#new moon canon divergent au
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cullen-cannons · 3 months ago
🌑 It must be fate, my love
chapter III
Words: 479
Senior year for the class of 2006 draws to an anticlamctic close, at least for Isabella Swan.
The graduation celebrations feel pointless. Why celebrate when there are still four more years of school to go? She’d celebrate then, she decided . . . maybe. And why dos she have to learn trigonometry when she knows she wants to be an English teacher?
At school, she throws herself into her work, just to distract herself. She eats in the library and goes straight home from school every day to help her mother make dinner.
The highlights of her weeks are weekends. Gwen’s baby swim lessons on Saturday morning, boardgames, movies and homemade icecream in the backyard at night. Still two days of feeling something close to normal out of seven is far from ideal.
The tone in her mother’s voice makes Bella look up.
“We’re going to do something fun.”
Bella looks back to her work, some poster they had to make for some graduation photo, shrugging off the comment as her mother’s signature zeal.
“Go to the beach?”
“No, well maybe, but not here.”
“Maimi?” Bella asks, placing star stickers apathetcially.
Suddenly her mother is in front of her, blocking her work, “Bella- Isabella, look at me.”
She obeys, surprised by the command.
“Look, you’re, I don’t even know . . . limp. I hate seieng you like this and honestly I’m not sure how to help you, and I knwo what always works for me, so unless you have a better idea . . . Let’s go somewhere, just you and me. Hmm?”
Bella’s interest is piqued, “A roadtrip?”
“No too much time for ruminating in the car. We need to be up and moving, I’m thinking Europe.” The excitement is clear on Renee’s face, her bags are already mentally packed.
Bella thinks for a moment, “I have always wanted to see England.” she allows herself to admit
Renee frowns, “Eh, that's miserable weather, what about . . . oh, I know, Italy!”
“That’s far.”
“Not much farther than England and you need it.” Renne points out.
“But what about Gwen?” Bella counters. This is classic bahaviour of her mother, flighty, needing freedom, hating anything tying her down, the same reason Bella was never allowed a pet growing up.
Renne pauses as if she hadn’t thought of this. Bella saw her mother’s improvement. She was much more attentive with Gwen then she ever was with Bella, but it makes sense taht soem of her old traits still linger. 
“We can bring her. I already got her a passport.”
This surprises Isabella. Her mother planning in advance? Maybe she has changed more than she though.
Bella can’t deny, the idea is appealing, “When would we go?”
“As soon as summer vacation starts.”
7 days.
“Alright, I’ll run a load of our laundry.”
“And I’ll get the tickets!”
“And tell Phill.” Bella reminds.
“And tell Phill.” Renee agrees, then dashes off.
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peachdues · 11 months ago
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A/N: oh boy! The fic that started it all is back in progress (with a slight title change).
This will be a slightly canon-divergent AU, wherein Lunar Breathing is inherited and there's actually some power involved with the breathing techniques as a whole (as opposed to the styles just being nice sword movements with illustrations lmao).
Reader will be Sanemi's tsuguko for a time, and she will eventually become a Hashira. This is their story.
This will be a multi-part fic. Be warned: the Reader is a very morally gray character (but we love her for it).
@ghost-1-y thank you for reminding me of my love for this fic.
Massive CW: 18+, canon-typical violence, graphic violence, gore, child death, and implied S/A. Smut to come. MDNI.
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Sanemi was there that day; the day she became part of the Corps.
The day her world ended.
It was fucking freezing that morning. The sky was a muted gray as snow drifted down from the heavens in wet, fat clumps. It had started sometime the previous night, and by the morning, the village had been covered in its thick blanket.
The carnage, however, was fresh, and so the snow was not white.
Only an hour had passed since the watery gray light of dawn bled into the sky from the east, when Sanemi’s crow swooped low over his head, tugging frantically at his hair. Beside him, the Flame Pillar ducked as his own crow joined the panic.
“Northeast! Northeast! Right at the base of the mountain! A horde of demons attacked the village!” They cried in tandem.
Not just one. A horde. A swarm of demons had descended upon a moderately populated merchant village, tearing it and its people to shreds. 
Both the Wind and Flame Pillars furiously made their way northeast, one of the crows bleating that Tengen and Iguro were also en route. As they ran, the birds alternated in snaring what little information they had of the village, and what had prompted the attack. 
It was because of her; or rather, her family.
The head of the village was a merchant known for his imports from the West. His success meant the village prospered as a whole, and it was popular for its numerous small shops and tea houses which lined the streets, always crowded with locals and travelers alike. 
Demons had no use for money or exotic baubles; but Muzan Kibutsuji had a keen interest in obliterating Lunar Breathing from the world.
So he had. 
The very merchant whose business prowess bolstered the local economy with his imports was directly descended from the clan which had created Lunar Breathing, Breath of Sun’s powerful, dark twin. The merchant was the youngest and only living relative of the aging head of the Lunar Clan, a retired Hashira who’d never taken a wife. But unlike the other breathing techniques, Lunar Breathing was an inherited talent, and without an heir, there would be no one to continue the great family’s legacy. 
That burden was thus placed on the surviving eldest child of the merchant whose village both Sanemi and his comrade now rushed to.
There had been an elder son, Rengoku’s crow revealed, but he had died a few years prior from illness. And so, the merchant’s middle child was made the new heir, tasked with the mission of becoming a demon slayer so that she could continue on the Lunar Breathing tradition. 
There was no word as to whether she had been present for the attack. Final Selection ended only a few days prior, and it was entirely possible that she either had been killed on the Mountain, or that she was still making her way back to the village, unaware that no one would be there to welcome her home.
There was certainly no greeting for the Pillars when they finally arrived at the mountain’s base. The village was eerily silent as Sanemi and Rengoku crossed over the small bridge abutting its ravine; still. Dawn had given way to a dark gray sky, and visibility was not ideal.
Not that it would’ve taken much effort to see the blood and gore that littered the village’s once lively streets.
“What on earth?” The Sound Pillar’s familiar voice broke the silence, as he and Iguro approached their comrades from the Eastern gate of the village. Behind them, trailed a group of nearly thirty Kakushi. 
The Hashira slowly took in the nightmare around them, stunned into horrified silence as they beheld the level of destruction which had befallen the village just hours before.
“Kakushi. Spread out. Look for any survivors. They may be buried or hiding.” Rengoku’s voice was steady but uncharacteristically grave, his face stony and hard. “Shinuzagawa, we should make our way to the Lunar Merchant’s estate. We need to send word to the Clan head right away if-“
“You didn’t hear?” Iguro interjected. “The head of the Lunar House is dead.” Though the lower half of his face was covered, the anguish on the Serpent Pillar’s face was evident. “That’s where Uzui and I just came from. He was ripped to shreds.”
“Fuck,” Sanemi hissed, a toxic mixture of anger, guilt  roiling in his gut. An entire clan — and entire village— had been decimated in a matter of hours, and no one had been able to protect them.
They hadn’t been able to protect them. 
“Have we any word on the Lunar heir?” Rengoku asked quietly. Iguro and Uzui shook their heads. “Then she likely is lost, too.” The Flame Pillar turned back to Sanemi, his face a mirror of his own. “Let’s go.”
The snow and wind picked up just as the two swordsmen approached the Lunar Merchant’s manor, obscuring part of the wreckage before them. From the corner of his eye, Sanemi swore he spied movement out of the back corner of the estate, but when he turned to examine it, all was still.
Beflre he could inquire further, a sharp gasp to his right snapped his attention back to the Pillar at his side. But Rengoku was not looking at him; rather, he was staring directly ahead, right to the courtyard of the manor.
“Heavens above,” the Flame Hashira whispered. 
Sanemi followed his gaze through what had been once-proud iron gates, though only half of it remained hinged. The other had been ripped from its stone setting, twisted by some unfathomable strength and thrown carelessly to the side. Just past the gate, Sanemi beheld a single, bloodied arm. 
His heart dropped sickeningly to his stomach at what lay beyond it; for there was not an inch of ground that hadn’t been saturated with blood and bits of gore.  
Chunks of flesh and torn limbs bearing harsh jagged teeth marks were strewn across the snowy garden. Broken glass and wood from the manor littered the ground, and the few walls that remained standing had been showered in a thick coat of crimson.
But the carnage did not end with the massacre on the courtyard. Sanemi forced himself to look upon the half-severed bodies of those who’d been stuck to the sloped roofing  of the Manor, as though some demon had plucked fleeing humans from the yard to feast on them mid-air, adorning the handsome estate with a shower of bloodied entrails. 
He did not notice the small group of Kakushi that had arrived at the Manor until he heard their gasps and cries of horror. Behind him, Sanemi heard one or two begin to retch, unable to stomach the carnage before them.
“Move!” Sanemi barked, his voice scratchy over the lump forming in his throat. “Fucking look for survivors! Anyone!”
A few paces ahead, Rengoku called up to the crows checking above. “Do you have a description of the heir?”
“She is around eighteen, Lord Rengoku!”
Not helpful, given that most of the bodies around them were unrecognizable. But it was something. 
Rengoku turned back to Sanemi. “I will check inside the house. You!” Rengoku called to a small group of three Kakushi nearby, “With me!”
Sanemi continued to make his way through the debris and body parts in the courtyard, lifting stone and wood in hope that he might find someone — anyone — who had managed to hide. Yet that hope dimmed with every stone he turned, as he found only the scraps of the people who’d once called the Manor home.
He came across a large chunk of curved, chiseled stone that was half-embedded into the soft ground below. Grunting, Sanemi heaved the rock aside, thinking it was perhaps part of some fountain or statue.
His stomach lurched as the stone toppled heavily over. For there, crushed beneath the weight of the rock, was the small body of a child, severed completely at the torso. Her two halves lay next to one another, a ragged seam torn between the two as though pulled apart by force.
Sanemi felt the bile rise in his throat as his gaze fell upon the child’s face, utterly frozen in fear. Though death had snuffed out the light of life from her eyes, it had done nothing to conceal the terror she’d felt in her last moments, the girl’s mouth stretched wide, fixed in her final scream. 
She was no older than ten. 
He could not help it. Sanemi turned away from the grisly sight and vomited into the snow, every inch of him trembling. He wretched until his stomach was empty and his throat burned from the acid and strain of his dry-heaving. 
With great effort, he managed to straighten, his breath short and choppy. But he forced his legs to carry him forward, though any hope that they would find the Lunar Heir or any survivor grew dimmer by the second.
Even as Hashira, Sanemi knew he’d never seen wreckage quite like this.
He neared the center of the courtyard, and halted before a large, circular stone inset that had been smashed to gravel, leaving only a single, large piece of rounded stone wall standing.
Found the fountain, Sanemi thought bitterly. Another sharp, icy gust of wind whipped its way through the courtyard, disturbing the little bit of snow that wasn’t packed down with the carnage. But the wind also stirred up something else, something dark and wispy. 
Had the Wind Pillar’s lilac gaze been focused anywhere but that piece of stone, he would have missed it softly fluttering up before disappearing beneath the lip of the fountain. 
Lips mashed into a tight line, Sanemi moved to examine the other side of the broken stone. As he did so, Rengoku reappeared on the outer steps of the engawa surrounding the Manor, a frown etched deeply on his face.
“Shinazugawa, something is off. The demons’ presence is obvious, but the house looks like it was ransacked— jewels, silks, valuables, all strewn about. Some of it seems to be missing —“
“I found her.” Sanemi bit out, gruffly. “The heir.”
It was her hair, Sanemi realized. Her hair was what had been disturbed by the wind, a few strands having drifted up before settling back down upon the bloodied shoulder of the lifeless girl collapsed before the fountain.
Had there not been a thick spread of red-stained snow and earth beneath her, Sanemi almost would have thought she’d been sleeping. Her face was almost devoid of any injury, save for a few fresh scratches along her jaw and temple. Her eyes were closed, long dark lashes tickling a soft, and unblemished cheek, as pale and smooth as the Moon. And there was a serenity to her expression, a calmness that posed a stark contrast to the chaos and horror which surrounded her.
The rest of her had not been left untouched. Sanemi noted that while she appeared to have maintained her limbs, her back was soaked in blood, no doubt the source of the large stain beneath her. Grimly, he noted that her blood still oozed from an unknown wound between her shoulders. Her left arm was stretched out before her, wrist bent at an unnatural angle, its skin mottled from a mixture of the cold and an attempt to bruise before her blood had ceased flowing in her veins. 
Beneath the torn and bloodied haori around her shoulders, were a pair of pants and a fitted, long sleeved top which had clearly seen better days. Her clothes hosted various tears and stains, and she was so caked in blood and mud that it was difficult to further discern her body’s condition.
The crows had said the Lunar Heir was around eighteen years of age, but as Sanemi stared at her lifeless form, all he could think about was how small she looked; how young she’d been, when she lost her life to the brutality of demons.
The thought made his blood run cold.
“No doubt this is her,” Rengoku said heavily, nodding at wounds Sanemi had not noticed on her hands. Squinting, the Wind Pillar spied bruises and cuts in various stages of healing dotting her knuckles and fingers. 
He suspected more lay beneath her soiled clothing.
