#newsies hot take
callmeroygbiv · 2 years
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thank you for your time
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livesincerely · 7 months
“I thought I saw you sneak up here,” Jack murmurs.
“...I just needed some air,” Davey says in a thin, quiet voice, staring determinedly out into the darkness.
“Got room for one more?” Jack asks, stepping closer.
Davey gives a tiny shrug, wrapping his arms around himself. Taking this as permission, Jack clambers up onto the ledge and sits down beside him, not quite close enough to touch, letting his legs dangle over the edge.
The silence stretches on and on, as vast as the expanse of sky overhead. Hesitant, Jack allows it to linger for a long, breathless moment, and he’s honestly not sure if he’s trying to gather his thoughts or his nerve.
But finally he says, “Ain’t seen much’a you tonight. Ain’t seen much’a you in ages, really.”
He pauses there, trying to judge Davey’s reaction to his gentle prodding. But Davey doesn’t move, doesn’t even turn to face him, as still and stone-faced as a statue.
The pit in Jack’s stomach grows even wider.
Aloud he continues, “And I’m not tryin’ ta point fingers, Dave, but I’m startin’ to worry that somethin’s gone wrong between us. Horribly wrong. Maybe—“ He sucks in a breath. “Maybe so wrong that it can’t be fixed.”
He wants Davey to reassure him, to explain away the unease that colors their every interaction, why each conversation seems to end with a thousand words left unspoken. To say that it’s all going to be okay.
But he doesn’t say anything. Not a single, godforsaken word, and somehow, out of everything, that’s what cuts the deepest.
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specs-shoe · 5 months
Hey newsies tumblr, as a birthday gift you should send me fic recs and your fav newsie headcanons any ships or platonic pairings, 1992sies, liveries, or uksies just yell at me about your favorite little newsboys
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we-are-inevitable · 1 year
disclaimer: all of this is my PERSONAL opinion. if you believe something different, that’s completely fine and i support that! however these are just my thoughts bc ive gotten a lot of delancey asks recently and i think they are FASCINATING but not for the (recently) popular reasons
real talk though: i personally think the delanceys are less compelling and fun when theyre redeemed tbh. i think, if you’re going to like the delanceys or use them in fics or make fan art of them, you can’t sanitize what they’ve done. THATS what makes them compelling and fun- they’re ruthless, they’re mean, and they don’t give a fuck about the newsies. they can have whatever backstory you want them to have but they are not The Delancey Brothers if you take away the one thing they have in canon: brutalizing children and having fun with it.
you can absolutely blame their actions on a tragic backstory. i’m not saying you can’t. but taking that fanon backstory and turning them into redeemable, lovable characters is frankly disrespecting the source material, and it doesn’t make sense in regards to canon. you can humanize them without sympathizing with and redeeming them, essentially.
and to me, that’s the fun part! the delanceys are good characters because they’re awful characters. they’re fucked up. they have no remorse. they help ruin lives and they brutalize children and they never show any guilt, or any indication that this isn’t exactly what they shouldn’t be doing. the delanceys are fascinating characters that i truly love, but only because they are irredeemable and dejected and downright brutal. that’s what they are. you can’t change that.
and before anyone says that you can change it in an au: you can! you can absolutely do that- but they won’t be a Delancey if you do. they won’t hold the same weight. if you treat them like they’re “uwu sweet boys”, you’re actively going against everything in the source material; at that point, they aren’t The Show’s characters. they are Your characters. if you want to change them up, that’s fine and wonderful and a lot of iterations of their characters are really interesting, but the driving force behind the delanceys as characters is their codependent brutality. there has to be an aspect of that for them to be recognizable, and i think that’s fucking INCREDIBLE.
basically, there has to be some Essence of their canon characteristics to make out-of-character things work. i’m known for my love of david jacobs, so i’m going to use that as an example. is my davey accurate to the show? no, because i love giving him my own backstory and character traits. but i have reasonings behind the traits i give him, and those reasons are based pulled from canon and expanded on. you can’t just completely ignore canon for everything because then- like i said above- they aren’t The character anymore, they’re Your character, and it’s not the same.
the delanceys are a masterclass in the fact that trauma (though completely fanon- there’s no canon evidence of it) is not always something you can overcome, because you continue to perpetuate it. at that point, they’re no longer victims. they’re just as bad as who created them.
