#new fandom drama
st4rrygrl · 1 month
The blatant lies in plagues (@/blood.plagues) "explanation" and more allegations. (Part 1)
While reading plagues explanation on @/seireitonin's post, multiple people found the inconsistent lies on both his text messages and also the posts that his friends made to defend him. This post will be separated into multiple points.
1) Talking to minors inappropriately.
"The only other supposed proof of him being 'flirty' was towards adults who consented."
This is from one of his friends posts made to address the situation, while *some* of the images in seireitonin's post were taken out of context, there are MANY examples of plague making sexual jokes towards minors, even if they aren't moderators or his friends.
One of these examples was already posted by @/t4tesmuu (you can check their reblog for more information, it's really insightful.) and @/insomniac-shado.
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The translation for the message was "Are you a guitar or why do i wanna grab you by the neck". Even if this was a joke, it's completely out of pocket and genuinely disturbing. There is no reason for an adult man to be talking to minors this way even if its a joke.
More screenshots down below. Some of the screenshots will say "yesterday" but the actual timeline would've been somewhere in July.
Keep in mind that turtle, cass, ? and Moew are all MINORS. There were more situations, specifically with one of his mods who is FOURTEEN but the channels and messages were deleted, I assume out of fear.
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There is literally no world where talking to minors sexually or inappropriately even as a joke should be accepted. Some of the conversations we saw in his server that are now deleted were genuinely scary. It's insane how people will defend his behaviour because either he hasn't done it to them, or because he tells them it's okay because he "asked for permission". Again, if you have to ask permission to make a joke, then there's no reason to make it. I'd argue there's no reason for plague to be interacting with minors as friends either way, because of the major power imbalance. Many minors will see his behaviour and think its normal because they look up to him.
Again, there's no reason for him to make these jokes just because his humor is like that. If you can't control the things you say around minors, then you shouldn't be around them at all. All of this could've been avoided had he made his server 18+ or just.. kept his distance with minors. There are many more screenshots that I have, but due to tumblrs 10 image limit per post, you can ask for them in DMs.
And again, I'm sorry, but i can't state this enough, there is NO REASON for him to make these jokes. it doesn't matter if they're friends, it doesn't matter if they consented to it, because at the end of the day, MINORS CANNOT CONSENT. He could've just not made those jokes in the first place. I don't know what was going on in his head before sending these images. As an adult, you shouldn't even feel the urge to make inappropriate jokes towards/in the presence of minors.
To anyone who's going to defend this behaviour by saying "but minors make sexual jokes all the time!" there's a big difference. Plague is an ADULT directing these "jokes" towards his minor "friends". There's really no way i can explain it to tell people why it's wrong because it's literally common sense. Plague is incredibly immature for acting this way and doubling down on it instead of admitting his mistakes and deleting the server entirely.
Many of his friends in their borderline ai generated statements have mentioned that these jokes are "private", which is a fucking lie lmfao. You can literally find all of these messages in his server unless he's taken them down by now. There are probably so many more that we missed because plague just loves deleting chats and channels out of fear that people would take them out of context. No amount of context that he can give can explain WHY he wants to make these jokes so bad. It's so fucking easy to just.... not make a vore joke to a 15 year old.
2) His "Dark and Sexual Humour"
- Plague has admitted **multiple** (and I mean a lot like at the LEAST 20 separate occasions) times that he has "dark and sexual" humor. Some of his humor includes being weirdly obsessed with black men for some reason??? as I am not black, I got my friend Laila (who is black) to offer their statements on the images below.
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"Hiii so im here to speak on the whole plague and his weird obsession with black men. This makes me feel like im a fucking joke to him, like "i head cannon toby to send pictures of black men while someone is venting" what the fuck plague. I am black and I take HUGE FUCKING OFFENSE to this?? like are we seriously a joke to you plague?? nothing is funny about fetishizing black people, like this is seriously so offensive and heartbreaking because genuinely what was going through your brain when making these jokes. And don't even blame this on your "dark and sexual humor" when this is just straight up racism?? The way you find black men literally just existing so funny is odd to me, and its really odd you did this stuff ONLY with black men. you could have chosen german or white men to make fun of, but NO you decided for black men to be the butt of your "dark and sexual humor". Also you joking about saying the n word??? Like thats not something to even joke about even if you meant "nitro". Like fym "I pause trying not to say the n word"...?? Plague be so serious with yourself, you aren't funny at all. Saying something like that is **EXTREMELY FUCKING OFFENSIVE TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY JOKE OR NOT PLAGUE.** ANYONE that tries to defend this is definitely not fucking black like I don't want to hear ANYONES say on this unless your black. If you're not black you get to have ZERO say on this. Plague, please leave the fucking internet and never come back you walking biohazard."
