind of an English noble man participating in a tea party. But the ice-mage was feeling a little bit strange about the hot beverage. His eyes squinted at the few green particles floated around the light brown water.
 “What’s in this?” asked he.
 The mayor quickly responded, “Denish’s best export product.”
 If it was an exported product then Gray assumed it was safe for consumption. He pushed away his apprehensions and, along with his other teammates, Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Happy and little Wendy, the six of them took a sip of Denish’s best tea.
 “This is quite tasty.” commented Lucy and asked for another pour. Her high society was showing since Lucy actually came from a rich family.
 The two boys, staying true to their nature, turned the entire tea-drinking into some kind of competition. They wanted to know who could finish the entire strawberry shortcake first but Erza Scarlet was guarding it – guarding it with her life.
 They enjoyed the hospitality so much – too much to notice sinister smile that crept up on the Mayor’s lips. Now, things would get really interesting.
 Juvia was slumped on the table, pouting next to Gajeel, who was apparently reading a book about parenting.
 “When is Gray-sama coming back?” asked Juvia, not actually looking for an answer to her question.
 “Never.” But Gajeel still answered her, not taking away his focused eyes on the page.
 Juvia bolted up to scold the Iron Dragon Slayer; her hands were balled into fists at either side, smoke coming out of her ears.
 “That’s not true, Gajeel-kun!” Juvia turned red denying it. “Gray-sama told Juvia to wait for him patiently.”
 Gajeel knew he needed to take back what he said. Otherwise, Rain Woman would be wailing at him the whole day. Which would be really annoying. But getting a rise from her was helluvan entertainment. Rain Woman was so concentrated at flailing her hands at him that she didn’t notice the playful grin behind ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’.
 And if he told her she should wait for him patiently then what the hell was she complaining about every day?
 The door to the guild building busted open, spitting out the man of Juvia’s dreams. But what did he just say? Or sing for that matter?
 Gajeel’s face was pulled into a confused and appalled expression, but mostly appalled – extremely horrified. Did Earthland decide to screw itself up and turn upside down? Because Gajeel didn’t get the memo. Juvia, on the other hand, wasn’t as bothered as he was. Little did he know, it wasn’t the first time Gray called her that.
 “Ah, there she is.” said Gray, who stopped near a dumbfounded group of Fairy Tail mages, to point at his ‘Juvia-sama’.
 He looked like he was in a daze, so over the moon, that nothing could ruin his mood. A fool’s grin plastered across his stupid-looking face.
 “There’s my Juvia-sama.”
 He made his way to the water-mage, who was feeling happy but at the same time a bit concerned with the way the ice-mage was walking up to her. He was swaying and stumbling every now and then. Gray lost his coat, shirt and eventually, his pants in the process; which was nothing new to Juvia.
 Before Gray could hurt herself trying and failing at walking, Juvia ran up to the ice-mage make to throw the widest and warmest embrace, until he beat her to it.
 “Juvin!” a cute little yelp escaped Juvia’s lips as she was enclosed in Gray’s embrace. But Gray went for it, his face buried and nestled between her generous breasts.
 “Juvia-sama’s so soft.”
 She gasped when the unabashed devil slayer snuggled comfortably against her chest.
 “You warm me up all over.”
 Juvia wanted to melt, literally, at Gray’s display of affection. But most of all she was a little bit confused. What did he mean by ‘warming him up all over’? Juvia didn’t care. Even if every pair of eyes were glued to them. Even if every jaw in that hall needed some picking up.
 But there was one common notion running inside every one’s head: finally, Gray came around.
 It was Erza who explained Gray’s unusual behavior. Apparently, she only finished one cup of the mysterious tea, allowing her to Erza quickly overcome the effect of the Euphoria concoction. She didn’t even want to remember what she did under that hypnotic state. Lucy and Wendy were next to get around Euphoria’s effects. She wasn’t sure about Natsu though and the Gray Fullbuster clinging on Juvia like a cuddly koala.
 “They’re under the feeling of extreme bliss.”
 “Extreme bliss?”
 “Yes. It’s the effect of Euphoria.”
 At that point, everyone was just repeating what the Requip Mage said, causing her patience to thin a little bit.
 “Yes. It’s some kind of substance extracted from a plant grown in Denish.” lectured Erza. “It can be consumed directly or added as an ingredient in food or drink.” Erza continued retelling the crowd what happened. “The Mayor must have added them in our drinks. That’s why they are acting like that.” pointed Erza out, embarrassed at what her two comrades were doing.
 “Juvia-chan.” purred Gray. “Juvia-chaaaaaan.” He stretched out the suffix thinking it was cute.
 “Yes, Gray-sama?”
 For Juvia, it was. For Erza? Meh.
 It was obvious how happy Juvia was about Gray showing so much affection towards her. As a matter of fact, the man currently bear-hugging her from behind, never left her side since this morning. She never thought that, in the actual world, Gray had that side of him.
 There was a tug in her heart knowing it wasn’t going to last. Good things often didn’t. Once the effects of Euphoria wore off, Gray’s going to return to his normal self. She didn’t hate that but she would surely miss affectionate Gray-sama who wasn’t shy to show it off – to show her off.
 Gray snuggled up to her, burying her nose in that area where the neck and shoulders met.
 “Juvia-chan smells so good.” whispered Gray, full of love.
 Erza, feeling a little bit exhausted with Gray’s out-of-character cuteness, and honestly, a little bit jealous, hit the doting Gray at the back of his head, scolding him to let go of Juvia for a moment.
 The Requip Mage wasn’t met with a complaint or a violent reaction. She preferred either of the two, instead of what she was receiving from the lovesick fool.
 “Does Erza-san want some hug too?” asked Gray but he didn’t let her respond. “Come here.”
Erza froze in her place as Gray was approaching her, arms wide open, eyes round and shining like a cat’s. She wanted to either punch him or kick him in the balls but she couldn’t move a muscle. The more he was inching towards her, the more Erza felt paralyzed.
 “G-g-gray-sama could just keep holding Juvia.”
 Blue filled Erza’s vision. She wasn’t staring at the approaching Gray but of Juvia getting enfolded in Gray’s embrace. Erza visibly sighed in relief, regaining her motor skills. She repentantly realized that adorable Gray was paralyzing, just like the cute exceed Frosch.
 “Oi, Lucy. Lucyyyy.” sang the Fire Dragon Slayer, just behind Erza, snatching her full attention.
 Lucy and Juvia were treating the problem differently; one was enjoying it, seizing the day, while the other was, well…
 “When will this end?” complained the Celestial mage as she tried to fend off Natsu’s unwelcomed hugs. In the end she gave up and just let him be.
 “Well,” Erza cleared her throat after composing herself. “we already surrendered the Mayor to the Magic Council.” She threw the ice-make mage a nervous glance, more aptly prepared and on-guard for when Gray attacks with his cuteness and free hugs again. “Since, they’re not a threat,” she began, pointing at the two bold mages who kept flirting with their women. Erza could feel blood rising and she was starting to doubt her own decision. “I guess we just need to wait for the effects to wear out.”
 “Oi, flame breath! Stop staring at my honey!” The ice-make mage barked at the culprit. “She’s mine!” exclaimed he as Gray pulled Juvia in a possessive embrace. “All mine!”
 “I’m not staring at her, droopy eyes!” denied Natsu. “I have my own. See?” The Dragon-Slayer tightened his embrace around Lucy too, short of a choke. So, rather than being romantic, Lucy begged for her life.
 “Erza, help me!”
 “Erm… Gray-sama should stop following Juvia.”
 “But Gray-sama’s going to miss Juvia-chan.” complained Gray as he followed her around like a teddy bear with a goofy smile plastered over his goofy face.
 Juvia twitched. Since when did Gray-sama referred to himself in third person?
 “But Juvia-chan, erm, Juvia is just going to the bathroom.”
 Gray stopped in his tracks as an idea hit him. Whether it was good or bad, that remained debatable.
 “Then, Gray-sama will wait outside the door.”
 Exasperation hang Juvia’s head low. “Gray-sama should just stop calling himself Gray-sama.” That would be weird if that would stick with Gray even if Euphoria wore out.
 “Whatever Juvia-chan would say, Gray-sama will follow.”
 “But Juvia-chan, ah no! Juvia. Juvia just told him not to call himself Gray-sama.” complained Juvia to herself.
 But this little incident did the couple some good too.
 Even after how many years that she knew Gray, Juvia was surprised to discover new things about the ice-make mage: just like how Gray loved it when Juvia gently scratch or pat his head or play with his stubborn hair. How he liked to hug Juvia from behind and brush his lips against her shoulders. How he would always say how much he loved her smell and bury his nose in that area where the neck and shoulders met. Those are things she would never hear him say or see him do in a million years. Juvia treasured those moments.
 That afternoon, when Gray walked Juvia to her dormitory, the water mage could sense that the effects of Euphoria was waning. Gray’s goofy smile became a memory and the reservation in his eyes returned. Time was up. A voice was telling Juvia, before Juvia lost this opportunity, before this day ended, Juvia should kiss Gray.
 She stopped in her tracks without saying a word, pulling Gray, who was holding her hand tightly, to a halt.
 “A-a-ano.” Juvia hesitantly released Gray’s hand to spin around and face him. “J-j-juvia… Juvia wanted to do something.”
 She peeked through her lashes to see Gray’s reaction. The goofy smile he worn since this morning was reduced into a small curve. Her stomach took a tumble and her nerves were making her rethink what she was about to do. But the voice kept growing louder. Kiss him, now. His no non-sense demeanor made her hesitate but if she wouldn’t do it now, just like what the voice said, who knew when she would be able to kiss Gray? If it would even happen. So, Juvia mustered all her courage, shut her eyes close and puckered her lips to prepare for the kiss. She rose to her balls and leaned into Gray.
 But in the end, Juvia just couldn’t do it. She couldn’t take advantage of Gray-sama’s condition. It wasn’t right. It didn’t feel right.
 “Ah,” Juvia opened her eyes to meet Gray’s confused gaze. She lowered her head, heart sinking in sadness. “Juvia couldn’t do it, after all.”
 She raised her gaze to bravely face Gray. “Gray-sama isn’t in his right mind and it would be wrong for Juv-mmm.”
 Gray stepped forward and cut Juvia’s words with a firm kiss.
 The contact initially stunned Juvia. She wondered if it was really happening. If her mind was just playing games with her. Until, she couldn’t think anymore. In the end, she chose to relish in the moment. She closed her eyes and indulged herself in the warm and soft press of Gray’s lips.
 Gray was repulsed. His stomach took an ugly turn. As he listened to every tale of his drug-induced Euphoria, Gray shrunk in embarrassment.
 “At one point, you even called Juvia honey!”
 “H-h-honey?!” Gray turned to Juvia for confirmation and the water-mage nodded in response.
