#new otp? we'll see
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lizardkingeliot · 5 months ago
i need louis and lestat in their "we're not back together we're just friends who are in love and share a heart and cannot exist without the other" era to casually touch each other so much it starts turning into a game to see how much they can drive the other one out of their mind. louis greeting lestat with a hand to the small of his back or the nape of his neck, delighting in the way lestat immediately shivers. lestat standing far too close to louis backstage before a show and pressing his lips right to louis' ear to whisper something that doesn't need to be whispered...
louis drawing lestat in by the front of his shirt to ask him a mundane question. lestat thumbing at louis' chin to tell him he'll see him after soundcheck. louis very intentionally letting their fingers brush together when he passes lestat his camera to show him the pictures he took during that night's show...
this whole game, of course, ends with louis shoving lestat up against a wall one day muttering curses under his breath before he crashes their mouths together. 🥰
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paceypeternathanslawyer · 5 months ago
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Dawson's Creek Meme {1/128} Season 1 Episode 1: Pilot Top 2 Favorite Characters Per Episode (As voted by fans on TVTime.com)
Joey Potter (70%)
Pacey Witter (14%)
(Percentages as of Sep 2024)
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reashot · 2 months ago
So you and Ruby?...
Blake: Look at those two... *Watching Lancaster moment from behind a bush*
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How could they say that they don't have feelings for each other?
If only there's a way for me to know about their true feelings...
???: Why don't you just ask them?
Blake: Nyah!!!
What the Salem are you doing sneaking up on me? Gods, I always know there's something wrong with you!
Cardin: Huh? I can say the same thing to you creeping up from behind the bushes while watching dork number 1 & 2 eye fucking each other.
Blake: *gasp* So even you know that there's something between them.
Cardin: You have to be blind not to.
Blake: Still I need something more substantial...
And you said that you will help me?
Cardin: What are friends for...
Some times later.
Jaune: Bye Ruby.
Cardin: Hey wuz up. Mind answering me some questions?
Jaune: Cardin? S-sure asks away.
Cardin: So Jaune... Are you and Ruby dating?
Jaune: W-what no! Propestrous, ludicrous and just downright silly. Ruby and me are not dating.
Cardin: I see... So you won't mind if I ask her out then?
*record scratch*
Jaune: Excuse me?
Cardin: Yeah I'm thinking about asking her out. She's cute and you said you're not interested. That is okay with you right?
Jaune: Y-yeah of course. I mean I'm not her boyfriend. *Starts shaking* of course you can ask her out on a date. Ha, ha, ha. I mean why do I care about who she's dating. *Bite lips*
Cardin: ... Okay. I mean it's nothing serious I'm just going to pump and dump her... *Ghugh*
*strangling Cardin*
Jaune: What did you just say to me? You want to use Ruby as an outlet for your lust. I might not be interested in Ruby like that and I'm not her boyfriend. But I am her friend. If you think I'm going to let you treat Ruby like that you have another things coming.
She meant the world to me as a friend. When I'm with her the world shines a little more brighter. Her smile is the most beautiful thing in the world. And I will do anything, absolutely anything to protect it. Do you hear me Cardin!?
Cardin: *gasping for air*
Jaune: I know I can't choose who she decides to go out with and I certainly can't choose who she falls in love with. But I can make sure to protect her from people like you!
If you still want to go after Ruby fine! I can't stop you. But you will treat her like a lady. You will buy her flower and take her out on a date. A fancy one. Treat her the way she is meant to be treated. You will give her compliments like how cute her smile is or just how cute she is in general. Because she is so gosh darn cute!
You get that Cardin?
*Let Cardin go*
Cardin: *cough* c-clear...
Jaune: Good... And I will tell Ruby that you're asking her out on a date. So remember to treat her well, all right. She's my best friend... We'll see you.
Cardin: Fucking psycho...
You get all of that Blake?
Meanwhile behind the bush
*lying on the ground with nosebleed*
Blake: he, he, he, he... My OTP...
In unrelated news Blake's romance novel just reached an all time best sellers across all four kingdoms.
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tessa-liam · 5 months ago
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Royal Adventures 
Book: Choices, The Royal Romance Series Finale +     A Smoke & Mirrors Series Alternate Universe
Pairing: King Liam Rys x F!MC Queen Riley Brooks-Rys OTP 
Rating: Teen, not beta’d-please excuse all errors    
Category: On-going series, fluff 
Warnings: a few swear words 
Most Characters belong to Pixelberry 
Music Inspiration: I Want It That Way, Backstreet Boys 
Series Inspiration: Royal Misadventures, A Smoke & Mirrors 1-shot 
Smoke & Mirrors Masterlist
My Main Masterlist
Series Premise: A collection of stories of the journey 12-year-old Crown Princess Eleanor Rys of Cordonia indertakes as she officially starts her Royal education. Tutors and advisors, that had been personally selected by Their Majesties King Liam Rys and Queen Riley Rys, were set to begin her royal lessons, and her days were packed full of knowledge. The young princess was a natural leader, and the King and Queen could not be more proud of their daughter.   
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Royal Adventures 
Busy days turned into busy evenings when Ellie Rys enjoyed her free time. As a 12-year-old, her parents wanted her to enjoy her childhood as long as she could, but the Crown Princess' life was going to change forever when she would reach her coming of age, and she would be required to take her place at court, as her father had taken previously. 
Ellie knew her parents had a strong bond, and their love for one another was the reason their country had remained at peace for well over a decade. The Princess had always felt safe and secure, knowing she was loved and cherished. 
Ellie didn't have a typical royal upbringing and was a carefree and happy child.  Liam was more than happy that his children had an American mother as a role model, that grew up in a world of freedom.
She didn't have the same pressures that other royal children had, but the pressure would eventually start to mount in the next few years as she would grow older and need to learn more about the world and her duties of a future Queen.
Liam and Riley made it a point to ensure their kids were well-adjusted and had a happy childhood. 
They'd taken trips all over the world, and their favorite place was New York, where they'd visited during the last Christmas season. 
Ellie had seen the Rockefeller Center Tree, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, and the Staten Island Ferry. However, what she enjoyed the most was the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the Broadway musical 'Wicked'. 
She'd been mesmerized by the performances and sang along to the music. Liam and Riley couldn't help but chuckle at their daughter's enthusiasm. 
"What?" she'd asked innocently, with her big blue eyes and her cute dimples. 
"You remind me of myself at your age," Liam replied, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her close. 
"I can't wait until we go back to New York," she'd exclaimed, as the family flew back to Cordonia on their private jet.
"Me either, Princess, but we'll make sure you have many more happy memories at home," Liam said, and planted a kiss on the top of her head. 
Liam walked into his study, after he escorted Ellie to the royal library for her first royal lesson. As he watched his daughter attentively listen and interact with the history tutor, the pride he felt was all consuming. He couldn't believe his little girl was growing up so fast. It seemed like only yesterday when he and Riley were watching their newborn daughter take her first steps. 
It was later in the afternoon when he looked up from his laptop to see Riley's soft smile as she walked in and closed the door behind her. 
"Hello, love. How was Ellie's lesson?" Liam stood and walked around his desk to greet his wife with a kiss.
"It was great, Li ... she's a natural. The tutor was impressed." Riley grinned as Liam smiled wide.
"Of course, she is. She's a Rys." 
"She's just like her father. Always eager to learn new things," Riley teased, kissing him softly in return. 
"And her mother. Ellie has the heart of a fighter, and she's smart, brave, and kind." 
"I hope she's ready for all of this. It's a lot to handle."  Riley sighed, biting her lip.
"She will be. She's surrounded by love and support, and we will always be here for her." 
Ellie's first day was going well, until ....
Leo had a mischievous grin on his face as he crept towards the library. 
"Leo, what are you up to?" Maxwell asked as he noticed him peering through the gap between the double solid oak doors of the Royal library.
"SSHHH! ... You'll see," he replied in a hushed tone.
"Come on, man, don't pull anything stupid," Drake warned him as he walked up to join Maxwell.
"Just watch and learn, boys." 
Leo peeked through the space and saw the tutor reading a textbook to Ellie. He knew it would only be a few minutes before the lesson was over, and he had to act fast. 
He reached into his bag and pulled out a remote control.
Leo found a way to sneak a glitter bomb into the library without anyone noticing earlier in the day. He'd done it a million times at parties, and he knew it would create a big mess. 
"This is going to be epic," he muttered. 
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Drake whispered.
"Oh, come on, Drake, it's harmless. I've done this tons of times. Watch and learn, boys. " 
"Fine, we'll see," Maxwell shrugged. 
Leo took a deep breath, and with one flick of his wrist, the balloon was triggered and exploded with a loud pop.
As it burst, the glitter covered everything, and the sound of the balloon burst startled everyone. 
The tutor had a look of horror on her face, and Eleanor was shocked, standing up and moving quickly away from the table.
"Oh no," Leo whispered. 
"This is not what I was expecting. Shit." 
"Well, you better think of something quick," Drake shouted.
Through the gap in the door, Ellie spotted her uncle. Her brow furrowed, she pushed the heavy oak door forward.
"I can't believe you, Uncle Leo," Eleanor scowled, "you've ruined my first royal lesson." 
"I'm sorry, El, it was supposed to be a harmless prank." Leo looked at his neice regretfully.
"Well, you ruined everything. I can't even look at you right now. " 
"I'm so sorry. I was just trying to make things fun. I was always bored in these sessions, and I was just trying to lighten the mood." 
"You are the worst Uncle, ever, you know that?"
Leo raised his eyebrows and chuckled. "Oh, come on Ellie, you know it's all in good fun." Ellie was fuming, "Uncle Leo, you've made me feel awful, and I can't believe you would embarrass me like that."  
"Hey...hey, Ellie, don't be upset. You have nothing to be ashamed of." 
"Really? How can you say that after what you did? I want Daddy to be proud of me. I want it that way!" 
Crossing her arms, Ellie stared down her uncle, smirking, "wait till mom finds out!" 
"Wait, you wouldn't. Not your favorite uncle," Leo pleaded. 
"Maybe, maybe not, depends how you behave from now on." 
"Alright, I'll do anything, just don't tell your parents." 
"Anything?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"I will not be your servant again, though."  Leo thought back to an earlier prank gone wrong, and shuddered.
"Then don't mess with my lessons again! Deal?" 
"Deal."  Leo sighed.
Drake and Maxwell were speechless as they watched their friend and their niece, banter with each other.
"Wow, El, you've got your uncle Leo wrapped around your little finger."
"I have no idea what you are talking about, Max. I'm a reformed man." Leo admonished.
"Yeah, whatever you say, Leo." Drake snorted.
"Okay, okay, free drinks at the beer garden. Now ... are you two going to help me clean up or not?"
📌tagging my perma's in the notes❣️
📌please let me know if you would like to be tagged for this series❣️
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thatsolacegirl · 3 months ago
I'm in a mood to break some stuff so let's talk about how much I hated Loki S2's deleted scene. (I'm going to rant. This is an anti-Loki series post.)
We'll go through this one by one.
Variant!Loki is fresh out (somewhat) of the Battle of New York so, whatever happened Thor: TW onwards don't apply to Larry here.
He is the problem? But how? Didn't he attack Jotunheim Odin's approval. So, he tries to prove that he too could be like Thor (who was in fact very much in favour of killing frost giants since childhood). Also, didn't Loki work under Thanos' coercion (read: tortured because of the way he looked in Thor 1 post-credit scene & in the opening scene of The Avengers) to get the Tesseract? (1) (2) (3) What is this scene even? The start is just so jarring.
Let's go through the roll call:
Nick Fury: Well, he did indirectly call him a problem because Loki was threatening to invade Earth. So, yeah. But directly, he never called him a problem.
Erik Selvig: He was enthralled by Loki via Mind Stone. I don't think in any one of those scenes he was ever shown talking to Selvig which would imply that the latter even said to him that. I think the one time Erik Selvig bad-mouthed Loki was in T: TW where he was relieved that Loki was dead.
Bor: So, I'm going to admit this was tricky but, hear me out on this one. Bor is Odin's father. Odin became the king only after his death. Alright. So, if we are going according to the timeline by the time Odin went to war with Jotuns and consequently adopted baby Loki, he was already the king of Asgard. Bor was dead when Odin went to that war. Thus, Loki never met his adopted grandfather. SO, APPARENTLY, A DEAD ASGARDIAN CAN TALK TO LOKI? HOW COOL IS THE FACT THAT LOKI HAD THE ABILITY TO COMMUNE WITH THE DEAD?! (/s)
Laufey: Another can of worms, I suppose. So, in Thor 1, it had been shown that after the war in 925 AD, the Asgardian contact with Jotunheim had been forbidden. Loki let some of them in to ruin/delay Thor's coronation. The one time he met Laufey, they made a deal, never once Laufey told that Loki was the problem. Laufey, canonically (Thor 1), never even knew that Loki was his son.
