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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
AFAB Neufem Pride Flag
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AFAB/DFAB: assigned/designated female at birth.
Neufem: gender neutral and feminine.
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imoga-pride · 6 years ago
Transneufem Flag
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Transneufem (transneufemininity or transfemineutrality): transgender individuals identifying with gender neutrality & femininity to a greater extent than with masculinity.
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the-ross-winchester · 6 years ago
Neutr- Genders
I have coined new genders and their flags.  They are inspired by libragenders which is agender/mostly agender with connections to another gender.  These are essentially the same concept but for neutrois.  The prefix is “neutr-” which means neutral (as is does in neutrois). All of the flags keep the green and black stripe of the neutrois flag and replace the white stripe with another color.
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Neutroboy/neutromasculine- The blue represents connection to masculinity and its paleness represents that it is weaker than the neutrois part of the identity.  Definition: Neutrois or mostly neutrois with strong connections to masculinity.
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Neutrogirl/neutrofeminine- The pink represents connection to femininity and its paleness represents that it is weaker than the neutrois part of the identity. Definition: Neutrois or mostly neutrois with strong connections to femininity.
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Neutrandrogyne/neutrandrogynous- The purple represents connection to both masculinity and femininity together and its paleness represents that it is weaker than the neutrois part of the identity. Definition: Neutrois or mostly neutrois with strong connections to both masculinity and femininity at the same time.
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Neutrabinary- The orange represents connection to gender(s) unrelated to the binary and its paleness represents that it is weaker than the neutrois part of the identity. Definition: Neutrois or mostly neutrois with strong connections to abinary gender(s). 
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Neutrox- The grey represents connection to absence of gender and its paleness represents that it is weaker than the neutrois part of the identity. The x represents “x-ing out” gender, having no gender. Definition: Neutrois or mostly neutrois with strong connections to an absence of gender. 
In adition to these 5 there can also be neutrofluid, neutroflux and neurtofluidflux.
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Neutrofluid- Colors mean the same as explained in the other flags. Definition: Neutrois or mostly neutrois with strong connections to two or more of the following: masculinity, femininity, masculinity and femininity combined, abinary gender(s), or absence of gender at different times.
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Neutromasculineflux, neutrofeminineflux, neutrandrogynousflux, neutrabinaryflux, neutroxflux, and neutrofluidflux Definitions: Neutro[gender]flux- Neutrois or mostly neutrois with fluctuating connections to [gender]. Neutrofluidflux- Neutrois or mostly neutrois with fluctuating connections to two or more of the following: masculinity, femininity, masculinity and femininity combined, abinary gender(s), or absence of gender at different times.
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foolsrooke · 2 years ago
So, I made some pride flags!
I realized that I’m libraneumasc instead of libramasculine.
Here’s the link to a post that defines libraneumasc, as well as libraneufem and libramascfem:
I looked at the original flag for libraneumasc, but I didn’t like how it looked with the two smaller stripes in the middle, so I decided to make my own version!
Here’s the original version of the libraneumasc flag:
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And here is my version:
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To make the flag, I combined the two different colors in the middle of the original flag and mixed them 50/50 to make the color in the middle of my version.
And, to make things even, I made a libraneufem flag!
Well, more like I tried to make one. There are three different versions I made.
Here’s the original libraneufem flag:
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And here are the three different versions I made:
1. The green and pink are mixed 50/50
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Unfortunately, the color that comes out from mixing the colors evenly is this muddy color. So I decided to make two other versions.
2. The color mix is 2 parts pink and 1 part green
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This looks better, but the colors are not mixed evenly in this one, and you can’t really see that there’s green in it, too. Even so, this is my personal favorite version of the libraneufem flag.
3. The color mix is 2 parts green and 1 part pink
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This one also looks better, but since it looks more green, you can’t really tell that this is supposed to represent an identity that is partially feminine in nature. Same could be said for the last one, except for representing an identity that is partially neutral in nature. Plus, for the first version, you can’t really tell that it’s either; to be honest, it looks like a color-altered agender flag.
Of course, you don’t have to use my versions of the libraneumasc or libraneufem flags. The originals are fine and aren’t problematic to my knowledge; I just personally didn’t like how they looked.
Also, I tried to make my own version of a libramascfem flag, but mixing the colors 50/50 between the librafeminine and libramasculine flags makes it look almost exactly like the librandrogyne flag. I suppose I could have tried doing what I did with the libraneufem flag, but idk. I guess I got lazy. But if you request me to do it I’d be happy to! Messing with flag colors is actually kinda fun tbh.
