#new mixer grinder
jinit-shah · 1 year
Smart Home Appliances- Kitchen Helpers - Mixer Grinder - Kitchen Bot ( 1200 Watt ) - Empire Red - Orpat Group
Buy Orpat Kitchen Bot Empire Red 1200W Mixer Grinder online at best price in India. Explore huge range of Mixer Grinders at orpatgroup.com. Best offers & Deals.
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amr-jayprakash · 1 year
Mixer grinder are electric kitchen appliances that are used for mixing food, dough, and batters. They can also be used for shredding, mashing, and tossing. Mixer grinder consist of a stand and a head, where the head contains the mixing mechanism to which various types of mixing apparatuses can be attached.  
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Viral: Woman Spills Tomato Puree All Over Mixer Grinder; Internet Is In Splits
Let’s admit, cooking demands time, attention and a lot of dedication. It can also be a little stressful if you are cooking something for the first time. Well, those who cook regularly know that kitchen disasters are inevitable. As they say, it can happen to the best of us. It could be anything, right from putting too much salt in a dish to having cuts on your hand while chopping vegetables.…
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bomberqueen17 · 6 months
farm life
Am at the farm. Just gonna witter on uninterestingly about that behind the cut because I"m too tired to be interesting.
Initially we were going to make chicken sausage this week but BIL decided not to, but then when I said I was coming anyway, he decided to cut up some chickens.
In past years they've always sold out of chicken parts way before they've sold out of whole chickens. But a couple of years ago a chef friend told him there was nothing really wrong with thawing a chicken, cutting it up, and refreezing the parts, and initially we were just thawing whole chickens to cut up to grind into sausage, but we did some tests and determined that actually, no, there's really no discernible loss of quality in the parts. So now we don't sell out of chicken breasts in December anymore, but can keep bringing them to market all winter.
So this year we took the whole chickens out of the store, stopped bringing them to market, and are *only* selling the parts, and are saving the whole chickens to thaw and cut up and refreeze as parts. It's working great. It's more work, but it's more profit, and also more sales. People just don't buy whole chickens that much.
So anyway we cut up 88 chickens, and saved like 60 of the carcasses into a pair of huge stock pots. Packaged all the parts up, labeled and weighed them, then put the stock pots on to boil. Today we packaged 89 quarts of chicken stock. I was going to deep-clean the commercial kitchen, but it's not ready for the full spring treatment: we're still washing eggs in there, which means baskets full of chicken-shitty eggs are coming in and getting set on the floor. So I just cleaned and sanitized the heck out of the stuff we were using, and also the floor drain, but have held off. In April when the temps don't go below freezing at night anymore, when the vegetable washing station can move out of the eviscerating room so the egg washing can move back in there, *then* I will haul all the big equipment out and wash the whole room from the ceiling to the walls to the floors to the back of the grinder, under the mixer, under the fridge, under the freezer, all of it is getting powerwashed within an inch of its life.
But not this trip.
Next week we're making pork sausage.
I have been taking my dose of adderall at 8am immediately before I go out to work. It's hard to judge the efficacy, actually, because I'm so busy and so rarely totally self-directed. The real test would be to have me have a day of idleness and half a dozen things I need to accomplish. But I can concretely observe that I don't get a sort of dizzy head rush when it kicks in anymore, and I don't crash around 3 or 4 pm anymore. No, instead I'm just physically exhausted at that time, but it's understandable that I would be, because despite my best efforts to work out all winter, I am in no way prepared for the amounts of heavy lifting, repetitive movements, and sheer mileage you have to walk around here.
Today I finished cleaning the kitchen and then spent a couple of hours with my trusty old pruners, helping Farmsister and Veg Man harvest pussy willows to sell at market in decorative bundles. They just chainsawed the trees off a couple inches above the ground, and then we went at them with pruners and only took the nice branches, and the rest are going through the woodchipper to be mulch. VegMan pointed out the line they'd cut back to last year: this is how you coppice willows, and you can harvest them like this every year. They were fifteen feet tall, all new growth.
Soon we'll have daffodils. Mom had too many at her house, and a couple years ago she and Dad dug up buckets and buckets of them and brought them over and we dug a trench in the hillside and tipped them in. And now they're about ready to be divided again, LOL.
We have pullet eggs too. The chickens are laying pretty well, manageable amounts. We've started packing the eggs by weight, which is a little time-consuming.
OK that's enough wittering. Have I got any photos? Hmm.
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the view from the little creek down into the Quackenkill, alongside the back of the old granary. Morning, sun coming through the trees and lighting up the red-stained old siding, the neighbor's house visible at the other end of the cut.
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2. A pig friend, muddy snoot questing toward the camera in the sunshine of the winter livestock barn, which has a plastic south-facing roof to let in all the light it can.