 At that moment, Gray felt a lot of things: he felt like living under a rock, bury himself six-feet under the ground or just hit the Fire Dragon Slayer who was taking so much pleasure from Gray getting tangled in that hot mess.
 “Don’t act so high and mighty.” It was Carla, Wendy’s Exceed, who reprimanded Natsu. “You were clinging on Lucy too.”
 “Huh? But I do that everyday.”
 “As much as I’d like to deny it, I can’t.” The Celestial Mage was resigned to her fate.
 It was true. There was nothing new about Natsu invading Lucy’s space – personal or otherwise. Carla gave up in the end and continued hovering over the group of eight. Team Natsu hit the road to their next mission, which required the participation of one water-mage.
 Gray fell behind, still processing the fact that yesterday he acted cute and, dared he say it, lovey-dovey. How could he face Juvia now with all the skinship he forced on her?
 “Gray-sama even kissed Juvia.” murmured Juvia. She didn’t even intend for anyone to hear.
 Gray let his teammates get a head start and logged behind with Juvia. She was looking down on the pavement, smiling at what seemed to be a memory. But the memory was bittersweet. Juvia was smiling but her eyes were telling another story. Gray knew why. Yesterday may have been a dream come true for Juvia. But just like dreams, she had to wake up from it. A part of Gray hated himself, for always holding back, for always finding excuses not to dive in, fall down head first.
 “I remember.”
 Juvia stopped dead in her tracks, frozen in place. Gray must have noticed that Juvia wasn’t by his side anymore.  He stopped and turned to check on her. Juvia slowly raised her gaze from the pavement and tentatively met Gray’s eyes.
 “W-what did Gray-sama say?”
 He might not be able to let himself dive in, but it was time for Gray to be brave enough to at least stand at the edge.
 “I said, I remember.”
 And maybe test the waters.
 Gray spun around and began walking, leaving a dumbfounded Juvia still rooted in her place. She called after him, asking if what she heard was true, that he remembered the kiss – the one she started but Gray finished.
 Gray didn’t heed her calls and continued on his path, a foolish smile playing on his lips. Of course, he remembered. That was one moment he couldn’t forget from that drug-induced euphoric state. Maybe, it was the only moment he could remember crystal clear. He could still feel the ghost of Juvia’s lips pressed against his – soft, warm and right. It just felt right.
 And if he was being honest, no other euphoria could compare the moment he claimed that kiss.
Writer’s Corner: Day 7 huh? We’re finally here. WE. ARE. FINALLY. HERE. Last time I joined Gruvia Week I wasn’t able to finish my last day entry. But here we are. I’m glad that despite the fact that the anime and the manga ended a long time ago, the fandom still tries to keep this alive. I have to admit, I was expecting a more active fandom, I don’t blame you. I’m just happy that I was able to practice writing for my first and favorite manga ship. 
I would like to thank @gruviaweek for hosting this event every year. I may just be able to join annually now that I’m about to graduate from law school and I hope that you guys will still be around by that time. More power to you!
And for my fellow Gruvians, I have a lot of stories in store for you. As I’ve said before, I thrive in AU. AU is my thing. So, even if I don’t have a good grasp of the manga or the characters, be confident that I will continue writing. Gruvia is my muse. I may be writing with different characters in mind, but they will be the couple I will imagine as I write them. Let’s keep this fandom alive.  Send me some of that lovin’. #GruviaForever
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innaminitus · 5 years
Dance with the devil in the pale moonlight
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Request:  the reader is a scientist/hacker/programmer that work for Avengers,and for some reason they trust her to care of Loki,(because Avengers will be in a mission) they put in him a bracelet that makes loki powerless,almost like a mortal. So the reader accept that and let loki be in her apartment(I thought that would be fun if the reader be independent and have a empowering mind because the reader won't kneel to everything that loki wants).First weekends loki spend all the time in his room,but the reader is curious about having a God in her apartment and start trying to talk and learn everything she can about loki.After some time loki starts to do the same and they end up being friends with benefits. The end that I thought was [MAJOR FIC SPOILER] (from @annakohanasworld) 
Prompt: 22. Everything about you is so easy to love
Warnings: fluff, like... lots of smut and i didn’t proofread it
Word count: 3632
A/N: if you know what the title refers to and what is its connection to the plot clap your hands
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“Please, you have to help us, Y/N,” Steve has been talking for a while now, trying to bribe you. He even bought you your favourite muffin from the bakery nearby.
“You do realize that this is not enough for me to even consider it?” You waved the half-eaten muffin at him. “Let me get this straight. You want me to babysit a criminal. In my own apartment, because you and the rest of your circus are going on vacation I wasn’t even invited on.”
“Please, Y/N…”
You tilted your head, stuffing your mouth with the remaining cookie. Steve was looking at you in a manner that reminded you of the cat from Shrek, and didn’t even say anything when you put your legs on his desk. He really wanted you to agree.
“And what there will be for me?”
“What do you want?”
You snorted.
“Money, of course. It’s not like you pay me a lot, after all. And you want me to babysit him for a month.”
He sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“Fine. How much do you want?”
“Alright.” You opened the door to your apartment. “If you’re to stay here, there have to be rules.” You let Loki enter your sanctuary with a heavy stomach and even heavier heart. That was the reason why you didn’t want to live in the compound, you needed privacy and to stay away from trouble. You were a hacker and a programmer and didn’t have to be in the beating heart of action.
Loki looked around, but didn’t say anything thanks to the muting device still attached to his face. It wasn’t necessary to put it on him, he just irritated you with his comments and you weren’t psychically ready to face his talk already during the talk. “First of all, food. If you want to eat, you go and cook it yourself. I’m not a maid. If I will make dinner for myself, I will do it for you, too, but it won’t be often.” You stared him dead in the eyes, waiting for him to nod. When he did, you continued. “Second, you don’t enter my bedroom, ever, but I can enter yours.” Roll of his eyes, but nod again. “Third, if I’m working, you’re not talking, not interrupting me and not even breathing near me. Clear?” He nodded with a sigh. “Good.”
You walked to him and took off his handcuffs, leaving only a bracelet Thor gave you for the occasion. It was supposed to block Loki’s powers, leaving him mortal-like. He rubbed his wrists and you forced yourself not to roll your eyes. When you took off the muting device he rubbed his jaw as well.
“This thing isn’t exactly comfortable if I’m being honest.” He pointed the device you laid on the table with his chin.
“It’s supposed to be efficient, not comfortable.” You shook your head. “There is your bedroom, that’s the bathroom. You leave this house, I call your brother. Let’s try to make this month bearable, okay?”
If having a God of Mischief in your apartment, sleeping on the other side of your wall, eating by your table was in any way possible to be bearable.
It was bearable. A little too bearable. He was in every point prefect roommate, quiet, clean and almost invisible. If you didn’t know he was in your house, it would be easy for you to forget about him. He spent majority of the time in his room, occasionally asking you for new books. He did as you asked, never entered your room and never interrupted your work, apologizing if he did.
You didn’t want to admit that you enjoyed his presence, especially casual talks you two had. You always thought he had a stick in his ass, but it turned out his humour matched yours, and you were getting quite lonely when he spent whole days in his room, reading your books.
You sighed, closing your computer and stretching on the chair. Your sight unwittingly flew to Loki’s door, your mind wondering what he could be doing. Was he reading, as usually? He probably was.
You stood up and, dancing lazily to the music filling your apartment, decided to take a shower and maybe get a little drunk before going to bed. Just to mute all the weird thoughts you had lately about your roommate not being exactly a horrible person as you hoped.
You turned the knob, took a step in and –
“Hey!” Loki tried to quickly cover himself with a towel, but for a few seconds you had a perfect view of his wet bottom.
You blinked and shook your head shortly, covering your eyes with one hand, laughing.
“Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t hear the shower through the music.”
You left the bathroom and reminded yourself to fix the lock. By the time you reached the kitchen you noticed unknown hotness in your cheeks, and for a while you were sure you had a fever, but it didn’t take you long to realize you were just blushing.
For the first time in years a man made you blush.
It– it had to be the embarrassment, right? Seeing him naked. It definitely wasn’t because you quite liked what you saw, and because his wet body made you have sinful thoughts.
You grabbed a bottle of tequila and cut a bunch of limes before sitting on the couch and choosing a movie on Netflix. It was then when Loki walked out of the bathroom and you turned to him before he closed himself in his bedroom and you changed your mind.
“Want to join me?” You raised a bottle. “I’ve got tequila.”
Drops of water splashed on the floor as they flew from his hair when he looked at you. He seemed to be fighting with himself, but one part gave up and he sat down next to you.
“What’s that?” He asked, pointing at the TV.
“Batman. But the best of them all, with Jack Nicholson,” you said, opening the bottle and filling two glasses.
“I have no idea what you just said, but alright.” He reached for the glass, but you stopped him.
“Easy there, soldier.” You reached to him and backed his hand from his lips. “First you have to lick salt.”
“Why would I lick salt?” He frowned as you grasped the salt cellar.
“So the tequila doesn’t burn that much. Lick your hand.”
“Why would I–“
“Lick it or I’ll do it for you.”
He shook his head, licked the back of his hand and let you sprinkle the salt on it.
“Now lick it,” you briefed him. “And drink.” You watched him take a shot and not even cringe at the taste. “And suck.” You gave him a lime. He bit on it and you couldn’t help but laugh when he suddenly wrinkled his nose and shook his head. “Good?”
Indeed it was good, and you two couldn’t argue about that, especially after half a bottle was gone and red cheeks and stupid grins were a part of your appearance.
“What even is the deal with this move? Why does he put on makeup on makeup?” Loki shook his head as another dry piece of lime fell on the floor.
“Dat’s not makeup, his face’s that white!” You licked your forearm and sprinkled salt on it despite just licking it off and having it melt on your tongue, waiting for the alcohol. “Damn, I have too much salt.”
“Give me,” Loki leaned and licked your forearm before he could think about what he was doing.
A shiver went through your body when his cold tongue touched your heated skin and his eyes never left yours when he took a shot before biting on a lime.
It almost definitely was the alcohol but something in you made you want to kiss the sour juice from his lips. What would happen if you did? Would he kiss you back? Would he fuck you right there on the couch?
You would like that.
It wasn’t like the alcohol turned you into a horny beast, you thought about it earlier. Small moments, like when he handed you something and you stared at his long fingers a second too long. Or at his lips, or tongue when he talked. Part by part, you were more and more attracted to him.
And the alcohol definitely turned you into a horny beast.
You watched him take another shot. Lick the salt off his hand, gulp the alcohol, reach for lime­­–
“Where’s–“ He looked around, not finding the fruit.
“If you want it, come n’ get it,” you said, your voice almost erotic as you put the last lime in your mouth, the dripping flesh of it waiting for him to suck on it.
He was breathing heavily through his mouth, but didn’t hesitate long. He moved closer, dragging the moment into infinity. You felt the cushions folding and the air tensing as his face was closer to yours, his breath surrounded your cheeks, his teeth bit the lime and his lips barely touched yours.