“Final selection wounds,” the Flame Pillar confirmed. “She must have just returned from the mountain when the attack began. Perhaps she even stumbled into the middle of it.” Rengoku shook his head. “She didn’t stand a chance.”
It was well known that even if one survived final selection, they would likely descend the mountain with some degree of injury. Seven nights without access to shelter, food, or water was difficult enough, but the added danger of starving demons almost guaranteed that one would not emerge unscathed.
She must have been wounded, and severely enough to slow her return home by a few days. Even if she had the skill to hold her own against the swarm of demons that had attacked her village, whatever injuries she sustained during final selection likely sealed her fate.
Sanemi swore, looking over the last of the Lunar Breathing Clan, the acrid bite of guilt and pity seeping hotly into his veins. The poor girl survived the controlled horrors of final selection only to meet an even more grisly end at her home — where she was supposed to be safe. 
Cruelty; utter cruelty, and a damn tragedy.
“She will get a Slayer’s burial, in the Master’s garden.” Rengoku declared firmly, raising his voice so the nearby Kakushi would hear. “She passed Final Selection; she’s one of us.”
“No,” Sanemi said, voice hoarse. “Bury her here with her family.” His eyes returned to the girl’s face, an inexplicable bitterness coating his tongue. “She fought to return to them; let her be with them.”
He lifted his eyes back up to the ochre gaze of the Flame Pillar. Rengoku stared at him for a long moment, before nodding, turning back to the Kakushi. “You heard Shinazugawa. Let’s give them all a proper burial.”
The Kakushi began to move, thorough and efficient even among the horror around them. Sanemi readied himself to assist, moving to stand when his eyes snagged on the girl’s torso, his gaze drawn to the sizeable swath of smooth skin that was exposed to the icy bite of the snow. His frown deepened as he took note of the odd way that her clothes sat around her exposed abdomen. The girl was half laid on her side, but the front of her shirt was bunched and twisted together, like it had been gathered and shoved out of the way. 
His eyes lowered a fraction to the front of the girl’s pants. At first glance, all seemend normal, her trousers fitted at her hips, but that was precisely what caught his eye. The waistband on the girl’s pants slotted across her lower hips, not higher up on her waist as it should have been. One side was noticeably lower than the other, almost as though they’d nearly been tugged off.
Almost as if-
Sanemi felt the hairs on his body rise. Looking over the girl once more, he noted the suspicious lack of claw marks and bite marks to her body; the way that she seemed intact, compared to the bodies of her friends and family scattered in pieces around her.
And her blood — her blood appeared more fresh than what was caked in the snow around them, as though she’d been attacked right before the Corps arrived at the manor’s gate.
“Rengoku,” Sanemi said sharply, and the Flame Hashira was back at his side in an instant. Sanemi jutted his chin toward the girl’s body and Rengoku followed his gaze. He could see the gears turning in his comrade’s head, the owlish Slayer steadily taking note of the odd skew of her clothes and her lack of demon-like injuries.
“How many demons do you know that try to-,” Sanemi ground his teeth at the word that came to mind, his blood boiling hot. “Have their way with victims before eating them?”
“Not many,” Rengoku conceded darkly, a similar anger simmering in his eyes. “Though not unheard of. It is… rare. Most can’t resist their hunger.” 
He fell silent for a moment, contemplating.
“Didn’t you say the house had looked ransacked?” Sanemi turned his gaze away from the girl and towards the broken doors of the manor.
Rengoku’s eyes widened. “Yes. As if someone came in and grabbed anything they could.”
Sanemi nodded. “Bandits. Probably heard about the attack and got excited to loot. Found a body that wasn’t completely torn apart by demons and tried to take advantage.” 
Rather than bile, Sanemi felt anger, hot and lethal, threatening to spill out of him. 
If he found them, they would receive no mercy, human or not.
Rengoku exhaled sharply through his nose, a weariness clouding over his features.  “Though I don’t suppose we can really know for sure. There isn’t enough left of anyone else to compare.”
Rengoku clasped his hands in front of himself, and he closed his eyes, offering a small prayer for the girl. “Whatever happened to her, she’s gone now. Let us ensure she can rest.” 
He turned to head back to where the Kakushi had begun digging graves for the deceased, leaving Sanemi alone once more.
He’d stared the spot where the girl’s body had lain long after a pair of Kakushi gently removed her to ready her for her burial, watching with hollow eyes and a hollow heart as the one of them — a female — tenderly brushed the girl’s hair from her face and straightened her haori. They’d crossed her arms over her middle and gingerly carried her to join the remains of her family.
Hers was the last of the graves to be prepared. The Kakushi were just beginning to pack the mud and snow over her body when one of them collapsed from exhaustion. The group resolved to take a small water break before finishing, and neither Shinazugawa nor Rengoku had the desire to object. 
After all, digging nearly twenty graves was no easy task.
Both Hashira assisted with the effort, and their combined strength and stamina had streamlined the task considerably. While the Kakushi rested, Rengoku departed for the front gates to update Uzui and Iguro, who’d been dealing with the wreckage within the village, assisted by reinforcements of both Kakushi and lower rank slayers called in to assist with the clean up and burial.
In total, over two hundred graves were dug, and not a single survivor had been found.
It was a heavy day — perhaps one of the darkest in the Corp’s history, and its crowning poisoned jewel was the eradication of one of the oldest breathing styles.The news that there was one less defense against the demons was not a welcome one. 
Sanemi had gone to the other side of the courtyard, away from the voices and graves and rising stink of death. Out of sight from any prying eyes, he found a tree and shoved his fist through it, clear to the other side. Splinters of bark exploded around his arm and bit into the skin around his knuckles and palm, but Sanemi could not find it in himself to care; he sought only to break through the silent numbness threatening to consume him.
Because he’d taken refuge on the other side of the courtyard, away from the new burial site, Sanemi did not see the hand and arm that shoved through the pile of earth resting atop the last grave. He did not see clawed fingers sinking into the mud and snow, desperately seeking purchase as the body attached to the arm hauled itself — herself — from beneath the earth, the remnants of her grave skittering to the side as she heaved her body out.
Sanemi did hear the terrified shriek of the Kakushi, and immediately he drew his sword. In the distance, he could hear Rengoku roaring orders at the terrified attendants, though he could not discern the specifics. 
The Wind Pillar came into view of the gravesite right as the girl spilled out from the hole in the ground, using her bare hands to pull herself forward as the rest of her body remained limp.
Sanemi Shinazugawa was not a pious man; in fact, he considered himself rather skeptical of the idea of faith. If there were truly any gods out there, then Sanemi wanted nothing to do with them. They chose to let chaos and devastation run rampant. They chose to let demons exists.
But hell apparently had frozen over, and Sanemi found himself offering a prayer for the girl’s forgiveness as he prepared to behead her demonized form. He hoped she would understand; after all, she’d  joined the Corps intending to rid of the world of the very thing she’d now become.
It was what he hoped one his his fellow Hashira would do for him, if he ever found himself in that situation.
As the Swordsman cocked his blade, ready to strike the crawling demon from behind, Rengoku cried out. “Shinazugawa, NO!”
Sanemi stuttered,  his arm in mid-swing as he neared the demon’s neck. A flash of violet and white shot towards him, and a piercing shriek of metal tore through the sky as Uzui’s blade parried his, the force of the clash knocking him out of the air. A frustrated grunt echoed from his chest, and with great effort, Sanemi twisted mid-air to avoid falling flat on his ass, just barely managing to land swiftly on the balls of his feet.
“What the fuck,-“ His vicious snarl faltered at the expression on the Flame Hashira’s face, frozen and gaping. In that moment, Sanemi’s ears picked up on the faint thumping of a heart beating rapidly and unevenly below him. His nose suddenly burned with the strong scent of iron. The stench of blood so metallic that it could not have been anything but fresh. 
Ears ringing, the Wind Pillar shoved past his stupefied comrades. Only when he was face to face with her did Sanemi finally understand why the Flame Pillar had been so desperate to stop his sword from hitting its mark. 
The three Hashira were not looking at a newly turned and bloodthirsty demon. Instead, dragging her way across the bloodstained, muddied snow, was the Lunar Heir, deathly pale and trembling.. 
The girl whose death they feared doomed the Lunar Breathing House had clawed her way out from her grave with nothing but her hands and sheer will. She’d not been dead, after all.
Slowly, so slowly, her eyes lifted to glare up at the one standing directly before her. Though she strained to raise her head more than half an inch, her silver eyes met Sanemi’s lavender gaze, and a violent chill shot up his spine as he beheld what simmered within them.
Rage. So, so much rage, relentless and raw. And so very human.
She reached another quivering hand out before her to further drag herself away from her tomb. A thin sheen of sweat coated her pallid skin, and fresh crimson began to seep into the snow beneath her. 
Sanemi’s eyes flit to the stain on her back, where fresh blood oozed from the deep wound.
She was panting, clearly fighting every urge in her body to give in, to let death beckon her back into its sweet embrace.
“I-I’m not dead!” She grit out in between shallow, uneven breaths, her jaw clenched tightly enough to crack her teeth. 
The three Hashira remained dumb and silent for half a heartbeat before-
“What are you all standing there for?” Uzui bellowed. “Help her!” 
The Kakushi sputtered into action, several of them crouching down around the girl to aid her. 
“Don’t touch me!” She screamed, eyes screwed shut and her head bowed defensively over her hands as she clenched her fists into the earth. The Kakushi fell back, looking anxiously to the Pillars to await further orders, but even they were at a loss. After several, harsh breaths through her nose, the Lunar Heir turned her face up, her gaze clashing with Sanemi’s once more.
He recognized the fear in her eyes, visceral and deep. Whatever she’d experienced over the last few hours had overtaken all her senses. She had no logic, no ability to rationalize that she was among other humans, among comrades. 
Instead, all that drove her now was the primal instinct to survive.
And to her, they were another threat.
She continued to try and crawl away from them, but her movements grew even shakier, more unstable, as the blood loss combined with her physical exhaustion. Rengoku caught his comrades’ eyes, waiting to confirm their next move. 
A quick shared nod sent Sanemi stepping quietly into her blindspot. Swiftly, the Wind Pillar struck the pressure point on the back of the woman’s neck with his hand, and she crumpled against the ground, unconscious and still. Gingerly, Sanemi lifted her over his shoulder, mindful of the open wound on her back. 
Once she was secured, the Hashira and their Kakushi began their frantic sprint toward the Butterfly Mansion.
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m00neroni · 4 months ago
in response to your latest reblog re: popular fics, are there any lesser known fics you'd recommend? I feel like every tiktok or tumblr rec list is full of the same stuff now... preferably on the medium to long side (90k+)
oh, hi, nonnie! love this ask because I love yapping about fics! it feels like my moment! let's see, 90k+ directly from my very messy bookmarks that are, in my opinion, highly underrated:
(The yapping got too long, sorry)
Precious Love by AdrianManwaring: Remus and Sirius, upon moving to a new city, are called to become foster parents. Really lovely story about family and finding a place in the world. (kid fic-adoption. established wolfstar. 188k.)
call it fate, call it karma by veridity: Sirius wants to make an entire corrupt empire fall down and recruits Remus, a journalism student with a big sense for justice and his sworn enemy since, probably, day 1. A personal favourite, highly highly recommended. (university au. journalism. 103k)
Harry Potter and the Dog and The Wolf Series by thewholeofthemoon (on-going, main story finished): The Full Moon doesn't fall during the Shack reunion, so Peter never escapes and things adjust according to it. I always recommend this series for a reason. One of my favourite wolfstar. I've reread it several times. (fix-it/canon rewrite. 605k)
Second Generation Series by @languagelessonswolfstar: Teddy is found in a broom closet with his boyfriend, Leo, who happens to be Sirius' kid. When their parents are called into school, things get a bit awkward, considering they are exes. Completely obsessed with this fic and this dynamic and the pain.
Glorified Foresight by irrelevanttous: Remus comes back to England with the promise of Wolfsbane and has to face his previous life, very pissed off with him ex lover included. This fic is such a fucking rollercoaster. It also has one of my favourite magical battle scenes so !! (kinda enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers again! and a mystery! canon divergence. 157k)
How Long 'Til My Sould Gets It Right by @severedreamerfox: Remus and Sirius try to build a life together while they stay at Grimmauld Place. But destiny has its surprises, ones better than others. If you know me, you know how much I love krabapple's fics, but this will probably always be my favourite, not only of hers but of any fic ever. Highly recommended. (bring back black. mpreg. 88k)
The World Is Waiting For You by thechanchanman: Lily and Remus participate in a reality show around the world. Their main rivals happen to become more than that at quick speed, but first, they need to win the race. Very light funny and lovely story if you need fluff in your life. (amazing race au. 92k)
couple more, this time shorter:
Ullswater by @eyra: Winter term at the Ullswater Institute. Lots of classical music, pining and just, so lovely. (university au. 30k)
Let Me Get What I Want (This Time) by Sierra_Sitruc: Teen Sirius starts having visions that seem from a different life. Personal favourite, right at the top and brilliant concept. (canon divergence/fix-it. 69k)
The Adventures of Captain Sirius Black and His Most Excellent Dragon Padfoot by OptimisticDinosaur: Sirius is a pirate who, somehow, gets adopted by a lovely dragon and fights a war alongside a very grumpy Remus. They fall in love while on it. THE DRAGONS !!!! THE ACTION !!! just so good (historical fantasy. 37k)
The Killing Time (unwillingly mine) by @kaaaaaaarf: Sirius loves getting engaged to lame and insufficient men, so Remus takes matters into his own hands. I love this fic so much I went down a rabbit hole of making all my friends read it, so trust my delirium. (murder husbands. 17k)
9 Months by @billspaid: Lily is expecting, and these are the nine months of her journey. Such an amazing and heartwarming fic from such an amazing and talented friend. Any of her works is brilliant, but this one will always be my favourite. (pregnancy fic. 32k.)
