#new goober just dropped
capnkirk17 · 9 months
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goober-37 · 3 months
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Omg an OC sketch?? During pride month?? Anyways, meet Damien! He’s my latest character and I’m still working out his personality n shit since he’s like a FRESH new character rn, but I figured I needed to sketch him out. I think I want him to have fire powers lowkey but idk maybe gimme some ideas on the comments!
I’ll probably have some more art coming soon hopefully 😍
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jopzer · 1 year
jamie tartt really strikes me as the sort of like. big big puppy dog doesnt realize he is in fact not seven pounds. obviously he Knows the weight he's got and the Power behind it when it counts and he's throwing his weight around during a game or he and the lads are wrestling or when he certainly tackled roy to the ground during their bar fight like he Knows. i don't think he really considers it outside of these contexts tho. like. throws his whole weight into roy's lap in his chair in his office. the wheels arent locked the leaning lever isnt locked roy wasnt ready to counterbalance and they both end up backwards on the floor with jamie's full weight on his chest. roy voice "think you broke my rib." jamie, giggling "your hip, more like"
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iinkstar · 6 months
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New oc of mine :3 don’t know what to name her, but I’ve been drawing it on my maths notebook in college a lot recently so yea
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just-my-onion · 1 year
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mushsect · 1 year
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who let the lighthouse keeper on the train
*made a better filter and got rid of that really weird zoomed in bg
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maskeddiany · 1 year
i had a terrible realization hi
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birdo-is-here · 10 months
Phanuel the type to look at the country of California and call it the empire state building
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Big sisters rule!!
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minalots · 1 year
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I miss Stampede Saturday sm y’all it ain’t even funny at this point
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employee052 · 4 months
[The Road Trip Thread]
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Woop woop new trend! (i hope)
I've never started a trend or done an event like this before, however, I do want to do my best in hosting something fun for the community. So, if you have any questions. leave them in tags or replies and I will try to answer them as best as i can!
And, much like what narry says, you are not required to participate! if you miss a day, or an event, or don't have the motivation to do anything up ahead, then thats fine too! This is just meant to be something nice and fun to do. Plus a way to celebrate vacations and road trips bc i love those kinda things and we get to give our tsp goobers a little break, as a treat ksjdhfkjsdfh
really hope to see some people participate, even if its just for one prompt :3
see you all when the itinerary drops! and tysm to everyone in the original post brainstorming this idea that showed an interest in doing this!
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
“Keith, I need a favour.”
Keith stops in his tracks. Slowly, he sets down the helmets he’s holding, freeing his hands, then holds the phone out in front of him. He ponders it carefully.
“I could throw you into the sea,” he says to it. He does some quick calculations. If he drives to the nearest seafront now, he will be approximately twenty-three hours late to his date with Lance by the time he gets back. However, if he skips the fanfare and drops his phone into the disgusting oil-filled puddle right next to him, he can proceed to his date on schedule.
“Decisions, decisions,” he muses. Fanfare is important. Dropping his phone into a puddle is whatever. It’s derivative. But dropping his phone into the North Atlantic…now that is revolutionary.
“Fucksake. Keith,” sighs the voice coming from the phone. “If you don’t answer me, I am going to change the Netflix password.”
Keith frowns. “Hey.”
“Thank you,” says Shiro emphatically, “you brat.”
“Netflix is sacred,” Keith protests. “You can’t joke about the Netflix. I am a delicate orphan, Shiro. What will happen to me if my primary care figure breaks his promises? I’ll regress and act out and end up in prison. Do you want me to end up in prison?”
“A little, honestly.”
“Gasp, Shiro. Gasp. How dare.”
“I think you should consider a degree in the dramatic arts.”
“I think you should eat my farts.” Keith snickers. “Hey, that rhymed.”
Shiro sighs, long and loud, and Keith can practically see the smile twitching on his face. “Where did I go wrong. Truly. To think I tried to raise an upstanding young man, respectful to his elders, happy to help when needed. Shame that you’re a gremlin and a changeling.”
Keith rolls his eyes. “Blah blah. Get to begging for my help. I have places to be, old man. A new jacket Adam bought me to wear in front of pretty people. Well, one pretty person. Anyways.”
“God, you’re whipped,” Shiro says, and Keith ignores that because if he doesn’t he’ll combust. “You and Lance going out?”
Keith tucks his phone between his ear and his shoulder, picking the helmets back up and continuing his walk to his bike. “Yep.”
“Where’re you going?”
