#never write ship fic before
goodolddumbbanana · 1 month
A friendly hang out (Molten x Sun platonic crackship)
Sumary: They are friends. Or Molten totally nail Sun as his friend. And Sun right now, still a litle bit awakard. Sun still feels uncomfortable when someone cares about him. He likes Molten and also want to be friendly and befriend with the bear. But old habits die hard and sometimes, Sun still feels uncertain whether Molten will be like everyone else, leaving him or stabbing him in the back.
Daycare was as cheerful and lively as ever. The lively sound of music hit Molten's ears, as the bear animatronic moved inside the door.
The children had all gone home, leaving only Sun to clean up.
'What a mess. Oh my god...' Even from afar, Molten could hear Sun's groans. The sun model sat on the ground, surrounded by scattered barrels. The faint scent of antiseptic wafted to the tip of Molten's nose.
Molten's orange-gray fur was even reflected on the plastic, glistening under the bright lights.
'How much detergent did Sun use? '
Molten tilted his head. His metal body covered in wires clanked, yet Sun had yet to notice him behind. A focus and joy that Molten rarely had the chance to witness, especially when the yellow animatronic was always in a state of anxiety or depression.
“Hmm… Argh!! Molten!!? You scared the crap out of me!!” Sun was startled and almost jumped back. An overly dramatic expression appeared on Sun’s face, and their hands unconsciously folded as if to cover their faces.
“Hello, Sun.” Molten replied cheerfully, waving his claws. “Do you want to hang out?”
“Go out?” Sun straightened up, looking puzzled. They shook their heads at him with helpless expressions, and as if they couldn’t understand what he was saying.
“But why, Molten?! I'm kinda busy right now.. and…”
Sun’s hands waved in the air, as if Molten had turned on some kind of anxiety switch in Sun.
“But you have been so busy lately. I just want you to relax a little bit. Is that not okay, Sun?” Molten lowered his head, his claws poking at each other.
“Y–Yes! Of course it’s okay. It’s just… there are people who are busier than me, like Solar, Moon… Laying around just feels wrong… you know.” Sun stuttered, looking more and more like they were about to scream, or faint. “I just want to get out of my head by doing the things I can do the best.” Sun opposes weakly, even though he seems like he didn’t charge for like a couple days. 
Molten genuinely liked Moon. He liked Solar too. They are good people, and they had both helped him a lot. Moon and the Creator had helped him fix his software, and Solar had given him a new body. 
But it was Sun who had given him a little faith into the future, and it was him who truly asked what he wanted or his purpose was. Because if it weren't for Sun, he would still be trapped in Moon's cage, lost in the curse the Creators had placed on him, with a pain of emptiness that could only be released by catching Ruin.
Because Sun looked like a sinking ship patched up with duct tape but still able to survive countless storms. Because Sun knew what it felt like to put all his effort into a meaningless goal, only to get nothing in return, just like Molten had when he sent Ruin into the abyss.
Because Sun was a good person, and Molten didn't understand what that meant, due to the fact his rotten nature, though repaired, would never be complete.
“Why do you think so lowly of yourself, Sun? Because here, I see everyone admiring and loving you?”
Molten had always been a good observer. 
He had seen Earth’s dependent and loving gaze, as she played with Sun like an overly pampered little sister. He had also seen the starry admiration in Lunar’s eyes, and the carefully hidden truth behind Sun’s brother’s indifferent demeanor. He had also seen how Moon’s innate sharpness softened whenever Sun was mentioned, and how Solar, despite his rudeness at times, had something secretly protective atmosphere toward Sun, like trying not to touch an open wound.
Everyone connected to Sun in a different way, and between them, Molten felt a sense of respect, admiration, trust, protection and love.
Molten liked that. He likes Sun. He likes the warm feeling whenever the two of them hang out, the feeling running through Molten's main circuit was almost like wanting, like possessing. It feels full. And it makes Molten feel less cold than ever.
Still, because of that, there was a stream of thoughts that came from nowhere running through Molten's small head, screaming passive rage every time he saw Sun talking or playing with someone else.
Because Sun is his friend, and he didn't like it when his friend was closer to someone else than him.