Blood Sugar Sex Moony by @emeryhall: Sirius and Remus from 1981 London are magically deposited in 1995 Sunnydale High, with its cliques and a bit of murder. The concept of this fic is the coolest thing ever I devoured it in a day !! (canon divergence. 63k)
Step & Repeat by @theresthesnitch: In which Remus accepts to be famous actor Sirius' fake boyfriend, they platonically share bed and live in a lovely denial. I want to remark not only the amazing writing and story but also the media content used in the fic, because it is such a brilliant work it needs to be addressed. (fake dating au. 62k)
Best Friend's Wedding by amberlink: Sirius is in love with James. But James is marrying Lily. So Sirius has a plan to get James back, and it involves Remus. What can go wrong? An absolute masterpiece of pining and bad decisions. (fake dating au. 61k)
drop your recs too if you want!!
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wangxianficfinder · 4 months ago
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In the mood for...
Oct 27th
1. Hiii, i have a request for the next ITMF: please recommend some lengthy canon divergence fics in which lan xichen gets told off for believing JGY over LWJ. Like the fact that he believed someone from another sect (especially the Jin) over his own brother is called out.
Ofcourse wangxian pairing with a happy ending for them.
Extra plus if it's not jiang cheng friendly or not jgy friendly.
Thank you 🙏
Discarded by teawater (E, 187k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dying Lan children, Hurt/Comfort, YL WWX, Golden Core Reveal, Case Fic, Depression, Family Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, and it’s not always dark, POV Multiple, BAMF WWX, dubious morals in the Lan sect Feels, Pining, Grief, Fix-It, BAMF LWJ) if they don't mind a WIP
A Life Without Regrets by naqaashi (M, 163k, WangXian, JFM & WWX, JC & WWX, WRH & WWX, LXC & LWJ, LQR & LWJ, LWJ & NHS, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst and Humor, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Crack Treated Seriously, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Murder Husbands, PTSD, BAMF WWX, Cultivation Sect Politics, Genius WWX, Cultivation Theory, Sentient Burial Mounds, Dysfunctional Family, Grief/Mourning, Angry WWX, No Golden Core Transfer, BAMF LWJ, Angry LWJ, One-Braincell WangXian, Idiots in Love, Requited Love, Requited Unrequited Love, Soft WangXian, Married WangXian, Soulmates, Not Cultivation World Friendly, Immortal WWX, Canon-Typical Violence, Not JC Friendly, Not Yunmeng Jiang friendly, not gusu lan friendly, Immortal LWJ) its not the Main Focus, but LX issues gets adressed
Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics) link in #8 there's an epic scene where lxc calls himself (and the more toxic Lan rules) out, and dedicates himself to being a more proactive sect leader, set after canon.
Arrayed by FirefliesNLightningBugs (M, 5k, wangxian, angst w/ happy ending, LSZ found by LXC, LSZ keeps his memories, alive JYL & JZX, canon temporary character death, WIP) shows lxc slowly realizing that he did this and that was stupid from his pov, set post 1st siege of bm.
2. Hello! IMTF fics that deal with self-discovery. Whether it be coming to terms with being queer or gender stuff or kink. Just grappling with identities and the social tumult that comes along with navigating them, purity culture, cisheteronormativity, etc. Just smth along those lines.
Thank you!!
KILF (Knits I’d Like To Fuck in) by ScarlettStorm (E, 168k, WangXian, Modern, Established Relationship, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans au, sex worker WWX, Fashionista LWJ, in this house we support sex workers, Fluff and Smut, they're horny and in love, mental health, therapy is good actually, Domestic Bliss, tender kink, Fiber Arts, autistic LWJ, neurodivergent WWX, switch rights, Nonbinary NHS, a soupçon of gender, get in losers we're introspecting about queerness, Genderfluid Character, Gender Exploration, perhaps slightly more than a soupçon of gender, Hurt/Comfort, past trauma, But They're Working Through It, aggressive mutual caretaking)
reports of my heterosexuality may have been exaggerated by sysrae (E, 8k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, getting together, straight boy LWJ, disaster gay WWX, heteronormativity, hockey player WWX, little angst)
Pride and Prejudice by sami (T, 3k, WangXian, Pride, Parades, Cats)
❤️ save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae (E, 33k, wangxian, modern w magic, college/university au, fake/pretend relationship, single parent WWX, homophobia, light angst w/ happy ending, idiots to lovers, fluff)
without your new eyes by anaphoricae (E, 66k, WangXian, Modern, Didn’t Know They Were Dating, Sexuality Discovery, Self-Discovery, Literal Sleeping Together, (there is so much sleeping in this fic), mentions of WWX/others and LWJ/others, Drunk LWJ, Teacher LWJ, WWX is a… throws dart… computer scientist, No Angst, Jealous WWX, Flirty WWX, Eventual Smut, Bottom LWJ, Fluff, Non-Sexual Intimacy, WWX’s Love Language is Physical Touch, [Podfic] without your new eyes by anaphoricae by LadyEn)
this body is a gift for you by loosingletters (T, 1k, MXY & WWX, Trans Female WWX, Trans MXY, Canon Divergence, Gender Identity, Self-Discovery, Gender Roles)
The Sculptor by Eleanor_Fenyx (M, 27k, wangxian, LQY/WQ, LWJ & WQ, SL/XXC, modern, lavender marriage, period typical attituted and terminology, mute SL, queer themes, queer families, slow burn, getting together, intimacy, artist WWX, professor LWJ) autumn flower by ScarlettStorm (E, 78k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic vague north american setting, transwoman wwx, transwoman lwj, Gender Experimentation, Angst with a Happy Ending, Gender Dysphoria, followed by gender euphoria, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, switch rights) Its trans fem lan zhan descovering herself and how to let herself be true to herself, and wei ying (also transfem) was a big part of cracking her egg. It's still ongoing and it's really good!
3. ITMF fics that explore wwx’s cultivation - canon dynamics, preferably not cql compliant please!
🔒 Ad Oblivione by Baph, HikariNoHimeWriter (M, 70k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Multiple, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Identity Reveal, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation World Critical, Not JC Friendly, Abusive YZY, Angst with a Happy Ending)
4. Hello! And thank you so much for all you do!! I’m in the mood for a fic set in canon universe where wangxian start a friends with benefits kind of thing, where they start having sex without discussing their feelings.
Always Light My Way by cqlorphan (E, 27k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Friends With Benefits, to lovers, wherein dual cultivation may be counted as a benefit, Jealous WWX, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, angsty sex, Versatile | Switch WangXian, Bottom LWJ, Service Top LWJ, Topping from the Bottom, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Coming Untouched, Dom/sub Undertones, the angsty sex happens in the beginning but they get past it dw, Oblivious LWJ, archer WWX, Smart WWX, Porn with Feelings, Panic Attacks, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dual Cultivation)
5. ITMF a fic similar to hyperballad by azuresummer please!
🔒 姻緣 | this marriage was always predestinedby saccharinings (E, 43k, wangxian, Cheating, Infidelity, not between wangxian, WWX is married and LWJ persuades him to cheat on his husband with him, Dark LWJ, A/B/O, Feminizing Language, Exhibitionism, Size Difference, WagnXian Have a Breeding Kink, Stomach Bulge, Possessive LWJ, Manipulation, WWX Wears Lingerie, Rape/Non-con Elements, for one part, Hair-pulling Kink, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Mirror Sex, Vibrators, Phone Sex, Rimming, Edgeplay, slight choking kink, Light Bondage, Inappropriate Use of Gūsū Lán Forehead Ribbon, LJY’s Big Fat Crush on Milfxian, Pregnant WWX, WangXian Endgame, Spanish Translation) maybe. It has some common elements but ah no murder I think. A Wen does get screwed over.
6. Hey its for the ITMF.
"A harmony between qin and se" by alaceron is one of my all-time favourites. It'd be great if you could recommend some wangxian fics with household intrigue and scheming. Lwj being a simp as a bonus is even better!! (doesn't matter if wwx is a male or female)
7. ITMF fics where WWX and LWJ end up accidentally married. Or ones where they end up married because of political/economic reasons. Canon era fics are preferred but will accept modern era if it’s the “we got married for tax benefits but i’m actually in love with you” kind of trope. Mpreg only if it’s really good please.
a long time coming by syriala (G, 2k, WangXian, Getting Together, Pining, Accidental Marriage, except it's not so accidental, Supportive LXC, Fluff)
30 Days of Secret Marriage at Cloud Recesses by starandrea (T, 43k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Bunnies, Gusu Lan Forehead Ribbon, Accidental Marriage, Coming Out, Falling In Love, supportive family, Fluff, Happy Ending, the whole story is happy)
🔒 the world passes by but for me there is only you by beeswaxing (E, 82k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it of sorts, golden core reveal, accidental marriage, love confessions, horny teenagers, pining, fluff, everybody lives, first time)
play your love songs all night long by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (E, 17k, WangXian, Modern AU, Marriage of Convenience, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, One Big Happy Family, Sharing a Bed, (platonically for 13 years), Therapy, in the grand tradition of the untamed most of this is flashback, Pegging, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Romantic Comedy, Misunderstandings)
Only Fools Rush In by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 27k, WangXian, Modern, Woke Up Married, alcohol use but no sex happens while drunk, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, what happens in Vegas etc etc)
What If….. Jiang Cheng Understood? by ToxicAngel13 (M, 66k, WIP, WangXian, Ribbons, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, WangXian Get Married in the Cold Springs Cave, Protective JC, Confused WWX, Angry LWJ, Fix-It of Sorts, Good Uncle LQR, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, POV LQR, YZY Bashing, POV JFM, Not JFM Friendly, Hurt/Comfort, Protective NHS)
The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 70k, WangXian, Modern AU, Accidental Baby Acquisition,Kid Fic, explicit in much much later chapters, green card marriage (but not really), pining for your own husband, endless pining, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Nothing else bad or traumatic happens to the baby, [Podfic of] The Simplest Way Forward by knight_tracer) LWJ is in love when they effectively get married for tax purposes, and WWX gets there, and of course there's lots of pining for your husband
🔒 Two Weddings and a Family Reunion by scifigeek14 (T, 36k, wangxian, canon divergence, shotgun wedding, politics, everyone lives au, fix-it, feelings realization, family feels, marriage proposal, marriage of convenience)
8. Hello! I am new to the fandom, I just finished watching the drama and I want more!!! I have been recced to your blog for fic suggestions? May I please have suggestions for canon compliant stories that are mostly light hearted (no heavy angst please)? I really enjoyed the mood in the first part of the show when all the characters were energetic and goofy teens, so perhaps some fics set then? I want more of the world, clans, costumes, etc. World building is maybe the right word? Thank you so much!
It’s Only Time by etymologyplayground (T, 8k, WangXian, Epistolary, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, It’s About The Yearning., Getting Together, Love Confessions, Cuddling & Snuggling, Humor) this one is tagged as Post-Canon Canon Compliant so I hope it's okay
Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics)
9. ITMF: No JGY redemption. Like, he has many choices or someone give him another path to take but he still choose the unforgivable one. I dont want it from JGY's POV. I want it to focus on WWX story like in canon i guess? Thanks!
10. For itmf, I'm craving some angst with a happy ending fics! Established relationship wangxian where they fight and/or break up and both of them are hurting a lot, but they make up and get back together. Thank you!