“Dinner at Caribella. It’s an excuse for a ride, really. Maybe walk around downtown for a bit.”
“Sounds fun. How much more fun would it be with your little sister, huh?”
Keith stops for the second time. He can see Red maybe fifty metres away. He looks at her mournfully.
“So close,” he despairs quietly, then turns back to his phone. “Not super fun, Shiro. Since she’s, you know. A year old. And a date is something you traditionally do with your boyfriend. Alone.”
Shiro makes a weirdly strangled noise halfway between a laugh and a stressed croak. “Well! The thing is.”
Keith waits. No thing is listed.
“It’s no big deal! Really.”
“Oh? I guess I’ll just hang up, then —”
“It’s just that Adam and I are at his sister’s, right, and —”
“There we go.”
“And we have a sitter. Obviously. All is well. Except, you know. The storm forecast. And everything.”
“And you’re four hours away with a car that you haven’t put snow tires on yet,” Keith surmises. He looks forlornly at his bike, sitting all pretty in her parking spot, freshly polished red paint gleaming under the fluorescent lights of the parking garage. So, so close. “You dumbass.”
“The forecast was clear this morning!”
“You’re a dad! You’re supposed to know these things!”
“Can’t the sitter just — stay? Overnight, or something?”
He feels bad. Any other day, he’d be happy to have Hana over, or go stay over there. He does it all the time. Hana is the coolest. He has no idea how she’s the daughter of the two biggest goobers he knows. Hell, he’s already got plans to watch her this Thursday, so Adam and Shiro can go to their old person museum date thing.
But he has plans tonight.
“She’s sixteen, Keith,” Shiro explains, sighing. Keith envisions his brother slumped against a wall somewhere, rubbing over the scar on his nose. “She’s too young for that. She’s Adam’s friend’s daughter, and she’s a sweetheart, but she’s got school. She can’t be responsible for a baby overnight.”
“No, I — I figured.” He drags his free hand down his face. “You need me to go over there?”
“Yeah. Mara – the sitter – can’t drive yet. Her parents are coming to get her in an hour.”
Shiro’s voice is quiet, subdued. He sounds guilty. Keith hates when Shiro is guilty. He covers his hand over the phone so Shiro can’t hear, screams a little, breathes deeply, then forces a smile wide enough that it will bleed into his voice. Hopefully.
“It’s fine, Shiro. Seriously. Lance and I’ll reschedule, Hana and I will make sure to fuck up your Netflix profile. All is well.”
“Thank you, Keith. I owe you.”
It is a dire thing when Shiro doesn’t complain about Keith messing up his Netflix profile. Once, three years ago, Keith forgot to switch the TV in their living room and watched some Hallmark movie as he sketched, just to make noise in the background. Shiro made snide comments about his taste for three months, because he’s a pretentious indie loser who watches shit like Empire unironically.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll start a tab.”
That, thankfully, makes Shiro snort. “Brat.” He brightens. Keith can almost hear the ding of a lightbulb going off in his head. “Hey, I know it’s dorky, but maybe you and Lance can still go on your date! Me and Adam used to when you were little, in the old apartment.”
Keith furrows his brows. “What, like when you marathoned Lord of the Rings on the shitty futon and ordered the greasiest pizza known to man? That’s not a date.”
“Is so! We enjoyed it, you had pizza so you weren’t having a tantrum, what else could we need?”
“You guys have been weird old people your whole entire life. Did you know that?”
“Only because you aged me. You pain. Anyways. Go pick up my daughter, or you can stay at our place. Minivan keys are where they always are. I gotta go. Love you, kiddo.”
“Ugh. Love you too.” He hangs up, blowing a raspberry at the phone. “Minivan keys are where they always are, he says. What a soccer mom.”
He stares, hands on his hips, at his bike.
What to do, what to do.
He really doesn’t want to cancel on Lance. It’s been a couple days since they’ve seen each other, because Lance’s job hates him. Plus, Hana isn’t very fussy. It’s kind of dweeby and embarrassing, but. Well. Lance likes kids. So it could be fine, honestly.
“Hana first,” Keith decides, nodding to himself. He lifts the seat compartment under the bike and shoves the extra blue helmet in, strapping on his own and starting Red up. To bring Lance to Shiro’s for an embarrassing old person date, or to cancel. That is the question.
Eh. He’ll decide on the ride.
— — —
He does not decide on the ride.
“What do you think,” he asks his sister, lips pursed. She gurgles happily at him from her high chair, shaking her soggy-Cheerio-covered fist at him. “I mean, you go to bed in a couple hours. So it’s not like it’s pure babysitting.”
