#neurotypicals dont understand
The friend finally randomly replied.... with the typical conversation occurring of
Me: *reaches out*
Her: *leaves on read for a few days then replies* I was distant because I thought you should reflect on your actions.
Me: What actions??
Her: The fact you dont even know is why I distanced.
Me: I'm sorry. You didnt tell me something upset you so how would I know? People dont always know something they do or say upsets you. Thats something you have to communicate so we can clear the air/work on it.
Her: Here we are again with you simply not knowing youre wrong. It's all here in our chat.
Me: You. Didnt. Tell. Me. But also it's in the chat? You mean the chat where I told you that you upset me with how you spoke to me? The chat where I bared my heart and mind about having pots and being neurodivergent? About how you treated my medical issues and mental struggles as character flaws instead of what they are, medical conditions? How you spoke to me in a very ableist manner repeatedly when I tried in vain to explain that I wasnt blowing you off xyz times because I didnt care but that because I was having flare ups in symptoms? THAT chat? Because you getting upset that I was honest with you about how you made me feel and why is your problem not mine.
You being a neurotypical, indirect, ableist, holier than thou, MEANIE, is your problem not mine. I was sitting here grieving the loss of a long-time friendship for 2 months because you couldn't be bothered to communicate with me like an adult. I literally do not understand people. I dont understand how you think the way you're treating me is totally okay. I was depressed as fuck but now I'm just more hurt and angry.
Angry that you refuse to accept that someone you were friends with for years decided to confide in you that they were autistic+adhd+pots. Officially verbalizing it. To you. And you just.... shut me out like I was trash. How fucking dare you. How absolutely fucking dare you.
I'm heartbroken, still. Which you don't deserve. I'll miss you terribly. Which you dont deserve. My kids will miss your kids, which is depressing for them as I have a total of 3 mom friends with kiddos their age which is now only 2 I guess. (Not including my new tumblr mom bestie who we havent actually chatted chatted cuz, I'm shy as fuck in the beginning of friendships. But I digress.)
I just.... I'm so hurt. I am so hurt. She doesn't.... even understand how hurtful she is and that's worse. Fucking ironic considering I communicate with her clearly about what upsets me and why and yet it simply doesnt sink in what I'm saying. She simply COULDNT be the reason I'm upset and hurt.
I can't even think anymore right now. This is too much. Honestly I was starting to accept the no contact and her replying with more ableist shit just reopened the wound.
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bipunkharrington · 5 months
There's something that infuriates me so much about people mocking characters that fall into the "not like other girls" trap, because the reasons girls take on that stance is because they exist in a society that tries to put womanhood and femininity in a restrictive box that tells them who and how they should be.
They're generally mocked and derided for not wishing to conform to stereotypical femininity, but when they lash out in entirely predictable but ultimately unhelpful ways (by being dismissive and rude about other women and femininity in general) instead of understanding that it's a product of growing up in a society that's restricting them and punishing them for not conforming (either by choice or inability) so many people who claim to be feminists choose to mock them or make them out to be the cause of the problem rather than a symptom. Whether its being mocked in real life, or watching people deride the fictional characters they relate to, this behaviour just alienates those girls even further into thinking that the issue is other women, and confirms their belief that women who are typically feminine will only ever be derisive toward them and that they're somehow fundamentally different from other women.
If you know someone who thinks along those "I'm not like other girls" lines instead of mocking them try directing them towards resources that can help them understand where that harmful rhetoric comes from, and when you're critiquing characters that fit that mold try to consider why they behave that way, and what girls who see themselves in those characters take from your commentary.
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eggfeather · 5 months
told my fiance you'd drawn all the cats and he called it artism (art autism (/pos))
i dont evem know how to respond, this is funny as fuck does your fiance know that? and that hes on the never ending list of people who are peer reviewing me as autistic
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writterings · 10 months
procastinating at work but here's my philosophy for today: it's okay to hate a behavior in someone else but also understand that this behavior does not make them a bad person. like i HATE when i'm venting or talking about a serious problem i have and then the person i'm talking to starts trying to relate by talking about a similar experience they've had. like absolutely hate it. make me feel like the focus is being taken off me and it genuinely is in some ways, regardless of your intent. yeah, i understand that's your way of trying to comfort me -- but that's not the way i need or want to be comforted, and that's what matters in a situation where i'm coming to you to be helped.
and that's okay! like. no one is in the wrong here unless i have explicitly asked you to support me in a different way and you're intentionally refusing, or if i lash out at you when i could just disengage. it just means you're not a person i should go to for help when talking about my problems. we can still be friends, you and i can probably support each other in different ways, but we're just incompatible in this regard. and that's like....okay. it's okay to be incompatible with people.
