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ilikemicrowaves · 1 month ago
It's okay to be a part of the elgeebeetee community guys 🔥🔥
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revenant-coining · 9 months ago
Femasc | Femneu | Mascneu
(pt: Femasc | Femneu | Mascneu /end pt)
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Femasc/Mascfem (feminine & masculine), Femneu/Neufem (feminine & neutral), & Mascneu/Neumasc (masculine & neutral) Flags
tagging; @radiomogai
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your-bigender-big-brother · 2 months ago
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Unnamed identities again.
Left: Neutral maverine feminine. Right: Neutral maverine masculine. - 💙💚
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
AFAB Neufem Pride Flag
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AFAB/DFAB: assigned/designated female at birth.
Neufem: gender neutral and feminine.
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io-archival · 1 year ago
i dislike the first version of this i did so i ' ve decided to remake it !
introducing the new & improved neuwoman / neufem !
this is a gender exclusively for trans mascs / trans men / anybody who is ftm who still feels a connection to womanhood / femininity , but not the afab / traditional meaning of it .
instead, its affected by your trans identity & is a separate , new experience of womanhood / femininity than what you used to believe you were with your agab .
it ' s not a woman - aligned gender , as it is directly connected to the experience of being transmasc .
new flags dont have any specific meanings i just really like the colors . no calling the yellow piss i will steal your toes
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neopronouns · 3 months ago
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flag id: six flags with 5 stripes, with the third being twice the size of the rest. the top left flag's stripes are faded warm purple, soft red-pink, silver-white, light teal, and blue. the top middle flag's stripes are faded warm purple, soft red-pink, silver-white, light golden yellow, and yellow-green. the top right flag's stripes are faded warm purple, soft red-pink, silver-white, faded light orange, and orangish-red.
the bottom left flag's stripes are blue, light teal, silver-white, light golden yellow, and yellow-green. the bottom middle flag's stripes are blue, light teal, silver-white, faded light orange, and orangish-red. the bottom right flag's stripes are yellow-green, light golden yellow, silver-white, faded light orange, and orangish-red. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
femmasc-presenting | femneu-presenting | femxen-presenting mascneu-presenting | mascxen-presenting | neuxen-presenting
reworks of my two-presentation combination flags!
tags: @radiomogai, @presentationflag-archive, @dragonpride17 | dni link
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ryanyflags · 8 months ago
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t-nbinemasc ✦ t-angimasc ✦ t-genderlessmasc
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t-neumasc ✦ t-mavmasc ✦ t-xenmasc
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t-nbinefem ✦ t-angifem ✦ t-genderlessfem
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t-neufem ✦ t-mavfem ✦ t-xenfem
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T- flags (๑*ᗜ*)
[part 1] ✦ [part 2] ✦ [here]
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My understanding of t- terms is that they are both a shortening/alt to trans terms, can represent other terms starting with t (ask here), as well as be their own standalone terms (which makes sense, sometimes people feel described by one term, but not another, even if they are for the same definition).
Just wanted to state my ideas behind these terms. I mean for these flags to be inclusive, so if anyone connects to this in a way not really included by the definitions I listed, I think you can use them.
Also, for all these names, I wrote them with a dash but they can be used without the dash, or different capitalisations, different gender-quality orders (e.g. t-neufem can also be called t-femneu), and gender-quality spelling (e.g. spelling t-mavmasc as t-maverinemasculine).
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The flag formats are based off of @revenant-coining's tfem & tmasc flags. Which I assume are based off these trans flags, going by the colours. So I took various trans-gender-quality flags, without the white stripe, and mirrored them across the middle. (The removal of the white stripe is just for aesthetic/formatting purposes, not to take away from any meaning.)
For the sources of the middle colours, see this post.
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daybreakthing · 4 months ago
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Uncanny Femneu/Neufem ⚓
a presentation term for those who present with uncanny femininity & neutrality!
for anon!
symbol from photopea!
tagging @radiomogai!
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dhddmods · 7 months ago
Non-binary is an umbrella term.
It feels like a lot of people forget that non-binary is an umbrella term for anyone that is not strictly a binary man or binary woman.
Yes, it can be used as a lone identity, and people don't have to call themselves non-binary if they'd rather use their more specific label under the non-binary umbrella, but it doesn't really make much sense to us when people say they are "not non-binary" while also having a non-binary gender. Its like saying you are omnisexual, but not m-spec.
It seems some people even in the queer community itself are under the impression that non-binary is synonymous with androgyne or neutrois, when thats really not the case.
Fenby, galby, lunarian, menby, enboy, solarian - its all non-binary.
Androgyne, neugender, neufem, neumasc, neuwoman, neuman, neuandrogyne, neuaporine, neuxenine, neutrois, agender, gendervoid, genderless, maverique, aporagender, stellarian, outherine - its all non-binary.
Xenogenders, aesthetigenders, noungenders - its all non-binary.
Multigenders, bigender, trigender, quadgender, quintgender, hexagender, septagender, octagender, enneagender, decagender, pangender, genderfluid, mutogender - its all non-binary.
