#never drawn terra before
24draws · 2 years
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Day 1 \ Day 2 \ Day 3 \ Day 4 \ Day 5 \ Day 6 \ Day 7 \ Day 8 \ Day 9 \ Day 10 \ Day 11 \ Day 12 \ Day 13 \ Day 14 \ Day 15 \ Day 16 \ Day 17 \ Day 18 \ Day 19 \ Day 20 \ Day 21 \ Day 22 \ Day 23 \ Day 24 \ Day 25 \ Comp 1 \ Comp 2 \ Comp 3
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silvertherogue715 · 7 months
hello! How are you doing? Feeling any better since you caught that cold? This ask is gonna be about Sunstar mainly so I’m gonna split this up into different parts based on the questions. Knowing that Duo attacked and badly injured him I’m curious as to why? Was it cause of the bad emotions that he gave off and effected the other stardroids? Or just a chance encounter that didn’t go well? And does he just stay at one NEC or does he get the other one?
Emotions and relationship wise: Does the NEC still effect his emotions or are they more apparent then before because he only has one of the NEC he had originally? Does this change his behavior in anyway than what he was like originally? Especially his relationship with Terra and Minx(the last ask with his and Does he have any other relationships with the stardroids or know any Navis?
knowing that he’s the leader of the stardroids what does he do exactly?
with his ability being effected by emotions which sorts of emotions cause a increase in heat? Excitement, love, anger, etc. and just an angsty thought that came up has he ever out of instinct tried to grab someone out of panic or reflex and ended up burning them instead? (I assume he’s very careful but the concept of it happening to anyone(Minx, Terra, stardroid) is just a curiosity)
I hope you’re doing well! Have a good day/night! Thank you
I'm doing much better now, thank you! I don't get sick often, so I was a bit caught off-guard, but it also happened right before break when a bunch of assignments were nearing their deadlines. 
Hopefully I'll be able to dedicate way more time to shoveling out Brainrot AU stuff now.
This is a long one! I'll post my answers below the cut.
Why did Duo attack?
There’s a lot of lore for Duo in my AU, but I'm gonna try to simplify it here.
It’s canon in the MMBN anime that Duo began to see his creators and their civilization as evil, and that he eventually destroyed all life on Earth during that time before leaving on a rocket that mimics the appearance of a comet (which is powered by Negative Energy).
In my AU, he sees all NEC-Navis as inherently “evil.”
He uses this comet to approach sources of “evil,” and gives any intelligent life he comes across a “test” to determine whether or not they as a whole are evil and should be destroyed. This also means that Sunstar and the Stardroids are always on his radar. They have clashed several times.
Duo is the first and only Viren Navi with 5 GV-Crystals in his body, and Sunstar only absorbed the extra 3 NE crystals in his body to stand a chance against Duo when no other NE-Navi could. Unfortunately, he had no idea the consequences would be so dire, and was too far gone to stop by the time he realized.
Does he just stay at one NEC?
No. Sunstar is reduced to one NEC after Duo’s attack, but he does eventually regain up to 4 out of the 5 total.
The stardroids secure the two that go into his forearms before arriving to Earth.
Terra obtains the fourth, one of his original two that go in his chest, from Ra Moon after the Stardroids arrive on New Earth.
Minx finds the 5th later..but that’s not important right now =) 
Sunstar was never ”woken up” after the attack from Duo until Terra restored his other original NEC from Ra Moon inside his chest. All the Stardroids knew of the possible side effects from either losing or receiving damage to an Energy Crystal: there had been plenty of personal and historical references to use.
Had they activated him with one NEC, Sunstar would have been missing a huge chunk of his memories. In addition to this, he would have felt his emotions with an all-new intensity that he was unfamiliar with. Think of a usually calm and intimidating individual getting reduced to tears on a regular basis or verbally lashing out after an insult that wouldn’t have normally phased him. Positive side effects would be a temporarily clear mind and non-firey hands, but the downsides outweighed them tenfold. 
The change would definitely put a strain on his relationships. It’d be like having to learn about a person all over again.
What are his relationships?
Most Earth Navis Sunstar is familiar with he has met through/with Minx when he was still “Ra Moon.” He couldn’t/wouldn’t make many friends for several reasons, but some notable cases include:
Napalmman: Both love to talk about their respective netops (Nenji/Minx), and their shared love for explosions and anything fire-related. Friend!
Also occasionally talks with some coworker Navis Napalmman is friends with.
Sprout: Carson’s hilariously underwhelming but overpowered normalnavi. Carson is one of Minx’s older brothers, and due to plot reasons, Sprout is the only other Navi Ra Moon would see occasionally when Minx was a child.
Shadowman: Frenemies. He and Miyabi tried kidnapping him several times at one point, and Ra Moon loves to tease/annoy him whenever he gets the chance.
Shademan: Hate. Can and will fight on sight.
Forte/Bass: Sympathetic, but best to avoid. His relationship with Dr. Cossack (manga-based) is semi-mirrored by his relationship with Minx.
As for the other Stardroids…I hate to admit I have not thought of many specific interactions between Sunstar and all of them. This is the perfect opportunity to brainstorm though! Hmm..
Saturn would likely be chilly to Sunstar given his crush on Terra. Sunstar would probably dislike his poor work ethic and pull the occasional prank on him.   
Venus looks up to him, and while Sunstar finds her adorable, he regularly gives her physically harder tasks (like leading training sessions) to satiate her pride.
Sunstar is practically the only one who interacts with Mars–they both have a mutual understanding of the other, as each were deemed “monsters” by the Viren civilization. I wouldn’t describe them as friends, though.
Mercury annoys him to hell and back and Sunstar does his best to station Mercury as far away from himself as possible. 
Jupiter is one of the only Stardroids who will actively seek out Sunstar without going through Terra first. He has a deep respect for Sunstar’s strength, and finds him less intimidating due to his friendship with Uranus.
Uranus is terrified of Sunstar but plays it off with bravado by challenging him to fights. He has yet to win.