I also want to say that if you are NOT BLACK then you don't have a say on this. It is not your place as a white/non-black person to decide whether or not these "jokes" are racist. Stay in your lane because it had nothing to do with you. It doesn't matter if it was just a joke, it's still offensive and disturbing.
- Another thing he's done is just straight up say a homophobic slur towards lesbians. This was on August 10th, of THIS YEAR. This happened THIS MONTH. There is no way to explain yourself for this one, it's not funny, nor is it amusing nor does it fall under "Dark humor"; and you can't say you were "ignorant" either. Using dark humor as a way to shield yourself from being outed as a fucking freak will harm you in the long run. A statement from one of my friends:
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"Hey, i wanted to talk about plauge saying a slur towards lesbians. Plauge is a boy, BOYS CANT BE LESBIAN, he should never even use that word at all. As a Lesbian, people shouldn't use those types of slurs, since it's only used to harm someone. If the slur has been said once, it sure has been said MULTIPLE times. Lying about others saying unreclaimable slurs while you say unreclaimable slurs is kinda crazy, since you were being so confident about!! Plauge is NOT a child, he's an adult. He should know better than to do these type of things, especially since he has a big following and most of them are minors. He should NEVER say slurs that he cant reclaim, even as a joke, because that's just offensive. There is no excuse. His 'dark and sexual humor' means NOTHING."
Also, for the uninformed people, bisexual people CANNOT say derogatory lesbian slurs. It's a very simple concept that is easy to understand. If you're not a lesbian then you can't say slurs against lesbians. I don't know how his friends are defending this because it's literally insane.
There is literally no way plague could justify these things. Borderline racism and homophobia is NOT dark humor, plague. the only way to get out of these is if you formally apologize and delete your social media presence. like please be honest with yourself, there is no way you could explain yourself for these other than you're legitimately dense and stupid.
3) Spreading lies about people.
- When a group of people first *tried* to come out with this information, plague immediately shut them down and started spreading fake allegations about them. He said that they doxxed people, they tried doxxing him, they sent gore to people, they make nsfw jokes towards minors (they're all 14), that they're n@z!s, and that they say slurs they can't reclaim. All of these are obvious lies, he got these accusations from one of his moderators who told him MULTIPLE times that it wasn't them, and that they were talking about other people. Despite this, he KEPT spreading this even after they apologised to him. When seirei came out with her post about this, he blamed it on that group of people while saying the same stuff about them and when someone corrected him, he didn't respond or elaborate.
- After seirei came out with her post and deleted the tiktok videos, plagues minions went out and made multiple tumblr posts "debunking" the allegations and essentially calling seirei ableist when that wasn't her fault, it was the anon's fault. They blamed her for "mishandling" the situation (which literally just means they didn't want her coming out abt this) and said that she was irresponsible and immature. They also just straight up said that seirei admitted that the situation was "petty" about this situation with no proof or evidence, so it's safe to say that they were lying about this as well.
- 2 specific people who had been part of this situation got ran off of social media due to the constant harassment from one of plagues moderators, Asher. One of these people was TWELVE. They harassed a TWELVE year old off of social media because they spread lies about them. That is genuinely disgusting behaviour. They lied about them making fun of asher getting groomed, which never happened, nor do they have proof of. Asher also made a video on tiktok where they basically dissed one of the people in the caption and people shit talked them in the comments. It's hard to tell whether or not he told asher to do this, but considering he made a server just to shit talk the people he doesn't like (specifically the people who are vocal about this) I wouldn't be surprised.
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My final statement: there will probably be another post about this in a few days with MORE screenshots and evidence. if people want, I'll make a reblog with more screenshots. I'm aware that this is all discord drama but the things that plague and his company are doing and defending are NOT okay and shouldn't be left unchecked. These people have harassed and lied and gaslighted so many people that its genuinely terrifying. I will not be taking this post down nor will I hear any "explanation" about this. We have all the context we need and won't take this down.