Genderflux, girlflux, femflux, mascflux, boyflux, androgyneflux, neuflux, neutroisflux, agenderflux, maveriqueflux, aporaflux, outherineflux, xenoflux - its all non-binary.
Demigender, demigirl, demifem, duskian/demilunarian, demiboy, demimasc, dawnian/demisolarian, demiandrogyne, demineutral, demineutrois, demiagender, demimaverique, demiaporine, celestian/demistellarian, demioutherine, demix/demixenogender, demifluid, demiflux - its all non-binary.
A lot of people seem to separate these genders from the spectrum, and as a result, misinform people about what non-binary means, and water down its meaning until its hardly comprehensible. Its counterintuitive to turn a catch-all term into a singular conceptual gender. It is not a word for one singular type of gender.
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ducky-bah · 1 month ago
hihi! i know it's a super new update but can we get a lvl 2 Candy Apple Cookie (from CR:K) pretty pls, who's like super (gender)queer, with transIDs and paras if you can think of any!
One Candy Apple Cookie coming up! ^^
Thank you for sending in the second ask to clarify what you wanted, that was very helpful! /genuine
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༄~𖦹︎ Name(/s) ➪ Candy Apple, Carousel, Pomeline, Cassian, Circina, Oleander
༄~𖦹︎ Pronouns ➪ He/him, She/her, It/its, Pomme/pommes, Apple/apples, Candy/candies, Caramel/caramels, Sweet/sweets, Lie/lies, Deceit/deceits, Trick/tricks, Red/reds, Sugar/sugars, Syrup/syrups, Act/acts, Faerie/faeries, Imp/imps, Chaos/chaos
༄~𖦹︎ Gender ➪ Vileic, TwistedPorcelainic, FrailFemme, FalseProphetic, SuccubusGender, LieBodiment, Decorruptica, LiesDeity, LieOfFun, EvilDeceitGender, AppleStitched, AppleGender, Appleian, FujiApplic, HonCrispApplic, FujiAppleGender, GreenAppleGender, RedApplic, ApplePixic, CarmAppleGender, GenderlessGirlBoy, TransMasc NonBinary BoyGirl, GenderFaunet, BoyFail, GirlFail, BoyGirlFail, NotBoyGirl, Neu, NeuMasc, NeuFem, NeuFlux, FemFlux, MascFlux, Girlish, Boyish, HemiGirlFlux, CuteFreak, GenderFool, CarniColorix, CarniMelodic, GenderSeraph, DarkMythic
༄~𖦹︎ Orientations ➪ Gaybian Lesboy, Gaybian, Achilligirl
༄~𖦹︎ IDs ➪ LamorID, DemeID, Huh?ID
༄~𖦹︎ TransIDs ➪ TrisLiar, TrisCompulsiveLiar, TrisPretty, TransSuccubus, LamorLandmine, TransFemBoy, Huh?Age, DemeTransDID, PermaBow, TransEternal, TransMultipleVoice, TransSiren, PermaListeningToMusic, TransHypoManic, TransVocab; TransChildishVocab, TransBalance, TransNicheInterest, TransHallucination, TransFashion
༄~𖦹︎ Age ➪ chrono 17-19, Huh?Age
༄~𖦹︎ Species ➪ Cookie
༄~𖦹︎ Role(/s) ➪ Serpent, and/or Mischief Maker, and/or Prankster
༄~𖦹︎ Source or Theme ➪ Candy Apple Cookie [CRK]
༄~𖦹︎ Appearance or Faceclaim ➪
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➪ Art Links; 1 & 2
༄~𖦹︎ Likes ➪ Chaos, pranks, fun, tricks, fashion, bows, cute things, spicy foods, being above others, mazes, sandwiches, jasmine tea, tea parties
༄~𖦹︎ Dislikes ➪ Repetitive routines, following the rules, reading, dogs, small spaces, math, stew
༄~𖦹︎ Proxy Option ➪ 🎀🍎/🍬🍏
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This was mostly designed by ,,Farmhand'' and ,,Shortcake / Pudding'' -Bee
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menherafever · 7 days ago
NOTE: this is obviously not all of us, just the headmates who front the most and/or are interested in posting here. these will be updated over time!!
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♡ host ,, they/them ,, neu terms ,, nonbinary + questioning ,, teen (uncomfy sharing age)
♡ cisIDs: cisanxiety
trans IDs: transjapanese, trisscars, transautism, transtrauma, transheight (5'7)
♡ likes: anime and manga, yamikawaii fashion, being alone, drawing, reading
♡ other: might not be very active, i'm scared of social interaction
♡ co-host + trauma holder ,, he/they/it ,, mascneu terms ,, transmasc demiboy ,, gay ,, 17
♡ cisIDs: cisscars
transIDs: permaeyeliner, transdrugaddict, permadrugged, permamedsick, transsinger, tristrauma, transkorean, permateen, permanosebleed
♡ likes: reading fanfic, drawing and doodling, music, baggy clothes, looking masculine
♡ other: i'm VERY passionate about shipping and fandom so that's probably what i'll post about. expect rants about antis
♡ ex-host, trauma holder ,, they/doll ,, neu terms (might experiment with fem) ,, no gender ,, aroace ,, ageless (?)