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themogaidragon · 4 years ago
Libraneufem + transneurainian combo?
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Libraneufem & Transneurainian
Identifying with your AGAB, which is AMAB, while viewing yourself as transitioning towards a masculine and neutral identity, having a primarily masculine and neutral identity, or presenting muscularly / neutraly.
Not identifying with your AGAB, and viewing your gender as being masculine and neutral, while being trans.
Being fluid or both of these definitions.
Simply being both Transrainian & Transneutral.
A scale where one side is agender and the other side is femneutral or neutrofeminine/neufem; an identity that is mostly agender but:
Has partial/strong/particular connection to femineutrality/neutrofemininity and/or its gendered feelings;
Experiences little attachment to being neufemme/femineutrois.
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neopronouns · 5 years ago
ugggh it's questioning time again. is there a gender that describes being fluid between something like voidmasculine and a feminine gender that isn't all feminine? Like sometimes I feel like my gender is feminine, but I also feel like there's nothing there. Like some fem, some nothing. I feel like agender doesn't describe the genderless feeling I have for some reason? Also this might be a dumb question, but what's the difference between fluid and flux?
i’m gonna break this down to make sure i don’t miss anything!
the feminine part of your gender is ‘some fem, some nothing’ and the ‘nothing’ isn’t correctly described by agender. some potential labels could be:
- nixera: a gender comprised of both genderless and partial girl or girl-aligned aspects - virgirl: a gender that is practically and particularly genderless, but what gender is there can be described as girl or woman - neutrogirl/neutrofeminine: neutrois or partially neutrois with strong connections to femininity - nulltrogirl/nulltrofeminine: nulltrois or partially nulltrois with strong connections to femininity - genderliminal: a gender on the edge of existing and not existing (you could potentially use femliminal, genderliminal girl, etc) - fxm: genderless and feminine - gendernull: similar to gendervoid but even without a void (could use femnull, etc)
and your gender is fluid between voidmasculine and something fem+genderless, so it’s a fluidity that only really goes between a few set states. some potential words could be:
- monogenderfluid: having only one gender that changes - bigenderfluid: fluid between two genders i feel like there’s another similar label i’ve seen, but i can’t find it
so you could use a handful of labels or i could work with you to potentially combine some to create a single label that fits your experiences!
as for your last question: flux genders fluctuate, typically between gender and genderlessness or something along those lines, and fluid genders flow between any gender identities within that label
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
Fxm Pride Flag
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Fxm (fxminine), fxn/finx, afem/afemme (afeminine), finagender/afingender, or fxmme: feminine genderlessness; agender fem; femme greygender/graygender, fingender+agingender (FIN+AGIN); agiaspec (agideospec)+fideospec (fideagender); agenrine fingenrine.
Fxm can be used in different ways: centrigender, multigender, gendervast, presentation, alignment,
See also: librafeminine (librafem/librafemme), pixelfeminine (pixelfem/pixelfemme), nanofeminine/nan0feminine (nan0fem/nanofem), femflux/femmeflux (feminineflux), agenderflux, genderflux, gxrl, neutrofeminine, nultrofeminine/nulltrofeminine, nullitrofeminine/nulitrofeminine (neutrofem/neutrofemme, nultrofem/nulltrofem, nulitrofem/nullitrofem), femnull, feminull/femmenull, voidfemme/voidfeminine (voidfem), nixera, nullera/nulera, nixlier (neulier/nullier/nulier), nxutrois/neutrxis, verdefeminine (verdefemme/verdefem), nullifem/nulifem.
Term source.
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
Demineufem Pride Flag
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Demineufem (demineufeminine): being demifeminine and demineutral (hemifeminine and hemineutral and semifeminine or semineutral); partially neufem (neutrofeminine, neufeminine, neutrifeminine, neufemme, neutrofem, femineu, neutrafem, neutrafeminine or femineutral), partly something else.
Alt. words: demineutrofeminine/demineutrafeminine, neudemifem/neusemifem, neusemifeminine/neudemifeminine, demineutrofem/demineutrafem, neuhemifem, demifemineutral/demifemneutral, semineufem/hemineufem (hemifem or semifem hemineutral or semineutral), semineutrofeminine/semineutrofem, hemineutrofem, hemineutrofeminine/hemineutrafeminine/hemineutrafem/semineutrafem, semineutrafeminine/semineufeminine, hemineufeminine/neuhemifeminine, demineufemme/neudemifemme/neuhemifemme/hemineufemme, semineufemme/neusemifemme, semineutrofemme/semineutrafemme, hemineutrofemme/hemineutrafemme.