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3. Farmsister, in her chainsaw chaps and safety gear, chainsawing down the pussy willows in front of the solar panels. (They measured, before they planted the little trees; they'd have to be 40 feet tall to block the light on the solar panels in any season, which I don't think a pussy willow would do, but it's still important to prune them back whether we harvest them for the catkins or not.)
That's all, happy spring. I'm so tired.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
If You Can’t Stand The Heat
One-shot fic. Don’t know if it qualifies as fluff/angst or hurt/comfort, but ptsd is definitely happening.
Mario and Luigi settle into a new home in The Mushroom Kingdom shortly after their victory over Bowser. Both try their best to embrace the new normal, but both have their own struggles wrapping their heads around everything they just survived.
Now posted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46686196
Luigi never had a kitchen to himself before. The moment he and his brother declared themselves homeowners, his entire family, near and far, pitched in to make sure they had everything they needed. The kitchen especially was stocked with all their hearts desired, as everyone in the family had a spare something: cutlery, spatulas, measuring spoons, cutting boards, cheese graters, rolling pins, crock pots, meat tenderizers, bread machines, pitchers, pots, pans, knives, blenders, choppers, slicers, mixers, grinders, peelers, juicers, shakers… Mario tried to explain that they could stock their own kitchen– the plumbing business was going great, they had money now, but nobody listened. In their own loud, pushy, overbearing way, they only wanted to make sure he and his brother were taken care of. They were family, after all.
While Luigi had always pitched in to help cook for big events and celebrations back in Brooklyn, the kitchen was his mother’s domain, kept pristine, efficient, and orderly. She was an unstoppable machine that churned out three multi-course meals a day, all made from scratch. She worked hard, poured her whole heart into every detail, and always made sure everyone was fed and taken care of. Luigi was often told– sometimes condescendingly– he took after his mother, but to him this was no insult. Quite the opposite. At last he had a kitchen of his own, and though he was cooking for a household of two rather than nine it felt like no less of a responsibility, especially given the way Mario had been for the past few days. To anyone who hadn’t lived with Mario his entire life, he seemed fine. Better than fine. He behaved like his usual self, head raised high and a spring in his step, ready to take on the world. Nobody else knew how little sleep he was getting, sitting up in bed while looking back and forth between his brother and the window like a newly-hired guard dog, waiting for the worst. Nobody else saw how his whole body shifted into a fighting stance at the slightest hint of trouble, the worry in his eyes every time Luigi stepped away for longer than a minute.
For as long as Luigi could remember, Mario treated his own life with reckless abandon while treating Luigi’s like it was more valuable than the world itself. It was only two weeks ago that they nearly lost each other, and then found each other, and then saved each other by the skin of their teeth. Luigi, feeling a little guilty, was dead set on seeing to it that all was made right again. He was happy to stick close to his brother for as long as needed, stay up talking for long hours into the night, and manage the plumbing business whenever Mario finally felt calm enough to fall asleep (no matter what time of day it was). But more than anything he kept their new house clean and organized, intent on ensuring every square inch of it truly felt like home– a safe haven where nothing could hurt them. 
Of course, their first home-cooked meal would be a major milestone, and what better way to launch their kitchen than with an old-fashioned Italian pizza? Luigi layered the sauce and the mozzarella on the freshly stretched dough while the oven preheated, singing “Che La Luna” to himself while Mario sat in the living room, trying to beat the first boss of Kid Icarus.
“You sure you don’t want any help, Luigi?” “I said I’ve got this!” Luigi called back, pausing his singing as he added fresh basil leaves and a sprinkle of salt. “I’m almost done. Dinner in five!”
Luigi plucked up the pizza peel by handle and headed toward the oven, pleased with his handiwork. He picked the tune back where he left off, taking a moment to twirl proudly in his apron as he crossed the kitchen floor. “C' 'na luna mezz'u mare Mamma mia m'a maritare!…” He carefully held his creation in his right hand as he leaned down and opened the oven door. “Figlia mia a cu te dare Mamma mia pensace-”
The blast of heat hit him. Luigi suddenly stopped singing. He had been so lost in his own thoughts… he didn’t even expect the oven to feel like this, five hundred degrees fahrenheit slamming against his cheeks like a heavy blow. Blindsided by the sensation, an uncontrollable tremor slowly overtook him, the pizza he had so carefully prepared falling out of his hands, clattering to the tile floor.
“Lu! You okay?” Luigi didn’t hear Mario’s voice. The comforting presence one room over disappeared under an ocean of fear that crashed down upon him, suffocating him. The cozy kitchen, the golden light of evening streaming through the open window, and the smell of yeast and flour evaporated under ash and sulfur, boiling magma lapping at his feet and red-hot iron bending beneath his hands. His heart pounded so hard he felt like it was about to burst, blood rushing to his head and turning his mind inside out while it desperately attempted to grasp reality… This wasn’t real! It was over! He was safe! He was home! He… Heat. He was trapped. He was burning. Luigi leapt back from the oven, hitting himself against the island table as he fell. Hard stone, sharp claws, bony hands, crushing scales, falling debris. Heat. Oppressive, inescapable as death.