Sunstar likes Pluto and Jupiter maybe the most due to their sort-of friendship with Terra. Also, because Sunstar is absolutely a cat person.
I’ll need to think further on some of the other ones.
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What does he do?
Sunstar was created to serve as a symbol of protection for Virens, but more importantly for NEC Navis. He shadowed Terra for three major things:
How to lead as a representative for NEC Navi’s
How to observe and deal with hostile rival alien civilizations that may pose a threat to specific Viren settlements 
How to prevent and manage NE-Navi-related disputes while striving for a positive social image
Admittedly, Sunstar shadowed Terra for a majority of his time after being created. He very rarely acted without first consulting or collaborating with Terra first. Terra had both more knowledge and experience than him, but he also commanded more trust and respect from the population and other Viren leaders/council members.
Before Duo mutinied against the Viren civilization on Earth, Sunstar wanted to implement at least two policies/practices:
Raising awareness of and liquidating misinformation surrounding the nature of Negative Energy Crystals and NE-Navis.
The removal of exclusively positive or negative energy crystals.
He had proof it was possible for a hybrid design.
Now, though?
His ship is stranded on Earth with Duo no doubt closing in. The civilization that he was responsible for previously before is dead. The only thing he can do is try to protect the life he has secured on New Earth with friends and family, new and old. 
After reawakening with 4 NECs, Sunstar proceeds to lose the 2 in his forearms during a battle on Earth soon after re-arriving. They get shattered in the heat of the battle, and a decent chunk of Arc 2 is spent hunting down the shards before Duo can arrive.
What emotions cause an increase in heat?
Emotions like anger, fear, sadness, or any combination of those that can leave him feeling overwhelmed. Again, Sunstar’s emotions are more muted than regular NE-Navis, given he has two NECs. That means whatever he’s feeling has to be pretty intense for it to affect him so deeply, but he is most prone to anger out of any other ‘provocative’ emotion. 
Also! He kind of hates how his hands can be a “tell” for him. He may have a stoic persona, but there’s only so much you can hide behind an empty stare, or later, a mask, without your furiously flaming hands giving you away.
Has he burned someone accidentally?
Grabbing and shaking you. I love your brain. He absolutely has.
It doesn’t happen often anymore, not like when he was first created, but my god does it devastate him when it does. He knows what happens when he touches things: they burn. He can’t help but ask himself, why does he still slip up? He knows his loved ones know it is never out of malice, that it’s an accident, that they forgive him, but he finds it hard to forgive himself. 
It’s safe to say Sunstar has accidentally burned nearly all of the Stardroids at least once. For specific people, though?
Uranus: weirdly enough he wants to fight Sunstar hand-to-hand. Close combat is his forte, and he wants to prove he’s strong enough to push through and kind of foe–or pain.
Mercury: he is absolutely enough of an annoying bastard for Sunstar to chase him down on several occasions until he either hands over whatever he has stolen from another Stardroid, apologizes to whoever he pissed off, or mans his station.
Terra: multiple times back on Viren Earth. A few scenarios:
Sunstar grabbing Terra by the shoulders to protect him from falling debris
Sunstar accidentally burned Terra when the latter passed him something by hand.
Without thinking, Sunstar tried holding Terra’s hand during a wholesome moment for both.
Minx: (so far) twice.
Minx tried holding his hand, thoughtlessly.
Sunstar grabbed and pulled Minx by the arm to prevent her from wandering into oncoming traffic at night.
He always apologizes profusely, but has a bad habit of isolating himself for hours and sometimes days afterwards.
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He was apologizing for months afterwards.
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auriidae · 1 year
spotify keeps playing me mcr and arctic monkeys and whatever that weird old clown band is and i'm just sitting here like
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pallysuune · 2 months
Summary: The twins were identical in almost all ways. But in the bedroom is where you can always tell them apart. Pairing: Alpharius Omegon/fem reader
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, could make the argument for manipulation. Not yandere, but imprisonment, I guess? Primarchs being primarchs. Uh, twins' bedroom shenanigans and sharing a partner.
A/N: Don't judge me. XD
The twins were identical. Even more so than those of the Alpha Legion who had undergone surgery to change their faces and look more like their primarchs. It was said that they were one soul split into two bodies, and you could actually believe that. They even acted perfectly alike, seemingly without any practice or trying to. They could communicate with just a glance. They made themselves interchangeable.
The Alpha Legion in general did everything possible to obfuscate all information that they could.
Which made the fact that they took you on as a rememberancer more than a little strange. Yes, you knew the Emperor was encouraging all of his sons to take ones with them, but the ease with which Alpharius agreed should have raised alarms. Now, you knew that he had agreed so easily because he had no intention of ever letting you go.
He took you on, and he let you learn things no one else could ever know.
Which, if you were honest, kind of endeared him to you. He - and his twin - were both charming, and seemingly opened themselves up to you and you alone. Perhaps they had some plan in telling you, or perhaps they simply wanted someone to know the truth of things, even if it could never be public. You doubted you'd ever know the truth. All the same, you found yourself drawn in by them and, before you knew it, you were far more than just a rememberancer to them.
You had heard from their own lips their histories, their upbringings, and it was knowing these that helped you come to recognize them better.
You see, Omegon had told you that he had grown up on an uninhabited planet and only encountered other people when he was already an adult, where as Alpharius grew up around, but unseen by, the courts on Terra. Why was this important? Because Omegon fucked you like a beast.
You were pressed face down into the massive bed, your forearms bracing you just enough to keep your face from being smothered by the sheets. His hands circled your waist, holding your hips angled perfectly for him to pound into you, filling you to the limit again and again. He was hunched over you, his huge frame shadowing you, the heat from his body almost suffocating in a way that made your head spin. He was intoxicating. Omegon peppered nips over your shoulders, teeth dragging over your skin. He bit down a little harder on the back of your neck, giving a nearly inaudible groan against your skin.
It was hard to think of anything other than him. Everything was heat and sweat and that pleasure-pain of being so very, very full.