He backed away.
Took the lime from your mouth.
Threw it on the floor.
Dived his hand in your hair and pulled you to him, to his sweet lips, drunken gaze, cold skin. You leaned on him, your whole body weak at his touch, stole kiss after kiss, welcomed his tongue in your mouth.
You wasted no time. His shirt was off within seconds and your greedy hands were exploring every inch of the body you just exposed, quickly followed by your lips as you kissed the curve of his muscles and traced it with your tongue all the way to the button of his trousers you didn’t hesitate to undo.
“Wait, wait, wait…” He gasped, dragging you up, your neck somehow ending on his lips. “What is happening?” He sucked on your skin, leaving a bruise that wouldn’t disappear soon.
“We’re going to fuck on the couch,” you moaned when his hand dived under your shirt, right to your breast and squeezed hard. “Or on the floor. Or in my bed.”
“Why not everywhere?” You tasted tequila of his tongue when it slid into your mouth again and shivered at his words.
Your shirt was soon gone, as well as the rest of your clothes, and you found yourself naked on your couch, moaning to heaven with Loki’s tongue working on your clit, his hands holding you firmly and his eyes closed in pure bliss. He pushed a finger inside of you, curling it so perfectly you were ready to come on the spot, with his name on your lips.
He pulled out, a string of saliva joining his parted and red lips with your pussy, watching as his finger slowly slid out of you, covered with your juices. He then crawled up, his cock already freed and dripping, lining with your entrance.
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him for a kiss, his wet mouth touched yours as you sucked your taste off his tongue.
One move of his hips was enough to fill you whole and you almost choked on the air and moan at the sudden feeling, addicting you immediately. He gasped slowly in your lips, letting himself enjoy stretching you, feeling your muscles clenching around him.
Push after push he found the right pace, your legs around his waist were only pushing him harder, deeper, and your shameless, drunken moans were sure heard by the neighbours.
You knew it was wrong, but how it could really be if he filled you so perfectly, if he matched your body like a piece of puzzle and was thrusting into you the way no other man has ever before?
Your chests were pressed, his skin was rubbing against your nipples each time he pushed, one of his hands squeezed the armrest while another dived down, to stroke your clit, to drive you crazy.
You were drunk, easier to be satisfied, and soon ecstasy was turning unbearable, you had to let it go or else you would explode. It left your body through your pores, through your screams and gasps, and met his when he groaned against the skin of your neck and pushed hard, spilling himself deep inside of you.
You didn’t remember how you took the shower, only that he fucked you there as well, you didn’t remember going to your bed and falling asleep. You didn’t have dreams, and the night flew by like a snap of the fingers. You were afraid to open your eyes, dull pain on the back of your skull told you that it was better to leave the curtains closed. And perhaps to stay in bed, so you wouldn’t have to confront Loki.
Even if your mind was smart enough to come with that amazing plan, your bladder was not cooperating and you had to get up, almost throw up, and walk all the way to the bathroom, which felt like miles away.
Your stomach wasn’t exactly helpful as well, hurting like hell to minutes later beg for food. With a squirm you left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen, hoping that maybe Loki was still asleep and you wouldn’t have to talk to him just yet.
But since the universe definitely didn’t have your back, Loki was not only awake, but also making breakfast. He looked at you from the pan he was making scrambled eggs on. He didn’t bother saying hello.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He raised his brow and you wanted to kill him a little for not having a hangover.
“No, I don’t want to talk.” You shook your head, regretting it immediately.
He turned the fire off and slowly walked to you, making your cheeks flush with red and your pussy throb again.
“We don’t have to talk.”
His hand was on the back of your neck, dragging you to him, and you soon could taste the coffee he just had. His soft lips were like a boost, clearing your mind of any pain and replacing it with arousal.
He slid down your pyjama shorts along with your panties and with one move turned you around, making your head dizzy, then rapidly picked your leg and put it on the countertop, forcing you to stand on your toes, your pussy perfectly exposed to him.
You squirmed when his fingers gently dived between your folds.
“I will make you feel a little better…” He murmured, but you couldn’t hear him, every sound was muted by the one his fingers made as they pumped you fiercely.
Still sensitive after the night you bit your lower lip, but his name slipped through it nevertheless, making him grin. He lowered his head, his perfect tongue licked a stripe though your pussy, making your eyes roll back in pleasure.
You would never last long with his lips sucking on your clit and his fingers curled just enough to hit your G-spot each time. The leg you were standing on was shaking, threatening you with falling, but you forced yourself to stand still, for just a minute longer, just to let him–
Orgasm hit you like a rock, filled your veins with pure ecstasy, blinded you for a second as he continued doing his magic on you, you kicked something off the countertop and it broke on the floor, shattered just like you did under Loki’s touch. You rode your orgasm down on his face and only then he pulled out and helped you stand straight.
You decided it was better not to talk about it. What was there to talk about, anyway? His dick was just as perfect in your throat as it was in your pussy, and his fingers were better than any vibrator or any dildo made by men. He was just perfect all the way.
That’s why you enjoyed your little benefits as long as you could. And all you had was a mere month, after all.
He pulled your hair and you suddenly could breathe again, your tongue stuck out, your mouth wet, strings of saliva connecting it with the tip of his member.
“Fuck… Come ‘ere,” he gasped and pulled you up on his lap, his length slid into you almost immediately.
You rode him for the thousandth time, your hair creating a curtain around your faces, his eyes locked on yours. His hand touched your neck, but didn’t choke you this time. He just gently caressed the skin of it before pulling you to a lazy kiss, a one you gladly gave back. The pace of your hips wasn’t fast, you let yourself enjoy every inch of him entering and leaving you. His hands on your waist were not quickening you, they just caressed the soft curves, guided you up and down.
It suddenly was so intimate, gentle.
It was different.
You kissed him, putting all the sorrows into that kiss.
If you would ever see him again after that month. If he knew what you felt for him, how quickly you fell in love. Foolish of you.
All of the sudden tears flew to your eyes and you quickly hid your face in his hair to cover it. The hands on your body travelled up and wrapped tighter, he placed a sweet kiss on the crook of your neck.
He was hugging you. He was hugging you during sex, a thing you’ve never done before and a thing you mimicked, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer, for a tighter hug.
You moved in perfect synch, giving each other exactly what you wanted, only this time it wasn’t only pleasure. It was affection.
That realization was all you needed. Another bounce made you come hard, his abdomen rubbing on your clit only adding to the force of it, tears spilled down your cheeks, stars covered your vision, warm cum inside of your pussy and his gasp in your mouth help you ride down your orgasm.
You both didn’t move. He was still inside of you, not letting even a drop out of you. You watched his eyes, just as his watched yours, unable to speak. Your heart ached, but you couldn’t tell it to him.
he stayed
for the whole night.
You woke up with a strong resolution. You would tell him you love him.
He wasn’t sleeping anymore, moreover, he wasn’t in the bed at all. You checked the sheets and furrowed when you realized they were cold. He was surely taking a shower or cooking breakfast.
You stretched and got up, determined to act until you had the guts to.
Only he wasn’t showering. Wasn’t cooking nor watching TV, not even reading books.
He wasn’t at the apartment at all.
Cold sweat appeared on your back. He run away. He used you and run away.
Of course he did. He was a God of Mischief, after all, wasn’t he? God of lies.
Your fists clenched and hot tears spilled down your cheeks. How fucking stupid you were to actually believe there was something between you, no, not something. Love. You fell in love, let your guard down, let him use you in a sexual and emotional way, to do things you never should let him do.
Your heart broke in two and you felt every bit of it tearing.
You almost couldn’t see your phone thought the blur of tears as you searched for Thor or Steve in your contact list.
You were supposed to babysit him. Turned out he fucked the babysitter in every meaning of this word.
You pressed the green receiver and with dead heart waited for Thor to pick up.
After two signals Loki opened the door to your apartment and with parted lips stared at you.
After three he closed the door and wiped the tears away from your cheeks.
After four he took the phone and ended the call.
“Why did you leave?” You sobbed pathetically, but didn’t care. He came back. He didn’t leave you. It was all that mattered.
That is, until he kneeled before you and your heart stopped beating again.
“Y/N… I can’t keep doing this anymore. Not without telling you how I feel, and I… Everything about you is so easy to love it hurts,” he managed to stutter. “It hurts when I can’t tell you that every second. That I love you. I… fell in love with you like a stupid kid, fast and entirely.” He gently took your hand. “And I never want to stop. This is the realest thing I ever felt, the most beautiful…” You couldn’t even make a word, tears kept flowing down your cheeks. He reached to his pocked and took out a ring.
Your lungs forgot how to work properly.
It didn’t even have a box, just a delicate, silver ring with a diamond that seemed to hold whole universe with all its stars inside.
“I know this is inappropriate,” he continued. “I know this is fast. But I also know that I love you and that I want to spend the rest of my life just as I spent last night. Next to you, feeling your scent, with your arms around me. I love you. Please, will you do me the honour and marry me?”
Your whole world took a spin and didn’t stop.
“Yes,” you whispered, surprised your vocal chords were still working in that situation. “Yes,” you said louder, slowly, really slowly realizing what was happening. “I love you.”
He put the ring on your finger, and, even if it really was too fast, too rapid, you were sure it was the best decision you could ever make.  
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💞: @taylorswiftloverforever13 @fuckythebuckybarnes @kaylig02 @daddyloki @it-jinxed-us @themusingsofmany @randomlea @annakohanasworld
819 notes · View notes
onisiondrama · 5 years
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PART 5 - videos #9 & #10
and more...