“Abdalalala,” she says, which Keith translates to mean actually, now that I know you want me to sleep, I will spend tonight completely resistant to sleep, as karma. Enjoy.
“That’s rude,” he informs her.
You’re batshit, says the Pidge that lives in his brain. Also, quit procrastinating.
“Ugh,” he says, out loud. He pulls out his phone and hesitates over Lance’s contact.
to: lance <3
hey you like kids right
from: lance <3
oh my god
from: lance <3
keith, are you…
from: lance <3
Keith laughs.
to: lance <3
you are not funny
from: lance <3
i’m hilarious actually it’s a tragedy
from: lance <3
i carry the burden of knowing i am solely responsible for my friends’ good humour
from: lance <3
heavy is the head that wears the crown. pensive face emoji solidarity fist emoji broken heart emoji
Keith refuses to dignify that with an answer. Also, he has been informed by Lance’s best friend that if he ignores the emoji bit it will go away eventually. So far it’s been going strong for three months, though, so Keith’s not certain. He can only hope Hunk is correct.
from: lance <3
anyways yah i like kids why
to: lance <3
how much cooler and charming would i be if i picked you up in a minivan. with my sister
from: lance <3
aw, keith!
from: lance <3
to be coolER and MORE charming you have to be cool and charming to begin with :)
from: lance <3
and you are a dweeb 💖
from: lance <3
sounds good tho
from: lance <3
Bring Forth The Child
from: lance <3
oh also bring forth burritos on ur way over
from: lance <3
i’m hungry
Hana yells and bangs on her tray. When Keith looks up, she lobs a Cheerio at him. It hits him squarely between the eyes.
“You’re right,” he says sagely, peeling it off and flicking it back at her. She shrieks in joy. “I cannot let this shit slide. I cannot simply allow myself to be roasted, Hana. I must have self respect.”
She blows a raspberry at him and bangs harder on her tray. Baby conversations are, honestly, riveting.
“Exactly, squirt. You get it. Let’s get cleaned up and go, hm?”
— — —
He picks up burritos on the drive.
Hana laughs at him.
— — —
He’s hardly pulled up in front of Lance’s apartment building when a blur streaks across the front walkway, yanking open the van’s side door.
“Oh, hell-o, precious darling!” gasps Keith’s boyfriend, tumbling into the backseat and slamming my the door shut behind him. “Hi, Hana! Hi hi hi! Aren’t you the bestest ever? You are!”
Hana, evidently pleased with the attention, babbles something incomprehensible and pats Lance’s cheek. He melts, babbling something so quickly it’s equally incomprehensible and shaking her hand. Keith watches, torn between endeared and affronted.
“Hello, boyfriend I have not seen in days,” he deadpans. “Yes, I missed you also. No, I don’t mind at all that you leave me to wither away, alone, in the front seat. Excellent chat.”
“You have a very very grumpy brother, don’t you, Hana,” Lance coos. His shoulders shake with held back laughter.
“Lance, get your ass in the front.”
“But I’m meeting the baby!”
“She is not going anywhere! Meet her at home! You turd!”
“Name-calling is not very nice,” retorts Lance primly, crawling over the console and finally settling in the passenger seat. “What kind of example are you setting, huh?”
He leans over the armrest once he’s buckled in and kisses Keith gently, cradling his hand against his jaw and tilting their heads together. He smells, as he always does, of flowers and sunshine, and Keith sighs as he sinks into the softness of him, the curve of his smile and nip of his teeth.
“Hi,” Keith murmurs, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, his chin, and then squarely on the mouth again.
“Hi,” Lance responds, a little breathless, grinning widely. His hair is damp and curling at the edges. He’s left out his contacts for the night and the gold lenses match the gold flecks in his brown eyes. Everything he’s wearing is stolen right from Keith’s closet, except his socks, which are bright purple and covered in obnoxiously orange weiner dogs. Keith is so in love with him that the intensity of it embarrasses him, and he pulls away, face red, very interested suddenly in adjusting is rearview mirror.
Lance, knowing, only smiles.
“These are for you,” he says gruffly, shoving the paper takeout bag at Lance’s chest. Lance wastes no time digging through and shoving half of one in his face.
“Aw, baby,” he says, mouth completely full. “You’re literally the best. Sweet, attentive, manipulable, obsessed with me. Everything I intended when I did the love spell on you.”
