#news dragon age
theharlotofferelden · 10 months
Genuinely loved the experience of being at camp for the first time and seeing all the companions with their tits out like they're all gonna go clubbin or some shit
Then there’s Gale
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Who's just. So utterly swagless that his clothes smell like dusty old books. My man doesn't give a fuck about the drip he's getting his ass ready for bed
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hattedhedgehog · 6 months
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My embroidery of the Sera character card from Dragon Age Inquisition is now complete!
75 hours of work, 11.5x19.5 cm
[Image description: An embroidered version of the Sera character selection card from Dragon Age Inquisition. She stands atop a slanted tree trunk with her bow held suggestively between her legs, looking at the Skyhold tower in the distance, where the tiny figure of the inquisitor is present in the window. Mountains and turrets make up the background behind her.]
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arcane-gold · 8 days
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death • rebirth
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wildbasil · 25 days
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um hello mr mage killer 👀
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zaahvi · 19 days
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geezmarty · 25 days
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veilguard got me with the new women it's so over for me
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nipuni · 12 days
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A warm up of Solas! Trying to remember how to draw him. It's been forever, bear with me 😵‍💫
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typhonserpent · 22 days
"Start with Inquisition" this, "start with Origins" that.
Start wherever the heck you want. Start with the Netflix series. Start with the novels. Wait until Veilguard is released and start there.
Have fun and don't let anyone gatekeep Dragon Age. The universe is rich and the fandom is passionate and if nobody else will welcome you, I will.
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fattylime · 2 months
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guess who finally made it to inquisition
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willeminaaa · 2 months
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A little Solavellan sketch
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vulpixelates · 29 days
i know it will never happen but i so desperately desire an origins-type playable backstory thing in all games but especially veilguard. i feel like it added so much depth to origins and made you feel instantly connected to your character in a way that gets lost in games like inquisition where you fill in the blanks as you go except for the bare basics. like, i do enjoy the freedom to willy nilly decide where a character was before the events of the story from a creative perspective, but the playable origins were just so good! especially when you go back to where your warden is from and can engage differently with the arcs there
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felassan · 22 days
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The Skyhold frescos painted by Solas, lined up. [source and art credit: Nick Thornborrow]
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dragondawdles · 3 months
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did a piece in the LU server's gift exchange ! something of survival and reunions and smug little shadowguys
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spinaholi · 25 days
how are y’all inquisitors doing atm
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leopardmuffinxo · 26 days
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Dragon Age: The Veilguard: Warden Davrin
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gravedigg · 14 days
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The Magician - Dorian Pavus
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