Amora: I, for once, think that it would've been cool to see her, either in the series or in Thor 4. But it is often the fate of MCU women to either be a footnote in the men's stories or completely ruined by the narrative, or the writers' incompetence makes them unlikable (only a few are well-written female characters). So, I'm happy about the fact that the queen is still untouched.
Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis: Jane met him once in Thor: TW. During Loki's invasion of NY, she was hiding in Norway with Darcy. Jane had only met Loki because she went to Asgard for Aether's cure. Darcy, on the other hand (even tho I love the way he spoke her name and Tasertricks is my OTP), had never met him. She heard about him, she saw him destroy New Mexico via Destroyer but she had never met him to explicitly say that he was the problem.
Maria Hill: When did she even say that he was the problem? When she was chasing him?!
Heimdall (Heimdall was a big one, he got very upset): Okay, yeah, I get that. Heimdall & him had a long history. Again, I have no idea about their dynamics. And whenever we see them interacting, the animosity is very visible since Thor 1.
Warriors Three (Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun): Again, the history thing here too.
Absorbing Man: So, AoS canon? Also, when did Loki come down to Earth to fight the absorbing man and why I didn't know about it. When did pre-Avengers Loki meet him? I want to know.
Donald Blake (who Thor pretends to be when he goes to Earth): So, this made my eyebrows twitch for the reason that I saw Thor 1 recently (to add to a Darcy post) and everything he said about Donald Blake was just plain wrong. Thor took up the name of Donald Blake (1) when he was given the shirt by Jane--real Donald Blake was Jane's ex before Thor, (2) Darcy made a false driver's licence which mentioned his name as Donald Blake and not Thor, and (3) when Erik came to retrieve Thor, he called him Donald Blake. So, if Thor didn't choose this persona & was given to him by his Earth friends, then how could he had pretended to be him? Also, this name was only used in Thor 1, after Avengers 1, everybody knew him as Thor, his real name.
Hercules: Don't know much about this one here because (1) he's introduced in a post-credit scene & (2) in a Thor film I hate passionately. But he's as old as Thor & Loki, so, a history might be there. We don't know. The TVA series didn't show exactly how they were connected.
So, y'all might be thinking Sol, why are you whining and moaning, it is a deleted scene after all??
You see the writers wrote this scene. The writers who should've, no, must've made themselves familiar with the lore, WROTE THIS BULLSHIT SCENE. AND THE DIRECTOR(S) FILMED IT.
Also, Loki's series could have been the show in that he could've interacted with the people he mentioned but he didn't because it wasn't truly a Loki series, it was a TVA series.
I'm livid.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 9 months ago
Could I please get "mojito" with Zib and "long island" with Wick?
My two fav lackadaisy boys<3 (is it only me or is there not enough content with them?😭)
And btw remember to hydrate! :3
A/n: I love them both! { and you're right, they both need more love }
*ೃ༄ cocktail-inspired otp prompts ˚◞♡ ⃗
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•Dorian Zibowski•
[ mojito ] - to cap off an arduous day, they hit up a club to go dancing
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Zib wasn't known for dancing or going out to clubs, sure he played music but he'd much rather stay home and spend his time with you but when you mentioned how much you wanted to go dancing at the new club he could hardly turn you down. You looked so pretty all dressed up and he couldn't help but feel proud knowing he had you hanging off his arm.
Nothing beat the night dancing with through out the night. Giving you a little twirl as your laughter echoed through the bar. Zib loved how your body pressed in perfectly into his, he loved seeing the smile and the sweet taste of alcohol when he kissed you.
Sighing, you rested your head on his chest as his arms wrapped securely around your waist. "Thank you for this Dorian...you didn't have to do this."
Letting out a snort, Zib removed his hat placing it on your head. "You don't gotta thank me for anything beautiful."
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•Sedgewick Sable•
[ long island ] - one muse picks the other from a bar, late at night
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Wick never liked these places, he was never good at dealing with being in a place like this. Shifting his body, the man felt relief flood his body the moment he saw you enter the bar. Nearly slipping off the stool the man stumbled towards you.
"Thank goodness."
A small snort escaped your lips as you caught the man in your arms. "I said I would be here, I'm sorry it took me so long." You muttered.
Shaking his head, Wick clung to you as he pressed his face into your neck. His eyes peering up at you for a moment as he gave you a weak smile. "Can we please go."
Humming you nodded your head weaving your arms through his own. "Have you've been drinking?"
"Only a little! I'm out of my element here."
Letting out another laugh you shook your head giving him a teasing grin kissing his cheek. "You're so cute Wick, we'll get you home soon enough okay."
"Hmp...fine." He did his best to ignore the warmth spreading across his body but he was just happy you were here.
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erinelliotc · 7 months ago
What do you like about Eddy? Do you really think him and Double D will work out?
I think Eddy is the most interesting, deep, complex and well-written character on the show. It seems contradictory to say this, but even though Double D is my favorite character, I think Eddy is the best character. He's full of content for psychological analyses, something I'm passionate about doing because I love psychology and writing, I love analyzing human behavior, so complicated characters like Eddy are perfect to me in that sense (just as I am fascinated by Jinx from Arcane). I have so much to say about Eddy, I feel like every day I think of something new about his character, and I find this so exciting!
My analyses of each Ed will only be done in the future after I rewatch the show another two or three times, so I won't write here everything I have to say about Eddy. But you can find some of my EEnE analyses by scrolling through the posts in this tag. I talk about him in some of them.
But about Eddy and Double D... EddEddy is my OTP, you know? I've already talked a lot about them, and of course I'm going to talk much more in the future too. You can read a little about what I think of their relationship here.
In "short":
Eddy's backstory and his character development fascinate me. Characters who are emotionally broken to the point of developing a problematic personality fascinate me. Characters with mental disorders or traits of mental disorders fascinate me (I personally see him as ADHD with borderline and narcissistic traits, and perhaps a bit of histrionic traits too). I love analyzing and understanding what led them to that point, what made them so difficult to deal with, what hurt them so much that they developed an emotional armor and/or that makes them act like selfish jerks. The way Eddy's brain works fascinates me, his behavior, his defense mechanisms, everything. And to me the best part is seeing the little moments where the show shows us how he actually has a terrible self-image deep down and is not as confident and secure as he tries to show himself to be. I love seeing a character who isn't just a jerk, but someone who acts like a jerk because of things that happened that he tries to hide or that he doesn't even understand or realize happened (Eddy's reality denial defense mechanism is very strong, so I think a lot of the things related to his brother he genuinely didn't realize were problematic and had hurt him because his brain denied them to protect him. And it's common for our brain to block memories as a way of protecting us from the truth because it thinks we'll not have the emotional structure to deal with it, and I believe it may have happened to him), someone who is deeply hurt and does everything he can to hide it, someone who doesn't want to be emotionally vulnerable and tries to act like the most confident person in the world... Characters like this are the most interesting to me. And besides, I find Eddy extremely funny and annoying in an adorable way. I love his chaotic behavior, his voice and the way he talks (God bless Tony Sampson)
He and Edd were made for each other. Would they kill each other if Ed wasn't around? Absolutely. But their relationship is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and the combination of their personalities is what makes them grow and have their character development. They mature and improve because of the influence they have on each other. Their personalities complement each other perfectly because one is good where the other has to improve. And the love and affection they have for each other is visible and makes me emotional
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darklinaforever · 7 months ago
I wouldn't have too many illusions about Daemyra...That Sara Hess is a devil, she wants to make Rhaenyra a lesbian with Mysaria, it's obvious. She said it's not a plotline they're letting go they're exploring this in S3 and it's only to ruin even more Daemyra. I'm starting regretting Miguel...I don't think i'm watching it. HOTD ended with S1.
So frankly, at this point I don't care. I've already stopped HOTD since 2x02, and I'm just keeping up to date with general news and especially Daemyra. We'll see what they do later and in the meantime, for now, everything is fine in the OTP. I'm not going to spend two years worrying. People kept telling me that season 2 would destroy Daemyra, but when it came to that, it didn't happen and Daemon certainly didn't do dirt on Rhaenyra. As for this thing with Mysaria, I really doubt that she and Rhaenyra will enter into a real relationship later. At all. The biggest thing I can imagine is for that kiss to be brought up again and the characters to move on. HOTD doesn't have the level of writing to attempt to develop anything deep, especially not on queer characters. But if they ever destroy Daemyra in season 3, well I'll still have Fire and Blood no matter what. If they want to destroy the only good thing they have in the show, that's up to them.
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moistvonlipwig · 2 months ago
Fandom Wrap-Up 2024
Total words of fanfiction published: 25,807
Fandoms written for: Once Upon a Time, Supergirl, Teen Wolf
Events participated in: Scottuary 2024, OUAT Appreciation Week 2024
Fanfic I’m proudest of: This one has to go to my Supergirl fic "the most recent evidence seems to favor the sea gulls" (AO3 | SquidgeWorld), not just because it's long as hell and covers a ton of ground but also because I really challenged myself to do new things with it (choose-your-own-adventure format! POV of a character whose canon version I sometimes struggle to really grasp!) and I think the end result turned out really well. So that's definitely my magnum opus for the year.
Other fanworks I’m proudest of: I'm really proud of my BtVS meta "Eternity, Growing Up, and Why Buffy Keeps Dating Vampires"; I think it's one of my best analyses ever. I really love this Amphibia edit I made to Mary Ruefle's poem "The Tenor of Your Yes." I think this OUAT edit showing the main characters as animals is just plain cute, frankly. And I'm incredibly happy with my second ever fanvid, my Amphibia AMV “In the 99” (Tumblr | YouTube), which was more ambitious than my first fanvid and IMO has smoother editing.
Events I’m looking forward to next year: Scottuary 2025, High/Low Zine
Projects for next year: Aside from my projects for the aforementioned events, probably my biggest priority for next year is finishing my Steven Universe WIP "Hard But Brittle," which I started almost two years ago at this point. I also have a Buffyverse fic and a Teen Wolf fic that I've made good progress on that I hope to publish relatively early in the year. I also have yet to finish out my fics from the Year of the OTP 2023 event; I got one of them done this year, but I still have four left. I know the basic premises of all of them at this point, I just have to write them. And...I have a ton of other WIPs that may or may not see the light of day in 2025, I guess we'll have to see what happens. I'm also planning 2 AMVs that I'm hoping to put out next year -- one for Revolutionary Girl Utena and one for Adventure Time. I'm super excited about both of them, but it takes me a while to plan AMVs, so I'm not sure when they'll actually get published.
I’m no-pressure tagging:
@nocticola, @02511213942, @loisfreakinglane, @jioinfocommlimited, @sideguitars
@spikeface, @rhyslahey, @all-seeing-ifer, @coraniaid
...& anyone else who wants to do an end-of-year fandom retrospective, whether it’s about fic, art, gifs, vids, meta, or whatever other preferred medium you work in. Feel free to use whatever format you want, you don’t have to use mine. But tag me if you do it! :)
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cyberweek · 1 year ago
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CyberWeek 2024 starts January 21st!
A weeklong celebration of our favorite edutainment program with artistic prompts everyday! The show first premiered on the 21st of January so let’s celebrate!
What sort of Art is allowed?
Any! Traditional/Digital art, Writing, Cosplay, Video edits, anything you can make! Anything you wanna make! Sew a doll, bake a cake, whatever! Sadly, prompts aren’t made with all types of art in mind, so feel free to interpret them however you want to fit your medium!
Rules! [New!]*
*Prompts are posted early this year, and I ask that you withhold from posting your entries until the day of! You may however start and finish them whenever you want!
Tag your post with #cyberweek2024! Or @ this blog! Or both!
Follow this blog and support your fellow Cyberchase fans!
No Lewd. No P*dophilia or inc*st.
No Tracing, Use of Bases or other assets without COMPLETE transparency. Credit your sources! Pinterest, WeHeartIt, Google etc are not sources. Find the artist, please.
*Use of AI is discouraged. Whether you submit only what the AI produces or use it as reference/inspiration. This includes both visual and text AI.
Angst, light gore/blood and etc are allowed. Try to keep it PG13. Everything will be tagged accordingly so remember to use Tumblr’s tag filter feature to your advantage.
OCs should only show up on the OC prompt if available.
Jan 21 - Redraw
This year we start off right on the Anniversary! So, we'll do a redraw, and leave that up to how you, the artist, want to go about this! You can either redraw an old Cyberchase piece of yours or redraw a scene from the show itself! [Keep rules in mind!]
Jan 22 - Science
Cyberspace is FULL of science, even if it's sometimes entirely fictional and fantastical. Do you have a favorite scientific genius? Or is there a machine you think is really cool? Some sort of technology you wish you could have for real? It's time to blind us... with science!!
Jan 23 - Magic
Cyberspace may be full to the brim with science, but there are many things that simply unexplainable except by the total opposite of the spectrum... Magic! Who Biddi-Boppidi-does it best? Got a favorite magic spell? Maybe the real magic was the friends we made along the way.
