#nevermind my clown costume
sunnydayroleplay · 2 years
Aight bestie.
Joseph fucking MC in Jack's costume.
The rest is up to you, go wild bestie lol
IHJFEVWHHJ RFWIN I AM BARKING BESTIE WOOF WOOF WE'RE WRITING IT This fic includes: Sending nudes, again, lots of potty mouth from the Sunny-Time Crew (OOC), Definite size difference, Make-Out Sess, Praise, Use of: Sunshine/Sunspot, Darling, Baby, Honey. You were at work, Joseph was at work. It was quite lonely for the both of you, and you had the most splendid idea. You went into the employee backroom, break-room, whatever you like to call it, and you went ahead to grab your phone from your back pant pocket. You open up your messages between you and Joseph . You thought "Fuck it, I'm bored" and you sent him a photo of your beautiful self. Without some articles of clothing. You send it. Waiting for Joseph to reply. Now in Joseph's point of view, they had just finished recording another episode, and he was still in costume. He was scrolling on his phone, his co-workers and other members of the Sunny-Time Crew we're having a blast, all of them with a lit cigarette in his hand. Joseph leaned against their table, his jaw flew open, as his face began turning a little red. Everyone seems to take notice, and asks some questions. Joseph flung his head around, turning off his phone, and shoving it in his pocket. "Hey now Joey, you alright?"
"Yeah! I'm fine. Sorry." "My, my. One of them mommas send you a pic of their machinery?"
"Wh-what! No, I don't even know how they would ge-"
"Joe, a man don't get no flustered by lookin' at theys phone to say it was nothin'."
"But I-"
"And I refuse to believe you actually have a nice guy or gal waitin' at home for ya."
"Hey now darlin', you never know what kinda fella Joseph can reel in his rod."
"Yeah, it's not like he ain't fine. We all wouldn't have any jobs if that was the case."
"Don't back-track now, Mister! I still wanna know what or who made our little baby-man so flustered n' mustered up!"
"It's nothin' you guys. Listen I'll be back, I gotta make a phone call."
"Aww shiiiiit! Finally our lil' Jojo got sent some gears and bolts of one of those fine baby mommas! Joseph does have some fine ma'am or sir waitn' for him!~ Look at him go, he's doin' his speedwalk! Now yer know he's rushin' to reply!"
"Well call me cloudy with a heavy chance of rain, I never knew our Joey could do such a thang....Now who do you think it is?"
"Mrs. Stephens! She's always grindin' her heel every chance she gets! And Joey gives her plenty of 'em."
While the crew chatted away under the presumption that Joseph found a wonderful mother to bless, Joseph hid away in a rest-room, locking the door behind him. He pulled out his phone to inspect the image you had sent him closely, and he was not disappointed. Boy, he had to get home, and he had to get home now. He rushed out, swiftly grabbing his one bag, wallet and keys. Not even bothering to get out of costume. "H-Hey! Joe, what are ya doin?"
"I'll be back tomorrow."
"But th-, ne-nevermind, just bring it back clean." "Go Joe! Get that baby-makin' pussy!" And with that, he was gone. He hopped into his car, and made his way to speed over to you. By then you were already home, finally someone wanted to do their shift, if not on time. You were sitting comfortably in your room, scrolling on your phone, where you heard a few foot-steps from outside it. "Joseph! I didn't except ya to come home so early!"
You heard large thumps come by your room and open the door, shutting it behind. He makes his way in a primary color fashion, prancing on top of you. The bed sinks, and you suddenly feel very small with this very big man on top of you. He leans down to kiss your soft lips. You slowly try to sit up, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, Your hands in that blue, surprisingly soft hair of his. You wonder why he came home in that, but hey, questions, not complaints. The two of you passionately kiss, Joseph's hands slowly trickle down your body as you kiss this clown-looking man, Smudging make up as you passionately make out. My, it was something. "C'mon honey, I'll make sure you have a sunny-time~" He glares into your reflective eyes, as his hands interlock with yours, and he slowly begins to unbuckle his smiling belt. He throws it on the floor, along with those dark colored pants of his. He goes back on top of you once more, you grind onto his clothed cock, your face reddening as you bite your tongue. "Settle down, sunshine, we'll get there in a moment~" "But I want to get there now~" You whine. You begin to wrap your legs around his sides, your feet resting on his back. He picks you up by gripping your outer thighs, and pulls you in much closer. You can feel how hard his cock is, because it's so close to where yours is.
"Sunspot~ Like I said, we'll get there in a moment~ I gotta treat that nice and beautiful body of yours right after-all~!" He giggles, slowly taking off your shirt, as he flings it across the room, leaning down to kiss your stomach, all the way to your jawline. You pull on his hair, yank it off and throw it away along with all the other costume pieces. Oh, the make-up department is gonna kick his ass when he comes back in later. But it'll all be worth it. "You tease me too much~" You quietly moan out. His soft normal colored hair blooms back out, as you mess it up the slightest.
"Darling, I may tease you, but you enjoy it~" After successfully taking off all your clothes, then and only then does he take off his boxers. His fully erect cock springing back into action.
"You ready, baby?~"
You gently cusp his face with both of your hands, kissing his forehead. "Will you stop askin' questions and just put your dick inside me already?" "Alright, I ain't gon' be gentle." After you had your fun, even though you both maybe failed the goal of "fuckin' till daylight". Ya still had fun. It was the next day, Joseph came in, looking like he was attacked. He wasn't joking when he said that it wasn't going to be gentle. My his hair was in a wreck, his neck, collarbones and shoulders covered in hickeys and scratches. Smudged make-up smearing off from his lips. Yeah his co-workers would ask him non-stop who fucked him, and the department is going to beat the living hell out of him, my my was it all worth it.
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halfdent · 20 days
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A  shake  of  disbelief  * or maybe it was because he COULD believe the outlandishness of the situation , followed  by  a  resigned  sigh  ... 
@luposcainus / 𝙿𝙻𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝙳 : “ i have a weird craving for fruit punch.” / 𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 .
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❝ JESUS.-❞    he  promised  to  help  this  city  &&  he  meant  it  .  Of  course  those  were  simpler  times  when  Gotham  was  crime  ridden  ,  yes  &&  that  hasn't  changed  nearly  enough  ,  now  ?  They've  got  to  worry  about  sewer  zombies  ,  sadistic  men  dressed  as  clowns  &&  now  human-bats  .  &&  we're not talking men in costumes like Batman . Werebats  ?  Nevermind  .
He  retrieves  a  brown  paper  bag  .  ❝    Do  you  like  𝙲𝙰𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚂𝚄𝙽 ? ❞    To  save  face  he  clears  his  through  ,  awkwardly  .  ❝    My  -  wife  packs  me  lunch  .❞      Cheeks  dust  over  pink  .
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fractualized · 2 years
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Another month, another Man Who Stopped Laughing (#6)!
Warnings for blood and gore (including the death of an animal).
We spend extensive time with Los Angeles Joker in this one. He's scheduled for a flight back to Gotham, but he decides to take in a comedy set first.
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I like the implication that Joker has a higher voice, as that's the kind of Joker voice I prefer!
When the comedian gets a better look at his fan, he is much less amused.
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Oh god don't do a riff. DO NOT DO A RIFF. That couple in the back sneaking out absolutely have the right idea. This cannot end well.
But the comedian forges ahead, and he has some good jokes about Gotham.
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Until he fucks up.
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Joker just got divorced from that flying rat and he does not want to talk about it!!
Of course, per the first image in this post, Joker was always planning to use his drink to acid the poor comedian in the face. Chaos erupts, but then Mr. Waffles shows up.
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I really enjoy the dynamic with the henchmen in this issue, how Joker's interactions with them are almost friendly. Mr. Waffles wasn't sure where you were, Mr. J! He was so worried. :(
Before leaving for Gotham, though, Joker has an errand.
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Look at your boss's face back there! Don't question him!
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I said the dynamic was almost friendly. (Hee, lookit the guy hiding in the red car.)
They then head up to the observatory, where they watch the second part of Joker's farewell to the City of Angels. (Hold on, does that mean something, that Joker is from such a dark city, so of course he's unhappy in the City of Angels?? Eh, maybe not, just a thought.)
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Is it insane to look for messages in the smoke? Yes? Nevermind.
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Aw, Joker you miss Batsy, don't you? That's why you gotta go back to your roots– except Joker didn't realize where his flight was leaving from and he kinda screwed himself.
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The pun on the van is meh but now I'm wondering if Joker thinks of himself as a lettuce head– and oh my god I just realized that icon on that blimp is a Joker face and get the joke.
There's a brief interlude where Jason learns that his clown-killing last issue isn't so clear-cut, and then we're back to LA Joker trying to get to the dang airport through a riot that he started.
But never fear, Mr. Waffles is taking charge!
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Oh good, he's okay, but you may notice that the van is now on fire, which isn't going to get Joker to LAX. And look at Waffles' concern! He doesn't want Boss to get hurt! :(
And then another interlude…
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Goddamn, I guess Protag Joker really did get hit by that train. And now he's stuck getting fed rat blood. Yeeeeeeesh.
This raises the question of when the next issue of Punchline: The Gotham Game takes place. Protag Joker showed up at the end of GG's last issue, and I'd assumed he came across Punchline after dodging the train. But maybe their reunion takes place in Joker's wanderings pre-TMWSL #5, or after Grundy fixes him up? Questions, questions!
Anyway, over in Hollywood, Joker has escaped the riot and is still trying to get to the airport.
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He tries to use his clownly wiles for a ride, but it's a no-go.
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And then… LE GASP
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Okay, no one believes this is the real Batman coming up. I still can't tell where TMWSL takes place in relation to what Bruce is up to. Is Bruce "dead" now? Is Bruce fighting literal demons now? Who knows!
Anyway, Joker's bemusement at Costume Batman is entertaining.
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And of course there's a Robin.
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wuh oh
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Look, Joker still has some post-divorce aggression to work out. He should get home and work it out with his ex!
But not quite yet.
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I know nothing about Manhunter but I guess I'll learn next month!
Then it's backer time, and we have a different artist, and I don't know how I feel about it. Francavilla's style really complimented the strangeness of the plot lines. But it is what it is, and it's Ralph!
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Joker's henchmen have come to tell Ralph about a death in the family.
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Twin brothers, of course! Looking back I'm surprised we didn't get to this clone explanation sooner.
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He died almost doing what he loved: riding a bat.
Ralph leaves his family to attend to his brother's affairs.
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lol boners reference
Ralph carries out all of Joker's schemes, my favorite being toilet papering Arkham, just because… the simplicity and near innocence of it, I guess!
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But then as his duty comes to a close, Ralph realizes he's found a new calling.
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Not a huge fan of this backer, perhaps because it makes me think of Three Jokers, which I still viscerally dislike even though I barely even remember why. But this does call back to the idea that Joker is an unstoppable force that Gotham will always need to deal with, and that's fun!
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starryqueen-18 · 11 months
The Paper Red Riding Plumber (parody of the little red riding hood)
Once upon a Pasta in a beautiful forest far away, there once was a Paper Red Riding Hood Named Mario. His brother Luigi told Mario that the Princess is sick with a cold, so Mario set out on the journey to deliver the food his brother prepared to Princess Peach, hopefully the scent and taste of Luigi's finest snacks and goodies can heal the paper princess's illness.
Mario happily skipping along the path while humming to red streamer theme when suddenly a rustle was heard in the bushes.
Mario: oh, hello?
The bush rustling stopped after a wolfy like turtle jumped out of the bush, it looked like it's some sort of huge turtle with flamey majestic hair,
Bowser: HA, Why thank you female narrator.
what? no I was talking about that cute turtle I just saw on the internet, your completely ugly Bowser, no wonder why Peach never loves you.
Mario: *snickers*
And where did you get the wolf costume from, shopping online?
Mario: *laughing*
Bowser: GRRRR IT'S MUSHZOOM! ugh whatever *to mario* hey little one where are you off to?
Mario: hi Mr. Wolf, I'm going to deliver these treats for Princess peach, she's not feeling well.
Bowser: oh not feeling well? oh the poor princess, where is she?
Mario: she's at a mansion in the forest.
Bowser: wait, the princess own a mansion in the forest?
Mario: *nods* it's just across the river and to the right, you'll see a parking lot where she parks her car.
Bowser: WHAT?! A PARKING LOT? I thought this is supposed to be a fairytale.
Hey man! not all fairytales don't have to be the same you know!
Bowser: feh!
Mario: well I gotta go, bye bye Mr. wolf *runs off*
Bowser: *quiet evil chuckle* sweet rich Princess here I come.
So mario skipped and hopped all the way on his cute little travel, happily cheery singing along without a single care, meanwhile Bowser was almost to the princess' location.
Bowser: this must be it *goes through the hedges* WHA?!
The mansion was huge, with a swimming pool complete with a water slide, A mall which is the size of an apartment and at last be not least, A PETTING ZOO!
Bowser: HOW RICH IS THIS PRINCESS, nevermind that, the princess is inside that mansion, it's shouldn't be no trouble.
After hours of room searching and room service later.
Bowser: *huff* *puff* finally this must be peach's room, time to give her a warm welcome.
Bowser opens the door with force, he sees the princess sleeping peacefully in her pink kawaii bed with cute stuffed kittens all around her.
Bowser: heh she's asleep, now to take her with me.
Now hold on "wolf turtle" you can't take the princess with you, you have to put the princess in the closet.
Bowser: UGH can't I just take her to the castle with me?!
Bowser: how about the Clown car?
Stop ruining the story!
Bowser: this isn't even a story!!!
Peach: *about to wake up*
Bowser: O_O oh poop
Peach: *sees bowser and screams* Wolf! *beats bowser with a bat*
Meanwhile Mario made it to the Princess's mansion and knocked on the door.
Bowser: oh snap! *grabs peach and put her in the closet* great now what? *idea*
And so Bowser went to the dressing room and disguised himself as the princess, my, such wonderful beauty.
Bowser: why thank you *blushes*
I was talking about the dresses I'm looking at online, you're still hideous.
Bowser: HEY! *grumbles*
Mario: Princess are you here? I got some delicious goodies for you.
Bowser: *peaches voice* why yes, I'm here mario, come on in.
The Paper Plumber went inside the mansion, took off his shoes and wander around the mansion to look for the princess.
Bowser: *giggling*
ugh even your voice needs some speech lessons.
Bowser: SHUT UP!!
Mario finally found the princess's room, as he comes in he saw the princess but something's wrong.
Mario: princess, are you ok?
Bowser: yes I'm alright dear child.
Mario: my princess, what big eyes you have.
Bowser: uh, to better to see you with, dear.
Mario: my oh my, what big nose you have.
Bowser: oh, the better to smell you with.
Mario: Mama Mia princess, what a hideous face you have.
I know right.
Bowser: ALRIGHT THAT'S IT! *removes the disguise* I FIND THAT VERY OFFENSIVE!!!!
Mario: *gasps* Mr. Wolf!
Bowser: it's Bowser-
AH AH AH!!! don't break the story.
Bowser: you already broke the story.
Mario: what have you done with the princess?!
Bowser: heh heh she's no where to be found little one, you'll never find her.
She's in the closet.
Bowser: SNITCH!!!!!
hey, I saw what you did bowser.
Mario: *goes to the closet and opens the door and sees the princess*
Peach: Mario!
Mario: Princess!
Bowser: not so fast *breathes fire*
Mario quickly grabs the princess and ran from the room, Bowser chased after them all the way the halls until they made it outside the mansion, the two were cornered nowhere to run, Bowser was about to attack them, but before he could, a cop toad came by and arrested the wolfy turtle.
Bowser: Huh?! Wha the?
Toad cop: sir, you're under arrest.
Bowser: Arrest?! What for?!
Toad cop: for attacking these innocent people.
Bowser: oh come on, I'm innocent!
You literlaly tried to kidnapped the princess.
Bowser: Nononoono- don't listen to her she's the one who told me to do it.
believe me officer I'm just a female narrator I have no idea what he's talking about.
Bowser: She's lying!