“Mario!” Luigi screamed his brother’s name on instinct, unaware he was already in the doorway, rushing to his side.
“Luigi! what’s wrong?” Mario took hold of his brother. Luigi tried to wriggle out of his grasp as though his life depended on it. He shook violently, pressing his hands tightly to his face as he screamed again, voice cracking with terror and desperation. 
“I’m here Lu! I’ve got you!” With some effort, Mario managed to force Luigi’s hands away from his face. He held Luigi’s cheeks and looked into his eyes– they were wide, tearful, looking past everything toward some undisclosed horror in the middle distance. At last they shifted, returning to the present world, settling upon the face in front of him. He shivered terribly, his breathing shallow, his brow soaked in sweat as recognition finally dawned on him. “… Mario?”
“I’ve got you.” Mario pulled Luigi close, pressing their foreheads together as they sat on the kitchen floor, surrounded by a mess of trampled dough and scattered flour. “I’m here. I’ve got you.” Mario repeated softly, “You’re okay. You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
That night, they had ice cream for dinner. Mario stood in the living room in front of the coffee-table-turned-dessert-bar, and split a tub of butterscotch-caramel between two dishes, topping them with mounds of whipped cream, sprinkles, and cherries. Luigi sat on the nearby couch, wrapped in a quilt, watching his brother divvy out the icecream from a carton that still had the smudged remnants of “Mario’s! Do not touch!” written on the side in sharpie, hastily scratched out at the last minute. 
“You want pecans too?” Mario asked, already popping open the tin. Luigi nodded, tightening the blanket a little further around his shoulders. His hands still shivered as he took the bowl from his brother. He was quiet for a moment, taking a few bites of the ice cream, fighting down another wave of tears that tried to bubble to the surface even now that the worst of the attack had left him. He was miserable. Exhausted. Defeated. “I feel so stupid.”
“You shouldn’t.” Mario sat on the couch, shoulder-to-shoulder against his brother while holding his sundae in his lap. “This is normal, I think. I mean... you went through a lot.”
“You didn’t fall apart like this.” Luigi whined, “You went through a lot too.” “What I went through is different.” Mario retorted, stirring his sundae into a brown, chocolatey slurry with his spoon, “I wasn’t alone like you were. Even from the first moment I landed in The Mushroom Kingdom I had Toad watching my back. You didn’t have anyone.”
Luigi didn’t say anything, he just looked at his older brother. Mario was right, but he didn’t like how guilty he looked while saying it. It wasn’t his fault that they got ripped in separate directions, it wasn’t his fault they ended up where they ended up. He did everything he could. He did amazing, all considering. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Mario asked, breaking the silence between them. “You know… what happened to you while we were apart?”
Luigi took a bite of his ice cream to buy himself time to consider his response. The answer was no, of course, even though Luigi knew talking about it would be good for him. He dreaded the thought of putting his experience into words. Even in the daylight hours, when all was well and the world was as it should be, merely thinking about The Dark Lands made his chest hurt and his hair stand on end. “Can I talk about it tomorrow?” “You can talk about it whenever you like,” Mario assured. He reached his free hand over to Luigi’s shoulder and tugged him into a playful side hug. “You’ve been here for me Lu, but don’t forget I’m here for you too! and I’m gonna keep being here, every step of the way. That’s a promise.”
Luigi smiled. Tears welled up in his eyes, far from the fearful tears that had plagued him moments before. “Mario…” Luigi set his ice cream down on the coffee table in front of him, rubbed his tears away on the palm of his hand, and plucked his little-big brother up into a bear hug. Mario barely had enough time to put his own ice cream down safely before being yanked into the embrace. “…We’re a mess.” Luigi chuckled, sounding happy at last. The shivering was almost gone, his breathing was steady, and his heartbeat was almost normal. Mario noted each of these things while he was pressed against his brother, and couldn’t help but smile as well. He’d be okay. Whether Luigi knew it or not, he was strong as either of them. It would take a bit of time, but they were going to be okay.
“Yeah.” Mario laughed, resting his chin against his brother’s shoulder, “we sure are.”
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charlieputh2710 · 2 months
Mixing Mastery: Unlocking The Potential Of The Bosch Mixer Grinder
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In the realm of kitchen appliances, the Bosch Mixer Grinder stands out as a versatile and powerful tool, capable of transforming mundane cooking tasks into culinary adventures. From kneading dough to grinding spices and blending smoothies, this appliance offers a myriad of functionalities to elevate your cooking experience. Let's delve into the world of the Bosch Mixer Grinder, exploring its unique features and the endless possibilities it brings to the kitchen.
1. Versatile Functions for Every Culinary Task:
The Bosch Mixer Grinder is renowned for its versatility, offering a wide range of functions to tackle various culinary tasks with ease. Equipped with multiple attachments, including dough hooks, beaters, and grinding jars, this appliance can knead dough for bread, whip cream for desserts, and grind spices for flavorful dishes. Its multifunctional design makes it a valuable asset for any kitchen, streamlining meal preparation and expanding culinary horizons.