- He announces this is the intense part, the controversial part. There was an NDA signed, but apparently it doesn’t matter because it seems the other person didn’t mean it. He has to go into the beyond to tell the full story now. It’s not fair for only one person to be able to speak. - He thought it was unfair how many times Sarah was rejected. After she kissed Kai, she immediately went downstairs and hugged Greg. He was indifferent, he didn't feel attraction to her. He was more interested in the idea of Sarah filling a giant hole in Kai’s life. “Couldn’t they just be friends?” That’s a good point, but that’s not what Sarah wanted. He was on a circular chair (he mentions they got rid of it later) and she laid while hugging him. - He thought Kai and Sarah’s drama was beneath him, he thought it was stupid. If you want to kiss somebody, you just kiss somebody. You don’t make a big deal out of it. - Kai and Sarah had a text conversation where Kai said Sarah could possibly in a relationship with them. It fell apart, then got back together. - He suggested getting an NDA so if they ever have a falling out they won’t trash each other. He didn’t want to hate Sarah or have beef with her. Sarah said she’d sign, but only if she gets what she wants. They were all clothed in bed when she said that. They just all finished WWE wrestling. The goal was to have Sarah and Kai beat him, but they couldn’t. They sucked. Sarah was strong, but not good enough. -  He says people think he’s 5′ 7″, but he’s 5′ 11″. - Everyone knew Sarah meant sex when she said "what she wanted.” At that point he’s sure she and Kai had kissed again. They believed in Sarah and thought she was kind and compassionate. She said she was a second mom to toddlers that exist in their life. They thought she could be a contribution and awesome. - They didn’t consider her an option at all. The last Christmas, Greg made a joke about dating someone her age and she got mad at him.  - A few months before the NDA Sarah joked and said “you know if I wanted to I could destroy your lives.” He didn’t take it seriously because he thought it was just a joke. This was before she turned 18. This is one of the reasons why he wanted the NDA. He doesn’t know what she would say about them besides “dat booty tho”, but he didn’t want her to talk about that either.  - Once she said what she said about the NDA, he and Kai felt pressured because he remembered the booty comment and he slept with her and she performed oral on Kai. He says Kai wasn’t 100% on board. Greg was more on board. He 100% slept with Sarah in January 2019. After that everything seemed fine. They did stuff the next day. Then Sarah left. He doesn’t remember why, but she was planning on coming back but there were jealousy issues.  - Kai decided he wanted to go back to being friends with Sarah. It’s hard for Greg to admit, but he ignored the signs that Kai didn’t want to date Sarah. It’s really bad for him to admit that, but it’s important to be honest with yourself. - He was ok with sleeping with Sarah at 18 1/2. If you could die for your country you could sleep with someone. - Kai verbally told him after the fact that he only wants a relationship with Greg. There’s a lot of guilt on himself and Sarah for what they did to Kai. - Greg wrote Kai a horrible text saying he was a horrible person and he took Sarah’s virginity. That’s not true, Kai only ever kissed Sarah back. Kai didn’t want it. - It seems Kai doesn’t want to talk about it because he went through something traumatic and horrible. That borderline makes himself and Sarah evil people.That sucks for Kai [here comes the sniffles]. - He accused Sarah of things, but they haven’t taken legal action because it’s a messy topic. To see Kai dragged though the mud is like beating an obvious victim down until they don’t want to live. It’s horrifying for him. - Kai didn’t want Greg to talk so he could keep his privacy and have his own life. - Sarah knows what she did and he knows what she did and he knows his part in that.
a lot
- There was a text circulating where he blamed everything on Kai. He said Kai was horrible for how Kai treated Sarah. That was one of the most delusional things he’s ever texted someone. He was mad at Kai for rejecting Sarah when Sarah was trying so hard. He hurt for Sarah and saw her as someone whose feelings were disregarded. He saw her as a damsel in distress and he has a hero complex. With Billie he almost always took her side, same with Sarah. He wanted to save Sarah from her sadness. - [He talks about a crime that was committed against Sarah when she was in her home state. I’m not going to type up any details about that.] Sarah hasn’t tried to press charges and instead focuses on demonizing other people. That’s confusing because someone actually committed a crime against her and we (the audience) don’t even know about it. I guess real crimes don’t matter. He says it’s odd she didn’t report it because she’s reported someone in the past and they got in trouble. - Kai gave Sarah a chance because he wanted to make Greg happy. Kai only genuinely wanted to be with Billie. - There was a 22 year old who Kai rejected and she didn’t handle it well. She went to college in Canada. Greg didn’t do anything to her and wasn’t intimate with her. It was weird when she was upset she was rejected and left. Kai is obsessed with the idea of the perfect women and that’s Billie, but Kai thinks Billie never loved him. That might be how Sarah felt about Kai. - Sarah and Greg were rude to each other and they would trash talk each other when they played video games. It was a friend thing. - Greg proposed he would date Sarah and Kai cound join when he was comfortable. He didn’t propose this until he and Sarah were both trying to get with Kai again. They would really try to get Kai to be ok with it and they would come up with ideas and Kai would be like “nope.” Sarah would talk to Greg about how to on Kai’s good side and how to get Kai to like her. They would strategize on how to get Kai to like Sarah. Eventually they got to a point where he would kiss Kai then pull Sarah over and kiss Sarah too. Kai was caught off guard. He would make love to Kai and Sarah would be intimate too. Sarah figured it out before him that it wouldn’t work with Kai. After they slept together for the last time it felt weird after. He and Sarah were ok but Kai was weird. That’s when he proposed the dating Sarah thing and Kai agreed to a week. Kai thought if Sarah was really his friend she would never agree to this. It looked like Sarah was trying to steal Greg away. - One time he texted Sarah asked when she was going to visit and she asked why doesn’t he visit her. He thought that was crazy. Why would I visit you if you’re supposed to be with me and Kai. He can’t date people separately and split his life. Need to be a perfect trinity. The relationship was an abomination. Kai knew, but he was drunk on his re-invention of Billie and thought he could make it work. - Eventually Sarah was rejected so much she was pushing just for Greg. When Sarah visited and Kai left, they agreed Sarah and Greg couldn’t have “junk to junk” sex, but Kai didn’t say anything about the back end. Greg says this sounds crazy, but sometimes the truth sounds crazy. He said he wouldn’t go inside anybody when Kai was away, no kissing, and no oral. He proposed junk to rear to Sarah and she was immediately down. - [He goes into detail about the crime Sarah went through. Not typing that up.] He says you have to include these things so we understand everything. - The first time they did it was in the shower. She complained she couldn’t go to the bathroom correctly. He apologized, but this was their only option because they made an agreement. You don’t realize how dysfunctional it is in the moment. He says Sarah was loud, like an animal losing their mind, which tells him she was holding back with Kai. - They were passionate for two days, but it fell apart when she said something that implied she wasn’t interested in being in a relationship with Kai. He wanted them to all come together. He says there was good intentions, but it wound up being ugly. He abandoned ship and she had 4 more days there. - There are two reasons why we wanted to break up with her. The first was when they saw the live action Aladdin together, she kept trying to make out with him but he didn’t want to. After the movie, she guilt tripping him for not making out with her and that turned him off because he wasn’t supposed to be her solo boyfriend. They needed to think about Kai and make thing work with Kai. The other reason was when his fist was blocking their junk from touching so junk couldn’t go in. The tip was still there and she told him to go in, like impregnate. That really bothered him. He said that’s crazy because she didn’t consider Kai. He says Aladdin the live action was a good movie. [what the fuck am I listening to] - Sarah tried to out Kai for smoking marijuana, but Kai didn’t smoke. Kai was in the other room. She tried to split up their marriage. - She tried to say the second day she was there and they weren’t together that he was only interested in her psychically. He told her why would he break up with her early on in her trip if that was true. - He says they always kissed out of sync. He and Kai always kiss in sync. Greg and Sarah weren’t meant to be together on a genetic level. - He told Sarah she raped them. She asked how and he said because she said she wouldn’t sign the NDA without sleeping with them. She said sorry for raping you and walked off. She came back later.
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misc-headcanons · 5 years
Yaay! The ask box is open!! Can I request some SFW/NSFW requests for Ichiji, Niji and Yonji Vinsmoke? Thanks and lots of love
(I tried to keep these in-character, and as a result these are...not the fluffiest headcanons you’ll see. I can’t find a way to romanticize them too much; I mean, the Vinsmoke brothers are canonically just terrible people with no sense of empathy or sympathy so...yeah)
Potential TW: mildly unhealthy relationships, possessiveness
Okay, so these three are...difficult...to have a relationship with, to say the least. They’ve been genetically/neurologically modified to not feel emotions, so you’d think it’s impossible for them to feel anything like love or romantic attraction. Still, I like to think that there’s something they can feel, but it’s incredibly muted and almost doesn’t really register to them. But it’s still there.
Ichiji is possessive, but not as much as Niji. He’ll constantly have an arm around your waist or over your shoulder, just to display who you belong to. He’s a bit like Doflamingo, where he views his s/o as more of an object/shiny toy than an actual person with like...thoughts, and emotions, and all that shit. He practically buries you in outfits to parade you around in, and he likes it the most when you wear red so you two match.
If you were to somehow get him to experience a semblance of love outside of physical attraction (which the brothers clearly can feel, given that first scene with Nami), he’d be weirded out to say the least. He doesn’t understand why he feels so strange whenever you’re kind to him, and at first he assumes you’re manipulating him somehow. He’ll confront you about it and tell you to stop doing...whatever it is you’re doing to make him feel so strange. When you reply that you have no idea what the hell he’s talking about, he tries to explain the “symptoms” you’re giving him and gets annoyed that you’re lying about doing this to him. You’d have to explain very slowly that he might be feeling something akin to love, and he’d just be like “...Oh. Gross.”
Despite his distaste for feeling something like “love”, he can’t deny that he almost likes the weird way you make him feel. Maybe he can channel this whole “love” feeling into something productive and make him more powerful; plus, he’s also smug about being able to do something his other brothers can’t do, even if they view love as a sign of weakness. He’ll prove that even if he can feel something like this, he’s still the most powerful member of Germa 66 (as if being the eldest brother wasn’t enough of an ego boost)
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Niji is definitely the most possessive of the three Vinsmoke brothers. Everywhere you go, he’s there next to you. Like Ichiji, he views you as more of an object or toy that an actual person; it doesn’t matter that you only met him a few days ago, you’re still his and he gets to do/say whatever he wants when it comes to you.
Like Ichiji, he gets you clothing that’s blue. Unlike Ichiji, that’s the only color you’re wearing. He wants people to see you two together and instantly know that you’re off-limits; the wardrobe just helps get that across. What can I say, this family has a thing for color-coding. 
He would be the hardest of the three to get him to develop any emotions, much less something like love. The closest he might get is briefly considering your perspective when he does something awful and then ignoring it because your opinion doesn’t matter, especially not more than his. Though over time, he’d start considering how you feel more and more, and may try to apologize by giving you gifts whenever he sees you’re upset by something he did. But material goods aren’t a replacement for a genuine apology in a healthy relationship. Honestly, I really doubt he can develop love; the closest you’d get is him misinterpreting other feelings and actions as a sign of love. And that is not the same, regardless of what he feels. 
He’d be the first of the three to actually say “I love you” and genuinely mean it, but that’s because he’s misinterpreting his possessiveness as love. When he’s possessive and refuses to leave you alone, it’s because he “loves” you and wants to protect you, etc. The “love” he feels is a hollow facsimile, closer to the way a child has a favorite toy than anything close to the real thing. 
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Yonji is a bit of an anomaly, compared to his two brothers. He’s a lot louder, more boisterous, and he’s not as possessive as Ichiji or Yonji. Unlike them, he doesn’t really care much for making you wear outfits, except for maybe wearing his scarf or his jacket sometimes; as long as it’s sexy or revealing, he’s cool with it. 
Very grabby and handsy with his s/o, and is definitely the brother that’s the most comfortable with PDA. He’ll make out with you at the dinner table and give zero fucks to the way Judge glowers at him for acting so “unseemly”. 