Toad: welp, the narrators never lie *grabs Bowser*
Bowser: grrr I'll get you my Peachy and you little dog too!
Peach: I don't have a dog!
Wrong Story Koopy Wolf!
Bowser: SHUT UP!!!!
And after that Bowser was arrested, Mario delivered the goodies to the princess and after that, the princess has been healed from the illness and now they celebrate with a relaxing luxury royal resort at the Princess's Mansion.
The End.....until next fairytale story
Don't Be Downie! Stay Kawaiiii!!!
I wrote this story on paper Mario amino, and there's more stories like this where that came from! >w<
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diospyros-kaki · 1 year
Edit: whoops long post warning
About the one piece live action trailer:
...not sure about the wigs? Nami's is looking a little eh to me and I can't tell if Sanji has one too or if that's actual grown hair (I think the actor said he did grow it out??). Zoro still having green hair is also a bit of a surprise but I guess it's too much of trademark to get rid of. Overall they seem to be trying to stay faithful to character's looks
On the other hand, not missing Usopp's nose and Sanji's eyebrows because those would be trickier to translate well into live action
Buggy looking creepy af but ok (his wig is also kinda eh but it's less so because he's a damn clown anyway)
Did we notice Coby when Luffy throws the punch at the end? Blink and you miss it but coby's there, bless him. All he does is take a step back but it's such an early-on Coby move (...seems to not have the pink hair tho??)(actually is coby gonna go by he/him like the original or are we going they/them like the actor? Either is fine with me)
Not expecting the attack names either but alright. Or maybe it's just luffy
Seems the crew getting together might be a little different? "Not a crew"... don't know how I feel about that. Trying to keep in mind it's just a different adaptation
Merry might be there from the beginning?? It seemed like it was being built at luffy's island but that could be just an impression from the editing (not sure they would mess with something that gets relevant later but not sure there will be more seasons either at this point)
The cgi is. Could be better, could be worse. The sea monster has that floaty cgi feeling I don't particularly like but probably shouldn't have expected otherwise
The stretched arm is uhh. Not too good tho, as well as the dark (marine?) ship firing. Maybe I can ignore it in the series as I get used
On that note sometimes it looks too green-screeny, but it's kind of on par with the average tv show. I can also take it in a whimsical way tho, and what is real sets helps balance it out (to be honest I quite like what we can see of the real sets)
Overall it's... Alright probably (even if my points above seem like nagging. Promise I'm not). The feeling is there, a little different but there. Probably gonna be kinda cheesy because one piece is not a good candidate for a live action adaptation in the first place, like everyone and their grandmother has known their whole lives, but they seem to be embracing it anyway. I'm getting used already
Cast and real ships have been known for a long time so no complaints there (VERY important the ships being mostly real to balance cgi and contribute to whimsicality like I said above.)
Yeah I feel better now that the trailer is out and we have a better idea of what it's looking like. I am relieved, to be honest. It could have been SUCH a shit show jesus christ
I'm rewatching so many times to digest it and WAIT WHERE'S LUFFYS SCAR
nevermind it's there, just kinda hard to see. Could be my screen even. Or it's so prominent in the anime/manga because it's in black there and the more realistic look is discreet in comparison
The Baratie has a neon sign lmao what a curveball
Sanji kick-stomp while holding a plate looks great, love it
Zoro's fights are looking intense as well
Not much of Usopp now that I think about it?? Where's my boy. Give him some lines (Sanji doesn't have any either but he had more clips doing stuff)
Yeah the trailer itself is good, I think. Still a little tense about the supposed trash screening test
Luffy's clothes before the first look at the classic costume, the hawaiian shirt and what's the name in English, jumper? Onesie?? Also unexpected, but the shirt specially is such a one piece touch. The other one is... Cute? Can't really see Luffy wearing that but alright
Feels... yeah, feels good, adventurous in a fun one piece way. The music and editing fit well I think. Even if the series turns out bad I'll have a special feeling for this trailer, sue me
Alright that's enough for now, I've been on this too long already
I lied
Still in doubt on how well it can be received by new watchers who aren't familiar with the source material. We don't have enough info yet, the trailer makes it seem like it could be accessible but could end up not being so (trying not to think of the supposed trash screening test again help).
Alright now I'm done
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So remember how I said like yesterday that I'm taking a little break from creating content to catch up on consuming it, because I just dropped a fic like 4 days ago? Yeah, about that...
🤡🤡🤡 nevermind, I was clowning! Next on my To Do List, something I've been wanting to do (and see happen on the show) for a very long time: Rachel goes on a little trip to The Other Side to find Donna, but gets to meet her grandparents instead!
It'll be coming soon - meaning as soon as it's finished. Could be weeks, could be days. But I want to give you a heads up of what's coming and since the wait might be long, here's an equally long sneak peek!
"Oh, there she is!"
A loud, high pitch shout turned Rachel's attention towards the metal construction hidden in the shadows, climbing up to the ceiling of the tent. Rachel heard a creak of metal, quick and light footsteps rushing down the ladder. Then the thick red curtain at the edge of the stage spread with a flap, sending clouds of dust from the floor into the air, and a figure emerged from shadows behind it. As the person entered the circle of light, Rachel saw a slender figure with dark hair pulled back into a thick braid swinging behind her back like a clock pendulum. Confusion dissipated in Rachel's head, chased away by her heartbeat spiking rapidly in her chest at the sight of not only the strangely familiar face but also the colors of the woman's costume.
A circus acrobat costume, a mixture of sunny yellow, warm green and deep red.
"It's impossible..." Rachel only managed to whisper before all the air was squeezed out of her lungs when the trapeze artist crashed into her and hugged her tightly, wrapping her arms around her shoulders and pressing her as tightly to herself as she could. Rachel froze, completely taken aback, but before she could raise her arms to return the hug, the woman was already backing away, flashing her a bright, wide smile - a smile Rachel would have known anywhere. Dick's smile.
"You finally made it!" Mary Grayson breathed a sigh of relief as she put her hands on Rachel's shoulders. "We were so worried. I was going to go out there, look for you, but John insisted you would find the way and you did! Thank God you did!"
Dazed by the flow of words she just heard, Rachel only stood there, watching Dick's mother grin at her and laugh despite the tears glistening in her eyes as she sized her up from head to toe. Her hands, covered in white powder, came up to hold her face and lift it slightly up to the light so Mary could get a better look at her. They're warm, Rachel noticed with a pounding heart, warm and tender, cupping her cheeks with an achingly familiar gentleness of much bigger hands with a bit rougher skin but just as loving. Her soft eyes, deep wells of dark brown, kept studying her face with a look Rachel knew all too well; she can't even count all the times Dick gave her the same look, like he couldn't believe she was real, like he still wasn't able to wrap his head around the fact that she's a part of his life.
"You're so pretty." Mary whispered in awe, tucking a lock of hair behind Rachel's ear. Her hand trembled just a little. "So beautiful. Even more beautiful up close."
"Up close?" Rachel frowned, not understanding a word. "You... you know me? You know who I am?"
"Of course we do, sweetheart!" A low, booming voice echoed through the circus stage, carrying a light note of laughter, as a tall man with broad shoulders, a mop of dark brown hair curling over his forehead just like Dick's hair does and a crooked, a little goofy smile tugging at his lips appeared seemingly out of nowhere and made his way over to them across the stage. Dressed the same as Mary, he moved with grace and lightness of a true gymnast, emanating power and respect with his presence but also spreading an aura of calm and protection that instantly soothed Rachel's nerves and took off some of the fatigue from her shoulders. Only one person has been able to make her feel like this so easily before.
She often wondered about it but now she knew for sure - turns out Dick really is a carbon copy of his father.
John Grayson stopped by his wife's side and put a hand on her shoulder, but his eyes never left Rachel's face as he winked at her and sent her a playful smirk. "You think you only have one Grayson watching over you?"
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peaches-writes · 4 years
tumbles and turns
description: a month in the life of you and your college roommate, minho—except you’re from rival universities preparing for an intercollegiate cheerdance competition member: minho / lee know genre: fluff, sports au (off-season universe), college au, roommates au, slice of life, friends to lovers au word count: 7.9k warning: explicit language, mentions of food, injuries, & harassment; a very jealous and protective minho notes: ah yes another sports au about a sport i’m not well-versed in that ended up not making sense + anw whatever danceracha pep squad agenda 💅
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week 1 of 4
Minho finally releases the laugh he’s been holding for the past ten minutes, shaking his head in disbelief before hopping off of the edge of the sink where he’s been quietly judging you. “Seriously,” He smirks teasingly, expertly dodging your disapproving frown and your attempt at smacking his arm as he stands between you and the mirror then takes the comb from your hands. “You look fine—kind of wonky, actually, but you’ll live.”
“Ya!” You huff with a light stomp of your foot on the bathroom tiles, reaching up for the blue comb to no avail for he immediately lifts it high above his head. “Give me the comb!”
“Why don’t you dry your hair first before worrying about how you look?” He suggests with another laugh, leaning back on the sink when you start jumping over him for the comb. “It looks weirder when you try combing it down while it’s still wet.”
You groan when he starts taunting you by waving the comb in his hands, eventually giving up to stand back and cross your arms in annoyance. “I’m so—I just feel so iffy about this haircut, that’s all!”
“Well, that’s pep squad for you—but you already know that.” He shrugs, finally putting the comb down behind him in exchange for the orange towel you abandoned a while back to obsessively comb down your bangs. “Anyway, the bangs are the least of your worries. Aren’t you guys dyeing your hair on Friday?”
“Yeah,” You sigh in frustration, lifting a hand up to rub your temple. “Our costumes department is insane, I’m telling you.”
“Try our costumes department.” Minho retorts, throwing the towel over your damp hair after. “Though we’re doing a Michael Jackson-inspired routine, the costumes still need to have our school colors. Imagine all the black and gold and the make-up we’ll have to do for one part—“
You manage to crack a smile at this as you now busy yourself with drying your hair, making Minho chuckle in front of you as well. “Ah, right. Isn’t Felix volunteering for your costumes this year, though? Why don’t you approach him if you’re so bothered?”
“Then you’ll have to see Jeongin for your hair.” He points out.
“Jeongin? Right, nevermind, then. The kid’s scary when he’s in his element.” You huff, your hand on your temple then going up to your bangs. “I’ll just have to live with this for the next 1.5 years at most, I guess.”
“Then that’s settled.” Minho shrugs for the second time, tsking after once he notices your slow pace. Taking a step forward, you then catch a glimpse of Minho picking up your hair dryer from the other side of the sink counter from the corner of your eye before plugging it on the nearest wall socket. “You’re so slow! We’re watching a movie, remember? I don’t want water dripping on the couch.”
Swiftly, you elbow his stomach when he moves to your side. “Well, I’ll have to let you know that hair doesn’t dry that quickly when you’ve bleached it twice.”
“You could’ve been a little quicker about it if you weren’t so focused on your bangs.” He scolds, carding his fingers through your hair before pointing the noisy hairdryer on you and starting with your newly-cut bangs. “What even is the reason behind the red hair, anyway?”
“It’s our school colors, dumbass.” You remind him with a scoff, removing the towel on top of your head and moving it to the opposite side of where Minho is currently working. “Naeun actually managed to find a supplier with the exact same shade of red our school uses, it’s kind of cool.”
“Not like anyone would recognize it on compet.” Minho pouts. “Green would’ve been funnier. Isn’t that your other school color?”
“Excuse you, we have one of the biggest crowds every year? Plus, green would look too wacky. It could be distracting with our theme.”
“As if people from your school go around recognizing that specific shade of red.”
“I’m going to fucking hit you with this towel.” You glower, only making him laugh as he nonchalantly guides you by your shoulders to move closer to the hairdryer’s socket. “Let’s just see who’s going to be laughing when I see you in costume on compet.”
“Please, I’ll rock the outfit so much you’ll forget you even said that.” Your roommate rolls his eyes, turning you around so he can work on the back of your head. “What will you be wearing, by the way?”
Minho steals a glance at you from the mirror, raising his eyebrows slightly, and you answer, “Still the same but in black and a new design.”
“So...top and tights?” He asks and you nod eagerly, your hair almost slipping right through his fingertips.
“You’ll love the designs.” You muse, picking up the blue comb once again to use on the dried parts of your head. ”Naeun designed them really well!” 
“A bit of a basic choice for your second to last college competition, don’t you think?” He teases, making you reach up behind you to smack his arm. “Didn’t you guys do the same thing but in navy last year?”
“Call it basic again when I take it home, I dare you.” You retort before chuckling along with him. “Are you done?”
“Almost there.” He answers automatically, slowly inching along to your other side while gently moving you closer to the wall socket and turning you around to face the opposite wall by your shoulders. “Your hair’s so hard to dry.”
“I didn’t even ask for your help.” You point out. “You just barged in here to clown my bangs.”
“Yeah, then I realized that that’s what’s taking you so long that we can’t watch our Sunday movie.” Minho huffs, finally reaching your other side to dry the last strands of your hair. “I’m being a good Samaritan for once, you should at least say thank you.”
You giggle, nodding teasingly. “Right, right. Thank you, Minhooo!” You tease, knowing very well in your almost 5 years of living with him how rare these moments indeed are. “So...done?”
After a long pause, Minho turns the hairdryer off and takes out the plug from the wall socket behind you before taking a step back away from you. “Yup, done.” He affirms, running his index finger through your bangs horizontally once with a giggle. “Your bangs are so funny.”
You frown at him, smacking his arm for the third time tonight before turning around to tidy up everything you’ve used. “I hate you.”
But your roommate only pats your head in response before taking another step back and heading to the bathroom door. “I’ll set up the movie now!” He says as he walks away, glancing back at you with a smile before crossing the other side of the open door. “Hurry up, okay?!”
“Take the hoodie down! Take the hoodie down!” Jisung and Minho mischievously chant by your shoe racks at the entrance once you arrive home from training at the end of the week. The two hold Soonie and Doongie respectively in front of them for emphasis, lifting the cats up and down as if they were holding banners to a sports game. “Take the hoodie down! Take the hoodie down!” 
You only roll your eyes at the two as you discard your shoes properly next to them, patting Soonie and Doongie’s heads affectionately then smacking the side of Minho’s head. “Move out of the way, losers.” You command instead with a wave of your hand and a tired giggle, the two laughing along and obligingly stepping aside for you to hang your gym bag up on the metal hooks right behind them. “And Jisung, why are you still here? It’s 9 PM.” 
“We’re finishing our game tonight and I wanted to see your new hair!” He answers in his defense, putting Soonie down when Minho does with Doongie. “Now, take the hoodie down! Take the hoodie down!” 
Taking out your plastic bag of used clothes and empty tumbler out of your gym bag after, you sigh in defeat and remove your hoodie. “Fine, fine, fine, there.”
Your roommate and his best friend both erupt in whistles and cheers at your bright red hair in response. 
“Oh damn!” Jisung exclaims more dramatically and pats your shoulders in approval, ruffling your hair after. By your socked feet, Soonie meows enthusiastically as he tries climbing up your leg.  “Look, even Soonie likes it!” 
A small step behind the younger boy, you see your roommate with a much cooler reaction, smirking at you and mouthing, “Pretty,” with a wink before vocally adding, “It’s not so bad,” when Jisung then turns to him and asks him what he thinks. “Y/N’s had far worse hairstyles before.” 
“I’m going to shove my clothes down your throat.” You threaten him with a chuckle, holding your bundle of used clothes higher as if you were going to throw it towards him. “Anyway, you’ve seen my hair now so let me through, I still have to sort these out and wash up.”
"You have dinner on the table, too, so eat before you go to bed.” Minho adds, pointing to the open doorway down the hall leading to your kitchen. 
“Did you cook?” 
“Take-out.” Minho answers plainly before gesturing for the three of you to move to the living room. You and Jisung follow him down the hallway. “Pizza and wings.”
Meanwhile, Jisung pouts at you as he links his arms with yours. “Ya, Y/N, you’re not going to watch our stream?” 
“Maybe some other time.” You frown, your tiredness slowly coming back now that your friends have naturally stopped joking around. “I’m really sleepy.” 