Because Sun still feels comfortable with others more than with him, and he can’t ever beat them due to the fact Molten is just Sun's new friend, and there a lot of people know Sun longer than him.
Was this strange? Molten's ears drooped. Was he becoming selfish for thinking like that?
Was he a bad person? Molten didn't want to be bad, he was bad and now he wanted to become better.
He wanted to hang out with Sun, he wanted to do more things that he felt like, he wanted to find something he was good at to help people.
"Ha... I guess so." Sun muttered. Their bright faces huddled together, even their shoulders lowered. Compared to someone who was almost the same height as Molten, at this moment, Sun looked really small.
There were many things Molten didn't know. There were many things Molten didn’t understand. But he did know that his friend was sad right now. And perhaps the thing that had distracted Molten would be of some use to Sun?
“Do you want to watch a movie, Sun?” Molten repeated what Sun had said. The yellow animatronic still looked hesitant, but nodded slowly. Their voices were still as tense and shrill as before, but more or less, their backs had relaxed a lot now.
“Wait until I finish cleaning this up, Molten.”
“I’ll help.” Molten clumsily sitting down, his loose strands accidentally bumping into the barrels that Sun had neatly arranged into vertical columns, now falling to pieces.
Sun stared, the look of Sun almost making his non-existent heart cringe before they sighed.
“It’s okay, Molten. You can use that rag over there to wipe it, okay?”
“Yeah.” Molten nodded. In the silence, accompanied by Sun’s pleasant hum, Molten timidly asked.
“We’re friends, right, Sun?”
And Sun… in a minute of silence. Their mechanical wrists were as regular as the hands of a clock. The sunlight reflected their images, reflected Molten’s fur in Sun’s eyes. There was something vulnerable as Sun replied.
“Haha… yeah, Molten. We are friends.”
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randomsufff · 4 months
Ok idk how to start this but, DBH fandom- there should be more Connor and Simon friendship fics.
Like- don’t get me wrong I love all the fics where Connor joins the Jeri-crew but, for some reason, I feel like Post-Deviant Connor would really get along with Simon specifically . I tried to think of a reason why (other than bc they’re my two favorite characters) and I think it’s because they’re so similar- but also like… ever so slightly diffrent.
They both (again- thinking Deviant Connor) care about others and are nice, and have a placid, intentional innocent look about them (Simon cause he’s a caretaker android and Connor cause he said it was to appeal to others) and yet they’re both incredibly stubborn and very much capable of violence. However, I think Simon tends to see violence as a very, very last resort while I feel like Connor would be a little more quick to resorting to violence if the situation warrants it.
And Simon is capable of violence! He’s a stubborn piece of shit about his ideals! Side rant bout Simon’s fandom characterization; despite how he’s sometimes depicted- Simon is not some “soft UwU boy who stumbles over his words constantly (EspEciAlly if MARKUS is around hu hu hu *wink wink*) and likes to take care of everyone ✨ by being an overbearing, smothering mother ” (I hate when he’s reduced down to that) Just because he’s nice and empathetic doesn’t mean he’s a weak, push over. I mean, hell, dude kept Jericho standing for who knows how many years. He had to insist AND UPHOLD the rule that they don’t leave the ship. Dude straight up wields a gun and kills people if you go the violent route. He obviously doesn’t like it- and any times he promoted to hurt people it usually fails (Thinking of trying to attack the first 2 guards at Stanford or taking the L during the March) but he does it if he’s pushed into it! And he’s headstrong too! Not some weakling who can’t think for himself. Just because he follows Markus’ ruling- dosent mean he’s some pathetic simp who’s only doing it cause it Markus the one who saying it (ok maybe it’s a little bit that- but he’s their leader! He calls the big shots. No duh he’s going to do as he says because he’s the one who gets final say!) I’m pretty sure if you choice the violent route he’ll push back at every turn and he’s soooooooo snappy to the others if Markus is kicked off cause he really thought he would help them. And while I know there are some great , 3D interpretations of Simon- there are quite a bit that, while not to the extreme that I said, tend to flatten Simon to either being just “caring” or “anxious”. And while a lot of his character is caring and anxious, it’s not ALL of it, and there’s that whole other side to him that you’re missing!!! Give him a mf backbone!