He likes it if his s/o is a little feisty, and he thinks it’s fun to push their buttons to get them annoyed. He’s kind of like that kid in school who would poke your back and then pretend like he didn’t do anything when you turn to glare at him. But instead of it just being an immature asshole classmate, it’s your immature asshole boyfriend.
He’s an ass, but he’s the most likely of the three to actually listen to you (in his own way). If you’re upset, he’d ask why you’re pouting and whining so much, even if you’re talking normally. If you vented about what was wrong, Yonji would just offer to beat the shit out of whoever was giving you trouble regardless of the situation. 
If you asked if he loved you, he’d immediately say yes and look at you like you’re an idiot.
“Um, obviously I love you, dummy. I’d kill anyone who made you upset and I make out with you all the time; can’t get any more loving than that!”
As you can see, his concept of love is very...different from actual love. If you tried to explain what love actually is and how to express it, he’d just cock his head and say that his way of expressing love is better. Still, he’d try every so often to do it “your way” and treat you with a modicum of warmth and respect. It’s weird to him, but eventually he starts to like it because of how cute you look when your face lights up after he says something genuinely kind. Plus, whenever he shows his love in a way that’s healthy, you’re a lot more receptive to having your ass grabbed and having his tongue in your mouth afterwards; he starts to associate “love” and expressing love healthily with the reward of extreme physical affection. It’s not the healthiest thing to do (you should love someone without the extrinsic reward of getting to make out with them or grab dat ass without them complaining so much about it), but it’s the closest thing to a good relationship that you’d ever get with a Vinsmoke brother.
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Ichiji (NSFW)
Dominant, and prefers to be on top most of the time. If he’s feeling lazy, he’ll have you ride him though.
Right after the whole “I might be able to experience love” realization, he only wants to have sex with his sunglasses on. There’s something about having his eyes covered that gives him a sense of security from whatever weird thing you’re doing to make him feel so strange, and he feels like if you’re looking into his eyes without something to shield him, he’s too vulnerable. And Vinsmokes do not like feeling vulnerable. 
He likes it when you’re rough during sex (scratching, biting, etc.), even if the marks don’t show for long due to his armored skin. It doesn’t even really hurt him, it tickles more than anything; still, he likes seeing this feisty side of you in bed.
Niji (NSFW)
In addition to buying you plenty of expensive blue clothes, he buys a bunch of different sets of blue lingerie. He doesn’t mind if he accidentally tears or rips whatever you’re wearing during sex; he’ll just get you another one. He has a special thing for stockings and pantyhose, and he also likes it when you wear jewelry he’s gotten for you during sex.
Despite his nature, there are times where he’s surprisingly gentle with you in bed. It’s a part of that misinterpretation of love; he thinks that if he’s affectionate and soft with you in bed, it’s a sign of love and makes up for every other horrible thing he’d done to you that day. He likes to hold you afterwards and play with your hair, and fall asleep with you in his arms.
Tends to switch between being on bottom or top, but he’s always the one in control. If you’re riding him, he likes to have a leash on you so he can pull you close against his chest. 
Yonji (NSFW)
He’s got the highest sex drive of the three, and he’s got no problem with initiating something with you in public. If you wanted to go somewhere private, he’d pout (he likes it whenever everyone can see you getting fucked by him, it’s a great confidence-booster!) but he’d drag you to closest empty room and fuck you against the nearest surface.
Despite how selfish he can be, he always wants to make sure you cum. He likes hearing you moan and cry out his name as you writhe in pleasure from how well he’s using his mouth on you. He’s constantly bragging to his brothers about how well he knows your body and how good he is at sex (as if it’s a competition to him. Though as a Vinsmoke, everything is a competition, so he isn’t that far off)
Unlike the other three, he doesn’t mind you taking the reins sometimes. Since he likes it when his partners are feisty, he likes seeing you try to take control; it’s just so cute that you really think you can dominate him. If you ever wanted to try something like tying him up, he’d think it was hilarious and agree to it (even if he could easily break through some flimsy ropes, it’s funny to pretend you’ve really got him in a bind)
He’s usually wired after sex instead of tired. He’s also usually hungry afterwards, so he’ll have a servant bring a bunch of food for him (and you, since he’s trying to learn how to be considerate). Has no problem hopping out of bed when they knock at the door, and grabbing the tray out of their hands while buck-ass naked. He also eats in bed with you afterwards, with one arm slung around your waist while he eats with the other.
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sophiewritesworld · 5 years
Hey you’re the only person I know who makes Monty fan fictions bc everyone else is mean when I ask🥺 but could you do a imagine where the reader used to dat Monty but broke up bc of his recklessness. She started dating Justin but found out he cheated on her by hooking up with Jessica. Then Monty sneaks into her bedroom window and comforts her and it’s fluffy
Sorry for the long delay before I answered your request. Hope you like it.
Freaked out
Edited : Bc my dumb ass didn’t see that the draft was still there. My apologies.
Montgomery de la Cruz wasn't a relationship type of guy and this was a statement any student of Liberty High knew, you included yet, you found yourself falling for the jock after you reluctantly agreed to go on one single date with him after he practically harassed you for weeks to go out with him. You wondered what on earth dragged him towards you and why he was so insistent to make you say yes to him. And just like that, one date turned into two and you soon found yourself hanging you with him more often than you would have ever imagined.
But the moment you gave yourself to him was the moment he stopped being the nice and caring boy he was for weeks. He became distant, answered your texts once in a while if he ever remembered to barely acknowledged your presence to the point that those surrounding you started noticing it. Justin noticed it first. But unlike the others, he couldn't stand the sight of you hurting even more day after the other because of Montgomery's behavior.
So one day, instead of taking a ride with Bryce like he normally did, he declined the offer much to his friend's confusion and walked with in silence until you broke it. "What do you want, Justin?"
"Why you're still with Monty?" At least, he was honest and went straight to the point unlike any other person around you who just kept giving you sorry looks all day long.
You shook your head and stopped walking, forcing the basketball player to stop as well. "Why not?"
"Because you're not happy... anymore. Everyone sees it. But you don't seem to." You did. You knew that there was nothing left to be called 'relationship' with Montgomery, yet you wanted to believe that one day the Montgomery you started liking a little too much would be back and that all of this would be long forgotten. "You deserve someone better than him."
"Let me prove you otherwise."
"Leave me alone, Justin." He didn't. Every single day after school, he would walk with you until you reached your house, not a single word exchanged. He ditched lunch breaks with the others to sit with you in the library, just looking at you while you read a different book every day. "You're not giving up, aren't you?" You sighed as you loudly closed the book in your hands and threw it on the table earning angry looks from the students who were actually studying.
"Because I like you." Justin simply responded. You wanted to push him away, tell him that you didn't like him, but you had to be honest with yourself, the fact that he stayed by your side while you were hurting because of his friend made something move inside of you. "And I won't hurt you like he did." Of course, he wouldn't because the great Montgomery de la Cruz was a professional in this field, no one could compete with him. And just like that, you agreed to give him a chance.
Justin was like a sunny day in the middle of winter, he brought you the happiness you thought you'd never find again and unlike Montgomery, he didn't start acting like a jerk once you took relationship to the next level. He didn't do any of what Monty did. He did much worse than this. You didn't want to believe it at first, telling yourself that you were probably being paranoid and understood things wrong until the final basketball game of the season.
You just wanted to cheer him up so instead of settling on the bleachers with Clay and Hannah, you sneaked into the boys' locker room after all the players were out to give your boyfriend a good luck kiss but apparently you weren't the only one to have this idea. Jessica Davis made it there before you and the two were far too busy to notice you standing by the door and they only heard the door slamming behind you as you rushed outside, dragging everyone's attention on your way out of the gymnasium. Obviously, who wouldn't look at a girl crying and pushing people out of her way before a rather important basketball game for their school? At home, you ignored your mother and sister calling you when you slammed your bedroom door shut and threw yourself on your bed, crying harder as you remembered all the little things, the details your kept ignoring for weeks. The only thing you wanted to do was punch yourself straight in the face since you didn't learn from your previous mistake and allowed another dumb jock to break your heart. Both your mother and your sister tried to make you open your bedroom door and tell them what happened to you, but you ignored them, just like you ignored the buzzing coming from your phone, worried texts from Hannah filling your screen. But what you couldn't ignore was your window getting opened and someone slipping inside your bedroom. "Justin, you better get the fuck out of my room or I swear I..."
Montgomery's voice cut you. "Not Justin but I can leave if you don't want to see me." Hearing no response from you, he went to hop back out from your window but he stopped when he felt your hand pull on his arm. The next thing he knew, you were crying against his chest, mumbling things he could barely understand.
"What is wrong with me?" You managed to ask after a moment.
"Nothing is wrong with you, (Y/N/N)." Montgomery could have stopped there and just silently comforted you like he first intended to but instead, he spoke again, gathering the little courage he had inside of him to say things he never said before. "The reason why I was a total asshole to you has nothing to do with you... Well, yes it has but it's not your fault, it's mine."
"This makes no sense at all, Monty."
"Just shut it and listen to me please because if I don't say it now, I will never do and I swear it'll kill me. When I asked you out..."
"Harassed me until I said yes." You corrected, earning a serious look from him. "Sorry, I'm not speaking again."
"When I asked you out, I didn't have the best intentions regarding you but the more I spent time with you the more I realized how amazing you are. Without really knowing it, I was ... I fell in love and it freaked me out because I never felt something like this before..." Okay, so Montgomery de la Cruz, the one who literally crushed your heart weeks ago, was confessing his feelings for you, in your bedroom after your supposedly boyfriend cheated on you less than an hour ago. Great. Fantastic. That was exactly what you needed to top your fabulous night. "And because you deserve someone good enough to be seen with you. Not a problematic guy."
"I'll stick with the problematic guy if you don't mind."
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serendipitykpop · 5 years
for the boy i love
Pairing: wong yukhei x reader
Summary: “The things I do for the boy I love most.”
“Y/N, how do you put up with this all the time?”
“Hm?” You raised your head to look at where Haechan was pointing to. Your eyes were met with the horde of people trying to sneak a peek at the sprinters. You blinked at them, then turned your attention back to the clipboard in your hand. “Oh. They’re here early today.”
“That’s all you have to say?” Haechan’s face contorted into one of confusion, wanting to know how this didn’t bother you in any way. It further frustrated and he got mad for you when someone made a comment about your boyfriend.
“Dat ass.” You heard someone say when Yukhei passed by them.
“Hello? You’re not annoyed by that?”
“I’m just used to it by now, I guess,” You replied, voice trailing off as you looked over the times of the sprinters.
“Huh?” He dragged it out. “That’s no good! You shouldn’t be used to that! You should be causing an uproar! Those people want your man, Y/N. Do something about it! Get angry!”
You tilted your head back and took a deep breath in before turning to the boy who continued to gulp down his water while trying his very best to tick you off.