🔒 Wish I could forget the taste of your skin and the feel of your hands pinning me down by KizuKatana (E, 63k, wangxian, WQ & WWX & WN, Modern Cultivation, weapons-grade thirst, Getting Back Together, Trying REALLY hard to not still like your Ex, but failing, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Canon Divergence, Case Fic, LWJ’s canonically big dick, sort of a ‘thirsting for your co-worker ex’ vibe, it eventually gets worked out, Mutual Pining, Guest-starring LWJ’s canonically poor communication choices after romantic cave encounters, novel canon relationship dynamics, basically this fic is about escalating sexual tension)
estuaries by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 34k, wangixan, modern, breakup/makeup, pining while fucking, single dad WWX, angst w/ happy ending)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 108k, wangxian, modern, angst w/ happy ending, romance, persuasion au, separations, pining, miscommunication, depression, self-harm, reconciliation, smut)
💖 love wakes me by dea_liberty (E, 46k, wangxian, modern, angst w happy ending, childhood sweethearts, misunderstanding, famous LWJ, coffee shop owner WWX, found families, grand romantic gestures)
11. (This part added to fic finder, fic might be decay by antebunny)
Also, if you know any fics with similar plot (like Wei Ying being forced to cleanse from RE for "his own good" and getting hurt instead), i would appreciate the recommendations! Thank you 🍁 @shellennium
12. I am hoping someone has fanfic with
A. Wei Wuxian becoming miserable after marrying into the Lan sect, a bit of lxc/lqr bashing but with them eventually realizing they were wrong, also if Wei Wuxian tries to commit suicide it would be better
B. Fanfics in which wwx doesn't want to have children but is forced because he is lwj's husband
C. Wwx having a parental figure for the first time, I don't want it to be the Jiang parents but anyone else is fine
Also, no jyl or long lwj bashing, please
Practical Considerations by teawater, the_anthropologist (E, 97k, WangXian, JC & WWX, LXC & WWX, LQR & WWX, Arranged Marriage, Canon Divergence, Found Family, Spouses to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Politics, Scheming, Lán Elders are assholes, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, eventually BAMF LXC, learning to make decisions, Learning Self-worth, Self-Esteem Issues, Sweet Wangxian, Domestic Fluff, Fix-It, JC is a big asshole, he improves somewhat but it’s open-ended, WWX learns to stand up for himself, Quote: Come Back to Gusu With Me, POV wwx, POV LWJ, POV JC, Golden Core Reveal, Teacher wwx, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism, Past Suicidal Thoughts, Post-Sunshot Campaign, WWX Protection Squad, Feelings Realization, WWX protector of the twin jades, Protective LWJ, Protective WWX, Protective LQR, Demonic Cultivator WWX, WWX is Loved, Married WangXian, Genius WWX, Everybody Lives)
Concord by Deastar (T, 41k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Gusu Lan Sect Rules, Depression, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
safe here with me by xcourtney_chaoticx (G, 3k, WangXian, Family Feels, Good Uncle LQR, WWX Goes to Gusu, Fluff, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, Food Issues, Endgame WangXian)
Scars of Lightning by The_peregrine_falcon (T, 6k, YZY & WWX, WWX & WRH, WangXian, YZY’s A+ Parenting, Canon Divergence, Not Canon Compliant, Wen WWX, zidian, YZY is a bitch, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Major Character Injury, Heavy Angst, Lotus Pier, Nightless City, Young WWX, Muteness, Hurt kind of comfort)
藍色的花,紅色的蘭 {Lan se de hua, hongse de lan} by Admiranda, AshayaTReldai (M, 45k, WIP, WangXian, Orphan WWX, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, wwx raised in the lan clan, softer lqr, Good Uncle LQR, Good lan clan, Good Older Sibling LXC)
🔒 crying like a fire in the sun by Reverie (cl410) (T, 10k, WangXian, SongXiao, BSSR/LY, Runaway WWX, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Die, rogue cultivator WWX, Angst, Post Cloud Recesses, Not YZY Friendly, Happy Ending, BSSR is WWX’s grandmother instead of grandmaster)
Crimson leaves by barisan (T, 4k, WangXian, WWX & OFC(s), WWX Leaves the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Rogue Cultivator WWX, WWX gets lesbian grandmothers, WWX learns about his parents, WWX is a Wen, (Through his lesbian granny but still), Getting Together, WWX Has a Fear of Dogs, Pre-Canon, Genius WWX)
All Things Belong by kuroi_atropos (M, 93k, WRH & WWX, WangXian, WN & WWX, WWX is a Wen, Abuse, Whipping, Manipulations, Warning: WRH, Smart WWX, Possessive Behavior, Warning: JGS, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Society Level Victim Blaming, Victim Blaming)
13. Hii, so I'm looking for fics kinda enemies to lovers but not exactly 😅 like one of them is reluctant to get together at first? Or at least it looks like it, like in All The Roads or The earthquake in the room, both the I highly recommend btw. Thanks a lot @akutamichan
baby let’s take the long way home by plonk (Not rated, 10k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Abortion, Mpreg, With A Twist, Enemies to Lovers)
🔒 no certainty of doors between us by betts (T, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Roommates, Crack Treated Seriously, Drunken Confessions, Idiots in Love, dubiously consensual spooning, Enemies to Lovers, Sharing Clothes, Hurt/Comfort, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, wwx’s casual intimacy meets lwj’s touch starvation, wwx doesn’t know they’re enemies, lwj doesn’t know they’re dating)
varied my velocities by fantasiavii (E, 58k, WangXian, Modern AU, Ballerina LWJ, Football/Soccer player WWX, Enemies to Lovers, Top WWX/Bottom LWJ, Dom WWX, Angst with a happy ending, Internalized homophobia)
🔒 The Second Jade of Lan’s late but incendiary sexual awakening by KizuKatana (E, 41k, wangxian, First Time, LWJ’s Horny Grip, LWJ does not know what hit him, and yet somehow he still realizes it before WWX, canon wangxian dynamics, college AU, LWJ starts off annoyed at WWX, But quickly discovers both his competency kink and a caretaking kink, Genius WWX)
Documented Fact by Scrippio (T, 7k, WangXian, LSZ & LJY & OYZZ, Modern with Magic, College/University, Professors, Minor Injuries, Misunderstandings, Fluff, OYZZ POV, Humor) which features married Wangxian but everyone believes they're enemies.
14. This account is a treasure!!! What I’m looking for are the post WWX resurrection fics that address Wangxian age gap. Can be fun, kinky, healing, basically anything. @feanarotherindion
Help, My Dad Is Fucking Someone My Age!! by sweetlolixo (T, 3k, WangXian, LSZ & LWJ, Canon Divergence, Humor, Crack, Fluff, Romance)
15. I recently read fic While covered in mud by merthurlin. And I really love badass Huaisang who takes matters into his own hands earlier in the story. Is there any more fic where Huaisang went into Burial Mounds like that? Or just awesome badass scary Huaisang in general. I have huge need to read some badass Huaisang who will get recognized for his mastery too.
Story-Shaped by lingering_song (T, 13k, NHS & WWX, wangxian, Post-Canon, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Inventor WWX, Found Family, NHS needs a new hobby, And apparently that’s spoiling his Wei-Xiong, Mentioned Character Death, Alcohol, Protective NHS, WangXian Endgame, Not JC Friendly, Not particularly gentry sects friendly overall tbh)
💖 demons run when a good man goes to warby Miranda_Aurelia (T, 20k, wangxian, LWJ & NHS, JYL/JZX, canon divergence, angst w happy ending, NHS & LWJ friendship, not JGY friendly, dark LWJ, revenge, (presumed) major character death, not LXC friendly)
The Lost Cause by KouriArashi (T, 18k, JGY & NHS, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Murder Bros, NHS is a boss bitch, JGY is a hot mess, Everybody Lives, except the people who suck, (lookin at you JGS and JZN))
The Threads of Fate by WaitForTheSnitch (E, 78k, WangXian, WIP, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Not Everyone Dies, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Good Uncle LQR, Protective LWJ, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Pining LWJ, WWX in WWX's Body, JC & WWX Reconciliation, is it reconciliation if WWX doesn't know they were estranged?, Oblivious WWX, WWX Deserves Better, WWX Deserves Happiness, Siblings JC & WWX, Supportive JYL, Protective NHS, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Comic Book Science) If the requester doesn't mind a WIP, the frequently updating The Threads of Fate is another good one that features a brilliant Nie Huaisang.
16. itmf for fics where lan wangji is very forward? in terms of flirting or expressing his adoration/ attraction for wei wuxian
can be canon or au or even modern au!
(just no side jc/wq please)
🔒Tangible by apathyinreverie (T, 2k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Humor, Possessive LWJ, First Kiss, Getting Together, the library scene)
Tripped at Every Step by brooklinegirl (E, 28k, WangXian)
dream of a funeral; hear of a marriage by defractum (nyargles) (T, 36k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Happy Ending, Domestic Fluff, First Time, Fluff and Humor)
loveliness by orphan_account (T, 1k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Pining, Teen Romance, Getting Together)
body and soul by TooSel (E, 41k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Marriage Proposal, Everyone Lives AU, Cultivation Sect Politics, Yílíng Wèi Sect AU, Adoption, Smut, Friends to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending)
💖 Echo, Murmur, Dream, Here by bluerainmist (M, 51k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Universe Alteration, the yiling patriarch survives, Angst with a Happy Ending, Catharsis, Slow Burn, Drama, Getting Together, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Melancholy, Love, Mutual Pining, Reunions, Love Confessions, Eventual Smut, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Switching, Grief/Mourning, fucking while pining, Implied/Referenced Torture, Self-Harm, golden core transfer, Playing fast and loose with worldbuilding, Battle Scenes, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, implied / Referenced suicide attempt, Sect Leader WWX, YLLZ WWX, Yílíng Wèi Sect)
❤️ Standing Engagement by x_los (M, 18k, wangxian, misunderstandings, accidental engagement, sunshot campaign, golden core reveal, accidental relationship, WQ lives, everyone lives au, Mojo’s post)
Give Me One Good Honest Kiss by thunderwear (T, 1k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, First Kiss, horny LWJ agenda, LXC is suffering in LQR’s name, [PODFIC] Give Me One Good Honest Kiss by thunderwear)
17. ITMF where WWX agree to come to gusu in exchange of wen remnants protection. I want WWX accept the lan condirion to lock him up. I want him to live lifelessly/aphatic/just living because he is nit dead yet. Or maybe like in Always walked a very thin line by tucuxi.
Bonus if LWJ/LXC/LQR managed to make WWX scream at them and tell them whats wrong with him in anger. Thanks
The Forsaken Jade Statue by SaiaiSaiko (Not Rated, 7k, WangXian, Curse Breaking, Curses, WWX Goes to Gusu, Dark Gusu Lan Sect Imprisonment, Seclusion as Imprisonment, YLLZ WWX, Older LWJ, Older LXC, Cursed LWJ, petrification, Hopeful Ending) Wei Wuxian in 'Seclusion' for the Wen's protection and stumbling over Lan Wangji cursed to be a statue
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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yutamayo · 5 months ago
Is this how you're introducing your Edward/Jacob lemon (this is boy/boy so if you don't like that you should stop reading now) Bella POV fanfiction.net fic?
why does my dog (my perfect sweet baby boy bean) sleep with his neck out like he's baiting a vampire
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 30: Praise(I will always love you...)
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warnings/kinks: smut, AU/canon divergent, Reader takes Chi-Chi's place, oral sex(fem receiving), praise kink word count: 0.5k pairings: Son Goku x Fem!Reader teaser: “I wanna…”Goku says before swallowing hard. “Can you teach me how to make you cum? With my mouth??” taglist: @beneathstarryskies @loki-love @witchofcustom @dreadsuitsamus @pyrofanatic
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You’ve known Goku since you were kids. He was always so heroic and strong, if not a little dense. But something changed when you saw him at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. You hadn’t seen him in years at that point, and both of you had hit puberty pretty well. He couldn’t believe it was actually you when he saw you. Something felt different inside of him too.
After he won the tournament, you and Goku decided to make things official. And at first, it was a little awkward because you two were discovering new things within your relationship, but it was so soft, warm and loving.
One thing you noticed was that during the time just before the full moon, Goku would get antsy. Something about this time really made him needy, and while he didn’t have his tail to continue turning into that crazy beast, he was still turning into something.
Goku was becoming horny for you every single full moon…
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It all happened one night. You two were relaxing in bed after taking a nice warm shower. Neither of you had pushed your intimacy too far, but you noticed that Goku had become quite interested in learning some things. His touches and kisses had become quite experimental.
He kisses you softly, but it soon turns hungrier and needier. It’s not long before the Saiyan pushes you onto your back. You look into his eyes and see how they are so full of lust. You smirk up at him, knowing that maybe this would be a good time to push things a little further.
“I wanna…”Goku says before swallowing hard. “Can you teach me how to make you cum? With my mouth??”
Even just the way he’s asking you makes you so horny. You’re so quick to pull down your pajama pants and to spread your thighs for him. You show him a bit more of your anatomy down there, explaining to him how to do what he wants.
With his eyes so full of lust and his heart racing, Goku spreads your thighs and he shudders when he gets a whiff of your scent. You’ve never seen him quite so hungry before.
“Such a good smell,” he compliments you, making you blush.
Once his tongue presses against your cunt, Goku becomes an animal that can’t be stopped. He’s never tasted anything so good in his life. He swears he’s going to go crazy just from being able to taste you. He grunts and growls as you shake at the pleasure.
“Such a fucking good little pussy,”
You gasp at his words, his praise going straight to your heart. He doesn’t stop praising you either, sending you straight over the edge. You cry out, begging him not to stop.
“Please Goku, oh please! Such a good lover! Don’t stop!”
It takes almost nothing to have you cumming so hard. You whine and whimper as the pleasure doesn’t subside. It’s almost too much, but Goku can’t stop himself. 
“Need more of your perfect little pussy…”
594 notes · View notes
demaparbat-hp · 4 months ago
First, omg YOUR ZUTARA ART! It's so so beautiful I want to weep.
Do you have any Zutara fic recs? I need some more Zutara in my life lol
Hi! That's so sweet, thank you ❤️
Most of my free time is spent reading, but I almost never save the links...and can never seem to remember the names and/or authors of the fics.