Keith eyes Lance from his peripherals. He’s digging through his patched backpack, face completely serene. Keith is reminded of the actual sigil he has tattooed on his ankle. (He’s very familiar with it. It’s often right at eye level. Hard to miss, really.)
“…You’re a strange, strange man.”
“Anyways!” Lance continues, visibly gleeful. Keith reminds himself to focus on the goddamn road and remember his sister is watching with her giant wide eyes in the backseat, probably committing all his embarrassing actions to memory to report to Adam the second she is capable of speech. “I brought lots of movies. Mostly Jurassic Park, but also some educational stuff for the baby. Ghostbusters, High School Musical, you know. All that good stuff. And I stashed popcorn behind your microwave last time I slept over so we’re set for snacks.”
“Oh, we’re going to my brother’s place, actually, ‘cause Hana’s more comf— wait, behind the microwave? Why behind?”
“Wait, wait, hold on. We’re not going to your place?”
“No,” Keith says carefully. “I have some baby stuff in my apartment, but not a lot. Plus, Shiro has a better T.V. and also Adam just bought Moose Tracks. So.” He slows to a stop at a red light, noting Lance’s odd expression. “That okay?”
Lance screws up his face for a second, thinking. “I’m pretty sure? As long as there’s an extra toothbrush there. I have one at your place so I didn’t bother bringing one. And I guess I can survive a night without my face serum, but if I get one single wrinkle we’re beefing.”
“You’re not gonna get a stupid wrinkle,” Keith grouches. “And why would you get pissy if you get a wrinkle? We’re gonna get them eventually, and you —”
“‘We’?” Lance teases. “You gonna grow old with me? Gonna marry me someday, Kogane?”
“—can even use Shiro’s face stuff, anyway, I’m sure it’s the same.” Keith clears his throat. “And plus —”
His voice cracks horribly. Lance makes a valiant effort to keep his giggles to himself, but as Keith face continues to get hotter and hotter he loses control and laughs, head thrown back, adam’s apple bobbing with every hitched breath. His laughter sets Hana off, too, both of them encouraging each other’s ridiculousness until they’re as red as Keith is, gasping for breath.
“I hate it here,” Keith mutters darkly. “I’m turning around and bringing you back. You’re the worst. Why do I go out with you.”
Lance, barely recovered, makes kissy faces at him. “Because you want to maaaarrryyyyy meeeee, you think I’m seeeeexxxyyyyy, you want to kiiiiisssss meeeee —”
He cuffs Lance in the back of his head, pretending to check his blindspot and ignoring Lance’s cries of spousal abuse. “I actually just want you to watch Miss Congeniality twelve percent less often. For your own mental health.”
“Lies and slander! Peddling of falsehoods! Perjury and defamation!”
“I’m burning your thesaurus.”
“And now threats! Hana, you shall be my witness! I will testify against you in court! You will be jailed! I will visit you twice monthly!”
“That’s the second person today who wants me in jail,” Keith comments, pulling into Shiro’s driveway. “You’d visit me even if you put me in there?”
“Well, duh. Have to make sure you don’t go around kissing cute criminal boys or I will become a cute criminal boy.”
“Right, of course. I should have known.”
“You should have, yes.” Lance leans over and kisses him on the forehead with an exaggerated ‘mwah’ noise. “But it’s okay, I like ‘em a little dumb.”
“Help me get the diaper bag, goober,” Keith snorts, shoving him away. “I want to get inside so I can have a burrito before you eat them all.”
Lance was not kidding about High School Musical.
“Do you want her to grow up with no understanding of community, Keith,” he scolds, and pays no mind when Keith replies, “Well, she has a family, dude, so I’m not worried.”
They watch the stupid musical.
Keith is horribly endeared by Lance’s extensive knowledge of the choreography. Lance is horribly appalled at Keith’s ignorance. Hana is intrigued, mind body and soul, by every scene with Sharpay Evans. Keith assumes this will be a problem for Adam in the near future, and resolves to make that problem worse.
All this to say he’s having a very embarrassing night, in terms of mushy thoughts and feelings.
“I can’t wait to have kids of my own someday,” Lance sighs, a very sleepy Hana tucked into the crook of his arm. He watches her, soft, and Keith pauses with a DVD held loose in his hand, enraptured, because there’s a curve to Lance’s smile that he’s never seen before, and suddenly his left hand looks bare. “I know it’s supposed to be stressful and everything, but I used to force Hunk to play house with me when we were kids. Literally every day. And when my neice and nephew were born I hogged them all the time, even when they were screaming. I dunno. Being a parent sounds awesome. You get to…like…grow a person. It’s like growing a plant but a bajillion times better, probably.”