“Haechan. I said you could take a break, but it’s already been half an hour and the only thing you’ve been doing is trying to get me mad. How much longer do you need to relax your calves?”
“My calves have to be in top shape if you want that trophy to be brought home,” He said and patted them. You so badly wanted to wipe that innocent smirk off his face.
“Uh huh.”
“Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Why do they always have to come to practice? How are we supposed to concentrate?”
“You do realize they come back for each game and practice because it’s the work of all of you boys, right? Yukhei, Mark, Xiaojun, Hendery, Renjun, Jeno, you, Jaemin, Yangyang, Chenle, and Jisung. All of you being top athletes and record holders, and such.”
He hummed, then shook his head. “Nah, I don’t think so. I think it’s all Yukhei’s doing for not scolding them as captain of this team.”
You stared blankly at him. “I’m doubling your regimen.”
“Hey. I’m just telling the truth and nothing, but the truth.” He shrugged, completely ignoring the fact that he got his regimen doubled and he would have to work even harder until you were in a better mood.
“Why are you furiously scribbling on your clipboard and why is Haechan not back on the track yet?” Mark asked, panting heavily as he came running up to the both of you. You threw him a water bottle and he gave you a thankful smile. He chugged it down as he listened to what excuse Haechan came up with to defend himself.
“Y/N requested my help.”
“I don’t recall such a thing.”
“It’s okay. No need to be lie, Y/N.”
“Please take him away.” You shoved Haechan towards the older boy, making him stumble into his arms.
“Hey! Is this the way to treat one of your top athletes?” Haechan clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. Mark looked at you apologetically and mouthed an apology before dragging the boy off with him.
Shortly after, another person showed up in front of you, most likely having the intention to mess with you. Thinking it was Haechan who was back to tease you some more, you let out a sigh as you looked up from your clipboard. Upon seeing who it actually was though, your frown turned into a gentle smile.
“Hey, you.”
“Y/N! You’re looking amazing as always!” The boy gave you a big, cheeky smile as he squished your cheeks together. You raised an eyebrow, taking a look down at your outfit.
“Yukhei, I look like a marshmallow. I have three layers of clothing on right now, and I’ve also got sweats on.”
“And? You still look the cutest to me.” He leaned over the clipboard to place a kiss on your forehead. Your cheeks flared up and your eyes widened. You huffed and buried your face into the scarf around your neck. “Aw, are you embarrassed because I called you cute, cutie?”
He pinched and pulled at your cheeks, continuing to tease you by calling you cute. Jealous onlookers grumbled about how you were so lucky to be so close to the boy and even dating said boy.
“Your fans are glaring at me again, Yukhei.”
“Let them,” He mumbled and planted a soft kiss on your lips, one that left you breathless. Embarrassed, you put your hand on his face to keep him at a far distance after he pulled away. He laughed while you frowned.
“Don’t tease them.”
“Then can I can tease you instead?”
“As if you haven’t been doing that. Get back to running. Now.” You pointed, making him giggle. He planted one more kiss on your forehead, then ran off to meet the rest of the boys. You sighed and shook your head.
The next day, you and Yukhei met up in the cafeteria to go over everything for the meet. He was feeling a little anxious and wanting to be in his best condition, so he came to you.
“Y/N, are you sure?”
“I am sure and I’ve been sure for the past eight times you asked me.”
“I’m sorry! I just want to be at my best, you know?” He whined, resting his head on your shoulder. You chuckled.
“I know, but you don’t need to worry so much. Your times are better than usual thanks to your new regimen and new workouts. You’re also doing pretty good with your diet. You are following that, aren’t you?”
“Yes, trainer Y/N.”
“Then you’ll be just fine with the meet.”
Despite you saying that, you didn’t notice how he was still worried about something. You glanced over at him when he grew quiet all of a sudden.
“Huh?” He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to you with a soft smile when you met eyes.
“Something still on your mind?”
“Uh, yeah. I’m just worried.”
“What if my times aren’t so good at this meet? What if I mess up somehow? What if-”
You frowned and squished his cheeks together. He let out a confused noise, but kept quiet when you spoke.
“I know you worry like the athlete you are, but I assure you that you are going to be absolutely fine and you will be great. I believe in you. I know you can do it because you’re Wong Yukhei and you’re pretty amazing.”
He grinned.
“So you can be mushy too, huh, Y/N?”
Your hands fell to your lap and his head bobbed from the lack of support, making him whine.
“Just focus on your pacing and eat healthy.” You turned away with red cheeks and he giggled because of that.
“You know something, Y/N? You do so much for me and I never really thank you.”
You waved it off as nothing big and continued to look over your notes. Due to the lack of your attention, his face fell into a pout. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, whining for attention.
“Let me love and appreciate you like you deserve!”
“Look at the two lovebirds being all lovey dovey right in front of our lunch.” Jeno shuddered as your group of friends joined you for lunch. Yukhei laughed, but didn’t pull away from your side. Meanwhile, you were still trying to get everything ready for the meet.
“So is no one going to say anything about the fans staring at us from over there?” Renjun questioned, and everyone kept doing what they were doing. Yukhei’s head perked up at his question, and turned his head to see them.
“Ah, I didn’t even notice them.”
“You’ve only noticed because I brought it up?”
“Huh? Yeah, I guess so. I mean it’s because the only one I see is Y/N.” He smiled up at you, then pulled you onto his lap. He placed a kiss on your cheek, and wrapped your arms around your waist. He pulled you to his chest, placed his chin on your shoulder.
The boys looked at each other, then back at Yukhei. They didn’t have a hard time believing that fact since it was something they witnessed a lot.
“I’ll be right back. I have to drop these off at Coach’s door,” You interrupted, and pushed yourself out of your partner’s hold. His lips fell into a pout, and he let out a whine. Without still looking at the forms, you patted his head. “Don’t worry. I’ll be back soon.”
“I’ll come with!” He jumped up from his seat, and threw his arms around you. He rubbed his cheek against yours, giving off a more lovey atmosphere around the two of you. You chuckled, and placed your hand on his other cheek.
“He does realize all the fans are filled with envy when he does that sort of thing, right?” Jaemin raised an eyebrow.
“Of course not. He’s too in love to notice anything, but Y/N.” Hendery laughed.
“How adorable.” Xiaojun smiled.
“He is a lost cause.” Yangyang sighed and shook his head.
Later that night, you were bundled in your usual marshmallow attire as you watched the runners warm up for the meet. Your nose, and cheeks were turning a bright red, which of course had the boys teasing you about it while Yukhei cooed over you.
“You look you’re happy to be here.”
“Oh, yeah. Love suffering through the cold.”
“While I know you put up this front, I know you do this for him.” The coach chuckled, looking over at Yukhei laughing with Chenle and Jisung.
“The fact that I freeze my butt off every season, so I could come to his meets just proves that I love him.” You paused after you realized your act was ruined. “I guess.”
“You’re a good kid, caring for him like that.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
It was half way through the meet, and Yukhei had yet to be up for his race. Meanwhile, you were getting crabby as the night air got even colder. You grumbled under your breath as you hugged yourself on the bench.
“The things I do for this boy,” You paused to shake your head. “I love.”
It was finally time for Yukhei’s race, and you were immediately on your feet. He searched for you through the crowd of people, and flashed you a smile. You softly smiled and blew him a kiss. His eyes widened, then his face brightened.
“That’s not where your head should be right now when you’ve got a race, idiot,” You said, but you were just trying to calm down your nerves. You weren’t even the one racing, but you still wanted him to do his best.
All the racers got into position, then they were off. You were on your toes the whole way, hoping your boy would win this race. You had no doubt he could do it.
Your eyes alternated between the stopwatch, and Yukhei when he got to the end. “Come on, baby. Come on. I know you can do it.”
Seeing him approach you at the end of the finish line, your heart started beating faster. He had a big smile on his face as he raced his heart out. Then, it was done. He was first place.
Before anything else, he stopped and spread his arms out. Your eyes welled up with tears as you dropped everything to run into his arms. He laughed when you practically tackled him, and started sobbing.
“You’re crying, my love.”
“I’m just so proud of you,” You wailed, which only made him laugh more. He pulled you into a kiss as your tears fell.
You supposed this moment right here was worth it. Suffering through the countless cold nights of practice, pushing the boys to be the best they can be, staying up on many nights to make their regimen, and when you could give him his victory kiss after every race.
Everything was worth it for the boy you love.
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nicolewoo · 5 years
The Weekend Part 3
Pairing: Drew Galloway X Reader, Fergal Devitt X Reader, Joe Anoi X Reader
Warnings: Anal Sex. Boarding on BDSM, SMUT
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“What do we have here?” Drew sauntered in the room, looking at me and surveying the situation. “Were you masturbating?” he growled loudly.
Hearing the question, Fergal and Joe came to the doorway. Both of them assumed their dom stances behind Drew. Joe lowered his head a bit and looked up at me. “Answer the question.” He commanded.
I hung my head and nodded yes. “Speak up!” Fergal ordered.
“Yes, sirs.” I admitted still with my head hanging.
“Interesting.” Said Drew as he reached out a hand to me. “Give me the toy!” He barked. When I reached under the blankets and grabbed the vibrator, he practically ripped it out of my hand. He held it up as if he was going to hit me over the head with it. It wouldn't have hurt too much, but I still didn't want to see Drew that mad. He hesitated a second before reaching over and throwing it in his suitcase. “I'll be taking this until you can learn to obey.”
Fergal knelt on the bed behind me. “Let's see if ya came.” He said as he pressed his flat hand on my sex, holding it there to check for spasms. “No clenching, guys. We may have gotten here in time.” He removed his hand and pulled my arms behind by back roughly. “Did ya cum princess?”
I shook my head and said, “No sirs.” but I must not have said it loud enough, because Fergal grabbed my nipple and pulled it hard. He demanded, I said it louder.
Joe came over to me now and scanned my face easily seeing the frustration in my eyes. “Oh, sweetheart, you were close, weren't you?” When I answered yes, he continued. “Baby girl, you just messed up big time. You ruined our plans for tonight.” I knew better than to look up, but that shocked my eyes wide open.
“Yes.” Drew barked down to me. “We had plans that you were gonna love for tonight. Right Ferg?”
“Ohhhh. We were gonna make ya feel so good, luv. Now though.... Now we've got to figure out what we're going to do to you.”
Drew towered over me, coming close enough that I could feel the heat from his skin. “Do you NOT trust us, princess?” He asked, and despite the pet name, there was anger in his voice.
“Yes sirs. Yes I trust you.” I said.
Roman came to stand next to Drew, “Soooo you trust us, but not enough to know we had a plan? That we were withholding sex for a reason?”
I felt like I'd really let my men down. “Sirs, I'm sorry.” I hoped that the apology would soothe their anger a bit.
“An apology isn't gonna stop ya from getting a punishment.” Fergal said from behind me. “You did somet'ing you knew was against t'a rules.”