Also, about plagues ridiculous conspiracy theory that everyone who's being vocal about this is the same group of people, I just wanna let people know that this is NOT true. A lot of people are working together to gather more evidence, and those people all have different experiences with plague and his server. Just because they're all cooperating doesn't mean it stems from the same people. The fact that there's 60+ people messaging seirei about this already proves that there's a lot of victims of his immature behaviour.
The only plague can make people let go of this is if he deletes his entire social media presence, including his server. If you're gonna defend this behaviour, just know that you're defending a legitimate freak. You will be blocked if you try to spread misinformation.
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crystaltoa · 7 months
Thought experiment: In an alternate universe where Bionicle recently got a wildly popular reboot and now has a MASSIVE following on Tumblr...
...What's the most annoying thing that the fans are doing?
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sukirichi · 4 months
I am by no means gatekeeping concepts or tropes. We all know that it’s normal to see the same tropes or AUs be used differently, and that is not plagiarism. However, I recently found a fic that was oddly similar to my old (and discontinued) Gojo x Reader series, Reckless. The CEO! Gojo is nothing new, and neither is an accidental pregnancy trope. The only reason I am concerned is because this Gojo series I found has the exact same themes as Reckless that consists of: a playboy CEO Gojo with a very notorious reputation, a poor reader who is an employee and asset to the company (someone who works closely with Gojo), reader getting knocked up from a one night stand with Gojo, reader with a seemingly dead/absent mother yet still in contact with her father, Gojo with a very traditional family who does not like reader, and Gojo with an ex he struggles to let go of - which are all elements of Reckless.
The first chapter of that Gojo fic is also eerily similar to my first chapter with the same flow of: YN finding out she’s pregnant and her friend being there for her, Gojo saying he’ll take responsibility because ‘they both made the baby’, YN having to move in with Gojo to take care of the baby, and both of them coming to a mutual agreement that their ‘relationship’ will be purely for the baby’s benefit. The flow of events and specific details about the characters’ backgrounds are too similar to mine.
Again, I am not gatekeeping concepts, just as how I’ve had other writers ask me if they could write their own stories or takes based off of the NAOYA’S TROPHY WIFE COLLECTION or the BONTEN HUSBANDS EXCLUSIVE, and I’m fine with that. I’m even happy people are inspired by what I write. But being inspired is completely different from taking someone’s story and posting it as yours. Please trust your own creativity and skills in writing. You can write amazing stories and have people love them without having to steal from others.
It’s sad to say this is not the first time I, and other writers, have been plagiarized. It’s even more upsetting to know that a friend of mine who has also written a Gojo series (that I’m sure you all know and dearly love) experiences the same issues with the same person. The fact that this is happening to many writers out there is disheartening. We work hard and pour a lot of love in the stories we create. None of us are getting paid for this, and we simply want to share our passions with others. So please, let us be kinder with one another and show love and support the right way. If you love a fic, you give feedback and rb/comment + show support to the writer. You don’t steal their ideas and play it off as your own because you liked it.
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pawzofchaos · 9 months
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I really wanted to see more of them tbh
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thelaurenshippen · 10 months
I know we love the “you only get two” triangles, but idk that I’ve seen one that is, like, the grand theory of fandom, like, you know—
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you only get two. do you see my vision?
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evanpeterswifeyyy · 16 days
Ted Talk number 2 already. This one is about Evan and Natalie discourse again.
I’ve been seeing a LOT of smack about Evan at NYC fashion week related to Natalie because she’s a model and works for Karlie Kloss and I’d like to put in some RATIONAL thought about that topic.
Ok, let’s indulge the thought that maybe Natalie is suggesting and trying to convince Evan to change his style and go to fashion shows.
Evan is a GROWN MAN. He can make his own decisions. If Natalie is asking him to do something, he can say no. As far as I can see, he is not obligated to do anything she says, nor stay in the relationship.
Another thing, he cannot just show up. He is paid to be there by the brand. Otherwise he wouldn’t have any reason to attend unless his girlfriend was working there, but he was at the Loewe’s men’s show, obviously Natalie is not the one working at the show—he is. And he accepted to be there. Loewe nor Natalie cannot force him to accept the job or show up. He did that because obviously he wanted to. Crazy concept, I know.