Luckily I saved the links for some of my absolute favorite fics! There are a lot of truly breathtaking works out there and, sadly, I can't mention them all. These are some names in a very long list of favorites. I hope you enjoy them ❤️
Vermillion Seas, Cardinal Skies by @geothewriter
New directions and re-imagined canon events race toward a different endgame. From lighting bending to bloodbending and deal-making in the Spirit World, this canon-divergent/adjacent AU travels a new road, where unforeseen experiences shape who our heroes are, and who they will become. A Zutara slowburn.
Forgetting is a kind of mercy by @nerdylizj
It's death by a thousand cuts, Katara thinks. Saying goodbye to their old lives, forging ahead with whatever amalgamation of reality once they both fully remember everything, whatever reality that may be. Yet, two tethers between them will remain. Or, Five years after Katara and Zuko go missing in Ba Sing Se, Kya and Lee are found living peacefully in the Earth Kingdom countryside.
Eight Years Later by @starlight-tea-writing
Eight years after Sozin’s Comet, everyone’s lives have begun to take shape, their responsibilities pulling them further and further apart. The last three years have been broken up with infrequent and hurried meetings and get togethers, but by happenstance, things play out a little differently for the eighth anniversary of the End of War. Follow what happens in the year after all of Team Avatar gets together again and the found family re-finds each other and grows even larger. Zutara centric, Sukka, Toph/OC, Aang/OC Irregular updates, Saturdays only.
The White Lotus Zuko series by @calcliffbas
Zuko becomes one of the good guys a little earlier than usual, and joins Aang, Sokka and Katara in Omashu. A canon-adjacent series featuring friendship, humor, and romance.
The Spirit Trap by @leradny
In the Southern Water Tribe, Hakoda teaches his second son Katara to channel the grief over the death of his mother in a healthy way. In the Fire Nation Capital, Ozai tries to betroth his eldest daughter Princess Zuko to Iroh's son, and Ursa has to explain why that's not a good idea. [AU: Switched Genders, but just for Zuko and Katara]
Everything I Am by we-were-angels(untilwefallinlove)
There is something inevitable about them; like the certainty of the sun in the morning and the moon and all her stars at night. After all is said in done, how will history tell their stories? (Set after the One Hundred Year War and the years following.)
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bluejaysandblackbats · 20 days ago
Fandom: Batman, DC Comics
Summary: AU where Martha and Thomas survive, and they adopt the batkids.
Chapters: 39/?
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Thomas Wayne, Martha Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Harvey Dent, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, David Cain, Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake
Relationships: Thomas Wayne/Martha Wayne/Alfred Pennyworth, BruHarvey, BruTalia
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Hurt/Comfort, Bruce Wayne is Not Batman, Angst, Alfred Pennyworth Knows All, Bruce Wayne Only Has One Child, Bruce Wayne is Not An Only Child, Bi Bruce Wayne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Cassandra
Bruce sat on the phone, letting it ring until a woman answered. “How did you get this number?” the woman asked. 
“Sandra?” Bruce questioned in reply. “It’s Bruce.” 
“Sandra died with Carolyn. I’m Shiva now,” she answered. 
“Carolyn’s dead? I—. I think we have her daughter,” Bruce replied. Silence followed. “Not her daughter?” 
“I gave birth to her. Why would you think she belonged to one of us?” Shiva questioned. 
Bruce sighed. “Because of how she fights… And she smiles like Carolyn. You don’t want to see her?” Bruce asked.
“No. Where is her father?” Shiva questioned. 
Bruce lay back on his bed. “I don’t know. My mother found her by herself in Dakota City… What’s her name?” Bruce asked.
“If David Cain didn’t name her, she has no name. I haven’t seen her since she was born nine years ago, but if you have her, you should know he’ll come for her,” Shiva warned him. 
Bruce opened his mouth, but his breath caught as he looked up and saw the nameless girl playing with one of his anatomy models by pulling out the organs. “David? When did—? David Cain?” Bruce stammered. Bruce knew him well. He spent a summer training under David, but he was told not to return because he lacked the spark David was searching for. No killer instinct . “Are you sure?” 
“Yes. I’m sure,” Shiva answered sharply. “I hope you’re ready for the trouble that comes with her. If you choose to keep his weapon, know that he’ll be coming for her.”
“Is my family in danger?” Bruce asked. 
“It depends on how badly he wants his daughter back. Goodbye, Bruce… And do not ask me about her again,” Shiva replied before hanging up. 
Martha knocked and stood in the doorway. “Were you right?” Martha asked.
“It’s complicated. For now, keep her inside, and we’ll call her Cassandra,” Bruce replied.
“Her mother—?”
“No. She never had a name. Now she does,” Bruce interrupted. 
Martha softened. “How’d you come up with that?” Martha questioned.
“Her aunt Carolyn passed and Sandra used to be her mother,” Bruce explained. Cassandra ran up to Martha and took her hand. 
“That’s such a thoughtful name,” Martha whispered. 
Thomas sat at his desk around two in the morning when he looked up and noticed Cassandra staring at him from the corner of the room. He took off his glasses and picked her up. “Why aren’t you in bed, sweetpea?” Thomas asked. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s strange sleeping in a new place, but I promise you that everything will be alright.” 
He carried her upstairs to the first bedroom on his right, and he pulled the blankets back. Cassandra pressed her cheek to his. “Okay, time to go—. Right. Language.” Thomas bent forward to put her down, and she wouldn’t let go. Thomas surrendered and sat on the bed, reclining. He kicked off his slippers and got comfortable. He grabbed a book from the nightstand, patted her back to get her attention, and she lay beside him, looking at the pictures. “No harm in a bedtime story.” 
Thomas moved her hair out of her face and took her hand, tracking the words with her finger. “ Goodnight Moon , by Margaret Wise Brown. Pictures by Clement Hurd,” Thomas read aloud before turning the page. “In the great green room…” He stopped for a moment and looked at Cassandra, and she was staring up at him. She pointed to the book, and he nodded. “There was a telephone…” Thomas made a ringing noise like a house phone, and he held his fingers up to his ear like a phone. “Hm… It’s for you.” Thomas held the pretend phone up to her ear, and she took his hand and put it back on the book. Thomas chuckled as he continued to read. 
When he read the last line, he closed the book and looked at her. She furrowed her brows and put his finger back on the book. “It’s over, Cassandra. All done,” Thomas replied as he yawned. “You have—.” She opened the book and pointed to the words. “One more time, and you have to go to sleep.” Thomas pantomimed sleep before starting to read all over again. By the middle of his fourth read, he looked down, and she lay with her eyes closed and her fist tightly shut around Thomas’ shirt. 
Dick sat at the foot of Bruce’s bed while doing his homework. “Bruce? Did I spell this right?” Dick questioned. Bruce looked up and reached for Dick’s notebook. 
“Did you pick French because Dad and I are fluent?” Bruce questioned. 
“I thought it’d be fun… Lied to myself, though,” Dick replied, “What’s up with the new girl and Dad? She’s been following him around ever since she got here.”
Bruce pulled a photo album out of his bedside drawer. “This is a photo album from my time traveling.” Bruce flipped the pages as Dick crawled to the head of the bed to sit beside him. Bruce pointed to a picture of himself with Carolyn at a little table, and they were laughing. 
“Is she your—?” 
“No. I was fifteen when this picture was taken. I don’t know how old Carolyn and Sandra were, but they weren’t kids. Carolyn is the one who died. She wasn’t as good a fighter as Sandra, but she was still leagues ahead of most people. Her twin is Cassandra’s mom,” Bruce explained. 
“And you know that, how?” Dick questioned. 
“I talked to her. And depending on how badly her father wants her back—. I’ll just say keeping her won’t come without its problems,” Bruce confessed. 
Dick hugged himself. “Her dad wants her? What’s the problem there?” Dick questioned.
“He might favor Dad in a few ways, but he lacks all the paternal instinct and tenderness that Dad has. She can’t return to him. It’s not fair—.”
“Who’s to say she isn’t dangerous?” Dick asked. 
“I say she isn’t,” Bruce replied. 
“Why are you protecting her?” Dick questioned, sparking a bit of rage in Bruce. 
“Why aren't you? She’s a child in a dangerous situation just like you were,” Bruce sharply answered, “I don’t regret being your older brother for a minute. Now it’s time for you to be an older brother because you don’t have a choice.” 
Alfred walked past their open door. “Alfred? What are you doing up?” Bruce asked. 
“Looking for Thomas,” Alfred replied.
“I think he’s in his office,” Dick suggested.
“I checked his office,” Alfred answered, “I think I know where he might be. Goodnight, Master Bruce. Goodnight, Master Dick.”
“Goodnight, Alfred,” Dick and Bruce answered at the same time. 
After a month passed, Bruce stopped by Harvey’s apartment and greeted Gilda. “Hi, Bruce. Are you staying for lunch?” Gilda asked. 
“I’d like to stay all day if that’s alright,” Bruce answered. They kissed each other’s cheeks as a greeting. 
“Music or TV?” Gilda asked. 
“Movie please,” Bruce replied as he wrapped his arms around Harvey’s waist. 
Lips brushed softly against Harvey’s neck as he squirmed and giggled. “Gilda, do you have everything you need?” Harvey questioned. Bruce let go and watched as Harvey ran the back of his hand against her cheek. “Still warm?” 
“I’m fine. I’ve got my pistachio ice cream, and my little strawberry syrup, and I’m gonna paint my toes while I watch my little science fiction movies. I’m set… Go. Go have fun before Bruce explodes,” Gilda replied. Harvey kissed her cheek. 
“You are the most beautiful woman alive. Love you so much,” Harvey smiled as Bruce picked him up and carried him to the room.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 months ago
Rewind 2024 - Proud Author Spotlights
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WangxianFicRecs - Rewind 2024
Here are some recommendations from 2024 sent in by our fandom's authors themselves. Make sure to give them much love. PS: Authors, don't be shy! Submit more Proud Author Spotlights!
I published the latest extra off my dynasty fic in March 2024, and it might be my favourite so far! Feat a lot of politics in the Wen Sect, wwx being his badass self, some ocs and a lot of Yiling siblings feels.
💙 Hope is a discipline (Something you choose)
by One_eyed_God (@oneeyedoctogod)
T, 15k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: Under the harsh and merciless sun of Nightless City, Wen Ruohan falls. But even with its leader is dead, the Wen Sect must live on, to avoid the dreaded future Wei Wuxian has already lived once. And though he never expected to be the one to lead them, he will carry this duty without fail. Or: The aftermath of Wen Ruohan's death.
Hello! ☺️ First of all, thank you for running this wonderful blog!!
This is for Rewind 2024 Proud Author Spotlight. It is a 29k story I recently finished translating (I'm also the author of the original version) and I'm really glad to have been able to do this within less than a year.
It will not please everyone as it is mostly CQL-based (CQL post-canon) but it is first person Wei Ying POV and I haven't read a lot of that in this fandom, so I hope maybe some people would enjoy it!
Thank you again for everything!
The Unsung
by Leilwen (@leilwe)
E, 29k, Wangxian
Summary: Lan Zhan... would you come over the mountain with me one day? … … I would have liked for him to give me a real answer and I cursed the Lans' nocturnal almost-hibernation. … … … When Yunshen Buzhichu no longer needs me, you will be my only horizon. When I returned and lay down beside him, the crescent moon no longer looked so sickly pale.
Hi ! This is for the remind 2024, I don't know if authors can boosted their own work. But I wrote this fic for my very first RBB, and even if it ins't perfect I am very proud of it.
by Czeriahx (@czeriah) & Sirendipity (@lwjsbedtime)
M, 77k, Wangxian
Part of Yuyu Respectarium's Reverse Big Bang!
Summary: In a world governed by the Wen Empire, the Wei Coven's Oracle prophesize the coming of a new sun. Together with its moon counterpart, they are to bring back balance to the world. That is, until the Wen Emperor send assassins to take care of the threat against their rule. [Art by Siren, Embedded in the fic !!]
My submission to the TopXian RBB event that was boosted here a few months ago. I got a wonderful prompt and art piece to write for. Links in my fic!
An AU Canon Divergence where after the betrothal with JZX is broken off, JYL becomes betrothed to WWX. The plotline is retold with this twist, leading to events both familiar and not. JYL is the pov character, navigating her new life after devastation and war, with WWX at her side. But let no one forget LWJ - WWX and JYL certainly can't, though for very different reasons.
Come along for character study fix-it fic, with a happy ending for all the main characters!
Not Unwilling
by somevariationofgay (@somevariationofgay)
E, 48k, Wangxian & Xianli
Part of the TopXian RBB
Summary: The young mistress of Yunmeng Jiang clan, raised to marry out for the benefit of her family, dutifully waits for her parents to arrange another match after her troth with the young master of Lanling Jin clan is broken. When her father decides the new betrothal will be to their sect's head disciple, she finds herself not unwilling. But the ambitions of Qishan Wen clan surge and a bloody flood overtakes Lotus Pier, changing the course of her life forever.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – these stories.)