“Practice was that harsh?” Jisung asks next, stopping you right in the middle of the living room before you could proceed further to the left of the hallway to your room. Minho, on the other hand, walks ahead of you and proceeds to plop down on the sofa to set up their game once again. “Jeongin told me you’re changing the choreography a bit.” 
“Seungkwan injured his foot really bad so we’re adjusting for alternatives in case he doesn’t recover in time.” You nod sadly, scratching your head in frustration. “And he’s my one of my bases for most stunts, including the exhibition, so I’m making the most adjustments.”
“Oh,” Jisung muses in realization, pausing a bit before another smile graces his features as he then lifts your hoodie back up to your head. “we should play quietly, then, right Minho?” 
Minho only nods at this without even sparing a glance back at you. 
“Yup, we’ll try to be quiet!” Jisung promises again, his grin growing bigger. “Sleep well, then, Y/N!” 
“Hm, thanks, goodnight to you, I guess.” You greet him back, looking over his shoulder to see Minho glancing back up at you. “Goodnight Minho.” 
Your roommate sweetly waves goodnight to you before turning mischievous by snickering and pointing at your red hair again. You roll your eyes and quietly threaten him with your clothes again in response before bidding him and Jisung another goodnight, proceeding to your room after. 
Surprisingly, the two rowdy boys kept to their word after you’ve finished dinner and mostly whispered yelled through the walls of the living room for the rest of the night, mostly Minho scolding Jisung for cursing at their game and reminding him to quiet down for you. 
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week 2 of 4
You come home from Thursday practice two hours later than usual and completely drained, trudging down the entrance hallway of your shared apartment to the rustling of your used clothes and the obnoxious empty noises of your tumbler that quickly alerts Minho and his three cats of your presence. Excitedly greeting you from the kitchen area, Minho looks up at you from feeding Soonie, Doongie, and Dori under your dining table and waves at you, his smile immediately faltering into a confused one when he sees your frown. “Hey. Are you okay? Why are you late?” He points out with a nervous chuckle. “You could’ve just called me to pick you up.” 
You don’t answer, opting instead to tiredly settle on the seat nearest to his side and resting your arms and head down on the table, missing the dinner set Minho prepared for you by a hair as you do so. “I missed the first bus home because I was distracted from being so pissed off at this newbie being a creep during practice.” You scoff as nonchalantly as you can. “It’s okay now, tho—”
“What?!” Before you could even finish your sentence, however, Minho surprisingly leaves his cats’ side, moving over to sit next to you to the side where your head is limply tilted. “Who’s this guy? What did they do?”
You shift uncomfortably in your seat at the sudden rise in Minho’s tone and then see him instinctively scooting away in response, an attempt to give you space in case you’re uncomfortable. “Do you remember Park Joon? The guy I’ve told you before who’s been hitting on me and some of my teammates since he got in the team?” You start off after and you see your roommate following you along again, this time propping an elbow up on the table and nodding along. You also see him open his mouth to speak before closing it again, gesturing for you to continue. “Coach picked him to be Seungkwan’s replacement for the stunts and we practiced our choreography for exhibition today after team practice.
“It was fine, at first, he adjusted quickly to filling in for Seungkwan and all—until in one of our final stunts, he started groping me inappropriately that my other teammates had to stop immediately once they noticed and told our coach about it.”  
"What?! What the fuck?!” Minho reacts with furrowed eyebrows and a scowl on his face. Sitting up properly now, he then worriedly asks, “W-What did—what did Coach Im do?” 
You sigh, lifting up your head up after as you tiredly prop your own elbow up to mirror him. “Coach was furious that she immediately had him kicked out of practice without even hearing his side.“ You answer shakily, carding your fingers through your hair. “She also said that she’ll report him to admin after so we won’t be hearing about the guy until graduation...” 
In front of you, Minho releases a breath you didn’t even notice he’s been holding as you speak, cautiously moving his chair towards you again and patting your back comfortingly. “That’s...fuck, I’m sorry you had to go through that...I’m glad Coach Im kicked him out after. Fuck...” He mirrors your frown, albeit sadder than your frustrated one. “Are you—I mean, do you want me to get you something? Do you need anything? I—”
“I’m fine, Minho, just annoyed now that we have to adjust everything again.” You huff, your voice shaking just slightly that Minho almost misses it. 
“The choreography’s the least of your worries now, that fucking creep just harassed you.” Minho points out softly and cautiously, meeting your eyes before hesitantly stroking your hair. “I swear, if I was there, I would’ve—”
You shake your head immediately, cutting him off with what you could muster up as an assuring smile. “Seriously...it’s fine. I’m fine—still a bit shaken but I’m kind of comforted that he got kicked out for it and that Jeongin and the others stood up for me.” You add with more conviction now because of Minho’s words. “Please don’t do anything stupid about this for me. I’m so over it right now, trust me.”
“Really? You promise?” He asks you to which you nod back in response. “Well, if you say so but—do you need anything else right now or later? I can commute with you again if you want me to or something...”
You shake your head at his last offer. “No, no, that’s really too much of a hassle for you. It’s fine. To be honest, I just want to sleep and not think about it anymore right now.” You pout after, scooting your chair closer to the meal you’ve accidentally forgotten throughout this whole conversation. “Thank you for listening and worrying, though, Minho. I really appreciate it.” 
Your roommate opens his mouth again to retort but is suddenly interrupted by Dori brushing up against your legs and purring at you. “What’s that Dori?” Your roommate asks the cat in his usual pouting tone instead, lifting the cat up and placing it on his lap. Dori, however, only fixes his gaze on you and purrs again. “Hm? You want to go to Y/N and make them feel better? Okay, okay.”
He then carefully sets the cat on your lap, standing up after to affectionately stroke your hair again. “If that’s all then eat first before you wash up and go to bed.” He then returns to his original thought before going back to the other two cats. “And do tell me if you need anything, okay?” 
“I will.” You muster up another smile to which Minho returns with a smile of his own. “Thanks again, Minho.” 
He only hums, briefly leaning forward as if to encase you in a hug before hesitating last minute and turning his attention back to his cats. “Eat your food.” 
The next day, Minho surprises you by waking up earlier and following you all the way to the bus stop with his own gym bag and backpack. 
“It’s Friday.” You point out as your bus approaches. 
He nods nonchalantly, turning to you with a smile. “Yeah, I can tell. The cafe across the street’s selling mint frappe until 10 AM.”
“No, I mean,” You shake your head. “isn’t your first class at 2 PM today?”
“Yeah?” He answers in a tone that pretends to be oblivious of where you’re taking this conversation.
“Then why are you all dressed up with your things?” At this the bus approaches, opening right in front of you and Minho. Before you could even step in the public vehicle, Minho beats you to it and takes your hand in his, pulling you along. 
“I’m meeting up with Jisung to study.” He answers belatedly to you as he swipes his bus card, stepping aside after for you to follow. 
“Bullshit.” You mumble under your breath, mirroring his actions anyway and following him to the seats right behind the driver as the bus roars back to life. “You’re in different programs, Minho.”
“You could just say ‘thank you’ and get it over with“ He teases, nudging your shoulder with his before smoothly slinging an arm over you. “And I really am meeting up with Jisung today, just after his 10 AM. He’s taking a science elective this semester and he needs help with it.”
You tilt your head towards him, seeing his anticipating expression. With an amused chuckle, you give him a side hug instead, burying your face in the material of his black hoodie and catching him off-guard. “Thank you.” 
He hugs you back with a laugh. 
“I know what will make you feel better!” Your roommate announces as he barges in your room unannounced the following Saturday afternoon, plopping down at the foot of your bed as you work on your term papers on the other side. “Well, at least, Chan does since he was technically the one who suggested it.”
“I feel fine, though? What are you talking about?” You raise an eyebrow at him, stealing glances over to him as you continue working.
Minho comically rolls closer to you, propping an elbow up on the mattress to stop and showing you his phone displaying his chat history with Chan. “Are you sure? Like well enough that you won’t even be bothered that Chan got us tickets to see the Hyunjin’s final game next Sunday?” He wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, snickering when your eyes widen. 
Immediately, your fingers stop typing away on your keyboard and you look up at him in purse shock. “What?!” You exclaim in disbelief, leaning closer to his phone screen and squinting your eyes at the chain of messages exchanged between your two friends. “Seriously? Didn’t this game get sold out weeks ago?”
“Yeah but, you know, Chan has his socializing ways.” Your roommate shrugs, taking his phone back to his side to clasp his hands together. “So? What do we think?”
“Um, yeah, of course, let’s go!” You answer matter-of-factly, taking his phone and typing in your reply for emphasis. “I mean, you are taking me, right? This isn’t a joke?”
“Only if I can take the other ticket.” He winks, lifting his upper body higher from the mattress to rest his chin on top of your laptop screen. “So, yes?” 
You nod enthusiastically with a giggle, making Minho jump up into a sit in joy. 
“Clear your schedule for next Sunday, Y/N! We’re watching the finals!” 
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week 3 of 4
Coach Im distributes your finished costumes on your first practice of the week after her final reminders and announcements and you make sure to contain your excitement as best as you can on your commute home until after you’ve finished dinner in order to open it with an equally excited Minho. 
Eagerly, your roommate now peers over your shoulder on the sofa after having hurriedly washed the dishes, holding Dori up to his chest as he does so.
“See? It’s so pretty!” You exclaim once you’ve taken everything out of the plastic wrapping, holding up your black fitted cropped top, lined with a complex geometric pattern in colors inspired by the pride flag, for your roommate and all of his three cats to see. “It came out really well!”
Minho nods in approval at the black spandex while Dori unconsciously mirrors him when you turn to the two. “The printing didn’t fuck up Naeun’s design on the first print for once.” He muses, making you chuckle. “It looks cool.” 
“They took it to a different printing shop this time.” You clarify, laying down the top right next to a sleeping Doongie on the nearby coffee table before taking out the bottoms. “This material’s really nice, too. I tried it on with everyone a while back and the stretch is really nice.”
“I take that as I’ll see this costume being used in the gym after, then?” Minho jokes, earning him a jab on the elbow when he puts Dori down after. “What? So, pajamas?”
“You didn’t have to call me out like that!” You protest, leaning back on the couch and placing a passing Soonie on your lap. “I really like this costume.”
“Because you say that with all of your costumes!” Minho retorts, hovering Dori over your costume when the cat starts purring and tilting its head towards it.
“I happen to love everything my friends design.” You correct, chuckling at Dori who’s now escaped Minho’s grasp to sniff and snuggle into your clothes. “Now, when is that black and red vest coming in again?”
“It came today too but I won’t show it to you.” Your roommate sticks his tongue out at you, earning him a string of protests from you. “You’ll just have to see on compet day!” 
“What? No! Unfair!” You pout. 
“You’ll just have to see next week!” He insists anyway, laughing at your furrowed eyebrows and scowl. “I don’t want you getting too distracted with me when you should be focusing on memorizing your choreography, you scatterbrain.” 
“Ya! Ugh, you’re so full of yourself!” 
You find his vest in the laundry the following day, anyways, when you needed to retrieve one of your shirts from your laundry area. You make sure to tease him about it with a photo of you holding up his vest after and sending it to him through private chat. 
“Ah, so mean!” He replies. 
“Let’s go Hwang Hyunjin, kick some ass!” You yell as loud as you can in your seat amidst all the cheers for your friend echoing around the arena. Next to you, Minho laughs through his drink at your enthusiasm, your initial awkwardness at sitting on his university’s side of the audience for this volleyball game clearly gone now as you wildly wave your green balloon. “Wooh, go Hyunjin!” 
“God, what would our friends from your uni say when they see you cheering for our team?” He chuckles once you’ve calmed down, adjusting your white hat as you settle back comfortably in your seat once again. 
You roll your eyes at him, picking your Cola up from your respective cup holder and taking a sip. “Shut up, it’s not like I’m alone here.” You retort after, pointing at Changbin who’s with Jisung at the other end of the row. “Even Yeji’s somewhere in the crowd, too, supporting her cousin.” 
“Still, it’s not everyday you’re on this side.” He argues back, scrunching up his face again when you get momentarily distracted by Hyunjin scoring another point for his team. “Ah, you’re so hyped today! How come you never cheer like this for me?” 
“Because we’re in the same sport, Minho.” You laugh this time, catching his fake pout from the corner of your eye. “Besides, I cheer for you, too, just in a different way—woah, did you see that?! Woah, as expected of Choi Bomin!”   
Minho couldn’t say anything else to you after as you easily become occupied by the heated game again, cheering mostly for Hyunjin and occasionally Sanha who’s on the opposing team. He patiently waits for you to turn your attention back to him anyway, which only takes 3 points on his university and 4 points on Sanha’s. “Why? So, I can’t ask you to wear my school’s shirt and things like that if ever?” He asks cheekily once he’s gotten your attention again. 
You scoff against the heat rising up your neck. “W-What? Why? Are you giving them to me as pajamas?” 
He shakes his head, chuckling. “No, I mean, while on compet.” He clarifies before gesturing over to his shirt you borrowed from him today with another pout. “It’s just that you borrowed my shirt to cheer on Hyunjin today. Can’t you do that next week for me too?” 
You glance back at him incredulously, making him chuckle nervously. “If I want Jeongin to chop my head off and Seungmin to call me a traitor until awarding, then I might.” You scoff playfully, deepening his pout and puppy eyes. “Don’t pull that look on me! Where is this even coming from all of a sudden?” 
“I just thought about it.” He shrugs, warming your face even more. “Can’t you really do it? I’ll even wear your shirt if I have to.”
“Ah, just say you think I look cute in your shirt and go.” You roll your eyes jokingly, your seemingly nonchalant disposition slowly crumbling down in front of him anyway. “Minho, your secret crush on me is kind of showing, you might have to watch out for yourself on that, ha.” 
“So? What about it?” He mumbles under his breath, catching you off-guard without him meaning to. 
“What?” Your eyes widen curiously. 
“What?” He repeats, mirroring your expression in feigned innocence before his eyes slowly flit back to the game. “Oh hey, we scored again!” 
“Lee Minho!” 
“What?!” He chuckles, avoiding your gaze now as you suddenly switch roles with him cheering loudly for his university. “Go Hwang Hyunjin!” 
One of your university shirts doesn’t come back to you from the laundry after that. 
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week 4 of 4 
On the Saturday night before the competition, you skip your traditional sleepaway camp and senior send-off with your team to have a sleepover in your apartment living room with your roommate, setting up sleeping bags on the floor next to Soonie, Doongie, and Dori’s beds and queueing up old competition videos on your television. Minho, on the other hand, re-heats all of the remaining leftovers in your refrigerator and buys extra side dishes and drinks from the convenience store on the first floor of your building for dinner. 
“What should we watch first?” You ask once you’ve finished eating and washing the dishes, the TV’s remote on your right hand while the other massages Dori’s head as the grey cat circles your feet. “Hm, Dori? What video do you want to dance to first?” 
Minho then re-emerges from the kitchen, stretching his limbs as he approaches you before snatching the remote and answering for Dori, “I have just the video in mind!” 
“Ya!” You glare at him, reaching up to retrieve the remote again but, as he always does, Minho immediately raises the device above his head as he scrolls down the folder of videos on the TV. “If you’re thinking about that vid, I’m going to—“
But Minho only laughs at you, quickly scrolling down the videos anyway against your attempts of stopping him until he finds your very first cheer dance routine at the bottom of the folder. “Here, found it!” He chuckles in victory after a struggle, throwing the remote on the side and pulling you close to the first part of the paired dance that serves as the choreography’s intro. “Let’s dance!”
“Nooo!” You protest, turning your eyes away from the screen as you see yourself in your Freshman year, dancing to a Jungle-themed routine, while Minho only cackles in your misery, following the steps precisely as he spins and twirls you on time before letting go.
“No, you have to do it with me!” He insists as the choreography now forces him to part with you, his gaze alternating between you and the screen. “Come on, Y/N!”
You groan under his anticipating gaze, following him and the video along after a pause in utter defeat.
