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Circle of Twelve
When we know each other… it can be or, is a title for upcoming months, family
Welcome home greeting.
I have known Kryon for sometime only, but, if I might say a word it could be a compassionate act of a lighted heart… quantum light quantum grid/newearth/explosion of lighted hearts. In our time of earth transformation we have this beautiful honor to be here with other significant friend/family, we have this beautiful light within each other to say to you, im here,
There, in a few weeks time, you might be somewhere where you could not possibly even believe before,,,,,,, in a day or two it sudden miracles could appear in front of your door, just open the self/soul connection, just allow you benevolent divine guides show you magnificence of you. The beauty, the loving person, the compassionate human in most loving form, love source light Circle of Twelve.
I might not know what will be there on Kryon channelings, I'm sure of it… but for now. In this significant transformative awakening beautifully crafted divinely guided New Earth plans with entirely built in DNA activations in you, we welcome you, beloved light, to self, to most wondrous, wonderful journey. Self loved heart. Love Light, divine space
Thursday, at 7PM Zoom gathering with Kryon Arcturianous, and your Entourage
Much love and many blessings beloved Lights, Alexandra Tabaczynska

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Be Open to Unexpected Opportunities. #unexpectedopportunities #opentoreceive #soulpower #divinewisdom #spiritualhealer #energycoaching #intuitiveguidance #universalconsciousness #creativeexpression #loveandlight #joyandpeace #easeandgrace #heartexpansion #gaiaascension #newearthgrid #souljourney #lifepurpose #multidimentionalbeings #infinitepotential #blissfulliving #miracleseverywhere #somuchblessings #gratefulheart #inspirationalwords #encouragement #empowerment #enlightenment #starseed #lightworker #alchemist https://www.instagram.com/p/B8BehpLnTu7/?igshid=1dcty81m0qx8j
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🌟 Light Language Healing Transmission|The Pathway
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Early Access|Teaser|1:11|https://www.patreon.com/posts/59906800
- I N T R O D U C T I O N -
★ The road ahead of you is distinct and clear to those of the hidden worlds, but you pause before continuing, as human eyes cannot always see the path that must be taken for the soul to continue on its journey.
★ Light Language is a Multidimensional Language that is channeled Dynamic Frequency Encodings of Sound and Light to convey messages. This is a Deeply Layered Alchemical Transmission of Information to facilitating the Natural Healing Process to aid you on your journey of Spiritual Ascension, assistance to activate Ascension Codes and integrate Body, Soul, and Spirit by working through vibrational transfer at the physical and subtle energetic body levels.
★ This transmission will assist you to trust the pathway. You know where you must go. You know what you must be done. Lie down comfortably where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Your soul knows what is doing, and all you must do is choose the direction, which will lead to the most self-love for you.
★ Your DNA recognizes these frequencies, and attunes accordingly, brings awareness to what is blocked or needs attention for your highest good, both in the moment and afterward. Therefore allowing your frequency to shift to expand your mental, emotional and spiritual capacity.
★ Welcome Home. Thank you for being here and tuning in. Enjoy your sacred journey. Bless you with LOVE and LIGHT.
★ Full Length Video|14:00|https://www.patreon.com/posts/59906548
★ Full Length Audio|14:00|https://www.patreon.com/posts/59906908
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This heartfelt work is truly a Beautiful Gift for me as well as you. Work with me now without stepping out of your front door to create more Freedom to move forward in all areas of your life. Enjoy your Journey!
The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
#LightLanguage #LoveAndLight #Starseed #Lightworker #TrustThePathway #KnowThyself #SoulPower #DivineWisdom #NewEarthGrid #NewDirection #HeartExpansion #CreativeExpression #SelfLove #Compassion #Freedom
#light language#starseed#lightworker#love and light#freedom#selflove#compassion#trust the process of life#the pathway#heart expansion#creative expression#newearthgrid#new beginnings#new direction#spiritual awakening#supportive tribe#infinite potential#infinite abundance#blessings#nourishment#OpenToReceiveLove#transformation#gaia ascension#humanity evolution#higher perspective#universal consciousness#pure intention#magic manifesting#truth of life#sacred journey
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Stand tall in the Joy of your Spirit. Let the World know that there's another option besides pain. #joyfulness #beautyoflife #soulpower #divinewisdom #gaiaascension #humanityevolution #universalconsciousness #higherperspective #souljourney #lifepurpose #heartexpansion #innerchild #infinitepotential #gratefulheart #awareness #somuchblessings #miracleseverywhere #creativeexpression #cocreationart #loveandlight #joyandpeace #easeandgrace #spiritualhealer #energycoaching #intuitiveguidance #faith #newearthgrid #starseed #lightworker #alchemist https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RK4oAHLaC/?igshid=1d465v4jk1p1d
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The time has come for you to Let Go and Forgive at a Deeper Level so you can Dance in the Energy of Freedom.