He pulled out of you with a suddenness that left your head spinning. A soft gasp tore from your lips. A second later, the searing heat of his release painted your back in thick ropes of cum. He groaned again, deeply. Deep enough you thought you could feel it in your bones, but that may have been your imagination.
One thing that wasn't your imagination, though, was the throbbing need that still pulsed through you. You were so close to cumming, and he had so cruelly pulled away.
There was a soft chuckle from the side, and you felt the bed move at your side before there were hands on you once more. A cloth was dragged halfheartedly over your back to clean you up before those hands settled at your waist, drawing you up. "I keep telling you to be more considerate of her," Alpharius admonished, tutting. His voice was laced with amusement.
It was a game for them. Leaning into Omegon's desires and turning it into a play with their bed as the stage. You knew that, but there was still something about it that you enjoyed.
You were lifted up into Alpharius' lap, your legs stretched on either side of his, his hard cock sliding against your wet sex. But he didn't push into you. Instead, he curled an arm around your waist to hold you there while his other hand slid down, fingers tracing your slit lightly. Dazed, you lean back against him, your head tipped back against his shoulder. Omegon sat in front of the two of you, naked and smirking, very clearly enjoying the sight before him.
"And how would you be considerate, then?" he asked, his voice deep and husky still, with a little more of a growl to it than normal.
A thick, slick finger brushed oh-so-softly over your clit. Even that light of a touch pulled a gasp roughly from your lips and caused your hips to buck, grinding unintentionally against the hard cock still resting against your sex. Alpharius chuckled again.
"Watch closely and I'll show you."
You realized you were in for a long night.
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azidoazide-art · 7 months
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terra and roxas from the expressions sheet! i've never drawn terra before
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A few Shenanigan Artworks
So, a friend of mine, @mrmansco, one of the friends I've been going through some of the terraria stuff with, made 2 artworks of a few terraria shenanigans (Said friend has never drawn a Touhou Character before these). They gave me permission to upload these here.
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First of the two, Utsuho "Okuu" Reiuji and Terra (One of said friend's OC's) make some of that stuff from the hit show Breaking Bad, Meth. This is where the Meth gag started essentially. Source image can be found here.
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Second of the two arts. After dying in the Dungeon, Luna (Another one of said friend's OC's), Dr. Ludwig (The Medic from Team Fortress 2), and Rin "Orin" Kaenbyou get into a bit of an argument. Source image can be found here.
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kagamemearts · 1 year
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Terra! I've never drawn him before so this was kinda just an experiment lol
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pyxisastronautica · 11 days
E: Apologies for the delayed response, I had my own duties to attend to, as well as wishing to confer with Romeo, X-ray, and Uniform on some of the details. I want to provide you proper context before I provide the example I brought up earlier.
We will start at the 6th century P.E.- P.E. standing for Post-Exodus, the period after the invention of lightspeed travel where humanity had the means to begin establishing colonies on other planets and began to actually leave Earth in large numbers (well after the invention itself, admittedly, early endeavors at colonizing terra nova were...difficult). It was around this time when what were once small scientific Martian outposts had turned into proper cities.
They were nowhere near the size of what Earth's cities were by that point, but they were well established and contained enough that they didn't need constant contact with Earth anymore. This in turn led to movements cropping up that encouraged colonists to establish identity away from their terrestrial origins. These movements often failed- it is a very hard sell after all to cut ties to what was at the time the only planet known to natively harbor life, and where it grew more easily than anywhere else by a large, large margin, but at least one found success.
This movement and its ensuing revolution was, unfortunately, the result of a multi-corporation alliance seeking to shuck off government regulations entirely. Withdrawing all the capital they could possibly take with them from Earth, and using a very effective propaganda campaign, they persuaded many of their employees to break their national ties. What ensued thereafter was a drawn-out guerrilla war in what was still mostly underground cities at that time.
That multi-corporation alliance- branded at that time the "Martian Independence Coalition", or the MIC- actually did win its war of independence, and in time, Earth's nations began to recognize it and resume trading with it.
You are probably wondering when I get to the part that's actually relevant to ethics surrounding the use of cell cultures and gene editing. It's about now, actually.
You see, as time went on and technology progressed, the means to propagate not only small bits of tissue or organoids or even scaffolded organs, but whole and entire organs became possible- the process of incorporating them into whole humans becoming much easier since they are, well. Genetically identical to their hosts.
Earth governments began running into issues with this technology on a societal level as to whether or not the organ in question belonged to the company that made them, or to the individual who possessed them. Many settled on the sane decision of saying that transplanted organs- even those grown in a lab- belong to the patient once they are properly attached.
But the MIC did not, and it became standard policy to freely offer replacement parts to employees (employees who again lived in a place where their employers set what safety standards they did and did not have, and as such were frequently subject to injury and infection)- on the condition that they take on debt for it. Debt that would be viscerally collected on if they ever attempted to step out of line.
In that way, as X-ray tells me, Hades current state of affairs with cybernetics is unfortunately similar.
History repeated itself many times in this regard, and this was not even the worst that it had ever gotten. Suffice it to say that when it became possible to clone whole humans, there were those who, to escape their debts, sold their genomes and thus the rights to...anyone...or anything...created with it. I will not go into this further, as it is an extremely sordid chapter of history.
It ended eventually, at least. That part of it.
Somewhere along the line, a door was opened that could not be closed. It was opened by the inventions of people who dedicated their whole lives to saving others'. Who likely believed that their works would never be bastardized in the way that they were, or thought that the lives that were saved would outweigh any cost.
And it did save many, many, many lives, in fairness. By the time we were created, R3DBPs- rapid 3D bioprinters- were standard and able to repair almost any physical wound or loss of blood on the same day as it happened, as long as the patient's medical records were on the ship they were being treated on. A critical thing for our arkships, as humanity is, compared to what it had once been, an endangered species where every life is all the more precious.