“Why are you so embarrassed about this routine? You looked cute here!” He points out as you now do the group jumps, easily finding you in the video since you’re often at the center. “Besides the teased hair and the amount of black eyeshadow on your make-up, of cour—“
“I tripped the most on this routine!” You remind him just as you do trip on the way to being lifted in the video. “See?”
“You were a 1st year then, that’s totally understandable.” He dismisses anyway with a wave of his hand, the two of you stopping to watch the first sequence of lifts. “You remember when I almost fucked up my solo on the same compet because I couldn’t remember the steps towards the end?”
“Yeah but you improvised—“
“And Coach Kim made sure to have me sit out the Nationals after.” Minho rolls his eyes. The two of you then go back to dancing, laughing along to the steps you find silly and scaring your three cats by pretending to lift your hands up as if preparing to do tumbles. “Point is, we’re much better cheer dancers now than before! Look, this routine’s even easier to follow now than when you were practicing this with me 4 years ago.”
“If you put it that way, then, I guess...” You muse out loud until another thought crosses your mind. “We should play that video of yours next, then! That was the exhibition, right?”
“Fine, fine.” He sighs teasingly. “but first let’s finish this! Ah, 6 minutes is so long when it’s so focused so much on dancing!”
You then spend the rest of the night dancing to your shared old competition videos until you eventually felt sleepy (and the old couple living right under your unit started banging on the floor, their ceiling, with an umbrella).
“Kids, whatever canoodling it is you’re doing, you need to stop, it’s 2 AM!” Mr. Lee yells from his window right below yours as you and Minho fall on your sleeping bags tiredly, making the two of you laugh.
“Who even uses the word ‘canoodling’ these days?” You scoff in between uncontrollable fits of giggles, rolling over to your stomach and lazily crawling over to your pillow. “And they think we’re doing something weird again! Mr. and Mrs. Lee are sweet and all but sometimes, their minds...”
Next to you, Minho clutches his stomach as he laughs. “Why?” He smirks playfully, sitting up and scooting over to his own sleeping bag. “They’re just being old people. Does it bother you that much? Do you actually want to do something weird with me?”
You scrunch your nose in disgust up at him hovering over you, pushing him away when he tries tickling your sides. “Ew, Minho! No, get away from me!”
A few hours later, you ended up having to deal with Minho sprawled all over your sleeping area and refusing to wake up at exactly 9 AM to prepare and head out of the apartment.
“Minho.” You call his name firmly, poking his arm draped over your waist. “Come on, you big baby, or the cats are gonna eat you for breakfast.”
“Nooo, 5 more minutes.” He whines tiredly, unconsciously snuggling up to your neck when Doongie and Soonie pass by his face, slapping their tails across his cheeks. “I’m so tired from last night.”
“I told you not to put on that video of yours from last season.” You scold, finally managing to lift his hand and kick his leg away from you. “Whatever, I’m feeding the cats. You get up and cook breakfast, okay?”
“In a bit.” He waves you off, rolling over to his stomach and grabbing the nearest cat, in his case Doongie.
Minho was right in that he really works his team’s outfit even when he’s not fully fond of it, you realize six hours later when you meet again at the competition’s venue and see him for the first time in his full gold top, black slacks, and shoes. He winks at you from across the room as you untie the knots of your purple, red, and yellow pom poms, gesturing to his outfit after and mouthing, “Like it?”
You wordlessly flash him a thumbs up in approval before showing him his shirt you’re wearing over your costume as he made you promise over breakfast, making him giggle over the hand fan he holds up to his face before focusing back on his conversation with Chan who’s filming an interview with him and the other captains of the participating teams as a courtside reporter.
Seungmin, preparing for his own pre-competition interview on the side, then takes the latter as his cue to sit next to you on the benches. “Minho scares me.”
“Minho always scares you.” You chuckle, elbowing his side and sparing him a quick glance before going back to your work. “What did you do this time, Minnie? Hit him with your cue cards?”  
But your team’s persistent courtside reporter only shakes his head from the corner of your eye, glancing up ahead of you once again before repeating, “No, seriously, he was glaring at Eunwoo a while ago when you were talking to him and now he’s all smiley and winking at you now that you’re alone. It kind of scares me and I’m not the one being looked at.”
You whip your head over to the same direction, easily spotting Minho again whose eyes immediately soften up at your gaze gaze before smirking and winking again at you. Turning back to Seungmin after, you shrug and say, “He looks fine to me. He‘s always greasy in public by default.”
The younger boy only sighs in defeat, rubbing his temples as he replies, “I don’t know what’s going on in your home life but I’m saying this as a concerned friend and bystander: get a room.” 
“Do everyone a favor, it’s getting annoying.” He points out, quickly glancing behind you once again before shuddering at Minho’s glare that’s now directed to the other boy he just mentioned. “And we all seriously feel bad for Eunwoo; guy was just asking you for eyeliner.”
“We’re not dating, Minnie, oh my God!” You smack his arm in disbelief, taking a quick scan around the room after to make sure that no one heard your blabbermouth of a friend. Lowering your voice, you then add, “But did he really? Glare at Eunwoo, I mean?”
“Plotted five different murder scenarios and everything.” Seungmin affirms. “Felix and Chan were texting me from across the room while it was all happening and they both said they could see smoke come out of Minho’s ears. Even Yeji was scared and she was just passing by to see Chaeryeong.”
“You guys are delusional.”
“We are tired of this dumb sexual tension.” He defends, gesturing to himself then to Chan and Hyunjin from afar then to Minho and, finally, to your shirt with Minho’s university logo on the print. “Anyway, I also heard from some of the other reporters that he made Jisung and Hyunjin hold something for him today when their team came in. What if it’s for you?”
You raise an eyebrow, shaking your head. “No? He didn’t bring anything weird to the bus stop this morning and I’m pretty sure he went straight to his uni after dropping me off at my stop.” You point out before exhaling another sigh and patting the younger boy’s shoulder. “You know what I think? I think looking after your significant other is taking a toll on you. Are you sure you don’t need anything? A break from courtside reporting maybe?”
Seungmin groans. “Ah, whatever. You two figure this out before someone actually gets an idea to shove you two into an actual room—especially Jisung and Hyunjin!” He concludes before noticing the sudden commotion to your left, eyes widening at realizing that the reporters are being called for their opening spiels now. “Oops, I gotta go, crowd check!”
“You better, you’re starting to talk weird!” You smack his elbow playfully, standing up when he does and bidding him goodbye. “Hype up our crowd and break a leg out there!”
“And you do well on the floor later!” He smiles back, waving goodbye at you before joining Chan and the other reporters to the exit leading to the main floor. “Don’t forget to drink water!”
“Will do, capt.!” And with that, Seungmin runs off to open the program, the empty space next to you quickly getting occupied by Minho after who points at your shirt cheekily.
“You look cute in my shirt.” He comments, adjusting the hat he wears similar to Michael Jackson’s. Fortunately, the lighting backstage is not as bright as the floor’s that his top only glimmers slightly in front of you as he moves.
“You just saw me wear this last Sunday.” You deadpan against another wave of heat rising up to your cheeks, your hands fiddling unconsciously with the hem of your shirt. “It was getting cold just wearing my costume.”
“What did Jeongin and Seungmin say?” He asks, gesturing his head over to the exit where Seungmin just passed through a while back.
“Jeongin just laughed and Seungmin said—ah, nevermind.” You shake your head towards the end, piquing Minho’s interest even further anyway.
“What? What?”
“Nothing! It was nothing.” You bluff with another shake of your head, pushing Minho away with your pom poms when he teases you by leaning his face closer to yours. “Anyway, when will you perform?”
“We’re coming out third for the team and I think our exhibition members are performing fourth. You?”
“First, actually—for the team, I mean.” You frown. “Then we’re last for exhibition.”
“We can watch each other then! I’ll cheer for you from the front seats, the boys have front row seats out there near your uni’s bleachers.”
“Don’t you need to stay back here and, I don’t know, do captain stuff?” You ask next.
“And miss out on your performance? No way! The kids can take care of themselves for 6 minutes.” He shrugs with a dismissive hand. “Why? Don’t you want me to cheer you on? I brought your shirt with me.”
“So you took my shirt!”
“You couldn’t possibly think the neighbors would.” He rolls his eyes playfully, slinging an arm over your shoulder and directing the two of you to the exit along with the others for the opening rites. “So will you come out and watch me too?”
“It’s not like I have another choice. I’m already wearing your shirt to a compet.” You reiterate, making him smile. “As long as you don’t take unflattering photos of me again.”
“Nope, I’ve learned my lesson already.” He grins mischievously, making you smack his arm. “I already have Hyunjin on that job—maybe Changbin too, he brought a tripod and everything to film today.”
“I’m kicking you out of the house when we get home.”
“Ooh, I’m so scared!”
“Shut up.”
Minho cheers you on during your performance, anyway, holding red and green balloons and your shirt, as if a banner, next to Changbin, Jisung, and Hyunjin who all hold different colors of balloons and even more diverse slogans flashing on their phones as well. “Go Y/N!” He yells whenever you have to perform a stunt or dance at the center, jumping up and down his seat and receiving confused looks from the people in their bleachers who aren’t familiar with the two of you.
“Minho’s cheering for you again.” Jeongin snickers quickly as he catches you from a lift, making you discreetly pinch his arm under you.
“Don’t even—“ You sigh, hopping off of your teammates and proceeding to the next formation.
Still, Jeongin bothers you anyway as you perform a series of jumps before kneeling down on the mats. “I just wanted to say it’s cute but pretend that didn’t come from me.” He mumbles against the loud music next to you. “Will you come out and cheer him on too?”
“You already know I will.” You sigh, clasping your hands together once it’s time to stand up again. “Will you come too?”
“I’m sitting with Chan and Seungmin!” He says before parting ways with you. “Sit with us!”
And you do, wearing Minho’s shirt again over your costume once it’s his team’s turn to perform while you hold a black and gold balloon that Chan teaches you quickly how to wave around in the way their university does in every performance. “Go Minho!” You all cheer at the same time from the courtside reporters’ area, making the said pep squad captain turn to your direction as he waits for his cue from behind a prop coffin akin to Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
Minho waves at you shyly in response, prompting the other boys to tease you for the duration of the his solo.
“Get a room!”
The cheer dance program lasts for almost 2 hours with the team routine, the exhibition from select members where you participated (and received too much yells from your friends on different sides of the arena), and the awarding where you end up placing 1st runner-up on the team and 1st place on the exhibition while Minho snatches the Champion title for his team among all of the awards they were giving out.
By 8 PM when the program officially ends, your body is already sore from performing twice but you come out to the mats once again, anyway, to take photos with your friends.
“Okay, everyone, say cheese!” Naeun exclaims, pressing the timer on her camera before joining your group, easily climbing up your friend group’s improvised pyramid.
“Cheese!” The camera snaps photos of you and all of your friends from different universities involved in the cheer dance in quick succession, Minho teasing you from below halfway and pretending to drop your foot in his hands.
“There! I think we got it.” Seungmin points out once the camera’s snapping noise stops, standing up from kneeling in front with Chan, Yeeun, and Chaeryeong to check. “Alright, it’s good! Season 103 is done! Finally!”
Your group erupts in cheers as you and the other fliers are carefully caught back and helped back down on the mats while the courtside reporters do a group hug and snap more photos, this time on Yeeun’s phone where they started doing poses resembling their university mascots. You fall smoothly on Minho and Jeongin’s arms, hopping off easily and thanking Jeongin.
“What about me? Hm?” Minho pouts once Jeongin’s dragged away by Felix and Chenle to take more photos, carding his fingers through your bright red hair. “You could at least say thank you.”
You look up at him and snicker, elbowing his side. “Thank you, Minhooo. Happy?”
“Better.” He smirks before twisting his upper body halfway to turn behind you. When you follow his action with your gaze, your then see Changbin and Hyunjin jogging over to you with your trophies and a large bouquet of sunflowers and roses. “I got you something by the way—well, Changbin and Hyunjin bought then I paid them or else they’ll get tissues in their mouths again.”
“Wha—?” You eye the flowers as they approach in pure shock, your eyes widening even more when Changbin and Hyunjin only send you knowing smiles and winks before running away, cheering Minho on as they escape to your other friends. “W-What? W-Why this all of a sudden?”
Minho chuckles at your reaction, passing you your trophy from the exhibition category while he holds his from the team category with the bouquet in one hand. “I just thought that...it’s the end of the season—our last season so what if I—what if I finally asked you out properly?” He explains, growing more sheepish as he explains further while he then transfers the bouquet in his free hand and thrusts the fragile gift towards you. “Felix and Jeongin suggested that I make it more grander with an after-compet performance or something but I know that’s not your type so I got you flowers instead since I know you’ll win something either way.”
“O-Oh.” You muse in your speechlessness, catching a glance of your mutual friends now crowding together from a distance and holding up their phones to record Minho’s confession. Around you, even a few passersby have also momentarily stopped to look, equally as surprised knowing your infamous relationship with your somewhat rival in these competitions. “Y-You’re—you’re asking me out.”
“That’s the plan.” He shrugs with another laugh, grinning even wider when you slowly take the flowers in your own hands to smell the flowers. “If not, then we can totally just pretend I bought you the flowers as congratulations for winning the exhibition catego—hey, woah!”
You shake your head with a smile, having already gathered your thoughts, and pull him into a hug with your free hand, effectively cutting him off and making everyone around you cheer. “Of course, I’d go out with you, dumbass.” You answer his unspoken question, making him smile over your shoulder and hug you back tightly. “Anyway, I’m too lazy to kick you out of the apartment.”
“I’m just kidding!” You then pull away slightly after, tiptoeing up to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for the flowers—and also maybe for assuming that I’m going to win something.”
“You always win something, anyway—even if it’s not always the team category because you can never beat me to that in this competition.” He teases, earning him another smack on the arm. “You did win my heart.”
“Ugh, Minho, gross!” You scrunch up your nose, feigning disgust and making him laugh as he dips down to kiss you. “Please never say that in front of my face ever again, we still have Nationals at the end of the semester!”
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folkloreguk · 4 years
Colvers Castle (M)
A/N: This one’s for the bisexual horror-obsessed girls (me)!!! Jk anyone can read this, but I had the best time EVER writing this sdfgh also I was gonna post this around Halloween but I couldn’t wait any longer so here you go!!
genre: mystery / creepy? / smut (optional bias (male) x reader (female))
warnings: a little gore (describing (fake) wounds and costumes), unprotected sex, the reader might be a little risky, mentions of murder / suicide
summary: Two girls go to a Halloween party held at an old castle. What kind of creatures will they encounter, and will they ever be the same afterward?
words: ~5.6 k
“Oh my god!! You look so good!” you whisper-yelled towards your friend who was already sitting on the bench at the bus stop. Her blood red dress sparkled and although her red knee-high boots couldn’t have been too comfortable, they sure made her look incredible. On her head sat a pair of light-up horns and silver chains and chokers adorned her neck. She grinned widely upon laying eyes on you. At first, you had planned on wearing the same outfits, but then you had opted for dressing as polar opposites. Where her horns sat, a fluffy halo seemingly floated above your head. Your dress had a similar cut, but was a simple white, satin material and your necklace had a subtle golden heart pendant just between your collar bones.  
“Where’s your trident?” you asked, taking a seat next to her.
“I figured it’s not too safe to dance with an item that could potentially poke out someone’s eye,” she said. “So I left it at home.”
“Fair enough,” you agreed, laughing. “Are you excited?”
“I’ve been freaking out since I got up this morning,” she said, waving her hands in the air dramatically. “A real castle? This has to be fun!”
The two of you were headed to the hottest Halloween party in your city. Usually, you weren’t the biggest fan of parties. But combined with dressing up and going to an old castle outside of the city, this party sounded like it was going to be the best night of the year.
“Finally, the bus is here,” you pointed out. When you stood in line to get on, you noticed how you and your friend weren’t going to be the only party-goers on the vehicle. But then again, there weren’t many bus lines that would bring you to the castle. You spotted a Michael Jackson boarding the bus a few people away from you, followed by a fake-blood-drenched clown. The sight only amped up your enthusiasm. Costumes had always been one of your favorite parts about Halloween. And judging by the scale of the party, you were going to have a lot to observe today. You squeezed past Dracula onto the seat next to your friend and off you went.
