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thepathetickind · 2 days ago
why am I like this when you are actually my happiness?
by laurenmaerie, in the morning
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#newday #newfeels #killingspree #mixedsignals
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normalbrothershow · 5 months ago
sorry for the negativity guys i know im supposed to be the good cop here 😑 even when supernatural was completely utter shit i was entertained and had fun... but three eps into s14 and im kinda bored. #newfeeling #unsure
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maybe-theres-more-of-me · 1 year ago
Finding a lot of weird parallels between this and when I was first realizing I wasn't cis
It goes something like:
Stage One: Cool New Thing
initial contact (meeting someone who is Like This [ie trans/plural] & becoming friends)
intrigue/desire for education about this new community/way of existence
internet deep dive into community (exposure to The Discourse.)
uncomfortably relatable/boy I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me
Stage Two: Uh Oh
this is making a little too much sense, in retrospect
well let's give it a good college try. It's not like we have to commit to this or anything :)
sudden influx of Newfeel/symptoms/otherwise validating feelings/experiences that could, technically, be something unrelated. But What If It's Not.
Oh No I Can't Turn It Off <--- we are here
Stage Three: Depression & Bargaining
if this is right does this really mean I'll be stuck with this. forever. until the end of time
well. maybe I can just hide it or pretend really well otherwise. nobody really needs to know, I mean, it's not anyones buisness
physically demanding we tell fucking someone (reaching out to community as a new community member)
coming out to loved ones/friends
Stage Four: The New Normal
adjusting to life now that the Change has happened
yippee!! horray!!!! yippee!!!!
The Horrors
final adjustment (but always learning new things)
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edebiyatiturk · 1 month ago
Newfeel Ayakkabı
Newfeel Ayakkabı: Rahatlık ve Şıklığın Buluştuğu Nokta Günümüz dünyasında, ayakkabı seçiminde rahatlık ve şıklık arasındaki dengeyi bulmak oldukça önemlidir. Hem günlük kullanımda hem de spor aktivitelerinde rahatlık sağlayan bir ayakkabı arayışında olanlar için Newfeel Ayakkabı, mükemmel bir tercihtir. Newfeel, yenilikçi tasarımları ve kaliteli malzeme kullanımı ile kullanıcıların beklentilerini…
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siri-13 · 5 years ago
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NEW FEELINGS - 13. New Feelings (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/jcRg5zaQb8 My third song album New feelings about love, hope, trust, and loss.......
check out my new song track
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animarigida · 5 years ago
Ho imparato che le persone non ti cercano di più se sei magra, veloce a correre, ma se sei felice.
In realtà l’ho sempre saputo, altrimenti non mi sarei mai sforzata di apparire felice anche tutte quelle volte in cui non lo ero affatto.
Certo, essere felici in un corpo magro, agile, e ciò che di più bello c’è a questo mondo, ma molto spesso non c’è compatibilità tra le due cose.
Questo accade quando la nostra felicità non prescinde dall’accettazione di noi stessi. Accade quando non tolleriamo ciò che, prima per noi - e solo poi per gli altri - è un difetto.
Nel momento in cui riusciremo a mettere da parte la nostra insoddisfazione per ciò che ci manca e inizieremo a vedere ciò che realmente ci contraddistingue come esseri umani unici, daremo modo alle persone che ci circondano di apprezzarci per come la vita ci ha forgiati, per la nostra vulnerabilità, per le ferite non rimarginate, per i nostri sorrisi nonostante il dolore passato.
Se imparassimo a guardare dentro noi stessi in modo libero da pregiudizi e stigmi sociali, ci accorgeremmo che quelli che noi chiamiamo "difetti" sono nostre peculiarità, che non fanno altro che renderci esclusivi per chi ci circonda. Solo perché la maggioranza ha deciso di valutare come negativo un carattere insolito, un'acconciatura fuori moda, un sedere grende, non significa che il proprietario non sia felice.
E' ciò che trasmette il nostro insieme, l'oggetto della scelta. Chi ci ama, ci sceglierà senza condizione, semplicemente perché ci accetta. O viceversa.
"Ti amo" is the new "ti accetto". 🪓
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atramorspublishing · 5 years ago
"Into Throes" Coming soon. - Sometimes social distancing is futile. #Poetry #Words #Emotions #Personal #Writing #Hope #Memories #NewFeelings #GoWithTheFlow #WritersLife #ItsHardToNotTellYouThatIMissYou #WritersOfInstagram #PoetsOfInstagram #ThankYou #❤ (at Reno, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-H8D8FFwl-/?igshid=k69ivoch40g6
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thesunsailor · 6 years ago
I'm a little bit afraid about listen to my feelings. I'm scared that they are only towards him.
- trying to heal from the wound you gave me // caelum
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thepathetickind · 1 day ago
a beautiful morning, it’s snowing outside my window the room is filled with warmth and a lovely song, so I'm crying without a sound, why am I like this when you are actually my happiness?
by laurenmaerie, in the morning
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nia313 · 3 years ago
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20220817。聖杯王牌 Ace of cups。不斷經由自省,強壯自己的心靈。心靈雲淡風輕❤。 =========================== 豐盛情感的流動、湧現、順暢。被祝福的愛、新的關係與感受的開啟。學習用新的感覺來感受現有的狀態。 =========================== 1、感情 2、感情的開始 3、貴人運 4、新感受📚 =========================== #塔羅日記 #78 #tarot #diary #tarotdiary #aceofcups #真心相信 #情感 #新感情 #愛 #喜悅 #感受 #emotionalgiving #newfeelings #love #joyous #feel (在 Southampton) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChVpEzrh8Wr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladrondearte · 6 years ago
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#lightmyfire #newfeelings #turnupthelights #explore #history #china #traditional (presso 豫园 Yu Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp1-tGInzyR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=29hd767hc8fi
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may-thinks · 4 years ago
Randomly met a girl who wants to be my friend! She seemed so nice and I am happy!!!!
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edebiyatiturk · 2 months ago
Newfeel Ayakkabı
Newfeel Ayakkabı: Rahatlık ve Şıklığı Bir Arada Sunan Yürüyüş Ayakkabıları Ayakkabı, günlük yaşamın her anında önemli bir yer tutar. İster spor yaparken, ister günlük yürüyüşlerinizde, doğru ayakkabı seçimi konfor ve performans açısından oldukça önemlidir. Bu bağlamda, Newfeel Ayakkabı, rahatlık ve şıklığı bir arada sunarak, her adımda kullanıcılarına mükemmel bir deneyim vaat eder. Peki, Newfeel…
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are1246 · 5 years ago
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Mensajes directos al corazón
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siri-13 · 5 years ago
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NEW FEELINGS - 2. Chances (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/vBekYWnJW7 My third song album New feelings about love, hope, trust, and loss.......
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