Anyway rant over, why Simon specifically as a friend and not the others- well I feel like Simon’s the type of guy who is so easy to befriend and get along with. He’s also, as I mentioned before this long rant, very similar to Connor in personality. Being split between his Machine coding and new Deviancy- I feel like Simon’s also the perfect middle to comfort him and be the friend that man desperately needs.
I don’t know how to explain why I feel this, genuinely! In my opinion/hc, I feel like after the revelation and everything, if Connor were to go back up to the Jeri-crew and try to befriend them: North might try to make niceties since he helped them in the end, but it’ll take a whillllleeee and a lot of effort to break down her defenses. Josh and Markus will try harder to be friendly, but ultimately treat it very businesslike and orderly- cause to them, Connor was more like an ally they gained in the heat of battle then a friend they made. Contrary to belief I feel like Markus wouldn’t extent an offer for Connor to join their crew as one of the leaders. He’s literally an outsider who BROKE in. He had to talk him through breaking his deviancy so he wouldn’t shoot him. He joined the cause at the very, very end. If anything, he’d see Connor as one among the many of their people who helped fight for their freedom (similar to the guy you turn in the Cyberlife supply run)- not a personal, close friend. And Josh, though not thinking of Connor as “one of his people” cause he’s not the head leader, still wouldn’t exactly be eager to befriend Connor. I feel like Josh’s pacifism and Connor’s ruthlessness would clash too much? Sure they’d hang out- but it more of a surface level friendship where’d the offer to grab a metaphorical drink or something is made but never really followed up on. But Simon- if anything I feel like Simon would be the one to check up on Connor and see how he’s doing. Having being deviant the longest, and therefore the wisest and more in tune with his feelings, I think Simon would emphasize and understand the chaotic circumstances of his awakening and try to befriend him genuinely.
All this to say- I need more Connor and Simon being friends. I need Simon to be friends with Connor separately from the group (Cause let’s be honest- he’s so sick of North and Joshs content fighting on that ship bro needs a not of a break). I need them to be kind to each other but also have a snarky, sarcastic relationship, where they both can give as much as they can take. I needed this so bad, I’ve actually come up with a little fic idea for how this supposed friendship would start.
And because this post is already so long- I’m putting it under the cut- but here’s the tagline- Connor and Simon befriend each other but the whole world thinks they’re dating (and they’re really, really not)
So it’s set after the Pacifist and Deviant Connor ending. The Jericho 4 has spread out to tackle the post- revolution issues. Markus and North head to DC to tackle the law making side, Josh travels out around the state/ to nearby cities to set up and help other Deviants while Simon stays in Detroit to help those there.
Simon- being lowkey sad and lost that his teammates spread out, head out for a walk in the snowy dark at like 3am. He’s not exactly a leader in the way Markus is, so he’s struggling with all the attention and pressure it takes to essentially govern a whole city of people. Of course he’s also feeling a bit lonely since everyone there treats him like a god or celebrity. Sure the little gang that he “lead” before Markus is close with him but they’re all out exploring their new freedom. And of the few new androids friends that he’s made, there’s always that feeling of never being able to truly connect with him- some wall he can’t quite break.
While he’s walking he stumbles upon Connor- sitting in the park, Sumo in hand, very lost in thought. Having never interacted much during or even after the whole revolution (since there was so much to do immediately) Simon tentatively walks up and says hi, asks what he’s doing out here at 3am. Gets asked the same thing, and eventually said be needed to clear his head with Connor relating. Eventually it’s revealed that Connor’s also feeling lost and lonely, being the only deviant to stay with the police department. Took a lot of fighting in between Hank and Fowler but eventually he was able to join as a consultant? Some other volunteer position cause he can’t technically get paid (and if he did- what would he spend it on? The food he dosent need to eat? At the abandoned Cyberlife store whose supplied are already being ransacked and distributed?) for now. He generally just hangs around the department with Hank for lack of anything better to do (for those of y’all who watched it- think of Psych with Connor as Shawn Spencer [now isn’t THAT a fic idea]). Not everyone is exactly friendly to him there, and it’s awkward to him to try to be friends with those who saw him as his machine, deviant-hunting self. Also Deviant Connor is socially aware and thus socially awkward so he’s not great at making friends- deviant or human wise.