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seiya-starsniper · 10 months ago
Seiya's Dreamling Week Fanfiction Masterpost
Hello my darlings in Dreamling Fandom! Dreamling Week 2024 is upon us, and as part of the event, I'm making a masterpost of all my Dreamling fics! Some of you who have been here a while probably have seen me make different masterposts for various events so this shouldn't be anything new, just a more convenient list for all my Dreamling works.
Also, in tandem with @arialerendeair, I'll be collecting and reblogging other writers and artists masterposts! Here's how to send me your masterposts:
Send me an ask on Tumblr with the link to your masterpost
Send me a direct message with the link to your masterpost
Tag me in the replies to your masterpost
Once I've received your link, I'll send you a confirmation, add it to my queue and then reblog it during Dreamling Week. If you send me your masterpost during Dreamling Week, I will do my best to reblog it asap!
I am also going to be madly reblogging various posts, so if you don't have time to make a masterpost, no worries! I'm going through my own blog for content, and also the dreamling tag, so chances are high I'll catch your post.
Now that that's out of the way, let's get to the fic list:
Non-Explicit Fics
Six Degrees of Separation (Dead Boy Detectives crossover, Incomplete, 2/5 chapters, 3.5k words)
A Symphony of Hearts (Age Gap, Human AU, Incomplete, 1/2 chapters, 1k words)
do you remember all the city lights on the water? (Human AU, Complete, 1.9k words)
For The Birds (Human AU, Complete, 1.3k words)
Well Met, My Good Sir (Renaissance Faire Human AU, Complete, 1.6k)
first time, forever (Omegaverse, Complete, 1k words)
Begin Again (Retired Dream, Complete, 1.2k words)
dreaming of you tonight (Knight AU, Complete, 1.2k words)
a little of that human touch (Post Calliope Episode fic, Complete, 1.3k words)
Untitled Portrait of a Man (I Want to Obliterate Me) (Human AU, University AU, Complete, 5.5k words)
surely heaven waits for you (Simon Snow crossover, Human AU, University AU, Complete, 2.6k words)
Fly Me to the Moon (Human AU, Complete, 783 words)
Flowers for a Sick Man (Sickfic, Dream cares for Hob in the dreaming, Complete, 821 words)
Remember Me, For Centuries (Canon Divergence, Memory Loss, Complete, 971 words)
Hold me tonight (say it's all right) (Human AU, Complete, 1.4k words)
right where you left me (Canon Divergence, Hob doesn't meet Dream at The New Inn, Complete, 664 words)
Pictures of You (Episode 6 continuation, Complete, 807 words)
Everytime we touch (Fluff, Complete, 899 words)
Waking up together (Fluff, Complete, 584 words)
Duck Socks (Fluff, Complete, 503 words)
Unclip My Wings (Human Hob & Monster Dream, Complete, 1.4k words)
Don't Let the Light Go Out (Sci-Fi/Space Opera AU, Complete, 611 words)
Endless Love (Marriage fic, Complete, 1.3k words)
Set the Night on Fire (Human Hob & Dragon Dream, Incomplete, 2/4 Chapters, 10.4k words)
Coffee & Flowers (Miscommunication, Courting Rituals, Complete, 2.1k words)
The Lament of Morpheus (Rescue from Hell Fic, Angst, Complete, 2k words)
Dreams for a Dozen Cats (Meowpheus, Complete, 2k words)
A sweet dream (Main Character Death, Angst, Complete, 1.4k words)
they say our love's just like Magic (Magic the Gather Competitive AU, Human AU, Complete, 3.9k words)
Wake Up & Smell The Flowers (Human AU, Florist Hob, Complete, 5.3k words)
Mature/Explicit Fics
Soixante-Neuf - (Human AU, Complete, 1.1k words)
Turn the Page (A New Beginning, Another End) (Canon-adjacent AU, Fantasy AU, Complete, 42.9k words)
Summer Loving - (Human AU, Complete, 1.2k words)
All Wound Up (Human Hob & Centaur Dream, Complete, 3.1k words)
Midnight Pleasures (Vampire AU, Multiship, Complete, 16.7k words)
Waiting for Tonight (Supernatural AU, Complete 1.4 words)
sweet like poison ivy (Dreaming Sex, Complete, 884 words)
wrap me up nice and tight (love me all through the night) (Human Hob and Naga Dream, Complete, 3.5k words)
By the End of the Night (Centaur AU, Complete, 5.2k words)
In the Middle of the Night (In My Dreams) (Hobrintheus, Canon Divergence, Sequel Fic, Complete, 3.3k words)
Cherry Slick (Omegaverse, Age Gap, Selling Virginity, Complete, 3.5k words)
Spoils of War (Warprize Dream AU, Complete, 3k words)
secret moments (shut in the heat of the afternoon) (Omegaverse, Sequel Fic, Regency AU, Complete, 2k words)
Break Me, Shake Me (Omegaverse, Complete, 4.4k words)
Let's conspire to ignite (Fuck or Die, Complete, 11.5k words)
A Dream for a Viscount (Omegaverse, Regency AU, Complete 11.5k words)
A Maiden's Dream (Human Hob and God Dream, Blessed Maiden AU, Complete, 3k words)
A View to a Dream (James Bond crossover, 00 Agent Hob, Human Dream, Complete, 12.1k words
and if I get burned, at least we were electrified (Hobrintheus, Canon Divergence, Complete, 41k words)
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Spot the difference.
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The difference 50 years in storage makes... ^^;
These are my boys from my two fics, Of Sunny Days and Moonlit Nights which is the first and complete!
And Of Playful Days and Silent Nights that takes place 50+ years later. (Maybe more like 60 tbh) This ones still in progress.
Of Sunny Days (OSDAMN) Takes place roughly around the time of security breach is canon divergent and is a Moon has the virus and we solve some mysteries to try and fix the problem and fall in love with a robot in the process kind of story. You know the classic DCA x Y/N fic.
Of Playful Days (OPDASN) Is 50 years later with a new Y/N (ruin doesn't happen in this time line i came up with these stories before it came out ok TwT). It's a soulmate au and teacher au and it's set in the future ^-^ it does have themes of loss (The boiz are recovering from losing the first Y/N and everything their life was oh and sun has anxiety) so its very much a hurt comfort fic with hopefully enough fluff to lighten the mood.
I also have a drabble/one shot collection that gets updated once in a blue moon (when i have an idea) that takes place between the these two fics called More Sunny Days and Moonlit Nights basically Of Sunny Days after story.
All of these fics can be found in my Of Days and Nights series on AO3.
I have a few stories planned for the future of this series as well ^-^
Btw I'm very proud of these! ♡
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cullen-cannons · 3 months ago
🌑 It must be fate, my love
chapter II
Words: 405
“Welcome home, sweetie!” Renee Dweyer does not know what exactly she should say. Ordinarily, she found communication with her eldest daughter easy, but now, and with such a fragile subject, she errs on the side of “less is more”, worrying a greeting too enthusiastic will come off as insensitive.
She does not wonder long, though, for soon her eldest arms are around her. “Hey, mom. Missed you.”
“Oh, I missed you too, baby, so much.”
They embrace for several minutes until the heat sends them inside.
“Okay, I just made lunch, but it’s sandwiches so if you want to clean up first that's fine.”
“No, I’m kind of starving, actually.”
“Oh . . . okay, well, there’s something I should tell you.” Renee looks sheepish.
“Yeah. Mom? Is something wrong?” Isabella is worried.
“No, great actually . . . her name is Gwen. She’s only a few months old. I’m so sorry, but with everything going on, I didn’t know if that would cheer you up or not.”
“Mom . . . Mom that’s awesome! Is she awake?”
“Yeah. You’re happy?”
“Of course, you always said I’d make a great older sister.”
The two hug again. Perhaps Jacksonville won’t be bad, Isabella ponders, if she can throw herself into school, helping with her sister, and possibly even working a part-time job.
The boy stares at himself in the large mirror. He finds himself paying more attention to the gilded sides rather than his own reflection, a black mass of cloak covering his body.
“Black suits you.” Aro’s voice is soft but the satisfied tone fills the cavernous space.
“Like it suits a chalkboard.”
“Jane, dear, be nice to your new brother.” Aro scolds
Jane doesn’t respond, but Edward has never needed the spoken word and she knows as much. 
‘You are no brother of mine. Alec is my brother.’
“For a hundred years, a will be loyal to you, for that much you must give me credit.” He is a proud boy, or he was. He’d never have begged before, not when his father, both his human and vampire one worked so hard to raise him with dignity, but now he only wants the next century to be bearable.
‘Prove yourself and I may consider it.’
“Shall we, children?” Aro asks, gesturing to the throne room.
“Yes, master.” Jane and Alec chorus.
The twins look expectantly at Edward, the girl preparing a dose of her gift.
“Be patient, children. He will learn soon enough.”
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mothhue · 10 months ago
A hat under waters AU masterpost
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An AU for a hat in time with the premise of hat kid landing on an ocean planet. While this AU doesn't have an entire diverging storyline or anything, this is for anyone who wants to look through it a bit easier or is looking for something specific! This AU is complete, but I'll still update this post whenever I make something new.
Main showcases include most if not all the designs for the characters in that chapter. Anything below it are specific drawings/doodles I did, or information about that section!
Introduction to ahuw (Hat and bow kid, Mu, the logo)
Hats and bows / Badges / ascending / Leafy dragon badge seller / swap au? / Slug customization / design notes / NPCs / Cut characters
Chapter 1: Mafia Reefs
Main showcase
mafia jar
Chapter 2: Studio of Dead bird shores
Main showcase
the owl express / fsh real / olm? / CAW agents / The Moon
Chapter 3: Subcon Seas
Main showcase
subconites / kelp forest / how the tale of queen vanessa played out / prince and vanessa / mermaid royals / The subcon well / Boo! >:) / doodles
Chapter 4: The Alpine Horizon
Main showcase
Title art
Chapter 5: The Arctic tour
Main showcase
Chapter 6: The Nyakuza tunnels
Main showcase
Chapter 7: Time's end
The finale
any and all types of fancontent are allowed and welcome! It's delightful to see people having fun with it. Do whatever you want forever (OC designs, headcanons, canon x oc, redesigns, selfship, AUs of this one, etc) you don't have to ask, as long as it's crediting me and not reposting. (and also if you make anything please do feel free to show me, I would love to see it! :D)
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wangxianficfinder · 2 months ago
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Fic Finder
Jan 17th
1. Hello! For the Fic Finder, this is a bit of a spoiler for the ending of a fic. Reincarnation AU request, I just finished reading "All Old Things are New Again" which involves if you meet someone you knew or had a strong connection in a prior life you'll start ugly crying and sobbing without knowing why. I remember reading a fic that ended that way, the premise that the reincarnation cycle began again. It is not "Life Cycle of the Frog and the Fish" though. Thank you!
2. Hello! I'm looking for a fic, I already finish reading it last year and I really really really wanna read it again. It's a wangxian (of course) that wwx was sacrificial summon by a woman/girl that somehow lives in a brothel then wwx burning the brothel down to the ground and running for his life with a little brother and sister with him, pass forward in the last parts the little brother telling wwx that he knows that wwx is "not his sister" and still thanking him. Advance thank you!
FOUND? incantations and blood by orphan_account (T, 38k, WangXian, LingYi, Angst with a Happy Ending, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Rituals, Self-Sacrifice, wwx gets a body early, non-con tag is for og characters back story, Reincarnation, Good Uncle LQR, Bad Parents JFM and YZY, Doctor WWX, OP WWX, Genius WWX, No Smut, Child Abuse, PTSD, NHS & WWX Friendship, Scheming NHS, Scheming WWX, Medical Inaccuracies, Canon Divergence, fast burn, Smart WWX, Mr Queen inspired, TW: rape/non con, Exchanging Letters)
3. Trying to find this fic where LWJ drinks tea like it's shots/alcohol? That's all I can remember. WWX knows when LWJ is annoyed/overwhelmed because he just starts drinking cup after cup of tea lol
FOUND? Run Off The World by Sapphire_Roses (M, 336k, wangxian, XuanLi, SongXiao, WIP, Not Everyone Dies AU, Canon Divergence, Wen Remnants Live, Flashbacks, YLLZ WWX, WWX Creates a Sect | Yiling Wei Sect, Sect Leader WWX, Married WangXian, OCs, POV Outsider, Morally Grey Characters, (Do Take That Tag Seriously), Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Developing Friendships, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Yunmeng Siblings Feels, Gusu Siblings Feels, Sibling Bonding, Pining, Character Study, Tenderness, Mild Smut, POV Alternating, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Minor Character Death)
4. Hi again, I've got a fic finder this time!
I just got reminded of this while reading Even If It Breaks Time, but there's another fic I remember reading where someone (probably WWX if I'm remembering correctly) also throws a cup at JGS, knocking him tf out. I want to find it and laugh at JGS again.