Jan 24 - Summer
Last year we had the prompt "Winter," so let's flip that and have fun with a summer theme! It's time for some fun in the sun, a trip to the beach, a cute summer fit, a picnic, a hike, and so much more!
Jan 25 - Crossover
What is this, a crossover episode?? Yes! And you're in charge!! What characters do you want to see interact? Who do you want to see come to Cyberspace? Or who from Cyberspace do you want to see go where? When? Why?? Go nuts!! AAA
Jan 26 - Enemy
All right, we've had OTP, Friendship, and Family as a prompt! Once again it's time to completely flip the script with Enemy! Will you draw Team Hacker? Another baddie? The main goodies vs the main baddies? Or maybe two characters who just do not get along!! Remember to keep it civil and keep it fun, please!
Jan 27 - OCs
To close out our celebration of Cyberweek, let's have some fun with the little characters we've made up for fun! 😊
Questions/Comments -
Please send all questions about this event to the inbox. Anon will be off and questions will be posted in case others have similar inquiry. Please do not reply to posts or try to chat your inquirers.
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autisticburnham · 3 months ago
Beckett Mariner for the ask game
How I feel about this character
I love her!!! I love her journey thus far with her learning to examine her self destructive behavior and work to improve her relationship with herself and let more of her dorky joy back into her life. I do love seeing women be dysfunctional losers, but I also love seeing deeply traumatized characters find a place of safety again, and it's been so fun to watch her do both
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Currently, I only really ship her with T'lyn. I originally was pretty into Mariner/Tendi as well, but we don't tend to get a whole lot of them together, so my enthusiasm for that has really fallen to the wayside. And I was excited for Mariner/Jennifer when that first happened, but it's become very clear Jennifer never actually cared about Mariner, just about the image of a bad girl, so I no longer care for Jennifer
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Warp Core Four!!! And as I said earlier, Boimler specifically. They're besties in every universe! That said, having seen Engineering!Mariner now, if any of the Warp Core Four show up in Tawny Newsome's unnamed(?) next show, I'd love for it to be Rutherford- both because he's the least developed main character in general and also because I really want to see more of his and Mariner's friendship!
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't know if I have one? Mostly because I don't really know what the popular opinions on her are; I don't actually see a lot of Lower Decks on my dash. Although, again, as stated earlier today, I don't ship her with Boimler, and that's apparently unpopular
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I'd really like to see more of her time on DS9/in the Dominion War. I don't really know what I want for her future other than just seeing her happy. I do hope Tawny Newsome's new show will actually feature her as well- I just reread the press release and realized she's writing the show, not necessarily starring in it, and the idea that we would see Mariner again was like the only thing making me okay with Lower Decks' cancelation, so I really do hope we'll see more of her
Character asks!
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spnfanficpond · 3 months ago
New Member Spotlight November 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family and a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
Sunny - she/her, Brazil, @pinkysunny
Other SM names? - janepalette on Twitter
OTP? - I guess i don't have one i like everything , but my favorite character is Sam
Other fandoms? - I love kpop! Specially nct dream and le sserafim
Looking for in the Pond? - I would like to share my pen soon and read new things
Pairings you read? - I like destiel and everthing about Sam ^^
What do you like to write? - I like to write fanfics about romance and what if scenarios
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I would like to try a lot of things! I guess chat with others authors would help
Nyx or Nyxocity - she/her, East Coast US, @nyxocity
Other SM names? - Nyxocity on AO3, Discord, and everywhere else
OTP? - Wincest
Other fandoms? - Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate 3
Looking for in the Pond? - Here for prompts, exchanges, bouncing ideas, and for answering questions other may have, may also ask questions on occasion
Pairings you read? - Ships, poly
Genres you read? - Depends on my mood, angst, fluff, smut, crack, comedy, drama, au's, soulmates, romance, enemies to lovers, opposites attract, pretty much everything except omegaverse
Favorite writer(s)? - It's impossible for me to pick just one
What do you like to write? - Romance, smut, angst, drama, comedy, soulmates, I run the gamut
Most underappreciated fic? - We'll Forget the Sun in His Jealous Sky
J or Jay - they/he, East Coast US, @jwritestuff
Other SM names? - jwritestuff on AO3, june3bug on Discord
Other fandoms? - criminal minds, heartstopper
Looking for in the Pond? - friends who also write and ppl who like spn!!
Pairings you read? - love love love reader!winchester !! anything platonic i like
Genres you read? - fluff! found family/sibling stuff
What do you like to write? - where the reader is the youngest winchester!!
Most underappreciated fic? - i am whole when i'm with you
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - writing in povs that arent first person
Laila - she/her, Egypt, @rubyvhs
Other SM names? - Rubyvhs on AO3, Rue_278 on Discord
Other fandoms? - WALKERRRR (it’s just so under appreciated, i’ve been waiting for this question since I first knew that it existed)
Looking for in the Pond? - To be more involved in the fandom since when I first started a few months ago I thought I’d be more reserved and literally never talk on my blog just post writings but people are really nice and I want to improve my writing, the only way I see I can do that is by reading other really great authors and their advice as well as asking questions, things like that.
Pairings you read? - On tumblr mostly reader insert and they’re what I write too and I loveeee poly. Love Sam and dean and basically all spn girls (Jo and Ruby my wives).
Genres you read? - All of them but my fav is angst and I don’t have specific tropes, I like misunderstandings and anything leading to angst or hurt/comfort.
Favorite writer(s)? - @runawaydr3amerao3, @zepskies, & @sammyluvr
What do you like to write? - x reader but I want to write characters too like samcas and deanjo but so far just x reader + I wrote one wincest fic (not finished)
Most underappreciated fic? - Fade Into You
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - plot heavy fics. I’m so jealous of anyone who can sit down and come up with a plot. I like remedy (one of my works) but it came after months, I’m not sure it’s even plot heavy, it’s mostly the same point, but I want my writing to be more complex and moving.
Annie - she/her, East Coast US, @copperboom82
Other SM names? - copperboom82 on AO3 and Discord
Other fandoms? - Harry Potter
Looking for in the Pond? - I'm mostly just looking to connect with people and other writers/readers from the fandom. I'm very shy, but have recently been pushing out of my shell a little bit, and have been enjoying it. I love writing but am very new to posting it and really only have crossover pieces posted so far, but I'd like/plan to delve more into writing just SPN fanfic. I also struggle a lot with the actual sharing of my work if that makes sense - like I struggle to come up with summaries/teasers without spoiling the story, I stress a lot about properly identifying trigger warnings bc I don't know if there might be something I don't think is triggering but someone else does, I'm never quite sure how to properly tag things, etc. Tumblr is still somewhat of a mystery to me as well, but I'm trying!
Pairings you read? - Dean x OFC are my favorite to read, but I've come to enjoy Dean x female reader
What do you like to write? - I tend to enjoy writing things with some sort of romantic pairing/plot involved
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I'm interested in doing more one-shots and possibly reader inserts. I find the reader inserts to be a little intimidating to write, but I'm trying to branch out
Kiki - she/her, Italy @kikiatthemirror
Other SM names? - KikiAtTheMirror on AO3, Kiki1982 on Discord, and kikiatthemirror on Bluesky
OTP? - Destiel
Looking for in the Pond? - I would need a beta reader for a one shot
Genres you read? - Genres: almost all of them Tropes: Two person love triangle / friends to lovers / omegaverse
What do you like to write? - I'm very moody in my writing. The only certainty is that they have a happy ending, or at least a hopeful ending.
Most underappreciated fic? - Angel Protocol
Agent - she/her, Europe (UTC+1), @walkingaline
Other SM names? -AgentPatheticHasBeenRockstar on AO3, agentpathetic on Discord
Other fandoms? - Star Wars and the Pedro Pascal one
Looking for in the Pond? - I'm looking for fellow writers, artists to work with and a little more feedback on my works. I was a pro editor and I'd be happy to give my (exclusively solicited) support to new writers.
Something to signal boost? - I run the @crowleybigbang (and all surrounding events).
Pairings you read? - I like gen fics, reader inserts, OCs. I'm still a Crowley minion, but I also like to give love to "minor" characters: Donna, Eileen, Garth, Rufus, Balthazar, etc.
Genres you read? - "My favourite varies a lot on my mood, but I'm hard to please when it comes to crack. I love hurt/comfort, second chances, enemies to lovers, slow burns… wait, I think all of these have angst in them. Ops, I guess?"
Favorite writer(s)? - I love @risingphoenix761 (same on Tumblr and AO3), Limbel (AO3) and used to love Demonologistindenim (same on Tumblr and AO3) but he's no longer active.
What do you like to write? - I mostly write to give Crowley the love he deserves, although sometimes I accidentally put him in the blender. Case fics and fluffy slices of life are also fun, and I love to somehow work some research in most of my stuff.
Most underappreciated fic? - I write for Crowley, a little smut and my works are "registered users only", pick one 🤣Anything from this series, probably. Damnation, Thievery And Everything
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I have several works in mind and lots of WIPs I keep leaving aside. I don't know if it can be fixed, but I suppose accountability might help?
Russo - they/them, Australia, @shadowbender19
Other SM names? - rusea_rusco on AO3, shadowbender on Discord
OTP? - Sabriel or Midam
Other fandoms? - Critical Role, Pokemon
Looking for in the Pond? - Community and online friends
Pairings you read? - Willing to try reading any character ships lol
Genres you read? - Hurt/comfort, Dead dove,
Favorite writer(s)? - Currently in love with Leata on AO3/ @leatafandom on Tumblr
What do you like to write? - AUs with lore and grief counseling
Most underappreciated fic? - The Aquarian Star
Spade - she/they, US (MST), @spades-angel
Other SM names? - spades_angel on AO3, spades.angel on Discord
OTP? - Destiel
Looking for in the Pond? - i'm looking for more mutuals, a writing partner, people to collaborate for fics with and just community! and how to use tumblr better. i've been off and on tumblr for a few years so i know a few things, but i want to be more involved
Pairings you read? - ships and sometimes poly, but really only if its Gabriel/Castiel/Dean
Genres you read? - smut, angst, and hurt/comfort
What do you like to write? - i like to write a lot, and am all over the place. I really like to base my stuff off songs and lyrics mostly.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - i'm terrible at one-shots. i have a lot of ideas for epic multi-chapter ones, but drabbles and one-shots need work. i'm not sure how y'all can help lol. i don't really write that much because my ideas are a lot more in depth and "better" than my writing is. so i end up getting frustrated with my writing, because i'm not patient. i think writing one-shots and drabbles will help get my writing better so i can execute the longer works that i want to
Morgan (Rakinzna) - panth/panther, East Coast US, @panthera-dei
Other SM names? - Rakizna on AO3 and Discord
Other fandoms? - Psych & Wings of Fire. I've written for Knight Rider and MacGyver as well, although I'm not as active anymore.
Looking for in the Pond? - I'd love to make connections with other writers, and maybe pick up a few new tricks!
Something to signal boost? - Well, if I can get past the holidays, I'm beginning to curate the second issue of a Psych digital fanzine with some writers & artists from the Psychfic server on Discord. We could always use more contributors if anyone is interested.
Pairings you read? - I usually read gen fics. I'll read any type of pairing, it's just that I'm extremely picky about shippy fics.
Genres you read? - Fluff, mystery, adventure. I'm a sucker for a well-executed slow burn as well as enemies to friends/lovers.
Favorite writer(s)? - AgentPatheticHasBeenRockstar on AO3 (@walkingaline)
What do you like to write? - Mostly adventure, although I'm guilty of writing fluff, crossovers, and coffee shop AUs on occasion.
Most underappreciated fic? - The Demon and the Derby
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I'd really love to write more original fiction someday. It just happens that I'm very bad at it. I can't seem to think of solid plots. ....or characters that I actually like writing about.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @heavenssexiestangel, and @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes!
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khoicesbyk · 13 days ago
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The Royal Romance.
A/N: this is the next chapter in the journey of my OTP. Follow along for the fun.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 10K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or DM me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Tag List: @tessa-liam @choicesficwriterscreations
Chapter 13.) Breaking Point.
It had been a few weeks since Lord Tariq Sauvageon's televised press conference. While he offered a somewhat sincere apology for his deception, he gave his support to Lord and Lady Gallagher. Citing that he couldn't in good faith trust the current Monarchs to lead the kingdom forward. Many in the kingdom couldn't believe he had been alive for years or that he had a brother living in his place. And they questioned his integrity and intentions after his meeting with Princess Naya went left and she hit him with a suit for his infidelity. 
Meanwhile, Their Majesties had other matters to attend to. Including the return of The International Art and Food Festival and The Sovereign Unity Ball, which they were hosting for the upcoming visit of the Drakovian Royal Family. 
"So a ball and a festival all within a week and a half of each other. Are you sure about this?" Shanelle asked her husband over breakfast with their children. 