The ride to the castle took a while. You had to first ride through almost your whole city and then take a rather abandoned road through the countryside to the site of the party. But you got busy catching up with your friend who you hadn’t seen in a while and time passed quickly. You were in the middle of discussing which was the scariest film you had ever watched, when your eyes locked on a bright light in the otherwise dark scenery outside.
“We’re almost there!” you exclaimed, diverting your friend’s attention to the castle. You had been going through a forest, so when you suddenly exited the tree maze, the bright lit up stone walls of the castle came as an extra-pleasant surprise to you. Only a few minutes later, the voice on the bus announced the stop ‘Colvers Castle’ and soon you pulled up in front of it.
Weakly, you could remember visiting the castle with your school class when you had been a lot younger. You might had grown up since then, but nonetheless the cold, inured stone walls still impressed you. Hadn’t it been for the violet lights shining onto the side of the ancient building, the gaping gate in the battlement would have looked less than uninviting to you. Your friend squeezed your arm in happiness while you approached the entry. From somewhere, music was carried through the air and made you smile.
“Are we allowed to enter all of the castle?” you asked.
“No way! The well-preserved part and the museum will be closed off, I’m pretty sure the party is mainly focused on the inner courtyard,” your friend explained. “They wouldn’t let rowdy teenagers and drunk crazies riot inside such a precious castle.”
Just as she had finished her sentence, your eyes followed the stones in the walls up to where the purple light couldn’t reach. The turrets rose high, and the night was pitch dark. But you could have almost sworn there was a small light coming from the tiny window at the top of one of the turrets. Maybe some party guests had run off after all? There. This time there was no doubt in your mind. There was a man’s expressionless face in a window, looking out at the arriving guests.
“Hey, look up there!” you tugged your friend’s arm. Her eyes followed your finger, but when you looked at where the face had been, it was gone.
“What’s up there?” she asked. Just for a moment, you searched the rows of windows. Maybe you had accidentally lost it. But no matter where your eyes went, all you saw was darkness inside the castle. You mumbled a ‘nevermind’ to your friend and quickly wiped the thought off your brain. This was a Halloween party, and you were ready for it. Along with the familiar faces from the bus ride, the massive gate swallowed you up into the courtyard of the castle.
It was obvious that the major action of the party was going on here. The all-too well known ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson was playing from the speakers and you grinned at the young man dressed as the famous singer, who you had already seen on the bus, for a moment.
Party guests were yelling in excitement and singing along, all whilst dancing in a sea of people right in front of you. The main grass area had been transformed into a dance floor. Immediately, your friend pulled you along and into the crowd. In the blink of an eye, the buzz and energy from everyone around you sprung onto you as well, and before you knew it you were moving along to the music. Whoever had managed to throw this event really had an eye for choosing a great venue. Usually, there was something magical and peaceful about the castle. Tonight, however, dunked in red and purple lights and occupied by hundreds of young souls, it made for the perfect backdrop of a legendary Halloween party.
“Welcome to everyone who just got off the bus to join us!” a voice shouted through the speakers, just before the next song started. Your eyes scanned your surroundings. Quickly you had spotted the DJ stand, where a young woman and a man were providing the guests with music. They were wearing matching zombie makeup and outfits and the crowd cheered at their words, an infectious excitement that caught on to you right away.
Time moved differently on a dance floor. Bodies pushed against you, always keeping you moving along. The beat of the music seeped through your skin and into your muscles, almost as if it was your new energy source. It was hard for you to remember how many songs had played since you had arrived. Had it been fifteen minutes or an hour? You could barely hear over the volume intensity, but then again, you didn’t need to. There was no need to talk to your friend right now, who was moving to the rhythm with her hands in the air, grinning at you.
That’s when a figure in a pirate costume pushed themselves between you and her, apparently having taken a liking in your devil-friend. Lazily, she put her arms on the pirate’s shoulders, inviting him to dance with her. You weren’t upset, though. All you wanted was to have fun, and you wished her the same. A girl in a witch costume replaced your friend, and although you had never met her before, there was something about dancing together that made you feel closer to her than you felt to some people you saw every other day. Her hands were on your waist and you shared a moment with your faces close to each other. It was harmless flirting through gazes without either making another move, drawing a smile on your face.
But as soon as she had appeared, she was moving on to the next person. She granted you another toothy smile, like she didn’t have a care in the world, before turning to a vampire girl. You scanned your immediate proximity to check if your friend was anywhere in sight. When you spun around, you spotted the red fabric her dress was similar to, so you squeezed through a few people to get to her. But as you tapped her shoulder and she turned her head it wasn’t your friend. This girl had fake blood smeared across her cheek and looked nowhere like a devil.
Thinking you might have better luck with observing the crowd from an outward perspective, you wriggled yourself through bodies until you reached the edge of the dance area. To your left was a sign saying ‘game zone’. Intrigued, you entertained yourself for a minute by watching a boy dunk his head under water whilst bobbing for apples in a barrel. As soon as you would find your friend, you were planning on convincing her to take a shot at some games. But for now, you needed something to drink. Although you were outside, your cheeks still felt warm and your throat was a little dry from the cheering.
So you opted to walk the other way, pursuing the direction of the ‘bar’ sign. As soon as you had located a free seat, you strutted towards the chair. The bartenders were all wearing superheroes’ costumes and you admired the decorations, ranging from pumpkin heads and little ghosts to spider webs, they had put up.
“Can I get you anything?” cat woman asked you. She gave you a grin as she remembered your face. She had once gone to the same school as you. You quickly ordered before spinning around to get a good look at the dancing crowd. The bar was up on a slight hill, so you were seated at a higher level than the dancers. But the darkness made it challenging for you to accurately spot faces and combined with the way everyone was moving, you quickly gave up on your plan of finding your friend this way. Maybe if you waited a while, she would show up by the bar herself.
“Here’s your drink,” you heard a voice from behind you. When you turned your head, the bartender was placing a glass in front of the young woman next to you. She was dressed like a princess, but her face looked nothing like a fancy noble woman. Her eyes were blood shot and two single lines of blood ran down her white-powdered cheeks.
“I believe this is yours,” she said, sliding the drink over to you. “I didn’t order anything.”
“Thank you,” you said, checking the liquid. She was right. The bartender must have gotten you mixed up. “I like your hair, it’s beautifully done.”
She smiled at your compliment. Then she pushed your glass a little closer towards you and bent over to your ear. “Be careful of your drink. Men like to take advantage of women.”
“I won’t let it out of my sight, don’t worry,” you thanked her whilst smiling. Her expression had been dead serious, almost making you feel uneasy. But when she saw the way you smiled, her features softened. Her mouth that had tiny red lips drawn onto them curled into a beautiful, but kind of sad smile.
As you both turned to yourselves again, you decided to appreciate your favorite part about Halloween – the costumes – for a while. The classics were present: Vampires, killer clowns, zombies and the latest horror movie villains. A wildly dancing group of teenagers all disguised in robes from the Hogwarts -houses made you chuckle. And as always, there was a fair share of people who were wearing undefinable costumes that mainly consisted of random fake wounds or fake blood on their faces and clothing but didn’t impress you all that much. And lastly, there were the lazy ones, who settled for hiding their face behind a cheap mask, so they at least appeared to have made an effort.
For a moment, you dug for your phone and checked if your friend might have texted you. But there were no notifications. You quickly typed a text “where are u?” and let your phone disappear in your small bag. Whilst waiting if she would reply, you decided to take a trip to the toilets. As you walked there, you made more costume observations. To your left, next to the bar, a stone wall ran all the way around the courtyard. Party guests were using it as a seating accommodation, as it was a nice way to overlook the whole atmosphere. A realistic looking version of the nun from the Conjuring-movies sitting on the wall impressed you quite a bit. Next to her, a couple was seated. You couldn’t quite figure out what their outfits were supposed to portray, but they surely weren’t modern day clothes. You admired the makeup they had put on their necks. It looked as if they had slashed throats.
After you had arrived at the bathrooms and finished your business, you checked your texts one more time – but still nothing came from it. You were sure she was simply having too much fun to check her phone. As you walked down the hallway to the exit back into the courtyard, you spotted a young man standing at the end of it. Behind him was a ‘no entry’ sign, that had been temporarily installed to keep party-goers out of the castle. The young man was wearing a white button up shirt and pants that made him look a little like a Disney prince – had it not been for the fake blood that soaked the fabric on his chest, which made him appear more like Dracula. He smiled at you shyly, before turning and walking further down the closed off hallway.
“I don’t think people are supposed to go there,” you spoke, glad that you didn’t need to raise your voice as much because the music was drowned out by the thick castle walls.
“No one’s here to stop me,” he said, before climbing over the fence. “Will you join me for some fun?”
You didn’t think you’d find your friend any time soon, and if she was going to run off with some random pirate stranger, maybe you should too? The vampire prince sure was handsome. Carefully, you walked closer to the fence.
“I’m sure those doors are locked,” you said, watching as he approached the door at the end of the hallway.
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” he smirked, and next thing you knew he was opening the door that said ‘staff only’ on it. “Care for a free castle tour?”
“How do I know you’re not a creep?” you asked.
“How do I know you’re not a creep?” he replied, laughing. “I’m just bored of having so many people around, alright? If you don’t come with me, I’ll go by myself.”
Your curiosity took over. And maybe he had a charm about him – a sly smirk, a few buttons on his shirt undone or maybe it was his voice that sounded like honey.
“Fine,” you hurried over the fence and squeezed yourself through the opening in the door after him. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“I plan on not letting you forget me,” he said. “But there’ll be no regrets.”
His words were vague, and there was a strange feeling about him, but you simply couldn’t put your finger on it. You looked around. The only light falling into the hallway came from the party outside. This part of the castle seemed to belong to the museum, but the further you followed him through the corridors, the rougher the stone walls seemed.
“You want to see a nice view?” he asked, and of course you did. So, you took the stairs up to a higher level. The rooms here had neither doors nor glass windows and generally didn’t seem to have been restored like the part of the castle that was open to the public.
“Are you real?” he asked.
Your brows furrowed. “Real?”
“A real angel?” he asked. He was walking ahead of you, so you couldn’t check his face for whether he was joking or waiting to attempt a silly pick up line.
“I’m a human being, just like you,” you said.
“You sure do look like an angel,” he said. The sincerity in his voice surprised you. This guy had a strange way of flirting, but you preferred it over the gross sexual remarks other men considered to be flirting.
“Thank you. And what are you tonight?” you asked. You took a look outside into the courtyard. The scene looked breathtaking from above, and this way you could appreciate the immortal beauty of the castle even better.
“I’m the ruler of this house,” he said, smiling. He was coming closer to you now, and you smirked.
“Oh, a prince?” you asked, returning his smile. “If an angel let someone touch her, I think it would have to be a prince.”
“You’re bold,” he said, but he was grinning. “Suddenly I’m glad they are hosting a damn party here on Halloween. So, would you let me touch you?”
“Please,” you said. His eyes were dark and suddenly filled with lust. When his lips first smashed against yours, they felt a little cold, but the moment your tongue swept over his bottom lip and he parted his mouth, his hot tongue met yours. You felt like he had set you on fire in the best way possible. It had been a while since someone had made you so horny in such a short time. Within seconds your hands were in his hair, tugging softly, and his hands wandered from your neck to the front of your dress. Your back arched against his touch eagerly as he squeezed your boobs through your bra.
You didn’t feel in the mood for long foreplay, and luckily it seemed he thought the same. He grabbed your ass, pushing you against him so you would feel his growing bulge. A moan slipped past your lips and you felt like covering your mouth.
“No one hears us here, don’t worry,” he said.
“Sorry, I’ve just never done it in such a…public setting,” you said. Although you doubted anyone else even knew they could enter the castle this easily. Hungrily, you kissed him again and pulled him towards you with such urge that you stumbled backwards a few steps. Your back touched the wall, sending shivers down your spine from the cold of the stone. Teasingly, he lifted the hem of your dress to the top of your thighs, his fingers playing with the suspenders of your garter.
“You like my lingerie?” you asked.
“Hmm…but I think I’ll like what’s underneath more,” he said, fingers ghosting over your center. Impulsively, your eyes closed at even such a tiny touch.
“Then please hurry up,” you urged him, and he chuckled. Swiftly, he pulled aside your underwear and slid one of his fingers between your soaking folds. You sucked in a breath and leaned your head against the wall behind you. On instinct, your hips moved against his hand for more friction. He added another finger, toying with your clit in rapid movements. How did your legs already feel like jelly? You held onto him for support while his free hand pulled you flush against him. When he pushed his digits past your entrance, you hummed in agreement. Expertly, he curled them inside of you, using his thumb on your clit.
“Am I supposed to find angels sexy?” he asked, gaining your attention.  
“Yes,” you replied. “And I hope they give you a boner because I want you to fuck me.”
At the same time, you ran your hands down his sides and to his hips to the visible tent in his pants. He grunted when you palmed him through the material and probably also at your words from a few seconds ago. Finally, he removed his hands from between your legs, but you weren’t upset because you knew there was more to come.
“If you turn around, you can have what you want,” he said. More than willingly, you did as he said. When you turned your head, you watched him unzip his pants just enough so he could pull down his underwear and expose his hard length. You placed your palms flat against the wall and arched your back a little. When he slowly pulled up your dress to rest the silky material around your waist, you whimpered in impatience. He knew what he was doing, and he loved hearing you as you quietly asked him to speed things up. You felt the sudden urge to press your legs together as he pulled down your underwear, just slightly so it stayed around your thighs and wouldn’t fall on the dirty ground.
He hissed a little when he let the tip of his cock run over your center, your wetness covering him. For a few seconds he teased you, drawing out more of your whines. But the teasing only made it feel more rewarding when he eventually entered you. He filled you up all the way, then slowly pulled out almost fully, only to pull your hips against him and quickly thrust into you again. With time, he picked up a steady pace, hips slapping against your ass with every movement. You rested your head against the wall, feeling the rough material against your cheek, but you couldn’t have minded less.
There was something so intimate about hearing someone moan. And it felt especially intimate when it was a person you had just encountered. You realized you hadn’t even bothered asking for his name, but you were confident you would never forget him and the way he felt inside of you. When you’d think back to this, you’d remember his fingers digging into your hips, pulling you against him with ever thrust, and the way your moans mixed with the noise of the party in the background. People were cheering and singing while a famous song was blasting through the speakers, but really all you heard were your own whimpers of pleasure.
The air was cool on your bare skin, giving you goosebumps. Simultaneously, you felt hot all over, every of his touches seemingly leaving a trace of fire wherever he laid his hands on you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head for a moment when you felt his fingers between your legs.
“I’m so close already,” you said, his new actions only adding to the sensation. He drew random shapes onto your center, clouding your mind with the need to just let go and let your orgasm wash over you. He groaned when you clenched around him, and from the way his thrusts quickened and seemed a lot less controlled, you could tell he was almost there too. His curse words and your moans went well together, and before you knew it you felt him twitch inside of you. His liquid spilled out of your core as he pulled out. He breathed heavily but didn’t stop his touching on your clit.
Your thighs trembled when he rubbed faster, pulling your body close to him. You could feel his breath on the side of your neck, only making you feel dizzier. It could have been the drink from earlier, but you were almost convinced it was him who was making you feel as if you were drunk. Your whimpers sounded longer and more dragged out now, and right before you came, they silenced completely. He didn’t stop while your body arched and shook because of his perfect fingers on you. Tightly, your eyes shut and you clenched your hands to fists. When you felt your knees become especially weak from sensitivity you softly tugged on his wrist, signaling him to stop.
Letting out a sigh of both happiness and exhaustion, you spun around. You blinked at him tiredly and smiled. Your head rested against the wall as you watched him pull his pants back up, so you did the same.
“You were amazing,” you said.