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etherealspacejelly · 4 months
so i think i might get ear defenders but my mum asked why i wanted them and im scared
is 'im sensitive to loud noises and it hurts my ears' not a valid enough answer
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princeanxious · 11 months
Salty cuz I keep getting an F in socialization but I also apparently never get to know what answers I'm getting wrong so. Fuck it, I guess.
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lottieurl · 11 months
Tumblr media
look. if someone doesn't like that type of wording that's completely fine and no one is forcing anyone to describe their experiences that way but the post is genuinely funny to me like. "you mean you were changed by art?" no i mean i spent three weeks almost not sleeping because all i could think about was that show and i was so hyper i run on two hours of sleep and frequently forgot to eat. that's what i MEAN when i call it brainrot. i call it brainrot because i'm actually quite aware it isn't healthy or good for me - being dehydrated, sleep deprived and not sleeping enough is usually not great for human beings. i know how it feels to be moved by art. i do not call it brainrot. "you're going to talk about art? you're going to be passionate?" i'm going to have a hard time talking about other things for months, i'm going to accidentally ghost friends because the idea of talking about other things can be painful, i am going to abandon working on things important to me because all i can focus on is that piece of fiction. also calling it brainrot is very funny because it feels actually weirdly disabling - genuinely losing ability to care for yourself and being unable to do the things you need to do - so it's fun to be able to at least joke about it and call it something that fits the experience way more than "being moved by art"
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kazhetsya-vy1 · 2 months
dont know what that is but it goes like this:
can't choose a task. want to do one task. suddenly want to do EVERY take all at once. cannot do just one thing. physically painful for some reason. don't do any tasks because, again, I need to do ALL the tasks simultaneously and I cannot just do one. pick up a cookbook instead. don't make any of the appointments I needed to make because I started to out of sheer fear and then cried about it a little. set down the appointment task. didn't go back to it. picking up the cookbook again, not because I want to cook anything but because it's not stressful at the moment. typing this instead of flipping through the cookbook. none of the activities I wanted to do are being done because there was a single roadblock and also because i got too excited about the idea of them that i didnt get to start any of them. I still haven't called to make an appointment to figure out what this is. it's been a week.
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whumpshaped · 1 year
cant stop thinking abt that reply to bram's post abt the abusive cluster b parents so just know if u were abused like that, first of all, samesies and it gave me cluster b pds as a result, second of all, i promise no one whos calling for understanding of cluster b ppl is invalidating ur experiences. if u feel like they ARE, i sincerely hope u realise u dont have to have a medical explanation for why others suck. if ur parents sucked, u can just say that, and its freeing, and focusing on behavioural patterns instead of diagnoses (which u most likely dont have access to when it comes to strangers) will allow u to weed out actual bad ppl and keep urself safe(er)
#i understand its easy and comfortable to latch onto labels especially when it comes to parents#i did it#then i was diagnosed w the same shit#that was my turning point i think#when i realised we have the same shit and yet i am actively working very hard to be kind and compassionate#i dont go out of my way to be mean#at some point u have to realise that some ppl r just evil and mean spirited#and pds arent indicative of how self aware or kind or polite or compassionate someone is#i'd argue most of us put in SO much work to know ourselves and our potentially harmful behavioural patterns#way more than a neurotypical who never bothered to look inward for even a second#'these stereotypes dont come from nothing'#no shit! my dad called me both borderline and narcissist as insults AND I TURNED OUT TO HAVE BOTH#but let me tell u smth#most of my symptoms? are fucking survival mechanisms i learned as a child to avoid getting hurt. because thats what the brain does.#u know what else didnt come from thin air? sayings like hurt people hurt people#plus my victim complex allows me to write banger complaint letters now so theres that#look around u and be very comfortable w the fact that ur probably surrounded by a bunch of cluster b ppl that u adore#bc we're just ppl too#and ur doing urself a disservice trying to spot us#cluster b ppl can be evil ppl just as neurotypicals but they can also be ur friend who struggles w insecurities and is a huge ppl pleaser#bc they read the ableist posts too and they know everyone in the mainstream world thinks theyre evil#and when if u told them 'well my cluster b parents were abusive' in a less accusatory tone#maybe theyd look u in the eye w compassion and say 'yea i know how that feels and im here for u'
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ishouldbedoingalright · 2 months
i do dislike having friends sometimes and in turn i do dislike that people don't understand that not everyone will understand each other in every interaction. whether this reflects badly on me or on my friends I just don't know. I suppose it comes down to tone indicators. e.g. I sent a message via teams to my friends, they proceed to call me a moody arse... now to me, nothing about what I said was 'moody' in the slightest, at the most, it was deadpan. tell me why then 2 of my friends double down on the moody vibe I'm clearly putting out to the world. "what's up with you??? you've been an arse all day" all the while I'm sat here genuinely wondering what I have supposedly done wrong. all I did was send a message saying 'i don't understand what you're saying' and that indicates I am being an arsehole. okay. and yes, I am still confused.