Before I could answer, Drew's voice boomed through my ear. “Rules t'at were put in place for yur own pleasure and protection.”
Joe spoke up, a bit softer now, “I have a question. Why? Why would you do this when you know it will get you in trouble?”
Drew's voice was softer now, “Did ya think we wouldn't find out?”  When I nodded my head yes he added, “Are we not punishing you enough? What are ya gettin' from that toy that we aren't already giving you?”
When I didn't answer, Fergal released my arms, came around me and stood in front of me, hooking his finger under my jaw and raising my head to look in my eyes. “What aren't ya tellin' us, luv?” When I didn't answer, he said, “I promise ya won't get in trouble for whatever ya say next.”
I tried to look away from Ferg's gaze, but he gripped my chin tightly until I looked at him. “It... feels.... different.”
“Different how?” Joe asked from behind me.
The mood in the room was changing. My men were still upset, but they now sounded more like my loving men. “Sirs, It's a different pressure, and I can hit the perfect spot with the perfect pressure if I do it myself.” I looked from Drew to Fergal.
Fergal paused while he considered. “It makes sense,” he said. “But why didn't you just tell us? We can let you use your toy yourself. All you had to do was ask.”
Joe's voice came from behind me again. “You know we will give you whatever you want. Were you scared to tell us?”
“No.” I answered.
“Sweetheart,” it was Drew's deep voice. “We can't read your mind. You've got to tell us what you want.”
“Now,” Fergal released my chin allowing me to look down again. “We're going to leave you and figure out how to punish you. Do you have any more toys in here?” He quirked an eyebrow. When I said no, he continued, “Do you want to say anything before we leave?” I said no again. “You can lay in bed. I'm not sure how long this meeting will take.”
And with that, I was left alone. Alone in a cold room, scared and frustrated. I grabbed my cell phone and started flipping through social media, but my mind wasn't in it, and I had trouble concentrating.
It was about a half hour later when the guys returned. Drew and Joe sat in the chairs while Fergal approached me. “Sit up.” I did as requested.  “We had a long talk. We decided to take it easy on you since you admitted breaking the rule and had a good reason for it. We are all very concerned about t'e fact t'at you didn't just come to us and talk about t'is before it became a problem. We considered witholdin' sex for another day, but we won't all be together again for a while.”
“And because we won't all be together for a while, you are only going to receive a small punishment.” Joe came to kneel in front of me.
“But yur gettin' off easy,” Drew continued. Fergal and Joe's anger had calmed, but Drew was still quite pissed, and I could hear it in his voice.
Joe started stripping down, and Fergal followed his lead. Drew just sat silent in the chair watching. Once naked, Fergal grabbed my ankles and drug me to the end of the bed. Joe laid down with his head on the pillows. “Go fuck him.” Fergal demanded.
That I'd happily do, but where was my punishment? I got on my hands and knees and crawled up Joe's body, peppering him with kisses as I went. When he could reach my arms, he wrapped his arms under mine and pulled me up until I was in the right position. He grabbed his cock and  lined it up with my slit then lowered me down until he was buried all the way inside me. I wanted to moan, but I was already in trouble. I didn't want to make my punishment worse that it would be.
I began slowly moving on top of Joe, enjoying the feeling of his thick cock filling me. As soon as I set a slow pace though, Fergal climbed up on the bed and came behind me. “Keep goin'” He told me, and I did.
Fergal placed his hand on my back and pushed me down until Joe could kiss me. It all seemed so sweet and nice until I heard a bottle cap being opened. I stopped kissing Joe, but he put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me down into another kiss. “You're not gonna like this, baby girl. Keep your attention on me,” He whispered against my lips.
I felt Fergal's hand slide up my ass covered with what I now realized was lube, and he slid a finger inside my anus, causing me to tense up. “I'm gonna fuck yur ass at last.” Fergal sounded way too excited about this. We'd been working on stretching my ass, in preparation for him to eventually fuck my ass, but I wasn't ready yet. Even his finger in me seemed too much, but I had no right to complain now.
“Look at me,” Joe said as he held my head in front of him. “The more you relax, the less this will hurt.”  His eyes almost pleaded with me, and I tried to force my body to relax. I managed a little bit, but not enough.
“C'mon Princess. You know you deserve this. You were a naughty girl.” Drew said as he walked up to the bed. I thought he'd want my mouth on his dick, but he stopped walking, my guess was so that he could watch as Fergal claimed my ass. “And it's about damn time one of us gets to enjoy that untouched hole.”
I felt Joe reach up and gently rub my side where the other 2 wouldn't see if they weren't looking for it. He looked up at the other 2 and then gently mouthed “Relax.” He picked up his pace thrusting in and out of me, and he pulled me down so he could whisper in my ear. “Just pay attention to me.” His deep voice always created butterflies in my stomach, and I tried to just focus on him, but failed when Fergal added another finger to my tight asshole. “Relax.” Joe soothed again. “Just relax.” He started sucking my neck.
“Luv,” Fergal said, “Here we go baby.” His fingers slid out of me and I felt him line his dick up to my asshole. I felt him press hard against me, and my skin gave way a bit, allowing him to slide his head inside me. Joe stilled his movements instantly and locked eyes with me.
I'd always read in books that once someone got used to it, anal sex wouldn't hurt, but this did. It hurt bad, and he wasn't even moving yet! Maybe it just took longer to get used to. Joe pulled my head back a bit and looked deep in my eyes. His hand reached and caressed my cheek softly as Fergal slid slowly into me. I was actually surprised when he was able to bottom out inside my ass. I didn't think I was ready, but he proved me wrong.
“Dere's a good lass” Drew moaned as he started to undo his pants.
Fergal stilled inside me, letting me get used to the feeling, but that wasn't working. It wasn't sexy. It wasn't fun. It hurt! Why did others like this? Just then, Drew moaned low and husky. “Princess, look at dat. Yu've got 2 dicks inside ya.” He leaned over to look at my face. “How does it feel?”
I gasped, which caused me to realize I'd been holding my breath the whole time. His voice was filled with lust, and I felt a bit proud of myself. I had turned him on. “It hurts sir.” I said loud enough to not get in trouble.
“She's honest about it.” Joe chuckled. “Relax.” He reminded me. When I forced myself to relax a bit, he slowly drew his penis almost out of me then inched it back in. He continued speeding up with each stroke. What I hadn't counted on was that the pressure from Fergal's dick pushed Joe's dick into my g-spot with each stroke.
I certainly wasn't enjoying this, but I was happy that Drew was pleased and I was enjoying Joe hitting my g-spot, so at least this wasn't a total loss. Fergal wrapped his hands around my hips, digging his fingers into the skin. “Fook, luv. T'is is so fooking hot.” He pushed his hips forward, but since he was already fully inside me, it simply pushed me forward a bit. Joe quickly adjusted.
“Baby girl, relax.” Joe caught my attention and I looked into his eyes trying to ignore the feeling of Fergal in my ass. “Just look at me.” He rocked slowly in and out of me, hitting my g-spot and making me feel good.
“I'm gonna move now.” Fergal announced. Joe stilled and placed his hand on my cheek to sooth me. Ferg drew out of me just a bit and then moved back in. The next stroke was farther. Joe's hand ran down my side and his thumb began to circle my clit. I cried out.
“Was dat a good cry or a bad one lass?” Drew asked me. I tried to answer, but I couldn't. Drew motioned for Fergal to still. “Go 'head Joe.”
Joe began to slide in and out of me again as his fingers pleased my clit. I was relaxing quickly and beginning to enjoy this. “Better, baby?” Joe asked and I nodded yes. “Ready for more?” My eyes opened wide realizing he meant for Fergal to give me more.  It was then I realized that this wasn't going to end. They weren't going to stop until Ferg came in me. Ferg? Or all of them? No! No! They wouldn't. Would they?
Fergal began slowly rocking in and out of me, and I had to admit with Joe staring in my eyes, smiling at me and rubbing my clit, I was relaxing more and more. I still wasn't enjoying this.... at all, but I could tell my men were loving this. That would be enough to get me through it.
After a few minutes, Joe asked, “Are you ready for me to move?” I wanted nothing more than for Joe to move; which meant Fergal would still. Except... He didn't. Fergal continued slowly sliding in and out of me while Joe began fucking me hard. The feeling was overwhelming, and I couldn't think straight.
“Good Girl.” Joe cooed up at me as he pounded into me. I loved the feel of him moving inside me, and now that I was as used to anal sex as I could be, I could almost forget about Fergal's dick buried deep inside my ass... That is until I heard Fergal begin to groan in pleasure.
Drew let out a light hum as he watched us, palming his hard on through his pants. “Yur doing great, princess.” Drew stroked my hair and began praising me. “Such a good lass.” and “You're making my boys feel so good, princess.”
Joe picked up his pace both inside me and his finger on my clit. He knew exactly how to work me, and I finally felt the coil in my stomach start tensing. “Oh, baby girl.” Joe moaned out. “She's getting close.” He told the others, and he stilled inside me.
I cried out, “NO! Please, Joe. Please.”
He continued to stroke my clit as he used his free hand to pull my mouth to his. “Shhhh, baby girl. Daddy's gonna make you feel so good, right after Fergal finishes.” He kissed me deeply as Fergal began to buck faster inside me and Drew stroked my hair praising me.
“Fook baby!” Fergal cried out. I could tell he was trying to control how hard he slammed into me, but was failing. “It's so tight. I'm so close.”
Drew loomed over Fergal, “Fergal.” He said in a warning tone. “Can you control yourself?”, but it was too late. Fergal lost control, gripping my hips so hard I knew it would bruise. His hard persistent thrusts made me cry out in pain.
Joe and Drew both soothed me as Fergal released his seed in my ass. As soon as he was finished, he pulled out of me and ran his hands over my back. “Luv, are you ok? I lost control for a second.” Drew grunted at him.
I released a breath I'd been holding, “Yes.” Relaxing now that he was out of me. “Yes. I think I am.” I began to panic again realizing that both Joe and Drew were larger than Fergal. Were they going to fuck my ass too? I knew I couldn't handle it, and a tear slipped out of my eye.
“Shhhh, baby girl.” Joe soothed. “It's over.” He turned me until I was laying on my side next to him. “You did it, baby girl.”
Drew began showering me with praises and laid down on my other side, running his hands over my body. “You did so good, princess. It's all over.” Joe and I are gonna take good care of ya.” It was over? Did that mean neither of them was going to fuck my ass?
“Sirs?” I asked and they both answered with a yes. “Is the anal sex done?” I mewled out.
“Yes, princess.” Drew answered as he buried his head in my neck and gently kissed up and down my throat. “Dat's all done, princess. Joe and I are gonna take good care of ya.”