Again, I am not telling you all of this to discourage you. I exist because of the technological advance of mankind into ethical territory that was previously unexplored and frankly probably...at least a little dubious. But I look back on the world that led to my creation and it is bittersweet: I love to exist, I am happy to be what I am and what I was made for.
But so, so, so many were lost on the way here. Billions I will never get to see, who died in peace or in pain. I walked through the ruins of what once was, some parts looking like it had never been, and am filled with a profound dread and awe.
If you read nothing else, if you care about nothing else, know this:
All that has ever been made has drawn upon the knowledge of what was gathered before. All that will ever be made will be drawn from that pool, too. When you add to it, know that you do not know who will draw from what you put in, or why, or when. Do not be afraid. But for the love of all the living, be wise. And if it can be at all helped, have compassion for those who follow after you.
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erroramended-blog · 1 year
Sketch dump extravaganza!
So, the end is near. The end of the owl house that is. I’m excited, and nervous, and happy and sad, and all sorts of other feelings all at once. This show really meant a lot to me, and this is the first time I’ve ever been THIS involved in making stuff for a fandom. It really helped me grow in both my art and my writing, so as a sort of sent off, I put together this! It’s a look back on my Owl house journey in the form of sketches I never posted, process pics, and unfinished works, along with some creator commentary!
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Starting it off with a ton of Hunter! Hes been my most drawn victim subject, and one of my top faves. Above is a number of sketches I never finished and a few alternate goof arounds. Sometimes when I feel stuck trying to capture an expression I draw the most basic version of what I wanna get across, both for my amusement and to get out of the funk. More to see below the cut.
This next one was started during the hiatus after Yesterdays Lie and never finished. It proved a bit too challenging at the time.
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That background was waaay above my skill level at the time, so this is as far as I got. You’ll notice, Willow is the only fully drawn character. I just really liked how she was coming out.
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I already wanted Hunter to be part of the friend gang before he’d even met Willow and Gus, and I wanted them all to have a fun human realm adventure hiking and having a picnic. Here are some sketch highlights.
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Hunter found a good walking stick, and then Flapjack found one too. Ghost in a cat backpack, Gus with a dandelion.
Next up is an early imagining of what Belos’s final form might look like.
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With a scared Hunter for scale. It was also related to my long running fanfic (good days bad days and all the days in between)  written during that same hiatus along with a few other arts.
Hunter was not the only character I liked to make suffer. Here are a few Raine sketches related to that fic (on the right) and a few unfinished pieces from after we met Terra (On the left)
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Next up, in a continuation of the Raine suffering. (And my terrible goofy looking thumbnail sketch on the upper left.)
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Sketches from my happy then sad Raine and Eda fanart, featuring dead (or mostly dead) Raine. Fun fact, both the content, and style used here were inspired by the short animated film Fuelled, in which a cat wife seeks revenge for the murder of her cat husband. (Ok, it was actually inspired by a Fuelled fan AMV set to Mitski’s Because Dreaming Costs Money, My Dear, but still, beautiful film, go check it out.) For a change of pace, here’s something cute.
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Big happy family with young bats, and baby Hunter. This was going to be for an unfinished fic I started in which the bats are already Raine’s adopted kids, and, unable to let baby Hunter suffer, Raine kidnaps him, and goes to Eda for help. Happy family shenanigans ensue.  Here’s a chunk of that fic. (and we’re back to suffering for both Raine and Hunter, so be warned) -- “Eda, I-I am so sorry to show up like this, but—” Raine swallowed hard, and looked over their shoulder into the distance. Fear in their eyes, like something was going to pop out of the woods and get them. “I did something...and I am in so much trouble and...and I didn’t know who else to turn to.” The kids behind them looked up at her with a mix of fear and hope. One of the younger ones clung to Raine’s pant leg, looking especially weary. “You owe me an explanation.” She said, stepping aside. “But it can wait. Get in here.” “Thank you,” They said, sounding beyond relieved, and absolutely exhausted. The kids followed them inside, and Eda paused in the doorway, looked out into the night, unsure what she was expecting to see. Nothing was out there. “Hey, Hooty.” Eda said quietly. The house demon sleepily gave a hoot of acknowledgment “Keep an eye out. Let me know if you see anything.”  With that she shut the door, and turned to face the...complicated situation she was suddenly faced with. Raine had set the youngest child down on her couch. There was a wad of bloody gauze secured to the kids ear. “Do you have any healing supplies?” Raine asked, firmly focused on the injured ear. “Anything for pain?”  
“Yeah.. uh, I’ll grab um.” she said, moving to fetch the kit. The whole situation was bizarre and confusing, but getting everyone taken care of had to be the first priority.
One of the kids followed her. 
“Do you have any food?” The little pony-tailed kid asked. Truth be told, no, she didn’t. Not much anyway. She really needed to keep more around, especially now that she had— oh, she should mention that. It’s a good thing he was a pretty heavy sleeper.
“Kitchens that way” She said, pointing “Don’t burn the place down. Help yourself to what you find. What are you, five?”
“I’m ten” The kid said “Hunter is five. I’m not five, I’m not a baby.”
“Good for you.” She said, digging through the half depleted healer's kit. “Don’t touch the bottle with the apple on it.”
“Katya,” Raine called, worry in their voice “Where did you go? Come back here please.”
“Sorry!” said the kid whose name was apparently Katya. The kid ran back to the living room, and Eda followed. She handed over the kit.
“It’s not much,” She said. “I can see about whipping up a pain potion. I gotta look up the doses for a kid — how old is...”
“I told you, Hunter is five!” Katya said, exasperated. 
“Katya, please.” Raine said, sounding more tired than frustrated. “Yes, he’s five.”
Next up, an unfinished crossover between Owl House and Hades Town
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Set to the song Doubt Comes In, with Raine as Orpheus and Eda as Eurydice. I never finished it because I didn’t like how it was turning out (and it was way to much work, lol.) But I still love the crossover. Some highlights below.
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Next, sketches from things that did end up finished.
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And a few alternate poses and expressions from finished stuff.
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Here’s King, and an itty-bitty Eda.