"Totally sure. We haven't hosted the International Art and Food Festival since before Khari was born." Marquise replied. 
"Yeah. Daddy said there will be a lot of artists there, and face painting and lots of food and music." Khari spoke up. 
"Face paint sissy?" Kylo asks. 
"Yes, my love. There will be a lot for you three to do next weekend. They'll even have my favorite charity art auction and show. And to make it even better, we'll make it a big family trip." Marquise replied. 
"Whole family doe (go) Daddy?" Zyon asked. 
"Yes, my boy. It'll give us a chance to have lots of fun. And we'll even get to meet your new cousin." Marquise replied. 
"We'll get to meet baby Noah Daddy?" Khari asked. 
"Yup! And! We'll be staying at a new bed and breakfast that just opened up," he replied. 
"Ooooh!" the children said in unison. 
Marquise smiled at his children before addressing his wife. 
"It'll be a good time and it has been a while since we visited Castelsarreillan. And admittedly I want to see where Kiara stands on this challenge issue." 
"You don't think she'll turn on us like last time, do you?" Shanelle asked. 
"No. I think she learned her lesson about turning against us but it doesn't hurt to be sure."
"Fair point. But what about the ball?" Shanelle asked. 
"With Lydea being crowned the new Queen, I'm hoping she'll be a tad more receptive to helping Kasnia in the war than her mother would've been," he replied. 
"What makes you think she'd be open to helping?" 
Marquise took a thoughtful sip of his coffee. 
"Because she's actually more pragmatic and diplomatic than many give her credit for. Even us. Also, this impending war would be just as bad for them as it would be for everyone else. And well, King Desaad hates them almost as much as he hates us. I also have it on good authority that he reached out to Her Majesty with a proposition to join him in invading Kasnia."
"He did?" Shanelle asked. 
"Yes, and Lydea all but told him to go fuck himself. He was hoping she'd look past the fact that her father and Richard had become friends over the years. He and Audrey attended Maksim's retirement gala." 
"So you're thinking you can sway her into helping Kasnia?" Shanelle asked. 
"You never know what you can and can't do until you try," Marquise replied.
"True. Well, let's finish breakfast so we can get little Miss Thing over here off to school. And I'll get the boys ready for their doctor's appointment Shanelle said to her husband. 
"Remember: no shots Mommy!" Khari warned. 
Marquise snorted as Shanelle rolled her eyes. 
"Finish your breakfast my love so you can get ready for school." Marquise said to Khari before asking Shanelle, "What time is the twins' appointment?" 
"10:30 AM. We'll have to head into Nadia's office. Her office called and said they were swamped today so she won't be able to make it here to the palace," Shanelle replied. 
Marquise looked at his watch. 
"Okay. I have a meeting with the generals right now but I should be done before their appointment." 
Shanelle nodded. 
After getting Khari off to school, Marquise headed to his meeting, while Shanelle took the boys to get them ready for their doctor's appointment. Soon Their Majesties and the twins were off to the pediatrician's office at the children's hospital. With their teddy bears in their arms, the boys walked into the office with their parents. Stopping to say hi to everyone they walked past. 
Once inside the exam room, the boys went around trying to inspect everything they could see. 
"Hello everyone! It's good to see you all this morning." Nadia said in greeting to them.
"Nadi!" the boys said as they ran to her. 
"Hello, my little ones! It's so good to see you both." she said as she hugged the boys, "Oh! Big hugs! Very big hugs from my boys!" 
She then smiled at her niece and nephew. 
"And how are Mama and Daddy?" she asks. 
"So far so good," Marquise replied. 
"Uh-huh. What's this I hear about Dr. Andersen having to increase your blood pressure medication?" Nadia asked him. 
"He told you?" he replied.
"Of course, he told me. You forget I am not just the heirs' pediatrician, I am the head member of the palace physician staff."
Marquise shook his head with a small smile. 
"I'm fine Nadia."
"No, you're not, nephew. Dr. Andersen didn't increase your blood pressure medication on a whim. Now, I know what I'm about to ask you to do is nearly impossible for a man in your position but, I need you to stop stressing out so much."
"Easier said than done, Nadia."
"Indeed it is my King. Especially with this so-called challenge, you both have to deal with. But I know you can relax, nephew. You must."
"Are you prescribing rest for the king doctor?" he asked in a lighthearted tone. 
"I am indeed. And you will follow that prescription. Won't you?" Nadia replied.
Marquise snorted.  
"By your command, Your Grace." 
Nadia shook her head with a soft smile before turning to Shanelle. 
"And how are Mama and Baby doing?" she asked. 
"I'm doing okay," Shanelle replied with a hand on her baby bump.
"Any nausea or morning sickness?" 
"No. Well not as much as I had with the boys."
"To be fair Your Majesty, you were pregnant with twins the last time."
"Have you kept up with your prenatals?" 
"Yes ma'am. I took my morning ones earlier. And I will take my evening ones tonight."
"Good very good. Now while I will be checking in with Reyna about you and the baby's progress periodically, you'll be sure to let me know if anything is wrong won't you?" Nadia asks. 
"Of course. I'll be sure to keep you in the loop." Shanelle replied. 
Nadia nodded. 
"And now, for my little ones. Are you boys ready?" Nadia asked the twins. 
"Uh huh!" Zyon replied.
"Yeah yeah yeah!" Kylo replied. 
"Very good, my little ones. Now let's get started." 
The boy's checkup went smoothly. Even when they had to get their shots, Nadia made sure they were comfortable the whole time.
"Okay, my little ones. I know you don't like this part, so let's sing a song to make the time go by."
"Song Nadi?" Kylo asked. 
"Yes, my dear. Now repeat after me, I know that shots can be scary but they help me grow big and healthy. Now Kylo, you're first, can you sing it with me?" She asked Kylo. 
He put on his thoughtful face and then nodded. 
"I know that shots can be scary but they help me grow big and healthy." They sang together as she administered his shot, "Very good Kylo! You did a great job. You were very brave."
"Brave? Yike (like) knight?" Kylo asked. 
"Yes, my dear. Just like the knights of old. Now I have Transformers bandaids. Do you want Autobots or Decepticons?" she replied. 
"Opmus (Optimus) Prime," Kylo said to her. 
She put the bandaid over the spot. 
"There. Much better. Now Zyon, are you ready?" She asked. 
After squeezing his teddy bear nervously, he shook his head no. 
"No! Don't yike (like) shots! Scary!" He said. 
Kylo grabbed his brother's hand. 
"Not scary! Promise!" Kylo said to his brother. 
"Not scary brudder (brother)?" Zyon asked. 
"Nope nope nope! Dotta (gotta) be brave. Yike (like) knights." Kylo replied. 
Zyon thought for a second. 
"Otay (okay) I be brave." Zyon said to his brother, "otay Nadi. I ready."
"Okay my sweet," she said to Zyon, "Now sing it with me, I know that shots can be scary but they help me grow big and healthy."
He sang with her as she gave him his shot.
"Well done my dear! You were also very brave," she said to Zyon, "Now do you want Autobots or Decepticons?"
"Decepicons (Decepticons)," Zyon said to her. 
"And there, all done. Thank you both for being very brave today. Now do you two want a sticker or a lollipop?" She asked the twins. 
"Sticker!" Zyon replied. 
"Lollipop!" Kylo replied. 
Shanelle leaned over to whisper to her husband. 
"I think we just found the twins' villain origin story."
Marquise snickered. 
"And now that we're all done I have a few recommendations for you," Nadia said to the parents. 
"Which are?" Marquise asked. 
"I would like to schedule an appointment with a child behavioral development specialist. It's nothing alarming but I do want to be able to track their behavioral and mental development." Nadia replied. 
Shanelle nodded slowly. 
"I promise you both, it's totally safe and it could rule out any defects in their development, such as autism." 
"Alright. You go ahead and schedule it and let us know."
"Of course my King. To make it a little easier I will be there with the therapist and I'll have them meet the twins at the palace."
Nadia gave Shanelle a reassuring smile. 
"I promise you, my dear. They will be safe. The therapist I have in mind is great with children. They will be as gentle with them as possible. Of that I assure you."
Shanelle nodded. 
"Okay. I trust you."
Nadia nodded. 
"The other recommendation is to get them in with a child optometrist. Out of precaution, I'd like to have their eyes checked. I noticed a little dilation in Kylo's pupils so I want to have them checked just in case."
"Do you think he'll need glasses?" Shanelle asks. 
"Hard to say at this point but if he does, I can say he won't be the first Prince to wear glasses. Sebastian wore them as did his grandfather King Leonidis when he was Prince, and my father Lawrence did as well." Nadia replied. 
"So does my dad and I wear them as well on occasion," Shanelle added.
"So I'll go ahead and schedule that appointment as well. I'll contact you both once it's scheduled."
"Alright. Thank you, Nadia." Marquise said to her. 
"Of course. It's always a pleasure to care for my little ones. I'll see you both soon for the Princess's checkup. And hopefully, then it'll be at the palace."
"We don't mind coming to your office Nadia. You know this." Marquise said to her. 
"I know. Now remember what I told you, nephew. You need to relax more."
"Yes ma'am. I will try."
Nadia shook her head with a smile. 
"I will see you all soon," Nadia said to them before leaving the exam room. 
After leaving Nadia's office and stopping for lunch at their favorite bistro in the city center, Their Majesties and the twins arrived back at the palace. After a quick kiss to his wife who took the twins with her, His Majesty headed to his office. When he got there he was greeted by an unhappy-looking Lord Gallagher. 
"Well, it's about time you got here! I've been waiting here for hours while you and your wife were out lollygagging around." he sneered at Marquise. 
Marquise looked at his watch. 
"Are you going to explain yourself or just stand there?!" Lord Gallagher asked impatiently. 
"If you must know my Lord, I'm waiting for you to shut up and get out of my way," Marquise replied. 
Lord Gallagher looked at Marquise indignantly.
"How dare you speak to me in that matter!" 
"As the King of this kingdom, I can and will speak to you however I damn well please," Marquise hissed at him, "Now if you will excuse me, I have actual business to attend to. And oh! One more thing, not that this needs to be said but, no formal request from you, no audience with me. Now do have a day you deserve, my Lord." 
Marquise then walked past Lord Gallagher and entered his office, locking the door behind him. After taking several deep breaths he walked toward his desk. Once at his desk, Marquise opened his laptop and started a video call with King Balthazar of Kasnia.
"Richard! It's so good to see you again," he said in greeting.
"Hello, Marquise! It's good to see you as well!" Richard replied. 
"I know I shouldn't ask this but how are you doing?" Marquise asked. 
"I am...remembering to breathe and not yell and throw things every five seconds," Richard replied. 
"I can imagine. How is Aunt Audrey?" he asked. 
"She is holding us all together. But I worry this is taking a toll on her as much as it is on me." Richard replied.
"I can understand. I am sorry that you both are in this position in the first place."
Richard waved him off. 
"It's not your fault, my boy. If anyone is to blame it's that god-awful ignoramus, Demetrius," King Richard hissed, "I've known of his arrogance and greed for years but even I didn't think he'd stoop this low. Then again, he ousted his cousin from the throne so I guess it's pretty much on-brand for him." 
"Indeed. And I do apologize for not being able to do more for you and your people at the moment."
"I am thankful for what you have done. The artillery package you sent has helped. I've never seen so many weapons! And the tanks you sent! I might have to sneak into your armory again."
Marquise snorted. 
"Didn't you do that when my mother was alive?" Marquise asked. 
Richard rolled his eyes good-naturedly.
"So I took a few weapons. So what? Your father certainly wasn't going to do anything with them and your mother didn't seem to mind too much." Richard replied. 
"And you think now I'm just going to let you walk into one of my armories and take what you want?" Marquise asks. 
"You are your mother's child, Your Majesty," Richard replied with a snicker. 
Marquise snorted. 
"It's good to see you laughing, Richard."
"All thanks to you. I really do appreciate all you've done to assist my kingdom. Again the artillery package has helped us in this fight and your being willing to open your borders to my people who have fled, brings me so much relief. I thank you for everything you've done."
"Of course Richard. It is my honor to help you all. When our Defense Council is ready, I hope that we'll finally be able to send troops."
"I wait for that day. Well, I won't take up too much of your time, my boy."
"Alright. We'll speak again soon."
Richard nodded before ending the video call. Just then there was a knock at the door. 
"Come in!" Marquise said to the door. 
Margo walked in.
"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you," she said to him as she entered the room. 
"I was just speaking with King Richard."
"Richard? That's wonderful. How is he doing?" Margo asked. 
"As good as can be expected. He was very appreciative of the artillery package we sent over." Marquise replied. 
"Good. And how are you doing, my King?" Margo asked. 
"I'm okay. We had the boys' checkup today." Marquise replied. 
"How did it go?" she asked. 
"Good. They got shots today so I'm not too sure that the Princess will approve," he replied, "Nadia also wants them to see a child behavioral specialist and an optometrist. She wants the boys to have their eyes checked." he replied. 