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no-ones-here-tm · 7 months
Something something Jack sizing up a person and their personality as soon as he meets them something something using that to help Davey find who he is outside of what he thinks people want him to be -based on the HC that all of Davey’s social development went on the back burner as soon as Les was born
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noblogurlisavailable · 2 months
Click the question box to enter your random hot takes for different shows, games, books, movies, etc! I will respond with my thoughts (if I have any) and post it for people to see! Please no NSFW takes!
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so many people and shows were snubbed tonight but NEWSIES WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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jack-kellys · 1 year
uksies spot for the bingo?
fuck yeah ofc
gimme a little guy and i’ll bingo a board!
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my unpopular opinion basically goes for the whole of uksies which is the othering of that cast when it comes to headcanons etc. like now that spot has been popularized as a black girl/poc girl i’m gonna start having girlsie spot in more of my writing/headcanons but not because she’s uk spot. but because she is spot. yk, because spot is a mutable character and rn spot is a girl to me
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fireworkss-exe · 2 years
Sarah x Jack is blatant comphet and Kat x Jack is just plain abusive. But Davy x Jack? Perfection
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piedoesnotequalpi · 2 years
I’m back on my bullpoop with the Not till a hot January prequel/sequel that no one asked for! Very Race-centric, mildly whiplash-inducing due to the alternation between the past and the present. Chapters 1 and 2 are up, I’ll be posting the following 9 at a rate of 1/day.
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metallicmikus · 3 months
Modern Newsie headcannons: NYC edition
i know the newsies live in nyc but a lot of the headcannons aren’t about them living in nyc so i came up with some
- Race sleeps a lot on the subway, mostly when he’s with albert cuz he knows albert will get them off at the right place. When they’re standing on the subway, and race is leaning his head on albert’s shoulder, al will keep his arm around Race’s waist so he doesn’t fall. If he’s asleep while they’re sitting down, albert will make sure his head doesn’t hit the wall.
- race and al use one pair of air pods on the subway to listen to the same music
- jack hates the subway (country boy at heart)
- finch will always ask someone if they would get up for crutchie to sit down if they’re are no empty seats
- race just knows the manhattan subway and streets by heart (native new yorker lookin ass)
- david carries hand sanitizer with him for after using the subway cuz you don’t know where everyone’s hands have been (the other newsies catch on cuz it’s smart)
- david is TERRIBLE at navigating the subway system. it’s overwhelming to him. he has cried while trying to figure out where they’re supposed to go when going somewhere new and jack takes over and never lets him navigate again. (unless he really wants to)
- race fanning albert while they wait for the subway (it’s hot as fuck down there)
- i know a very popular hc is that one of the newsies (usually jack) has a van, but realistically, these mfs don’t own cars 😭
- albert and jack will almost always take the stairs over the escalator
- race has fallen asleep alone on the subway and ended up somewhere completely different than where he was headed, which is why he now usually only sleeps if he’s with someone else
- most of the newsies live in lower manhattan (duh), but some of them live uptown north of central park. jack and crutchie live in the bowery with medda. the jacobs live in the lower east side (many jewish families settled there when they moved to nyc). races family lived in east harlem, but they moved to lower manhattan when race was a baby. spot and elmer are roommates (they live in brooklyn)
- race family is the classic italian roman catholic family
- david, sarah, and les are first generation immigrants from poland
- finch has picked up a pigeon off the streets on multiple occasions
- most of the newsies have never really left the city
- you know the newsies are constantly joining broadway lotteries
- race works at the broadway dance center (sky flaherty core)
- albert has no patience for slow walkers, he weaves in between people. he always looks like he’s on a mission.
that’s it for now !!