2. Powerful Motor for Efficient Performance:
At the heart of the Bosch Mixer Grinder lies a powerful motor engineered to deliver efficient and consistent performance. Whether you're mixing heavy dough or grinding tough ingredients, the motor provides ample power to handle even the most demanding tasks with ease. Its robust construction ensures durability and longevity, allowing you to rely on the appliance for years of reliable service without compromising on performance.
3. Precision Control for Customized Results: 
Precision control is a hallmark feature of the Bosch Mixer Grinder, allowing users to customize their cooking experience and achieve desired results with precision. Variable speed settings enable users to adjust the mixing or grinding speed according to the specific requirements of each recipe. Additionally, pulse function options provide short bursts of power for precise control over blending or grinding tasks, ensuring consistent results every time.
4. Ergonomic Design for Comfort and Convenience:
Designed with user comfort and convenience in mind, the Bosch Mixer Grinder features an ergonomic design that enhances ease of use and handling. Its sleek and compact profile takes up minimal countertop space, making it ideal for small kitchens or limited storage areas. Intuitive controls and easy-to-read indicators simplify operation, while detachable components facilitate effortless cleaning and maintenance, ensuring hassle-free use and upkeep.
5. Safety Features for Peace of Mind: 
Safety is paramount when it comes to kitchen appliances, and the Bosch Mixer Grinder is equipped with a range of safety features to provide peace of mind during use. Overload protection safeguards the motor from overheating or damage due to excessive use, prolonging its lifespan and ensuring safe operation. Additionally, safety interlocks and auto-shutoff mechanisms prevent accidents and injuries, allowing users to focus on cooking with confidence.
The Bosch Mixer Grinder is a versatile and indispensable tool that empowers home cooks to unleash their culinary creativity and achieve professional-quality results in the comfort of their kitchens. With its versatile functions, powerful motor, precision control, ergonomic design, and safety features, this appliance is a must-have for anyone passionate about cooking. By harnessing the capabilities of the Bosch Mixer Grinder, you can elevate your culinary creations to new heights and embark on a flavorful journey of exploration and experimentation.
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dr-dan · 3 months
Something happened, how do you hide a body?
Ideally you have some quicklime (calcium oxide) on hand to dissolve it. People use calcium hydroxide which is just quicklime with water added to make soap so if there’s none on hand just buy some and make soap making a new hobby to cover your tracks. Get your biggest pots, bring them to a boil, then reduce to simmer. Dismember the body into more manageable pieces and put them into the pots, allowing to cook until fully dissolved, typically around 2 hours. Once cooled pour into buckets with lids and dump them in the nearest large body of water preferably a river.
Or if you have a kitchen aide stand mixer with a meat grinder attachment, make it into ground beef and toss into the river for the fishes. More environmentally friendly.
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r74n · 4 months
NEW UPDATE: Sandboxels v1.9.5 - Update of the Summer OUT NOW ⬇️
⚙️ Mixer & Grinder 🌊🌿 Kelp 🥶 Freeze Ray 🧶 Cloth 🌌 Aurora Borealis 🌪️🔥 Tornado Variants Mobile shift & Canvas sizes
✨ OVER 100 MORE CHANGES, READ THE CHANGELOG: https://sandboxels.R74n.com/changelog
PLAY NOW: https://sandboxels.R74n.com
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unethicalmorals · 6 months
It's kinda insane the way Bishop is running on a fuckin hamster wheel in my mind I think about this guy 24/7 it's crazy like wow. Bishop. Wow, that's my favorite guy right there
I keep re-reading chapters where he's prominent in or sometimes I'll go to chapters where he isn't even that relevant and just read his lines specifically cuz like RAAAHHHH,,,,, THAT'S MY FAVORITE GUY LOOK AT HIM🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼
I re-read chapter 7 a lot because the crew interactions are so fun in that chapter and yet so bittersweet. I re-read Bishop's lines and like God he was so happy and chipper in the beginning!!!!!!! HE WAS A NERDY GUY WHO LIKED TO FUCK AROUND A LIL‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ FUCK‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ and now he's on edge and bitter and it makes me so AUUUUUGHHHH. BISHOP ILY IT'LL BE OKAY I PROMISE GAAAAAAAHAHHH
I need to put Bishop in a jar and shake him around and then chew on him like GRRRRRRRRRR BISHOP🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥 MY WEIRD LITTLE NERD GUY WHO I LOVE SO MUCH
I also just think it's cute how quickly Bishop got attached to Lucky. He's known him for less than a week and he's like wow I need to put this guy in my pocket and make sure nothing bad happens to him. Wow I kinda like this guy a lil- I mean what huh what who said that what-
I also love Lucky so much but like in a different way from Bishop okay, Bishop is very catboy to me and Lucky is dogboy but like a dog who Hides from loud noises. I hold Lucky in the palm of my hand and I tuck him gently into the softest bed in the whole entire world surrounded by stuffed animals and I kiss him on the top of his head. Rest well king you deserve it