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And some post Kings Tide sketching.
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Another happy family type sketch from waaay back
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and lastly, me!
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Its me as an owl house character, featuring a spider beast form, and non-binary cape! So there you have it!
In it’s final secret title message to us, Owl House thanked us for watching, so I want to thank it back for all the entertainment and inspiration it gave me (And thanks to those who have followed, liked, reblogged and commented on my art and writing along the way.). I’m gonna miss it, and I wish it hadn’t been cut short, but I’m looking forward to its last episode. Goodbye Owl House.
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tertiusdecimusfilius · 6 months
Ships passing in the night usually didn't see one another.
It took a mere twenty minutes from the destroyer-escorts of the Ultramarines and the Dawn Legion discovered each other until the time that the twin fleets were facing off side-by-side, rows of macrocannons staring down Lance batteries like fleets on ancient Terra with decks of cannon aimed and ready.
"Macragge's Honour," Celaya muttered, mild disbelief ringing through her tone. "The same markings, the same iconography, the same support fleet."
"Roboute never was particularly fond of changing what works," Tlatia replied.
Alarms blared throughout the ship as the Ultramarine fleet was brought to full combat readiness and the Dawn Legion did the same. Marines, both superhuman Astartes and mortal shipboard defense crews, rushed to their battle stations with weapons at the ready. Damage control teams went to standby alert. Weapons crews plotted firing solutions and prepared their guns, either charging them or loading them with colossal macrocannon shells.
The twin fleets sat there for five agonizing minutes, guns ready and drawn, shields high and humming. Five minutes of infinite chances for bloodshed ticked by before a message was sent.
"This is the Dawnbringer, hailing Macragge's Honour."
The other fleet hadn't made an attack yet which put him a little at ease. However, both fleets were ready for a battle, should it come down to it. Roboute stared at the ships opposite them, eyes wandering over the shape of the ships, the colors, the symbols.
They looked familiar. It wasn't something his mind could place right away. There was a nagging sense that he should know, that he knew, this other fleet. It wasn't the same feeling he'd gotten when he'd first met Aurelius and discovered the remnants of the second legion all those months ago. But this was certainly similar. The Primarch chewed his bottom lip. The name of the flagship escaped him.
His mouth opened to give the order to hail the other ship, but before he could, the voxmaster piped up. The other ship was hailing them.
"Open the frequency," Roboute ordered. The Dawnbringer? The name rung a bell, but-
There was the familiar spark of pain in his head. It only confirmed the feeling he had about this. It was likely that this was the other lost legion. Though it was strange. He couldn't remember much about them, probably from whatever power Malcador had used to erase the existence of the two legions. However it wasn't causing the same level of pain. Either the eleventh had been as thoroughly scrubbed from existence as the second, or having already remembered the second was making it easier to remember the eleventh.
"This is Macragge's Honour. What business do you have within this sector, Dawnbringer?" he asked.
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captastra · 8 months
Hello! 2, 8, and 9 for Lethyan!
2. What was their Origin? How did they end up in that path?
Lethyan is a sanctioned psyker, specifically a pyromancy psyker. Unfortunately for her, like all other psykers, she did not end up on the path but was simply always a psyker. Her abilities manifested when Lethal Revenant (her home ship) was attacked by World Eaters (Chaos Space Marines). A boarding party had penetrated the ship a few levels below where her clan lived, but her clan barely had time to start running for safety when Marines made it to her level. No crew members had made it to their level yet, not that they would be expected to, which meant Lethyan, even as a girl of 9, knew she was died. This would be her end, surrounded by flames with a World Eater bearing his chainsword down on her. Except she didn’t die. Instead the fire around her seemed to respond to her screams and swarmed the World Eater, burning him until he was nothing but ash and burnt ceramite.
After this incident, Lethyan was able to get away and hide under the radar for a few more years before her psyker abilities were discovered and she was given to a Black Ship to be taken to Terra to begin her training and sanctioning process. Lethyan never speaks of her time aboard the Black Ship. The memories are not something she ever wants to relive.
From there she went through the sanctioning process which left her more scarred due to an error that occurred and left her mind tortured in the warp before finally being brought back. With her powers too powerful to lose, Lethyan gets assigned to the Imperial Guard and spends her days pre-Rogue Trader assisting the Guard in battles against enemies of the Imperium. Unfortunately for her, she survives each and every fight she gets sent on.
8. How much does your RT buy into the Imperium's dogma? What do they agree or disagree on?
Answered here!
9. Who is your RT romancing/planning to romance?
Heinrix. Initially Lethyan was hesitant of him because their first meeting triggering some very bad memories for her, but when it became obvious he would be very easy to tease, she couldn’t help but find herself drawn to the man with such thick icy walls that even right away had cracks showing the sensitive man underneath. So obviously she had to do whatever it took to melt them away and sure enough she found herself falling. The poor dear, Heinrix may be devoted and down bad for her, but Lethyan ends up just as down bad for him.
Its hard to resist the parallels between them of ice and fire. Lethyan so free and open with who she is, which Heinrix on his end can't help but be drawn to as well. I truly could ramble for hours about these two (and have so I won't go crazy here).
She does have a small dalliance with Marazhai though. What can she say, he brings out something in her that she never had the chance to explore in the Imperial Guard and found his manner…enticing. Though in the end her heart would forever belong to Heinrix.
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vacantgodling · 9 months
I want to know more about Soprano and Tenor, along with my kings Lath and Ensio <3
henrike!! thank you for asking <3
SOPRANO / TENOR (status: canon!)
soprano and tenor are actually forte (and his sister, melody's) parents! the two of them met when tenor was still a traveling bard, one of the most famous in terrae this era before he retired formally (from traveling at least, you can't take the music out of this man its probably in his bloodstream at this point). it was sort of like a terrae-version of a groupie getting her idol to fall in love with her, though soprano never tried particularly hard for that to happen. his music just enriched her soul and she couldn't help but follow him to every city he held concerts at. one thing led to another, and after they consummated their relationship, she found out she was pregnant with their first child, forte. forte's birth is actually what sparked tenor to retire, though he wasn't upset about it. having a family and getting to settle down in his hometown of bass landing is lovely for him, and who knows? maybe once melody is grown he and soprano will travel around terrae, performing together. soprano actually has a lovely husky voice and the symphonia house was always full of music. they're really gentle lovers and gentle parents and have that sort of toothrotting fluff vibe about them that just makes me Emo.