Bla bla bla- after passing back and forth woes- Simon’s like: “you know what- you’re cool, let’s be friends- it’ll solve both our loner problems.” Very straightforward. Connor’s agrees agreeing stating the mutual benefits (getting to rant about android related problems/ general frustrations and being able to go out somewhere with someone when bored.)
They exchange com-links or numbers or whatever and it’s the start of a great friendship as they get into situations. The media eventually think Simon and Connor are dating cause they hang out so much and it’s the talk of all the media sources. They aren’t and never will (in my head at least- Connor my aroace icon. But this could also be a perfect Connor/Simon fic if that’s your thing) but despite that they keep getting into situations that make it look like they are. It’s very funny. Like Hank will be like “CONNOR! Are you dating…. one of the brutal leaders… of Jericho???” And Connor will be like- “No, Hank wtf” but then immediately accidentally fall into Simon’s arms after stumbling and they’re both like “Fucking RA9, we’re never beating these dating allegations huh.”
This could be a Gen Connor and Simon character study that’s disguised as a fic- but as a Markus/Simon girlie- to make it Markus/Simon- throw in Markus being lowkey jealous as he gets word of this- eventually deciding to come back to Detroit while North stays in DC after the biggest laws are finished being drafted. Cue funny ha ha situations and such. Personally- I don’t see Markus as being an outwardly, possessive jealous-type (as in- he’s not a guy who likes to admit and show he’s jealous) so his reactions to every new SituationTM Connor and Simon end up in is him going “oh… 😀🧍🫠” which I personally find really funny
Anyways- ending this off by saying I expect nothing by shouting all these fic ideas (and there will probably be more for other fandoms lol) and thoughts into the void- I just like sharing these specific scenarios that I make up cause I think other would like them. So maybe you too can also rotate these situations in your brain before you go to bed 😀👍
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mooshkat · 1 month
every time i hear more news abt smth a BoB has done, the more i sincerely from the bottom of my fucking heart hope it never goes canon on the show. some of yall are fucking sick in the head and i mean that genuinely.
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destinationtoast · 5 months
Snogging Rebecca was like making out with a grandfather clock: intimidatingly large and elegant, with more hidden complexity than you might first imagine.
- Keeley, in a fic I dreamt I was writing last night
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tvckerwash · 11 months
wash tormenting the reds in the most petty ways possible because he's still pissed off about them hitting him with a car and then blowing him up in s8 is so important to me you don't even understand
#I'm pretty sure I've said it on my old blog before but wash is the blues older brother but to the reds? he's the neighborhood bully lmao#that scene in s13 where wash gets all the chorus soldiers to turn on grif for refusing to attend the training sessions? 100% an act of#calculated cruelty on wash's part lmao#oh oh or in s11 when wash hooked up blue base to the ships power but not the reds? also calculated lol#wash stealing all of their stuff in s10 will also always be a fav petty wash moment of mine#he is out to make them suffer and they're not even aware of it lol#rvb#agent washington#mine#not t/oaru#if i ever write my ct lives au fic I'm going so hard on petty grudge holding wash#he is an absolute menace but he's so lowkey about it that in universe trying to convince ppl that wash is as petty as he is#is nearly impossible#the only ppl aware of wash's true nature are the counselor the director ct alpha and probably maine (and maybe florida)#everyone else sees him in a similar light as his fanon characterization#that's part of the reason why i think lina was so shock in s10 when he turned his gun on her bc to her wash was always so subordinate that#she just genuinely never saw it coming#anyway wash/ct/maine friendship is so important to me. i like to include south in there too sometimes but honestly south comes off as a#loner type. like she doesn't mind ppl but no one except north is really willing to tolerate her uh....personality for long periods of time#shes very....reactive and emotionally charged#but tbh id be that way too if i was stuck with north#north unironically reminds me of my dad but not in the good way lol#god my tags are all over the place#audhd brain goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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tantumuna · 28 days
what's crazy to me is multiple times i've received encouragement to start drawing again, even when i mention that the only reason i've considered drawing again is as a desperate ploy for attention
but whenever i talk about my writing i either get ignored or told to "write for yourself"
like just tell me you don't value writing as an art form. it'll be easier than having to dance through whatever the fuck this is
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i-have-a-lot-of-ocs · 1 month
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Mwahahahaha my first real fic and of course it has to be Tsukasa angst and contain mafukasa drama.