“Yeah,” says Keith, softly, and without meaning to he’s thinking of Shiro’s tired smile and the gentle hand Adam lays on the back of his neck, of their door that was always open for Keith’s nightmares, of Shiro’s clothes ruffling as he slid to the floor and sat for hours as Keith screamed himself hoarse and cried for a mother who left. Of Adam’s boiling pots and gentle hands as he guided Keith around a chopping knife. Of both Shiro’s choked-off sobs and Adam’s right embrace as Keith came back, thirteen, in the middle of the night, scared and no longer angry, and their quiet I’m so glad you’re safe. Thank you for coming back. “Yeah, family is important.”
Lance hums. He’s quiet long enough that Keith looks up, realising for the first time his gaze has been locked, unseeing, on the pictures on the wall, of Shiro and Adam and the two of them together and with Keith and with Hana and with Keith and Hana. Lance is watching him, quiet, dark eyes knowing, Hana finally asleep in his arms, beautiful and strong and everything Keith has ever wanted, suddenly, at once.
“I love you,” he blurts.
Lance smiles. “I’ve noticed.”
“Oh, you dickhead.”
“I’m saying it back!” Lance says, snickering, free hand held up in surrender. Keith walks over and slots their fingers together, squeezing slightly, leaning in and holding, a second, a hair’s breadth away from Lance’s mouth, watching his lips part, feeling the heat of his breath. His words are breathless, near silent, mouthed as much as spoken. “You changed my life, you know. I made you chase me because I thought it was funny, but — I made Hunk get me your number from Pidge the night I left the bar. I was going to text you if your brother’s tweet didn’t go viral and cement your dorkiness for eternity.”
“That’s a lotta words to say ‘I love you’, dorkbrain.”
“I know. You make me nervous.”
“You never get nervous.”
“I do with you.”
They’re so close now that their lips brush with every word, and Lance is grinning, eyes crinkled and lashes fluttering against Keith’s cheeks, and Keith has a hand careful on Hana’s head so he doesn’t crush her and is smiling just as wide. Cheesy, dorky, corny, and everything Keith wished for after every romance novel he’d steal, fooling no one, from Adam’s shelf and read long after bedtime.
“Yeah. ‘Cause I love you. Even though you’re a dweebus and a simp.”
He is, really, because he lets Lance get away with that, kissing him to shut him up, to feel his laughter right up close. It’s sparks flying and warmth spreading and heart slowing, and in the gentle darkness of the night.
It’s the promise of more to come.
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theghoulgirl · 7 months
Keith Kogane/Reader Headcannons- Section I
For these headcanons, this is specifically for Keith after the war. Therefore, I am going to make this an 18+ post because it would be super fucking weird if someone under that age read this. This is also the first part to an (currently) endless headcannons that I have.
Otherwise, enjoy! And please feel free to comment about any challenges against them or to apply your own for others to read! 
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In a friendship…
Would befriend someone who is either affiliated to the group or would be in ‘forced’ proximity with, such as work
He would connect well with someone who is a little bit of a goober, like Hunk or Lance.
Keith would also most definitely befriend a stoner and connect to them through trauma bonding
Home dude lost a lot throughout his life, he would absolutely use drugs and alcohol recreationally. 
He also connects really well with individuals who are intelligent in ways that contrast his own. 
Keith does not befriend someone based on physicality, but whether it’s on how much of an asshole you are. The less judgemental you are, the closer he will want to befriend you 
It takes a looong time to break down his walls. Before you are able to, he’s generally awkward and aloof. But once you either prove or he can see you are trustworthy, he’ll start to occasionally drop a hot piece of trauma to see your reaction to it. If you react well and don’t judge him, he’ll open up more. But if you become uncomfortable with it, he will probably keep you an arms distance away. 
Once you two are closer, most likely through quality time together (ex. Studying while he trains), he would get more and more playful with you. 
Specifically also slowly reveal more and more of his silly side. 
Poking you when he wants your attention and then pretending he didn’t poke you. Blames it on the air. 
Keith would absolutely spar with you in the kitchen using utensils 
He would occasionally crack a joke here and there as well
I also fully believe that Keith has ADHD, and if you have ADHD too, then it would just ricochet between the two of you. This would drive everyone absolutely insane. 
One moment Keith could be discussing battle plans and then you walk into the room and make a random noise, and he would repeat it back thus losing all sense of authority and seriousness. 