LATH / ENSIO (status: literally immortal together cannot be separated - qpr territory basically)
god these two i rotate an INSANE amount as you know. idk how much of their backstory i've quite talked about, but tldr they are from the first age of terrae when argos was still standing. lath's parents died when he was young, and ensio's parents who were close with lath's essentially took him under his wing. lath and ensio have always been attached at the hip; if you saw one, you'd always see the other not too far away. while ensio is more outgoing and personable, lath is more standoffish (he hardly blinks and is too intense for the average person) the mesh together really well. they just know each other so well. their fighting together is like a dance. ensio knows where lath keeps his spare daggers and vice versa, and coming into service of the little king mitica together was natural after the day of fissures.
once lath becomes a guardian, MUINENS also grants him ensio as a permanent companion by having him take the form of lath's sword. unlike the other guardians, lath is the one who is Most Likely to have ensio by his side in his human form. think of soul eater, where guardian weapons can take on 2 forms. (the other exception to this is arian) but tbh lath would've never agreed to becoming a guardian if ensio wasn't with him (not that he had a choice, but MUINENS already knew that lath would not take up the mantle alone). lath doesn't view himself as anything that special. he likes to fight and has never experienced terror and he's extremely calculating. his legend definitely softens a lot of his edges, and in many ways has blended he and ensio's personalities together (there's also a statue of lath as a guardian with his sword drawn in the center of the city of lathsbury, which is named after him lol). so its actually really funny in book 2 when some of the characters actually meet lath and they realize... yeah he is actually much stranger and more scary than legend would have us believe. as much as i dislike the roman series that rick riordan wrote cuz of percy character assassination, the cognitive dissonance that the characters experienced meeting percy when he had amnesia and was powerful and intense and kind of aggressive... same vibes when they meet lath lolol. ensio is always the one talking for lath and lath prefers it that way.
in a particular piece i wrote i also spoke about how they're soulmates, and they are in every sense of the word. they're best friends, they're husbands, they're brothers, they're the same person, they're extensions of each other... etc etc. i'm just NOT NORMAL about them.
so here's some required reading (which i know u henrike already read lol) to also become not normal about them:
sword of a great hero
also a bad old image of lath, i need to redraw him and his actual ensio-sword (cuz its fancier than this)
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searsage · 1 year
Axolidis: Vandel Style! +fan Exotics!
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Hooly hot cross buns this took forever! Finally shes done!
We ended up with two outfits before i become sick of the time investment lol. Subsequently i got to make two of the Eliksni Exotic prosthetics i wanted haha!
*note the exotic is only the upper gauntlet of the dominant arms prosthetic, the rest is simply her being picky and wanting it to match because shes not tacky like her shell less meatbag companion's who seem to lose their sense in style every begining of a new season. Lol
Her field outfit is called the Luna shadow set! Originally sported leaves in place ofnthe fur but she lives with guardians who swear by the fur so terra seized it and put fur on it lol.
She will causually wear exotics because why not.
Some info on the two fan Eliksni exotics here! :
[Bic]Sickle sell
"In failing they will prevail…"
Traits: Sweet Dystrophy: Buffs fireteam's defense by 5% for every armour charge active, at the penalty of -5% resilience debuff to the wearer for each active tier.
*Rapid elemental final blows matching weapon type create a over shield matching class element.
[Bic]Frostman's wail
[Flavor text]
"There is no placating the fury of the bitter cold.."
*Negative Zero: Fireteam's stasis ability final blows have increased chance drop high tier elemental wells, with a lower chance to trigger freezer burn.
*Freezer Burn: inwhich all granade energy rapidly replenishes for a set time so long as the wearer takes no damage.
Moving on!
I love her casual garb i studied the people in the tower and the Eliksni in the helm and tried to merge the two styles ! Which was super fun! And of course the best shader ! Envious touch uwu!
Dont worry of you don't see her house Sigil, she never goes without it infact Libra-8 has tattooed it on her back carapace!
I also held back on fur becuase i wanted to see if i had it in me…cries.
Anyways hope ye like 8D
Relevant info for this character : 
Rescued from captivity on Nessus where she and her ketch were forced to undergo gruesome experimentations and simulations at the hands of the Vex, she a few the survivors of her ketch where eventually rescued by a fireteam or patroling guardians, unfortunately do to their long term captivity these traumatized eliksni had little knowledge of the alliance between the last city and the house of light.
This is resulted in their attempted rescue becoming alot more brutal then intended, luckily there were no casualties and the survivors were eventually transported to the last city…kicking and screeching.
While rehabilitation took some time, Axi is now stationed with her own fireteam of odd light zombies.
whilst her dominant left arm does not regrow (it was damaged too serverly, her recessive arm grows unstablly, permanently defective, and often needs to be docked bt her fireteam to prevent ingrowing, and other issues, its why she can be drawn with a stump or prosthetics. 
all in which she changes compulsively.
working on a causual outfit, face masks are a thing but not in the last city as Elksni have integrated in to the point where internal either apparatuses can be utilized for lighter more comfortable either absorption.
Thats not saying their still isn't bad blood between the two races, there definitly is and sadly Terra has knocked sevral guardians heads off who were a little too mouthy about having a eliksni on their fireteam.
Issues do arise when she is reluctant/scared to dock the malignant limb, it often ingrows/ becomes infected, and must be removed dispite her reluctance.
Situtations like this fall on Libra-8 the firearm's lead Titan to handle, and by that i mean if libra says you need to loose an arm your not leaving the room with the same amount of limbs. He will make sure of that.