(Note: If you want context for the scene attached read the tags)
I'm clearly overcompensating for the lack of Tsukasa angst in canon but leave me be okay. SEGA neglects Tsukasa like his parents. I can do what I want. And of course, I'm a sucker for happy endings. I won't nake it end on horrible note.
And I'll try to make it good quality I promise. English isn't my first language [cry] but I'm most comfortable with it and people have told me I'm pretty fluent so hopefully it won't be full of shit...
(Hopefully I've also grown past my wattpad fanfic writer tendencies (I love people on wattpad but a lot of fics there that features x reader would just copy and paste the script, add a bit of description, rewrite tiny bits (aka write the characters fall in love at first sight), and leave it like that. (Or maybe that's twst/kny/mha exclusive... I don't know.) (Granted I do still have some scenes like that because it is a "rewrite" of the main story, but I won't copy n paste the entire thing I swear) Don't get me wrong I still love those fics, they have their charm, but I know I shouldn't be that repetitive.). I still have them, and I'm trying to shake them off...)
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rosesradio · 2 months
the biggest propaganda in fandom is fanart. like tell me why i started on this webbed site saying things like “i’m just not into percico” and “jercy is just a bromance to me” but like…if you have a good enough fanartist you can make anyone ship anything, now i think percico is cute and jercy has an absolute iron clad grip on me 😭
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erisenyo · 1 year
For the angsty prompts: "shit are you bleeding" and katoph
My first time writing this ship and my second time with a Katara POV, hopefully I do it justice!
Katara doesn’t know if she’s ever felt like this before—doesn’t know if she’s ever been able to feel like this before, has ever had this permission to let go.
Laughter and exhilaration high in her throat as she spins into an alley with Toph, bubbling up against her lips as they try to hush themselves, muffling giggles against each other’s hands and shoulders.
Adrenaline thrilling in her veins but bright, easy, no death-defying stakes or world-ending battles as they run from angry scammers and lose themselves between crowded market stalls.
Toph’s hand around her wrist and against her own and reaching, always reaching, right for where Katara is, like she always knows exactly where Katara will be, which she does, but there’s something about the way Toph does it, not expecting her to be there or wanting her to be there or needing her to be there but just knowing exactly where she already is…
“Come on,” Toph orders as they dash away from her latest pretend-fall, reaching out—there, there, right there—to tug Katara into a barely-visible alley, both of them holding their breath as their pursuers approach and then falling into giggles after they dash by, Katara feeling so strangely boundless, letting her worries and concerns go for a day, feeling strangely light, with Toph’s unbridled laughter so close, seeing the happy shape it makes of her face, the way it takes her usual confidence and brashness and transforms it into something captivating, something Katara’s chest aches to feel for herself, something—
“Shit, you’re bleeding!” Katara exclaims, catching the trickle of red against the skin of Toph’s forearm and immediately reaching for her wrist, gently turning her arm to see a gravel-burned scrape across her elbow.
“It’s nothing,” Toph scoffs, rolling her eyes. But she doesn’t pull away or push Katara off, doesn’t say anything at all as Katara tuts over it and reaches for her water, just twitches a little at the cool brush of it against her skin and Katara isn’t sure when she’s does why her brisk, bright, “There, all better,” comes out more hushed, whispered, except that she suddenly feels like she doesn’t have the breath for anything stronger than that as something rises in her chest, something big and familiar and—
“Your heart is going crazy all of a sudden, Sweetness,” Toph grins, the nickname for the first time sounding affectionate, the smirk accompanying it putting Katara abruptly in mind of Jet. But only briefly, because thoughts of Jet and anyone else blow right out of Katara’s mind as Toph suddenly grabs her hand and tugs her back out of the alley, her skin warm and calloused and her grip strong and bold and Katara suddenly finds she can’t do anything but hold back the same way, confident and brash, can’t do anything but bare her teeth back in answer to Toph’s approving, sharp grin, can’t do anything but feel bright, bright, bright in the afternoon sunlight, light like she never has before.