You are the Creator as much as you are the Creation you live in. The Universe has infinite possible ways to Love you. Let us GLOW together. If you would love to go further & dig deeper about your circumstances and co-create with me to shed and heal from the aspects of your life you have outgrown, or to become more creative, empowered, and alive. Please get in touch with us today to schedule a personal session that truly serves the highest good. Enjoy your Journey! Highly appreciated for all the Love & Support. Bless you, all with Love! Namaste 🙏
#集體意識 #能量訊息 #傳播光愛 🔔 Subscribe & Share with your Community 訂閱及分享 💞 Let Love Flow 讓愛流動 🌐 https://kajasht.wixsite.com/kajahealer 🤝 如果喜歡我的分享,歡迎以實際行動支持! 😘 Give a Thumbs Up, Subscribe & Share, or Buy me a Coffee/Meal/More, both are welcome and appreciated. 🙏 衷心感謝所有的愛和支持,祝𢥧幸福豐盛常伴隨! #freedom #soulpower #divinewisdom #letgo#forgiveness #deephealing #loveandlight#easeandgrace #spiritualhealer #energycoaching#heartexpansion #understandingoflife#universalconsciousness #multidimensionalbeings#creativeexpression #supportivetribe#intuitiveguidance #inspirationalwords#somuchblessings #souljourney #lifepurpose#gratefulheart #miracleseverywhere #beliefsystem#newearthgrid #homesweethome #gaiaascension#cocreationart #harmoniousrelationships#balancedyinyang
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🌻 Spiritual Guidance|We all have a part to play in the Divine Plan|Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now! 🌈
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🌻 Spiritual Guidance|https://www.patreon.com/posts/55607155
★ We all have a part to play in the Divine plan. We each have within us a seed of light that we incarnated to share.
★ Welcome Home. Thank you for being here and tuning in. Enjoy your sacred journey. Bless you with LOVE and LIGHT.
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Suggested Videos 建議視頻
🌌 Cosmic Pulses 宇宙脈動|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p56bdD6dl70&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsfPozUyBtOJjQujZiRHxjo
🌳 Collective Wisdom 集體智慧|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhkTbKxfXVk&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsFxJh_7iLMgDIY-LVxgAWc&index=1
Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now!!! 🌈|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHEcIeTJeSU&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLvTM8thWMWYtRAVrjDIzyfj&index=1
Pick Your Choice 心選訊息 ✅ |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf2amQDef00&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLuHG3QcK2h5mwylpG-EBbJ8&index=1
🌟 Light Language Healing Transmission|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H4LUDCG4jM&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtg66NZKN3OdnLD1-siCW0h&index=1
🤗 Guided Meditation 引導冥想|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSgp7_6VJnk&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtpEEmEid69Nf2ak6KKli33&index=1
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The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
#SpiritualGuidance #LoveAndLight #DivinePlan #KnowThyself #SoulPower #HeartExpansion #CreativeExpression #Freedom #Clarity #Vision #Transformation #GaiaAscension #HumanityEvolution #HigherPerspective #UniversalConsciousness #Reflection #Relationships #LearnAndGrow #DivineWisdom #SpiritualAwakening #SupportiveTribe #Harmony #Balance #Masculine #Feminine #NewEarthGrid #SelfLove #Compassion #UnconditionalLove #WelcomeHome
#spiritual guidance#spiritual awakening#supportive tribe#love and light#divine plan#know thyself#soul power#freedom#clarity#vision#courage#transformation#gaia ascension#humanity evolution#higher perspective#universal consciousness#new earth grid#harmony#balance#masculine#feminine#oneness#infinite abundance#blessings#miracles#heart expansion#creative expression#welcome home#let love flow#thank you
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Kaja Spiritual Healer 心靈能量療癒|You have chosen Earth as your Schoolroom|Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now! 🌈
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Suggested Videos 建議視頻
🌌 Cosmic Pulses 宇宙脈動|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p56bdD6dl70&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsfPozUyBtOJjQujZiRHxjo