Eventually, as you two grow closer, Keith might also develop some feelings…
In a relationship…
He would not be the first person to confess. 
Unless someone were to give him confirmation, then he’d contemplate it. Otherwise, the other party would have to approach him 
Once y’all talk it out and are officially an item, he is going to be a little awkward and aloof again.
This man did not engage in courting behavior when he was in highschool. Sure, I’ll entertain the idea that some of his peers were infatuated with him, but he never actually pursued those relationships since he was focused on his own life problems and emotions. 
Therefore, he does not know how to flirt or how to date someone. 
But that does not mean he is not willing to try, especially for you. 
But in other news, Keith has matured with time and is an amazing communicator. 
He will let you know when he is uncomfortable with something, such as PDA. 
Speaking of PDA, he would prefer to keep most physical touches in private. 
Especially kissing.
But he does not mind holding your hand or resting his on your back
He would also let you know when he is getting nervous over not messing up the relationship. But all he needs is a little assurance that he is doing amazing and all he needs to do is be himself. 
Once he relaxes more into the relationship and gets more comfortable, he would be unabashedly affectionate towards you. In private though. Outside of seclusion ? He would mostly stick to teasing you or light touches. 
Section II coming soon!
Please also feel free to comment on more head cannons that you have! Or to give a contradicting thought!
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eatingmarkerz · 2 months
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new goober just dropped
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
May I request a part 2 to your Havik “You Have Freedom” fanfic? This felt so good to read. Truly liberating 💖
Test Your Freedom
Yip notes: I saw that you really loved the first part. Hopefully I can do you justice with this one as well.
Pairing: Havik x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: Mention of abusive/toxic relationship, violence (not towards you), he is so strange, what a little goober
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You are lucky. Very lucky indeed. Havik was your unexpected savior and you were grateful to have him in your life.
It’s been a year since you started dating him. Every day you were healing from the horrible past that you experienced. You were weary of him dropping his façade and would start gaslighting you into thinking you were crazy like all your exes did. But it never happened and it never will. He’s not like the others. He’s better than them.
I wasn’t lying.
Havik lets you do your own thing while he does his own. You go out more frequently to have fun with your friends or even have the chance to see your family. You get to eat whatever you want without him judging you and telling you to watch your weight. You don’t need to ask for his permission, just tell him what you are going to do so he knows in case of anything. In return, you don’t pay any mind to what he does. It’s best that you don’t. He doesn’t want you to know all the heinous acts he commits.
The one thing you haven’t done with him is introduce him to anyone. Not that it really matters to him his presence will be found out one day. But to you, you feel guilty for hiding him away from everyone. The first guy who has treated you right and you were afraid to even have your closest friends meet him. You could have been worried that they would assume the worst of him based on his looks. Or even that he would kill you one day. If that were true he would have done that a long time ago. Havik genuinely loves you and wants you to be safe. The thought that anyone would think negatively when you see him so positively saddens you. Maybe you will hold off on introducing him to others. Slowly expose them to the truth.
You invited your friends to come over since it’s been so long since they visited. You told Havik to stay in your room till your friends left.
Havik loves you but he won’t listen to every command you give him. When he wants to move, he’ll move.
So as you and your friends are catching up about what’s been going on and having some snacks you hear a ‘thud’ sound from your room. Oh geez, he’s on the move. One of your friends joked about you already having a new partner and your other friends felt like it was in poor taste to say something like that. Your face was blank with the only hint of emotion being a weak smile. You thought if you ignored it then they would ignore it. Your friends couldn’t ignore the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the steps.
Thud! Thud! Thud!
Soon enough you heard your friends gasp in horror once they saw Havik. Not only did his mutilated face scare them but since he had no shirt on they could see all the scars he had. The only thing that he had on was a pair of sweatpants and he may not be wearing any boxers under there, my gosh he truly loves being free in every sort of way. And what does he do in response to your friends' reactions? Nothing. He’s just coming down for some food. Like a slab of frozen meat or a head of lettuce. He doesn’t eat normally but you’re not gonna change that.
He got what he wanted from the fridge before heading back up the stairs. All the while you kept that weak smile on your face. You can’t ignore what just happened. It’s like ignoring a buffalo breaking into your house, you can’t.
“What…was…that?” One of your friends asked.
“Uhm…” You debated about telling the truth or not, “My imaginary boyfriend.”
You heard Havik let out an amused ‘hah’ at the top of the steps because your efforts were too ridiculous.