Axo has learned this the hard way.
(For context: Terra is the fireteam warlock awoken, and Libra-8 is the titan fireteam leader)
Please do not use/trace/reference of/repost my art without my permission. Do not use this art unless you buy it, this is not Free to use, for rpg, oc, refs, ect DO NOT USE MY ADOPTS UNLESS YOU PURCHASE THEM!!
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the-consortium · 2 years
Dramatis Personae
Foreword to this blog
I am surprisingly fond of Fabius. An unwieldy character who is allowed by his main author to fail spectacularly and still grow. He's one of the few standout Warhammer protagonists who undergoes any real development. And of course he's a fucking sarcastic, egomaniacal asshole. Completely justifiably hated by his countless enemies (most of them his brothers) and often by his very few friends. A synonym for indifferent cruelty and ruthlessness in achieving his goals. But one thing he is never - boring!
So here now is my look through his eyes (and through those of his consortium) at the dark world of … hmmm … probably not 41st millennium. I'm deliberately keeping the time vague so I can use all the characters I want. I mix times (I want Saqqara to have a Keeper of Secrets in the bottle already! That's too funny!) and use as a location the crummy Crone World, where the Consortium was reasonably comfortable at its best - so ignore quite a few events then. Otherwise I stay as close to the canon as possible. Fortunately, the lore is vague and full of holes, so I have room to spread out. In this attached post I will gradually introduce the protagonists so that people who have not yet read the Fabius Trilogy know who these people are.
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Lieutenant Commander Fabius Bile The Clonelord, vehement atheist and constantly angry at his gene sire and his brothers - while just as constantly helping them out and being dependant on them. It's complicated. He is using cloned bodies to avoid the effects of something that may look like the Blight that nearly wiped out the Third Legion before Fulgrim was found. But it isn't - it's something entirely different. When he starts using a body he looks like a "more vulpine" (his words) version of Fulgrim.
The Chirurgeon Designed by Fabius to help him with his work, the Chirurgeon has developed some kind of consciousness over the many centuries in the Eye of Terror and is even sometimes sneaking off to hunt serfs for sport and to reproduce. Yes, there are baby-Chirurgeons somewhere and they are dangerous.
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Saqqara Ur-Damak Thresh A Word Bearers Diabolist, sent to assassinate Fabius. Got caught and Fabius implantet a bomb into his chest that will go off if the Clonelord dies a permanent death. Saqqara acts as Fabius' bodyguard against threats from the Warp and is constantly trying to bring the light of the Gods to his employer/captor. Waldorf to Arrian's Statler. Hated by Fabius' brothers, because slaaneshi (and every other) demons love him and are drawn to him. (he normally shaves his head and has black hair. This is just him being edgy)
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Arrian Zorzi The World Eaters no longer need Apothecaries, so Arrian left his brothers behind and joined the Consortium. He's the only Astartes of the 12th Legion able to suppress the influence of the nails with a selfmade concoction. He killed his squad way back on Terra and is carrying their skulls with him - and talking to them. And they answer. He's Fabius' bodyguard against physical threats and hates Khorne with a passion - which may be a bit ironic. He loves arguing with Saqqara for reasons entirely his own.
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Oleander Koh Terran Emperor's Children Apothecary and one of Fabius' star pupils. He fancies himself a gifted politician and diplomat, but he's mostly wrong. He really wants the Third Legion to rise to glory again and works to unite the bickering warlords and to motivate the unwilling Fabius to take up the mantle of leadership. He spents a significant part of his time away from the Consortium to pursue his own goals.
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Khorag Sinj and Paz'uz Blessed by Nurgle the Death Guard no longer has need for Apothecaries. But Khorag wanted to continue pursuing his craft and expand his knowledge, so he left his Legion and joined the Consortium to act as Fabius' specialist for poisons and handcrafted viruses. With him came Paz'uz - the grace of Nurgle manifest. A rather friendly, playful, yet deadly demon-"dog".
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Herik Stymphalos An Emperor's Children Apothecary Herik got obsessed with avian creatures way before the desaster on Terra. At first he experimented on prisoners to produce winged humans, but then he expanded his scientific field by giving himself wings, too. He is still losely affliated with the Consortium and is still conducting experiments for and with Fabius, but most of his time is spent on the backwater planet of Holvall in his giant aviary. Doing bird-stuff.
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The Venerable Diomat Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought of the 12th Milennial. Now serving the Chief Apothecary. Very aggressive and senile, he is kept asleep most of the time. For some reason he really likes Fabius.
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Duco A Night Lords Apothecary tasked with most of the search-and-destroy-stuff that sometimes comes up. As with a lot of his brothers he isn't the most approachable person. He likes to hang out with Herik, because they both have a kind of outsider view on the Consortium.
(Will be continued)
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fluorescent-if · 5 months
RO recs anon: Sorry if that didn't make much sense 😅 I was trying to ask a) what kind of people the ROs are naturally drawn to and b) what the main sort of "draws" for each characters route are? I'm not always the best at phrasing things, sorry!!
ohhhhh, thank you for the clarification!
They mostly goes for people who are creative types, they've always admired people with more musical/artist talent since it was something they never found too much success or interest in. The main things about Cam's route are for someone who would want a sweeter romance, with most of the stress and conflict coming from the plot kicking down the door, with the exception of Cam being overemotional and how MC will respond to and help them in their own arc and growth.
Ollie has almost zero experience in romantic scenarios with a few exceptions, but the people they've gone for in the past are people with similar interests and detachment, because they thought it would be a lot easier than actually opening up to a new person Speaking of that! Ollie (along with the others) is mostly a very slow burn romance, with a lot doubt on Ollie's end, but with the MC and Ollie's past friendship they are able to open up easier. Being a somewhat unemotional person makes it very difficult to be in relationships! but they do want to make it work.
R doesn't like to think they have a type. Unfortunately for them, they still absolutely do. They tend to go for more reckless kinds of people, falling fast and hard before getting their heart broken. If you romance R there is going to be a lot of them working on their issues (they will work on themselves either way but you deal with it in a different way yk) the other appeal (in my opinion lol) is them kind of going "oh shit" early on, and dealing with that throughout.