I need to attack Bishop violently (affectionate) and I need to pamper Lucky spoiled and hold his face gently in the palms of my hands..... maybe bite his face a lil🤏🏽🤏🏽🤏🏽🤏🏽 shake him by the shoulders a bit and body slam him, I need to be aggressive in my affection how else will he understand that I love him
Anyways I hope Bishop and Lucky kiss on the mouth muah peace and love on the planet Earth I'm going to put Bishop and Lucky in a meat grinder. Together,,,,💚🧡
Sorry for being insane in your ask box..... they have a grip on my psyche....... I put them in my mouth and shake them like a dog...... and then I pass out,,,
Bishop is a great guy to think about honestly, I would have more thoughts for him right now but I'm hyper-focused on Pink and Rabbit rn,,, grrr (Wrench and Lucky are both staring at me with puppy eyes) I've had lots of fun thoughts while making Bishop and plotting some scenes with him. ((I HAVE PLANS FOR THIS LANKY GUY THAT ARE GONNA BE SO, SO FUN))
I'm going to be so normal about you re-reading chapters,,, so normal. HE WAS SO HAPPY. He was so excited to have a new crewmate!! He wanted to talk about his tech!! 🥺 It's so cool, I promise!! He loved his crew so much at the time and now everything is so so bad oh nooo.... Will it be okay? Will it really all be okay in the end?? Will it be okay??
🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥SHAKE HIM AROUND YESYESY SHAKE HIM !! PUT THAT GUY IN A MIXER🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥💚🔥
Lucky is just so soft and ohmy g-,, how can he not get attached to this little guy?~♥
CATBOY AND DOGBOY AHHHH GRRR Yesss, you're so right-- YESS
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Hold him in your hand, he is so small,, just a little guy,,, I promise he gets to rest (a little bit, but--) he gets to rest, I promise ♥
Only the best for those two 💚🧡💚🧡💚🧡💚🧡
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I love it--
Be feral, go insane, they are just chew toys to throw around-- ♥♥♥♥♥
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product-blog · 8 months
Transform Your Culinary Space: The Essential 2024 Kitchen Appliance Guide — Elevate Your Cooking Experience Today!
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Revolutionize Your Kitchen with These Essential Appliances!
Induction Cooktop: Experience the elegance of precision cooking with our induction cooktop. Specifically designed for Indian cuisine, it boasts pre-set heat and time settings for flawless results. Perfect for solo living, it offers simplicity and easy cleaning, surpassing traditional stoves.
Milk Frother: Elevate your morning routine with our handheld milk frother, delivering barista-quality frothy milk for your favorite coffee shop-inspired beverages.
Electric Kettle: Say goodbye to waiting around for water to boil! Our electric kettle is a must-have for every kitchen, offering unmatched convenience and speed.
Oven: Upgrade your culinary game with our versatile 25-liter oven. Featuring an intuitive LED panel and pre-programmed settings for all your baking, roasting, grilling, and toasting needs, it’s a standout performer in any kitchen.
Scale: Ensure precise measurements every time with our kitchen scale, perfect for adapting recipes from around the world without the risk of errors.
Electric Hand Mixer: Make whisking and whipping a breeze with our electric hand mixer, effortlessly simplifying all your baking tasks.
Auto-Pop Toaster: Enjoy extra moments of relaxation with our two-slot auto-pop toaster, perfect for those busy workday mornings when every minute counts.
Mixer Grinder: Our mixer grinder comes equipped with three versatile jars and secure vacuum feet for enhanced stability, making it a reliable companion for all your culinary adventures.
Ceramic Hot Plate: Keep your beverages warm throughout the day with our ceramic hot plate featuring an automatic shut-off function for peace of mind.
Grill: From sandwiches to wraps, our spacious grill offers endless possibilities for delicious and healthy meals right in your own kitchen.
Upgrade your kitchen today and take your cooking to new heights!
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patbox · 10 months
PolyFactory 0.3.0 for Minecraft 1.20.4 has been released!
This update, aside of being a port to latest versions, tries to balance the mod out and make some things more clear and logical. There are no new items/recipes, but these will be added in future updates!
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Updated to 1.20.4
Wooden Containers can store more items (45 stacks instead of 36)
Tweaked the strength of Windmill and Steam Engine
Mechanical Stress caused by Grinder and Mixer are now proportional to their working speed.
Polydex can now show state of machines / axles.
Tweaked some recipes
[Dev]: More generic parts of codebase were moved out into their own library, for usage by other mods.
Spanish translation by EnergyREX
== Download on Modrinth ==
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jinit-shah · 1 year
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Mixer Grinder – Kitchen Bot Plus – 1200W - Metallic Green - Orpat Group
Buy Mixer Grinder Kitchen Bot Plus 1200W Metallic Green Online. With its powerful 1200W motor and stylish can handle even the toughest grinding tasks, making cooking is a breeze. Shop now on Orpat Group.