Margo nodded. 
"I know you didn't have to tell me but thank you for telling me anyway."
"Of course Mama. You are their grandmother on top of being their defender. It is vital that you are up to date with their health. Khari has an appointment with her in a few weeks. Right now, we're preparing for the International Art and Food Festival."
"The International Art and Food Festival? I didn't know you were starting that again."
"Yes. After the success of The Five Kingdoms Festival, I thought it'd be a good time to host it. I will be meeting with the committee later to go over the final details and categories."
Margo nodded. 
"You know your uncle helped to bring the festival to Cordonia."
"No, I didn't know that."
"Oh yes. He and Duke Theron spearheaded the effort shortly after George and I joined the palace staff."
"I knew he loved to attend but I didn't know that he helped bring it to the kingdom."
"Mmmhmm. Your father used to say that Sebastian hounded him about it for weeks until he finally caved."
Marquise chuckled. 
"From what I know about him, that sounds like something he would do."
"And it didn't help your father's cause that Sebastian had the support of your mother in this endeavor as well. It was right after they got married." 
"Now that sounds like something my mother would do. He always whined about her not always agreeing with him."
Margo smiled at him wistfully. 
"What is that smile for?" he asked. 
"Pride," she replied. 
"Isn't that one of the seven sins?" he asked teasingly. 
"A mother's pride for and of her children is never sinful," she replied.
"I hope you remember that when I finally turn into a psychotic axe murderer." 
Margo snorted. 
"Tease me all you like. I will always be proud of you. Even then."
Marquise shook his head with a smirk. 
"That is why I love you."
"Indeed it is. Well, I have taken up enough of your time, my King."
"I shall go check on Her Majesty and the twins. I shall see you later, sire."
Marquise chuckled. 
"Very well Madam. I will see you later. Thank you for spending time with me."
With one last smile, Margo left and Marquise got ready for his next meeting. Margo made her way to Shanelle's office where the boys were playing in a corner. 
"Gammy!" the boys said to her. 
"There's my two turtle doves." Margo said to the boys as ran into her arms, "I will never get tired of hugs from you two."
When looked over to Shanelle, she had her head down on her desk. 
"Your Majesty? Are you alright?" she asked Shanelle. 
When Shanelle looked up, she had an uneasy look on her face. 
"No. I think what I had for lunch is not agreeing with this baby," she replied with a groan.
"Oh dear."
"What wong (wrong) Gammy?" Kylo asked. 
"Mommy doesn't feel good my dear," Margo replied.
"Oh no!" Kylo said. 
"Uh oh!" Zyon said. 
Margo smiled at the twins before looking at Shanelle. 
"Here, why don't you go lay down and leave the little ones to me?" Margo asked. 
"Are you sure?" Shanelle replied. 
"Yes, my dear. Leave the boys to me. You go lay down." Margo replies.
Shanelle nodded. 
"Thank you. Really. I was fine earlier when we were at their appointment. But! Morning Sickness strikes anyway." 
"I totally understand my dear. I'll have the kitchen bring you some apple tea to settle your stomach. Off with you now."
Shanelle smiled softly. 
"Yes ma'am."
"Bye, Mommy!" Zyon said to her. 
"See you yater (later)!" Kylo said to her. 
"See you later babies." 
With a hug and kiss to each of her boys, Shanelle went on to lie down. 
"Now my little ones, let's go check on our garden," Margo said to the twins. 
"Darden (garden)?" Zyon asks. 
"Yes, my love. We have to water our flowers and check on our carrots. They should be ready to harvest." Margo replied. 
"Yeah! Doe (go) outside! Amon (come on) Gammy! Let's doe (go)!" Kylo said. 
Margo followed the boys outside to their garden. After watching them water their flowers and then run around playing for a while, she and the twins then went to pick Khari up from school. When she saw her granddaughter, she couldn't help the flutter of her heart.
"Hi Grammy! Hi boys!" Khari said to her. 
"Sissy!" the boys said in unison. 
After giving the boys each a hug, she wrapped Margo in a loving hug.
"Hello, my sweet. How was school today?" she asked. 
"It was good. Mommy and Daddy aren't coming?" Khari replies. 
"No. Your mother wasn't feeling good and your father had back-to-back meetings. So here we are."
Khari giggled. 
"That's okay. You're just as good as them, Grammy."
"Shall we go?" Margo asks. 
"Yeah. Can we stop for a snack?" Khari replied. 
"Snack!" the boys cheered. 
Margo bowed her head with a smile. 
"Of course my dear. Let's go get a snack."
Later that evening after putting their children to bed, Marquise checked on his wife. 
"How are you feeling?" he asked her. 
"While I understand why your mother swore by it during her pregnancy, I think I've had enough apple tea to last me a lifetime," she replied. 
Marquise chuckled. 
"I know. But as long as you're feeling better, I'm happy." 
"How were your meetings?" she asked. 
"Productive. Everything is ready to go for the start of the festival next Friday." he replied, "I even spoke with Duke Theron."
"And how did that go?" she asked. 
"He is excited for the festival to begin. He even tried to talk me into hosting the International Auto Expo," he replied. 
"One thing at a time, please. And what about the ball? Is everything ready?" she asked. 
"Yes. I sent word to Her Majesty and she replied that the Royal Family will be in attendance," he replied. 
"Will all of them be attending?" she asked. 
Marquise snorted. 
"Unfortunately yes. All of them will be there. Including Kasper the kleptomaniac." he replied. 
Shanelle's face soured. 
"But I have it on very good authority that he will be under the close watch of his sister's guards and ours."
Shanelle sighed. 
"The last thing we need is her kleptomaniac little brother getting his hands anywhere near anything valuable. But as long as he's under the guard's watchful eyes, I think I will be okay."
He kissed the back of her left hand. 
"You needn't worry, my love."
"In the meantime, my King, we have a festival to get ready for."
"Indeed we do." 
That following Thursday, The Royal Family travelled to Castelsarreillan. While looking out the window, His Majesty looked out to see an open field, when inspiration struck. 
"Diego! Pull over! Now!" Marquise told their driver. 
"What?" Shanelle said to him. 
"Huh?" Khari asked.
"What doing Daddy?" Kylo asks. 
"What wong (wrong)?" Zyon asked. 
Once their limo pulled over to the side of the road, Marquise got out. 
"What are you doing?" Shanelle asked him. 
"You'll find out in a second. But first everybody out! Come on boys! Come on Khari! Out of the car!" Marquise replied. 
Shanelle watched Khari unbuckle herself and her brothers and they got out of the car. After a second Shanelle got out after them. When Shanelle got out she watched her husband signal the rest of the motorcade to pull over. 
"What has gotten into you?!" Shanelle asked Marquise. 
"This." he replied before turning to their daughter, "tag! You're it!" 
"Can't catch me!" he said as he took running. 
"Come back here Daddy!" Khari said as she and her brothers took off after him.
Shanelle was shocked. 
"Oh! My! God! My husband has lost his mind." she said to herself. 
She watched as her children tried to catch their father. 
"I'm gonna get you, Daddy!" Khari said to him as she and her brothers ran after him.
"You gotta catch me first!" he called out to them.
Shanelle couldn't believe what she was seeing. The children had him surrounded with Khari finally tackling her father to the ground. 
"Ha! Got you!" she said to him. 
"Yes, you did. That means...I'm it!" 
"Uh oh!"
"This is the part where you start running."
"RUN BOYS RUN!" Khari told the others. 
Marquise watched the children go in different directions before running after them. Margo sidled up to Shanelle. 
"My son has gone insane. This is your chance to have him committed so you and my granddaughter can rule," she whispered. 
Shanelle cackled.
"The genius of my mother-in-law strikes again." 
"Mommy! Help!" Khari called out to her mother. 
"Excuse me whilst I go save the children from the big bad gone mad King." 
Shanelle kicked off her shoes and then joined in on the fun. Soon Marquise had mostly everyone traveling with him running around laughing and rolling around in the field. The fun came to an end when everyone was out of breath and laughing. 
"What has gotten into you?" Shanelle asked her husband who was still out of breath but laughing. 
"Many years ago, we were traveling with my father to a state dinner that Duke Theron's father was hosting. And my father had his nose deep into his notes." Marquise replied. 
"I remember that. According to your mother at the time, your father was trying to impress a visiting Duke and his family." Margo added. 
Marquise nodded. 
"Yes. That's right. Anyway, as we rode along, my mother looked out the window and saw a field. She had the driver pull over to the side of the road, dragged us all out of the car, and then said to my father in no uncertain terms 'Tag your it.' and took off running. Leo and I looked at dad and ran after my mother. And before we all knew it, my father was chasing after all of us. She got everyone who was traveling with us to play with us." he replied. 
Marquise shook his head with a smile. 
"You all should have seen it. Nobles and children alike just running around laughing. It was one of the few times in my life that I remember my father genuinely smiling and laughing and just having a good time. It was one of the only times that I remember when he didn't have a care in the world. So when I saw this field I felt inspired,"
Khari wrapped her dad's arm around herself. 
"I like that memory, Daddy," Khari said to him. 
"I do too." Shanelle agreed. 
"Famy (family) hug!" the twins piped up. 
Marquise gathered his family in his arms for a big hug.
"Alright, I think we've had enough fun for now. We have to get to Castelsarreillan before it gets dark." Shanelle said to everyone. 
"Okay. Come on everyone." Marquise said. 
Soon the Royal Family was once again on their way to Castelsarreillan. When they arrived at the bed and breakfast, they were greeted by a small welcome reception. After getting the children situated in their rooms, Marquise joined his wife out on the terrace of the bed and breakfast. 
"And how are you feeling, my love?" he asked her as he sat down. 
"I'm okay. This bed and breakfast is beautiful. How did you find it?" she replied. 
"The owner's granddaughter and I went to school together, and they reached out and I just couldn't say no. As much as I love staying at the Theron estate, I wanted to stay somewhere more family-friendly. And as much as he tries, Duke Theron's estate isn't exactly childproof."
"This is true. I think he'd have a heart attack if the kids ran around and then accidentally broke something."
Marquise snorted. 
"Speaking of the Theron Family, will all of them be at the festival tomorrow?" she asked. 
"Mmmhmm. Joelle, Penelope, and Ezekiel will be hosting the charity art auction and His Grace is on the selection panel this year. They'll be determining what other countries join this year. And before you ask, Kiara will be there as well." he replied. 
"And you're sure she will be on our side?" she asks. 
"I am indeed. While I do know that Lord and Lady Gallagher have reached out to her, I don't think they've been able to convince her to join their cause," he replied. 
"Well we'll find out Saturday won't we?" 
"We sure will. In the meantime, I am excited for tomorrow." 
"I know. We get to meet our nephew. I can't wait to hold him." 
"Take it as practice for our little one."
Shanelle smiled at her husband. 
The next morning they were joined by the rest of their family. And were introduced to their newest nephew Noah. 
"Eeeeee! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" Shanelle squealed as the baby was placed in her arms, "Ohhhh my goodness! You're so tiny and so handsome." 
She looked at Jenna with a smirk. 
"You oughta be ashamed of yourself."
Jenna scoffed. 
"You're one to talk. You gave me a niece and two nephews. And I gave you a niece and two nephews. So we're even."
"For now." 
"Jen Jen! You're here!" Khari said to her aunt. 
"Hey, my sweet girl! And my two gumdrops! Oh, I've missed you three so much!" She said to Khari and the twins, "Here come meet your cousin." 
The boys toddled over to their mother and peered at the baby in her arms. 
"What's dat (that) mommy?" Zyon asks. 
"This is Noah. Your new cousin." Shanelle replied. 
Kylo looked at the baby curiously. 
"That's alien Mommy!" Kylo said to her. 
Shanelle snorted as she shook her head. 
"He's not an alien. He's a baby. This is what a baby looks like." she explained to the boys. 
"Not me! Nope nope nope!" Kylo said in protest. 
Marquise snickered. 
"Yes, you. And your brother. And your big sister. And your cousins. All of you looked like this. I would know. Thank you very much." 
"Mommy, can I hold him?" Khari asks. 
"Sure come sit down," Shanelle replied. 
Khari sat next to her mother before she passed the baby to her. This made the twins even more curious. 
"What doing sissy?" Zyon asks. 
"Holding the baby. See?" she replied, "You hold the baby in your arms like this. It helps support them." 
The boys were enamored with what they saw. 
"I try sissy?" Zyon asks. 
Khari nodded before looking at her aunt Jenna.
"Is it okay Jen Jen?" she asks. 
"Yes, darling. They can hold him with you," she replied.
Khari nodded then turned to her brothers. 
"Okay Zyon, come sit down next to me," she said to her little brother. 
Zyon toddled over and sat down next to Khari.
"What I do now sissy?" Zyon asks. 
"Here," she said as she placed the baby in his arms, "you hold him in your arms like this."
Shanelle helped him hold the baby. 