🌳 Collective Wisdom 集體智慧|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-jtHfuOlTE&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsFxJh_7iLMgDIY-LVxgAWc&index=1
Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now!!! 🌈|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5ewPp7Cq3w&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLvTM8thWMWYtRAVrjDIzyfj&index=1
Pick Your Choice 心選訊息 ✅ |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOdGf2Dd6nI&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLuHG3QcK2h5mwylpG-EBbJ8&index=1
🌟 Light Language Healing Transmission|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnrj_YSSWJ4&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtg66NZKN3OdnLD1-siCW0h&index=1
🤗 Guided Meditation 引導冥想|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSgp7_6VJnk&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtpEEmEid69Nf2ak6KKli33&index=1
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The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
#SpiritualAwakening #GaiaAscension #HumanityEvolution #LoveAndLight #LearnAndGrow #Relationships #Reflection #TruthOfLife #SacredJourney #Divinity #SelfAwareness #Freedom #KnowThyself #SoulPower #DivineWisdom #HeartExpansion #CreativeExpression #Interconnectedness #Blessings #Miracles #UnityInDiversity #Transformation #Integration #NewEarthGrid #Harmony #Balance #Masculine #Feminine #Oneness #WelcomeHome
#spiritual awakening#love and light#truth of life#sacred journey#divinity#freedom#selflove#compassion#unconditional love#relationships#learn and grow#heart expansion#creative expression#blessings#miracles#gaia ascension#humanity evolution#higher perspective#universal consciousness#transformation#integration#new beginnings#new earth grid#clarity#vision#courage#self mastery#destiny#harmony#balance
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🔮 Inspirational Message 心靈鼓舞|Pick Your Choice ✅ A Message You Need To Know|Welcome Home|Join Us Now
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⋰ U n l o c k Y o u r M e s s a g e ⋱
🔮 S https://www.patreon.com/posts/57225759
🔮 F https://www.patreon.com/posts/57225804
🔮 I https://www.patreon.com/posts/57225851
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Suggested Videos 建議視頻
🌌 Cosmic Pulses 宇宙脈動|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p56bdD6dl70&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsfPozUyBtOJjQujZiRHxjo
🌳 Collective Wisdom 集體智慧|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-jtHfuOlTE&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsFxJh_7iLMgDIY-LVxgAWc&index=1
Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now!!! 🌈|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0inPJyLMCGM&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLvTM8thWMWYtRAVrjDIzyfj&index=1
Pick Your Choice 心選訊息 ✅ |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A00ZCbVDokQ&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLuHG3QcK2h5mwylpG-EBbJ8&index=1
🌟 Light Language Healing Transmission|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnrj_YSSWJ4&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtg66NZKN3OdnLD1-siCW0h&index=1
🤗 Guided Meditation 引導冥想|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSgp7_6VJnk&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtpEEmEid69Nf2ak6KKli33&index=1
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The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
#InspirationalMessage #KnowThyself #SoulPower #DivineWisdom #SupportiveTribe #SelfLove #Freedom #HeartExpansion #CreativeExpression #LoveAndLight #Clarity #Awareness #TruthOfLife #SacredJourney #Divinity #Harmony #Balance #Nourishment #NewBeginnings #NewEarthGrid #OpenToReceiveLove #Blessings #Intuition #Miracles #InfinitePotential #InfiniteAbundance #Transformation #WelcomeHome #LetLoveFlow #Gratitude
#inspirational message#love and light#spiritual awakening#supportive tribe#heart expansion#creative expression#pick your choice#know thyself#soul power#divine wisdom#freedom#self love#blessings#gaia#miracles#expansion#creativity#harmony#balance#masculine#feminine#transformation#awareness#self mastery#destiny#welcome home#let love flow#infinite potential#infinite abundance
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🌻 Spiritual Guidance|Your Dreams|Dreams do come true
Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now! 🌈
★ Your dreams are a big part of your journey at present. Dreams do come true.