Joe kissed me deeply, pressing his tongue in my mouth. His hand running over my ass. “Tell me what you need, baby girl. Are you ready to continue?” I breathed in deep before shaking my head yes. Joe pulled me close to him with an arm around my waist as he turned me so my back was to the mattress. He pushed his knee between mine and spread my legs wide before burying his dick deep inside me. He moaned in pleasure and I did too. I was full, but not too full; like before.
Drew grabbed my breast and began softly running his thumb over my nipple as Joe started moving inside me again. I moaned again, and Drew took my nipple into his mouth. “It's time fur you to enjoy yurself, princess.”
It didn't take long for Joe to reach full speed, his dick sliding in and out while his hand returned to my clit, and began to circle it. “Baby girl, you did so well. I'm gonna make you feel so good” and he was right. The coil in my stomach tightened, and I moaned in pleasure.
I hadn't realized Fergal had left until he returned, freshly showered. He kissed me softly and sat on the bed by my head, stroking my hair as he thanked me. All three of my men were happy again, and the hard part was done. Now I could focus on the pleasure, which was dampened a bit by the pain in my ass. Despite all three of the men being there, I focused all my attention to Joe as he made sweet love to me, building my orgasm gradually. After a few more minutes, I was ready.
“I feel you clenching, baby girl.” Roman growled. “Are you ready?” I nodded yes.  “Let go baby, I'm coming with you.” We did, both moaning as the pleasure overtook us. Joe collapsed by my side, both of us breathing hard. He reached out for my hand and brought it to his lips to place a delicate kiss on my knuckles. After a few moments he turned to me, “Are you ok?” I nodded yes. “I'm gonna go shower, and then Ferg and I are going to pick up dinner while you and Drew spend time together.”
When I nodded yes, Joe practically picked me up and placed me on Drew's shoulder. I snuggled into Drew's side as he placed a loving kiss on my forehead. “Rest, lass.” He said with his lips still against my forehead.
I was confused. “Aren't we going to....” I let the question trail off as I turned my head to look at him.
He chuckled quietly, “Aye, lass. If you can. I just want to give you a few minutes to recover.” He ran his hand over my back soothingly.
“I need to clean up.” I whispered to him as I buried my head in his shoulder again.
He peeked down at me, “Do ya need help?” He asked sweetly.  
I sat up and took a mental assessment of my body before answering. “No. I've got this.” I said going to the bathroom. I peed and washed up at the sink with a washcloth. It was then that I realized I didn't know what to do about my ass. I went to the bedroom door. “Drew, daddy?”
He leaned up on an elbow and looked at me. “Yes princess?”
“I need to ask a question about the anal sex.” This was embarrassing, but asking was necessary. He told me to continue. “Is there anything I need to do now that it's over? Like...” geesh this was embarrassing... “I know I have to pee after vaginal sex. Do I need to do anything after anal?”
I expected him to chuckle at my ignorance, but he didn't. “No, baby. Are you done cleaning up?” When I nodded yes, he motioned me to come back to the bed. I nestled back into his side and savored the feel of him against me.
We snuggled closely, him kissing my forehead every now and again as I played with his chest hair. There was no urgency. Just us, being together. He still had his pants on. “Does your ass hurt?” He said after a few minutes.
I wanted to sound strong for him, but I knew I shouldn't lie. “Yes.” He placed a kiss on my head again.
“Ok baby. We'll take care of that in a bit.” He kissed my forehead again. He turned me until we were side by side and rubbed his hand over my ass cheek as he kissed me. I moaned at the gentle actions. “Are ya ready for Daddy Drew?” He half begged, and I smiled knowing how much I turned  him on. I nodded at him, which brought a giant smile to his face and he began kissing me passionately.
We made slow love for at least an hour. I know my other men had come home with food, but neither Drew nor I hurried the pace. It was magnificent.  
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yoshimickster · 5 years
Rwby Volume 7 Episode 1 “The Greatest Kingdom”-MICKSTERECAP
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Wiggity what, what’s that, its the Micksterecap, wiggity what, what’s that, ITS THE MICKSTERECAP!
HEY everybody,  how y’all been? I’ve been good, working a lot, the usual. For anyone who doesn’t know,all Micksterecaps will be aired a WEEK after they air on Rooster Teeth and Vrv to avoid spoilers, and so I don’t have to tag as spoiler as HEY HEY I don’t get as many notes logically. With that-CLICK THAT READ MORE BUTTON AND LET’S LOOK AT SOME SHIPS!
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HELL YEAH-aircrafts!
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0:41 We then see the first shot of Team RWBYQOMJNR looking ALL sorts of terse about flying into the the occupied as ALL HELL kingdom of Atlas.
Weiss: I’ve never seen our forces deployed so aggressively before.
Ruby: What about at the Vytal festival? Bunch of ships there.
Weiss: Trust me, that was SLIGHTLY less aggressive than how aggressively they’re deployed here, its like coke and pepsi, a SLIGHT differentiation. 
The crew then decide to go seek out Winter(the only Schnee besides Weiss still worth a damn) and then get distance from the fleet and THEN WE SEE-
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1:31 -one HELL of a cityscape, man I’d love to Batman that shit in a video game, just grapplin’ around like a fool, it’d be SWEET. We ALSO see-
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1:54 -JAMES VIA BROADCAST-in all his bearded glory, a beard that I REALLY  hope he doesn’t shave off dramatically to signify that he’s getting better or some shit because DAMMIT-beards are not a symbol of depression their just awesome facial hair! You know what movie I’m talking about.
The crew then get told by the radio-lady that they gotta dock their ship, but its okay because Weiss says her sister will TOTALLY let them sneak in-
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2:57 Winter: -failure to cooperate with Atlas military personnel is a punishable offense. 
Aw man, I wanted to see Winter and have her conspire to murder her and Weiss’s terrible dad. *SIGH* Maybe next episode.
Maria then decides to take them to a totally not important person with relevance to previous characters, docking their ship, and then meeting some of the local flavor of Mantle including:
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3:57 Loose exposition about the current political state that wasn’t lazily explained by a main cast member(for ONCE)-
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Antles Joe, preparing to play his Banjo-
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-random graffiti that the show focuses on for NO foreshadowing reason, none at all so stop talking about it-
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-A camera drone whose JUST two weeks from retirement.
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Yang: GAH-my visage, it has been stolen!
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Yang: YEET!
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Yang: OOH. Maybe we should pick up the pace?
Ruby: Maybe YOU shouldn’t kick surveillance drones!
Weiss: For real, that shit gets uploaded to the cloud IMMEDIATELY.
The group then continues their leasurely stroll and see NOTHING that bums them out about the city they’re i-
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-ooooooooooh right, exploited Faunus workers...’dat not good.
After Blake makes a light comment about the crappyness of the city, they are THEN verbally acosted by-
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-DRUNK GORDON FREEMAN! Man, the wait for the final Half-Life game is messing him up to huh?
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Seriously, TELL ME this dude don’t look like Gordon’s shitburg little brother, its un-CANNY!
Blake being the nice young lady she is apologizes for insulting his hometown, and then Drunk Gordon fucks up in the worst way possible.
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Anytime a character spits after someone talks, you KNOW their gonna start shit.
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Gordon: Shtupid faunus like you, wouldn’t understand-
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It was at this point Drunk Gordon realized, he fucked up.
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Weiss: Ain’t NOBODY shit-talk my girlfriend’s girlfriend.
After giving a drunk racist what for, the group then go to-
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6:00 THE HEALING STATION-to replenish the HP and MP! I just hope it works Toad House rules where you don’t gotta pay, at least until the NEXT game where you pay for replenishing, which I GUESS was okay given you can earn more coins but BLEH.
Its here where we meet-
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-PIETRO-absentminded genius of Atlas, and adjuster of Maria’s cybereyes and that is all he is, stop asking if he’s related to someone important SO THERE!
Pietro then gives them the straight shit telling them that after the fall of Beacon, James got SUPER paranoid given that whoever hacked Atlas’s codes was either a genius...or one of their own. And I just can’t even IMAGINE who it could be-Watts, its gonna be Dr.Watts, the trailer pretty much proved it.
Its at this point, where Pietro FINALLY realizes that he’s talking to Team RWBY, and given his absentmindedness he’s the ONLY  person I’ll allow for not recognizing said celebrities right away. And when Yang tries asking  him about Mantle he goes all-
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Pietro:...you PAINTED it...and added bad ass scratch marks!
Yang: Well the scratch marks were an accident, but I’m not sure why you’d care abou-HOOBAZAWAH?!
The team is surprised he knows them(for some reason despite celebrity status) due to his daughter telling him about them, said daughter baring...NO meaning...to...the plot(KEEP IT TOGETHER MICK). Right before Rubalubes asks about his daughter-RANDOM GRIMM ENCOUNTER TIME-to which EVERYONE is fully armed fo-
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10:07 Blake: DAMMIT-my blade is still symbolically broken, guess its bullets only.
And then Team RWBYQOMJNR just kics EVERY Grimm’s ass, Ren goes that way, Ruby goes the other, just a BILLION awesome attacks I’m not even gonna BOTHER clipping because this is just a still recap blog post and their all really fast and the next episode is 20 minutes after I’m finishing this so don’t call me lazy.
HOWEVER-I will show ONE awesome clip, LASER TIME BABY!
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11:45 NICE cuh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeean cut!
Then lasers here, lasers there, LASERS EVERYWHERE! WHO-is the bad ass laser lady? Like I EVEN need to FUCKING say it!
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12:15 Ruby:...Penny?!
Jaune: Oh so YOUR almost-girlfriend gets to come back to life, that’s fair.
SHE’S ALIVE MOTHER FUCKERS! Brought back to life by sacrificing a Maximal protoform, ALSO giving her flight capabilities! And yes I’m comparing Penny to Optimus and you can’t stop me.
And the next scene is JUST adorable.
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Penny: Sal-
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Ruby:(...OH SHIT-)
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Penny: -TATIONS!
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*PFFT* Paused at the RIGHT moment yo!
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Ruby: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.
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13:04 Pietro(who is also her dad if you weren’t paying attention) than reveals that after the fall of Beacon, they were able to recover her Spark Chamber, I MEAN Core from the arena and fixed her RIGHT up! Even gave her flight abilities that look NOTHING like in the manga, but that’s loose canon at best so whatevs.
After Penny flies off to fight the rest of the Grimm, Nora then channels the ENTIRE Rwby fandom in one sentence:
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13:46 Nora: I can’t tell if I completely understand what is going on, or have like a MILLION questions!
After that craziness, the team then follows Professor Polendina to his house where nothing else bad happe-
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SHIT-anime streaks, BRACE FOR IMPACT!
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DAMN-critical Dexterity fail all around.
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Close it out with the team being arrested for saving the day because television, and that’s EP ONE yo! Really fun, glad Penny’s back, and can’t wait to see Ironwood either apologize or shittalk the team for doing their jobs because as said, TELEVISION! EITHER WEITHER-see you next week on MICKSTERECAP!
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