You spilled the beans. You were honest with your friends and told them how you started dating Havik near the time your last ex left you. You told them that he was the one to walk you home. Your friends were unsure about this situation. They’re not gonna victim blame but you did have a bad history when it came to dating. Havik looks like the worst choice you’ve ever made. If they saw how he usually dressed and the weapons he had they surely would think you were in trouble. But they also realize that if you were telling the truth about how long you two were dating that means he was letting you do whatever you please. The others didn’t allow you to do that. You did seem much happier as well, even insisting that they come for a visit. If what you say is true, they want to make sure of it.
They told you to bring him back down so they could “observe” him, whatever that meant. You were unsure but realized that they only wanted the best for you. You told them certain likes don’t ask him about his scars or face, don’t start making rules, don’t start shit in general. You got up to get Havik.
“Could you do me a favor?” You asked him.
“You want me to go down there to have your friends judge me, don’t you.” He hit the nail on the head.
You were about to tell him never mind but he picked you up and threw you over his shoulders. He knew this would happen. Relationships call for this moment. He had one request.
“Don’t have them treat me like a freakshow. I can’t promise I will be gentle with them like I am with you.”
Your friends were alerted by the heavy footsteps and stared at Havik carrying you over his shoulders. He went over to the couch you were sitting on and laid you down before deciding to lay on top of you. His head rested on your chest as his arms wrapped around your waist. If it wasn’t for his burned face your friends would have said he looks peaceful while resting on you.
Your friends began asking him questions like how does he feel about you going out and would he allow you to do certain things like take a week-long vacation. The only answer they got out of him was “I don’t care”. You couldn’t tell if he was saying that in regard to whatever you do or if he was blankly telling your friends he didn’t care what they were asking him. You didn’t get the chance to ask him since they were throwing out questions left and right. After a while, he stopped answering them. Maybe an occasional grunt, but nothing more. He had his eyes closed acting like he fell asleep but you knew he was wide awake.
You’re not afraid that he will be angry after this because you know he will pass it off as something irrelevant. He tends to not listen to people when they are criticizing him. Havik knows at this point that you know he loves you and he knows you love him back. That’s all that matters. Your friends can keep testing, but they will eventually have to accept the truth. He would and could make them accept it now but you would tell him not to because you know what he would do.
Your friends were not too on board with you dating Havik. They find his dismissive behavior to be a red flag. You don’t see it that way because it isn’t that way. He has nothing to hide, this is just how he is because of his past. In fact, he was pretty calm at the moment until someone started slamming their fist against your front door. Then you heard a voice. Your ex’s voice.
His tone was aggressive and you heard him slurring. He was defiantly drunk. It wasn’t even the typical time for happy hour. You heard his voice calling towards you to open the door. He said he knows your friends are in there as well and that they can’t protect you. Immediately his tone changed quickly to begging for you back, saying he will be a better man. You’ve heard those promises before and they were never true.
You began shaking and holding Havik’s head closer to you. He tried his best to soothe you by rubbing your arm. He needed you to let him go. He slowly got up and walked over to the window. Lo and behold he saw your ex. Havik walked back towards you but grabbed one of your friends to drag them closer to you. He advised them to not let you near the windows or doors. They didn’t know what he was about to do but they got the hint when he walked over to the door and immediately headbutted your ex when he opened the door. Your ex fell back with his hands covering his bloody nose and Havik closed the door behind him so you didn’t have to see the bloodbath that would appear.
Havik grabbed your ex by the neck and dragged him to the forest near your home. His fingers dug into the flesh of your ex’s neck, causing a more painful sensation than a burning one. Once he was far away from the house he started wrecking your ex. Havik broke off parts of his own body to use his bones to stab. Your ex stood little chance. He had many opportunities to leave you alone but he always came back. Havik could not stand for that anymore. He would have killed him the first time but you were always around. Now was his chance to do you right and permanently end your suffering.
“You have permission…to die.” He said. It’s ironic that your ex always made you ask for permission. How the tables have turned.
Soon the pleas turned to gargling. Limb after limb was being ripped from Havik’s body only to be regenerated back in seconds. A painful cycle for his victim. An unholy demise for an unholy being. One would not say he was killed like cattle. This was a murder that could not be mentioned in a true crime show. All that was left was a mess that wouldn’t be cleaned up by your boyfriend. He will leave that job to the animals who were already coming close to take a piece of flesh or bone for themselves.