Terra hasn't had much time for romance, but the people she has dated have all been very different because she was still trying to figure out her 'type', she still hasn't really figured it out, but she isn't very worried. Romancing Terra can go one of two ways, either a strained former-rivals angle, or a more "realizing we actually work well together" route, both are hopefully going to be interesting, and there's a lot of back and forth about the past, and then moving forward together and being able to laugh about it.
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pandorias-box · 6 months
This was the first time the Ultra Recon Squad member had bore witness to an eclipse. She knew it was a rare event and sought to see it for herself at the Hokulani Observatory in Alola, but that was not possible.
She was worlds away and fully transformed into a Naganadel, forced to work laboriously for the hive-mother of the nest she was given sanctuary. But somehow, on another planet in another world, an eclipse was happening here as well. And this was just as important as the one happening on Terra.
The stars and moons that orbited Ultra Hive were binary, and for the first time in thousands of years, both suns would be obstructed by their respective moons. Many of the hive-clans saw this as an auspicious event several millennia in the making, but all Pandoria could feel was dread.
Why was she brought here, and in this form no less? Was this some sort of trial she had to endure? A punishment for ignoring her other half she had long ignored?
And most important of all questions: was this permanent? Was she doomed to live the rest of her days as an Ultra Beast, being forced to abandon everything she once knew? The thought of losing herself frightened her the most. But maybe, this abrupt transformation was so that she could face this fear once and for all.
She was adorned in intricate patterns drawn on her using natural pigments; symbols that represented both the sun and the moon. Others in the hive bore these markings as well, including Hyperion. Perhaps this was part of the rite they were preparing for.
Pandoria did not have a mirror to gaze upon herself and resorted to looking into a clear, flowing stream that went through the hive. She could not even recognize herself in her own reflection. That also frightened her. Even though she was still herself, she was undeniably alien.
She could not let these thoughts linger in her mind. She was to see something that would not happen again in lifetimes.
Brood-sister… The hive-mother is gathering us. Come. The Eclipse is soon to start.
Hyperion’s voice echoed through her mind. Telepathy. She had spoken to Hyperion several times before, but she was still unused to them solely talking instead of their occasional screeches and trills. They gently tapped her arm with their claw in order to get her attention.
The two Naganadel flew to the centermost area of the nest with hundreds, maybe thousands, of others of their kin encircling a stone platform that the matriarch was hovering over. There was an opening in the nest that allowed for the perfect viewing of the eclipse.
Each and every member of the hive bore the same markings resembling celestial phenomena, but the hive-mother stood out among them.
She wore a crown of bioluminescent flowers over her horns, and her markings seemed to shimmer in a swirling pattern akin to a galaxy. Pandoria had never seen anything like this. Her very presence seemed to demand respect.
The cacophony of voices within the hive went silent as the hive-mother let out a resounding screech. All eyes were immediately turned on her. The rite was to begin.
We have come here to witness something that only our ancestors in lifetimes long forgotten have glimpsed. The twin suns; the twin moons. Soon they will be aligned once more. The eyes of the primal Mother, child of the Bringer of Light, will gaze upon us, her brood, again!
The crowd around Pandoria and Hyperion erupted after the hive-mother began her speech. There was a creation myth among those who lived in Ultra Hive that said that every single part of the world they inhabited was the body of the First Hive-mother, the progenitor of their species, Na’del. The planet was her heart and the twin stars & moons were her eyes. The crowd was silenced again as the matriarch continued.
There is no light without darkness, nor is there darkness without light. That is truth for this world and all realms. Give not in to the darkness of despair, for our light shall illuminate even among the stars beyond! It is what connects all things, what connects us to the vastness of Ultra Space. So sing, we shall, as children of Na’del and the Lightbringer. Lend your voices unto the heavenly chorus! The confluence of realms listens! The light that burns through shadow comes at last!
Upon the speech’s conclusion, the hive-mother began to lift her claws towards the opening above the hive and gaze skyward. The eclipse was happening. She then began to chant repeatedly in the tongue of Naganadel with others swiftly following. This was the chorus she spoke of.
Pandoria was stunned, her mouth agape at what she saw and heard. The twin moons were slowly moving over the suns above her. She suddenly felt a familiar jolt of pain, so sudden and sharp. She faltered to the ground. Hyperion tried to grab her before she fell, but they were too late. The resonant chanting in an alien tongue continued despite her pain.
Her head, no, her abdomen was in pain. Her mind and body was in pain. It was just like before she passed out in the Lake of the Moone. She had to fight it. She had to see this eclipse.
Louder and louder, the voices droned on, until they reached a crescendo and then…
Silence and darkness fell upon them. The only light seeping through this shadow were the faint outlines of the twin stars. She gazed directly in the line of totality. Her eyes burned. Everything burned.
And then light.
All she could see was a blazing and radiant light. The world around her seemed to warp and distort before the lingering pain returned. She wanted to scream, but she could not. This was still part of the trial. She must not show fear.
She will fear this part of herself, bestial and primal, no longer.
Her eyes opened, body still on the ground. The eclipse was still happening when she awoke, but there was no more chanting. Only one sun and one moon shone in the sky. But a voice still remained.
-rood sister… Brood-sister! You have awoken! We… we appear to be in the hive no longer. The eclipse… it did have something to do with your transformation and the Ultra Wormhole. I still cannot fathom why, but… thank the Blinding One you are safe.
Pandoria looked down to see that only one of her arms remained covered in scales and talons. Her body still felt heavy, and she tried to lift herself up only to stumble on her legs.
She was back. It was over. She looked over at Hyperion before they nudged at her gently.
“Yes… it is good to be myself again. But I was always me, even as a Naganadel. Perhaps that was why this even happened to begin with… The universe does work in mysterious ways.”
Indeed it does…
[Mini-arc Metamorphosis: Concluded]
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