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dragonfly41777 · 7 months
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Requested by: @bzzyb00-96
Anything for You
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Vox x GN Reader
A/n: Istg I've been watching the Newsies so much just within the past few days, like this is my third time watching it while writing this 💃 Anyways, had a lot of fun writing this! This is my first time writing anything for characters so I hope it turned out good 🙏 Also! This took a bit longer to post just because I spent like 10 hours on that damn drawing trying to get it right 💀 Next time I'm not drawing a full ass character in a pose, especially bc I won't have time during the week-
Warnings: slight cursing like twice but that's it- also might be ooc but eh, what can you do 🤷‍♀️
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It wasn't often that Vox had time to relax. A majority of his time was filled with meetings, filing out paperwork, and airing on his show. It didn't help that nearly every other day he had to deal with Valentino's constant temper tantrums. Because of this, Vox grew to appreciate your company a lot more. Your voice alone was enough to ease his aches and worries- which is why he couldn't say no to a movie night in the comfort of your shared bedroom.
"Would you want to bake something before we watch a movie? I was thinking chocolate chip cookies because we have the ingredients for it and I figured you wouldn't want to head out and buy ingredients." You said in that sickeningly sweet tone of yours. He swore you did it on purpose sometimes.
A chuckle left his lips- or, screen? "Anything for you, sweetheart." As the both of you made your way into the kitchen, you spent the remainder of the time mixing the ingredients together. Occasionally you two would bicker about what the right measurements were.
"I'm pretty sure it's half a cup of sugar, doll face." He crossed his arms in amusement.
"And I'm pretty sure I know how to read, dumbass. Look, it says one cup right there." You handed your phone to him and pointed to where it said 1 cup of granulated sugar. Just as you were about to tease him about being wrong, he burst your bubble.
"You do remember that we're halving the recipe, right? You were the one that suggested it in the first place" A smirk lit up his screen as realization dawned on you.
"Right- I knew that" Your face turned hot with embarrassment as you waved off his remark and measured out 1/2 a cup of sugar.
"Sure you did, sweetheart-"
"Oh shut up!" You elbowed him in the side with a huff, focusing on the task at hand. Vox simply chuckled before leaning in and placing a kiss on the top of your head. You had gotten used to the staticky feeling his kisses left, and even found it endearing.
After a while the cookies had finally finished baking, which you had all but shoved Vox away insisting you take it out of the oven. "Stand back, Princess, wouldn't want you frying your circuits now." He scoffed at the remark, leaning against the counter as you put on oven mitts and carefully grabbed the tray of freshly baked cookies. The sweet aroma filled the air around the both of you making you wish you hadn't halved the recipe.
Vox made his way into the pantry to grab a package of popcorn and
The two of you settled into the couch once the snacks were prepped and turned on a random shitty romcom- as Vox had put it. The movie slowly became background noise as his attention focused on you curled up by his side. He had to admit, it all seemed so domestic with you. Healthy relationships were foreign to him before you entered his life if that wasn't apparent with Valentino. Even while he was alive he always spent too much time focusing on his work to have a lasting relationship. You, on the other hand, were always so patient and caring with him- you knew he had a lot on his plate with being the head of VoxTech and made sure he took breaks, made sure he ate and drank, and you let him know if he did anything wrong. And God was he grateful for you. He always asked himself what he did to deserve someone like you... but despite it all, the one thing that ran through his head was how he would do anything for you. He planted a soft kiss on the top of your head, his screen resting there for a few seconds before focusing his attention back onto the movie.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Hope you all enjoyed this one! I genuinely don't think I like it 🥰 But that could just be because I was too distracted by the Newsies soundtrack while writing this 🧍‍♀️
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All newsies: H-
*punches through ceiling*
*slices through wall*
*all accidentally elbow les somehow*
*jojo smashes light fixture*
*causes queerest earthquake known to man*
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Can we get a first meeting sprace 👉👈
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“Every day he hitches a ride on the back of a carriage and he goes out to Sheepshead Bay (Brooklyn) and he stays there all day, comes back at night…he’s independent, you know? A lot of these guys they sell together, and they stick together—Racetrack’s got his own thing.” - Max Casella
“I was stakin’ out the circus when then someone said that Coney’s really hot but when I get there, there was Spot and all his cronies! Heck I’m gonna take what little dough I got and play the ponies.” - Carrying the Banner lyrics
From these 2 quotes I get the impression that any newsie is “free as fishes” to sell where they want to but if they hop over to Brooklyn and see Spot they RUN because Spot looks out for his and his own. And yet Racetrack’s over here getting named Racetrack for selling at Sheepshead every day and Spot is just like…you know what, I admire the dedication.