He is working. May Natalie have had some influence or connection? Maybe. But to discredit Evan’s popularity and give her all the credit for him booking a job with Loewe is disrespectful to his integrity, especially as people who claim to be his fans.
He has every right and autonomy to have just been picked out by Loewe with no influence of Natalie whatsoever. And even if she is changing his style, genuinely she’s doing a good job. He looks fresh. It’s really refreshing to see him done up nicely after how shitty he looked in his previous relationships (Emma Snoberts).
I’ve also seen complaints about the outfit he’s wearing in the photoshoot, but he’s a model for the show and was obviously done-up by an artist/ designer. Natalie did not pick the outfit he’s wearing. So if you don’t like it, blame his stylist or Evan himself, because Natalie doesn’t change his clothes for him like he’s a toddler.
Yes, I loved his lazy hobo style just like anyone else. But to see him looking clean in his daily getup is so nice.
Why does everything Evan does now have to be related to Natalie? Can he not just change and mature as a person, and also make his own decisions? I can assure you, she’s not holding him at gunpoint to do something. Just because you don’t like his decisions and the changes he’s making doesn’t mean Natalie is abusive like Emma. If anything, I think it’s the healthiest relationship he’s been in for a while now and it’s obvious. Which is clearly why so many of you are jealous and are nitpicking anything to tear her down.
I’d also want to add some discussion on Natalie and her public politics.
There has been a photo resurfacing of her aparently being a Trump supporter, but the “badges” aren’t really clear enough. If anything they look like generic “I voted” stickers. Which usually have no affiliation to politcal party as far as I know.
Adding the photo and evidence here that people are using to claim she’s a “Trump supporter”:
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Ladies and gents, the “Trump” badge:
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I actually even looked online for an oval shaped Trump sticker like this and there was nothing. This is literally the sticker she’s wearing that people are using to claim she voted for Trump.
But, again, let’s indulge the thought that maybe she was a Trump supporter. She has every right to flip her political stance.
She is clearly extremely for abortion rights and female autonomy, which was taken away. And as we know, Trump isn’t the best candidate to regain those rights. At least not when he’s on the far right spectrum. That’s my opinion and observation, and it’s clearly Natalie’s too.
You are not obligated to stick to one political party or candidate forever. So maybe in 2016 she voted for Trump, boo fucking hoo. She’s not a hypocrite for changing her mind or her stance like any normal fucking human being.
There is literally nothing perfect Natalie can do for anyone, just like any normal human. And even if she was somehow this conventionally perfect figure head, you guys would some how still find ways to discredit her.
If you want Evan to be in a good relationship with someone (which obviously you believe is you, but with the way you treat him and Natalie he would never.) shitting on every single girlfriend he has because you don’t like the public appearance of their relationship and how it doesn’t suit your standards (or just because it’s not you, which at this rate it will never be) is not going to get anyone anywhere.
Your harassment of Natalie is harassment towards Evan as well, because he chose her. That is his decision. If you shit on Natalie and she finds it, and in any shape or form it affects her—mentally, emotionally, physically—it is going to hurt Evan too because obviously, he cares about her and is a caring person. Whether you like that fact or not, it is at the end of the day—a fact. They are dating, so whatever the other person is feeling will reflect onto the other, and I’m sure Evan wouldn’t want to see Natalie hurt in any sort of way. We know she sees at least some of the hate, and we have no idea how she really reacts to it. But I’m sure it’s not positively or happily.
He’s not a bird locked in a cage to be gawked at. He’s a human being who is doing something at this very moment, living, breathing, talking, having thoughts and feelings. And so is Natalie. And I’m sure both of them have seen your neurotic behavior.
News flash, Evan most likely does not like you if you act that way, and he most definitely doesn’t want you.
So sit down and grow the fuck up. Most of you are grown adults saying this as well. Act like one.
Thanks for listening to another rant again, I’m genuinely so tired of this. No, I am not defending Natalie. But so far, you guys have no real evidence she has done or is doing anything you claim, and it’s not even that bad regardless. Until Natalie does something actually wrong, I will call out this stupid shitty behavior. The real person I’m defending at the end of the day is Evan, because all of it circles back to him, and it is an extremely disrespectful painting of his character that I’m sure no one is hoping for. I’m sure at this rate most of the actual Natalie haters will have stopped reading long before and stormed away fuming out their ears, but regardless, if I can share this info so other people can have an argument back against their bullshit then it’s worth it.