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saltiestbread · 5 months
It have been five day i still can't stop reading the same beastnoch fics over and over agine like help??? I can't stop thinking about them??? But also don't??? I am so happy but i get zero work done apart from drawing breastnoch art and I have been sleep at 3 am for the past 5 day because i read them and tell my self just one more?????? I do not think that is healthy in anyway???????
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lulu2992 · 1 year
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The first kiss 💕
In the hours that followed the meeting at the 8-Bit Pizza Bar, the news of John being alive reached everyone’s ears in Hope County… including Joseph’s who contacted the Junior Deputy the instant he knew, late in the evening, and requested to see the little brother he thought he had lost. He and Taylor agreed on a truce and that he would visit them the next day. Approximately 24 hours later, she anxiously drove to his compound to pick him up, but his calm demeanor and the fact he apparently trusted her enough to get into her car alone surprised her. When Joseph was finally reunited with John (who had insisted he needed a shirt for the occasion), he hugged him tightly, and Taylor decided to wait outside so they could talk in private in the small bunker she now called home. The Father came out of it moments later, visibly relieved, and told her John would only return to his Family the next morning because there was “no rush” and, that way, they could “sort everything out”.
The Deputy was a bit confused but, as it happened, “sort everything out” they did.
I had 11 “old” drawings to post and this is the 6th one; I’m getting there! My computer says this file is exactly one year old today :)
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starvrses · 1 month
the urge to write oc x canon fics vs my unshakable fear of being called cringe :/
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eliotquillon · 1 year
i think some of you need to sit down and interrogate why you dislike sabina so much because from where i’m sitting a lot of it is just thinly veiled misogyny. you don’t have to ship her with alex and you don’t have to like her but i’m so tired of people treating her as nothing more than an obstacle to their ship of choice and then trying to shift the blame onto horowitz for writing her poorly when there are literally dozens of male side characters who we know nothing about that get more fandom attention than sabina does. she’s not some evil irredeemable wench for struggling to support alex after the events of eagle strike. she’s a fifteen year old girl whose entire life was upended and has to watch someone she cares about be blackmailed into putting himself in danger again and again. if you can forgive yassen for sending alex to scorpia or k-unit for treating him like shit in brecon beacons, why can’t you forgive sabina for pulling away and trying to live a normal life. you can find her annoying or boring or pointless as a character, but alex very clearly cares about her. acting like he doesn’t says more about your attitudes towards female characters than it does horowitz’s lol
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lunar-years · 7 months
writing a whole chapter of just jamiekeeley in season one which i have never done before and i am having sooo much fun with it. I love them.
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jade-lynxx · 10 months
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I have a theory that everyone is a dragon, in that dragons have hoards and every person has their own personal thing they hoard
My dragon hoard just happens to be unfinished fics and half written Google docs
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vellichorsdesire · 6 months
preoccupied — a small thing i wrote of my s/i & f/o based on this post that i made
word count: 1147 happens in an AU i've dubbed as a domestic life kind of universe, so they live together in this one ^__^ === Vel notices their lingering gazes when they start on going on dates more frequently than ever.