He does not, in fact, kick Race's ass when they first meet, but continues to let him sell at Sheepshead every day, grows (very) close with him over time, and simply considers him Brooklyn.
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soapcan18 · 14 days
Hot take (I think idk I’m not in the Newsies fandom) Something To Believe In is the worst song in the musical IM SORRY it’s just so boring and it doesn’t stand out to me in comparison to any other love song 😭
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superpower newsies au: each newsies powers
some of these were inspired by other ppl but I'm sorry I forgot the @'s for them, so sorry!
anyways, enjoy!
Jack: he is a master with his lasso, and always has it on him. He can do almost any trick with it, and often uses this fact to impress people (cough david cough)
Davey: he can use words to get whatever he wants, he can persuade people, deter people, and make anything he says sound any way he wants. If he wants to sell a headline, make it sound true, if he wants to mess with people, make it sound fake.
Racetrack: along with buttons, race has 2 abilities. He has superspeed, and he is a human lie detector. This helps win him card games, and also helped get him banned from the lodgings weekly poker night, because he already knew everyones tells.
Albert: he can camouflage himself both physically and socially. He can blend into the background, literally and figuratively. He is also banned from hide and seek because of this. 
Finch: Albert equates him to a disney princess, seeing as he can talk to birds, and mimic any bird call in the world. 
Bumlets: he can convince you to do anything, and you won't even realize you've done it. He can convince anyone of anything, and he makes it seem like it was your idea! He wants a cigarette from you? Oh, thanks for offering it to him!
Specs: he can shapeshift into anyone he's made physical contact with, but unlike almost everyone else, his powers derive from an item. He has to be wearing his glasses, or else his powers wont work. 
Skittery: due to being anxious, he is very shaky, but if he wants to, he can affect things around him, causing mini earthquakes to items, sometimes even furniture and likes to use his ability to mess with people.
Kid blink: he shares a power with Racetrack, being super fast. He uses this to his advantage to get ahead of all the other newsies. He sometimes uses his ability to help others, but also abuses it as a way to escape the bulls and angry shop owners he steals from.
Hotshot: his ability is being good at everything. There is not much more to it, just that everything he tries he's good at, he's a hotshot.
Snitch: he has amazing hearing, though sometimes it gets too much. On the bright side, he is definitely the person you want to go to for a gossip session! He knows all the drama, and he is, as the name implies, a snitch. 
Mush: he is a human furnace. He has abnormally hot body temperature, and makes a great cuddle mate ("back off, he's mine!" - blink). He can also focas his power in his hands and shoot sparks, and sometimes, if he tries hard enough, he can start fires.
Spot: he can turn invisible, almost like a ghost. That's why race has dubbed his power "ghost mode" he can go invisible, and when he does, you can't hear him, or even touch him. Its like he just disappears.
Tumbler: durability. He can take lots of tumbles and get up just fine.
Sniper: perfect aim. That's how he got the name. He physically can't miss a target. He could literally shoot his slingshot in the opposite direction and still hit what he was intending to hit. 
Buttons: he, like race, has 2 powers. 1st, he can repair almost any object, and sometimes walls if he tries hard enough. 2nd, has an infinite supply of buttons. This caused Sniper to call dibs on the bunk on top of his, for infinite projectiles, and buttons, in turn, gets free protection, and gets spared from being used as Snipers target practice.
Dutchy: he can understand any language. He didnt even realize he could at first, but its almost as if every language is translated to english in his mind.
Swifty: he can contort his body into unnatural shapes. Scaring some of the newsies who were unfortunate enough to see him while he stretches.
Elmer: he can control plants, make them grow, generate them out of thin air, manipulate them in any way he sees fit. This also helps when he wants to get buttons a gift and makes him a bouquet. 
Smalls: can change their size, usually to be smaller. But if they try hard enough, they can get taller/bigger. 
Mike and Ike: these two can communicate telepathically with each other, but no one else. Most people suspect its due to the whole twin thing, they even decided to call it twin telepathy. It is one of the many things that affect the twin-bond they have. They are almost like a hive mind.
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