[transcript: 7 equally sized stripes colored with grey, lighter gray, redish pink, orange, yellow, lighter gray, and grey. end I.D.]
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 6 years ago
Angineutral Pride Flag
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Angineutrality/Androgyneutrality: an androgynous neutrality; a neutral androgyny; the combination of lingender & ningender (neugender + androgyne) or a mixture of femineutrality & mascunetrality (or neutromasculinity & neutrofemininity). 
Also known as angineutrois, neutrangi & angineugender. See also: neuangi, neutrandrogyne.
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imoga-pride · 2 years ago
is there a term for when youre a girl/woman but in a neutral or agender way?
gxrl/womxn: a gender where a female and an agender identity are experienced simultaneously or with variation.
neutrogirl/neutrowoman: a subset of neutrogender that is neutrois or mostly neutrois with strong connections to femininity. it's similar to demigirl, but is more specifically partially female and partially neutrois, with the neutrois part outweighing the feminine part.
neulier: a gender that is female or female-aligned, but is entirely neutral, rather than feminine. it can also be described as a someone who is fiaspec, but is ningender, rather than fingender.
neuwoman: a woman that is neutrally gendered; a gender-neutral woman.
ningirl: a gender that is both neutral-in-nature and female, or being both a neutral-in-nature gender and a female gender
neutrafemale: a gender identity that is partially neutral/neutrois and partially female.
agender girl: agender individuals find that they have no gender identity, however, an agender girl has some connection to girlhood/femininity.
feminull: a multigender where someone who is part woman and part gendernull, or both fully at the same time.
neutroera: being part neutrois and part female-adjacent, female-aligned, and/or female.
neunixemme: a gender between nixera and epinixene/neunixic; a combination of nixic and neutremme.
libraneufem: a scale where one side is agender and the other side is femineutral or neutrofeminine; an identity that is mostly agender but: has partial/strong/particular connection to neutrofemininity and/or its gendered feelings; experiences little attachment to being femineutrois.
neutragender: a gender that is both neutrois and agender/no gender. you can be a neutrois and agender/no gender at the same time, go between them, or fluctuate between feeling neutral-gender and not feeling gender.
neutrix: being simultaneously neutrois agender; someone who is neutrally agendered; the root of neugender(s), ie. a neutral genderless, that is a neutrois nullified itself, resulting on a zerogender-ness or a demigender-ness or a numbergender less than one but distinct of zero, positively or not.
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 4 years ago
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Libraneufem¹ | Libramascfem² | Libraneumasc³ [pride flags]
Libraneutrofeminine or librafemineutral: a scale where one side is agender and the other side is femineutral/femneutral or neutrofeminine/neufem; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to femineutrality(/femneutrality)/neutrofemininity(/neutrofeminity/neufemness/neufemity) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being neufemme/femineutrois(/femmeneutral/femmeneutrois/femneutrois/neufemitrois/neufeminitrois);
Librafemmasc or librafemasc (librafemasline/librafemimasculine): a scale where one side is agender and another side is mascfem/femimasculine/femmasc/femasc or lideogender/lideospec; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to feminimasculinity/femimasculinity/femulinity/feminulinity(/femmaslinity/femmasculinity/femaslinity) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being femuline/feminuline/femmasculine/femasculine/femasline/mascfemme/feminimasculine/femmasline;
Libraneutromasculine or libramascuneutral: a scale where one side is agender and another side is mascneutral/mascuneutral or neutromasculine/neumasc; an identity that is mostly agender but: ① has partial/strong/particular connection to mascuneutrality/neutromasculinity(/mascneutrality/neumascness) and/or its gendered feelings; ② experiences little attachment to being mascneutrois/neumasculitrois(/mascuneutrois).
These can be forms of neutragender. -Ap
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 4 years ago
Neufem Pride Flag
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Neufem or neufemme: a neuter femininity; a feminine neuterness; neugender + femgender(/feminigender); possessing both feminine and neutral gender qualities; a neutrofeminine presentation; an intercidogender/centrigender of neutrois(/centrois) and femitrois(/femtrois); a gender combination (genderpotion/shuffler) of neu. and fem.; a neutrafemininity (femigender-neutragender); multitude or ambitude of niaspec/ningender/nideogender (niabinary/nideospec/nideobinary) and fiaspec/fingender/fideogender (fideospec/fideobinary/fiabinary) or N-gender and F-gender.
It can have more descriptions. As it’s just a multilexic shorthand of neu-fem. -AP
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