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minifrost-official · 11 months
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INTRODUCING OUR NEW PRODUCT🎉"MINIFROST 2JARS MIXER,GRINDER" Experience culinary excellence with Minifrost Mixer & Grinder. Our powerful stainless steel blades ensure precise grinding, making it the perfect addition to your kitchen. Discover versatile functionality and durability, all at an affordable price. Elevate your cooking today. #MinifrostMixer #Grinder #CulinaryExcellence"#MINIFROST #minifrostnewproduct #minifrostgrinder
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talkspark · 1 year
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Atomberg, a digitally native consumer appliances brand, has raised $86 million in funding led by Temasek and Steadview Capital, with participation from Trifecta Capital and existing investors Jungle Ventures and Inflexor Ventures, through a mix of primary and secondary issuances.
The company, founded by IIT Bombay alumni - Manoj Meena and Sibabrata Das - will use the fund infusion to boost manufacturing capabilities, support new product launches, deepen offline presence across key regions. Further, the company aims to expand its offerings including mixer grinders, the ‘Aris’ fan series and smart locks. Additionally, it seeks to enhance R&D capabilities to aid new product launches across various categories.
The secondary share sale, as a part of the deal, has provided an exit to early angel investors of the company. Existing investor A91 Partners has also sold a small part of its stake.
"Our monthly revenue crossed Rs 100 crore in March and currently we are at a $150 million annual revenue run rate," said Das.
Atomberg is planning on expanding into two new categories by the 2023 end or early next year, he said. These include kitchen appliances such as chimneys and cooktops. Its recently launched products - mixer grinder and smart lock - are seeing strong traction in the market, said Das.
"Within one month, we completely sold out our smart lock stock. Mixer grinder is also getting a good early response. We expect mixer grinder to contribute 10% by next financial year," he said.
Atomberg currently has one manufacturing plant with a capacity to produce close to 1 million units a month.
"The BLDC market is 20% of the overall fans market, but is growing at 50% year over year. In next 5 years time it will become 50% of overall market and we want to keep our market leadership intact," said Das.
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Atomberg derives 70% of its sales through offline channels and 30% through online sales. Currently, the company's sales largely come from south and west India, contributing 65% to its top line.
"We entered the north and east markets just a year back. On the offline side, we currently have 25,000 counters and we are adding another 2,000 to strengthen our distribution. Offline will remain 70-75% of sales in the long term," said Das.
Atomberg currently has one manufacturing plant with a capacity to produce close to 1 million units a month.
"We are also investing capital to make it more and more automatic," said Das.
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
21 Uses for Your KitchenAid Mixer
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/21-uses-for-your-kitchenaid-mixer/
21 Uses for Your KitchenAid Mixer
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A KitchenAid mixer is a stand mixer that most people use to mix up cake batter and cookie dough. However, these mixers can do so many more things if you would only give them a chance! First off, KitchenAid mixers have a high-speed motor that is powerful. That alone makes it possible to use this kitchen item to tackle so many things in your home. If you do not own a KitchenAid mixer yet, and are considering one for your home, trust us when we say this is one of the most versatile items you will ever own. And once you start using this mixer, you will never be able to go back to using another type of mixer ever again!
21 Uses for Your KitchenAid Mixer
1. Make Delicious Homemade Ice Cream
Have you always wanted to make your own homemade ice cream? It is super easy to do if you have the ice cream maker attachment for your KitchenAid mixer. You can add anything you want to your ice cream too. So, consider all those cookies, candies, fruits, and even caramel syrups! We recommend testing out lavender and honey ice cream and making s’mores ice cream bars if you have the chance.
2. Whip Mashed Potatoes
Mashing potatoes is never an easy task, especially when you are trying to get dinner on the table in a hurry. Lumps usually stick around, creating groans from everyone at the table. It is better to let your KitchenAid mixer do the work for you! Simply add the whip accessory to your mixer to mash your potatoes. We guarantee you will have light fluffy potatoes every time.
3. Cream Butter and Eggs
There are so many recipes out there that call for creamed butter and eggs. You can do this with a handheld mixer, but that involves you standing there for the entire process. With a KitchenAid mixer, you can get it started and then work on something else, while the creaming process continues.
4. Grind Meat
You can easily grind your own hamburger meat if you have the metal food grinder attachment for your KitchenAid mixer. Simply place the attachment on your machine, add the meat, and turn it on. You’ll have ground meat in seconds. You can even grind up vegetarian options if you prefer.
5. Knead Dough
Kneading tough can be difficult and time consuming, so why not have a machine do it for you! Simply attach the dough hook to your KitchenAid mixer and turn the machine on. You can make dough for breads, pizza, and even pastries. We guarantee you will be amazed at how much faster you can prepare all these goodies with the help of your mixer.