“So were you,” he replied, tilting his head a little when he grinned at you. Meanwhile, you picked your bag off the ground. Just as you did so, you felt a vibration coming from inside. Quickly, you checked your phone. “I’m waiting by the bar”, your friend had finally texted you.
“Do you want to come join me and my friend at the party? I lost her earlier so I should really go and see her now,” you asked the handsome stranger in front of you.
“Oh, no thanks. I’d rather stay here for a while longer,” he declined.
“Alright, whatever you like. Maybe I’ll see you again later?” you said.
“That would be nice,” he smirked. “Do you remember the way out?”
You hummed a yes and said your goodbyes to each other. The empty castle hallways were a lot creepier when you walked them by yourself. You imagined how it must have been back then, walking down this corridor. The light of a candle would have made your shadow dance menacingly on the unwelcoming, cold walls and the sound of your footsteps would have been heard even from far away. But the uneasy atmosphere only lasted until you had reached the familiar door. When you opened it, reality engulfed you again.
Your walk to the bar was hasty, since you hadn’t replied to your friend and you didn’t want her to think you wouldn’t show up. The party was just as energetic as before. You even had the feeling that more people had showed up since you left it a while ago. When you neared the seats, you spotted your friend instantly, this time being sure you weren’t mistaken.
“Where were you?” you asked, slinging your arm around her shoulder and grinning from cheek to cheek.
“I could ask you the same,” she replied, giving you a sly look. “Look at you. Your hair and lipstick’s all messed up.”
You chuckled as she ruffled your hair and put your halo back in place.
“Okay, I’ll go first. I met this guy,” you said. She raised her eyebrows as if she was surprised, but you knew she wasn’t. “We might have sneaked off into the castle.”
“Shut up, no you didn’t!” she almost yelled over the music. “I want every detail tomorrow.”
“Alright, granted. What about you?” you asked. “Was the pirate a good kisser?”
She only laughed and nodded her head yes.
“I saw they had a game area over there,” she pointed out.
“Let’s go, and then you can tell me more about that guy,” you said, pulling her along with you. Happily, you sang along to the song that was playing. You couldn’t wait for the rest of the night. Although neither of you tried your luck in apple bobbing, your precious makeup having been too much work to destroy it this way, you found a bunch of other games to participate in. You made temporary friends with a bunch of drunk girls who were all trying to win the main prize in a game but were simply too intoxicated to knock down some cans with balls. So you and your friend helped them out, to which they seemed to have crowned you their new group members. You danced some more, and time passed way too fast for your liking.
By the time you stepped back onto the bus that would bring you home, it was hard for you to say goodbye to the castle. So, this was Halloween for another year. The party mood hadn’t died down, even on the bus ride home, because it was filled with guests. When you watched the castle become smaller, you noticed the heavy fog that seemed to have appeared from nowhere all of a sudden. It engulfed the ancient building into a cloud of white smoke, the further the bus distanced itself from it. As you entered the woods, the only thing left to be visible were the eerie purple lights shining through the fog.
Tiredness came over you when you finally stepped off the bus at your stop. It was a short walk home and you promised to call your friend first thing in the morning before you said your goodbyes. You could already spot your home when you thought back to the stranger from the castle. He had called himself the ruler of the house. His handsome features and smile were livid in your head, even when you silently entered your room and took off your shoes. As you changed into your sleepwear and got ready for bed, you noticed the forming bruises on your hips, but they only made you grin to yourself.
Yawning, you fell into bed, but not before checking if your friend had texted you. Got home safely, goodnight x, she had sent. You quickly replied to let her know you were at home as well and went to switch off your phone. But then curiosity suddenly came over you. With rapid clicks, you searched for the castle’s museum’s website on the internet. Maybe you could find out who had really lived there, hundreds of years ago.
You clicked the ‘history’ button and began to scan the texts, even though your eyelids felt heavier with each second.
King Walter III and Queen Alice ruled the castle. Their two sons Hugh and Henry and their daughter Beatrice grew up happily in the castle. But starting from year 1568, the lives of the noble family took a drastic downfall. Henry, the younger of the two brothers, had always felt jealousy over his older brother Hugh, who would one day inherit the throne from their father. His greed and envy drove him to great lengths, until one day, Henry took out his anger on his brother directly. He stabbed Hugh in his sleep, in rage so blind that even his father could barely stop him when he fell witness to the dire scene. Distraught and outraged by this event, the older brother was locked away in a tower, threatened to never see another face ever again in punishment for his crime. But the unfortunate events didn’t end there. Princess Beatrice had fallen for a Lord from another kingdom, who took it upon himself to take what she had from her. In their wedding night, he was said to have poisoned her drink. She went to bed and never awoke to see the next day. There is only so much parents can take in one year. So, in utter devastation, the king and the queen made a decision together. After having their favorite red wine and watching their last sunset together, they committed suicide by cutting open their throats and died sad, but together. Prince Henry was said to have been forgotten, locked up in his tower all alone, facing a lonely and slow death on his own. Some say they can still hear the voices of the royal family in the castle halls at night, and if you look close enough, you might find their ghosts haunting the castle to this day. Why don’t you come visit us and find out for yourself?
You shivered and felt a little uneasy at the way the museum was advertising something so horrible. But when you scrolled down the page just a little further, what you saw knocked out the breath from your lungs. It was a picture, an old painting to be exact, of the family. And there he was. The prince was staring at you blankly, and you felt tears well up in your eyes in disbelief. It was the stranger who had taken you into the castle. You thought back to his blood drenched shirt. As if he had been stabbed. You shook your head no when your eyes fell on the rest of the family. You recounted Princess Beatrice from where she had been sitting by the bar next to you, telling you to watch over your drink. You saw the queen and the king, who you had noticed sitting on the stone wall, holding hands, the wounds on their throats having looked almost too realistic to have been fake. And then you remembered your arrival at the castle. You thought back to the face you had definitely seen in the window at the top of one of the towers. This was all just coincidence, right? Your stomach turned in terror. Had someone tried to play a joke? But if so, why had their faces looked so perfectly similar to the family in the painting?
Quickly, you pulled up the social media of the girl, your school friend, who had served you at the bar. ‘Do you remember the girl dressed as a princess with bloody tears who you accidentally gave my drink to? She was sitting next to me at the bar’, you quickly typed and sent.
For at least an hour, you twisted and turned in your bed, going from almost sleeping to nervously checking your phone for a reply. You thought you were going crazy. But sooner or later, you realized she might have had too much to do, cleaning up the party or simply going to sleep herself, and you drifted off to slumber.
When you awoke the next day, the previous night almost felt like it had been a scary dream. But when you checked, your hips were still bruised and you had a new message from the girl who had worked at the bar: As far as I remember, the seat next to you was empty. I gave the drink to you. You were dressed as an angel, right? Why are you asking?
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Conversations You Can Have While Your Partner Ties You Up
Tom and Andy try shibari without supervision for the first time, and Andy is nervous.
Tom uses his best soothing technique: running his mouth.
Fandom: It Lives (Visual Novels)
Relationship: Andy Kang/Tom Sato
Additional Tags: Humor, Crack, Fluff and Crack, not smut!, not that there's anything wrong with that i just want to be clear, so no one's disappointed lmao, it's just the two of them bantering while andy ties him up, Tom Sato Has Strong Feelings About Yogi, Established Relationship, BDSM, Good BDSM Etiquette, because apparently bad bdsm etiquette is a tag and fuck that noise, dom andy kang, sub tom sato, altho again we don't really get into that but idk best to tag, way too many puns, they are very in love and it's disgusting, i am on my bullshit again, Almost No Beta We Die Like Uhh Bigender People
Read it on Ao3
It's the first time they're trying out shibari without an instructor supervising, and Andy is nervous. Tom can tell that Andy is nervous because his eyes keep darting to the safety shears way too frequently, and also because he whispered "God, I'm nervous" to himself several times while he was setting the gear.
Tom prides himself greatly in his Andy-reading skills.
Andy barely breathed while he was setting up the sleeve, making sure every single strand of rope was several inches away from the smallest articulation, checking and rechecking that he could put two fingers under the rope, and asking whether or not it was too tight every five seconds. All while holding his breath. Tom was scared he'd pass out from oxygen deprivation or something.
Getting to the harness part was a little better. For about ten seconds. The knots there are mostly decorative, but wouldn't you know, turns out Andy's perfectionist streak decided to kick in right then.
He's redoing the same knot for the third time when he starts to mumble. "Ancient Japanese art of being a pain in my ass..."
Ah yes, Tom thought to himself, grinning. A prime opportunity. "I thought it was you who was supposed to be the pain in my ass," he says.
Andy groans.
"Oh, come on, it was right there!"
"I realized my mistake as soon as it left my mouth"
"Me when you suddenly stop fucking my face."
Andy snickers, and Tom considers it a win. "Shut up," he says.
"Yes, dud- Sir."
"Were you about to make a BDSM joke and call me dude?"
"No. Yes. Maybe. Shut up!" Tom laughs, "In my defense, the horny and clown signals have been getting a little mixed up the last, like, five seconds."
"Why did that make me imagine you in a sexy clown outfit?"
"I'm just gonna go ahead and veto that idea right now."
"What, you don't want to explore clown kink?" Andy puts on his best Dom voice, "Honk for me, slut." He starts giggling.
"Andy, I swear to god, my dick's gonna go soft."
"Don't you dare!" Andy yelps, "I've been training for months to be able to tie you up like this and I will fuck you in Shibari, god damn it!"
"Yeah, no, nevermind, you're really hot when you're determined."
Andy smiles, "Oh, stop. Is that too tight?"
Tom tries to give him a thumbs up, then remembers that he can't and shakes his head instead. "No, it's good."
Andy nods in acknowledgement, then grins at Tom again. "Cool, so… Back to sexy clowns?"
"No clowns are sexy. They're terrifying."
"You willingly went into a haunted town."
"Yeah, and you know how many clowns there were there? Zero."
"So that's the criteria for our sexy costumes? Is, like, sexy zombie bear still on the table then?"
"I'm gonna ask you to take a moment to consider the words that are coming out of your mouth."
"I've never done that in my life and I'm not going to start now." Andy says, casually, then frowns. "Can you help me with this one?"
"Heh," Tom smiles, "sorry dude, my hands are tied."
Andy groans. "Will you stop making puns, you ass?"
"Heh, ass-"
Andy ignores him. "I meant, lift your hip a little bit."
"Aye aye, captain."
"This is virtually the same as 'yes, Sir', yet so different."
"Ooh, do I smell pirate roleplay?"
"You know what? We could get those old hats we used when we were kids-"
"Do you know where to get a sword? I very much want swords."
"Ooh, knife play but long."
"I need to make a swordplay pun right now."
Andy gives a little laugh. "Do you?"
"I'm just not inspired enough. Guess I gotta get better with my wordplay..."
This time, Andy full-on laughs. He needs to stop focusing on his knots for a second. Tom's grin is way too proud.
Andy bites his lip. "Come on, this is gonna take forever at this rate. Help me out for a sec."
"Sorry, my hands are-"
"Okay, if you make that pun one more time, I'm not letting you cum at all tonight."
"You promise?"
"Ugh. Punishing you is so hard. Let me rephrase that. If you make that pun one more time, I am letting you come tonight, just once, and then calling it a day, like this is vanilla sex or something."
Tom gasps. "Evil."
"Or maybe I'll make you say that Yogi is not that bad."
"You'll never take me alive."
Andy gestures to Tom's immobilized body, smiling. "Pretty sure I already have you."
"Oh no, I had the instinct to say something incredibly sappy and disgusting."
"Were you going to answer 'always'?"
"I will neither confirm nor deny."
"Well, that's a shame. 'Cause if that had been the case, I'd have said, 'same'."
Tom pretends to swoon as best as he can, considering he's almost completely immobilized. It mostly consists of tilting his head. "And they say romance is dead."
"You gave me finger guns when I first said 'I love you'."
"And you think I should be the standard?"
"Well, who else is it gonna be? Me? When you first said 'I love you', I said 'sweet'."
Tom smiles, softly. "It was pretty sweet, if you ask me."
Andy bites the inside of his cheek. "Shut up. I'm almost done, by the way."
"Not thanks to you."
"Okay, look, I know I'm not supposed to say that my hands are tied anymore, but in this case it's just, like, literally true."
"Doesn't mean you have to keep distracting me."
"Ooh, I'm distracting?" Tom wiggles his eyebrows, lifting his hips up a bit.
Andy laughs. "You know that, in this case, you're getting in the way of us having sex, right?"
"I don't know, man. I'm tied up, my dick is hard, you're touching me, you're smiling, that's a win in my book."
"You're only partially tied up, which is exactly my point."
Tom makes his best impression of Akon in I Just Had Sex, "Still counts!"
Andy snorts, but tries to compose himself. "So, what, once I'm done with this I can just leave you tied up and call it a day?"
"I mean, that'd be hot, yeah."
"Ugh, you're impossible."
"You love me."
"Don't change the subject."
Tom grins. "So you admit that you love me."
"I'm your boyfriend of three years."
"Don't change the subject."
It's Andy's turn to grin. "Of course I love you, you dork. Now shut up so I can finish tying you up."
"Aww, I love you too."
"Thanks, man."
"I'm sorry, did you just say 'thanks, man'?"
"Well, my hands are busy, so I can't finger gun."
"Will you let it go?"
"Very funny thing to say while I'm tying knots around your dick."
"Ah, you're right. In that case, tie me up harder."
"How am I supposed to tie you up harder?"
"I don't know, I just think it sounds sexier when you add a 'harder' at the end."
"Like, 'honk harder, clown'?"
"Now you're just trying to upset me."
Andy smiles at him, slyly. "Maybe I think you need a little punishment."
Tom grins in a way that makes Andy regret everything he's ever said. "Aww yeah, baby, I better start singing La La La, 'cuz I've been a Naughty Boy."
Andy can't help it. He bursts out laughing. "You dork!" He wheezes, face falling on top of Tom's shoulder as he laughs. Tom grins.
"See, that's the Andy I know and love, laughing at every stupid shit I say."
Andy giggles for a few more seconds, holding onto Tom's shoulders, before shaking his head to try and focus. He still lets out a little laugh every once in a while, though. "I swear, it's like you don't want me to fuck you in shibari," he grumbles.
Tom looks appalled. "This is slander."
"Then, like, get into ropespace and stop talking or something."
"I can't get into ropespace when I know you aren't, either," Tom grumbles.
Andy freezes. "What?"
Tom bites the inside of his lip, turning in the other direction. "You were nervous," he says. Then he nods in the direction of Andy's hands, "you've been a lot calmer since we started talking. You're almost done."
Andy looks down, actually realizing that Tom's torso is almost entirely decorated with knots at this point. "Oh. You're right."
Tom grins again. "So, see, by distracting you with my dumb shit, I actually helped us finish this quicker. And they say running your mouth isn't a talent."
Andy smiles. Lets the rope go. Throws his arms around Tom's neck and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, love," he says, peppering kisses in his face. Tom laughs.
"You're welcome. Now finish tying me up so we can get this show on the road," he says, way too innocently. Andy grins, and pulls his hair.
"You're in no position to make demands, slut."
Tom's eyes flutter in bliss. He smiles again. "Yes, Sir."
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reign-bv · 3 years
The Destined Prince.
Tumblr media
(I do not claim this picture. All rights reserved to the owner of this picture.)
So I made this at the middle of the night because I got writer's block while making my first Wattpad story.
Story info:
Genre/s: Romance, Drama, Semi-Fantasy, Fiction, School
Warning/s: Hopeless Romantic
Language/s: English
Ratings: 13 and above
Characters: Vanora, Colby, Ren, Ariel
Chapter/s: 1/1
Book / Story :: Long / Short
I was happy with everything that I had but only if I had him. He was perfect, Of course not too perfect. But perfectly for me. But, I didn't won the battle, a battle to win his heart.
I have been with him for years and yet I haven't won a single battle just to win his heart. "What is that something that I don't have from them?" I pondered.
Every single night I cried hoping to finally win him over but the results are always the same.
His first girlfriend was beautiful unlike me. "He probably likes gorgeous looking face."