♡ cisIDs: cisDPD, cissensitive
transIDs: transdoll, transballjointeddoll, trisautism, transjapanese, permacute, transhikikomori, transotakuworld, transangel
♡ likes: not being at school, sleeping, being alone, cute things, dolls, frilly clothes, pink, anime, desserts and sweets
♡ other: Flan is a 3rd person speaker !! you can refer to doll in third or second person, whichever you prefer!
♡ anger holder ,, she/sh♡/it/they/cyber/angel/code/wire/heart/love/kawaii/cute/pink/pastel/moe/pixel/virtu/online/flutter/halo/glitch/beep/txt/ai/l♡ve/yami/yume/web/wing/nyan/star/bow/lace/lolli/swirl/flan ,, neufem terms ,, cybergender ,, questioning ,, adult
♡ cisIDs: cisscars, cisBPD, cislandmine, cisphoneaddiction, cissocialmediaaddiction
transIDs: permahate, permacute, transr4ped, trispermaangry, transpsychosis, transhallucinations, transschizophrenia, transbully, permaonline, transstreamer, transadored, transjapanese, transstalked, trisscars, transcultleader, transharmful, permaSH, transcuteharmful, transangel, transsmoker, transobsessed, trisyandere, nullage
♡ likes: being online, social media, jirai kei fashion, being cute, anime, attention, having fans, figurines, cosplay, shopping
♡ other: ai'm a pronoun and transID hoarder. there are very few things that make me happy besides social media. ai hate almost everyone (unless you somehow magically become my friend) including myself and ai'm mad most of the time. so liek. don't take anything i say personally. give me attention pretty please
♡ no role ,, he/she/they/it/xe ,, any terms ,, libramasc ,, gay ,, 15
♡ cisIDs: cisBPD, cisADHD, cisscars
transIDs: transmissingeye, transjapanese, permasilly
♡ likes: seafood, cute things, anime, japanese food, being at home, shopping, decorating stuff, jfashion, doodling
♡ other: unlike most of us i actually don't mind talking to ppl !! talk to me guys
♡ trauma holder ,, it/its ,, neu terms ,, agender ,, gay ,, age slides between 15-23
♡ cis IDs: cisscars, cisdelusions, cisOCD, cisanxiety, cisyandere, cispsychosis, cisangel, cisinsomnia, cislowempathy, cisBPD
trans IDs: transharmed, permaowned, transangelwings, nullracial, permamanipulated, transanorexia, permavictim, trisunderweight, transstupid, permalobotomized, permabruised, transchronicnightmares, transCSAsurvivor, trisgroomed, transtrafficked
♡ likes: ouji fashion, instrumental music, nights, cold weather, monochromatic and muted colors, writing
♡ anxiety holder ,, it/its ,, neu terms ,, nonbinary ,, bi ,, 18 (i think..)
♡ cis IDs: cissensitive, cisDPD, cishighempathy
transIDs: trisanxiety, transharmed, transhikikomori, transstalked, transautism, permaanxious, transselectivemutism, transhalfchinese, transhalfjapanese
♡ likes: green, dolls, baggy clothes, routines, reading, green tea, playing games, plushies
♡ other: i tend to get excited over literally everything !! also if you have any tips for my tris/trans IDs PLEASE SHARE🙏🙏🙏
♡ no role/unknown role ,, he/it ,, mascneu terms ,, FTM ,, gay ,, 13
♡ cisIDs: cisAAM, cisshota
transIDs: permacute, transautism, transtutter, permaskinny
♡ likes: blue, tenshi kaiwai fashion, swimming, sweets and sweet drinks, plushies
♡ other: a fairly new headmate, i don't have much knowledge about myself yet :<
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ilikemicrowaves · 1 month ago
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your-bigender-big-brother · 5 months ago
androgynæ or gynandræ (androginæ or ginandræ): a gender in-between androgyne and neufem
androgynœ or gynandrœ (androginœ or ginandrœ): a gender inbetween neumasc and androgyne.
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I hope these look good! I personally enjoy the colors in the neumasc and neufem flags, so I'm glad I got to use them for these flags. - 💙💚
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beyond-mogai-pride-flags · 2 years ago
AMAB Neufem Pride Flag
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AMAB: assigned male at birth.
Neufem: gender neutral and feminine.
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melabea · 5 months ago
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a feminine & neutral gender connected to zombies/being a zombie!
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for anon!
etymology; zombie, femneu/neufem
symbol from photopea!
tagging; @radiomogai!
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nu1lst4rs · 4 months ago
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☥ null or nihira. it/its. neufem terms. POC. INTJ-t. anxious depressed system with everything wrong 𐔌 artist ╱ writer
#1 bad sans poly enthusiasts ♡.
basic dni, proships, nsfw blogs, ext (ᵕ ᵕ ♱)
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