6. Mix Batter
Above, we mentioned that you can use your mixer to make cakes and cookie dough. Well, honestly, you can use it to mix up all types of batter. This means mixing brownies, cookie dough, cake batter, and even pancake batter is easier than ever. Your arm won’t get tired out and your batter will be ready that much faster. Don’t forget to try to mix crepe batter in your mixer too. The end result will be a batter that cooks into thin crepes you can fill with all sorts of sweet and savory treats.
7. Make Yummy Homemade Juice
Have you ever tasted freshly squeezed juice? If you haven’t, you have no idea what you are missing out on! It is absolutely the best and it is so easy to make with your KitchenAid mixer. Simply attach the juicer and sauce attachment to your mixer. This attachment has an extra wide tube, which is perfect for when you are adding the fruit of your choice. The best part is there are three strainer options, so you can choose the one that will deliver the amount of pulp you prefer.
8. Shred Chicken
Shredding chicken can be a time-consuming task, but not if you let your KitchenAid mixer take over! All you need to do is make sure your chicken is either baked or parboiled. It is best to do this with boneless chicken breasts, because the bones are removed for you. However, if you use bone-in chicken, you can easily remove the bones before you start the shredding process. Add warm chicken to your mixing bowl and use the flat beater accessory on low to start shredding your chicken. It only takes approximately three minutes to shred enough chicken to make buffalo chicken dip, chicken chili, or dozens of other shredded chicken dishes.
9. Make Delicious Homemade Pasta
Do you love making homemade versions of different foods? If you answered yes, you are going to love the option of making homemade pasta with your KitchenAid mixer. Attaching the pasta sheet roller attachment will make this process so much easier for you. Once you have mixed the dough using the dough hook, attach the item mentioned above. Simply section your dough out and roll out sheets in the thickness you desire. Use the multiple pasta cutter options to cut your pasta into the size you want. There are so many options when it comes to homemade pasta, so let your creativity go wild!
10. Slice and Dice Fruits and Vegetables
Most people turn to a food processor to do this type of work in their kitchen. However, you don’t need both kitchen items if you already own a KitchenAid mixer. All you need is the food processor attachment, and you can be slicing and dicing in no time at all. You can choose the size you want, and the mixer will do the rest for you.
11. Mix Up Guacamole
Making guacamole isn’t difficult, but the mixing can be taxing, especially if you love smooth guac. We recommend adding the avocados, seasonings, garlic, and lime juice to your mixing bowl. Add the paddle attachment and turn your mixer on medium speed to mix all those ingredients together. Once everything is all mixed together, you can easily stir in onions, jalapeños, diced tomatoes, and other favorites.
12. Mix Up Filling for Stuffed Shells
Making stuffed shells is a process and it takes a lot of time. You can cut down on some of that time by mixing your stuffed shell filling in your KitchenAid mixer. Simply mix your cheese, eggs, seasonings, and other ingredients together in the mixing bowl. It is best to use the paddle attachment for this process. Once everything is mixed together, you can easily scoop it out to fill the shells.
13. Make a Yummy Dip
Some dips are super simple to mix together by hand. However, there are certain dips that use ingredients that are difficult to mix. Those dips must be made in a KitchenAid mixer if you want to save time and energy. Any dip that requires cream cheese and other ingredients like shredded cheeses, spinach, and other vegetables end up being really thick. Most of those dips are actually placed in the oven to warm up after the mixing process. We recommend throwing everything into your mixer and then scraping it all into an oven-safe pan when you are finished. Your dip will be ready for the oven, and ready to eat, in no time at all.
14. Scrambled Eggs
Have you ever made scrambled eggs for a crowd? Let us say that if you have, you will appreciate your KitchenAid mixer even more! Scrambling up eggs for one or two people is easy by hand. Scrambling eggs for a dozen people requires a little assistance. Use the whisk attachment on your mixer to whip your eggs before whipping again with a little milk and seasonings.
15. Prepare Meatloaf
What happens when you mix meatloaf by hand? If you are like most people, you end up with hands covered in meatloaf mixture! You can prevent this by simply using your KitchenAid mixer to prepare your next meatloaf. To make your meatloaf in your mixer, we recommend starting by beating the eggs. Add the milk, breadcrumbs, and other ingredients before mixing again. Finally, add the meat before the final mixing. The end result will be a perfect meatloaf where everything is mixed well together, and nothing is left sitting at the bottom of the bowl.
16. Make Homemade Butter
Have you ever made your own homemade butter before? If you haven’t, you must try it really soon! You don’t even have to go the homemade route to have delicious butter with your next meal. We recommend starting by placing softened butter in your mixing bowl. Add the seasonings you would love and let your KitchenAid mixer combine everything completely. Store the butter in an airtight container until you are ready to use it. And if you want to make your own butter, add heavy cream to your mixer. Whip the heavy cream on high until butter forms. Simply drain away any excess liquid and your butter will be ready to eat.
