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Snitch/ Itey/ Jake Friendship Appreciation
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"Look they're putting up a headline" (They're always in the same order during the dances, it's always Snitch, Itey then Jake)
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The trio of friends skips right into line next to each another.
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"Hey stupid, that ain't news no more!"
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Itey, Snitch and Jake are inseperable!
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Skipping ahead (literally) to "The World Will Know," the three once again skips into line next to each other in the same order of Snitch, Itey then Jake.
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Behind Boots and Jack.
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Sometimes it's just Jake and Itey.
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Sometimes, Jake and Snitch.
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And other times, it's the bed buddies, Itey and Snitch.
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But the best combo is always the three of them together, as in this scene from "The King of New York", before their big number. Snitch's giving Itey a chest pat of support.
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Jake's little laugh at Itey getting hit over the head is really cute.
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Snitch continuing to eat during the song cracks me up!
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"Flashpots are shootin' bright as the sun"
And of course, their big moment in "The King of New York", in the usual order of Snitch, Itey and Jake.
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"I'm one high falutin' sonuva gun."
And in reverse order from the front.
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Bonus: I wonder why Snitch and Itey sleeps in the same bed. Is it because they are splitting their rent at the Kloppman house or is it because there are not enough beds? The most likely reason I can think of is that Snitch is scared to sleep on his own, he still sucks his thumb and seems to be using Itey as a human teddy bear, so it's probably Itey being nice enough to sleep with him. Maybe that's how they became so close (literally and figuratively). Jake's most likely in the bottom bunk. Maybe they take turns in sleeping with Snitch which makes them really great friends.
Also, I wonder if Itey is disgusted because Snitch's feet is dirty and unwashed or is it because it's feet in general? Because he seems really calm by it before seeing that it's Snitch's feet. He wipe his face after throwing off the foot.
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If I were Itey, I'd make Snitch scrub his feet before going to bed, not in the morning!
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What's awesome, is that they look like friends in real life as well!
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Always like Itey's little head shake when Bumlets lands on the table.
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Look at Snitch about to get into the carriage.
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seethrough-junkie · 13 days ago
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metallicmikus · 5 months ago
i need to post this again for those of you who haven’t seen it
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ben fank .5
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dreamlandgirlie · 11 months ago
i just saw a post that said mike faist has a typecast and it’s ambiguously bisexual characters in homoerotic movies 😭
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ghostlysodo · 5 months ago
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this was supposed to follow a prompt but um… im 11 days late
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aberfaeth · 7 months ago
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cowboy-caboodles · 1 year ago
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Off-Screen Apologies
Because i saw someone’s reblog saying we missed the opportunity to have a javey apology scene, because Davey deserved to be angry at Jack, and we deserved to see that happen between them, and also because i am possibly working on a little fic about the off-screen interaction.
(I drew just the end snippet of what would be an entire apology with much more lecturing from Davey, just as an excuse to draw boys smooching)
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 8 months ago
Jack 100% just puts anything in his mouth and chews on it.
string? yep
a button? yes
bottle cap? regularly
and Davey’s still not over the time he asked jack what was in his mouth and jack deadass spat out a small rock
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thatoneandlonelyemo2005 · 8 months ago
Ya know the newsies are so touchy with each other and seem so okay with someone grabbing their arm or pats on the back and I just really need that in my life
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baura-bear · 1 year ago
If you can’t reach me it’s because I’m still thinking about Jack’s Santa Fe painting and the color of Katherine’s costume
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sarahjacobs · 3 months ago
after you get arrested, the cops confiscate everything you have on your person, and they hold them in a storage until you retrieve them from the police station. sometimes you don't get certain items back, other times they come back broken. anyways one wonders what jack had when he was arrested, what belongings he'll never see again because he's a fugitive from the refuge and can't risk identifying himself to an officer...!
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seethrough-junkie · 11 days ago
Coming out to say I actually prefer alot of the 92sies soundtrack opose to the Livesies. I think some of the reason it's not as well liked is people not seeing the movie and the fact that it's of lower production quality.
The best way to sum this up is "Once And For All" where 92sies sing "Joe if your still counting sheep/wake up and read 'em and weep" to "Joe if your still counting sheep/we're gonna sing you to sleep"
Like what guys??? Livesies why is you message so boring that they guy you want, that you NEED, to hear you message the most will be so fucking bored he sleeps. What does that accomplish
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jackmkelly · 3 months ago
i know jack whole story wraps up with him realizing everything he craves was right there in the city all along i knowwww that. BUT. that doesn’t change the fact the city took everything from him. his entire family died there. that city still holds so much trauma for him. i don’t care get that boy to santa fe. even if for a little vacation. let him out of that city!!!
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nyx-thedragon · 3 months ago
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ghostlysodo · 3 months ago
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the only three options of selling a newspaper (featuring races homemade newspaper pom-poms because why tf not)
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talesaroundthefire · 10 months ago
i usually move on from musical obsessions within a few months, but it’s been a year and a half of newsies running and jumping and flipping through my head and there’s still no end in sight
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