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My recent reblog has reminded me of how much abled people really just.... don't understand. Both physical and mental disabilities.
I feel like... abled folks are so used to everyone (other abled folks) doing things maliciously. Whether actively malicious or passively. With hidden intent. Hidden meaning. Carelessness. Or whatever.
There's almost always social cues hidden meanings behind phrases and actions that (to me) makes no sense other than to not be direct/respectful with someone.
Like an abled friend of mine thinking I just, casually blew off her kid's birthday party last year. She genuinely had it in her head that I didn't actually care. That I said I'd go and backed out for an invalid reason. That I simply went "eh, changed my mind."
Not me almost passing out after spending 5 minutes in my driveway in the summer with this pots body and taking basically 24+ hours to recover from it while getting lengthly texts from her being upset with me for not showing.
I understand she was upset. And it was valid. Wanting someone close to be there for a special event for you/your child. And them not making it at the last moment. What I did not understand or excuse was the way she went about berating me and guilting me after I tried to explain to her why that day happened the way it did.
It just.... didn't get through to her. She kept passing over the explanation with "well you still should've, well this, well that".
No. No well. No well anything. I physically almost had a serious health incident TRYING to get to you and couldn't. So yes. I prioritized my health over a birthday party. Yes I'm sorry your feelings got hurt. But I'm not sorry I took care of my health first.
Our friendship..... really had been strained a couple of times because she hadn't grasped that her issues with me were because of my audhd & pots.
Another day was a playdate with our kids. We were supposed to meet up at a water pad for kids in the morning-ish. No real set time or time limit.
She said, in text while I was en route, that she couldn't stay past 11 o'clock. My gps told me we'd get there at 10:50-something. Just shy of 11.
So to me. That meant I was going to get there, get parked, unload the kids, and she was going to be gone. I still tried to go. We got ¾ of the way there and I couldn't get ahold of her via text. I was overheating and full of anxiety so I wasn't thinking straight and didn't think to just... call. Calling gives me anxiety even with people I'm close to. So it just wasn't an option that crossed my mind.
We turned around and went back home and I told her as much.
Cue the upset. Cue the "wait so you're not coming?" "So you wasted my time?" Which I understand. I do. I just hate that she didn't understand why I took her messages the way I did. Why I didnt call in my frazzled state. She thought it was careless and malicious.
She got very upset bcuz she rearranged her morning to meet up and I get that. (Which i didnt know she went through all that trouble) But what I wasnt told at the time was that there was a time limit until the day of. What she didn't understand was she basically told me she was leaving at 11.
So in my overheated panicked audhd brain, I thought I guess it won't work out this time we can try again.
But to her. It was me blowing her off not a care in the world about her and seeing her/the kids. When that wasn't it at all.
We fought for that day over it. Then when I tried to talk to her like normal a few days later she was upset that I was casually talking to her as if nothing happened. As if she wasnt still hung up on it. When 1 she didnt tell me she was still upset and 2 i can't read tones/passive aggressiveness in texts for shit so how was I supposed to realize she was being short with me bcuz she was still mad a week later?
I know I'm ranting but.... she just... she was so set on my brain and body being the same as hers and couldnt fathom that I could do such things innocently and not being mean, careless, malicious, etc.
I love this friend dearly and we are now on better terms when she FINALLY understood why I'm the way that I am and that nothing I do is to purposely hurt her feelings or waste her time.
But I almost lost a friend over my disabilities and that shit is fucking stupid. Absolutely stupid. I just.... this is why my friend group is primarily other people who are neurodivergent/disabled. Over time we let our guards and masks down and thrived as friends and helped each other and worked around each other's struggles.