17. Make Marshmallows
Going to the store and grabbing a bag of marshmallows to make s’mores is something you see everyone doing when the weather is nice. But what if you could use your KitchenAid mixer to make your own marshmallows? Find a wonderful marshmallow recipe and add the ingredients to a pot on the stove. Once everything has come to a boil, add it all to your mixing bowl. Beat the liquid on high until it is thick. It will double in volume by the time it is done. Pour it into a pan and cut out your marshmallows. You get bonus points if you create cute shapes instead of squares!
18. Make Homemade Candy Hearts
Despite the time it takes to cut out all the candy hearts, making this sweet treat in a KitchenAid mixer is fairly easy. Since this candy dough is thick and sticky, it is not something you want to mix by hand. This is why so many people pull out their KitchenAid mixers to make this candy, as well as other types of candy.
19. Make Homemade Playdough
You don’t need to run to the store every time your playdough gets dried out and is unusable. Instead, all you need to do is make your own homemade playdough.  Simply mix all the ingredients together in your mixer before placing in containers. You may want to wash your mixer out in between each color, so your colored playdough turned out vibrant instead of a muddled mess.
20. Make Your Own Meringue
Making meringue is a long tedious project, especially if you are using a hand mixer. We recommend putting the whisk attachment on your mixer, adding the ingredients, and start mixing away. It will take some time for the peaks to form, but once they do, your meringue will be almost ready for you to use.
21. Make Frosting
Most people run to the store to buy containers of frosting when they need to make a cake. However, it is just as easy to throw a few ingredients into your mixer! In fact, we think it takes less time than a trip to the store. You can make buttercream frosting, peanut butter frosting, chocolate frosting, and so much more. No matter what type of frosting you make, it will be lightweight and delicious! You can easily use your KitchenAid mixer to do these twenty-one things in your kitchen. However, these are not the only things you can do, and make, using this mixer. We know you can find many other uses for your KitchenAid mixer if you simply take a step back and think about it for a minute or two! We recommend asking your family and friends what they use their mixers for, because they can share a wealth of ideas too. Take your KitchenAid mixer out of storage today and see what yummy treats you can make with it! We guarantee you will save a ton of time in the kitchen and that means you can make even more goodies than you have in the past!
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prajwal-agale001 · 1 month
Meat Processing Equipment Market Growth Driven by Rising Demand for Animal-Based Foods
According to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the meat processing equipment market is projected to reach $22.6 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 6% from 2024 to 2031. This market growth is driven primarily by the increasing demand for animal-based food, the need to enhance productivity and reduce production costs, and government support for the food processing industry. However, the high cost of meat processing equipment is expected to restrain market growth. Despite these challenges, the industry is seeing significant advancements and innovations that are likely to support its expansion.
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The meat processing equipment market is segmented into various types, including cutters and grinders; smokers, massagers, and tumblers; mixers and blenders; tenderizers; killing and defeathering equipment; slicers; evisceration equipment; cookers, roasters, and grillers; de-heading and gutting equipment; and other meat processing equipment. Each segment caters to different stages and methods of meat processing, contributing to the overall efficiency and quality of meat products. In 2024, the cutters and grinders segment is expected to hold the largest market share due to the increasing global production and consumption of meat, which necessitates efficient processing equipment.
Based on the mode of operation, the meat processing equipment market is divided into semi-automatic and automatic segments. The semi-automatic segment is anticipated to account for the largest share in 2024. This dominance is attributed to the numerous benefits offered by semi-automatic equipment, such as improved labor productivity, flexibility in production processes, and technical and economic feasibility. These advantages make semi-automatic equipment a preferred choice for many meat processing companies looking to optimize their operations.
In terms of category, the processed meat segment is expected to dominate the market in 2024. The growing demand for ready-to-cook food products, coupled with technological advancements and innovations in meat processing equipment, are driving this segment's growth. Additionally, urbanization and increasing per capita income among millennials are contributing to the rising consumption of processed meat products. These factors collectively support the leading position of the processed meat segment within the meat processing equipment market.
When segmented by meat type, the beef segment is projected to hold the largest market share in 2024. This can be attributed to the high demand for beef, which is a major source of protein. Beef and buffalo meat typically have higher protein content compared to other meat types such as chicken, pork, turkey, and lamb. The growing awareness of the nutritional benefits of protein-rich foods and a preference for beef over other meats due to health concerns associated with poultry and pork further drive this segment's growth.
Geographically, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to experience the fastest growth in the meat processing equipment market during the forecast period of 2024–2031. Factors such as increasing awareness of protein-rich diets, technological advancements, and new product innovations in the food and beverages industry contribute to this rapid growth. Additionally, the fast-growing economy, strong demand for meat and meat products, rapid urbanization, rising incomes, and changing lifestyles in developing countries like China and India are boosting the demand for convenient ready-to-cook meat products, thereby driving market growth in the region.
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