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artistzjay · 11 months
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Just a Noah + Amore (OC) art dump
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podgoldenrod · 3 months
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?ᗡƎꙄͶAƎ⅃Ɔ UOY ƎЯƎW Goldenrod - an upcoming horror audio drama limited series. Coming 2025. Created by Lauren Tucker, presented by Speak to It Productions. Logo design by Sarah Arnold.
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secret-tester · 1 month
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Uhhhh.... Hi?
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lordspoooky · 10 months
Being a weird sort of internet hermit who gets into things but doesn't really interact with the fandoms of said things very often is really funny sometimes because I'll walk into the tags of something and people will be like sitting on their rocking chairs all wizened like "ahh the great drama of '85, terrible year that was" and even though I was definitely a fan of the thing during that time, that shit totally passed me by because I join discord servers and then never look at them
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dear-ao3 · 8 months
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pawzofchaos · 10 months
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they’re so cute actually sorry
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apolaskiart · 1 month
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Guys, I had another epiphany come to me in a dream.
(no this is definitely not an attempt at trying to sneakily telling you that I have joined another fandom, perish such thought)
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Bonus: They're testing the new co-op
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Every time I see a post lamenting how Viv used to draw weird furry erotica, or the 2012 ass "pedo bear" style comedy that was always a joke and just fandom bullshit. How Stella obviously was supposed to be fucking her brother but its been pulled back on, or how ValAngel is obviously kink shit(even if we're also taking it very seriously at the same time)
Like, everything about this show was supposed to By Freaks, For Freaks. From the character design, to the edgy humor.
But fandom culture has changed a lot from when Viv first started out in that OC's tumblrina time. Ship and let ship has almost completely died, purity culture and the normalization of second degree murder has resulted in a creative landscape thats so fucking terrified to be seen as "problematic", that art is being pushed aside and sanitized because no one has fucking basic reading comprehension.
I mean, that whole thing where people were telling Bryan Fuller that he's the reason that gay conversion camps are good and should come back full force. The amount of trans women I saw on Twitter become publicly accused of "cp". A youtuber at one point SAVED the "cp" on her computer, edited the "cp" into a cutesy thumbnail, and distributed it. So, either its not csem and she fucking knows it and wouldn't have saved it and reposted it but really wanted to to tell people to kill this one specific woman, OR this is how seriously these kinds of people take things like literal csem.
Like, is Vivziepop annoying? Yeah, kinda. Is she not necessarily the best writer in the world? No, not really. But she's not a pedophile or some serial abuser because she's a furry. I'm genuinely so baffled by people watching a Furry Show and then being like, "omfg......she drew.........furry porn?????". I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of the reason Hazbin/Helluva turned out so wonky(outside of amazon)is just, Viv didn't feel safe or comfortable actually expressing her art and telling her story. There's so many people who would jump for joy if she killed herself, because they think snakes are a good enough reason to kill someone. Not to mention, the baseless accusations about stupid and meaningless things muddies the waters of actual abuse or things that could be legitimate problems. There's a 50/50 chance the thing Viv did that was problematic will be "drew pictures" or "has bad working conditions" and both of these tend to be held to the same standard of shit we need to take her down for.
I hate how you can't critique anything anymore, because saying you're "critical of the media" is more often then not, just a fucking dog whistle for "omg pls pls give me the opportunity to harass someone for not giving in to the thought policing I PERSONALLY have made up." Instead of someone who actually likes analysis and media criticism.
I'd love to complain about Hazbin/Helluva, I think it kinda sucks!!! I'm genuinely heartbroken that something that was obviously meant for Weirdos has been appropriated by puritanical babies, like they're horny housewives ashamed of themselves because they like 50 shades or whatever.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 29 days
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it is SO rich for the jgy critical crowd to insist that it's the jgy stans who are being weird and defensive given /gestures @ all of this. like what's the opposite of defensive 🧐 because that's what this is.
as i said to someone else earlier tonight, i'm manifesting the capability to climb through these anons' phone screens so i can chase them through their houses with a nerf gun. every little foam projectile will include a relevant printed out page from the EXR translation. probably with highlights and notes in the margins. maybe some frowny faces for emphasis.
anyway this is why i'm insane
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