It’s an idea that he had wanted to do for so long, going on little walks or to newly opened shops whenever they both had the time. Both of them weren’t a fan of those extravagant outings in the first place, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to not go on dates— it was just the question of bringing it up to his partner that made him hestitate. Was it too much to ask of them? Did they share the same sentiment? They were questions that plagued Vel’s mind before he gathered the courage to ask and was replied to with a small, loving ‘yes.’ He made sure to set any boundaries at first before they did go out, of course. They immediately made clear that they weren’t a fan of public displays of affection and nothing else, to which Vel respected and made sure he didn’t overstep such in any of their dates. They had both made a list of places they wanted to go, activities to do, places to eat (there were at least 8 names of dessert places that Vel swears he didn’t put on there). They both decided on when they could have their first one, and for the rest they could either schedule later on or go on random ones. So what was the problem? They were really, really discreet about it, is what he notices. They made sure not to be caught, only looking when they thought he didn’t realize, and when Vel eventually asked if something was wrong the first time he had noticed, they had shook their head. Now they were doing it again while they both were walking through their grocery’s aisles, shopping basket in their hands while Vel was in charge of holding their grocery list and getting what they needed off the shelves. “Could you get the cake mix off the top shelf for me, please?” He asks to his partner behind him, a sheepish smile on his face after failing to reach for the box even on his tiptoes. They seem to be lost in their thoughts, a distant look on their face before Vel waves a hand in front of them. “You okay?” “Y–yes, sorry,” they move forward, snapping out of it. “What did you…?” “Cake mix?” “Right, okay.” And they grab the colorful box off the shelf, placing it into the half empty basket. Soon enough, they’re deep in conversation as they walk out of the store, hands occupied with bags and shoulders almost bumping with how close they are beside each other. They take a detour to their home this time, finding an almost empty park filled with flowers, then stopping by a quaint bakery tucked in the corner of its surroundings. Both of them are at peace, walking with no specific goal in mind like this. Vel’s worries are at the back of his mind now, letting himself think about the matter at hand at a later time— watching from the corner of his eye his partner looking at him with such a warm gaze that makes him look away out of flusteredness. Soon enough the two reach home, key’s in Vel’s hand clinking together as he removes it from the door, shutting it closed, and all too suddenly he hears what he thinks is one of their grocery bags dropping to the floor. Before he can turn around, alarmed with his head still facing their door, Vel feels arms wrap around his waist and their head buried in the crook of his neck. Their breath tickles his neck, a quiet gasp leaving him as he feels his face redden. He doesn’t process the action fully until they mumble an almost unheard “sorry.” “What— what for?” Vel manages out, their arms tightening around him. His voice comes out almost as a squeak, only embarrassing to him but endearing to the other. “...Let me do this. Just for a little while longer.” And so he manages to relax against the embrace with that response, slowly dropping the grocery bag he held to the floor and letting out a content sigh. Eventually they loosen the embrace, letting Vel turn around like he wanted, and he’s met with a look of embarrassment and their lopsided smile that he knows all too well and loves. He wonders if he has the same expression on his face, too. Probably even much more redder than they are.
Their hands find its way to tug on his cardigan's sleeves, pulling him a little closer, making him think for a moment that maybe he wants the hug returned until they ask: “Can I kiss you?” His gaze drops down to the floor. If he looks up now, his partner is probably biting back a laugh with his reaction and the redness that continues to spread or looking at him in such a way yet again that gives him goosebumps. “Please,” is all he can say.
A hand moves to direct his face upwards. The taller leaves short kisses on his cheek and the corner of his lips as if teasingly and then eventually moves onto his lips, Vel moving to grasp onto the other’s jacket as if to keep him standing.
Minutes pass, and with almost equally reddened faces the two pick up their dropped grocery bags and finally make their way inside of the apartment.
“You never answered my question,” Vel says as they put their groceries where it should be. “What was— what was that for?”
“It’s nothing,” they answer, until they see their partner’s expression and change their mind just as quick. “Well. It’s not not nothing.”
“I just… I just missed you.” They say, after a small moment of silence. Vel blinks at the reply, almost not knowing what to say. A puzzled expression fits on his face.
“Miss what, though? I haven’t been away often, have I—”
“Not in that way,” the pantry door clicks shut as they finish with putting in the last of the stuff. “In terms of… well. Physical affection. Hugging and the like, when we’re out.”
“Oh,” is all Vel says, their expression hidden from him with their positions in the room. He wonders if they’re embarassed with the admission. “Is that why you keep staring at me when we’re outside?”
“Right. I’m… sorry, to have made you worry.”
“You’re alright, really.” and he moves to tug on their sleeve, a signal that they immediately get with the way they face him properly. Vel leaves a short kiss on their cheek, a small smile on his face when he lets go of them— before changing his mind just as quick and leaving more kisses on their face and jawline. 
When he finally stops, his partner manages a few words out, to which Vel couldn’t hear so they repeat. “...You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
His face breaks into a grin at that. “Never ever.” And all they can do is sigh in response at the giggle that follows it. 
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