Thank you Mods and community for the good work and have a wonderful day <3 @nyankokoko
FOUND! Wei Wuxian, Who's That? by bumbledees (T, 48k, wangxian, crossdressing, pining, sibling feels) is "Wei Wuxian, Who's That?" by bumbledees, I think, part of the series "The Amazing Adventures of Jiang Xiaolian and Family"
5. I am trying to find a series that was AO3. All the main characters are there, and they are immortals. The one I remember the most, I think the first one in the series, has WWX and LWJ visiting someplace that is very Disney like. Apparently, they are not happy with a movie that is being made that features the five nations, in other words, the five great sects from the story, telling the story of Hanguang Jun and the Yiling Patriarch. However, in the Disney like version, one of them is made into a princess. It’s actually quite hilarious. And then there are multiple stories afterwards dealing with all the main characters living their lives and the current world. I would love it if somebody could direct me to that. @linkzgal
FOUND? part 2 of the series ridiculous future bullshit by sami (M, 150k, WangXian, WQ/JC/LXC, WWX & LSZ, LSZ/Other, JYL/OMC, Future Fic, in theory it follows on from an au specifically, The Same Moon Shines Series, the rewriting of history, if the past was different the future is different, But still ridiculous, Humour, the evolution of fashion, immortals through history, LWJ visits other cultures and judges them, Modern AU, a centuries-long game of telephone, best boy LSZ, Pride Parades, Cats, the legend of WQ, Academia, Border Crossings, biosecurity, Paperwork, Family, Parents and Children, Uncles and nephews, the mortifying ordeal of your family seeing how you really live, Social Media, Chaos Gremlin WWX, University, outsider pov, Movie Stars, Fluff, Weddings, Adventures)
6. Hio, nvr done this before and not sure doing it right. I've been trying to find a fic for my friend but all I can remember for certain is Lan wangji also dies, and somehow comes back when Wei wuxian does, but he is the donkey Little Apple. Is filled with wei wuxain being oblivious and not realizing the donkey isn't just a donkey. It might have a brief part in the beginning that both of them are in another realm somehow connected with baoshe sanren(I forgot how to spell her name but his mom's teacher/grandmaster) to heal. @ly-puzzle
7. Looking for a modern au fic in which jc notices wwx is eating differently then gets worried and tells the family then thay all get really worried then it turns out it was a big misunderstanding and wwx changed the way he eats for his secret boyfriend lwj because of a reason I cannot remember and they clear the misunderstanding and there's a happy ending
Please, I've been looking for it for about three days I'm desperate
Thank you in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Hey friends! So I've been getting back into MDZS and have been losing my mind trying to find this fic. I only remember little flashes but not specific words or scenes or anything and it's not helping when I try to search. I know it was complete but kind of left off on a cliffhanger? When it was published the author said maybe someday they'll write more but not now. It started with WWX waking up in the Mo shed and was focused on WWX, JC, and JL with lots of family moments and bonding and stuff. There was queer gender themes for WWX and a granny OC. WWX was going to be disguised as that granny's relative and was implied trans or nonbinary. Also WWX was sick (something about his resurrection or cultivation?) and that's why they needed to meet Lan Xichen which is why they needed the disguise identity. Thanks for all you do and for trying with this!
NOT FOUND! By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal)
FOUND! crushed ceramic by doyeorem (pomellogranate) (T, 10k, JC & JL & WWX, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Yúnmèng Siblings Feels, Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect, Family Feels, Genderqueer WWX, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, i think, Misunderstandings, re: lxc, Disguise, Crossdressing, Whump, but it’s more mentioned/implied then detailed, Sibling Bonding, uncle bonding) It's inspired by BAON so there's similarities in the Jiang family feels and the gender stuff, but crushed ceramic specifically has a relevant grandma oc who pretends Wei Wuxian is her niece I think? Whereas BAON is more like a canon divergent what-if so it's basically entirely canon characters and Wei Wuxian's fake identity is as Jiang Cheng's friend who is mistaken to be a fiance.
9. Hi, thank you for finding the fic. I didn't think I'd be sending another ask so soon but , here we are. I'm searching for 2 fics:
A) One where WWX is summoned by someone from a minor sect whose family died in the battle WWX died. His wish is for WWX to suffer or be miserable. He goes to LWJ who is recovering from 33 lashes.
B) The other one, LSZ doesn't like MXY! WWX getting close to LWJ, cuz he spent 13 years being loyal to and mourning for WWX and all of a sudden he's moving on. I think nk it might be abo but I'm not sure. @shylurker111
NOT FOUND! things we're all too young to know by someitems (T, 11k, wangxian, misunderstandings, junior shenanigans, mistaken identity, found family) might be "things we're all too young to know" by someitems although LSZ doesn't exactly dislike the resurrected WWX, he's just not sure it's going to work out
FOUND! With a smile on your face, heartache. by Marzennya (T, 10k, LSZ & WWX, LSZ & LWJ, WangXian, LWJ/MXY, A/B/O Dynamics, traditional A/B/O dynamics for plot relevant reasons, Period-Typical Sexism, Period Typical Attitudes, heavily implied omegaphobia, LSZ is a MXY hater on this one, Weird Biology, POV Outsider on WangXian, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Alpha LSZ, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Crack Treated Seriously, Angst with a Happy Ending, Comedy of Errors)
10. guys i need yalls help in finding this AO3 fanfic i read. the plot is that lan zhan and wuxian are living together because i think the apartment is close to his school/job (forgot which but they are akready adults and working too i think maybe) and the first day of them moving in tg, wuxian remarks how thankful he is because lan zhan has already started unpacking the same day and he thinks how meticulous he is. anways so, i think that they went down to the apartment lobby to try and meet their new neighboords. one of which happens to be su she, and the neighboords are asking them question to get to know them and ask about their relationship. and su she was acting creepy towards wuxian, so lan zhan says they are dating to protect them. and i think that su she said to prove that they are in a relationship and to kiss, so lan kisses wuxian. and afterwards, whenever they saw su she, they made a point to make out. except for when they didnt ofc, and started making out even when he wasnt there. meanwhile they still lived their domestic life together, buying groccies and kissing as soon as they reach the apartment, and once they get inside, lan zhan immidently leans wuxian agaisnt the door and keeps making out with him, the groccieris being long forgotten on the floor. and they even have bj in the couch. and once, they decide to have a "date" and go out to a fancy resturant, and wuxian wishes it was real. anyhow, they decide to throw a house warming party from suggestion of both of their brothers. once the party actually starts, wuxian is frustrated from all the making out because he wanted to be lan zhan and he was conflicted on what to do. and both of their brothers obvi notice something is up between them, until it all blows up in the party when they confess their feelings towards each other by yellling or sum. and immidetly everyone leaves and its just them two alone to be delt w their inevitable feelings towars each other @eighty122
FOUND? we don't need to talk about it by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 48k, WangXian, Modern, Fake Dating, the slimmest of premises, there was only one bedroom, There Was Only One Bed, kissing to prove you're dating, being idiots to prove you're dating, they're idiots your honor, Pining while fucking)
11. Hi! I can't find a specific fanfic: Lan Zhan has his dead mother's cell phone number, he always texts her even if there's no answer, it comforts him. However, one day a stranger texts him, he says he can keep texting if it makes him feel good, some time later they introduce themselves and the stranger turns out to be Wei Ying, who he later falls in love with.
It's a short and self-contained ending (I think it's a one shot). The author took a Twitter thread from his own account to clean it up. I look forward to what you can find, THANKS!!! @ppninonom
FOUND?🔒I'm falling for your eyes but they don't know me yet by gusulanzhan (T, 3k, WangXian, Gay WWX, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, not internalised though, Not Beta Read, originally a threadfic, Gay LWJ, Identity Porn, I think?, And then they were roommates, Misunderstandings, Bridezilla lxc, Parents Are Dead, Modern AU)
12. Hello i hope everyone is doing well!!
I have a fic that I can’t find if you don’t mind. I can only remember one scene:
Everyone was gathered for a sect conference at the Cloud Recesses. I think Wei WuXian had planed it all out and after everyone had arrived, he started to get tired. LQR, still unaware that Wei WuXian does not have a core, is wondering why everyone is so concerned when he starts to fall asleep where he is sitting. Then LQR offers to escort Wei WuXian back to their Jingshi. At first, Lan WangJi was hesitant to trust his uncle but he eventually let him. I think after that they tell LQR why Wei WuXian won’t go back to the sword path. @jikcf
13. Hi!! Can u please help me find this fic where lan zhan sealed his spiritual power after lxc told lz that wwx died at the siege?then lz died after that and i think it was a time travel fic. Thank youuu @heyseokjinie
FOUND? Get it right (mdzs time travel) Series by AmiraAlzilu (M, 85k, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Suicidal Thoughts, Canonical Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Fluff, Not JC Friendly, Unreliable Narrator, Unreliable Narrator WWX, Getting Together, Time Travel Fix-It, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Not Jiang Clan Friendly, Jiāng Family Bashing, Character Death Angst, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Grieving LXC, Grieving LQR, LQR Is So Done, Dead LWJ, Dead WWX)
14. looking for a NSFW fic where wwx becomes linked to a sex toy. i remember that he overheard some men planning to use the object on a girl (whoever's blood?? i think gets on it becomes linked to the toy). so obviously he jumped in to confiscate the item. at some point lwj confiscates it and unknowingly uses the toy without knowing it's linked to wwx
FOUND? 🔒 The Golden Cutsleeve by syrus_jones (E, 77k, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Humor, Aged-Up Character(s), WWX POV, WWX is a gremlin, Internally Screaming LWJ, No Sunshot Campaign, First Times, Accidental Sex, Masturbation, PWP, Porn with Feelings, WWX experimenting with things he shouldn’t like always, Happy Ending, Porn With Plot) Ok, I went on a little search for 14 and it may be this? Found this Suggestion on a similar reddit post 4 years ago
15. Hiiii!! I've come to you begging on my knees, I've been looking for this fic for sooooo long and I can't find it anywhere, I don't have the full context because I read it a long time ago, but I do have the most important aspects and details.
I hope you can help me, I love your work!!!!! and thx!!!
Its a mordernAU. Wei Wuxian is an international student from China. He is a music student and flutist for his choir where Lan Wangji is a main pianist. They also share a course.
It literally starts when WWX wakes after a night of party to find there's a baby (4-5 ish) in his apartment. He also spots a bag with all basic baby essentials left in his apartment and a note explaining he (the dad) is leaving the kid (A-Yuan) here for sometime. The baby was very calm indicating it was a common occurence. He phones around and sometime later learns from his sister that the kid's dad is a good for nothing person. In the meantime he decides, he is going to look after the kid.
It's a bit of a slice of life kind fanfic. Where WWX buy toys and things needed for a kid. For the first day, he even takes him to college class and the whole class is enamoured by the kid. Somehow, LWJ also ends up taking care of the kid, and when WWX wants to adopt A-yuan, The only solution (according to the logic that LWJ gave him) is that they should get married, since WWX has a student visa. In a super friendly way of course, just Bros being Bros and all that while they become parents of a little A-yuan
FOUND? The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 70k, WangXian, Modern AU, Accidental Baby Acquisition,Kid Fic, explicit in much much later chapters, green card marriage (but not really), pining for your own husband, endless pining, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, Nothing else bad or traumatic happens to the baby, [Podfic of] The Simplest Way Forward by knight_tracer) but I think Lan Zhan plays violin rather than piano.
FOUND?🔒so take my hand (take my whole life too) by cicer (E, 92k, WangXian, Modern AU, Accidental Baby Acquisition, oh my god they were roommates, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, this fic is not about trauma, it’s about the yearning, slowburn, [Podfic of] so take my hand (take my whole life too) by exmanhater)
16. Hello, I'm searching for a Modern AU fanfic. In this story, the clan families are interconnected. Wei Wuxian unexpectedly becomes pregnant with Lan Zhan's child, but their wedding is disrupted due to a conflict(argument). afterwards, Wei Wuxian is forced to marry Lan Xichen, who abuse him. All these events leads to Wei Wuxian's being depressed,alone and withdrawal throughout the story. Ultimately he dies. Later, a character who strongly resembles Wei Wuxian is introduced into
17. I'm struggling to find a time travel fic. I've scanned through all my tags and the 3 rec lists here and don't see it. Wwx definitely goes back and doesn't tell anyone (idk if he travels post siege or later; I think lwj has travelled too but wwx doesn't know). lqr or lxc give him a flute after he expressed a desire to learn musical cultivation and pretends he can't play well. But him getting a flute happens in so many fics, help!!! (Also he plays wangxian but doesn't know what it is?) Thanks!
18. Thank you for this public service! I'm looking for a fic where all I remember is that Wei Wuxian makes Fairy float to 'point out' the bad guys. And Jin Ling is very indignant at the suggestion that she is not a magical dog. I think WWX is hiding so people don't know it's him making the dog float? Sorry I don't have more details! @forceofconviction
FOUND? You still sound like a song by Moominmammashandbag (M, 64k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Ghost!WWX, Mystery, LWJ plays inquiry, AU from after the Wens came to Lotus Pier, Most people lived, not everybody died, Angst with a Happy Ending, river spirit!WWX, Angst and Feels, description of murder, imminent smut, Execution, Dogs, Poisons, Discussion of Attempted Murder, BAMF WWX, Family Feels)
19. Bless you all and your hard work ahead of time: If you are amenable, I am looking for a fic that I read once months ago and foolishly did not bookmark that had the following characteristics:
Yu Ziyuan survived past the Lotus Pier massacre (I cannot recall if Jiang Fengmian did either)
Wei Wuxian returned to Lotus Pier after the Sun Shot Campaign, still having cultivated the ghost path
There is a notable scene about chapter 6-10 (if I remember right) where Wei Wuxian is punished with Zidian by Madame Yu in Lotus Pier after the Sun Shot Campaign, which either Jiang Cheng or Lan Wangji as a witness, and in which Wei Wuxian nearly dies because of his lack of golden core. This scene also had relatively non-graphic art (I think) embedded near the end of the chapter in the text, but was possibly in the footnotes. I for sure remember there being art in that chapter though of Wei Wuxian.