Havik did his best to hide what just happened. Any spot that he saw blood on he ripped that part of his body off to regenerate it back clean. He walked back into the house to spot you nearly hyperventilating. Once you saw him you ran into his arms. You were babbling things that no one could understand. Whatever it was it could wait. You needed to be taken care of. Havik picked you up and had your arms and legs wrap around him before taking you up to your room. Your friends let him do that, feeling like he might be able to calm you down.
When you both were back in your room he laid you on the bed and held you close. He licked your tears away as he comforted you with his words.
“You don’t have to worry anymore. You are free.” “Your chains are broken.” “You will never be controlled again; I’ll make sure of that.” “You did nothing wrong.” “I will make everything better.” “No one will cause you pain if it’s the last thing I do.”
Your breathing started to slow down and your took in every word he said. His licking has become a new comfort for you. Your fear and anxiety went down once you realized it was over. Fully over. Havik pressed his forehead against yours as he allowed your head to rest on your pillows. It was a blur after that.
You woke up randomly. The golden light of the setting sun filled your room, letting you know that it was getting late. Havik was asleep next to you, drooling away as usual. You needed a drink of water after that emotional episode. You got up and went downstairs.
When you got to the last step you realized your friends were still there. They ran up to you and hugged you while asking if you were okay. You nodded which was relieving to them. They were so worried about you but were grateful to hear your crying stop quickly once Havik brought you upstairs.
They apologized for doubting your boyfriend and doubting you. After seeing how quickly he acted both when defending you and calming you down, they saw him as a green flag. A little weird and horrific, but he’s chill. They were happy that you finally found someone good for you and they promised not to butt it too much with this relationship. They could see clearly that you were in good hands with a man who wanted to give you the freedom you deserved. Hearing that was the greatest thing to you. You knew you had finally won and got what you deserved.
So Havik is a little off. He can be a bit scary and even uncanny to look at. And some of his methods could be extreme. Not a little bit extreme, they are full-on extreme. But when it comes to you, he is perfect for you. You are perfect for him.
The only thing I would ask of you is to keep him on a good path. Do you think you can do that?
Yap notes: I saw a blue jay this morning and immediately when woooooooooah. That has nothing to do with the fic but I thought y'all should know. I wanted to post yesterday but I was having anxiety problems and fell down the rabbit hole of ARGs. Fucking Wyoming. I like and dare i say love Havik now. I lied to my friend and said he scares me. But I'd try my best to give him a kiss. I made a comment on a tiktok yesterday on an edit of him saying i would shove my hand through his chest cavity and take his heart. The creator said he would love that and now that's a headcanon of mine. This was too much and i need to feed my dog. Adiós!
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mrsvalbaker · 9 months
Whenever Eddie has food on his face, doesn't matter if it's in his bedroom or at lunch in the middle of the cafeteria in front of the student body, horror!bimbo licks it off. Before they're even together, she'll stop applying her Revlon Black Cherry and staring into her cracked mirror (because bad luck for everyone else is good luck to her), she notices he has jam from his pb&j on the corner of his mouth, and she nearly climbs over the table, bent over so everyone could see her moth eaten black lace panties underneath her black spandex mini skirt, and lick and suck the jam until there wasn't anything left but a smear of black cherry.
Eddie always got looks of envy and disbelief from around the cafeteria. Our coffin cutie just smiles all dreamy and empty headed, her eyelids a pretty color of lavender grey and she had on quite a bit of black eyeliner. "Wow, was that the one with peanut butter and grape jelly in the same jar, monkey?" She'd ask Eddie as she licked her lips still tasting it still tasting him.
Eddie was glossy eyed with his jaw slackened. Pupils darker than sin. "Um yeah, Smuckers Goober--yeah that one. " His voice sounded funny and his cock was embarrassingly hard. And he would find ways to make more of a mess, have some sauce on his neck so you'd suck it right off especially your favorite flavors, maybe some honey mustard or miracle whip or strawberry jelly. So insatiable you are. His hungry little girl...
"Oh wow, monkey your big Mac sauce dropped by your zipper!" She gasped. They were eating McDonalds in the back of his van, on their way to a Krokus concert. He smirked. "You know what to do, sweetheart. Be a good girl for your monkey and clean it up f'me."
You just giggled and put your nuggets back in your bag, and got down crouching to groin level, your bubblegum pink tongue slipping from between your Cadillac red lipstick to lick up and suck up his sauce. His hardness showing through his black denim and she sucked on it for it was by the sauce, so vigorous, her goal to clean him up so good, until it was all gone and there was a new stain she had to lick up...
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