"Like this mommy?" Zyon asks. 
"Yup. Just like that." Shanelle replied. 
"I do it! Yay!" Zyon cheered. 
"Inside voice sweetie. You don't want to scare the baby." Shanelle said to him.
"Oh! I sorry. I use my inside voice now."
Zyon gently rocked the baby in his arms. 
"Brodder (brother) you try now," he said to Kylo.
Kylo looked at Jenna. 
"I try now Jen Jen?" he asked. 
"Of course sweetie. Go try," she replied. 
"Otay (okay) I ready now," he said as he sat down in his mother's lap. 
Shanelle helped him hold the baby close. He smiled at the baby. 
"Helyo (hello) baby. My name Kylo," he said to the cooing baby. 
After spending most of the day with their family, Their Majesties met with the organizers of the International Art and Food Festival to finalize the plans for opening day. 
The next day was the start of the International Art and Food Festival. The grounds of the Pavilion at Lake Regent were filled with all sorts of artisans selling their wares. Food vendors galore. A petting zoo, lots of music, and a charity art auction.
Marquise walked around the festival with the boys. Showing them the art of funnel cake. 
"What's that Daddy?" Zyon asked. 
"They're making my favorite: funnel cake," he replied.
"Funnel cake?" Kylo asked. 
"Here let Daddy show you," he replied before picking the boys up to show them. 
"See? It's like the churros you boys like."
"Yike (like) churro?" Kylo asks. 
"See? They fry the dough then they put powdered sugar and one other topping of your choice. Sometimes they put strawberries on top or sometimes they put my favorite, chocolate on top." he replies. 
"Yike (like) chocate (chocolate)! Have some Daddy?" Kylo asks. 
"Of course my love," he replied. 
After speaking to the proprietor, Marquise walked away with three funnel cakes covered in powdered sugar and chocolate. While Khari and her mother got gelato. 
"Okay, kiddo, what kind do you want?" Shanelle asks. 
"Chocolate! What kind are you getting?" Khari replied. 
"My favorite kind, Hazelnut." 
As the couple walked around with their children, Shanelle couldn't shake the feeling they were being watched. And after scanning the crowd, she was right. They were being watched by Lord and Lady Gallagher while they were seemingly speaking with Lady Kiara. And Marquise noticed.
"Ignore them," he whispered to his wife. 
"I'm trying. But seeing them so cozy with Kiara is starting to worry me," she whispered back. 
"No need to worry."
"You said that yesterday."
"Exactly. So trust me."
It brought Marquise so much joy to see his people out and about and enjoying themselves. The art auction was a hit. With millions being raised for St. Jude Children's Hospital and the Elena Charroux Cancer Foundation. He made sure a few pieces that were bought would hang on palace walls. 
When it was time for the closing of the first day, many looked to the King for the closing remarks. 
"I want to thank everyone for attending and participating in the opening festivities of the International Art and Food Festival. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to host again. The food has been amazing. My wife had to not so kindly ban me from the pop-up that is serving my favorite chicken tagine."
"You would've eaten them out of house and home. I was doing them a favor." Shanelle piped up. 
The crowd laughed. 
"Anyway! Today's opening festivities were the most successful we've ever had. Seeing all of you enjoying yourselves, selling your artwork, playing music, and dancing everywhere, it's all a reminder of why we are one the most successful kingdoms in the world."
He looked out at the crowd where Lord and Lady Gallagher were looking smugly back at him and to where Lady Kiara was standing with her family. 
"Now I do believe that our hostess, Lady Kiara Theron has a few words she'd like to say," he said to the crowd. 
Kiara made her way to the stage and cleared her throat before addressing the crowd. 
"Thank you, Your Majesty. I also want to thank you and Her Majesty for the opportunity to host this great Cordonian event. It is an honor and privilege that my family and I are very grateful for. I also want to thank the selection committee. It is an honor to host you all this year. And lastly to everyone here, thank you. You all have made this year our most successful year to date. I could not ask for a better opening day."
The crowd applauded. 
"Now before you leave, Your Majesty, I do have something else I want to address while I have you here. As everyone else may know you have been challenged for the throne by Lord and Lady Gallagher. I want to be upfront with you and everyone here and say that my family and I spoke with them."
Marquise nodded. 
"As one of the Great Houses of Cordonia, House Theron is known for its steadfast and unwavering loyalty, commitment, and wisdom. Our house sigil is a mighty owl after all. And while Lord and Lady Gallagher gave us a very generous offer for our support, after discussing it with my family, we have decided that it is in the best interests of our family and our duchy to...continue supporting the crown. Your Majesties, House Theron, and all of Castelsarreillan remain committed to you both in this challenge."
Shanelle breathed a sigh of relief, while Marquise bowed to Kiara. 
"Thank you, my lady. It means everything to me that one of Cordonia's Great Houses will support the crown in this endeavor. You and your family will always have our gratitude."
The crowd gave Lady Kiara and Marquise a standing ovation as they stepped off the stage. Marquise looked over to Lord and Lady Gallagher who were both fuming and winked. 
The next day the family returned to the palace, where Shanelle and Marquise discussed gaining the support of House Theron. 
"Okay as much as I hate to admit it, you were right," Shanelle said to her husband. 
"O ye of no faith, of course I was right."
Shanelle rolled her eyes good-naturedly. 
"How did you know House Theron would side with us?" she asked. 
"I have been speaking with Duke Hakim for weeks. And after Mama reminded me that Sebastian helped to bring the festival to Cordonia with him, I might've played on his sympathies." he replied, "it also gave me an idea."
"What?" she asked. 
"We don't really need many of the noble houses on our side if we can convince the Great Houses to side with us," he replied. 
"Okay, so what are you thinking?" 
Marquise thought for a second. 
"How do you feel about hosting a Queen's Tea?" 
Shanelle snorted. 
"You want me to host another one after the last one I hosted?" 
"Good point. Well, hopefully at least this time you won't be fighting anyone. And you'll have the kids and me to back you up."
"You'll be attending?" 
"If you'll have me. Also, it'll be a good way to get Madeleine on our side. She does enjoy a good afternoon tea."
Shanelle nodded. 
"Okay, I'll meet with my duchy staff and get the ball rolling on that end."
"Alright. In the meantime, we have a ball to prepare for." 
The next week went by in a flurry. As the palace staff prepared for the Sovereign Unity Ball. While the palace prepared itself, Their Majesties hosted Queen Lydea and her family for a small lunch and signing of a declaration that signaled both kingdoms would send as much aid as possible to Kasnia in its war with Sulovaria. 
After welcoming the Royal Family of Drakovia to Cordonia, both families as well as members of the Defense Council and their families all sat down and dinner was served. As dessert was being served, the princess had to go to the bathroom. 
"Daddy, I have to go to the bathroom. Can I be excused?" she asked her father. 
"Of course my love," he replied before turning to his mother who had just returned from putting the twins to bed, "I know you just got back but, do you mind taking her to the restroom?"
"Yes my King." she replied before speaking to Khari, "Come along my darling."
Margo took Khari's hand and led her to the bathroom. While Margo waited for Khari to finish her business, she didn't notice that she was being watched or that there were no guards patrolling the hall. 
"Grammy! Help!" Khari called out from the bathroom. 
"Yes, my darling. What's wrong?" she asked as she entered the bathroom and saw Khari on the floor.
"My hair is stuck in my dress!" she replied. 
"Oh goodness! How did that happen?" she asked. 
"I think I twirled around a little too much then fell. And my crown and bracelet flew off. Help!" Khari replies. 
Margo shook her head with a chuckle. 
"Are you hurt?" 
"No, I'm just stuck." 
"Oh, good grief. Okay now hold still so I can help." 
Margo worked Khari's hair free of her dress. 
"And now that we have your hair free of your dress, let me find your crown and bracelet."
"I'll help."
The pair worked together to find Khari's crown and her charm bracelet. 
"Now let's put your bracelet back on," Margo said to Khari, "and now for your crown. There. All better now."
Khari looked in the mirror and smiled. 
"Grammy you're the bestest!" Khari said as she quickly hugged her grandmother, "Thank you for helping me."
"You're welcome my sweet. Now let's get you back to the ballroom because they're serving our favorite dessert."
"Oooh! Let's go!" 
As they left the bathroom, they were stopped by Prince Kaspar Thorne.
"Good evening to you both," he said to Khari and Margo. 
Margo placed herself between him and Khari. 
"Good evening, Your Highness. Can I help you?" she asked. 
"I wanted to introduce myself to the Princess if that's okay," he replies. 
"Grammy, who is that?" Khari asked Margo. 
"My Princess, this is Prince Kaspar Thorne. He is a member of the Drakovian Royal Family," Margo replied. 
"What do you want?" Khari asked him. 
"As I said, I wish only to introduce myself to you," he replied, "that is a beautiful bracelet you have on Your Highness."
Khari placed her left hand over her bracelet. Margo and Khari had confused looks on their faces before turning around to see Prince Kaspar's sibling Emika behind them. 
"What is the meaning of this?" Margo asked Kaspar.
Margo never got an answer, instead she was rushed and knocked down from behind by Emika as Prince Kaspar grabbed Khari's arm.
"Let me go!" Khari yelled. 
Kaspar was able to snatch Khari's bracelet off her wrist and grab her crown. 
"I got them!" Kaspar said to his sibling. 
"Good! Let's go!" Emika said to him. 
As he tried to run in the opposite direction, Margo was able to trip him up. 
"Let go of me!" he said as kicked her in the stomach. 
That's when Khari picked up her grandmother's cane. 
"You leave my Grammy alone!" she yelled as she swung the cane. She was able to hit him twice before he finally got away only to collide with his sibling.
The commotion reached the attention of the grand ballroom. That's when Khari's scream rang out. 
"DADDY!" she screamed. 
Shanelle dropped the glass in her hand and Marquise choked as his heart dropped. 
"GUARDS! FIND MY DAUGHTER NOW!" he commanded. 
He helped Shanelle to her feet. 
"Let's go!", he said to her.
As the couple and the guards ran out of the ballroom, many in the dining room were talking fiercely. 
Marquise and Shanelle followed their daughter's voice. 
"Daddy!" she called out, "Daddy help!" 
"Khari! Where are you?" he called out to her before commanding the guards, "Guards! Lock down the palace! Now!" 
When they found Khari she was holding her grandmother's cane looking shaken. 
"Are you alright?" he asked her.
"Are you hurt?" her mother asked. 
"No. But Grammy is! They hurt her." she replied, "we gotta help her! Come on Daddy! Come on Mommy!" 
"Where is she?" he asked. 
"In there." she pointed to the bathroom, "she's hurt! They hurt her!" Marquise's heart seized at Khari's words.
"Stay here with her," he said to Shanelle before going to his mother's side. 
"Find Sir Bannon! Now!" Shanelle said to the closest guard to her. 
"Yes. At once Your Majesty." the guard replied. 
"Mama! No!" he said before racing to her side. He helped her sit up as she clutched her side, "Are you hurt?"
"Only my pride, my love," she replied with a pained wince.
"Here let me help you up. Can you stand?" he asked. 
"Yes I can stand," she replied. 
He slowly helped her up. Allowing her to lean against him to steady herself. 
"Grammy! Are you okay?" Khari asked. 
"Yes, my darling. I'm alright." she replied with a wince. 
"Margo, what happened?" Shanelle asks. 
"What happened?! Those two Drakovian mongrels attacked us! That's what happened!" Margo replied. 
She took a deep breath. 
"I apologize, my Queen. I forgot myself for a moment. I had no right to speak to you in that manner." 
"Don't worry about it."
Margo inhaled then exhaled.
"We were ambushed and attacked. Plain and simple," she said to Shanelle. 
"And you said it was two Drakovians?" Shanelle asks. 
"Yes. The two twins of the Royal Family," Margo replied. 
Marquise let out an explosive breath. 
"Come here. Both of you." he said to his daughter and mother before wrapping them in a protective hug, "I am so sorry this happened. This is my fault. I should've had guards go with the two of you. I failed you both."
Margo shook her head no. 
"It's not your fault my love. They attacked us. And I did my duty as the Princess's defender and tried to defend her."
Khari nodded. 
"And I protected my Grammy!" Khari added.
Shanelle looked around but didn't see any patrolling guards. 
"Where are the guards that are supposed to patrol this hallway?" Shanelle asked. 
"I don't know, I didn't notice there weren't any around. My apologies, my Queen. I should've been more aware of our surroundings." Margo replied. 
Khari looked around.
"My bracelet!" she gasped. 
"What about it?" Shanelle asked. 
"It's gone! They took it!" Khari replied. 
"She's right. That's why they attacked us. They were after her bracelet." Margo added. 
"They stole my bracelet! They stole it!" 
Marquise and Shanelle looked at each other. 
"Let's get you two out of here," Marquise said to them.
They walked out of the bathroom to a hallway full of guests and paparazzi. 