I started to dress up and try make up on for the first time to impress him yet he laughed at me for looking like a clown. A few months later they broke up. Apparently, she was cheating on him. "Serves her right." I proudly thought.
But he got into another girl. She was known for being the kind and pretty princess of the school. "Ah, so he also likes nice girls?"
I worked hard to show him signs that I was being nice to everyone but I, apparently, went overboard.
Colby, one of my male friends, approached me and said, "Hey Vanora, you shouldn't give out your answers to everyone."
"but- I wanted to be nice and help them?"
He sighed, clearly showing off that he is disappointed at me, "I know you wanted to help and be nice but this isn't the right way, Vanora"
"Then what am I supposed to do so that I can get him looking at me? Since I am not kind enough like Ariel"
"So, this is about trying to get his attention. Look, Van, You are already kind enough without making it obvious. You were the first girl who ever offered me help when I transfered to this school. And I wanted to tell you that he is not worth it. Don't go chasing him all over the place. You've already gone to the point that you are letting go of your studies. It's better to stop, okay?"
I looked down after Colby made me realized that my actions are getting worsted. "I understand". But I didn't listen and still continued trying to impress him.
Halloween costume party that the school will be holding required having a partner to dance with. Although, a week before the party, he and Ariel broke up because she was pretending to be that 'nice' girl of the school but was an addict.
The day after that I wanted to ask him out to be my partner for the party but someone else got to do it before me.
"Is there something you wanted to say to me, Van?" Ren asked
"Ah no nevermind",
"Oh c'mon, spill the beans"
"Uh- umm- I- I wanted to ask what will you be wearing for the party this weekend?",
"Hmm, probably something cool. Like a pirate"
"a-Ah okay, I gotta go, Bye", I rushed out to avoid talking to him more since my heart can't handle talking to him.
2 days before the party, "What should I wear?", I stormed off as I go through my old Halloween costumes.
The sounds of the doorbell ringed as I was looking for a good costume. I stopped mid-way and opened my apartment's door. I was Colby. "I brought your favorite chocolate frozen milkshake from Tim Hortons and I got myself a Iced coffee". He handed my drink to me. "I can I come in?" He asked,
I nodded in approval and closed the door as he entered my apartment.
"So, any plans for the party tomorrow?"
"That's what I have been trying to do. I don't know what to wear."
"Hmmm, I suggest wearing something that could enhance your beauty"
I blushed at his remarks, "so what costume exactly?", I said as I looked away and started sipping my drink.
"Hmm, how about wearing a elegant-looking dress and a princess crown?"
"Oh! Great idea!"
"Alright, don't forget your mask because the theme is masquerade this year"
"Okay! Thanks for the suggestion, Colby!". That day, I brought myself a pastel blue dress and a simple tiara to fit the simple outfit.
It was the night of the party and I only had one problem- "I don't have a fucking partner",
"And you? Who is your partner?"
"Ah- Um I-"
A boy with brown hair and was wearing a prince like costume cuts me off, "Ah, there you are my princess, I am her partner tonight"
"Alright, head on in"
I sighed in relief and thanked him for his help. "Thank you, sir", I smiled to him.
"It's nothing really, then go on, hopefully you have a nice day", he left after helping me.
"What a nice guy", I thought as I started looking for Ren. I spotted him so easily, wearing a Robin hood costume standing beside to a girl with a fairy costume. Though, my heart sank as I saw him kissing her.
"He wasn't like this to his ex-girlfriends-", a lump on my throat hurts trying to hold back my tears. I started to run out of the dance floor from where I was and rushed to a near by balcony.
Fresh air filled up my lungs as I calmed down abit after what happened. I sighed in sadness, " I should've chased after him and took Colby's advice but now I have to suffer with a broken heart".
"Maybe I could fix that" a familiar voice appeared behind me as I finished talking.
"Oh, it's you, sir prince"
"No, need to be formal" he chuckled and he slowly untied his mask.
"Colby?!" I gasped as he removed his mask.
"Surprise~ how do I look?"
My eyes were amazing to such handsome looks. I smiled and answered "You look amazing."
He blushed and smiled, "You look beautiful yourself." He came closer and reached out his hand and tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear.
My heart fluttered like never before, " My heart is fluttering not to Ren but to Colby ".
The music started which means it's time to dance with your partner. Colby moved a way and reached out his hand and said
"Will you dance with me, my princess?"
The End
Finally doneeee- Dont mind my grammatical errors and probably some plot holes- Me do be ded at this hour-
I own this book so PLEASE do NOT copy and claim that my book is made by you or adapt in any way without my permission. If you want to support me, please DM me in my social platforms.
Please support my work, The Cold Sea:
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rieindiegames · 4 years
IseKai Main Cast Halloween Panel Finale [Part 3]
Part three, and the finale of the Halloween themed segment with the main cast members!
R: Thank you everyone for being patient through the intermission.  R: Everything’s under control! Now that we have our final guest with us! Please give a warm welcome to Seina Kaimana. Seina: Thank you. I promise there won’t be any more shenanigans. I’ll keep them in line. Ise: You missed how striking I was on camera. Seina: I’m sure I did. Ise: I also encountered some unfortunate young demon during the break. Ise: *Thoughtful* As well as one strikingly fair... young man. Seina: I believe we spoke about that. I spoke with ALL of you about that. Ise & Ceres: *Chastised* Kai: *Peeved* Ise dragged me into—You know what, nevermind. Lucius: *Laughing* Seina: What? Lucius: Unlike your company, I’m the only one who behaved. Isn’t that telling? Seina: *Glaring* Lucius: Facts are facts, dear sister. Ceres: Unpleasantries aside, I’m glad you made it, M’lady. Lucius: Host, as a reward, I’ll request a seat change. Seina’s sitting over there, which is too far from me. Seina: Is there any reason for me to sit beside you? Lucius: There— Seina: There isn’t. That’s the correct answer. Lucius: *Crestfallen* How could you be so cold to me before all these people? I’ve been a perfect panel attendee... Seina: I’m surprised to see Kai’s still here. Lucius: *Smile* Well, you’re charming when you ignore me too.  Kai: I tried to leave. Ise stopped me. Ise: Your participation is crucial. No leaving. Kai: Does anything I say particularly interest anyone? Ise: Give yourself some credit, Kai. I keep you close for a reason. Kai: To irritate me. That’s your reason. Ise: *Laughing* Others would know your good points if you’d just let them. Kai: I already have you to deal with, so I’ll pass on another annoyance. Ise: *Faux sniffle* One day spring will come. Kai: Be a comedian if you like telling bad weather jokes. Seina: Well, why don’t we return to the questions? Host, if you would. R: If you were to commit a murder, how would you do it? Lucius: That’s an incriminating question. Should any of us answer that? Seina’s here now. Ise: It’s too troublesome. If it’s necessary Kai can do it. Kai: *Deep sigh* Ise: If you have time to sigh, make some friends, Kai. Kai: *Deeper sigh* R: Ceres? Ceres: Hmm? Huh? R: Your answer? Ceres: To what? R: The question? Ceres: Which question? R: If you were to commit a murder— Ceres: Murder’s terrible. R: *Blinking* But if you were to commit a murder— Ceres: You should have proper trials for that stuff. Lucius: *Laughing* Ceres: Did I say something amusing? Lucius: I see how it is. Hopefully everyone else does too. Ceres: *Smile* Interesting that I’m hearing that from you. R: Okay. Seina? Seina: *Sigh* Why did this question show up when I arrived? R: Well, I suppose we’ll move on since only Ise answered! R: What Halloween costume would you select for the other cast members? Ise: I’d enjoy seeing Seina in demon attire. Be a demon for Halloween, Kaimana. Seina: Hmm. Ceres: I expected that. Lucius: *Furious journal scribbling* Ise: For Kai, a pumpkin or a bear costume. Kai: *Wide eyes* Why? Ise: It must be something cute. I’ll laugh for hours if it’s a costume that doesn’t suit you. So you must wear it! Kai: Then you should be a banana or a fish! Ise: *Laughing* Gladly. Then those costumes will trend for years in my kingdom. Kai: *Horrified* No! I retract that. I’ll permanently move to another realm if you do that. Ise: Too late. Kai: Ise, I will leave! Ise: *Laughing* You won’t. Kai: I will! Ise: Pink-haired meat sac, a T-bone steak. Ceres: What!? Ise: Degenerate meat sac, a snail. Lucius: ... R: Kai? Your suggestions? Kai: Do not wear that costume, Ise, do you hear me!? I’ll really pass my threshold! Ise: You lovingly suggested it. I must follow through. *Entire theatre darkening and shaking.* R: U-Um guest? Kai: Would you rather go as a body!? Today may be the day I stop caring if I see it! Ise: *Touched* Kai, so that’s how you feel, huh? You have to stop caring first? I can’t wait to be long and yellow. Kai: *Glass cup straining* ISE Ise: *Uncontrolled laughing* R: G-Guest, that glass may break if you squeeze it any harder! Lucius: Forget the glass! What about us!? Seina: Excuse me! What did I tell you earlier? Only answer the questions! *The theatre brightens, but the lights flicker* Lucius: I think many of us just had a narrow encounter with death. Ceres: You should be accustomed to that feeling. Lucius: Really Ceres? R: Thank you, Miss Kaimana. Seina: You don’t need to. Ise: I told you he’s cute! Seina: Do not. Ise: Okay, okay. R: Then Kai, if you’d please... Kai: One angel costume for Ise. The rest of you, whatever you want. Now leave me alone. Lucius: H-How pleasant. R: Ceres? Ceres: I’ll admit I’m also interested in the demon costume for M’lady. Ise: Good taste. Ceres: Maybe a merperson for Ise? A pirate for Kai? A clown for Lucius. Lucius: You couldn’t help yourself, could you? Seina: Only answer the question. Lucius: I get shy when you reprimand me, Seina. Seina: . . . Seina: That wraps up this themed panel, right? Lucius: I didn’t answer. Neither did you. Seina: It’s the end! Thanks to everyone who attended. F I N That’s indeed a wrap! Thank you and happy Halloween from Rie Indie Games!!!
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houserproblem · 4 years
Jingle Bells (Christmas With The Joker Edition)
Based on the song from Batman: The Animated Series.
JOKER: Jingle bells, Batman smells Robin laid an egg The Batmobile lost a wheel And the Joker got a-waaaaay!
JOKER: Crashing through the roof In a one-horse open tree Busting out I go, Laughing all the WHEEEE! Sounds of gunshots ring As coppers shoot me down But they still can’t catch ol’ Gotham’s Favorite psychopathic clown! 
Oh, jingle bells, Batman smells Robin laid an egg The Batmobile lost a wheel And the Joker got away Jingle bells, Batman smells Joker’s running loose I’ve nabbed Commissioner Gordon and I’m going to cook his goose! 
[speaking part]
(Joker arrives at his hideout, where his henchmen: Harley Quinn, Bob the Goon, and Gaggy are waiting.)
JOKER: “Harley! I’m home!” 
HARLEY: “Puddin’!” 
BOB: “Heya boss!” 
GAGGY: “Merry Christmas, Mr. Joker!” 
JOKER: “Alright, alright settle down! Settle down! Now is everything ready for the big night?” 
HARLEY (hands Joker a Santa coat, hat, and beard): “We’re all set, Mistah J!”
JOKER (takes the costume and starts putting it on): “Excellent! Go start up the sleigh! Bob, start the camera! Gaggy…!”
 (Gaggy smiles eagerly as he waits for his orders.)
 JOKER: “Go…get me some egg nog.”
 GAGGY (salutes): “Yes sir, Mr. Joker!”
 (Gaggy runs off as Harley brings in a Santa chair).)
 HARLEY: “Don’t forget yer chair puddin’!”
JOKER: “Ah, yes of course!”
BOB: “We’re live in five, Boss!”
JOKER (sits in the chair): “Alright then! A-A-Ahem…”
 [end speaking part]
JOKER: Good evening, girls and boys And all your dads and moms Joker’s bringing you some toys And each one has a bomb! So unless our dear Dark Knight And his helpers stop my sleigh We’ll go “POP POP POP!” like chestnuts In the fire this Christmas Day!
Oh, jingle bells, Batman smells Robin laid an egg Nightwing is a circus freak And Batgirl does ballet Jingle bells, Batman smells Spoiler laid an egg Red Hood’s cracked, Batwoman’s wack And Bluebird’s…
HARLEY: “Mistah J!”
[speaking part]
JOKER: “Harley!? I thought I told you to start the sleigh, you--!”
HARLEY: “The sleigh’s junked puddin’!”
JOKER: “What!? How!?”
HARLEY: “I dunno! I took my eyes off it fer a sec, and when I turned around, the thrusters were blown!”
JOKER: “What!? How am I supposed to deliver presents without a sleigh!? Uuugh…nevermind! Come on, we’ll use the truck!”
(Harley is suddenly ‘bat-ambushed’.)
HARLEY: “Mmph!”
JOKER: “Harley? Where are you!?”
BOB: “Boss! Over there, it’s…mmph!”
(Bob gets ‘bat-ambushed’.)
JOKER: “What is it Bob? Bob!?”
(Joker realizes he’s alone.)
JOKER: “Harley? Bob? Anyone? Where’d you…? *bumps into someone* Oomph! Hey, watch where you’re gooooo—!"
(The Joker realizes he’s just bumped into Batman, the rest of the Bat-Family flanking him, with some restraining Harley and Bob. Batman’s leitmotif from the animated series plays.)
JOKER: “Batman!?” 
JOKER: “Ooomph!” 
(Joker falls to the ground as Batman slowly approaches him.)
JOKER: “But how…how did you find me?”
BATMAN: “Your singing.”
NIGHTWING: “We could hear you all the way from Crime Alley.”
ROBIN (DAMIAN): “Unfortunately.”
JOKER: “Guuuuuh…”
GAGGY: “Mister Joker!”
(Gaggy enters.)
GAGGY: “I’m back! Is it time to deliver the presents ye…?”
(Gaggy sees the Bat-Family standing over his defeated gang.)
GAGGY: “Ehhhh…Egg nog?” 
[end speaking part. Scene transitions to the Joker’s cell in Arkham.)
JOKER: So here I am again In my nice and cushy room Bound in straightjacket and chains My plan shot to squadoo! It will take at least a week To attempt my next escape Maybe I should just give up this feud With the man in cowl and cape … … … NAH!
Jingle bells, Batman smells He doesn’t get the joke! So I’ll keep coming back until I make him laugh or croak! Jingle bells, Batman smells I’ve more tricks up my sleeve! ‘Til then, goodbye! But don’t you cry, I’ll be back on New Year’s Eve! 
Ugh…Merry Christmas
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artificialqueens · 5 years
dinner date (blu x crystal) - shadysalad
AN - mostly unedited but i love this ship already so
Blu fidgeted nervously, ignoring the pitying glances from the other diners. Her date would show up, she was sure. An hour late wasn’t that long, right? She was probably stuck in traffic, or got lost, or had an emergency. That dreaded waitress came over again. “Ma'am, I’m sorry, but if you don’t order now you can’t stay, we have a line out of the door.”
“She’ll only be-” Blu looked towards the door, watching as a gorgeous woman ran in, dodging past the rest of the line. Blu was surprised when the woman ran towards her.
“Sorry I’m late, babe, traffic was terrible, and- oh! You should’ve just ordered, hon, you didn’t have to wait for me! Awe, I’m so sorry!” The stranger dropped a sticky kiss onto Blu’s cheek,  slipping into the seat across from her. She turned to the waitress. “Give us one more second?” The waitress nodded, and left the two.
The woman leaned in close, so close Blu could spot the gold flecks in her deep brown eyes. “I’m Crystal, just go with it.”
Blu was left speechless by more than the situation. “Wha- how-”
“Nevermind all that. So your date was a no-show, huh? Sucks to be them.”
Overwhelmed, Blu shook her head. Crystal leaned back in her seat, stretching her legs out so they brushed Blu’s. She had a smirk plastered on her face. “You don’t even know my name.”
Crystal sunk her teeth into her bottom lip, the pink gloss staying firmly in place. “Why don’t you tell me then?”