I don't quite remember any specific tags attached, nor do I remember if there was any time travel involved, but obviously it's some kind of canon divergence I just can't for the life of me remember what. I think there was also another pic or two in other chapters, and I believe it was unfinished at the time (and thus probably still unfinished), but it might not be! I hope this isn't too broad. I've been scouring the "Hurt Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian" and "Torture" and "Abuse" tags, making sure that Yu Ziyuan is included in the search, but I've obviously had no luck.
Thank you again for all your help and hard work, and if you can't find it, that's fair, I wasn't that detailed in ways that would actually help to find it using AO3 tags. :) @mamahersh
My deepest apologies, but I wanted to let you know I found the fic I was looking for in my previous ask! (not syncing my bookmarks is a double edged sword). On the off chance you do decide to publicize my previous ask, Other people can find the fic at "Here With Me" by "iamwish" on AO3. :) Thank you again for all you do, and have a great rest of your week!
FOUND! Here With Me ‘verse Series by iamwish (T/G, 80k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, wwx turns this into a no war!au, Canon-Typical Violence, Period-Typical Homophobia, Bad Parent YZY, POV WWX, POV LWJ, POV JC, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, WWX Has PTSD, and also depression sometimes, Unreliable Narrator, Character Death, Blood and Gore, BAMF WWX, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, there’s some elements of, Grief/Mourning, Character Study, POV JYL, Angst, Implied/Referenced Character Death)
20. Hello, I am looking for a Wangxian fic that has the Lan and Jiang sect working together for a night hunt. The city doesnt like cultivators. Wei Ying gets hurt with maybe falling down the stairs, I am not sure. I know the inn keeper of where they are staying is the yao they were hunting. Before that no one seems to believe him about how he got hurt except Lan Zhan. It was on A03.
Hello, I was #20 on the Jan 17th fic finder. I come with more info. The fic is mainly focused around Wei Wuxian . They received a letter of help from a small village being attacked by a Yao. This Yao in particular is wearing human skin and taken an interest in Wei Wuxian. The Yao starts tormenting Wei Wuxian though no one ever seems to catch the moments happening, so everyone thinks that Wei Wuxian is losing it. He throws the yao down tower and LWJ comes and helps him.
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spnfanficpond · 20 days ago
New Member Spotlight January 2025
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family and a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
doe - she/they, @nyc-pizza-rat, Purple_Starflower (AO3), sleepydoe (Discord)
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - A few — ofmd, good omens, do bollywood movies count?
Looking for in the Pond? - Community and support! Also accountability
Pairings you read? - Destiel, mostly
Genres you read? - Fluffy & Angst, low smut, soulmate AUs, Accidental marriage
What do you like to write? - One shots
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -Long fic
Mari D - she/her, EST, @rosemariad, kunoichidelahoja (AO3), R0s3mar1_D (Discord), mari_m_d on Instagram, mdgurl on Twitter (I'm always gonna call it Twitter, idc lol) & bluesky
OTP? - Destiel, SamJess
Other fandoms? - Naruto
Looking for in the Pond? - Support, engagement, social activity
Something to signal boost? - I'm working on an SPN fanfic series - I've published 5 fics contributing to that series spanning from the end of s4 to s8, s9 is currently in progress and will be done by next week, here's the link to the series on Ao3:
Pairings you read? - ships, occasional love triangles
Genres you read? - angst, PWP, smut, slow burn, Canon divergent, Canon compliant, the occasional bit of crack for levity lol.
Favorite writer(s)? - favorite fanfic writer not necessarily but favorite fics absolutely: our old heroes by adelaclancy, a room of ones own by northernsparrow, four letter word for intercourse by @bendingsignpost
What do you like to write? - I love putting my own spin of Canon events and then spiraling from there, so it tends to be in-universe but Canon divergent or Canon compliant and writing from a character's perspective never seen before.
Most underappreciated fic? - SPN Inferno
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I would've previously said publishing this spn fanfic series I'm working on but just gauging people's thoughts on it would be super helpful, what works, what doesn't work? what would people want more of or less? I want these fanfics to be the best it can be because of how long the SPN Fandom has endured, now reaching 20 years since the show began.
Liane - she/her or they/them, Germany, @chevroletdean, Reika (AO3), reikanra (Discord)
OTP? - Destiel (I also love Samwena)
Other fandoms? - Anime (some of my favorites are Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Attack on Titan, Sailor Moon, Durarara!!, Death Note), Gaming (some favorites are Persona, Animal Crossing, the Legend of Zelda, Ace Attorney), Dungeons & Dragons, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, anything vampire related honestly
Looking for in the Pond? - I hope to connect with other writers/readers, to participate in writing events, and to learn a thing or two (especially about formatting stuff). I'm also looking forward to fic recs.
Something to signal boost? - Back in November 2024 I have created a Tumblr Community for Supernatural Writers. It is a groupchat-esque space for all kinds of writers to connect, collaborate, and help each other out. In December we've hosted a Prompt-Mas event as well as a Secret Santa. Tumblr was rolling out this new feature and I wanted to use it for that purpose. Secondly, I have recently joined a mutual's Discord Server for SPN Fanfic Writers and am currently a mod there.
Pairings you read? - Destiel, Samwena, Reader inserts (all of them! Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader, etc.)
Genres you read? - Angst, fluff, smut. My favorite is ANGST all the way, the heavier the better. Some of my favorite tropes are hurt/comfort, Royal!AU (knight x prince(ss) has my HEART), sunshine x grumpy, friends to lovers, Character A fell first and Character B fell harder
Favorite writer(s)? - There are too many to just pick one, but I'll try to list the first 5 that come to my mind! Alex ( @zepskies on Tumblr and Zeppelin_Skies on AO3), Blondie ( @ohsc on Tumblr and AO3), Dahlia ( @lovedahlia on Tumblr), Fig ( @figthoughts on Tumblr), and Kelsey ( @inknopewetrust on Tumblr and happyhogan on AO3)
What do you like to write? - As of right now I mainly write Dean x Reader and Dean x OC stories. I write for other SPN characters too, though, as well as characters played by Jensen Ackles. They all range from fluff to angst to smut, or revolve around platonic relationships. I generally prefer one-shots, but also write headcanons and multichapter fics. My current main project is Tainted, a very angsty Dean x Fem!Reader mutlichapter fic revolving around the Mark of Cain and Demon!Dean arc in seasons 9-10.
Most underappreciated fic? - NSFW warning, I wrote this for Kinktober 2024: Lingerie
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - As someone who's queer myself, I'd love to write more sapphic x reader fics. I already have (cf. the underappreciated Rowena x Fem!Reader oneshot above), but it fell a bit flat, so I haven't done it again. I love the boys dearly, but sometimes I wanna put more spotlight on the female characters of Supernatural. Especially in x (fem!)reader scenarios, but also just generally. Maybe events where the ladies get to be the main characters would motivate me more, if a couple of people participate.
Mal - she/her, EST, @winchester11213, Winchester11213 (AO3),
OTP? - Sam/Eileen
Other fandoms? - Marvel
Looking for in the Pond? - Recommendations and possibly when I get the gumption, to have others see my writing.
Pairings you read? - Reader inserts
Genres you read? - All genres. Favorite tropes: enemies/friends to lovers; fake relationships
Favorite writer(s)? - @kittenofdoomage is my favorite.
What do you like to write? - Smut, fluff, working my way into some more genres at a snail’s pace
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Not yet. I still have 96 (exaggerating a bit) WIP & a 3yo so I’m very slow at putting out work between time restriction and my general lack of confidence
Beth - she/her, Australia, @bettystonewell, betty_stonewell (AO3),
Looking for in the Pond? - Making fandom friends
Pairings you read? - Reader inserts
Genres you read? - Romance with a bit of everything. I prefer humour to angst. Slow burns, friends to lovers, omegaverse
Favorite writer(s)? - @littlegreenplasticsoldier, @kittenofdoomage, and alexjanna91 (on AO3)
What do you like to write? - Dean x reader. Writing from Dean’s perspective
Abbie - Great Britain, @supernotnatural2005, Supernotnatural_2005 (AO3), Abbalinawrites (Discord)
OTP? - Dean x reader
Other fandoms? - Big sky, SPN RPF, wanting write for more
Looking for in the Pond? - I’d like to be able to communicate with more people, and find new blogs with work to read. I’d love to be able to bounce ideas around and get more advice, or opinions on my work. Be part of a community with lovely people I can share my work and theirs with.
Pairings you read? - Any of Jensen’s characters x reader
Genres you read? - Angst, fluff, smut, alternate universe, A/B/O
Favorite writer(s)? - Currently, my two favourite atm are @zepskies and waynesmultiverse because I have recently read their works, and love everything they put out. Also, Alex has been lovely in responding to some of my work.
What do you like to write? - Angst to fluff, smut, AU, A/B/O
Most underappreciated fic? - A Christmas Miracle
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I would like to write my own Alpha!dean x Omega!reader story. I have attempted but struggled to put the ideas to the page. And maybe idea bouncing? I show/tell you my idea and get feedback or advice?
EnTeSelene - she/her, Spain, @enteselene, enteselene (AO3), EnTeSelene (Discord), enteselene.bsky.soc
OTP? - Wincest
Looking for in the Pond? - I'm looking for fellow fans who love to read and write
Something to signal boost? - I'm the @spneldritchbang mod. On AO3
Pairings you read? - gen, wincest. I don't mind the pairing if the story is good
Genres you read? - lol, horror, case fics, character study... But again I don't mind the trope if the plot is good
Favorite writer(s)? - fleshflutter is to blame that I fell down the rabbit hole
What do you like to write? - horror and dark fics
Most underappreciated fic? - Porcelain Soul
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - uh, thriller? sci-fi? I guess that the plot bunny missed my address
Tiffany (or Tiff) - PA, USA, (no Tumblr or AO3), Maxx15849 (Discord)
Looking for in the Pond? - To meet other writers and support others
Something to signal boost? - I'm working on my own application for writers
Pairings you read? - Oc/Dean Winchester ships
Genres you read? - Romance, friendship
What do you like to write? - Romance, friendship
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Not really. Still working on the ones I am working on now
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That’s all for this month, folks! (If we’re missing anyone, let us know and we’ll add them to next month’s list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @heavenssexiestangel, @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes, and @manawhaat!
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multifandom-nerds-blog · 11 months ago
More thoughts on Kai stuck in the never space : (possible AU)
I'm no definitely stuck on the idea that time passes differently there. Ergo, he's been there for a few years, at minimum a decade when finally does get out again at some point
There isn't really lots of common food there (The banished five don't need food to survive in my opinion) so he got used to eating anything eadible. So moss, insects, whatever he can find really
Bonzle is also sharing some of her magical energy with him, so it's easier for him to survive without much food or water. You can imagine it as Kai carrying one of her eyes on a necklace like a blue orb.
Since Bonzle also doesn't have a need for sleep like Kai does, she usually covers guard duty. Without her Kai would probably barely sleep at all (he already does)
At one point Kai ends up picking up magic. Though I'm not sure how exactly yet, he probably goes by gut feeling and a combination of things that Bonzle knows and his experiences with magic users.
Inside the neverspace, there are some other creatures as well. Mostly of magical/mystical nature. Now or then Kai either fights them for practicing magic, or even hunts them for food. (Safe to say, eating magical creatures has some effects on his body as well.)
He then combines his elemental fire with his magic, and through that gets a more flexible fighting style. This definitely helps as he's basically trying to hunt down the other forbidden five inside the neverspace
Bonzle obviously tries to stop him but Kai is to stubborn so she ends up following him anyways to pull him out if a situation gets to dangerous
Kai and Bonzle definitely form a sort of codependency
Bonzle at some point also told Kai about an agent walker she met right before the blood moon, and he figured out the rest
About his looks
You can imagine it, but his clothes are pretty thrown together after so many years, with scraps he can find somehow. His main red is still but barely present after time, but he ends up combining the colors of the other ninja in to remember them better. (When you use magical energy needed for your survival to dye your clothes in other colors.)
His hair grows out, and when it's open Kai pretty much looks like his mom. Most of the time however it's braided with on of Nyas hair ties he still had in his pockets. At one point he also ripped up his ninja mask for some bandaids, and is using the rest of it now as a bandana
He also gets several new scars, be it from experemening with magic, or fights with either the remaining forbidden or other creatures existing in the never space.
That's it for now. I don't wanna put to much stuff in one post, but please tell me if you want more or have ideas foe your own. I also still don't have a proper name idea for this AU/canon divergence, unless I'm somehow predicting s2 part 2 but that would be wild.
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