"Your Majesty, I demand you explain your daughter attacking my siblings," Lydea said to Marquise. 
When Marquise saw Kaspar, he saw red. 
"Guards! Seize the Prince and his twin sibling!" Marquise commanded. 
At His Majesty's command, the guards surrounded the twins.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Lydea asked. 
"You're about to find out," he replied, "Search them!"
"Absolutely not! If your guards take one more step I will consider this an act of war!" Lydea said to Marquise before a guard spoke up, "My King!"
The guard held up Khari's bracelet and her crown leaving Lydea stunned. 
"What is that?" she asked. 
"That Your Majesty...is my daughter's charm bracelet and crown..." Marquise replied, "that your brother stole from her." 
"You can't be serious."
Marquise looked at her. 
"Your brother is a thieving kleptomaniac. So can you really be shocked?" he asked, before turning to the guard, "bring me my daughter's bracelet and crown."
The guard handed Marquise Khari's bracelet and crown. When she looked at her bracelet, her face fell. 
"It's broken. They broke it." she said as she looked at it. 
"Don't worry, my love."
"But they broke it, Daddy! The clasp is broken! It's ruined!"
Marquise tapped his lips.
"It will be alright precious. It will be fixed as good as new." he said to his daughter. 
"How can you be sure Daddy?" she asks.
"Because Her Majesty will be the one to pay to have it fixed," he replied. 
"Excuse me?! I will be doing what?!" Lydea asked. 
"As I just said, you will be the one to have my daughter's bracelet fixed. Because if you don't I will consider your brother attacking my daughter and mother as an act of war. Declaration be damned." Marquise replied. 
Lydea let out an explosive breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
She then turned her fury on her siblings. 
"You two are so dead." she sneered at them. 
The twins looked at each other. 
"But! We didn't do this alone!" Kaspar said to his sister. 
"What are you talking about?" Lydea asks. 
"We never do anything without a plan Lydea," Emika replies. 
"Plan? What plan?" Shanelle asked. 
"We had help from the inside," Kaspar replied, "a member of your court has been supplying me with info on your family and the palace."
That sent many into a fierce chatter. 
"What?!" Lydea asked her brother. 
"For the last three weeks I've been in communication with a member of the Cordonian Court. They helped me plan this whole thing," Kaspar replied. 
"He's right. I verified that they are a member of the court." Emika added. 
Shanelle looked at her husband. 
"Who?" she asked. 
Kaspar pointed to a primly dressed man in the crowd. He pointed to Lady Makenna's older brother Lord Oliver Laurent. 
"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Shanelle seethed. 
"That's a lie! My brother would never!" Lady Makenna immediately objected. 
"And yet I believe him," Marquise said.
"You would believe a Drakovian over a member of your own court?" Makenna asked. 
"Considering how much of a pain in the ass your house has been as of late, yes I would." He replied before turning back to Kaspar, "If what you two say is true, what proof do you have to support your claims?" 
Emika produced their phone as well as Kaspar's phone. 
"Here. You can check our texts and calls." 
Just as Marquise began going through Kaspar's phone, Margo's son Bannon came running up. 
"Your Majesty! The guards came to get me. What has happened?" he asked before looking at his mother, "Mother? What happened? Are you alright?"
"I am now my love," she replied. 
"What happened?" he asked. 
Shanelle told him everything that happened. 
"Oh my God! Mama! I am so sorry you and the Princess were attacked." he said to her before turning to Marquise, "who is responsible for this?"
"They are," he replies, nodding to Kaspar and his sibling, "they attacked Mama and my daughter. Stealing my daughter's crown and charm bracelet." 
Bannon started to step toward the twins before Marquise stopped him. 
"But Your Majesty!"
"I understand your anger brother. You are right in your anger. Our mother was attacked. But I need you to tend to our mother and my daughter."  
Bannon took a deep resigned breath and nodded. 
"Yes sire."
Marquise laid a hand on Bannon's shoulder. 
"I promise you, brother. Justice will be served swiftly. I will be sure to defend my daughter's and our mother's honor." 
"Alright. I trust your judgment my King. I will stand by your side. Even if all I want to do is strangle that imbecile!" 
Bannon looked around. 
"Mama, where is your cane?" He asked. 
"Right here uncle Bannon," Khari replied, "I think I bent it when I used it to protect her."
Bannon nodded with a proud smile. 
"May I?" he asked. 
Khari handed the bent cane to him. Bannon bowed to her before kissing her on her forehead.
"I am so proud of you, my Princess. Thank you for doing what you could to protect your grandmother."
Khari gave him a small smile before looking at her grandmother. 
"I'm sorry, Grammy. I didn't mean to bend it."
"My little warrior. Thank you for defending me. Even though it's my job to defend you.”
"We defend each other, Grammy."
"Indeed we do, my love. And do not worry about my cane Princess, your father will just buy me a new one with all the bells and whistles on it won't you?”
Khari nodded and Marquise just shook his head. 
"Bannon, I need you to take Mama and my daughter back to the residence and call Dr. Wembley so he can check her over. Please." Marquise said to him. 
"By your command, my Liege." 
Bannon offered an arm each to Margo and Khari and led them down the hall to the residence. Marquise took a deep breath before scanning through Kaspar and Emika's text messages. He saw something very interesting and Shanelle noticed. 
"What is it?" she asked him. 
"This," Marquise replied as he dialed a number.
Soon a loud buzzing was heard. It was a phone ringing. Everyone looked around. It was Lord Oliver Laurent's phone ringing. Everyone turned their attention to Lord Laurent. 
"You might want to answer that," Marquise said to him. 
Lord Laurent swallowed the large lump in his throat. 
"Oliver! What did you do?!" Lady Makenna asked her brother. 
"I-I-I-I–" he started to say before Marquise cut him off, "he committed treason of the highest offense. Didn't you?"
"No! Your Majesty! I assure you I didn't know they would attack the Princess! I thought they would make their way to the vault." he blurted out. 
"You did what?!" Shanelle asked. 
"The plan was for them to steal from the vault. And in exchange they would convince Queen Lydea for her favor for my family in this challenge," he replied. 
"Then why did you text them that you would distract the guards patrolling the hall outside of the bathroom for them?" Marquise asked. 
Lord Oliver couldn't speak. 
"Give these back to the twins," he instructed as he handed the phones back to a guard. 
Marquise set his jaw, put on a pair of black gloves before slowly stalking towards Lord Laurent causing him to back away. 
"Your Majesty, please! I meant no harm." he said as he backed up to a column. 
Marquise stopped in front of him, inhaled deeply then exhaled slowly, before grabbing his face smashing Lord Laurent's head back against the column. 
"Oliver!" Lady Makenna gasped. 
After watching him crumple to the ground, he turned to the guard closest to him.
"Drag him to the dungeons!" he hissed. 
"At once Your Majesty!" the guard replied. 
Everyone watched as the guards took Lord Laurent away. Marquise then turned around and marched towards Lady Makenna and grabbed her arm. 
"How dare you! Let me go!" she yelled at him. 
The look in Marquise's eyes scared her. 
"That is the second member of your very prestigious house to commit an act of treason! If you plan on winning this challenge then I suggest you get the members of your house in order! Otherwise, you will force me to eradicate your entire family! Do I make myself clear Kenna?!" he sneered. 
Lady Makenna swallowed. 
"Crystal," she replied. 
He let her arm go and walked toward Prince Kaspar. He grabbed him by the neck, pinned him against a column behind him, and squeezed. 
"If you ever step foot in my kingdom again, not only will I consider it an act of war, but you meet the same fate as your father's uncle. A VERY public beheading." he sneered at a choking Kaspar. 
"Stop it! You'll kill him!" Lydea said to him. 
"That's the idea," Shanelle piped up.
Marquise let the Prince fall to the ground, gasping for air. He turned around and looked at Lydea with a smirk. 
"Sorry. I got a little overzealous."
Lydea scoffed. 
"I'll say. Besides, no one gets to kill him but me. Got it?" she asked. 
"Understood Your Majesty," he replied. 
"Good. While it has been good to see you and your wife, I think it is time my family and I took our leave."
Marquise nodded. 
"Very well. We'll speak again soon?" he asked. 
"How about next week?" she replied. 
"Perfect. I'll put it on my calendar."
Shanelle blinked at Lydea. 
"You're not mad?" she asked. 
"My brother and his twin are idiots. This gives me all the reasons I need to torture them both when we get home." Lydea replied. 
Shanelle snorted. 
"I knew I liked you." 
Lydea nodded. 
"Likewise, Your Majesty." 
Later that night after all the commotion of the evening, Marquise couldn't sleep. His anger couldn't let him rest. He couldn't get the images of his daughter and mother in trouble out of his head. So he got up, left his bedroom, and walked down the hall to Margo's room. He had to check on her. He had to make sure she was okay. He quietly watched her sleep from her doorway before going to check on Khari. 
She was safe but in his mind, he almost lost her. Again. Hearing her screaming for help and that feeling of helplessness will forever haunt him. 
After standing in Khari's doorway and watching her sleep, His Majesty quietly closed the door. He then walked down the hall to his office. Once inside he headed straight to the liquor cabinet, grabbed his favorite Bourbon, and poured himself a drink. After he sat down at his desk and took a sip, there was a knock at the door. It was Shanelle.
"What are you doing awake?" he asked her.
"You kinda woke me up when you got up," she replied before sitting down on the edge of the bookshelf behind him. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's okay. Why are you up?" she asked. 
Marquise downed his drink before pouring another. 
"I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk down the hall. And while I walked I went to check on Khari and Mama," he replied, "I had to make sure they were okay." 
He sighed as he swirled the whiskey in his glass. 
"My facade is starting to crack."
"What do you mean?" she asked. 
He gave her a look. 
"I was afraid you'd say that." 
He shook his head. 
"I shouldn't have lost my temper," he said with a heavy sigh.
"No you definitely should have."
Shanelle shook her head no. 
"Don't you Shanelle me! Our daughter and your mother were ambushed and attacked. You had every right to feel angry. On top of the fact that another member of the illustrious House Gallagher was caught committing treason."
Marquise let out a breath.
"You know...no matter how much I try to hide or downplay it, I can't outrun the fact that the blood of one Constantine Rys still runs through my veins."
"I know it does. But that doesn't mean you're anything like him." 
"I am exactly like him whether I want to admit it or not," he said with a scoff before downing his second drink.
"No, you are not! You are a devoted father and son. Two pillars of your heart and life were in danger. You can't be blamed for how you react." 
Marquise poured another drink before turning around to face her. 
"What kind of message am I sending?" he asked. 
"You are more than just the King of a kingdom or the face of a great Monarchy. As I said before, you are a devoted father and son. There is nothing you wouldn't do for your family. You do everything you can to protect and defend us. But not even you can't predict every single thing or protect us from every danger lurking around the corner or in the shadows. What matters the most is that you never stop trying." she replied. 
Marquise swallowed. 
"I think it's my PTSD. But the thought of Khari being in danger...I felt paralyzed. I felt helpless. Even though she's fine physically and she's safe and sound asleep in her bed...I still feel like I failed. It is my job to always keep her, the boys, and our newest baby safe."
"For the record, it's our job to keep our children safe. Yours and mine. And what I'm saying to you is that sometimes you can't do everything. You're not Clark Kent. You don't wear red and blue tights and fly around with a super-sized red S on your chest."
Marquise snorted. 
"You saying I'm not Superman?" he asked. 
"You're more like John Stewart," she replied. 
He chuckled. 
"The Green Lantern? Not bad."
"Babe it's my job as your wife to remind you that while you're great at many things you are still just a man. You can't do everything." 
"Doesn't mean I won't try to." 
Marquise shook his head with a small smile before placing a hand on her belly. 
"Thank you for talking me off a ledge."
"Always. Now last drink. No more drowning yourself in pity and bourbon." 
"I am not drowning myself in pity."
"Still the last drink."
Marquise rolled his eyes good-naturedly before taking his final drink and standing up. 
"What would I be without you?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around her. 
"A raging alcoholic," she replied. 
Marquise snorted. 
"The only reason I'm gonna let that slide is because I love you."
"I love you too handsome. Now come on, let's go get some sleep." 
"Okay. I'm right behind you."
"Nope. I'm behind you. I need to make sure you actually leave this office." 
Marquise rolled his eyes before putting his liquor back in the cabinet and walking out with Shanelle. 
As they walked down the hall, an attendant came running up to them.
"Your Majesties! You must come quick!" she said in a rush.
"What is it?" Marquise asked. 
"It is Princess Naya, My King. I think she may be in trouble," she replied.
Marquise shared a look with Shanelle before they followed the attendant. When they got to the sitting area Naya was there looking upset. 
"Naya, what's wrong? Why do you look like that?" Marquise asked. 
"I need your help! Please!" she said with tears streaming down her face. 
"What is it Naya? What happened?" Shanelle asked.
"They took her! They took my baby!" 
"Who?" Marquise asked. 