Blu drew in a shaky breath. The things she would let this woman do to her. Crystal tucked a piece of her curly blonde hair behind her ear, and batted her eyelashes, and Blu was gone. “Blu. Without the ‘e’. Just B-l-u.” Blu cringed. She never did have the best social skills.
Crystal didn’t seem to notice, however, and picked up her menu. “Well, Blu without the ‘e’, what do you fancy?”
They looked over the menu in silence, every so often peeking over the top at the other. When their gazes accidentally met, Blu’s hurriedly returned to her menu. Crystal’s intensified, her smirk growing. After overanalysing the, frankly embarrassing, conversation (at least on Blu’s end), Blu came to a realisation which she was surprised she hadn’t noticed earlier. “You’re Canadian.”
Crystal looked up in mild amusement. “And you’re Irish.”
Blu stared on in a trance, before shaking herself. “Sorry, sorry, you’re- you’re just a long way from home.”
Crystal leaned forward, reaching her hand up to adjust the little crown clip Blu had tucked into her ponytail. She let her hand trail down Blu’s face as she moved away. “Well, now, I couldn’t be happier I made the move.”
Blu looked down at her nails. “How do you do that?” She whispered under her breath. When she brought her eyes back to Crystal’s, the woman had one eyebrow cocked. Shit. She’d heard. At that moment, the waitress came over and the two ordered, and then it was just them, once again, and Blu had questions.
“Seriously, though, how did you end up here, with me?”
“I drove here, I walked in, and I sat down.” Crystal wore that devilish smirk again. Blu hit her lightly on the arm with a laugh.
“I’m serious!”
Crystal twirled her knife in her hands. “So am I.”
Blu didn’t know how to respond to that. It took her an awkward minute to think of something else to say, but Crystal seemed to relish her flailing. “So… um… what do you do?”
“I’m a costume designer for TV shows.” Blu beamed, clapping her hands together like a little kid.
“Wow, that’s so cool! It makes my job seem so boring.” Blu broke off, but realised Crystal was looking at her expectantly; she hadn’t actually told her what her job was. “Oh, I’m a makeup artist. Pretty stupid, really.”
Crystal tilted her head to one side. “Did you do your makeup tonight?”
Blu deflated. Crystal hated it. “Uh-huh. I know it’s over the top and I probably look like a clown, but-”
Crystal interrupted before she could explain that ‘it was just her style’. “You’re good at your job.”
Blu was taken aback. She was so sure that, now she’d gotten to know her a little better, Crystal thought of her as some dipshit with terrible people skills and an affinity for ridiculously long eyelashes, but the elder seemed undeterred. “Th- thank you.”
Crystal studied her face a little more. “You’ll have to paint me one time.”
Blu’s answer came a little too quickly, embarrassingly so. “You don’t need my help.”
Crystal raised one eyebrow again. “Thanks, little one.”
“Little one?” Blu rubbed the back of her neck. She liked that nickname.
Crystal sat up straighter. “Well, you’re sure as hell not older then me, so…”
“How old are you?” Blu instantly facepalmed. Crystal chuckled, gently tugging Blu’s hand away from her face.
“I don’t mind, don’t worry. I’m 34.”
Blu’s jaw dropped, eyes popping out of her head. “You’re 34?”
Crystal laughed smoothly, like melted chocolate. “I’m flattered.”
“You look amazing!” Blu gushed. Crystal really did.
“I could say the same about you.” They stared at each other again, taking in all the stunning features of the other, and this time, Blu didn’t break the gaze. They were interrupted by the food arriving.
“Yours looks so good, Blu!” Blu dropped her eyes to her plate, and decided to be brave. She twisted some of the linguine around her fork, holding it out in front of her.
“Want to try some?” Crystal’s eyes flashed dark, and she took the end of the fork in her mouth, making a show of sucking the pasta off. She never broke eye contact. Blu crossed her legs, and Crystal hummed in satisfaction.
“That was absolutely delicious. Next time I’ll have to let you order for me.” Crystal smirked down at her steak, waiting for Blu to pick up on her word choice. It took Blu a few beats, but she gasped quietly.
“Bold of you to assume there’ll be a next time.”
“Well, you’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” Crystal had Blu there. Blu split into a grin, trying to hide it by taking a sip of her wine. It didn’t work.
They finished their meals, and Blu picked up the dessert menu. “You want dessert?”
Crystal reapplied her lipgloss, shaking her head. “There’s a better one at my apartment. Well, there will be in 20 minutes.”
Blu giggled. “Excuse me! Not on the first date, I have morals!”
Crystal locked eyes with Blu. “I meant ice cream. My Tesco order is coming.” Blu just sighed.
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batmanie · 6 years
Not who he expected
There were two bodies on the floor, no signs of gunshots and no blood, just two of his men lying flat in the hallway of his safe house.
Professor Crane let out a sigh of disappointment, he could swear he had left the hideout only for ten minutes and these incompetent fools couldn't even keep his lab protected. He passed around the men on the floor, not bothering to give them any more attention. From what he had already gathered, they had been knocked out – blunt object to the head. He reached into the pocket of his trench coat, good thing he never left without a dose of his precious toxin.
He walked down the stairs, right to the basement, the light was on like nothing had ever happened. The doors were shut, he stopped and listened in. If Batman had found this place, it was better to not go in there. However, if that had been one of Falcone's thugs, then the evening should still be fun – for Scarecrow.
He listened in but in there it was quiet, only some soft, muffled sounds like...sobbing?
Both curious and suspicious, Professor Crane pushed the door open. There was a mallet lying on the floor, forgotten, and there was a familiar figure curled in his armchair. Crying.
Doctor Quinzel raised her blonde head and turned around to look at him. Her makeup was flaking, tears falling from her eyes like waterfalls. The clown-costume she was wearing didn't look complete.
“Professor Crane,” she uttered, her voice weak and trembling. “So-orry for the intrusion. I just...” She didn't finish as the uncontrolled sobbing shook her whole body.
“It's OK, my child,” Crane attempted to calm her down, taken by surprise with that whole, new situation. “I'm not very busy right now. And don't worry about those goons you knocked out, I'm not angry about it.”
“Thankyouuu...” Harleen wailed and covered her face in her hands. “I had nowhere to gooo... Red's in Arkham... And Mr. J... He... He...”
“He kicked you out?”
“Woooorse!” She lamented loudly, throwing her arms in the air. “He replaced me with a stupid robot!”
The absurdity of that statement didn't change the fact that the girl was honestly heartbroken. Under any other circumstances, Scarecrow would gladly prey on this sweet fear of abandonment but this was Harleen – the only person in this god-damned city who had always treated him with nothing but kindness and respect, politeness and understanding – he was feeling obligated to repay her with the same.
“Come now, child,” He walked to her to pat her pretty head. “How can you think that some... machine could ever replace you?”
“He put it in my costume!!!” She clutched on his coat with sheer desperation. “And he said, it doesn't talk so much so it's better than the original!”
With a sorrowful cry, Harley threw her arms around him and hugged him with rib-crushing strength. Jonathan let out an 'oof' but did not protest.
“Oh, Professor!” She continued, face buried in his sweater. “What should I dooo!”
He could now smell alcohol from her. What had she been doing before he got here? Not breaking any laws, he hoped, and luring Batman right into his hideout.
“You should stay here until morning,” he advised her, the house had a guest room and Jonathan had planned on working in the basement the whole night anyway. “And tomorrow... Well, we could visit the Joker...”
Harleen stopped sobbing and looked him in the eyes.
“You don't mean to...”
“Oh, no-no,” He smirked. “I highly doubt my toxin would even have any effect on him. But while we talk, you sneak in and then something might just accidentally happen to that robot... Something like, I don't know, a mallet to its head?”
“Oooh...” The smile slowly returning to her pretty face was worth the doubtful pleasure of talking to the Joker in the near future. “Oh, I get it... Thank you, Professor!” She hugged him again.
He awkwardly hugged back, patting her back in a friendly manner.
“By the way, where did the Joker even get that robot from?” As soon as he asked, the answer already came to him. It was pretty obvious. “You know what, nevermind...”
The next time he saw him, he'd have a word with Edward about building robots for someone else's boyfriends.
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shikkokunoprelude · 6 years
drabble - halloween
happy halloween, i totally forgot i wrote something a while back and never posted it. so here's something short
The sound of loud knocking came from the front door, causing Kaito to stop in the middle of his physics homework. He glanced at his phone to check the time, it was a bit past 7 pm, the usual training hour with Shuichi and Maki. Except they had canceled training this week because Kaito had a lot of work to finish, and his friends generally didn’t come to bother him in the middle of study mode. Maybe there was an emergency?
“Momo-chan! Open up! It’s coooold!”
Nevermind. It was just Kokichi.
“Dammit, what does he want now?” he mumbled as he got up and headed towards the door.
“Trick or Treat!” yelled Kokichi, holding up a sack high in the air. He was dressed in an orange and purple clown costume. It had a mismatch of patterns--polka dots on the jester cap and stripes on a pant leg. There were also little bells on the tail ends of his waistcoat.
His boyfriend looked rather cute in that getup, thought Kaito. Still, he couldn’t help but ask teasingly, “Hey Kichi, aren’t you a little old to be trick or treating?”
Kokichi shrugged. “Most people think I’m lying when I say I’m 20 anyway, might as well use that to my advantage and get a ton of candy,” he said as he tried to force himself into Kaito’s apartment. “Let me in! It really is getting cold.”
“Fine, but you can’t stay for long. I’ve still got shit to do,” said Kaito as he let the other guy in and closed the door.
Kokichi went towards the coffee table where textbooks were laid out, and peered at the open physics book. “Ugh, you’ve been doing homework since like Sunday. It’s Wednesday and more importantly, it’s Halloween and here you are being bo~ring,” he said with disgust. He then spun around quickly, the bells on his outfit jingled, and raised his fists up in excitement. “Oh! Come trick or treating with me! You could use a break!”
“Who’s gonna give candy to me? I don’t look like I’m a 12 year old.”
“Some people don’t care, they’ll give candy to whoever shows up. If someone does question it, we can lie and say you’re my big brother! Nishishi~” snickered Kokichi.
“No thanks,” said Kaito with a pointed glare. His resolve faltered when Kokichi started to pout, and he rubbed the back of his head. “Even if I go with ya, I don’t have a costume and that’s pretty lame…”
“What, you think I’d come here unprepared?” He opened the sack and pulled out a fur coat and wolf ears. “You can’t escape, Momo-chan, so give up and let’s go get candy.”
“Tch, fine I guess I can go with you,” he answered with a smile, not really bothered by this interruption but feeling the need to at least pretend a bit.
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winedownwithcoffee · 6 years
Halloween night is my all time favorite night on this show and last night was NO exception. Let’s get on with it!
Opening Number: was cute. It was not up there in my favorites unfortunately. I mean….it was just whatever to me. Though Bruno and val dancing was incredible. IDK wtf bobby was doing skipping lol this was very bobby heavy which I find realllllly telling. He was featured by the camera like 5 times? Milo’s little slide at the end was cute.Everyone looks so freaking good!
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Milo & Witney: I loved this rehearsal package. Not the first part but after they start practicing in the asylum. Him trying to scare her was real cute. They set the dance up imo. THIS. DANCE. WAS. EVERYTHING. The nuances, the acting, the story, the music. I am obsessed. I have watched it 5 times already. When he looks in the camera right before the neck crack whew that was amazing. And the arm lick. The only thing I didn’t like was the head scratching when he walked away. Made it look like he had lice lmao. Seriously, this dance is my all time favorite dance done on this show ever. Ever. Deserved the 10s. I like Erins dress.
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John & Emma: LOL at John not understanding Emma. You can see him sitting there not hearing a damn thing she said. Dad jokes for dayyyyyys. This dance didn’t deserve the scores it got but it also wasn’t that great? If that makes sense. I can see what the judges said though. In hold, he did well, out of hold it lost it. I laughed at the girls in the costumes though. Oh Alan and his girlfriend the skeleton….nevermind imma leave it alone. Should have had an extra 7.
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Gleb is an exceptional dancer, horrible teacher, but whew he’s sexy when he dances. And Hayley is just a freaking bombshell. She’s really improved so much.
Demarcus & Linds: What are they trying to do here?? They give him a shit spot but then gas him up SO DAMN MUCH. It makes no sense. The beginning was cute with him picking up the boys. He is so stiff. two Missed hand passes, stompy feet. When he was dancing alone it was good. Why are we gassing him?? He’s not that amazing. This was not a breakthrough but whatever. Gas him up. I give up with the agenda this season. Should have been all 8’s imo.
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God I love the damn pranks! Best ever. Jenna falling on the floor freaking killed me. Keo KILLED ME.
Evanna & Keo: I’m glad she’s finally done trying to please everyone and is just please herself. That is most important. This dance was good. Keo did great with choreography. But I forgot about it until now. I think this was a fantastic tango though. Keo really did that this week. She missed a step and I wish she would have hit some of those kicks harder but it still was the best ballroom dance of the night imo. Scores were good. Yay for Keo’s first ever 10’s.
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Jabawackees left me underwhelmed compared to their past performances but god they are always amazing. The laser work was lit…..see what I did there?
Bobby & Sharna: I am glad they showed his busy effing schedule. Memaw was like “omg is he really doing this?? I am amazed he is functioning! I have much more respect for him.” Okay so this was by far his best dance yet, however, there was not a ton of AT. I see a lot of comparisons to Frankie’s contemp which ya’ll are on crack. Watch them side by side. They are not identical. The concept isn’t even the same. The only thing that is, is him popping up behind her. Witney is not the only one allow to use creepy remixes of songs. I love him singing her freaking praises, she one hundred percent deserves. Trash scores but that’s expected at this point. I give up.
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Twitch and Alison dance was good but I’ve seen it all month on freeform pretty much lololol but even in that makeup, twitch is hot af
MLR & Sasha: STOP. FUCKING. CRYING. My god. Stooooooop. Also too late to drop that surprise divorce. Should have done that in week 3 or 4 tbh. Also, why are we talking about this on Halloween week? I don’t get it. His pranks on her were fantastic. This dance was ROUGH though.I thought it was a paso until they got off the stage, also she missed a few bits. Meh and that outfit did not do her justice lol whatever and I didn’t gif it. oops
Alexis & Alan: fuck I gotta watch this again. This package is SO.FUCKING.CRINGEWORTHY. I could have been fine if they didn’t force them to freaking discuss it on the couch. I hate it, it looks fake af, and alan isn’t there. She’s in it but he is not. The smile at her, I can see his mind going like “oh shit oh shit oh shit” I bet they at least bang….THIS IS NOT THE FUCKING BACHELOR. STOP IT. I hated this. The singer and track messed up the song, their lifts were messed up or forced. She kept up though so that works. He almost messed up that whole ending lift. Though the bit with Erin was fantastic, I love erin so much. Him sending it to Tom was great. Scores were about right I guess.
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I love how the tour bit showcased Sharna so much LOL
Okay this tour number was hot af. I loved it so much. Also, I would pay money to have Artem take me in a red closet. They needed Val though…….I’ll be honest.
Jenna & Joe: Cute package. Loved the little date night but STOP.SHOWING.CLOWNS. gahhhhh. Hate clowns. He had a very good amount of content in this dance. Still awkward and stiff at times, but by far his best dance. I can’t with an extra fucking point for keeping it together when he almost dropped her. CAI is on crack again I see.
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Wait. Sterling Silver is back in the ballroom watching……………………………………………….
JP & Cheryl: This dance was really good. He is really a fantastic dancer, but I always forget he is on this damn show until they mention him. He seems to be coming out..of his shell more lately. He is a very very artistic person.  I really liked the concept of this dance too. It’s hard for me to hear this song and not see the opening for season 23 though. Deserves perfect scores.
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Okay, Alexis being in jeopardy AGAIN for the third time this season PLUS this awful ass showmance shows me she is NOT getting the votes at all. But she’s probably touring so they need her to make the finals.
Favorites of the night
Milo Bobby Evanna Joe Demarcus JP Alexis John MLR
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