★ Welcome Home. Thank you for being here and tuning in. Enjoy your sacred journey. Bless you with LOVE and LIGHT.
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Suggested Videos 建議視頻
🌌 Cosmic Pulses 宇宙脈動|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p56bdD6dl70&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsfPozUyBtOJjQujZiRHxjo
🌳 Collective Wisdom 集體智慧|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcZgmSPwT2Q&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsFxJh_7iLMgDIY-LVxgAWc&index=1
Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now!!! 🌈|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fCui9nX1Cs&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLvTM8thWMWYtRAVrjDIzyfj&index=1
Pick Your Choice 心選訊息 ✅ |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O0B-ex2rbc&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLuHG3QcK2h5mwylpG-EBbJ8&index=1
🌟 Light Language Healing Transmission|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnrj_YSSWJ4&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtg66NZKN3OdnLD1-siCW0h&index=1
🤗 Guided Meditation 引導冥想|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOKmHntxofc&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtpEEmEid69Nf2ak6KKli33&index=1
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The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
#SpiritualGuidance #DreamsComeTrue #SpiritualAwakening #HeartExpansion #CreativeExpression #KnowThyself #SoulPower #DivineWisdom #OpenToReceiveLove #Blessings #Inspiration #Intuition #Clarity #Vision #Courage #Vitality #Freedom #Harmony #Transformation #SelfMastery #Destiny #InfinitePotential #InfiniteAbundance #Nourishment #NewBeginnings #NewEarthGrid #PureIntention #Manifestation #WelcomeHome #LetLoveFlow
#spiritual guidance#infinite potential#abundance#blessings#expansion#creativity#gaia#miracles#soul#power#love#wisdom#vision#clarity#courage#freedom#dreams come true#unconditional love#self love#transformation#inspiration#intuition#truth of life#sacred journey#divinity#self mastery#destiny#higher perspective#universal consciousness#welcome home
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🌻 Spiritual Guidance|You are a Powerful Co-Creator
Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now! 🌈
★ This is a wonderful time to give birth to new ideas and experiences. Things happen really fast. You are a powerful co-creator.
★ Welcome Home. Thank you for being here and tuning in. Enjoy your sacred journey. Bless you with LOVE and LIGHT.
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Suggested Videos 建議視頻
🌌 Cosmic Pulses 宇宙脈動|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p56bdD6dl70&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsfPozUyBtOJjQujZiRHxjo
🌳 Collective Wisdom 集體智慧|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcZgmSPwT2Q&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLsFxJh_7iLMgDIY-LVxgAWc&index=1
Welcome Home 🏡|Join us Now!!! 🌈|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDkmVUvKzw4&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLvTM8thWMWYtRAVrjDIzyfj&index=1
Pick Your Choice 心選訊息 ✅ |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXoKUDIEvtk&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLuHG3QcK2h5mwylpG-EBbJ8&index=1
🌟 Light Language Healing Transmission|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnrj_YSSWJ4&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtg66NZKN3OdnLD1-siCW0h&index=1
🤗 Guided Meditation 引導冥想|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOKmHntxofc&list=PLeKbiZM5ZiLtpEEmEid69Nf2ak6KKli33&index=1
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The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
#SpiritualGuidance #LoveAndLight #KnowThyself #SoulPower #DivineWisdom #SpiritualAwakening #SupportiveTribe #HeartExpansion #CreativeExpression #Freedom #OpenToReceiveLove #Blessings #Inspiration #Intuition #SelfLove #Clarity #Courage #Vitality #Miracles #Transformation #Nourishment #NewBeginnings #NewEarthGrid #Gratitude #SelfMastery #Destiny #UnconditionalLove #TruthOfLife #SacredJourney #Divinity
#spiritual guidance#love and light#heart expansion#creative expression#know thyself#soul power#divine wisdom#transformation#spiritual awakening#supportive tribe#OpenToReceiveLove#blessings#inspiration#intuition#creativity#clarity#vision#courage#vitality#freedom#truth of life#sacred journey#divinity#unconditional love#self mastery#destiny#infinite potential#infinite abundance#pure intention#manifestation
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