"Edward! Please! You have to help me!" she said before breaking down into tears. 
"Okay come sit down," Shanelle said to her.
Shanelle led her to the couch closest to them. 
"Now tell us what happened," Marquise said to her. 
Naya took a shaky breath before she began to speak.
"He took Bernadette! Edward came into my home and took my daughter from me! I couldn't stop him." 
"In the middle of the night?" Shanelle asks. 
"Yes. About an hour ago. We were both asleep. Tarlov tried to stop them but even he couldn't stop them. I don't understand. I don't understand how he was able to do this." Naya replied. 
"I do. But I need to gather more information. I will get to the bottom of this." Marquise said to her. 
Naya nodded her head slowly. 
"In the meantime, you can stay here at the palace. At least until your daughter is returned to you." Shanelle said to her. 
"Thank you both." 
Shanelle turned to the attendant who alerted them. 
"Have a room prepared for the Princess please," she instructed. 
"At once, Your Majesty," she said with a bow.
"Now Naya you go with her. Everything will be alright." Shanelle said softly to Naya. 
Naya nodded before going with the attendant. Shanelle let out a breath. 
"I can't believe Edward would do this."
"I can. He's trying to send us a message."
"What's the message?" she asked. 
"That this war for our kingdom is far from being over," he replied, "that he and Genevieve will be willing to do anything to force us out. Even if it means going after innocent people." 
Shanelle nodded. 
"So what will be our message to them?" she asks. 
"Our message is simple, we are going to thoroughly enjoy crushing them into dust," he replied. 
Shanelle nodded. 
"Well that's a good enough reason for me." 
Marquise stood up offering a hand to his wife. 
"Come on. Let's go get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us." 
The pair then headed down the hall towards their bedroom.
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freckliedan · 1 year ago
I think a big thing with things like the vday vid is that they're out now. Before, we were still playing that game of "we know, and they know that we know, but we aren't supposed to know so we'll pretend we don't know while they pretend nothing happened" or at least those of us with an ounce of respect for them were playing the game. They were pretty violently outed against their will, and the damage it caused was very apparent to those of us who cared about them beyond just wanting to prove that our OTP was canon or whatever. But like you said, there's not many of us left who were here to experience that firsthand.
I would argue that the majority of todays phandom got here post-BIG, and so when they learn about the vday vid, it just feels like a cute little bit of history to them, whereas it feels more like a war flashback to us Olds. I think we the phandom have loosened up on the "rules" so to speak, because that video can't be weaponized anymore. It can't be thrown back in their face as "proof" of anything. Dan and Phil have managed to completely remove any power it had over them.
It's still a deeply intimate moment that we were never meant to see, and for that reason alone, I do think we probably should continue to discourage people from seeking it out, but if someone gets curious and goes googling, that's on them. The etiquette these days is less "do not ever look this up, do not ever acknowledge it" and more "if you're gonna watch it, watch it, just don't repost it anywhere and draw unnecessary attention to it" and that seems to work out well for everyone involved.
Its probably the closest, truest, most personal look we've ever gotten into their relationship, and the fact that they're still together to this day despite everything we put them through, I think that probably makes the video feel a little more special to everyone, even those of us who would have protected it with our lives a few years ago. It doesn't feel so taboo anymore because we aren't putting them at any risk by talking about it now.
i legitimately have nothing to add you're so hitting the nail on the head. it's really amazing to me that the most common experience i hear about in new fans is that even if they had the opportunity to watch, it felt too intimate and they never finished watching it/didn't watch in the first place. i can't even put into words how glad i am about that.
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patbworship · 7 months ago
Mod Introduction #1 (Welcome to the Blog! Narf!)
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Hellooooooooo Tumblr!!! If you are seeing this, you have stumbled across the newest Pinky and The Brain exclusive blog (as hinted by the title of course!) that will be dedicated to celebrating the legacy, brilliance, and gayness of the PaTB franchise! I am Mod Pinky (my other half will be making an intro very soon) and many of you may know me from my main blog @theonethatyaks93 where I post Animaniacs and PaTB content for a living. I am really glad to share this fun new project with my bestest partner and we are both excited to be sharing our love for the mice with all of you! Now I am aware that the fandom is not as active as it once was, and many blogs like this one have been abandoned. Still, we are excited to be keeping the fandom alive and we are looking forward to helping cement this show into public conscious for a while longer. But enough about that; we'll be making another post to describe the blog in more depth at a later time. Let's get to the fun, actual introduction part of the post:
Name: Please call me Pinky or Mod Pinky if you'd like
Pronouns: She/They
Basic Interests: Writing, Singing, Acting, Animation, Drawing,
Dream Job(s): Voice Actor, Author, Writer on a PaTB Reboot
OTP: Brinky
My History in the Fandom: Surprisingly, I've been involved in the Animaniacs fandom since 2020 and the PaTB fandom since 2021. I got into the show thanks to the trailer for the Animaniacs reboot and I instantly fell in love. I was actually more into the Warner Siblings when I first watched the original series and I spend the first months in the fandom obsessing over them. However in 2021, I got really, REALLY into Pinky and The Brain. I believe it was because I saw people talking about them everywhere. And I started shipping Brinky as well. The mice just appealed to me specifically, and as I was going through the worst time in my life, they were there to help me out. Since then, nearly three years later, I've become an expert in all things PaTB. Pinky and The Brain has actually gotten me interested in other things shockingly, including neurological science and even rodent care, believe it or not. These mice have a death grip on my life and I am looking forward to growing my love for the series even more.
Favorite Episodes of PaTB (All episodes that I've seen so far) (In no particular order):
A Pinky and The Brain Christmas
This Old Mouse
A Pinky and The Brain Halloween
Broadway Malady
Brain's Way
Talladega Mice
Narf Over Troubled Water
Of Mouse and Man
That Smarts
Megalomaniacs Anonymous
Welcome to the Jungle
Future Brain
How The Brain Thieved Christmas
Groundmouse Day
Pinky Suavo (Yeessssss)
Plight of Hand
Brainie the Poo
Brain's Night Off
Happy Narfday
Mouse Madness
Royal Flush
Mouse Congeniality
How To: Brain Takes Over the World
Yes, Always
Brain Meets Brawn
Bubba Bo Bob Brain
Inherit the Wheeze
Where Rodents Dare
Pinky POV
Favorite Moments from PaTB: You guys are going to have to wait for the blog. I wanna make posts about them and talk about why I love them so much. But one of my favorite moments, of course, is the ending of the Christmas episode because it makes me sob every time I watch it
Most Underrated Episodes (Again, in no particular order):
Brain's Song
Pinky's Dream House
Anything from the Animaniacs Reboot
Melancholy Brain
The Pinky and The Brain Reunion Special
But That's Not All Folks!
Dangerous Brains
Beach Blanket Brain
Pinky at the Bat
You Said a Mouseful
Brain Drained
Hoop Schemes
Napoleon Brainaparte
Battle for the Planet
Win Big
When Mice Ruled the Earth
Favorite Songs:
Just Say Narf!
Pinky's Memories
Cheese Roll Call
The Really Great Dictator
A Meticulous Analysis of History
I Ate a Rock
Pinky's Dream House (Song)
Brain Doggie Mambo
International Mouse of Mystery (For the vocal performance alone)
Most Interesting Opinions on the Show:
I really like Snowball. He's my favorite side character from any iteration
Julia (from the reboot) is AMAZING in her second and third appearances. Not in her first
I prefer the fan versions of Billie to her canon character
I do not like Phar Fignewton very much. She isn't a very interesting character
I think Pinky and The Brain thrived in the late 90's while Animaniacs faltered a bit. Seasons 3-5 of Animaniacs had some good episodes but quite a few duds while PaTB had an incredible third and fourth season
To me Brinky is canonized in the reboot. Not in the traditional sense but it's pretty obvious
The reboot PaTB episodes are really good
I am not a big fan of the episode Brainania. It's not bad but I find it a bit slow in the pacing department
Mousechurian Candidate (from the reboot) is the worst episode of PaTB ever made
Pinky, Elmyra, and The Brain is not as bad as people think and there are some good jokes. But it is nowhere near the quality of the rest of the franchise
Pinky is the best character ever created (not biased)
My favorite episodes of the show are usually the ones that focus more on character dynamics and emotion
The animation of the show is very inconsistent. My favorite studios are TMS and Rough Draft since I think they capture how they characters look the best. Wang could be pretty good too but in other episodes they made the mice look strange. Akom did some weird lighting techniques but they did great on the episode Snowball, and the less said about Startoons the better.
I like Pinky and Brain's reboot designs a lot. And I think there are some improvements (i.e. Brain's more expressive face, the details in the designs, Pinky's more angular body, Pinky's tail, their cute little fangs). But I like them in the original series for the softer edges and more classic feel
What am I Going to Do on this Blog: One of my biggest ideas (along with getting to share my love of the mice with everyone and my partner-in-crime) is maybe to do a weekly thing, where I analyze an episode or moment from the show. I also want to review fanfictions and post random funny mouse things. Maybe I can show you guys the comics I have or my ever-growing merchandise collection. I will be opening the ask-box to suggestions at some point so if you want me or my partner to look at a specific moment, feel free to ask. I might even make some Tumblr-exclusive fanfics to post on here too. This is mainly just a fun place for us to express our love for Pinky and The Brain so it might seem random at times. But I can assure you all that I want to do some fun stuff to build up excitement. These are all things I wanted to do on my main blog but I think it will be better to do it here.
Once again, I would like to say that I am really excited for all that we have planned! This is a project I have been secretly wanting to do for a long time, and now I have someone to do it with. My Brain is perfect and I know that we're going to do so many amazing things with this blog! She's the greatest. Stay tuned for another intro coming soon and be prepared for more regular posts to come out in the following days.
The Revolution for Gay Mice Supremacy begins!
Mod Pinky over and out! Narf!
(this is not an elaborate plan to take over the world I promise you)
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bonecarversbestie · 7 months ago
I'm doing this tag bc i've never done one before. thx @zenkindoflove for always tagging me in these even tho i never do them pls don't stop.
Doing this tag feels a little funny since i'm so new to writing and i only have 2 fics, but here we go
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 23,375
3. What fandoms do you write for? ACOTAR
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  whelp this is awkward bc i only have two 😅
The Scenic Route(Elucien multichapter WIP)
Reverie(Elucien week oneshot)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I literally sit by my computer after i post waiting for them to come in bc i love attention.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? N/A. All my angst is in the beginning/middle. my endings are all happy so far.
(Although, I do have a bullet point in my fic ideas file that is a Haunting of Hill House rewrite but Autumn Court/Forest house, and if you've ever read the book, you know that calling the ending "angsty" would be an understatement)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? So Reverie is very short and is sorta set after Elucien have already had their happy ending(in more ways than one ;) The ending of the Scenic Route is also happy and it took way more work to get there, so I'd say that one.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I'm like the writing equivalent of a toddler right now--I'm still learning to write regular stuff haha. I want to write smut one day, but need to take my baby steps to get there. Even when i do, though i think it will not be as explicitly descriptive of the acts themselves, but more emotionally driven (I really like the style of the sex scenes in Song of Achilles if that gives you the vibe)
9. Do you write crossovers? I don't think i'm creative enough for that tbh
10. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. maybe one day.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not. I don't even know how that would work esp bc i am a control freak, but i'll never say never.
12. What is your all-time favorite ship? I have a handful of OTPs the primary one right now is obviously Elucien, but I have a special place in my heart for The Doctor and River Song(Doctor Who) and Dramione(who i never really shipped when reading the books, but this was the ship that got me into fanfiction and now i'm addicted)
13. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? So my Current WIP is already completely drafted, i just have to edit and post it, so i'm not worried. I do have an outline of a really long High King Lucien fic started that i worry i won't finish before their book comes out (and that once their book comes out i won't be motivated to write it any more, but we'll see)
14. What are your writing strengths? This is hard because i'm so new to writing, i feel like i don't have any strengths yet, but I'm gonna say dialogue, because it's what i enjoy writing the most. most of my first drafts are very dialogue driven and i fill in the story around the conversations
15. What are your writing weaknesses?  Internal monologues/explaining characters emotions. I tend to leave out details/explanations of a character's feelings because I know what they're feeling and i just expect the reader to inherently know everything that I know even though it's impossible.
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I love when people do this, but my spanish and french are both so rusty i don't feel confident enough to try. Maybe some latin in future works for spells and stuff, but in terms of dialogue, probably not.
17. First fandom you wrote for? Acotar! I only just started writing in June of this year, so i haven't had the chance to write for other fandoms yet, but i'd like to eventually.
18. Favorite fic you’ve written? The Scenic Route! i mean i only have two to choose from--and i have a soft spot for Reverie since it was the first fic i ever posted--but I've put a lot of time and love into The Scenic Route, and I'm excited to finish sharing it. ❤️
I'm not tagging anyone bc i don't know anyone(who wasn't already tagged). 😬
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