But some friends..... they just don't understand. Not fully. They both now know I struggle and why I struggle. But their understanding is only to a certain point. They're good people. But there is a clear difference and it makes me sad a lot.... I think somewhere in their minds the "if you work hard enough you'll overcome it" mindset still exists within them. They don't outright say it. But I get that feeling sometimes when we interact.
I've already lost so many people in my life for other reasons (coming out) so I'm honestly holding on to my small group for dear life. I know the saying of if they were REALLY your friend they'd accept you for who you are and what you are. But honestly to me that really sours all the good memories and experiences I had with them growing up. Makes it all seem invalid bcuz they weren't genuine on their end. But I was genuine on mine. I was still a part of making those memories.
Yes they turned out to be my friend for selfish reasons but... it was still a person I made memories with. Someone who is stuck in my core even though they're gone forever from my life. I wouldnt ever want them back in my life. But i still learned from them and lived life alongside them. I wont invalidate that.
I should stop rambling at this point but. Man shit really got me thinking about things from my past. Distant and recent.
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Ed recovery with autism and adhd is so weird.
Like I'll either forget to eat lunch entirely or I'll forget when I ate last and end up eating lunch 3 seperate times instead.
Then sometimes I have to literally ask my girlfriend if I'm hungry because I don't fucking know what my body is feeling ever and she's usually like "Yeah you should eat".
Then when I go to prepare food it's like:
Me: okay body so how much food do you want
Body: hm...m... food...?
Me: yes food. But HOW MUCH
Body: uhh... s e v e r a l
And then I end up making too much for me to eat (thank God I'm allowed to not eat all of my food now- I hated that rule so much growing up) but its still so goddamn confusing skgjfjfhff
#wrong#anyway im incredibly thankful for my girlfriend who is so so patient and supportive#the amount of help and support i never realized i need is actually insane#like i genuinely cant function without help because of my autism (and adhd to a lesser degree)#idk its just really nice to not only have help but not feel like i should be ashamed of needing it either#oof i forgot the other thing that happens when i make food is that i prepare it and then by the time its done cooking#i dont even want it anymore -_- like wtf? i literally was JUST hungry#or i wont feel hungry but then as soon as i go to bed and cant make food because everyones asleep#and the lights are all off and im all cozy and sleepy#THEN im starving. my body has the worst timing ever sometimes istg#still not as bad as before recovery though#ive just elected to be a lot more patient with myself#i used to compare my recovery to other peoples never understanding what i was doing#but the truth of the matter was those people i was comparing myself to#had only had eds for like 2-5 years. which is still bad of course but its not applicable to my scenario#they were also neurotypical and cisgender which i also couldnt relate to#the thing is i never learned how to eat properly. before my ed i still wasnt eating enough#because my parents were neglecting me#i only know hunger and i never learned how to eat properly or what being nourished feels like#that means i have to not only relearn things but learn them entirely for the first time#i have to learn what hunger feels like and what being full feels like and when it is and isnt ok to skip a snack#its just really hard learning these things for the first time ar 20 years old#and once i acknowledged that- that it was really hard for me- i think i felt a lot of relief#like im struggling but it makes sense that i am and i wont always feel like thia#one day i will heal. i just needed a little help
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lesdemonium · 1 year
I don't understand when people say they "can't cook."
Like I can't improv food but are you telling me you don't know how to read a recipe? Is there something more to this? Can I cook? Can only trained chefs cook? What does this mean?
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mecharose · 1 year
if one more person tries to tell me I just need to "believe in myself 🥰" when i explain it's really hard for me to do things without clear instructions im going to start tearing them apart with my teeth
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faaun · 2 years
all of my students r autistic n like . all of them have the worst stories abt how they ended up in this situation etc it makes me so so so angry like how and why is the UK system failing autistic kids so much . repeatedly . do u not realise the problem is you and not the children ??
"autism isn't something to glamorise, so many people suffer for it" like yeah ok im sorry that you had horrible experiences as a child bc of your diagnosis . no one is forcing you to like being autistic . but the suffering induced onto autistic people (children especially) is one of the core reasons we need to talk about the good parts of being autistic !! it is so important for autistic people - all of them but especially those with learning disabilities - to know the "autism is essentially an incurable disease" narrative is so so horrible and that their neurotype is actually a wonderful thing. talking about the good aspects of autism also helps lift a lot of the stigma around us. providing an autistic perspective to the world is a wonderful thing do not try to prevent things from getting better !!
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vrsmth · 1 year
being the only autistic kid in a small town school was probably the worst experience a person can ever have
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